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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1893)
f 9Sl State Rijtits VOL XXIX. A LB AN Y,Q RKG0N, FRIDA, NOVKMBEtt 4. 189. Entered nt thr Pus Office at Allinny. Or., a Srin!- Iiiks Stall S!ul, i. STITKH 4 NCTTIXG,PabIlsher(ad Proprietor.: NO 16 J1I "PAIN, SPRAINS, BRUISES, PATRONIZE: HOM I FARMERS k MFRCHANTS IHSURANCE C(i? Albany, htAii, President. J 1 COWAN, Treasurer. t'fiwun, Geo F Simpson, 'V F Etsi, I) B Ma:itei('i. l Muruaorij , I W tl, 1 K Wttkwtlf I. OJ Stuirt. WriUman. ALSO TI STRICT AGBNTS FOR several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies The Oregon Vitn its home S-A-ZLZ-tirM:- - - .ne Gray bkc!., corner Liberty anj MAKES a specialty of Sunnysklefruit tracts near Salem, Will sell 5: 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 rr cre small cash payment lone time'ou balance or particulars. This Time Its About Crockery. I will sell all kinds of crockery of the be?t grades, as cheap as they can be bought in Albany. Try me. While you are at it I can furnish vou the best GROCERIES and freshest produce at bot tom prices. P. I MEAN BUSINESS. Will sell all crTlkerv ware and holiday goods a' COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, wortb 50c for 25 cei-tr-; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1 03 cups and saucers lA5 to 10 cents a set; pla'e?. 40 cent pei set. Everything else i 1 proportion. Gallon me and you will not be deceived. J. GradwohL FORTMILLER Undertakers and w rE KfcEP rrnstflnlly c r. I it d a full cofEfie. Alt-o Luiisl tol ts srd full, in Liradclcth, which will be old at The i.oweat Living Profits. JEMBALfVSING anti ,,ie proper care of the dead a specialty HQ EXTRA CtfARCfc FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC NEW : FURNITURE, A yf Y STORE ISNOW FUU OK FIRST IV 1 cf bed room let, chairs, (lcuuiei, etc., BOTTOM ALBANY CIGAR .1. JOSEPH. WHOLESALE ODly White Labor EInployec', Portland, Uui-.oh. A. Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. X A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. WSpsW llZ - HE MIAIHNU PBOTOGKAPHBBI, eKn -aibanjr Orscaa' RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, SWELLINGS, BURNS. INSTITUTIONS. Oregon J O WRI'i.-.MAW. Societal j Geo F SIMPSON, Vies Presl lent - niRKOTORPJ Land (Jo ofKce - OPHfJO-O T-5 !tcte street, branch office in Portlanu CONN & Einbalniers. lir.e of it t taiic. clrth rd wctd cafVtt ai ; 1 : 1 r t l n 1 w HEARSE OR SERVESt , TEMPLE, - - OR.EGOI - CLASS FUP.NITUIIK. CONSISTING which I will sell at PRICES. Thos. Brink. FACTORY Proprietor, RETAIL 1'. Akubtiiong, I'. i . .i ai.. Cabinet photos from $ 1 .50 to $4.00 per dozen. cniaiging pictures a specialty. i6o crsyonf framed 'lor $10.00. We carry a targe noca of 5x8 and atereacoplc vlewa of Or- IRVING , Robbed Again. News reached hero! several days ago that "Gen" Holmes hns I been robbed again in Camas valley, hut it is so difficult to obtain news from that pace at this lime of the vear Jthat only ineagrj details were received by the lie view until today. The story of the rob bery is simple. The report got out that he had only recently been paid $3,600 by (ieore Smith who purchased his re maining reai es'ate some time since, and that last Monday ntght an unknown party broke in the door of his house and with a drawn pistol terrorized him into giv'ngup all the money he had. about $6,000, which was secreted in the room He was living 'U anew cabin he hail built on (lie McKay place, and was so completely prostrated by tins latest ad venture that he is utterly helpless, and has since been removed down to George Smith's, where he is beiiv; cared for. It is said though, that he only bad $2000, Roseburg Review . Ax Ot.n Case. The case of Maria ArmlngtOn versus Sol King appears on the come docket for this term and it will probablv continue to appear for several years to come. It has been continued so long now that judg:s before whom it has bten brought have died and l!.e original attorneys have grown grav in watching over it. It was instituted nearly thirty years ago, and is an outgrowth of the Rogue River Indian war. Col Ki-'.sav lias been attorney for the administrator and he appears at each term of court and moves for a continuance of the cas. If congress ever pays the Warwick estate for the depredations cotn-n'tted by the Indians, the Armh-gton claim will be settled. Corvailis Ti.nes. That Divorce Slit. Another repcrt of the R E Mnlcshey divorce suit is that Ihetnfidstty of his wife i ;-roven. I'tuler a reversal of an old decision the divorce was refused, and Mr and Mrs If ulcahey are husband and wife. It is said Mr Mulcahey, who was a favorite in Roches: left a brokers business of Sto, ooo a ear in order to come out to Ore gon at:d go Into the railroad business. The dispatch savs: It is now thought smong his friends that he will come East agi'n and give up railroading, as he has never cared about raflrcftd work Nothing definite is known about his future plans. ' if religious beliefs perplex ou. and vou desire a faith a! once reasonable and uplifting, send for me liberal religions reading to postolTicf nil.-sion, 34O Yam hi.l street, Portia: d. Or. a Fore Mm, oil is tne k.mi v.rca Ci in the production ot" Scott's rim'ti- 5 ! n - - Hypophos phitescf Lime and Sot!;; are added for their vital ef fect upon nerve ar.d brain. No mystery surrounds t Ii I r fortnul tho only mystery is bow qt:: it builds up flesh an 1 brings b Strength to the weak of ail ag fcly Scoffs aa S" klllUlUIUli Meal aui SflFEica! 719 MARKET STREET Franciao, Oil. IS A MEDICAL AND SURGICAL Institute, .ocated permanently at 710 Mar ket Street, .San Franclsco,Cai,for the cure of ail Diseases, A tllictic: s and Deformities. s'.atf of Pnyiiciai- a d surgeons, har in diplomas and 'hj ee.doi s cmcn: 1 I the best colleges of Am nca and Europe, skilled -peciailsta who havs had .ong experience IntreatiOK special ar.d chronic diseases arc- in cor.str-iit A Pharmacy is attached, and all prescriptions filled free of ch irge. $1.CC Trial Bottle $5.00 Full Ccux3o Sufferers from Aslhrr.a, Rheumatism Consumption, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, ftidigcs tion, ScrofuU,Epilepsy, P'emale Weakness Cancer, Heart Ditcase. Bronchitis, Krup tions, Salt Rheum, BaldnctS, Tapeworm, Deafness, any Sexual Disease, Lost Man - lood. Malaria, Urinary Troubles, Piles, Bowel Troubles, at once. Low charges, with'n the reach of hincd with the best medical and surgical kill. Yonns, WiUh JUed and Old Men Who mav be suffering from YOUTHFU1 FULLIES,or the excesses of matured life should consult at once before it Is too late; these veteran practioncn , who have- no equal in the Lnit-d States; as they :ari and will restore to you perfect health when all others have failed. Broken Down Constitutions are rejuvinated and manly vigor restored by their new and wonderful methods of treatment. No injurious drugs used. Worn out bush. ess men. call for advice especially if vou nrc suffering from NER VOL'S Dl.lilLlTY or failing DOW r, of any iisease of the EVE.EAR, TH HO AT, "i'NGs, HEART sIO-MaCTi" K f B VS, or H L A 1) I ) KR . SKI Si Biod Diseases Caretl in tfce iin-.i Itsae by veu elatrie rensesUea. ARE YOU as strong, healthy and vig orous as you should he.' Are you free from everv trace of disease or sickness? DoyOU look well? Do yOU feel well? oris there some Chronic Trouble; which, like a can kerworm in the bllddias Bower, is rapidly destroying your very vitals. Who suffer from Ner.'ous Pioslralion, Sletn'essness, Despondency, Indigestion, Coiibtipalion, Lassitude, Pains in the Hack or Side, and diseases peculiar to their sex, consult these ph m um with the utmost confidence. SI.OO TRIAL BOTTLE $5.00 FULL COURSE THE LONDON MEDICAL and SURGICAL INSTITUTE tl!) Market llresl Kun rrsuilsrs. at. Will check Consumption ar.d is indispensable in utt wasting iij-e.isr.--. p-.-fsw n b- y. mhw The London 1 . . f , LBBASON. Mr Win (lore is still dan gerously ill, and as he is now nearly 83 years old bis recovery is very doubtful. Misss Beuna Kirkpatrick will soon leave California foi Texas, where she will work on h paper for her brother-in-law, C W Cobb. 1! V Ramp delivered a rousihjg speech be fore the Industrial Legion last Friday even ing'. .Mr Ramp would be a good man to send to the legislature, or even to congress. If any old party man wishes to debate the political issues of the day. we thing they can get n "light" out of the champion of re form. Attys Stowe and Somen have dissolved partnership, but both will remain in this city and continue in the law practice. M 1 1 Vanghan spent last Smuliv in Al bany. We are informed that be don't go down on business every time he visits Al bany. Advance and Express. A l' ECU LIAR Tnarr. a pur.riaiiig cate of dishoreaty mixed with partial honesty oe oarrtd nea- Irving a fe dayn Mnce. A wealtny firmer of that vicinity had $7oo more than lie knew what t i do and buried it in a can under the floor of his residence. A shoit time afterward in Seeking to examws his hiiuht twenty dollar gold piecea, he could not tiud 'he can. He dug father aud deeper and found it, hot the enntenta hail evidently been dis nrbad, and a double e ilo was tnisn irgfiom the fjld. No one was aospieiobed but in a few dj ths actiom of a j oung man, in tho employ if the farme', in huyiuit dif ferent articles and having a twenty dollar gold pises changed, brought mispieioi upon him, amf upon bt ing prejsed broke down sod confeaaed being the guilty patty.begging tor mercy. He waa fiaally altowep to k f-ee. The question to be considerd ia whethe' the young man is .o be commended for no. Uking the remaining $i'Sj or caudc-mncd for treating the fJo, The farmers name is John Maxwell Eugene Guard. Wn.i. it Woke B S Pagne,Oregon's forecaster has taken charge of California weather and has located At s.m Francisco The Examiner say-: Mr Pague is from Portland, Or., and for some time it is nat ural to expect that he will labor under the disadvantage ol predicting "rain" ofteuei than it comes. He will be somewhat in the position of the Mississippi valley farmer, told of in ancient history, who visib-d Ar izona and yas tempted by the appearance of threatening clouds to venture an opinion that a shower would shortly ensue. The same antique chronicle records that a dusty inhabitant of the land of cactus replied: "You may lc right, stranger, but the fhajipf are against you. as I have been here for twenty years and it hasn't rained yet . ' An Aocuhut. Yesterday the son of Andrew Hite was bringing- a big load of wood to Albany wheu Tie met with a pe culiar accident on the west approach t- the 1 'alapo iia bridge. When near to the bri Ige 'lie of tin-horses, a young animal slipped and fell, in doing so pulling the tongue toward- the south. The wagon backed against the railing, a weak affair, not even braced, hreakini; through so that one wheel slipped over. Th horses attempted to turn and run but the remainder of the wagon was polled off, and the entire outfit, excepting the young man who jumped into the road, went ol the bank aU.ut rifte'ti f- down. ne "f the hotSBS stnn k on his back on ton of the wood : but neither horse was injured seriously, remarkable fact. Hut foe the weakness of the railing, the Dbxocbat is inform 1. the a adinl wouhl not have - urre 1. Scio. Born, on Thursday Novemlxr 16th, 1903, at high noon, to the wife of Albert Cole, a daughter Orthodox weiaht dr public schools are being conducted in a very efficient manner so says report. Pro! Mitchell and assistants appear to be masters of the titnation. In the Lyons school mudd'e a new sit uation has developed. An injunction has In-en served 'o binder the ne!y elected dieeetors from serving, and the o'.J ilir ectors have reinstalled a teacher thev ad employed, while Mr Roe, who taupght Miree days last week is pat out The children will not rer-eive roach ad vancement under such a regime. Press. Salkm's B L A. At the annual Hu-'iJ- mee'iMg !.i-t evening of the Salem ing and Loan association U directors were elected: ti W K KratMse, I I- Patterson, J e Xooowing I ihnsin. O H Albert, T II Iveron, V A Turner ant C BMoores, The f ,!ioaii: auJi'or- were clecie.l: T O it ike-, ti M ttee'er ar.d A E Crosby. The ass-ciit!on In rive diys in which to eltct the oll:cers so that the election was dcL-r icd until some djtf within tne time allow ed. A summary cf the reports show the to al of mortgage represents something less than $104,000; the number of iort gages made d.ninf; the four years is eighty : he total amount loaned is $3:,Sao. Statesman. Hystebioos Boxxa. The first box rt- eive 1 at the 1 1 P office in Corvailis which it was tir.M was dvnamited. proved to u a ire "f 1 iir.irs -ent 1 v Receiver lladley. not her of a diffen'nt kind w.i r-- ived. It laokoii more mysterious than the it-t. and no one dares to op?n it. th c.itrh Mr Mnkahy looked under the oorcr and Oak 11. it miiki' "tit the contents, it is ither a jok" in all probability, or else rmething of an innocent nature. If dyn- mite it is not probable any on - in 1 nn sent it. ;-.s the teeimg among discharged mploy..-. thouph there is some bitterness. s not "f this character. Not Gciltt. The case of the State of iregonva! oris uermanaon, charged with booting Chas Albright, was on trial today. ii motion of the defonuant s attorneys when the endeace for the state was all in, the judge instructed the jury to bring in a raid of not guilty. The judge remarked tnat were it not for the surireon s testimony he should not lielicvo there had lneii any testimony be should not believe there h id een any one shot. Corvailis News. The lleged crime was commmitted in Corvailis fter Mr Albright had been in Aloanytotbe 1 leveiand ratilication about a year aro. 'Death om the Trail "Frank Gay of Idaho, commonly known as 'Death on the Trail,' lias l ien in the mountains above CrawJordf ville for a (ew weeks engaged in tiis favorite sport shooting the festive deer. lie returned to his pi ice yesterday morning alter haviog succeeded in killing 40 deer and one bear. Most of the meal he ecures is dried mil made ready (or the market. In I iaho he held the championship for hunt nd he seems to be making a goo 1 stirt in this neck of the woods. Times. 1o Bk PkoOD ( Ik. The following from the Scio Press is certainly something any community may well be proud of: Scio can boast ot having paid her county taxte to a man. Sbentl Jackson did not have a single execution for delinquent taxes in this city and only 7 for three precincts of Scio, Franklin Butte and Shelhurn. Can any other portion of the county make a showing equal to this? A Medal Wntxxa. Geo Belshaw the great piae wheat raiser, writes the Eugene Guard as follows: "1 am informed by one of the judges of awards that he ha filed in his report that 1 had the best twenty five varieties of wheats of any nation, after 1 strict er ami nation of the same. 1 dtO learned from the Oregon commissioner that a medal is being prepared, when fin ished willibe torwarded, which win make three medals, four diplomas and $75 for the best wheats at all tne world's fairs, and together with the other premiums taken al other state fairs and expositions, five medals, seventeen diplomas, besides considerable money. Omccna Elected. At a meeting of tho new board of directors of the Albany Kindergarten association at the college Mrs VV II I was elected President: Mrs Rev Trow, Vice president; Miss Helen Craw ford, Secretary; Mrs I r If as ton. Treasurer ; Mrs Suiick, Cor. secretary. The Kinder garten movement is one dear to every one interested iu the right education of child ren. It is one our citizens generally should support in a substantial way as well as by thoir influence. TEACH EEI Examination. -At the ex amination of teachers held last week Bix were granted first grade certificates, three second grade certificates, six third grade certificates and six failed to pass. 1 tll 8 II. .lust novi the oC'als and employes up in the Oregon l'aoilic headquai tors are a t r i lit worked up. The messenger boy brought from the train the other day a package for Superintendent Muleahy. When the outsideijlrrappers of the pack age were reiuovedjr the superintendent found not a new, Kt a second-hand cigar box, the appearand which was sufficient ly curious to exejjje a suspicion that it 'night he an infernal machine. Mr Mui rahy ia reputed tone a fairly brave man, but he hadn't tw nerve to open that box, and w hen a Dm her official came in a few ni'iiutes later .1 picked it up with the remark that he w 11M take n cigar, the 8uperintendenll" at a hasty retreat, and called out ''foflGod's sake put that thing down." THjio'her man was quick to take the hint ami laid the h': d.nvn in a hurry, ard gsve it plenty of room thereafter, as diaf everybody else who heard of the dangerous character of its supposed conteatSyAn investigation was immediately get on foot to ascertain where the box came from, but it was barren o: resultte Nothing c u'd be learned absut Mho sent it, which heightened the artery and increased the anxiety in saegnfd i' its contents. Finally some one pick?d it up, carefully carried it out and stowed it away some where in the back part of the building, where it remains undisturbed at the present time. Whether or not it contains ihnauiite, so arranged that it will ex plode when the lid i9 raised, noboby knows and nobody in the () 1' office cares to lind out. Corvailis Times. The 1 emochat predicts that it w i'l be found to be a very innocent arrangement. . 'ullr;r Sotcv The new term liegins with m-xt Monday The frosty mornings ;ire fir.e ft r study. Beginning with next Tuesday the chapel Exercises will be conducted at Jl :! " a 111 in order that all the pupils may attend. Mis.s Stella Porter, recently "f ("! i ..." has Uen enrolled as a student. and will tae the Normal Course. The familiar face of Miss Flora Maaon.of the class of '89, was seen at Debatimr So- ciety. We are glad to have 1 mates meal with us. President Condit will be al 1 h 1 er th, Sabliath. Branching and worSing in the internal of the college. Punsls shoaU not be insulted w hen o r recteu by their instructor. A class of fifty--tuilcnis w is examined i:s Alp'iira today. What a delightful time Prof Torbei will have looking over the papers. Yesterday was tin- cloainir'day of the "weak of paayer." Res KK PrKhardad drassed me students on the subject. "The Result of Refusing Christ.'' The Krodelphiaii society will hold ita reirular meeting next Friday. Ki- tionof otneer-. The Amphilegonsan Society held its I rsl regular meeting yesterday. H-'- -lu.-ti- n for debate was. "Resolved, thai Negro Suffrage is a Failure." The question was ably discussed on both side- and t':.- judges wen.' unable to determine which -i t- had the stronger argument. The president, fa iwesei1, decided in favor of the negative. iNi .NIT. Tit vnkso.ivisc;. James ' Mens. . f r:a-r Oregon editor, writing in the Eagene nrnal on the subject of Ikanalageing say-: Since Oregon has been a state November Das iiumtxrtM live lnur-l.iv- in : r- - net I ve vears : 165. 1 "7 1888. 0 nder the hrt i 17''.. 12 and state coventor sterling iu -Uuj John Wiiitalivr tiicre haiq NoeVin'oer of fiW3BfirMar. hut Tjover- no r.i-r hit.'-.iKcr didn t have much fancy for Puritan customs, nohow. Governor uihbs, iovemor vv coils, irovernor Graver and Governor Momly, respectively, had a five Thnraoay November within their several Mrma of four yeaca, anlc.iih.f h.-se uj j'intcrl the ThanksgivinE on the last Thnrs of the month the 30th. The nati :... Tlianksfriving- Day has been proclaimed by the President, the unbrvken custom h.c-l.-en for the givernors of the states to 1 :i fbnn t- the proclamation of the day fixed by the president and to await his superior proclamation. In this light. Governor Peuuoyer has simply been "a !is-:!- to re vkms:,' he ha played his wn ! oe I in 1. . . ... . ..... - fscnoot Exsacama. Friday afternoon exrcies were he'd in the f.itlr r'onis of the Central school building, in each case two rooms unitina in tht-ir programs. Abont seventy-five visitors .-.ere present. The tolloming program presented in the htglies' grades. 7cndS, iil give a good idea of the interesting character of the literary work being done in the fchoc! : Music, Essay, The ship Ala ba m a Jessie Hack leman We Are Seven, Stella Crawford. Mother's Ftv.'. Ijiir Thompson Paul Kevere's Kide,( larence Buahoelt. Instrumental music, lIary Parrish. Longfellow's Home, Hattie Oleou. Psalms of Life, concert recitation. Red Jacket. F.-ha Cherry. Inventor's Wife. Anna Marshall. (Quotations from Longfellow ,'21 pupils. Merimae and Monitor, Joyce Browi e I. Music, Sweet and Iaw. Pnnxin Bnamous. A letter from i!-h Phillips now in the Bast con tains the following: "Some people may like this eastern country, but give me my dear old western home. The climate here is much colder than Oregon. Pays that we Oregon people would think bitter col 1 .ire only laughed at in this section. We had quite a nice little visit in Chicago. t.xk iu some of the sights of tile world's fair, but there was such a crowd we did not stay in the city but a few days. Chicago beats all the places I over saw, though. The people were worse tnan crav toik-. It wa km-, k lown and get up and go on. a.- if nothing had happened, the whole day through, and tight, too. I might say. laik abont the aristocracy of the oast! If that i-an exam ple, I lxg to 1m excused. The True Laxative Principle Of the plants used in manufacturing the pleasant remedy. Syrup ot Figs, has a permanently beneficial effect on the human system, while the cheap vegetable extracts and mineral solutions usually sold as mcd iclnes, are permanently injurious. Being well Informed, you will use the true rem edy only. Manufactured by the Cali ornia rig Syrup Co. The great and only Alivin Joslin be at the Albany opra house on Nov He will undoubtedly get a big house, people want to see him. will :Sl! The Pieces Rkoocio. Tho undersigned iro printer of the Pioneer House desires to inform tbo pubiie that he has reduced the price of board without lodging to f3 per week, w iih lodging $4 per wtck. Single m:alt 23 cents The public is invited to call as 1 keep good bi ds and ret a eood talile. Have tir wood for Sale. C.iruer of Broadalbin ami Water treota. J it a) IB VNDA. Try a pair ini; iioot. ot Klein Itros 1 ub vTxnoma 1 n vitavioss. Wooden, Tin, Silver, (iolden Oommon every day. Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing, the hair imy be restored to its origi nal color by the use of that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair B newer. Shiluh's Vital tSM '.a what you need fur dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow akm r kid ney trouble. H is tiuamnUed to'ujivo you aatistactioii. I'rioe 75o. S ildjby Toahay & Maaoc. Or. Price's Cream Unking Powder Moat Perfect Made. A MVS1 RBW VOHtt LETTKK, Nkw Yohk, November lth, I8D3. The people have spoken, and in no un certain strain anil the consequence ia that the bosfces in New from Huflalo to Brooklyn, have been anowed under an avalanche of votes- The honor, the credit and the respectability of the em pire state of New York, has been re deemed by the great victory achieved for the people by the election of l'Mward T Bartielt to the Court of Appeals bench, and the detea. of the stained and guilty Jude Maynard on Tuesday. At the present writing the 'fc.w York Herald, corrected returns, show over 100,000 plu rality for BattMtt, and from 5,00 to 30,000 plurality tor the reat of the re publican state ticket. The entire legis lature, both branches, are republican, giving over thirty majority on joint ballot. Maynard ran over. 'io, 000 behind the oemocra'ic ticket in this city, and was badly cut in Brooklyn and Buffalo. All citizens of respectability and honesty of purpose worKed hard as watchers and corkers, in the many po'ina districts, for the success of Battle t- Their efforts have been crowned with euccess, and in fact, in a perfect landslide which com pletely bnried the Hill-Croker-Murphy-s'beehan-'l amn.auy combine and the thief nominated for a judicial office, as a reward for this crime against the hallo' and its sacredness Not alone did May nard meet with overwhelming defeat, but the despised ami corrupt combination of ringaters, iu our sister city, Brooklyn, was smashed to atoms. Chas A Scherien, republican and independent candidate defeated the ring's tooi, Mayor David A Boody by oyer tlo.oco plurality, also de feated the entire democratic county and city tickets by plurality ranging from r2,ooo to 2o,ooo. William J Gaynor the eminent democratic lawyer, and defender of the people's rights in Brooklyn, was a'so elected on the republican ticket, for Supreme t'ourt Judge by over plurality. The citj of churches rejoices, and the people are Wild with enthusiasm over the magnificent result The most sanguin? prediction gave Scherien 16,000, but to the surprise ami gratification of the hard working and earnest citizene, who instigated the reform movement I against the present municipal govern ment, over 3o,oo was the figure. With the cewsfrom Buffalo. which is the home' ot Blue eyed Bill" Mieehan. taat the city gave Bartlett a majority of 10.000 and that the democra'ic candidates for the Assembly had been defeated, the victory for the people ia their denuncia tion of "boss rule" became comp'ete It is to be hoped that trie better element in the democratic party will form anew or- animation, and tight hand in hand with the republicans of this city, to accomp lish the annihilation of Tammany Hail next year. The hand writing is plainly visible on the wall and 'Tlick" Croker and his corrupt band of municipal iiigh waymen. will surely meet the same fate 1 ' t ti ir 1 t - - - - - with its patronage is powet'ul, and j through t thciou.'ness controls many Strong and available vote getting methods. But Rome fell, and the tiger ill meet his fate when the reople of . - Y ifc l lit ,'rtf.rminr to unlerniine tie corrupt political corporation. which it is hoped will be before the f.owers bloom in the spring or . v. The drama is at its height, and the theatres are all prospering. but aeverthe - less Hi" financial depression which ex- ists ah oser the country, shows its elTect UDOn the bOX Cdic ruis. Ti th - atrtcal managers however are content! with the present profile. Many ntW plays, some successful, others not so fortunate, have been rroJuced thus far th:s season. The most noticeable and probably the bet acted play, was Mr Richard Mansfield's production of Shake.-pcare's comedy "Merchant of Venice." Shyiock was clayed by Mr Mansfield, it fn-ing his first appearance :. t v ,,:.: ;ci. was ma-le faa:cna .- i rr-.t-rT.-a'a 'nti ti'titi? -llld Pd - win B th. Mr Uanefiel-J scored a we'.! it-served success. and his protrava! of the des ised and r rengdnl Jew. was artistic, ar.u coniaiceti an me icauires which were so well defined by the great actors of both continents. This new de parture, for this young and talented actor, was unexpected and ihedramists have n:.rn great credit to the ambitions artist, not nlvfor his individual achieve ment in his impersonation of Shyiock. but also for Shakespearian taste 111 the election of the cast, and the excellent s aving of the well known comedy. War. F. H. Roeubch. Ti AST TIIUK aOXEV- Ticob Huler, rchool director cf lbs Jcr ian distsic, was In town Tuesday. He re ports the i eorle cf Jordan ano vicinity are cosstceraoiy exorci-o.t over ir.e lac: inai the school munev that has been collected from the people and which oeghtto be ia not ) now available tor the payment of uts'nct warrants. From Mr flubei's i we that an etljit will be made to com- ! e! I allace to account tor school fun is H1.1t ought now ta be in hands sub jest to the payment of school warrants. Hey think, an. I rightly too, that t re county gave bonds that should be requir ed to nuke coo l mti' deficit of that officer. if not. wliat is the Object or use of nquiring h'm to give bonds at J.U. Scio 're..-. The facts about this matter ate alieiJy known to most people. At the tims of the suspension of the Lin county bank county treasurer Wallacs had something over $.50.- 000 deposited there for safe keeping. The county does no: furnish the treasurer with a safe place t r keeping public, funds, hence the deposit in the bank. T: is is just what alt county treasurer have done for cais. The money i tied np in the bank and can not be made available until a dividend of the cmount collected by the receiver is or dered be the comrttollcr of the United S-ates treasury. It is sa'd on the streets that I70OOO have been collect ;J an I that a dividend will be ordered sooa. It is un toatnnate of course that our schools should be thus hampered hut the blame can not certainly be placed unm the county treas urer nor upon the county school superin tendent as soma have attempted to do. The county school superintendent can apportion only the anicunt repotted to him by the treasurer an 1 this he has done. It is un fortunate for the schools but the misfortune comes to business 01 an auras cauaea n ins anic in financial matters. The full democratic membership of the ways and means committee has been called to meet today. The members of the com mittee had been favoring a provision for an income tax feo' confident that the result of a series of conferences to begin tomorrow will prove that tho majority of the com mittee favors such a plau. Tho iron ore and coal schedules will bo discussed and the question of placing these articles on the free list will probably be settled in tho affirmative. The tobacco, beer, and whiskey schedules are also expected to be considered, and there now appears to be lit'lo doubt that there will be a material increase in the tax on whiskey and other distillery outputs. The proportion of an increase of 45 cents a gallon on whiskey is now beicg informal ly discussed, and some mention the increase as high as sixtv cents nor gallon. Since 1S(I7 then have beer, exported from Cant Colony, Soeta Africa. 50,000,000 c irats of diamonds valued at about g;t60, 0)0,000. Ur. Price's Cream Baking Powder Forty Years the Standard. WASHINGTON LETTEli. Fri,m one ssjpnsrCovrsspow4sot Wasiiiagton, Nov. IU, 1 893. Secretary Iresliaui'ii official report to the president showing that great injustice was done to the native Hawaiian government by the action of ihe B S minister to thaf government under the last administration, in practically compelling the queen by a display of marines from the U S S Boston to abdicate in favor of the provisional government which was formed, it is be lieved largely if not entirelyl by the advice aud connivance of that mini.-ter, for the purpose of carrying out the scheme of the annexation of Hawaii, which p'ayed such a conspicuous part during the closing days of the Harrucn administration, has for a time relegated the financial and tariff questions to back seats, and everybody is discussing the Hawaiian matter. The report concludes with the recommen da'ion, which wai approved by tne presi dent and the other members of the cabinet, that the wrong should lie righted as far as lay in the power of th:s government by restoring the native government of Hawaii to tiie position it occupied before the queen was forced by a US minister, not by the provisional government, to abdicate. This was a bold and fearless step for the presi dent to lake, but believing it to be right he took it and issued the necessary orders to Minister Willis, who barrirg accidents arrived a'. Honolulu more than a week ago, to carry it into effect, although he knew full well that it would at first be unpopular, psrticularly with thoe who would only look at the surface of the question and re gard it merely a.- the use of the power cf the power of the I'nited States to over an alleged republic and set upon its feet a deposed monarchy. But t'.ose w'ao know the president were not surprised that he should prefer being right to being popular; Le has been doing that sort of thing ever since be.has been in public life. There are not many democratic senators and representatives in Washington, but some of those here ho were at first dis pose. 1 to criticise the acticnofthe presi dent have already changed their minds, and it is believed that wLea the next news arrives tro.a Hawaii they will all be dis posed to acknowledge that the administra tion took the onlv right and proper course. If, as the administration believes, the provisional government only existed be cause the native Hawaiians believed it to have been created and supported by the power of the I'nited States, it would at once cease to exist Wi;l: officially acn he doubtless di i is is scon as Minister lunced tie contrary, as scon as he arrived at queen should than be Honolo If the unable to maintain Lerse f in power that will be her own affair, as neither she nor those who might attempt to overthrow her kr-"emn.eni WOUM receive aid from the 1 nsted .states. In o'-her word, the action 0f the United States is merely intended to ajiow the Hawaiiaaa to govern themselves in fa fi 1 . j . - - , . J outsde interference, and as the txst step I toward that end it was necessary that l,lni - , shot-i.l 1 r.-,r,.r.l In th i.5n . . -, on m wnich tley were when Minister S'evens interfered le overthrow the eld i government. Tee ''-esticn cf monarchy or republic had r.o'hing to do with it, nor was sentiment allowed to intrjde. It was only a question of right and wrong, and the administration, acting upen the informa tion irathere 1 by Mr Blount during: his ong stay and investigation in Hawaii, has on'.v done what it b Sieves to be right, and American people, re- what it believes the of politics, will in the esd endorse , The power of the I'nited States is too great I to be exercised to the detriment of its ; weaker neighbors, and the sense of fair play is to prevalent in the United states for the people to wish a wrong perpetrated because it was done by a Fnited States official. j The annual report of the Kirt Assistant i Post master General Jones recommend ths i the experimental free delivery in smal ' towns and villages be ilium iliaul at the ! end of the current j ear, the annual outlay of $i0.C00.000 not Wing justified by the j results of the experiment, which he regards las a failure. Another great republican , scheme the ocean mall subsidy is als i reported to Is a Bat failure, and congress vrill probably be asked to repeal the law autborixtng it. President Clev land is all his time to writing i to congress, and in order 'nterruption he will only devoting nearly is annual message to work without come to the White House on cabinet days until it is completed. There will Ik? some surprises in ihe mes sage for those who think that the results of the recent st.Ve elections wil' have any effect upon the president's policy. Wheat, 50 cts; oats, :5c; hay,$S baled: wood, $3 to I3.CA taken in exchange for sewing machines or organs on hand at E t' V ill's music store. Also on all book accounts of 6 months standing. Sewing machines from $25 to (35, with my per sonal guarantee tor 5 vis. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure Qrape Cream of Tartar Powder. Both the methorl and results when yyrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts fenUy yet promptly on tho Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colils, head aches and fevers mid euros habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pre duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt La its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tho most, healthy and agreeable subetauccs, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and havo imub it tho most popular remedy known. 8yrup of Figs is for sale in 50c aud 81 bottles by all leaiiiiig drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any cue who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO. CL touisviits. xr. Atw roac .r. POPLbARSCIECK. . Thiers are 6,000,000 leaves upon an fj.xt tree thirty feet high. The largest apes have only sixtee ounces of brain; the lowest ram have thirty nine. All the glaciers in the Alps would nt equal one of the largest in our Territory of Alaska, The trichinie found a infe;ted pork are sometimes so numerous that 8j,ooc have been found to the cubic inch. All clouds above the earth are caused by the cooling of ascending currents of air, and the consequent condensation of the moisture which they contain. A good cement for stoves may be made as follows: Mix with water three parts hard wood ashes ar.d one part salt to a stiff paste. This will stop cracks in stoves Or stove lids. The air brakes on railroads are being built with a view to their use on trains of on? hundred cars. The plant on each t'ain is being built so that it can be used in siacH a wa? as to biing the speed down from eighty to thirty miles per hour within five seconds. Great power has to be used, and every part of the apparatus hag to be per fect to stan i the strain. Clement Ley divides the clouds into three great clases; First, those formed by local ascending currents, or the cumulus type ; second, those ciuseJ by by general ascen-i- lng rurren's covering a wide ara, known as the stratus type, and third, those formed by j the combination of local -iscen ding currents ; and general ascending currents, called com- pushes. It is stated that ordinary bricks bailed in ! ..A.l 1:1 .u ...I - - I" ;i I LTJ-rS, UI 1.11CJT ic saturated with i are increase! about thirty per cent in weight, are much harder than common onea and unaffected by frost and act'iis, is well as perfectly waterproof. Tney form aa excellent flooring for work shops or storerooms, particularly in chem ical establishments. Indiana courts have at last begun to take action in punishing the white-cap lynchers, who Lave long been prevalent in parts of that -State. Five men were brought before the bar for whipping a womao. Two of of them weie sentenced to fire yean impris onirierit, and the other two, who were wit nesset of the act and d:d not try to prevent i. were let orT with two years sentence. This revival of legitimate justic; has lorg been needed. There ought nver to be a popular sympathy wi:h lynch law. It is a return to bsi baric methods, which means less safety for the law- abiding and more license for the Uwless portions of ihe community. RUPTURE. DR. R. B. CLARK representing Will be at the Mm BUY HEATING STOVES Matthews Dress Goods, Capes and Jackets, at : greatly : reduced : prices, READ, PEACOCK & GO ALBANY AND Make your selections laree Bvt'ttk potifi. t pfruoi,iord, py mm preuaiu. n :i a 9 oruer w vjlllvr n written (itamntre to rurt? or refund the moary. SoI J by a'l tMruaiarHH. Asa for it. take no other- Write tor free Vesical Book sent aealvtl CWSW." lup.iiiu wrapper. Address r'oraaietn Albany .Ore., by J, A. CLMMlNt. 0 Ma ilIcFaiiand, - :- DKALKK DI - :- Harness -and -Saddlery Display fa in the Door wn am ana A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing rash, by Ayer's Sarsaparilia. Mr. Eicn.r.D BmKS, the well-known Druggist, 207 ilcGill St., Montreal, P. Q., says: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines for 40 years, and hare beard nothing bat good said of them. I know cf many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilia, one in particular being that of a little daughter of a Church of England minis ter. The child vra.s literally covered from head to foot with a red and ex ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years, in spite of the best medical treatment available. Her father as in great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, at last began to ad minister Ayer's Sarsaparilia, two bot tles of which enacted a comptete cure, much to her relief and her father's deligLt. I am sure, were be here today, he would testify in Use strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilia Prepared by Dr. J.C. .tyer & Co., Lowell. Mass. C'lrasothe-s, will cure you Q Q G & D Q Q GOOD NEWS jgj fcr !l'5 rr. lh.v.ii 1' consumers cf 8Tntt,sPilIs.n fs It i-.-s Ir. T it- j la-are to aa-fc Bsttssee that he is u ; .t putting apa 3 TiHY LIVER PILL t rt-taininjr all tikm wiMttum fill J 9cyeftaMeb Itotfa sixes I'ihes1 pttla &t are still TUe t j act size of TUTT S TINY LiVSr ILLS A in the bor-It; -c"li'aL", e a PERMANENTLY OB NO PAY. Written guarantee to absolutely CURE all kinds of RUPTURE of both sexes without the use of the -LXIFE, ri mutter of how ioTg standing. No pain. No danger. No detention frorr budacss. V,e refer vou to 5,000 patients. Examination Free. The O. E. Miller C.oi Portland, Oregon, House 1 a snort he Washburn. AT- LEBANON. early while they have assortment, MANHOOD RESTORED! ffJwSMfSK fuarulMl to cure fell mrqm ttlHM,Mck as Weak. Memory. Losof BnUa Vwer, Headache. W a to ruluea. Lvt ManiuKKl.NUht.v Knlasioa, NerTou ms,alltlratns&ca loss of power la tieuemuve organs tf either aexcaused br overexertioa. jrMhWl rrrvrt, excessive use? of tobacco, opfaui or stlru ulatits, which leaalv Intlrmlty. .nauaipttoti or lnsanitr. Oan be carntsl la N UV SEKD t o., MasouicTciuu.e.Cmi'Atttjb aud by UODGb A MeKAltl-VM. Lru:it. FOSHAY A MASON -muu-j ui urxa druggists and Bookseller t avaS for John B. AUec'a pahileailon-; jich w ll t pdiiaher'a prteeawiih LBS1T, OKCVO FOKRKMI'-Ths oparn house store, splendid location. Ca.I on the secretary at the Demccbat office for par ticulars.