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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1893)
VOL XXIX. t'.ntrrr,! nl Ilie ns OMrr nl Albany. Or , ni Mcronil-I lass Mali Ittfct.rt. ALBANY.OUKGOafa FR1DA1, DKCK.MHKU STITKM A S I I 1 1 t, , PaUlUhera aad Proprlrl.r.: for Infants IHlKTT year' ohawrratlon ail3Ionijirjersone, H tm SBBSSHSBBjM, n t remedy for Infant and Children the world ha mm trnown. It la harmless. Children like it. It ftmm them health. It will save their Uvea. In it Mother have oiethiag which Is ahaolatoly safe and iffactlrally perfect m a chlld'a medicine. Caatoa-ia daatror Worms. C astoria allay FeTariahneaa. Caitoria prevents vomiting Sony Cnrd. Castor-ia cnraa Diarrhea and Wind Colic Caatori relieve Teething Tronhlea. Caatoria enrea Conatipatlon and Flatnlanoy. Caatoria nentrallaea the egeota of carbonic acid gaa or poiaonona air. Caatoria doea not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotio property. Caatoria aaalmilatea the food, rasgnlatas the atomach and howela. airing- healthy and natnral sleep. Caatoria ia pnt np in one-aiae hottloa Pen't allow any one to se.ll yon anything elae on the plea or promise that it ia jnat aa good " and " will answer every pnrpoaa." Sea that yon get C - A - S - T - O - Tha fae-aimilo I aignatnra of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor ia PA-RONiZEi HOM TH FARMERS & MFSCHANTS INSURANCE CI)! I ban, tiAi, Prssideat. J L, COWAN.Trwwurer. Geo . ('onan. Hon K Simpson, iV F J K Weatbsrtora. -ALSO DISTRICT i n.iu ri ymm mm mmu. and roreign tionipaiiieb The Oregon sVitn its home silim: - - Use Gray bkxtL, corner Liber') ana IMTAKES a specialty of Sunnyslfle fruit tracts near Salem) Will sell 5. 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 j er ere small cash payment org time on balr.nce or particulas. HAVtU toy TPJEQ RMBUMATISMf B.UM3AAO SCIATICA, KSRKEY, LIVER a id LUDDER MNT&, DYSPEPSIA, lam;: BACK, ft Joe"lnV fB.WI. ' - Oir nnir'" b-'t.' ' 1 i '..r inl.i. . n ' , Shown i, ' 1. : ! ' I- of ' h' i Of wtljr;: SS hf S ItSiaiW ItMt ,v.-': vve ka r ' : r t -i ' - ". ar. A. ' I WW V I llll (a mrj jour lifa t mi ntmo-st It ah ft. i tu. 'J 1 1 ' . 1 ' - , f 'a ' 7 ' 'r - 'ri-. . .. n hk. rt1 "CD- ir i"i j tt ' ' . I. TimU 99f Ww A IH t . r t mv f . " . r itiii ita, la rv nm w, I - tu, ii A. JJ.,. al HHE'J U TlSto i rO. .LMcMF : v. . r ! ttru 1 li Dr. A T, Way if two w- I., ttf J I0al IB' for nut r ; a.-. r tn at 1 tn I -i I mrry1 it II . t., i - e iti t i i ifT rati ftavo 1 i c. bl h it ' u MSB i-t. In J no 7JTX&9z&' ' V'CflP, a . if 1 i-O'iun Xf-iSt tMl r hd h j d 'j .t yfjl bT tlitt . I J .uh f jr , v 'iifi, : ri. o dlUiy.atud hUl 'I0; t. firjry pTt. ' THE DR. GLNE.tfl '7.1 . I uUb ' (fl fa t50fB''wtfJ CS! Vtl'l : 'J l.'alt T. lit rt fa rj . last fl ftlt f 1 t taj tMitT Wf'fll J'J"'!laf WflarB -tfC't.B iff t.v. -'H buia'. I loU, t MenlJ wcrfl r bit ll J tt'lt UTrcirll' !t it" Wejk ; -i f , or W'v f . 5. re - Ithiwi;ir Iinprovn. Klcrlric Hua,c :.(rr, t ai faT'aburtl ih at-vtrj rwaTat u 1 wi tT irrisMt it t" cure niif "f 'l-d -'j-itc wpaknee i-", lu1 t.onlr(r ) Hitrt.o'i .ul mb- r u .rU, -r M :ir7 Rrluii'l ri, TIiht B-r'1 tn t'?- gih ti. ? ,(. . i i 'aiai; "f -riknv. iu jrmii , mwlrtW-a,;. r ciJ. Duu, mill w:U ittrO Mm .uri criia twu or (MM id ju Lt. AJdr u I-j! 1 J lut ;uiuti'jn. SAN DEN ELECT' :' CO, 17 :n?.TU88 W&r . NEW : FURNITURE, MY 8rORE ISKOWKULI, Of HU5T-CI.A.-S ' FUItNiTUKE.iCONSIS-illN( cf bed room sot., ch.iir, lcuuen,, vU ,t Hbteb J,w,l tel at BOTTOM PRICES Thos. BriBji. and Children. of Castoria with the patronarre of only. It ia not sold in bulk R - I - A. ' is on evory wlfjpar. INSTITUTIONS.- Oregon. J O WRn.iM.S. SoceCaij F SIMPSON. Vica Pres-dar 0 J StuifL. WriUinan. A.IKST3 FOB j n i n Land Co office all - oei!go. r State street, branch office- in Port',!" ANO FAILED . v'r.Vs r.i.r. ' itfC BFI.T Iti 1 lenrn Ma ,i-lir Sklaejeai i ry II ci..'.' nil sat glllrisi MftUnabofSlfwiaica. Tasowae I iSt I- rvasw Hi blllir. itj . la.iliotl, Hs'.a ni .'. e i 'flin-i, y y .. .11 : icfoDi a i ii.a 111 beallBt t.'. lei ,i - rcoeMea, waflsj SS t f .r 11 i If r.i4 eur In our av ' i lasrattea, wrt ireaatn ? .: : at to conssi h -jm' ' ,rr Intaror .nooof tf. e-t T'o n.i. ha-a un u! fl(. V 7S1 MS . DM f' Rt: 'I V:la l'f . in ,-: .! it - iuS thai cc i j- ni ....i luck-.i lati : j ' j !.: tt'u ir. ; . ti , tl.uR i. u.'.: ra. wh'Cli fera ra. SjSln t l'r Tts 'ti'usvtretiinta. v. will b rfther" irssi htattfc, itfsnsia t ..rt ti.'it wi lo!''! pr, saaa 'i'ti our ' i n j r.,! ':.- . ;ut. and imaa saaesof rt4wad avsaay ;j" F.'t1' Ly .itrr Tor , r. .-1 iMr n't Maetrts Bell ..- no asset a ." ; oi'.w ' faiiep. can ss t .. onli iflajf' t-e r. an a a; asm : h J f trt HHC'JY.f.TIGM. . -l ' i ";- . Bufimr r V 'if!?. i ' .'" S..- I i -f H-r - rt t axpr'jr- .t." a d ri. con -a t t . . j:ik from tha i of h ' vfji'i. t't . i A fl . nil bier I . i .it ' " ' ' .t uyr .i . X wtta " twnf I' ' att i iXHr.iJ ityi v '9:t. t'Mf.n 4mmm m I. ith -f. J wu i mm rt r'r twit It y J m. , n ofi U 1 v-oiUa T w ! it fur. I aOn. . i -ert ,. ;-t i -...;. " I . 1 w-.. two ?19 i o, ,j 1 1 fc(U cm t'l .Its I sr w. .n tuy iif. 1 t krfiw on lr'L nr'l. a ,d I in w I ii whf hnej Tf n cofaxi ' fTrsny r.h n ". it, nd fVy y-n. i t tby -f.ii. ;:n i it tt --( i Maid Oaft at-, nMmCl IH th vo 11. I i if.Cti1 ti ? p - tmT.n!iy,ann 1 1 be cU i 1 taattWaik u-;. fM VttO Wevut tn lo'ij ro i i u a LC6T VIVALir AND 97R-NC i;.. DwTMMw , QwfW tUg - U.f;.; M i it I hT bs-n itrK.Vtt bof."i.i . I ft'! m ra (n-i - jturr Mall ttn'l M U : f. rr-.: M.'f ' -t of thr u.Gry a.w nfl.rly , b; lfe,t, ar.'l u.'.. iuy ah.iwl f - ir tir, tirtcr. I t I CiuUa :.e : I f-'T'jrai ILIICTR.O BSI A CVauoetTV. On the farm ofSST Join's, about thivi'-t'omtlis of R mile smith of Hubbard and only u It rods from the st;i road, is a enriosibf which nt preaent is attracting ooBatderable attention. It has been noticed for the last fifieanmara tmt never luis aronaed such inter l a in the pa-t few months. On a sjaii of, pay 30 reel square, appear this "What i it? It can be seen liot just after rain i r while the ground is filled or covered with water. There ;iro numerous holes, about as laraa as oommon lead or slat.' pencils, from which tfas or air is a ii-t.intly. rnrapiwB with a oandasof meat frying or the bisaiag of water on . hot stove or iron; sometimes the I ressnre may be stronger than at others, but, it is Loan jast the same. The ureenuie it so great that if these vent Are dosed they will in a few minutes seod the mud flying as inougn a nunia ure biasi hail exploded a large heavy iron pan was inverted over some of the atroUffOM vents, the rim I ki iilT baried in mod preventing any escape of gaa, a man then sat dow n on the pun .mil awaited results, which were not Ion.; in Doming, us pan and man were littod bodily. The r,is or rtir wit- forced through liuie water oof bo rhiinge was noticed. Was tested by Bra but cannot nay it burned. One peculiarity of the oil is that ne 'matter how wet the surrounding ltoiiihI may l this plows ui hanl and dry. A well c!ox by ktvps op acoastant hissuig and the water rayeels nothing out of ram mon. Wood" bum Indjependect. l'limi ITK Km OHD. In thee tateof VYi-.i 0, (invflnd IVrft Porter. Bnal SCCOUai was allowed and the guardian discharged. In estate of Samad Pidnma, will was ad mitted to probate. 15 II iberti and John NiehoUa asecotors. (a estate of II N WcCarthy, final acojnt ami tied. In estate nf TTsnnah ttnbiaitt leoaipteof diatiihateas tiK-si. Eiataton oasdfeatsed. I aette of Praah UBard, A I. Lilian", vras appointed gnardian. !kn.l $1(X'. In estate of;i! Kianey. citation issoed for Jan Ji. l . Ia estate of A Laaboer, inveotory tiltvl. linui'rtv. fri-KX'; )ersonal Jproperty. 1593. roteJ, In estate of Santa 1 Athridg roper tv owlatad Id. 1 reonal In estate of Mary Galloway, bond 8300 proved. Appraisen appointed. A t.; ame Law Cask - This i- the clos? season for deer. Qaass warden Mo;uiiv projvxes to stv th.e law w forced, hence t)x oeeasaoB for this item. Laepaty Warden C W Watts retarnc-l fr ;a l'roviisv il'e this inuniing with T 11 Qnsn and Ptss Bnluafl. whom lie had arresttJ five miles beyond frawfonlsviHe. for violating the ga;u- law in killing deer out of -euson- J K S' r had also lecn am-stel: but on account of the iilne-s of hi m if m i li h imiat. Qaai aad Bobutilt were triel thia atstrnoon be fore Newjmrt. Ww evident ahovrad thattGoaa and S.renger kiiloi the deer, and that llobinett simi ly tBmedal their camp on his way kick MBa a trip t his timber claim lvondCr.iwf-irlsvi!!e.and was given cue of the deer w hich ha took horue with him. Tiie trial of I'ies Kobnett w.l- not com pleted at praas time. Gum it was thought would plead guilty, f H li. brsett aad F P Harp wen- ahm ai'ltlttl' lad will i-tried next Fritiay. Game Warden SflcGnire a in the city uperinteuling the tafe. GaajroB IrricBaa. Harrisharg Graaea No 11. t of II. have dected the folkwiag officers fee ti;e ensuing year: Waiter. A L Morris. Overseer, J MrafraaWiii I-e-.turer. Mrs Alice irimes. :ewart. ie.rge Alforl. AsisUu,t Stewiut. - rge i..v;-. 'haplain. Mr N Baaey. TnesLsurer. .1 S George. Beeretary, T J Bodgers. 2t-- Kep.-r. I Vi. g PaaaaSJBL Mr- I- M'-rri-Flor.i. Mr 1! i,,. rg-. Cera. Mr M 1 Utord, f. A . Mr- N Hi Keakea. Trost.e-. V J M. M keu. I - llusey and C M i rrimee. Delegates to Council. S S Train and vV J McMe. la . No CovrAxiaoa. laaa coaaty fam;rf have little to complain of i..t:iparHl to the following fr. m a letter received by a Ba- gne iusn from John Bel-haw. of han-.iing-tngtoii. ".-h: Ibiin and snow fell a!:.. e. fminiiou-iy tiunug j.e wear:i aa'i n conxuenoe thousaivls of af res.ot grain is i tinding in the tields.' while th greater porv 'an of that cut ha.- rpruatad in the stark. The ground thawed out now and the i.iU"! i tary deep. Mr IX-haw state that he bafiarvei there ii not mora than mbb ijooxl gnm In the Paloaaa country for se-d ami faMBsL He had 180 am-scut anl in the stack whii h sproutel while 1"0 acres i taacaaBf in the field. Wheat is worth 23 ceata B buhel and oats Bo oents per 100 pound-. TV're is no money ;n tin- country", and i.rcnertv selli verv cheap, a good team fand wag-n not bringing over $IW. Ton an ' u.r) ' KrxN-r.. -Jane- la.-t wa- gafnted baa ayenias . barged with robbing th t rfwe oi 1 1. vt auace a. vo. . several wtnf.igi. A f-an-n warrant wa- j-ue-i .,, I sear- h mad.' by Sheriff Jackson, r.t p-a Vxesialence. but nothing w;ls founl. , ln .' -aring before Juatiee t'url the de fa.i'. . i confese.l to having lieen intere-v 1 in the vbWv. stating thai be kept B watch and hoi "1 1 t'", fc"'"" away, l"it im t'lie-ited two other y "ing men. whom th prosecuU X b did not -te-ire to proae CStehen the ca-e was dipije.1 and he i ... Ji.-hargd. It in stale l that aaaa nf ika i.'artte- w-re interesteil in tin- afauap robbf v afiira Kn Irtxr. -Another eas of those n .iwiita.,. , "e red aboaj hanrxmerl near Al' ,. erJav morning: tliirsiii" l..-.Kollett '.7. . eon .t . i.irouen had beea exaraini ngt sht g"n and finish ing. handed it to I oe &W. M employe on tl. V..rH.., ,.! wi, w-a., standing by. tidal re,-,riv..,l il... ' s" veil, tfnnt the barrels erf the I'm :.n,l ,.,. I I WO (ftkKtt. lo.ldwl with '.irfr,.r-ii-al sItot i,,' WSJ dinit X') shoot MM L.-n. ta-lii. li uoro In J. II' islilorinL- DOad. as he eJoaad Usa mm t ta uliuiger stnu k the i-nlri'lin in tin. I..(t bar V.i xnlolillg it. ail' the charge C'ok effect in: laaBett" right legjoat bslow the kaae. KoB EecantD.- Mar- riem1Jy isiformr us that none of his saw Jogs ha ve emziped in nearly four montha. f liin'l that the state ment which annearad in t ii- News of Tu lay evening and taken rfrmn the Albany Herald, which said thai "John lmg and Uaorge Pronk have been patrolingthe river from Cnrvallis to thi- pi c to lind the sev eral million feet of saw 1 vtrs which BMBfjed from Mr i'rieniily'.s mill . if B Btattave. Mr Friendly rays theae i wrtibb had no iui hotity to lIk after his lo. r,. News. On Good Atrrnoan y.- -The Times has it on very good autl orlty, lioni two dis tinct sources, tiiat there'aii J r: a bidder at the sale ol the O P next I'riday, and that If the unexpCCtC 1 don't happen in the way cf an injunction wide' I is not im possible, the road will he V peeked doA'n to him by the sheriff. A 6 fsistcli to the Time from Portland states that parties are now in thit city airanj prig fur, and will be here at the tale to purchase the property. A Leara Mambd Hobsb.- -K H Ruther ford, of Marion, left on Iast nighl's over landfor Ban Franciaeo to i nake arrange raents for the exhibition o r Montezuma, a decendant of Oregoa BVoader and Oregon Beaoty. M on tea. Utna is four years old, weighs lataJ poun is,liaHH seven foot tail and a live foot in sue, end is a very handsome home in le is'd. Oregon Beauty i tuned is on exh irhuion in m bouin and Oregon Wonder, !5ve,at Auh tin, Texas. ROBBBD, Tuesday evening tlm Houthern Pacific depot at Silve.ton was. Ovrglvrized and 8140, besides valuable 1 tqw taken. E L Smith, the ngent, locked thca-eel liox. closed the door and fastened I .t by turning t! 0 knob; hut did not lock It w -ith to com- M iaiion. b s return lie then went to supper ami on found that somels rxty Had pried open the steel box with a ct .isel and .crow bar and extracted both moncjf and -napvers. I'i.i.ntv oy tii.iKiTioxs. It takes a geniowwj ngiire out tins Oregon Pacific business, ami at on the subi me hardly know- where be is et. The proceedings at the I 'ong contest in the future. said inOirate a'oag contest in After the reading of tin onn v Gleaaon formally notice of sale At bjected to the siil of any of the land of the V illametti- anil Cascade mountain road, Attorney Wolvertoa objected on behalf of Col Hogg to the sale of the road at nil on the ground that it hal already been sold aad I2S,M0 paid on it. Vttorney Weatharford oa behalf of the Grant Powder Co. ami Bearl ,v Daaa ol jeeted to the sale of the 12 milea oa which they bail liens. The sheriff paid no atten tion to tiie objections and sold the entire road to several of the st.a kholders. being some of what as is known as the Hlair fac tion, i or jvx'.iaai. w nn n leaves tiie lioiiiers ol chum- against the road about completely oiu in an coiii. as tno inaeoteunesa 1- II.OGb.OOS, and by the tune the 20O.OM baa baaa aqueaaed a little the employes won't get very much. The sale will probably not he coonrmed. it i iidiup- )hiiuuwi; nom prewnt management will continue in con trol . M.'s-r- Hegiies uid t'lar'i autliorivd the fcujwrog statement: Tiie I ail I base nf toe Uregon racinc has beea raada by ae United .u lion of re-pon-ible arties interr'st ed in the development of the property. It la expected the road will soon ba put on a sound basis, and operated sou to beneat the, immunities contiguous tothe road, as well as it owners." The partial in whena name the pur chase was made are: I I Hel len. Henry Martin. K V Pendleton. S S HoUmgswortii. Joseph Wharton and J une, A Blarr. In thk eonwectioti th- f stowing frota a Salem paper i- ery consoling: This is tha syndi. ate now npniatiBg the nvid. am! who will .1 . all in their jMW-er to extend the line aad make the rmparty a profitable one. n i 'i n St voku. Col Bhiot, w lio died su.bicnly in Salem this week, was quite a character. A Salem paper tetls the fol ios ing: t'ol Shiel obtained bis title on the starT of Governor Kerr. It is doubt ful if be eve- bad military Paring the fifties be was once proserin ina'toney of this lis"rict. but never acquired much lame as a lawyer or bad much law practice. When in congress be entrusted a few thousand dollars to Ben Wood, of New York, to speculate ia gold with Wood accumulate.! j3i,000 to $40,080, hut turned it over to Shiel who soon dissipated it- Gaa K Shiel was the Breckinridge candidate for con gress in lS6d, against lavid the June election. In November another election was held. at which Judge Thaver. of Corvallis. was the only candidate. He went to Washington and his name ass put oa the rolls by the clerk. Shiel con tested and got tl.e seat, as it was held June wss the time to elect. Personally Geo K Shiel was a polished, kind-hearted gentle.nan. wjtli a good education in l!les lettres. and a degree ol gallantry and chivalry that graced every hour of his lite He had of late years lived al moet entirely off the rbaritv of old friends, and last year went to Washing ton, in the hope ol getting an appoint ment to a. me consulate He came home disappointed, bnl net toured, and re mained checr.'ul to Lis latest moment. The A-tukia HijutjuX. 1332 rotes were cast in the Aftoria election. The old Astoria ring was completely demoliahed. 1 l; -..!g ". b. .ated it never lost a lattle. The same evening the editor sras whipjl by Tom Linnrille. Aidoria is a bve place. Fbe following from the Astor iaa will give an idea of the character of one A it- e!ei !i"iis: There is a gl story go ing the rounds about the effort to se.-ure vote at Wei less lav election. i candidate! were lutorally anxiotu to create a- pl feeling as paaaibaS, and with that end in view, u-ed whisky plentifully. One of tiie aspirants (r otfi-e s..nt a gallon of "com juice'" to the occupant of a scow at I pi-ertown. and in the i-ourse of an hour he .rd that bis opponent bad gone him one ' --"er and -en', two gallons and two i. ve of cigar. Not willtag tohaoatsleraa, can didate numler one isiid: "Well. 1 can boy whisky as lorg a any of them." and forth - with f - .... . of the laM and four , . - .... . . Doxea : .;g.u-. 1 r.e re ipi nt-were nothing loth to lay in a stork for the winter, and carefully riepoaitiasg the lirpior in a sate place, they went out an I VOsBd fla they pleased. C11 UtOBO Ci)r;.ivtvis. -Tl.e fo.low. Irg fioTn tr.e Salem Journal Is Interesting: lion A Hush, the janker, and l,os-einor CflCOyer haJ a pleasant interchange of po itlcal ccmp'irnents a the state house. Ther were ta king taiiff. Mr liush had said something about the governor opposing rusts, al:tr having made three quarters ol a trillion running a aawn.ill under the lum- trust. 'Tnat is no'hing to aha trust that existed when yr;j bad a BsOOOply ol printing ail ibe es'.ray stock notices in the state at t s.oo each. Ard the law compeiie I iseople to print them in fOsaT pap?r,'' was Pennoyer't reply. Mr Busl. said about that being cheaper than it is done at p-csent and invited the governor down town to continue the Jitcussion. Scio. Scio i- destine-1 t have a very heap "I hristm.As" this time. The Sunday cbool has abandoned anv idea "f a tnv.and the Cliriatinaa baU is to ! given for the mole,t -urn of 50 cents per numlier. W I'hiilipps and wife returned from their ea-tern tnii last rrnlav. .ish 1 "n cludeil that it was unsafe for 11 "Welefoot" to undertake to si nd a winter in a country where' the therm uueter sportively sinks 10 or iS degrees Wow z'ro at will. Ii-t rnday according to reports very nearly a lr.ig.-dy o i urrel at Hrenner Shr-lton - livery -table on the south side. M V liilyea and J W Shclton were the parties involved in the quarrel. The diffi culty 00 ured over 11 bii-im-ss settrement. I hiring the melee it is said that Hilyeu (louri.-hi-il a revolver accompanying hi- iiioveuieiit-s with threats, while Shelton had pressing baaiaeai elsewhere. Pres Thk Smcooi.ixo Cases. Nat Bhssa !' 1 hi- testimonv in the smuggling cases yesti-rday. Ilium liiul hi facts all pat and wa.- never eoultiwu. In cross examiiiati he was prmid to he more than u match for some "f the eoBBaal and often struck back at them in a telling manner with recitals thev had rather have kept in the dark. Ho bad his records very complete, consisting of memoranda, letters, notes of agreement ember codes and tictitmus names under which the money was passed. It is believed tLat there will be convictions In every cas N'rifiNo in It. The Willamette valle has la-en detained at Yu'iuina Hay on nc 1 (Hint of rough weather. The DKatOCRAT is informed that Mr Mulcah.y states that the report that the steamer had not sailed on account of fears of an attachment at San Franciso. is all rot, that the steamer will sail as soon as the weather permits and that here will be no detention or trouble when t reaches the (iolden date. HociKTY Election. -At the me ting of iieulah KeU'kah Lodge. No 38 held last evening the following officers WOre elected for the ensuing term : Mrs Anette Weatherford, X. (I. Un J O Cherry, V. i. Mrs J II Hurkhart, Hoc. Sea. Mrs Ilulduli Hunt. Per. Sec. Mrs J (iradwhol, TreuH. lafg SoLDOCBa JfiiMK. ThochunccK arc againsx uosenurg getting we Conner h Home. The Indejiendeiit says: Prosecut ing Attorney McCain has refused to nigh the papers in the Soldier' Home injunction caae, This will not, however, "top the proceeding which will be tuk"ii directly to court without his aid. The necessary Bteps will Is' taken within several days and the injunction suit is to gj, in spite of Mr Ms Cain. Tmk Macl-abccs have elected the fol lowing officers for the ensuing term ; A I l.amd, Commancer, M 11 Elds, Past t Commander. John Campbell, Lieut, A 1 Straney, K, E U Will, F K, Geo I Meyer. Chip, Grant Kinney, Serg, J - Long, First M of G, C O Beam, Sec i, J L Eenton, M of A. M aettwn Kel it There baa been little k today, on our streets except that ill ce to the i (re gon Pacific sale. Tha" bus been full of it. All f.inds of prog Banns rumors reports and "what not "It won't be sold, junction on it filled the air. will be an in- "It will bo sold, at I $-00 Of W de - posit is in. It's a go I an, "Ih,! two factions formed a combination together. ' Ktc. ate, etc agreed and The special with C f t. t lnn from Pan Francisco, did not 14': but I i I Hogg was represcn' , t llogue did that in good shape then he had hi- W. attorney on hand i nd V M-Clm-k antl t- r, tlugln-s. representing the New tork bondholders arrived hut night ..nd , left tins forenoon ., a raaaal run by t on- ductor 1 way. for orvallis. Attorney Fav, of Seattle, came in this . . noon trom the s-uth aivomikiiu-d bv At- HU- toruey Cotton, the I nion Pacific attorney of rorthuad, who w.-r iojaaj here by Attorney Weatherford and J Wi'usick. who took u special for t orvallis at Vl.'V). t'oiiv, I lev. :5th. 3 p.m. There wa- only one bidder at the site of the i in gon I'acitic this afternoon, though several representatives were present. M ( lark, representing the Blair fac'i-n. bid it in for 1300.000. llepresvn'atives ,.f Qol Hojfg mm noti.v tiiat lie claims road under former tale, which means a ivnte-t. A Ji ParuntB The hard- ' ed aire I'orr ol I f (" was Saturday by Sheriff Knight, on an a' Mchmrnt lor I) Osborne .V Co. The Cue ol Mr'r trouble was the faiiure on the part of hit deb'ora to liq uiJa'.e their accounts. Wishing lo treat all his creditors honorably, Mr Conner turned over lo the aheriH hit book- I notes, and every tt.lng ol value that he possess cd, and we are Informed will j.akc an assign men'. Key lew. The Craalar Aaal The skaaa The Blair I tal n'tareii air lOBjien ' have there mone r cert hav d uuUer.u, !"d, C Every good thing has i'i iot of Im- bouse kept by the .Adams woman. The itator:every genuine arilcle Its counter J details of the case when made public, feits. The imitators always choose the ! naturally to be expected, created a sen most valuable and popular atiicle to) ration urged on by the news papers. Ir counterfeit, so that when they c alm t'letr Parkhurst for a while mas looked upon share to be equal, or as good, or Ihe sair.e with ronUinpl by many people, some of at -So and-So's," the paMc may depend "horn, aie today his most ardent aJ upon it that "So-ard No's" article is :he mirers. He did not stop al thia point, best of the kind. The sham proves the but backed by hiscongrega'ion.hecaused genuine 'Terlt of the thing It copies ar.d the arrest and conviction of many guilty never hat this been better illustrated fan reront, during the paat few months. At fcy the imitations of Aitcock's I'orous ttie outeet it w a apnarent that in ti jht 1 listers ing crime, Hr Parkliurst a 00IJ be Atico:k's Porous Piaster is the s'ard jrd rompeleil to antagonist the police offi oi excellence the world over, and Us im-elal. True coo rage never fails, and the itators In tlieir ri T thai theirs is -as -. si i'xtor insmadiateiv entered into a lively ss Alicock s ae only emphasising this j aad animated correspondence with rfa fact and admitttog '-ailOOCasVta be the 1 pertntendent Bvrms Again did lr jacrr.e of petfectkm. which it is their high- j est ambii-on to Imitate. The dlncrtnrt j n secureo evMence. very to netsreen the genuine and iheae imitations, I gather and nsquiring the hardest kind o! sxlich ccpy only genera! appearance. t as , work, to Ihe effect that Hugh Maria, a wide as t.vat between copper and gold. : member of the grand jury, wa proprie The only sale war tor purcharers is to I lor of no' only one saloon, but of three always insist ursoo having Alicock' Por- j "gin mil!" in the city. District Attor cus piasters They are Ihe cnty perft ! tT Niehol, when akeJ by Fr Parkhurst plaster ever produced.! lo refuse Sievin, in accordance with the (law, ;. replied "there is noevt- , , . : ' ." Islenee." But the hard aorking and c.ur- Far pjl) ssake.dcri it growl and grur be . tll, .Parkhurst proved to the entire because yoo are troubSed -ith indigestion. . Mtisiju:tl.,n ofthecour. that Sievin did No good wa ever effected by snarnng ar.d 0. mIood(. Th(1 preent circumstance f.etling. Be a m.n (unless sou happen to rt.u,in, to ,,r parkhrjrti ,t ,n entire h 1 ana-int as 1 ' . . . 1 . r . a, I. la la. . . . . . which wi:l "i -f-" .a..aa..Q a u, a... ..a.. a. woman. ' When sour heart i bad ,cur . e'ean i gaaa.. sr. 1 head is bad. and you are bad through, what is needed?" askei a day-scftooi teacher ct her class. "I know Aver' svarsa-arilla. ' spoke up a li.tle girl, whose mo-her hai recent!, been r s'ored to health bv that medicine. No better piepari'.vn fcr the haw aai ever Leen tn.enttd ttian Aver ilatr Vigor. It r'stores the erigmai color to faded and erav hair, and impirts iht natural g'esa and freshness, everyone so murh admires. It reputation is wo. 1J wide. . I, . A Baa FiR'.. Ijot, Knglisb Better pup biUaWith lemon rpots.'A lilwral reward will be raid for his return or information a hereo', lv sV7 A Me, k. T! e p. .;a ;ia- -. When Baay was alrk. we fwr-e fcr CaaWlia. When she was a OmM, she cried fur Castotia. When he h-sranvMiwe she dune t-- Cat srL. Taax she had l TUldrec. she sa v ) ihem e -astoria Dr. Price's Cream .taking Powder Moat Perfect Made. Wmotso Isvitavioss. Wooden, Tin, Silver, liolden tVimmon every day. Hmilkv . Tai, T J C1 aa ih; S iet line o a-jle for suitings In the state at W H Grfcham's. where he has a tailor with few equal on hand lo mtktvthcm up on short notice, (aetlhe best and most stylish suit of him. A new feature will be th making of ladies' cloaks to order, or the altering of cloaks to the hues' styles, and he repairing nl cloiks. Prices ar? bot torn ones. I'ATitosui th Ceutrl Fih u I Fou'try Market, on FHIsw ir h street, between Sec ond and Third, fcr year ar.mel poiltry game and li sh of all kinds iu sets in, nyators clams and crabs . I . . er . ' ! : n ; flash In a line may he hai t reasonshla tiataraa. C and ire ui. . 8atDBBI V C vVheat, 50 cfs; oats, ice; hay,$S haled; wdad, $3 to $3. $0) taken tn e cchangelor sewlnir machines or organs on hand at E U Will's music store. Also on all book accounts ol f months standing. S-wIng machines from : ; t t ; , with my per sonal guarantee lor 5 y rs. Whatever may I lie cause ol blanch ing, the hair miy be restored to its origi nal color bv the use ol that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair R'pewer. Shilnh'a Vitalizur t what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skiu or kid ney trouble. It is guaranteed to'givo you satisfaction. Price "5o. Slid by F.mhay Si Masoc. Shlloh's Cure, tne great cough snd croup ears, is for salu by ua. l'ooket aizo containa wenty-livo doses,ouly 25o. I hildron Iov it othay A Matnn. self I'ralse. Self praUe Is no recommendation, but there are not time when one mutt penult a person to tell the truth about himself. When whnt tie says is supported by the testimony of others no reasonable man will doubl his word. Now, to tay that AUcock's Porous Blasters are the only genuine snd reliable- porous plasters made is not self praise In the slightest degree. They have stood tne test for over thirty years, and In proof of their merits it Is only necessary to call attention to the cuiet they have effected and to the voluntary testimonials of those who have used them. Be wan ol imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for AUcock's, and let no solicitation or expla nation Induce you to accept a substitute. KB 10KH I I 1 I Nkw YouK, December 8tb, IS'.k'i. Now that the long-haired, athetlic, and ever noisy college youth, has left us in a j state of semi-insanity (ihe effects of his tool ball .owimg.) we hope to recover to enable us to enjoy a very "Merry Christ mao" in the old Kn'ckrrhocker style This is the time of the year, when dances, dinaera and public balla are enjoyed by the gay people ol the metropolis. Soon i uua' French ball masque, the : .irion .ot-irtiy masque nan, ami trie Old j Guard ball will arouse interest amonv wilt bid it in j the clubs, and other resorts in the Ten I derloin distrirt- These three events are I always patrOnnnM by the "man about j town," h:h1 an air ol suppressed ticite- j ment. ia iila-ivH tirsi-alfiit ll. ,.t . , j - .... t . . . iiipi, .,..!. . . say that the Fiench ball is "just to aw- ftaet trWthB'11 1 fol lor anything." It ia an undeuiablej masque ' IS pstTijWlretl , ,,,.. ,i i ...... i' re. ;..t ,-t.. i... ........ ; ' , 1 " 'o ww i in wc eaiiy injurs, Ol the morning are verv shocking, in . , , ,, " " "3 ' aone. me ,e" Ir,:p' Ihaf a P r a. bi liirian . . i r , t . 1 .".". eo nnr,i me iieauo 01 irie i oiiee neoart- ment that they are struck with awe. and are exclaiming, "Where am I at?" TI ,. . . . . . . 1 ne nev it 1 11 rarkhurct, hag sprung into the prominence, in fact in a wsy tending to be no'orious. I)r Tark burst is pastor of the Madison Square Presbyterian church, and a'so president of the society lor the suppression ol vice and crime. As president ol the society, Dr Parkhurst. through his indefatigable work. Inspired by a determinatioh to se cure evidence to the eflect, that the public were receiving money for "pro tection" from bouses ol ill fame, as welt as from the thousands of saloons in the city. Pr Parkhurst came into promi nence about a year ago, a hen in company with one of the detectives of bis aociety". and a membes ol bis church, he secured evidence against Hattie Adams a notori ous woman, who kept a disorderly house, within a stone's throw of !r Parkhurt's church. The police had often made the statement, that "Parkhurst was on'y reeking notoriety, and could not prove his charger." But the right will win in the long run, and an expedition was planned by the earnest pastor, which re the roneiction of Hattie Adams through evidence given by !)r Parkhurst Parkhurst triumph overt e police, when victory tor tne nttonie. stsa crand nirv , ... .. . .. , .. 1 V V ,- T a' : v- 1. i .. 1 v. ce i ii'J.ii i n charges made, and euidence presented, j i-v t - I.. -. i 11 Car: It.e police commissioner have transfered "e!ve captains. and the aflair ha caused (treat "shake up,"' in he department. 10 ine surprise 01 every one. tr.e tact : now undisputed that every dive, disord erly boose and gambling bell in the city i closed and Ir Parkhurst say that they ill remain closed. If the police do not keep them closed the grand jury will take immediate action against tiie uniformed guardians ot the peace, a ho tolerate law .braMng lor revenue derived Irom the various ource. Handtcaped a he was. D Parkhurst has, by constant wort, : aided tiy his courageous determination, 1 BBared a victory for the people of the j community in which i-e is an honored citiaea, and many who denounced him a 1 .v.r S. amimg hi mi-t ardent ad- mirers. .tive credit Ij whom credit is Wa. K. H. Koaix ii. a Recently the Cunarti steamtr t.a.anta re . duced ihe Ceaard s'.etmer Campania s tast- wad record by one hcur and twenty-five ' minuict, and th Campania reduced the ! I.ucanis's westward rcccrd by twenty min utes. In; two records cow stand: hst ward, l.ucar.ia, 5.13 Joj westward, Cam pania, 5.I3.JJ. A ( Katjatfl T isp'easant ftavor. gentle action and soothing effect o Syrup ot Figs, a hen in nee I of a lacatlve. snd if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying result follow its use; so that it is the best family tetnedv known and everv family should have a bottle. rroseal U be ihe Best. Tested and proved by over thirty years' use in ail parts of the world. AUcocVs Por ous plasters have the indorsement of the highest medical and chemical authorities and millions ot grateful patients who have been cured of distressing ailments volun tartly testify to their merit. AUcock's Porous Plasters are purely vegetabie. They are mild but efleclive, sure and quick in their action, and abso utely harmless. Beware ot imitations, and do not b de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask lor AUcock's, and let no sollcitstion or expla nation induce vou to accent a substitute. Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder World's Mr Highest Award. When a doctor considers it necessary to prescribe sarsaparilla, lie simply orders a bottle of Ayer's, krowlng full well that he wid obtain thereby a surer and purer preparation than any other which ihe drug store can furnish . Ayer's Sars ipariiia is the superior medicine. RENNIB TATL0B. On Friday even ing. Dee 16, 1893, nt the St Charles hotel in Albany, by Rev K H Priohaid, Mr Alex Bennie, and Mia Cecil II Taylor, both of ('orvallis. The groom is a former resident nf Albany and Salem. Mr and MrsKennie have the Is-st wishes of many friends. COLTON GKOIUiK. On Wednes day evening, lec. 13, 18V3, in Portland, Or., at the residence of Hx-Congressmau II (1 tie-urge, Mr H Guolton, ol Portland, and Miss Genevieve George, ol Albany. The wedding wag an elegant affair, a gooel many relatives and friends of the ccn traeling parties being present. The bride and groom are both accomplished and popular young people. The bride has spent most of her life in Albany and ba a host of friends here who will join with the Dkmocham in wishing theui much happnesR and prosperity. PRICE PKRRY. On Iec. 4th, 189 at the home of the bride, a few miles from Albany, by Rev E B l"richarel,Mr 1 F Price and Miss lloso E Perry. Mr and Mm Price, two of Linn county's ls?st young neeple.will have the liest wishes of many friends for u happy and prosperous married life. KING FOX. On Dec 11, 1S93, at the of Lewis Fox, by Rev L C llaulman, Mr Win M King and Miss Amelia A Pox both of Linn county. ASBiaorag LtTrntat I r-.m cur reirutar Osnrawwa4 anilag'on, 1 1, v. 11, i S. SlJ- Prenderit t.'levehi! d tarbed by the leemiag was no more di- ! li-eourlesv of the' senate in adopting a resolution. copies of all slate depart ment document) reatingto Hawaii, than he as by th sense'eaa chimor which. foUoswad the pub lication of Secretary (iresbam's recommen dation on the same subject some weeks ago. Before the resolution was introduced he had gii en orders that ail of the docu ments be copied for the purpose of sending them to congress with Ihe special message I 0a the subject which he staled in hU an nual message flrea'd shortly be sent in. The message ar.d accompanying documents are all ready and they will go to the senate as.: 1 , r . . "... " T . tuia wees. ano. some or mo-e iJocunien t we yaa am -i laiuiiig i"i repvt- Iicsns, ei'her in or out of ongress. They will show a long series of plotting that is entirely "p.osite to what has always been the recognied foreign po'icy of the L'niled States. Your correspondent had a lit le chat with Chairman Wilson concerning the tariff bill. He said that the bib would le reported to the house this week, probably on Wed nesday, and that be had Ijeen agreeably tarpriaed at the weeaaca ol the democratic opposition to the bib- The question of submitting the bid to a democra'ic caucus i still an open one. Personally Mr Wilson is in indifferent, being perfectly satisfied to leave it to his democratic colleagues to decide'her to ho'd a caucus on the bill or not. H:- thinks that the ermanent Ijenetit which the bill will carry to mil lions of our people will far outweigh the hardships that it will temporarily impose on thousand?, and that in the end it will be generally regarded xs fcne of the best tariff laws ever placed upon our statute books. He look for minor change in Cm bill, both in the bouse and in the senate, but not for any changes in its underlying princip'-e the wellfare of the masses rather thin that of the favored few. The internal revenue bill ha not been entirely completed, but it probably wil. be this week. It Lis been deriaitel decided todoub'etbe tax on cigarettes: t tax playing card, and to tax inheritances - Tee income tax is still undecided, but the probability is tha' the tax on net incomes of corporations, which wai 5r: agreed upan by the commit'ee, wid remain in tie bil:, the understanJing being that th member of the committee who favor a I personal ineot-.e tax instead will be at liberty lo offer that as a substitute for the corporation income tax and leave ii to a majority of the bouse lo decide whkb. if either of them, shah remain in the bill. KepresssnuiiTe liry'-'n. of Nebraska, who is re.--gniied a a leader of the demxrmts on the ways and means committee who favor the personal in mm tat. Lis not abandoned hope of winning in the committee. He said on the subject: "The fact that the corporation tax wouiJ bear heavily en ciiBj people with very limited nen. whi'e the individual tax would be collected from the wealthy wbe ewape taxation in many fortu-. is having its influence. If the tax is levied on individual income the . ., . nch w,il ,ben PT 'heir proper proportion jsrbich they do bb at present and would not under the corporation tax " A compro mise has been ssggwasfed l y which both corporation and individual incomes viil be taxed. The Srst result of the work of the joint c . tigress;;:..-.. wi.i.h ha f r mon'hs been icve'stigating the methods of tbe executive departments cf the coiera- ment will he men when :he legislative. executive and judicial appropriation bill is, rejerted to tbe house. That bill will make some radical changes in several of the de partments, all in tbe interest of economy and a more prompt transaction of pub'.ic business. AaaaBfj these changes will be the abolishment of be postal note and of .several bureaus of the postotEce department the work of whicii is not considered neve ary. This is only the beginning of the work of tbe comruit'ee. which ha three expert accountants aiding it in locating all unneorssary handling ef pu'dic acceunts and duplication of work. Its intention is to put the government business upon tbe same basis a that of the railroad or either big private concerns lief ore it gets through, hut it is already hiding it a hard task as the employes ot the useless bureaus ap pear to have more congressional friends than any other class of government em ployee. Iiemexrats in the Hgue arj de ermined that the hill C'.ali to statekxii shall be passed, and if the republicans ter- ist m hlibusterinj to prtvent a vote upon it, a they did las', week, it will be Bad party .juestiori and forced lo a vote under an order from the committee oa Rules. The Senate will this week begin the consideration of the election repeal bill. Senator HtU will lead the demociat.c fe rces Voorhees, chairman of the tinsnee com mltlte ot the senate, has introduced a bill for ihe coinage ol the seigniorage silver in the treasury at t'i ra'e ol 2.000.000 a month. After this is all coined, utonthl silver purchases of if 2,000,000 will be re turned. Prov Iatoa is iaad for tiie appoint- men. ol commissioners to anstltcr intei national monetary conference! lelerred to finance committee. lures hnd ISicir loo.i in strange puces. There are birds that live with cattle for the purpose of eating their parasites. Lately the old ttory of Thucyc'idcs is lou.i i have been absolutely ttue, and that ther Is a species of quail that jumps into the mouth of the Nile crocodile and to frees him ol the letches or parasites w hich ad here to the crocodile gums. At the north po'e ttiere is emly one direc tionsouth. Kiist and wvst have vnnishenl The hour of the day at the pole is a para doxical conception, for that point is the meeting place of every meridian and the time of all holds goxl. so that it is nnv hour one cares to mention. Secretary Cat lisle has signed papers call ing for the resignation of the foilcwiag officer! O C Basin-shell, superintendent of the mint, Philadelphia; Joseph C Digital assistant appraiser, New York; Milton Weidler, collector ot internal levenue, dis trict of Oregon, and a number of turvejor of customs at other points. The senate committee on privileges and elections have agree 1 to report the house bill repealing the federal election laws without amendment. The bill to admit Utah and at a state has passed the house. Arixona HTATK all.HTS The It gislaturs of Oeorg'a has rectntly : . l..r t' .. free coinave of silver thus den,nst of tl.e national govern- Tnt to H,e,,er': withLor r"'r'; ,he ' a a,. - 13. V . H , I ... 'J I t I . I , C ,, state's rights pure a-d simple. The constitution of the Cnited State de clares that congress has the light to coin both gjld and silver, and to regulate the value thereof, but there, the Georgians contend, its power ceases. If there be any other power, it is vested in the states. It i not e'ear that Gwrgla Is right in the position she hag taken, but if ghe is, there is no'bing to prever.i other states from follow ing her example. It will be interesting to knot now tills conflict between ate and federal rights on tie money question will terminate. Salem ndeereeat. We do not understand what action the Georgia legislature has taken, having seen sso account crl Kc n. otter. fl il tkat hntiu hsB1ilrelyexpreferl it sentiment tavor of free coinage of silver by congress, it hs done nothing more than it has a right to do. Bit f i. L tc coin money and. reg ulate the raise thereof it is .. - g what Is has ro rlgia to Jo, nor would such action he states' riu hts j ure and simple. "State' rights'" pure and simp' i the coctrire t .at all lac powers of legislation anJ ad ministration that are cot delegated to by the constitution of the L'ci'ed S'.a: .s oor prohibited by it to the rate are reserved lo the state. These power not so delegated to congress re the rights cf the itatr tt.' rignt. B it the power to coin money, not nec-e.'arils- out ot gold or silver bat Oct of sns sats'snce cocgre may choose, i ex pressly delegated o congress , hence no ttate has tbe poster to coin meney . No state can declare anything bat gold and sTrer legal tender. Tbe constitution does net say that coneres shall have power to coin sil rsr snd gold but it shall liave power to coin sacSB't . TBE .LSI! BT ASB aT sKBSIAs. iJur reailers do not neci to be toid what the Century Magazine is. It is a great work in any sense. F'or 1S5H it will be greater than ever. 2000 pages of choice lit erature with 10W iilustra'ions. There will be a new novel by Mar Twsiin, important expeditions, hunting of fierce game, artists adventure, tramping with tramps, unpub lished essay of James Eusseli Loweil.etc. Tbe St Nkbiaa u tbe prince of children's magazines, the best of all of them. A feat ure of the ISiM number will be Tom Sawyer A bread by Mark Twain, a natural hist, ry series, a series nn American authors, stories of India by Kadyari Kipling, recollections of wild life, tapers on th government and some beautiful serial stories, a well a the famous Brownie. The price of tie Century is 35 cents a mtaler, Bf.80 a year: of St Nicho-is. t3.'.J a year. Any sutecriber of the DEaocava; in good standing may secure the Century for 53.50 or the St Nicholas for i.M. bv tearing the money at this office, t will do the rot. SCB BE8I Fa., r r grocers. f. M. French keep railroad tims Buy fans groceris of Parker Bros Raa .ri.-'.niatCiis'i lirs cream cheea ;ast leoeived at Coart-3 aleyers. P J Siciley job printer, Fliao Block, does Srst class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent dgar at Jslias Joseph's. Dr M fl Elits. ohysicaaa aad (argeoo Albany, 'tn ri . 011 male ia : : . or xsoctey . OJCB EXJOYS Both the method and realt when Strap of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and ac:s pen Jy yet promptly on the Kidney?, Liver and Bowel. cWanses the sys tem eiFectually, dipc!s colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pre duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial ta its effects, prepared only fram the most healthy and agreeable aubetances. its manv excellent qualities commend it to all and havo made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50e and' II Dottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist afho may not have it on hand aril pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it- Lfc not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. siv rMaXastCO. Ctu wvisriut. al afar .r. Gladstone has A clear Head , WHY ? Because he follows these roles: ' ' Keep the head cool, the tet-t warm, and the bowels open." You can have a clear head and live to be ninety if you do the same thing. When tht bowels fall to move dur ing the day take on retiring two Smith's 5ajaV Bile Bean. Their action is so mild that you are not aware of it. All day your mi n3 will tse clear and cool. "Not a gripe in a barrel of them." Ask for small sire. Take no substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans! mm I khUM OOLLEGUTE ISSTITUTI ALBANY, OREGON a891, 1892 Iral Teeaa otveaed aepteaawer lfc A fL 1 corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARf COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. 1 .Hirst 01 study arranged u. ataw alt grades of students. sSsoau tuatHtmenis eftrtd to tlmtU'. from abroad. BIT. BLBCBT V l ONDI! "An oM M thf.-hilLV'and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" i.s the verdict o f million-:. .Simmons Liver Regii Iator i.i the onlv Liver and 'Kidnev Better r.ifcdicin'; to whi-li y o a can pin your faith for a cure. A. rn i 1 d laxa- Th an Pills 1 directly D the Liver nd -Kid nev. Try it Sold hj all Druggist in Liquid, or in Powder to tx: taken dry or made iatoa tea. The King of Liver Medieiassrs. "I liave used j.ur Simmon Liver Kero lat,r and ran jr.selentiouy say It is trie kin of all liver medieinet. I consider it a medicine cnest in Itself. iao. W Jack sos, Taeoma, Washington. -I VEBV PACKAGE' Use Z SUmp ia red on arapser. J F. FORD, InwM, Of Dee Mv.nea, Iowa, wntes under dale of i March 23. 1S93: 3. B. Man,. y,n Co., Dufar, Oregon. Or arricina h'me last week. I fcvocdall ell and acxion-dy a-raiting. Oar little girl, e ght and one-half years old, who had a ted away to 3S poo tela, ia now well, strong and vigor &a, and well fleshed ep. -S. B. Coogh Care has tt wora weii. 80th of the cfcildiea like it. Yeair S B. Coogh Core has enred and kept away alt bearseness frcm me- So give it to every one, with gre-rxcg for all. VViahin,; yen prrast-eii y. we ar Yoorv, Ma 4 Mas 3 P F oD. If i ssisk to had trs-m aad dSMTfal. aasl -radr t stw-.r-a w ir. dxMam raoijiuw wri taw s-'-- -r . .-.-- - is, or tans t- :- ; bs aTi dl lausstt- So-. I 5utf (native rurasitee I r 0 ACL MMING. Bwn 1 'J I iWyTrffj Seta, :.-ct and Jl JJper BcaBie: One oeat a svaea, Tms Ghza? Corcn Ccaa prompcrt- caws wtere ail others tali. Concha, Crc-p. Sere Throat, Hcaxseseaa, whoc-:g Cc-j.h and Asthma. For Consumption tt has no rival; ha cured thoaaarr't. arsi will CTBI T'- c ii taken tn time. t:-J by Drrtggata on a guax aaBaa For a Lame Baca or Chew, ose SHllOK'S BL1.AICNNA FLASTERc r CATARRH REMEDY youiatarr:-. - To s rf oeMr r 1 teed to cure j-ju. Flits Blue Inject FARMEPsS. ATTENTION WACON HACK. BOSSY. CART P10W HARRQW,DRK.L SEED ER FEEO CUTTER, or auv irc hlc'.e, call or Ve. or aalcress. B. F. RAMP rcttte Post Off ct tbny,l VIBOR of MEN lUsiff. s?H.CaV PcrttJAaeBtt) Restore;.. WEAKNESS NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY. EH frmBir e:t rv lii' fxveate- Ua- i J mwaifc. uk sj woaV.cMaw Fu-i-:i W .vsfiopi i.tH t nnv kttff UtVsi I tl j:;v-n U f -rry - near ard p. riiin ci iv oswi : -5stn".pls. b it r 1 nirHlv Imrusiu:-.nirr' fiv'"' sj- FHurv IntiKfcS. 2.w rf t-reao , BkK t. mUlel vsiaNashKi tlTCv". ERIE KEMCU ba o. McFadand, -:- DEALER - Harness - and -Saddlerj Display in the floof REVERE! HOUSE k'-BANY - S 0REGf AS. PfiSIFFFH rKuri:)K!!'R FOSHAY & MASON f-l-'i-l-A-i a a itaiAi Draggistssand Booksellers AgeLta for John B. Aider's puolloatiora auieh we sell at publisher's prieea w iti ataaeaddas' LB4Y, OltBtalO "If religion beliefs perp'es. yon, and you desire a faith at once reasonable and uplifting, send for free liberal relUicn reading to postoffice mission, .Vp'j Y'aai hill street, Portlar.d, Or. live, a n d MR'.XaV35St 6'' A 9