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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1893)
lit mmut Important Test Cask. George Haves was tried before J ustice Butler at Junction City, Saturday, for trespassing on the farm of Isaac Edwards, who lives near that place, bv hunting without permission of the owner. Tho jury found Haves guilty, and on motion of his attorney, Mr Norton, he was fined $30 and costs. Mr Norton asked that the fine b8 placed at mis amount so that the case could be ap pealed. This Is the first conviction in Lane county under the new trespass law, and is of considerable interest to our farmers and land owners. Mr Norton will g ) lo the circuit, court upon the prop osition that before a conviction can be had that the complaining party must have a lawful fence, just the same a.t that re quired of a ptrson before they can recover damagei for injuries received from stock. Live Talk. Salem is to have the fourth daily newspaper. Salem should have also a separate grave-yard for newspapers. She needs the latter as much, or more, than she does four daily newspapers. "Sheets" that exist to tear other "sheets" down are more injurious to a town than thev are a benefit. They are also a tax upon the com munity and, in time, prove thev were start ed only to die. Things which 'are not ex cellent do not exist for any great length of time and four newspapers in a town the size of Salem are not excellent by any means. We predict the decline and fall of two of Salem's newspapers, at least. Pen dleton E. O. A Terror L H YIcMahnn rir.n.l Governor Pennovei up the back in great shape Wednesday night, gave Downi.ig a knockout, and struck out right and left, regardless of store clothes and political animations, and made the very air of the court room foul with his description of the rottenness and corruption of the mem bers composing the late legislature. Pop ulism, democrats and republicans swallow ed thetr medicine smilingly, and all hands joined In the opinion that it wat as good as a circus, whatever that is. Yaq..ina Post. Mr McMahon went to Harrisburg mm noun wnere ne win give his formance tonight, per- It Worked. As a man by tlie name of Nelson, of the McKenzie was passing through the Eugene bridge last night he was encountered by three men one of whom caught the bridle rein of his horse. Nelson had a brass handled knife in his pocket. aid pointing at the would be highwayman told him to let loose or he would shoot him through the head. The man released his hold and Nelson quickly rode out of danger. Guard. That Cannon. The Salem Democrat ays: It appears that the republicans wanted that cannon to celebrate with this time and if it was in Salem they would make a stroug attempt to get it. But the governor has decided that that piece of brass is to sacred too be used for any but populist victories and according ly has sent it to the armory at Portland. It was dssignated on the bill of lading as the "Pennoyer Cannon," and henceforth it will bear that name. H odgea & McKtriand, st Albany, O.. the leading drtifc Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon Citt, Ok. Oct. 28:h, 1893. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has ri ed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that told proof will be made before the County Cltik of Linn Co. at A.bany, Ore, on Dec 19th. 1893,viz, Neil MoRea. Pre D s No 7871, for tbe L X of N K Ji, see 20, and W(t'ofNWi, ec 21, tp 10, S R 5 E. He names tbe following witnesses to prove hit continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: E W Scanian, Robert L Correll, John Daley, J I. Berry, all of Berry P O, Linn Co. Oregon. Robert A Miller, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oct. 27th, 1893. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Albany, Ore., on 19th of Dec. 1893. viz: Thomas P Madill, Pre D S No 7862. for the S W Ji S E i sec 7. N M of N E U and SWS E sec 18, tp 10, S R 5 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Niel McRea. John Daley. John Haley, G W Cornford, all of Green Basin. Linn Co., Oregon. Hubkht A Miller. Register. Notice for Publication. Land Ofkicz at Orf.uon f ht.Or . Oct 28' h 1 93 Notice is hereby aiven that the fo.low- ng named aettler baa fl ed notice f bis mention lo make final proof in Mippor' . of his claim, and that aid prcof will be I made before tho CuintvCi rk of Linn Co., a. Aioaoy Ore.on Uoc ISl.h, 1x9.1. v z: Robert L Correll. Pre OH No 7881. for the 8 W J cf N E V, H K i of N W M. N K K 8 W- i N W X 8 E J, aec 14. tp 10. S K 0 K He names lbs followios; witnesseH to prove hU continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, 7z- t W Mcanlan, Neil McRsa. J L Beny. A Jonet, all of Berry P O, Marion Co, Ore. RcBEhT A Miller, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Office at CMCX City, Or., Oct. 28ch. 1893. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed no'lee of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, am' that satd proof will be made before the County Ctbrk of Linn Co, at Albany. Ore, on Dec 19tb, 1893 viz: Edward W Scanian, Pre D s No 7885, for the 8 M of NEK, sec 15, tp 10 8 R 5 E He na'oes tbe lollowing witneej to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land via: RL Correll, Nfl McRea, J L Berry A Jones, all of Berrv P O, Linn Co. O-esrnn. Bobkht A Miller, Regiattr Notice for Publication Land Office at Oregon City. Cr., October 4th. 1893. Notice ia hereby given that the f Cowing named rettler ha filed notice of hia inten tion to make final proof io u( poit of his oleim, and that aaid proof wid he made be fore the county clerk of Linn Co, at Albany on Deo 1st, 1893, viz, Leroy Cowdrev, H K No 6807 for the N ot S E i,S W J of SJE J.SE JofSW J, aec4T13Rl E. He names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultivation o jaid land, viz: Milton A Fitzgerald, Guy Oaylord, Martin Gaylord, Kcoch Powell, al of Lebanon, Ltnn Co, Oregon. K A Miller, Register Notice for Publication. Land Office atOiie(!On City.Ou., Oct 13th, 18'J3. Nolle is hereby iriven that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register ana Receiver at Oregon City, Ogn., on Dec. 12th, 1893, viz: Loren W Laughead, Pre. D. S. No. 7854 for lota. Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten, Sec. 1 T. 10 S. R. 4 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz : J R W hitney , C B Winn, Geo Whitman, Henry Susens, all of Green Basin, Oregon. RoiiKitT A Mii.i.kii, Register. Some Fires. Yesterday at 1 :S0 the fire bell rang clamorously. Hie house owned by 1) 15 Monteith, ct al, opposite the Baltimore block, and occupied by Mr E E Parrlsh, aa a boarding house was supposed lo be on lire, as smoke was is suing in volumes from the rear of it ; but it was simply smoke. Mr Parrish re cently rented the place. In one of the rooms was a stove pipe hole, and of course it was supposed there was a flue irom it, so a s'ove was set up and a hre made; but it seems there was no complete Hue, the hole having been smngieu over. The smoke filled garret. It was sasily extinguished. the Mr John Althouse says he stopped the flue up in the house now occupied bv E E Parrlsh fourteen years ago. Ila!e Back ensto while occupying the place several years ago made the same mistake. Last evening between 8 aud 9 o'clock a fire was discovered in the woodshed of Mr Walter Ketchuni'a residence on Lvon street, just rfter it was started. The flames were quickly extinguished. Ker- usene nan Deen thrown over pome drv 1 wood and set on fire. As Mr Ketchuni has not an enemy in the world the ob-' jet of the incendiary work cannot be told. Decidedly Cranky. -The Mayor of j The Dalles has received the following ! live letter: '-Yon what is you anv bow I lam here fiom Celilo and mean busi-j ness. I want a position that jou can give me and if you don't give it to me in three days you will die. We need no hot neaueu cranK as inavor ike v.m fit,;,,.. up horse, etc put them in the" ponds for lfyi'.i"o you will die, and I believe you will die in two days any how. I want to make a phrensy like the man that shot president Harrison. Look here for if you wont do it their is a man in town that look something like von, and if you don t do it you will suffer position. Every man, woman and child ! . uBiuuK ai you mat 1 11 rough best i n.m erma" Ud 9 "e wh WiI- I SSLSS." SavarwaS avvarrior and! lut looanBa,nrNaPOle?!! a treRt W?rri0r' I CUt look at t VDrtls Ihp nr onlo Epanomaho of Thebes and statesman of .linens, rene'es. " Railroad Blilding. Another lot of railroad men are in Astoria for the pur pose of making a definite proposition. This kind of a proposition is becoming quite a chesnut in Astoria. Some dav though it will crack : "The anxiety of several transcontinental lines to get pos session of the Oregon Pacific when so'.d is an indication of the great coming struggle between these vast to secure control of the best available routes to the seaboard in Oregon. When times get better it iscertain that immense energy will be imported to railroad build in this state, that this magnificent ?ea poet, the only one of consequence in Oregon.instead of pleading for attention, will have to choose between a number of eager rivals for her favor." Not Appropriated. The Indians on the Siletz reservation, near Yaquina bay, some 576 in number, have now received their allotted lands in severalty, leaving a surplus of 170,000 a:res, which will be soid to the government and then thrown open to settlement. Commissioners have already negotiatod the purchase for $175,000, but congres has not yet confirmed it by making the necessary appropriation. Valid Certificates Yesterday in the circuit court at Corvallis in the case to determine the validity of the old re ceiver's certificates of the Oregon Pacific, Judge Fullerton reconsidered the ap pointment of Mr bimon of Portland to take testimony as to the validity of the certificates, and denied it. L nder this ruling the report of tbe first referee declaring the certificate tn i valid, will stand. From Dakota. Twenty ore people who had heard of Oregon and her big red apples and never failing crops, arrived in Albany a few days ago frcm North Dak ota, and intend locating here, probably in Linn county. The party consists of R Hutchins and family, John Hutch. ns and family, B H Rlllara'nd some young men. They intend investing in agricultural land. So far they like the of ' Oregon matters. The London Medical anJ Snrgjcal , 719 MARKET STREET San Francisco, Gal. IS A MEDICAL AND SURGICAL Institute, iocated peimanently at 719 Mar ket Street, San Franelsco.Cal.for tbe cur of all Diseases, A fflictior.s and Deformities. A staff of Physicians a'ld Surgeons, hayin diplomas and 'he endorsement of the best colleges of America and Europe, skilled specialists who have had long experience intreating special and chronic diseases arc in constant attendance. A Pharmacy is attached, and all prescriptions filled free of charge. $1.00 Trial Bottle $5. 00 Full Course Sufferers from Asthma, Rheumatism Consumption, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, indiges tion, Scrofula, Epilepsy, Female Weakness Cancer, Heart Ditease. Bronchitis, Erup tions, Salt Rheum, Baldness, Tapeworm, Deafness, any Sexual Disease, Ixjst Man hood. Malaria, Urinary, Piles, Bowel Troubles, should consult at once. i Low charges, within the reach of blned with Hie best rredicai anu surgical kill. V mum, Middle Aged and Old Men Who may be suffering from YOUTHFLT F(JLL.IE8,or the excesses of matured life shouh'. consult at once, before it is too late; these veteran practionert, who have no equal In the United States, as they can and will restore lo you perfect heallh when all others have failed. Broken Down Constitutions are rejuvinated and manly vigor restored by th"lr new and wonderful methods of treatment. No Injurious drugs used. Worn out business men, call for advice, especially if you are suffering from NER VQUS DEBILITY or failing pow r, of any disease of ihe EYE.EAR7THRO'at', LtjftGS, HEART, STOMACH, sTTTn, KIDNEYS, or BLADDER. Bloid Diseases Cared lo ILe suorlrtt lime by veg etable remedies. ARE YOU as strong, healthy and vig orous ag you should be? Are you free from every trace of disease or sickness? Do jou look'well? Do ycu feel well? oris there some Chronic Trouble; which, like a can kerworm in the budding flower, is rapidly destroying your very vitals. LADIES tho suffer from Nerous Ptostralion, Sleeplessness, Despondency, Indigestion, Jonstipatlon, Lassitude, rains in tne nacR jr 81de, and diseases peculiar to thetr sex, isult these physicians witn the utmost Jnndence. 11.00 TRIAL BOTTLE 95.00 FULL UUUKOK THE LONDON MEDICAL and 'SURGICAL INSTITUTE 719 Market atrcat Han t'ranclseo, t'al. iniiiif UOHB AMI ABROAD MONDAY. tVednesday is the las', day on which Chinese phesants can lie killed. 291 persons lost their wheat by the burr: ingof the Eugene tiouerlng mill. Farmers' Journal, pop-, list: ') M Marks of Linn county, suggests the naire of ( L, Alexander, editor of the Lebanon Advance, ior candidate tor slate pi 1 Her." Leslij Wise an insaneTvr.nni? man. whirl. ! '18 Deen tho aey.uin lavsral limoi disturb- ert the meeting at the baptist church last i night, aud was taken to Siloin this mmn w marshal Ale Foron. Jessie Busch and Pearl Moore.two fifteen year old girls of Eugene have each been sentenced ninety days in the city jail for vagrancy. Oregon evidently needs a re form school for girles One B N Townsend passed some eon terfeit money at Cottage Grove. An at tempt was made to arrest him : hut he ran tliough tired upon, rushed in to the river and swam to the opposite side, making his escape. This is the week of prayer for the Y M C A Meetings 'Ail! he held every evening at the rooms on Ferry Street. Tonight Rev Abbett will talk on '-Wrecked in search of gold," a subject that indicates a meeting worth attending. Alvin Joslin has been a winn'ng comedy for years, and Hie peculiar Yankee people it caricatures, have manvblord relations here that will laugh at the oid fashioned oddities. Charles I. Davis brings the play to Aloany Nov jS. The secretary of the state ho?rd of equa 1 ization has sent a circular letter to each county court in the state as follows:-'On what basis of valuation do you cons! ler that all property In your county as returned by the county asse-sor and ennalip,l k. the county board of equ now as scssea. C C Sarvis who has been in the emp ov of the Geo C Will bewing Machine and Mllsical Instrument agency was today ar l. j i . . - . en.oaziement ot ;o from his emnlnvr j ne naa a neanng before luatlce Edes this I morning and went to jail. The money was I tak;n about November 1st. Salem Journaj The Harrisburg Courier L kicking at an hem that recently appeared in the -(uiard j siating that Dr Davis of that place sold I 75.000 pounds of hops at 14K cems per pound, and intimating that he received more.but does not positivlev sav sj Our ! authority for the item was Mr E C Smith ! who purchased them, ind he certainly i ought to he aware fo what he paid.- Eueene Guard. & Complaint is made that cowj have gott?o i lnto the eintary through a bd pUc io the feocand ruined shrjbheiy, (lowers and jtramiea dawn things lo the dtritr,eat of the apperance of things. Then also, tho .pnmpdoesnot wok. extra pains should ! be takes to enhineath aupsirane - f the temetarv. Nov 12 1S90 ocurel thegreU Lake Libi-h railroad ccident. "Ten Dollars" fell from a step ladder yesierday and nearly broke himself to pieces. ?alapoU treet bine graded 13 pur suance of an order midi ; 1 noit beyond the memory of man . The Dew P O boxes arrive 1 thi? morning and will be pUeed in position in the new brick at oecj by Mr Wm Fromai. The Portland receiving hou'e N agist ing to restore conlioence "jv continuing to refuse to receive checks excent for collect ion from interior towns. A move is on foot in Baker City to qu,.re. s'"ns 10 cioce at 1 o clcck. a M calls it a commend- ab'e move Flour sells irHeppner for 92 ."0pe' bjrre?; io Prineville it is wrrth $4,25. Wheat in the former place is w..rth only 40 ernts a huthtl, while here it is north (Dcnti Re view . Milton clai:ns to have a giil who has corn sprouting from her ear, which acci dentia got lodged so deep that it could r.ot ue extracted. fcx. Must have had rrettv ""' Rev Riley Little will address tte meet- i ing this evening at S o'clock in the Y J C A from the subject "My house snd howtobuild it." Ladies'sie cordial v 1 invited to this service. A full house is ex- pected. Mr Frank Power hai Seen appointed C.ion Pacific agmt a: this ci and now has charge i.fthel'cil boaioaae. Tne Modoc m l make reenlae trips from F.irtlaud toCjrvahi. arriv ing u Albany Monday nd Thnrndav in the evri ing and leavln; for tortlad Taeidmva 1 auur nay. i n: rot propose i tn do a prompt buisniss Bi's utsaand diun.n . r- ate fi :king up. Attend the nrvi- jn the Y M C A t - . nun-. Head quarters f .r Seth Thomas rl, ,'r""h' of l."r!' f ',n '"'V and clocks at French's jewelry store. , 1 V' "?r "f" . , , , 1 . ilne t'liv n'io . The l e rur.i b:coh The b..-s place to buv -Ross ' watcl. lh .1- tul ih diver can c .mm nict cases is at the hos j;wc!rv s'ore cor First ,wi'b thueah.v. and vice vena Itisaidto and Ferry sts I -u,! f,.r th fi St time in M arching Olives in Bulk, saner kraut, mixed ' for ' thai leaned f ni lh Mihuon ntrett pickles, chow chow, cranberries, lemons. lariaTfe Novemher 1, If thi iaTtia j is flaked l.ominv, and r. raisins at C E ' Perf-c:-l it wili p ove 1 f v)t value I sab Brow ne.'s. marine Uiverc. We aie still selling Dress goods and Mr Chas (.'u.-i- k isj at home after Capes and Jackets at greatly reduced prices months sojouni at his fllfrn lallill mull for cash. We invite you to examine the , A son of .1 If Wvatt. of Astoria. fonn.Tly Red, Peacock ft Co gcK)ds and prices. I of Albany is attending the IViirsjlvania The Oregon Pacific pay car went over College of Pharmacy in Philadelphia, the eastern divisicn of the road Saturday j We notice Hon .1 K WfllaW flllll. ,.f M and paid employees 50 per cent of the bany and Judge M. Arthur, of Portland amount due for August The other em- : l-,th prominent attorneys, in thecitv today! ploees have also leen paid 50 per cent 1 News. oitneir August tm.e. Tne trustee cf the new soldier, home are I having their hands full with apnlications for I positiona, Prefence will be given (oex-aoldiers The positions tr he til lei are imon; tneofficra of the institution the following: Commandant j physician, mitrcn, engineer, teamster, laun- ' dres and fa tner. j 'if religious beliefs perplex vou, and1 you desire a faith at once reasonable and ! unliftlmr. aonrl for free iil,erl rAiloirn, j religions reading to postoffice mission, hill street, Portlar.d, Or. 340 Yarn- A Small Blaze tenlav a fire was About 5 o'clock yea discovered in room .'( of the Exchange Hotel. The department was Called out: but the H K L Co extinguished the flumes with their bucket men. The version of the origin of the fire given the Democrat is. that a'boarder had turned a light down Monday and left it burning. The lamp exploded Pending the kerosene and gliLs.s ever the corner of the room tt ting it on lire. The building wits insured in the Royal Insurance Co, J (iradwhol lo cal agent. The loss is estimated at about too. FaoM Linn. To Senator Jed Myers is due credit for whatever benefit accrued to Linn county by reason of Oregon's ex hibit at the World's fair, as Senator Myers sent about the only exhibit that went from Linn county to the fail . But the senator's exhibi ', which consisted of maple boards and burl was a fine one and was included in the collective exhibit of com mercial woods, for which Oregon received a first award. Lino also showed some mineral paint in the mining exhibit. Statesman. Vocal anu Instrumental Music. Miss Hattie Warner a graduate of the conservatory connected with Gates Col lege, Neb, is prepared to give lejsons in vocal and instrumental music to single pupils or classes, at reasonable terms. Miss Warner has had a thorough educa Hon and is an experienced teacher. Her refeiences are. Prof il A Shorey, William A Trow and Mrs Lee. A Cknvink Clkauam k Sai.k in ladies . . 1 .. ,i 1 -. .1 propose to dispose of 12 dot pairaof French and Dongola kid, hand turned ard machiue sewed, opera and common seuae laata, sizes from 2l4 to 4 mall widths. These goods most go regardless of cost, hadiei wearing aboes iu theae size) will do well by calling on Klein Hros My fall line of MACINTOSHES and GOSiAMKUS, iiu'uding many noveltie for ladie.s, misses aud children, it now aale. 8 K Young. Fa.ronize home industry by smoking the celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured by Ju'ius Joreph. Will & St: rk, I'm jeweler- Snag Proof Bros, Rubber Boots and K kin itK lil AND l-riKOMl. MONDAY .1 II Wyatt went to Salem this noon. A J Hodges is in Portland on business. It J A (ieisendorfer has located in The Dalles. Win Ymire has return 3d from a trip to tha World's fair. Mrs Buoy and daughter, the milliners, have moved to Wood burn. Miss Lilly Lovett. niece of Mr John Morrison, left this noon for Manchester, Ohio, where she will reside. The great and only Atlvin Joslin will be at the Albany o,ira house on Nov -'St!i He will undoubtedly get a big house. The people want to sec him. Rev A M Aohnon, of Oakville, and H M Robertson, of this city, went to Portland this noon to attend a meeting of the Presbytery of tl e U P Church. Mrs Arch Allen, nee Miss Daisy Daunals, and son, arrived in Albany yes'erday from her home at Dayton, Wash., on a visit with Albany friends. Oeorge Stainburn, the Englishman, went to Albany yesterday to take out papers declaring his intention to become a citizen of the United Stt.u -H,.!on News Last Saturday afternoon the little daughter of Louis L Van N'ortwick was playing with a brother when the tatter In attemnltn.TTodrlvea -ti.-k i... i... si6ter struck her with the , p.- ........ ,,v,.. ,,y us hatchet cutting off one ot her lingers. Tracy Davis, Capt Robertson, Will L Webber and Capt Ike smith, of New port, went to rortlana this noon to testify in the case of the 0 P against the I i I'll 111., ,,.!. ,, ...1 I I ..I Alice Blanchard owners 1UJ "rtWO sal vage J II Crooks returned last Friday from Willamette Valley, where he went sev eral weeks ago with 2i head of horses for sale, wi'.h 15 of the animals, having been able to sell only six. He says a man Iihs to be a pretty good rtiBtler to even give horses away in Linn county. Ochoco Review. Rev E R Priehard yesterday resigned as pastor of the Presbyterian church of this take effect the 15th of next month. He lias leen tendered the pastorate of the Presbyterian church of Roseburg, which will probably be accepted. Roseburg will gain a tirst'class preacher and a good citizen. Rev Priehard has served his people here faithfully for a good manv years and it is hoped that h" be induced to renain. TUESDAY E-Di8trict Atto-nev Geo O Bingham, has been in the city on business. Mrs Ralph Oh ling is visiting relatives and friends at Myrtle Creek. Councilman P B Marshall was on the streets todiy after U'ing boosed for two months with typhoid fever. Mr Robert Huston of Corvallis, were doing Albany yesterday, the latter capt uring several Linn county birds near the city. The last Oregon Knight ontains thei pictures of the members of the grand todm r- "i 1 . nmong iiiem are in.i-e ct .Mr li V. Uoclutodler and Dr .1 I. Hill.' of this city. Geo G Bingham went to Corvallis Yes terday for the purpose cf looking afier the delinquent taies due Marion countv from the Oregon Pacific railroad company. This amounts to over $k,ooo and i for io years past, circuit court meets In that city this week and several interesting cases come up for nearing. Statesman George Dodon got home Mondav from Marion c ounty.having sold all the horses he took down. He made an auction sale , at Silver'.on and realized verv fair prices He brought back a tine stallion, which is about the larges' horse in the countv, weighing something over 2ioo pounds when in good condition. Ochoco Review. ' Mr George Sink, cf Soerman countv, is in town to-day He avs that he ex pected to harvest 30,000 biisKeis of wleit this season : but only thieshed 11,000 and a large portion of this was damaged by rain. The los to that ccuntv has Letri very heavy, and has discouraged farmers ery mum. 1 he Dalles T M The M K church of Salem will have tie toUcriina lecture course ihia winter. Chtr. Edward Locke, Tay ioratreetcharco PortUnd "Every loch a Man.'" Dr Arthur Brown, of ,,'ir Presbyterian church of Portland, "Eather Time.'- Itev t; V Onask . htn ihinifs 10 Diaia s Seen lv a !'- . , Gran I concert ny oibni artists. Tne ".ervices held in :he Young Men's Christian Association Ihis week are full of interest fir those held one year ago by the Association. Las! eveni"g Re'le srvoke to ouite a lare audience. This evenln Rev R Pri.h ard il! speak from the subi-ct "What is most worth seeking." all' are cordially invited to this service. You can hear in " Spiring music. Mr Win Raiainn wife uul I.-. l.,, a returne.1 from their visit of abooi .1 month at Ulex. 111 Uateaa Oregon, when' they re i port having had a ple.usant timp. I Miss Maggie tfcFarbmd of Albany, who has been in this city the guest of MiSTSI Lewis at their home on Chemeketa and 1 2th street, returned to Albany reaterdavf on the 11 :1 train. Salem Statesman. Hiat tall fellow with the tall stove pip., wllrt , ted SOmoch attention u the city isierua . was tne ch-er expert lates Like Pennover lie enjoyed having people notice him. 0 M Hartlett. ;ui ex-convict, was arrested yesterday at the instance of J F White. charged with the larceny of a set of harness. Statesman. Tho name sounds familiar here. Rev Mr Shangle. who went to Jackson county several days ago was attacked with qnite a severe iitneaa, while near Medford, obliging him to return to his home in ak- land. Roseburg Review. A Qua Ai ( in knt. Yesterday evening Mr O A Archibald and his brother-in-law. Johnny Chiswell were hunting Celestials near Albany, when the gun of the latter was accident!- discharged in such a man ner that seven of the shot entered one of the feet of Mr Archibald. Some of them were extracted to-day, and Mr Archibald is at business as usual, a small limp being the result. Will Be Enforced Game Warden McGuire gives notice that after today any one caught killing Chinese pheasants will be proseculed to the full extent of the law. Deputy C W Walts is authorized to push arresls regardless of Ihe social stand ing of the offenders. This is correct. If we would have game we must protect it in the close seasons. An Oiissrvinc; Drummer who has been all over the northwest with his eves open says tlie Willamette Valley is by odds the garden spot now, particularly finan cially. Of the Valley cities Salem and Albany are the besc situated in this re spect. On Ihe Sound Seattle is in the lead and has held its own well; Tacoma has lost a large population and has many vacant houses, while Fair Haven, iVhat cotn and Anacorten are practically dead. The 0. P. Ocnooa. It is reported that lreH V? "n ringing m reference to the Oregon Pacific sale. T he prewont Htatua of the matter according to the reports which it 18 claimed are reliable, is that the bond holders have dropped tha hatchet and en tered into an agreement for the purchase of the road. The program is for Col Hogg to make the purchase and for the roads exten sion eastward . That School' Trouble. J O Bculin, of Lyons was brought to Albany last evening by Deputy Sheriff Bilyeu of Scio, and examined before Justice Ne w port on the charge of assault with a dan gerous weapon. Mr Boulin is charged with drawing a revolver on Mr W F Hammer, clerk of the school district. The affair is a part of the recent school trouble there. The defendant waived examination and was held for the grand jury. A MOT BaU TIUIV Albany College. Nov. 8, 1893. If you will kindly allow me tho space in your paper 1 would like to give a de scription of our trip and treatment while In Corvallis last Saturday to play foot ball. We arrived theie about eleven o'clock and were met by Messrs Bloss and Bur nett manager and captain of the O A C Foot Bull team, and taken from there to the ljvtry stable where our teams were attended to, :hcn we were taken to the college where we left our grips, from there we were taken to the dormitory where dinner was aw aitinir tin Aft.r eating we went to the college where we dressed for H13 game which was called at o'clock sharp. And of course as you have already heard we fell ready victims to our opponents and were easily beaten ty the score of M2 to 0. The cause of onr utieat or the cause of oar being defeated so bad can be explained in two or three different ways bu the main cause was the lack of practice and also to our weight : which was on an average of about ISO wniie the U A ; hovs averaged 168,80 you can see foryoursclf that they are too heavy I for us. After the game we were met by ; Prof Bloss, President of the college, and I were shown through Mie buildim? fiom ' " . can say mat it 1 cop 10 ooiiom ami can is a at ram 11 r Mint ,l.rt 1 . . to lit proud of After leaving the college building we were shown over the town after which were taken to supper at the hotel by trie Hou Judge Burnett, who naa laken ureal- interest in H,m 7i,,. j After supper we were invited to take nart I , ' 1 in me eveninas entertainment nt tl.o opera house at bich we had a verv pleasant UmC sifd we also wish to thank Mr Horner for the nav he assisted us during the evening. After the enter tainment we left for home where we ar rived in due time all safe and sound our selves but can't say so much for one of the carriages for it broke down alxmt 4 miles out and and the bovs had to ride a rail the rest of the way We do not speak of or give a descript ion of the trip merely to tell jou what we did but to show you the manner in which we were treated. Heretofore when we (the two colleges! have met there has always been an rnfriendlv spiri'. existed between us, we have met'as the old sav ing is with blood in our eves, but we can now say that the hatche' is buried and hereafter if it is in our power todos; we will meet in a friendly wav and show our appreciation Hot by blow's but by a brotherly spirit as was shown to 04 by the members of theO A college. And now I can say that we received the best of treatment while there and we appre ciated it very highly. We hope that sometime in the near future that we will be able to return the compliment. Mkmmeh op CoLLsaa Base Bai l Team. KEAl r-HTATE SUU Jao Conser to II 1 Newman. ' acre, 10 w 8. ... . E C Lake to K L Tandy and II Crow, 50 acres, 15 w 4 E L Bryan to Mary Jnnkin, lot 4, block I, Beards ad. Tangent. . . T H Boades to I! M Payne, l t . hi .'5. HacMtnaa's -ird ad. Al- bany 10 1125 1125 GOO I-iwrvme lligius t James Fitzpat- ri' k. 4 m r Tsum nl. also "i acre, aoedd Thos and Mary Brink to Benjamin Bardmaa, lot 5. bl 10, Albany ER Case to A P Blackburn, lota R. 9 and 10. bl ::. Kirkixttri. k's 3rd ad. Lebanon J E Miller to Fmma it Miller, lotn ( ICO0 j:s0 4... ;uid 5. bl 2. ILtwkin-ad. Albany. 'V B Kirk et al to K A Colbert bl I aadX, Brownsville 1 Emily Sonnek to Jacob Schmidt, 160 acres. 12 K I 714.60 H Bryaal to W c Davis. 151 ap-s 10 w 2 -00 Had the Sti fk. Tlie following is a letter teewsad from the east in nfereme t.. the World's f.iir. The verdict iwms uni versal : "I was creatlv sUnrise.l at rv- gon s exhibit at tlie fair. The fruit . 1 . r . . pecially was simply grand." Capt Tuttle sayt- " I visited I'nvn s exhibit at the world's fair. I consider it estremelv tine in every r.sirtt; mucn i-ettcr inan our ex-' hihit. It may be well to remark here I the amount apuOMiaaed by the of 1 Missouri for ;ui exhibit .-it the world's f lir was lour times that of repn but money alone would n t d it. there had to be some thing else. reirn liad it and i: p-t there. Tcsaat With A TaVSMP A T Motian, a brakeman on tire passenger between Roseburg a"d Ashlan,!. was left at this place this morning . He l.aj piocecded to clear the blind baggage of tramps, an j after t-j-'tinjj eight was attacked Sy one and the two tolled off the platform to tether. The train was then going too . last foi Mor an lo get back on so he will wait for the evening train. The hrake- ' man says that duiing his live rears on ltie line, this is the first time he has been left I while riding the train of burns. He was plucky, however, ard Stayed with ihe j,,'i he had undertaken.-. Grant Pass OI sery er . Qi'ns a pAiii.0M.11.-- Sixty-four full pardons have been grained by Governor Pennoyer since tlie first of January. These pardons were aa follows: Rape, 3; larceny, 27; murder, eecor.d decree 2; assault to ki 1,3; assault and robbery. 1 1 ; embezzlement, 2; manslaughter, 7; adultery, I; forgeiy, 3; simple assault, 1; assault and battery. I; burglary, 2; passing counterfeit money, 1 ; assault iwith a dangerous weapon, S; selling liquor without a license. 1 ; prizefighting, !2; riot, 2; exhibiting obsene pictures, 1. Seven commutations of sentence have also been issued, and the remission of fines in ten cases, principally for prtze tigbting i Aflrr Btntarni vitalize and enrich To tnii ify the hood. and zivc nerve, liodilv aud digestive strength, take Hoou's Sarsaparilla Con- tinue the the medicine after every for a month or two. '.neal See the Mew Improved Si nger sewing ma chine. The l"i t it lwy the cheapest. J W Sowden, aurot. Otlice at F M Frer.cVa iftwelrv store Skwisc. Machines neatly repaiied aud warranted by a thoroughly competont work man, at F M French's jewelry sore, Albany, Oregon. HO UN. MEYERS. On Nov H to Mr and Mr Dan W Miners a girl. KLEIN. On Friday evening Nov 10 19:1. to Mr anl Mrs Jos Klein, a Imy number two. All doing well. MABBIF.n GOLE GARRETT. On Nov at the residence of J J Whitney, anv, Mr Franklin Cole and Alice !. lSo3, in Alb Garrctt, l oth of Linn county. POOLE GOLDS WORTH Y .On Mon day morning, Nov 13, 1S1I3, by Mr I. M Curl, J P Mr Walter A Poole and Mies Nora A Goldswortny, both of Harrisburg. DiF.n. VAN OLEVE. In Baker Cily, on Nov 12, i8)3, Mrs Coll Van Cleve, al the ace t of 46 years. Mrs Van Cleve was a resi dent of Albany for a good many ycats where she was loved and respected by nil who knew her. Mr Van Cleve was the mother of 13 children, three by her first husband Mr Mack, and ten by her second husband, Tbe bereaved family have tbe universal sympathy of this community in their great loss. D-PRICE'S The only Pure Creatn of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used iu MiUionsTofrHonies 40 YeJWS the Standard, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Tin- Kuhliers Liiratrd. Pendleton, Nov 14 The Milton bank robbers nave been located. After the rob bery they went south toward Basket moun tain a few miles, then cut fences and turned west to tbe Western roa , followed it a short distance, again cut fences to the right and turned down l'ino creek. The posse under Deputy Sheriff Ritchie follow ed them till dark and renewed the chaso this morning, and located the robbers near the mouth ot Pine creek, about 16 miles northwest of Milton, this afternoon, and sent hack for reinforcements. It is be lieved a fight has taken place. The Cablaet a I nlon. Washington, Nov i4. It has been learned on good authority that the cabinet is a unit in its endorsement of Cleveland's plan for the restoration of Queen Liliquo kalani. This fact developed after the conclusion of the cabinet meeting today. The Hawaiian question was the chief topic of discussion, rhe meeting was attended by all the members except Secretary Smith, who is in Georgia. Secretary Morton remained with the president after adjourn ment, and it U presumed took luncheon witn him. Smm Applnlmruts: WASHINGTON, Nov 14. -The president has appointed William I) Knglish surxeyor of customs at San Ftancisco; .lames I Stevens, assistant appraiser of merchandise at San Francisco, and J Scott Harrison (democrat ). brother of ex President Harri son, surveyor of custcms at Kansis Cily, Mo. Will I lain : NaW YeitK, Nov 14 The Herald's Montevideo dispatch sais: Word was received rron Rio that tlie revolutionists intern! to stiika a decisive blow tomorrow. Mello sheet is in the haibcr and ,he rebel's friends in the city it Is believed, to mike 1 have combined, conrerted attack on PeixotO'i land fotces. II 1- a IIihIi cuanl Chicago, Nov 14. special from it, t.t . , , n. . .- oasumgion eeciaies v.:eveiina never goe without a bodyguard. The name of the is given as Samuel Btickman. He is of a powerful physique and determined mien, with revolver in his hip pocket, and nevr allows the piesident out cf 1 is tight n hen oat of doors. Uarlng KoIiIhtt Pkn'dletox, r. Nov 13. The bank at Milton, ;IC miles north of here, was robbed by de.-peradoes about :'. o'clock this after noon. Three men, well mounted, rode into Milton during a dense fog and dismounted near the First National bank. ne held the horses while the other two entered the bank. President A Hopson, Cashier N A I'a:s and Assistant Cashier Charles Hop on were in the bank and were covered by pistols in the hands of the two robbers, who demanded money. The bank officials hesitated, and President Hopson attempted to reach a pistol. The robbers immediately tired three shots. Oue struck Hopson iii arm and another in the side. Une wound is serious and painful. Cashier Dan, was missed, but had his fact? badly powder burnt. Hopson and I'aws then "kept iuiet while Charles Hopson. tbe assistant Cash ier, handed oat S'.4.i" in sold coin from the till. 1 be robbers mdekiy backed out of the bank, mounted their horses and were out 01 neni even oesore on alarm was given. One was A McCarthy. Thev have i j not Letn captured. Tbr 11 .i ..U..11 Mnssrr WASaixcTOX, Nov lo. The state de partmenl t-Jay received a communication from Honolulu, te'egraphed from San Francisco. wri"en in the navy department cipt-fr. Nothing was given out as to the substance of the dispatch. The plan of the Hawaiian representatives is evidently to stand ligidly to the rights acquired in the recognition of their government. Congress will undoubtedly take up', the Hawaiian nnttei immediately upon reas sembling in December. -Uf a atevnlsatSM "inane an, Nov 1 the City cf Mexico, is said today: E E Robert?, of PtiUburg. He ia "A areat deal of diat!sfjc!ion eiiatsi among Mexicans over the rule of Diaz. He I ij assuming a more dictatorial attitude each year, and is trvimr to establish himself so strongly as movemonti. A strong feeling is growing hich will. unl,-s.s stopped bv up. however, w some unexpected t'irn of affiirs ntthnately " ing ain;it a revolution A Bi( 1 ire. I MEafPHia, Kos 13. A Mre broke cut to 1 night about 7:15 o'clock ir. tne Wetter 1 block on Mam street, hetwtvn Monroe anu I nion stjvets. Before the flames were checked, at 9 p m. several lives were lost j and fuiiv .y.i.(HVi wort.i of pr 'pertv went Dp Wktnoke. Ihe exat nuniiier of lives lost at this hour is not known, but a c-are- , ful estimate p'aces it a'- four. 4 Saridrn ISralh. CASTOnVTLLat, or. Nov 13. This morn i : a: out " o'clock H T Wright, a farmer iv :i c fi 1 1 11 i! s ti s' of Caavonville. drorj- 1 1 dead hi e standing in the door of his 1 residence. 1'e' leaves wife and sevem I children. A post mortem examination will 1 1- held to deter mine the cause of death, j 1 bere are suspicions of poisoning in his case. Haimllia Affair: Wa8HIKOTO!. Nov rJ. Whatever re course tho administration may have deter mined opon to sevure the restoration of Queen I.iiuokalani. it is very evident Sec-, retarr Gresham does not expevt extreme 1 measure's will have to be resorted to. The ' course proposed to be panned seems to be to request the present government, in the 1 name of tho? I nited Stat. to give wav ' luietly to restoration of the aneea Ha waiian in this city are very firm in the conviction that the government will refuse to yield to any such gentle persuasion. Ill.rrlinlnalrd Against. Corvallis, Or, Nov il. 5omo of the employes of the Oregon Pacific under tho former receivership, and people who have furnished supplies to U used ia the opera tion of the road, have tiled a petition al leging that Receiver Hadloy has received very large sums of money since his ap pointment, which have no' iHen disbursed by him in payment of wages and current expenses of his receivership, and of which no account ba9 bevn rendered by him, and j that in the payment of labor bills the re ceiver has discriminated against labor claims ssaigned to storekeepers. The pe- i litionors ask an order requiring the receiver to make immediate payment of the moneys duo the petitioners. Yf orse TLan Bnilrls, Nkw York, Nov 12. An American recently returned from Brazil after a long j residence, says: "It seems to me it is an outrage to enlist mon at this perioel of tho rear to go to llraail. Yellow feve! a month hence will be raging furiously in ail sec tions where lighting takes place. 1 predict that '.ill per cent of the men going on the tir.riiian ticket will never return alive, even if they escape tbe bullets and torpedoes of the insurgent tloct. Money For Missions Minneapolis, Nov 11. The general missionary conferences met at Christ church Uday and made appropriations for the work among the Chinees as follows: Cali fornia, S7S70; Oregon and I'ugot sound, 1000; Southern California, $1000. A Boy Shot Oregon Citt, Or, Nov 12. This after noon Helden Tull, the adopted son of Sheriff lianong, was shot through the foot while out watching some boys shooting at objects thrown in the air. It will lame him, even if the foot is saved. It wa purely accidental. Rubber goods at Klein Bros of alt descriptions at Baths at Vierecks shaving ttliu: parlors. and hair Powder "HM.ON A 1IIU l. Oregon secured twenty medais at the World's the agricultural department alone, while Washington only got four ami California twelve. Following i a list of medals awarded I Iregoo exhibits: iiardnpr Bros., Btayton and purest. (lour white W I, Bimeral, M winter. cteay, wheal -white J) A Swanl wheat . . Mort Savage, winter wheat. Annuville, II ur winter Howell prairie M.mimoth H W Cottle, Salem, display of grasae Kratz & Kirnan, McMinnviHe, Hour r and al g Ltarbin, Howe deliance Hiiriiii' wheat. prairie, Kd L Fave, Pendleton, blue stem wheat. W 6 Byers, Pendleton, flour -winter wheat. . David Stout, McMinnvilie, welcome oata. Ceo W Olds. Bellevue, Snohomish oats. I F Allison. Hopewell, King wheat. Hamilton A: Kourke. IVnillet 0 Bdahaw, Eugene, display of wheat. "mum, i.oimrg. grasses, lovers, ne;u, oats and harley !., medals.) Ladd A: Bead. Broavdmnada hark j Hire.; carloads of Oregon's exhibits are I now en route to Portland and carrying I banners bearing the following inscription: ; Oregon returning triumphant from the I orl.l's fair; Oregon is still the land of the I big red apples; Oregon has homes for the homeless and good schools are abundant: Oregon has millions of acres of government lands en to the honieseekari Oregon is the poor man's home, the rich man's para dise. See the medals awarded agriculture sixteen, horticnlturl sixteen, mining seven, fishery six, educational four, forestry two. woman's work two. MlftrM The best men io thecitv for ritv rr,rm ' Is the general sentiment on the streets Seme eood men are being mentioned for different poitions. w.lien the first Haiern bridge was built cuji na urounui ior aoout eiu.'Juu ex tra pay. It was defended. A demurer to tbe complaint was allowed. The lawyers have just l-en allowed a fee of 31000 for the services by the county court, and a local paper 'is doing seme live kicking. Salem papers will kick at moat anything. 1 The following dispatch is from Roch ester NY: Justice Rumsey, in the su preme court today rendered a decision in tlie famous Mulcahy separation case. The defendant i general manager of the Oregon Pacific rai' road, with headquar tere at Corvallis, Oregon. Hie wife sued for separation on the ground of cruelty. The defense was that the wife was guilty of adultery with Floyd Tappan, of Sioux City, and others The court holds that the charg? is fa!s and granted the wife a separation, giving he the custody of both the little girls and $1800 alimonv annually. Probably no state in the Cnion got so much good for the amount of money spent on the World's fair as Oregon. They are having fun up in Washington. The Snohomish fcye savs: The Seattle Telegraph wants the eoverrsor to innHni nu ex?erl to Cud out what became of the $Joo,ooo misspent by the world's fair commissioners. As the governor appoint- x uiu-i 01 mc commissioners in oruer to pay off political obligations, and as the legls.ature has already whitewashed trie commission, the appointment oi an "ex pert" would result in another case of love's labor lost," besides, who would watch the expert? All the bii foot ball t?anie uill h played on Cleveland's thanksgiving day, Nov. CO. Why would'nt Pennover dav be a gol one io which to be banged ur". The following is fresh by dispatch from Douglasville Texas, it is rather the most romantic iragedy reported this centurv. Dramatized Romeo and Juiiet would be tawie beside it. lulius Larnskv. a wealthy 'et haJ a beautiful daughter? She loved ,hn sorowsku who was poor. Triridid Rmer. a Mexican, who was rich, fell In ve w,th her- The girl's f.ther favored the rich man'ssuit. Recently hetold Romer !h1 if h coM 8 1 M cf Sorowski he could 1,,ve hu daughter. The poor suiter flisap- Peao. norntr won the daughter and on Saturday night ne married her. There was a big wedding feast and the happy Mexican drank too much. He made a speech In which he saij he h.d killed his riva'. and done so at the sugge-Uon of Lamskv. He no sooner spoken than the bride 'zed a knife and attacked him. Her father caught her arm and drew her back, Then she cut her own throat dying In a ew minutes. l.arr:sky then got a gun and ho! ,ne bridegroom killing him ins'antly. 1" ,ne confusion S3rowski. the poor suitor arrived. He explained that Romer had given him t,S to goto Eddy. N M to transact some business for him with a man there. He searched all found that no sujh man the father, is row a lavii over E?dv and existed. Larnsky g maniac. First Fire Engine.- The first hand lire engine ever brought to Oregon was burned in ihe mill fire. Il was brought here in 1S55 by the late Joseph L B'um- ley. It was quiet a relic and it is too bal that it was destroyed. Guard. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Forty Years the Standard. The li -93- JBglR TOCjSj- WE HAVE THEM YOU CAN GET AT CAN'T The L. E. High est of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov t Report fWUl ABSOLUTELY PURE Cautious Motohman. The Portland Tel I'iHgraiii fays: j here 1 mt U one lnotrir. man en the hast Ankenv-str.t linn -urV. des not propose to take any chances on ran ning into open draws on foggy mornings. On two oa:asions since the Madison street liridge accident, when the fog was unusually thick the passengers on a certain Twenty fourth and Ankeny street car have been somewhat surprised to see the motorman come to a dead stop quite a distance from the warning sitm "Cars Ston" thn ,.e ,.tr the car and run ahead to the mintv to ", ,J , 1 " S,' "x see if all is safe. Then he returns and pro- r li- . .... . . ' - rou on me oraw Notice fur Publication, U. b. Land Office, Oregon City, fuly 3rd, 1893. Nofceis hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act ft the sale of timber lai.ds in the states o California, Oregon, N'evcda.and Washin g ton Territory extended to all the Pub lic Land States by act of August 4, 1891, Daniel M Large, of Albany, county of Linn, stale of Oregon, has this day "filed In this office his iwom statement No 1837 for the purchase of the N W of section No 12. in township No 10 South, range No 4 East, and will offer proof to show that the land s jught is more valuable for its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 9th day of January,. He nan cs as witnesses: L W Laugbead JL Berry, J R Whitney, C B Winn, all of Green Basin. Oregon. Any and all per sons claiming adversely the above d edibed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 9th day of January, 1S94. Robert A Miller, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1578 Notice for Publication. Cnited States Land Cffiee, Oregon City. Notice U hereby given that in compiiaoce with the provisions of the act of Centres of June 3rd, 1878. eatitlel "An act for the tale of timber landa in the state of California, Oregon,Nevda and Washington Territory,''" aa extended to all Public Lvid States by act of Augut4, U92,ChaaJ Hinkle, of Niagara, countv of Marion, state oi Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement the land sought ia more valuable for its timber or atone than for agJlcultorai pur pose, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver rf this of fice at Oregon Cnv, Orsgon, on Wednesday the 24th day cf January. 1SW. He name witnesses: Cha rhompson, John Smith, Allen Smith, Beotlty George, all cf Niagara, Marion Co, Oregon. Any and ai! persona claimiog adversely the above described land are reqeetted to file their claims iD this office 00 or b. fore aaid 2-tth day of January. 1S94. ROBERT A MILLER, Register. Timber Land, Act Jane 3, 1S75. Notic for pablicrtjon. United State Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon' November L l-3. Notice is her by given that in compliance with the provisions of the set of Congress of June S. Ua, eotitied "An act for the sale of timber lands ia the states of eiiforaia, Oregon. Xersda and Washington Territory."' ss extended to ail the Public Land States bj set of August 4. fc2, e'Lsrie H Dalrmple. of Albany, fount of Linn. State of Oregon, has this dav filed in this office Lis sworn statement No. $99, for the purchase of the S of Section so JS in Township No H S. Range No 6 East, and will offer proof to snow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricrdtaral purrus. and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Rearer of this office at Oregon C'.tj, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 24th day of January. 1-M. He name as witnesses: F L Holme. E W Beeman. B Wink. O V Adams, all ot Albany. Ogn. Any and all persons claiming adversely the at ve described lauds are requested to file their clai'xs in this office on or bifor said 24th day of Janu ary. li4. ItOBEBT A. MlLLU. Register T.mber Land, Act Jane 3, 1STS. Ntke for pubiivtt'on. L nited States Lan l Office. Oregon City. Oregon . Cktober 3d. I SB. NoUce is hereby given that in compliance with the i-rovisions of the act of Congress of June 3. entitled. "Aa art for the sale of timber lands in the State- of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." John D CampbeU. ot Marauette. teunty of Marvjoette. State of Michi gan, tis this dav hied in this effiee his sworn statement No 2S. for the purchase of the XW-, of h" v Et-a SW and Hw of 8W of Bsction No 2s. in Township No 1" South. Range No 6 East and will offer prvof to show that theiand sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than tor agricultural Tu-poses, and to establish his claim to said land t-fore the Register and Receiver ef this office at Oregon City. Oregon, on Tuesday the 23d day of January, 194 He names as witnesses: Eugene V Smith. Edwin V Smith. J L Beny. Berry P O. Marien Co. and Frank Perkett, Detroit Marion Co. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-des-C hbed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 2S-1 dav of January. ?4. RoBEBT A. MlLLEB. Register. o. jsoa tor the porchare of the N E of Section No. 30 InTownahip No, 10 S. Rcgt No E, aud will offer proof to show that WHERE? above cut will tell and : if : vou : have : the : cash P-R-I-C-E-S BLAIN Clothing Co., E&king Powder letter L,il. Foilowirg is the list cf letters remaining in the post ofiiee at Albany, linn county, Oregon.Nov 13tb, 1893. Persona calling for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised. Daly, C E Kngland, H Haley. Wm Johns, Mrs W F Johnson, Mrs Emma Madegan.Comelitis Miclue, Ioh:i Mitchell. Mies L-llie 1 Poluce. Mr Riley, Mias Nellie 1 r . - . "ice, -ovei Shirer, N W Teller, Paul Schlagel. Mrs Miry Trainer, James T Yonng, John Tho. MojfTErm, P. M. J F. FORD, tmW, Of De Moines. Iowa, writes understate cf IMarch 23, 1893: 3. B. Mei Mrc. Co.. Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen On arriving home iaa. week, I fcucdall we 1 and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, e'ght and one-h: If years old, who had wa ted away to 38 pounds, ia r,.-w well, trong and vigorosu, and well fleshed op. S. B. Cough Cure has dme its wor well. Both of the children like it. Your S B. Cough Cure haa cured and kept away all hoaraeneea from me. So give it to ayerv I w'ru are-iinga ior all. Wishing you r""" 3 e are Yours, Ma 4 Hh J F Foitn. tJ.l ".Ji 10 "o nl cheeHul, and ready IiLi" ?pnn. "ork' joursrstem tth the UevlMthe ln,l Urn Care, by taking two or" three 50 cent pr faot'Jo by all Irapfj. soi: uivler a p.niuve (narajtee It J ACL'MMING. Notice for Publication. Land Office Orsgos C-ty. Or., Oct 2nd, 1893. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Coc grets cf June 3. 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale cf timber lands in the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Mrs Lulu Laughead. of Albany, county of Linn, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her swem statement No 2950, tor the purchase of ttve N of N W S E V of N W and S W of N E Lj of section No townshio No 10 South Range No 4 East, and will offer proof to show that the '.and sought is more valuable for iu timber or gtone than for agricultural purposes, and lonstab.iah her claim to said land bafore tlie Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon Citv.Ogn, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of January, 1894. She names as witnesses: DeWitt Dan fort a. of Detroit, Marion Co. Oregon, O Fox,of DetroitJlarion Co.Oregon.Wiiliam L Laughead, of Green Basi.i, Maron Co, Oregon, Carlile H Laughead, of Albanv, L'nn county, Oregon. Any and all per sons claiming adversely the above d scribeO '.ands are rt . : to file thair claims in this office on or before said nd day of January, 1S94. Robert A MiLLtit, Register. CENTRAL Poultry aaJ M Mariet. Dlsworth, Wtween First and Second ALBANY. OR. PoBltTT. Fisb. Oystm. Clans, Sane in Season. Evervthinff nice and fresh. Give us a call. SENDERS c CO. PLOWS AND HARROWS. Bargains for fam.ers in both riding and walking plow, disc harrows, iron harrows, etc. Prices i.i proportion to 50 cent wheat. It will pav vou tc call and see us. STEWARTS SOX (jentleiiieii! L-o-w P-r-i-c-e-s STOP PENDULUM. you. THEM THAT BE BEAT.