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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1893)
EAST AND-SOUTH, THE SHASTA "ROUTE OK THE Southern Pacific Co. Express Trains leve Portland Dally. South 0:16. a. I Lv 10:23 r u I Lv 10:lfA m I Ar from ji lt 1, IBM, Portland Albany San Francisco North Ar I saJ am Lv 4:211 A M Lv 7;00 P m aove trains stop a- all statiois from nd to Albany inclusive, hIso Tan hedii.Halsey.Harrlsburfr, J unction lrvlug, Bugone and all stations oieburg to Ashland inolusie. ROSSM'SO MAIL, DAILY S:S(IA M Lv 12:46 T M I Lv 5:50 tm Ar Portland Albany Roso'ourir AH 4Mrir Lv 1 12;9U m :Lv I 7 M A :10 A M 1 Lv 9:00 A M I Ar ltJCr M 1 Lv Albany Lebanon KA 1 , MlAr PULLMAr BUFFET SLEEPERS. Dining- Cars on Ogden Route. SECOND-CUSS SLEtPlNS CARS Attached mail Throogh Train. .Vr.l llf Division. fOKYLAND AMD CURtALLIS. BUT VI Ul Mail SAiSsaitT (Except Sunuay, T.SOAM lfcU r m I Lv Ar Portland Corvallla Ar 1 5:S r " fcv 1 1:C0 r .truss, tsain ailt (Exc-pt Sunday . 1 1 Portland McMlnnvil.o Ar Lv s:fR A M 7:25 pm Ar 5.(0 AM , TiciketK to all point in the Ktorn 9Uto, Canadi ana Kar.'J lean bo obtained at owcat ra'.eii trom K I rons, m?- 1. KOEULSR Mar.auor Port'v.J Oregon. K P. ROOKRS, Vw'lO V. nd THE WEBFOOT ROUTE Oiegon Picitic W HILF.V, Kerelver. TIME SCHEDULE. Except Sunday.. Uc Albany 12:20 t. u,-.Lt Yaqa.n rjejj , Arrl Yaqulna, f.Sfi r. M. Arrto Albany. 11:15 A. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Points and ban Francisco TROM SAS FaAHCISCO WillametU Valley, Sv o'.h, 14tb.2Src, PROS! TAjri!A. Wll'.aatit Valley, Nuv 9;h, 19th an 1 25th . The Companv tverve? the ngnt hange saBing dates wfthout notice. RiVER STEAMERS . tram i "H.iar" leV3S Poitlani Wedn:siUy and Saturday 6 am, HCDay.Oen A?t,3almtin Street Whart. Portland D R Vaughn, Gen Air't. San Francuco, Cal. R E Muloahy , General Sapt: FromTerminal or Interior PoiLts the j Is the line to lake To all Points EAST aM, SOUTH I t la the BMISB CAR It runs Throngti ESTIBIJL. EUTRtlNS EVER1 DAY iu I be Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO 'ftO CHANGEIOF CARS.) Composed of DioingCars Insnrpissetl Pnllnan Drawing Room Sleepers Of Latest Equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Best tL at can be cocstruclei and in which aoisommodilions are bith free and furnished for holders of Firs' or Htcond class tickets, at d ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Lina oaniacaid? ik,a al linss, affording Direct an d Unint8rruptBrl Servica. Fallmai al6eper reservations can be secured in advnnce through any agent of tbe road. THROUGH TICKETS to and from all points in America England and Europe can be purchased at ary ticketoffice or this corrpany; Full inf-innati n connernlng ratos.time ortrains. routes an. 1 other 3etils furn ished o i application to any agent, or A D CHARLTON. Assistant Oenoral Pa-t.en(rsr Agent, No 121 Kirst St. cor. Wash-.ngton, Poit'and. Oie;on C O Rutkbar.. I ;n art i' THROUGH TICKETS TO SUI T LAKE, OMAHA. KANSriS CITY ST. LOUIS, EASTERN OlffiS. 3 1 D 4 TO CHICAGO UnilDQ QUICKEST TO CHICAGO nUUKO AND THE EAST UfillDQ QUICKER TO OMAHA PULLMAH AND T0U!3T SLEEPERS, FREE PECUNiC CHAIR CARS. DINING CARS. For rates and general infoi mation call on or address Curran & Monteith, Albany. Oregon, cr W H HURLBURT.Asst.Gen'l. Pass. Agt, 254 Washington St., Portland, Oregon Ar 10:01 AM Lv I SO A M Ar I :25 r V Lv 2:S9r it Pimply Girls Pimply Boys And Every Person Afflicted with Torturing Disfiguring Humiliating Humors Find Instant Relief And Speedy Cure By Using Cuticura Remedies gold i hron shout tho world. Potter Pnro an n Che M . (.'oar., Boston, Sole Props, aj- "All about the Blood, Skin, Scalp and Uair," free. Bf-Pimples, blackbeada, oily akin and falling d cvvented and ruvd by Cuticura Soap. notice for Publication, Land Offh k, Oar.(;o: City. Oa July 11th, 1893. u. s Nctici is hereby given that In CJtnp'l anos with the provisions of the act of t'onaress of June 3. 1873, entitled" An act for the sale of timber Ian 11 iu the states of California, Orag . N jvada and Wash ington Territory," Henrv M Herbert, or Urcen Basin, county of Marion. atte of Oregon. has this day filed lnthis otnei his sworn statement No 2873. for the urchise of the 8 J of N W tf.sec 27 E 4 of N E ami N E'4or8Ei of section No2s,in town ship No lo South rxnge No 6 East, ind will offer proof to show that the land sought ia more va uable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, an i to establish his claim to aaid land before the Register and Receiver of this ofll ib at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 24th day of January, 1894 He names as witnesses. Geo H Letellier. oi A'otny Oregon.-Henrv 3useus,of Albanv.Orezo'n, J? Berry .of Berry .Oregon; H Collver. of Oresn Basin. Orego i. Auy and all i r- . . peraous claiming adversely the above deacribad lands are requested to file the'r claims iu thu oih ) on or b fire sau 24: h day of January 1394. Robert A Miller, Register. Notice for Publication. u. s LxsD Ofeice, UReiioN- Citt, (k. July Iltb, 1S93. Motice is hereby given that it compli ancewith theprovHiona ofthe act of Congreis of June 3, 1878. entitled 'An act for the sale of timber laus in tho states i iugton Territory," Albert S Collver, of Green Basin, county ot Marion, state ol i Oregon, hsathudiy filed in this office bis eworn sUie nent No 28i4, tor tne . purohsaeof thi S E J of section No 26 in j township No 10 Sou h rantjO No 5 East, aa1 will offer ptxnf to ahiw that the land DAimril la tn Tr j I'llnih a t .-i P l'c tirii har raw anufht Is mora valuah'd for its timber or sone than tor aeticaltnral purpo-es and c os? of anv life. loo, back ard over alter to establish his claim to saia laud before j nte fii'n-es doing of evsrj-dav duties'i the Regtater and Receiver of this office at . , ,. ... . , ; . r, n ot-j. ,, bj.t of x.11 that is permanent in human char Oregon City. Oregon, on "Veanesdav, ihe 2n day of January, 1891. He nam - setar. We look ad ths time f-r toire futare witneaset: Odo a Lete.lier, or Albany . J L. Barrv.of Rerrv.Orecon. H M Herbert. of Green Basin Or. Any and ail person claiming adverelv tLe above described lands are requested to file claims in this office on or bsfore sa'd 24th dav of Januaiy, is9i Bobf.rt A Miller, itegi.ter. WK4THEKFORD .V t HAH RERLj-IN. Attorney, at Law. Will practice In all courts of the state. Special attention iriven to matters in prub-.u and to co. lections. OFFICE In the Fiinn block " Bin. v nr Attorney at Law .nd Solicitor in Chancery. L'oll 'ion. nude on all point. Loan, negotiated on rable terms. Albany, Oregon G EO. W. W RIUIIT, Attorney at law, ar.d N Ury Pub.ic. Will practice in all the carta ot this state Special attention riven to collection, and matter. U Uslee: UraUir. aan-Twedale Bl.jek Albany, Ori i.i iiiim B 1 Kri l :tv nnm. J teat 'niiviri wi I receive pror..p attenti m rBc r, oil fatt Templd, Albany, O 111 I IV al . Attorney at Law, Albanv. Or. JOri K A II OXTAMYE ac HMKLKSIaN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. A MEN J. cnARLTO.I, Vttorov-at-t,v Ml lekl awaasai .tun-ted promptly: FLINX'3 Ul jck. A'bany, Or: D R. J. I,. HIM,, Phydclan and 3urcon. OFFICE Corner F.r-y .treetg, Alliany, Oregon.J u MM. MAITOI dt DWI-e. Physician, an Surgeon. OFKIOR - J.irnor econd and BioeiUlbin .ireet.. Albanv, Or, Call, pro.npt.y attonded 1 citv and ceuntry. C. U. I'HtVBERLt!!!. W. I. Hemeopathist r"3pecljit in disease. o( ihe Ryo. OBlce hour. 7 to 9 a m: 13 m. anil 7 te a in (r. A i Oreiton. V lit if Vil'IOMI It Wit , OF AI.BANV, OKKOON renl.lent Vice 1'reniaent '.shier ,.. i.KI.INN , K, YOUNG I I.ASODON , . w rK AH 3 ACTS A btwlma ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to mliecu. ( SIGHT EXCHANGE and te' rapine cannier, SO 1 Msa Vork, San Kranci:o. Cbicauo and I" iMand j seen CO XEfiTIONS aAUEon tavorahle lerna waaoroaa E. Vooho K, W, Lasonos E Blais, L. Fuss ISowaau r . Sox. W II silt It A !'.. tVU RP OF At.RANT, OIIK.GON. TwUHCaarW. Tn ' a, "Mi. - lMtA.V Ol.-..! illltt'l l S,.,-. l.MK. .HH Koand I'oixlunil, Oresj-.n. LOAN MONEY on approved security RECEIVE deposit, .object tu check. COLLECTIONS made on favorable loriu. INTEREST Daid en timi B INKOr st io. SCIO, ORKQON, omciu S '.13 it . iler.... ,T J Mess . A J Jou Ihc MtmaXL AS I'UEDlTKD As predicted p, incntli ago by the DMO CRAT the November elections have gone against the democratic party. Various causes will he assigned by different persons. Always the politicians in prevailing parties pretend to see in the defeat of their oppon ents a condemnation of the principles and policies of the defeated parly. The repub lican politician will see defeat in the dem ocratic ranks on account of the tariff and the populist will urge the repeal of the Sherman law. But these contributed in a very small degree, if any at all, to the result, j As an example, in Virginia where the free silver sentiment under the eloquent leadership ot Senator Daniel lias grown very strong the democrats have largely increased their normal majority. The truth is that the stiingency in in nicy matters, (though without any assignable reason,) has had a generally depressing effect upon democratic politics. Many unthinking men are moved wholly by surface conditions ana appear ances in voting. This is the lesult of dem agogical teachings of political leadeis. Hut there were mut.y other causes that, combin ed with those mentioned, contributed to the result. There are the disappointed ones who have been seeking appointments under the new administration that have contribu ted a large share of the influence that brought defeat. No democrat expected democratic success In either Massachusetts, Iowa or Ohio. These are normally re - puoncan sia 's. 1 ac tviiiutuia ......... i . , r . j t. 1. K. 1. t, ...... 11' ' ..... .' ind incompetency on the pan of those in charge. In New York wlmh is naturally j demo.ratic defeat has come almost entirely from local LAUSea The ovei Learinc dimi nation of the machine led by Croker, Hill, ' Shehaa, Murphy and McLaughlin was the cause of the overwke'iuing defeat in that: state. It waa richly de-erved an! demo crats all over the country will lepice at iheir downfall. The rcsalta arc aotatai s biniticant of the next election. I 5 ' , , , 1 The populists seem to have fallen far be. ow 11 .... , ., wbat they expected as indicated now by the , returns FIUtLirV MAKKS l i I I iSS- Cneof the beat Ueiem irun the life of Mar.hil MaoMahon. hahi. lately dird in ' Franer, is the impoitance of what miy be; termed the moral element in making a. uciii ful life, lie bad led a varied ea,ear, some- J thing in traaasa, a ewer ussea orerwawuswu . . . . .. . . .tiii . by defeat tnat hs wis p- v. lo prevent. But through it a.! he t led to he faithful to h'l duty as he saw it, and.ofijuh there I have been greater military heroej than l j few of them rendcrtd st service to their , oaantry. MacMahon a fidelity to 'hi repub lic set ved it to Krauze at a Unas when the sl.ghtest wavering on hiioart would have bmught the conntry under control of son,e of the monarchic! fa-tion. which htve a;nce ,1 :a . t.i. .-.-, .! fr m Kr..neh tiolttic?. How i ,. " . ... , ., ,- . , ; utff'rsnt might have been toe u.-.- jf trance ' hid he, when tiuited with t eeeotiva poorer ! r,r vej u-f,ithfn ti l.istiuat. ke te-ching of his public life has it. lesion , also .or the rayrutca of private lives, LlL k not fiddity today m re im thaoa thing Tnt wo 1 d I' fi lehty have an oil f h: n- 1 - . I. After or .11 t an 1 They - K , Bwd ro, b hoever( lt ,he . sjiwater thms l:i a oar oreseat work, tet at I the cIoie of "i tn : ' ,al"e J " ot duty I (eems gieaUr than anything else. Mag-i 1 1 was the triumph f MaoM-hon. SVbaa .eemed at the time to de ids mast hopltss uverse. Ytt fidelity t h:s duty, doing tl e b It ht knew hoar tisave hi. ciuntry, in the h .or of her need. A L4SI INTRKNCUMEM, If the repial of the federal election laws i would reliove the Country o! John I I.iven port, aa it doubtless would, then it car not come too aocn fjt men who value their j liberties as cinz?ns Oavenpori is a ty,ie of ; men who have been frequently used, in the history of the worlj, to ierve the ends of tyrants. Unscrupulous, cunning, ind with a sufficitnt degree of d-sjiratc to carry out the designs if his mas'ers, he has for years, under the operations ot this law, exercisid a bru'al tyranny over American cititsns whose want of means an 1 influence has them eisy victims r.f bis oppres sion. Davenport is a lower mtn'.al type of the Powell Clivlins and Jack MeClnraa nf Arkansas. W,th them, and ever Other With them, and every other man of that detes'ibl; breed, he urged the lalortionof the Lodge force !i.!. With the principle ol that bill enacted into law, 1 1 the Davenports, Claytons and McCluocs cf ' j republicanism would have been again in t tie j I saddle. Now spoliations and greater crimes than of old would have inaiked their til - ! umnh. One of tne causes of congratulation at. ; the repeal of the Sherman law will be due ! I '0 the fact that it w ill cleir the way to get at the eledkn law and Davenport, now ' standing as the last intienchmen'.s of te- j publican Tori ism. ; If all that is expecte I of wood pulp f. accoraplished it ii apt to become much more ( f lhe ra,ners of Uie Kcpublic. I believe or fc king than ever was coiton. I.ate pat : that in our desire to have a siron (iovcrn 0 its cover inventions for machines which j ment to deal with national question! we are intended to spin and weave the fibre as 'e K Kht l ''e h'1 'he Go7C- if it were co ton cr wotil, of which, for the making of wearing apparel, it Is 6a'd to be the equal in every respect. When our shirts an 1 pantaloons, our na-s and shoes, our bathtubs end cofhins are aM made, as it is possible tbey may be, of pulp, the product will certainly have come nearer than ever did anything else of eajojtiag a monjolyof supplying a" I'10 ordinary want-, of man. The pickied olives of tra.le are put up v,u .nrnfiillv In- Ihr narlcers. TlifV must: C-i K L-1 ,.,...1 aaal w,.eUa be. a fore they are matured. After being picked they are steeped in caustic tods and water. : Th"!? are then soaked and pickled in brine j for several days. The largest room in the world unbroken I by pillars is a drill hall In St Petersburg, six hundred ar.d twenty by one hundred and fifty feel. The number of laves exported from Africa during the eighteenth century is calculated at siv million. In 174S, nearly one hundred tltousmd were shipped from the west coist alone j Uutti crcha was livst introiluccd into i Europe from Malaga in I S52 . The annual coiiMimpiion now amounts tn four million pounili. The fourth vcise of the twentieth chapter ! oi Revelations contains more words than any o'-'ner verse in the New Testament. j 'I ne loots til Egyptian temples are coin - poseii cf huge blocks of fume fioin I column u column. VI ra. Ilr. I'Hflersioii WhI1hc4 j Tat Noted Clairvojant aril I.ilu Bsasr, i. inw Iwrs, mid chii 'm found at lii-i- ii'siiicticc, next door i J il Cnua-iirx. Hho icis, uliout all sanjeet. pa t I present arid fiilun.; lovn troulil'.-s, absent oi-nin and I bastaess. You otn bear Irom our dead fileiolfl. I ! Guaranteed to cure Illlious Attacka aa 1 tmion.SraU Uilo li, iv.r. ElKCTION AFTKKMATII. The following nre the opinions as the result of the elections: The New York Evening World (dem): "In Brooklyn, as ia the state, the result has not been democratic defeat and repub- victory. New York is still democratic, Brooklyn is still democratic. In the slate and our sister city the victory was won by honest and sincere democrats over tlio-e who injured the party by objectionable methods and bad nominations, The demo crats will be all the stronger in (he future from the purification the party has receiv ed." The San Francisco Kxiuniner: 'Jliu democratic party has heard from the people once more, and the message is a plain one. People who voted for Cleveland because they wanted t.triff reform have shown their disapproval of his neglect to carry out his platform pledges, and tho people who want tho old order maintained have gained partly by the president's cowardice. Friends of bimetallism have resented Cleveland's dom ineering policy, an) the masses bave'ahown ; ' though the classes may have the ear of I the president, the peop'e have the votes " i Hon Charles E Crisp, speaker of the I house of representatives, passed today in Nashville. Referring to yesterday's elec tions, he said he did net ascribe the results to any opposition to the democratic ad ministration, but purely because of local causes. Chairman Wilson, of the ways and means committee: "1 am mighty glad it came now instead of later in the adminis tration. Tho election in Virginia shows . . . , . , , . the ropuhst uprising has not gained uead r . m way. As soon as democratic measures can b-' taken to restore the prosperity of the country, everything will be nil right again." I Ex syenator Mahone, of Virginia: "I rc gard the result as acknowledgement on the part of the people that they made a mistake ! in putting Cleveland in the White House." Kx-Congressman lien Cable, of Illinois: "As to the general causes, the btisines ; de- ' : The public seem to blame these conditions ' , noon the party in power. I hold the :ul- n. -...- . ... i.ip 1 11... ni,M, ill.. HHBMIMNB ,n,- i II J wmm not rerponsible. The business conditions grew out of pernicious legislation enact ed by the republican party.' J mlge Lochren, commi-sioner of jen sions: "It is the natural result of hard times. I'nUiinking people have charged the financial trouble to the party in power." First Assistant Postal aster General Frank Jom . ..Thil lotl)(-.r.ltlc party will will toe the scratch next time Blows of this kind ctnnot phase it. A knockdown with the lrae"c democracy only acts as a tonic The result . , ,. . ,, J , . Mr James Tomiinson cf Uen:on counts- is due to locil causes. The result in Ohio ha purchased a half interest in the harness was one of the most importance. It wrought ' shop of E L Power, and ihe firm name McKinley once more to popular view a a will be Power a) Tomlrason. Mr Tomliu-.,.- . . - , v.;. n,,!.'""1 'SJ graduate ol Albany relieve and as a chunk of presidential timber. Representative Burrows, of Michb ;an : "The general raentt indicates that tbe la boring people of the country are undoubte dly oppoeed to free trade as advocated by the democratic party. In ( hio the issue was squarely on the tariff, ar.l the enor moas victory showi how strorgis public M timcnt on that subject." Representative atcMiilin, of Tennessee: "No one well posted on the subject looked for a democratic victory hi Ohio, V,:.--.'.-cbusetts and Iowa. The result was net due to the tariff agitation, for no on kne what the change, in the tariff would be LET IT HEAN MIJII.TIUNG- 1 While Congress is stuffed with loioirr.- ' ation on the evil of makeshif s, it cm read i I v see the advantage of a taritT which 'l- not lelong lo the makeshift vailcty of leg ' isia'ion. It - true that the tariff cnno" be re i furmed all at on:c. But a tirifi nieiure can lay uoa'n a po! l icy and can go a loig way to aid being a ; policy. The democratic pilicr i levsaue The . democratic i lea of protection is that an ; industi v i tiest protected ahi a tv;ry re striction h maOiei! an 1 tra le i- en.-oui.igcd ! to distribute pnxiucts most widely. The party 's larirl measure cjnnot be satisfjet , ory unless its passage i equivalent to a i declaration th.t a eonn as possible the tax ation of imjorts shall have r.o iefetencc to i the nursing of alrea.'y ovtmuiged Indttst ' rial Infant. V lien it voted last tear, tl-e democracy j p-onounced judgement against government : partnership in private concerns. Thr Wilson bi i ought to be an act of obedience ' to that instruction. t a . B"w"tn,, cim " "ot"en I goods will d.) for tin , icar. That is an ev I ampl. e nted not be ;i a'rr.el about the man ufacturers. If an absolute free ira'e law were passed next week n:ost of our la indu'tiies would be exporting merrily be fore the elections ot 1S96 Give us a tar:ff that b not bargain, a makeshift, a compromis;, but a policy an! a settlement of the controveisy. CsSNOT BF. A KETI IH.ICIN. 1 had believed for yens that the repub . Mean party as a party were no' on that 1 uuestinn in full arrorl witn the nl 1 i ,r:rine mcin oi unc uniicu r ii ca it nwi a i.cirr.i- lized (iovernment, but is a Government of S'a'es. We have been losing sight of the fact that tbe Congress was not organized for the purpose of tiring all the leci'.ative duty that is put upon legislatures in this country. The above bosa ihe speech d.-livercd by Senator Teller on tbi ail ret queation fully atones for all the hard things, he. as a re publican, has said ahoi.t lhe democrats. This organic pi incijile of oar foim of gov ernment so fully and freely endorsed places hhn entirely outside the ranks of the rc- P"''1'"" Part.V. Ile may never lecome , ... ... : ... Ul IIIULIAl UUl 11' L III i . - ... . .. nil ne publican while be rc.ains the views a te alroi e expressed. The TraeJtaxMlve Principle Of tb j plants used in manufacturing the pleasant remedy, Syrup of Klgs, has a nprniflnfintlii l,.i,.MVial ..Wmi lha linmm. svsli-in urhila tha r hMn wmlshl w.apta and mineral solutionR.usually sold as med- icines, are permanently injurious, iieing ,fr,..l i.l ..... II,. ,n rm are permanently injurious. Being edy tinly. Manufactured by the Cali fornia lig Syrup Co. xeir rratae. Self praise Is no recommendation, but there arc not tiirics when one must penult a person to tell the tiuth about himself. When what ne says is supported by the tpstitr.ony of other, no reasonable man will doubt his word. Now, to say that Allcoek's Porous Plasters are the only genuine ind reliable porous plasters made is not self praise in the slightest degree. ineyiiave blood me test tor over thirty tears, and in proof of their merits it isonlv necessary fo call attention to the ernes ihey have effected and to the voluntary lestlmOnia's of those who have used them. RewaiC of Imitations, anil do ntit be de ceived by misrepresentation . Ask for Allcoek's, and let 110 solicitation or expla intion induce you to accept a substitute ' Skwinu Malhinks neatlv renairod and warranted by a thoroughly competent work- j j man, at P M Freneli' jtwelry sore, Albany, 1 Oregon, HOME AMI ANIHMn THUHSD.W A woman lth a boy has been in tho city begging, The exchanges declare that alio ia a f-ike, Tbeaeese are llyin,. low and last toward j anU the !o mW Pa,d in fH.-Guard. a more tropical climate than they have I een 1 Mr Ceo V I Ian is, proprietor of the new experiencing iu the m rth. j marble woi ks of this city, has just coin A Cervallit ,, advertised money to loan j l!'ct0,11 atul set UD n ,he :il' CnUrj tma on Brat class u eatitv. and had application. - ?,rV Ufanlte monuments ne for the from men with old O I' tiinscbsok. as se- la,e Geo H Hughes and one :for the chlld ruritv I ren of fieo H and Sar 1I1 A Hughes These The church prayer meeting at the l'-is brytsrian church will be omitted '.his evening to civo an opportunity of he trios lr Mabie 1 at tho Biptist church, ( Dr and Mis Wilson Phraner of New . York passed through this noun m their wa) to Corvallis. They will speak at ; the Presbyterian church "to-morrow. Mrs ; Phraner will address the ladies at i P M and piu He address in the evenimr At - -i o'clock. The Philegousan Society has been or ganized at the College with Mclvin Wil liams as president ; Nina Calbrailh.secre tajy, and E W Einmetf, Nina Ualbraith, Lena McCormlck and Arthur Foshay, executive committee. The following were the successful evi dldatei at the city election held injunc tion City last Mondav: S L Morehead, mayor; CJ Khrman, I H Miller and K C Lee. COuncliRtenj J J Butler, incordir; J () Bee be, treasurer; S B McClure, vai shal. Tlie new mayor is editor of the Times. For being the oldest native Otgoniin. Mrs Wiley Edwards of East Portland was awarded a silver pitcher at the Portland j exposition last Thursday afternoon. Mrs j r.jwarus Is the daughter ot v II IJ.1M1 and the moiber of Mrs Virgil Waters of this city. She atborn August 1st iftio in what Is now Washington county, then called Tualatin plains. - News. Fraac's I'arkman, the eminent historian died at ,1-imaica Ptaiai We loel lay afttrnoon of peritonitis. The Union Pacific steamer Modoc is riming in the upper Wilia-netle with Capt Smith at the I e'm . Fifty-four tramps ba actual count, paseil through Albanv this noon on tl e freight They are following the j;tese towards California. The Union Pacific system is said to owe the U S on subsidy bonds $33,500,000, which falls due inside of six years with no provbhm for t'.ie resumption of the bonds. A Monmouth nan lias thoroughly demonstrated that lemOOl can be raised In regon. Mr and Mrs I. Lemons are the paren's of rlevcn young Lemons, the youngest being a few Oajs old. One of the ltrgcst amounts paid for a slnale growth of hope this season wasthc i ll-c of rearlv $11,000 given bv Horst Bros, to Ir H A Davit In thU city y ester- day. Eugene Guanl. I" G tia;. ne, of thi city, has received the con'ract fjr buildi 1 g the reservoir fur the new water w 'lss at Oakland, an a turance of a wood piece of wjrk f or Oak- :l.l .....I.. ilu,.. -1 1.. i. a reliable voung rnj n who mav be di on . trouble at Ly on con 1 is hot on one side t will not be surprising alts. A preventive is i hence it is to be ho i b; secured and pe.ire oa'. Town saw a far:;;er sel; a 314 pound bog for iS cU thU morn ing. It piys to raise th! kind of a.ii-nil in Oregon. There it alwiys a market j far park at gJ3.i price. The pre-ent situation e-r-phasU:s the aeceuity of d:v. erslfied The CorTallii street rai.way. r.i.ling stoik tte, w,re sold to dav ht Sner.lTO.rorn. The ptaBartV was bi 1 in b lh Security Saving and Trust C3,c f'orti tr.,1, for 9330. Tm. 1 proprty original' aoat in th neighborhc-od of f Sti,00U and ha Len In operitico less than four yetra. We hwe not been iaforasei J wheiher or not tb near proprietor, will op etate the r 4'way. Cdr. Ed Hamford. the fifteen year old son of 1 Charles Hamford. on complaint of hi fa ther, was taken lief ore Judge I 'union this morning and teutciicrdto tiie n-fonu school. Sheriff Jai kson took him to that pla v on . th- n.iou train. Young Bamtord lia-s had a bad reputation lor aontiine, and - :a to havelxs-n unmanageable. A lre was present at the nap;ist church last evening at tbe !at mtet of the m:sicr,arlcs L China before leaving for that country. I)r Mabie delivered tfce I adders 1 i the evening, an eloquent effort 1 and the party I'ft on ihe overland foi ; San Krar.c!scj from which place thev will sail Or their new field of hlior. Propel and Uutler, .nanulact irer- nf li'ing, residing a few miles from Albany, have made an assignment N. Franklin l'rop-t fjr fie benefit f cridi'ors. The sssete are given at 614 04. Liabilities, llenr Riley f,l68.6o, I. Zuhlsdoif. $:o4. B G Cox, f 15a, Smith Cox S;. Total .TcnnAv Head quarter for Seth Thomas ami clocks at French's jesfnlry store. Tbe Ihiss place to buv 'Ttoss'' watch ca-es is at the boss i wejry store cor First ar.d Kerry sts. The t'irvallls Times cajff Ihe reflection from Ihe mill tire in Kugene wa plainlv visible In that ci.y. Likewise in Albanv. The Scio Press says: Two monev brokers in Albany any t'lev will have plenty of monev le loan on real estate se curity in about a month. Olives in Bulk, saner kraut, nixed pirk!e, chow chow, cranberiies, Icnons, tniae ! I.omlny, and n-w rai-ins at C K Browne's. The Ra'sm Iljmrcrat wiil start its daily next it "ith. tnaliag frmr jai that cit' , Al r adt there i.sntiie tad rns'l ac hatas donn 1 1 j cay : n- Anni' Phtlap. the will Laawa a tre, died :n Lna'oa,Kaalaa4. taiardiv. Atone tini 1 the waon ,1a We art Cape- an for cash . Retl, P, '.vale I through tlm j,- j ,q a a i perfonnani f. . -till selling Dress goods and jackets at greatlv reduced prices We invite you to examine the I COck & Co goods and prices. Ben M llirn.j a si'biteslieliii nxlinin of San Kratip:eo,f,irjtold the bus nf the steamer Unity, b nnd f ,r Ceo. Kay.aiid bafermed the captain nf il just hefnie the linat satUd Again the C rf A y Is coming into Oregon, ami 1 lie Oregon I'acitic is going out ol Oregon, (iood. By lhe way. Keep your ejrea on Albanv and the Oregon Pacilic. Ifarj hy have di. oied of th ir , n tire sti ck of stnvea. tinware, etc., and berw alter will do ail kinli of j.ih-wcrk in plomb iog and tin wo'k exc'usiteiy .-t'o: vallig News aj Several of our exchanges aie kicking uecause v:ounty uourra give so many contracts to Harnard ,V Co and Hen C Irvine ,V Co for ji)' printing, considerable of Which could bj done at borne lost a0 wel'. Stand in with home institutions . Th.ti i the idea. Tha ei ntrac'. for constructing the reser voir 1 1 uie MKiami waier worss system waa let yea eruiv to V U 11 yne cl Albany, for bidder. There ( $1370, he btiatflhe hi est I wuie JV' H'Wdera for tho j lb, am mg 1 1TT " ' '""" "J . ii'wouurg 1 " e,n I tWVIl wkw. t euuic guina to romana irom ioca poin ts above Oregon City- if I hey are on to themselves come no further than the falls on tne atlroad. lheri they leive the train at.d board an electric car, which 1 is always in waiting, and save 70 c s on one ! the round trip, or half the amount I way. E'igcne Guard. Had thev do recently they wcuhl have gone ilov.-n Into ! the Willamette. j A man nt Ashland wanted to die. Re went to a barber shop, told his troubles , and asked for a place in which he might Uetlrc final I v. It was arranged that he , should take morphine lie wis iriven a dose of salts and lav down expecting to be a dead man in the inorniiiLT. The result need not be told. Percival Nash atul E ti Km 111 elf while playing foot ball on Ihe College ground yesterday, were both considerably Injured, 1 he lormer was laying on the ball when) Emmett fell upon him. Nash was ren - I dered unconscious for awhile and had an j ear severely cut and Emmett lost a tooth ?ncl three others were loosened liv the fall. Ulood flowed freclv. Corvallis News, aP-W. 1 joij H ow jop.ttod 3u)vc ujBaj3 s.33jr 'JQ Only two lots of wheat in the destroyed mill were Insured. OM Binnett'i loss of 1400 bushels Insured in the Connect icut Insurance Co, was adjusted by Ed Hall of Portland at $600. E (i Young of Oakland, who had 4000 bushels in the mill, was insured in Ihe Home Mutual, inonunicnis die iiinue m ins: tss matei ial and are without spot or blemish, and the workmanship Is second to none. All persona wishing to get cemetery work are requested to examine these monuments, and call rnd get prices on Grabite and marble work b fore ordering else where. Will cut prices to suit the times. Foot Ball. The College foot ball team went to Corvallis this noon to play the Agricultural College eleven. There is a good deal of uncertainty in this same, hence the result cannot be predicted, The Albany boys are muscular ami heavy, while the Corvallis team are swift and w iry. The game was to l? started about 1 o'clock. Tne Albany team consists of the line, made up of ltalpli Knapp. renter rush: Swart and Bentley, guards; Lassell and bmmett, tack les; McCulloch and Graham, end s. Marvin Turner is the quarter back, Geo Washburn, captain, and H Swart, half backs; Alter- main, run Dacx. root ball has become the greater amateur out door game of the age, ai d while it is a rough i-cites more local interest than any other contest. It i- proper that Albany should be in the foot ball sw im, atuiiL v mi PEKaasaa. Mrs K C Sniall, of i-ale.n, is visiting Albany friends. Mr Sifer, the Stanard oil man, resid ing in the southern suburbs of the city, is reported dangerously ill. Mrs Nettie J Nngman.ol Mc.Minnville, lias been in the city inspecting the W R C, while here being the guest of the President, Mrs N II Allju. Conductor Walter Partgess, on the O P passenger train, and family started for Dayton, MTaah., today to vieit Mr H's relatives. Mrs I'.ai tefs and two child- rtn have been the KtMSta of Mrs John Longer, of this citv, for the nast few- days.- News.' M r John Campbell is run ing the train during his absence. Last evening a large number of the members of Ben lab Rebekah lodge paid a social visit to Mr and Mrs JuliueGrad whol, taking them entirely by surprise. Nevertiieless they used every effort to make their visitors welcome and to say they succeeded would be but iialf w as expressing it. A most pleasant time was bad in games and a line repast. Ail seemed to njoy themselves very much and none more than the bos: and hoatesa, MIDAY. F E Hart, the Salem tailor.i- in the city. Ige R trahan. of Portland, i- in the w II Kayinond, the insnrance man, was in the city today. -MrCouIton. the Portland iaaaranot man. i- in the city. A Wheeler, tbe Springfield lumber man. has l"en in th, city. Mr Nettie l!r.i-ii an.'. .on. of Portland, an- in the city the gneat of A !J Paxton. Prof Wcxl. On musii ian. is in the city Ai-t.-d by lo J talent he w ill givr- an en tertainment here Monday evening Nov. 20. Mr Charles Pieifler, w ife and daughter n'turnad last evening from Iheir trip tbe World's fair and other eastern place. Tbey had many nlaaaant experiences. S A llulin left this mornina for Tanirent. He has pnrcbaaed a ? sk f ilnigs then? wiii. h he will move to Harrisbnrs and cc.n- dad the bu-in,-s. Mr Huiin is a srxi iuecesa. phaniiai 1-t an 1 v 1-h i.i: : Kugene tinartl. Bev Wilson Phtnner D. D. anl wife of New Kork City arrived in Albany this n m. Mrs Phraner ad-lreod tiiel.i lit.-s of Albany at the t hunh on missions this af ternoon, and I'r Phraner will be he.ird to night. He is said to be a bright talker. They will go from hen to California. sATrai-sr Prof I V S lleid. rf the Kugene ib!k echeoh, was in the city this noon. Mr Andy Hunter returned this noon boat an extended trip through the Ki-t. L.'ji, C S McC -. has 1 .i-l a ranch in the vicinity of Albany f-r the winter. Statesman. Rev Welch, paatec of the new l"nitd Presbyterian ohurvh. of Nvmpia, is in the city, and will spend RwMth here. L 11 M. Malum, of the Salem Independ ent went to Junction City ti,i-n , aan I will -ivak tonight on "Our State; it- corrupt officers, their met in da. H 1 Clark and family h ive moved tn Al bnnj to reside, and their many friends here an sorrv to loos,, them. Mr "nrk dii-p-w-1 of hil plssT. the old Odd Fellows property, to Deputy County t '.-rk ("n:i KoseburLr ll.-t iew. Rev A M Willi. jns will preach for the Cumberland Presbyterian Bead Sabhaih.Mr Inir!, not iji-ing able to be present. Mr W is a young nan of ;iv falt iil and promise and all will enjoy h.irin-' him. -Junction 'ity Times. G K Geia, wife, eon and daughter, from n.u Kearnev' Ne'.i.. were visiting Lee Browa and wife over Snnday. Mr uoin i a nephew of Mrs Brown. They came through to Washington , by team, swapping about two w.ks in the National Park. Their trip baa been purely for pleasure; thev When a doctor consider it necc-sarv to prescribe sarsapa-ilia, be simply orders a bottle of Aver krowing foil well that he will obtain thereby a surer and purer preparation than any other which the driii; store can furnish. Ater's Sirs ipariila is the superior medicine cJ, . - llralth la WM .tee. Edward Coliinson, Queens, X Y, s.t: commenced u-ing Brandreth's PQls over fifty five years ago I first bought them in London, and bate continued ud.-.g them since I came lo this country In iSv. 1 am now over seventv-tive years Old,haIe and hrarty, and attribute mv wonderful health 'O tbe persistent use of Brandreth's Pills. Occasionally I have a bad cold or severe attack of rheumatism, indigestion or biliousness, but f nir or five doaee of Bjandreth'e Pills always cure me. When ever my children have been sick with scarlet fever, measles, acid stomach, dis ordered digestion or costlycncas, a few doses of Brandreth's Pills icstorcd their health at once." WHO does your washing? It is to be hoped yon send it to the Albany Steam Lwndry,thus patronizing a first-class horn institution that employs only white labor. The work too speaks for itself, not after the fashion of the loud smelling Celestial wash ing, but on account of the superior manner in which it is done. I'ruteil to lie the Ursl. Tested and proved by over thirty years' use in all parts of the world. Aileock'a Por- i ous plasters have the Indorsement of the i hbzbest medical and chemical aulhnrltiM and millionsof grateful patients who have i uecn cureu oi distressing ailments volun- i laruy tesniy to tnetr rreiits 'tucock s i orous riasteri are vegetable. They are mild but sure and quick in their actio,!, and utely harmless. Beware of Imitations) and do not In ceived by misrepresentation. Ask tie -lor Allcoek's, and let no solicitation or erpia- -I nation induce you to accent a substitute. Ws doing Invitavions, Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. "Smiley Ask lour Frleutls Who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla what they think of it, and the replies will be positive it: its favor. One has been cured Of indigestion and dyspepsia, another finds it indispensable lor sick headache, others j repoi t remarkable cures of scrofula, salt i beuin and other blood diseases.still others will tell you that it overcomes "that tired feeling,'' and so on. Truly, the best ad vertising which Hood's Sarsaparilla re ceives is the hearty endorsement of the army of friends It has won by its positive e I 1 11 n i TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Babaea at Orrtoa cur. I . I 11 kvHn . ,TV v 0. Yesterday awiwvuiii eaiue town irom bi 1 am to look up a couple of bo ils which were lost. He found them at Rock Island, and then cane down lu re. Late in the evening two inert followed htm to the up per end of Main street, as he wan going back to die boat, nnd knocked him down, then 1 at and robbed him. He was found by tl : police and taken to a hotel, where he was cared for. A Bis Liverpool, Nov women have been gigantic swindling two firm names. hvt ladler. 0. Four men and two wrested charged with They operated under Go h claiuiimr to be American merchants and importers By means of mutual references thev succeeded in getting trusted by ISO firms for goods to the value of many thousands of pounds, aheged for the American market, which they pawned in Liverpool or sold at auction in other towrs. Vnolliir Craakl Cleveland, . Nov 10 A crank called at the Second National bank of this city today, armed with a revolver and carrying some dynamite. II rid nanded of President Herrick R50,000 on pain of instant death. Presi lent Herrick refused and the man shot at him but missed. The man escaped, lamlil I ( ro 1, Mi Minnv m.i.k, r, Nov lo. Seven world's fair medals have already leen 11 , .. : 1 : . . f a.- ... 1 . the beat grain, dried ami green fruits, and ...ore areKexpecb,l. It is proposed to dis- ' I j ,if" . 1,1 K. ,i 1 j midwinter fair: another p'an is to pin j them on a etaroy old pioneer and si n-l him down to t.ilk for Yamhill. Uefiaa 1 r Warkiaansea. If Acsat U.KS, Nov 10 Tie employed in the mat :h milling shops city are lending their support to th ing street car employe a. They at I. one Car this nfternocn r.nd tl intimidate the driver. I', was nec; 1 "'I 'he police to drive them away. oi the women were locked up. women eolaborers demanded the I f tbe prisoners. The request I by tre rerltr:cre and a rr.ub of I hrec Their release refusal womei. men am! beys .h-reupen formed into line, but were dispersed by a squad of cavalry. i uol n.rilrirr. ClIICAl Nov io. I l'renderga-r -ho Ulted Major I Unison, locked brighter than u?iul yestetdav morning, lie asseu w hen Alderman Sssift would resume the po-i ion ol acling mayor. to know whether Mr ti-i!t any Intention of elevating trac'ss. PrendjTgait now and passes toe day reading At t ints he talks of his 1 unless the iu1 ject is broach He ::r-t liar a Ia: 1 1. Nov 9. A Passenger trail on the Columbus, Hocking Valey A: Toledo railroad collided with a heavy freight train. 12 riles north of Foetoria, at 7 oelo-k tliis asaaiav. Fn -ir lives were lost ----- n - --. . . ... - . ..' . L ......... . A. i :.- passenger train wasfb for 2. cjfor 3, etc., and read the result sooth bound and sees Id have reached here' t V:5T. it k:i". a headend collision, lorthl-jun-l freight was running o :s--. i;.-r train - t ';::. - with "ti- fr' r o. There was a dense f'g at th.e tin Tho 1 it Two ra: I. Sandringham church. Bells were ringing j during the oicrning and flags were living i t-virv where in the vicinity of the residence of the heir apparent to tbe British crown. I A dinner w.; ivn to 300 laborers and ' w.- tk.uen er. p'oy.--1 n;. n the Wj:' . -tat.- i be Prince w Prince of ' I xa No-; vernier it. il. Walt rhrre 1 rur. BOssTOX, Nov : - - f -'-Pin- ion in a series of mtem-ws with leading Massachusetts republicans seems to p?int toward MiKinley as t,:e sta'e's choice for tlie next republican candidate for president, oniy otuei t sndidate ir ias 1! llefsi. He has cot rn admirers as the man fro A Bt-portrr lire. tunxsTosr, Del, Nov'.'. sai l le lo a New Yor Tirkwc on an oys-.r nredge at N.inticoke !at riiht ' IVint lo get f,ic's f r an arn inarre.! with tbe capt IB T:,- " r 1 1 not I knocked him overboard with an iron I and he was dr rued. The lody ha recrvered. Thr Katsl lii-.fri. W a sa 1 Not ' -The low water! mark of tne net tvaiuvble balance in the) I treasury as re iched oday, when the total I I stood at $69,908,242, of which 184.656,412 waa the gold festive. The large expendi-j tares ever receipt, thus far this month are i responsible f r this condition, but no alarm or nut as. until is 'e.t at Ibe department The . bopq is expressed that Ue reserve, aa well as the net i -.irrency bala -e. will ri'e sjou. It was said at the dep rtment today that no order in reference to the actual coinage I of the silver ballaon in the treasury, pur I chased under the Sherman a,-, baa as yet ! lo'n tssned. Ihr Male rnraaipmeal. Etoesncso, Nov 9. - It has bnea defiait decided to 1 old the next state Oram! Anny eacampment at itosebnrg, May 9 and 10, ls't It 1 also eanecaad to bare the Sol dier's Home completed for dedication at that time, s i that the occasion will lie a 1 grand one The executive committee of the Soldier's Home commission has held a meet ing ami is having an abstract of the ; site bargained for made. The board will meet to make further arrangements just so soon as the Hon Charles Nickell returns from the world's fair. Anslher Wreck Chicago, Nov S. By rear end coi-ii-ion on the Chicago, Bock Island a Pa i-iiie railrcad at Seventy first street this 1 evening, four people were killed and many ; injured. The b mi ted vestibule express crashed into the rear end of a Bine Island 1 accommodation, badly wrecking two coach -s and tne engine of the limited. The accommodation train left the city a few minutes abend of tbe ti tailed and stopped at Seventy-first strw. The limited lore down in it. it is said, at the rate of 20 miles an hour. A heavy fog settled ever the city and it was almost impossible to discern the signal lights T.-.e engine of 1 tbe limited ploughed its way into the re ir of the accommodation. The ear was driven with terrib'e forve into the end of the second coach. The explosion of a lamp ignited the Woodwork, and a tiro began soon to spread. An alarm was immedi.delv turned in. but before the department ar rived the majority of tho wounded and dead were taken from the wreck. ollilng Iu II. Washington, Nov S. Some sensational dispatches published yesterday afternoon ' and this morning, that LUiookalani would be restored to her throne in Hawaii by the 1 the United Sta'es government, brought s Hood of inquiries to the state department The officiate of this department ridiculed this proposition, which was considered by J theth at absurd. This is the nearest to any statement that has boon obtained from any one in an official capacity connected with the state department in regard to the Hawaiian matter. The atesnts; PoKTi.AMi. Nov S. The additional election returns received yesterday carry 1 out the predictions made Tuesday-- night of ; . dean republican rweep in all states, except e uncivil-- i .1 .ii A rr .,: i innniA, and even lbere the democrauc etlective. I ."rr"1 . , , v-r ptl cut down. In Obio, N ew Vork and Pennsylvania the majorities for' the republican candidates v.ere t nil v as great as Ihemost enthusiastic had hoped.. The following tabid shows the pluralities ' for the head of the republican ticket in the states mentioned: Pennsylvania, 130,000; New York (over Maynara) 90,000; Ohm 90,000; Iowa, 35 000; Massachusetts, 30 0:X). lost In Suon . Pi'OKtNK. Nov 8. William ECarlia, son of - llrigudier Oeuerul W P.Oarlin, commanding the IVpartment ofthe Co lumbia; his brother-in-law. J H Pierce, and a 11 Hinnnelwright.Vif New York, are snowed 111 at the head of Clear water river, in the Hitter Knot mountains, and grave fears are. entertained for their safety Mr Ctirlin and party left here September 'JO for the head of the Clearwater on a hunting trip, expecting to retnroaboat November 1. A Ikt'niorrntlt- t It-lory. St I'ai i., Minn, Nov ti. Yesterday's election iustillwaWr, If inn, was a veritable landslide, tho democrats having elected every democrat on the ticket. smms Nearly every paper in the U. S. h&i called , Governor Pennoyer a long eared donkey, ; and the ministers are endorsing the idea., All the while the Governor is laughing in 1.1 - . ..... 11.. ml-,. it. Editor Geo 1' Ifoffett, Attorney Geo E Chamberiain, Senator .1 K Weatherford, and Judge A S Hennett. of 1'he Dalles, are the most prominent candidates for the gov ernorship on the democratic side: while Mayor Mason, l:ieaker Keady, and Josh 1 Geer. of Marion, are the republican aspir ants for Pennoyer' s shoe. Astorian. The Ferris wheel proved to Is? a bonanza to its owners. Exactly 1,453,611 people to ride in it during tin- four mouths of its ! operation, so Secretary Vincent reported at the annual meeting of the stockholders yesterday. The receipts at .V) ceuts each ( I amounted to 6726,905.50. After paying 9900,000 doe on bonds, the company divided (H26,805J0 with the exposition. After paving' it.-; rrperating expenses, the compair. bad over $100,000 Wt. the prinripal part of which was divided among the "6 i k- ! holders. Go'd Beach U ia darkness. The matches have all been us.d vp, the kcroitne burned in the cannery lire., the anctle supply has given out, tne 1 ItctrK light, a-c not ia f p;rat lon, and the (i .-.tin nay. "he citizens ar? goiny to bed with the-chickens. The Democrat lias received a com munication, signed bv Ignoramus, a witty, ""fS Paction as a criticien, "tual ''m of f "t tTt ley and fame. It takes off a rfc;nt Ie' ter pabliehe I in the Desioobst, critieis- 1 1 ing the grammar and analyzing gome of Its peculiar expressions. The write" ca the letter makes no pretentions to schol arly attainments, but simply sought to tell w hat be bad to say in a manner that would interest our readers, which be did The le'ter was ciiaraceris'ic of the writer Hencewe consider that it would be an injustice to publish the critic Etnas readable as it is. Ignoramus is invi ed to favor us with something on some other topic. even in the very enteitaining field of criticism, provided ti-e subject is one it would be right to discuss. People who have always lieen as hard up a- they eouhl lie now teem to take a peculiar delight in advertising the fact. which again iiiiiilW jars the importance of being in ! fashion. n this account one undoubtedly . hears morr- than would otherwue be heard. : According to the charter of Salem a man amaot vote at a city election there unless ; a- has paid his city taxes or any - fine j gainst him The city recorder ia anthor ized to furnish the Judges with a li-t cf lelinqrjenta in order that the law may be nforced . vou wort out tne touownu thp fo problem it will show what neonle think I m ;,re- Ptamtha aarfll vour atre on a j piece of paper, add sour ace at vour !at : buthdav, not this year, multiply the result 1 by 1000 and anfatnet TT.4iL " Sc!stitute ! f..- Imm iaiw. ,.f tY.a i1t-v,o--., i.-.r 1 ery arel I How a SOQ-poond iron whe' Id fall upon a three-year old boy and not in a eri ona w ay injure him. in a question fre-iuent- iy asked Monday afternoon. An irjn en gine wheel abont four fe?t in diarnster and weighing nearly -V) pciunds was standing on the sidewalk in front of Neagle Brother's blacksmith shop on Water street, when a ; 3-yenrold boo of Waiter Wells came along and grasped it. Th. tire was quite narrow and the 1kv succeeded in causing the wheel ; ; to fail to the .-idewalk and on himself. Tbe I aheel w i- so hirge and heavy and the iwy ! so small that the nta of the tire waa driven ' :: tiie -. ;w..,k. When the ponderous i aihvl tt--i lif?t.I frmn tr., l-.v-" fft 1 1-, Ytt . w-f. -nd to i? uninjurad except that there1 ; a sjipht bruise on the net k.-Pendleton i j j.;. o. i The meanest man in th. world resides in I 'hieago. His w ife h.t just secured a di yorce from the brute. The husband. Wil- I iiani. was in good cLru instances. He lie- 1 taiue angered at all his wife's relatives and ; sent all the wedding presents back, he : made his wife walk IS miles a day for her health., take ram of tw. horses and de the housework. If she did not meet him at the j door every night and say. "William. 1 am ; so etad yon came home, let me kiss you." he locked her in a room and fed her on I read and water. He kept her locked up ' II day- at one time and eight at another. for this. He stufed clothes in tbe baby's month every time it cried and when .Mrs Qnadugtbom went and sobbed he cinted the sobs and matte her stay in bed a day for even- sob, tno time she was a prisoner in bed for ten davs on account of sobs. At-KXTS W.vxTF.DonSaJarvanJComuiissioB for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Biography of JAMffi G. BLAINE, By V-ail HAMtirox, hit literary executor, w ith the co-operation, of hi. family, nd for Mr. plaint's Oosaalssa Wotts, Iwsxn Fkabs or Conokess," and his later Iocs, 'PoimcAl, Olla.'Uesinsa.' One pro.pclu. for these 3 i K-r sdllin: looks in the mar avt . A K P Jordan of Mc.troV US orders froas ttrat 110 oalls; agaai'i p '. t SlSaj 50 Mr- Ballatd rfO. to,k l,'i uroo-. 1., eai Bassia, in I day; profit f.V ! E N U'C t Mass. toik -7 order, la 2 das: prctit $47-25 .1 I'atruifie of Me. took 43 orders from 36 calis: profit $7o. 23. K A Pa'mer of N. llak. toot o3. ordVrs in Sdans; profit ?'. 'Je. Bxctxsava Taaarroar sireo. If you wish timake LAKtiE IfBSwY write iauaadiately for terms to TlieHennRillPnh.Co.A'ornifh.Conn iLEGTREO BELT iATEST PATENTS; BFST IMPROVEMENTS. win esr ui aoct mtmubm 'i . rwwiiiBg frra uitliea cf trait, rrrre fnT-r.ejpfaf er laJiarryTioa. m MMfhl rtniaiuaa, ilrniK. !, - - - rv Jt : . v Id jest, tasguor. rr-umatisTa, . '.: - ..or uj b. adder ec-m; ir:.. Jafl rk. lumrmgc.. wcta.a gec- i;i . i c OMgjn t evn latin emdw-ffV I ni r i m salt over a i' cr-.. and'eivey a ourrvn; that tg iBstattlr fs!t h-r the w-arwr or w forfetl J.tHK, ati will Wn a of the alboiti iaeart or ao pay. Thouaacda have? bcwn rvrel b thta w c ouj tr-tutlon aftr U otkr rtnrOu fhttfiS. ad mi. ;ie n::oJredH of trstlnoofmU ia thlj and e?T-er ether sttta Oarierfsl Itl'KnMl MIlHIl MSnXMkTTlK (reatrjt Nnm tr ofTirvJ weak DtD.IKFV WITH ALL UK I TO Health ami . 'Cwroug .trrtigth l t R tTaliQ60 toSH lav. Se-.i Lktt ii: jjtratesl ; a:;. I .- uaiid. eKd. frwes. AdrcM Eiil2VXElV EIiECl'KIC OO,, No. .72 First St.. PORTLAND. ORE. Gladstone has A clear Head WHY? Because he follows these rules: ' ' Keep the head cool, the feet warm, and the bowels open." You can have a clear head and live to be ninety if you do the same thing. When the bowels fail to move dur ing the day take on retiring two Smith's SituX Bile Beans. Their action is so mild that you are not aware of it. All day your mind will be clear and cool. "Not a gripe in a barrel of them." Ask for small size. Take no substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans! Olnisit, Jtiltc J. A. Ciiimniiig ALBANY, -:- 0REC0 vUtiA. f-aa saTwwr- - w tg? MAGNETIC 5 Wall Papers 1 o DON'T Find fault with the cook if the pastry does not exactly suit you. Nor with your wife cither perhaps she is not to BLAME It may be the lard she is using for shortening. Lard is indigestible you know. Ent if you would always have YOUR Cakes, pies, rolls, and bread palatable and perfectly di gestible, order the new short cning,"COTTOLENE." for your WIFE i-OLD BY ALL GROCERS. Rams All Scavrrnrrca. Made only by U. K. FAIRBANK & CO. ST. LOUIS and 'CHICAGO. NEW YORK, BOSTON. Bend thjeo eeutsln stamps to??. K. Fairlmna- Co.. Cblcago, for banl 6ome Cottolene Cook Book, contain- lSl inn nil jandred iclpe. prepared by Dine enunent asiDonueaoq . Star Baker) C'rBratbtn sml f'isrwa lS CI K FAD rVEYER, PR0?RIEiO8, nm. ti t'rcil), rltd Fruila. Tubsrto, ot;r, ne. Eta,, Casueci : - . tjutei. : sr TegetuSilea. t igar a Sipleo. . Tea. Etc.. lae ver)th.g that ia kept larifvj and -eery nore, market price paid fo n a jeoer nizbest - , , , AJjLi KtNLS O rKODUCc Ladies: j The Secret Of a Fair Face Is a Beautiful 1 Skin. Sulphur Bitters Will give you A lovely Complexion. Bead " en stamps to A. P. Ontway A Ce Bost.u,alXf.. forlistDMtiicAl wrkubIisheU farmers, attention if : yoi- t. ANT A WACON HACK. BUGGY. CART PLOW HARROW.DRrtl SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, or anv kind of a I-'arrr. Imp'err.ent or Vei hide, call on or address. B. F. RAMP Opposite Post Off--A-lbanv.O Caveats, and Trade-Mark, obtained, and all Pat. ent business conducted fur Moots ate Fees. Ooa Office is Opposite U. S. Pateht Ofticc and we can secure parent in less time iaa taoss remote trom Washington. bead model. u:aw :ag or rhoto., w:ta ceserrp- tion. . t e advise, il oaten table or r.o:. tree oi charge. Our :es not due tilt patent is secured. , A pamphlet, now to Obtain fatents, wita cost oi se in the O. & sad forciga cauatries sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Off. pATtNT OrTCt. WASHIftCTOM. 0. C AXLE SSE.?S BEST IS THE TrotsiB. Its - --.-ijsQuatitiwa: o unsurpassed, acteatly cxitt.isuimr two box, cf any other xjc rfltvud by hat. .- ET I Ilk: (Jts l IX E. ros s au: nx heaters ccxEB.ixr. iwr FOSHAY A MASON -Jii:i',i aas sarau Tuistsancl Bookseller se.ei.ts for John B. Aider's puollcationi. aleh we sell at publisher's prim snk ataaeadilst' Mt.aSIY. OKMUOH 1AUNDRY FOR WOOD.-WIU ex J change laundry work for wood. Oall on Richards a Phillips at the Albaay Steaui Laundry. TO i,ET.--Tbree (3) work horses and 1 saadle horse for sale, or will trail. 1 ior wood, oats, w neat or FiliiZER