The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 17, 1893, Image 2

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lite gcutanat.
The result in New York is the overthrow
of tho bosses and the breakdown of the
The rout is complete.
Not only is Judge Mavnard defeated by
an overwhelming majority, but ho drags
down the whole ticket with him. For the
first time in 10 years the democrats of New
York have lost their state ticket. The leg
islature, too, is republican. Everything is
lost, inc'udingr honor, which was sacrificed
when s crime tainted candidate was nomi
nated for judge of our highest court.
The kisaster was courted when the sat
machin defied decency by the nomination
of Maynard. That act was an affront to
the moral sentiment of the state. It out
raged every propriety of politics. It wan
tonly violated the sentiment of reverential
respect with which the people of New York
have ever regarded their court of last resort.
It was an act that furnished a fitting
climax to the sort of machine politics and
boss rule which found expression in the
nap convention of February, 1895, in the
election of Murphy as senator, in the fla
grant violation of the democratic princi
ple of borne rule by tho legislature and in
the subjection of the party to the will of an
This is the first opportunity that has
come to the voters to deal with this mis
leading of the party - this domination o
the bosses. The verdict is significant. 1
is encouraging. There is hope for a party
when it has manhrod. honesty and inde
pendence enough to invoke and even to
inflict defeat rather than submit to wrong. !
Tl,., OB ' "- -- fs- ll, !
.an, ji ri was piupiiiuuo IU1 IUC uwucu
discipline. The state offices lost are rela
tively unimportant. A republican legisla
ture will lie checked by a democratic gov
emor. The honor of the court of appeals
is saved . And the bosses have learned that
there is a to the patience of the peo
ple. -New York IforW.
Rev Wallace Nutting's prelude to his
evening sermon at Plymouth Congrega
tional chnrch was on the subject "Gov
Pennoyer's Thanksgiving Proclamation,"
and the large congregation heard the pat
tor's opinion of Pennoyer and the procla
mation expressed as follows:
"Not long ago I was telling a friend of
mine thut the newspapers and magazines
seemed to be running out, but when I read
. the proclamation of Oregon's governor, 1
said: 'Here is something new.' It reminds
me of the story about a certain worthy old
old scientist, philosopher or professor, who
was writing an essay on the subject of
religion, and who in it gave two pages to
the discussion of, heaven and eighty eight
to that of hell, Some persons, who knew
the old fellow, insinuated that the essay
was so unequally divided because its
writers acquaintance "with the latter sub
ject was much the more intimate.
"Gov Pennoyer seems to have the same
trouble. He devotes two lines to the
blessings of God and the rest of the proc
lama'ion to a campaign document. If i
took a greet mau to make a great foo
there wonld be fewi r egregious asses in the
world. It reminds me, does this choice o
the people of Oregon, of the old fable of
the trees starting out to find a king, begin
ning with an olive. No one of the tree
wanted it, and finally they took a bramble
for a ruler, God spoke once through a
"This proclamition is ahead of anything
since the one Ben Butler, of nauseous
memory, made while governor of Massa
chusetts. He tried to speak his folley to
the people through the mouths of Christian
ministers, but they refused to be his mouth '
pieces. V ben that proclamation was read
at Harvard college, it ceased to grant hon
orary degrees to the governors of Massa
chusetts, beginning with Butler.
"President C eveland hat set Nov 30th
as a day of Thanksgiving, but although
the president has followed the precedent
a I aT I J a T 1 a i
V uy .ormer presmcuui, i inoy mis noi
He has set apart a separate day, November
23. Perhaps he thought he could not di
got. auauaagivimj uiuner eauru on
me nay as me presiaeni s, or pernaps ne
did not know when to set the date
"The president and Pennoyer are of the
same political faith, but they d).n't poll
together veiy well. That is not uncommon
however; members of the same chnrch
often differ in opinion. The two men are
not alike. Judged by his public actions.
Gov Pennoyer is an ass and judged by his
public actions. President t.'leveland is a
gentleman. Pennoyer wishes to bray
through the mouths of Oregon's ministers.
There is one thing the people of ) egon
have to bl thankful for that is not down in
the proc'amatlon, and that is that their
names are not Pennoyer.
In . 1. . 1 C. I J- , , '
iii wouuenui uovuuicui uie aiuiiie
s-overnor devotes 'wo lines to God and the
Tit of his time to the denunciation of a
law that was not passed until the present
financial trouble bed been on several
months. It is high time that men of brains,
education and religion also, were being
elected to office Seattle Post Asteligowrr
Notice for Publication
U. 8. Lanii Or ci. k at Ormo Citv.Or.
Oct2aH, 1893
N'.tij is hereby given that in enmp'.i ince
with ths pJovisiout of ire sc. nf Congress f
Jnce 3. 1878, entitled "Aa 'C fortnessleof
timber laodi in ih g'atssof Califirnta. Ore
goo, Nevada, and rVashin4too Teriitory, '
Mrs Mellie Cnpima, ol Yaquiaa, e.nntv of
Liu oln, tate of Oregon, h a this Uy hied
inthiioftica her aw rn statement No 2931,
nr he purchase of tne E i of S E J and 8 f,
Aa N K j of 8ee 11 and N W J of 1 W I of
Kectioa No 12, in township No 10 S.mth '
K inge No 4 Um, aud will olf.r proof to ;
ahowtiattha land rought is more valuable
for i s ti nber or a than for agriinlture
purposes, ai'd to etabtish ber elsim to said I
ano u i ie me itiguter and 11, elver of
thia at Oregon City. Orrgon.on Tua-
da,the2ud day of January, 1891. St e
Dsmsi aa witnesses: IMVitt I) of., th. of
Detroit, Mar on ' Oreguo, O Fox. if Da
libit, M ,r Co, William L
Lioghaad, of Green Basio, Marino Co, O e- j
goo. Car: lie H Liughiad, of Albsny, L'ra
Co, Oregon. Any and all pa anna clmiimny
adveiaely the above d ucribed landsa-en-l"
'o He their olatms in thia office 00
r Lessee aSaa! 2 id day of laouarv, 1S94.
K -lu . 1 A MiLiga.
Notice for Publication.
U. 8. LAKnUrricx at Orboon Citv.Oh.
.iept 29 h, 1893.
N'ctu-e m hereby given hat la c impliaoce
with the i -iiviaioiia of the act of Coogreea of
Jane 3 1874, entitled 'An act for the sale
of ItsaSsBf lauds lain atatas of California,
Dreaon, Nv . I aod Wamingtoo 1 eri Itory ,''
aa extended b all the public land ata'ee by
aet-f Augat4lb, 11492, toma a Roe, of
Bef v, coai tv oi Marion. Stat of Orefou.haa
lbi 1 '"ed 10 this effice his sworn ataia
sn t No 2949. .or -i - pnrehaaa of tha W '-,
N W y a 28 sad 8 N K of aelioa No
20 si t ....hip S 1 10 3 Range N ."1 K, and
wdl ..ff ' f n ( to ih-'w that tne d aooght
It awefl bish fur it tiiuliar or aoua than
fsea r saUaral parMaa, sad to atabuab
his ataSSS- lu aaMl land bef ire the IUsitei
aavd H i of Ibis olfioe at Dragon
i'l'tjH " Teearlay, Iba tcud
daasBfOt ua.jf, lhi4. He aaraea aa wit-awt-a.-
I I.e. W Caaky, af Kerry Ore,
latjasV-il , I U.rrv,'h-e, T E Kor.ot Harry,
r . ,i,K HtKtf Herry. Or. Auv and
Il pe. i..i, t iaiWWfesdyersaly the ahova
I -fc-Jr li.t. ara-remwaxfeai to hla thas
li '' V 'e auC '.' 4J,
ca, Ja-w-ty.
Koasar A Mills I
llogiatas. t
Ten day, or a fcrlnig'at, wdl probably
tee the new democratic tariff bill given to
the public. The democratic members of
the ways and means committee have not
yet made their final revision of any sched
ules, but a number of them are decided
upon for all practical purpose?, and will not
be changed, except in minor details. The
policy of a revenue tariff will be pretty
closely adhered to in dealing with raw
materials and partly manufactured goous,
and considerable cuts will be made on fin
ished pioductions.
The wool schedule miy be slightly
modified in the definitions of goods, hut it is
believed that the dutieb will remain sub
stantially the same, the maximum being 40
nor rent, and the ad valorem rates below
hat figure being generally reduced 5 Pr
csnt. The provision regarling silverlead
ores wilt be substantially that enacted by
the 53d congress, that lead ore shall pay
ij cents per pound, but that ores in which
the value of the silver is greater than that
of the lead shall be considered stiver ores
and exempt from duty. The duty on tin
plate is likely to be reduced frjm 2,2 to 1
rent per pound foi the present, with perhaps
a reduction after a few years to the free
list. The bills which pissed the house in
the last congress regarding cotton bagging
and binding twine made both absolutely
free of duty, but there has be:n some oppo
sition to those provisions 0.1 the giound
that they were not in harmony with other
parts of the tailff, and a moderate duty may
be retained. Block lin will probably be
made free of duty, as wis
vntrri he the wavs and mear s committee in
the last congress, at the demand of the tin
plate manufacturers.
It is calculated lhat an immense revenue
i ..... ,. .
can be derived lom a very until tax upon
the incomes earned by professional and
business men throughout the country, and
tnts win cqumnic me uwpiuifui nun.ic uo.-
Amn imnnt,il nnrn the nnnr hv some of ti
tariff du'ies.
- I Wit. Mrs EPa-S w , and w !i of
KVKSOPEXKU. s E of a' 3.exipi a tract 98 rds
square from S w cor of the above
, .. .Idea tract In tp 11 S R 1 E Will
ManulactureJ goods of nearly eery kind , Mef. i8o,cr!a 2 22
enjoys protection by our laws. The farm-
era help pay for .hi. In that the, are con-
sumers, while their product of wheat, corn,
rye, I arUy, dried and canned fruits, pre
served meats, etc, have to compete In the
markets cf the world with like products o
other nations In all canner, ought not
the inequality be rectified in some manner.
Sc'kj Press.
That is a concise, but accurate statement
of the unfairness of a syatem cf protection
merely lor protections sjae. e coagrai
ulate our protection'' contemporary on
the advance so recently made from his
former strong protection
attitude. It is
true that protectionists. In order to
farmers with the high duty plsced on man
ufacture poods, have p'ace 1 a duty on
j wheat, flour, corn, and other products that
cannot possibly be benefited a. a market
I for such articles mast be in foreign
j markets. But congress will soon be mak
i in? a better tariff law for this Count t v than
I m .
it has ever hid since the revision of
Wa'.kcr law of 1$47-
Congressman Cooper, of KloiiJa, one of
the ablest of the o..g democrat, of the
House, expresses the opinion that the pop-
ulists will make very few convert in the
South ss the lesult of the unccmliliooal
repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sher
man act. The southern democrat., he pre
dicts, will stand by their colors, and refuse
to pass a harsh judgement on the Ad - ninia
.lion mv h.v,. K.!rv.H m cre.te licaue
-v. u siA-ihesa-e not alto
gether in sympathy. They will wait and
see what the OJtrome of the supplements!
financial legidation is to be bttore even
seriously listening to appefl. to form new
political alliances.
Mr Cooper, like other souihern leaders,
j Is expecting Congress, at fne regular ses-
sion, to pass a measure increasing the vol-
ume of the cvrrency. He sajs nothing
about the free coinage of eilve', but met
1 lions the repeal of the tax on state banks
' and a law authorizing national banks to
j issue notes up to the parvalue of their
bonds as measures that may meet the eroer-
, g.ncy ,hc
who Dt . tor
exact keeping ith the v!ew. of e4Wr
athern men . As long ago as last July
Geu CatchingBi of Mississippi, p.edicted in
an interview printed In The World the,
when the test came the south would not be
found wedded to tree silver. What the
south wanted, the Miislppl Congress
man said, wa. a large' ciiculating nedlum ,
and the only reason why she had alwa
supported free coinate a. that no other
plan fcr increasing the volume of money
had been brought fo, ward. Gen Catchincs
....... . . ,
himself bas always been opposed to free
coinage and alii! oppoies it, and yet i the
most popular mem icr or the House from
, " r , ,
a Stste whose two Senators are leaden in
-n r
i L wp
The best opinion here among Southern
men of the in ire progressive stamp is tbat
loag before tne Congressional elect! mt of
next year this democratic congress wil
hive completely taken the aind out of the
populists' sails bj legisla'ion that demo
crats every wheie will approve and applaud.
The longest ocean cable in the WJrld is
that of the Eastern Telegraph Company
whose sy-tem exlenns firm Englsnd to In
dia and measures ft, ooo miles, says Kate
Field' Washington. Afiica Is now com
pletely encircle I by submarine cables,
which make up altogether a length of 17,
00 miles T lerc are 1 1 caMes across tbe
Sonh Atlantic, though not allot Ibem are
at present in use Flvj companle control
tlie , itWgrtf,h,c commui,-, ior, be.
., ' .,
tween ll,U couairy and Europe
n w aalitagton specla' say It hig ust
been discovered that the plot to uerthrow
the Hawaii, n klngdotn wss hatched in
Washington last winter. The plotlen
went ao far as 'o set the schene before
the house committee on foreign affairs of
which Illotin', ecomniaioner to Haaaii,
WJ8 cha rraan, to t lie end anneta'ion
might li rushed ihnuh. A correspond
ent aa s there i reason lo tielleve th I plot
received the sanction of the Harrison sd
minitra'.lon. Frei lently. a kind ol beryl was used in
place of glisses, hence Pie Grrman name
brille. The inanul'actiire of gpectaclen was
first Can led on in Italy, afterward in Mld
dleburKl In Ho lanl; but as early is 1482
we have spectacle mikers mentioned at
No kiaaing evir occurs in Japan except
between busbind and wife, not even be
tween mother an 1 coil 1, no shaking of
hands in salutation. If one were to off,-r
a kiss to a Japanese maiden she wo. .Id
probab y think she were going to he bitten.
There arc ut lc. sag u ule glass tnanu
factoring companies in the l.'niled States,
who hsve an annual product of nearly
twelve million fnet. Thia exceeds the
entire production of Kurope lifleeu ear
TW ureaiden' has r nove l from ofli.
ThuiUaxeOafi 'o jper, collector of custom for
' the port of Philadelphia.
that by virtue of a warrant which
the following in a true copy thereof, for the
collection of delinquent laxes.of the assess
ment of 1893, in the county of Linn, and
state of Oregon, which warrant Is now In
my hands, and is in words and figures as
follows, viz: State of Oregon, County ol
Linn, ss. Warrant to eol'ect delinquent
taxes. To C C Jackson, Sheriff of Unn
county, Oregon, (.reeling : In the name
of t'ie state of Oregon. You are hereby
commanded to collect the iax charged In
the delinquent tax list for the year 1892, of
and from ttie persons therein named and
you are commandeJ to levy upon the
goods and chattel of such dellaquent tax
payers, and If none be found, upon the real
property as set forth In said delinquent tax
list or so much thereof as w'll satisfy the
amount so charged with costs and expen
ses of collection and also to pay over to
the treasurer of said Linn ccunij according
to law all moneys no ol'ectod as by law
In testimony whereof, I nave hereunto
set my hand and affixed the seal of the
County Court of Linn county.Oregon.thls
33rd dav of October, 1093.
Seal) N P PAYNE, Clerk.
Which warrant Is attached to the list of
unpaid and delinquent taxes for the year
189.1 in said Linn county, and not having
been able, after diligent search, to find any
personal property within said county out
of which to make the taxes, hereinafter
mentioned, I have levied upon the follow
ing described land.atl in Linn county, Ore
gon, assessed and descilbed as follows:
Clark. Cardwell C -D L C of Jos El
kins CI 41 Not 77S4 In to 11 S K
1 E Will Mer $12 97
Clark. J E and C E S w ' , of N w
, , RU'i ax ;i 01 anu .1 e. ui
; N y. 1 ,nd N E of .H E ' , of sen
21. of N K 1 . S w 1 , of N K ' ,
1 VhJ
i u.8 HI E.WUI Mer.cont g- 480 acraa. 6 24
! Dobsou. B -! at 8 w cor sec 30
ipu ani Ch j-. wo iws, iur .s
s rd-; ins w '.w ms; ins us rue to
bigoouig CO sores In Will Mer 13
Loofborrourh, MrsSS H of N w
of sec 19 tp 11 SRI E Will Mer
j ooutg 84 43 acrea
; Tucker. Nancy N
8 41
It of 8 w 1 , and
lots 7and 8 of see 19 tp 11 S K 1 E
Will Mrr eontg 1J7 acre
2 09
1 V irt. J B-N H of S E ' , and S ;
, EJlm2Z2L" 3 " "'
9 14
5 04
23 01
11 52
Dertuick. H N-S ofsj w S '
.4 K . of see IS itlpllSKlw
Will Mer
Finew . J - N K , of -ec 36 tp It S
R 1 E Will Mer; e utg 161 aeraa
Metcter, H S E ', ofas4lpllS
Rl K Wi.l Mer; eontg 16) averaa
Mills, Edward J (ela!e of) -8 w ',
ofK ofSse2Slpil MR 1 w.
Will Mer
si es
1 N
'lmeoi4 t'p u s R i w; Will Mer 40
-T-.. : ll'M W I" v. I . .r
- 1 acres
VI mer, F S w 1 , f aoe 4 tp II S K
1 E Will Mer; Iti acre-
YL'tor. F F H ! of N E ' , of yc IS
tp It S R 1 w Will Mer. 80acra
Woltjie, Henry S X of see 33 tp 11
R1E Will Me: 320 acre
Barrett, Roena E-fVsi at point S of
S F. oor of lot blk 2 of Osboro'
Id to Leb; the S 131 It. ths w 75 ft:
bs N 184 ft: ths E IS ft to bog
Cyrus, K R 1 J Int i- w of 3 w
w KofS E of S W, of ec .
and N H of S K ' , of sw 30. Al&o
beg at N w cor of S w 1 . of fee 2ft
fi E2Jch. ths N 5 eh; ti.a w 4 .i
the I ens; tbs S 5 chs. lbs E 20 chs to beg.
2Maerslp II S Rl w.Wlll Mer
! fx. Mrs .Netli F Lot 1 in b oek 2
' taba Id to Iebsnon. -
i K!son. C Al-Beg2l 74 chs w of S E
j Jerry
i h 8 07 chs. 8 86 - E 1.11 eh-: S 8 41
chs to De.l acre
Oiibf rt, H Lot 1 iu bluck 28 K 2nd
add to Lebanon
Heodrixaca. K J I. s 7 a-d 8
block 5 K add to Lebanon ,
Humphrey, Mr. Mary E Lou 3
ar.d 4 b.ook 5 K add to Lebanon
- j Henry, Charles L-t 3 anj 4 in
. block 3 Cown add to Lebanon
Johnson, Mr Eser tV-Bw 82
j r.
T Woodward, el 4 8 9 rod E SB
n cwnt of iri!l raej down rsoe9rs
w 39 ra to bee: 3 aeresj tp 12 8 R 2 w
LeKoy, a -lt I it 1 2 K 2 add to
Marks. Mvra E Lt; 3 in block 3
Wad t Leb -
Montague. Mrs E M - Lit 4 biocK
R add to Leb
St '
MlartOrisv-tasea bloek 2 c.b
add Leo 2
Parker. F W
Lit 12 block 2 L ad
'ibomaa.Jobn V
& of e 3d
tp9 s K3 E 12 7
Waswim, V - Keg 79 chs E of Ji w
cor ULC Morgan Ke No 43 K
3010 cbs- S 4S.O0 eba tn 8 line of aald
c! w 20 1-2 cha: N to bee: W0 aeiee in
sees 3 and 10tpl28R2 M 40 11
Wither. John -B g at S E cor D
j 2 i " 4 ?. f-V!
U K T Hill
; au , af v ,1' . j t v w , I. ' wa
ens to H line or aaid cl K to beg: 2U
acres tp 1?S R 2 w
Chesdie, Richmond t.'i 89 K awing
said lice to be; 40 acres tpl2SR 2 w 11
Vail. Andrew N K ', cfee22lp
12 8 R 1 E; 10 acre 8
Wallace. Mm L J Lot 4 bloek 1
Hiau'aadd to Leb 15 32
Wilson H-Lot 8 block 25 R ad to
Leb Il 73
Wa. An f S f a t I . I -1- f U U
j "oLeb .. ....77 ... .... .......".." 3 C7
' Casey, B - Reg 300 feet w frooi S w
! r lo 7 In blk 19 Ralston 'a 3 add t
1 Lban-r: th w 18 ft; tb S 83 f ;
tha S 16S f ths S 60 fi to bs 8 6)
Cleaver. Renj state of) Lota 7 and
f " D,c" 15 ,f i-euarjon .....
! Eastham Ailie- Lots 4 and
; hiock 2 K I ad F-h
78 SS
2 70
I 80
1 80
5 in
fliboney, i surge W
Lot 8 bloek 4
t.owan ad o Lb
Judaon, A. Mi- I. ,t 7 and
- block
B ata add Ib
MeC'ormlek Kuben R B2 at N w
cor of DLO ofO-sorteC urchill
No 53 ami run I US rds; .ha 4 83
rd-; thaw 115 rl; tbs S 83 rds to
i be; so acre tp I2el R2w 5 94
j Usher, Dnlaens Beg 8 cha K of S
! w cor ef D L C of James Ridgowai
! So 46; thsN 14.85 cha: ths E 7 Sobs
i tbs a M K ISnba; ths s 80 w 3 cbi-;
Baas m o w i cue io oek ; ih acre
tp vi S R 2 w. 5 to
Caywood, J 0 Reg at s e oor of s w
sec C tp 19 s r 1 e. Will mer; ths
w 240 rol,ths n ICO rds.ths e 5.1 rd.
ths n 20 rd,ths e "." rds.ths n 4yrd.
ths e ISO rds, ths I 100 to beg; 211
acres 9 86
McKinney. Emily - N w 'i of sec 20
tp!2srl K, 1G0 acres M 84
FarTi'll. P--S e X sec .10 tp 12 s r'2e,
160 acres II 52
i Jray, C L and John A McPhee S w
'i sec6 tp 12 s r 2 e. 100 acres 7 68
Hinds, Henry H S e and n w '4'
of sec :?2 tp 12 s r 2 e. :!20 acre SB Bl
Liveall, John M J Beg 78 rods 11 of
s e cor of Richard Cheadle d I c, ths
h 78 rds.ths w rtX n 80 rds, ths
i-asfi-rly to beg40 a:n tp 12 r 1 w. . 0 :i0
McKinney.ti 7$ (heirs of)- Begat n e
ior of n w !4 of sec 21 tp 12 s r 1 w,
ths n 80 rd, this w 90 rds, ths k 240
rd-. thseSOrds, Uu n 160 nit, ths e
40 rds to la;g 9o ai res 5 13
Carroll J and Jessie L'jt 3, block 10,
Sodaville 1 69
Carotlu-m John - lie"; at n w cor of
d I c ofElmer Kejs and wife, not
8519, S 80 chs, s 47.71 chs, w 10
chs, n 19 chs, w 20 chs, n 2.71
chs to N'g, tp 12 b. r 1 w Will mer. . 12 47
Davis Join lot 6. block 7, Bodaville 1 17
lledgepath Mary F Bag at s w cor Elmer
Keend I C, n 2819, " 40 r, 11 160 r, w 40 r
h 160 r to lieg; 40 acres, tp 12 s, r 1 w Wil
mer 1 LB
Mab-hctt James Beg at qr wx cor bet sees
J A :!. tp 18 s, r 1 w, run n 0 43', w 20
chs, ths s i 45', . e 17 chs to the left bank
of Santiam river, Uim s 29. e 16 chs. ths
. 46 0 e, 8.6S chs. ths n 99" 45' w :.78
elm to lieg; aluo lot 5 of sot; 34, tp 12 8, r 1
w; aUo e of 11 e ' i of mm .'!. tp 13 s, r 1
w Wil mer 49 70
Vail Mary and Joel Bsjs at 11 w cor (i W
Khun I I e, 7 chs. s 44 eba, w 7 chs,
n 44 chs to beg;; also lot 7. 8, 11, 12 and
13 in sec 19 and lot 1, 2, :!. I ;ind5, sec 30
tp 12 h, r 1 w Wil ssjsjr 51 17
Cornell II c 1 of w ; w 'i of n
n e of s w ,'4 ; n w t of s e -4
of see 6, tp lo s. r 1 w Wil nssc . . :t;t 91
Mathews V J s e of 8 e of nee
19, tn 10 s, r 2 w Wil ner; 40 aims 3 17
Roork Carrie s w of s e of
se 80, tp 9 s, r 1 w Will mer; 40
acres 4 75
smith Abraham -Undivided ' j in
k?n?"t in h i of 8 v; '4 nee 20, tp 10
a, r 2 w will mer: 40 tu-ret 2 38
Hayden Benjamin N w of sec 3
tp 10 , r 1 w will mrr; W) acies., 12 67
! S,,-trnr Vnmk B. hlik'k 2. Slii'l-
hirn 1 00
Dow 0 W Frac n w of n w
of sec 25, tp 12 s, r 4 w will mer 11 19
Gardner Annn Lot 1, block 2,
Shedd 98
Robb .1 H-Ileg 61.61 chs e of I
cor of n e of sec II tp lilur 4 w,
run ths n 88,88 chs, ths w 98.89 chs
ths s 39.68 chs, ths o 32.82 chs to
bee in sees 2 and 4 to 13 s r 4 w
will mer
Wilson Mrs P 0 Beg 16.67 chs e
from n w cor of James M Y until'
d I C not 8821 in sees :!6 and 27 tp
1Z8T4 w, run s ti7..U chs, ths 8
106.68 chs. ths u 67..r0 chs, ths w
106.68 chs to beg, tp 12 s r 4 w Will
mar; 4." acres
Holmes Edward il Lot :!. block 2,
8 !1
4 84
Streithoff Thos K Iteg in Center of
a creek ut a pt ;t chs n and 19.28 chs
w of s o cor of d 1 e of Lewis Cox
and wife, cl 44 tp II s r 2 w, ths e
19. 25 chs to e line of said cl, ths s :1
chs to s e cor of said cl.ths e 27.82 chs
to an ash tree, s 19 deg w 10. 10 chs.
ths w 45.50 chs to center of said
creek, ths down center of said creek
to beg, tp 11 s r 2 w will mer; 50
acres 11 43
Wilson Marion Beg at s w cor of d
I c of John Wilson, No 70, run n
42.26 chs. ths e IS chs. ths s 42.24
ohs. ths w 13 chs to beg. tp lit I r 4
w will mer; 55 acres.
18 00
2 83
McFarland W H-n K of lot 2,
block 1, McC add, Harnsburg.
laowis John S 1 j of s e ' set
to 15 s r 1 e will mer; 80 acres
Higgg Wm E S e of see 8 tp
s r 1 w will nier. 160 acres ....
Sutelifli S L S w of s w
10 tp 15 s r 2 w will mer
SutelitK H S e Vi of a w 1 . of
16 tp 15 s r 2 w will mer; 40 acres. 8 98
unmatre V : !" e li of s w '4 and
s w of se f-4 of sec 16 tp 15 s r 1 w
ill mer: MU acres
Taylor Tarlton (estate i n w ,l4 of n
e 1-4 sec :W tp 16 s riJ w will mer. .
Barber T Y Beg 5 chs n 70 deg 30
min w of s e cor of Jerry Michael-'
d 1 c. cl 41. not 206x, tp 14 s r :5 w
Will mer, ths n . deg 30 min . "
chs, ths n 19 deg 30 min e 40 chs,
ths s 70 deg 30 min e 35 chs. ths n
19 30 inin ep4.50 chs. ths s ruasU-rly
direction 24.5 chs to n w co Klisha
Griffiths' d 1 c. ths a 9 deg 30 min e
39.10 chs. ths w 31.60 chs, ths s l.0
clisths w 13.91 chs. ths 19 : miu
w 5.75 chs to beg; containing 22 V
acres more or less
Butler N L w 14 of sec 34 tp 14
sr3w will mer; 160 aore
Hunn Mrs Mary, block 5. H's 2nd
add. H Brownsville 4 05
Goodnough Ira 1'ndivided of n
'4 of Jonathan Keeney & wife's d I
e in sec 17 tp 14 s r2 w will mer 4- 52
Michael. K B--Beg at a point Ml
chs n of or sec cor between se' 24
' and 2" tp 14 r 3 w. run n 10.;tt chs
tone cor of s M of s w M of sec 24.
1 ths s 9 4.V w .40 J5 chs. ths n 4.V w
I , . i . i i n .w i . , . i: i
1..11 ciis. ins n ims ens 10 i" line u
I c of Eli W Michael, ths n 19" SfT
e 0.66 chs. ths n 61 w 43 05 chs. ths
s 19 :' w 23 chs. ths s 61 e 43.05
53 ao.W cus to ueg tp i
j s r 3 w will mer
75 Tvcer. Q B and L B Bejr at s w cor
16 16
d I c of K Montgomery not 2617 d .Vj
n:2.97chs. wl3.19chs. a 26 cjxs. I
i 50 e 11.22 chs to n line of d 49 e t )
I besr. 40 acres tp 14 s r 2 w. will mer.
9j ' W oodwani, George t'ndsvideu l of
Ifolw H of Jonathan Keeney d I c 42
, not 2622 tp 14 s r 2 w will raer . . .
; Dietrick. G WS m o? n w l4 of v
34 tp 14 s r 2 w will mer. ") aires .
, Huff. Eienor Block 12. Brownsville..
LtdJ. Charles E w of set- :fl tp
" 14 r 2 w will mer. :f20 acres
!Wilc. Thomas J Lots 2 and 3
v- block 1 llr.jwnsTille
Miller, A-N 4 of n e 4 of sec 1-
, tp 14 s r 3 w Wjli mer. fjfj acres
Pent land, tiertrnde -Bett at n e cor
of n w '4 of s; 7 tp 14 s r 3 w. th w
40.70 chs, ths 25.25 chs. ths e 40.70
chs. th n 25.25 ch to in sec 7 tp
14 s r 3 w Will mer. MS acre . . .
rorter. Mrs M A-Lota 5, 6, 7. -block
Elder, John Undivided 1-7 ir 320
acres in d I c of Robert Elder cl 51 tp
13 s r 3 w Will mer. 46 acres . 7 20
! Taylor, J A and Henry C -Block 1 1
fSS Ouvpri art flat.- c W
j Reese. WinSeid.SH of s U erf sec
32 '6 tp 12 s r 2e Will mer. 160 acre... 5 75
; Junkin. D E-The .of s e and
34 ! lots 2 and 3 sec IT and the n w 4 of
n e l4 and lots 1. 2 ami 3 of sec 20 tp
51 12 s r 4 w V) mat dei.l I
' to Vina Mnlkpv Vov lit I'tfVt vol K
IK, 'lli aa jT,.ntin.T TO wi.l
' to Randolph ti Junkin. leaving 60
34 , ,.f7. i n :n
: m 1 in uid ........
I Junkin. R G Beg 26.63 on n of
e cor of d I c of John Md.oy cl 50 tp
l-sr4w. ninths e SSMt cn tow
j line of e 'j of n 1 4 of see 20 said tp.
ths n along e line d I c of James Jun
I kin to center of Muddy creek, ths
I down center of said creek to e line of
1 said McCoy d I c, th s to betr. 70
I acres tp 12 r 4 w Will mer
Slate. John T - Beg 5. St chs n and
47.30 chs w of s e cor of nee 14 tp 1 2
12 47
s r 4 w. run s 60 chs. ths e VJ1) ch.
ths n 40 chs. ths w 40 chs.ths n 20
ch. tha w 89 chs tp 12 s r 4 w Wil
mer 1
Brown. Robert W 4 of n e ' of
sec 14 tp 9 s r I w Will me,-. acres.
Humphrey. Thoe ibeirs off -X w '.
of s e 4 and f s w V ofscrS
tp 10 s r 1 E Will mer. 80 acres.
3 11
6 34
tiardner. Alice It S of s e "-4 of
sec 30 tp 9s r 2 E Will mer. 80 aires
KunpiT. Aug-ust S w '4 of n w '4
and lot 2. 3, 4. siv 29 tp 9 a r 1 ..
Will mer. 75
Thomas. Charlotte T N K ' of s e
'-4 and a e i of n e l4 of sec 12 tp 10
sr 1 e Will raer. W arrea. -
Keene, BG- S S of s e '4 and s e
iof s w , set 1-tp 9r 2 e Will
mer. 120 acres
Hoeve. Susan Jane- lot 3 !..-.' 8
Milf City
Lewis. Samuel K -Iot 8 block 15
Bobs add to Mill City ...
Maner. F-S e i of sec 22 tp 10 r 2
e Will mer. 160 ax res
l 39
11 63
11 52
McCausland, W J N e 1-4 of sec 20
tp 10 s r 3 e Will mer. 160 aires
Niagara Mill Co S E 1-4 sec .'Eland
s li of soc 34 tp 9 s r 4 e Will mer.
Roberts. Mary F- Lot 2 of sec 21 i
tp 9 r 2e Will mer. 24 acres
Stoting. Cnas H N w 14 of sec 2
4$ 96
9 00
11 52
tp 10 s r 2 e Will mer. 160 acres
Gray. Wm T N
w 1-4 (about 130
altout 30 acres in
acres ip Linn Co.
Marion Co) nee 20 tp 9s r 2 e. Will
Jonex. Annie N e 1-4 of sec 19 tp9
sr2E .
Hills, Martha M N w 1-4 of 11 e 1-4
of see 33 tp 9 s r 4 e Will mer. 40
1 '11 mining-, John O N 'j of sec 36
tp 10 sr 3e Will mer. 3j acre
Dunn. Ella H-S w 1-4 of sec 28 tp
10 r 8 a w'i!l mer. 160 ai res
Farmer. Ja E Block 2 Hob add
Gilbert. F S w 1 4 sec 22 tp 10 s r
2 e Will nmr. 160 acres
Hoirau, Mike E M of 11 e 1 4 sec :M!
19 -7
10 80
2 88
21 04
11 52
1 0
tp s r 2 c Will mer. ho aires
Lewis, L S 4 of h 'A of sec 4 tp 10
s r.' a W ill mer. 160 acres
Atllesea. W H lot 3 block 13 Wood-
le's r add to Albany
Anderson. N R lots 7 and 8 block 8,
Bryant's add to Albany
Barrows, F. S blocks, Kairdale mid
6 88
1 80
5 40
9 61
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
3 63
2 88 j
1 i'6
to Albany
Biirniister, Frank F -lot 15niull)i
block l.IIoiick add to Albany
Cate. A F lot 4 lilkfi, Whclur add
to Albany
Iiouglmrly. W II lot 6 block 7
Voodle'a r add to Albany
Kherct. Henry undivided ,'a of lots
iand 6 block 4,Vicr s aild to Albany
I .rant, D II lots 7 and 8 block 2, M
V- C add to Albany
lirav. Dexu-rii lot ' b ock 2 Ab-
ys' add to Albany
JewetLMrs W E-lot 2 block 5 Vier'a
a add to A Ibany II beg on s iKitindarv of ami
264 feet easterly from s w cor of blk
61 in Albany, Linn co, ( iregon, north
erly parallel with e boundary of wiid
blk 110 feet, westerly parallel with 11
boundary of said big 50 ft, southerly
parallel with w boundary of anl blk
1 10 ft to 8 liolllidiLrv of 81111I blk n nlonir
saiil k bonndary 50 ft to liag
a 00
Brink, Mrj M h lieg at a e cor of
lot 5 in blk 10 in Albany, Linn co.Or,
northerly on e line of said blk 25 feet,
th" westerly parallel with s line of
said bl to the line dividing lots 5 and
tl in said bl, ths sirlierly on line di
viding said lots 5 unit 0 in said bl,
Ths wiutherly on line dividing said kits 5
and 6 in said bl to H bourdury of said bl
ths easterly to beg 27 05
Burkharl.C I' S of (' P It.irlflmrl
d 1 c tp U s r 3 w'Will tner,28.s acres 40
naK-er. fr;.nk-lots 7 and 8 bl 13,
Mac 4 add Albany 7
Bawn,JH-lot 2 bl 14. Hac 8 add
Albany 9
Bereaw, Mary-lot 4 1.1 25, liar 2
add Albany
Koehler, Kichard bl 10 Hac 2 add to
(H 40
Madden, V F lot U bl 3 Pipes' h iuld
to Albany
Meniinger, A E Iota 9 and 10 bl 8 s
add to Albany
1 36
1 80
wciiargue, G W lot 1 in bl 11.
Woodle's r add to Albany 1
oeara, j a ana canma i Ik 40 ft
of s e OOr of Santiam Academy, lot in
Leb, ths w 5 ch, s 3 chs and 41 ft. ths
e 5 clu n to !'g 1 acres
Burkhart Mary J (estate of,- lot 1
bl 15, Hac I add to Albany
Conner M J !oU 11 and 12 U 1
Abby's add to Albany
20 70
4 32
a 34
Chamberlain Mattie lot 1 bl 62,
Albany !2 87
Cranor H L lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 bl
102 Hac add t Albany 1H5 04
Dubruille J J lots 1 , and 8 bl 130
Hac add to Albany 32 89
Donlay 1' V lot 6 bl 20, Hac 2 add
to Albany
Farrell T J lot 10 bl 1, Abby's au
to Albany
Fish Mrs' Jennie M n ' , of lots 3
and 4 bl 40, Albany
Gray I) Blot 23 bl 2, Abby's ad 1
to Albany
Gairett M" L lot 1 bl 1, Act If ad
to Albany
4 41
1 73
2 34
3 781
Hamilton A J lots 1 and 3 bl 8,
' 11 4 add to Albany
H viand E F lot 27 bl 2, Abby's
"' add to Albany ..
I Hugbea Mrs Em ma A lots 5 and
ttbl 7, II 4 add to Albany
Hynian Mrs B E undivided of
i lota 5 aiid43bt 120, H add to At-
; bany
Hill J L Lu 7 and 8 bl 9, H 3 mi
1 to Albany
12 99
37 89
4 20
Hays Mrs Ann M lots 3 and 4 bl
52 . 23, Hac 2 add to Albany
Johns Robert (estate) s '.. bl 34,
; II 2 add, loU 5 and C bl 10, Hac 3
add to Albany 47
Kline A lubruille--Maplevood ad
to Albany. ;i7 acres
Maboney Jas lots 1, 2, 3 and 4,
4 86
bl as, ft add to Albatiy
Moutaoye L H lots 5 and 0 bl
Morris A B- 1 acre in Hac 3 add,
I adjoining Thayer on e, lying n of
scio roa.i
Massey Harry lot 0 bl 4'J, II I ad
17 55
00 Monteitb estate; lota 3 and 4.
oi n, Aiuany Ill
Moateith 1 Blot 8 bl 4, Albany 59
Monteitli John i estate) w ' of bl
7, S add to Albany 81
Monteitb lma H--o lots 7 and
8 bl 14, Albany 25
.inner airs r a :ot t bl III, Hac
bl 111.
z atiti to Albany
Mcllargue J lot 3 bl 35, H 2
to Albany
Pipe J V lots 1, 2. 3, 10. 11
12 bl I, Pipe s add to Albany
Palmer Mrs Agne bl v, H 4
to Albany
... 23
Phelna A H lot bl
to Albany
Abby's ad
Phelps E 0 lot 14 bl 2.
add to Aloanv
Rankin Mr Huocan lots 3
bl 18, Hac 2 add to Albany
Remmitorton J H undivided
lot 8 M 102. H add to Albany
Smith B F tou 3 and 4 bl 15,
E ad.1 1 Albanv
Seal A B s w '4 bl 111'. H add to
Sorbin J E lots 7 and 4 bl 14 it 4
ad J to Albany
oot; Rosa iestatel e 't oi bl 44,
Albany S
Schopp a lots 5 and 0 b; MB, U
add to Albany 11
Warren Ellen C lot 3 bl 99. S add
to Albany .. .
Wise A Co lot 8 b; 15. H 8 add to
Walker G A of b! 41. Albaov
Woodlo Mrs L A w !. of bl 47,
Wood Frank lot 3 bt 13, E add to
Ro ller W H w !4 of s w of
1 sec 34 tp 14 r 1 sr Will mer ; 40
Brown M s w '4 of d I c of Amos
, rk.a., a.'. HSI, ! l, Ir to
, 1 sr Will mer; Si seres
Cochran S s w cor of n w t4 sec
29 tp 14 r 1 w Wilt mer; 9 acres .
Ed sards L C--w ' .ofs w -4 sec
i tp 14 r I Will mer; ) acre-
9 25
Liiassm-jw (o!SK:tp la r
I w Will mer. 16 srres: sees 13,
18 tp 14 r I and 2 w Will mer,
I42S acres) 21 M
Jones R Bg S-J rods s of n e cor
of T A R igs' d I c. cl 89, sees 9, 1 7
tp 14 r I w Will raer. ths w to mid
dle of Cala river, tbs op raid r.v
er to e line of said d I c. lbs s to
beg ; 8 arras
Leach Marion e !4 sec US to j
r 1 w Will mer; lOO acres .
McDowell n v of s e '4 oft
; '4 of n e 4 sec tp 14 r 2 w Will
mer ; 80 acres)
Robertson ti B a 's of n e 4 sec
26 tp 14 r I w Wit mer; lb) seres
Hay J F n w t4 of s e '4 sec 21 tp
14 r 1 w Will mar; 40 acres
Ktrk J W !oU 2 and sec SS ip 13
. r 1 w will mer ; 70 acres
Strong John V n e '4 ol 1 s '4
ec3tp!3r I w will mer. 4J
Wheeler C H w ' ." ol w If of n e
l4 of a w '4 sec 4 tp 14 r 1 m nil
75 mer; 200 acres
j Whilcomb (j B -a '4 sec 30 tp 12
s r 2 will mer ; MM) acres
4" Ksnt Robert e '4 of e '3 of sec
( 28 tp 13 s r 2 e will mer; 16) acres
! Edwards W H lot .'! and n e ,
20 j of s w '4 and n w '4 of s e '4 01
j sec l! tp 10 s r 2 w will mer ; 105
. lacre
J j The Bank of Oregon Beg at a pt
... on n bound line lot 3 bl 9 in Alba
"H ! ny. Linn co, Or, 6 ft westerly from
' n e cor 01 said lot smi run tbs wes
j terly oi n bound line of said lot
24 ft and 10 imlies. ths southerly
parallel with e bound of said lot
100 ft more or leas to s b-jund of
said lot, ths easterly on a bound
line of said lot 24 ft and 10 inches
ths northerly parallel with e bn.l
line of sai'i lot 100 ft more or less
to beg 288 00
1 Weiss Job a Beg 27 75 chs s and
19.18 chs of n w cor of d I c of
, Abraham Miller. Jr. and not 1871,
cl b8, run s do dec 4 min e 37.70
ens, tus s no ueg 1 mm e ti 1.1
cbs. 71 deg 3o mine 6 50 chains,
ths n 12 deg w 6 70 chs, tbs
n 25 deg e 8 chs, ths 11 79 deg w
7.50 cbs, ths n 16 cha more or less
to a point due e of beg, tbs w to
beg, in tp IH a r 3 w will mer 1
Dove D G n e !4 of n a '4 of sec
II Ip 10 a r 4 a will mer; 40 acres
Earlow Simon n w L4 of g e Sat
and n K ol 1 w . of e ' sec ::i
tp 9 a r o w will mer; 00 acres
Payne J W ajj of s of sec b ip
13 s r 2 e will mer ; 160 acres
Stanley J n e '4 of sec 4 tp 13 s r
2e will mer; 160 acres
10 80
11 52
8 89
Bnggees Jaa H n $4j ol e '4 aud
s of n e '4 stc 6 tp 13 8 r 2 B wil
1 mer ; 160 acres II
Murray 1' ,1 w of n W M ol sec
16 tp 13 s r 2 e will mar ; SOacrea. . 5
Robison J 1' n ,'i of n w 1-4 of
sec 31 tp 9 s r 4 e will mer ; 80 acres
Barney H E n e 1-4 of a e 1-4 and
a e 1-4 of a e 1-1 sec 36 tp 9 1 r 1 e
will mer; 8') acres
3 I
Hoey Maiinda Beg at s w cor A
Amend 1c. No 41 not 7991, e 77
rods, n IOC rods, w 77 rod', s 8
rods, s westerly 117 rods to piint
8 rods w of ss cor cl 45, e to said
cor, s to beg; 79 acres, tp 13 a r I
e will mer 13 86
I'ickena Geo W n '.die William
Pickens, cl 43 not 7629, tp 13 8 r 1
e will mer; 160 acres 9 89
Barnard J T 120 acres in sec 3!
tp 13 a r I w wiil mer 8 52
Djnaca J F Beg at 8 e cor ljwell
Anns Jr d I c, oatd I o c ir lieing in
n e 1-4 sec 31 tp 13 s r 1 will mer,
a 21 1-3 ft, b Itidfge 321 ft, 21
deg e 50 ft, n 16 deg W 311 It,
52 13 ft to beg; 2 3 acre 3 b7
Donaca W H and J M Bug in u e
14 of aec31 tp 13 a r 1 e will mer,
4 1 -8 roda a of s 0 cor ol d 1 c of
Lowell Ames Jr, cl 47, tbs e 75 roda
ths 8 weaterly 72 1-8 rods to stake
iu Co road, tha n 10 dege 18 15-16
r ids to lieg; 3 1-3 acrea 10 13
1 Glover Geo n 1-2 of n 1-4, a w
1-4 of n w 1-4 and n w M of n u
I 1-4 sec 34 tp 13 a r 3 e will mer;
10'J acres 8 01
j WbitcoiubG -8l. 1-4 sec 36 tp
12 a r It) Wni mar ; 100 acrea 3 82
Young. Mary K lots I and Sblf,
Fairdale add to Albany
Reed, A W lots 2 and 3 bl 6 Ver-
ick's h add to Albany
Lewia T B n e 1-4 sec 24 tp 13 g
r 1 o will mer ; I'M) acres
Ilalfnur Guthrii'and Co Mortgage
of 1500 from Jasaia E tiilchrist et
al; Linn 0b uiort tih- liook pg 186
Bennett Geo sV Mortgage of 87(H)
from N orris I" Newton; Linn Co
nnirt ree book 2 pg 126
Heard Mary J Mortgage, of 82ooo
from II Bryant and wile; Linn Co
mort rec book V pg 619
Hither Peter Mortgage of 8200
from B K Jackson; Lmn Co mort
iw book V pg 24
Dllyen Julian Mortgage of r100
from J K Thomas and wife; Linn
Co mort rec book v pg 312
American Gtir! Mortgage Invest
ment Ccnip mortgage of $rHo from
i Dtiritnart a wite; l.tnii UO
rec book w ig 611
Armstrong loii Mortgage of
from J H Hoffman and wife;
Co mort riic book w pg 828 . .
Atridgo Samuel Mortgage of
from J W Gaudier and wife
S 63
Co mort rec book v pg 214
Avery Punderson Mortuairebf 8-m
75 from W F Hamlin and wife; Linn
I co mort roc book x j.g ir,
9i Allen Bros Mortgage of ii&i from
1 t Henries and wife; mort rec book
v pg 654
Archer Dnniet Mortgage of 8W00
from Alfreil Wheeler sad wife: mort
rec book t pg 546; mortgitge of 82'i'JO
from J LwiCroisant; mort rec book
v pg 88
Qslloway V 0 -Mortgage of 1800
! from W K Barrett and wife; mort
04 ' rec book v pg 355
5 40'
Aibrciht Chas Mortgage of 811"
from tieo W Faulkner: mort rec
Iwok r pg 617
AllisatreTroat Co Mortgagoef 3ioo
from 'ieo Findley and wife; mort re-
book y pg 446
American Freehold LJ Mort 'o
Mortgage of 8350 from Jas H Sbv
vens; mort rec book q pg 565; mort
gage of 4750 from Jas landley and
wife; mort rec liook s pg 35
Bhickburn. A P Mort of 8t00 from
.1 1 Walton ami wf. Linn i mort
rec book T pg 451 ; mort of $500 from
J B Wirt, Linn V wortrec -k t pg
659; mort of 8400 from E It '.w and
('has H Goan. Linn co. mort rec lyxA
1 98
v 1311
11 Brewer. Havid W mort of 81400
from John 1 urner and wf. Linn yt.
moit rec book, v pg 224
Brown. N S m-irt of 8125 frf'in
02 i vester and A 1'nchard. Linn co. mort
13 rec liook x (ig 507
! Bulkier Chestina M mort of $IOuo
90 from Eluabeth A Beack, Linn co mort
I rec book r t.g33
58 I Coniley. J B mort of $20" (rom J H
Mianhan. to mort re iojk i
t S4;M.
. a
jCarotherv. Elitibeth mort of 8300
9J ; from J C Porter and wf.Linn i-o mort
n lik v pg S$6 : mort of $300 from
18 S H McElmurry and wf.Linn co mort
i rec book v pg 560: mort of $150 from
01 j W (irigvirv. Linn co mort rec book r
i 133
3 52 , Callahan. Jam mort of $r.UOO from
13 5t
Frank Neil! et al. Linn co mort r-
Caasell. W fj ssOsi of 630 from
It'FrankieK H'jgg and bus. Linn co
i mort rec book t pg 12 -. 11
68 1 Chunh.Jas and Clara mort of $1613
! from Jacob Miller ami wf. Iann CO
07 i mort rec liook rpg339 .... 29
j Cnaplin,Maiisa E -mort of 850 from
70 R If Chaplin. Inn co mort rec book
! i pg 23
34; Cleaver. Ben jam tne mort of t
j from H C Klepper and wf . Linn co
40 mort rec book t pg 412
' Clark. J D.tnittee mort of & VJ0 fn m
91 ' (eo D Barton and wf, Iann co mort
' re b-'k w jirjr 110.
4 65 Coffman N B mort of l-iUO from B
I F Brown et al.Linn c: mort rec !ik
s . 4 1 r .-..' W - ?
frvm 1 i W Crauont et al. Linn 00 m'ir.
CroerdW. S mort of 8400 from H
1 00
A C rowder and wf . Linn 00 mort rec
lk x ne 235
Crosswaite. P R -mort of $210 from
00 0 Aikin.Linn co tujrt rec book x pg
! '.93
fn llia a. L 14 -unat A esoOO fnMu
W H Maple et al. Linn co mort rec
book t pg 641
Davison. Margery B mort of 8425
from J C i Savm. Iann co mort ro:
Iwinlr r ivr - mnrt of S-jnO 1 1 1
, V Millnollen and bus. Iann co mort
I rec book y pg 27
Davi.R J -mort of 81."0O from car
Akin and wf.
1 pg 314...
Linn co mort roc book
j Dukensm I Mortgjv of tlOfj
T 1. I.i.:i Linn co mort r- hook
1 1 am 64t -. ro.i.tgage of $105 from J
J S S'imI ami wf. Linn co mort rv book
00 ix pg 271
Dld t H a " - MorUragv of $XII
from A twborn an-1 wf. Linn OS mort
tw Uiok r pg 120
I tank Mort Investment i'o--Mort-ga
of $5 from J A A H C Tyl-r
et al. L'.nn on mort ny lajok n m 93:
:; a tuortsre ,,f iXJJC from W McCoy
and wf , Li r.n co mort re book u tig
j lanners A Merchant Ins Co Mort
7 6" j - i - - of $2000 from Sarah C Van
j Horn and hu. Iann BO m'irt rec tasok
UlK419; mortgage of flSoO frm
2 sS ; Kale B Montague and hus. Linn co
: mort rw is-ds 11 pg 315; mortgagof
! 3( a fr-ni hate It Montague and hu
L:nn mort nv ls3ok w pi; 133.
Eitzp.Urick Jas and Chan Mortarage
of OO0 from W C Stollmarher. Linn
co mrt rec bh.dt u pg 297
Finis Own t Mixetaraam nf Mm
I from Mark Seelv et al. Iann co inert
rec iiook v pg 174
Elector H E Mortg-agi of $240 from
12 J T Willljanks. Linn co m'rt rec
j liook ypg 419
' Elynn L anl W'm Keb huin Mert-
gage of $1000 from Bird Wagyener.
I Linn co mort nv book r pg476
Ford Cynthia A Mortgage of $127
J from John y IVlnport, Iann co
mort rec book spg23i -
r ester 1 J Mortgage m 5 , 1 from
T X Hnmphrvvs et al. Linn CO mort
ne book x tg 247 . .
It 81
"Jiirrinirer - -'!, r'.-iv $1000
from B Vivnuan and wf. Liun co
mort nv Uk r ng 397; raorgaa of
84888 from t N Wood!.-and wf.Linn
co mort rec book v pg 439; mortgage
of $150 from Isabella Michell and
hu8. Linn 00 mort rec bock y pg416 101 04
Gennansen Jas Mortgage of 62420
from H V M r and wf. Linn CO
mort rec lawk u pg 227
Golden City Mining Co Mortgage
of $250 from M E Buick. Linu co
mort rec book v pg 63
Qormatl i Mortgage of $900 from
W W Farrisb and wf, Linnco mort
rec book pg 73
Uoodrich John Mot tgage of t.'-H
from Martha A Stone, Linn co
mort I4M I oak ( pg 194
Uray Clue I. Mortgage of $500
from John MePlae, L-.nn co mort
rec book m in 604
Gross J A and E -Mortgage of 1400
from (ieorge Bhagbt, Linnco mott
rec book v tig 3fti ; mortgage of
$530 from Jas Ellison. Linn co
mort rec book x pg 88
Hodges A J, trustee Mortgage of
$,'') Irom ("tephen Fhippi and wf,
Linn co mart rec book r pg 204. . .
Howard Permelia Mortgage of
14 22
81200 from (i F Harold and wf,
Linn co mort rec book y pg lo
21 IX)
Hytand, Benjamine mort of 8135
from loilll A and Jane Henderson, Linn
11 mortgage nv liook s pg542
Hartless.W 11 mort of 230 from Sa
rah E Smith, Linn co mort rocbook I
a 4.i
ibuniltim, .lob.Vt'o mort of 2000
from. I W llniwtt. laiaUl 00 mort nv
lunik w pgttil
rTannnftiTamna K mort of $titH)fniiii
Kred Hhiinhart, Linn isj mort ns;
liook x iig .'(till
4 14
:i oo
10 so
lliwck. K M mort of $75!) from .Lis
VUlltaaa Btra wf, Linn eo mort
luKik x pg 881
Iliiiinoti. Kssia 11 morl of iMOO fnmi
l 1 Herman and wf, Linn co nv
book x pg 401
tiBIl! kalian John F mort of $150
from J M Wiire and wf.Linn co mort
nv book i. sj
Maner, Kphruu mort oi s"r00 fnun .1
M Ware and wf. Linn co mort nv
liook . pg -'t; mort $60 from J I'
Pomu'ii. Linn co mort rec book i pg
Harrison. Jon R and Jiukson mort
cst'iO frein J It l'avi.s and wf. Lion ea
mort roc liook y pg 68
Hatnilton.C M mort of $1480 from
Win Sheriffs (sr,) Linn co mort rec
obok y pg422
13 50
6 30
26 64
Hansen. N -mret of $300 frdrn G V
00 j Harold, Linn c mort. rer book v niroOX
6 40
Henpner & Blackman mort of 81 163
9o 1 from II J Hill and wf. Linn co mort
I rec book o pg 33
3 ) I Henderson, Sarah J mort 83000 from
John and T W Brvaut, Linn co mort
rec liook r pg 224; mort of $700 from
0) K McPursiliill ami srf, Linn CO mort
rec Iwiok t pg 102; mort of 8948 from
Geo C Havis and wf, Linn co mort
)0 ne book v pg280
ileelev .Mm Fredriclta - mort of S8fW
from .'rank Winkler anil wf.L'.nn co
00 ; mort rec liook wpg lJC;mort of $1200
from J Mi'tcalf and wf, Linn co mort
I rec book x pg 427
00 : Hitchcock, Ed F. trustee mort otflOO
I from W 8 Reese, Linn CO. mort rW
book x pg 351
40 Investment Morttr Snenritv Co mort
20 93
1 80
of $7000 from H A Davis and wf .
Linn co mort rec !xok y pg 37; mort
i of S'hVJ from Cynthia St John and
00 hus. Linn co mort rec book v vv 8M :
mort if $2100 from Clara I) Montcith
and hus.Linn m mort rec book y pg
425; mort of $1200 from Alice J aud
Emma Ive, y pg 521 197
, Jackey Jacob Mortgage of $500
24 from A Metzger and bus, Linn co
mort rec book u pg 538 ; mortgage
of $1000 from Allen K Messenger,
44 Liun co mort rec book v pg SB
.lamea I'iely Mortgage of $160
Iram 8 A Henry and wf, Finn co
s2 mort rec book x pg 104
Jarvie Conklin Mortazage and
Trust Co Mortgage of 82500 from
, W E and S A tipicer, Linn co mort
rec book u rw 3ri7 mrirtpaira of
-0 HSKfmn Thnmaa M., reran and
wf. Linn co mort rec bock u pg
r. r. . . 1 icca t w .
ikoaun, i.iiin co mon rec oooa u
pg 591 ; mortgage of $1203 from J
C Cox and wife. Linn co mort rec
book y pg 8 1 mortgage of $2725
frjm W II (Juiener, Linn co mort
rec book p pg S52 154 80
J I Case Th resbing Machine Co
Mortgage of $2000 from A F Cath
arine Gooch, Linn co mort rec
book y pg 406
Jonei E 1 Mortgage of $900 from
Geo II Jones and wf. Linn co mort
rec book s pg 87
Johnson James O Mortgage of
81200 from Robert Harbison. Linai
co mort rec book x pg 454
Johnson J C Mortgage of $300
(rom E J Daly and wf, Lion co
mort rec booa y py 525
- )
Jolliffe Geo A Mortgs'- of $200
from i'etor Earrell, Liun co mort
rec book y pg 483
Knapp E B Mortgage of $250
from E R Case, Linn co mort rec
book v pg 402
Kritrsel Fredrick Mortgage of $50
Irom ill Rneeel and wf, Linn co
mort rec boor t pg 260
Lombard Investment CoMort
gage of $1000 from Mary McKer
cber and hna. Linn co mort rec
book s pg 570 ; mortgage of $500
from Frank Hays, Linn co mort
rec bosk w pg 4?; mortgage of
$100) irom Benjamin Catler and
wf. Linn co mort rec book n pg
134 ; mortgage of $2200 from Susan
B Keeney and boa. Linn co mort
re: boo u pg 424) ; mortgage of
$10,00u from J K Holliday and wf.
Linn co in irt rec book a pg 505;
mortgage of $870 from J k Holli
day and nf, Linn BO mort rec book
n pg 510; mortgage of $40) from
VS . am Tucker and wf. Lino co
mort rec book w po 575; mortgage
of $98 from William Tucker and
a f. Linn co mort rec book w pg
.'... mortgage ol a.-.) from Will
iam Rilea and wf, L 'no co mort
rec book w pg ial : mortgage of
$1500 f ram Joseph S Lilee et al.
Linn co mort rec book w pg 597 ;
mortgage of $1500 irom Joseph t
Liles et al. Linn co mort rec to A
w pg 600 ; mortgage of $367 from
Jossrpb .i Lilea et al. Linn co mort
rec book w pg 6)6 ; mortgage of
$400 from VS J TarniJge and wf.
4 :)
4 05
B 00
Linn co mort rec book x pg 377 . .
Sheriork. Rosetla mort of $403 from
J A Carey. Linn co mort rec book w
Smith. Job C mort cf $1550 from .
H s-juLh and wf . Lmn co mort rec
book v pg3S7 27
Smith. Jacob mort of $400 from
3 .0 Kmilr 14VginnT Linn ers mv-n-4 ma-
book v pg 44
i Solicitor lomnanv rnort trfSl.V!
00 from Wifitam Hawk and wf.Linn co
ra- rt re- U-.k s pg IVi
Staver A" W'alker mort of $441 from
, W H and E A Mcl'herson. Linn co
' mort nes book n pg 456
11J'' Stooe.H M-niorr of 5C from Isaac
S Stone tnl wf . Linn 00 mort re-
look vpg 151; mort of $500 from
'- 90 Isaac S Stone and wf. Linn co m .rt
J rec book v pg 456
Th,-,nji.D B ni -rt of 875 from iha
Bond. Linn 00 mort recbookp pg 139 Julian mort c-f I5UW from.
3 . s j p paiton and wf . Lian 00 mort BBC
- book t pg 197 ;
S3 i
lb-anas. Jame; -mort of 829 frosa
OC Aw lire r an I wf. Linn co mort
rev book w pg 12S
TnaasasBa 8 tatlaai'sl as 111 1 of 870 1
from S 4' and D Van Ho s. Lion 0
mart rev book v pg :OS
t pson. Sarah M -mort el 8134 fr-m
Cha E .Storaeneld and wf. Lina co
I mort roc liook 1 pg 113
; Vana.huwer.M J mort of $350frm
M Coffee. L.inn co ruort rv Uak r
i pg 157: mort of $S) fr.Mii ti An
derin an-l wf. Linn co mort nv
1 book vsj j,,
Vernon. A C - mort of $35- from I H
J j Knighton and wf . Linn co mort nv
I lxk v pg 309
! Wtadter. W J mort of $225 from I
41 Henson and wf. Linn co mort r-
I book v pg :t43
Walt. U II and II A mort of $50)
60 from B A Thayer ami wf. linn co
i mort nv liook v pg 389
Wilson. Mary mort of $1030 from
32 i W B 111'- and xf. I jnn co mart rec
I liook n 11564
j Wilson. J 0 and J Hmort of $.V.j
00 , from J Y MeCiine. Linn co mort rev
I lawk a pg 342
Windle.Mr B K mort of $150 from
17 J K Knapp and wf. Linnco mort rev
tk v pg 414
Wilson. Jas H-mort of $800 from M
Lillie t'onover and hus. Linn i mort
1 4
I nv liook 1 pg566
Wigle. Man- J -mort of $12-"i0 from
J L.inzo liaut and wf.Linn ix mort res-
! lk 1 pg"5
! Woo.1. P F-iuort of 500 fmtii F M
tiimlneriuid wf. Linn on mort nv
liook u pg 447
! 00
'workman. illiam mort ot $.'J
j from S Cochran and wf.Linn 00 mort
56 book t i 4: mort of $50 from J
Cockell an'i wt.Linn eoniort nv look
I Wt5
50 i i ates. F J mort of $125 from I '.in
I Bradv ami wf. Linn co nv liook x
20 : Ludwig Martin inort $:! from
, W W Scully and wf. Linn co mort
I rec hook ip 5). . . .
4,) Lewis, II C mort $loi3 fiom J 1
1 SO
Matoaet al. Linn eo mort rec
liook y pg 108
00 i Mcty irmey .i r ana rt a ttatnpy
' mort t-WJi' from I-vi Douglas and
wf. Lmn co mort rec book u
i McFarlane Peter Cmort $415
o, from I'.tvid FiUKibbina. Linn co
J mort rec book u pg 005 ; mort $5tKi
troin i Keeo, Unn co mort rec
book u pg 007
McUeugh R C morl $2000 frosa J
Leedy aad wf, Linn co mort rec
book x pg 66
McCartney Jane mort $4S8 bini
C P Church, Linn co mort rec book
a pg 88
McTimmonds Josephine n.orl
$106 from Will Titus aud wf. Lion
co mort rec book y pg 158
McClaran 1 ti and H A mort
$;!;!i0 from A .1 Houston, Linn co
16 47
1 01
mort rec book y pg '-i0
Mitchell Clarence U mort $50ti0
from John Morgan and wf.Linn
co mort rec book u pg o72
Millard Johti-A mort $100 from
lienrr Ward, Linn co mort rec
book v pf 1)7 ; mort $100 from L T
Hennia and wf, Linn co mort rec
bcok t pg 111
Miller lUniel Qmort $1,100 from
Robert Smith Linn co mort rec
book v pg 459
Miller Stephen mort $475 from
Jessie Uriggs, Linn co mort rec
book x pg &44
Moore Orrin mort $200 from W
R Bilyeu and wf, Linn co mort
rec book u pg 420
Morris I mort $600 fmm F Wiae
A- Co, Linn co mort rec baok w pg
308 ; mort $400 from F Wise A CSo
et al, Linn co mort rec book y pg
Pohlkauip, Henry mort of $45Q
l l
s r-o
J t0
IS 00
from Jos Riggs and wf. Linn x mort
rec book v pg 247
Potter, J ti and Mary Y. -mort of
$2189 from Charles Brietzke and wf.
8 10
: Linn co mort rec Ijook y pg 200. . . .
Porter, T W mort of $400 from J C
Hassler, Linn co mort rec book y pg
1 540
1 Prater, V B mort of $450 from Ed
! B Kendall and wf. Linn co mort rec
liook z per 122
(Ki Rampy, R A, trustee mort of $3462
i from Mary J Morrison, Linn co mort
re- book x pg 433
Ralston, Jennie mort of $500 from A
Ralston, Linn co mort rec book r wr
Ray.AiUev mort of $I000from John
Craft et al. Linn co mort rec book .
Ramer, Henry mort of $500 from
Brastoi li Wilson and wf. Linn co
: mort nv. liook a pg 91
; BectOT, J I' mort of $3661 from J L
1 Hollida and wf, Linn co mort rec
' Ixiok t im 699
Rescue Hook k L Co No 1 mort of
i $600 from R B Vunk and wf.Linn eo
mort rec iKKik u vu '124
, 10
Richard. John -mort of $1200 from
Elizabeth Beaveh and hus
1 mort rec book w rur 87. . . .
tloyce, ellie mort of 83000 from
00 j H Bryant, Linn co mort re: look v
iPsT 3J
j Seng, J Jacob rnort of $500 from
70 ! Henry Lyons, Linn eo mort rec book
i J psr 1
; Sachs, Li pprnan mort of 91 119 from
' ) U Bridges, Linn co mort rec book
ly Pg 71
Mobr J C mort of $287 from Dave
i Jnnkina and wf. Linn co mort rec
book j pg K5
I Moncriff T F and Thomas Landal
I mort of $3000 Irom Joseph Pearl
and wf, Linn co mort rec book i
I pg 686
54 00
10 26
20 14
Murphy William mort of $500
from W D - mith and ml, Linn co
! mort rec book t pg 574
1 Mutual Benefit Life Association
mort of $4000 from H H Cole, Linn
991 co mort rec book a pg 430 ; mort of
$2175 from J B Potter and wf,
j Linn co mort rec book n pg 580. . .111
20 McLaio Samuel mort of $2400
from W J Hollister and wf, Linn
00 mort rec book x pg 484. ..... 43
60 ' Northern Counties Investment Co,
limited mort ol $600 from Omar
P Hendrics;n and wf, Linn co
00 mort rec book m pg 506; mort of
81500 from E F Sox and Frank Roe
coe, 1. an co mors rec dook x pg
3 831
KtMHC W h mort of 8400 from ti
W Moore and wf, Linn rj mort
rec book vpgSz
1 50
i Oregon Mortgage Co, limited
mort of $1300 Irom David E Jnn
9 03 1 kins and wf. Linn co mort rec
bes A w pg 634 ; mort of 8800 from
Elizabeth Millhoilen and hna.
Linn co mort rec book x pg 50
Patterson A M mort of $600 from
M E Farrell. linn 00 mort rec
boon v pg 314
Pacific states rfavings Loan Bcild
ing Co mort of 1800 from W H
. late and wf , Linn co mort rec book
j y pg 278 ; mort of $3000 from J L
Hill and m. L;nn ca mort rec book
y Pf 372
reters 4 Me art rnort of $150
from & P Brocc and wf, Linn co
mort rec book r pg 277 2
Pearson Mrs M A mort cf $400
irom Uie robtaaon, Lmn
t mast
'""""W01 t Wltraortrecbook xpg48l 43 i)
' As the came appears aaeesad In said dclln . McFarland. Peter C mort of $45
quent Ux roll, and will on Fr-dav the 15th from Daniel Fitzgibboas. Linn co
day of December 1803 at the door of the ! mort rec book n pg 605: mort of $500
Cuurt Houac in Albany, Linn count;, Ut- W infield S Beeae. Linn co mort rec
egon. al the hour of 1 ociock in the'after- ! book n pg 607 16 47
noonot said day, aeU at pumic auction to Metzirer. Abbreila mort of $500
tbe highest bidder for cash in hand on the j from Archie and and L B FVashaw.
day ot the sale, a!! of the above deacrfhed ' Linn co mort rac book r pg68 9 00
land ot so much thereof as may be neces- Morris. J mort of $600 fromF Wise
sary to pay and satisfy said tax assesved a j at 4'o.Linn co mort rec book w pg 398 10 SO
, gainst vsid property in said Linn county Moocreif et sj mort of $300U from
or vear iv,.-. togrtner wh: acci umg Joeeph Pearl and wf . Linnco mort
cost, ar d expenses. C C JaCK.SUS. J rec book qpg686 54 00 of Linn Co, Or. , Murphy. William mort of $300 from
William D Smith and wf . linn eo
rn a -S.T- a A T T ' mort book t pg 574. 9 00
1 A A 3 All iS Mutual Benefit Life aaacc-mort of
S 87
V ' as U hereby girea that by rirtne
warrant, which tbe foU-raing U a Lrae
thereof, for the cv4ieetion of 1
the assessment of l-Ol. in th coon it of Lie-;. and
Kate of Oregon, artuch aa bot m my oaaada, and
b is snarda and Bgaiea aa foUova Tlx: Gtate of
Oregon. Coonty of Lias, as, o lOaieet
deiiDsjuent taxes. To C C Jacksasv Sheriff of
Lima Coastr. tasagon. .reefing. In the aaiai of
7 20
1 the caste of Oreann. Yoa are KaMaJaa
sal to eniiect the tax charged in Has irlllaiaiBil
04 ; tax list (ur llw jrar 1M. of aaad froan taa peraooa
Ithexasa naaaed and yoa aav tusaaaoid to Vera
jprjn ta-- goodf and chattel -f aach detlsoneag
ii - .. rs s." tits Bl ha sad :. tnaj 8 Mas raai
j peupertv aa art forth tn aSaa ,1--iai-tm! aaj List
I or aa nsocs iiaiawi aa anu a Illy ttte B9i
oy a, Ha wevi s a:;! aawr saw
j j , caaraast anta coats anj expeaacUtareaaT eoUeetion trm lm c jonsins ana
, to ny or
' ocnty acnTitnur to law all saooeys au colierted
1 35
In teaaimottT vnereof. 1 nan, Lsiaii.MUi
ass i an-! anxxet the sssi of the toSSS 1T Cocrl of
UnntVusty. Orvgnc. this 3d ilrr of October,
Sai.; 1 FaVUtE Oeri. j fro m S P Brock and wf . Lina co mort
Which warran; is altasiieti te ahs law of nupand ' rLx! ""a1 'I' V - " "
and dennqoeot taxea tsa- taw T,.r im " 'j Pipher. A mort of $402 from E A
Unn county, and not laTrtaw Kit- able, xfter l Hester and wf.L nn co mort rec boos
ddw eearch. to and any adr- nal pnapartT t wr 10
within aaad csjaniy ,il cf which to cult tbi 1 p1;, ". " ,V
- ,1- 1 0..'v- 1 Batata vir,a?s 8ssa 4JM of
tlai H )Wiin XW w a ip it r j u ; trom Jtisefti BetJBj. and wf. Linnco
4 50
12 67
ar leuiaw ie-arria. ...
Jno W J,nan beg W ch n of ew cor of
aec SI. t . r Setha w 10 cha. tha : cha.
?- .rcb-th!0cJ,-U"w,e,bfl-
Prank Doat.ajoiiy -ita s j a . itp
.v aajL tp
. , a a. r 1 e. wdl mer. .5 acrea .. .
' 1 ! ,1 11 ii 1 i.:L.a . 1,
' .ra 1 1 1 iw aa -.... . . . .
K M .ntagne lot 1. talk I2i 1', add to
I BobtJohna-a U ot blk at. Ha ad add to
0i Albany
J Martha Caywood accztpKa.rSs
j will roar IS acres
j J Copland n 1-3 of aw of aec is. tpKa,
9 00 rlPwUlmer. !) acrea .
01 , .11 ua- aw a. a a. Tie. WM
v . , .t , . .
IS 00'
.saucy ja aaepoum 1- Ol 5W a a w 1-2
St5 ,pa r wiU ln'r lso arrra
( rnsi lliaa r . ,i - 1 . OI aa ut See 3LL
i Ip a. r 1 e will m.-r. 1 1 a res , ,
A Uaitrof-aw M v li tp 10 s. r 1 e' srUF
v 90 mt-r. ISO-acres
I tluu-hmavv. l-i aec 38. tp lee, r 2 e
I will mer. ISO acre
IT i i , , , ... ; -
2 70
num-nw sa ars .a, p lv , r le anil
mer. !acres
si i a aa a . ...
r aas ar rs-v if ir r : e. anil mer
M acrea '
ao ' Wo MsVanjsUiKl-net-4acc31.tpWa.rla
4'J will mer. 10 acres
Kmily SlcKinney-nw 1-4 sec ao, tp IS a. r la
' will nter. Its) acraa
t x-ij , . .si ......
1 ISO cree
a a vro.a a- 1. r. r 1 I Will mar
I A Vail -ne 1-4 arc 2J. tp U a. r l . will mer'
11 acrea
tiatee nw l-t ornw 1.4 end ne 1-4 of
ne 1-4 of sec SI. tli S a. r 2 e will mar al -
, S Ha'.i-w 1-4 of nw 1-4 of aec Bej tp' a. r i e
will mer. 40 acr-rs
J B IVcter 1 ' of J B IVtter A wife D L r
a.s.-,3t27. tparSe.M2 acre.
Fred H AKlnck -w l-t of K. tp 10 s, r J
e, arill mer. 10 acres ,
usi-. saaBSSs-ee 1-4 sec xx tp 9 . r 4
. mer. ISO acrea
i K fartwrignt ew 1 aec li tp 10
wil: mer. ISO acres .
J W Bishop -w 1-4 aec 24. tp li s, r l
mer. ISO acrea
, K r Brumlage- ne 1-4 aec -4, tp Qarla
will mer. 14W acre
Neman 1 1 handler nw l-t sec S. tp ata r
r. .. .
It U a- S- . , . ... . . ' St 3
13 i
a-ill mer lso acres.
'i' j a. i,a.
oe 1-4 aec tt, tp 12 a. r t ,
i 1.4. aw '.-1 f ; aec IS in i!,ri.
1 will iner. leu acrve -
I 11 1' IVtinan a lUnaU .r . aa ,
' s. r t e, wdl mer. tv acres a
1B1 11- 11 U. 1- ... . " -a
( unii, aa nuiw a -s n w l-t ni age Xi
, tp 11 , r J e, will mer. XS' acrae
a l - , a ..a - 1 -a . ... . --
. .. ot . o aa-s tl ' .
will n,e aV - "'.JlWbOOkfMijS
h A R Lttolletle-a U ,il vUat'swSl't.
t 12 a. r 1 e will mer. a.-rm .
Tin- Miller-n 1-S of ne 1-4 a a wIT-i- - '
1. IV 1 1 l; r 1 e wUl mer. lai acrea
aa seusaer a e i-a tss- a. ti, nana a-,ll
j mer. ISO acres
Bat V J R,,ub u
w ; mer, IBB acres
1-4 aev 111, tp 11 a a 1 a ,,11
! tinier a W 1-1 aCC 4. ID 11 a r 1 await naa.
11 SJ
11 S3
ISO acrea ..
-v 1 Wm If Jtit'..rkle h,. where a" line of "a itl
I of aec IS. tp U a, r 4 w interaecte a ill rirer
u ruuiiuaii iiirajKienugasia rier to pt 40
ills n of said s line, ths e far enough tto ts.n
lain r3 ai-ns. tlis s t.. , - .. .
la-it in ss-c W tn It a r 4 m will ,Mr iv
I Frank Blair n l-ifoi 1-4 an- j,'t,, u r
l a will mer. S acres
40 ; J,"MunonI7w - t e 1-! aec 8 tp IS a, r 1
v will mer. 180 acrea
I Mm L K B Urera lota 1 ; : a blk ja Hall
! aey
00 M -ntaarue l,t t Bjt at J SI Kalawn's taaki
t l.aaauoii
Jaa litWnaM X Mat a$ etaa aBSaaS
I a SI a W i'I mar Sal acraa
I Emma J iigerN a , . f tp l i . r i a 'wili
mar mm acrea
1 S 1 Henaatl S w I al - -. aa aa aa, "?'l"
s ;s
a ow
law. ' wai..,w
I r r Oator-S M-ie ' 14 a raw WiU
j mer mi acres ,, a.
i 1-hja K StreithuC -Bag la canlar ut a creak al
a f.t cne a ana i . cna a ait a a cur of a I a
.( i aa is Cox ana) af cl 44 tp 11 a r t w, laa a
ta.ii aha to a Uiieol aai J cl. thg a 3 das lo a a
cor of aaid cl. thaafTjt; cha loan aafe tree, iha
a 1 Ullage 10.10 ataa. tha w 4',JO cha u. cental
,4 Mid creek, tha down center af aaad creak
to bag Ip II a r t w a ill aaar. S acrea.. 14 88
v a wa wa a v w ug uaua a a wa gstavi saw J 1 rjaat a Bawa ggaa
r a Fnach-lwt a hi a H 4 add ha Albany 11 a
ra wary i.arreii tot i at A X II add to
Alhaay jC
tlaiege k UUf -1 ol hi 1 aifctas' ad4 to a
haa 7 SS
f J Laporw .irtlalHSOl toxltaai It XX
L II M mlani a iota aaad S tat at, A taaar f 7x
(Catau) Jobs Monteith-uj af hi TSMaaUtUaa
saddle Alhaay... .... ) g
C J 0'Cormer-e of lots 5 and 8 bl IK R add
t.Altavir ttt
O H Wallace lota 1, 2, 2, 4. HI sjajtoa C
.l ta Alranv . . S SSI
, Frank Wood-low 3 and 4 bl .7 Allien j fit 39
Frederick Hoefer !T easterly 1-4 of d leaf
in bias Bale not H.T'i, pa ami IS a r 3 a w ill
mer IW acrea
Carolina O Oral -s Mdle M Hon
i uot lf7 cl 43 tp 1) a r 3 w Will
7 tfi 16J acrea 11 01
i a a Knox, jr Bear at n a oor ef d I e of Jaaaes
Kites. and at not l!n IplOar Z w Will mer,
tha a to cha. tha a 1 1.1: cha. tha 11 40 chs. tha a
8 10!
cha u.bezcont ;.: 6S-IS0 acrea 6
0 M Ki.el Be, 1H boundary or tl 1 n of
Jamea Knox n i a-t not UK, IS 38 cha a- of a a
) a cor of aaid cl.tba a 40eha tha al7 ehe.tba n aVha.tae
12 '111! cha to beg la araa tp IS a r S a will mar. S SS
I W C WeaUefce The a 120 seres at 1 L Wih
1 ard 4 I e in sees 7 .no 12 tp 12 a r 2 and 3 ar
W ill mer 120 acres S 6s
Handcrs B V n Ut of a w t-4 aec 1 tp 13 a, r 1 a
9 00!
a will nv-. acrea 4 55
Allowav W C mort of lata from W K Karrett
i and wilts Unn Co Moat Kec book V Paga XT . . S 40
00 , American Hervae Co of Scotland -H n-t of
$lsro from Annie I Miilh-, ieo A al Una Co
i Mart Keebook P page 24... XI 00
! American Freehold Land Mortgage (Jo Ltd
00 , Mort of aSKi from Jamea H : .ser.a Uaa Co
' Men Bee book O paga & aad Mart of fjS,
from James Lindler and wife Lian Co Mart
Rec book 8 pse 25 - 1
Archer Daniel mort tAwUi Irom Alfred
Wheeler 4 win Linn i mort rec rmos: T
page Ha, mort of $2rrfi from J Irwi Croia
' ,,,, I .inn fa m .n ree laetk V taaee as IU U
SC - Armstrong jm morr of $4So f rom Jrbn S
Hoffman Lirm mort rec book W paga
: S 8 18
ajaee, Jamea A mort tit sroj Irom ieo W I. inn fft rr i ,rt Ti-r I najn. T 3 ta!
; llul, Thereaa -mort of S27I from J ft
Hpringer Lmn Co mart ree Look V page tSS. 4 0
Bloauit O - mort of $300 from Ad Harmon
Linn co mort rec book K page !.... ... s 40
Brown N S-mortof $lSfrom Sylr r Prichaxd
!.:nn co mort ree book X page 507 t S
' hard, Jamea and Cora mort of S1113 from
Jacob MUier and wife Lien eo mort ree b'k
u pag- -.a saaa
Clark i D mort of t-VO from Geo D Barton
and wife Lira co mort rec hook W page 118 S 08
flllisanl Wm -mort of $10 from Geo W
Croissatt et al Linn co mort rec book B page
ass is aa
CraaasBl P K mort of 210 from Oaear
Akin Lmn co mort rec book X raase 188 t 78
5 :o
Cunningham J K -mart of $11 Vj from Ckaa
I W rkmona Linn co mort rec book K page saV 28
' Daria K J- nvirt trt $10 from Oscar Akin
' and wife Linn co mort rec book X page 148 Tl OS
54 00 ! Ken i M -mort of Saiej f rom Ida 1 Carter
' Linn 00 mort rec book V page. X8 , 7 88
j irilbert John W mort of 4X3 from E K
Kichier and wife Linn co mort rec hook
9 00
K Daze V
Grimmer Godfred - mort of 8708 from Haralt
J Henton anu ssaS Lanr, co mort rec book X
iaagoi2ti 12 80
Hamilton, Job a Co mort
from J W Brown. Linn co
of 12000
mort rec
book wpg 461 3C 00
Harris. Jane mort of $600 from
Samuel Dow, Linn co mort rec book
Tpg302 10 80
Heppner and Blackburn mort of
11163 from H J Hill and wf. Linnco
mort rec book o pg 33 20 Vi
Heeiy, Frederick most of $8U0 from
Fran Winkler and wf.Linn to mort
rec IxxA w pg 116; mort of $1200
from John Metcalf and wf, Linn co
mort rec book x pg 427 96 00
Hitchcock. Ed P. trustee mort of
$100 from WinfieM Reise, Linn eo
mort rec book x pg 351 1 80
Jacob. Jackey mort of $500 from A
Metzger and bos. Linn co mort rec gf
, book u pg538: mort of Allen L Moea-
4r; 80
7 20
:V.-r. awn BBC HMaa I I B K.
for flOOO 27 00
1 Jones. L P mort of $900 from Geo
, ! H Jones and wf. Linnco mort rec
10 80 hnok a narJC 16
Johnson. Jamea O mort of $1200
from Roliert Barbuoo. Linn co mort
rec book x pg 454 21 60
Jarris Conklin mart and trass eo
mort of $1625 from Thomas Morgan.
Linn co mort ree book u par 575 SO 25
6 40
K.'ri-Sr-.. I iaai -a rr. ajf af $500
from William Kreiael. Linn 00 mort
"4 rec book t pg X0 9 00
1 M-Clain. Samnei mort of $2400
from w j Ho lister and wf, Lmn o
of a '
coot !
$40(0 from Harry H Coie. Linn co
m.?rt recbcktipg430: mort of $217$
from John B Potter aad wf. Linn co
mort rec book a pg 58f Ill 1$
Northern Co's Inrestniait Co.Iim'd
mort of $1750 from Oreo C Moon
and wf. 1 inn co mort rec book n pg
527, mort of $1500 from Edward F
Sox and F B Koacoe. Linn co mart
- -
rec boo x r 302 . 58 50
kesg - am iV.-h M Etajifa asaraasaa
Bank mart of $1000 from Mary
Trontman aad has. Linn co mort rec
bookopg520 18 00
1 Tegnn Mortgage Co. limited mort
.! - . ao . r .T-s r . , - , ' . ,
. r. f ;.. :r 88 i.:iia:arti. ItsaaW-
: ten and
bos. Lian co mart book x
pg ... . . 37 80
Peters and Vwart-'njort of 1152
u m mon IW txs V pj 147
M Andrew mort of M from
John i-haw. Linn co mart rec book w
I pg 38
jtlsxtor. JP-cort of $3661 from J
? H-lida and wf. Linn eo mort rec
aa j DOOk t pg 399
aa l a
owa l 6 tJ
a at
i j aa
i ag
norjcnsm. Lewi- tt iBMMlJJBfisM
fromBokimonTether :w.l innco mort
rec book hpg 152 . .. f36 60
Bdalaaaajr, John - mort of $200 from
1 1 aa : 1 1 i
sumaii at i,ter. i-inn co mort rec
Sherkvs. R.etta ntort nf -t t f-
11 aa
J A Oarey. Linn op mort rec book w
Maith. Joli C lusart of SllUO reran
u SI
T ax
. , ,.,
G W Smith and wf, Linn co mort
rec book v 337 27 SO
Solicitors Company mort of 81500
irom n imam Haw and wf.Linn co
aa e
nion nx- tak a par 15
Sternlnirg mort af $500 from Ruel
Custar and wf . Linn co most rev
book r re 366: meet of $600 from
Martin Moss. Linn co mort rec book
t pg J; mort of $500 from John Deir
inger and wf.Linn 08 mort rec book
t pg 338 uiort of $400 from A B Seal
n w
It H
as aa
it &
7 23
1 88
i a
9 74
it a
:i ss
.um wt. Lmn co mort rec book t oar
, : i -. aa
waaa. .............
inomas laaiel B mort of $75
from Chartea Bond, Linn co mort
rec book p pg 139
Thorn ae J ulian mort of $1500 from
T P Patton and wf Linn co mort
rec ooo t pg 1V7.
iweedale A Redfieid mort of $704
irom u and L an Horn, Lina
11 Si i
co mort rec boos, r pg :w
11 S
nacier liiiam J mort of 22"
from David Hanaoct and wf, Linn
oo Btort rec book v p: 343
Wilson Marv-ruor? of anavi fmn,
W B Rice and wf. Linn co mart
it K ;
rec ooox u par fajj .....
Wilson Jamea Hand J I' -mort of
it a $550 from Jamea Y McCune. Linn
j co mort rec book s rg S42
Williams A: Enaland mart aal SrSs.-,
- co iiaon
I VV'oodle Lucy A molt of S30O from
1 1 K I l :. i - w:
" i "TV"..
ww v-vraj g JV
mort of VhX) from 9
St 1
m liardner. Linn co mort rac book
o PC 447 t oo
As the same appears aaaeesed on said de
linquent tax roll and will ca Friday the
1 5th day of tJecember. tJ3 at the door cf
the court house In Albany. Linn counts,
Oregon, at ihs hour cl t ociock In the af
ternoon ot said day sell at public auction
to the highest bidder tor rash (n hand oa
the day of the sale, all of the above deacrib
3c,ed land or eo mu:h thereof as may be aec
j saury to pay and satisfy said tax assessed
5 against said property In said Linn county
x 4J I for the year 1S91 togethet with accruing
coats and expenses.
Sheriff oi Una County, Ur.
final strnitiaT
V'" IS
hkbuv i.u KMr rut vs.
nail 4 thea lath anj at Oata ar. lasa
ixtjn aALoaig.
1 'ram.
ar taiiti
llaAWTED-OosuatT saaai ggk
f ? rarais iMaasrhl aaad aaM by U r Ma
sHutx. uaaar Saaal aaaoaaaa aaad Isaaa aaht aawn aaa
81 1 Sail I the th day ,d lweaaaaar. lata, at tha
haaw lajtaak p .aM4. aa laa laaaa
hw kaaraag aal lagaiil j a,, , ,, ,
aad ka Iha aaaxhaaawat af aaad aa aaa.
aaa oa mm uwantaaa ag laaa
4 28
7 79
2 74
27 00
S 10
5 40
3 81
S S7
27 88
34 20
1 35
27 (X
12 67
4 05
18 CO
a 90
12 U