The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 24, 1893, Image 3

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I i-aaaaansss. I . ! TTfc T a -W-fcT y" T miTTTA
Ik c mortal.
Weekly Democrat. $i 75 per year
In advance. $2.00 at end if year.
Mkhitohioi-s Mrsic. Prof J.M Wood's
concert last evening was one of much merit,
A B. & L. A. --The fourth annual re
port of the Salem Building and Loan As
sociation is of interest. It shows loans
during last year of $22,83 on the face,
$10,686.74 in rash; withdrawals and in
terest, $0,10089; real estate, $1444.50;
expenses, 4VK). The assets show $10.1,
834.66 on first mortgage loans, $2,300 on
real estate, and a few other items. The
.... ,...! ia o!,.on 00 IK I55 Id II I ft a
and was greatly appreciated tar the fair four eerie8. The boo value of the first
midience present. IW Wood was a resi-1 B,tie. jg ,-iven as $(54 . 67 ; withdrawal
dent of Albany for four or five year. :it one 1 vaue, $50.28. There are 1413 shares in
tune and a gentleman. Mr J O Bushnell. force.522 have been borrowed upon, leav
sitting beside a IKMOOHATinan,nmeniliers ,nB 891 clear shares. 79 loans were
tif.tinif 111111 ti,i 111 join 111 1:11.1 u
lll1 1MI ABRll ill
made in the four years.
tunes were of the character that. -'
though some were difficult of rendition. I A Oi s Accident.--Lane county con
The "Poet and Peasant 1 verture"was given I tinues to keep up its record of being the
i. u: ID 11. 111 I'll . ' e
uj uuu ami i nn u n iui nuu ssiu,n jtnuiti , lenuing coiiniy 01 -re;ciii ior kttiuiuci
production. Miss Lilly Farrell was lieard
twice in vociil solos. Baa always pleases.
Miss Hattie Warner sang the difficult
piece "Waiting" in a manner to show cul
ture as well as an excellent voice. Miss
Kva Cowan's accompaniments for Prof
Wood's violin were of a high order, and
were specially complimented by Mr Wood.
Miss Bertha Ellis, looking beautiful in a
costume of red, sang "Springtide" well.
Miss Farrell and Miss Warner were heard
in a well rendered duet, and Prof Wood
closed the entertainment with several violin
and guitar solos of a "taking" character.
Perhaps the selection most appreciated by
the audience was the violin aud piano duet.
"Breslauer." by Prof Wood and Miss
Jessie Itusch who escaped from the Lane
county jail was captured in The Dalles.
The residence of Robert Lamberson
WM burned ni Cirvallis Saturday night.
A return ticket. first c!as, otu io ba
pn ohMod for Lot Autl is, for $C0, good for
three tin nth.
How is it that this year Christinas and
Ne.v Years do not come on the tarns dav
of the week?
itic news tram Honolulu is not sensat-
1 he queen has not been restored and
dente. The Register says: J M Sehrinipf
came in from Wolf Creek, about twenty
miles west of this city, last evening after
the coroner. A man namad Rowey had
accidentally killed himself. Ho has been
living on a claim with another man
named Miller. Yesterday afternoon
prooao:y win not be. There has bejn a lot
of newspaper prevarication In '.lie matter.
Governor Pennovcr has written a letter
to the Alliance HeraM at Pendleton in
which he announces Ids determination lo
support the populist ticket next June.
The city of New York Is slowly going io
piece. This U not due to Chicago.but 10 a
swell in San Francisco Bav. The Sew
l . . . . . .
tors reierreu tooeini; sunplv an Ocean
about five o'clock he was returning homo steamer
Zax V.r,,p dWn U'ec8,n.von a"er a pup. I Mr E A Parker a few days ago lost choice
hi l tiaii I ui mi 11 nn. nr Ina nrin ami Li.) a : n . ..
. ,, 7 ,'.'. 7 "enny phesaut,one being raised, by theft
uiin u-ilh mm In tt..ttnitt nvpr a tpn.'.. .ft . ,.. . . '
- - e-- r - - --- -1 ineineii
the gun was accidentally discharged and
the bullet struck him in the neck, passing
through from the front to the back and
killing him instantly. He had no family.
Will Bcild. At a meeting of the
board of directors of School Diet No 5
Mr and Mrs Chaa Warner, of Scio, were
in the city Saturday evening.
Mr Karl Race, of Palem, formerly of
the St Charles hotel, is in the city.
Mr Jas F Powell, of Portland, is in the
city on a few weeks visit.
Mr Frank Skiff, brother of Df Mark
Skiff, of Salem, spent Sunday io Albany.
l)r Freeland has been called to the
pastorate of the Congregational church
of Salem.
Mr A B McHwain wag at 1 1 is store a
short time today, after an illness of sev
eral weeks.
Mr Ed Q.iiinii arrived in Ubany from
California this morning and will lemai::
a few days before returning.
Wm G Obenauer and Miss Belle iS'ras
burg, both formerly of Albany, aie to be
united in marriage tomorrow at Oakland,
Mr Yan Wilson returned this noon
from Eugene, where he spent Sunday,
the guest of his sister, Mrs Chan B Wat-
. son.
W H 'arn?r, ihe west side gardener,
: is in the East on a visit, and will be at
1 M 11 I 'i ,. ' 11 t i- 1 lltm-vta ( . - j a
TT , , , ..... I . suss i--i.ii( , lilt lIUIDi ' t DJI
Times are picking up. McMinnville lias ; erai weeEi.
sciu ? y soo scnooi oorulsto Harris .v tool
. tucago, at par, tor ;j vears with a ten
will conter a favor by at least
returning the wish bone, and ho questions
wiil be asked.
held todav. it was decided to attain ad-
Some Questions. A subscriber to the vertise for bonds for $20,000 for' building
Democrat living in Los Angeles, Cal, asks ' the new school house in the Third ward,
the following questions: 1 The rate will be placed at 6 per cent, bids
W ho was the first mayor of Albany? J C 1 10 06 opened Jan 1st
roweii. eiecteit in law.
In what year was Albanv incorporated?
The Jaw was passed Oct 24," 1864.
What was the first marshal's name?
John Cleaver.
How many children were born in Albanv
in the year 1860 and what are their names?
No record of births have ever been kept
lience we have no means of knowing.
What is the oldest paper printed in Al
bany and who was the editor and when was
it established ? States Rm nT DnncuT.
James O'Mera. It was established in 186
Hadley Home. Receiver Hadley, of the
Oregon Pacific, was in the city today on his
way home from his trip to New York City,
where he has been to arrange for the sale of
the road on the 14th. The exact condition
of affairs will not be known until that day;
but look out for continued rumors and re
ports. It is safe to predict the sale of this
Resisted wnn Shot Gt ss. Last Mon
day Sheriff Wells, of Polk county, tried
to attach some oats belonging to a
farmer named Hehn; but was met with
. a shot gun and a threat to shoot. Hehn
was afterwards caught napping and ar
rested. Two deputies then went for the
oats; but were met by two sons of Hehn
with shot guns, who were disarmed, and
the whole household arrested. But all
were discharged but the head of the
1 house.
Swindled. According to the Ochoco
teeview it appears that H G Raad who
bought a large number of Crook connty
cattle was simply swindling the people.
His checks were protested and he is said
not to be responsible. He cleaned up
about $30 000 .by the deal. Mr Hackle
man of this city was one of the victims.
A Big Dog. Jeff H Bottoms, represent
ing Horst Bros., the hop dealers in this
city, has bought of Jesse Bilyen. of si... a
monstrous black dog. part mastiff. He is
one of the largest dogs ever seen in this
country, weighing 156 pounds. "John the
Baptist," as Mr Bottoms calls him. will be
shipped to Sacramento. Silem Independent.
year option at 7 P" -ent. Another offer
was 3 per cent with a $ 100 bonus.
An exchange says It has wrttten totJov-
ernor Pennoyei to learn on whatOays he j
proposes to have Cluistmas and New i
Years; and, wliiie at it. be might as well I
settle the time for Washington's l.uthdjv
and on about the
same terms as before. Work will then be
begun at as early aday a9 possible. Clerk ; decoration day and the 4th of Julv.
o.ert rt., . uu um.iv in- Sct.ool children auvays have a fad
quines f'om loan co-npaites.and already Now it is ,.OD tcocn The -hoo,
there is a live competition for ;auch as- j ground, side walks, perches and even
cunties. a fact that speaks volumes for kitchens are covered wi.h the lines that
cu.u.uB wuuutuw. ! make up the g'ound woik for the
Jcdok Boise Interviewed. The Syra- teeminBly a very fascinating one.
cuse, N Y Daily .Journal, of Nov 15, aj 1" the foot ball game at Monmouth be
copy of which was shown a Democrat ween Corvallis and the eleven ot the
man today, says that among the dele- ,ormr city Corvallis won by a score of 36
gates to tlie National Grange is Ex-Tudge to u ws ""rlv an even match and
R P Boise, of Salem, Oregon Judge &ome think ihe score will be reversed on
Boise stated to a Journal man that while Jhanksgivlng day w hen the reiurn gime
non-political Oregon grangers were solid- ,s p'ayedat Corvallis.
ly for free silver; that thev were in favor ; Lizzie Borden, who was triej in Mass
of legislation for lowering passenger rates ; c!.usetts for 'he murder of her father and
to 3 cents and Tor lowering f 'eight rates, j f tp mother, and acquitted, has now come
aiso in tavor 01 a graueu income tax.
The Judge spoke highly of the State Ag
ricultural college and the present man
agement, and remarked that Oregon's
crops were good, but our prices low.
Roht Huston, ot Corvallis, nut Mr and
Mrs W K Chandler at the Lebanon train
this evening, and took them to their new
home at Corvallis.
Rev Doug Hamilton, of Scio, was In
the city Saturday evening, and engaged
the Opera House for preaching services
next Saturday evening.
G W Hunt, the well-known railroad
man is in the city again. Whether this
is significant or not our readers may draw
their own conclusions. The Democrat
is tird ot building railroad every time
a railroad contractor ia on our streets.
M r and Mrs San May, ur.d one of their
eight girls, of Harrisburg, spvnt "uuday
La Cbows, Arkansas, Nov, Id. 1893.
Editors Democrat:
When we read un article in a newspaper
we suppose the article to be original, unless
there are quotation marks Ui indicate other
wise, so 1 would aak your readers to
pleao consider the.-i notes inclosed with I
quotation marks.
1 reckon the people of North Arkansas are ;
the happiest people in the world, ami es
pecially ut this time of the year. Their
new crop is now ready to use, and the i
opossums are fat, so when they have plenty
"t sweet 'taters and 'possum they are',
happy. 1
It woul.l le very dull people, indeed, . ne
mat wouhi noi gainer some new ideas w,jte flr
uooui soino tilings in a periou ot twenty-1
iour years. 1 see some improvement on
their funning implements and also in their
mode of travel.
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
jj Baking
Yigilant had a mast of Oregon
No wonder it won so easily.
1 A move was started to organize a crack
i foot ball learn in Albany ; but the matter
has been given up. The game has be
come a scientific one. and only bv the
There does not seem to lie th it difference
, . 1 . , ... t-u"i n ai.iciiiiui; one, aim univ uy hic
oetween uie ncn ana ine poor here that be8t croaching at Hie hands of an expert
there is in the west A rich man here will j can a teatn win A trainea team aver.g.
uu uuiu.ifc'- iu a uempa iw quicK as lie w ould
to one of his equals.
Keligion :.s of the ol j style here, the kind
that is spoken of in the Bible. When thev
go to church they do not liave a kind of a
program or formality to their worship, but
they speak as the spirit gives them utter
ance. It makes one think of the old man
that found tha model church. The young
folks do not speaking of their seniors,
the "old gent," or "old man" or the "old
lady" or "old woman." They sav
"father," "pap," or "pa," or "mother,''
"ma," or "mam," or "uncle" or "aunt"
as the case may be. I speak of the nle ttnd
not the exception. Of course there are a
few here, like a great many of those west
erners, they regard neither lod nor man.
Schools in the country district are very
n neglected. The school tax is not suf-:
tit iont to Keep the schools going long enough !
at a time, and then parents do not think '
.1 . , .s, 1 . .
mey ran span? tne i miuren iroiu wt.rrf in
ing 100 pounds would defeat an untrained
team averaging 200 pounds- A foot ball
team without long and constant practice
is net in it Realizing this nothing will be
attempts J her, though the college boys
are practicing, and there may become
local contests.
mi 1 i 1 1 -J.aii
, Cold rhrrry mornings,
Clear Invleoraline afternoons
Moonlight and starlight from evening ill
Henc demand
I sensible clothing
do me new
This is I'ennoyer's Thanksgiving week.
Turkeys though will not be ripj until
next week.
It is claimed that Kmperor William in
an address to recruits last week (aid. "I
want christian soldiers who say the
Lord's prayer. Soldiers are not to have
a will of their own. You must have but
one will, and (hat is my will; one law,
and that is my law."
Newspaper life appears to be very es-
jot war:
lots received this
with Albany relatives. As each of the Uie fields durinu the makim and ir.ith.rinf dting in Russia. An editor in Kursh
r Wm .. I . 1 ', . 1. I.-. 1 1 1 1 . M " - 7 1 t , m - .
01 uieir crow. lliey Have very recruiiy uincnargcu prooi reaaer. i.ater
girls has a brother the fact will be ap
predated that Mr and Mrs May have
their hands full keeping track of their
The Loss Adjcsiep- Mr Julius tirad- ;
whol, agent for the Royal, has adjusted
the loss on the Exchange Hotel, by the
recent fire, furnishing everything new, at 1
a cost of $S6.40. Every thing was satis
factory, -which is the way MrUradwholi
does business. Ever since he has witten
insurance he has paid his losses in full to
the entue satisfaction of the
This is a fact well to remember
Dr. Price'! Cream Baking Powder
Moat Perfect Made.
A Solid Team. A foot ball team is
proposed, on, for cleaning out tho entire
Pacific Coast. It it to tonsist of about Ihe
following :the Deiakins Brothers, Recorder
Davis, Gut Boeniike, Wm EaSer, Adrien
Comely. Peter Ruettner. J B THIotson.
Ernes: Broders, D H Jame and Mr Cra
mer, with several substi utes. One of
their rushes would be irresistible.
Still There. The "ioii real rc,achine,'a
recently sent tobapt Mok.h-, h still on
intotiie lamtiv property, some .400.000,
and has built a fine cottage near the old
blood-stained home.
The Eugene paper contained an Item on
Fliday about a former Albany young man
now attending tbe Universi.-y atxeonding.
The next day it was corrected. He hid
not absconded'. The paper had relied upon
Ihe word of some one who knew but didn't
ivn mciiou was commenced in Jude
j Batchelor's court yesitroav bv Tony N'oit
I ner of Portland against B K" McLonev,
nsured. Prominent attorney cf recover
99 aneged to re due as a delinquent owes
paper subscription, itieheamng was set
A correspondent at Lebanon sends tbe
DxMoca tT the following account of a
wedding at that city : Mr Nv K Chand
ler and Miss Clara B Read were bound
together in the holy bond of wedlock
Sunday morning. Nov. 10 o'clock.
.u. :j r t ij -v t-:i ! "i
v lllc .TMuence mn . R,r.,.c, . ; Monev asems to he hAnablv plntv. aV.
- ... . . it 1 very many luorimim
schools in Uie towns, though the towns arc
not so plentiful here as thev are in the Wil-
i lainette valley.) If one is able Ui send his
j children to town be can give thera a very
good education. Iliere are rolli-git. here
I where one can fit him or herself for any son
J of business.
Times are said to be as i or b -tter
j here now than they hare been for a low
I time. They sav all they know alout hard
nines is tney read in tne iiew.v.ii'nt.
in the day the man returned, killed the
editor and then opined fire on the staff.
Two were killed, and the other escaped
by jumping out of the window.
Mrs Sylvester Pennoyer cays she will
observe tioth thanksgivings. 1'ennoyer's
day she a ill celebrate with a big goose
and apple sauce, and Cleveland's day
with a fine turkey and Iota of cranberry
maeh. Now. when it ccmen to ' getting
:ven" with her husband, the governor,
Mis Sylvester is "at home." Ex.
Ildf 11 P ,i,, art-ilia ,,f ll.a VI
E church officiating. Mr Chandler ia a LTh7 prided on the silver question,
nlumber and tinner bv trade, and at ; though I think a majority favor fn'
present has charge of the mechanical : Mr Cleveland, to the contrary not with-' Th Hem. h t is glad to see items like
department of this trad" lor the firm of 'landing. the following from different part of the
Simpson. Huston Si Co.. ol Corvallis- i Politically Arkansaw is democratic, i , : Hfd times are prevailing in
Tlir 11. nl 1 I a Hi.
Spokane, Nov 20 When tbe city!
awoke this morning it was confronted by
an extraordinary spectacle. During the!
night 'Xm "boomers" had rushed in and
located lots on the tract known as ShantyJ
town, oweed by the N'otbern Pacific rail- i
road and situated in tbe heart of the city,
bordering right upon the business district.
1ms lart-e tract was Icbi in dispute, ftev- 1
eral years ago it was jumped by squatters,
but three years ago the interior department WOekju5t from the
decided against tbem and they were ousted. "
ftecent decisions by the secretary of the
interior adverse to Ihe lailroad respecting
lieu-land selections -sr -J a rumor that
Ibis tract had reverted to the government ! : s?me 41r 1uiet. lhat pop'e
and this led to tbe stampede for lots. Day- f" ' "5ed. bu h,eJ can't afford to kuj at
light brought renewed activity and bjfore Mh P1"- e cutoff all but rthade
9 o'clock at least 7!0 men had staked out ! of ,he Prfil--or cash,
lots. Policemen caught the infection and
joined in the work of grabbing.
Arrested lor taceaS-
Cobvallis. Nor 21. John Savage, a jJust rearranged.
farmer, who lives near summit irr this
county, was arranged in tbe circuit court
Notice r.r Publication,
U. b. Land Office, Orkaon City,
July 3rd, 1893.
NotV: Is hereby given that In coropii
ance with ihe provisions of the act of Con
greis of June 3. 1S78. entitled "A n act f
the gale of timber lai.d in the states o
California, Oregon, Nevada,ar.d Washing
ton Territory ,"ai ex tended to all the Pub
He Land States by act of August 4, 1892,
Daniel M Large, of Albanv. countv of
j Lino, stafe of Oregon, has this day 'filed
j In this oSce his sworn statement No 2837,
; for the purchase of the S W -f section
I No 11. in township No 10 bouth, range
More thn 1 long counter, piled fciih. f " ! ,and wi',1.crf,er Proof . to, fh?
this moraine, cbarired with incest, coin 1 all asserted, over 1 ?o styles of eoods. colors ' ... cgnt m more vaiaaoie cor
mi'iel on his l"-year-o'd daughter. Colo- and shape
nel helsay wo appointed counsel for the
defendant. '. who took his day to plead. It
seems that Savage has been suspected of
Ibis crime for some time, but as he bad
made threats, no one inwhe neighborhood
dared inform on him. While tbe grand
jury was in tension. Savage, sutpecting
that an indUtment might be found against
him. left the county, but was captured at
Drain yesterday. The people are indig
nant, and from what is known there can be
there can be little doubt a conviction
will te secured.
He worked several years tor Hopkins
uros, ot Aluanv. His native home is in
Illinois, ,u. he has been '.iving in this
valley lor the past five vears. Mr Chand
ler is a young man ol more than ordi
for the 15th iost at 1 o'clock p in. St.tes- ' Dar7 ability and sterling qnalitiee, and ia here. Tbe people know they are the sore
lhere are some republicans, though tli-v 1 ouiiiern Oregon, nut mooer is not so
are tolerably )uiet. There ate a few crank.- carce nor business so dull as in most
here commonly called "Populists" that do Prt ol the east and tbe Pacific Coast,
the most howlinc and Larkinir. thouirh I n he thankful that matters arc not
i their barking dees not amount to anv thing orse.
man. v remarkable suit.
The fa I of the tsar is a 'rying set ion for
elderly people The ma- y chr-:ie -, dark
blamall data act dsprtsrlnrly. no: say lpjan
onsly, od both ol and Now ia th
tiite to re ectjr.r" the virai in j 11 with
Ayer'a Saraatr.ll the Ust of at dloixl
It l no easy thing to dress harsh, coarse
hair so as to make it look graceful c r be-
M iss Read la a lovely lady and makes
friends wherever she goes, and Mr
Chandler is certainly to be congratulated
: on winning tbe heart and hand of such
I an estimable lady as a helpmeet through
i lift! Ttiav 11 1 tiii riina nn tK min
roof of OP office, and tnlitarled. mmg By be use ol Aver s Hair g- for Albanv. where a carriage will meet
It may be a "sell," but an, on. desiring to ! - -Ut removed, and the hatr ,liem .nd uWe lhul dirert u, Corvaili..
loveatigate tbe m.tery of the little box is it- "J'le 'O '''ne n stvle or arrane rmen 1 - Tue 1k!,, , l( T friend, ,u over
viiau to 00 so, w- nave peeo toid. .ews. !"' "" ""eu- v-c tne ij it a the countrv win
i pi unuoume.iiv a lake, and ttierj are reasons j
to believe the rox was sent from Albany .
n ratanai
sure to make his mars in life. Miss Read heads of tbe two old forties, so ther eon-
is a daughter of W C Read, of Albany, ' elude that no good thing can come out of so
and a sister of W F Read, one of Albanv's j rauch corruption.
leading and richest citizens. She is also G-aeral remarks about this countn must
one of tbe firm of Read. Peacock A Co 1 ,-rr !,rif f,-.r ih,nk. l,a L,,
now saying "boil down sir. toil down.''
It dons an Oresonian good to visit this
country and se them heat gunpowder in a
red hot oven, or see one of those light
nights when the moon is shining bright
and alMit eighteen inches of snow on tbe
irrtMjn.i ami the wokIs afire. think that
and tramps are going south.
is about the gramkwt sight ooe could see .
any where. If I were to advise the young !
A poet writes that "a man who is always
"ttiing down very seldom settle up!"
Think of this and apply it in a business
i wav.
o join in extending tbair Vs at ail in this country, it woul.l be the
ui eTATRsaun.
best wishes for their future happiness,
T J Hannah to J J H.mnah, lot
10 K 1
Notice for Publication. Thoe c Mackey to Addie
Laso Urni E at Okei.on Citt, Ok.
Oct. 28:h, 189?,
"Scftwe is hereby given that tbe follow
'-ing nassksd settler has fi ed notice of his
I uteri lies to oiakn final proof in support
bis olmStn, and that Mid proof will be
snjsde Dflfoi the County Clsik of Linn
Os- at A-h'-j, ore. on Dec 19th. 1891. viz,
Set, Me Res Pre D s No 7871. for tbe k.
HofSKK, w. 20. and WSjofNW!,,
Bee 21, tp 10, HK5 B. He namaa tbe
following witnesses to prove hU
continuous MaisWsaM uiob aid cultivation
of said land, via: If Vf scn'ao, Robert
L Correll, John Daley. J I. Berry, all of
Berry P U, Linn Co. urngon.
Robert A Miller,
Mackey, lot 5, hi 78, M'e S add,
No i of the Albany Evening Tele cope 1 01 Ch.-ney. of Mill Citv. was in Albany
! appeared last evening with Bert Van Oeve tda.v-
'aseditrr. linn (' J SUM s-UI.I ni Iw.
' The open Grange m eeting at Sand F -idge ' land this UMaV
200 j Grange Hall will be postponed un.l. Mr- Nellie Brush and son went to !nde
j further notice- j pendente thi noon.
The A O 0 W hare renttd the tb;(J Mrs W K McPhersrtn and ehildrrn Isaasa
old adagv.
o west young man. g west.
WU MiEuainuT
Albany 1030 rtory of the Oregon Bsnk Building, h'ch i returned from a trip east.
a air 1 . . ar .a I l 1 k 1 s ..sua
Notice for Pub)ication.
Land Office at Oreoos Citt,
Oct. 27th, 1893.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has lied notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Connty Clerk of Albanv,
Ore., on 19th of Dec. 1893. vie: Thomas F
Madill, Pre D S No 7862, f or the S W H S
E sec 7. N 4 of N E X and S W VA N
E YK sec 18, tp 10, S R 5 E. He names tbe
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of said land, q,.
viz: Niel McRea. lohn Dalev. lohn Haley.
G W Cornford, all of Green Basin. Linn
1 Co., Oregon. Robert A Miller,
Austin A Alford to Martha J Al-
ford, 37.98 acres
L Higgins to James Fitzpatrick,
40 acres. 13 w 3
E R Case to A P Blackburn, lots ,
9 and 10, bl 3, K's 3rd add,
lots 3 and 4, bl '25, R's add,
W R Kirk to E A Colbert, bis 1
and 2, Ks add, Brownsville. . .
W L Vance to J H Kuigbton, 6C 07
acres, i2 w 4
C M Talbott to Charles L Corn in.
328 acres, 12 w 1
Flavins J Eggleston to R W Moses,
tot 9, bl 16, G's 2nd add, H
Brow sville
lames Warner to Pbillippini ar
ner, 40 acres, 9E3
W J and B E Davenport to Louis
Blumauerand Kroil Fiank, tot
4, bl 5, B's add. Tangent .....
To the Lebanon & Santiam Canal
Co, right of way through the
property of J F Peebler, Elijah
Oeborn, M A Miller, J R Kirk
patrick, R Hiatt, A F Hall,
William Ralston. H 0 Rose,
Thoa Simme, Clary Welt, Win
W Weltmer, John Wi'Jier, E
Goati, ft H Bland, B Bnrten
ehaw, each
will be rearranged and occupied by
in a tern weeks
t 'lein
Hadley. Molcahy and Wardlow. cf the
i O. P-.Weiv in th , itv thi nnnn t. fnr-nwr
Hon Real Gaitber baa taken formal eva , omiimr un tb road
or tee aiieiz reservauon as agrut aca lion
T Jay Buford retire to private life
after funr yeais o' ardnjot official life.
Mr Arthur Gamber. who has been teacb-
1 1 ing school near Harrisburg. has completed
TBAIS tlUlkltl..
T . Mrm tm Jail rr atleaaaiiac
Sit. r. Trala.
I W rerk
S.iu,- interesting reading is a Linn county-
Wad la book, containing names under
:he head t.f "?low" and N. G. There are
names under the latter head that would
i surprise some more than others. The man
1 Who doM lb- l-t It,- ran rnn atvart 1 w
forgiven: but the man who deiitratelr
. bail ials his way smxiM be
I the matter of etmhA -
1 Mi noai AV
irrn Kaak BVaat:
Maiion. Wis, Nov XI. General Jere
miah Rusk, cx secretary of agrjeuhure,
died at his boms it Viroqua at 8 o'clock
this morning, 'though not unexpected,
jt-e announcemem that the end had come
to tbe Ufe of this strongly Individual char
acter in the toHlica! life of the nation
caused a profound shock . He bad been ill
tor some lime nd dangerously, bat up to
a day or two ago it was thaoght bis uon
ciniutulion wouli pall him throogh.
A Ta tteiirvrea!
London. Nov 31. dispatch to the
Times from Meshed brings for-Lcr details
of the earthquake Kri ., j at Kucban, in the
nor: 1 em province of Khorassan. The town
was completely destroyed. Tbe lots of life
was immerse. Great Crevasses ere open
ed in tbe ear-.h, through which the water
S Jei in torrents. The town had a popu
lation of between to. coo and 35000. It
as toougnt at els 1000 ptrishei. MiiivIz-vij , . ,
were earned away by the ftool vlu "'"W pOKV" BtJ leS.
us la taw Katat Mean shodd' stuff.
Chicaoo, Nov ;t. A wet, heavy tnow ' Colors that WOh't last
has been falling ad dsy. It I the first of
lZ:.,.'Ih';:..COZ;T'f I H well made.
ZZf : - . -wv score of lliem are hartn.. tri-A
or stone than tor agricultural, and to establish his z, aim to
I said land before the Register and Receiver
' of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on
! Tuesday, the '.h day nrf January. tV4. He
j names as witnesses :" L W La ug bead. J L
Berry, JR Whitney, OB inn, ail ol
j Green Basin. Oregon. Any and ail per
j sons claiming; adversely the above de-
scnoea lanos are requested to hie the-.r
claim to this effice ass or before said 9th
day Of January, iit.
Rcbeki A Miller,
Timber Und, Act Jnne 3, 1ST Notice fcr
United States Lind Cffise. Oreson Citv.
Kutice is hereby g.ven that in compliance
with ihe pro visions of the act of Ccb&kss of
S Jane 3rd, 1878. estitlei "An act for tbe rale
of Umbtr lands in tne state cf Caltforaua,
' Oregon, Nevada an i Washington Territory,"
as extended to ail Public Land States by act
of Aagnst.4, lS92,Chas J Pinkie, of Niagara,
wwuii li aaiiGD, stAte 01 'jregoD, nas tcu
Prices sary, to say nothing of men's full ; day Sled in this cfEce his sworn states-eat
suits from 3 00 to 5.00. Here they go, ! Io. 2833. toe the parchare of the N E of
ticket and figures for eveiy stock of Section No. SOin Tonatop No, 10 S, K.rge
garments, mith the cheapest price. j So 4 E, ud will offer procf to show that
S:art in at 16 co for something vrA tse !aad snnght is more valaabse for its
worth more of course; then $S 00 is the
next jump, a big line to be sure. and better
inan you ever saw before for those figures.
$10.00 next. One eav way 10 tell of
thi say what isn't in It.
Every day
Ihspatches shew a rtcrm is raging. ith
rain or snow or !eet, from tbe Gulf of
Mexico 10 the British possessions sod from
the Rocky mountains to the Aileghanie.
East ol here it is sleetine heavily. At St
scorched in Pant and vicinity a drirtiing nip. hat tam
ed 10 snow.
What kind of a suit for $12 ?
ssasaaai ornci.-; i: : : z ptmlmn
poses, and to eatahinih his claim to said land
before tbe Reenter and Recoiver s taia of
fice ax Oregon Cut, Oregon, on Wednesday,
the 34th day cf January. WM,
He name a witnesses: Chaa rhompsoo,
John Sxtth, Allen Smith, Bee tie y George,
all of Niagara, Marion Co, Oregon. Anv
and si! penoas clsitcing advertely the above
described land are recreated to" hie their
claims in this effice oa or b. fore said -4th
day of Jan nary. 1S94.
Notice fDr Publication.
Land Oftict Okecox Ctt. Oa.,
Oct 2nd, 1S93.
UrGxithrr hasmakvno sppo'ctmta's a 1 yet
sxoept cletk. which po. .. ia taken b bia
son James t iaiUier.
At a meeting cf the board of nie d ele
gatS las, evening it was decided 10 hold
a ball on Chri-lina night tor .hc benefit
of Chemical Engine Co No 3. M Js
Phi lips. Fred Blount ano W K Glilet
were appointed judges c f 1he lireiaen'
election to take place on IXc 11.
The Portland Sunday Me'curv is beln
co.nplneiv qiathed. Tne laat issue was
seized and It is proposed o s'op its publi
cation. Such papers are a ditf race and 't ia
cularly since the Lake Labiah accident
three years ago an extra effort has been
... c, 1 , . 1 mauc w uiercui acciwnia. ai siitvit
:..Pf,"LfC"1 clu.b,KaIe firstrsvrty j paWi,heJ on Monday another effor-.
his first term and returned to Albany.
For several years trains running on Ihe j
Southern Pacific hare been in ieopardy : Iiied. At her rei.h-nce in Albany, ilie
from o'jstrnctioos placed maliciously on j gvn, at 12:10 o'clock a. m.. Nor. 2nd. I19R.
the track lor wracking purpose. Parti- j Mr-. Margaret C. Hunt.
Whereas, Divine Providence in His Infi
nite wisdom has removed oar beloved sister.
Margaret Hunt.
vY r . 1 jA mAd o overland train just at
Whist wa.- the order of the eren- ,. , 1 .1...
time ine puo K regaru.ess 01 y.e taw in tne ; t , ,,
Vntional Commissioner Wilkins of the
jrreat World's fair was in the city today.
Mr W ilk ins continues to wear his badge,
probably for the Midwinter fair.
L II Montanye was in Kugeno yesterday
on btuini.'Sis.
W W Bristow, of Corvallis, wss ia the
city today.
Mr Geo Cohen returned this
the approach of the second treat e this
aifl rj tin HarriaKnrv It .ii
discovered by the engineer 01 the soath-
hereas. R is bat jnst that fitting M
ogniuon should he made; therefore be it
Resolved. By Beaiah R D lodge. No SS
I O 0 F. that while sre lw with htim'ttle
mi-mission to the will of the Most High we
Close to tco sI tr, tr f.rCp. given taat ,n compu-
r -- a.w a Kvij . icrr !? fi 1 n nrmtnfw rtt - ar r i r
A c. aeeaaeau tome im ported me Eastern-some A I- STets c Juoe lS;S. entitled -An act for
"lvmpia. Wash, Nov 20. lieorae Grif-' cneap at ft; 50 tic sale cf Umber lands in the states of
fiths. 16 years of age. living in this connty. f " ,1, , r v. ,Ume California. Oregon. Nevada and Wa-hiag-
has Wn missing Ik abouTa week. Vet Vd ir't Zl Meho" ' Territorvr Mrs Lu'.u Laughead. ol
terday bis bodT -as found near Bocoda. 25 ZVZt f f.u.. "-tcor Albanv, countv of Linn, state of Ores,
e an has ibis day filed in thi office htr sworn
He had been killed by the
accidental dis
charge of a shotgun The theory is, he !
was standing- on a log his gun slipped J
down, the hammer struck and sent tbe roll
charge of shot into his leg. ranging op- .
ward and entering the body.
statement No 2950, tor the purchase of the
Then 14.00 to $zo at a jump j S Ji of N ft'v SE Jjf cf N W and S W
aaakos four are lots.
Look at your but year's coat than
he finer, belter, tastier the price sel
Chicaoo, Nov so Gn tne snalysia and I
recommendation of Dr Wiley." Chief'
IvwtmlWwl ami thai T Irwin aaaSBeWttlw I " -;- lbiim .-Males government Chemist a'
stopped to do no damafe.though the rail i tVTT V.hingt.n and g re. est living suthority ;
a as rucs and knocked from the track. ST . u , .. on ,xxJ PJuj'' World's Fair jury to j
A wreck it t ir n am won ,1 uvs ln . K. ,... . . . u .u ,
'Comparisons are"
Well, you know what. Thai
of N E U of secrioa No 11 in township No
10 South Range No 4 East, and will offer
proof to show that tbe Und sought is more
valuable for it limber r stone than for
i agricultural purposes, and lo establish her
j claim to saij land before the Register and
I Receiver of this office at Oregon CSty.Ogn,
i on Tuesday, the 2r.d day of January, 1894.
She names a witnesses: DeWitt Dan-
s why I tort, ot Uetrct-, JlartOElo, Oreeon, O
. . .s... u 1 . . . .. I . . . 3... '
. .m, ai me (nam wwutu itu , - .... - r- n . j; , , . . u,a ura r,u ire. ot s: t ,e cu: ed c cic: ieiroiuirim t-O.UresOo.W itltam
1 it . , . , ., . , 1 . ! Hunt IM, lamml. Ilwt Iivm tit a trrlnt Bikln? I'.i-.!f ifT.:- h - j tt. i mm . . -"ttt"-S." "tt-ut
uisasirous. tmmeaiateiy alter tue ornige .- - r.- - - ji- --- --- .1 - anu mjn m pnee tuner wren ccropaied
I . . . . wiu, .tt v f.-t itStffw th.- Vtan.t . .f l!l- an J .if. frf. 114 t-tvnr' I. l t it. .
tenoer approsxning un a ivcvcie n ;ticea , - " . 7T . r, , I y . , . ; , i,-
matter stop:ed it supro't
ccrns like I".
Saturday mornir Marshal Eastland
jarrested Geo G, wanted ly S.'ieiiff
Kemp, cf Gocdlan.l. s' cxunttl
Kansas. 10 answer tbe charge ol embez j JB Woodford, of Salem, formerly of
zlement and perjury. Hoi: arrived here j Albany, was ia the city today.
rrtdav. and av a description had rrecedrd tfr t'lem ln ino kaa
! Mr D; Clark, of Ashland, has returncl
; home after u short visit in Albany.
. SsMr Andrew Cowan left this noon for
Crook county by way of Tbe Dalles.
I seitle the question cf superiority. Dr
issue of
Price's Cream Baking Powder
Forty Year tue Standard.
Notice for Publication.
Laso Offici at Okeoos Citt, Ok.,
Oct 28th, 1893
"SdOre is hereby given that the follow
ing nanwed settler has filed notice of his
mentis! to make final proof in support
of bia claim, and that aid proof will be
made before tho C -untv Clerk of Linn
Co.,- Atnany Ore.on Dec 19th, 1893.v'z:
Kobert L Correll. Pre 1)8 No 7861. for
the 8 W4 cf N E , 8 K J of N W X, N
8 W i N W X 8 E i, sec 14. tp 10, S
It j K He names the followinc
to prove hU continuous
upon and cuiiivHti m of sai'-1
land, vhr E .ttcanlan, Nef McRea J
Li Beriy. A Jones, all of Berry P U,
Marion Co, 0e.
Kry ister.
Notice for Publication
Laud Office at CRsWca Citv, Ok.,
Oc.. V8 h. I fc93.
Notice is hereby given tbst th ' llow
in named settler hi filed no icMofhia
lnteution to make final proof in support
of bis claim, an that said pro -f wi l be
made before the Connty Cl,rk "f Unn
Co, at Albany. Ure, on Dec 19lh, 1893 viz:
Edward W Scanlan, Fre D s No 7JW6, for
the 8 M of N E . sec 15, tp 108 K 6 E
He names tbe '.ollowing wiinessoj to
prove bis coitlnuoua residence upon and
ultivatinn of said land viz: R L Correll.
toll McRea, J I, Berry. A Jocen, "11 of
Berrv P O, Linn Co. Oregon. A Miller,
Notice for Publication
Land Office atOrkoon City, Or.,
OstoUer 4tb, 1893.
Notice is hereby given that tbe f . Ilowlng
named settler ha filed notice of hi inten
tion to mske final proof io autpoit of his
eleim. snd thst said proof wiil be made be
fore the countv clerk of Linn Co, st Albany
on Deo lt, 1893, viz, Leroy Cowdrev, H K
No 6807 for tho N ot 8 E ,H W ) of S B
i, SB io!8 W i, c4T13 R 1 E. Ito
names tho folio ing witntisiei to prove hi
continuous residence upon and cultivation o
said land, viz: Miltoo A Fitzgerald, Gay
Osylord, Msrtin Gaylord, Kuoch Powell, si
. of Lebanon, Linn Co, Oregon.
K A Miller, Register
Notice for Publication.
Laud Office at Oreoon City.Ok.,
Oct 13th, 1893.
Notice is hereby triven that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that saiu proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver at Oregon
City, Ogn., on Dec. 12th, 1893, viz: Loren
W Laughead, Pre. D. S. No. 7854 for lots,
Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten, Sec. 1 T. 10
S. R. 4 B.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz: J R Whitney,
C B Winn, Geo Whitman, Henry Susens,
all of Green Basin, Oregon.
Robert A Miller,
72007' AXD BRANCH,
the tHjisoii in your blood,
botrever it may have
come or whatever shape
it may be taking, is
cleared away by Dr.
Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery. It's a
remedy that rouses ev
ery organ into healthful
action, purifies and en
riches the blood, and
through it cleanses and
invigorates tho whole
system. Salt-rheum,
Tetter, Eczema, Erysip
elas, Boils, Carbuncles,
Enlarged Glands, and
the worst Scrofulous
Sores and Swellings,
are perfectly and per
manently cured by it.
Unlike the ordinary
Spring medicines or sar
eat:irilla8, the "Discov
ery " works equally well
at all seasons. All the
year round and in all
cases, it is guaranteed,
as no other blood medi
cine is. If it ever fails
to benefit or cure, you
have your money back.
You pay only for the
jood you get.
safe to say that no other
ifier can bo "just as
erood ?
If it were, wouldn't it be sold so ?
I .rrT"5:".y d.y.nd brought tbemto Albany on last
Geo L Black man has located in San Louis
Obidpn. Calif, where MrCartor.the jeweler,
formerly of thi city, also resides.
MiKsMamii- KoStpMaVrf l-'ft thi- itaorti
. ing for Monmouth, where her eister. Mr
. I'ttmtiiintt i4 I vim sssaa!ai til
i-ic- x su . i . L. m t short gray beard, a volobte talker
of snow on the mountain wagon road
Isn't it
blood - pun
By its mild, soothing, cleansing
and healing properties, Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy perfectly and per
manently cures Catarrh in the Head.
him he
quiring for hi
clain.t It i maikicu. Eugene ljuard.
An item in the Democrat yerterdv
lead. "How U it that ihi year Chrisimaa
and New Yeaia do not come on tbe tame
day " Seme of our readers could not see
through it. It" ( lam encugh. Chris -iti
cumeion Mdiy, while New Years
came on Sanday,
Eugene has six mt market.
Try 8 hu tz Bros new brand ol mild d ai
cored Oregen bam
F.hnltz Brrs are nn tinning nut brstcl
Oregon hams, very mi d and wect.
Too cid pr'icorethe be-t Oregon haa :n
the state at ?chultz Bros meat maikrt.
AtShaltz Br I mat markd ia Ibe p'.are
to net tint Gregc n baron and ham at 15
cents . ' ponnd.
The S S Willamette Valley will tail from
San l or. Nov 26. 9 a m, and from
Yaqaina Nov 3-j.
To morrow '. G ivernor I'ennnyer'at isn 't a
giving. Tbe Democrat hs heard of 01 ly
one turkey lieing l-o-igfct f-r the oceaaton.
Leave your order for rave red
tame geese, ducka and chickeis, t tne
Central Market, for Ihanssivtog.
Tbe O P host i!l leave A'.bsny to
morrow morning, and from Port'snd
nx'. Monday.
The remain ni Mr allahm vill te
taken to ( oval i 1 tc-mnrrow and bn'ird be
s'delho' of her danghtsi. Mrs J M N .'an.
Riuhsid Olis Carey died in 1'iinevihe on
1 it- i.'ith. lie wa lorn 11: Linn county May
24, 1 804, was a member f tbe Bjptist crunch
and was in exemplsry youn mm.
Buy an improved Roaster and Baker
baton cooking )Our Thanksgiving Turkey
All sizes for iale by Mt Tlt, cor 3rd and j
liroadalbln St.
Hall's Hair Iteniwer fjjovathe confibnnpe
and patronnge of people all over tho civilized
world who aae it to rettoie and keep the hair
natu-al cnlar.
Among the U 1 grand j'iry jnat drawn are
George i'ox, jr, m-rchant, of Mnhama, F M
Daniel. If armer.of Scio, ai.d II W Murphy of
Bueoa Vista, the only ones from thi pari of
the valley .
The Maritii, cirreliinl:nt of the Salsm
Journal avs "Pr f Dvim pi cached nt the
Presbyterimchntch last Sunlay at.lo'clock
p m,"The Democrat it informed that the Pre f
1 studying tor the ministry.
m.n .1 Ik. rml .hanlk. nlalnif -""l ail Uie VOt- ' Ol .ytUttttlSy tO in tteCOJ
! Uon was placed, aa I smoke to litem. One "distressed; an active member of thi : Wiley rejected the !um powders, staLtog
ol them be claims remarked. - What did . wietv whose ntmorf eooVavor were exert- to the or!d . Fair ,urv thvt heconder
I the train stop tor; waa there an iron rail ' for w,mare ari-l prosperity; a fnetid . ed them unwholesome,
i oa t net rack r" AboottwtMtv-five tramp. ! fnd ooroimon h-e nn?ht and noble ; lv..e .r Ml,er aW-ar.
.x i.. 1 - 1 . I iifs 3 k!Artt1.iM of frmxlail l.'ii lii hirisVl
, ciiunru nr Juucuva rrr inun; iu t v" . .i tk
; rdsruiDC vijcit in try nam up mu i gcrM t."j . iuai a-- .mkv. uui ; , a.
, r,;.kl .ha l.o man whom Haa .her- and mo.lw.rW rhil.l in tlaa h.r of their ! ,? ?. k .0: . j IB irreponding
iff of lane countv peace,! onder arrest, affliction ami ronixrand them to our Father tt?5'a?l'- . ? tfc,'Pmf?;
to Sheriff Jsckaon wenPt ,0 that ci'y yester- m Beav.m. ttSTZISSEl'Z? " "
gnanlsial the , harter of this toltr . . . .".
nt),t'B i.a',l Tl.ttt- nam lil-.n . , i - . , A alere.
....... .. ..... ."V -mm-rnrn -mm- v.. ... , Jf) niOliming l T lilin I IU.
Jortiw L M Cnrl at Uia Coort Hoase at H.ivc,, Tiiat thj. .imions m "r. S-r 13 -(i It Heosbaw. j
fl ;30 o clora his morni-g where they , lhl. of ioig nd r the state reform school, came to .
made a preliminary statement. The , : 1 1 .1 ;.. , ir. ,...i Salem lout 11 this niiMxinsr and nc-ti&ed J
m ...i, . I.'l' '? t,- l.llltt IIPI II l t,tMtiT,. Ml t.r... . . . .. . . " .
regoiar ex.mtnstion wu. oe m tomor- g j - M p jge
rttw at t ttVlnt-, I It, a l. . n'.an alttlt ' . ' . . . . . ..
sua. " ' ... ' tr . , ; . . , be trau.-nittUHi to tbe tvreaved tamily.
UllV irBES UI min It HU J II. t, Hilt
with our bright nea natty gxaJ
e've no complain. The public al
ways wise,es i.ere the asaemblv of cloth
ing that outstrips all rivalry.
The are gratify inj.
mint of
ry ofSce for the week ended Nov Short talks for pant buyers.
$1,600: for the corresponding J
Mrs Henrietta Brown returned this
morning from a three months sojourn in
Sn Rafael, Calif Mrs Narciesa While
Kinney, of Astoria, also returned sod
continued her journey to her home.
Hon George E Chamberla'n, attorney
general of Oregon, arrived in Uaker City
yesterday to look after Uie interest? of
the state in a suit with Raker county.
The Democrat acknowledges a pleasant
call. Democrat, l!th. Mr Chamber
lain has returned home.
Mr D H James, one of Allany's mit
popular young men. and Miss Mary Itead.
a former student of the Albanv College.and
a talented and most cxtimahle young wo
man, were united in marriage yeUriiiy at
'he home of the bride's parents in Idaho.
A home alreatly prepareil for them in
thin city, which thev will ortiipvon their
tirrival thin week. They have the liest
winhe of a host of friend".
SuperinU ndent K R McElvoy was in
the city thislnoon on , his way home
from a trip to Corvallis, wheie he was
given a reception and banquet last night,
in honor of the splendid work he did for
the educational interests of Oregon at
the world's fair. This stale obtained
(our prizes where a good many states ob
tained none.
Submitted in F
. L. and T.
HaSTO Wkitman.
bu Manmu
Ai Kokmin.
os 1111 tTnm B B(S1
more innocent :n appearance. ine
former gave bis name aa David Mcln'yre,
the latter as Wm Darling. They denied
any knowledge of the attempted w reck.
Their version of the matter is that the
train passed the younger one near the
rnmnm I. .... 1 . .1 , t. a ft rat , I la a I . I 1 1 1. . . ' .. r
oneat the otherendol that trestle awhile NovemU r Ath. 15.
alter they had left Harrisburg, that the Mr C aright, of Iug"t Sound, was mtlus
train stopped ahead of them and then at ) vicinity i;it w.ek try ing to 'uy alout five
the bridge. The hi idge tender eaUZM j CSkrioads of apples, but could not get them.
atonsjaajtheywereexaminingthe rail that j jvt a meeting held recently by the school
had been thrown off.and on being spoken I IkxitiI of District No .S3 of Lane county. Mr
to they referred to the fact that mere j Hermann was elected director to succeed
had probably been an attempt to wreck , Mr i.vtle who has moved away, and it was
the tram hv placine a r ah on the track, j i,ll to build a school hou Ktwwn
D d they do It. l inn countv w'll do its j that time ami the 1st of March, to replace
V ..... mmm . - J . t ... - - I . , . I . ( 1 I . ml C . . I
1 1 I 1
iooo odd pairs,
pane r'n s.
$1.50 U cheap'
for a good
pair then
j u ni p s
L Laughead, ol Green Basi l. Marion Co.
Oregon, Carli'.e H Laughead, of Albany,
Linn county, Oregon. Any and all per
sons claiming adversely the above de
scribed land are request! to file their
claims in this office on or before said .ad
day of January, t-t
Robert A Moxat,
17S. Nttic
best 10 find out, tor no more serious the one
offense against the public can be com- August.
Hatchel jr. justice, that lie had discovered a
man with hu throat cut near the reform ;
school. Batcbelor telephoned to the coro
ner st Gerrai. and received a reptv to hold
an inquest. Batcbelor and Sheriff KnigLt
went out lo the puce and found the body !
of a man apparently about 40 year old.
with tte jugular vein nearly severed.
About 12 feet distant was a raxor wi
white handle; bespattered with blood, and
a few feet in another direction quite a pool ;
of blood. A jurv was summoned and a Great overcoat weather.
verdict was rendered that the man came to I Tn ,tJtln styles-the new styi-c .1
his death by his own band. On tbe bodv ; chutcest shades.
was a silver watch, f Iti 10. a knife, and j r , ... j
other materials; also had on four shirts, i arm Y OOley Worsted.,
three pair of drawers, and overhaiU. O" ! Choic ChevioU.
tbe case of the razor were tbe words "L 1 j , , -r ,
Jonex. Monmouth. Folk countv. new edge.' Mouse c olored Aleltons.
TwrTariaaut (Dressy Clay Worsteds.
Wasiiini.thn. Nov i9 Tue wavs and t , -.v.,
1 117 t kit tt .. nt iiivic iiiat. . mmm . - ,
m it ted than that of wreckiog a train.
.1. ... ' ,,. . , . ( I tl.C. n. ... -. ni -,- ; -1 ... , l,.,hd til llt.l .-. i.- i
U. l..i tl,. .i;n,...,;.,n tariff bi'l and irive if lo tl e nnhlir alont '-, ' OTU 1
Tramps are getting to be numerous
as our towc grows. Last week a well
dressed man passed through here. His
walk was not like the young men ot uaa
ville. His body and mind didn't seem
to agree, he stopped at the post office and
told his story to the postmaster in tier
man, so that the bystanders couldn't un
derstand it. He said that he heught
some beer and whiskey at Corvallis, and
.. i..,.' .1 f ... f. .,;.. i,.. ,,ti-
FARMERS LISTEN. e have a fine
lot of freah eras seed, of slmost everv
kind, including cheat, and we want to sell
it. Come snd see us.
is not bought for temporary use,
but as a permanent snd servicable orna-
Them la often as much value in
the make as In the material. Will & Siajk I
,.( ti,i. rttar keen the lamest and ftosst line
In the valley, making a specialty of good
goods. Their line of gold and silver
wstshes Is a supsslor one, and In silver
ware they take the lead in the csnlsal
Willamette Valley. If you would get the
best In their lice call on Will & Stark, the
leading jewelers.
c i v.' t
S cot I 'i
h as do n c
f ji tiieir del
icate, sickly
It's ua hi s
b r 0 u f. h t
thousanda Lack to rosy health.
of cod-liver oil with Ilypophos
pliitcs ij employed with great
iccess in all ailments that re
ice llesh and strength. Little
ties talce it with relish.
Prepared by Soott 4 Bowno, N. Y. All drngglat.
A Xauiihty Sihter. Mr William
Wigle. f Crook county, who carries the
mail from the Sisters post office to Prine
ville reported to the Ochoco Keview man
that ho recently saw one of the Three Sisters
smoking, that all day long he could see
dense volumes of black smoke emitting
from the summit of the jicak. The other
two Sisb'rs did not join in the smoke. Now
these Three Sisters mav be plainly seen
from Albany, and this breach of etiquette
was not observed here. The Democrat is
oUued to lieliove it in as big a fake as
Muleiihey'n dynamite box. It is almost
certain that none, of the Sisters smoke, and
certainly one of them would not do such a
thing without at least offeriug tbe others a
light. If tbey intend to smoke right along
we advise them to patronizn home industry
and get their cigars at toe Albany factory
of Julius Joseph.
There v.ere about 20 present at the
meeting of the Chautauqua circle at D H
MoCiillagh's last evening. The quo'a
tions were of particular interest, being
from Pacific Coast authors. Sam Simp
eon came in for the lion's share, and hia
famous poem on the Willamette, of na
tional repute, was read in full. The in
teresting fact was revealed that the poem
was first published in the DaaiocaAT, the
type being set by Mr C H Stewart, now
of the firm of Stewart & Sox. A program
consisting of a paper on thanksgiving, a
song and a recitation were rendered, ami
a live question box dissected. Tbe next
meeting will be held on Tuesday of next
week with Mrs Redeker at Mrs Walter
Monteith'e. Quotations from Ben Frank
lin, questions on the Hawaiian arTair and
reading from Othello.
as he had started for California, he want
ed to find the overland train. He was
told to cross the river, go east six miles
and he would find the overland train. If
any one told him this it is false, and it is
wrong to treat anyone in this way ; but
the greatest wrong is in the city of Ccr
vallis licensing the saloons to sell stuff
to ruin mens minds.
The Woman's Missionary society g.tvc
a literary entertainment and oyster
supper, charging 26 cts for supper . The
proceeds amounting to about $20 which
will be sent to India to educate a heathen
Geo S Acheson organized n class in vo
cal music here.
;vi;rvsl upon for the new building were
: twenty by thirty feet.
Henry Mntliew. of Goshen, was down
one day last wee looking tor some stray
Mr S t) Garrison recently sold the west
half of his farm to Mr Steele, who purposes
planting the most of the land in hops this
Edgar Allingbam was looking after husi
ness interests in Benton county last week.
Miss Klfie Perry Taylor has spent the last
three weeks with her relatives near Soda-
ville. but is expected home next Friday.
i'ht Uurinl of the Into Peter Clover at the
lwis cemetery on Friday was quite well
attended. He had ltved ninny years in this
neighliorhoed end was quite well known.
Tue L. K. Plain Clotbiko Co.
ARCHIBALD. On 8uudy. Nov 10.
1803. in Albany to Mr snd Mrs U A Archi
bald a bey, number three: All doing well.
i limit it
Nov io, 1893. at the residence of A Mont
gomery, by Rev C C Pperry, Ilapptelonla
H Montgomery and Allle D Elder both
of Linn county.
Nov 18th, 1893 at Holly, by Rev C L
Hautman, R N Matlock and Maud
Mrs Katherine Callahan died suddenly
this noon at her home at the corner of t'al-
anooiu and 7th streets. Her son James.
who resides alone with her saw her in good
health on leaving the house this forenoon.
On going home at noon he found her lying
on the tloor. slightly against the door, 111
his bed room, dead, but yet warm, showing
that she had only fallen a short tune iietore
lr Hill was culled and pronounced it heart
Mrs Callahan had been a resident of AI
lianv nearly twenty years coming here from
Portland in 1H74. She was tt pioneer of
California, lenviiur that state tor Oregon 111
185. The deceased was a lnemlier of the
Catholic church, and was hiirhlv respected
Sho leaves three children. James, of this
city, Thomas, son-in-law of Judge Burnett,
of Corvalhs.and Miss Nellie, of Portland
Her aire was uliotit let. Ihe children were
all telegraphed for, and will Ihi here for tho
funeral, arrangements for which had not.
I won made ut press time.
lliA rlniut ,-if ItiA v.t.A- it tti
general conference of the democratic meme ! Too little time to tell what we have for
hers tomorrow, the discussion will be re 1 lne ' ycung. we .aaaa
sumed as to the policv of adopting an in i 'o0"1 1 nderwear, Shuts. Neckwear.Head
come tax. As to the important articles t j wr. Footwear and the rest ol many many
be added to the free list, there is no longtr ; things we buy and sell.
di queuou iumi tury ciuur.tce awi, iuiu (
Iter, iron ore, coal, salt, cotton, tagging.
binding twine, rice, and many other com- 1
mocuties of less importance. Ihe present
bounty en sugar is to lie repealed-
Wheleta'e rralea I'raaiU
Wasiusotos, Nov 19. Officials of the
pension buresu sre unusually reticent re
garding tbe announcement that the bureau
ba unearthed at Buffalo, N 1 , a wholesale
scheme for defrauding the office. The pub
lication at this time Uiey tear will hinder
them in bringing the guilty persons to
justice. The Post this morning announces
the name of the person who ha' been carry
ing on this scheme to be hoen Moore.
who was formerly special examiner of the ,
bureau in this city. U is believed $lo0,000 i
. , :i t . . l -I.; m . I
nus itireauy oeen pain irauouient claimants
whose cases were engineered by Attorney
Timber Land, Act Jan
tor pntlicrtion.
United States Land OSce, Oreswt. City. Ore$ts
November L IWS.
Sasice is herebj aawa that in roeapliaBee with
the pr.rions of the a rt of t ocatn- of Jns X.
lsTs. entitled -An art f it C: sale of timbvr iaaJs
ui the state of Cabtoma. Omtm. Xesla
acd Washuxton Territorr." as exunbvi to all
th Pnb.ic lasaal BssSsa bract o: Antral 4. 1SBB,
Charles H. laalrj-nj-U". of Albany, loontj of Ltna.
State of Orecon. has thi tlav naed ia this ov
. jt -worn statBn; , lor tc parrltase or
the S K V, of Section so in Torashjp No W 8.
Kanire So East, and will t4fer proof to snow
that tbv land sought is ukuv vahiable for its
timber or stone than tor agricultural purpose,
and to establish his claim to said land hrfrv the
Itonstfr asd hVeviw of this office, at Orwrcn
Cttr. Orsson. ou W.ilneedajr. the Jl day of
Jacnarr. I'M
He names as 9 Holaaes. E W
Beeman. H Wink. O V Attams. all of Albany, (azn.
Aay and ail persons claimira: .diversely the abt-ce
described lai-.ds are re.jnost-d sa tile their claim
in this office on or before said -4th day of Janu
ary. - 1 . Koeest A. M it i sa.
. Koahster.
Timber Land, Act Jane 3, 1S7S. Ntke
for pubiicat-on .
United States Ljin.i Office. Orcsvn Citj, tsresoc.
October Shi 1-W.
Notice is hereby aavon that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of Jane S.
IsTS entitled. "An act for tbe sale of timber
uuvts in tbe States of c'aliftrT.iit. tresoij. Neai.i.
and Washington Territory." John D CSgaaaasaH. as
Xaoaaette. t oocty of XUnette. State of
this day tied io this office hi strom
stater.ient So 2S4K. for the purchase of tbe SWH
of SK. Kl-S SW ard N" c SW- of Section
No 3S. ir Titwnship No 10 S.Kith. K.-u:i Ho Esait
and will offer prvf to show that the land soojrtit
is more valuable for its timber or stone tKan for
agricultural punos. and to establish his claim
to said land before the Ketuster and Receiver of
this office at Oresoa City. Oreeon. on Tuesday
the 33d day ot Jan'iary, ISM llt r a mm sat
w. ti-..-to- fc.ugce l.dwin V Saiila.
J L Herry. Berry P O. Marion t o. and Frank
Perkett. Detr:t. Marion v Orvvoo. Any and
all person claiming adversely the aboTe-dee-cribed
lands are revracsted to Die their claims in
this office on or before said fad day of January.
18. Robsbt A. Miixars,
Star Baker
t orRr isi.) ulii iiiiiI rirat St
x denienrd admbtistratrix aad adBtlaatrator ot
the eatal ot F al Ma', ne. Jccaacsi, bar JW ia
th oflke ol lb .-lerk til ihe County Court of Una
i countr, thtr Saal acccuat aad that said court haa
appointed th 4th day of Peteubar, 1SW. at the
hour ol 1 o'elcck p tu of said day. aa tbe time
tor bevinc all objection., it aay, te aaid ana! account,
and for th aettieinent l aaid cs ate.
Dated thi l$th day n( October. 1S88.
1 Isslsaiiiaim mti
A Strike
Bi Ki- Ai.o. Nov 111. Passenger trains ar
rived and departed on the I.eliiat':i Valley
road totlay as usual, but the freights were
tied up by the strike. In Buffalo there re
about 600 employes of the Ihigh, and
perhaps one -third of that number ar out.
A Saytv the officials of the road admit
fully half the men are out. Thev
the braksmen and firemen, principally, and
a few engineers and conductors. Ail the
brakemen of the northern division went out
against their will.
My fall line of MACINTOSHES and
GOSSAMERS, inoiudini; many novrltie
for ladins, misses ..d children, it now
sale. S E Young.
Causae Ilea
Skwinq Machines neatly repaired and
KELLEY. On Monday Nov jo, 1893
j warranted by a thoroughly competent work- l ' fsthers home In Benton county, of
man, at K M French's towolry sore. Albany. I puenmonla, Mr Jas Kellsy, son of II M
I Oregon.
Kelley, at the age of ai years.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in' MillionsTof 1 Homes 40 Yers the Standard.
t ii ii si rutin,
Orlesl Frsjltsi.
lac even thtc that i kept in
rarlvty and mocery stole, uigknit
market price paid for '
Assignee's Notice.
Notice it hereby given to all whom i may
concern, that on the 4th day of November,
ly;i, Anthony Prtpst and F C Butler duly
made an assignment to me of all their proper
ty forthe benefit of all their creditor, in
ccordanoe with the general assignment
awsof the state of Oregon; therefore all
persons having claims against the so-partnership
firm of aaid Propst and Boiler are
hereby notified and required to present the
same to me under oath at the office cf W R
Bilyen in the City of Albany, Oregon with
in three months from the date hereof.
D ted this 17th day of November, 1893.
Fra k lin t'KorsT, Assignee.
Send for
Address, REV. E. N. COXDIT,
Albany, Oregon
Wall Paper,
I r utrs. Faints, Oils
Giants, Etc
J. A. Coiuming