kokd .v Cham. If Ra.UI.AISy Attorneys t .a. Will practice in ill cturta ( the irtAOr Spec!: attention ifivan t9 mailers in profc.te ana to co.leot ana. OFKIUE In the 1 aim block ry it biii.veu Attorn.y at I var .n.i Solicitor ta I'hanoerr. 'loiia nude all po nu latnaa neftSattjstl rable terms AUiaii). Oregon Uo'l Q.B WtUHT, Attorn., v at Iaw, slid N'.i'.n PeM Will emetics in alltheoourt. ot this -tat., tyaseial attention sriven to noiaaMinMMxj matters i.i nr. Arte OMee: Upstair alt.- r..i .. Block vlbniiv. tT .jltl&tst'attj . V ' 1 M. II lef.l roittcra will receive promp attention IfliM u Oil fell -'s Temple, Albany, O I . ' Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. M ONTAS YE t HUhl.KMAN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. j .in KM J. CHARIrO. AUomev-at-Lar. All leml baslness: .attended promptly: FLINK$ Block, Albany. Or. D R. J. I.. Ill l.K. Ftaycician and Surgeon. OFFICE Corner Far-T streets, Albany, Oregon.' D Its. MASTOV at DAVIS. Ptivsiciana an Sur,ons. OFrti K Corner , acond and Br.-adalhin streets. Albanv. Or, Calls nroaipt'.J sttended i eitv and csuntry: c. 01 vMtti.ni.ii . n. d Hameopathist. aVSa1 Jiat in di OIBca hoars 7 i 9 a m: lsil n s. A Orernn. a ot tbe Eye. and 7 URNT NATIONAL BANK. Or At BANT, OREGON resident .... Vice Preaident daahiar . L FUSS .. S. K.YOCXO "'lQPjj - ntASSCTS A OKSERALhsokinshuslnaae 1CCOIST8 KEPT snbjev. so heok. 8I0HT KXCHAStlg and tel raphlc tranatsr, ao'il New York. San Franciaco. Chicago and P lUand f?n .., COXatCTlOSr sAPE ,r. tnorl varats. ajasasaaa at, & Toc K, W. Lssasoa L K Burs. L. Puss El lin f . SOX. IT COICK A I' l. BtlftERI OF ALBANY, ORXOOS, TRASS ACT a reneral Bauxtie osiness DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Sew York, San Ft ace and Portland, Oregwn . LOAS MOSEY en approd aeearitr RECEIVE letiu aubjecv to check. COLLECTION iiwaJo on larorajila ' -oaa. INTEREST oaid eo tim, deoosita R si or t io, SCIO, ORKGO! .T i Mrxa .A J Job li,- 9rrr2texP SA1 T LAKE, KANSaS CITY SI. LOUIS, EASTERN CITIES. DA.Yd TO gal fllll'1 4 Ufa Slli VmlM V UflllDO OUICXESTTOCHICACO HII IKsSV lynTUttKT AHUinttAdl ..A.irvA nilirvtfCD Tfl nUIUI MwUl vl AND KANSAS CITY- I J 1 1 1 1 II, U lull I14I14JI-.-I VlfeS.Ua.lfV vi.4.mnn rinv i wwi .a,a-- ntfc fcCLININU Li'HAIIt UAKX DINING CARS. S 11 11 Clark, Oliver W Mink, E Ellei Anderson, Receivers. For ra'cs and general Infos mtlion call on or address Curran & Montelth, Albany, Oregon, or W H llt. RLBURT.Asst.Gcn'l. Past. Agt, 2 i Washington St., PORTLASII. ORESON THE WEBFOOT ROUTE o Oiegon Pacific RailfOdd, r XV atnLCV, Beeelver "so 11".. si- p' hnnilaja.l lbanv W.V r. ,;L Yaqnma. 7:rsja, era'iia Itngs, u llars CorTaHll,l:S A, mlas IdM t. a j Arnva Albany, 11:11 A. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Betw- Willamette Valley Points and rwi Francisco UK. vrgiWatt nii.nm raoa sis ri.Aciaco IllllSaill I V.'ley, Nv 5th, Uth.MrO, raoa raa'osA. Willaa.itV Valley, N'v th, lth anl Mth. impaixi eerTee th1 ngnt t ..liug d&tet 'thout notice. IliVRR HTKAJIEKr. oamv 'lliir" los PurtUn I Wjdnn l.jr kill (Saturday III. HO Diy.Oe'i A?'t,Silm'.n Sireel Whtrf.P'irtland 1) R vuriin, (Jin At't. 4'i fran'tiscn, Cal. R K Mulchy, Oeneral Smi-x: rrt; LlCTi-o-Tbrae ft) work iimwHHn-i v on idle hnre fur si e, or wl I trails ui .vo-id, o.' w: n.t or lv i UKNUKltS. H TO What Causes Pimples? Clogging of the pores or mouths of tho seba- j ceous glands with sebum or oily matter. , ; The plug of sebum in the centre of the phnplo , Is called a blackhead, grub, or coineilono. Nature will not allow the clogging of the pores to continue, long, hence. Inflammation, lain, swelling and redness, later pus or matter forms, breaks or Is opened, tho plug comes out and tho pons is once moro free. There arc thousands of these pores in the face alone, any one of which is liable to become, clogged by neglect or disease. What Cures Pimples? The only rolinMo preventive ami euro, when Dot due to u constitutional humor, U Cuticura Soap. It contains a mild proportion of CUTICURA, the great Skin Cure, which enables it to dissolve the sebaceous or oily mailer aa it forms at the mouths of tho pores. It stimulates the sluggish glands and tubes to healthy activity, reduces inflammation, soothes and heals irritated and rougbeued surfaces and restores tho skin to its original purity. This is tho secret of its wonderful success. For bad complexions, red. rongh hands and Shapeless nails, dry. thin and falling hair, scaly and irritated scalps and simple baby blemishes It is wonderful. It is preserving, purifying and beautifying to a degree hitherto unknown among remedies for the skin and complexion. Bale greater than the combined sales of all other skin and complexion soups. Sold throughout the world. Potter Dare and Cue. Cort., Sole Pro prictors, Boston. Women full of pains, aches and weaknesses find comfort, strength and renewed vitality in Cuticura Plaster, the first and only pain-killing, nerve-strengthening; plaster when all else fails. New Advertisements. u.s Land Ofhok, Origos City. Or., July llth, 1S93. Mcticn is hereby given that in cjmpii anca with the provisions of the act of 1 1 on gross 01 June a. iSi s, entitled" A n act 1 1 tbe the sale or timber Ian is In the stales i of California, Oregoa, N vada and .Vash ' ington Territory," Henrv M Herbert, ot lanaa Basin, county of Marion state of Oregon has this day filed inthiaortic- his sworn statement e2.:! for the urchin oftliis'liir'Jft i. w ? 1 1 r.r V tr i i SDdN E hot H K 1 of wtio- No ri lu Vn iahipNo 10 South range .No JEaLaud will I . . . V offer proof to show that the land sought is mors va usoie lor its timoer or stone than for arrleultnra! Durnistw. inn ta establish his claim to said land before the Kegiater and Receiver ot ibis offlos at ;iik a.. . t...... uni ii f i witnesses. Geo H Letellier. ol A oany i Oregon;Henry 3useus,of Albany.Oreaon, . . v.i uniiuni , , J.l- uillirs ms Berry ,or Berry , Oregon; 11 i Coll ver, of Gresu Bssin, Orego . Auv ,nt ! persom claiming aaverselv tb above! deA-ribed lands are requesteil to file Ihe'r claims In thisoffleo on or b4f .reaai.l i4th dav of January- SM. rcoBEKT a -i illek, RegUter. Notice for Publication. U. S. Land Orcii s, Obe4:on City, (.k. Jnly lltt, ls.93. Notice ance with t'onere .s for tbe aale of Ca jfornia ingtou "a-ntorv," .tiber: S Coll ver. f Green Barin, c.?unt.T cf Marion. fa!e of 'Oregon, hsathiadsy riled in this office 1 but sworn stain "ant No 2s74. for toe purchase of th 3 E j of section No 2S.in ' tnvnshin Vn 111 Sim K ran. a Mm K BBm4 ' a' will ofler proif to sh w that tbe (and sought U in re valuab e for Its timber or stone than 1-jr ariicaltnr'. purpo-c nr 1 . u . , 1 ..... 1 ,, 1 ri.rt.nil iS.t 1,1th that Cj. J l.c lit lor a 1 rri: . ... 1 : , 1 i . . - ... .... . . ' 1. : ,i . is atm.'i xnsu iusi ii coiupil ! 1 . r u-oi i, ts.inr .nniini ,j. ii, s'.un oars itiii m'.iiiti,' t ii-. . - t ::. : aai.i s .4- :. a . - - . .us (iryii.ii.us nuns a t 1 1 1 cent to .ry to reoeem ni, jrm-so. 11 Hamson s aJminiifaliOP,) there were im- 1 J s fiis; lo r.l: c.nr lhr.oh. and a., .war.ee c-r fs i&creased Mr tiee of June S. 18TS. entitieil" An act .. 1. ..1 .1.1... n..i 1. i. 1 ,s.i.x ... nL aiil servrd in t! Mintiunt. ,;i...ni . 01 timoer iaaoa in iaa stat. a - ... ... ' t-.u .-.., ..1 ,, - . . in 1 , .m, ,.iv ,.m,l.i m L . . . V I I l.e e II 1 .' I'.i'-I. .'4 i"i ni.iM 1 1. """"i nir'ri I.,! Irt r.f r. - ' I- 1 . 1. ' " . .... T - , ureii-u, .null 11- niu ".'s leweuie n tifjil oil m laiuitll 01, . , .. .. , . . ari.r.I ...... .. . . l.i. , the Kegister a .1 Kee.iver of this offi.- a WO ": ,nd ,bMe "ho 'e now h:iinj. le iirenon City. Oregon, on Wednesubiy . the cause he is trying to reileem his promise. 2Uii day of January, 1894. He nam-w as would ho. 1 louder s-i.l, if he maJe no wi:n-s-e : Udo H Leie-.tie-r. of Alhanv. - . . . llregor; Henry Siiseti,.- f Albany.Oregon; effu,t !0 clrr-v oot hl Unn policy That J L Berry .of ts-rrv .ureKon, H M Herbert, piesjsleut Cleveland wllj take his course of Green Basin Or. Any and all persona , ,nJ i,t a . , , j claiming adversely the above described "J.iet(f ; ' 1 B9moa lands are lequested to 8ie Ihetr claims in L n"li '"- native. Otuv.n. this tti -s on or before sa:d 24tb dav of Januaiy, 1894 SoBERr A MlLLES, rteuister. Notice for Publication U. 8. Land Ornce at Oregon Ciyy.Or. Oct 2nd, 1893. KUios is hereby given that in comphiDce wi:n the piovuions ol the act ol Congress af Juce 3. lbTS, entitled "Aa vet for tbe taleof timber lands in ih states of California. Ore gon, Nevada, ani Washington Territory, ' Mrs Meilie Caipintn, of Yaquios, ennty of Lin .oln, atate of Oregon, has this day hied Tm tS ' 11 u ... . - aa.. lu mil vi44ce uer swum siaicaien. rso -.' .1 . I or he rmrchaae the E 1 tit S F I ar .4 sT J4 o N E of Sec II and .S W j of S W ol ' I gectiou No 12, iu Township No 10 S-iuth . Range Not East, sod will offer proof to show that the land sought is rrore valuable for ii tinber or ttone than for .(rrbnltare I parposea, and lo ewtabluh her claim to Mai j land before tbe Baajatay and Receiver of j.i!0t?.V!i07,Vy" J, v.. ."UJ. If". OUC January. 1894. She names as witnesses: lie Witt D nf.-th. of Detroit, Marion Co, Oregon, O Fox. c.f De Irnit. M.rir.n ft, lira in tV,H..n, T Laughead, of Green I5in, M.rion C., Ore- ;gon. Carhle H L-ujh a.l, of Albany. Lido I Co. Oreaon. An-- ai d ail pe snns clatmins 'l'";lr th, alKiv.d-cribed l.ntle.-are. guested to ile their claims in this office cn or btforesaid 2.d day of Jsnaarv. 1894. i.onmr a ,u ii:r Kegistirr r. I . . . . 1 J . U I. A. Z . asysavm avia x uunuauiuu. V. 8. Lani. Ornca aT.Ur.aoov fm.On. .Sept 20:h,IS;3. Notice is hereby given tbat in compliance i lth thu i.imiiiimi nl ih. .i ( rv...u. ,.i : p. . ... i june.j. loo, eniinea -An act I ir I he sale " noar laous tnxaa states ol u.l tornia, vregoii, nnasa,SH rv asnimtuin lerritnry, , as extenneo to all Ihe put. lie land states b act of August 4'h, 1S2, Ihomss A R.je, of Berry, county ol Man.io. stat of Ore$ on, has this day riled in this office his sworn aiat ment No 2919. for the vnrchsn of the W S W 4 8 28 sod 8 i N'Klof section No I 29. in lowaship . lu a Ranm No 5 E. and wtll offjr proof to allow thil tne lard sought ia more valaahle for its timber or stone thi n for agricultural purposea, anil to estabiiah hi tlaiwt to said land bef re the Register and llrceiv.r of this oth -e a'. Oraam yny, Oregon, MTaeasay. the arc. rt day of Jannary, 1894. He nv.us as wit-, oesses: Wallace WCaskv, ..f lierry Ure. )olfj C Re,nf Berry.Ore, T K Kor.o' Kerry, ; yj e, K v milh, ot rwrry, Ure. Auv and , Sli peisnni claiming an verse. y me sve . .1 I ...I l I.... .....,... I 4 411.. .!...! ,l .4 I I.. . i . claima in tnit office on or b-foie said 2nd day of January, 1891. Kiu.i i- - A MtXUMa llegiater. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure Qrapn Cream of Tartar Powder. ALBANY COLLEGE.::::: Send for Catalogue. Addr-?", ".V.W E S COXDIT, rtioaoy, Oregon 1 AUNDRY FO Wot D. - WHI ex hanjre larnilrv orlt 'O' oni 'VI on Kiitliardsi a PhlHi) t. r.hx Alba.y 8tea H Laundry. Tbejr Increase appetite, purity fj.t' Vitem and act en the II ver UUe 1 leurM S ASSK.itTloss rROVE NOTlllNti. I am neither a ileiicc.a; 0l a mugwump. j neither a third party ptohibitioniit, nor a populist I am a republican At the i same time, 1 am a CI i.'.en of the grandest government under the tun. and (liover Cl.vcl.ind is my prci lent I It out, tlietc foie, fait in lin: with t lie follovvirg edi'.or iai in the ,i, "The Hawaiian Quwtn, 'ef'ra to preal dcnl Cleveland a ! i itri ol this imilnn, 1 and a le dit g I. ndi n D wapaper, in speak - nig of 'he lariB bill, mu thai 0 eve.ar. l i redeeming hta prota si o reviaa the aiitT I Boh eapreat.ont indicate a coafHtaoa of j affairs in l' is COWItn iha' ' mially inroni ! paiii'le with our Coast itui ion and 'awa." The last lenttOCC is an e.iiuirlal ipse dixit, j which needs proof. Meie asernons aie 1 not arguments and prove nothing, Presi dent Cleveland is ehhe the mler of this i nation, or it has none. He was certainly elected as such, la hat other way then I could the Hawaiian inreii sneak of liiir. I , tlian as the ralei rf the L' And how does her rcferttice to him as ruler of this nation ' indicate a condition of ailairs totally incom j patable with our constitution and laws"? I ha' article SnO section Ol Hie constliu- I I.i . .,. .. . . i lion loroius ijuecn i.iiiuokaiani ur auij ; one else hom cslliny Grove. -Cleveland the ; , lulerof this nation? What is a rulei? "One j who rules, or governs." That is just what , . 1 i Grover Ckve!nd was elected to do rule , i this great na'icn. And he is doing it well. ! He does what he believes to be the btst lor I the counlrv at I irire He miv err in iui'e- j ment an.i make a mistake in hi method of ope.ation. as every one is liable to do; but up to this time he has done nothing which is - totally incompatible wi ll the constit-; ution and laws. " In i t.'. -1 i would have been bet- ter to serd a coinn.iur of three or live 10 Investigate the condition of affair on Iha Hawaiun UlinJs As Ihe mat'er stand, now, It ti attcily hnpo'sible to torm s cor- tect ju(lslnnt ol tne cour.e of eenis. The repons of Minister Steven- and J II Blount are utterly irreconcilab.e. If the facts are in accordance with the statements of S:ev , . ' ' CUShI ' ' ' "'' t0 the throne; but if thev are- in accordance ! . . . . .. with the report of B;ount, ihe r ..tonal corerumeni oueht i ever to have been rec- - agnized by Stefan : to be re.tored. President C'evelao l Ii itrvinetoret st tie 1st. cie. I - ; When he gets them, hs promises to -av the matter lfore conmess. How much be'ttr ... ,, coulj the ecilor ol t ,e r'.i. i uo. It m,v be for the want of gurop'iot: but ,u. f.,.'i. i , . U, r . ' 1 aon newspaper s asieruon inai -i;eveiana is .-eJeem'.ng Ms promise in revise me isr- ifl." -indicates a condition of irlain in ibis country th.tis lotally Incompatible with our consltulion and laws. I im unable to ca 1 to min i any aiticle or sentence in ibe constl-.uMon which make, it totally in- ore congress takrs s holi.liv, so thai it wiil nar be "lotally lawilpa'lbla w; .1 cur conitition" for Cleveland lo redeem Lit promise. I arc sure he d not wish to v loiate the constitution; an ' yet he is ia honor uoand 'd isJeem his promise. These ; o 1 1 ctcd him cxpec hi'ti o keep his IgCtatlll AN INf'ANT IMII STI 1 Quinine, a, in inrnt industry, was not put on the dutiible 'i: until 43 year, after the passage of the first tariff law. Why in irflrt o tender in 1 heirless should have "eea permitted to slrugg e a ng fr 43 ) ears before Its parent 1 hr government 1 begin to -'proiec." it. i t.ird to lell Ii 1832 it had estib'isheci- i s ability 10 live without the "fostering care" cf the gov ernment ami had also become vigorou eaougn to demand lite ver f-roiectian which 'l J'd not need, but it joined in ihe rocntine i of rrotected pettand tn iktl jear it secured ! ,.. , . ., .. ,. ... .1 5 Pr C,nt Proec,," 1 h" munt.lced I unul lSJ when '.eir.g much tttonger and , I ablet to threaten poHlieJaaS, the duty was ' ou'Kr- equivalent to J 0 - - . . . .... . ! S o-i.-flt in h llllite 14.-- I 1 4 M41, 1-1,, . . . . .'i'.iiijc a- ; . i ,- I. ,4-r :i w - - .- - ' - h.m , - . . 1. . . 1: . 1 ... irri iin .:.f r. if I44t 4 1 41 Tift C . " . vu.i ... m 1 .,.4 ir v - k.' ui..umui i'" ni jnct. , v.iaici nu ocen rr n lerea, repeateu and Democratic influence began lo tie feit about : sustained by ihe tribunal ol last reiort. this lime against high tariff taxation an.i The people have demanded a r.fjrtn of rbe in 1S46 the duty was lowered to 23 per cent tariff. Their ratn-fs'e should be obesed and in 1S57 to 1? per cent, but 10 1861 it liitltess ha . tlht to know as soon as went to 20 per cent, hut now republicans possible what the c ares are lo tie. got into powei and the duly continued as The stnate finance Ommi'te has recog folloas: j nlaed ll.r importance I dispatch and will In December 1S61, 3 1 per cent, in March proceed with the cm; ieratlon ol the bi'l l8l!, i: was raited to j; per ccn'. In IS66. ,r nor i-.nl ,n I Ji t ,T ,:f r , , i , VI. . ,f , .. . -, ' P' cen' s7o. 45 P" cent. Democratic inn.ience 0ecan lo aiserl lis dommion over I the public mind again and in i87s the duly was rcducttl liiODtr cm' In 18:0 ii ana . put on the lice list by a darr,o;ratlc congress j ar.d has been there ever smre. A corrn- pondent of the Memphis ( fctine'ee'-) Com- I mercial thus sliowi up Ihe truckling folly 1 ol listen. ng to ihe cry ol those who declare their bu ness wi I lr ruined by taatfl reduc tion, II It it tbe clear headed Tenneste an't aril I : Vlie grand and lolly t.un iling. the un ! seemi , and u.irighleous buck jumpingal prts. nl in.liilgeil in hy cur 1 mg pampered prts, the protected manufactured, reminds one of a game of footbal , , .. reporled in v They te, tie ball on Ihe toss I where . I the have ha I it for fnriv 14-no.i and begin ,h, m ... 1-1 1,1 full backs Itiller li a and alto wl h a V at..! louci d M n," ; thev alaial s wj-.t" a V f 1 . c" they pu. idown and eneratl) get It, The "IssOM kicMng" tney aic putting up just new rccal a rastata amusing etf4r : mlcc-s I wi-nee.i in Wl- dnglo i during ' the congress ol 1S7S -,,). Hoi J C McKcizic cl KeniucU), kn wn more laMiiiarijr as "tj italne Jim, Ktn I tucky's in is' gifted a id laSSble of all her silver longueu ora-oii. nai mtro'iiiceil I Is ; lamous 1,111 to pur quinine on the free li.t, ' spurn, ng me prtvtecuoaMts theory that , the Wilson bill placing n duty on nrti sickness, death and the grate ouglu i be cles near on the faw list, we must insist tha ; taxeci io s.iisiy ins DOrseitwen , -laughter, I w In was si i II crj mg fur "more . " Td 1 "i!kh ed '-'h'ait which came oown ir. in I oiiitl 1,,'iia i0 lobt.v og iln u , ( Hie bill was "ihe talk ol ihe town." Tne j protested with rar la rhnr cyts that If ; quinine Wat par, oa do? Ire - ll.t, the Only ! iwo in inufaciiiring eonomi m the Halted States, pi-wit: Power. St -Vcihtmin and ; Rotrngartet) Son.., ...u , have to shut uj I . ! i if 1 411 . ' i ' . - 111 r I I , - 'li I 1 4.. . t 1. . .. I 1 --- a aw M...I1 - il.ii of 4Ulll was si.; cat in ill's I country Europe might sell ch-ap till a inun- I opoly was established and then qui n ire J would go 'o $6 or K nn ounce. l!u( the dem-icrals in tliat session refused to he httlldoaed, Cluinir.e was j.ui on the free list. 1'owers ic Weightnian and Rosennarien ,V Sons cotiiinunl anl stjll cuatiaaC huslne. i at the same owi stand, svnue sevct.i otlu drug nnnuf C o. its I iv bee" rstabMiaed and quinine has gi u 5 . cenlu an, the world still wags. c E Merrill vai;i: ami the tahut . . . (lie duty the higher tho wages of American i ae Kit niioci u'.a unoji omi hi1 n titv i ii... i..v ;..i. ;i., ..... ...t it, i 41.. i. '..I... lat.or, ami mo lower me may mo lower me ; VVm A Mack the barber has moved'tn the wages. This is untrue. Wages are highest j Cuaiolt Block just north of the lloniocrit of lii unprotected industries. Wages in the j 1'04 same industries, under 111 same luriff, ' TheoMmquct t sale of Linn county pro, -mmw mm4I 1b ii. .V.(Tnt .i-t.. r,f . i, ! rty wil I take p'.co Ir-norrowafterui on at union. Therefore when thev threaten to close their factories cr to lower wage' be cause their protective duty is to be reduced by tho Wilson bill tV.ey are simply black mullinir their einntnvoes for votes or trvinir . . . , . ' ' " There is only ; price el anything can be incraated by the ..... -- J -- " - - t.i'iff. That is bv limiting its supply by placing a tax or dti'y en it There is no duty on labor, men are on tho free lit. foreigners compete on even lerma witn natives. For many years the protected I manufacturers impoi'ed the cheapest labor they couid unit in r.urope. collie or mem doit now. violating the contract labor i . ... law. No manufacturer pays higher wages than he is obliged to in the unprotected , UMNr Market. Hd.iesn.it fcillA thai higher rates of i labor. At a i wiiKe; xir.ui K"aier um i iuooi. .no rue, uigu wajts lneau cneap proum is became bigb priced men are much more . fficient than low priced men . Secretary -imic"i iuoh io unicu nicu ""'J :, . f.,.l 4'.,. t tl.tj . . in 1.1,1.1... ... ..' . ,cr ,u. ..... ... 'on operatives. American woramen are more skillful, mte.ligent ami enterprising thiU1 foreign workmen, and American ma- .t; ; 1 aa ftl cuinery m octter. ine aveiage won, ton of PaP an American mill is S.S7; m the huglisb mills i ji $i:i.48, though wages are higher lice. ; ! many casrs under the McKinlcy law oe protection on an American product l greater than ail the wajesor labor cost, 'ne labor in mining a ton of coal coats from fit) to 70 cent ; the n;i-ie owner is protec ed by a tax of 7" cents plus the of transporting .he foreign product. Wagee do not go up with increased du- lle- lneyitilnot in ISJ. In isoilhi ; average tariff tax waa H per -vnt; the j average lalor cost in pmtecteii articles was ; 'S per cent of the whole cost of tbe product. e In IS-) the Ux had risen to 46 per cent and .. I labor east had fallen to 22 cent. Ta ! i .. ,1, , . , t, - 1 iu i.i ' . . T cost prolab y no' above ). Tl. . I . : - - 1 lit ' . : . t . I I w - lu" wagv ur.iiaK uu nun c-vsing us ine monopolis s ire simply repetitions of that! urr in HANi.s And aoa comts an Alb: nv man and de clares that, as a result of Iree coai as ; ro vided Li in the Wilson bill, an English ves sel ianccJ si Portland ;hc other day with a load of fv reign coal. We can not ac- 8,OUI)lt ot ,he Cltreme psrtisanshlp of Ibis I mln Uaes he no? know fiat the Importer ii -' - -,-.- -. I -. 0! this coil had to pay jaat as much duty; h., ljeen UJJ coa fcr ti tmeo.'y ,c . Ikcl he kWOm ihit lor tbe nine aiid at a ".i-.ne when ihe protectionists feit so thoroughly cr.itcocheu in power as to llal e n.i tear .1 h,in imi4,.i lor u-.ir. ..... , veal' 1 ur 1 hr i.fittin.iiii,.h4 4r.i'.ifiii ,n-. i . ,-,4, . . , . i. . i . . - . c '"i1""" in, country 1,2442s; iocs ol Lituaxiaoas coal f.he kind upon which itiare Is a dulv.i Kaea r mn.r. n.,1 .fik iki. .i...,-r . vn, - - .... - .... - . o a .... . .v. tbe c ine roont.i. en i;n. aepiemwr 3 j, 14 5 H junjet l-eliMI sflenir.isrtauoo, ma'nl) there wets iaported Sj6.oij ton of bit iiaunjss coal Ti n shoar that under Harrison there an more coal Imported I Ibaa aasder Ctsealaad. Itisnonew thing lor coal to be imported Into ,his country. It bis been going an (or years. Jt Is a cheap way cf rcak.ng political xSrpttal, ta: the capiUU it very cneap af'e 1". i mioe as shown by the figu'et above fhessf-ures are taken from Us. rtwwwts of laa t,ea.-,.y dtpsitment anj catnot be dlsyu-e.1 PI IB It The democrat, of Waia !-. Committee hze titeil t ! take un the taiill early. t y in ceci :;nto It shoull have 1 the firat ; lce on ihe ta'trnJa-anj Oa pta's ' ea to a j sesame wit n r.3 cnaBcatsary delay. ! There I no occasion fcr a lont? debate. The srhoie subject hat b-en discutted. In , , . , , , general and ,n detail, for ihe past St. vear. Talk in congren will change 00 irsrn'er, vole. The country has ban talk enough There f, no sen.e i.i srgutng after the , . ... , . . . without wsiflng fr it pauaire by r. nn , - i ne Hue gamtc Ly ir.e rr.tnizatHin d congress m August, wi.tcti resulted In a carefully prepared bill before the SSSSting Is regu la r scssl on. oueht to be u' i.ied now' - - ".v vigotous pushing ol the roeaiure lo r'n"' YO,v HE sri lRATB The Hills are wnmlerful fellows at pro ducing billj. I!i: McKinley trnsl his hand at it, and now Hill Wilson gets in hia work on the tame kind of a bill There is not much difference between the two bills. The Wilson bill will attempt to remove Ihe tax from Borne of tho articht in the McKinley bill and place it on other articles that are now on the free list, and that is all there is to it. Tbe people, generally, are not so much concerned about Ihe amount of the lariff tux as they are boat m'ting the money to pay the bix. Itoth bills will pro line aliout the same amount ol revenue. Badeta faafisatiifaan Much of this st.itement is challenged. Ve f.. I quite sure if our friend had coin patad t lie McKinley and Wilson bills he never wo.ild have said, "there is nut n.uch difference between Ihe two hills,'- or that "the Wi'so-i bill will remove Ihe lax from so-r.e of tlie articles in tho McKinley bill and ptace it on other articles tha' lire now on the free list.' Theru is a very uidical difference between the two bills is mty readily ls nvn hy nny one who wid take the trouble to c nupare the two bids. At our cotemp.jr.iry shall MUM tnSM. bt its readers knrw in what particulars Ihe bills are a ike and in what they are unlike. We feel Kure that friend Mc has made hi is slute- ment witlnut consideration ami tior. investiga- ar The 7iiaail iuwl Is Ihe na.ne if -i n.w 1 ciui p-jjc vico.y pafw jual tarred in I'onlano. It says: 'The Tomahawk is a We I rC.ii rsutcii c.eiiiociauc paper , ,. . stimd on the Clilcugo plaltorm with lite heel corks ho (ar imbeildrd In ihe planks thai there will be no opportunity of moving. It whl be our aim 10 hclti in the work of makiafl the Slsle uf Oregon ilemocratir.' Tins is a very worthy purpose, and we wish the Tuiuuhuwk uub-timlcd succen both pulltically and financiully. Sm ihe Hi v Improvel SI iycr tawlsg ns eh The he I M slwss ttis ehaantwt J VV S wti. 'i, aitent. Mn at I M French's ewelry store AMD ,,.,,. - . . Ul'arn 11 1 .inplol'in nan begun uit l..r divorce against hi wife Mary A Templetom. louk An army of trauma was put off thu cars at l be. on City lust night, Albany should be ready for I hem i ne a've noir.i ol rntisliz iliou nil. h-ar rfprosantativ.s fiou l.inn County en next Friday D o IS The monthly meeting of the Ho llding & ! l.ll.in I ii III ciVnr. .......... ... .. ... 1 II I 1 1 ' 1 III. cue- nlng in the w K since, where dues should he paid I'n s.. in I), in .-i H Whitnet I. BeiM was lodlfl rd as repotted. An i tTort liai been i in uio to nrov. Init h n. nnl K. ,- tair. I ..,, of lh. .i,i,,. .f.t. i ' M it wvald sound iietter if ha ia not. . A pettire it order ntu'jd at the Hat term ' '"""""" t,,u'1 one auinorizinn tne a?'0 couo'l "d. bring iiriiu..,, j rum nr inuiiEa ;ion eituer tne connty treasurer or :b assigoM to recover the S11, 957. 8fl ot county fuuda ia the Job nank.-Coiyallis Times. Ja lM nl'J'C d an Intonation to reatr.ln .u uunumg a puiu B-a iinitlt! kt l.iiaeuurg, tr.l- Irio, Attor(ley Mtl-n j,ave fu 1 1, t ... :1 .....! I i." - .1. 1 r. Iriet Alton.ev M.-I'.in .... "I I,. v. foil. eonsiuored toe miller ot joining in the pro- oeeding to restrain th locati-n of tbe soldiers """" " n ourg, or, and have arrive at -oneluaion Ih.r it,. proceeding is not in ine f unite itiurctta and that it is not my f .1 11 -. to join cnicully in such procee iiiig 1 Bl 1 A V J"tif Uuncan Court House. stlornet ta bw, at the J Charley Reed, of Benion county, has a : deer park, alreac',- started with five white tailed beauties Sch.nacr A Cal.ahan have moved their fith and game market lolhe Vierick bulld ug just south of the P O biacs. Dr Alfred Kinnev has been r'ected couple months tlif nueslfif Mr Geo Knox, mayor of Astoria, a rood iclectlon, and returned home this 11 on showing that A.toria ieo, e a'c level I Licenses liive teen Issued lor the e ed" marriage of J T Fai'over and Jennie K A Chehsiis, Wash, merchant has pur-; Cardwe!'. and Kicd V Stahlman and chased 100 copies o! one ol ihe local panels 1 Fannie V Snii'li. a 1 ol Linn c ur.tv. for a year, 10 be used as a premium to The voting people of tbe V P church purchasers of goods. last night at L K Plain s organ:. 1 a If the Democrat was 10 publish all the eocial club with Hngh Fisher as I'resi intJwinter lair items sent I: it would take dent and Kl iot Irvine as -Secre'arv . Zr ? uVr 10 ,,,e a'"er " , 0' ,hc P"'k i w.. .a.:-.. ..I I i . 1 ,11 u.iiiihh.wi,,,, n.uni) U quire lively .hi. fall A itcots little to oe so-labc our people very properly try to ill I i i i-l r ,1,,. . In I lit. r .-. n. . -1 - . . . . A saiem man wis followed up a street hr a 'limn ill-, .n .R.m !..., . him, but w ho simr lv acted sutplciouslv and one of the paper, takes half a column to lell abial 1:. O'Neil Bros received a telegram la,t Fridat eUUlag that the large Straw s'ack at their mill at t'ipitoSa, Cal. had been burned, the work ol an Incendiary. ga - timaled loss between lio.ooo and 8,- ooo. Advai.ce. The ile ol propertr for count.- taxes waa in progress tlii. af-.ernocn at the front ,1 . . if if h. f . . T I- . ' I .. .1 I 1,- . good msny Interes'eJ people. Several cfc ':i v in'g pro;er-.y. w t.tle ttie countv secured some From 100 o I'D tramps, acc rj:nj to d.f fennt repu-ta. aaaaal throah A t,v tau auoo bxand far tbe sjath. lbv got 00 t r s- . i . m laxaf s'sidat' cbaiR rl o:ni prelate and il.u.teUapsn on yeslrt. Th, f .rmr was 3aed f aud v .U. am, ti latter w d.schar.e '. I acan Advanc-. Th 1,1 m. i-M ' - r a.rease oa th rats tf I remioms de by the I'.citic It-saracce i ohm on iseeasaat of lb . sja d !- icy Uw paraiiaa ia Oragoi, baa beo rri.ea.si by contract between the companies aStaBSai the T - '. . , . ccioc. in inajrto mhv tire al.e 4wd) pati tha ue use are oil ia the eo d. A Raisin rwiet oblecli 10 H R Kir.caiJ Editor ot the Stall Journal of Kugr ir for '' of We. on tne M inds that he has no enemies. Ii is always surmised that there Is aometblng strong where nas r... enrrr tev Here sons e more i figuring by Ihe Ma est" an rf Salem. Aaont acoo Ore- gont.ntvU.ted Ihe Wcrjd . fair, and It Is rr..k.g.o..,oPSoo.ooo taken oa, c'f the state. Ar.d thlt estimate It low enough "; 8on V - " " J--i-'n 10 " In tkcaa dan It Is aJaVtsa a whlse man MM man gets the start of a hobo.biit a V frel-hr n-n crew at 1 rregori t!!v :hts moentng ralher paralysed acmpan, ol this irarei Ing -entry.' A hundred arid fttj ol Ihem .SMnrhe .'n'tn'di'ur. Ur cioeJ tht door and iockcJ them In. TS mm - . - J . i a a . x. train pulled our. leaviue Its palace c,r - - ' v ta s.-..v. eiuc i at. aru aiiiu i nr puiied our, ieaviug Its palace passengers In b.lstful Ijr.o-ance of lnten'.lons Journal. heir saTtai.ar Same wool was sold in Aibanv 4-day for io and 1 1 rents. Nevada w di bare r'entv ol la-ghs in :t. At the oqera boon D a 2?. Tl Apollo C nb . ill meet at Ihe rtwtdenee of Dr J 0 Litilw rcxt Monday 74a p m Oet yoor ticketa reserved f .-'N"ev ads" at the opera boose aa Friday ntht of oext week Hie Invenfors" r. dr.ma written bv a Salean man, il be prrsenlcd In that citv Get your holiday goods at Hodges A MeCarland. The best styck to e ect from. r- i.. -an ..... , . ,, ,. .. . . . ...u .i.,., Mm unuutiiiicuii ncirr :.-K-ar. A I u m I , Us rt.y ,f Weak wl e it wm told m Hsr- K " " : ne ..n . nay w. I mmZ l.T?"" . 7' r,t . .. .... j: inc eame r.i root ria a. i n,...it.. I yetterdav 1 etween CorvalM, arc! Mnvmouih : : inc inrmc- won nv a score ol J" "j o It I, : now In or.ler lor Corvil i to plav Grove. Forest In s. Ing jour holiday gooi',. do not , fall to o i on Hodge. '.V McFariard. Thev li a fine ilneof goods, embracing ; a large "ck of plush goods.lncluditig an ; elrjent line of perfumeries, elc. Tho,iaB Holt, first sergeant company , Third ii.lan.rv volunteri 1, Seminole aar of '831 lives lu Albaay. He las just I recelvnl a pension for services In that war, j with back pay linm passage of the act. A coople sixteen year old youths, wel' Matched as lo size In order to st!le wl tch was the belter man, la-.t night, Stripped ' and entered a ring In ilie ilir.l ward and fought several lounds with boxing gloves. ' untllone was satisfied he was second besi Tate Carnaval cf Nations Is arsumlng l,T.ini!ir proportl n. A gala lime Is j j promised during Ihe hotidavs. Keep your small chingt lor one of the jollies! OtaSaatosM of vonr life. One hundred peopIS In COStusne In Ihe grand march wl I make nn imposing spectacle. Slxty-clgh' of Portland's unemployed men y esterday determined not to brave a wln'er In a big city, and at l o'clock this morning left in a Southern Pacific freight train lor warmer c.lmes where more favor able condl'lons exist. They were granted Iree lre.n!'ortation over the Southern la clfi'c iln-s in Oregon .Journal. County Treasurer Wallace this morn inn received a check for $545440 fct l.inn county's portion of th- slate choo fund. This will soon be illstrllmted among the dlst. lets of the county. In addition to (be state fund there will be abou' 0iooo of county money to dlstri'vutt making about $1 is per pupil lor disulliu lion. There will l e twi incrtics of Oregon I'acific crnplovers tii night, one at Tauulna I'ty O'.e at Albany. 1 tie men do not like the looks of matters and are hostile ther are even rumors tha tracks will by b'own up. The proper course wl I be to Icain first what the court will tl n wllh the mat'rr. In all probability iliert will be no confirmntion wilhoul the employees being protected. To fully substantiate tne fact lhat Kooue 1 river farmers are mrklnjr a good thing tl.ls year by giowing nogs let us cite this: l.i.t Monday Jack Anderson drove 66 hogs lo Midford which In weight averaged 301 pounds each These were sold to the South ern Oregen Packing Company at 5'j cents per pound and Mr Anderson went home with over one thougnnd dollars in his inside pocket as a result of the sale. How r'oet this compare with Medford Mall. forty-cen. wheat ? j THL'KSD.l v R stevenKon, rf Portland, Rev W the city. ii in Mr K A Parker is confine witii the grippe. Mr Kd Goto, id Seio, was during the day. Mr Conrad Meyer ent this noon an litiNineeg. 1 to bin In me in the city Portland I., Es-Freigfat Agent Wardloir, of the Oregon Pacific, was in tiie city today. Judge Hurnett, n Corvallis, wan in the cl'v t'ay or his way to the Capital city .Mrs Waiter Montsith ix in Corvallis the guest of her niece. Mr John Bimpcon. Mr 0 E -St a nard, one of Brownsville's live young business men. was in the city toilay. Mr V. L Thompson and family of Port land, are in the i i'.y the ciiestH of Hon K A Irvine. MillBnl Hayes, of orvallis. in in the city j(Ma v n Ii j to gilverton. way home from a trip , , , deasant surprise party un tendered 5 y'iPP'-. the residence of KF farrisii loef.lay evening. lolm stiea the well-knoAii Droddeer of I lt le I I 1...I ..f , ..!.. !.!.. .1 .. . T-fiutvn,, lent onion, was in the city today succu- j Mrs 1 J Overman returned Ibis noon fiom a several 'nontbs trip east. Mieias met m rortlan.l l.y ( apt Overman. County t ierk I'ayne went to Salem this noon with the tax roll for Irs'.C, the last to lie presented t!i Secretary of State. A very Inexperienced '-urg! the prin.lag olli-e of the Q A vsllis, stole i j n lelt gijco poor job . entered a' Cor A very Mr Kilis Knox, who is in San Josj for the benefit of his health, according to a letter just received, is now confined to his room by illr.ess. The little daughter, of J K Kim, of Portland, who has heen in Ihe i-oe a ten o dock Sjr,dav night at the re.idence of James Cln ,n Corvallis, . ... . . v i . i . 1 1 .. ....... unc r ier,ion t oun - '.v a pioneers at the tdvar.ee J age ot J, year.. . . .. . .... . . .sccoruing to tne Kocliester. N Y L n- in its account ol ' 'J - Mr 1 the divorce suf 0M ttentlemsn gets a salary of $ ?.030 a vear. ij W basis his srtie waa arrao'ed l0 a month i fr alimony. C 0 Hrgtie was in twn this morning, but denied that any certified rbck for I I200.000 bad lieen' sent him from New IYork to be put at the sale next Kri day. lle will be on bands to see tiie fun. Timee. ... , . , K tether!e tendered bis I "r J resignation as general secreta-y of tbe oong Men's Christian association of Salem lo accept the chair of physical training in t.ie state university at Eu- sne. . ... . . . , . . . teo t,eer o! Kings station. l.inn ...... , . . . , i . , . - . county, was oefore the board ol pension examioers yesterdav for tbe purpose ol ier I the "ettvtburg. lie has othrr physical dis bl"'es which cause bisi much l:.ub'e aleni Statesmen. FRIDAY- Mr BT alter 1'eters.jn. ol Lebanon. th-. itv todav was in BohHonavan. the piceer drummer, was.. AH1SU; LlfJ!lTIi Si'-el: "T . in the . ;tv t' Jav. ; Usese lUspatcbes iporle.J tbe aari-.-nlal Mis. Kva Cnsjaa reiumed this nc a visit at Toledo. . m !rr,m apt 1 iummer.of Cape Fcvealber light nOOSe. Waa in tbe citX todav. st-WlPI? for i rt u. i sa-4 i ... . . ssxaa Jsen ims-t ar..l wite. wto left r.ntlv ...n a trio t.i l"aliffmi.4 Srtt,r.s,l r at t.rantt Pat.. wners Mr WtmSkt has ' been - .-!; -w'-.a; i.i w- . Mr , v. w" , ' , ' ' t t rWe-rf tht fo! bail Lany l:trr?n Oor- I asHwill 1 a. - a a , ZZTZL ZJrZZVl : j gtvaus.f trafairlv wiped with tnen, " Ther i 1 did cH make a point. ' i it i,itv . ,- i ITa. HP1V. 1 1: - n. .- . "'" " " "r raws a a uviuiv.ii, w 1, u UU tt I ( a . !T ii Oiagua City, as a trrsol chopper, nfrwatll 1 leiivre-i a lactam in that ritr on --Tiirk4.r i and the Turks. V4vingex4eri"encso! ataiatMl : a I" S minister to that coontrr He wrnrw a rIbitubytfce Sultan I j Mr 1 .".!!1mTlve priTaW letter fro!!) Ke'T 1 I Hi!! thi niirninir ,ia?al af , . . . . ss" - I Monolulu. It was wntl-n a.xari th- tMBMBr tuna srttn llonolul.i in tight, and , maiieel iiunie I'atrlT . m am .1 i- ! -,t ' ,,.nTjin.l nr. i t w.,:. .i. . :. ....... .. ' i.ji ii. c i, ; an t- luit mfma lK ,.i,.,t . ;.. ' mention rf tbe character of life on an Aan 'tennnT. The misatonarr isarti- wm all , jubilant over the prosp,-t.s'.the trip prov ing - an inspiration to them for the future. viTi irnv W II li;1 th i lie. " . nf. vr " ,a Mr- l'plie St Clair is visitinjr with her motner, lr' neadle Col II' i in San Fran- isci.its reiorteI nc iiioufcTM his iiiiBu iiis.'iii romuij; io tea Jn. BesE N Crsatlll w.snt to Portland thia brEN C.ndit went la Portion. 1 tl.1. , . wi.... .. w;ii . 1. . , r 1 " 4 ' .-'ii.. 'II?. ,11 itio intfiit tin college. y. s ,. , . eximvable so d t',' l... J Irving last eMHtny. Tbe hilarious cvi.dii.-t of Countv Clerk I avna bsl.iv was ,r.tis.vl l.v ;!,n latino Mi Addi ' li'tiliued tlii n-.vn Ir""! 1 ortiiui.i. wnen- ii.. h.1.1 teng the wetl.ling of her sister. ien ! nt- l .1 M.iyi will sell hi honssdivld gs.v.i at public axattion tn-in.mvw and will leave next wsrli for Sin r r.uu MOO when he will work in a barxsar shop during the mid winter fair. HarrisburglV'iiriet-. Mi1- Clyde Igsdon has rettirne4l fr..to a visit w ith her ntsor.Hn I .1 Trapp.at t'hit- trood. II- ! :-, county. She also visited friends in Plnallaml mul Allinv ilaaii 1,.. nbs.nix'.- Hosebtirg lleview. WThi n o!d that the emplov.-s would n itl their iiav on account of the low hid. the lllair f lion man Lidding the mud in siu.l th.it was nothing to him. that the road would 1 built further nasi nnd it would be u big thing- for the GOWttiy. The men iiunx a jot. n.is isvn imr up ami that tlieio ; is a pig in the fence. LmI evening a very enjoyable and profit- ni. I., entertainment wm given by MiM i Helen t rawlUTU al tlie rraiiainfm ot her fa- tner it inn t t rawior.l. . prv"grniii of I much merit MM inesentuil. Trio principal torture was a parlor pn'sentatinn of Ctn- derella hy Mr- Or Love as the gi.l mother; Orace Love us rimleiflls, Lilly Crawford as the Prines, and Mrs 1'ofTinin and Helen Crawford M the sist.Ts. TImM fortunate in InMiig the gui'sts of the I'veniug had a rare tnit in this. Kecitations wen- heard from Missei t'ruwfonl. Lilly Crawtord, Josie Liselle and ir.i.i lavve: Miss KU'h ards render.- 1 a violin solo with skill niuf Misses Josie I-i.selle. Lilly Crawford and ! (race l...veand Mrs l offiiian prcMmt.sl Oelsarte exercise of merit. The nvst eveniiiij wus spent in sociability. r Fr Ightrneri. coBuKRoa .Attn, Dec 15, The Herald's nirrespomlent at Itio semis word that the mgM of December 10 the city was thrown to a panic bv a storm of shot anil shell, which lasted "V) minutes. The missiles Came from rifles nnd rapid firing guns on Cobra's island and fell all over tbe city, but especially in Carioca, Pavadrila and Tra vt-sa streets, nnd on other points whore -.-a isw. ..I...1 ineaiers are siiuii'eii. 100 .iay m.14-ta wertt just iH'ing emptied of throngs of patrons and tho effiH't was tremendous. Hound women tied shrinking for shelter. Maaey Warned New Yokk, lec iS- Millions of dollars were offered 011 call today in Wall street by well known brokers at i per cent without being taken. One broker had $2,700,000 to lend at that rate, aud was unable to put out a dollar. It was thought tbe gold .bipments would stiffen rutesfor money . I TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. I It tukej tlw Asldaad Beeord to get. the I newn. Here's one of its itenia; Killv a t or i.i aciaiirni Pinkerton, tbe well-known rkHectiTe, was I IOt'lHVii.i.K, Dec - A few iiiiriuti-K on KuinUyV train for llonolahl in the in- i past 10 o'c Ock tin rHOrni 'tho f,tl-i-work taWit ef tbe provilioaal government. It is and that purt of th i, ijdle tnu of tbe BBported thai Tbnnton, tho Hawaiian min Louiville and .leffi.Ti-iii, II brulgi; which istr. win trawling iwif; on the same train, was i i plan; gave way, aud, with ail tbe 1 botind from WaxbtBcton to 8aoi Francisco. wor. nen, was precipitated 110 feet into tho water lielow. There was only a mo ment's warning, and tboe who etfapH going down with the mass of iron and tlllllier -1 ii'. I fi.r II... MAM .illi.r tin. fir. I trcinliliDB thai indicatad the inv nir v;,r, of me lalsi" work 1 lie aCC ideal was. a hor rible one, and is the last of a long lit of catastrophes which have naked the con- slriii tiori of t ii- bridge. Fire were killed outngnt, three fatally injured ami nven teen are missing. (.one El San Fkancim o, Dec 15. - The steamer A'imeda sailed fur Australia, via Hone iu'u, tlii afternoon. Ol the 150 ta'.in pasungers .Vy ate from Honolulu. Tbe) are nearly all Ltisineto men, who are hurry- log MNSU S to b; on Ii :ii J wiirne-r the hnjl tesi ot a'n njtd l-tween thff Lniled atc an 1 tne i ioni .nai gove.-rimeni comes Among ihcm i I. A I tbe envoy onsen' ioio j cr xtiaorumarj .1110 plenipotentiary to the Unite: Satis ia t.ur'.vitij; home as lo p r-onally tbe fall statute Of tbe tsseletore the visional government. Ill A Ulrrei Tax l'ruponl Wi. IIIMOTOSf, Oec r. Crain offered ia the house today a resolution pro- ! was not i ord. I pou an affirmative po-.ing an amendment 10 the conititution 10 nneaer he remarked that it way a d 1 author te coagreaj lo levy a direct lax in shallow one. They were even. proportion lo ihe aaitssed valualior. cf alt ' property subject to taxation u.idcr the Albany is not alone hi Ha condor! of lav, of the varioua states. "lexceediug i's charter tight The 1 1. in Wrrr kit eat. IlfNKiak, Dec 15 tonight 1 bd wreck istcj Vurk A: 1'ennsylvania nra in elg it deaths and manj lie, weakened hi ratBS, g talir.g the lggJfce arJ 1 creek . clock ikh . . , A t't 1 rei ip it way ker 'I ' .1 the Botibll SaaTIXX. Dec 15. , P T y lor, a car penter, acci fnta'ik friot itm-acit bi rt.e abiomcn th. afternoon, whiie 'rym.; la shoot a rabbit aVath a t". 'vera avnd iil I robably ii-. ,a; or.;v lorbT 4'iN. Ie; I irr 11.11 U There Waaan . . , . i . . . i,t e ds aoftTM .M ..U that Wm the introduction by Voorhees, chairman of 1 . 1 . - . ... I I 1 1 lw -awsv cumamiee. e i a uni prow-im; ' Mr me coinace ot me s. igniongs. or pront from the silver enined and ptirch;ied un'leT the H an i and !.erman acta, at the rate of t3.OQ0.OO0 a month Ihe bill also prosides .for 'he provides for the pur-Jia. a .'ter that coinage is completed, of f2.CUO.O0ti wjrtL ; of tiirer but nu a month; tbe wititdraw-..! : of all notes of less denomination thrvn WO; the withdrawal of the J?J .V) and $i god i oeiaa, a.;-l the appointment of Eve ocmmt- -sioners to an international conference for ' Us- etabifb:nent af a ratio lertween io!d .r. ! a lamrr a,aw!ir! I BlUMHMO. Dse ll.-Aturjs- Kempf. a j meu lo da Urma Uving in the foothills alirttit eiLht tniVs ririrh rtf this f.!a.- w as : m - - - - . ' rutal v aasanltel a toe evening of Ie- . . . . . . , ,. cetaber 12. Mr Kempf 1 a batiheior. hii i companion being a r.ired boy aged about ly IIS ine boy had left tne b ri w itb a 'sntera to attend to tne chore at tfc.- 1 ; hselia! minns the overshoes suddeniv when Kempfs alteutton wis calsed ty J pitched forwaid and fell dosrnasifbe rap at tne door. So tooaer i it tleed , bfcJ b,, ttrt!C. haiD behind Hie im than two mn commenced beaUng him prectiong, rooche.1 in forcibU Chinese ver the bead Managing to free hinise f. i dialect, were earful to listen to Otfacf Kempf escaped into the ad;omu;ir room ! enterprising cast imen felt the fores' or and by a back door made lis ent from tne ,bt. electricitv and harried from lis home, jriving tbe alarm. TTiasfr.8Lteoeii.lbail.ling. The probable canse ot she tbe rob'Sert escaped. Laving sec-reo noth- ; Cariu9 r'ben .rcenon was a wire that n,v3 II Ma, Xanler snooung ot Jao.es Maitn ay t nomas uoi j i frey. at Deer Lick, oa the Siskiyou moon- ' 1 tun a.-.-it h . f A .1. 1 1 . 1 ilA.tr.Mr ,-,imiM.vi j the shooting was acci-Jer.u- and ie eoto- i not-', inrr rwvt miim Ath.ni A litlb !.,. .. i 4 - . . .a r. oev. , ; r...'n:- ei to st.i inas 1 v4oairey auie-i r-ra:in to avo:o pavinsr I latrer n.or.ev diie him. Vesterdav tbe . aTand jury indicted Godfrey fr mnrder. .csJIred krlt ttS coJBtry in ample time anst AinxoN. lii. i'- li A sliifbt ear's- joake sivfc i fe.t here at 10 ratr.-te after II this morning followed by a much t nre levers .tai at bane niou'es after 12 i Agtam. a: v rr.it. res alter l i)H. trier was arv;or rtU&tMlng. EHUMHSg description trembled vio!ent!' . and dishess rattled and books and of everv tides were shken from the tal ! Weler . 4ler WasinxoTON. Ik-o It HeruiacD Eilis. tt: t , i- .i. i " nson. i-"ue ana o r . era . re, an- aans voteei. wi.iie ttieir eastern o.vteacaes w isi.i. en 11.- r. . t .iiu uwxay. 1 net i said: " W cuianot have Ion saanv V ...j, - - ! states passed today, ' Hermann's dona ti n ! n0 nr but TalWattng lte supreme iXurt 1 mpt locations, of sMt there ar many I , ,0Tron. where the general land office haj : refusesl pBteaYbs. Yfce i inarn ml .r rjla Savannah. la. lev 11. Tne .anne-s convention hvlav declared in favor , f an j economical improvement cf waterw.n s and sa-jrkraut and fresh "milk paddicg. the JmUI ' harbor: commends to congress the oonnec- .-.her foreigner is Mr Irvine, of the States- ttaaa ! lion 4if the Mississippi river and the tiswl .. ! 5Vj-t i Orrr ! Idakes bv a shin canal and the improvement j oi in .viitsisaippi an i tne invporianin.tr IW-ofthe Gall and Atlantic coast. i als-v fa vers a rural frve mail d iverv. Fixed Tar Bwrclar.. i '"'k- . - - . wa killed in a strange i night at a supposedly unoccupiexl cihin in the Mboxbe. ner BxlOaslfcnM creek. Togette with a . nripani.'n named Anaerson he waj I tl: i . . route to a p:.ie wnere lie had liecn pm ! ise.1 work on a county highway They had their blankets with them, and be ieving j tbe cabin vacant, iniendei lo enter and I pass tbe night the-e. EMchsaon reached : tbe door and un.lertoiik t pull off a board !paile1 aero? it. when the load report of a 1 gnn was re.ird and he lell icKward. .rv j ng. '"lam killed A neavy et i slugs had 4-ntere.l hi aWaSMea and tree .if r ircvd ! upward ! ' I'llic liing lliu- aluuvst instant. v. iimatr .ir.iirj. l Dm 13. A Waahiaaton oriel earei "There is a wel' detnea he - lief in diu omaiic cin-les tint Ihe uttemp of Ihe Cleveland administration to restore the ! ,, e I Wa,"n .riis-ii l.v i lie mr ne has ien ahindoned- This belief is nt based on idle rumor, but on othcial informatioe re ceived at one of the WIlliaMaSi from that esnbatayS home government. It is s.iid the home vnvernnien! is understivcnl to have reoeieaa its information from lt.s minister ar Honolulu, and to h.ive uumtviiati ... .... ilnt. " 1 1 .. . .. r .1 ,,,!..... v.l, t!l. , intonnatio.,. A Rattle I1ii.ii WAjBtTsoTtnt", Itv li. The nars d part ment has nveived a ctble from Com mandsr Picking at Etto Janeiro, which s.ijs i the Mg battle eajected in the harbor has1 liegun . Copas island and l'nchad.is are in possession of Admiral vie QnsM, insurgent j ooanaandant. The fwuiei is well tortined, and is contimuillr lirmg on the custom ! houstiiii.l naval arsenal. Tbe xtrvlcaa XVar. l'KMINi N M. Dec lo. V courier reacbs f tha)!ni Laa Palomos la'e hist night, bringinjr I news from wiow to ucneful Hernanues. m i command of the Mexican troops, who has 1 h.eu at PalpMM for some days nuikiiig an , official investigation of the trouble on the ! 1. ...... 1- 1 "i;. ...... -i.i. !.,-. irl . li.itlt.. f.m..Vi4 i ate Friday ia the Sierra Hadree, near v)iui., Jurex, between the revolutionists. undT Santa Ana Pres, and 600 troops. OurWnteiwas I Washington. Dec 18. Rennsentativa I rtetiuaan says that it has only taken two J days to demonstrate thai the river and r harbor appropriations are too heavily cut. t In, i.5 . 1 . . v-ieveiarni nas served liouce 011 t t.e uu beis if they do not want a veto tbe bill must be cut down. Efforts have l.eeii made lo have a conference of ihe Oregon delega tion on The lhilles improvement, but ii may not be held. Hermann says there is r.o use in proposing anything else than a port- ngo road, for the engineers have reported against a boat railway. Ur. Price's Cream Baking Powder Forty Years tbs standard. 3BBSHHHBHB MtariTB During the crisis of l-7 the prenident of ! the United Stat; saiii that math-rs wouhr"! ritrlit theiiirs ives, and ISO tli:y did. They ! will do SO now gradually. The l.'nited Statm hai too strong Iwtllwi to lie kept dowribyfinain i.il reverses. Regard b of l .ng Emm we wnl eome out of the refnt depression wi-r peaale. Tbe Multnomah ami Corvallis loot fcal" teams) tigl.t each otlier in Corvallis to saosrow. That with iheOPasfteoogtii to Bake it pretty lively in thai rity. has CKiired it out that a lusi a ho does kn advertise i iike a net.- lout inin whf. gfjes fisliiog without any bait and darivrles the na'neii iiri.W: in ttaa wafer trilRlinz to lucK that s oot tish will ac- eiden'ally run up against it and te cailzh'- A voting ' ;an named Melon called at the Walla Walla Pofora letter Tor clerk told bim it was too late in t He si-aeon for melons. As the young man was Texas ; leaving he aske 1 the d-puty if Ma riano- 1 -.rval is Times avs: At high tide ias". Dl''i Indebted eeae of thecity of Cor- 1 va'ii. as shown Oy ine r--p"rt ol liife polk - judee reached the (17. lot dollar mark The indebtedness that the city aappoaf d l. :ncur is limited by the etiar er to 5o.ti. l.inn county hunters after reading tne f liowing eorijfar story from Jac-son county wi'I tiave to make another at I tempt : An o'.d hnnter. James r'arren, 84 ieir of sje. encountered a wcgar -in the inotintains nantine f-.r bear. ', No' telling to waste ammunition, he ' barled a ro..-k at the animal, siroc it on the head, and wlnie i' was dazed from ' the Mow, jumped 0pn it, and split it iiroai wr.i. a antie, all rieiore me aston is'.e t lieast eonld say ""Jae - Robinson''or , awytltiag eqairaleal to it in tbecongar lona i. Trie reaat measured 17 feet in lengtti, and Mr r'arren has the hide to prove ihe story. Besides this, hi '1 were here a- w;?ne--s and do not con tradict him- Th- conzar l.imse'f declines to be interviewed . A pr.jcery store wa recently the scene of a remar ab;eoc. irrence- hi!e; the stone was cr iwded w tth customers the air becani poaerfaKy charged with electricitv anl everybody in the building 1 was shocked A large inastiLf was the rirt 10 feel the effects oibe pl-rouv-non He catiie sweerrcg atca: the stove, sl.en lie reoired a sIkic 1 .hat caused bim to topple ever- Hastily picking himself up he broke for the door and 1 . J .4. . J - ... L . I.'. i:4u iip irainei lur 'j'ji iiiai- i.r iru .1.. 1 ..1 - u, .1... . t,.t lyac ass 11 'J 4i,, m 4j.s:rti 11 u .1. . sff.: T. Cmamm rAni. rh,. terine into the store, one with rubberi ,. aj,(1 the ithoat. when tbe Ce- ; some abnormal contact with tbe bui'd i- " FX have rpertab!e st, , it shochl ju:t tee sy stem of filling in on tne' sine ot tbe i-lrer-- as m-jon is in toe center Never will we have !ecnt stre?t tint 1 the . n . ! . . i . . . . . .X . 1 . . ttoacdad atrerbs are needed. i . 1 wasar juu iann II- v.. ti .- . , . ;...-i ti.yl . 3t af the trmuirsrliniT caae 1 t i" ""1 . -rv ." tl i , .; aivL?ion of tb- funds. heu.-e a , naarr,.i. Krsrv a impU:aS(!d .faonld be ! A writer in an exchange h.t the follow- i ' in; two xar.'j. ! waist the iaws .( trn altered so that-1 -ry m .-.in ray tus live- in Uie precinct where he live. I0UMJP 1 w.mt ti,w.fasr altered that a c :adi e ar- iate tir : .y procure a Ii- joenta? w;th-;'Ut being put to more extense tban he can earin one month of bard work. Ttse Brsnltais Rs-view :Aim5 m be wee!v; while the 'reirsc Citv tnterrir.se modestiv calls ataalf the lies. paper in t!:e state. There is n m-u:;ng iia oi.-wing nes . ir. ..cm. fitted often by tbe public MR as satiaaaiuiisii;. .iarn parsers iwtinue their fun tth each oilier, fhe lidependeaat says: MM .ire two foreipnera i:, ine newspapo amssw in this ,-irv iru r vr iirtf.r r& . the 1 MrnaL who u a natixe cf teat portion ' g ennanv wh"rv thev cn limborwr. nrv-ik, -.iri .l.i-...T-it jn.l .1-,,-- rralr stl.le t.-, i p-eve:-; i-i- ij aw v The lH.viiv.mT rs, tf . t i , '. .'4'.i Of 1 ' Kvi I.r It :'o.-.?iir-.n Tli nn . M viiie. planted a potato last summer of the I variety known as the "Iteaatv ot Hebron fnmi -!i. 1, lu ..S U.-lu!.. -.l " I - - .... i-v v. i vucumu ...ii -iv iMjasanas. ; . . 'VeriMh altera whoop tbe'BIa nil Di.titp PAW OTirl QUlI'l'H whole trorid. " on sptids Mi- rii..44 a. ii-. i . ia nas mat nine tenths of the farais cf the 1 S are rata aired. The Kan Ahead Town has it "'nl Bvs.il anrnonty mat .-my ime-tourto are hi-r.arrae.s. ana on an average ot abont " "V -. 44vii..v iur i.'uu isav,. gages on farms is onlv about one-twelfth , ..f their value. There has been lots of howl- I "? on thia snbieet; hnt tha beta are what I j oonsA. the ntortgngM in Linn county on ; frm property arv probably less than one- j twelfth of the "value of tbe farms. 100 Beward, f 100. TteraJr rl tkl paptr a U ba plsased ta ' tsarn that therv is at ia.t oas dm aJM diseaM 1 that sc1.nc hss in :i to .-.ire io all Its ' starts and that is CaXarrh. Ball's Cararrh Cure ia the only ; ira now known ta tht mtiiical frat.rtuty . I'.-.rh rn-ina a cca .tliutloaai iliatasc. leovlrea a constitutional ' trcatuwnt. Ball's CatantiCuia ia raktu iutsr 111 aitlaa lllltl III llllllll lllll lllllllll and niu- I i roffiMM 1 paueux stnaas ins i p tn. coastltutloa ! and ass it ins Batara in di?iii its work. Tha propr'tiers nas so Rtacn l.uth in lt rwni crs, that t!it?v Dm Uuodrvd lvil-vr ulv c-( that ii k to ... ?. Sud fof tVliitsiii, Ft J. COSKXY4I M OuM bar Dm civ . . Toledo, o. Will Mark tlSlll'. lit 3U9 lor Ij ale. fa' I line lAMSsa at MAcnrrosass nd inehtdiag maov noveltie . ..il children, it now s I Tanatt. Otva J.aaJ Bihi ikv.a evr rlaitt f.sra vwS luouaaTtu nl Ltvaa. xac. vr u.ttk. I ....... .... Caveats, and Trsdo-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business COOd noted lor mocckatc rttt. and we can stent patent ui less Uiue tiiau lautsf remote ironi m asnmgion. Scad model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We tilvise, II patentable or nor, Iree ot i.!u:sre. Our lee not due till raien: ts secured. a waiaeHi.IT, "Row to Obtain Patenta," with f cost ot staie In Ihe U. S. aud foreigB coontntsf . I . . . a a C.A.SNOW&CO. Ore. Watxnt Orrtec, sVashinqtoh. Good CooKiilsf is essential to Good 1 Banal g Digeiioi?- in p-atry you cannot have cit'ier without a good short ening. Ird has always bad very objectionable featurr-s, causiue indigestion and many other dietetic trou bles. Science has come to the assistance of the cook, and of weak stomachs, with the nc-w shortening, Cottolerjel 4 It is composed of the choic est ticf suet and highly refined vegetable oil. in mar. y respects as good as A oil. Physicians endorse it, cooking cipertj recom tacnd it, and thousands are now using it in prefer ence to any other shorten ing. Refuse ail substitutes. fsend tbew cents ir. stamps to iv K. Kalrfsuia A f'o.. CbicaaTi. tat taAd- ' Inc alx haDdRd reopn. prefaml by nlneeauntsat aadasnOaweaieaakaaS, i Couclene Is aold by ail iTtioers. Made only by : N. K. FAIR BANK & CO, i ST. LOUIS and ICHlCAGO, NE YORK, BOSTSM W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE seW SbyoBuocfctst? Wkea text ia awl try a a!r. best In tfw .world. ..s l ic a w, try i.'. J-u, tSSasa, Tuy ft atI lo c.Ttti ruit jdlock fd . Ifj-A viWotz-yxztzi 'ivTirfaobaear, :ri-;rtVu -g Lt:." S-.. Sans lad - ' 'rV ba-rL, lr- fcr It wia) jwi assy 5 - DOOaXagflk EroclUsn, laai. Said by L E. BI AIN. at EAST AND SOUTH, THE SHASTA ROUTE OF 1 HL Soutaerii Pacific Co. Ei asata t . ISSJr rsia JCT.YJ. 2, Pmiaad Aitsay Sac Frac-se kr Li -i . Ijrw i -ora trains tups, all statlota from nl to Albany 'tie! nstve. also lan hi i.Haiay.Harrtsba-g. Jancnon Irving. Kftgene nl all atationa oieourgto asnianl i3;.uste un, aan.r e,-. -s Ar Itiri - , tfrS auSawsy A." P'JLLMAr BUfTFT SLEEPERS. - AISTl- Dinin? Cats on Ogden Route. SECOND-CUSS SLEtPIHS CARS SatetSaaal I, alt Tarawa Yrwlws m . . , i, r.i . nrrwtst i obtl im as rsitiuit, Man -aaitiini (Ex-sep: rji a nas r Lr Ar eoei and 0- -.a Ar X 10 m lis.Ta:s --' ..E.- :r- 5.- isy 11 r ? -.". I WttM'lETB.s Ar a Ar la I itis ThrotisTh Ticbett 1 S " sv. :s. Cawt aaa meat r-a frae. C at E P. KOKKK3. lal O T. nd ' - ' . T. - FromTerrninsI or In-arior PoiLts iha I NnTiiiRTu PuciHc HsilrDSil 11U1IJJU1U I UUlilU 111UUUUU Is the line to I alt? , iu au luuiu) iiaui. auu uuuiu II 1 the IilXIXG CAR ROl'TE. It runa Tltrongsi VESTIBl'la- VAt TSUH I H ill I' vi im tbe Year le ST.PADL and CHICAGO IVO CHANGE OF CARS.) f oiBHise4 of DiaiBS Cr InsirjissNl Pnllaian Itrawins noooi SWps Of Uttst Equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Best t Lal can ht cor.struele I And ia which ansoasmodtiions are huh free ami furnishext for holders of Fits1 or S- eoud cits. tiaketA, at d ELEGANT OAY COACHES. fi Continuous L?qi con.c!,iaii al linis, affording Direct an d UnlntBrruntsi Ssrvics. Pull man s'eeper reservations can 1 v.. ,!...; -11 suvsncs lurviuau an agent of tbs road. 1 THROl'ii H TICKETS to and I Kurope en b purehaaad ticket orHoe of thia courpaoy; Fu nrirmauon concerning t ai trains, niuiw .1111 uwivi ..... 1 ished ou application to any agent . . . 1 ... .... 1 . ... A 1 t-rlAKUlVI. lv, .rum i..iiiAmi .-..aanoar Ami No l:U f irst cir. vx ashing Portland. CO Baikhr.. local agent. Red CrownMills JOHN iSOM, PROPRIETOR. Sw MMKMM I" lour scrilKloa rok rASlMS AN D BAKERS HAS, ESTSTORAGF U&l flRS ACADEMY OF Lady of Perpataal Help 42.50 WWi2M $2.25 ftML 2.0C;igr i -?3 re eft 3 r;:.:- ; a. -. re am :-.- .-Li snatnr teias-asnr .,! Ar Leiiwsct J l n ' Krai b l aa? A-r I r i