rmcrrat. WW Y. That sophistry mut le resorted lo to maintain tin doctrine of protection (or the (tke of protection !g no longer a disputable proposition, as it crops out in every serious eftort to support the policy with an argu ment The Salem Journal, attempts to make an argument in favor of taxing wool by saying that the duty upon wool makes no difference In the price of clothing to the consumer. It says five pounds of wool makes cloth for a suit of clothes and it matters little whether the price of wool be ten or twenty cents. But his is not true. The duty on the amount of wool necessary to make a suit of clothes Is from $1.25 to $1.50 betides the duty on every oil er ma terial tint enters into the suit, as buttons, lining, thread etc. The d;aler will make his profit whatever th- duty is and the con sumer pays it as certainly as he does the freight upon goods that he buys. But this Is not the worst feature of th policy of protective duty on wool. When a duly is placed on wool the manufacturer or wool comes before congress and says," now that the price of wool is Increased on account of this duly, 1 must have a high duty on wool en manufactures in order that 1 mar com pete with the foreign manufacturer who bays his wool free, So the duly is placed at a l.ihh rate all along the line until li gets to ready made clothing when the duty is simply outrageous. On such articles the duty in the McKinley law ts placet at 4'J1, cen's par iound and 60 per cent a Ivalorem. Dear reader did you ever think what that means-? Hag the Journal ever seriously re flected upon this outrageous imposition up on 67 millions people for the benefit of few hundreds? Let us analyze and deter mine the effect of this drily. There are two kinds of duties and both are placed up on the same artie'es in many instances under the present tariff law. A suit of clothes that cost $12 in Manchester, weigh ing six pounds, li imported. At th cus tom house in New York the owner is re quired to pay for the privilege of landing the goods, first, 4'!4 cents per pound, which Is called the specific duty and amounts to 2.97 on this suit. Then there is another duty called the ad valorem duty and It is 60 per cent of tSe cost of the goods, which on this suit arr.our.ta to $7.20. Adding these two duties together we have the sum of j $10.17 as the duty to be paid on a suit of clothes that cost $12.00 in the foreign mar ket. This Is an actual duty of Si per cen'. Anl this is dona in the name of pro tection to labor when erjrv man ol sens knows '.hat $fu 17 is mare than double the entire labor cost of producing this suit Again the Capital Journal s&ts: A eood illustration of the operation of a tariff is show n in the case of hides. By representations of New England manufact urers of Loots and shoes, and with the aid of free trade vots in congress, '..ides were put on the free list a few years ago. The other day a farmer brought a hide to the Salens market and the butchers refused to take it at any pric. They said they had great difficulty in disposing of the hides of beeves they slaughter. Hide used to sell at Salem at Irani 2 to 5 cents a pound. Tne farmer was very much disgusted because he cou'd not ssftl hides at Salem. Now it wai not a few years ago that hides were put on the free list. It was twenty-one years ago, (in 1872) that hides were put on the free list. "The free trade rotes in congress" that passed the law put ting them on the free list were nearly all republicans as that party bad a very large tnajor.ty at that time. Farmers bare been receiving a good price for their hides for many years until llie present panic set in, but tbey were good prices received under a law that put nides 01 the free list. There never was any but a small duty on hidea. In 1842 a duty of 5 per csnt was levieJ. In 1862 this was increased to 10 per cent and remained at that until 1872 when a repub lican congress removed the duty and put them on the free list. This bill was ap proved by General Grant who was then president. In view of all tbesa facts we .. ...... would say with the Journal that hides do give a good illustration of the operation of a tariff law but no' what the Journal claims. We trust the Journal as a news paper will ccrrectlLe impression it has unwittingly made upon tLe Wbi'aker farmer and ihe one who brought his hides io Salem to sell. Tell them they have been selling hides for the last twenty one years ondsr a free trade law passed by a republican crn gress. HAWAII- The fac's connected with the orerthrow cf the Hawaii government ome ir.o itha point strongly to the conclusion that a conspiracy lo that end was fornaed in wi ich our then minister was a conspicuous lea ier. There is scarce!'- any longer a doubt that our government as represented by tnlnLter Stevens as male to contribul to the over throw of a friendly power. Such being 'he case ihe questi in arises as lo what courss the present adminbtra'ion should lake in the matter Suggestions have been made that president Cleveland will use the mili tary power lo restore the throne to the de poaed queen. This we do not believe. The coun ry would not sustain the presi dent in such a move, bat a large majority of fair minded peop.c would sustain the prendent in wi lulrawing every se.nblance of restrain', military or o'herwise, from the islands and giving thene people to un derstand that the; i'e perfectly free lo ad opt such form of government they choote without rest'afni from the United State or any o'her foreign power This in the true pjllcy. This woold put the ques tion 01 ;he a'.reniti of Ihe provisional or Dole government to the test . The q at an sou d thu have a fair field in which assert her pie'Ogativcs. to There never was a time, not in the heit ad limes ih.-.t followed ihe closed the war. that a .-resident was so persistently, pur posely and maliciously lied about as Cleve land is at the present time. N it le s tnan a dozen t'mes in the lat two months has the report heCn sent out by Washing'.! n correspondents that the adminis'ra'ion was making preparation 10 issve one, two or three Imr dred million bonds. First, thei-e botids were to be negotiated through New Y rk bankets, and thai import fii ing of ere 'ence, another would be heralded to every pait of the country that the admints tratlrci had snt an tgent to London to ne fOtiile hi ii bond", and tnus repor s false n every pnicul,.r are dally sent out fiom Wjs'oini'ion inlsrepresen-ing in a thousand tnrcii evovi ways. Sj cominos has this become that men who seek the Irulh no longer rely u,ion the sta'eruen's made by li est fe ci' shivers. The or-dumptiou of be Eveaing T.lrgiam tttel ihe president la mak'ng pieparatior.s lo declare war upon ttirr provisfonsl govern mtat l I ..,i i- as gratuitous as it is fft surd. No'hing hail tranpired that justi fies such a clmge and the 7Vrt.rai is call- i ad upon to give the facts upon which it predicates su.h a charge. It will not for it has ao.e that are authenticate. The paid admissions at the vVoild's Fir in September acre 4,a7o,Oo8. The to'al, including the free a Imisxluns, wis 5,771, 90V. f Us total since May 1 is 20.245,435. lite THE MOTIVES OKA POLITICIAN Governor Ptaaoytf openly announces himself as a popul.st. To those who have been intimately associated with the gDvern or since the losa of his grip upon the demo cratic organization in this state in ihe democratic state convention in 1892 this mave will occasion no suprise. To a fw it was I. no A n even before that convention assembled that Ihe governor con'e-njilatcd treason to the party that had made him a that he was. It had heaped lienor upo him more than upon any other man in ihe state who had done so little for the party as he. Had the governor been able to dominate the paity at its convention in 1S92, and forced his own elecion ss a dele gate to the nationil convention, he would have remained loyal and faithful lo the party unto this day, notwithstsndltijf the election of Cleveland. In other words, the governor would hay; bctxl entirely content to remain in the democrat C party so long as he coul l dominate and control its actiont He will no unite himself with the p.p ulist paity with only one motive that of his own promotion end personal aggran dizement. He beiitves that he sees in the distance the doors of the United States senate opening to welcome him as a senator. He believes that the pcpullsts will be strong enough to scr.d him, hence h affiliation with that party. But we must caution our populist friends upon this point. II they sec are the loaves and fishes they must te reserved for the governor's use. If power In the state or national government is secured it must be understood that such power is to he reserved for ihe governor. These, with the authority to dominate the party in all its ramifications arc the conditions upon which the govern or's fidelity to the narlv is lo le made sure and steadfast. There is no doubt . 1 . , . the governor's ability ar.d cunning as leader. The only question hich the pop ulists must settle for themselves is whether they can afford to pay the price to secure the smuhi'i h.l-iitv in hlr nanv Ai 1 : r, , . IMC IIIUUICIII UIOC COUUIilVUS UUUIU UCUIQl' en the governor would re repeat the Bene dict Arnold act even if it were in the midst ef a heated campaign. The governor is a most pleasant, genial gentleman and have nothing but the kindest of feelings for h m personally but our duty to so large a number of people as the populists of this state impel, us to call their atie-.ion io ihe quick sands and quagmires into wbrch they are about lo leap. As proof that we are not unduly alaimed for the welfare of our pepulist friends we cite the fact that quite a numbercf populist papers. tpeakers and scores of pcpuliata throughout ihe state are calling attention to this danger to their party. Forewarned I. forearmed. T fact must not be overlooked thst feelings cf gratitude or gocd faith cut no figure as rules IU gu.ciu cue guvcinur ill ins fu.niiat conduct He brooks no restraint, not evca that cf conscience His purrose is to con trol others, not to be controlled by others With him a party orgin uticn exists to secure promotion for its lerder. Like Quay he thinks there is no piJc; for the ten commandments in politics. We trust this warning to our populist friends will ftU F 'lt i "0 b oe."2 not be without buefrcial rasulis. j ob a Id to I.-!.m i i. t .'son. C AI -Beg 21 74 cha stofSK j cot of D L C Jerry Rli.n, No 4 1 TAKIFF at THE I'AIB. w un S boundary of nald ci 1 l-i rb; ' N 8 07 cha. S 8t' : E 1.11 ehi-; 8 8 3 chs lo beg, 1 acre "Buy here and save the 60 p?r cent 1 BeBdnxaon. f J- l--u 7 a"d 8 duty," is conspicuously displayed before' block 3K a.ld 10 Lebanon u-i -l i .u iJ ii- a Humphrey, Hr Marv E Lota 3 a foreign exhibit ai the Worlds llr. ,nj 4 n oct 5 K ad.l 10 Lebsnoj where articles are being niinufactured. On H.ncy, c'barl- LHi 3 nJ 4 in another displav of imported good's is the j Cownadd to Ibanon ... 1 1 y . , Johnson. Mr Ea'er a -Bg 82 . R legenu doty added. j E and RS (A N w cor D L c. L Here is a lesson in tariff. In the first , T Woodward, c! 45 6 9 roia C 39 instance fje porch.ser s ived 60 per cent by j ?Dt of uc III rc l.wn r r , . .. , . .. ... I w 39 ra to be; 2 acres lp 12SKi purchasing arti.les made on the spot, they r,Koy, A Lot 1 In 1 2 K 2 add lo not having been subject to our M;Kin:ev lorifT i... i k u., ;, tk. ... . I."-. tit IIK I"C1 lU.UUVC Mt f ' chaser was frankly told that the import duty was included io the price. If the articles bad been admitted free of tariff duty they could have been purchased for a sum minus whatever the tariff sas. If the tariff is not a tax. what is it?. If I the consumer does not pa v the tariff, who doas'.' Silver men propose 1 o renew the silver fight as soon as congress meets. Blind says a sufficient time haB elapsed since the repeal ofthe Sherman law to show it was cot responsible for the hard times, and that . its repeal, instead of helping matter?, has made them worse, by contracting the cur- rency and making it harde- for the debtor class to pay. He say be has private asauranem from a larcx numlier of those who voted for repeal which makes it evi dent that he can get a majority in the house for free coinage, and he has prepared .., , . , .. . . a b.ll for ear.y introduction which is a practical revival of the free coinage law of 1837, and makes silver wins of all denomi - ..',.,,. . nations full legal tender to any amount. It is his purpose not to push tbe bill at once. but to allow first a reasonable time for the , , . passage of the tariff bill. He thinks there should be a heavy reduction in tbe tariff 1 . and a large income tax imposed. The levying of an income tax to increase the revenues in order to permit the con templated re-luctious in the tariff will be recommended by a subcommittee of tbe ways and means committee to ibe full committee. It is understood a msjori'y of the full committee is favorable to it. The present plan is not to tax incomes of less than f4O00 pe annum; to make a Ux of 2 per cent from that up to $20,000; 5 per cent from the latter optotVjO.OOO, and 10 per cent on all amounts over $50,000. The subcommittee also recommended favorab'e action on the bill of Bryan of Nebraska, for tbe redemption of all United States 2 per cent bonds, amoun'ingto some 822.- 1 000W and an issue of treasury notes for neneral circulation to take their place. Ibe idea is to save interest and at the came time add to the circulating medium. Many paper, in this state viciously at tack Prof M V Kirk, whom tbey claim is a roaring popu'ist. The fact is Prof Rork is not miking speeches for the people's partv, has no authority to speak for them and is a member of tbe party only us high privite-' Prof Rork is sta'e lecturer of the alliance, t MM p jlitic.il organization . If be makes party spoeches, hi violates his obligations to the alliance and applies the time that is paid for by this organization to the purposes of a dis'inct aid sepura'e order The people's p.iny is in no wise responsible for anything Prof H rk may say. bat Prof II irk is nspMsibe lo the alliance for tran'grejsing (hi fundamental rules of its ord-ir, when hj 111 ilc ; political speeches If toe papers do not like Prof Rork's sppeches they tinnot consistently attack the alliance, for they am '-Larking up the wrong tree" when tbey bold the people's party lesponnble for his utter ances Salem ierni. The Telegri'i with a degree of unlairnefg that ch; r:" erV?. i's en'tn- ami col ei'ii jng the silver question a-ki the Dem m rat wlut it think of Cleveland's destruc' ion silver. This is silly and abeurd. Silver ! has not been destroyed. No one will think : 1 : 1 l J auver is uesiroyeu so long as we nave over $600 000.000 of silver money. In all candor . ..k iko Tj,.n, i u ...1 1,- 1 v ans MFV - ss i 11111 J svj tuff UUU IlVilUOt, , both with itself and its readers- r ri , r w f , . Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Purs Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. TAX NOTICE NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN, that by virtue of a warrant, which the following it a true copy thereof, for the collection of delinquent Uxcs.of Ihe assess ment of 1S92, in (he county ol Linn, and state of Oregon, which warrant is now In my hands, end is In words and hgutes as follows, viz.: State of Oregon, County of Linn, ss Warrau to col eel delinquent taxes. To CC Jackson, S ei iff of Linn county, Oregon, (.reeling: In the name of tSo stale of Oregon . You are hereby commanded to collect lh- tax charged In the delinquent tax list for the ear 18592, of and from t. re persons therein named and you ife commanded to levy upon the gooJs and chattels of such delinquent tax payers, and if nor. e be found, upon the real properly as set forth in said delinquent tax list or so much thereof as w'll satisfy tin amount so charged with costs atul expen ses of collection knd also id pay over to the treasurer of said Liun ccun according to law all moneys so cjl'ectei as by law required. In testimony whereof, I nave hereunto set my hand and aPixed lire seal of the County Court of Linn county .Oregon, this 23rd day of October, 1S93. Seal N P PAYNE, Clerk. Which wirrant Is attached o the list of unpaid and delinquent taxes for the year 1892 in said Linn county, and not having been ab'e, atler diligent search, to find any personal property v.ihin said county rUl of which to make th; taxes, hereinafter mentioned n,' 11 . ijZT, , iiZ' ribed land a.l to U cwniy.Ore. 1 1 1 1J ,w- t..n... lug desc gon, assessed and desci ibed ns follows TAX Clark. Card wall C -D LO of Jos El kins Cl No 4i Net 77S4 Id to 11 8 R 1 E Will Mer $l2 97 Clark, J EandC K-ti w U N w and NXofSw 4 inn s r. i of N H , ami N E r E of eo 21, MS of N E 1 , S w K Ol H K 1 . W X of N w 1 , an.; N W ' of S E S E if N w aeo2i I in tp 11.8 Rl K.Will Mer 1- i.tp 41 acraa. 6 34 Dobssu. H E - Beg at S w cor sec 30 I to li S B 1 E. ti.s E 9 roi1, tbs N ss rus; til w :; cos; us a mo ru- hi I UWtHIIIIK 1 V BlTPn IU III W ...n 1 . : t . .1 . 13 4 . Loofborrou -h. Mrs S-nS H of N w of see 19 tp 11 S R 1 E Will Mer contir 8-1 43 screa Tucker Nancv-N ofNw',and 8 41 ! lots ; and 8 of see 19 tp lis H I K I Will Mer cont V7 acres i Wl t. Mrs Ella-S w and w H of S E of see 3T,xt;ipi. a Iran J rrts square tr in b w -rr of the abave rlws tract in tpusK I t. vtm Vr- contir liO um 2' 21 22 ' irt, J B -N of S E '. and 8 X we of N E , of see til;. 11 S K I K Wi.l MertCMUtg IBM acre ItortLick. H N S W nfS w 1. S t 9 14 5 04 23 04 11 i2 ot e K . c f sen 15 in tp 11 S K i w i Will Mer j Msttger, H--i E ' , af se 4 lp II 8 ; R 1 E Wi I Mar; coot 10) ara offlS1. ofsoc28ipll 8R I w, 31 eg 1 Will Mar Tuckar. Wm E ufSw ot AA 01 n 11 w I h - Wilt tar ail , Ulmar, K S w af s?9 4 tp li 8 K UWlfaMl j-g tp 1 ! S R I w Will Mer. 8oacrs Wolljin, Henry H of iw35;p il 2 88 II 53 5 75 19 . Bsrretl. Roena h IW at point S or S Eoor or lot 6 blk I cf Oaboru's Id to Letx ths 8 131 It. th w To ft; ihs N 134 ft: tha E 7." ft to hfg Cyras, K K 1 a int i" w S of 8 w w XofS E , of S w of see 29; and N H of 8 E of SO. AU beg st N w cor o! ' w 1 , of fee 29; tu E 2J !,. ths N 5 cb: l w 4 ) clis: tbs S S ch. ths K 20 cJ 10 bag; tM ... 1 . .' .. VI" I I I , r 2 90 3 94 7 02 3 61 17 3S 9 M 9 90 ' Lebanon Mark. Myra E-L 3 in 2 34 bioek 3 I Montague. Mrs E M L n 4 btock R add 10 Lob Mai tin. Urin add Leo Parker, K W bo; bioek 2 lab I. rt 12 Sloe i 1. ad LabanoT 'ihomas. John V tp9s 1U EJ ' Waam, M-Hk 79 et If of N w 1 r 1 r- -i w t . - it v cor DL( Morgan K-es No 43 K 20U.0 cbs S 4v-" chs 10 H line of said c w 20 1-2 cbK N to beg: 1 no . -resin sacs 3 an 1 10 tp 12 S R I - - Wither. John-B g at N K eor D u t ' o r u ii. v.- u -Kt - . . -A 4) 11 j ebx. s 87 "hN' t' , , N , I of said c"; 5k:4 ch-; N 1 1 33 eh-: N ; 8 J5 ,W fb ; So W"4sVi E cbs to N line of aid cl E 1 o.; ilO j acres tp 12 3 R2w : V ail, Andrew N E ' f -e 22 ip SJtTsTi ad"t"o Leb Wa.too, J I Lot 5 loo.ik J M R 4 II - j tfJZjttZrZ tZw 30 17 ; cor lo' 7 in blk 19 Ka ton' 3 add t : fi" : ,thw 'i: ,h r : i tna S 16i fa ibiiS 6cl f; .i bag ciaaver Panj aMate ofj-Iis 7 acu H block 19 Rai 2 ad Lebanon ;'h.Al!'er - ,'oU, 4 Dd 5,D i block 2 K 2 ad Lh oibocey. Osorge W-Lot 8 bloek 4 Cowan ad oLeo i"' dI,Ll', 7 and 8 b!ocil 1 8 ass add Ub - j Usher, Dulaena llsg 8 cha N of s I w cor ef D L C of Jamea Rhlgewa 1 So 4C; thts N I44o cbs; lbs E 7.' I aba ,u s 3-. ,. Ifch tDH8 w 3 ch tba N MS w 15 cl.s to rfc: 20 acres j tp 12 3 R 2 w 5 40 f'aywood, J C Beg at s e cor of s w sec 6 tp 13 s r 1 e. Will mer; ths w 240 rods. ths n 100 rds.ths e (8 rds. ths n 20 rds.ths e 00 rds.ths n 40 rds. thsel30rds, ths h 1CJ to lg: 211 acres McKinney. Emily X w '4 of sec 20 tp 12 irl E, KB acres Farrell, P S e J4 sec 30 tp 12 s r 2e. 100 acres flray, C L and John A Mcl'hee S w U gee 6 tp 12 I r 2 e. 160 acres Hinds. Henry II Se 'X and n w ,'4' of sec 32 t ,j 12 s r 2 e. 320 acres Loveall, John M J Beg 78 rods n of s e cor of Richard Cheadle rl 1 c, ths s 7 ninths w HI rds.ths n 0 rds, ths easterly to leg 40 acres tp 1 2 s r 1 w . . McKinney,!! B Iheirs of) Begat n e cor of n w !-4 of sec 21 tn 12 s r 1 w. ths n 80 rds, ths w 90 rds. ths s rds. ths e 60 rds, Uss 11 1 '10 rds, ths e 4J rds to lieg K nitres Carroll J and Jessie Lot 3, block 10, Sodavillc Oarothata Juha Beg at a sr cor of d I c ofKlmer Ken and wife, not 2519, e 30 chs, h 47.71 chs, w 10 hs, n 19 chs. w 20 chs. n 2-J.71 9 86 13 84 11 52 C 30 5 IS 1 09 chs to beg, tp 12 i.rts Will mi-r. . Davis Job 1 lot '1, block 7, Kodaville 12 47 1 17 Hedgepath .Marv f ling at w cor Elmer Km d 1 e, n 2319, ) 40 r. n 100 r. w 40 r. s 1(50 r to beg; 40 Sjeres, tp 12 s, r I w Wil mer I 15 Matehett James Bag at o,r sr.c cor bet sees 2 & 3, tp 13 s, r 1 w. run n 0 43', w 20 chs, ths s 89 45', . e 17 chs to the left bank of Saiitium river, ths 1 29'. e K8 chs, ths s, 40 0 e. H.f;-, chs. ths n 89 45' w 30.78 chs to beg; also lot 5 of sec 34, tp 12 s, r 1 w; also j of n e '4 of sec 3, tp 13 s, r 1 w Wil mer 49 70 Vail Mary and Joel Beg at. 11 w cor Q W Kluni d I c, e 7) j chs. h 44 chs, w 7?- chs. n 44 chs to lieg; also lots 7. H, 11, 12 and 13 in SBC lit and lots 1. 2. 3, 4 and 5, sec 90 tp is s. r t w wu mer rl 17 Cornett II -e H of w of e I nelofsw li: n w W of s a )i Of sc. 5, tp 10 h, r 1 w Wil mer MatliiiwH V J h e '4 of s e of sec: ii 91 3 17 tv, rp iu , r z w vvii mer; 4U iu:res Roork l'arri(!--s w of h c of sec 80, tp 9 b, r 1 w Will mar; lo acres Smith Abraham l.'n livided X torest in s of s v '4 sec 20, tp 10 h, r 2 w will mer: 40 acres Hayden Benjamin w of m: 3 2 38 12 (57 1 00 ft) 10 h. r 1 w will mor; If 0 acres. . ! 1. 'i V. r '.'" '. . ujw ti w r rue n w '4 ot 11 w , of see 25, tp 12 s. r 4 w will mer 11 I iiardner Ar.tm Lot 1, block 2, 19 , sjryQ ( Rob':.' J H-Beg ciii eha's)' of 's e cor of n e of sec 3 lp 13 h r 4 w, ruu tllK g89 ch., ths w 32.32 cb 9 ;:c ' tin s 1KI.C8 ohfL (lis . 33.8a chs to heir in sees 9 anil 4 tp 18 s r 4 w will mor 84 Wilson Mrs t 0 Beg 411.07 cha e from n w cor of James M Yantis' d 1 0 not 8221 in sees !$6 and 27 tp 12 s r 4 w, run s (17. 50 chs, ths u lOti.fjSchs, ths 11 07.50 eh, ths w lOfi.tW chs to lieir. to 12 s r 4 w Will nier; 45 acres Holmes Kdward i Lot .'1, block 2, Shedd Streithoff Tho's K Hog in center of 11 creek at n pt 9 chs n and 19.25 chl w of s e cor of d I c of Lewis Cox and wife, el 44 tp 11 s r 2 w, ths o 19.25 COS to e line of said cl, ths s 8 chs to s 0 cor of said cl, ths e 27.82 chs to an ash tree, s 19 deg w 10.10 chs, ths w 45.59 chs to center of said creek, ths down center of said creek to lieg, tp 11 s r 2 w will nier; 50 acros Wilson Marion Beg at s w cor of d I c of John Wilson, No 70, run n 42.26 eh, ths 0 IS chs. ths s 42.24 chs, ths w 18 chs to beg. tp 13 s r 4 ... ...:n ir. 8 91 4 94 11 48 w will mur; io aeres I S CO 2 S3 McFarland W H-n X of lot 2, block 1, Met add, llarrisburg Iewis John S X of s e .'4" sec 18 tp 15 s r I e will ruer; 80 acres .... Kiggi Wui K S e '4 of sec 8 tp 15 s r I w will mer. 100 acres Sutcliffi S L S w of s w sec Hi tp 15 s r 2 w will iner Sutelifti H-S e .'4 of s w W of sec Hi tp 15 s r 2 w will mer; 40 acres. 2 S.S 2 88 5 75 14 62 Yumuatre P S S e 1 of s w K anil i w U of se M of sec lGtp 15s r 1 w I Wiliier: 80 acres Taylor Tarlton (estate) n w of n e 1-4 sec iW tp 15 s r3 w will mer.. Barber T Y Beg 5 chs n 70 deg 3J rain w of s e cor of )erry Michaels' d I c, cl 41. not 20tM. tp 14 s r 3 w Will mer, ths n 80 deg 30 rain e 36 chs, ths n 19 deg 30 nun e 40 chs, ths s 70 deg 80 miu e 35 chs, ths n 1 30 miu eM.SO chs, ths s reasterly dinvtion 24.5 chs to n w co Ktisha liriltiths' d 1 c, ths s 9 deg 80 min a 39.10 chs, ths w 31.60 chs. ths s 1.80 chs ths w 13.9) chs. ths s 19 30 min w 5.75 chs to beg; containing 22 acres more or less Butler N L s w 1-4 of sec 34 tp 14 sr3w will mer; 160 acres Dunn Mrs Mary, block 5. H'a 2nd add. X Brownsville Ooodnough Ira Undivided l4 of n '.j of Jonathan Keeney & wife's d 1 c in sec 17 tp 14 s r 2 w will mer. . Michael, K B Beg at a point 9.66 ch n of qr sec cor between sees 24 and 25 tp 14 s r 3 w, run n 10.31 chs to n e cor of s S of s w of sec 24. ths s 89 45l w 30. &5 ch. ths n 45a w 12.77 chs. ths n 1 1 .- chs to line d I c of Eli W Michael, ths n 19 M e 0.66 chs. ths n 61" w 43 05 chs. ths s 19 ;' w it chs. ths s 61 e 4 I IS chs.ths s 19 30' w 9.0 chs.ths n ?9y 45' e 50.50 chs to beg tp 14 r 3 w will mer Tvcer. ( B and I. B BfH at s w cor N 90 M 67. 4 05 4S 5 2 16 j d I c of R Montgomery- not 2617 cl 5 1 I n chs, w l l.lslcn. s 26 ch. s 50 e 1 1.22 chs to n line of cl 49 e 1 1 beg. 40 acres tp 14 s r 2 w. will mer. i Woodward, rieorge Undivided of ' fol w 4 of Jonathan Keeney d I c 42 not 2622 tp 14 s r 2 w will mer . . . Dietrick. U F 8 '.. of n w i4 of sec 84 tn 14 s r 2 w will mer. 80 acres. . Huff. Klenor -Block IJ.Brow nsville.. Ladd. Charles E w K of sec 36 tp 14 s r S w will mer. 8J) acres Wilcox. Thomas J Lt 2 audi! block 1 Brownsville ', Miller, A -X of n e of sec 18 j tp 14 s r 3 w W ill mer. J acres ! renttand. liertrude Bair at n e cor I of n w '4 of sec 7 tp 14 s r 3 w. ths w : 40.70 chs. ths s 25.2) cha. ths e 40.70 chs, th n 25.25 chs to b-g in sec 7 tp 1. am.. 8 1 Elder. John--Undivided 1-7 ir -V) 7 C acres in d I c of Robert Elder cl ,'1 tp 18 s r 3 w Will mer. 46 acres Taylor. J A and Henry (.'-Block 1 D M Cooper ad Halsey Kee. infieldS H of Id of SBC 6 tp 12 s r t e Will mer. 16") acres. . . Junk;n. It h Ine of s e l and lots 2 and 3 sec 17 and tbe n w '4 of mi, and lots 1 . 2 and 3 of sec 20 tp 12 i r 4 w excepting acre deeded bi Vina Mulkey Nov 16.14. vol K. pg 294. also excepting 70 acres sold to Randolph C Junkin. leaving 60 acres tp 12 s r 4 w will mer.. 3 Jnnkui. R Q -Beg 26.63W chs n of a ecor of d I c of John McCoy cl M tp 12 s r 4 w. ran ths e 22.66 chs to w line of e of n e of sec '20 said tp. ths n along e line d 1 c of James Jun kin to center of Muddv creek, ths down center ot aid creek to e line of said McCoy die, ths s to besx. 70 acres tp 12 s r 4 w will mer 12 47 Slat. John T -Beg 5.lchs n and 47.30 chs w of e cor of sev 14 tp 1 2 srlv, run s 60 chs. ths e 120 ch. ths n 40 ch. ths w 40 chs.ths n 20 chs. th, w 80 chs tp 12 s r 4 w Wil mer lo'. 08 Brown. Robert V S of n e lt of MM 14 tp 9 s r I w Wjll me.-. ) acres 3 17 6 34 4 75 Humphrey, Inos ibeirsf N w 4 of s e l4 and n e & of s w of sec 5 tp 10 s r 1 B Will mer. 0 acrea iiardner. Alice M -E 'i of s e l4 of sec30tp9sr2E Will mer. 0acres Vo I ana 101s z, .i, 4. see lp 3 9 r 1 e Will mer. 75 acres. '4 Keene. R C- S K of s e 1 . and a iof swi so- 18 in 9s r 2 a Will 73 ! rnpr. l.l r. Ifoeye. Susan Jane - lot 3 block M Mill City Lewis, Samuel K -Ixrt 8 biock 15 Hobs add to Mill City Maner. F -S e 1 of sec '22 tp 10 s r 2 e Will aier. 160 or res MeCaosland, W J X e I -4 of so. 20 tp 10 s r 3 e Will mer. 160 acres .... Niagara Mill Co S B 1-4 sec 33 and s of sac 34 tp 9 r 4 e W ill mer. . Rolssrts. Mary F Lot 2 of sec 21 in tp9sr'2e will mer. 24 acres Stotinir. Cuas II N w 1-4 of se- 22 1 11 11 52 43 96 oq ?) 10 s r 2 e Will mer. 100 acres . . . ones. Annie X e 1-4 of s 19 to 9 11 52 10 80 2 21 04 11 52 1 80 li 52 3 95 sr2E Bills. Martha M X w 1-4 of n e 1-4 of sec 33 tp 9 s r 4 e Will mer. 40 acres Cum tiling", John O X V of aec 36 tp lOsrfle Will mer. 320 acrea. . Ihinn, F.lla H S w 1-4 of sec 2 tp 10 s r 3 e Will mer. 160 acres Farmer, Jos K Block 2 Hob add MilIC (iilbert. F S w 1 4 sec 22 tp 10 s r 2 e Will mer. 160 acres Hogun, Mike K of n e 1 4 sec 36 tp 9 s r 2 e Will mer. 80 acres Lewis. L S j of s of sec 4 tp 10 s r3 e V ill mer. 160 acres Atilesea, W H lot 3 block 13 Wood le 's r add to Albany Anderson. X R lots 7 and 8 block 9, Bryant's arid to Albany Barrows. KB blocks. 'Fairdale add to Albany Burniister, Frank F lots 15 and 1 block l.Iiouek add to Albany 1 ate. A F lot 4 blk 6, Wheeler add to Alliany Kheret. Henry undivided of lots 2 and C block 4,Vier s add to Albany C 30 1 SO 5 40 9 61 1 00 1 00 1 00 .1 69 2 98 i :e flrant, 1 B lots 7 and 8 bloek 0. M ic C add to Albany limy, Iexter(i lot 23 bloek 2 All oys' add to Alliany ..-weft. Mas W h -lota bluek 5 ier s s add to Albany limit.! II -leif on s boundary of and 2tS4 feet easterly from s w cor of blk 61 in Albany, Linn co, Oregon. north erly parallel with e boundary of said blk 110 feet, westerly parallel with 11 boundary of said bin 50 ft, southerly parallel with w boundary of said bile 1 10 ft to s lioiindary of said blk e alonir said s boundary 60 ft to lieg 3 00 Unnk, Aim M h beg at s e cor of lot 5 in blk 10 in Albany. Linn co.' Ir, northerly one line of said blk 25 feet. ths westerly parallel with s lino of said bl to tin; line dividing lots a and in said bl, ths southerly on line di viding aaid lots 5 and 6 in said bl, I'hs southerly on line dividing said lots 5 md 6 in said b! to S boundary of said bl ths easterly to leg 27 05 Burkhart.C P-S of C P Burkhurt d I c tp 11 s r 3 w Will ni(.r,2SM acres 40 12 Baker, Fmnk-lots 7 and 8 bl 13, Hac4 udd Albany 7 C2 Bcrcaw, Mary lot 4 bl 25, Hac 2 add Albany 2 20 Koehler, Richard bl 10 Hoc 2 add to Albany 63 40 Madden, P F lot 9 bl 3 Pipes' s add to Albany 1 35 Meminger, A E lota 9 and 10 bl 8 8 add to Albany 1 80 Mcllarsrue, 0 W-lot 1 in bl It, Woodle s r add to Albany 1 00 Beard. J A and Emma C beg s 40 f t of s e cor of Saul i am Academy, lot in Leb, ths w 5 ch, s 3 clis am! 41 ft. (lis e 5 chs n to beg 'A acres 20 70 Conner M J lots 11 and 12 bl 1 Abby's add to Albany. . 2 34 Liiamberlain Mattie lot 1 bl 62, Albany '.2 87 Uranor II Llota 3, 4, 6 and 0 bl 102 Hacad.l t Albany 185 04 Dubrtiille J J -lota 1. 2 amis hi l:U) Hac add to Albany 32 89 Farrell T J lot 10 bl 1 , Abby 'a ad 10 miuany Fiah Mrs Jennie K n U of lots 3 and 4 bl 46, Albany Gray I) B lot 23 bl 2, Abby'H ad 1 ta Albany tiaireti M L lot 1 bl 1, A A H ad to Albany Hamilton A J lots 1 and 8 bl 8, H 4 add to.Vloanv Hyland 15 F lot 27 bl 2, Abby's add to Albany Hughes Mrs K mini A lots 5 and 6 bl 7, II 4 add to Albany Ilynian Airs B Eundividid '.. of lota 5 aud 6 bl 129, H add to Al bany 1 75 2T 92 1 73 2 34 3 78 1 81 14 04 15 9J Johns Robert (estate) e '.. bl 34, 11 2 add, lots 6 and 6 bl 16, Hac 3 add to Albany 477 61 Kline & Hubruille Manlewond ad to Albauy. 37 acres Uahoney Jan lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, bl 93. S add to Albany Montanye L Hlots 5 and 6 bl 65 Albany Massey Harry lot 6 bl 4'J, H 2 ad Albany 4 86 18 72 22 21 17 65 Monteith W (estate) lots 3 and 4, bl 14, Albany Ill 02 Monteith I) B lot 8 bl 46, Albany 59 13 Monteith John (estate) w of bl 7", 8 add to Albany 81 90 Monteith I ma H 11 K lots 7 and 8 bl 14, Albany 25 58 Miller Mrs F A lot 0 bl 111. Ha t add to Albany Mcllargue J lot 8 bl 35, II 2 add to Albany Pipe J V-lots 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 ' and 12 bl 1, Pipe's add to Albany Palmer Mrs Agnes bl 9, H 4 add to Albany Phelps A H lot 5 bl 2, Abby 'a ad to Albany Phelpi E'fJ lot 14 bl 2. Abby 's add to Albany Rankin Mrs Duncan lots 3 aud 4 bl 18, Hac 2 add to Albany RemmioKton J II undivided .. lot 8 bl 102, H add to Albany Smith B F i , lots 3 and 4 bl 15. E add to Albany Seal A B s w l bl 112, H ad 1 to Albany Sorbin J E lots 7 and 8 bi 14 tl 4 ad I to Albany Scott Rasa (estate) -e lt of bl 44, Albany 9 34 0 99 23-18 14 04 3 52 29 63 27 44 4 63 18 07 3 70 2 23 -ciiapp b 101s 6 and 6 b: Rcj. U add to Albany Warren Ellen C lot 3 bl 99, 8 add 84 to Albany 4 6i Wise A Co 1 t 6 bl 15, H 2 ad 1 to I Albany I Walker O A J 4 of b! 41. Albaov ! Woodle Mrs L A w ' . of bl 47. Albany 16 Wood Frank lot 3 bl 13, E add to 18 72 8 64 1 Albany 2:; 40 j Bl Jler Vs H J w '4 of s w 4 of . see Slip 14 rl Will mer; 40 j acres 7 ft4 Brown M w t of d 1 c ot Amos I F Tbo:npa, Xo 2334, cl 41, tp 18 1 w Will mer; SO acres 1 1 S ; Cochrao S s w cor of n w 4 sec 1 29 tp 14 r I w Will mer ; 9 acres . 7 20' Edaards L C w S of s w 4 sec 7 k, 28 tp 14 r 1 w Will m-r ; s . acres itilas Sam 1 w 5 of sec 2 lp 15 r 83 01 ' I " Will mer. ItiJ acre; sees 13, I8tp l4rl and 2 w Will mer, 1 o 142', acres I Joaes R -B8 SO rods s of n a cor 19 83 of T A Rings' d I c, cl 39, aeca 8, 17 tp 14 r 1 w Wilt mer, ths w to mid dle of Cala river, tba op raid r.v er to e line of said d I c. ihs a to 2 51 ., .., " beg ; 8 acres 10 7r, McUosrel n e , of s e ; . oi 4 of n e 4 sec 27 tp 14 r 2 w Will I mer ; 80 acre g 1 Robertson (j B a l , of n e 't aec 23 tp 14 r 1 w Wil mer ; 163 acres m ? Gay J F a w of a '4 sc 21 tp i 14 r I w Will mer ; 40 acres 3 3 5 Kirk J W ',o 2 and sec 3'. tp 13 r 1 w wiU saer ; 70 acres T 6$ Strong John gl4 of a s sec 3 tp 13 r 1 w will tner , 4 4 , acre . Wheeler C U-w Kef V S of n :4 ot w ;4 sec 4 lp 14 r 1 w will mer ; 2O0 acre Wbitcotnb U B s a i4 sec 36 lp 12 IO will mar; 160 acres) Kent Robert e V of e . of "ec itStp 13s r ? win saer : 1O0 acres 14 3 l tie nans ot urecon Begat a pt oa n bound line lot 3 bl 9 in Alba ; ny, Linn co, Or, 6 ft westerly from ; a e cor ot said lot and run Hit wes terly oa a bound line of aaid lot 24 ft and 10 indie, tbs southerly parallel with e bound of said lot 100 ft more or less to a bound of aaid lot, tha easterly on a bound line of aaid lot 24 ft and 10 inches tbs northerly parallel with e bed lioe of aaid lot 100 ft more or lees to beg 2SS 0 Weiss John Beg 27.75 chs s an J 9 1 chseofnw cor of d I c of Abraham MilLr. Jr. and not I4J7I, cl 64. run s 35 deg 45 min e 37 7 cha. tbs 83 deg 30 min e II 61 cha. 71 deg 3o mine 6 50 chains, ths n 12 deg w 5 70 chs. ths n 25 deg e 8 chs, ths n 79 deg w 7.50 cbs, tba n 16 cbs more or ess to a point due e of beg. ths to : beg, in lp 10 s r 3 w will tner 13 taO 3 17 II 52 8 65 Irve D G n e i4 of n e ! of se.: 11 i p 10 s r 4 will mer ; 40 acre I'ayne J W a's of s lv of sec tn 13 s r 2 e will mer: I'll acres. Stanley Jn e '4 of sec 4 It. 13 a r , . '- e will mer; 160 acres Boecess Jaa H n K ofse ' and s of ne ate o tp i:; s r 2 wil mer; 160 acres I Mrray F J w J4 of n w l4 of aec M tp 13 a r 2 e will mer ; 80 icres . 1 Hobison J 1 n 1 , of n w 1-4 of ; aec 31 tpfte r 4 e will mer; st) acres Harney II h n e 1-4 of e 1-4 and s e 1-4 of s e 1-4 see 36 tp 9 s r I e will mer; SO acrea Iloey Maiinda Beg at a w cor A Amead I c. Xo 44 not T631, e rods, n liic rods, w 77 rod, s 8 rods, s westerly 117 rods to piint 8 rods w of se cor cl 45, e t aaid cor, s U I teg ; 79 acrea, tp 13 s r 1 e will mer Pickens (.ico W n die William Pickens, cl 43 not 7629, tp 13 8 r 1 e w ill mer ; 100 acres Barnard I T 120 acres in aec 34 tp 13a r 1 sf witl mer Donai-a J : Beg al a e cor Lowell Amae Jr d I e, said tecir being in n e 11 sec 31 tp 13a r 1 it will tn r. e 21 1 :tft, sI6dge 321 ft, n S4 deg a .VMt. n 16 deg w 311 ft. 52 1 .", ft ta beg; 2 3 acre I. 86 9 62 8 52 Donaca W II and J M Beg in a c 14 of ere 31 tp 13 a r 1 e will mer, 4 1-2 roils e -if s e cor of d I c of I, .well A nes Jr,cl47, the e 7." rods ths a westerly 72 LB rod I to stake io Co road, tha n 10 dege 18 15-16 rods te lieg; 3 1-3 acrea (Hover Geo n 1-2 of n w 1-4, a w 1-4 of n w 1-4 and n w 1-4 of n 1-4 sec 34 tp 13 s r 3 e will mtr ; 160 acrs Whitcomb ft B a e 1-4 sec 30 tp 12 si 2 s will mer: 160 acres Young. Marv It lota 1 and 2 lil 9, Kainlale arid to Alliany Been, A W lota 2 and 3 bl (i Ver- ick's s arid to Albanr BaJtoor ( tathrte ana Co Mortgage (if SI.'iOO from Jesaio K Cilchrist et al ; Linn ( 'o mort rec book par a 186. ! Bennett Qao w -Mortirnso of 87tw 10 1.1 8 01 S M 00 'Ai 00 from Norris 1' Sewtou; Linn Co iiiurt roc book 2 pg 120 Beard Mary .1 Morttjagc of 82001) bora H llryant and wife; Linn Co mort rtsc Ixwk V pg 519 Bither I'.-tcr Mortgage of 8200 from 11 K JacJtaon; Liun Co mort re- book V pg 24 Hilvn .luliim Mortgage of 8j!uti from J K Thomas and wife; I, inn Co mort rec book v pg 312 Armstrong lion Mortgage of 8313 from .1 11 Hoffman ana wife; Liun 16 00 s 00 5 4'i ( 'ii mort rec book w pg 028 5 Cl Atrnl'"' Nilotic! MortiAiife id SIX from .1 W liamlwr and wife; Linn Co mort rec liook v pg 214 Allen Bros Mortgage of 833X from 3 24 T ( Holiness ami wife; mort rec book pg 554 C4 82 llowuy W 0 -Mortgage of 9J00 from W R liurrett and wife; mort roc bxik v pg 350 5 40 Albrecht Chas Mortiniiri' of $110 from ieo W Faulkner: mort rec Imok r pir 617 1 9S Alliance Trust Co -Mortgage of $3000 from lico Kindley and wife; mort roc book ypg446 54 00 American Freehold Ld Mort Co Mortgage of $350 from Jim H Ste vens; mort rec book q pg 505; mort giigo of 4750 from Jas Lindley and wile; mortrec books pg 35 19 80 Blackburn, A P Mori of $500 from J B Wirt, I, inn Co mortrnc book t pg 559; iittirt of 400 from K 11 (Jase and Chus 11 (loan, Linn co. mortrec book 'WMI 28 40 Brewer, David W mort of 1400 from John Turner and wf, Liun jo. moit ree liook, v pg 224 25 20 Brown, N M mort of 8125 from Syl vester and A I'rii lmnl.l.inn co. mort rec book x pg .507 Bulkley CStestina M- mart of $1000 from Klixaheth A Beack, linn co mort rec book y iig3:i Cataley, .1 It mort of 820 from J II Shanhan, Linn 00 mort ree book . pk 1 00 ve .. 21 74 Carotneni, Klunbeth mort of $300 from .1 C l'o. ter and wf.l.inn CO mort ree liook v pg 558; mort of $150 from W (Jrigory, Linn co mort rec book . i: 13 Callahan, .Inns mort of 825,000 from frank Seill etal, Linn 00 mort rec loikxpjr594 4..0 00 Church.Jas and Clara mort of (1818 from Jacob Miller and w f. Linn co mort re..- Isxik r pg 339 2 03 I 'nsnlin.MBlissa K mort of $i50 from K If Chaplin, Linn co mort rec book PK 23 I'le.ivor. Benjamine mort of $225 from li C Kleppi-r and wf, Linn co mort rec book t pg 412 'lark. J I . trustee mort of $5iK)fpui lieo l Burton and wf, Linn 00 mort 4 50 4 05 rev book w pg 110 Coffmaa.K h mort of loo from B F Brown etal, Linn 00 mort re.: book 9 $0 1 ptrczj 32 40 I'roisant William mort of $1000 from li W Ooisantet al.Linncomort rec book r pg 263 Crowder. S .V mort of 400 from II A Crowder and wf. Liun 00 mort rec book x pg 235 Crosswaite, 1 R mort of i210 from O Aikin.Linn co mort roc bjok x p 193 IS 00 3 70 Davison. Margery B- inert of $200 from Ida V Millhollen and hus, Linu co mort rec book y ve 275 11 2". Davis.K J mort of $1500 from Oscar Akinand wf. Linn co mort rec book x I 314. .y- SM r. - T l'lcaenson J- Mortgage of $105 from T I. I. Linn co mort rec book t pg 64 1 ; mo.tgage of $105 from .1 S Seal and art. Linn c-o mort rec book x PK 271 . . 3 Dundee Mort Investment Co Mort on of $56- from J A A H C Tyler 34 I et al. Linn co mort rec book u jur 93; i mortgage of $52'Jl from W McCoy 40 nd wf , Linn co mort rec book u pir 592 lOt 2 Fanner A Merchant Ins Co Mort gage of $2000 from Sarah C Van Horn and bus. Linn co tn'si rec book tjsg 4V9; morttraire of si 500 from hate B Montagu: and has. Linn eo m-irt rec book u pg 315; mortgage of ST?r, fr,.,ti Kit., il l .fir.ir!.. an. I hits 1 Linn co mort rev book w pg 133 I ' 7'. Fin'.ey eo C Mortgage, of Jo 1 from Mark Se--lv et al. Linn co inert ; re? look v g 174 Flynn L and Wm Ketchum Mort i gage of 11000 from Bird Waggener. . Linn co mort rec book r pg 476 . I Foster P J Mortgage of $717 from ' T X Humphreys et al. Linn co mort . ' rec book sk 24 12 91 j Golden City Mining Co Mortgage ,4 of $250 from M K Buick, Linu co mort rec book v pg 63 (tortnan M Mortgage of $900 irom W W Parrish and af, Linnco mort 55 rec book t pg 73 j Cood rich J ohn- Moi tgag ot 13-30 j from Martha A Stone, L';na co 1 mort rec 1 00k x pg 124 Hodges A J, trustee Mortgage of I 7'.3 from Stephen Phittpi and wl, 4 II (Y) 1 Ljoo o mort rec book r pg 2M . . i Hamilton. Job A l.o-mcsrt of 2000 I from J W Brown. Linn co mort rec 14 22 96 I it! Lak w pg 461 , 3; oo II ix.njn.Jamc K in 'it cf from Frwi Itluurhart. Linn aa mart rec laTH-lk V 1MT .'460. 00 ! ! 11 . . .1. 1 vi . r m-t t I . . liaf a. 1 .ss sitoii 01 v.'-r nvui J Afi V enters and wf . Linn 00 mort rtv Ujk 1 pg.2 Hariri-.n. Essii H mort 4 4Kv from H I iierman and wf. Linn co rec 1 Hanrr. Kphrim ixort $60 f romJ P j Honaca. Linn co mort rec '000k z pg 40 1 HamiitoD.i ' M -Ml of $Uso from I Wm Sheriff- ist.i Linn co mart rec 52 T , ti I Hansen. V mort of $ from I? K j Harold. Linn co tnurt rec lk y pg . . Hepi-nerA; H la. k tnan mort of $116-! j from 11 J Hil and wf. Linn co meet ' rec book o pg 33 23 93 ll'.i ier-. n. .i.-..'. J : . r. .:. fr.;:i John and T W Bryan!. linnco mort rec hook r j-g 22 mon f iMfr :a M.eiiC lavi and wf. Linn co mort ( rec book v pg 2s i Heelev.Mrs T redricka- mort of &M from V rank Winkler and wf.L'jin CO m-rt r- l.t.'iwi,.. ll'-. t-. -rt ft?i2"' S5 66 from J Metcalf and wf . Linn 00 mort rec book x pg 427 HiU-ncock.M I '.tnistae-inust of$H from W S Rcsw. Linn co mort n tsick x pg 3.M lnreteia Mortar Socnritv Co -mort 36 . 1 m $7000 from H A Iavis and wf. Linn co mort rec Kk y pg 57 : mort "fjK'5'J from Cyn'hia St John ami has. Linn co mort rev Look v s -SM . mort if $2100 from ( lara I M.inte'tli ami hus.Ijnn en m rt rec l4 y pg 425; mcirt of MfiO from Alice J and Kmma Live, v sr "i2l IV Jackey Ja.-ob Mortgage oi $500 'from A MeUgvr and hus, Liu ru i mort rec book u g 53S ; mortiiigv ' of flOOJ tram Allen S Me(H-nger, Linn co mort rec book v pg 69 T, .'Jamea Pieiy Mortgage ol $;M ; ir in 8 A Henrv and wl. Fion co ! morl rec book z pg 104 2 TO iJarvis Conk'.in Mortstsg- ana JjTrot Co Mortgage of $2503 from ! W E and S A picr. Linn co mot rec book o pg ;'i7 ; mortgage o; $1J25 from Tbouias Morgan and ! wf. Linn co mart rec bots n pg ! 575 ; mortgage of $550 from W a j Roach, Linn co mort rec book 11 j pg Ml ; mortsge of $120) from J I C C ix and wife. Linn co tnnrt rec I txokytir li; rnortcatre of SS725 fr m V H tjo-'ener. Linn co mort rec bxik p pg 352 154 J I Case Thresliirg Ma-liine (Vi Mortgage ol $.0 0 com A K Cath arine (iooch. Linn co mort rec book y pg 400 Jonea E 1 Mortgage of $900 trom Cieo II Jones and wf. Lion co unrt rec book s pg $7 Johnson .lames O Mortgage of $1200 from Robert Harbison, Linu co mort rec book x p 454 Johnson J C Mortitage of $o00 from E J Daly and wf. Linn co mort rec boo: y pg 525 Jolliffe Geo A Mortgage of $200 from I'etcr Farrell, Linn co mort 10 20 21 GO IS 00 ! r. c book y pg 483 I Knapp t B Mortgage ol $i0 ! (r.ini K. R Case, Linn co mort rec ho ik v PK 402 Kricsel Fredrick --Mortgag-i of$"KK a oo 1 Ml from ui Kriasel ami wf, Lain co mort rec Ikkic t pg 2ti0 1-ombar I Investment t'o Mort gage of $llltlO from Mary McKer clier and bus. Linn co mort rec book spg 570; mortgage of $."11 ti from Prank Hays, Linu co mort rec boak w pg 48; mortgage of $100) from Benisinin Culler and wf, Linn co mort rec book u pg 134 ; mortgage of $2200 from Susan B Keeney and bus. Linn co mort re 3 boo 11 pg 42ii; mortgage of $10,000 from J K llolliday and wf. Linn co mort rec book u pg fKVi ; mortgage of $870 from J K Holli dsy and wf, Liun co mort rec book u pg 510; mortgage of $800 from William Tucker and wf. Linn co mort rec book w p5 575 ; mortgage of $!I8 from William Tucker and w f, Linn co mort rec book w pg $70 ; mortgage of $(150 from Will iam Rilea and wf, I . tin co mort rec book v pg 591 ; mortgage of 9 oa $1500 from J oieph S Liles et al. I Linn co mort rec book w pg 57 ; mortgage of $1500 Irom JrjMDb S Liles et al, Liun co mart rec hook w pg 600 ; mortgage oi $367 from Joseph S Liles et al, Linn co mort rec book w jig ilOO ; mortgage of $400 from W J Turuidge and wf, Linn co mort rec book x pg 377. . .3559S Sherlock, Rosetta mort of $403 from J A Carey, Linn co mort rec book w PeV 8 87 .Smith, Job C mort of $1550 fmm Q W Smith and wf, Linn co mort no liook v pg 387 Ti 90 Mnil.li, Jacob mort ot $400 from Emily McKinney, Linn co mort roc book v pg 404 Solicitors Company-mort of $1500 an irom William Hawk and wf,Lmn co mort rec book s pg!58 27 00 Shiver & Walker mort of S441 from W II and K A Mcl'hcrsin, lAnn 00 mort re; book 11 pg 456 Stone, II M mort of jloOO from Isaar; S Stone and wf, Linn co mort rec book vpg 151 ; mort of $500 from 7 941 Isaac !S htonciinil wf, l.mn eo mort rec book v pg 456 18 00 1 35 Ihomiis.y is mort of V01 from I has Bond, Linn CO mor! tecbook pg 139 Thomas, Julian -mort of .',ih) from T P P 1.U0H and wf, Linn eo mort n-.- book ' pgl97 Thorn m, James -moii of f 250 from (X'Awbrcy and wf. Linn cornoit nt- book w pg 1 28 Tweedalu A liedlie'd - mort of '$701 from S (' and D Van Horn. Linn CO mort rec book v pg 3'J8 I pson. Sarah M -nwrt ol $i:H from Cha F otoiiefir-ld and wf Linn eo mort rec lwok .g 1 1.; Vams huyver.M J -mort of $350 from ( M Coffee, Linn co mort w liook v pg 157; mort of 1000 from U W An derson and wf. Linn 08 mort ri book v pg 477 4 50 12 67 22 ernon. A ( mort ol (. from 1 II Knighton and wf, Linn B0 mort re; liook y j g 309 Wocker, W J -mort of $22-5 from II Benson and wf. Linn eo mort rec (i . " j liook v pg 'V43 Walt, ii II and H A mort of 1.V from E A Thayer and wi. Linn 00 mort roc book y pg 389 Wilson, Mary mort of $1000 from W B Bi' and a-f, Linn 00 mort rec book n pgJ564 AiUon. J 0 and J H -mort of $.VX from J Y McCune, Linn co mort rec txxk s pc 342 Windlf.Mrs H K mort offlfiO from J K Knapp and wf, Linnco mort rec book v pg 414 Wilson. Jas U -raort of $800 from M Lillie ( 'onover and bus. Linn 00 mort rec book x pg5ftS Wigle, Mary J -mort of $1250 from I. ! Oaut and wf.Linn OS mort rec book z pg 75 Wood, P F-raort of $VX from F M Gardner and wf. Linn co mort rec Is 9 90 20 2 70 11 ft 9 ,u OOOK U pg ss t SWI ..' 1 sxrnlr . . . vsoranian. ss 1111am mist 01 1 from S Cochran and wf.Linn co mort rec liook z fur 4: mort of 150 from J 1 Cockeli and srt , Linn co mort rec book 7si a pg 5 uies.r j-iu inoi jiii rroru nan Braily and wf. Linn co see book 1 pgl88 i.udwig Martio mort $3J from W W Scully and wf. Linn co mor. rec book z p 51 Lewis II C mort $1396 from J I Wa.tjn et al. Linn co mort rec book y pg Ml McC crtney J F and K A Kampy mort $30 JO from Levi Uoug'.as and wf. Linn co mort rec bk u pj 244 McFarlane Peter C mort $415 from David Fttzgibbint, Linn co mort rec book u pg 605 . mort $5o from W S Reeee, Dnn co mort rec bxik u pg 607 l.O It j Mc iaugh K C mort $2O03 from S I Leedv and wf, Lin;i co mort rec book s pa Oi McCartney Jane mort $48 bl n. . . t, cl i : l t IV i ....:.i. i.mu oi uiuri rrc L.--a s w 86 I McTimmonds Joaepbine ixort. ' 10ri froaa Will Titus anl wf. Linn 50 ! co mort rec book y pj 158 , McCiaraa I ; "and 1: A mort ' $XJ Irom A J Houston. Lion co 20 i mort tec book y pg 250 f Mitchell C larence li mort $5000 : from John M -rgan and wf.Linn 40 j co mort rec tsiuk u pg 372 Millard John A mort 4100 from 55 Henry vsar.i, lann co mort rec book v pf 97 ; murt $430 from L T Hennis and w:. Linn co mart Me book vng 111 Mi;ler I'aaiel O mort $1300 from Rabert Smith L :m co mort rev . bosk v i-g 450 10 80, Miller S ephen mort $475 from Jessie Uriggs. Una co mort rec : book x pg 541 13 -V) Maore Orrin mort $20J from W K B:.y-a and wf. Linn co mort . rec lx3k u pg 420 7 20 Morris I mort $000 from K Win : A Co. Linn co mor: rec book w pg 394; mort $400 from F Wise A Cm Hi OS et al, L:nn co jort rec bok v par M9 j Pohlkamp, Henry mort tt Sr' 61 , from Jos Riggs and wf. Linn co tasatt S; . . IS rec liook v ii 24 1 Potter. J B and Mary 1-mort of IKlw from Charfc-s Hru-uke and wf . 40 i umn .. mort rec Uet y pgr 200. . . . j IVwIer. T W mort of Wis" from 1 C I Haaalcr. Linn co mort rec hook v ic' j MO j Prater, f linu of $450 from Ed Ine. 1 11 . . . - t nenLa.-t ana s i. loan OB m art rv book 1 mr 122 Kampy. K A. trustee raort ..f $.2 fr:m ilary I M.vrison.I.inn co miirt . re,: boc-k X pg 433 12 0; Balaton Jennie mort ot $500 from .K Raistc. Linn co mort rec book r D.r l j Ray.Aibv m-irt ci flOOOfrom John : Craft et ai. Linn co mort rec boo1; 1 !pt3 1 rUrner. Henry mort .! !60J from ' Krartus B Wilson and v ,'. Linn co i mort rec book 1 pg 91 . . . Hector. I 1 mort of VStiril from J L IS it. Hilda and wf. Linn 00 safari nv l-xsk t rsjf 59y $3 Rje H.s-ik L Oa No 1 mort of a.-... r 1, 1- 1 . . . - 10 a ir r. 1 1 as BOD Wl . ;..:.:. . nurt rec b k u p.- 324 ' RicharxL John -mort ef $1200 bom j Eluabeth Bcjch and has. Linn co ; ati rec UvJt w pg 87 00 1 Rovw. Nellie ft Batai of S3000 fmm I H Bryant. Linn mort rec book v I H PC3.fl Seng, j Jaob mort of $500 from I Henry Lnjn-'.Luiu co mort re,- book 51 in lu v I 199 Nu-hs.Lippm.in mwt .f $1119 from ' j H Hririges. Linn . tnort rec book j v pg 71 j Mo'ir J C mort of $287 from l'avo . Jankins and wf. Linn co mort rec book y pg 1 75 MoncriiTT K and Thomas Lauidale I mort of $3)00 from Joseph IVarl ass Ti 5 ana w . l.irin co murt res- isoik o pg 5S! ... s-lMurtdiv Wiiliam niorl of $"tsi !fromWt) roith and mf. Linn co rn.ut rw-besi' t iiir 574 . 9 . Mutual Benefit Life Association mort of $4iW from 11 II Cole. Lion ' " co mort rec book u pg 4;:o unrt of $11 7 from J K Potter and wf. Linn co mort rec liook u pn ."S III McLaiu Samuel mort of $2100 Irom U J llnlltster and stf. Linn co mm t rec book x pc 4S4 4;t Northern Counties Investment I'o. limited raort Ot lOOO from Oniar f lletauhltajii and wf. Linn txi mort tea; book ar pg 5ti : mort of $1500 from E F So aud Frank Ros cos, L an co mort rec hook x pg 302 Noble W I mort of $400 from S W Moore) and wf, Linn co mort rec book v pg S2 Oregon Mortgage Co, limited mort of $1300 froaa David B Jun kins and wf, Liun 00 mort re book m rg ii:i4 : mort of $SK) from Eliisbetb Millhoilen and hus. Linn co mort re- 0o.)k x pg 50-. . Patterson A M moit of $tWt) frosn 4('i I .si v. r arret i, nun co mort rec iioox v pg 314 Pacific Mates r.tvings Loan Build ing Co mort of $SW from W If Lee and wf. Linn co mort roc book y pg 878; mort ol $9000 from J L Hill and wf, I. nn ce mort ic book 10 80 y PK 3,2 08 40 Peters at Stewart inort of $150 from S V Brock and wf. Linn co mort rec book r pg 277 I'eareon Mrs M A mort cf $4(K) from Olo l'obiason, Linn CO niorl rec book par 51 74 90 As the rame appears ass ;sscd in said delin quent tax roll, and will on Frid-iy tUe isih dav of December 1803 at ihe door of ihe Court House in Albany. Linn counts, Or egon, at the hour of 1" oclock in the after noon ot saiU dav, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the day ot the sale, all of the above descrpet! land or so much thereof as may be neces sary to pay and satisfy said tax'asseased a gainst said property In said I.lnn county lor ihe vear 1S9.1, together with acciuing cost 1 and expenses. CC JACKSON, Sher.fi of Linn Co, Or. PLOWS AND HARROWS. Bargains for farmers In both tiding and 1 IvatlclltiS fllnuia Hleo K . rm .... I... I u jetc. Prices fn proportion to 50 cent wheat. It will pay you 10 ca.l and se us, STEWART s' vOX TAX SALE Notleii ia hreby givon ttiat by virtue of a ' wamuit, which the following fa a true copy I thernof, for taa soflaatiea of delinquent laaea. Of J tin. assessment ,f UH, in the county of Linn. and j state ut Oregon, which is now in my hands, and i in in word aud figures aa follows, viz: Htare of I Oregon. County of Uaa, ss. Warrant U eoll-a llaWaSjBSSlI laXSS, To C C Jackson. HheriS of Uaa ( ouiity.Oreicon, Greeting: In the name of tyi AA I tbs State Ssf Osasaaa. You are hereby eommand Zl 00 t ed to collect Uss tax clutrxeii in the delinriaent tas list fur the year 1 Wl, of and from the persona I therein named and you are commanded to levy uiion cue gouis ami riiMieis or aen aeiiuiinrit tax payers, ami if none be found, upon the raal property aa set forth in said delinooent tax liet or so much thereof as wilj,sntify the amount ao charired with ewlnand expenditurt-eof CfilLrictlOU and also Ui y over to HM treasurer of said Linn ouniy aeeordirik-tolawail money, ao 1 oliecied 1 ue l.y taw riuir'-d. ! In testimony whereof. I Iiave herenntn set liawl and afhxed the seal of the I Viunty Court 41 ' ijinii i'iiii , ;i'"noii . tint timj 01 Oetobar. 1 ' ' 'Heal S P PAYNE. Clerk 11-1 . 1 . : 1 . 1 1 t and delinrioetil Usee for the year 11 in .aid 51' l.ir.n oitinty, and not haviruc been abla, after '.1 e III mir.:ii, li unu mjjj pvnejiiBl BSRBSJBVSJ 1 within said county out of which Io make .,1 I taxes, hereinafter mentioned. 1 have levied upon 34 the follow ing described land, all in Linn comity. . Oregon, aneeeeed and deactibed aa follows: Thomas Kear.lon-NWU sec 20, tp 10 8, I K 1 E. Will Mer, ISO acres l St 1 rhsHHtolnni!-.NW4 sac 22, tp 10 a, rt t, will mer. Uu arm 11 S2 I K H Htes-l-aw1 BSS 2. tp 10 , r 1 a wdl mer 00 i W0 acrea U S2 sec tl. tpS , r 2 tha w 10 etui, ttui n 70 chs, tis e 40 chs, ths's 70 chs,ths w S:hs to best 00 2sacia 21 1 rrana ismesen') ium . . a . ui uw, sp 1 s, r I e. will mer, 75 acres Y. K Muotaue-lot 1, Mk Ha add pi Alliany Kobt John -a 1-2 of blk SI. H a 2d add to Albany Is Manlia ,rwood-ne1 sec Z tp 10 a, r 2 e mer ISO acres 10 J Copland - n 1-2 of sw of aec Is, tp 10 s, r e will mer. so acres s M Cofvln -nwia aec St, tp a. r 4 e. 16 1 an I Nancy 54 Hepburn -s 1-2 of sw ',ts 1-2 of se 'i sec ti. t p . r 4 a will mer W i acrea A Haltrof-nw 1-1 sec 12. tp 10 a, r 1 a will o0 mer. ISO acrea I J V Hntehinaon-ee 1-1 sec 3'.. tp loa, r 2e will mer, !-' acres i V HoisrW sw 1-4 aec 24. tp 10 a. r I a, will 00 mer. lSliacres V Mar 1-1 see 22. tp 10 . r 2 e, will mer, I ISO acrea , W J MeCaoataod-se 1-4 ace 20. tp 10 a, r S a win nier. sav acres Km.lr McKinoex ow l-t sec 20. tp 12a, rl a 1 rt I will mer. 140 acrea 1 H3 T Fodd-neUt aec 20, tp 12 a. r 1 a will mar. ! ISO acraa t A Taal-ne 1-1 aec 22, tp 12 s, r 1 a. will mer, j WO acres- 2 2-1 j (iaiea-nw U4 of nw 1-4 and na l-t of ne 14 of aec It. tp S a, r 2 e will mer. f ) acre 1 !uaaa Molas se 1 1 SSS , tp s s. r 4 a win I mer. ISO acres 5 40 ; h nwna-t.-w 1-1 sec 12. tp 10 s. r 2 e snl! mer, 1J acraa . J W Hiahop-sw U4aac24.tpl2a.rl a will mer. Kansas 13 K Hcar.-U-e ne 1-4 eec M. tp 12a. rla wlU user. UVi acre Bsaaaa Y ' handler nw 1-4 aec s. tp.12 a, r 2 e. 1 i acraa Henri K ( "ruahv ne 1-4 see 1 ' Iti 1? a rts 7 UU i WSBI mer WJS I A smnini 1 of aw 1-4. s e 1-4 oi am I l-t. -w ui fse'.j.f aec 1? tp liar I w. 1 will mer. ISil acrea H V awaaatwai lUltlsUofwS. , tpis ! Henry H HiadV. e l-i a r. w Us ,f aec c. sv j tp 12 a. r i e. will mr. ia acres A.JHiU--assfa Wcsfaae I2.tpl2a.rle , . r i -. .11 mer. wsrre . . E A K IUette-a ui'rf Vw ui of sec iip Sis, t la will mer. acres Tn Miiler-ri lf of ne l-s s w 1-4 of n e H Mei.zcer.a e 1-4 sec 4, tp 11 a."r I a. will mer. MM acres i- .r ses- al tr. !t re w-1 r: 1T 78 ; r J Hunt) a e Ut sac 10. tp 11 a. r I e will i mer, lau arns it I J'"SSP S w 1-4 sec 4, tp II a. rl will raar, 01 ".So acres Vi m II H ri rkl-be srfaere B hssa of a US of ec ts.tplis.rrw intersects wl river. tfcsriorsheTiv deatden-a-said nrer to pt 40 rds a of sa.d s lice, it- e far -oturh 'to emm- 40 1 lain 2 stm ir . ... !.! . ii - . ... ... ibsjiasstls.tpUs.rlw will mer. Unwoa i nn ' B-ur c USoTdwUI sec I. tp li . r I Wile wiirmer. -O acraa Man Manaua w Uif tUsstltpUarl I e will mer. ! acrea . I "r LEB Mjen iots I S 7 a S blk 34 Hal- BS Ho aVMSssav-lasl ars; i MsSss s :s44 00 1 fJfT. r-rv . : . r - - . - ' tc i a s j as sec aa s is lit 1 Wi-t aier. so ins S l-.r-.rr. I upay w , sec l' tplsarle SJ aver :4b sera I E rVcos-.: - s 'taatllpltarS w. Wist F F Oatan 8 j of seT tZ tp 14 a r Jw WiU Stasr li acres , Tlsoa E SuswUsaaT Bea 13 easier of a creek at 90 , S 55 . aptScHaaaedUSSds wefseccarssfaVIa '4 Leww Cax as4 wf cl 44 tp 11 iris, tba e L.iiaaslo laecS Kid. tea a : das to a - ' -i :..--. : , - - 3 G0i s U case w I ahs. uss .4 Ocba tocsnter 1 sate crack, tha cwa renter at aaid crack to baa; tp Uirlw aTM saer. S acraa 10 ! B Cuatar- n , est btsefc 1 W add la siasu.j . 9a F W rrrorfj-iM b! 4 H iadd uiAlkaBT U IISJ Mrs Mac, L .arrest lo4 I ai J AkU add to j AiSawj fl Lapone ot a M a B I ads la AJoaaj H M -tlanre lota i aad bi 6s. ATtoar S 10 tEsaaia) Joaa oatlta-f at ta T4aaeuAbs s asij i E JUissw-s H'isuf bl 1ST a add . i-.Aiv.ru ) 40 ' t; H Wslssca lou 1. z, J, 4, s. I Uaetce a C fnuk W .J His J stl 4 b; ;r Aitaar n rnein :a H jefV -S eajtartr l-t of die of Eoas Hs- n- :e. nsSaad irlwrtB Ssaxfers B F-D 1 of a w 1-4 arc 1 tp ti . r 1 2Tl t w will mer. ao acres : liusai 1. sr. n ottt: Ssi W E Ksctk: ! aa J w-Jt Utsa C Kre bk T Pse 33 1 A aaw-.es-- Ma-.fSfr. Ca of Scotavol -H art of 1 sivw ke Aoaie i Maivsiea a Linn Co 14 Mar: &eas.v.k r aafe t4 Awrtss Frak Land Xtetgmn Co Ud !f 2 f T ."s? HJV-" Karl Use took v race S sad Murt af ST- . 0 s9 f-. cn Jiarl Uadier aad wtfa Uaa Co Man Bee .... 8 paste jsrcirT vmsuv aKT. .it e ir-.'on .vi:reil Wheeler A snfe lann Co mart rec book T paste S4. waart af fSwSO frrsK J LewisCnsis ant Linn I mort rec bci V paw - ... lis SO I Oj - - - - - " - " .tn N ttisajnan 1 :- -1 Co mort rec book W paw 0 Ajera Jamee A snort of as-Ss.- from treo W w tlaaa Line co mort rrc book 1 pace 17-. Bach Theresa mors wf $Si frusn J B ; Sspruvrer Urn eo mort rrc book V paare SSS Kroa-n N S mortwf t'lO frv.m Sjris'r Pricaard 90 l.mn co mort rec book - pence 5C. ' tiarch Jamee a"d Corn mort of SlftiS from s Jacob Mil'.er an l wife Linn co mart rec b'k K;vreJ : Clark J D -morl of s from lea l Barton I and wife I.icn co mort rec book W pace 110 ICroiamnt Wm-mort of tls.. f-,, ce- VT 1 raaawaS et al Linn co mort rec bssdi B iwsre 60 f ass I Croiaazit P K mor? of il fnt Oscar ac. i .urn u.in co mors rec dook a 4sre i 3 " : ( Wiuhsin J B-mort of SliSi from ('has ' V Staiona Linn co mart nv book K pace S' ; iraii, n j - mort ot sraau xrom uaear aUDn Ml i and wife Lir.n co mrt roc book X paK S49 j Kiah i H-m.srt of $ from Ida 1 Carter f Linn rs mort rec book V pace i (Iilbert John W mort of 4S from K E 1 a r tacnier ana wire i.inn co mort rec book ',; B pare 1-3 . linensr i;ln.t - .... .rt -.si ss.nk j i Hmtoa anil hns Linn co mort rec book X (d ' sasTeS II j ilasailton. Job v Oa saest af 92000 j flora J W Brown. Linu co mort rec i - " i'e TO 1 bx4c w pg 46 1 S6 il ".in-;-. JWK waart , $.s.s.i from ''aiiiaei Dow. Linn co mort rec book IT.'302 I 0 l O wppner an.i niacstirn -mort ot $1 IrCi if: HJ Hill and wf. Linnco I raort rev isxk o pg 33 2J aa : 1 1 1.. I - . - . . r . . sct-m . r rMeric--niorc US atw rrom Fran VV mi Ier and wf. Linnco mort rec book wiigllti; uurt of $12M0 from John MetcUf and wf. linn to : r. raort rtv book x pg 427 36 I Hitrbxvk. F.d F. trustee mort of Cl.ei t II" .1 1 is- - .- -- irvuii , 11111--1.1 ISC-I-SS. i.iilll CO raort rec book x pg 351 Jacob. Jackey mort of $500 from A Metxger and hus. Linn co mort roc I book u pt;53$: mort of Allen L Moes- j siner. Linn eOanorl roc bk vpg 69. for $1000 j Junes . K P mort of $900 from Ow ! H Jo lies mid wf. Linn co mort roc IX) o,) j book s jaj 87 IC -o hnson. .'times O mort of S1SO0 from Roliort Harbison. Linn co mort j roc book x ig 454 21 Jarvia Ismktin mort and trust co ..r iliK f..... -l-i.. as . ......I vm -i.ii in-iii aawawsswaavsassjaaai g 1-11111 ix) mm rec mss jig o,o 351 I i-inri I from illiani Kroisel. Linn CO mort niviwi. r inirri. s uiort or csai roc liooi t issr '200 . McClaiu. Samuel mort of $2400 from v J HcJlister and wf. Liun co mort roc boo x pg4SI 43 ao Mctarliuul, Peter C mort of $415 from 1'aniel Fitxgibbons. Linn co mort nv liook u pg 6115: mort of $500 rt intiel.l 8 Kocse, Linn oo mort roc liook u pf $07 16 47 M.'t.-.gcr. Abbrella mort of $000 from Archie lunl and L l, IVushaw. Lina co tuort roc boo V DSTwS i Morris. J mort f 600 from F Wise & : o.Linn co mortrec book w pg8 10 SO MonrivifT et nl -mort sif SSisSl f neaw Jost'ph Pearl and wf. Linn i-o mort nv beoi i ptjr&Sd 54 00 Murphy, William mart of $500 from William D Smith and wf. Linn oft mort nv book t pir 574 t 00 Mutual Benefit Life assoc- mort of $4000 from Harry H Cole. Linn co mort roc book u pg 430 ; mort of $2176 from John B Potter and wf, i-inn co mort nv book u pg 5S0 Ill 15 Northern Co's Investment Co.lim'd mort, of $1750 from Geo C alexin and wf. I inn co mort rec boo'i u pg 527, mort of $1500 from Kdward i' Sox aad F H Ruscoe, Linn 00 mort roc boo x jig 302 58 5 Oregon and Wash Mortgage Savings Bans mort of $1000 from Mary Tnmtman and hus, Linn co mort rec book o pg 520 18 00 Orogon Mortgago Co, limited mort of $1300 from David E Junkins and wf.larm co mort rec boo ' w pir 634; 1 mort of $800 from Elizabeth ilihol- len and hus, Linn co mort book x pg 50 37 80 Peters and Stewart mort of $152 from S P Brock and wf , Linn co mort rec look r pg 277 2 74 Pipher, A mort of $402 from E A Hester and wf . L nn co mort rec boos- tp 10 : 7 24 Portland Savings Banc mort of tlilOO from F.LPentland, Linnco mort rec: I100 s j.g 264 27 00 Pohlcunp, Henry -mort of $430 from Joseph Higgs anrl wf. Linn co mort rec; Ikjo'-. v pg 247 8 'ft Ralston, Andrew - mort of $3u0 from John Shaw. Linn co mort rec boo't w pg38 5 40 aa Hector. J P tort of $3661 from J I. tlollida and wf, Linn co mort rec i tsOOk t lig 59(1 60 90 , HAW.r.n lwis W mort nf aw70fl l , , ' rwt T my fromJTkiloroon let herow, linn CO inort of rec loo h pg 152 j .... OS S hiAer. lobn -mort (A 200 from ii'onrad Miller, Linn co mort rec ripos V pg .n ; berlrjcs, Kosetta moitof $493 from J A Carey, Linn eo mort rec book w I QasaSB Smith. Job (J mort of $1550 from O VV Smith and wf. Linn co mort Tff W's v 337 27 90 Solicitors Company mort of 91100 from William Haws and wf.Linn co mort rec book s pg 158 27 06 Sternborg mort of $500 from Rnel Costar and wf. Linn co mort rec IsvA r p2 286: mort cf $500 from Wart n - oss. Linnco mort rec book t pg 2; mort of $500 from lohn Deir ingT and wf . Linn co mort rec book tpg 3? -: mort of $400 from A B Seal and wf Linn 00 mortrec boottpg 646 34 20 Tbom. Daniel IJ mort of $75 from Cbarlea Bond, Linn co mort rec book p pg 131 i 3o Thomas Joiian mort of $1500 from T P Pat ton and wf, L nn co mort rec book t pg 197 27 00 Tweedale & Eedieid mort of $704 from S C and I) Van Horn, Linn co raort rec book v pg 39i 12 67 W acker William J mort of 225 from David Hanson and wf, Linn co mort rec book v pt 343 4 05 Wilson Mary morttj $1000 from W B Bice and wf, Lion co mitt rec book n p 564. 18 CO ao SU te 00 W 75 11 i2 11 52 11 45 11 S2 11 52 11 52 II 52 11 52 , Wilson Jamea Oand J 1' mort of 11 52 $550 from James Y McCnce, Linn ca mort rec book e pg 342 9 90 Williams dc England mort of $685 from John Highale, Linn co mort rec book v pg 489 12 33 V.'oodle Lucy A mort of $300 from Andrew Hite and wi, Lion co mortO rec book t pg 4'3 5 40 Wood P F mort of $500 from F M Gardner, Linn co mort rec book a pi 447 9 00 As the tarn appears assessed on said de 7 22 1 96 a 98 II St 5 7S 11 52 11 52 ll S3 1 ii..,..i ... ,n in - r.,- .k ? . ... . 1501 cay 01 uecerr.oer, IB93 at ine ooor ot 11 52 eiic iiuu nuuvc in musny, i.ion cuunii, i Oregon, at tha hour of I oclock in the ai- 1 icrccon oi 'u cay sell tt puoiic auction SSliO the highest bidder for rash in hand on j the dav of liie tile, aU of -he .bwve deacnb a . . ... ... ... ! Und or n5u:h tberecf as may be nc 7 71 . ssaary to pay and satisfy said tax assessed ' aeair aaid orotJertv in said Una count v 11 t I all.' .. ' . ... . for the year 1891 together with accruing cotU an j expexae. CC JACKSON, Sheriff of Linn Counrv, (Jr. 11 SS I it 5 I BARGAINS, Bargains, : Ba-gaES. 1 S7S 3 04 S 91 1 44 To reduce stock into the new preparatory o moving; 3 SO I U x I Post Qfiics Brick i we offer for cash tbe list of goods beiow mentioned at prices named. Come early aa ' at thsse genres thtv will last hnt a sf-ari tinie: S3 lbs small white beans for-. 4 lbs rosuted rxafce. in balk . 5 cans 2 lbs orsters M cans 1 lb oysters 4 cans 16 oa hna-isig powder . . ir . is as S T 1 1 a cans choice taoie 1 1 arhris . ' I" : 1 .ll ; lj IX.T , 1 " l"c s as :t :u rezs'ar 4.sr tea Raj-iUr FncdiaK hasUse t 1 J I Regular 50c Japan tea t tea in itincn oaaazts ! A faw tins. Toe tea , 1 100 lbs dairy chease. until gesso i Mexican Silver store polish S J S 192 P0f COTn rl.vstmin'. 1 !K 1 J- Horrtman s 1 lb packages soda rT C "HS"" in wix i 55 bars 10c tO'ipt soar. '3 Btai cigars 50 in box .... e 19 A ; 5 lbs 25c tea sittings Rerpertfuily. C. E. BROWKELL. - :-? City Election Notice. M ,c Notice ia herebv ri van that nn wT.-ov-t.- 4 K , the 4sh day of December.IS93.the annual 1 3 j election in and for the city of Albany. SOJ 9 0 " conntytaie ot uregon.will be held for the porpose of electing the follow ing jsuniripal officer, towit: One Mavor, one Recorder, one Marshal, one Treasurer, one member of the Council from each ward. Said election will be held at the follow ing placee, namely : Firat ward at 'b Circuit Court room, a eat side. Second ward at the Conntr Treasur er's office. Third ward at the office off-he Albany Farmers Company. The following "named persons have been appointed bv the Common Council of aaid city, to act aa Judges and Clerks of said election : First ward Judges David Fro man, J O Buahnell and W C Tweedale: clerse, C W Watta and W H Warner. Second ward lodges, Sirander Fro man, Calvin Bark hart and S M Penning ton ; clerke, J R Wyatt and P R Kellv. Tnird ward Judges, A E Bloom, N H AUen and George Patterson: clerks, Frank ss heeler and E J Lanning. Said election will commence at 9 o'clock in the forenoon and continue without closing tbe polls until $ o'clock in the evening of the af resatd dav. is os SO TS IT 40 7 V n SO is) 00 Civsn bv order ofthe Common Conn I cil of the city ot Albany, Oregon, duly 1 $0 j made at a regular meeting of said conn ; cu new at toe council chamber in said city the 14th day ot November, 1883. XJHaar.o:c, - Recorder of the citv of AINjs. Albany. Oregon. November lwt,ia$ WANTED 60 At the stoie formerly owned 11 J "i i csiien xsro, 9 00 1 BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BAUON, And CHOICE APPLES, for which possible. I will pay the best cash priee B F RAMP 00 ! n. r. Hyde. w. u. Daronce EK. P. H. JAMES ALBANY F GO., isreo: iTaltirnore Block. AlbaDT, Ore. FURNITURE complete line of IIERTAKIM. in all its branches. EMBALMING a specialty. Residence corner 3rd and Culapooia Streets 60 3 60 H ST 1 1 n . 1 00 1 00 . 1 00 . 1 00 1 00 . 1 01 . 1 00 eo 40 ao so 1 15 5 5 5 . 1 CO . 1 00)