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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1893)
WE4TfEKFORD i. I'll JI l!Hti.ll Attorsrvs al I j. Will practice In all court! ol the Mat. Special attention given to mattore in protite anil t collections. OFFIOK-In the r.lnn block K IIULYKU Attorney at Law snd Solicitor In Chancery. Cell Mora made on all no'.nta. Loana negotiated en ruble terms. Albany, Oregon GEO. w. tcuiuut, Attorney at It, ar.d Notary Pnh.lo. Will praotioe In all the courts ot thia etals attention riven to collection a-nd mat tore I prubato UMn:- Upstairs aiSwon-Tweitale Hlock Albany, Orn kiu us at. .vvnu. II lerai rostUir will receive promp attention fflc i. Ol I Fallaw's Temple, Areauy, O WHITNEY, Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. M ONTANYE sfc HACK LEW AN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. JAMES J. OIIARIVrO.V AU.irn-vatL.sw. All lotrsl bailies altcnleJ promptly: FLINS'S Be, Albany, Or: I) R. J. I . HILL, Phvdclan and Sunreon, OFFICK-Corner Tvy streets, Albany, Oregon. ', D H. M4STO at If VIS. Phveiaane an SK8ona. OFFIOB -C! ir-.or RfflW and Hi ..wUlhin eteoela. Albanv , Or. Calia orooipt'.j attondod I ntv and euiitrr. q v. -HinttiinLvsv. n. nme..;thial. SpeoiJiat In .liaeases ol the Eye. Office our-7 Ula Ul m. and 7 U 8 M t. A I Crrson FromTerminal or Inwrior Poiuts tha Norita Pact : BailToa. 1st ibp line to take IU. nil TJnintn V i OT nnfl QHTT'i1!! 10 dll ruiiiin m&i ana ouuiui It Is the iis 1 si; car uoi tk. i It raas ThrooRh VE8TIBVL KUTKAINN F.VER1 DAY iu tbe Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO NO CH ANGEOF CARS. Conposeil of Dinia'Cars losHrpassfd PalliBan Drawins Rom Sleepers Of Latest Equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CMS. Boat tLat can be cocstrucle 1 and la which aorommodaiiona are both free and furnished for holders of First or HtOond olasa ticket", acd ELE6ANT DAY COACHES. A ConrtnaDUB Lina comeotia? i.l ja linw, affording Direct an d Uninti9rrapt9il Ssrrica. Pul'mai 7eerer reservations can be xecured lu advance through any agent of the road. THIlOCGa riGKETS to and from al) 1 points Id Americas England and Enm can be purchased at sr j ticket office of thia cotrpany; Foil Inf irmation concerning rates.time of trains, routes and other details Tarn 1 ished on application to any agent, or A D CHARLTON, Assistant General Paaaenger Agent, No 121 First St, cor. Washington, Portland, Oleson. I C G Buikhar- I jsi ajial. Flltsr MTIO.HAI. B.IKK, or ALBANY, OBBOOK resident . Vice President .. Cashier L PLI5R 8, B,YOtrNO .B. W. LANG DON rHASSACTS A OBNEBALbanktaawSSlwa nnn.Tnilnl mnA t.l Taohic transfer, so'.i ACCOUNTS KKrT sat)esa v sneca. Kew York, San K ran claco. ctucago ana i tX) -LKCTIOSy ADS on (asorsble HascToaa. j. C. Toras S, W, Laaaaoa L K Blacs, L. Fuaa Eowsao F . Sox. or ai.bant, onitao. TRANSACT a eeneral BuiVma; u- SSis. DRAW SIGHT DRACM on Hew TuTS, 8n Ft son and Portland, Oregon. l)AN MONET on approved eecurity. RECEIVE depoeite subject to check. COLLECTIONS made on laiorable terms. INTEREST paid on Urns deooeiU B INK OV M l, SOIO, ORROOW. oenosss ., T J Mesa . ... . A J Jon i THROUGH aW'isii'ls-W mm TICKETS TO SAI T LUKE, OMAHA. K ANSIS CITY CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS, 1 DA.Y i TO ') CHICAGO HOURS QUAM0TEsfM linilRQ P'CKER TO OMAHA nUUPO AND KANSAS CITY PULLMAN AND TOURIST rtEEPEr, W- r f i.rti am iA mi in ri a re . ' Mitt ftULINlIU UrlnlH UAH j. DINING CARS. N. "v PoieairhLgeneral Info, instion c.U on or addresscsirriri & Monteith, Albany, Oregon, or W H HURLBURlsst.Gcn'l.Pas. Agt, J5 Wasblngxon St., f OHTXANri, UKKGON I When ray little girl was one month old, she had a scab form on her face. It kept spread ing until she was completely covered from head to foot. Then she had boils. She had forty on her head at one time, and more on her body. When six months old she did not weigh seven pounds, a pound and a half less . 1 . ... TI 1 l . . 1 . 1 . man at uinn. men ucr 5Kin started to ury up and got so bad she could not shut her eyes to sleep, but laid with them half open. About this time, at the earnest request of friends, I started using the Cuticura Remedies, and tat one month tie Teas eompletely cured. The doctor and drug bills were over ont hun dred dollars, the Cuticura bill w as not more than five dollars. My child is now two years old, strong, healthy and large as any child ol her age (see photo.) and it is all owing to CUTICURA. ours with a Mother's Blessing, MRS. GEO. II. TUCKER, Jr., 33$ Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Sold throughout the world. Pcmx Dace and Chbm. Cor., sole proprietors. Boston. Mailed free, AS about the Blood. Skin. Scalp, and Hair.- Baby Blemtahe., falling hair, and red, rougk hands prevented and tseathy Cuticura Soap. An sarreeanto laxative and KrBTwToKia Sold by Drugs-istt or sent by nuvlL 25c 60c stupecpwcJrate. PamrHea tree KOHO The Favorite TOWI WVOU fee the Teeth arid Breath, c. Captain Sweeaey, tr.SaV,San tMegO,CaI SCys: "ShUoh'a Catarrh Remedy la the first medicine 1 have ercrfduxid that would do mo avaygood.n Price 50 cts.Sc.ld by liruggista. SHILOH'3 CURE; ' Tma Grx- at Oooob Cms yTtmpOyeatrai where ali others fad. For Consumption it baa so rival; has cored thousanda, ana will cms tod. if taten tnttrae. Piiw K eti, K Al, U.'.i EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Kiprees Trains leave Portland Dally. Soafth I 6 lir. . I Le 10 iSr Lt 10:lSa Ar raoa ayt,T 1. lWt, V TI AlbkBy San Prao-iaco Sorxb Ar i 8D a a Lt I rs a a Li I 7 ,00 r bove trains stops, all stations from rd to Albany inclusive, also Tan bi do .Halaey. Harris bnig, Jnnction irvlrp, Kt gene and all stations OMbbigto Ashland inclusive aesasraa aa, dsilt 0S I Lv Portlaad Ar 41 r r r L Albany Lt tto at ' - s I Ar Boaeburr ;Lv I 7Ka awssa :10 a I Lt Albauiy Ar I Kr-TJ as SO0 a s I Ar LefaKDea Lt I Mas : p. ' Albany Ar :JSr aW s a i Ar Lebasnn Lt MS r a PULLMAr BUFFET SLEEPERS. -AND Dininsr Cars on Ogden Rjute SECOND-CUSS SlEfcPIMS CARS AUathew la all Ttireeurh Trmlna 0r H BHTlalww. tlTVUI.V rSITUia A MS COKTALLIB. Mail saiSaatn (Expi Sacaav. 7:3U s a litlt r a Lv Ar Ar I kv : t ' r M 10 ra Comllis sirs us raais aartv (Bxeapt Sutday . sttnra TSra Portland Mcatinnrlle Ar Lt :ffi a a i.'S a Ar TThroiip-h Ticlsetw i so all point in the Kaaern 9t oe, Canada and ! Enrnw. ua be oh aine i at owest ra'os Irotn C K rrwwlf, Arent Alrnny. K08HLSB Vnnaarer Port'sr-i Orcuon. E P. aCKER8. Vss'tO F. nd THE WEBF00T ROUTE Oiegon Pacific Raihoid, W W ISsaST. steeelver TIMS SCHEDULE, except 8andays.) Lnve Albany 12:20 r. ,;L'e Taqaina. 7M)a,a bsave Corrallls 1:0Sf, a. I Leave C..rvaHia,l':3f-A, Arrl.e Vaqalna, l:5 r. .Arrne Albany, 11:13 A. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Vallev Points aid San Francisco OOEVV ir,lC I 4 111.111 raoa as rasscusoo Willamette Valley, Ner Mb, llth.Z3rci, raoa Tsarina. WiilanartU Valley, Not !h. lthanil 2Sth. The Companw 'rirwryes the ngnt a'.nge tailing datei w'thout notice. it i v r. it htk nmtv team-'t "Il isr" letvei Putlsil '.V I .. and 8.1 unlay C a V, HCDay.Oen Air't.S ilm'ni Street Wharf, Portland I K Vaurhn. Osn A"t. Hio PtsaaSssa, Oal . K K afulcahy, General Hupt: Notice of Aisigamont. Notice II hereby iVeu th it lh- Bar. It of Oregon, of Albany, Orno i, ti duly ae aiiriied to the uoderaiauail atsitfneo a. I i!t property an I effects fir the b nnfl". nf all i's creditors, under aid bv virtu of 'h i gen eral asi(nmeut laws of the stats "f ,. . ;, and tbe undersi ned naa htr 'ofcr. to it, on the 28th day of Juuc 1893, duly (pail li d aa such assigne. All persons having claim SaTsliayt aaiil in nlv'io pA 111 a ' t - f ... i.- j i. !.;.!.. ill ,te-l.t llln lai.'i t.l th Oi- aermgned at the Dank ot Ureoo batlrltas lo he city i i Al' any, Oregon, uodnr oath withi. three month, of th. dar. 1)ate, lhi 29tn dy bf Jon :M3. , W.S. Thomhmo." Assignee of the Bank ol Oregon, an m- s- j '"- I ------ Cure lor trolns, rc-vers and Cenc-rt. De blaiti . Small Dili -.s. Wc. ptr buttle. Wm tmmL A FAKMEU OPBS.S HIS KK3 A New England farmer, wriingto the American Cultivator says: Try as wc may to force matters otherwise, yet li e laws of supply ant) ilcmand are Inexorable. Increcse the supply a little and the ptice lessons a Utile; Increase the sup ply still more nnd you feel ft in tbe demand, lessoning in proportion. This inline o farming, ir.niif.-.cturi.'g an J of all business. The condition of affairs before tbe pres ent stringency was peculiar. Shops, mills, manufactories were running with full strum and at Ihe same time most of them claimed to be running at a loss. Conflicts between the employer and the employe were daily happenings; strikes and lockouts reported all over th: country, involving gome of the Strongest manufacturing concerns. What did this mean? Why thould this be so if we were in t'ie midst of "unexampled prospciity?" Why was land steadily depre ciating in value? Why were manufacturers clalmin.; that they were losing money? Opinions differ as to this, and perhaps my view is wrong, jei was not the manu facturer meeting He natu-sl lesult of our supply ? Was he not exceeding the demand? Our peculiar theory f "protecting" (he lo.oco things made in mills and shops held ' - m i, 1 1 ni mnrp lh,n nnlintirv .1.1... VI ...... .. ... ...... J profits In making theiu. Too many shops anJ mills was a consequence This multitude of industries created n undue, an ut.naiuial demand for labor. Tbe piice cf labor advanced as a result, until after a Utile the worltman's yrofil was larger the manufacturers. 'jVi much supply glutted the SMUfeet for manulrcturtd gocds, sr.d Ihe mill owner soon lound that lie must .hr."i e n the ptice of his joods. To do this be muft cheapen thero;,t. Wt ii'd Ibe vvi rknun take !es perdi)? No, s ti ; his political orator lold ! him ihe ' K'cry of our ciuntry consists In our high wages " lie was to'.d that lesson ing his eTBanS as a national calamity, Lalr unui s dominalrd He coun ty, 01 at cnip'tit to. Let what vtou'd happen, i labor must ti-kc no Ks ptr day What did i h.ppiu? Faru rrs could . 3in on 1 1 IP 1 . --, farms o a p cfit and oar tkj) puces for : . - hcl;-. NOMO wanted nn.i m roisequence. Mill owners ct.rt.iuei.Cid shutting their djcrs. t tuy l ad lost money long enouth Bcstt ess wl'tels began :c stop toiling. should the eovcramer.t nav nav neiit .bors in Mrl at TWltlR.l LV a Cfrl.Mli HTldc Ol j . - I - .- a I . , , . r a. . .1 ww. m l-s- a -et i.n ffi r fal U" 7 butler ? Why no' -tour" WT llillllj . . . and pay a bonntv lor apties, potatoes,, beans, bay, perk, cfa! and wood, lumber? j Why not let.the government make us all rich asilh bounties? The sagar bounty is the theory of pio tcction carried to a ridiculous extreme. What is the "protective tariff' cn c r aba imports oata ooua y y. ' manufacture? The iron man cares nothing about co lon gooos. tne .sn man cares nothing about protecting the wool man. It is every rain lor hiinseil, and eaca section w.n s -proteiuou to us locality, ijij taia oi patriotism ' maintaining protection aal oiocomoe-; Theie U no patriotism about lt. It is ihe pockei-lbe money in It. Th mnrw I ,i,i I, thi. ma'ter the inoie i ne more i stooT inis ma. c e am I convinced that tbe government should protect its citizens !n thrir rights, and then ' let every business mainly Uke care of itself, j I believe the United States cn compete with the world in sny Hoe, acd hold ils j on-:nai rarming. rna..u.ilUi.u8 or commerce car. take care of Itself witboa th. .Ld of - bounties " that the eovemmenl shjul J not buy so much tt'.vrr per month, ! whether we want it or not, any mere than it should buy so mucb batter, wool, hay or cord wwJ per montb at an aibitrary price, whether we need the ailicles or no. WKat is this mandatory monthly purchase of silver bat carrying th's theory of "pro- tection' to another ridiculous and unsafe eatress. Ihe earl protective taiiff doubtless did something for our development, bat we have overdone the thing We were going to lift the nation inti "unexa-n.aled prosper -it" bv our national boat St rasa. The strips broke. Two years aj;o, so flat'erel wis our (overnor by tte notoriety wide1! he bad gained in the public press that he fell doubly assured that it would 'and him in the prrsi iential chrir. Unfbrtuna'e'y for him Grover stood iij!it in the middle of the way that led to the white house. Thi presumptuous audacity cn the psrt cf M Cleveland our governor will never forgive. With Die very essence of the spirit of bate he despises the president. The governor fully expected two years ago, that, before the ides of November J of this )ear. tbe public press alt over "this great country of ours" would publish a thanksgiving proc lamation signed "Sylvester Pennoyer President." But Mr Cleveland is a man of proportions, aa I filled tbe governor's an ticipste.i way to the presidential chair to the full. Cleveland was made president by Ihe v ice of the people and Cov Pea noyrr Incline badly disgruntled. He rss angry lie was hot, very hot ifyoo pleae, ai.d he has not cooled off to this dav. Nol being able to place Ins name lo a piesi den'ial thanksgiving proclamation out ol meie spite he issued his proclamation in ad vance of that of the presided t. We have a good governor but .is ays are peculiar BatpreSSiitatiTs Weadock ef Michigan, who yeUi day offered the riseolutioa forsu Ameri cin ProtwOtlvs Aasaistioo u auti -Catholic orintzsuon, which hasbeen inxriiigitspoasr ftll lc po'iiics la Chio, Michitcat, Western New York, Illinois sod Wisconsi i.npseltlog Oolit cal calcutnlioiia io the most scipriaiog way, a)s Ihi.'n Michiaian, at least, it is dominated by Caua.lian C-an.ferm.ri of the ignorsi t clssa lf says it reaemnles tho old knownothin movements, except that in' lead of bemir rlirectid sgaiost all foreigners it is diree'ed against Catholics, It has isu'd alsrtninx ciruulars as to th- aim of tbe Cath lie i nuf.ii in in . coBLtry, declaring aSMkaaj j olher tbi '.hat it tj Ihn lu'entlon of Catl. olios tj-- an i simitar .he Pi-oteitant. These 1 1 culara hays can.-ed n reign of torn., an 1 in. ni-i.-'s of the orgtii'7. .tiou are arming tl s nieivas to rep-;! th4 inv aiion of tho pope If tha i i voKt'.iraf is '.rilrr .1 it is eapeosd some sMatasshsaVS revels' KM I wt. I ba in ide cuifftnin tbi-new pnliti ul rgssisitinsi. .at, ..d .t. r,v hue l .isiiu s Stari'it'g Bssi tten in ihe Lsoeassi lCxpitsi. J.i a note th'a writer sast Is ia neuesssry togiye details in kjviog the facts, whic'n I shall en iloivor t.i prese-t as they actually o'lcurnd , I On. 1 "hoi I t down" thoign, as munh aa I cai', not to lose important links.. If you r not prepared for a shock, 1 Mould adviaa Miu tr, tead no further and ole-e vnurcsr i to all fcnesi , f.-r I tell V"J thi. .torv ui 1 soon ' uei'inii hot ami when th end o imei it will be like unto touching a lighted match toan accumulation ofxsssatiioient in quautity ta turu Peterson's Butte wrong tide out. panic 11 set in. - ' " .PZa m Jt .7 , ro:nc Indtcalcs slaaa hi rrputa'Jon . , II avana. Nov 2. The steamship Citv j gebcal chnrch of Waterloo e: a! ; fore- ,.-- 08ESS SHOE. brlssl Tbreissucha thing as ficli bus pros- No man i.. O eajon pubTSc at- Jg Me'fVnXlFnnSS'tfXl "'-V' "T ; of A teaancru llaaj to the Xw York clowr. of lien. Continued. , 1"", lib &1rfh, S0,$4X0er Jit,: UstevWUe-Uapttobe e"in so much .. our gosnor. S Pen- , t fine ,t Tded t UWti ,'dTce , J."'.,'': gn7T-W E Harden agt Wjljon i: Chase; re- tbSAn. ltteUcM oilwedbv.nurusufto.m. wl hare n0Ter To be the subject ct ,. Ik and d,s- j in ,he cw ,ni . j, .rv was asked for The .rtaSfajS BU"d ' j T E-LSff L SSLTfcSS sccustomeo ourselves to lock upon the H people ,a by those ho-'X'iuV: f "'Ji,,-T- p'b.'olv the mt! bro 1 to U, Jy early thu morning. ll T, T. M "S-T Paeta, government as a o. -care very c. M. p: 1 d oLden" otlfr The Chinese exclusion bill extending the time for the Chinese to register six months has passed the senate. It now awaits Ihe signature of the president. Report has It that when the prayer In the governor's proclamation reached a throne of grace the word was promptly sent back: "Tell Pennoyei to attend to his business :ind I will attend to mine." The total produ jtion ul .ilvo- in the word dn iog tho last year was placed at ti hun dred forly-tive million out.o's iroy, of which tb Uuited Statts produo-d sixty million ouuees, or upwarl of forty-one p r oent. ot tho wh I amouLt, The largest State building in the United States and ti e sevenll. largest building in the world is the State Capitol of Texas. It was begun in iboi and finished in lS88. It cost $3,500,000, and was paid for by three million acres of public land, deeded to the capiiallsts who In i ihe work don. April was the coldet month known to Siberia for many decaJjs. It was almost impossible to heat houses to a comfortable temperature, and water pouted out of a bucket in the open a:r froze bifore It reached the ground. The New Hampshire Experiment Kaim findt. tha' milk from the best cows costs one and one-half cents a quatt; from their poorest, four and one-half cents, as it costs just as much 10 feed the smaller producer. ... ,,, When will Governor remoter come out far the Populists? Just the very day he hoars that the PoDullsts have elected a majority ol the next legislature. Tl.en h a ill jump Into ihe miJule of ihe toid and declare that "me and Reeky killed tbe bear," and raise a bigger howl than all the naules from Oregon to Cape Cod combi ned. Katmers Journal When tbe repeal bill home as amended In the came up in the senate it patted the house by 19 J to 04 it! those voting ; for the bill 121 were democrats OS were i"tt . oS wtre republicans and I was a populist. Ol lliose voting against the t ill 70 were democrat. 15 were republicans and 9 were populists. t-. Bsjoi the governor reallr believe that the 1 1 . in - 1 I .1 . 1 1 .vc COIIUICB lut l.y III lui ncn ,cjisuwii ,,--,,,.,, .rt,A i ..... ....... . .. ... ...... j s0 1, high time l c were looking Irto : vrr question and IcvUUt'o. The ' 1 concress did no', leel.late at all ot the lnc 6ns.. wou... ..i..r W-VJ -w.x7 wik' -aa v - . il. ..1... .a . I i t ... a. i .. . ttaa eaMaa-ewi stll Tl.5 !i nil tft lomunl la. a. . . , ... w.ww.w e e. . s - - - ' 1" ,n Th.nLi.liEni, in in advinr. of r h' ' "e Prf'Jfnt. A democratic p-per ua New York at- .ti- viv-. s,.sv..w- ;-..-...,.. J , I iv , i ,ii, ti nuiliuiisr;! OX l VIIC -saaaaaaaaHsaaasaaaarr-I-- i tacked the republican candidate for serre- ' " ,oa PP ol ' coanty , . .. , . ' generally wii appreciate the crTart made br la. s of state on the ground that tx is the shetfff to get hh man. who is sadoubf decotator and painter. Thoa fool. If the edly guilty of ihe very eericus ctlme charg- democrat whom that pajr snpporls lor the i ame office has ool Ihe same or some other ; hooor,b,e ToclUjB u te dero,, ; j repub;ScJlri CM,a1(,,e ,v ; t,Mti We are glas. hoiaever. thai ( m mlg ,ne tSo ooo , .... - . . . , , enosgh " to ,uch , ,1 i , Cootrary lo iheopinaoa of very etuioeat ' powgisU Prol lioaacj tbtt glc- noexcavaUng action, and this " CIe" no " aciwn. ana loss ...... . ... ... ' Wm in ihe Swiss A'ps. He bad lollowed op manv of the valleys m Saitierland, aad the work of the glaciers in every should, he believes, be abrasive than erosive classed .s. .. - " " j abrasive than erost.e. la lb i.iiiti wa ow,ver. cl iLe eicsire ireoty il will be difficult to account for the present character of n.aoy of the locus cn the west crast la Ihe interior of Scotland. and The sicg log out of Secretary ol S'aie Geo W Mc Bnde for ro uncalled for persistent . newspaper attack is Ihe U'el freak. Salem j That Is because tbe Secretary is tbe oily j (Bin io that office who has ever asiumed to sfxerc'seactocrat'spwer it rt fusing al ow ' sny cne to examine tbtm. - Senator Cutloto of Illinois showed himse'f a mere demagogue al the final aJjauramer.t ol the senate bv savin . jt would be a cood mf S price of wo if congns would announce .u . , . . , . , , , , . and tariff. H mink the people are fools. r.very scnsmic inir.isier oi tne gospel coo- ducting Thank-ijising services wi'l see to It that Governor Pennoyer's personal hatred of Preside st Cleveland it not rammed down the throats of nis hearer. Capita! Journal. Owing to illness (ioverner lloiacr tolse baa telegraphed from hi horn eio Waterloo that he must can .cl all his engagements to speak In this rcmpaign. The bouse Committee on territcries has reported favorably on a bill for ,e admis- .ion of Utah to the union of s-a-es. Thanks. in i: 1 1 . auc uiiucii,iKuiii uewirv to At Si! ... uius puouciy exnreaui nis sineorv thanks ta the many friends who, with so much svm- pathy ami solicitude, rendered so much assistance during the sirknewi and funeral of my laelovetl companion. A .1 Hi'XT. "Tito.) aad -Dcr -vi.anpi aoj m(u u.'i.i tpvsri i icx asims w.ika "till un VI ni.Tr,,B nnsTDtw v i-s tue... i'heccu"' couitef Marion county ihe BLTLhR BLfthY. On Nov. 1st, 193, j Slateamarwjintl Journal are publirhtn ; ibe at the residence of the brides father, Mr S S proceedings set up In each case bi'tlie Buy, in Harrisbnrg, by Rev Harry Wat- former's type setter. kins, MrJ H Uutler and Miss Horencci To-nlgbt Hickry farm and R u b liusey, two isopular young people starting j IJI.motid will be the attraction at the out. with good prospects and the laest wishes j opera bouse under the management o'the of many friends. Albany amateurs. a live amateur entertainment. 8COTT-SMITII.-On Oct 31st, 189S, Two n;w Juslne hl)U8M ,re ouf:t at the residence of the bride's father, Mr It. Jefferson. They are a butcher shop David Smith, at Tali. nan, by Eldei SI'as j and a grocery store. Messrs James Curl Williams, MrChas K Scott, sjti of Ex Sheriff Sco't, and Misa Celia Sn.ith both of Linn county. Two of Linn countys popular young people who de serves lifes best blessings. They have the best wishes of a host of friends. on: ii. HUNT. At her residence, in A'.hany, Oregon, at 12:10 o'clock a. in., Nov. 2nd, 1893, Mrs Margaret C Hunt, wife of A J Hunt. Mrs Hunt, whose maiden name was Howell was born in W ashington county, Arkansas, February 17th, 1855, and was therefore 38 years, 8 months and 15 daVB old at the time of her death. She came to Oregon in 18118 and settled with the1 family in Clackamas county where her mother, three brothers au-j two sisters now resid . One brother lives at Cooa Hay and one In Kastern Oregon. She came to Albany in 1880 where ihu has sinco resided- She was married December lst,IS86, to A J Hnot who sur vives her, and by whom she beanie tho mother of one child, a boy about four fir old. Mrs Hunt was a member of tho M E church and was always zealous a, ul devoted in her Christian faith, ex emplifying on all occasions bv her daily walk the depth and power of her faith in tl - religion of Him who doeth all things wen. one was an earnest nnu uevoteil Member of Beulah Rebekah Lodge I O 0 ' V by which the funeral ceremonies were ! conducted. The funeral ceremonies ' j took place from the M C church at 2 j o'clock thia afternoon. j nOHK AID 4BK04II An exchange savs there are aooo vaciint houses in Portland and 500 In Salem. The number In Albany Is very small. Following U a Marlon county real estate sale: SRJeasup and wife to Santlam Lumbering Co; tract of land In Marlon county, $1,500. Today at Salem the sawmill of the Green rfaslu Lumbering Co, situated on the North Sanllam.wlll be sold at sheriff's sale to satisfy a laborers' lien. of $7oc held by Allen Smith. ThsBotton Her , Id tf Oct. 17th. in ita criticism if II- ...'. , m.., 1 !, . - ... , a , - tun, wan no reading dona in the whole pi timr or truer than Maud Hoffman a delivery cf tho I'layer Queen's wretched Hues. J V Lew's, a Josephine count v farmer, planted 500 pounds of spur's last summer and has just harvested 1 pounds as a result. That Is the way the Oregon soil responds to the industrious tiller. Abo-jtadozen Scandinavians, who ar rived here about ten days agofiom North DakotBj left for their oid home this morn ing. They were not satisfied with the country. Eugene Guard. A fair tised audience attendca the Lin- eratl concert last evening and were given a musical feast of merit Liberal! Is pre- eminent as a cornetist. Miss RInnc's solos were greatly appreciated ar.d Prof M vers Is an artist on the piano. Richardson, the "hero" Irain wrecktr, who is serving time In the state peniten tiary, has been boasting of his ability at a jail breaker, and the officials put or. him a boot loaded with Iron and weighing about sixteen pounds. 'I hi . la intended as an admonition to him and others like htm. Of the Whitman county tow is, Pullman will have the highest lax rate," with 361, mills. Rosalia Is lowest, with i6tf. Bal lard, Wash, has voted not to tax itself any farther, and Ihn leaves citv officials with no saury Insight. Albany with a max! mum tax of eight mills i not in It with such elites. In the suit against Sheriff Noland.of Lane county, Judge Fullenon overruled defendant's demurrer to plaintiffs com piaini aid gate defendant lerkiv it n.unctior, r,7Y .. 1 "" S injunction restrslnlng Ihe treasurer Pom patingthe warrants issued to the sherlif . ! , , L " P'"n s ; ...'ewaae. Hi t. U U'JtlU IU tbe ,umof$;i.toDavrroats.n.l diaKr-r. mei.ts and any damae-'es sust.ined bv de 1... .... k 1 -u V( MIU llljUll..llOn. An altercation Sunday afternoon tween r red Page Tuslln and It Par. - fcer ,n tne one side and W W Stewart. ; the bea'tle at'orncy. on the other, result- cu 111 ine arrest, avs the Boise City 1,u ,u,m:r ' Cl dia'urtitna' the pece. They were , yesterday fined ia eacn befoi e trie police magistrate. Tustin was once a resident 01 utnn coantv . Yesterday alternoon ;-;;, V'. I nine ur me v 'li.cst oetwerii nim and lite s ...A a-l-1 Iw-I I I i a.i- i "'6 ' mil lltriTIinn riciorrior!tcdcIrr.lan:anJhUMtorr"vt. j SrovouLt Gt9IU A fatt rtir. i at , . , mr ... . -iwojwpuij .-saerin Mm-tn Horn Si.trill Jackson. Ihi. morning, slated that Spoaogle nan oeen arrcs-ed and that lie wou.d be home with the prtaooer on Sa'.urdav . Th's 10 sgatas; mm. i a I HAT h c,,,meJ M, ood h 1 bu this is an old chestnut. smoking. Nearly every paper !n Ihe valley Is now u,in- ,h, titnesare improving maierUIir. ' The price of arhesi In Portland should ! "e :nce ol ue "wtland should " ' wc tm same as in san r ranctsco. uregan Irutt Is very P.-pulr la the East, j on account ol the World's fair. George Harper, of Georgia, has been appointed Indian agent at ihe Cmatilia i M Tbe populist who roteJ lor the repeal! of tSe tjherroan U Is receivm -riis" i geonerallr by populists. On the tenth of Nov the Orearon p.r. 1; al I si, HI'v n ...i i is. iu.i - i j wnui. I par roll and on Nor ieh v j-,. tatl pay the Mil lnerv. Mrs E II Turner Brink Furniture Store. Prices cut Call and sec for roursclvs. The Hi'-kory Farm, bv ihe in the In two. Amateur I'o Kr.,la nl.hi s. a.., i i live scenes. Do not mist'ii. A..,.. a i i . . , merrv-co-round Is lora!2d on t'i- public swam in front of the Court House, ! V 001 v to-morrow on a trip 1 Pitisborir; Pa., was rj i here toU after and all II costs l $ cent- a ride. , Crr,c,t county, by way of th- wajron roail. I ,,,. t resulted in a ictory for Smith. There Is one ticket in Ihe field for M.' t.i.i l... as- MlnnvdVs rl' rlmL. ,-r,,,,i.... ..... Mondav.W M Ramsev herds it for Mayor Olives In Bulk, sauer kraut mixed nlckles. chow rfwiw isaaSns. 'i i rlaked l.omlnv. and n.-w raisins 'a- c K Bmwnel's. An SiS round Irlp rate lo Ihe Mid- "Inter fair at Sar. Francisco lias been 1 j - . . ; axJ "c tire ! a.readv la effe;l. uxeu oy Ilae tlrecor "aclhr The a"p Is An exchange says: Whenever you nave a proposition to get something far i ncthlng, It w:l pay you to a .a aiound it bv !he furthrcsl nau'e. j At a hard times social in lial.aa bread and milk was a I there was lo eat. Kirad water would hare been ha'drr let. itreau ana milk is a luxury. We ate still selling! Dres em.', and Capes an J Jackets at greatlv reducei! prices c"l We Invite you to exam! the; Rc-.f. Peacock at Co stoods and nri.e. Kh.,nh Ita aw wm . . , f .--V. . MI J. nive.1 i tieau.y evening to pas on ibe j ' f mPocs on ihe government works, ! SxZU wT NeW" Wssrt, ,00 ... depcal ed i-, the city I " swaui j wear way 07 USUI Mcti aire a hnes met d out lo ihe deml n.ode . j Maker ft i be the w . Democrat. Which seems lo a good many cities do badness. T.iant solving proclamations are now In order - . bany Dcmoctat. This most certslal does not spply lo tiregon'a Pennoyer. The free silvery tones of his rr sclatpii-ion Indicate that It Is out of order Statesman. A in a month af:er the. merlins of and Pisnk Parrlsh are to be the proprietors of the former and Mr K I Ileam of tne latter. A man named Durkee, psss'ng himself off for a rich Eastern capitalist, has been arrested In Lane county for robbing a companion of $20 while asleep, now Is the time to keep ore's eyes open for pre tended capitalists. There are buyers going thiough Ihe country ti cr.age dried prunes at 7 and 8 cents p- pound, which seerr.s lo Indicate that ii cents would be a fair price for a fir:-l-class article when the markets get latrly settled. At cents there Is money In the business for the grower, but there is more at 10.- Port land pacific Farmer. Yesterday tne Dkmocr at published an Item from a Bakci City paper, inadver tently with no" credit giving an account f eeveral Crook county men receiving $11,000 in cash In checks cn Salt bake City. Yeatrrdat Mr A S-nders received a letter frorr Crook countv stating that checks bad been protested In Salt l.ake City, whether these are included In the numb-r Is not known . Wspa'o Lake, In Yamhill county, is a great hunting ground, fhe Telephone Register says. W K Martin and T J Mc Cart kllltd 155 jack snipe, Chinese pheas ants and one mallard duck last Saturdav on Wapato lake. One daw last week W A Howe and Chas Ladd killed 101 snipe n Wapalo lake. Hunters arc charaad for hunting on this property. Residents P'y 9' 5 "" ni -residents$5 per day for their pleasure. s.sTL'R'lAY A Salem paper refer to Tom Ksy as Ihe Wool King. The big wen with the Chinaman was in the oity to-day. an obnoxious sight, More fruit has been soid In Oiegon this year than excr before. 1 il .iL., . 1 . ,, , ,h.7rr v , r, 'Cm' the recelpla being $170. The Roseburg Review ! out flat footed lor Ho 1 J K vi'talherioril ol tins clly for uovernor. Oregon receiving the prUeat the World's fair for ihe finest peachen is certainly a gr ;at feather In our cap. Mrs Nellie Monteith and Mm W H Ray mond are in the City the gqestl of thi ir fa ther. Mr A 11 Mcl twain. J S Frost, of l'olk county, this year cleared $300 over a'l, Including family expenses, on 15 acres of land, devoted to potatoes. Pi of Wol tho blind vo'iniat, tx,Mtito fiive a ooonert in Alhaiiv assisted b local talent iu couple weeks: It will uudoublediy ) be quite a musical tr. -a. . !.rhannn'a rilv .i.-la Imt A ......a ! showing, yet Sclo can go soincbing better I ! still. She Is out ofdebl and has money i 111 inc ueasury dcsiucs, scio rrcsa. Wantrd Everybody 10 see the new Steam Ktdig Gallery li!i ealloiilnir horse. Running every af'trtsoon from 4 to 10. Opposite -ouit House A gentleman from Ihe East, who icccn'.ly at rived in isllver'.on. savs be lias located in 7S different places In the past 27 years. He says now be has f.iund just the'place he baa been looking for and will slay In j Silverion. The r-odtcs of Paul Oeder and Charles I AILce have been recovered from Ihe Wi!- 1. ,-- ., 1 a 1 t " ...... iiaii.v. 1 la 1110 . suppotd tr. have;bce.i dtored. eight In all. Sim Kenny, of Salem, will run a foot race with Trine, Ihe Spr'ngrield sprinter ! at tbe Eugene bridge tomorrow afternoon', ' at 3 o'clock. They will run 100 yards and Tiinr will be given 30 feet tlart. urfce ; not stated Eugene Guard. A game of foot ball ha. been .rrAnrad I 1 .1 t . i . . , ,Ur1 "a 1 ' m ' h Albsuv ti Th. ,m. .m 1 ..1.. . .1.;. on itur.w r -eit nfk on the An - m - . ' 1 J tar! CaaiVafs srcuide.-Cor.a.lui New. J: 1 I . . . W'U L9.' ho reoeatlv VOrch.ird th" hff!" "f ? rv b-.iraeea, has cone and !r,u-"'uk'p. a,WU s0k,W"?- aswsssj to nav .niww, u. .roi .0 ai'soy oy privasa UffCIIIIC" IDHinUiUV W Bill B, lilL'urlL (WlfaL s,.. . . ".11:. 't.. Far! Li lfrrrnc In 11- Smiwik!.'. ..... life do not show un very well for bi n. He i was mariled three times and car li wife ,iii .. , i. i .u,. ... i iwo In about a year' lime. Their lives were Insured; the first was paid. The last 7 year eld girl was inured for ajj-voo. ferida:.!. The position taken bv the de- ....; j" .... ' , . XtY the iVirT. Il - COr.-tJcfCli M tffCi! - m" . T - - ... toire and Whir r,CT. social ash Pfti- mi THVC5DAT Mrs Wm Fortnaillerand children bate returned from a visit So Portland.; 1 F Conn and Casper Vandran left this noon on a banting expedition beyond Eugene, at which city they were to bo joined by foot other Nimrods. IrCCKe!ley has returned from ibe World s fair. Ihe Doctor was on tbe ; ,hin d - " , .4, st f a- a Lien il came . na narrations of sight seeing I . . n . . . Mrs A D Morris it in Sc;o on a visit with her aged mother, peking about j 0d chsiix. Mrs Morris baa one that was a present lo her parents at their weddiog o 1S25. It baa been in Oregon almost j half a cenlnrr. John Deadmond went to Corvaliis this mornina. Mas Friendly of who recently assigned, owes Mr Head- ! ond and his brothers sbont H.SOO for ! loss, and Other narties alone th lrKrt- i . . . . . ' aw oirr a want rltw r.urnr tinara. raiDAT- Mr- Ida iloell is in Portland far ; days. Mr -md Mrs Jay Smith, of .Salem. haw Mr K IiaTi anJ slaughtwretarne.1 1 iur inm a trip to lac ncrw ? litr. I Jars 11 S as al lace. OI as::! mI Mr " " allace. of Salem, assvd : throtuth Alttanv last eveninz on a trio t. ' -Vngwes. J M Waters and wife, of Brownsville are i in the city. Thev liave iost Murne.1 frvaas I Boise City, wtierss Mr Water 5 are ; arrangexents to build a large flouring mill, int Christian rharch was itowuVs! ! lt ,'reninr at t,,;, rswption given tbe new 1 fc.a 1 J k Z - . 1 at. y SS V " ..-i , iiwt as c? v r. ".n-t is iivmunn. .in aii.ires or w,i- come wa delivered by Mrs Allierta belton McMurphey. which was iiappily issponhl to by the new pastor. Sevi-ral musical se lertiots were ramdered an I Iter I! A Hlair ..!. m m sr.... . 1. . .1 . . gramme wa over a social time wasenjove-l and nfowhmcnts serv-l. l u.-vne Hoard s&Tt arAT Mr mi. Mr, I! M,sV.nneII ret;inwl li,,. t """n from a trip to their Toledo ranrh. Mr Coll Yan Cleve. of tbe Tolclo P I i-is ...j. it .i 1 . ; -t 1 ixit i'ii - ii.-ii a r,a 1 ' . a s 1 a. irtiaiiw' 1 " ' - . . Mr and Mrs Lewis .ludson ami family haw gone to Albany to visit Mrs Judson'a mother for a few days Salem Journal. I r 1 01111 an 1 .1-; r andran returnwd this noon from a d.ivs hunt near Cobunr. lney maue a mom u will laae so;:ie live sh'ioting to espial, bringing home two ihvr. a" a 1 . . . . .w. . , . il l-.i potlllil Ctlli ts)ir. lltsaill illl- Ks .ml 2.1 oeleslials. The hunting was great and a ltter days sport is not often obtained. A pleasant drive whist party was given by Postmaster Monteith ami wifV on Thnrs ilay evening, proving one of tho social events of the season, nlaaut sixty guests lie ing present. Drive whist was the order, resulting in J W Cusick winning the gen tleman's first prise. C B Winn second, and W J Ortell the booty prixe; Miss Nina Parker won the ladies first priie. laora Vance second. Mrs H J Hopkins the liooliy pnxe. A delicious lunch seasoned the ! evening's enjoyment. A li'tta'r was reeentlv res-ive.! bv a m-n- ' tleinaii in this city from t'arl Lindsay, who will l.e remembered as a student at the Willamette university years ago unit as a page during one session of the legislature. He has lie?n elected county attorney of Santa Cnu county, Cal. During the cel ehrated trial of the allegail murderer, Neary . in Uiat city recently concludeal, Lindsay, single-handeil, secured tho acipiitrl of N'eitry. although he had pitted auaart him several of the ablest lawyers of that section. -Salem Independent. A Slate t ml l p. DOWMIBVUU, Cal. November I. A lone highwayman held up and robbed the stage running lietween llowcievilte and Sierra City yesterday. He took Wells. Fargo & Co's box. but it was empty. The passengers were not molested. hekk I'.iker Bios, grocer. F. M. Krenoh keeps railroad time. Buy your grocerirts of Parker Bros Piae groceries at Conn & H.ndrioaon's. .sew oream oheese just icoeived at Conrad lyers. M P .1 Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, doea tirst class work. Smoke tbe celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. Dr M II Ellis, phvsioian and aaroson Albany, Ore in . country . ('alls mats In oit):or My fall line of MACINTOSHES and OOS iAMKRS, inoluding manynovilkie f aale. for laaier, uussi ud children, it now S K Young. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. UoimI Prospects: Washington, Nov. 3. "The adjourn ment of this long-to-ta-remembered sea fion of congress bring with it a great ,.....,. a 1 : t ' a 1 ir 1 1 1 "i;uoc oi 1 circa remnor v ooruetn u"i hen asked for an interview, and with tho above s,atemont h(. began it. Continuing, ho siiid: "Ve met aniid!-t the crash of huiiiness disa' rs, bank failurei and all the dis tress d incidents of one of the worst finan cial panics ever known in this or any other country. We adjourn with quiet business circles and a fair degree of restored con lidence prevailing in all parts of the conn try. It will, of course, take time for the various business Dunuits to fullv recover I irom tne overwhelming linancial shrxk and tho depression which has alllicted the 1 leeoatr for the last sir months, but sims j of hoa thy Improvement are now viable on j every band, and good omens for ihe em- ployinent of labor come from all quarters." I 1 " Tboae Sosnlnauaas. Wamiiinoton. Nov. : Tbe fwnale today , confirmed James K. Roosevelt secreUry "WW" at London, and rejected that of Henry C C Astwood. of New York, to be the consul of the United States at Calais, France. Mr Astwood is the colored man against whom a fight was made on account of his having lieen mixed in the BMn Pinkstone incident in Ixmisiana. at which time he wan a retiulilirn Amnnir the important nominations that lapse by rea son of an adjournment are those of Horn I blower, to be associate justice of the I supreme court, and lio1ert K Preston to be director of tbe mint. Sufailae laa II, Wamiisotos, Nov. 3. Quite an excite- .'. 4.--.T". . 1 , meat was crcaUd on the streets Ibis morn- UKBl wui IIC11CU 'Jll INC HiCdl. lull nmrti- ; Ing bv the anncuiiceinent that a craolt had attempted to gain entrance to the White! ,,ouie "i;b avowed intention of ass as- j -tlng Pieshent Cleveland, and that he rre.ed and taken to jail. I T,,ro,iB Pto'e gathered around the Wouse aurl jail trying to gel a glimpse of tie crank. Al bo:h the V bre House and n'-hi: knOW" 0 Xhs I A Trala Meat! t p. Little Rcc k, Ark., Nov. 3. The fast express train 00 tbe S:. Lout., Iron Moan .atn ft Southern road due here at 2-ta a m was held up and lobbeJ by seven m isked men al Orphan', Ark., at 10 o'clock to- nisrbt. Cond actor I I' McNalt was she 'nJ,kille! Wiaen the train stopped at the stanou tiso men jumped on the engine an : ri-iwr-S "-, -i-ytuft- ar.f! I.ri.i.n t fc " I'TZl . . -a .1 s . ... uiemiu uie cipirs c, . sonoucior .n..- Nallv ihi f.r Imt I., wr.a .,nf ! and silled. The robbers then overpowered the metser.c-r an 1 loolcl the car. after! ki-s k. 1 ,r. ers. and at ibe paint of a aualrti relieved i all Ihe passcngeia of their valusb'ea. that an explosion ctirred yesterday after noun on board th? steamer, and that soon . after she was bom ing Eerceiy. Tbirtr-five people were drowned. Site Orca PaelSe Sale. CoBVALua. Xot. 2. The execution di i retting tbe sale of the Oregon Pacific was ' placed in tbe hands of the aberiff this ; morning. Tbe sale was fixed for Friday leor.iber 14. A deposit of ftJOO.OOO in rotcey or certified checks is mj aired, tbe j same to be applied on tbe parcbae cf the ! sale it confarmed. aa MiSwr lad tr irtl ; Poet Tow'sem. Nov. 2 After 15 ; days in (session, tbe grand jory coccluded ! its IVoors today by indictins N W tHear. ' now editor of ibe Morning Leader, and s t'ari M. Sweeney, both ex -clerks of tne auditor oce. rn chargw forgery. Orear i "-' tuwrwu. vn m iwuuj Mx rewpie KlITt-d. , New York. Not. 2. A boiler in tbe stables of tbe Drvdock. Kast Broadway i: ! Battery Surface Pilway Company, at i4th Z. X . --,, It miJ33m. 1 Vl 'ay canaing death and destruction. The; section of tie boilding in wfcich the boiler wa located collapsed. The boiler new' t fIWf trTt n'1 tbe double t leneaKasx. it rtaw TtrvT atr.vr If ar, et building wa str-sbed us and throe men were instantly kilis-i arsd nearly a score were injured, ss-tvral cf wbx a hav since - - - dical. ran Baaaalwc- Y . Nov. "2 Tae twj- asUSJkl mile foot-race fcr a rarse of $.") and the chaanri'afaJ.s r,f ira- world lstapn Smith. I li .rr T r , i- ... -, i at thi. citv an.! M s innand of I who won easily in i'-'U tinishm? fuilv 1 sh.i s,.n pan r in i- i-.: finishing ruliv . Aa) varda ahs-ad- The I .-t niile was made .. in j I. .atat-f Mee: l..w. vr s XT.-ii --- - in a airo of tims Th rana is f'srlaivj 3 to be the tact that Pr.-siilent Hippo! te isj j morally bound by a sevret treaty to cede l the Mole St. Nicholas to the I'niied Stats. , ) 1 l s a - s , rs 1 1 i 1 ' mm UUI iif ia uisp.wil io IU uii uis sxc traci. provitietl sSaS niter win assist mm ajrainst the revol: which ni 'y be occasioned tberrly. A hatsartrrtsltr rrws-:asatlwa iaiJTIf, r. Nov 1. ,ovenor 1 eniwtor j 1?ard ,hu Thanksgiving protlama , , " . .L r -.u -n j 1 do liereby appoint the fourth Tours - ly of tbe present month as a day -if 10 xnoitroiy t.i ior me , u:mMDai ne aaas BBsaawasi urn tr,ts com . ... . . 1 . u 1 s .1 . . . .. miwiui iwwaa irwsnt year ou as nueeo. tiecn most tseneticent to vMir t to our and ill- tlnl.a aara.I I .,a a 1 ; 1 1 i i jnuajtH ano in- i made gold aione full legal tender monev. : has so dwarfed and paralyzed business that j the bounties of providence are now denied rt'.,-..! v iii-?-i i..i . , v 1 ji I, .il. nil. inu : J? nunuresis ot itiousanas ot people within ,b national domain, who are not only l,"l' s'jment. out nxe aasti simuui 1 I ,n wssSW of procuring focxl. raiment or I l,AnA SWS.2C. .1 .1 t , I I " -"-. nirivn're. uie i.m-sij'.e 01 1 'n-if. n re urn ir.inKsio i.ol lor bis co.1- ness. 1 do most eaxncstlv r-x -.Mutih'nd that I they shoti d devoutly implore him to dis- 1 II.IW t .1 .. . ...I ll.j . n j . ,( ,1... . .... -. "...v. .- .i.l i ' u, 1 ! .ill; I nited Stales to secure tbe restoration of diver us f ti 1 1 legal tender mooev. in accordance with the policy of the fathers of the republic whereby our industries may be revived, and tbe Oonest toi'ers of the land mav procure their daily bread, not as alms, but as tho reward of tneir labor. The Bill l-.rpnr.l. Wasiiinotxis, Xcv 1. Si'ver purthases by the governn-.ent ceases! today. The ,.,.r.v,... I .. .. I.I..1. l'l.,,Jii.l..,l,.,l,..,..,..v... ....,,.-,. ,. ..III. .1 M-..III.1I., II II i.i.HII-.. in extraortlinarv session was accomplished at 4:25 this afternoon, when he affixed bis signature to the bill to re;e.vl nncondition nneondilion. ally the purchasing clause of tbe Sherman law. Only 27 men could be rallied for tbe last stand by the silver leaders. The vote stood 19-'t for concurrence and 94 against. When ihe original bill passed the bouse. August 38, the vote stood 20i to 100, so that, although the total vote today is small er, the ptopurtion is practically the same. A Tkeasantt lulled- Losnox, Nov, I. -A special dispatch from Cape Town says the troops under command of Major Foibes and Jameson, administrators of the British South African Chartered company, occupied Bnluwayo after several lights in which the Matabeles suffered heavily . Tue first fighting occur red between Hope Fountain and Bultiwayo. where the Matabeles hod centered their force. Tho Matabeles" loos is reported to exceed .1000 killed and wounded. Ali Mashona'and reports confirm these stories and agree that Matnbele power is utterly 1 .r. 1 1.-. .1 . broken . Will Be ae raatfusarniral. A Fatajroisoo, Nov 1. Notices are Ksted in the offices of the Oregon Pacific iilway Company announcing the positive sale of that road, together with the steam ship Willamette Valley, lVceruber 15. D K vaughn, ueneral nirent of the com mm y here, announces that purchasers are ready to buy the roid, and so soon aa the sale is consummated an additional steamer will probably be put on between San Francisco and Yaimina and tho railroad extended farther east. 'fuoairr.os'a Glove Fittino Cosskt, cne - of the moat favorably known lines in the market, with extra lone waists, are far sale ! & K Yoi no. j I later IT OfRT : ' lliitnon k Hantiam Canal Co vs South ern Pacific Co. Continued. Henry Amrrierman TF4M Ins Co; re covery money. Settled. Santiam Lumbering Co vs Frank Wood; recovery money. Judieut as jjer stipula tion. Harrisbnrif Water Power Co vs M B Sehrxrling. Verdict for $150 for plaintiff B W Smith vs Minnie E .Smith; divorce. ; Continued. W S Denham vs L A Woodle et al; fore closure mortgage. Contiunel. W S Henham vs L A Woodle ct al ; fore-- closure mortgage. Continued. Q L Calavan va Rekafll Ititrict No 22: ' recovery monm- lodgment for plaintiff for 9l, for defendant for . wts. iiarri.K,,, tar.t.. i nss. ,j y y Mendendall . 10 condemn rtarM 0 wav Nonavit on rnoiion of plaintiff, , . . . .. . reon " ,rel g " lifr ilaburg Water Power Co: to enforce in junction. Defendanj discharged at co.t OI ,,ale and rciaior. rmt National Hank of Portland ugt i.inn Oninty National Hank; recovery money. Continued. Archie Gardner agt Wm Logns et nx; to Fannie Neff agt Joa V Neff; divorce. ! Granted without costn and name changed ' to Fannie Schmidt. Annie Vulgamore agt Arthur T Volga "tore; divorce. Continued. City of Albany agt A A Haw ley; re covery of money. Judgment for defendan City of Albany aj;t H M Keller. re-( covery of money. Judgment for defend ant. City of Albany agt W II Vvarner; re- " . . , - coer O,mone?- lodgment for de.encant , City of Albany agt Cliter Skeela; ; recovery of mont-v. Jadgm--nt tor defend ant. Frank Zimmerman agt John Bom- etech ; to eet aeide attsch ment and for damages. Continued. Lizzie Blakely va Cbas A Blakely ; di- vorce. Coo ir.ued- H P and Mary Milier agt I J.' and L A Woodle ; recovery money, attachment, i ! t-'ontinaed. j Crassn & Menzies atrt Harry Wilson; j recovery money, attachment. Referred o II C Watson and continued. : r,nv.n a lEaaaaiaa mm t W;i.,. A f-i.-.. . 1 reco.erv money, atUu-bmeot. Referred to ,j c Wateon and continued. Kicltard A Kulnerford a" Hannah t SXO therford; divorce. Nonsoiton mutioo flfnt-:n.;ir I Khswart et al agt Southern Pacific K B Co ; possession personal property. judgment and el ianiaiTes. ! W J Brwe & Co agt W ilson & Cbase: foreclosure lien. Referred 10 HC Watson W A Schooling vs E E Comever et nx. Continued- " I G A Whitney vs J L and ;BeTt7eC?ow. judgment. Adjoorned nntil Monday. Ada L Anderson s W E Anderson : i application to modify decree. Argued.' Decision Monday. Milton Hale vs Bank of Oregon et al: ! foredosore mortgage. Motion to strike ont part of complaint soaitted. Judgrneat as j.-r . .p.. . C H Stewart et al agt W J Brace A Co. posett:ori raerrorjal rarorserlr. Verdirt I J after trial, lor plaintiff. "mm A sinirie xbraTteen-aurp hon rant imoft this sexaaran into Polk conntv t.:. .. and raeitesj ns owner a larger profiL perhaps than was derive.! from ihe largest wheat farm in the couctv; and while the wneat srviwrTs are waiting for a market, this man has sold his err p. raid his debts.and has a neat balaare to his credit in tbe bank Journal. Governor I'enraover has set Nov 23 as the time for tbanksanvin?. President Cleve- a nata the old custom has ' X .- -an . 1 , . m , r ... - . j , . i..- ...... i . ir.AT n: izw month. It is safe to predict tiy people will .consider the PrrsitiVnts message first, it always having been the custom f.r the President to Srst i&oe hi prorlaaiati''n and the governors of the i-tate foilow. 'neccet will with to Ve thankful on tbe aSaSM day as the 'iiher states. orvTnir Pennovers titan ksxrivinir nroc iamation is attracting general attention. It . win continue tne pvrwral rvrantataon 'rv - gon s snajsnK ba of Is'inir .-niaarr. It j probabae this is the Srst irtan-.n? in which politic, wm ever ran Into a tixaiikaajriTiag- I IwBCaSsassSaasi. Hardly a single vjmraiaint of 'slow col - iestions" have Isvraheard sofarthis uioxtth. '. .ilectirans have been reported much above wL. -. - - . a . 1 1 ' '-s.' mum a i . 1 u. ina saar tst swawa rnonurs. inerauoati c'cao- ; ion then, is that moos-tary natters are gradually getting batter, .ind this is most weacorrat; saews to isersajn in ait buaniiws. It is rum-ired that the bank.- have begun lend ing tnoasry once trsorre. Salem Independ ent. ' Willamette vallev peopie are better off - man in mcs-t ss ti. ras i4 tbe world. let - "see. 1 1 We bad a hie Isaa crop at big prices, j heat r a all sated, our fruit crop was i our v i ..: saved. CHIT tTUlt crop ; a suet :ir?e.-fi . a STKrwa and we itave no silver mines to be anecteu. in tfteru Washington and - w -... j x all lost, thsv have no bops or fruit but twenty of silviv mines: while the rate of interest would stagger a 20 per cent bonus ti,-,....., 1 -,,.. .11.1., Mia ....... ! If tlv hare anv wheat thev get 10 to 15 nents less ier bushel thin in this vallev Among the things sen at the World's fair are an l8kMQ rlock. ln PaUv"s chair, a 17.iV.J cate. a 2fi tn block of coal. John Wesley's emit a glass umbrella, tbe May IMPS! Bible, hue worth tlOOO a vartl.'a ! tll.sscl ntijnM, a tree 26 feet in diameter, one of (Hailstone's axes. Orate Darlings life boat, tea worth $17' a pound, MNyBM worth of watches, a 900 year old dwarf cedar, a IkO.OOO pound chunk of salt, a saOO.OOO Siaanish vase, a 12 ton lump of alum, a 8IMW0 cow. 20.000 pound ,-heese. a $100,000 necklace, an 12 pound Chegon salmon. Miles Standish's clay pipe. l"th tvnttiry vases, the first umbrella brouirbt to I IL. IT , . I . ... ... . V i saie c . o.. a piate glass ixn lnclies. a I1C ., ?wo a"',05-',aff to? stil1- f?- ! ,,n " l""onua in& asnawi containing ' -" Miu-iars. Mine- LW VKtr IVil iin. The Portland horror has been the main topic of conversation . The public gen erally wishes to be indignant against some one in reference to the matter, and i are trying hard to place the blame One S paper proposes to make the city of Port-1 land, which owns the bridge, responsible, ! unaiiw viiniaa as uos strung enoug ti to atop the car. Spokane owes a municipal debt of 2,200,000 or a total per capita of T76, or $380 per family. Comparing these fig ures with the city of is found that the total indebtedness of the conso lidateU city, including water bonds, in 1802, was f 1,445,000 or $lti per capita. The total interest eh Portland on its municipal indebtedness j exclusive of water, was $30.132. 25. The 1 al . . ' totai interest cuarges ol Spokane, exclu aive of water bonds, is $66,400, including street grade warrants. The per capita on Portland is 30 cents, Spokane $2.r4. Ex. A well-known young man at the college called at Howell's jewelry store yester- I day morning and left a watch that he 1 said for some reason wouldn't run. The I jeweler opened the cases and there, asleep on the running gears was a thina r,l-a. wSlI w - that Howell took to be a woodrat, and was aoout to smasii u wun nis mallet, when the youth made a dive for it and made off with s lock of hia tootsey i, ,,.vt.,n' Li. Tha ma.r.:... S is T , ni tnanv ss nasir. i nc inni ii uinrv a r i na i wat."h at onre nroeeeded lo hnam Corvallia News. " How good digestion wait on appetite. And health on both: 1 tolene Cottoieac Cot toko txtolerx Coetokae ( v.iiln :oolie iColtolene Orttolen ' rrttoloe To assure both the above eds, gofld, wholesome, palatable food is iemaaded. It is next to impossible to present a sufficient variety of appe -tiding bills of fare fur our meals with- out a liberal alloiejuice 01 pswrv joo other food in which shortening is v quired. How to make crisp, healthful, digestible pastry has nuzzled the cooks. A difficulty in all good cooking in tne pas na ucc lard. Always fickle, never uniform, roe 'caw oe most unwholesome lard hasatway lien the bane of the cook and M -re o!sucleto "good digestion. COTTOLENE r-., 1 miAlene tjMumeue ijoaaax im L'M'Atnc Ctmaieot jrua tf2SliiSCS! rrmes now into popular c c favor as the new shorten in? better than e-en the Cor Cot! best of lard with none ot , .ra s oujecuuuituac 4 ties. And COTTOLENE f.omes attenaea oy wmi APPErne mo health; Grocers sell it all about. cruse a tx substitutcv W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE ncA'sV- Oa jes wear bwib? W scad la seed try a pk, best in tho rortd. Star Bakerj Cor Br a4ttlai and Firwt t CCKFD MEYEB, PSOPRlEiOB. asasatc-wl rretts, fclasssar. Urled Frails . Tobssces). Hsigmr, (sflee, t avatar' Qoreuxwar. Vege'.a jle Clear Ssrice. Tea. Lit.. at : :-.r asfs aat tLl.L, KINDS OF PFOBUCE 1 ! M ! - J I J !' ! Caveats, end T n Ae -' s: is btaiwwd.andall Pxi-j T t - .. ii ii l mm.1 f -,a si si mmrmr aTrs- areas S Ovs"otrctuC:-tl sTpa-rrwr Orrwr. isi we oaaseenre rates: ic .eiau. e -asia. - - A . I is I r.i oei. lirswg r i3L. wLtk Oesacrtp- rios. We -tisc if patesasls or wot, tree ot ! ciirce. Otarfoeaotccet-rwlaaseaaww a wasreMccT. ""rlow to O tfiaua lal wl a. w cost d 13 tie U. S. aaad saarcasaosaaaa seat free. A'ess. n. aa.SI.OWtx.CO.: ' 1 Owe. waTTWT orr cc. wssmiwctosi. o r tmmwwwwmmfwwwwttmtm ississssssvj o. Ms iFarland, Harness-and -Saddlery Display in the Door ARE YOU a newspaper wtv sr. anttwr, artist, pnbUaVasr cr at s artaswr r II you are, er Interested In any ii the above. TJ shouisl reast TrIE JOUF i A LIST. DO YOL want I a reach the above 7 Thu S'lverttse in Tax: JornxAusiT. Sa-m rlpth n s.cs). rtau. Ave ' i,in ".airs oa appiicaUoa. At.L'v.N rORMAN. Mass and Proprietor. NassaC Stmsi. XxwTobk.J.T u: REVERE HOUSE .LBANY - ; 9RECi AS. PFKIFFFR r0PklKTUK Gladstone has A dear Head (WHY? Because be follows these rules: "Keep the head coo!, the feet warm, and the bowels open." You can have a clear head and live to be ninety if you do the same thing. When the bowels fail to move dar ing the day take on retiring two Smith's SmmiU Bile Beans. Their action is so mild that yon are not aware of it. AH day yourmind will be clear and cool. "Not a gripe in a barrel of them." Ask for small size. Take no substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans! N. K. rAIRBAMK 4t CO., S ST. LOUIS and iNj 5 2.25 JM!I-7S felrBa boys I ACADEMY OF lad; of Perpetual Help