Ik tmmL Ami Sale of lilery. For a few days I will sell at cost all the alest styles in millinery. Call and see my goods and prices. li. M Brush. Poorly Paid. Ex-Governor Francis, of Missouri, in an address said of tho services tea community of tix home newspaper: "Each year the local paper gives from $500 to $.")00O in free lines to the community in which it is located. No other agency can or will do this. The editor, in proportion to his means, does more for his town than any ten men, and in all fairness with men he ought to lie1 supported, not because you like him or admire W writings,but because the local paper is the best investment a com munity can-make It may not be brilliantly edited nor crowded with thoughts.! ut finan cially it is of more benefit to a communit v than a teacher or a preacher. Understand me, 1 do not mean morally or intellectually, but financially, and yet on the mcral ques tion you will find most of the local papers on the right side. Today the editor of the home paper does more for the least money than any other mnn on earth." a bad uask. Judge Hubbard is in re ceipt of a lotter from K G Haseltine. an old soldier who resides at Mehama. Haseltine has applied to the Governor for aid.and has been informed that the state, cannot act in such matters, but that there is a county fund for the aid of indigent soldiers. His case demands the attention of his brother veterans, as he is disabled by sickness from earning a support for his wife and child. Mr Haseltine says he-has applied for a pen sion, but does not believe he wi'l get it from this democratic administration. We be lieve he has this administration sired up wrong, and that if he is entitled to a pen sion he will receive one. In the meantime, he should receive snch aid from the indigent soldiers' fund as he is entitled to. Salem Democrat. The Y. M. C. A. Last evening the an nual meeting of the board of directors of the T. M. C. A. was held at the hall. The reports of the officers and committees showed a healthy growth . Active preparations are being made for the winter's campaign. An orchestra has been formed to assist in enter tainments, and now consists of O C McFar raud, George Acheson, Collins Klfcins. Clem Irvine, George Washburn. Charles Ander son, Ed Long and Charles Sears. A class in gymnasium is being organized and it is proposed to make this department an inter esting one. A new thing is a Bible class meeting once a week. The new officers are : Prof W J Crawford, president . Wm Fortmiller, vice president. Prof v H Lee, recording secretary. E M Horton, treasurer. Passixg Confederate Mosey. A fakir in Walla Walla made $83.50 in one day. mostly among wcmen of ill repute, in cluding Japs and Celestials, by paying in confederate money and receiyuix change in U S money. At a Japanese house he re ceived $47.50 in change for,ViQ. A paper of that city says: "Some time age a case of a similar nature was tried in Walla Walla, and. altnough it was clearly proven that- the swindler had passed a $10 counterfeit bill at a saloon on Main sreet, receiving there for the proper change, he was not convicted. It seems that this money has a value on its face, and is in fact a legal tender, bat if anyone is fool or ignorant enough to accept it, there Jb no course at law. There is no telling how many others the above individ ual may have swindled." Don't Wast Work. One night this week fourteen tramps were allowed to sleep in the city jail. When City Marshal East land turned them out in the morning he in formed the crowd that he could give one of them a permanent situation in the country at the rate of $1 per day and board, with a fust-class farmer, who desired a hand. Im agine his surprise when they all refitted to aeeept the employment offered, saying they all wanted ro go to California. About nine out of every ten of these individuals will not work under any circumstance. Eugene Guard. THosrrcojTs Clove Frrnso Cosset, tie the most favorably knewn Hies in the market, with extra long wist, f r site uy S K Yocso. Will & 8b rk. I.- itwelen "When I was a Boy," Writes Postmaster J. C. Woodson, Forest Hill, W. Va., "I bad a bron chial trouble of such a. persistent and stubborn character, that the doctor pronounced it incurable with ordinary medicines, and advised rae to try Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years, I haye used this preparation with good effect whenever I take A Bad Cold, and I know of numbers of people who keep it in the bouse all the time, not considering it safe to be with out it." " I have been nsing Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for 30 years, with . the. most satisfactory results, and, can cheerfully recommend it as being espe eaaUy adapted to all pulmonary com plaints. I 'have, for many years, made pulmonary and other medicines a special study, and I have coma to the conclusion that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ceenpfss a position pre-eminent over other medi cines of the class." Chas. Davenport, Dover, N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared bj Dr. J. C Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mar. Prompt to act, sure to cure Ladies: The Secret Of a Fair Face Is a Beautiful Skin. Sulphur Bitters Will give you A lovely Complexion. tteml S Kt stamins W A P. Boston, Alas., for best umUical work i.uhlislieu Orkoon Pacific Orders. October 14th the following orders were made by the Cir cuit court at Corvallis : The receiver of the Oregon Pacific railroad was directed to is sue certificates to the employees of the road coming pay due for August ami September, which certificates are to lie dated Sept 1. 189.1, Insuring 8 per cent interest and In? made payable to bearer. IVrmission was granted to Receive Batt les to bring suit against the PortlandFlour ing Mills association for an alleged indebt edness to the said road. Receiver lladley was authorized to visit eastern cities as nvmested bv bondholders and certificate holders for the purpose ot conferring with interested parties in regard to the property of the railroad, expenses to be paid by money coming into the hands of the receiver provided tliev do not exceed $750. The sheriff was directed to offer for sab, at public auction, all propertv whatsoever belonging to the O P K K or W V C 11 K. in accordance with a decree entered April 13, 1891, and subsequent orders, at a day not later than the 15th of December. A Cirntocs Loss. The other morning.as the passenger train from Portland was speeding toward Pendleton, Hrakeman W H Gray went through the train to make the usual preparations before entering the station. In one of the cars Mr Gray found a middle-aged German-American who seemed to be in a sad state of distress and anxiety. He had a right to be sorrowful. j for he had just dropped a pocketbook. con taining an the money ho possessed, about $140, through the seat in the toilet room . He had mortgaged some land near Port land for this amount , and was going to St Louis wilh his wife and a family of five children, his better half being dissatisfied in webfoot. These frets were soon poured into the ears of sympathetic Hrakeman Gray, and he noted carefully some bluffs at the place where the pocket -book was dropped about a mile west of Ban mart's station.and twenty-six miles west of Pendleton. He in formed the unlucky passenger that the train l"Vm !. 1 ,,,,t a elnnnA.1 on,) ,,. ,.,1.1 i. , I , I to wait till Pendleton was reached and then go back on a hunt. Gray went back, found the money and received $J0 for his trouble. EO. 7 Crook County. The cjurt house will soon receive two new coats of paint, the court having awarded the coutract to a.- 1 gentlemen from Corvallis. Owing to dull time and falling off in trade Linn Woods has temporarily closed his saloon. While hunting- horse.) last Thursday, John and Joe Elliott found a !arre silver- bear in the old river bed about twelve wiles rrom rnnevuie. iney gave cnase and finally ran it up a juniper. Having noth ing with which to shoot it, John herded bruin while Joe rode to the nearest ranch, some six miles, after a rifle. On his return a couple of shots brought the bear to the i ground. I N Bottwick, of Ibanon, arrived Sun day, and has spent the past week visiting old friends and looking over his former stamping grounds. Mr Host wick is per manently located in Linn county, bat says if he could dispose of his land there, he would return to Crook county and engage either in cattle or sheep raising. Review . Good Times About a dozen train pupsed throtiifh Albany this noon ou the I freiirht. These are ewl times for tramiw. They are now in their elements. Dull time means prosperity to them Where they often have to walk they ride now. and are frequently given public receptions. At ltoeebuiv they were treated this way and a vote of thanks in the local paper. "They are having a great time, and the public is footing the bill in different ways. There may be working mem among them as shown by their hands; but put a nail in the fact that 49 out of 50 are after adventure and the fun of the business more than the work. Along their travels they arc joined by boys and young men with the same object in view, adventure. Save your sympathy for the really deserving, those in your own city needing work. A Jt'sncE Case. A warrant waa issued out of Justice L M Curl's court this fore noon for the arrest of Mrs William Toole, residing west of the Caiipooia. The side of the matter as given the Dkm ochat is that the riiatt Bros had some trouble with MrTooleonaccouniof leav ing his bars down or gate open, so that a cow got out, and one of them threatened to whip him. Mrs Toole got a revolver and calling on the Hiatts at their home inquired for the man who was going to whip her husband- He didn't appear. Then she had the hired man ctja be tween the Hulls of a wagon and haul it to her home, while she walked behind ready for emergencies. Constable Bark hait went out this afternoon to make the arrest. Vou probably liave the Albanv Steam I i.auntsrv do ouf work. Alarp: r.umber do, but not all. Some c!icg to the Ce:r- ' tials. Better reform tf voo do.ard pttnrv- ire white labor. (fasten St MjFriaad. s. All.vs. r. . the leading dm , Khllnb's Core. Viw grmt coog'i and croop OQrr, 1 tne k by us. as. Pcorrtxs eonuie s,onlv 25c. JChiUosn l-r.is I , 1 twentv-hvf d Vnthav A Mason Ckxcixk Clxabaxck Sal, ia ladist tine shoes. Within the next 15 day wu j pmon-e wo nMeni izocajn Mini 01 trenct sod Pon.".l kid, hand taraed vt mach'un sewed, opera and common reuse lusts, rises nsaaajfj to 4 mall width Tli ean.lt! (i rrgmraiesf ni ami. i.maies wearing ho in the rzsi wiii do wsl! bv calling on K'ein Hro. Millineky. Mrs M Booy and danghte desire to inform ths public that they have moved into the rooms lately occupied by Mrs Sower and are supplied with a line of millinery goods of quality and prices to suit the present hard times, lie sure to call and examine their goods before iwrchating elsewhere. Viereek ,s shsving lor sad h-.ir mtting par CIn towel . to tie. v casiomer at Viereek hiving parlors. Arier Breakrats 'J'o turify, vitalize and enrich the h ood, and jive nerve, bodily ami digertlve strength, tase Hooa'stiarsanarilla. Con tinue the the medicine after every :neal for a month or two. I am Hot se'.liig milHoery at c st l-nt on t 1 Thartday yon on bay auv one of ihur elegtnt trimmed hti in -.nr haw window for (2.00. Ko o'd stock fitil opto- the ocesaioo hot )., vtnig n-"v snd th l-'.tt ty'e M , . II J 8owi:u. I. mi', Basaar. My fall lit, if VAC1N108HES nt GOS iMERi, luclodipg rnsny novelties for lsdi"s, t e. ,.d oiiihlren. it now sle. . K V'oani. . See the Krw Imprrved 8-'gf sewing n .' chine. Tbe t is slwf t s tl e chpet. J W nwdeu, svrn'. Mil. '' F M fftOvVt sewslry rtoro' Mr I, mi Osterboadt hs res-iinid drss miking st her oil pl.ee of busine Skao Progp Rubber Boot at K.lcln Bro, Try a pair of K'eln Bros Rubber spau ino Boot. Rubber goods of all descriptions at at Kiel" Bros. Sbwisq Macuisa-i n? tiy repiirci an wurranted hy a thirr.avtilycompexnt ork man, at r M French' jewelry uorAlbsny Uregoo. i.cltfl- 1,1 SI. Koilowirg is the list of letters ren,An,iup in the pnst olHce at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Oct 10th, 1893. Persons calling for tnese litt-r must give tbe date on which they were advertise.!. A linn, Frank Bam we, Mrs Rosa Campbell, Rev K N E Cougal, Mr Chas Dickson, Mr Ned Huffman. S C Tonney, Mrs Balwick, Mac Coats, Mr Ruiwl I Davis, Miss Hanoh Gillinlnim, l'r John. Wiliam -I Kerr. Mr and Mrs S P 2 Lewi. JL 2 I Loyd, David D Marshall, Mr Chas B Marco, Mr Wm Kich, Mr nooen Shadbalt, E L Stoudemeyer, H N Sturgis, Mr U E Valgamare, O T Washburn & Moven Mfg Co, Wood, Mr J M TlIOS. MOMTEITH, P. M, tV HOME A.1B AIIRO AD MONDAY The Portland Welcome devotes nearl a coin mi to R F Ashby, formerly of this cltv. The P O Block when completed will be occupied bv Uncle Sam, C E rircwnell and Stewart At Sox on the ground floor. Do you really bel'.eve that the Oregon Pacific railroad' will be sold on or before December the 15th of the current year? The Baptiot state convention meets In Pendleton tm week, Rev G W Hill will attend from this city. An Albany young man recently paid $1.50 for a brass ring in .order to "help young man to get to Portland That Is a chesnut, Capt Overman today received forty five new suits for F Company. They are manufactured out ot Albany Woolen Mill goods and are of standard pattern. The suits includes overcoats. Charles Millern, an O P emp'.ove was arrested on complaint out of Justice Cuil's court to-day on the charge of enticing Port Spaght, the fourteen year old daugh ter of George Spaght, into the O P depot yesterday. The case was on trial this afternoon . There are four residents of Albany over 90 years of age. Mrs Altlio jse heads the I list at about 94. Mr John Smith, who was ou first street Saturday will be 92 1 in ov. ana Mruiney t ry Senior in Feb ruary. Mrs Fisher is a little younger hut very active. M r Fry walks several miles tome days. A few days ago the First National Bank of this city ordered froas the mint at San Francisco' f.100 in dimes. Thursday morn ing Imagine their surprise when ihey opened the package and round It contained $1000 worth, a mistake having been made. fcugene liuard. The chain which was found on the per- son of George Hammill. arrested Saturday for robbing the residence of H I Hopkins, proved to be the properly of Mrs Hopkins. A gold ring was also stolen and Hammill admitted to havir.g thrown it away when caught bv Marshal McFerron. He says he wiI plead gui'ty and ask for the lowest j senlence oi iBe court. ncicMin 111c iiavcung puuilt wr LI 4. . L. - . It 111- -.111 ft I charged y cents instead of 75 cents j meal a lieretofore at the Depot hotel at i Ashland. Better meals are served there than at any eating tiouse alang the line Times. Not according to the verdict of ! the tiavetinc public. Albany Is in the lead In this respect, and has only charged S eenjs lor years The Eugene Guard scores the following on the Dfmcckat: In givipg the account of the arrest of a tramp, tne Alnany Dem ocrat says: "Upon being searched a handsome ladies gold watch chain was found in hi possession. The owner can obtain it by calling on Marshal McFeron." If that happened in Eugene all the ladies would be claiming the watch as they are all handsome. TUESDAY. Jackson county ' 73,994- 33- has an indebtedness of The Justice office at W'oodbum was re cently robbed of all iu valuable papers. The drv ofwvift dnrM In Salem nnw close at 7 o'clock except Saturday night. Th'rty-seven saloons have just closed 1 in ronland on account of being usable to raise tne license mrney. Eugene received J17CO for liqucr licenses yesterday, under the system 'here alt the licenses being due at the same time. This morning the motor ran oyer a rat terrl-r belonging to R N Morris, extin guishing his life yvfth electric rapidity. A muscular young man ot this city who saw the mode. in the museum morning is slid to have fainted away. The city election is nearly here. A full .1st of officers wiU be circled. Tne out look is good for one oi the livest contests ever experienced here. Btacaburn & Watson today moved their taw office to the Fiir.n Block, where they will occupy the rooms vacated by J J Chariton. There are Si Presbyterian churches in Oregon, with a membership of $,100; 90 Sunday school and 7,500 mcmbetaccord ing to reports at the recent synod. The snatrboat I working the river towards Eugene. The Hoag has just made the trip to that city, bat met with several bad unags, no". withstanding Maj Haodbury. An exchange refers to h as the late business depression, which is the proper war o do. Lei every man put Lis shoul ders to the wheel and the designation will be an eminently proper one. 9000 bushels of wheat were shipped from E Wills waiehoute at Millers to the Slem r louring Mills to-day. 474 cents w" P'44 2 CenU moai. the markes r . : w t l tee being 2 cents less. Mrs Wm Toole, arrested on complaint of L 0 Hlsti, was brought to Air-any last evening cy C;nsub Burkhart, wais, d i examination and was held under $100 hoods for the action of the grand jar. Cotnin: from the Sialem S'atesman the following niy ba depended on : The Ore n Pacific Is lo be extended over the m P,ctfic ' 04 C"Cde without q like 189 ill tee t jrstion and it looks 894 r. ill see the consummation so 1 devoutly 10 be wisr.ed. Rev ;RN Btil, -x-editor.ex-R R com- missio.1 cierk, and the well known In- vector and lecturer, is now preaching thro-jgh Eastern Oregon. He It undoubt edly the most versatile man in Oregon. A museum for men only has been in the city today. It the young man visiting it 1 doe not behave himself he certainly has lost all sensibility. I he models exhibited should disgust one wi'h all forms of dis sipation. Attorney General Chamberlain bi wear ing a handioni watch charm made of an elk's tooth taken from a necklace fo-ind on a dead Indian by Hon C F Hyde, of Baker Citv by whom :t was presented to Mr Chamberlain Nancy Harris is a new student at the ileaf-mute schoo1, having just arrived from Tillamook county. There sre now forty-two students at this Institution, which I the largest number dver receiv ing instruction there at one time. S'stes man. Several boarding house keeper are be ing imposed en by strangers, wbo remain a lew day, representing that they hsve oblained jobs, and (hen skipping out with out liquidating. It will require vigilance 'hetedaysto keen from being bes'en by such men, Cat liale.the man falsely accused of the Roslyn robbery, is said to be sn honest man. He spent several months in jail and hundreds of dollars which he borrowed to defend himself, aad was cleared. Now he is trying to pay the money by sacrific ing ail hi property, Oon't commit suicide on account of your "incursble" blood disease. '1 he sen sible thing fir vou to do is to take Ayer's Sarsapaiiila. If that fail, why, then keep on trying, and it will not fait. The trouble !, people get discouraged tco soon. "Try, try, Iry again.' If you wish to secure a certain and speedy result, when uiing Aver' Sarsapa illis, be careful in observing the rules of heslth or tin benefit mar be retarded. A fair and i (insistent lri.ii of this medicine neyer fills, when the directions are fol lowed. ruaatVAT Wheat iB 34 cent at PendletMi. $50 05 to Chicago and return almost (tagger one. Regular gymnasium eterclse at the Y MCA Hall tonight. The Rosehurg National Bank haa $60, 000 in deposits and f 10.000 in specie. A saw mill is to be established on the Crabtree at ihe junction of the Oregonian railroad The monthly meeting of the Building & Loan Association v. Ill be held next Friday. The two Albny boy who left Albany last areek with a gang of tramps have not yet returned. Two girl tramps reached Baker City Saturday on thelt way to the coast. Their experiences have been varied. In the very midst ot reputed dull times Spokane has 1st the contract for a new court house to cost $247,690, There are nearly 90 pupils In one of the rooms of the public, school of Eugene. No teacher can do justice to oyer fifty. Instead of being Superintendent Mutca. hy it wns hi father who was assaulted by Mike Sexton Monday at Niagara. A New York man died from shaking hands. Blood poisoning set in and pro duced the result. Ergo, never shake hand. n Wash llorton's famous ''Merry Makers will be here Saturday and Monday. Ad mission 35 cents. Reserved seats at Hodges and McFarland 50 cents. Wash Norton, the famous character artist will be here with his famous "Merry Makers" October Jist and 33rd. You can't afford to miss it. If you mhs tne "Merry Makers" Satur day and Monday you wont be in it. Ad mission 2j cents. Keserveu seats at nod ges & McFarland 5Q cents. if you desire a luxuriant growth of healthy hair of a natural color, nature's crowning ornament of both sexes.use only Hall's Vegetable Sicilian HairBenewer. We are still selilng Dress goods and Capes and Jackets at greatlv reduced prices for cash. We Invite you to examine the Red, Peacock & Co goods and prices. The Linn county circuit court convenes Mooday, with a docket of 1 54 cases. The Lar.e county circuit court begins on the same day with only 69 cases. Quite a dlf feience. Guard. A letter received here lid week from Portland Indicates thtt Albert E Simons, late expert for the grange alliance com mittee, shipped from that city last week fur China on a lumber vessel Guard. The postoffice department has decided that a letter Is not the property of the person to whom it Is addressed, and conce Queru'y delivery may be countermanded b ,he sender , If he can prove that he did end An advertisement in the Democrat sometimes has an electric effect. Last i evening a young man advertised for a I lost dog. The gentleman who had f und 1 trie dog saw it and returned the canine j before supper. The officers of the public school literary society, recently elected eie: R Thomp son, president ; Martha Risley, vice presl- dent, Jessie Mackleman, secretary; Lair Thompson, treasurei ; Job liethune, aecre- "'j on program ; Pro! Crawford, critic. At a meeting of the Building & Loan Association to day the resignation of Jay Blain, as secretary, was read and accepted, to take effect rrxt month. C B Winn was elected to the position. Dues will be received this month at trie counter of the Bank of Oregon Nearly every saloon In Albany was rob- bed of its cas'i yesterday. While the bar- a ; ke'per was being induced to go on the outside, the till was relieved al Its cash. U wai only a joke ; but It showed boar euy his to rob a mt-nev drawer. It work- tng'in every case tried. A terrific wir.d storm struck this section last Saturday anO Sunday, says t.ie Ante lope Herald. and the atmosphere was chuck full of mother earth, hats, boots and other vegetables for two or three days afterwards. It ws the hardest storm that ever struck this country. The congregation of the PresbyUrian' j church have decided to engage the rtrv Ices of Rev J R N Belt as pastor here and j that gentleman left last evening for Leb ; anon after his family to return to Baker ; City to permanently reside. Rev Bell . preached a very able sermon on Sunday evening Baker City Democrai. ustrrit roTBT: Following is the docket for the Circuit t-ourt convening next next Monday: There are 93 old cases. Follow lag are the new cases : W H Hartles sgt A Vulgamore; pos session of personal property. H B Mover agt A S and Dellia McDon ald; foreclosure lien. R L Sabin agt Swan Bras; recovery money. California iney aid Co agt Carl Bender; I recovery money, attachment Assignment A F Hamilton. B Gob! ag G W Keeney; recovery money, attachment. Solicitors Loan Trust Co sgr Wm and S A J Hawk; foreciosare. Fortmliler Si Irving agt H H Cole; re- j covery m joey . attachment. Harrisburg Water Power Co agt Etta land W F Mendendall; to condemn right 01 way. John Dodge agt P W Morgan; posses sion personal property. Alsey Ray agt J E Clark et al: recovery money , attach tent. W B Dooaca et al agt C C HackP.man ; foreclosure. H M Beai.recelveragt i E and C Clark; too very money, attachment. Deyce & Rohson agt Frank Wood; re covery money, attachment. Oregon ex irl E H Mendenhal! agt Har risburg Water Power Co: to enforce in junction. J W Ganes agt J E & C Clark; recovery moner, attachment I E Hayner A Co agt A C'-f ' ; recovery money, attachment. Linn Co Nat or a; Bank agt C O Burk hart; tecovery money, attachment '. attachment. .R L Sabin agt Finley k Brandon; recov ery money, attachment, D M Osborn A Co agt T J Montgomery ; recovery mjney. attachment. D M Osborn st- C o atrt T J Montaomerv et al; 1 ceo very money, attachment First National Bank of Portland agt Linn County National Bank; recovery money. N S Brown agt Alex and O F Harold; re covery mosey, attachment, Wadhams ft Co agt I B Beam. J A Crawford agt Isaac Beam: recovery money, attachment. lioseufield. Smith ft Co agt I B Beam; re covery money, attachment. Archie Gardner agt Wm Logus et ox; to qniet title. Fannie Neff agt Jos V Xeff; divorce. Annie Vulgamore agt Arthur T Vulga more: divorce. 8 Xirkelsburg agt Geo Finley; recovery mom-y, attachment. M A Maple agt C C Jackson; possession icrvonai property. Maston ft Davis act W Purcifull: re covery money.attachment. Channel's ft Sloper Bros agt D C Shep herd et al ; foreclosure lien. C W Cashing agt W S Phillips: recovery money, attachment. Fieckenstein & Meyer agt F L Ries et al; recovery of money - ECatheragtJM Williams et al; re covery money, attachment Spaulding Mtg Co. agt J L Cowan as Bank of Lebanon; recovery money, at tachment Mary Bercaw agt John W Bereaw ; di vorce. City of Albany agt A A Mawley ; re covery 01 money. City of Albany agt U M Kelley; re covery of money. City of Albany agt W II Warner; re covery of money. City of Albany agt Chester Skeele ; recovery of money. Frank Zimmerman agt John Rom- etsch ; to set aside attachment and for damages. t Lizzie illakely agt Chas S Blakely di vorce - H P and Mary Miller agt I X and L A Woodle; recovery money, attachment. James Nanny agt Louisa A Settleniier et al ; partition. Cruson & Menzies nut Harry Wilson ; tecovery money, attachment. Cruson & Mensies agt Wilson ft Chase; recovery money, attachment. Richard A Rutherford agt Hannah E Rutherford; divorce. Mittoa Hale agt Bank of Oregon, lay Blain, W S Thompson ; foreclosure. C II Stewart et al sgt W J Bruce ft Co, possession personal property. Linn Co National Bank agt C G Burk hart ; recovery of money. 0 H Stewart et al agt Southern Pacific RRCo; possession personal property. Lydia Zeyss agt Edward Zeyss; di vorce. R W Fisher agt W H Moore; recovery money, attachment W J Brace & Co agt Wilson ft Chase; foreclosure lien. John Schlosser agt Geo C Henderson etux; foreclosure. W E Harden agt Wilson ftChase; re covery money, attachment. Francis Bellinger agt A C Watkins and N Price. Frances Bellinger agt A C McCully and N Price. r-1 "nK l r V d showed a growth ol five die-1 riaxea of buic nutcsr JesT Burkhrt i rrcore,r moe. stuchment. iiact lhff eset eoooterpart of the Tlse groom is a son of Mr and Mrs R 1. Sabin am iieoPintev: nmrm mm- lon r anil ihnmh nl t hnsiin buu l 1 Long of North Salem. The newly A Portland lady at the World's fair dc. pended on a local draft 0.1 Chicago for money. The Portland bank failed, and the woman was In a pickle, when she happened to find a purse containing $100, wnich a blgrurly fellosr tried to snatch from her. Wi!h the monev, which no one called for at the bureau " of informs lion, she returned home. Let no one else Imagine the same !uck would strike them, The man who sees that times are now better, and are going to be a great desl better than they were In-fore the stringency rtruck us- will build up big business for himself and take lot of business from the timid fellows. The adverser with the right kind of business slug in him, who dares to spend mone? for advertising now, will have the advantage and reap the benefit. Ex. Mr and Mrs Wash Ncrton, have durir.g their second tout around the world,' played 1 uciore me nusauo ct japan at loklo also before several of the Rahjas and Princes, as well as the Viceroys of the East Indies, the governors of the Australia, New Zea land and South African colonies, the Prlnee and Princes of Wsle, while la London, and before our late president,!. S Grant, when in Bombay, India. They will be In Albany, Saturday and Monday. Surveror-Generai Tivara has been noti fied by the commissi .ner of the general land office that there has been apportioned tor survey of public lands. In t ie survey ing district of Oregon, for the current fiscal year, the sum of $1 1,000. Last year He apportionment wa, $30,000. The withdrawal of the Cascade reservation, a strip 20 to 30 miles witie.a'.ong ine Cat cade range, consisting principally of uniurvcy ed lands, will save great deal of survey ing In this stste. Baa, KMTATK IIUI. Brownsville Building ft Loan Asso to J M Waters, 220 feet U N G's 2nd ad $ Chas R Parke to J H Burkhart. in- terct in D L C P Bnrkiuut Jacob Menearto Attce Tost, 1 lot, Fosters Oregon to, Emma Berry. 40 acres. 10 E 2 J A Montgomery to Peter L Bilyeu. lfiO acres, w I L Y Wilson to J H Wilson. 36 acres. 12w4i 10 35 2.700 2418 10 2000 4000 j J M Merrell to 1 E Ewing. 20 acres. 11 w3 j J H Wilson to Jas Y McCane. ;S5 ai res, 12 w 4 H W Foreman to A J Pitner. 160 acres. 14 w II j N C Meyers to Jas W Jory. 120 acre 10.1: :0 Henry Lid to J L Miller. IGVX, acres. 3 E2 Hannah E Mania to N '3.x90 feet Scio 1300 125 I00Q C Meyer., Stasan J Murphy to K A Murphy, 173.11 acres R A Mumhv to Susan sturukv. tot 5 U 9,W 2nd ad Albany: 1000 Nora J Meyers to Eltasheth Cornell. 160 acres. 9 w 1 1 Peter Biben to Lee Bilyeu, 1 lot, Scio , 500 W Kirk to W H Henning, 3.90 acres Owen Bear by admr to Mayor John- son, 10I.S6 acres. 12 w 4 1500 itruirraaUT U i atttrtvna. Yesterday Saperiateaiient Mnlcahy.of the nmstsnPwilb. t,k tri t f i .s . . . ... . s . the road. At one of the town MikeSevton. V.SZ??"Jar ?h?Te a,rhlm' iZr'rVr Mnicafay was no match for him. and snu somewhat bruised wai dunaged bv the puiniistjc attsrk. Itaeams ftatsisail weeks ago Sexton, then section boss at Ni- asrara. had a dispute with the ntd- ent in which he od some pretty stro ewoBtn. asr jsuueainr immoiiateiy him disdtarged. His accounts wiv not all paid. The assault was a pmcsaal mattar with Mr Sexton, and the I'kmiktiat is in formed did not represwnt the interests or sentiments of the men who have been trying to get their back pay. Osxy grout a Rcss. A Sa'em attorney ia entitled to the bakery. He succeeded in acquitting a horse thief found with the animal in bis pusss ton, on the ground that the aaaa stole the ride and not lb horse. The defense waa that the man while sited foond a stray horse, borrowed Hand rode. on bis way. The jary, rhkeb are scmetimes very strange mistaraavaarrsed with lawyer Kaiser and ; acqnitted the man. According to the tneorr it won hi ot at reasonable to con vict a tramp of stealing a train when only ; ncwioa; a rrae, an v convict socn a man j " What Casi rr Mkaji. Yesterday Jos Meyers foond in an ordir of eweeteom from a grocery store an ear that for form- I ation is tMSrntiarls? nminono Tlubsssali the ear waa an pxact duolieate of a l.n-, wrist, while what is csna'iy tbe ' . . . . . " . .. I across the fingers- This growth is. no doubt, emblematic of the present ban times and there are those who be'ieve the ominous sign is in representation of an Oregon man clinging onto his but dollar. Statesmen. Hrrarw-Satorday evening abon 6 o'clock a shot was fired into the Iron door of Mr IVita Bender, at the corner o Lyon and Seventh sir .eta. Some child ren were standing near, but were only ' frightened- Mr Bender says when Mrs ( Bender went to the door the gun was (owtM at ber. It was not known for certain who did it, but an effort will be made to capture the offend r if bis iden tity can be established. Another version is that it was entirely accidental. ANovsl Spbctaclr At Goodhue's wood ysrd, nesr the big bridge a good, ahle bodied woman Is earning a livjng by helping run a wood saw. She Is not a bit slow at the buslntss. but Sres up, splits wood and handles big log with the great est ease. Whether this Is an indlcsilon ot hard times or the emancipation ot woman we do not know. Salem Demo crai. AtterChlsutaseB. Grant's Pass, Oct 17. An attempt was msde to blow up Wing Lee's walihotie sad store this morning st 1 :Jo. A bomb was thrown on the frost pores, but was sot of sufficient force to do the desired work. A hole was blown through tne porch and s smaller one la the side of the wall. The windows and doin were shat tered snd tne alas broaen, but none of tbe Chinamen were injured. Tbe damage is slight. A gang of roughs have been agi tating the Chinese deportstlon question lately, and they evidently intend to do qulcK work of It. Clf AMBKItl-AIX FOR GOVERNOR. The Salem Journal says: W P Miller of Klamath Ageney, a hrolner ot John r Miller with whom lie has largo laml inter ests, is in thetltv He is interested in a lawsuit before Jodge Burnett, and is a Prominent rancher in Southern Oregon, le says John V Miller will be at Salem in a few weeks. Beef steers bring 2f eta. cows 1 cts off the range for California market. Horses arc very cheap. He says Penoyer and Hermann have many friends among the people and are both great vote getters. His choice for governor on a fusion ticket is Attorney General Chamberlain who he be lieves will be the democratic nominee and would poll a big vote. Corsets. All our Kabo corsets are made with the new patented soft eyelets which are warranted not to pull out or cut the hi.-ers. Their use prevents tho back of the corset showing throngh the dress, and avoids staining of underclothing, which is th u when metal eyelets are lined. We confidently recommend them, not only as a perfect fitting corset, but the most durablo one in the market. Mado in medium, ex tra long, and extreme long waist. For sale by Samuel . Joung, aiuany. uregon. Fatronixc ths Central Kish and Poultiy Market, on Ktlsworih street, but "sen Sec ond sud Third, for your dressed poultry, gams and Hh of all kind iu season, oyster, clam and orah. Kverything fieah in our line may be had at reasonable tianrs Csll and see us. SkniiKRS Si Co. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pars Grape Cream ol Tartar Powder. Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing, the hair may be restored to Its origi nal color by the use of that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. Baths at Viereek havinc and hair I cuttlnK parlors. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE mm ami rr.BMtMi. MONDAY. Miss Roxle Roach, of Harrisburg, visiting relatives ID the city. Mr and Mm Geo E Fiah, of Corvallis, peat Sunday in Albany. G W Simpson went to Portland this noon to meet his L'ncle R II Simpson recently ol Helix who will be in Portland today. Mr Otto Lee, who has been in the east for lame time is expected in Albany this week 10 resume his position with Hodge & McFarland. B M Huston and wife, of ilbany.fath er and mother of oar Bob, together with Mr Perry Conn and family, arrived in our city 'oday to visit over Sunday. Corvallis News. A letter received by Dr G W Mas ton from James J Charlton at Silver Cit. I New Mexico, brings the glad intelligence j that he is still improving in health, hav- I ing gained twenty pounds in weight since ; he went there. The daughter of Mr and Mrs T L Dag- Ssr, of Scio. aged about 16, died yester ay at her home in that city, of con sumptidb. The deceased was a popular Sonne lady whose death will be regretted i y all who knew her. ! Hon W R Bilyeu was in Salem yesterday . 1 D B Monteith went to Portland this noon. License was natural today for the marriage of Henry Bofensiefer and EfBe Burg. iis tjwai Mites, who has been iWIIM in wis city dunnif me summer and fall. left for her home at Moscow, Idaho, today. D C Moore, the painter and artist, and wife, left Saturday niflht for San Leandr. Calif., which they intend to make their home. Jack Alphine. who ha been a resident of Unwaey for seven years, was in the city to- day. He has located at Jefferson, where he will run a bucks mith shop. Mr Alanine .1 T . , . , , ' ,. , a umnoer as use 11 a. L, to wnen It did some of its fastest tournament running. K D Wilson, a former resident of Albany, is in the city. Frank Daw. of HillsUro and In- aen of this city went to Ifarrisborg today in the iniTs 01 toe A t v . iter P A Means waa in the city todat his way to Corvallis. where he has! stationed bv the M E Church Sooth. licenses have been issued for the mar- nage of Jerome William and Liltie D Chambers. Edward Beesoa and Hulda Warner, fi Q Bell and EateBeeson. Ja H j Gray and Mary W Tillman. I Mr Frank Simpson, son of Mrs Simpson. ! of the City Launory. arrived in Albany this ". from Spokane, which he report ex- i oingiy t'cndioB wastb livest 1 Pteee he vutted ea4 of the ! u a. .it DMsta&MBav i MrMtinPavne and family have art - fOT -'- 'ZZJZTZ TTV.o .i C' , J"L " ! HP .i?,)t. k" Ptnre a. "M"BOBBm,J viuwibjwm 1 by W K Benrie, C M Whitehead and A C Alexander, of Portiead, are in the city for the purpose of permanently locating jml ensagintr in the msnufacture of wooden aire ami wooden pkket fewing, laown as the ' combination fence." Th young am are highly spoken ot es deserv ing the conS dence of the pnbtk. MrHngh Thompscn. book keeper at the UU-netutentiary. and Mis Emma Durri. one of Eugene City's most popular and ac camxdrshed yenng ladies wm united in .marnaee m m mm to- bride at that city. passed through Albany today for Salem. MAtUUTEO. Id a (k-obio wssJdinr al the rterere Hoasr tVt. ieh, isw Mr I L ifcuthohmsew. of Lane county, and Mi Bertha White, of Linn coaatT.were muted in Also ttrdv. John F Mebaaiel and Miss Nellie loth of Linn county. ti M Weimer. pastor of USRStJNI church. At the residenee of the bride s pare-. nnr Soo. Linn ownty. on October 15th. Norman IMigand MicmeMcIWial l. Kev " "psfry officiating The wedding CWWDOOy was wrrormed in the a number of friend and relatives. The Zm - Jt i.. SS 1 St SI . '. " . w n. p " wedded couple will romtuenosbooaekeepinj; 1 near MHlwra in a snort tin-, .totoruan. i Mr Henry Bnhmsifm . tbe young man who l . .1 J t At ,," : U 1.1 sob iMg ami 1 us use ss auax ons war -.... .Iwvm si;M L-Jfl 11... ! iAI 1 -if trn milliner, were united in marriage, . r. 1 2 , . ,1 , r , - I motheia JUW . TVr left ri tbema ; for lhp g wb(w ther rac. j . At Mral Times do von ever consider the quality of the food you are eating ? It rr, , Im mnnA ft mivht iftr H ! t s-r niirrr i fresher and more wholesome I It not worth while to make sure that you- tee, .offer, sugar, baked goods and innumera ble other groceries aie of ihe best quality? There Is suck a trifling difference In the prices of the best and the worst that It does not pay to buy the worst .even on the false grouno of supposed economy. The best is always the cheapest, because the most satisfactory and durable, and the very best of everything In the grocery line is kept st 1'arker Bros. WHO does your washing? It is to be hoped you send it to the Albany Steam Lsa miry, thus patronising a first-class home institution that employs only white labor. The work too speaks for itself, not after the fashion of the loud smelling Celestial wash ing, hat on account of the superior manner tn which it is done. Yes, Yov Cms see Ihe finest Hoe o sallies for suitings in the state at W R Graham'. where he has a tailor with few equals on hand to make them up on short notice. Get the best and most stylish suits of him. A new feature will be the making of ladles' cloaks to order, or the altering of cloaks to the latest styles, and he repairing of cloaks, price ars bot tom ones. Wheat, 50 cts; oals, 25c; hay,$S baled; wood, $3 to $3.50, taken' in exchange for sewlnit machinea or organ on hand at e. U Wlil' music store. Also on all book accounts of 6 months standing. Sewing machines f torn 2$ to $35, with my per sonat guarantee for 5 jr. There is more Catarrh In this Section of tne country than all other diseases put together, and until the last tew years was supposed to be incurable. For aareatnianx years doctorapro nouncod It a localdiseasr. and prt-scrlhed local remedies, and by constantly Skinag to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci ence has proven catarrh to be a cotutltatloaal disease, and, therefore, requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney JtCo. , Toledo. Ohio, lathe only eoasSBtatlonal cure on the market. It is taken Internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon ful. It acta directly on tho blood ami mucous surfaces of the system. ThcyoSer one hundred dollar for any case It fail to cure. Bend for Slrcnlars and testimonials. Address, T.J. CHENEY diCO., Toledo, 0. SaTSold by Druggists, 75c. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. DPRICE'S The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in MillionsTofi Homes 40 Years the Standard Powder 01 THE MOfTHEBS B"l DAK1. October 14th, 1893. The annual game of "pusy wants a corner" is about over among our neigh bors, and those unfortunate wbo failed to get "corners" have moved awav to Eastern Oregon and other localities.while those who got places are gradually get ting adjusted to their new quarters and ready for the winter wbicb has seemed so near at hand. Mr Getchell has returned to bis farm here, after a two years residence in the vicinity of Salem . Granville Morrow and family have moved to the Conser place. Mr WUHamson is moving bis fnrnitnre into the Luckey house to remain until be gets possession of bis own farm. Mrs Wallace, of Nebraska, and Mies Sallie Allingham, of Illinois, have recent ly visited their relatives here, but are now gone on a round of visits to Halsey, Salem and Monmouth, after which they will return here and may possibly remain all winter. Mrs James Curtis is moving from Har risburg to the CocLran place to keep house for her sons, who have rented the place. Bit very little of 'be summer fallow bas been sown here on account of the heavy rains, but now the weather is more favorable. It will probably all be 000 ana ne in in gooa time too. Angelo M.'Nsry and wife have a new daughter, about two weeks old. Miss Nellie WiHonghby baa returned home from quite a lengthy visit with friends at Brownsville. The sale of the personal property of the G R Ward estate on the 7th met was well attended in spite of the pouring rain, and the property bi ought fair prieea. Mesars Elliot and Souther land have moved to tbe Wilkins ranch north of West Point. D W Allinibam and wile, and Loren and Dollie Aliiogbam. of Matolee, Crooc county, were visiting here the first of last week- John Barger and family and Frank Barge r have gone to Eastern Washing ton to try farming there, and Mr Healer has returned from Co burg to bis farm recently occupied by them. Wood sawing is tbe problem that now vexes three of tbe neighbors moat- Tbe roads have become too soft to venture on with the eng'ne so they will have to use horse power or taw their own wood. Mr and Mrs Taylor spent part of last week with tneir son in Eugene. Edgar Aliiogbam is laid up wi h a badly sprained foot caueerlby his horse tailing down wish bim last .Saturday. It ia said, that the Miss Isaacs, who ; walked here from Victoria, B. C, last j enmmer .is now in yery destitute circa m- Mies Herman, of Porttattd, ts spending a tew weeks with her parents hre. Majuox Tax Pa rocs. Among the heavy taxpayers of Marion county R P Boise. Sr. wsssseassd at fS,.f2i: Breyman Bros. ioO.T K; George II Burnett 11.306; A Buh. t.(0; H D Cloggett. m.X2. Coledge ft McOaioe. t9.4Si: H W Cottle, tfJ.?2; N Davis. S27.rU; Wm England, 94,130; G W Gnv SSBSO; E J Harding. eWT.tiV Hoefcr ft Zorn. 164.773: John Hughes. SJ2.-222; J C Johnson, ttfLSO; 8 W Jones. tSR.416: M L Jones, 830.259; A Klein. S.S; Lsdd k Bush, taoO.000; F I.CW. .Vh W McMer. 83B.6I5: J J Unroby. SW.962: O PR R. 8146.S80: O st K K. -.UM6, JirsMattieFarnsh. cw. 230: Salem Flour Mill ro,59,13; Santiam i-nmuer t o. IO.:0; John tTage.sr. 1 : State Ins Co, 5.000: R W Wade. 30.750: G B Turner ft Co. S61.9T: Est R ! 8 Wallace. 39.500: 6 WiBiaiaaja6.27'V , Kay Woolen Mill, Poor Year for (' t jcxERins.-The Eugene : cannery has completed the work of drying i prune for the season of 181. The pro- j duct dried sjnonnU to about 35.000 pannds I of the article ready for market, the green j fruit amounting to about llP.wl pounds. At Dr Sharpies' dryer we are reliably in formed there were 60.000 pounds of dried prunes, or :. una mis of sneen fruit. j in one day the Dr turned out four tows of I ft ft m I ft. ft t . Tftft. onea iraii ana ae is taninnsra. utat wiut proot furnances be can eatery dry five tons per day. Tbe cannery will nrobaUy make a short run canning corn before it jpcrnian ently close down for the season. This bas teen a very poor year for canneries. Nearly every one of these institutions will tone money this year. Eugene Guard. Or IvrxassT to A i-i Wholesale mer chants in the Eastern states have offered s ns great inducements and we want aive our customers an opportunity well, provided yon will bay now. We have made great reductions in tbe price of oar drees goods, fine sboeevapes, jack ets, etc, for Cash. ani intend 10 sen tnem as fast as possible. Highly five cents in most cases will rmv a dollars worm 01 goods and some times more. Come in and make your selections, uur goods are nearly all new, and can't be bought else where tn 1.1 nn county lor tne prices we will sell them at if bought now. Read, Fracock A to. wwarssi tstMsiiiiie Pay Perry Conn. Terms, cash it Fi. Kenton's grocery store Please pay Perry Conn what sou owe bim. If you want a tine amok call for Joseph s white labor cigars. The bsstNsssat coS ia the city at Cosnad stsfera The best watch in tbe world for the money at French's jewelry store. Fine Southern Oregon peaches as F L Kenton. Now ia the time to can them. Motor make rive trips daily to Vieieek's ! addition. Lotr there on installments of $1 i per week, Pa roniae home industry by smoking the celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured by Ja'ius Joseph. Genuine parts for all sewing machines, also the best oils, needles, etc,, for all sewing machines, bicycles, etc., at E U Will's music store. Sewing machines and organs repaired reasonable, and all work warranted. NeedKs prepaid by mail 40c a dozen. AUsaay Market Vh.45e. Oals, 5-i. 1 ?onr. t on oner, 25a Kggs 2f.s. !rd, 1 to 15e. Pork - harna 13 to lfkn ahonli.er 9 to 10a, ainss. II to 13c Hay. baled t7 "oatoen, 4K Apple , 40 Hops. itlc. Dried fruit plums, ft app'.aa, Bo. Chickens, ft 00 per doaen. Beer, on mot, l: I Hogs dressed, (is. Portland's Great Industrial Exposition Opkks Skptkmbek 37 1803 Closk October 18. LIBERATI'S CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND WILL FURNISH TBE MUSIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINIATURE. The Special Features Will Eclipse Those op asr Previous Year, MADAME QIRARD OYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN Com Urcted st s cost off 10,000 and throwing a t tousaorf jtc of water la all colors of the rainbow will heastify Music Hall. LARGE AQTJABIUMS Containing tisb of all variatits found in Oiegon waters, have been constructed at gnat expanse. A TIT QAT,LEBY Will ccatain a col ection of paintings selected from tbe World's Fair. Aasawg t ben Ellrimrgs celebrated paibting. Caster's Last "ight. To visit this great Exposition and view its wonders ia every department of Ait and Seiez.ee, will be the next thing to a visit to ihs Wwid's Fair at Chicago. Reduced rates on ail Transportation Line? . For farther information address. E. W. ALLEN, Hnperio tend cot and hec.e ary McMLMVILLE COLLEGE. sMftiflLithh mm :In advantages not found elsewhere ia this Beutifil LfltttioB, SiiUMe liiUiua, EffrClt TfadMR, Five courses of stadv (Taaticai. SV.ientiSf. special advantages in Vocal and Instrnmental Music, Graduates of the Normal course are entitled to a State Diploma, and are in demand to nil high positions. McMismville is scoeasible by rail from all parts of the State, on tbe main trunk of Lbe Southern Pacific R. R. West Side; fifty miles south of Portland Fall Term Head for atalegne. BUY HEATING STOVES 'ROM Matthews BAN I w ill sell all crcckerv COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, wortls 50c for 25 cents: lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00 cups and saucers 15 to 40 cents a set; pla'es. 40 cents pel tset. Every'Ling else in proportion. Call on roe and you will not be deceived. J. Gradwohl. This Time Its About Crockery. I will sell all kinds of crockery of the best grades, as cheap as they can be bought in Albany. Try me. While you are at it I can furnish you the best GROCERIES and freshest produee at bot tom prices. P. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, iToprleter, WHOLESALE HD RETAIL Only White Labor Employed1 PoaruitB, Ossoos. Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. X A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. MANHOOD rwss.aU Statu maia loss Frallaaibaay.Oa.,ST J. A. OLMattfW nr. iftKABinci photograph -albaavr swesi I. A. Morris & Co, Flour and Feed Store, I Have removed their store to the Strahai store, formerly occupied by Deyoe S Robson, snd bare on hand a full stock o COIVAUIS FLOUR, MAN, SHORTS GERM MEAL, GRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done. lreftS9Ha-wTn'?jfl a ran McMinnvilie Oregcn, V:t cad ?T.t. best Offers Sopeir AM$ Expenses Light: a boarding bail in the College building on tteciebphm. I'esideut Brownsne steward thns guarantying good board at tb least possible cost it the stadent. Board can al I had in private families at 2..V to pe week, including lodging. Tbe ine Telescope recently Hsotmted in Us New Observatory and the extensive Library to which student have free access, often state. . ThirtT lere Cupix, TlTwgk Wcti. Normal. literary and Bttaaess, wish Bociness coarse at two years. Begins September 19th, Address. T. 6. BatOWMJJOSf. Preaidteait. Or A J Hunsaker, Solicitor and FinancialAjent. 4 Washburn. BUSINESS" ware and holiday goods at CONN A. P. AsasrKO.su. Pkincxpai.. RESTORED! ot sowar la OamastnOtaaa 0 sasasw sax aww rinawrntssiasfsattstscaissrrsnnS '. . SoM r al' tsis. Aft rorlwisks nuotksr. Writs) ror noaicaittooa siiiis and by UOISOSS Met A UAKD. Unwpstx Cabinet photos from $1.50104.00 per doaen. saiaigrng pictures a ipectalty. ItntlO cravun- uiraw 'for $10.00. We carry a large stock of 5x8 and terecoplc yiews of Or- ebs, esn I HAVE RRNTKD TH8 MAGNOLIA Mill waraboaae aud will have it in frcod order for receiving the present crop. The warehouse t - first ciaar and conveniently (coated . Contains .wo good cleaners No delay in no loading. Sack will b oa baud for delivery ia duo tine. Give me aoall before making arrangenents to sora your G.P.SIMPSON. Albany, Or., Jely 15U , 1893. To Farmers