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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1893)
I AM- let Uis cr Vail btioo In liven to Ipstslrs proniii ,ny, 0 M Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. J AUKS J. CHABLTO. SOW!! ti ail nii: ttndd promptlT: FLINN'S taoek, A'bany, Or: K. J. In III LI.. Pujclolan and snriraon. OrFICE Corner Ttfj (tract. Albany, Oregon-I D n. simov dvi. rtivsidans an Su'rwns. OFFIK Orner . econa and B..-.Ulbin sweats. Albany, Or, CalU proapt'.y Ue-ded I citv and esontry. Hmeopathiat. gsTSrsscUirt in diseases of thj Ky. OiTe hours 7 t a ms 1 m. and T to 8 CI r. A HKST BATtMAI. BK, OF ALBANY, ORBOOS resident ...... Vtos President rsuhler. ... LFLINS 8, K.TOCXQ ..E. W. LANODOS IHANSACTS A OENEaALbanklnj-busioass ACCOl'NTS KKPT subject to shoe. 8IOHT EXCHANGE and tel -reptile transfer so i Sew York, San Francisco. Chicago and P -iUand COiSCT10XS HADE on lasorabl terms. srascToaa J. E Torse K, W, Uiwn t, E Buu, L. rum SDvaaa f . Sol. W. CCICK l (,.,BSK8M OT ALBANY, ORKOOS. TRAN'SACT trenera! Biulinr usno. r-RAW SIGHT DRAFTS un Jfew Ysrk. San Ft a seo and Portland, Oregwo . . LOAS JIOXET en approved security . RECEIVE subject te check. COLLECTIOSS mad on favorable .sera. ISTERE3T osid en time deooaita B A. It OF t IO, SCTO, ORBOOJt , . T i Mess, a J Job EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. 1 press Trains lears Portland Dally. 8ou-.h i 6 li'. a. ft 10 ti r I Lv 19.Ua a ! Ar rssst iCLT 1. 1BW. 'Portland Albsny gan Prandso ar 840 a a L I ra a a L I 7;00 r Xaove trains stip a. all sUtloas from nd to Albsny inclusive, slsoTan Bj, d i.Hilssy.Harrtsburg, Junction Irving. Kogene and all stations Ostbaig to .sblan 1 molusl'e. IWUl'M IL, S1II.T 8:S'js I Lt IMSra I be 1-JKT I Ar Pert land Albany Tiosotorr Ari 0r Lr I ltSU ;Lt I yjOCa :10 a B OO a . mtia Lr Ar Lt Ar AtUny Ueban Albaay Lebanon Ar Lv Ar Lt lu-n as Mas :2Sr :3r a PULLMAf BUFFFT SLEEPERS. -AKD- Di-iina' Cars on Ogden Routes SECBMO-CUSS SlEtPlNS CARS atssUBwssI laall The aa;h Trains. yeo !4e Mvlslsw. ciTfli ::' ruui'L.titiu am cob t a 1.1.1a. Bail sarSnaiti (BsjeptSanaay, Lt Ar Port' and Corraili Ar I 5:-,5 r ar nv 10 r . '. I r 11 Kiraxasrssi ssilt (ZacsptSoiay. Portland WiiTltswrl 1 Ar I ":SJ a s Lt I 6 A V T.SS r a Ar TThrotifis-h rriclietsi tn all pfot b the fsstirn St.tes, Caiai and Eurnai-ea-i bs rswd at et ra'ea from C K tronb. A.".:it Alnmy. KOEHI.EB E P. dOOEBS. Manaeer mill P. nd Portlsr. Orejron. THROUGH TICKETS TO ol T LIKE, 11 ft, UBIS CITY Ci SI. LOUISt SXD SIX e EASTERN CITIES. I DAT? i TO UICA0 HOURS 9UIAKrrWM0 UmiflQ QUICKER TO OMAHA HUUPO AND KANSAS CITT- PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, FREE fECUHlNC CHAIR CARS DINING CARS. For and general infr.i mation call on or address Curran Si Montelth, Albany , Oregon, or I W II HURLBURT.Asst.Gcn'l. Pass Aajt, 25s Washington St., PoiiiLANi.. Okboom FACE LIKE A BURN Bloody Water Oozed Out Constantly. No Peace Day or Night. Doctors Failed. Cured by Cutlcura. Tlvchilii's disease, which was the worst kind ol iiezoiua, started ouonochcek llkoa ringworm. it Biin-uil ami itched so tho poor little fellow had no peace night or day. Then it started on tho other cheek and chin, until alt were raw as a pieco of beefsteak, like a burn where you would rub off tho skin, and bloody water oozed out constantly. Ills suffcr- IBCS SSXSVI MUSIS inniF though he was but six months . old and could not tell how ha 1 1 led his hands that ho would not scratch, then he would rub his poor little cheeks on his shoulders to relievo the tnteuse itching. I had as good a doctor as was in Philadelphia, but he failed to relievo him. I read of the Cutici-raRkhkiuks, and at once purchased them. Strange to say that very night he rested without scratching his face.and from that on he Improved and soon was entirely cured. I would like anyone suffering from this terrible disease to see my boy, who is in his twelfth-year now. His complexion is as clear and smooth as can lie. This is an unsolicited testimonial, and every word is true. 1 thank God for my child's recovery, and 1 thank the manufacturer of Cctk-cra. .. Mrs. K. S. GAMBLE, 852 X. Forty-Second St., 1'hUadelphia. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS I An hare effected the most wonderful cures of torturing ami uisngir 'ng sum uuiwr ""r"' of Infants and children ever recorded, ihey affonl instant relief, ix-nilit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure when the best physicians and all other remedies fail. Sold throughout the world. Trice, CtmcfRA, tOc.; Soar, Joe.; Resolvent,!. Potter Dbuu axd Cm. Cort. Sole Proprietors, Boston. Sjy " How to Cure Skin Diseases," mailed free. DIDV'C Skinsnd Scalp purliled and beautified DAD I U by Curici'&a Soar. Abaoluuly pure. IF TIRED, ACHING, NERVOUS Mothers knew the comfort, strength and vitality in Cutlcura Anil-Cain Plaster, ihey would never be with out them. Motice for Publication, TJ. S Laso Office, Orkuon Crrr. Ob., July 11th, 1S93. Nctlcn Is hereby given tha. in OoOlpIl anea with the provisions of the act of Congress of Jane 3. 1878, entitled" An act for the sale of timber lanai in the states of California, Oregon, N irada and Wash intrton Territory," Uenr M Herbart, or Uroen Basin, county of Marion, state of Oregon. ha ttis day tiled inthisoffloe bis sworn statement No28T3.forthe rurchiss of the SlofNff Viec E i4 otN K J and N E i4'or S K i of section No M,to town ahip No lu Sonth rinse Sn S Eatt,and will offer proof to show that the land nought is more vs atble for its timber or stone than for ajric altura'. purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ot this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 114th day of January, 1S94 He nsuies as witnesses. Geo H Letellier. ol A osny. Oregon:Henry juseus.of Albany, Oregon, J r. Berry.of Berry .Oregon: U S Collver, of Orean Basin, Orego 1. Any and all prsou claiming adversely the) above described lands are requested to file the'r claims tn thisofflcn on or bi f ire said 24;h day of January 1894. RonERT A Miller. Register. Notice for Publication. u. ? Likd Ofeick, Okhjos CtTT, (K. July Ilth, 1S93. Notice is hereby glverr th it it compli ance with the provisions cftbe act cf Congrew of June 3, 1S7S, entltiedAn act fox the sale of timber lands in the states of Ca Ifomia, Oregan, Nevada rn Wash ington Territory," Albert 4 Collver, of Green Basin, county of Marion, state of : trregon. nastnisciiy nied in this oEice bis sworn lUtsnent No 2S74, for tne purchase of :h S E j of sect:ou Sn WwnshiD No 10 sou'h ranse No & tt. and will ofler prof t sh iw that tho land sought la more valuable for lu timber or ; stone than lor aeiierdtarai porpo and j to establisn bis claim to salai land hefor the Register aid Receiver of this office a iregon City. Oregon, on Wednesday , the 2ttn day of January, 1891. He nioisi as witnesses: Gao H Lete.iier, of Albany, I iregon; Henry Albany, Oregon: J L Berry.of Rerry .Oregon. H M Herbert, r,iu, q.-i r- . T .it i nftlMll R.oln riv Ann all .. claiming adversely tL above described ! laoas are requested to die tneir claims in ' this otnoe on or Jannsiy, 1894. before sss'd 24th day of A Miller, rtogiater. Notice for Publication U. S. Lajid Orrici at Obxuox Citv.Ob. Oct 2nd, 18U3 NUios is herehy given that io comphince : 'olComLf I June 3. 18,8, entitled "An set fortne (aleof 1 timber lands in the slakes of Calif orms. Ore- ' gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, ' i afra Mellie C'jiptnta, of Yaqnina, cnnty of (inlbo I or he purchase of the E 5 of S E j son 8E 1 J-4 o N E i of Sec 1 1 and N W i of S W $ of 1 j vctioa lio 12, 10 township No 10 8jnth BDge No! fcsst, and will offer proof to bow that the land rought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agriculture purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Orrgon.nn Tues day, tne 2od day of .laouary. 1S94. She names aa witnesses: DeWitt D nfo-th. of Detroit. Marion Co, Oregon, O Fox, t.1 De troit, Marioo Co Oregon, William L Lstnghead, of Green It sin, Marion C, Ore goo. Car. lie U Liob ad, of Albany. Lion ijo, Oregon. Any and all pe ton fMsBTSrS adversely the aliove d cribed land a-e re ijuested to file their c aims in thiaoflinon or before tail 2 J dav of laonarv, 1691. KjsbrtAMili er. Regis r Notice for Publication. U. S. Lano Ornez at Oseoov Citv.O r . Sept 29. h, 1893. . Notice is hereby givsu tbst in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1873, entitled 'An act f r the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Navada.and Washington leriltory,'' as extended to all the public laud states b act of Augut 4th, 1892, I nomas A Roe, of Berry, uounty of Marion, etat- of Oreioo,haa this day filed in this office his sworn state ment No 2919. for the purchase of the W 'A N W 8 28 sod S N K i of section Ko 29, in township J 1 S Ranga No 5 E, and w:!l offer proof to show that toe land sought is more valuable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural purpo-cs, and to stabiish bis claim to said land lx f ire the Register and li ceiv.r of this r.i!ve at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the siof-nd day of Ja'.ua' v, 1894. He oamej as wi oesies: W.llica W Caky, of Berry Ois, lobj C Rie.of Derryre, T E Rn , Beirj. O e, E V Smith, of Berry. t,r- Auv and si! person; claiming dvcr-i y ths- above lesciibed lands are req'ies'ed to Hie 'hei claims in this office on or bcfuis stid 2 id day of January, 1894. Robert A Miller, Bsfliitssi Aoexts VVASTKDonSalarYandCommigsioD for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Bioaraphy of JAMES G, BLAISE, b.v Cail Hamilton, his literary executor, with tlie opSVaSSWI of I is famiiy, snd f 11 Vlr. Hainc'e CompUt Wtsrstt, 1 Twivri Veabs or ( otiiKESs," s. d I is W'er be v, I'olitical DisccssioN " Due pfoepealSH fo' ihcse 3 BE T sellimi ho 'its in th.e mr set. A K V .1 .rdan of Mo. t. ok 112 orders from tii st HOosJls; ieiif', piotit $19(J 50. Mr- 1$ hard 1 f O. look 15 order. 13 -eai Kussia, in 1 el ; protit 82C.23. E N R o of Maa took 27 .rd-rs io 2 iis-.: p'otit 847. 25 J Patiidtre of Me tik 43 cyders from3Ccsll; ,,roiit $75.25 B A Pa'roer of N. Dab, loo. f3 n-iters in 3 lJ r .tit $98.25. Kxr.'Li'siivE Terhitouv ivn. II yon wi h t i m.kc LARUE Mt.KsiY tvri initnedia'clv for ti rm to Thellenrv Bill Pub. C..l.orwith.Coi:i ... - - . V A Wvs JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. sw p'ionw rorg sei'BBioa roa rAU AHTt OAKKKi JHT, 'AC! I, flKiS To aid DigsKtlon tsue OfM -rnu'.' B:leUosa Stttr cutiua;. tier LuMlla. tmtaL THE NEW YOltK RETURNS' Complete returns have net yet been re ceived from all the counties of New York, but those at hand licmons'.rate clearly that the democratic ticket was defeated on Tues day by the "siay at home" democrats. The returns Indies'. that the total vote cast on Tupsday will net exceed 931,000. The heaviest vole was for a judge of the court of appeals, ltarilelt (rep) b.u probably 1t,l polle 1 5to,0DJ and Maynsrd 42.1,000, in round immbeis of the t ial vote of oj 1,000. In I89I the total vole for president was t ,366,5 5. Cleveland polled 654,868 of this number ami Harrison 609 350. It wi I be seen, therefore, lhat while liarllett, the republican osadhlafes for lliu court of sp peals judgeship, ran only 99.350 votes behind llairigon tMiniatiiitf his ote at Slo.oool, Maynaia fell short 234,S6S of the votes cast for Cleveland. These ligurts tell the story ol Tuesday's election in a nutshell The democratic votcis of the state could not Lilng themselves to vote for Mainard and ihey would not vote the re publican ticket. They g ayed at home, and in infesting Maymrd mey defeated the whole state ticket. The falling of) In the democratic vote was ptincipally in the Interior counties above the Harlem tiver. In New York city the avtrsge vote was sbout the same as that cast Isst fall. The tota! vote for president in 1891 in New York was 204,984. Cleve land polled 175,2b, Uariison 98,967 and the prohibition, populist and social candi dates combined. 10,750 votes. Cleveland's plurality ov.i all was 65, 50. On Tued.y the Tammany ickel was elected by i.verag Sd mjjorUies cf 65,000. Maynard ran the local ticket between 40,000 and 45,000 votes, i owever. In Kings county the isue was fought out on popular lines and tne contest did not partake of a partisan character. In the counties below the Harlem river New York, Kings, Queens, Suffclk and Rich mond about democrats s:ajeda at home, so that in the ccumies above the llarl.m rUr th rmr nKlirans made thel mt i gales and the democrats lost throng thejf ". The fincial criu. ha. forced i nonvoting cf the party workers. The election in New Yoik city has spur red tne anti snappers on to great activity and it is probable that an ant) Tammany organization will be launched foith at once. The inability of Tammany to deliver Its rail quota of votes for Maynard has given the ami machine men great hope, nd they sav thev will have an inJependent ticket in the field next ; cir, both for Msyor snd Governor and probably for congressmen KCW VcRK-S USVtLlNa. The true and honest democrat cf .sew York have no reason to be discouraged by the result ot Tuesday's election. New York has experienced mcb waves of popular in- ( donation before this. Thev are the peo- 'pie's protest against corrupt boss rule, j They do not signify a change of political principle. New ork went democratic in 1S90 in the congressional campalgo and on the tariff issue by a p'urality cf nearly So, 000. Last year on li e same issue It csv; to Mr Cleveland a p'urahtv c.f 45 51S. v- -.i . 1 .; . . 1 New ork ' """' 5 i ' against a Machine that iu.uhs the intel- ligence and MsdetrC ol the people of .he It, mmJ ,K, - renuh.'Ciii I ul Mr Arthin a imtnistralusn ' was be.ievcd to have forced Secretary Fo. ger'a nominatioa for governor ia tSSi, sod the state wer.t democratic by to,2,S53 In ! lSSi however the demcratlc head oi the 1 1?0-. nwe er, tne uerr.o-rau, tieao o trie ncaet. Msycarj, was, as now, defeated on personal grounds. In 1S84 Mr Cleveland received a plu.ali y of uit.e more than iM7. The state was becoming democratic on the tariff question, but very sloaly, aud Ihe big majority cf iSSa did not indicate the real political convictions of i peop'.e. In iSSS the republicans cairled the state for presideot and lost 11. fcr Governor, but the democratic psrty recovered It fullv in . . ' t 869 ' Ncxt ,ear' lf lh,e dem0 : min- agers put their evil ways anJ iheir bad men behind them, nominate a gol ticket and derive wel, of liieir own party ihey W el'ct thr govsrr-or and the mjarlty of the congressional delegation. Till defeat means nothing to democracy. It means whole volumes to the bora: of both parties. NO CHANGE IB !E si IMKNT- When coJgrese meets nest month tbe demoera's in that body should proceed at once to ihe fiiliillment of the pledges made to the people in the democratic platform one year ago. Cleveland and the democratic memijers of congress were elected on tha platform. The stafcia declared for tarif) refarm, for an hooest dollar an' for the es tojiple of fnuJuleot pensions. While other dec'aratlons were embodied these were ant 1: the principal ones. The people mere opposed to tariff robbery then and 'hey ate opposed to it just as much today; tbey were opposed to a spurious currency theo an 1 thev are opposed to It today; they were opposed to fraudulent pensions then and they are opposed to fraudulent pensions now. There has bten no change in senti ment on these i'sues. The tidal way; of Tuesday was not u protest against the fu fillmcnt of tntse pledges. Nor is it likely ,. , . . . , K ' 1 u"ely I that it will bt treated as an apieil for sus- pension in jiagmeni o; me men who are clothed with authority to act. The land slide of 'l uesdsy i but a drop in the bucket CJmpnfCd with the avalanche of 1893. when a republican mijorlty in congress was pats ion.i'e y uiped out of esUtence and a much larger democratic nijority crested. The democrats have only to discharge their ob ligation bf dilve the roots of the party derer into the continence of Ihe people. The people have asked for relief fiom re publican legislation. Tht rell.-f has not t vet been given them. Let this be dene and out of the gloom ! oday will iie d'tno ciatic victory thai wid wipe away every semblance of repnt.licaniam. PW up 111 ntcn-shuiierl boll icsLSunr essiutl. HiiaU. riV, Ueuns. Sic iir lettiu. Gladstone has A clear Head WHY? Because he follows these rules: "Keep the head cool, thefeet warm, and the bowels open." You can have a clear head and live to he ninety if you do the same thing. When the bowels fail to move dur ing the day take on retiring two Smith's Iiilc Beans. Their action is so mild that you arc not aware of it. All day your mind wilt be clear and cool. "Not a gripe ia a barrel of them." Ask for . mail siae. Take no substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans ! ! ACADEMY - OF Uay of Pernfltnal Help 1 j NOW IXHtTAJtirr REFORM The result of the elections does not sig nify that the people have turned against wiso tariff reform such as Mr Oleve'and, Mr Carlisle and Mr W ilson may be trusted to stnetion. The tariff question was made prominent in but two or three state elections, and in Ohio more than anywhere e'se. There the republicans appear to have succeeded in their trick of ascribing to impending tariff reform the hard times which followed ;s a logic it consequence the discovery that the national treasury could not maintain and protect a safe gold reserve wbi'e purchns ,ng 4,500,000 ounces of useless pig silver every nioct'i. It would be a grave blunder in sUtes maisliip to postpone or minimize tariff reform because McKinley, a cslogizer of the silvjr purchasing act, has temporarily foiled the people of Ohio concerning Hit real cause of any existing hardship. Tho way to cure this delusion is to make tariff reform a fact as soon as possible- In ; a political sense reform is more urgtn now 1 than before the elections. The people who . ! have been deceived by crafty uusrepresen- tations of the mono opolist. of tariff bounUes -it, hv nchial ,ri -ivea o actual experi- . can best be undec 1 once of the advan'ages of living without a I tax on nearly every article they have to j purchase. Democrats believe that constitutional taxation for revenuo only, as a substitute for the republican protection of favored classes in levying tribute for their own profit upon all the people, will promo'o the common welfare. If they do not believe it they have asked for power to make such a . ' change en false pretenses. If they do be bey might make the change. lieve it, having been given the pwer ex- ihey mast make it or be forever discredited. If thev are riirht the chanire cannot be effected too soon. 1U operation will make .... . , , , conditions of prosperity and blessing against which the McKinlev tribe of st.ites men will rail in Tain. Ex-Speaker Keed says the demociats' "dare not" reduce Ihe tariff Tbey dare not fail to do it. All the conditions are favorable for a ,aauj,v- . W uihiulioi ll.. H i '. u , , .. , , ... liquidation of infl.ted and speculative ven- tures of alt kinds. We are as near the olid foundations of business as we often get. It 1 an ideal time for the readjust -' ment of all old business and the beginning ' of business in adaptation to new condi 1 Hons. The repeal of the McKinlev tariff, like j , . . ,uc ,crTr luc ; law, is something to be done promptly t business demands to know and has a right ; to know what it is to expect. DEBOCKsYTV DII'KD. j The DaslocaaT took occasion to remark a few days ago that the repubhranlos Iowa ' and the west snd notthweit generally wbo ; claim lhat they had left their pvty and be j come populist duri'g the last ear had ibis j )eat gone back and voted the republican 1 ticaet. A 'ate copy ot the Council Ulutf, I ddy Globe varifie. oui statement. Here ' aat ' says: Tn; face of the returns in Ioa show tha . j very sew republicans wno pioiesvej to or . ' populists roten the popaiiM ticket The tn " j creases in the vote for 'a kon com; a red with tie deceases ia the Jemocrat vote tor Boies taken ia connection with the fact that the popalists made a gain, goes 10 tho that ihe rennM-io rnnii.r. ... ,oi., I . . r . onewavand quietly voted another The popoli.ts would no -'out have made ccosid : erable of a gain had the republican member ' ,nJU Pa'iy voiea at ttiey la ked. icr it i I "Uenl UP, lt:e " 01 ,he t,c,lon re,u 1 that mans .ImAnl, ni m nn- , uiists. But it is tho taoe old story. A re- j put Hcsn ts a repabtlcan and though he miy t V" f"1 no, J4 " Jr : ftlher Saw- .1.- l.-vrs ,Ur t.aa. a pesSSMlslswsa 1 r.. - , srBWBsstBwsBa b i-s. an as .ri -j.ivsii ( and vote the ticket straight. On the other 'si a oemncrat is a oemxrm until ne te- com smeihi-.g else an,! when he change be Is tipe to his new convictions. Man democrats voted the populist ticket because ihey believed in tbe popultstsc pricciples and because they were led to believe that republican who p.ofessed to believe the same wsy wojld vote lhat was. The dem ocrats tot tooled te usual. Tbey went to thjp..;. vfedihe pofullsl ticket, while their republic kisast ro'el th bsssaMlasaa 1 iw 1 tielet. It would see nr. that the democrats j who have gone over to the populists would' ! sooner or later discover tSal thry have been ' duped by republicans. . Both Morning snd livening Oreroaiitn are much concerned about what the presi dent will rccommfnd to congress 00 the tsiitT question The Evening etjl'ion says: "We have an idea lite tretlrnt will ad vocate free rw material, but will insist that tbe highest protection shall be gives to he manufacturing monopolie.' Now this idea being borrowed bodily by the Evening Oregom'an lrjtn the Morning Orsyoswis the former .Wl I l .1 K .. -- r v ' sta vvw'Usili "VUCi j have given the latter dedit. brethren (brothers,) - u ha ing. Men and fair c'eal- The editor of the Evening Oregonias ( TWegia) is muci concerned because be think Cleveland wan to retore Jjeen Liiluokalaol. the nigger queen, to her thrgneof Hawaii. And vet this same ed itor wants to annex the nigger queen and her dominions to the United States. Met aphorically speaking he wants to embrace her. Veiily there is no accoun'ing fcr tastes among men , vZX V .,r e" York snd Chicago repudiated their party. Stlein Journal. Sorry the decent and intelligent republi cans of Inwa had not the tr.orsl sense to re pndiste their psrty for putting pp such s man as Jackson for govern v who w far more objectionable than Maynard. Sunday Welcome: Don't worry about the "extermination" ol the demicratlc psrty It has been ex'eimlnatet n great many times before ihi disfigurement. Its prin ciple of right and justice are at! endurirg. Tbey csnaot. will not, die. Great deewbilikins! What a racket the republicans are making because they car ried an election or two in an "off year." However, as it has been some time since ihey carried .anything they ought to be Mcused for their jubilation Eugene Giiai it. During July there was exported from tbe United States S.G70.4O7 ounces silver bul lion, and during August .'?.i 18.447 ounces. Smoking carriages for woman have been placed on Russian railways from complaints that the non-smoking carriages were all tainted with cigarette smoke. Nearly ail of tbe chamois skin in this market is made of sheep skin or goat skin from England and France. Tiieic sre in England 500s women gar deners, nd worren pluml.ers and 345 women dun lists. Tiie preliminary surveys for lh; Paclfi: Rulway require I four seasotp, and cost over $1,000,000, ; be I WHO does your washing? It is noiHtayou senu 11 to tho Albany Steam I Iianndry.thus patronizing a first-clais lioins 1 i . . . ... I : institution mat employs only white labor. I Tl... 1m 1 ' 1 I , , . .. frthion of the loud Hinellino' CMnrf.inl wn.b. I 1 111' Ml K H 11 l H'tKK I lir IHI r tli il nltW Ml. ing, but on account of the superior manner , 111 which it is done. 1 HONK A II It .Mil THURSDAY Vstmsslc.r Pendleton, of Sprsgue, Wash- K'on, is $3500 short in his scocuits. Mum Is very nomilor nnjvailavs. In fac. runs things. Her first name Is Chrysanthe. at. I . . . . . 1 urn an licvs lias nurc haseii 1 he 1 Telescope and will publish an evening .1.,,,, , , , . : . daily beglning In a few days, wlih the oui aay lelescope as Its weekly edition 1 he insurance: 011 the destroyed mill i,rnn- ..i In. (mawii... ..r j ...,,t ,,. ,! f. ; in , .... vau vw aiocii in iuii ... 1 ... ... . r t-dns t Son, w II recti vs the monev. The 'M " w wiui 'i mnw iii ernrrierora. m lusursnce on the mschincrv was for f5 200 and J4, SOOwitha baildincs in.ikii e a torai of $ Guard. S W R Jones, now commonly known I s Faiii.t-r" Junes, has rsi,.,si from h-okomo. l id. to his home near Brooks. He hat been East for seme time and re turns West at ibis time to look up a $5, 000 note that he savs has teen forged against him Statesman. FRIDAY ' One of the social events of the week was an aitemp'ed tlooement. Mr Als'ead of Harriiborc will soon ouen a poik packing est ibltshmeat in that city. Ths f . inevilla Nea s propose, to sun a lot rf I 7 " V'S My' f. " 1,k eo Cochrsn of Tsngenl hat Mt at this olhoe a sample of the kind of uota'oas he raises 00 his tarm. Two of tbem weighed eight pounds. The total taxable p-opeity c f Lane connty under the new aaseatment roll is $7,100,246 Ths decrease in the gross value of nropetty was $819,970. One of occupants of t ie O F temple had aoms rails titlld tn kj . ,. I. . , ,i:. stove. The raits were made into a genuine old fashioned fsnce sad the sign, "This farm for sail." planed on it. The joke was appre aiiM ana oiusen owd.rable amus rr ent f..,il t th. .;.. .1 .1... 1 1 jnis? tTolV'V ff' -fu! ... . u, ihhiv Prank M Parsons, of Linn county, and M ss Melissa A Faulkner, of Crook coantv. A aafJ'T ot 11 tends and relatives wore p:-emt and alter the ceremony all were treated to a ; w,, pren,rel4ir ner.'-P.ineviil .Xam.. : . . . (JeoT Hall JcSnn this week bsve nnr phased and shipped the following hops: 79 biles (rout FUyb Howard of lacclioo, a lot of May & .-verniers ot nsiriabur?, also won stotmant , Mr KsoofT and threw enps from S H Frieod !' warehouse, in all three carload. Mr Hal', Jr. 'mft on ti.e overland this mrirnioB for f urtland to shin a ca- from that ntaoa. . . - - i ne prices pud tor ths at ore hop were frcra . 12i e,t u ,J ,6 ctoU fet oonUv.i;d. A big agiicult irai pap-r offers $59 a wwe esuily ssjrured and the topers promptly yeai for life and several other prlxes to ' returned to Washington. He expects to as ihe one answering the following con un- ume the duties of his office by the 1st of drum correctly fit st: "Brother and at- I lecember. Record. Mr Brnnk is one of ter have I none, but that nun's (, he I the old Albany boys of the 70'. prisoner's) father i ray father' son." In order 10 compete It It necetaarv to send a 1 ao,r for subscription. Te fake consist j In the tact that any one e can answer 11 . ng like fish. They people bi.e at such thin are ihe rt k r.J of frauds 11111111 1 People art bound to hear Aivln Joln. An attempt it being made again prove that President Clevelsnd is III. Heal quarters for Scth snd clocks at French's jewe'rv store The boss plsce to buv "Boas" waut j case is at Ihe boss jewelry store cor First j snd Ferry sta. : D Remember Prof H" oi. c t c r: Uocdsy aigh:. TfS program is n r-eliett. sn i : .: c i gt vest ia tall un Monday. F A Say lor is the new president of the Junction Cl'y fire depart ment. He it a brothe' ol Al Say tat of this city. At the Building ft Loan Association last evening S 1 200 was loaned to J Q Crawford at 96 months Interest In advance. Ml lint rr at your own price. Ug stock, latest stjlea. only 10 dsys Call at Mr Turner at Biink Furniture stove. Olives In Bulk, saner kraut. rr.Ised Pickles, chow chow, cranberries, lerros. i.isn i.nniisT, ino n: riuini 11 t t Browne!'. Ths rrvlii ias tie roblisb a pietarw af.a sr-w . . . . . a . ci tin u u toot tss.i taw as. as (rail as s dctat'ed aeeaant of the game iiilsaw'j pUd with Albany A smell wreck this morning at Yo or al la caused the delay of the overland a coupie hours. A coople coaches were derailed and werj left behind. vr. ... ..Ill t:i ts j- ... ' '" r" W '"J'e -TOU 10 evsmlne the Re'il, Peacock St Co goods and prices Mr Jcho Wallace ha opened s sew groor y st ire os Mass strssst in IM third ward . Mr Worley is also rondos: a jtrccry there 9 Arangtmen s are brtsc read for the stah - ,. . . - M""8" tst irli.t thee, ! The oninr of the Unite! Stat btrjms; to sew ho, much Ising thev cs Aa ' 'r tsgemes to rir new. they ar ' Pvancine by tho wtoiawsie. Near h'' he news Hsf ths fake character. I The O. P. want to eharee the V V steamerf; eTnl-occaona! v for Sanding at the lormer' docs. The Statesman uses about a column a day to co.ivev tLU news to Ihe pec pie. Democrat. r to co.u ev thU lOCra, hi Davidson affirms that Ihe man wb- trc.p. sso. upon h! turnip patch h. -Li. Z r u , ,l,Uk" The Women Mi i rary Society of O.k- viile will give a li". arv ertertaicrcsct aod eyster tapper st th L P charc i oa ihe ever- . . . T V A a . - ss AA r a r 1 "I " 5" leW r . Mierisismw: Trsiji Oval et 23 cents di.h. Cjrns every body. Chi A Bowker, formerly a brakeman on the 5 P K R. was found auiltv In Port Mjrm,; for pro- curing criminal operation performr . I one rieien t, Wilson, which cau d ladv's death. 1 C lifornla teems to 5-e the di -nnina of the unemployed. Thee cold nlghls e arc having- Is crouch to make ,he 'ou',, fly towards the sunnv climate 01 ;ne i. olden tiate s'a'c. Ahut!50of them passed through Albany In two .... A few days ago 1. Z Brardaltj. the lumber desler, made ' asdgnment for the benefit of hi creditorsfto Peter Hume. Assets sr.- placed at 44000 and liabilities, $7000. Koseburg Review. When the Eugene mill burned the books showed the amount of wheat stored to be t6,6jS bushels. This is a very poor showing compared with the amount re ceived st this place. Wc have three ele vator here and each one received on an average more than four limes the amount s'ored 'n ihe Eugene mill. Junction Citv Tmes RkxiQfutni SgBTtCEc. Serviits at the Presbyteriun church as follows : Pretvcliin? by the pastor at 11am. subject. "Disci pline and IVvelopment." Sabbath sclio.. at 12:15 p m. Junior C E meeting 4 p ui, V PJSCE at 11.45 p w. The conifregation win unite m we evening in Uie union meeting to lie held at tha M E church. At the United Presbyterian 1 hmvh there will lie preaching in the m-niniL' bj Kev Bill y I.itllo. 8. ., Jr. nnd Bt. Y P 80 E us usual. No services in the evening tn account of the union meeting. Tomorrow at 4 o'clock l'mf CII Hon-. i vnAr W'" m,,luct tho men's meeting in the 1 M C A Hall. Members nre earnestly re quested to be present In the evening a union service will be held in tho M E chunh. Kev V A Trow will mate tho principal address. Our new Y M C A orchestra will lead the mosift Ws hopo every young man that can will Ik- present Ihe public is invited. Uniyersr.list services at I'ean e Memoriul Cbuna nt ll a m by Rev (i II Allen. All cordially invited. There Is mere Catarrh in tV.i nceticn cf the country than all other diseases put tnpeiher, and u nt 11 tbo last few year was supposed to he incurable. For a great many vears dectors pro nounced It a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falllnn to cure with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Sci ence has proven catarrh to oe 'a constitutional disease, and, therefore, requires constitutional .(oauueuv. nan catarrh ('are, manufactured y , tfheney Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken Internally In dose from 10 drops ton teaspoon fnl. It acts directly on the blood nnd mucous surfaces iof the system. Thc ofler one hundred liars for any case It fails' t . cure. Send for asrculara and testininnl.sls. Aditrsss, F. J. CHEN K V & CO. , Toledo, O. m ,-u,.l.l 1... ,. , . ww " wruggltM, 75C, - . , , - HORN, - HUGHES. On Saturday forenoon' j Nov 18, 18i):t, to Mr and Mrs Leo Huirhes. ' Orleans precinct, an 11 pound girl. ! All doing well. MHIillM) I'l.ilMlMI FRIDAY. W C Twoedale went to Newport to-day for a rhort outing. Mrs U Uilvnti. of BDgene is in the city the guest of her father, Hen It A Irvine. Mr Kiv,! Heiulnnion ;1 n.,i,l,m ,.f t II..,, V , T' . I inr BBTarai mnnms. i:u imnn 1,1 (i,l ,. ., i!.ii,., ,:i 1 , . ' . "'.j ,v.,,..T iuhi v.uiiienui, ireizon s three fastest foot racers, were in t,n . ,t I.,- day. I n r .i... vt. ......... vi me iiarnsimrg .ouner , ,,vn ti. (..:.. .1... 1 1 ........... v. ,,, iij-,,,!, ijun,4 m. . i ; .. m, 1 lie. it ! titTiil . Wtarned to (.ennany wl. , . t-.0W,000 of American money, it is said to stay. 1 ! JesM Hu8cl? the Kugene City jail fer , lagnmcy broke out Wedm-iday night and escaped. She was assisted in the ojieration by outsiders. Miss Kate Briggs went to Portland to day, when; she will Ins the truest of Mr MWOBttJoBM. Mr Jones is now working in tne tnamiier 01 commerce barber shop. Last evening a pleasant birthday party was given at the residence of Mr M Baum gaurt in honor of the 1 1th birthday of Miss iheresa .Nearly thirty children tpeB -,.,11 uvui, viijvjf Amy . J G Crawford, Uie photographer ref urned ' last nifht fronl P ! ,h 'e toward Mt Jefferson, getting i some excellent views, some taken over 4000 grandest scenerv is around the section visit- ed by Mr Crawford and hence his views will lie of general interest saTt aiJAT Miss 1 gnat 7. Vox is in Kllensburg on a visit with hor as:. , asi r ,. ...... , I noon ,rom a mP tu l ortiaiid. ! Mrs T J fHites went to Oakland this noon to vist her sister Mrs K H Henderson. j Dr R Ci irk. of Portland, of the well- ' imwM .K.l.u - . .si ; Kiiv.u auu iciwiiic i unmi; aiuijauiv is hi I wi" a noon, where sb will visit with her sister, Mrs Matilda Churchill, for a few days. License was issued this afternoon for the marriage of Mr Will K Chandler, of Cor - vallii, and Miss Clara Read of Albany. Rev ; B Allen, of Oakland. Cal.. who visited our city last Sept arrived on this - - : t. i i .. - . . . .: . . 1. 1 1 t our city IM MMBM ng s train. It is hts mtenUon to take t of th I niyersalut church work in y and vicinity. niui iiiiiK i iiarm' Alliany W H Drunk receive, 1 bis appuinUnent as ! rmstinaster of A'hland the first of th wft-k 1 , - " ' ' I 1 Mr Mrunk being a man m whom everyone i hi. tho uUnostconfiden.. his IxmdsWn i Thirteen bachelors were given a party at the reaidenro of Mr 8 S Train Thnra , day evening. Regardless of the unlncky 1 namuer tne auair was a iio'iiitig tucctts. ; j Owl badges were presented the guettsj ; lota were cast to tee who should break the unlucky number by marriage. Ap propriate Sbakepearean quotations and pen etciiinge 'ne ov .si;se nose train ; did mueh to console the men for their an to happy lot in life. Whist and mnticwere the oruer oi the evening, seasoned by a delicioas lanch. Those present sere Joe Whitney, in whose honor the party was given, w alter Peacock, Will Uriel, Bill Msriman, Jim WiUon, Cur- Winn, Jack Camming, Ed Cusick. Hues Wvatt, Percy Kelley Phil Goodman, Arthur Porter, and Ezra Horton Wl Mi ls year conscience clur this Saturday evening. The Nw England Building A Loan In ; v.tnrent Co.. of Portland, has su.nded. after an eti-tennp ci two years. It ought to have snnsendesl before it startesl. It was never entitled to any confident?. This is j the association the notorious John Avers , was attonie; for. and finally a!conded with a Urg- amount of other pciJes coprrty. One ol tbe .real curses of tte day is j ''raUire.whether in book or newspaper 1 miii, nisi iv sssspiie up m 1 ne trasny ' events in society, feeding on sensation. Vulgar nodernesuh tbe lines, it panders ; to sensuality, and dram tbe hoes and rirls downward, as well as older people' laMMM Kv it 1 arf Mwul I , . . f , i . ; wants pare sugar. ootvcr , cone, and tea. "uchore imPoVtant that the j young people get pure mental food. Down . on the printers ink that debases. A wideawake Ex ssvs: And njsr iher , -I, r- , r 1 . . . . i l' uiraun none wm. 101. rnsi .machine. Oar two O P"s the Oregon rmc ma iiregan i-er.norer are Indus I trious adver:i.eis Eoine of tbe fenniest items that ar-oear in toe paper aro inoe rea-lmir "Ihe happrost . here, and if it is not nun in town is Mr So and SO. Cam. n'd to th i Imy. Prolssblr the nKwt uiiseralde man ' , . .. . . I tiere is a delicate cas pending in t . Inrtlfrt1 C'rfrt A vnnnif b-....-,m wL, broke her leg 51 'bat hi eiivwivo awkwanlness was I A man hail three daughters who ruled him with a rod of iron. Weary of this tvrannv. lie ashsri iaaal in tha t ., wjfe. Xext day be reeeiv-d three replie- ciir mmi earn or tne tnree daugtiter . I ?3ES?SZ-T. I nrotiriate n whole monntnin f..r Innm pos. Valley towns wonld very prxjxTlv 1 kick if we were to call the three wh lie nsiM in the eaat. cue cf the prettiest sights . :i t)w oast. The Throe Albany Sisters. Xejct spring our taxes will all be paid in a lump, county, city and school, and hence Uie lump will seem big. At the last rates last rates for county . . . tBfjf would foot up. IS mill and state. B for city nni. 4 for city schools un een .so nuns. int. will in.ti,il.iv M n-- lnced to 27 mill? or 23 without a school tat. Hie Scio Press says thai Jac ob IIuIkt, school direrfor of the Jordan district and others are couitemplating an effort to 111 ike t ounty Ireasurer Wallace furnish the money for school purposes tied up in the I.inn County Hank. This would not hasten iiiatt?rs at all. The money will be distrib uted just as soon as Uie checks are received from the Comptroller, which should have lieon before this. There is now. Uie Dkbc- i hat is informed nbout ftiO.COO in the bank, so that the treasurers deposit is entirely safe. It is a different kind of a case entirely from that of money deposited with Hamilton V job of Corvailis. mills of TDK i n 1 .1 K Su 'ivar, Secret iry'J f the Amateur Athletic Conui, President cf ton Pat time Athletio Club, and Ath'etia Editor of The Sportinj times, writ s: "For yara I have been actively connect ed with athletic sports. 1 always found it to my advantage to us Altooek' t'oions Piasters while in training, as tbey quic ;l i move soreness and stiffness; 01J when attacked with any kind of pains, the result of alight eoldi, I always used Allenck s with beneficial result. I htve noticed i . - .1 1 . .. . . - nisi most atnietes 01 tne present day i: e notbini; ulse but AUoock's Plastira.' la Olden Tlates People overloo'eJ the Importance of per manently beneficial effects and wer-' nat!- nsd with transient actions, but now that it Is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently cure habitual con-.tl1iailtm, well-informed people will not .mv other laxatives, which act for but a time,' but fin ally Injnre the system. KB HEBE l'aiker I'rof, grocer. 1. M. French keeps railroad time. liny your groceries of Parker Bros S ine groceries at Conn & llendriosoa's. Haw cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Plinn Block, does first class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent gar st Julius Joseph's. Dr M II Ellis, ohysiolao and surgeon iliuu ,.,,, I'.ll. ... 1 . I- Albany, Ore too ' 111, uia It) 111 oity'or country. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A Bay of Hspe . Astoria. Nov 17. Astorians are all agog over still another proposition to give ! this city transcontinental railroad conni tion, and as usual a very large rex-tion of tlu. mummumII. i;.,i, .j uiim l:i it I- :i snrA thing. It is certainly a proposal that I aunds like business, however. J C Stan- i ton and J S Smith, both New York capital-1 ist. and both rated well in Hradstreet's, canirf down to this citv roine week mma to 1 look over the country. Tbev were brought I nere ironi .ew l orK hy Waller t. nmltli and E A oetUf, of Portland, and went hy a He had the animal in a car away seemingly pleased with their trip. rail, and in an endeavor to conrjner it A tMBtM Arrldeat. Haleton, Pa, Nov 17 The Ifcaver swasvw itrancn 01 me u.-Dlgli alley rail road was today ihe scene of a thrilling ac cideiit. A I,., 'it foreman Kck and six Hun garian laborers bsarded a hand car. Half way down the steep irrade the brake chain 1 brok. Like a flash the truck ran down the mountain siihv i'mm ii .. ,..1 t , i.i.ri, embankment the truck, with its human lod, was precipitated to the bottou Unk, 800 feet below. Andrew Koitz was taken from the wreck dead. Mik. Moritv was faally wounded. Foreman Kck sustained severe contusions on the body and lied, and Joe Taotsin had his leirs broken and i bead cut. The other men cscaivd with. severe, but not dangerous wounds. I , .. " v. . , . San ' Aciaco, Nov 17 A Eale of the hurricane order swept over the city last j night, doing considerable damage on shore as well as along the wa?er front. The' , Hawaiian building at the midwinter fair ! frroutvij. which is in .nurse r if construrllnn. was derr.olished bv the wind. A number of i ui7e p'Jt am in cii 111c aim cieaico toil- Is'ernaiion b drifting about among the i... .. . "T. . .... I " . I t I , I I ried awav her monMnes and dril-.ed aeainat the wharf ued by the fishermen wrecltinK 1 . ... . . ' . . numucri oi f ma.i noais ano cea.roving tne 'nsl of the wharf. A number of freight , , . . . . . . , . suvos aung u e iroti vkeic tiown cov.n. Chicaco. Nov rj -In vie of the large ; 1 number of murderous burglaries and rob teties, order have been issued by the chief 1 ot police to put a s'0;j to streetwalkers. To ItaBs end, policemen in citizens' clothes ' , will patrol tbe new stree".. . yMU of , arul $ , m eve,v Uo , .Bd t0 ei, co ;r-. J, ' will ratro! the new stree's. and between the person out will to civ ; an ac- cc.e rrataMr a 1 :i. El 1'aso. Tes. Nov Latest derrlop- 1 ' roent in the Mexicaa revolution is ihat a i bjttie occurred tidav somewbeic near i ra'omas. But this is only because it was so planned, and tct on secewn: of any news. The Metlrsn counsel today present ed to the district jade the names of people living in this country that t''-e LMz gcvern- - ; ment wants anested 00 the charge of vio- latjon of neutrality law. A Trajrtlj. Deadwooo, S D. Nov 16. One of the roost horrible tragedies known in the his tory of the Hiack Hit's occurred at noon today in Saw Pit gulch, two mile west of this city Joseph Tha. an Italian, was married a jear ago to bis cousin. Josoco Tametta. A few months la!T hi wife left him and made her home at her coot ins ' Tha today went to Taxnerta house con stderably under tbe inflnecce c-f liquor, and soon af'er shots weie beard Nothing was thought of it. however, until a peddler rapped at toe door, and receiving no reply bat bearing groans from within, be enter ed. Lvins around tne room an. id a horri- i ble confusion of broken and sra'utf i fornt- tnre. -'ay Mrs Tha. shot through the mouth 1 i Tametta. ith a bullet in hi breast, and Mn Time'.ta with a frightf jl gah in ber I torebesul. innietet with si ax. a!, suil in - death. In tbe wood-hed Tha lay g.aptng I t breat.T wnn a tuiset through bis Isead. A New Sftlraw. Wismyerox. Not IC Mr Eckel. con'ro lev of of tbe currency, expects to hare his report finished by the end of the week. It is exnes-tad that amnnr ctr th'ngs be will recommend a system by u : -i 1 : 1 1 l. . 1 .1 sail iuiiudsi uut currency may taae ice BsssBI of all others in existence, the purpose being to allow national bin;- to deposit.' in addition to bond, gold and silver and treasury notes and cert iSca tew: and to issue bank note at the par ralne of alt deposit in the treasury. .&. M Br Be:a4 Caicaoo. Sot IS. Tbe-e wili be a hard struggle for tbe rcvu of ti.e 10 Siberian refugees jaiied at I rancisco. Tbe society of Am r loans for Rossian freedom has engaged a' 'e cansel to go to San Francisco to aid in 'be defense ol the pris- t t Bank. Cortaixj-i. Nov 16 Kumirs are afloat that steps ar- ha bt taken toward t.rsBoK a bank in thn building fcirrner'y ocenpiesi by ' HamiltoD Job A. Co. It will' l tbe pur- to start a nations' ban with a cspita' 1 of fiw.000. Aboal Ol con'd be raised fault will be I money ru ukei . . .- .tjuiiiii in it. rr ' l . i 1,1.1 Nbw Yoke. Nov 16 -A crow J of f uSZfcZ& 3CsJ to HW seafaring men this tuormnir at 2y 21 Sooth street. i r? us .- a-i -. - 1 ss-yiaig s wriDDiiife, wPltirettt Viller Point and ! cuse y guarded bv tw.i guards, who would I j , i, . .. . . imiit anew one man at a time to go np. j stairs. Tbe men. it was state', are signing j articles far the voyage. Eslrasrsllaary fowrrt New York special says: Nov 16. A Washington "In anticipation of the condition cf which would arise should tbe t r 1 wsiona! government cive Willis his oass- ports. the administration has adopted the extraordinary course of providing him wi'h , independent authority to command the naval forces in the harbor of Honolulu." A Darlsg Bsbbery CniCACo. Nov 15. John A Drske. treasurer of the Indiana. Illinois A. Iowa j ay lompany, was sandbagged and robbed of 2O.0tA) in tbe office of the com- i 1 ....... ... a r . , n . I isasir. on uie uinm NW fW ipe SjBSSBJTyi buildintr. at 7 o'c'ock todsv. Mr Drake had the money in a little hand satchel and ; I was prepansg to go out on the rosd to pay tne employes. 110 had tirst placed tne cash j office, when two T.en sto'e up behind him ' and felle.1 him to !!... ll blows cn the held. CONSTIPATION Ifl called the "Father of Diseases." It is caused by a Torpid Liter, and is generally accompanied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Eft. To treat constipation successfully It is a mild laxative and a tonic to tho digestivo organs. By taking Simmoua Liver Regulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "My wife was sorely distressed with Coosti stipa- Piiei. ion ana coughing, rollosred wilh Bleeding liter four months use of Simmons Liver Regulator he is almost entirely relieved, gaining strength ind flesh." W. B. Lrsns, Del.w.ire, Ohio. M-KVEIVr PACKAGE- ! Haa our Stamp In red oa wrapper. J. 11. XE1US t CO., I'nUadelvlila, fV REVERE HOUSE LL6ANY - OREGM AS. PFKlFFEKieROPrslKTOB Tte Mexleaa Berelatlaa O Ki, Paro, Tex, Nov 15. -The Mexican j revolutionists, instead of attacking Cindad de Juarez, as has been daily expected, bare ( evadel the federal troops from ChUiuabna ! and Case Orands and bare taken Asconsioc I and ComaMlis. Americans wbo were or i dered out of Ascension by the revolutionists ! are seeking safety at Oeeming, N M Diaz' j Mormon colonists, located near lake Palo- mas, just across the border, have lasen or dered to abadon their homes. Isfeked in Death Ku.KSBiK'K'i. Wash, Nov 15. Osnan ! Spear, a yonng man about 19 years of age . ,,, ,. . ...... i ; sasss last nignt as a resnu or ooinir aicaeu siappn tne norn witn a -i. in uusww. as i kicked him, striking pear in tne side or i the head, cutting off a part of one we. crashing the skuM and driving rori into the brain, ncs He never re ;overed con cions- , Celeallals led BaXBB Citt, Or, Nov 15. The Cbinse -ition h.ind- m t:.-- einnlov of the I r ,11 ; Pacific railroad at Hurkee wer.? d iven y 'rom there yesterday by tue white 1 residents. The Mongolians have taken up their a'ode in this city, where tbey feel safe Mr Id lp bf Oar Ha a Ukuii, Cal, Nov 15 Tne overland j stage was robbed this morning at 1 1 o'clock , five north of Ukiah. by a lone high l wayman. He had on blue overalls a I .1 i . j L I L I .1 .L 1 I cotton mask, and a deuble barreled shot gun. The amount of treasure aboard 1 j not known . The passengers were stmo j tested. ... . irfvr J IDI r 1 i Montevideo, Nov 15. News has reach-; i ed here from Rio to the effec that Des- i terro. the capital ot the provuiionai govern ' men. ".ias been rtcaineJ by Prwi-'ent Peix , ..... llanuril r.w.ll'. f .1 , ',1 , r If. . f r TI-t-3 claims a victory over President, of Hesterro, after a sharp engagement. XW'.h'a Cure, tne great cough and crenp c i" , is for sale by u. Pocket size contain wnty-riv doe,on!y 25c. Children lave it abay at Mason. IN GLASS. 1 That's the tray Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel let! come. : And it's a more important point! than yoa think. It keeps them al- -ways fresh and re- : liable, unlike the ordinary pills in cheap wooden or f .MM parte board boxes. They're pot np ta a better war, and tbey act in a better way, than the huge, old- fasLioned pills. No griping, no violence, no reac- tion afterward that sometimes leaves yon worse off than before. In that way, they core permanently. Sick Headache, Bihoas Headache, Constipation, In digestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels are prevented, relieved, and cured. They're tinv. sntrar-coated trran- , rje. a compomd of refined aad : concentrated v egetable extracts the smallest in size, tbe easiest to take, and cheapest pill yoa can bay, for they're guaranteed to give satis ! j ' faction, or your money is retanied. V 1- r - ,k 7 a.u i-js win 1 ifi iijc- uirvjt uu Keu rbern - M0xag ufcenrto ssb'sbbI , 0 J ' at aood. i as Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy Cores Catarrh n the Head. THE WEBF00T R0DTE Oiegon Priic Haiiiodd. W W UMEf Breesvyr. f ::K :n.DrLlt. SSSSSfJ 8nsU.ra.i , Uv Atbam it e S".t 1 baasraO .:Ls Tv-oim, ; a. vsaPi. l-1l. liasq Oervanikis -1. im'- stsiy.1t:' a. H . Tiaras. ti J . D,rect L" . Quick Dispatch I n,M FrPht R.ites. orEvv n: vie v; r sas rsasrssro srrjanreti y;icT. x.. k.iuh,m) raoa rariTs. WStaasttt yaUT, -h. lUiasd SSth. !h Cosnpa'"- "w (be nr.t "angessX n; da'-o -'Ibout notice. RiTER NTKAMCKS . tctaaiei '-H,iy" lesres Pjcllavi Wjdir4y Saturuar a a. ass It C DaT.CJen Ac t,Ss!sa Street Wlixrt.PcvUaad I K V'ucSo, Gen AxX s- Franessos Cal. K K BulcahT, Oeserat Sups: ALBANY, OREGON j est Term npcae I e pie tier 9tt A f I corps of instructors CUUSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, UTERAPT COMMERCIAL AND NORM? I SUSSES. t -hir t tudy i.rrann-.? u. n . all atrmdo of students .Vjfsswr tin mctmrnft rftrti t ard- trpm ai-oeJ. sttt:T si (nir X3K. SA.VDN'S aEOTRIC BELT fATiSTPATEMTS WITH ELECTRO- 8EST IMPROVEMENTS. MACNETIC SUSPENSORY iv, mm TTithoBt M.Hctu OT WessttBssM '"'I ;Ut' of trw..0TTw fsrt1r -f.w, rrls,H.ohili MMitlBf rrcs tn scmsj tvlvtisuta, inlts, 1swm, trs'..) n, rr.' (sMssstMss, iiifnr, tbNsullam, kUsje-v. tiiar md SSSSt rvi..ita, rest. UsbaC. ci. ctaru: til sVtshk - ThU MMMH MM frnniavms Wcsntsfnil Ur-rsai, r - H a, MM fit furreni thai U lc.-i.ti 1 fttt th . ski ar rorfs-ll ri,mii, . ; 1M far jt or lb , . : t or pj. Toa)Uin Ittv h csires. b? this tntr . - , r fdis'i sifWr .11 Utr radlt) ai t'e tsUtTt)rtls of itMtlBKsnUl ia ihl s.nJ r itr ts.t Otsr istssasarf.l tSfhttM tU KLLtlKU' l M't.MH'KI , ih '.tniiBitit offawd f am Ih RK WITH Alt Mtl 1 4 He-stUb MM lrott lit futMs t AHt.TkKITitiMiou tmgt Sb4 Itw Uiuirl4 I'sua, h . is. mi:J. svak J, r. a J ! . !&jj&xsijx jnxAacorr' oo No. 1 72 Flrat St. PORTLAND. ORlv. x I j change laundrv work for wood. Call on Richards Phillip 1 at ths Albany Steam laundry. YA li t H : ACI III . M HI i js.js.Ji.JS.JS.Je.Js.Jt.JS.JS.'SS.a. The Question jjjjf h a simple one easily 4ff $ decided liy reason and jjfr common sxnise. fa. GOTTOLENE 5 i die nev sciertiflcalry prepared shortening is made from pore beef suet, and highly refined vegeta ble oil. Lard is made, in the majority of cases, in the packing-honse, and not as of old, from the pure leaf of the hog. V.Tikh is likely to be the most healthful ? Decide tor yourself. It must be t m s GOTTOLENE Send three cents tn staarps to K. K fairtaik & Co-.Chicsca.aor m m m 1 handsome Coooicae Cock 1 comsmmg six prepared by t Cor-oiax is told by al glOBSTSi HxUa aii salatimrrs. ftade sssty by s - 1 r. tv. rAlKDAHK - w.i er LOUIS anet ' CHICAGO, fsew vortic, BOSTON. W. L- DOUGLAS S3 SHOE VILL CT BTi Da ys war &? Whes serf Is tJ by a best In trio tsjortd. t3.80 32.00 fFsttaesi 2.08 f:r boys . ; " -- OSHS SHOc. nco isfbs ! 2 I f asm MBS. 42.25 fiL j o am tV -,aVnsrK -' rnk' asw&ssTm u srjfe-. oor-t f t3 li, t7 mj $3, IZ.bO, $4.00 m JiStec TUy ',X sc.;tl ts I : ; j i srearzsveO. If 1-3 : i Jo tcceccce aj S3 ia it mm&eSt V. L Ceicias Sines. yrk sirvyii sa &s sssssrasj hdt fcr it wken yes toy IT. T- tOUGItA l:rockion, Kass. Said by SIt by L R. Bis AIM. raMl saw -Tgntr.ti 1 s iMM w w m w mmmm j cta-Ejt-i J: "Xper BotUeC i One cent a doss. This Gkxat Coze. 3 Ccaa proraptlyi w-. re ajj ouers 1 others faLCoughs, Croep, Soew Boarsesess, iShoossxsjr Osssxh snd . 1 Ttiroa Thrist, ai. r r riinsillllliTinl an w-i i taJceaintaae. S M t j Draggit no wtu ccsat top er TJrtursnss on a srwar- 1 antce. For a Lsuoe Bscs: or Cbeat, use SKIIOK S BELUUXWNA PLASTk2c CATARRH REMEDY. ivTtniQstaTTtiT Tan lunaaui tai tad to cue yoa. Frsae.Jcts. Injectortres. FARMERS- attention rs - vnc r asrx a IF : TOC V. ANT A WACON HACK. BU&GY. CART P10W HARROW.DRrtl SEED ER. FEED CUTTER, or any kind of a Farm ImVemen: or Ve l h:c. cail oojor address. B. F. RAMP Oppcsite Post OnV tbany,f Caveats, aad Trde-Mrts obtained, aad all Pal sat bcosaess cosductcd - Mooes art Ftr. OusOmct ts OiMsm U.S. PstttosVics sc.: sre can secure patera ia Zcss bate Unisons remote from t as ingtoo- SeaJ taocei. drawa or pbota.. wiA deserftv oca. We advise, if patentable or cot. tne of cfearfe. O-cr fee not doe ::U raSect is searad. A PtiHi.rr. "How to Obtain Parents,'' srrti cost oi xic ia the & S. axsd torrjx-x cowaotas seat free. Address, ; C.A.SNOW&CO. Oes. Psttwt Osrrct. sviskiiscwni. O. J F. FOBD, MfelM, Of res Moines, lows, writes under'dale of ,'VIarch 23. 1S: 5. B. Mkd. Mrv; t.. Iafnr, Oeor. t?.''rs.o . On arriving hine last week. I foocdall well and anxiously a-raitins. Oar Jittle girl, eght and one-h.slf years old, who had wa ted away to SSiHanls, is now well, vHforon. and well ties bed an. 2 B. Cough Cure has dine its Worst well. win sa tne children like it. Yoar S B. J-oagh Core has enred and kept away a.l hoarseceea from me . So give it to every one, with gratings for ail. Wishing von proseeti y. we are Yours, Ms ft Mas J F Foan. sisZ! ' ?1 ssJSSI iid cheerful, aod ready tor the swrnrt srork. cleanse jvMursrarem -r.h th. j tleadacbe Lirr Cure, 'lose each -et;k. br utiBK two or' thrsa SO cent our bottlo by all drurvist. j S Sol I umlcr a poaitin cusrute br J ACI MM1NG. VI60R MEN Hi Easilr. Quick!.. Parataatstl) Restured. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY, nd all 1 ;ru n,-: e-i -mm early errors or later rsvewes Out result o( overv.orlc. slckaess. worrv.eio. Full slreigti itevelvpr eoi aad 1 l gtren to every organ and r-tlon o the bortj. Simple. BataralBMUKHta. Immedla etmpnivemrnt fee. Misminpoasibas. 2.0UU references. Book, explanation and proof ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y.