mt cmotvat. The total number of while males In the United Stales from five to twenty years in clusive is 9.655.372; colored, 1,587,318. Total numberof unite females of same 6". 9.595.'9T; colored, 1,609,499. In the Cascade Mountains la the Great Sunken Lake, the moat deeply-sunken lake in the world. It is fifteen miles long and four and a half wide. It It two thousand feet down to the surface of the water, hut the depth of the watei Is unknown. The lower house of congress has passed the bill attending the time for the Chiaeae to register six months. The senate will doubtless pass It without delay. Then If congress wants the law enforced let appro priations be made to pay expenses. When the federal election law repeal bill and the tarifl reform bill shall reach the senate, will not the spectacle of Lodge, Chan iler, and one or two other republicans debating them Indefinitely to prevent a vote be a most beautiful one for such dem ocrats as Vest, Vance, Morgan, Pugh tad Dani-l to behold? Among the Kafirs the price of a wife variea from five to thirty cows. The Darr.aras are more moderate, and one cow is considered a fair equivalent, whilst a goat will purchase a wife among some tribe. But the cheapest marker appears to be Uganda, where a lather offered to be tow the hand of hia daughter upon a trav eller for a pair of boat. N'apthaline, which is a proJu:t of coal tar distillation, in appearance something like paraffin, haa been found useful in England for the preservation of timber. The wood is soaked f . r two to twelve hours in the melted napthaline at a temperature of 200 degrees F. Among the many "freaks" effered for exhibition at the World's Fair are a hen that always walks backwards, a Shetland pory that is so small that her shoes are made from $20 gold pieces, a razor that had been used by George Washington, an Ind ian prodigy aged four yeans, who can re cite "Thanatopsia," and a garment 400 vears old. The TJegram is distressed beyond meas ure because the New York IKorW sees fit to oppose the boss -named democratic candi date for supreme judge in that state. This is a soul disturbing condition of things at first thought, but when we reflsct that the World has such an illustrious example as that laid by Governor Penuoyer in opposing the democratic candidates on the state ticket and the national ticket in 1892 much ot this distressed feeling is removed Some people will be independent and among these are the New York World and Gov ernor Pennoyer. To adopt the compromise silver measure proposed by Harris would fall far, very far short of the free and unlimited coinage de manded ty Bland, Bate, Vance, Vest, Mor gan, Mitchell and others. It it not giving silver the recognition it should have. Let the free coinage of silver bullion, the pro duct of our own mlns be adopted and that will be a recognition that will count for something. The late Gen es.le is said to have brought the Stat specimen cf gold from California, to the East in 1848. lie cross ed through Mexico with them, disguised as an Eng'ith lieutenant, it was a danger ous place for Americans so scon after the war, and managed to get aboard 'he United State sbip Saratoga, thea lying off Sacri ficios, in command of Capt (afterward Ad miral) Kirraqut. It waa she report thut brought by Gen Beale that stimulated the gold fever all ovtr the country. "Democrat" at Lebanon should not be surprised when the'paid tool ot a monopoly newspaper organ, (notwithstanding he claims to be a democrat J should engage in the bitterest abate of such democrats as Cleveland, Car It I e. La room, McPherson, Palmer, Hill anil Vocrhce. The hireling Is doing the work as a compensation for the mess of pottage he haa received. The organ had a dirty, very dirty scheme to consummate but it found a man edited in the disguise of a drmxret base enough to do the wo.-k. fbe capitulation of Senator Voorbees and the adminittra'ioa cohorts to the silver senators was the logical result of the fool ish attempt to enact laws by brpte force Evening Tdtgram. The attempt to enact laws by brute orce was fiisl commenced by Teller" Wol cott, Morgan, DuBoia tnd other., wbca they entered into a plot by wh'.ch a minor ity of the stna'e agteed to hold out phys ically indefinitely against the passage of ibe repeal bill. There was no pretense that th y bad not had imple time to debate the question. They knew if a vote were taken they would bo overwhelmingly de feat-d. They resoiteJ to the foolish teat cf brute force. Flie-., though obtrusive in the dog days, are in general indispensibe because, in their maggot state, they act a scavengers. There is, however, a dark side to a mature and rotant fir's nature in that it may quite unconsciously !ecome the bearer of sot grave, contagious diseases, such as car buncle, etc. The English Mechanic is responsible for the statement of Prof Sim rnands of Hamburg has shown by experi ments that fl'es can infect eatables espe cially sauces with cholera germs. Hence it is necessary to keep flies awav from articles of food when cholera or other infectious disease is about. The editor adds that If the German processor has demonstrated fbe fact, it proves conclu-ive-ly the truth of the late Cornelius Varley's statements made more than forty years ago HE vAt IIBIAL 1 OCKTE V . When Senator Stewart, who rrpreacrils a State with a population e than some o the war-js In Philadelphia, talks agana time to empty bench-s in orrier to delay the pass Rt- of a bill lndor.ed by toiti po i kal I Pitt'iT and actively demanded bv to- ' thud, of Hie population of the country, it Is not pj.hing Senatorial courletr bejono the b3uoH, when 1,1 1 thioit falls him ' und hlssto.kof argurriunts l t-abauste.!, u bid the natioT wait until he shall have re cuperated his phylcal energies and scra ped hi h. i pan fo' more word? If a hlh en.e of ! nor should govern his ac tion?, Mr S rv.Mrt would not talk at all. He 1 trying t.) ta k an I v te money into his own pocket . Whilst he gabbles the busi ness Intciefs of the Cnited States 'are n.-rdlcsl tiaraiseii by doubt and anxiety. Senatorial cuurtea is a lovely thing lim it i ut forth to insure ibe nght of p hnt h-aring snd fall dslrbertlon; but a hen It i mad-s a mask for mere mulUh uess, and wilful Intent to ob-truct irgs a ton anJ jefeat the papular desire. It be-, comt an abuse. The Senate should be tour 00m with limitation. Tf.e amenltie. A debite cannot b- safely carried to such an exteat as to prevent Stnaturs from the rlitcharge of 1 grave publi: duty rtqulrlng imcediate action. The counliy afiould be comldtrsd firkf, and Ihe aneniiies afterward. THKTARIrT filW., The Washington correspondent of tte St Louis Republic says. Work on the tariff bill by the demcc'atlc members of the ways and means committee continues on the lints of making ths raising of revenue the object of the bill arid protection the incident. That, according to one of the members, is the direction the proceedings ate taking at present. There seems to have been cou 8derable talk about enlarging the free Hat, At there are many articles now subject to duty which yield but little revenue to th? government. This points to many agricul tural products where competition with American pioducera is impossible to any considerable extent. The tax on wheat and other grains may be abandoned, with the exception of barley, as there ia a considerable demand for pro tection against Canadian barley. It seem' that the protest of the market gardeners ol the Atlantic coast who did not want the duty removed from vegetables, will not have Very much weight, as there seems to be an opinion prevailing in the committee that Bermuda products will not cut much of a figure as competing against '.hoa: grown on Long Island and other places along the coast. It Is argued that the Bermuda pro ducts are shipped in at a time when the products of the home gudens could not be planted. The market gardeners In the vicinity of Buffalo, Detroit and other large cities along the Canadian border have been disturbed to some extent by the anticipated competition cf the Canadians, but members of the committee say that the consumers will receive the benefits of the reductions In price If any follow. It was supposed that after the statement of the governor of West Virginia before the committee perhaps Chaiiraan Wilson might be Inclined to oppose a change in the coal schedule. But it is Intimated at the least that coal is very likely to go on the free li-.. It has been argued that the. West Virginia coal rieldsare benefitted only wbere tide water can be reached by rail and canal routes and that ia a small matter when the entire consumption of coal is considered while It is claimed that the benefits to be derived by free coa! to the New England manufacturer la an item ot of great im portance. It has also been claimed the interior coal fields cannot be affected materially by free coal. There has been considerable talk over the iron and steel schedules and lhre are inti mations that this is the most difficult prob lem that has yet confronted the committee and one which U quite far from settlement. Members of the committee have talked aboat a reduction of duty on pig and scrap iron from $6.72 to 6.50 or $6 per ton, with the view that there wou'J be large revenue derived from importations undr such a reduction. As to tt.e manufactured pro ducts of iron there is yet nothing that can be called an agreement. That then: writ be a reduction is beyond doubt, but the fixing of duties is considered one of the difficult matters before the committe. The Iron ore schedule if another stumb ling block. The pressure from the regions along the great .'akeg ia for a reduction of considerable duty. The Lake Superior iron miners, who have a large output, have been urging their members of congress to main tain, if possib'e, protection on iron ore. But this nan of the bill hat not been n- ! erally discussed by the members of the com- J mittee. Some members of the committee say there will be no difficulty in raiting sufficient revenue, and that tbey need not fear making reductions On that ground, It Is Intimated that whiskey will stand aa increased tax of 25 or 3o ceaU a gallon vey easily ; also that the us of $ 1 s barrel or. beer it very light, especially as the brew ers are expecting a reoucUoo oa barley and bop. There are alto intimations of even ing up the duty on sugar so that refined sugar will lave no advantage over raw sugar. At a rneaas of. raiting revenue some members of the committee say tin1 half or a quarter cent may be placed on sugar without aay ill effects. ilBOXLY PROTESTED Mr Bryan of Nebraska scouts the tale of hi withdrawal from the democratic party. He remains a democrat until the party be comes monometallist Mr Bryan will there fore be a democrat until funeral services mark his last public appearance. There are no signs that the party will he enticed from its ancient faith in hard money ami a doable standard. Disturbances in the relations of the metsls since the old days when we could u?e either gold or il qer at the standard, according to preference, have produced differences of opinion among democrats upon the best plan of returning to free coinage. Bat no good democrat is deceived by the gold or ths silver monometa.Ii-t. A young democrat like Mr Bryan, actu ated by generous enthusiasm for the old princip'es, will strive to combat the idea that money can be doled out to the people by the paternal band of the central govern ment. For the sake of justice and uni formity the government controls the stand ard. At 1 business establishment it should protect its own credit with metallic reserve against its outstanding liabi ities. Having declared the standard it can let the people get their own money and use it as tbey please. Mr Bryan can spread the true) democratic gospel by talking in favor of a bimetallic standard and liberty . for the people in money issnes. We are glad Nebraska democrats have the talented young advocate with them for life. ' KBW VOkK STATE TICKET The New York-tTortii has 1I. following to Biy of the ficket no.ninaful by the dem ocrats of that state: The democratic state ticket proper is made up of the nominee for secretary of sta'e, comptroller, treasurer. attorn?v-ir.'n- eral and state engineer and surveyor. The judicial nomination is a seoarale thir a. quite apart from politics The state ticket, aside from Mai nard. as the World said on the day after 1 he nomi nations, i an excellent one. The state onicerH who were renominated have lieen faithfu' and efficient public servants and deserved their indorsement. Toe new can didaleH are irood citizens, capable men anJ representative democrat. -'' 1 he larger the majority for the whole of the state ticket except Maynard. and the larger the difference in the vote lietween the rest of (lie candidate and the nominee for judge, the Greater will lie fbe rebuke to the machine xme who forced biru on the party. Ten years aitj all the democratic candi date except Maynard were elected. Per haps history is getting ready to repeat itself in a similar result now, Itwonli. lie not only poetic but very practical justice. It would be a much needed moral lesson in politics. A ibe people think it oyer hey rn.iv conclude to do some scratching this year .11 the interest of decent politic nd an un tainted judiciary. In S y'i'7. 1 .1x1, in- o aur .111,1 myrtle bloom, those graceful symbols at wed dings, find their substitute in Gruyere cheese. A fact! you may take our word for it. On the day other marriage ibe brlJe iretives a who'.e fjruere cb ee, which is religiously preserved in the family As lime e,ocs on, vaiious maiks and nod lies a.e cut into It winch serve to recoid Ibe binha, .narriage,, death', etc, occu nine In the household and amor.g the relatives. CLEVELAND'S HIM FT At.!, ISM. In their speeches in the senate, the silver senators seek to weaken the cause of repeal by making it appear that Mr Cleveland is hostile to bimetalism. In hia first effort Senator Vest made tho astonishing asser tion concerning Ihe message tint the president had failed "in this great state paper to say one word in regard to bimet allism." This, he said, "means that he considers the free coinage of silver at any ratio so impracticable that it does not need the executive notice. Other opponents of ropen'. have repeated this charge even since the president's letter to Governor Northen. Mr Cleveland's first criticism of tue Sherman law in the message is that its operation, if continued, "would destroy the parity between the two metals by establish ing a discrimination in favor of gold." Again he says that if the law is not repeal ed the exhaustion of the gold supply in the treasury will bring about a condition of things in which "gold and silver must part company and the government must fait in its established policy to maintain the two metals on a parity with each other." Still again he says : If, as many of its friends claim, silver ought to occupy a larger place in our cur rency and the currency of the world through general international co-operation and agreement, it is obvious that the United States will not be in a position to gain a hearing in favor of such an arrangement so long as we are willing to continue our at tempt to accomplish (be result single handed. It appears clearly from an attentive reading of the message that it was inspired by the most earnest desire for a rational bimetalism s safeguarded as forever to maintain the two metals on a parity not oniy in our own coinage but in the cur rency of of the civilized world. In the Northen letter he was still more explicit H3 there wrote: I am a friend of silver, but I believe its proper place in our currency cut only be fixed by a readjustment of our currency letrislation and the inauguration of a con sistent and comprehensive financial scheme. I think such a thing can only be entered upon profitably and hopefully after the repeal of the law which is charged wttn alt our financial woes. In the present state of the public mind this law cannot be built upon nor patched in such a way as to re lieve the situation. The president is a bimetal! ist as those men are not who desire free silver coinage under conditions which must drive gold out of the country and establish a silver monome'a!lism. He wants "our currency to be of such a character that all kinds of do'lars should be of equal purchasing power," and on that bas's alone can there be actual bimetallism any where "On any other there most 1 monometallism either of gold or of silver. In any future and sincere endeavor io adjust oar currency to the needs of the peop'e, the advocate of a rational and safe bimetallism will have nothing to fear at the hands of the presi dent. rKorumoft for tuabe Western and Southern staple producers never needed a tariff lor revenue more than now. A tariff far revenue is equivalent to a reduced cost of transportation ho-"H ways. Every fanner knows what relieved trans- portatioo charges do lor the movement of crops and tSe paichase cf goods. 'aim debts never prettco mere heavily ad farm prctits were never more u autis tic ory. Wheat price drag. Cotton It 00 belli r. and the big packing house have claimed that they mst cut dewa expense. These are the three great tourers of oar export trade. For 70 year the tariff question has been the same how much the stsple projuie should be charged for the support of gov ernment end the maintenance of certain liaet of manufacture. Net only how much actual money they tbculd pay, but how much restriction of trade they could stand. Kidical additions to taxatk n and restric tion have been made without notice to the staple prod acers. The iaopoai'ion of aew hardens in 1S83 and 1890 was made when all the pledges oat were for reduction. fn spite Of that habi'aal treatment the agricultural Sutes do not ask for at imme diate blotting oat of all protectism Tr-eir expectation is that a Decnoerttie Ways and Means Committee will present a bill whose guiding purpose wtil be the encouragement of trade and production. The raising of revenue neceasfta'e some protection a long a we have a tariff of aay kind. We can stand that much protection, and not a great deal more. It ha always been the case heretofore, when a tariff bill it in loaraeof preparation, that the country hears a gr.-at deal about the tfiect on the protected industries. This time we have a right 10 hear lets about that ana more about cheap trantpoitatlon and the eacoaraglog effect on the export industries. When the Ways and Meant Commhtee in it exoeriments gets to a bill for 'he j merchants, f jrmerv school teachers, pieach ers. lawyers, carpenters, masons and black smith It can stop light there That bill will be good enough St Louit Republic. DEMixEATti: KiNsisrev.-v. Governor M :Coike of West Virginia re cently succeeded in attracting considerable attention by appearing before, the Ways and Mens Committee of ibe House to ar gue kn b half of the duty on coal. It wa assumed thai he represented the Democrat ic party of West Virginia, aod numerous saliri-al comments ensued upon the Demo cratic idea of Ihe tariff a a local issue. It now appears that Gjvernir McCorkle rep resented nobody but himself. Not a Dem ucraiic newtoiper In West Virginia has sustained h position, and si far a known Ihe only prcmineni llemo rii'i in the Htate who defend t are those in the immediate Mct'orkle circle It ta-jui been discover ed that tile G ivernnr enenain Senatorial aspiration, LuD bit advoca:i of protection to the h'l'in ; product of West Virginia it thought to h ve finished bU chances. Tliis is as it 'hould tie, I ! 1 Democratic revenue iarlff mear.t pro ee'lon on coal In 'A est Virginia an.l pro e lion on Iron Penns Ivania. and prn'ec In u textile Mtasachu-elti, an I iroecl ,1 on lead Montana, an 1 pr"ler.'ioi, on lum'icr Wt.hi!i(lor. md rfOtei li On wool Ohio, and r 1 . . 01 -r,- j In Connrct cul, and ,1'oteennn "n 1 South Car olliia, ar'.l ti'i. e f. ,p , 1 in Lnufslana, It would h j 1 i la we" t i k to McKin -leilsm at once. A De no t should be a Ilemorrat everytic ills principles abould fit as We I t home across the LCntinent H's arfumti'. ' fore Congress hould agree with his v.e c'ie on the tump. The American peoide have been convert ed to ihe doctrine o'ata-iff for revenue only. Tbey deaire to aee h it policy car rled out thoroughly, systematically, con sistently and promptly. "Hearings" be fore a congressional commttlee aro an impertinence The country hna been giv ing hearing for the last six years. The new tariff bid ought to hive been pasie I three months ago. If it hud been, thoj utile utscipiine wnicn me democracy is in danger of receiving next inontli cou'd have averted. ExamUtr. Mums The local reporter of the Salem Journal is evidently not m harmony with the editor in chief for he refers to them as Denny pheas ant in a very innocent manner, reading very peculiarly after the caustic editorial of a day or two ago. There are wonderful possibilities in this tits. Foster McKennon, a young man who was selling churns in Walla Walla, lust spring, has recently been elected city mar shal of Perry, a new town of 6000 inhabi tants in the Cherokee strip. He is also a deputy United Sbites manhul. According to a report of the Slate Treasurer three counties have not yet paid their taxes tor 1803 and eight for 1866. Better get a move on . In the Portland Welcome a correspond ent charges that a certain voung lady who ha been bavin trouble in Portland, had an abortion performed in this city in May three years ago. A mau in New York was arrested for stealing six cents and placed under 11000 bonds. Had lie embezzled several thou sand dollars of other peoples money, like some 01 arm orts popular cashiers have done, he would have been a great fellow and probably sent to the legislature. One million dollars is expected to ar rive in the burg next week to be used in baying wheat. It will go next to the granger, then to the merchant, on to the banker, whirl to the manufacturer, and the newspaper men with the claws of an eagle may sit upon the curbstone and see the dollars rollin" by. Portland Ex. Probably every paper in the U S men tioned the little tub race between the Vigilant and the Valkyrie, one in itself not amounting to much : but as a nation al contest,' it brings up the old fight of 1776, and we are all proud to see the Britishers whipped again and as often as possible, in all contests from a prise fight up through horse races, cricket matches, etc to a diplomatic bout at arms Hurrah for Uncle Sam. Under the present tax 'aw hundreds of men will pay heavy taxes now where they have not paid any for year. The indebtedness clause does the business. The gross value of his property does the business. The law will be a benefit to the man not in debt; but the other man will pay taxes on what he doe not own to a certain extent. Had there been honest ret cms of notes and accounts heretofore the result would not be ma terially changed. Last Monday, while on his way home from his farm near Couelius, the horst driven by Uncle Dan Phillips became I f reightened at a boy carry iug an umbrella ! and turned the buggy over, throwing the1 out gentleman out in the mod aujcl water and spiling a can of milk, some cabbage and numerous other thing on top oil him. Hilliboro Independent- Accent- 1 tng to some people notions about such j . 1.. . 1.. .k..u 1. 1 iL. m I" ?TuZ TZJT JE "Ul" ) fbe amendments offered by Geary and Cam Welti. The bill, as passed, extends the I suneition of the Gear law via month. The following touching appeal is pan- ! I is bed as a personal in the advertising columns of the Bacoda. Wash., sinter piiae: "Three or fonr years is not a life time, but it is a long time for a doctor to wait for hia fee when hia wife and babies are 1 Tying for bread and aorzhnm. I i.l Lake anything on account from a ! spring chicken to a hillside farm, but a! settlement of uuiw kind 1 tnnat hin In I future, a discount of 10 per cent will be s given on all oil; Mid month 1 v." One of the Chines inixtea bey. fnraith-' es toe r or lowing in a neatly written band: Two young men in this city one blind and the other ouenn The Uind man heir, th tajBssaii ujsm man watx nener. The Salem Journal ha at least one good lire kick a day. Yesterday it was because the State Press association voted to call the Chinese pheasant the I Way pheaunt. and calls it txdvism. It takes the ot-raaion In oppnae Mr iWny for Governor, tho mak ing a combination stick. It would be a joke on the public if Col Hogg- would appear on the scene lec 1" and bid in the tireyon Pacific. In the meaatiaii Receiver Had ley is ia the east making arrangements to hoi hi the road into 1 'rook county. All these thing are very interesting to a person capahle of under standing them. The Astoria fmdgett declare, that a young married man in thatcitr played poker two days and two nights art week, ami when be went home he found his dear i;,,i, . - , . - little wife, utfcng up in bed eaUntr caaary wwHkTeIe!r-!Jj rtarve he went back to the game and prayed a o . , . . . . another day and night. Last week Conductor Huston eiected from his train two tramps wearing genuine dia-; mono ana a gooa many or toetn nave gold watches and jewelry. A cutis of men with some money are tairinn advantaee of the situahon to obtain free ride. The blind baggage is their favorite place. Of courve thev would not take to the brake beam. The braketnen and conduvtors will earn their money this winter. In a recent lecture before Union College on .ioornalisin t Iwrlex A Dtaat, editor Of the L 8 Sun xaid What Imnks ought you to read? use. but ton Almo..t all book have their are indispensable to this kind of an edm-ation . Hut of all then? the most useful, the most indispensable, the one whose knowledge is the most effective, u in the Bible. I am considering it now not as a religious liook. but as a manual of utility, of professional preparation and professional use for a journalist. There L. perhaps, no irooa wri'we styie is more iif(.eiinve anil more instructive, from which you can learn more directly that sublime simplicity which never etnseratos, which recount the greatest ' . tlV n Itil KICUIUIb, VI IVUlie, UUV KUU' J 1 . t ....... 1 ... .. out sent 1 m enta my or itnc.tation: none which you open with such confidence and lay down with such reverence. There U no book like the Bible. An income tax a a method of raising revenue Is joat now the abject of much discussion in the H:ae It ha not yet been brought forward in the ways snd mean committee, a it la the policy of Chsitman Wilson 10 formulate a tariff bill In advance of any piovision for increasing the levenue by internal tata'km In dlt culng trie ua'ler to-day Congressman Whi'isg, of Ihe ways and means roinmittte, savti I am ktrongly in f..vor of rn iu oinc tat, wtdch 1 believe to be ibe plan tor the dittiibutlon of the burden uf tax ailon. My Idea o' a tax i t'lat It nhou'd be aiKiiit five per cent a year on fixed in comrs of J,ooo and over. I do nit think the graduated tax a fate one, as, owing to the inattbjllty of large incomes, there K no jasiice in pu linj such a burden upon them as would impeiil the p--rinanency of Urge financial entcpriie. I take no ttock In the communistic ide.t of levying a tax that would prevent the amassing of much wealth. I would simply make large properties pay their ahare towards the auppoit of thr general Government . "I hear a good deal of talk about the d.'fficulty of collecting an income tax, but I think thai with our m idtrn methods and improved pub'lc service we would find little more troub'e '.ban is experienced In collec'. ing taxes on personal property. I think it might be well to incrrporat: in such a bi I at I Hfieak of a provi.lon frr a lax on legacies such as bs been succetslolly lev nil in several States. No valid objection on be made to such a tax an 1 the income from that source woull bj conii iersble." The Vellaw Fever Ukunswick, Ga, Oct 1 i. Thirty-four were reported new cases of yellow fever 'here today, onedea'h. an and 15 wera dis- (tharired. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A t un4 For t"oaumlttn. Pnn.ADEi.rniA, Oct 17. The county medical societies' petition to the board or health to isolate consumptives has increas ed their fears, occasioned by startling head line in a local paper declaring the disease infectious. The state legislature of Michigan recently indorsed ihii view, as did the medical congress in Washington, and deaths from consumption having de creased everywhere recently. I r Fleck, with a few others, ascribe this to isolation - The majority of medical experts, however credit it to the free broadcast distribution through physicians of test outfits of the Amies? treatment, by which authentic cures aro re ported daily in the medical and .-.alar presi. .nib Etperleaee. 8ATTt.R, Oct 17. It is more thsn probable that the Krug deficit will be made goad tomorrow by Krug's bondsmen. When the city treasurer fltd. he nad but fSS.ooe In cash on hand, when he should have had $395,000. This deficit of about $307,000 waa lessoned by the city accepting warrants notes, mortgages and other securities found among K rugs' paper,amounting to $Si,ooo, leaving the sum to be made good by Krug and his bondsmen In the neighborhood of $125,000. A Saner i ad ta a Ki'. Valparaiso, Ind, Oct 17. Thirteen bruited and mangled bodies lie la the sta tion house at Whiting. Lake county. Last night a dance at the town hall had a bloody ending. It wa a battle waged to the bitter en J between Poles and Italians, who had taken possession of the hall for the purpose usV 7iryZr:" 1 . . . 1 .... . ir 11. i literally scalped alive, while a dagger thrust severe! the jugnhir vein of another unfortunate. A Urge numberof arrests were made. Harden d PasDutTON, Or, Oct 17. Thi svening, about 8 o'clock, an altercation occurred in a wash house between two Chinamen named Coon Sing and Charley, wt-an Coon Siag plunged a targe knife Into the breast of Charley, penetrating his heart and killing him a lows' intlcntly. Coon Sing went to the sheriff's office and surrendered himself. A Brrsrd Broken Nashville, Tenn. Oct 17. Yesterday j Fantasy won the t yeai-oid trot aa the j pleated in 2:oi5t. which lower- the world' 3-r:ar old record of 2:1 1 J, made by Di rectum over the tame course last year. The Talk a aitaar. WASBrsoToaT, Oct 16. The condition of the repeal bill in the senate with reference i f to a co a promise is not so easy of definition . today as it appeared Saturday. The situ- j : afion appears to have changed somewhat , . from the standpoint of the ultra repeal ,OIce- The reason for this change, real ot i PPreat, t m the fact that toe admtnts- . ,r,Uo baa again made known it wish thai f -S'"i ,raa,Je ta f 'h repeal i b,"1 ""Win without amendment. It i , 11 shall continue o debate the inealion if until iHscember I. Taw Cesar Mil. I w .wmwrus. net 10. 1 oe not W.vaaixriTos. Oct 16. The house this afternoon tweed the McCreary bill, with t defines Chinese laborer and Chiaeae nter- chant; raandatory photographic identification, reooiiet marshal to carry oat orders for deportation, and exclude Cninamen convicted of felony from per mismou to register. Geary declare that the bill a passed i rrfectly tUfactory to the coast. k"".???' iict. -Hiker' Mclioaaw. ot fort Meeie. arrived m loan 1 1 ti .1 . j . n: j LZ TaTTS ?j fjim v? men were roooeu ot etuuu anotjt a week an olmT boundary line by thws high- 1 w-'.r- '' f1" tfOM tlW UtlC ' '- aM Ba tCttinuU Uteii Dry $10,000. Tby , -er n.--.. is. ana were arvmeu into two nsqsas 01 tnree The Celestial were brutally aaeaatt-; ed. Tae Trasaae. 1 Rosracac. Or, O 16. Every freight , train from the north Urtnsjs ta a large aurooer 01 tramp, tancruay use ciij gave 85 of them a Soaday diaaer. Tbit morning when the south bound overt ad! arrived tbey rushed ia and look complete , pianaaiiitn of one of the cosscba. Thi was too much for Conductor Buff, and be sum aa Night Wa'chmat Wngbt. and., with the trainmen, utweded to put them off- A lively actimntage followed, bat be tourists had to get out. Later on the freight cirriei them all oat of town. Tae Laae Cataaleteat. Tacoku. Wash, Oct 16. The loug dis tance teJepbone line uniting Tacoma. Spo kane and Portland was completed and opened today. The line is ".V mile long. I. i 1 : 1- . v ... 1 . uamuiniig- iv copper wuw aaa con a. The mxorVnt Taroma. Seat- tte atd Spokane conversed over the new thi, ltuZL. Baa t;:s- af aBSal I Batut ta ae Beaded. lAi.ijt5. Or. Oct 16 The ootion of bunding the cit to the amount uf 114.000 i iw water worn wa votea on at a special ; election today, raaultiug in a majority of 47 in favor of Iswuing the bond. The matter bow heme ett ed, work oa the plant will be commenced immediately. atevatattealtt asat Kbw York. Oct 15. -The Herald' Kio i Grande do Sot pecii cable sun: In an t Wgeatnent near near Quarhay tte fasten- J ostic were routed with heavy loaart. Two! of the best officers of the revoluti-inarv : ! armv were killed. After recrnitmir their , forces the revolution!! intend to march ! ' toward Livramen'o and the there j. in the : army under General Sariva. which u be- I riegmjr it. The journal of Montevideo are authority for the statement that Ibe government of Brazil wishes 'o purchase I the cruirer Ibe Twenlv-fiftr, of May from I the Argentine republic, with the object of 1 taking asraresaive action agnmt some of , ber reoelUou vessels. I , j Wamiisotojs, Oct 1.1. The democratic Btaaaeasa or ie ji . sni mm" i-orniuiiivr hope o have the tariff bill re port oil within a month and have it pa tbo house before the holiday, lhegreates: secrecy i en joined on all the member who have the preparation ot the tariff bill in hand. It looks very much as if iron ore will follow coal in!n ihe free lasts c Another ore that will proltubty be restored to tbo free list i lead, urynn ol Nebraska, who is a nie-.'.iijer af the committee on way and means, ad- j V oca lea that an income tax be made part of . the tariff bill. A Severe t.ale Cntr-Aiso. Oct 15. The severity o the j northwett (rale that baa swept Uin Creatj Lake for the past 4H hour has not neon exceeded durinir the season for the past 10 1 years. The list of wreck in proportion o j the number of vessel which were out in j the gale is larger, perhaps, than in the his- j tcry of the Utter day murine. That there j ha been a large loss of life now seem certato, but it may be several days liefore N i known just how many sailors perished. Bin BaatbarsUa Naw Yokk. Oct 15.-Tli Herald's Mon tevideo dispatch ays: Ktirther details of! the bomlutrdment of Itio indicato that the ' government forces suffered heavy losses, but the government i sutilresinir all re port of the casualties. The rebel ship Aouidaban, Mello's rlairnhip. opened the bora bard aient. The liajpbunlinpiit wss n ! very deatructive one. many huiidinv being badly datnged. Tlte resident of the city Bed in teiror. ABMIarllaa Ei. ?aso, Tex. Oct 1. The largo crowd j of tramp from the west who look posncs- : ion of the east lound Southern Pacific j train to go to San Antonio, were totUy brought berore Recorder Caldwoll. Twelve of them, whose hands indicated tthey were working men. were each given a loaf of j bread and an exhortation to leave town at i once. 1 ho other will be put at work on the streets. A Watoii ia a neoastliy imwadays. I yon want one call on W ill .V Mark, whnas I (Ct i large and varied, and price the the moat reaaonabU , Thy oan uive you a titrgain in thi liuai as well a4ln jewelry Bewarally Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder Forty Year tfte Standard. roftXAB: rXIfcXCE- M. Mr.-!., f.,,.m haa r, II,., I II,,.1 song of birds remain the same, regardless of the psycholrgical Mute of the singer. This conclusion is based on observations made on fifty species of song bird. Mr Clarence King, the well known jjeolo gist, bus computed the earth's age on the basis of experiments made, on the, effect of heat and pressure on certain recks. Mr Kinjt concludes that the earth's age as a planet is 24,000,000 years. Nature, quoting a correspondent from Lahore, India, says: "A few days ago in a village named IlauWul I in '.he l'uchawa district) rain fell, proceeded by a wind s'.orm, and with th? wind catin a shower of hailstones, which lasted for an honr and a few minutes. The most curious part of this occurrence is that the hailstones, when touched, were not a' all old, and beu put in (he mouth tasted like sugar. A recent writer in the Magazine of Natural History asks whether unta (.talk, and relates that he saw a drove of small black ant moving apparently to new quar ters. Every time two met they put their beads together as though they wen chat ting To investigate the matter he kilted one. and the eye-witnesses of the murder hastened away and la'-d their heads together with every ant tbey met. That latter im -ntjdiately turned back and fled. The results of six months observations of Mars have led Mr S -haeherle of the Lick Plosion-contrary to the generally-received views that the dark portions of the disk represent land and the light portions wa'er. This is supported by observations of San Francisco bay from Mount Hamilton, in which the bay appears brighter than the neighboring valley and mountains at the same distance. On this hypoibes the "canals" would correspond to ridges of mountains almost wholly im mersed in wafer, while their doubling may represent parallel ridges of which ir own earth furaiahe? examples. Hood's Cures Oakland, CL Made Over Anew Chronic Headache Cured -Weak Lungs Made Strong and Wcti. Far year I had slekbeadacte every day. sat i 3o bad vt vswsslt tastajs. Saae I nave bexa takiag Hood' a SirsapaifS, I ton been etttirrlr ear4 ;: V-t-lacbee, sad y Suss are stiosg end srcU. MandBeOeassr How Well You'ro Looking. 1 trs '.lea It ti daa at PaosTs HamaaifiTiii I I 13 - weight aver . ifpnaasMftv taarf. aTr- ra ajaaiLI betpntaklaQtt I ud I " IttlT XI- f.1,.1 Is rttaaaaalkS T 1 aaa. sfttnan tt ft", m - -'. ,? atattsss f ' ' , TofM, watt I ess ; oaabte to express ray thanks for the goad HOOO S OafS&pan ilcl hasdooetK.- ifc. C R CutD. lr!S Aif.Ss fUjeet.tsaana. Cataerafa. Hood o P3!o ra alt Ue Eta, Tin saw" Jgaadjce. braayesOn. Ssck asaiacie. HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED to nso a eras Foa RHEUMATISM. LUTABACO SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS. DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, t 4ka17rWiln rawIa1we,Sw of aaoat wa havaatmj lattar twartstttaaaajay WE HAVE CURED THESE c"E!8.'wM.aa,l vt. a. t. masa, wit !-u r at or 1 rm.rb.Ui I was ttwM with m: n,,. r t.l a aj a rf? tleeJ fe3"a. iww tail I a,b3 ,(. Iwaktawtsh lnM. utirfi. f !;a 1 na li , ni " . 1 :t. ir aa cim-i . 1 ba Sort., j vr aatt. 1 ba lua thi. msm Kav ottMra anu . BOWI .N 36.ud2M.,aS-.. MM I , riw nr 1 RHCVIButTiSat " jaraaraial YttXtmiSmlmlmmali lit 1 lijaliti la Tim ht- rajiVTfr j tr y Vaa walk eaatriaJ!i, o,t frtl l.k a aa man 1 eanraUr BTt. HCOdk., fr eri lor tawnatioaa! H.nd. i it o t a- it. Dr.A.T !ae 1, -EliWilii hah tor aarl fcHat jjr than fhah rearr hr i a trtiocsuar 1 aatfcl etjiutj. aa lo-4 ta rtsar aaUi, aaa aaa tPeawnaaaarvaai liifriwtiir, mu, fAS. irnu. THE DR. SANDER ELECTRIC BELT Ba lUSiililtS aatvaelc batterr. aatfte Into a tatt o a t. ba aaallr worn dcrioa week er sBtUtpatl ft raa aqothja. cr hmav4 e4-rata waich a-a tnatanl.r tatt tamiwouat all waak part, or aa forfait S,aM. It haa an Impravra rtlectrtc MacaaeTT.ttflateaboraaversnvwaaksauaaat w varrWat itteraraacf d( th ahor aaataaa. aa. and teaalanra araaaa Bias. or tart. wTlaaw Beftindea. Th. r arc ,-rded m tn-er.h in rot all ataaaa r -i r ilmiat In T aaa mlflsta asail in i Ml saaa. aad wtUear Ue , r: caaram toor tbrv maullia. Atfgrjaa far raU lofanaatloa. SAN DEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 first St.. PORTLAND, ORICC" HILL'S p.fto otn J Double Chloride of Hold Tahfotc TESTIMOHULS Will riiTnirtt.-l V r stata..v t Kn rfau( aa1NlT t a . , ... w ...a... . aj uu.c ,ur iujtAVi ti in iriim a CIHYS. rerfrftiv harm . Inw; eyujer.oMckneaa.anrt may be given tnaeup. f teaorcoffw woutl SinovT lc of tbe paUeut, who will voluntarily stop smoklturor ch.wZi-in nr..o..5, 1 A tAnmfwmMMatajai wta w a. . - . - mumom m mamu uiviwimi, uj ueraooi our 3rct.tAt. imnnfr treatment nauentx nre ailon (-a tlie free use i f Uoucr or Mor pbine until such tlnieu.i Ihey shall voluntarily elte tilm BO Ve tend nartiruianRnit laaaaakaia r.r i,iin,i.i. . , . 2" - y buhwi, mwih imi J oi Uou With persona who have been cured i tail i a tari rm r,,r luyixiMH lib a I -UU I r iwii-Mit-. If vour tiriiKirist liin not kis-n tliem. Tablet. Writo vonr namo and rddress plctnly. and stato wBeiucr aaoieia uru lor aocacco, jjqiior name DO NOT BE DECEIVED into purchasing taetV tf tint farl.oiu ... , i a a ' . ' AKa, H'i - a. s j" TABLETS ttntj take uo ututr. Munuiahcturcd only by tub: OHIO CHEMICAL CO, 6!, 33 4 66 Opera Block, LIMA, OHIO PAUTICTjLABS FREE. The (ta wrlttn. piewa, awV J tY FACE AND FIGURE show it, it yon re a healthy woman. They'll have a beauty of their own, no matter what your features. Perfect health, with its clear akin, rosy cheekr;, and bright eyea, is enongh to make any woman attractive. To get perfect health, use faith fully Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. That regu lates and promote all the proper func tions of woman hood, improves di gestion, enriches the blood, dispels hes and paint, r:nc refreshine sleep, and restores health, flesh and strength. For periodical pains, prolapsus ana other displacements, bearraz- down sensations, and " female com plaints " generally, it is so effective that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. Is anything that isn't sold in this way likely to be "just as good. For every case of Catarrh which they cannot cure, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy agree to pay $500 in' cash. You're cured by its mild, soothing, cleansing, and hpAling properties, or you're paid. New Advertisements. IIHUJ S D. A email boys coa1. near the residence of Martin Pavn- Owner call and prove property, pay fur this no- i aiM ajsa me s t T AhlKH who will do writing for me a i their borne will receive good wag Reply with mtlfaddreeted. stamped en velope. MlSt MiLDKXO M 1 1 I.KIi. So 3th Bnd, In I. fir A NT ED. I'u uinar -Ttovaiwer. of ft good addream Liberal a'rv and expanse psla weekly; Permanent pi Uob. Brows Baoe. Co-, Nunertnen. Portland, Orejon. si k UF went 10 bay 50 batheia of white oat d liverrd at nv reidetw one mil nr-rth of Albany, l'f y market price In on delivery. W H Wattk. X?OK ItESI -Tb opera bouse at ore, location. Ca I on the r sp'ondid retry tt Ibe Dbxccbat office for par tiew'am u Ml!. AM8P. 1 oanlv and cite war ran;, bought and co'd by H F M r FOB KALE.-or wd uawje to -ood, gray mare, aevon yrara o:d pen feet 'y K-nile for woma and rbildren :o drive. Call oa K W .A cotton, at Marb wo k. Ct CKKRK! - ft. re ' r.d Sliver Laecd u'yatd'ite rockerala tor tale at a lurgaiM Adire John Brush. -ner 4tb and R R atreeta, Albany. Or. LAVST.RY FOR W(V D.-Kiil ex eeaego laciMiry work 'cr 1. ... mm K.ciarda a Philiipa at 'he Albany 4eatu Laundry. ax e at Ike pscsoaace Ca:l tariy iu.1 lake yonr ehoica. I jOR KkNT-40 aerea ef (and. wRt nouae on mi lr oa A:ban. in ten eonntr. For ptttienlara anrdi ta tteh Ha miii 1. DR. styptrs ELECTS IC BELT ti vlertra Xacarllr Saaava, irr a,J c-re wilkaai aaeatclaia ail iff ta almi mnaam nal isrtr rira 7- Traaa tteattlry. Iapae. liraii. a. lexat SlaaaaaaV Bbuata, i aassU a w a th racwrea but a trtal to 1 U rai.wt ataatla I. talsamaias 11 fat ierta rue stay ka-a aae.air orwast TvrtenatBeBarrafeeeaaadvMaia -okfek ta eCesrscst r-aad taa aasact laexci roes dialaea. wafcea are : 4aii a' re TirwnasauwaetB. : iaswseisnvaaaaaaa.a asta v v 1 aasww at - i mm - 1 -, . mm r ar r waary.ana (KU-BafU a ttaantaataarj ssBat cams WE CAN CURE YOU! "-V t BACK ABO RHEUMATtSat. 1. t.A.T.8aaftea.UrSti rarttaa O atfja. easaBaar as. ssur s 1 vara at axaaaai taaatrta caaiat naa a aiiaa laaaaff Taaaa li -.1 . . . . 1 . . . . . L .. , . - 1 :twa n:ra 1 uaree ' 11 1 i WeaST. rrca attars ifBrttn ,J-oft i)-.aoa teoatlaid.rufar ,ni ii ,a, ,iii i1, 1 Mt -re 1 .viJ laasaswat to-dar aa lwa-aiaaulU aaaa iuii c-x u. uaa anew taat at 1 if hmvm SNa ra b, 1- S,,, mlai, mmmM tm. mm aaa a t.- at tae, aia aaa tt ta aaaa aa I w, r ia ta 14. I ia loaaaa aaa ii i h in J.1" lli 1 1" HI il aai naa lata 03a" Ki Kkri. QariaaarBaatl Maaaa. LOST VJTAUTY NB SattjCTIt. D- A. T. Saad-.. Pwr Sir : ac s .il has heat sreatbr liaiifttil. It ri auoMaa ithtwaaat Sr aa batata Br ilTfgr.'S' raianni a vaw naaill Fwfses. aad to- thr heuar. 1 I rl staca "SmaSa&rS -r - ID ia air. :D wi t Akt-TKS a l and invite the toon aa to oar reaponaibU-1 aa war aiTiria habit trcxo, . " - nstlSIS 11 tiOl ti CtTffi TABLETS. I naoilJ 1:1 .Ill ill lilt i bv the use ufiwrTmrK , n rintr-cLAss 'A enelose n a i rw tlorpnauo ur fTir f - f J .TtaVwoOT them mi rta-ht and. iifi, .h Uu-y did the work in leas thun uruly yours, Twb Onto tnciCAL 3o. i-tiastTi !225Sr?S" yot,r1Neta. My iniiior.iina ihrouii cotiHtMt drinker. B aa aanb. v jr kt w a. iLmWS .1 i. iii. iiu, i o n-u in ami will not torn- you, lu order to know Ohio Chbmical Co :- ' v.. er. liut ulter using your Tablet l.ut three days he quit (Irinklhjr, i llouor of any kind. I huvu waited four month before writina w thu euro was permauunt. 1 ours trul v, t ua . 1 , - -wwa a aABB.f luur I aUlt'W unit' lil t'lTllBUBmiiBrjlft tn Tit V oaa ,V!!S!f SSSfift bypodennically, forvemyeeaajdhavo buuo cured bvtheuo " u lcaaoa oi your Tablets, and without any effort on my part. w. U lAXISQAT. Addrcoo all Order to THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO.. taaaben iMa napu.) of Assignment, NCTICK is hereby given that Isaac 1 earn of Albany, Oregon, ha duly aaaigoed t the undersigned atsignee ill hi property and effttta for the Benefit of bit creditors, under and by virtue of the geiertl assignment laws of the atate of Oregon, and the under signed ha heretnfo ti -wit on the 25th day cf August, 1693. duly iiuaiirled a such assignee. All perron having claims agatBt said insolvent and the estate thereof are hereby required to present the same to the nnder aigued at the store honwt building of Isaac Mini, in the city of Albany, O egon, nnder oath within three montba f rem thi date.- iMted tnia 2nd day of t-ienteaiber. A D. 1803. K r C t. NTEBBU BY. A't'iae of Isslc Beam, an insolvent. DHIYMTY : OF : OREGON. EUQENE MoKftaV, J--ZKTE1IBI511 I8B Orue Just closed the most prosperous year in it hittorv. Wide range of studies Tho ough instruction . Business .course edded tuition free. Entrance fee, Sio. Board and lodging at reasonable rate i t thr elegant stew dormitory and boarding hc'l on the eampus.whero student wlllreceivt personal tuoervlttuu. John- W. John mi:., Pre Wall Paper, J Irngs, Points. Oil ji latjb, Ktc .1. A. Cumming ALBANY. ORE CO DRUGS. Sutic-.ery, Toilet Artiet, Musiea Inftrumen'3, Etc Hodges k McFarW, The Cerrtei Drugstore,". Albany ,0 n. R. OTOE- W. H. DCCDI SOEB. D. B. JAMES ALBANY F0MITO1 CO., XOBsTCOj BaltiHorf Hfk. FURNITURE A complete line of IM)KRTAKIG in all its braarhe. EMBALMING aaasdaitr. Reeidenne oooer 3rd and ( 'ulpooia Streets . NOTICE OF FINAL SnTUMEMT. roTKE W BEBF.tT t.lVEX THAT THE t"S ci the tasaaa at the Oumt Cnart ir Una taai atuwaal ia aaH estate, mmi the Csasay Coin ha Baed ta sth war mi. inBgsa ta kw rf Udat aaa at sata aaj. aw laa hsaraw aaate1 "!&tnmtiZi!J! ""tTll! aarHaaaaat at sa 4 atate aa cenav aatiara us he aiassi 1 mmi aatk the saasa. Dated Oct nu, 1-GC. D W am BATCH B w ATT. Attjr far Aaaa Dr. 1' Tat Xottj Churrvraiit ed Lite Besarr. a aaa aaatastl j a coarar. II SEED! FARMERS LISTEN.- hare a fine i '.iK of liesh avaat seed. f J- ; ever k ind. Including chea', and we want to sell it. Come ar,d tee us. STEWART SOX. TO LKT.--Thr (3) work horse and a idle boras for sate, or will trad for wood, oale, wneat or ha v. M" SFSDERS. h ft.NKY WAMEn - Want to torro .13 ' for lire- rt fjvt. vesr with Rood real r"t oiBee. nunti. Call at the FOR SA LR An asanrtmcpt of flaw or in plants and h rubj. a eo co. lection 01 cacti. Mrs Geo Yiung, corner Fifth and Jackson sweet , PLOWS AND HARROWS. Bargains for farmer in both riding and walking plows, disc harrowsgron harrows, etc. Price In proportion to 50 cent i wheat. It will pay you to call and see us. STEWART &SOX. eras aaoat I ml99mW from persons who have been cured by the use of Hill s Tablets! TlIK OHIO lKMICAX OO: UBA& StlN.1 h.VB sSeaSkSS aavan. fs-f LtKarw k.kta a . ' ' 5 Notice Saw taat il mar aa atMtct past aaataaa. Tea oWbear traaa tvor dead oiet. .J.1'V.r,U.0llm lo' iu 1 us" tea cSlS wortti ot tm ntniiiaM, ih.i. .Ahb,.. . ,u. y ii i5r, or a wuuiu miiote ... i"i" - oi louacoo. nave chewed aalllSSSSlf! ''witytlTf -aranrttworckB or i our Tablet cured me u i hsve no desire forttT B. SI. JAY LOKD, Leslie, Mich- W T.T-V,i. -lL-wt JV"ai UtraaBaA t Saaawat. " "3 M.vIHEW JOIJNSOii.r.O.BoXa. imo. f aua'ww StVoalTaddbSed TSt iry yoar Tablets. He waa h,.,v,...j 3tB HKLKH MOBBiSON. , . OurrasntATi, Ohio. PrB SIOCB. -IBU, OHIO. J F. FORD, baigdiit, Of f1 Mo)s, lew. -- uri.:,.'Mtl of March 23. 1893: i. ft. If kd. Mr; Co.. Oafar, Oregon. anttum : m Op arriving h'-me latt wek I hard all I well and anxiously a raiting. Our lite i girl, e aht and osf-ti If y ears n'd, who had j wa ted away to 38 pounds, is r p welt, strong and vigorous and well fleshed op. t S. B. Cough fnre has d aw it work wall. Roth of thi childieo like it. Year S B. ' Cough Care baa cored and kept away ail noanetwaa from me. So give it to every one, with gre-nugs for all. Wishing j on prcMscri y. we ar- Vonrr, Ma ft Mt J ? Foan. If von wish to fast nua and etMerfsI, and raas tar the SeTtajr work, etaaaas yoorsystaB wath the H a1 he an, I Urt Cart, br takrne two or tare 1i aasiaub ek. 50 saws par K atlo by all dratgista. a SVr I t-er apotish- roan la If J A CL'lfMING. Star Baker j orRrostalnittia nad "trwi Hi- CGKRAt tVEYIF, PROPRIE.OR. tatasssr Kraiis. jll aaa star r, Orled Frail- m - . (lareusssaura VEfUlll aice-. autaur, CerSee, evarvOW-c that ia kept ia a aar ttesy aaW asm try Issa, Eigt ia ssarfrr rrnta fti 1m KINDS OF PRODUCE; WANTED At the note Allen arotu. fonneviy 7 BUTTER, EGGS, I.ARTi j BACON. and CHOICE APPLES, for wh-ch aasathfe. I wfl! j-av the be' rat price 8 F RAMP ALBANY COLLEGE Send for Catalogue. Address, REV. E. N. COSDIT. Albany, Oregon Ackxts W a rt Don Salary aad Co for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Biograpif of JAMES G. BUINE, By Gail Hamiltox, hi literary execator, with the eo-operattna jof hit family, aad for Mr. Btaiaa'a Cnaplata Wotkt, 'Twrrrf Teaks or Coscaass," aad hu later book. "Pplitical Diswrasiom " One proepecias for these 3 best skll-,. cooks ia the mar ket. A K P Jeoiat, vt Af etook 112 order. iroax rirat 1 10 ca . areat a profit $196 SO. Mrs Ballard if O. took IS orders. 13 Seal Russia, to I dav; profit $26.25. K N Rice ot Mas, took 27 order to 2 dav: profit T 23- J PatrtaVe ct Me. took order frasa 36 calit; profit 5,75.23. K A PaJmer of X. Dak. took S3 orders ia 3 day; profit W.H. Kxcxrsn a Tajtarre-ar airea. If you wish to make LARGE Si.OT V write immediately for term to Tie Uf-rr lill hb. .,Enrif k,Ci Notice for Publication Lash Orrro atU&sqox Crrv. On., October 4Ui. 1S93. Notice is hereby given that the fallowing jmed settler ha- li ed notice of hit in len to make tint! proof ia tar pott of ht clrim. aad that said proof will be Blade be fore the county clerk of Linn Co, at Aitaaay 00 Dec ltt, 1ST) 3, trot, Laroy Cowdrev, H K VT attSMk B at "BT n S t C BBS a - -. xwwju w warn a - o j oi & i, K iofS W j, aelTU R 1 K. He name the folio aing witaaasas to prove hif con tir nous rsaidsssra a poo aad cultivation a aaid land, via: Mittoa A Fitagerald, Gay Gm lord, Martin Qayiord, Bsoob Powell, al of Lebanon, Una Co. Oregon. K A Ml lust. Register NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. BTOTlCa IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE CJf ci list sataat, oeecwaei. his lUeii h aaatl county eWrk of Una county. Ongoa aad taat the county court of aM Una cum it. aa Sd Friday, tb tk day of Ssatastasr, ISC .ttae hour at 1 o'eknk in Uw aAaraoaa (tt said dar, for ta aatristr of objecikms if any to aaid Snai ac eoaataad th setMcawet .d aud eatate. lwteJ Aataw nth, itsta. BAMOS SHELTOK. B 11 HEWITT, E;u!or Ally fur BsstSBaT. Dissolution Notice. Ihe partBerh1pheratofrreextstinx be w een JJ G Hay no and O L Kuek. doing a general contracting aad cement work buainots In A: lain v. Orasrco. nndsr tbe firm name of Havrte Jc Bock, is this day dissolved by luutuai ooneant. Thoso k no winaj thamaetraa ty be lauabted to the firm will pM as e!l D,1 sattle U Hay no will continue the business. fplenitr 19th, ro haYnk. C Xi BUCK. Notice. ALL person in debt d to I B Beam by nolo or recount will please pay the same, tbo scKvuinu mast be close"1 br not a If not paid. Tiiuea at hard, and it la t your interest to see to tbis at ouce. Iam in room No II, Straban Block: Albany, Or. sept lean. 1883. R F CANTBBBTJRY. Assigne of a B Beam. T. . M At KEY, M li., P h-aiciaa and Surgeon, Bank of tinsoo. Oaoe L f tUirt ever ta IsBitoaf, comer 10th tad riffjtk it.