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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1893)
Kifl mo era VOL XXIX. Entered at the Hos oilier nl Albany. Or., a Second-Mass Mall Blatter; ALBANY,ORLGON, AY. OCTOBER 27. 103. TITatS 41 StTTIse.r.bli.taer. aaa PnrrkUm SO 11 Book anil Job Printip LEGAL BLANKS, BRIEFS. Commercial Stationery And Artistic jWedding Carda &C IN THE LA.TEST ijORRECT STALES, rything First-olassand De livered on Short Notice. SMILEY, ((! PA'ROKiZt; ana THf FARMERS & fflMTS INSURANCE Ctt alsaesasy, i(Km, l-'rtMddea'.. J I. COW AS. Treasurer. Geo niRKCTOH I ronaii leo F Si:apou, iV K 0 J iist Dtsraaot several Solid Eastern and Foreign Goipieb The Oregon Wltniti home SA1 . jSIftC- - - -ie Gray Block, corner Liberty anu MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts ljear Saleroj Will sell o. 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 jr ere small cash payment lore time ov. balance or particulars. f Oregon State Normal School MONMOTJTH,? OBBGQN. - .... - - or, ine oiriraz rroies-rai s.onal and academic courses, and well or-of eanlzed Model School for Practical Train-! nz of teacher. Norma!, Advanced Nor-I mi,Buslnes,Music and Art Department. Beautiful and healthful location. Light expense no saloons. The Normal has enjoyed a steady growth during the past! tatar, reaching an eniollrr.enc of ever 400, te largest In its history New members lwve been added to il.e appir ata supplied, and the course o! stud; re vised and strengthened. 1 he grad istesl -PvTETe X of the UK LEADING NORMAL SOtlOOLIitiations. Tuition. Normr J StS-i re in demand to fill good positions. 7hePart& ot tn State, twelve miles from the tflptoma entitles the holder to teach in anv sounty in the state without farther exm-l Address, P. V, CtnPllELL, Pre., NEW : FURNITURE, MY STORE ISNOWKULL, OK FIE8T cf bedroom set, chair, Icasg, ate., BOTTOM ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor .WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed POSTLAMP, OKSOO. A. Open sJl the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. X5 A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. nr. I.KAOIHG PnOTOURAPflKlM, "H0" -sJaaay eregsa ALBANV.OH, ijjsriTUTiaxs.- Orc - oni J O wRl'ivlAW. arjewtvarj' F SIMPSON. Vico Prasicnot. l B Uoatail-i.M. ijuraMr. jl'.WIC Ita art. i 0 Wntiaasaii. aqexts roa. ! Land Co office si. - OZRilOlK Slate ttrect, btaneh office ;n PUiw 15 per term 10 weeX;, : Suo-.Norrr la c net nr t-rm I . , 7" 10 weens; Business. U k ner term Board at Normal Dinm? Hall- 4i.7 ner week. Rooms from 50c per -week (un furnished) to $1.00 and ?i.ic. furnished. Board and lodein In vrir. ,te fa nrflies.$t. so to $4.00 per week. Tuickn,bord,:odgiog and books lest than $150 per year. Con ervatry of Music. Thorough courses are offered in vocal ami instrumental mu- Mc. Tuition 10 rer term nf m 1mii Monmouth Is easily accessible from all State Capital.sixtv miles s-;i.ihnf Portland Caulogutg cheerfully sent on application. or . RHEBD, See of Factnllv. - CLAS8 FURNITUf. COKSlSTi'KO which I will sell at PRICES. Thos. Brink. P. AkXSTKONO, I'klMCIPAL. Cabinet photc.s from Sl.o to ft, 1.00 . ... a -1 , . . r j'v. u,,rii. iviuajging picture a r .specialty. irjxao crayons fran led tor $10.00. We carry a laree stc ck of sS and sterescon views ot C 'r- Orkook'a Possibilities. What rapid immigration could do for Oregon was il lustrated by Mr F J Atwootl, of Omaha, who was In Portland en routi to Victoria, and was interncwe.1 uy a t'oriuwu leloirrum reporter: 'if you ronld only start such an influx of people to Oregon as came to Neb raska between 1SN iiiitt 18SK you would soon have 1,400,000 people here instrad of 4'XUXX). 1 well reinemltor when Nebraska did not have over 2;0.000 inhabitants, and we thought that we were doinc verv well Suddenly a wave of immigration seemed to roll in upon us. and our barren prairies be- eame subdivided into farms, village were started at everv crossroad, small towns be came cities, and railroads were bulk in all directions. This kept up until we leached and passed the million limit, and not droughts and hard times come on in another wave, we would now boast of over '2.000,000 population. My point is this: Oregon u way abend of Nebraska in resources, variety of products and diversity of climate. Where Nebraska supports one man in creditable shape, Oregon con support two.. The valley of your bia river, watered by abundant rains, and Eastern Oregon made to blossom by irrigation has a capacity of holding without crowding .VOOO.OOO people. AH you require is to get the myriads of fanners in the central west and east to appreciate the opportunity here, and they will come. There should tie ready an abundance of re liable information, reirulated by state statutes, telling them where they can get gooa nomes and make an honest living, i speak frankly when I say that more injury has been done by men coming back to Neb raska. Kansas and Iowa, who were sadly disappointed and inhospitably received, than by any other influences. Their stories are gladly printed in tiie home papers, and families about to move conclude to stay where they are." Death ok I). Van Horn. A dispatch from Hepner last evening, received by Mrs. ! Van Horn, announced the death of her husband, the weii known piano tuner, who had bsen doing business through Eastern Oregon for several weeks. He was taken with fever at Hepner and only lived about a week. The deceased was born in New York City July Uth. 1837. He descended from the best of the old German families, having genuine Knickerbocker blood. Mr. Van Horn located in Portland in S78, and came to Albany Xye or six years ago, being in the grocery business at one time. His Wines though has been piano toning, having ffrst woiaeu in a piano 1. ic wry. ne was use best known amoug the tuners of Oregon. His death will be regretted by a large circle of friends in nearly every town in the whole state. Further particulars are that he was taken ill on Saturday last, but was not considered dangerous until Wednesday. DrCorneliu?. his brother-in-law, of Portland, was with him at the time of his death. His remains will be brought to Portland Snnday morning and intered at Rrverriew cemetery- Miss Cornelias came nn Friday and took the family to Portland on this morning' train. Challkxoks tui; Wou. Dr Jay Guy Leitis, general superintendent of she Oregon exhibit at the world's fair, has issued the following: Whereas, under the present system of awards some dis satisfaction has been expressed and that each s'ate and county may have a chance to enter into friendly competition, the slate of Oregon, through it legal repre sentatives here, challenges the world to compete on the following terms and con ditions: Apples, embracing thirtr or more varieties shall be the frait entered. Each state or county entering ahsJI de posit $100 with C U Wriiht.superintend- eni of pomologr; judges to be appointed as follows : Each state entering to eelec" one judge, they to select one or two as the case may be, so that the number of jurors shall hie uneven in number Col Brackets of Iowa, h acceptable to the state of Oretron as committee on nomen clature. Money collected as e trance fee to be used by some one 'selected by the states entering who sha'l have a suitable medai made to he given state receiving highest award " K Crctostc Tio. At the recent grand lodge of K's, of P at Heppner. Hon S W Hare. 1' M at Astoria. Hon W T Hume, of Portland, and Hon Jeff Mvers. of Linn and Marion counties, are said to have made a a rent trio, sort of a cyclone. W hile there the W C T I" gave a big supper. The three men ate together. Hume and Myers hnL-becl hr-t and told the vofcnsr ladv waiter that Hare would settle the bill, which he did at a cost of 02.00. Soon after Hare asked the paivilejre of anctitmina: off a couple bouquets. A job was pot up and one bouquet sold to Hume for $'2..V).tboag4l he nal not bid at all. He gave a piaea in payment, which Mr Hare generously Kaid was all right and no change was needed as Hume would be a candidate for comma. The other bouquet was sold in like manner to .Myers for Si.W, and the bill footed. Thus the Astoria P M got ahead of the two Hon', and a good cause was helped. Bak Bali.. Yesterday afrernoon a game of baae ball, live innings, was played between the College' and public school clubs. The batteries were Thompson and Bentley for the public school and Irving and Turner for the College The score was 7 to 5 in favor of the public school club. We are requested by M Turner, manaipr of the College club, to issue a challenge to the public school club fcr another game on I Wednesday evening of next week, no one to play who has not lieen an attendant ot either . school for at least one week. No outsiders to play. The Bio Steers ix Trouble. The O regon City Courier says : The two colossal Durham cattle that arrived here a few months ago and are now at the Portland Exposition, are 111 trouble localise their reputed owners, the Walker Bros all the way lrom Missouri, have lst:n living N yond their meant. Timmons, an old soldier from Arizona, wants the slow he sank in "dem red steers." ami Mr Moffett of this city, and others have planted money ill tllOBl- A Bio Loss. C W Washbume'j large barn on the home place, just Ibis side of Junction, burned last night. About 3000 bushels of gram, 0 horses, sever! sets ot harness, and a large amount of hay were lestroyed. Loss will aggregate from $4000 LO fcoOOO. The fire was discovered at iuid- ngiht but bad gained such headway that nothing could be saved. It is supposed to lie of incendiary origin. No Insurance. Guard. Ax Obkgon Cfto?. Born, eight pig one year ago, twe've pigs seven months aso and eleven pigs two month 1 ago, to the same white China sow, the property of Lee Henkle. After feeding them on 45-cent wheat only two weeks, tne eight pigs were marketed Mondav and brought IG4.85. With $04.85 cash on hand, twenty-three pigs and the original stocs rho can nv that crops ever fail in Ore- I gon, and that hog raising don't pay I Times larked Soccess t'ts iimulsion in consump ryfula and other forms of fi II Icf S tiOfl, iit-n;iitary disease is due to its j OcveriuMood properties. Scott's Emulsion rapidly creates healthy flesh proper weight. Hereditary taints develop only wlien the '.; litem becomes weakened. 1 Nothing in the world of medicine has Been so successid in dis eases tnat are most menacing to life. Phy- cv&r sitcr Prepar! I'y Scott. U?wi. 111 4lllSl1iW To aid Digest km take one Smaflflile Boa after eutlns". SW. per bottle. Leiianos. The Slocum theatrical comp any, who have been stranded here for a couple of weeks, got off yesterday. Humphrey has ren'ed the Holt property, and movec d to Lebanon. He intends goini ooinir into business here this winter ing of opening a feed store. 11 iid is think- A petition is being circulated at Water loo asking W D Co to start up work, in order that people may earn enough to keep them thioug the winter. This is a serious matter with a good many people in thai place. A public meeting was held Satur day evening to discuss the matter. Last Sunday evening while Hon E R Skipworth was attending the services at the Southern Methodist cbun,S3me sneak thief stole an eight-dollar umbrjlla from hun, wnteti ne mm left in the vestibule. Miss Kmma Tivev returned home Satur day from a visit of a couple weeks in Silver ton and A I!. any. W F Chose and wife have taken up thpir residence at Holsey. Mr Chase being prin cipal of the public school at that place. C M Charlton and familv left Saturday for a visit in Salem and Portland. H aviiifr disposed of their interests in Heppner. they may not return to that section. Advance sr. Express. As Old Diary. A man whose wand. motucr was a cousin of Duncan M'Doiurall, one 01 ine rounders or Astoria, writes a Salem man that he has in his possession the diary of Duncan M'Dougal from September 6th. 1810. to October 28th. 1813. Mr M Dougal. who died 111 Montreal in 1618, was one of the partners of John Jacob Astor in the Pacific Fur company and was one of the parties who sailed from New York City on September 10th. 1810. for the mouth of the Columbia river and founded the citv of Astoria, Or. He was empowered by Mr Astor to act as his proxy and is frequently mentioned in Washington Irvim;' "Asto ria." His ring and the trunk he carried with him on the voyage are also in posses si on of the living descendant. The diary gives a run account ot ue voyage from New lark to the Columbia's mouth and also of all the events following the landing and up ace in uc-iooer, ipia. A Mariux Co. Case. The suit of Geo W Edgar et aj vs D W Edgar, in the circuit court, to set aside a deed to 320 acres of land occupied all the forenoon with arwu- ments to the court Forty -seven witnesses were heard, and speeches by the ablest law yers in the district. The counsel ior the plaintiffs is It f Boise and Shaw & Hunt, and for defendant W R BUyeu, of Linn county, and Tilmon Ford of Salem. About eleven years ago a deed was made bv Mrs Edgar of half the donation land claim to one of her sons with whom she has aade her home, and the rest of the heirs are try ing to prove that she was insane when she made the deed, and want the property di vidod equally among the heirs. Mrs Ed gar's sanity and insanity were strongly es- taonsoea oy witnesses now ways, ine court has taken the case under advisement. Journal. Pxorablt Not Orics. It is reported today that the Linn County Bank will not open; but will remain in the hands of the receiver. The arrangements were all per fected, but it u said now Mr Ladd, of Portland, refuses to do his share of the business. In this connection it is stated that only a small per rentage of banks once in the hands of a receiver get out. In the first place the receiver working on a salary of 10 a day is not interested in the enter prise. If this bank does not open at once. km probable a dividend of 25 or 30 per cent will be paid to deposition bv the 1st of November. It is to be hoped that the mat ter be settled by the opening of the bank as intended. A TniEt- Asorxo. Ed Davidson has a fine crop of turnips and radishes right in the midst of business on the lot at the f corner of Second and rJisworth street, teferal times recently these palatable vege tables have been stolen, Mr Davidsoc sars by Chinamen. If caught there will be trouble. Any one assisting in bringing the thieves to justice will he given several big The amount of air that a man will' in hale in twenty-four hoars will fill seventy-eight hogshead and weigh fifty-three pounds. The Man A boat Town could name one or two men in Albany, judging from tne amount they exhale, who cer tainly must inhale nearly a too of air. r . a u t ta mm. Tested and proved by over thirty years' use in all parts of the world, AllcocVs Por ous piasters have the indorsement of the highest medical anu chemical authorities and millions of grateful patients who have been cured o distressing ailments roluo tariiy testify to their rrerlla. Ailcock's Porous Plasters are purely vegetable. They are mild but effective, sure and quick in their actio, and abso lutely harmless. Beware of imitation's and do not be de ceive J by misrepresentation. Ask tor Ailcock's, and let no solicitation or expla nation induce you to accept a substitute. Oar Paftttfe ScsmwIs Are the main-stay ( our republic. In them are being cultivated the wilnds which s re to be our future law maker and leaders in every walk of life. How essential it is that these ir.lndi should be united in strong, healthy bodies. So many children suffer frorr. impurities and poison in the blood that It is a wonder that they ever glow up tone men snd women. Many parents cannot find words strong enough to express their grstitude to Hood's Ssr- sapariila for its good effect upon their children. Scrofuis, salt rheum snd other diseases of the blood sre effectually and permanent!) cured by t'.ils excellent medi cine, and the whole being it given strength to resist attacks of disease. Iter Mistakes ot life are msny rat great, others small W s classify thorn a we feel their effect, sod just in too iinu way yoarsvoguttsSSmmoDS l.irer KegBlattr when taken lor indtgestiuo dyspepiia, oonstipuion and bilioasnsss there can N; on mistsks in tskiogthe Keg- aiator for these dt-orrfeis. It quickly re lies. Don't mike the mistake of g-'t'tng soy thing else for malaria. Auk You Oorso East Remember the Union Pacific is the only rood that can sell von ,i nrst-ciass ticket to Kansas tiry ior fciVOO. Sioux City for ftiS.OO. Omaha for r25.U0, St Louis for $30.00. Our first-class rate to Chicago is $32.00 and all other points proportionately low. Note the time vou can save via the Union Pacific. Port land to Chieatro. twentv-one hours: Port land to Omaha, forty-one hours; Portland to St Louis, twentv-iive hours, tree reclin imr chair cars. Tourist and Pullman sleepers. Accommodations unsurpassed For rates bv particulars call upon or address I (' tilt ax ic MOKTEITII. Local Agents Union Pacific Albany, Oregon. CoBSSTS-All ol our BALL'8 CORSETS are boned with kabo and warranted not to roll up nor break with one year's wear. -If they do we will cheerfully re turn the money paid for them. Or if the corset is not satisfactory in all re spect after three weeks' wear it may bi returned to us and money will be re funded. 8. . You ' . WALLACE. At her home in Salem on East Court street, Thursday morning. Oct. 19, 189.'!, shortly after 12 o clock, of pneu monia, Mr Mciney Wallace, aged about (0 years. The deceased was the wife of Hon J M Wallace, president of the Salem Water Co. CURRIE At Oakville, Linn county, Oregon, on Thursday evening, Oct. 19th, of consumption. Mr. Alfred E. Curric, at about tho age of ;32 years. The deceased was born in Ohio, coming to Oregon with his parents in loot), when a small boy. He was a young man of exemplary habits, and was welt liked by all who knew him. The deceased leaves a wife and two childreu. Hi parent, and brother Out, reside in 0 r! land A I'AI IPtfttStA ttl'TICa. A letter Iron MrwHptieMa Brown the Man About TosflHontains some in terosting things, 4K her many Al bany friends will VHjti to read, though private, we make it public : San Ravasi., CaLjHL 16th, 1893 This San Rafavl vaHasTu to small, so tuui in or ntgn mountains, tnat it gives you the feeling that riw are coranletslv cut off from the world. You cannot sea out in any direction HE9pre is just about enough level lanf on wide 1 to build a good sized towtsHpha main out ness street gees throQgfl&Mce center of the valley, and thei aVtwo streets on either side of it the l of the town. The side streets are 'i Irregular, some blocks are large, sen are only hah" as 10 the general tiH9 and confusing, quite unsjke our Oregon town. The chief business oftflHpi: by grocery men and HK alahiea. Everybody ride. Yoa asHflHnol 'l descriptions, and all kinssBft dii (he handsome thorough hMd, just front the famous Palo Alto itraHHp mis erably starved looking U And how they do drive. the livery stable do not em to how to walk, but start off at a fast trot and keep it np as long as you drive. It really teems to worry them if you bring them to a walk. There are beautiful drives about San Rafael. The roads are hard gravel, and kept in perfect order, and many of them are kept sprinkled for several miles, the county road for eight miles ou You have heard the old savin, "that all roads lead to Rome." Well, this is veri fied here, as all roads lead to San Rafael Start out in any direction you will, and by and by, you will wind around a hill and whentyou are least expeetin git, the town lies before you again. We tried four different roads one dar, and each one of them brought us back to town, so we gar it up. and concluded there was no way of getting out, except by wtter. We have teamed, nowever, that there are two road leading out of the place. The trip from here to San Francisco is very pleasant ad interesting. W take the cart ami ride 3o minutes throtijtti valleys and mountains, -there are three considerable tunnels on the road, and occasionally we pass a snug haene in a little glade. Off to one tide ia the dis tance, we tee the gloomy walla of San Quinten, and near to us. were lonj lines of convicts chained together, at work ditching the valley. Officers stand guard here and there with formidable guns in the'r hands, prepared tor emergencies. At Tiberon we take the boat for the city. As we steam along we pas the Military barracks, and Alcatray, which stands like a mighty sentinel,' all alone, sur rounded by water of great depth . The buildings are massive and the situation is picturesque, but so isolated, even In sight ot the great bustling city, for no vest! is allowed to touch there without a permit from the government officials. It ia scarcely worth while to write to you of these point a you already know oa them I can assure you of one thing, the fin ancial depression ia not all in Oregon, ti is felt from one end of this golden stats to the other. It falls the heavies', just at this tin upon fruit grower and canning establishments . They are said to be ex porting only enough 10 hold their tostosn. and are issuing script to pay their help. There is ranch talk about the Mid winter Fair, but whether the plan materalise or not remain to be sen. The building are going up. Bar and Mrs Kcclestos and Mrs stubble field are located here for the -sinter. Mr and Mrs w S Peters were over today to ssensaii. titer are J and sappy latest School commenced Monday with Prof G H Wilkes as teacher. Tliert were forty one scholar present. The directors are expected to get an assistant teacher by next Monday. Rev tfeo P Bennett and family of loss arrived here last week. Rev Bennett hav ing purchased the La Rare plase will make this bis home in the future. He filled the appointment of Rev Gay here Sunday. Myron Gilbert had a narrow eeeane last Thursday evening while ringing the church bell for prayer meeting. The clapper of iron, weighing about twerty pounds, became loose and fell, striking the floor and crushing through it near where Mr Gilbert was standing Fortu nately he was not hurt- lie started lor Nebraska the next morn its. He said he did not want any more tollers in hit. There was a school trial at Lyons some lime ago and the county superintendent did not give Ins decision until lie returned to Albany. His decision came toe other day snd was in iavor of Prof Roe- His inttruct ions were to proceed at once with the echco'. Hsrry linotc r is teaching the Fox valley school this fall and reports good success, statesman . SEE BEE. Pstker Bros, grocers. 9. M. French keeps railroad t:ms Bay your grocerM of Parker Bros Pise groceries at Coon ft Heodrioton's. .i cream aheeat just leoeived at Con -a M'yera P i Smiley job printer. Fiino Block, does artt class work. Smoke the celebrated lliuni filled 5 cut cigar at J alias Joseph s. Dr M H K'di. ohvsietaa and surgeon Albany, Or tit. Ctlla mat In eitv'or ooantry. World's Fair Travelers Will X 1 r j I The public demand thronah tervici when traveling, 't ia old-fashioned to - Change Cars." On the ihroogh, "olid yastibnled trains of tbs Chicago, Union Pacific A North Western Lioe from or to Chicago, Omtha and intermediate point there it no haoge. Tin 11 to boast sad fastest ser es between the points named. A Great Convenibmcb.- -World's fair visitors travelling via the Northern Pact nc K K and Wisconsin central line, are landed at the Grand Central station In Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof bunding, located in the hesrt of the citv ha been fitted up as a hotel, run on the European plan, with about 200 rooms handsomely furnished snd each room supplied with hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. The charge for accommcda tlons are reasonable.and parties can secure rooms In advance by calling upon agents of the Northern Pacific RR. By taking the Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort of all transfer In that city, and can also travel between the Grand Central station snd World's fsir grounds by train which run direct between the two poiut. C G Bubkhakt, Agent at Albany Tuc Vckdict is u.iaoimoas that Will A Stark carry the b'Jt line of ollver ware la the valley. They nave the variety aod qual ity, a combination that count in buying oods. An inspection always carries con viction. ' - .w ' ' Shiloh's Vitalitor :s what yon need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow kio or kid ney trouble. It is snarsntf ed to giva Von satisfaction. Prioe 7oo. Foshayft Mssoc. Thk Last Cot. Chicago and return, first class. $50.05. St Louis and return, first class, 847.25. The above rates will be in effect over the Union Pacific B R until October Blst.good to return until November 18th. October Zird will lie Union Pacific day at the. World's fair. For tickets or in formation call urjon Curran & Monteith. Local Agents UPRB. Vasfst um a if. Yea, October 13th. 1893. cm record has again le brokiin. the Cunard Line ship toootia, ts$hi , new westward record, waking; the pawtage roro Liverpool to stew York w,a ;days,-18 hours, and s sister ship launched last was held by Paris, tjnutea. 'Ihe Jiwoaia is a to the Laviji&nhh -and was Augnst. 71s$'gsft-fcord I he American' tjm tteainer As both the political parties have hold their state ixiuvcmUons, a lively andnai niitted off year -ampajj anil lie at ones in augurated. At the domocritii eooveation at Saratoga, last weak, the HiU-Mtsrshy-Croker machine, made a ticket, without opposition from the Cleveland wing at fhe democracy. The nomination of Mrynard for the Court of Appeals beach is annsing no little trouble Lr the state mactune. it wit be remembered that it was Maynard wHtj took the corrected return from the State Comptroller's office, which ffttve the leirixiuture to the democrats. The Now tion condemned the act of ( a man i-sued. I facts in the case, and was presented at the meet ing at which it was adopted by an almost unanimous vote, by a committee of wren, five of which were democrats. James O Carter. Frederic R Courdertand William B Homhlower, reoenty appointed to the I 'nited States Saureme Court, were anions' the trainer of the resolution which called upon the legislature to impeach Maynard, at he had committed a theft which was a states prison offence, the penalty for which is five years of imprisonment. The "Buffalo Courier." a staunch democratic newspaper, ouenly bohs the ticket. The "New York World" also openly condemns the nomina tion. The fact that the republicans have nominated a fair state ticket, with the well known lawyer Edward T Bartlett of this city at the head, will give the Hiil-ilurphy-l rocker combine a good fight, and the result will lie watched with interest by all citizens who disapprove of the election of a thief to the most important judicial office in the state. The band did not play "Rule Britania" last Saturday night, but it did play "Hail Ctlumbia. " New York is crazy over the yacthts. In the dubs, hotel, bank and on the can, everyone in talking about the great yacht race. On account of the fusi reports given of the race and a lack of space, the Demo crat omits the well written arcxint jf the contests.) Wt. F. II. Koturi vrtsea Xatarr Nerd assistance it rcay be best to render it promptly, but one should 1 em ember to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle reoreay is tne Syrup of Fig manufactured by the California Fig Syin Co. Wm th - ha! to com cat ia onatti inc. t' .how a . aloeta of the tca-'p that cit far im-aw fists ails Use. Th bast prrpsratioti toarrwt farther tost of at ir sad restore the edp to a halth rxuuj.tio- is Ays Hair Vigor. New t'HOTOo-Liri'Ea. -! have opened a new gallery In the Y. M. C. A. Mock. 2nd street. Albany, and will try hard to please all who will favor me with their ratrooage. I will take all siaes and style of photos a good as the best and at cheap as the cheap est. 1 am no traveling photo bare today and gone tomorrow, hat hare come who wife and children to make a home in your and see use and try my wort Very respectfully yours. S. A. n AKMKIJ. Late of Toronto. Canada. Self praise is no recommendation, but there are not time when one mast permit a rerton to tell the truth atut himself, when what he tars it supported by the testimony of ether no reasonable man will doubt hit word. Now, to say that Alicock' Porous Platters are the only gen jlne tnd reliable porous plasters made i sot self praise In the slightest degree They have stood toe test tor over thirty yesrs. and in proof of their merit it is only necessary to call attention to the cotes thev hsve effected snd to the voluntary tectimonsa's of those whj hare used them. Be wait of Imitation a, and do not be de ceived by misrepresent atkw. Ask for Ailcnck's. and let no solicitation or ex pi a -aation induce you to accept a substitute. a UM Ate Edward Collinson, Queens, N Y, says: I commenced using Brsndreth PiCsover nfty-five years ago. I first bought them in London, and hate continued usicg the in since I came to this country tn 1S36. I am now over seventy-five rears ohLhale snd heartv, snd sttribute my wonderful the persistent use of Brsndreth' tills, occasionally 1 nave a na 1 cota or severe attack of rheuniatiti. Indigestion or bUiousncs. but four or five doses of Bjandreth Pills always cure me. When . ever my children have been sic with scarlet fever, measles, acid stomach, dis ordered digestion or costlrcne, a few doses of Brsndreth' Pills restored their heslth at once." Uowis 00 this Rates. The Union Pa cific now lead with reduced rates to eastern points.and their throngh car arrangement. magniucenuv equipped ruitman anu 1 our ist slcvpiTs. freererhning chair cir and fat time, make it the lest line to travel. Two trains leave from Portland daily at 8:45 am and 7:;W p m. The rates are now within reach of alt. and everybody should take ad vantage of them to visit the World's fair and their friends in the east. Send for rates and schedule of trains, and do not pur chase tickets until after consulting t uran Monteith. Albany, Or. W U IlfRI.BfnT. Ass t Uen'l Pass. Agent, U. P. Portland, Or The True laxative Principle Of the plants used in manufacturing the pleasant remedy, Svrup ot Figs, hs s permanently beneficial effect on the human system, while the cheap vegetable extracts and mineral solulkn,ususliy sold as med icines, are permanently Injurious. Being wed Informed, yon wil use the true rem edy only. Manufactured by the Call fornla r'tg Syrup Co. trees ;!. Don't be tempted to Invest in them. You will get into trouble every time and in tne end poverty and disgrace. The genuine Uncle Sam's green goods are the only ones of y slue. They mske you rich ; especially when used to purchase Simmons Liver Regulator to cure your Indigestion, dys pepsia, constipation or blHoutness.or drive away maitrit. Don't be tempted to take anything else In place of the Regulator. Ash Year friends Who have taken Ilood't Sarsapsrtlla what they think of It, snd the replies will be positive in Its favor. One hat been cured of Indigestion and dyspepsia, another finds It Indispensable for sick headache, other repot t remarkable cures of scrofula, salt rheum and other blood dlseases.still others will tell you that Is overcome "that tired feeling,' and to on. Truly, the best ad vertising which Hood's Sarsaparilla re ceive la the hearty endorsement of the army of friend It ha won by it positive medicinal m jr Wbdoimo Iktit avion. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure Grape Cress of Tartar Pewder. . The 00 MASHI.X(.-TiX I.KTTKU. I" mm ( f regulsr C mpeiMietit. WaWglon, Oct. IG, 1893 'Nfr.t tiince the memorable silver debate begtui in tho senate ha- the outlook for epfsaing a Bnsncial measure that will re- feci ve the vote of every democratic senator been as bright at it is at this writing. The failure of the attempt to compel the senate to vote by holding continuous seuioe, which was a foregone conclusion, has con - viaced those democratic senator who ate pledged to do Ibeir best to secure the pas sage of the Voorliee bill thai imcoeditionit repeal is under present circumstance an impossibility and they are for the first time taking part to conferences held for the purpose of reaching an agreement upon a compromise that can te passed as a dis tinctively democratic measure, and there are the bet of reasons for the prediction that such measure will this weefcybe passed bv the senate. 4. fsrmAmtmmy,,0f:gKks! any part In these conferences. He is still firm in his belief that uncondi'iotul repeal is the best thing, bat be will not veto any compmmu? which matt the approval of the democrats in the senate and bouse, as any compromise will necessarily include the vicious purchasing clause of the Sherman law. and probably the authority for an issue of bonds to strengthen the gold re serve. The indications are ibat it will also include the repeal of the tax on state bank currency, secretary Carlisle is reported to have gives hit opinion as to .1 compromise that would be approved by President Cleveland and it include; these proposi tion. Laying aside personal opinions and looking a- the matter from a s'rictly political point of view it must at ona te apparent to those familiar with public sentiment in the west and toctb that it will be much better for the democratic party to grant some recognition t that sentiment in financial legislation than to ignore it Without vote from those sections the party can neither elect a p'etident nor control congress. All of the Ohio republican member of the house have been called home to help McKiniey. who for some reason has become very much alarmed at the outlook. Demo craft in congress do not forget that Ohio it under ordinary circumstances a republican state, but their private advices are certain 'y very favorable of late to the democrats. The democrats of the bouse are setting the democratic senator a good example is keeping together. Notwithstanding the efforts of the republicans to create disten tion among the bouse democrats over the Tucker bill for the repeal of the obnoxious federal election laws, that bill was pasted ot schedule time and it received the votes of every democrat present, as well as those of the populists. Toe boost then took ap the McQreary btl amending fhe Geary Chinese exclusion act. which would have been passed last week if more members than were expected had not desired to make speeches thereon, ea asing the taking of a rote to ha postponed until this afternoon. tunisv to bring about a great reform, and at the tame time nve a vary Urge sum of money, that should not be neglected. It is a tact well known, to all who have had any considerable btnthess with the treasary department that there is an unnecessary amount ol red tape in it. method of dealing with accoun involving the expenditure of money. Thi is not the fault of individuals but of the absurd system which compel a duplication of a the work done in connec tion with every account which passe through the offices of ire out of six auditors of the treasury. To duplicate the work the clerical force a also necessarily duplicated. U is not a good argument to say that this duplication ia a neresmtry safeguard, be cause the work of the sixth auditor's office which handle all of the pottamaa accounts and which has long enjoyed the reputation of being conducted antler a thorough busj- natt system, it it not duplicated, being of itself a final settlement of the accounts upon which it passes. It it probable that the joint ot)Bgreaional committee bow investi gating the work and methods of the various departments will recommend that all of ths bureaus of the treasury department which exists merely for the purpose of duplicating work doce in the offices of the first five auditors bj abolished. They certainly ought to be abolished. It would mean the dropping of five or six hundred needles employees the influence re pre sealed by their friends, many of them sen ators and representatives, ia chat will make the task a difficult one for congress and the consequent saving of their salaries, and it would reduce the time required to get sn account through the treasury aetriy one half. It would also show the people that democratic economy was being practiced as well as preached . At last the bouse is unanimous apoa something. It adopted a resolution asking the attorney general whether the interests of the government sre jeopardize I by the passage of the Utioi Pacific railway iaio the hand of re reivers . 1 he president hts sect to the senate in executive xessioa a message transmitting the report of the secretary of state in reply to Dolph's resolution of inquiry concerning the attitude of China in regard to the ex tension of time for the registration of Chin ese laborers. The report says; '"While the government of China ha net formally requested that the time tor registration provided for ia the Geary law be extended, and no formal asiurr.nce ha been given that if extended the Chinese laborer in the United States will take out certificate at provided by the act, the Chinese minister hss repeatedly asserted in conferences with the undersigned that hi countrymen tread ing la the United States at the vhne of the passage of the act on the advice of eminent counsel and in good faith refrained from registering within the time allowed, and that It would be unjust to deny them a n other opportunity to register. The minis ter has more than once given assu'aac that an additional opportunity to register would afford hit government great satisfaction." Australia hat sn tret about equal to that of the United State and a population about equal to that of Massachusetts A tec!'-!'-?.! school it to be established at Osaka, Japan, lor the training of youths in various handicrafts. Operative there sre of all torts, some good,ome bsd, some Indifferent. You went the best. So ttkes Simmons Liver Regulator only. It Is the best operative in any attack of Indi- . . 1 j 1. . . . . , 1.11, gcsiioit,u pe,tiialcoiisiipniioti anu unions. . nets. It 1 a mild laxative, without grip j Ing, or any debilitating effects. You will I know the article by the large red Z on I every package. Take no other. TIIEOstY Attli PRACTlCr. On next Friday Gay McKiniey will ca pitis to the misers tod furnsCestea nf Jami son, in this ttate-a mining town of ome prttrnsi'fi, and the center oi Use Jackson coal in ete.t- 'he hissfiriat teffaence cf McKlnleyisin upon the stswsfsctawfef snd I mining Interest of the country. Daring! ik ins ne win im Tssra teat panic are of Democratic erfghvard that to receni stringency was cstssss by a fear Aat the Democracy might Interfere with the P cnt tariff law But there 1 one (Mag the coventor vflt set refer to During the panic of 1H73 the Republics manager sad owacn of the leading (uiosce coatpiay of that town were paying furnace laborers from i. to to ft .to per day Cor twelve hour work, seven days in the week. The asse were (AtVteaiy ton fronted with the proposition to reduce wages te Be cents sad i pet days Of coarse they protested, but the it it reoecr or as we csssot rut? at present rate.'' Here artt J panic, under a Republican administration, sn4 Republi can employer takisE advantage of (ha1 panic to rid see the already small wage cf the men. These employer were protect ed," and wl en this fact was refered to by some shrewd workman, the reply was, "Oh, under free trade Democracy it woeld be Horse. In addition to the redac'ioa ia wages a larg- advance was made in the price of good, which the poor, struggling men woe expected to take iarrely io navment of wages It was the hardest tame the pewle of that furnace town had known in many years and harder than anv since. incse men. with the bitter recollectiaa of this starving and tolling rankling in their naiads, are to ey whose faces the cover nor wilt seek to look Into a he tells thesa all hoot McKisleyitm "protecting the home." Ctevclausd Ottu PUiadealer. Samuel Blatkwell, third auditor cf th treasury , in Us an' ml report states that during the past year there bat Lees aa enormous bsctsse in the pension disberte awnis. The number of vouctcrs paid by pension agcats has increased tear by year from 1,216,119, involving $59,906,501, tn toSj, to 3.669,009, involving $155,071,506. 98, ia 1S93. Tat i sa increase of aoo per cent ia to years, while the clerical foiC has inaes-sed from 49 to 64. 33 per cent oiy, to the same prnod . At the c-ose of the fiscal year there were in the efface un examined 1X4,310 pensino voucher, rep resenting; about fsor months work. A Sack of room to keep the recotds intact is mentioned. The auditor states that sets sloa vouchers are accumulating at the rate of 4.ooooo a month, and adds. "I cacnot see how the office can, withost addifigati nieroottts, pretersg the record an the law requires." ' The Oregosian. the organ of the gold L ags; the Telegram, the protested organ if the democrats and salve rhe. Thus the field is occupied, and one catch them go ng, aad tn other coming. Nothing like at stem in these hard time. If the Ore goniaa were to take the silver side of the qtetlioB tomorrow, toe nest day tne Tele gram would, ao doubt tunable over oa the gold tide. Portland Ztmpafxi. The drubbing which the democrats will receive ia the elect anas next oamth will be a slight foretaste of wast they will receive la 18946 if they cease not their bickerings among themselves. The fsmprapr vintage of ths year bid fair 10 be the largest ever p-esea knows Saa. Paris now gat ils water supply ficm six great springs; it travels through S3 mile of aaaedac. TO lurify, vitalise aad enrich the blood, and' rive nerve, bodily and digestive strength, use Hood's Sarsaparilla. Con tinue the the medicine after every meal fjo- a month or two. Dr. Price's Forty Y 1 the Pay Perry Conn. Xerms cash st F L. Kenton s grocery store Please pay Perry Conn what you him. If you want a fin smoke tall for Josephs white labor cunrs. The bearlm. eofJaw an the eaty atComai (Buyer a The best watch tn the world for the money st French's jewelry store. Fins Soother a Oregon peaches at F L Kenton. Now ia the time to oaa thesa. Motor stakes tire trip daily to Vteieck's addition. Lett there on ins tall meats of ft per week. P roniaa heme industry by a sacking the cskabrated white labor cigars, masafsetarsd by J aiat Jorrtaa. Genuine parts for aH scving machines also the best oils, needles, etc., for alt sewing machines, bicycles, etc., at U Will's music store. Sewing machines and organs repaired reasonable, and all work warranted. Needles prepaid by mail 40c a doaen. Both the method and reeuito when Syrup of Finn is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to uie taste, and acta eenuy yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Svrup cf Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its iTecta. nrenared only fresa the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have in ado it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles dv all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it oa hand wiu pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sad nuuemoo. cal. UKUSVIUS. KT. MW IS., CONSTIPATION 2 enlted the "F&ih y of Diaea.'' IS ia ataued by a Torpid Liver, nd Mgeaaetally ace mpaaiad with To tmi ctmstzjmtit s rsccessfnlly is a. saild Iajadre e Wswr Wfsans. Br takiB a ' sMmmoza Liver E-gnlator you promote digEsucii, bring on a re uksr habit of body sci prevent Biiiousnefa and Zndigefrtion. he aimon aamij nsstswd asd flesa."-W. B. bona, Ik uirr acjasr mtomrzaa nv - rrr.r - 1 im SS-EVEB7 PACK ICE f Ess Mar Z Sktaamai saa Rat wm num. H- ZEIUI COu, IiaadealTlV ' Tst leal ire sod fSwMTM Tim six lortm ibul mmmo KOHO Tbr? HsssMsfXtf ?? 1 for tlae Teeth ajadBrmth.tSc. Tfa a nmiTskiMi r. aatsoaVs Cauacrh Bessndr as the first si have eremTnutsd that would do me Price SO eta. SoaCby Erucsata. SHI LOWS CURE. Ttna Gkxat Ooccx Ccaa wtjsaiiOy earni hsmaBiwtoafaa. -" ti 11 ITTifiLj 0 ill air has cased stjenaaanasm. aa wm FARMERS, ATTENTION m : TOO CANT - a WACON HACK. BUGGY. CAST PLOW HARBOW.DRKXSEED EB, FEED CUTTER, v or any kind of a Farm Imp extent or Ye htcle, call 00 "or address, ' B. F. SAMP Oppcsl-e Post Offer fbsny.O Gladstone has A clear Head i WHY? ftTt he foBows these rales: "Keep fhe head cooE.tbefset warm, aad the bowels opcr ." Yoaa eanbBve a dear bead sad t So be ninety if yon do the same dung. Whem the bowefa faH to raare easr hag the day rake oa retsrsag two Smith's fassiff B3e Beans. Thar actios is so maM that you sre sot aware of it. All day roar mini wst be dear and coco. "Not a gripe in a barrel of theta-" Aahfocrwiaasawt Take so ssf atfitafe for SMITH'S Bile Beans! Notice of Assignment. Notice is hereby riven that I e Banket Oregon, of Albany, Oreeon, has only ss- stgSMd to the umlenurnwo ars-cwe aaa ita srepertv and effect for the benefit cf ail as creditor, aader aad by virtu of the gee- sisl tsaaraci9t law et ine ata-e ot uregor. aad the undersized has h-ret it ere. ;'. oa the 28th day ot J an oary oaanntn attach sssbmw All person having claims against said it solvent aad the estate thereof sre hetety required to ureaat the tame to the eb dsrsigned at the Bank of Oregon boiidina u he city of Altnj, U regno, uadar eats withia three esosithsof ths dt . Dated this 29th day ot dace :S93. W.S. TroxBwuy Assignee of the Bank oi Uttg a, an iast4 sit. VISOR of MEN Cssitj. Oslckh. nrsasaeen. I WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY, sad all Use ttstnef -!! rrosneart; er-wra or late rimKK. Uh r, -):".: Meanest. w,rr.eto- Paustirrtft. ihialsffwnl aad toe given w er r , -sa- i I-f.Soa cf the batty. sarp.siaialntetaa. TinnsTi la awwtwit wn. r1li tsijwf-lt.?e. tote rvrreaes. feaaafc, eapiaaatk and jtnwis tmlfe-J ,lf I) frev. ERIE MEO CAL C BUFFALO. M. v. aLFHIT G DLLS STATE IBSTlJTf ALBANY, OREGON test Terns sealed Settsatnrr Mfe A tL 1 corps of hsstrwcSaia,"" ClAiSlCAL, SCIENTIRC, UTERAPT COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. toaratw ot Hudy crranged - - r all grade of students. SfWaai rawrsKViSsrWt tftrcJ U " from abroad, T. KUtKBT k ceaotT REVERE HOUSE tLBANY - - ORECf.1 AS. PFMIFFEK PROPRIETOR