Mmmal mm VOL XXIX. Entered at the o Office at Albany. Or., a KersaaM'lai Mall .HatCer- ALBANY.QREGQN, FR1DA1, OCTOBER 20, 1893. 1TITIM at M TTINC. FnblLher. ..d Pr.prUl.r. NO 11 f GREAT REDUCTIONS Dress Goods, Fine Shoes, Capes and Jackets, -AT- READ, PEACOCK A CO. ALBANY AND Book ill LEGAL BLANKS, BRIEFS. Commercial Stationery, And Artistic Wedding Cards, .fee IN THE LA.TE&T uORRBOT STYLES, ry thing! First livered on Short Notice. r SMILEY, occ, PA'BONIZEj HON) THt FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO! -Aisastaay, A Ka i. Preside!. i L. COWAS, Treasurer. Geo Ueo PSimpsnu, V J K Wrtiri rt - -ALSO DC.VrS.ICT Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Coipfum The Oregon vVltn itc home Pi a i . hitwT-- - - ne Gray BlocL, corner Liberty an-j NLfTAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tractb near Salem Will sell o. 10 or cre small cash payment lone time on baiance or particulars. Oregon State MONMOT7TH, OREGON. TUE LEADING NORMAL SCHOOL of the Northwest, btrone crofes- i-oaal and academic courses, and well or - ganized Model School for Practical Train tog of teachers. Normal, Advanced Nor mal.Business.Mustc and Art Department Beautiful and heairniui location, itgni epenie no saloons. The Normal haslto $4.00 per weelc. Tultion,board,'odging eaoyed a steady growm ouring ine past vear. reachine an eniollment of over 400. the lamest In its history. New members have been added to the appar atus supplied, and the course of study re vised and strengthened. The graduates are in demand to fill good positions. 1I1 ilpioma entitles the holder to teach In any county in the state wn.nout miner exam Address, P. I (-AHI'BELL, Pres., or . k ft II ED D, Sec of Faculty. NEW : FURNITURE, MY STORE IS NOW FULL OP FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, CONSISTING of bed room sets, chairs, leuoges, tc., which I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Thos. Brink. LEBANON. Job Printip - class and De-J ALBANY, OB. INSTITUTION J O W Kn.MiS, Socieaarj F SIM HSON, Vies PrewMsob B Stern'rt;,J W 4t i f-c V ritsman. A.J BSJII FOB mff Land uo office at; - OlftliJa-O. T3 Sute street, branch office in Pr-rtla-it acre lots at oo to foo pr Normal School illations Tuition, Normal. $6.2C per term Uf to week-;, .oo per trim lof lo week; Uuttnrss. 6.2C per term Board at Normal Dining Hall, $1.75 per week. Kooms Irom 50c per week (un furnished) to $1 00 and $i.i furnished Hoars end lodging in pnvite families, $3 50 and books less fian $150 per year. Con ervatry of Music. Thorough courses are ottered in vocal and instrumental mu tMc. Tullion.Sio per term of 20 lessons. Monmouth Is easily accessible from all parts of th- State, twelve rndes from the State Capital.slxty miles south of Pori "d .(Catalogues cheerfully sent on appllca.tun. A Bad Csowd. The Grants 1'ass Courier refers to the Rice Black shoot ng affair at that citv as follow : Sheriff Shattuck took Sam Iliac k to Jacksonville Friday afternoon, the prisoner's friends having failed to obtain the $3,500 bail required. Jackson county charges $5 per week for the care and confinement of our prisoners so there is no exira expense to this county further than paviag the. fare of Sheriff and prisoner back and forth . Justice Goodell has charge of the weapons taken from Black and his vic tim. The pistol of the latter is a six shooter of 32-caliber, and everv chamber was loaded. Smith & Colvig 'and Thos Fitch Jr., appeared for the ptiaonerat the preliminary examination last Wed nesday afternoon. Prosecuting Attorney Benson made no objection to Black's ad mission to bail. Somebody wrote the Oregonian that public opinion here was on the side of itiack. Our community would not have been sorry had the whole nas'y outfit been killed. How it Haitsnbd. The Transcript Dallas gives the following account of the , dog stealing cas in which a foi m?r Al bany ball player was the offender: J F Stapleton had a valuable fetter dog that ne uau no particular use lor, so ne loaned it to an Indepenpence man, giving him a bill of sale, without any consideration, so that he the I. ui. could hold the dog in case any one else claimed It. Then last week Stapleton concluded he wanted the dog, came over and took him to Salem. For this he was arrested, taken before Justice Lines, convicted of arcenv, fined $-5, and not having the 25 was brought over to the coantv jail bv constable Wil liams. At first Sheriff Wells refused to take the prisoner on the grounds that the justice had not the power to fine a man 2S for "larceny of a dog." But af ter reading carefully the justice's tran script tlie word "dog" was found to have been omitted, making it simple larceny. Stapleton is in jail. k Live Bvb ; A bjrlar or .bar jrlars visited the residence of Wni Marks near Tall mail. Thursday evening of hut week. The room of Miss Sadie Marks was entered and her purse, containing $9.50. stolen. The robbery was committed before any of the family retired, the thief tin-iimr his way through an upstairs window. When Mac Wiley went upstairs to go to bed he saw a man out in the yard, and atfer secur ing a shotgun he went out to interview the. intruder, who fired at Mac. with a pistol. Mac returned the fire and the thief ran into the woodshed, a abort distance from the bouse. Several shots were then exchanged between the two, but no one was hurt. "hen the shooting first commenced. Mr I .riH wwiur ui viie iieijrnuors xor as sistance. Frank Irvine soon arrived, .ui.l rule Mr Irvine and Mac. were raanlintr the woodshed the thief slinned out and made his escape in the darkness. Burglar had made several attempts to enter this bouse before the successful attempt but week. Advance. To be a BrsErrr.T-The Pacific Banker and investor iust to hand, sav: "Tlx scare in Portland, and indeed the whole state, is now over. The worst has happenel ami it did not t.irn out to be so very bad after all. It has proved to everyone" how solid is the real foundation of the'prosperity of the past on this coast, and bow certain it is to he continued in the fnhir It uh considered turprising that with sack anb- staatial foundation there was tot more booming, more speculation and more ficti tious value. Those few people who were building castles iu Spain from their pros pective profits have been taught a nee, led lesson, if not one wholly deserved. The re. suit cannot fail to be of the greatest benefit tnrall " A Store Blown I" r. The store of R H" Simpson, of Helix, was blown op Tuesdat ight by burglars and entirely destroyed bl are. Mr Simpson is a brother of lieorge f Simpson, of this city. The E. O. says -There was a general feeUnsr of svmmtfar for Mr Simpson, who during the arveral years he has been in business at Helix es tablished hrnwlf thoroughly in the com munity's respect. His toss is renorti-,1 at $10,000 in goods, and lioofcx containing his. sole record of $10,000 worth of accounts were destroyed, so that be will have to de pend upon the honesty of debtors. He has $0000 insurance. The safe contained 81 in money, which no doubt the burglars got. A Bkaitifvl Moxumsxr. E W Achi- son. of the hrm of h W Achison A- Co.. of Albany, came over from that citv Wednes day. He brought over and set up at tb graves of HO and Ellen V Serfting. in the Franklin Butte cemetery, an elegant monu ment carved from Southerland FalU.Moum- ng Vein marble. The workmanship is most excellent and is complimentary to the mechanical skill of this well known and reliable house. Thev have a large stock on. hand ad are bound to sell it out at prices that will suit the times. Thev want the money invested in the stock and will give you the benefit of their profits. If you want to proht from their low prices. I my now. - to l'r.j-. A Cot STY TnEAStEEB Sl'ED. M P Burnett, county treasurer of Benton coantv, and bondsmen have been eued for i4,000 deposited in the lob Bank The Times save: The case will be watched by county treasurers and their bondsmen all over the state, who will be anxious to know if, after a treasurer has used every effort to keepcountv funds in safety, and loss happens through no fault of hi, the law still holds him and his bondsmen responsible for funds so lost. M AUTO ax lxniAJC. Uwing to some mistake Miss Maggie Girard and Thos H Smith were not married at t'hemewa Wed nesday, but at Salem today at the reddenm of Rev P S Knight. Miss Guard's father wanted her to marry a white man but the oung lady very sensibly thought she had as good right to choose a partner of Indian blood as her father had. Journal. . A Euokxk Sale. The Eugene Guard says: J H McMung, this morning, pur chased of J R Ream sixty by one hundred and sixty feet on the corner of Willamette and ncventh streets, the consideration was 3500. This is a valuable piece of business property and it is rumored that Mr Slctlung will improve tne property dur ing tm coming summer. Mr neam re turned to his home in Albany this week. Folicb Court. following Is the re port for the arrerts for tne quarter ending Sept 30: Abusive language, 2; assault and battery, 1 ; drunk and disorderly, 6; disorderly, 1 ; fighting, 4; allowing female to frequent saloon, i; hauling without license. !-, vagrancy, 7. Total 33. Fines paid,'), amount (104.7c; committed, 7 dismissed. 3; discharged on promise to leave town, 4. Tit Mi -. We the undersigned do here by thank the officers anil members offAl- bany Kngine Company No 1 for the pleas ant reception tendered us last night. Mn and Mrs H Pmixii'B. A Ruddy Glow on cheek v.v UL 1 -k A KfAtif 'vS ailU I'l wy is evidence "T that the body is getting proper nourishment. When this glow of health is absent assimilation is wrong, and health is letting down. Scoffs Emulsion taken immediately arrests vvate, regardless of the cause, Consumption must yidd to treatment that stops waste and builds flesh anew. .!i)iost (is palatable as milk. Pro pared by Soott Bmrno, If, T. All drussteu. Put up i n neat watch-shaped potties, suen coated, Si.iaU OlJe Beans. KSc.iM bottlo. VV11, A Siikkikk Suau. This afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock the grange alliance committee filed their complaint against Sheriff Koland. They allege that the sheriff has been allowed warrants to the amdunt of $11,555.28 since November 1. 1892. und that thev lire fraud ulent and made with the intent of cheating and defrauding the county, ami were, made in collusion with Judge risk and County Commissioner James Parker. The com plaint asks that the county treasurer. Frank Reisner, be restrained by an order of the court from paying the said warrants. The complaint covers 39 pages of type-written manuscript. James F Amis, John Burnett and LFIinn appear as attorneys for plain tiff. H C Perkins makes affidavit to the truthfulness of the complaint. The plain tiffs, besides asking for the injunction re straining the payment of the warrants, ask for their Costs and disbursements. Sheriff Noland will meet the matter in the courts fearlessly. The charge that Judge Fisk and County Commissioner Pat ker are in collusion to defraud the county will not be entertained a moment by any iin.i tti Maa, 1 umiii f ItiWii iMittLmiati ntwl believe is a damnable one and unwarranted lunl unjust in the extreme. in show to what extremes the committee tro in their charees ueaiiust Slieriff Noland. the complaint alleges that he has not per formed any services whatever since Nov 2, iw.', but what are of a fraudulent nature. In a nutshell, the whole cause of complaint n' from the tact that Mr ftotatM has compelled tin pavment of delinquent taxes aim uiargeii iot 11. uugene uuaru. After 1 bars. A representative to the grand lodge. Knights of Pythias, which was held this week at Heppner. Or, tells of an interesting and pathetic incident that he witnessed while on the train beyond Ar lington last Monday night. The informant was sitting gazing at the stars when a gray-l corded man walked into the car, having boarded the train at Arlington. He passed by another gray-bearded man sitting- near, and immediately both ad vanced and asked. '"Can it be possible?" Tears rolled down their checks and the con versation the nest hour was lnterestiwr in deed. It appeared that both had beea in the Confederate army and had parted at the battle of Lexington in 1861. amihad on the train met for the first time after 32 year's reparation. One was B D Jett, representa tive from Rath bone lodge at Huntington, and the other S P Barker, of Dowdali lodge at Brownsville. Neither was aware that the other was a representative, and their meeting was entirely unexpected. When they separated at the battle both were trap- mg young renown, ami when they met on the train both were old and gray. Thev had a mat deal to tell each other after the long lapse of vear. and related manv in cidents of those stirring dart. The lat tame they saw each other their clothes h in tags and tatters, and they wan al shoeless and haUees. Telegram. Tn Lor Cot jcrr Buck. The neces sary papers have been eent to Washing ton wh'.ch will cause the opening of the Linn County National Bank of this city immediately on the receipt of the au thority from Washington .which will then oe issued. Among ibe henry depositors the agreement necessary was signed by County Treasurer Wallace, by authority of 'he county court, and on the signing ot an agreement by his bond amen to waive ail rights thereby and giving their consent thereto , also by Mr Jacob Kees. who baa a is reported, of about ff3000,and a good many others- lender the agreement !I0 per cent of the deposit will be paid oa the day of opening; S" per cent on February let ; 30 per eent on May let, with interest at 6 per cent; 0 per cent on Nov 1st. 18M, with pnterest at S per cent, and 35 par cent on Feb. 1st, 1896, with interest at 6 per cert. Depositors not signing the agreement can, of course, withdraw their entire de posit if they desire, ft is probable they will ca'l for scch same as they need, which in some casta will be the entire deposit. Fader the new organisation the management will be such as to have the entire confidence of the people. The move will materially assist in mooeterv matters in Albany the coining winter. Not to Wan. The Conraltis Times says : Yesterday afternoon Mr J W Will and Mrs Melissa K Dixon appeared at the county clerk's office and applied for a license to wed. Hon S T Jeffreys at tended them in the capacity of witness. When asked this morning 'if the thing had happened. Mr Will replied that it had net, and furthermore on account of the disposition of some people to poke their noses it to other people's business 'he wedding had been declared off alto gether. j was guided in the matter simply by a desire to keep mv youna children together." said Mr Will, "bat I can't s'and the talk that has been creat ed, so I shall not marry." Mr Will is therefore left with a marriage license on his hands, for which he has no use. Mrs Dixon hails from Dillv, Washington county, and has been Mr Will's house keeper since the death of bis wife, fire months ago. Beats th East. The senior class of the State University at Eugene gave a reception to the near students Saturday night. In an address. President Chap man said: "Eastern universities surpass us in fine buildings, libraries, labrstortes and long lists of eminent alumni, bat we surpass them in our spins of refinement and courtesy. 1 his gathering would not be possible in most Eastern colleges. There new students are subject to all kinds of outrages and sometimes their lives endangered by hazing. Hazing has never flourished west of Oberlin " 27 Tramps. Last Friday evening the tram sidetracked three cars here for May Ar Senderc. About the time the train nulled out C L Morris saw a tramp come out of one of the cars ; he was followed by another. ana anouwr. Mr .Morns commenced to count, and he kept on counting until 27 had come out of the three cars. But all did not look like tramps; some were well dressed and carried a valise and there is no doubt that half the number were amply able to pay their fare bad they been inclined to do w. narriMiurg Conner. That Coox. A L Lamb's pet c jon.whose oss was advertised in the Democrat was returned to its owner last night through the ativercisement. ine animal seems to have swept the hen houses on its tramp towards tne western part ot the city, killing seven chickens at Wm Fortmiller's and five at C I.,,. I,, . , . ... . . . r, urownen s. it was decided that tne coon deserved deaUi. but out of consideration for the Chief hngineer who thought enough of ujc umm.11 10 ,4iveriise tor nun ne was re turned to his owner. Suddes Dbath.J Thursday morning Oct 12, Mrs James Harris, residing in Benton ceunty, a few miles from Albany, had washed her face and was reaching for a towel when she fell to the floor ana ex pired almost instantly. The cause was heart disease. Mrs Harris was 35 years of age and was highly esteemed by her neigh bors. The Job Bank, The report of assig nee Bryson of Hamilton & Job, of Cor vallis, shows the total numjer of claims Is 459 and their aggregate amount Is $233,412.31,. The report confirms the view taken of the banks affairs by Mr Uryson In his report as lecelver to the creditors, and Indicates that the assets will ultimately pay out about the per cent named in that report, which was 59 per cent, which is considerably more than is neing generally reported. Tramph. Tramp, tramp, tramp, the boys are riding on break beams. One hundred and twenty of them going south ataid at Ashland laat night. A score of them lined up the Chinamen of the town and was going through in train robber style when a posse ot citizens interfered and prevented them despoiling the pig tails. Fifty boarded the overland train last night at Roseburg and fifty got left. Date ok Bale. .fudge. Fullerton this morning ordered the 0 P railroad and other properities of the company sold bv not later than December loth. The shenff will hx the exact date. From what the judge had to say to us about the matter we are under the impression that the road will be sold this time or it will be compelled to stop J operations. News. IT WILL BE Bl II.T. Sane IWie LITE O CI1U. The Salem Statesman Buys: Receiver K W Had ley of the Oregon Pacific has gone east to make the final arrangements far the proposed new extension of the road over th j mountains to Boise City, Idaho, to cotinect with the great transcontinental road, the Chicago & Northwestern. Little trouble is anticipated by the com)any in their attempt to raise the money wanted to build the ex tension. The head othcials delare the rvl will be built as far as the Des Chutetrirerif not farther. In conversation with th gen eral superintendent, R P. Mulcahy, yester day, he stated that the new extension would have been completed this winter but for the sudden stringency in the money market which upset the plans of the comiaav and delayed the work of construction. Its! as sured that some active and definite step will lie taken at once and the spring of WW will see the road well under way. This ex tension wdl give the Willamette valley another important outlet and will also pat a head on the body of the Oregon Pacific With the proponed connection the Oregon Pacific will be a most valuable piece of road and will aid the surrounding country in a very desirable manner by touching sock an imnnrtnnt rmint Mr Mulcahy savs the road has bsea ing up opaderaWly of ntte sod Icy t the San Franciser. inM-y. infer Tsir'T expects a tremendous amount of traffic. The rate to prevail during the fair has not as been derided on-, it will however be in present steamer of the company is now be ing taxed almost to her greatest capacity and in all probability a new and elegant vessel, will be pat on the run daring the fair. The recent loss in the receipts of the company has been caused by recent im provements and extensive repairs to the road. All of the bridges os the road, num bering several hundred, have been repaired and in tome instances almost entirely re built. The ears, locomotives and nnnierou other improvements, of more or less im portance, that have been carried on have caused the expenses to run into thousands. In spite of the loss, the company claims they caa show receipts that will more than double an offset a ateu rstLiKf. A Slraaser Meat, a Wairk al Hixh This forenoon about 11 JS0 o dock Mr Thos Hopkins observed a train fry looking man go into the residence of her sister, Mrs H J Hopkins, in an adjoining bJock.coniing out shortly after. She notibed the latter. who had been in the roar of the boose, and it was immediately discovered that Mrs Hopkins gold watch, one she had had for pears and raioatae tar many associations, was gone. Mr 0 C McFarland who hap pened along the street was notified and im mediately followed the man into Hchlosser's He at first denied all knowledge of toe matter, bat changed hut mind and ac knowledged thai be had the watch. He was then taken to Mr- whom be returned tne watrn and received a ksctere. which he did not wait to beer finished: bat vtarted soath for other fields. Marshal Mc Feron was nctified and soon had the stran ger under arrest. He was pieced 10 the county jail, after waiving examination bs foM Jastn Newport. Theborgtarv very cold one. and ansaassts into what strait men are getting, and that it is not safe to btuve w valuables aruuadiieu for a few momenta. Upon being searched a hssiiiiQMi gold watch chain wasfonad in hit aton. The owner can obtain it by on saarsnwi sac r eras. The man gave the name of Hamlin. As use watca asne 01 atu. ttwoBenae is a ooe.and will undoubtedly send rto.--4.1ssalbsrtoa. sua fit J K 'hart- ton, and recently from Heoner. was in town t io ting relatives and friends. The Albany Herald baa redocsd the size of its daily edition ton? cohunn sheet. Beth dailies of that city are bow of the O W Phillips and wife, left Wednesday nroute for the World's Fair and a visit mong friends and relatives in the state ey may star most of the winter, provid- it is a mild one. Mr and Mrs S A Miller, who recently em igrated to this place from Minnesota and who last week opened a mUlinery etamblisb ssBBtin the Myers boilding.oo Tuesday left on the morning train. Tbty were perhaps oisgotted with the heavy rams of the past tew day, but we apprehend that Oregon reins are preferable to Minnesota wlijaart!. rsBat, ThkK. TV The grand lodge of Knight Templars in session this week at Enaene elected the fotlowingotneers: J M Hodaon. GC; P 8 Makolra. Deputy G C; B K lip- pincott. G EN: R S Bean. G Cant Gen: L C Marshall. G I'relate; D PaineVfl S Wt J B CleUnd. G J W, B G Whhshouse. G trceenrar; J F Robinson. G recorder: C B Winn. G standard bearer: A Thurlow. G sword bearer; J P Galbraith. G W; Gustav Wilson, tf S. The Place of tbo next annual conclave was voted to be held at Salem. The reports from the grand officers show that then are now six comm:inderie in 1 tregon. one each at Portland. La Grande, fatem. Albany. Ashland and Eugene. Number of members, 36H: increase during past vear. 42. Lrxcout Cocjrrr. Among the Lincoln county real estate sales are the following: TKgenton Hogg to Oregon Agricultural . I, . . . I , " lonipany. umiieci; wagon roan latuts in Ijiw-oln county, 'J7.778 acre gzTHTJl. 1 1 : J W Blain to Alice P Bicliarda. tots in West Yaquina and an undivided 14th interest in the seV,' of seVi of sec 21 . and lot 5 in see Si, I 11 K S 11 west 91. The Lincoln county court ha oidered a levy ot 10 mills for county and 5 mills for school purposes. The state levy will in crease it to nearly 20 mlils. The O P has 42 miles of track In Lin coln coun'.y. f Monday morning our fishermen ceught 31 J salrron In "no time," as thev enre- ed it. and shipped them bv S o'cl ock the same morning. Post. I'si.M ii.i.v Couktt. The net taxable property in Umatilla county is fW,8W,.Vi.'i Tjutt year the net taxa'tle property was 6, 200.000. Money, notes and accounts show a loss of $1,584,413. which is largely due to the fact that about tl ,300.000 in mortgagee were assessed under this head last year. Aside f r. un the loss of the mortgages the shrinkage has not been very great. The average calculations were, lands, per acre 6.'H'; town hits, $141 .63; horses. $22.Sr; cattle, $11.24: sheep, $2; hogs, $3.73. Tub Last Cut. Chicago and return, first clans, $50. St Louis and return, first- class, $47 .96. The above rates will be in effect over the Union Pacific R R until October lllst.good to return until Novemlier 18th. October 23rd will be Union Pacific day at the World's fair. For tickets or in formation call upon Cumin & Monteitli, Local Agents UPRR. When Ralare Need astlstance It may be best to render it promptly, but one should lemember to ue even the most- pertect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple ana gentle rerredy is tne hvrupotngs manufactured by the t alllornia rig Svru Co. Wedding Ikvitaviowb. Wooden, Tin, (Silver, Golden Common every day. ASF (-'MILKY, Corsbts -All of our BALL'8 CORSETS are boned with kabo and warranted not to roll up nor break with one year's wear, it thevdo we win cneenuiiy re turn the money paid for them. Or tne corset is not satistaciory in an re spects after three weeks' wear it may b returned to ue and money will be re funded. S. E. You a. SEW f BK LKTTEK. Nsw York, October 0th. To the great disappointment of tens of thousands of people who went to sea, yes ten lay, with the expectation of seeing the first race for the America's Cup, between the British cutter Valkyrie and the Yankee sloop Vigilant. Long before the hour for tne start, many steamboats as well as pri vate crafts of all kinds, were gathered off Sandy Hook, patiently waiting to catch a gumpue ot 1 tie two graceful yacnta. it is estimated that over thirty thousand people rassed through the Narrow, out of the lower bay, on the many boats. The weather was very close for this time of the yea.' and a wind was blowing so light, it was impossible to finish the contest in the required time. It is the intention of our citizens, and cit y officials, that the foremost city in the United State-, shall have a day of celebra tion at the grand World's Columbian Ex position in Chicago. A committee coui- aosed of some of the most prominent ami influential citizens of New York, has len named by Mayor (iilroy, to arrange for Manhattan da v. at the inso'ring show, now holding sway, on the shore of Lake Michi- an. At a meeting of Le committee held 1 the Governor's room, at the City Hall, a subcommittee beaded by General Horace for the fete '21st of this month. The festivities will in dude a banquet, oration, and a reception to be given in the palatial New York State Building. Toe Trunk Lines have reduced the rates to $15 for these special excursion, and a great host of Gothamites will doubt less journey to the White Citv to be on hand when the city of New York celebrate Manhattan day. Mayor iilroy and Comp troller Myers, were so infatuated, with the wonderful exposition, that thev are enthu siastic over their second visit to the Windy ty. This is sorely the year f r sensational KstBse races. The follower of the turf tl is have been except ionallv fortunate in witneasiag some of the most leiusrkalsV contests ever mn on the American turf. tint, the masterly finish which Taral made with Domino, in the 160.000 Futurity stakes; then the greatest sensation in the history of racing, a dead neat between the fearless colts Dobtins and Dominc: and Sin the match race In which Marcus y's Tammany defeated the gallant apfighter. But the triumph of James K aeene s unbeaten two year old. itomino. surpassed all record. At the opening of the Morris Park meeting on Monday, the black colt well ridden by Taral. ran a distance of is furlongs, csvrnag 1 pounds, in toe time of 1 .-(. breaking all lecords for the distsnce, and establishing a new figure bard to lower. The shades of the great Fremont .fade away as a mere memory, when compared to such a reinaikahte feat. ine total winnings tor thw. tne fast year una Mom too nee worn a asdic, toot up to over $1H,000. This is the large! amount of money ever won by any horse in the history uf the American turf. The iceiless ivxnino, with the honest, energetic end popular "Fred" Taral in the saddle, farms combination, the achievements of which will take piecedetit to former event,- in the story of racing in this country The following U the order in which the .-National date Beat League cash nniat the most sun cestui aeawn, in the history of the saw essj BpsM Boetrai PtttMNi Ctevetaod. Philsdssphia. New York, Cin cinnati. Brooklyn. Bdtiiitore. Chicago St Kowsvuie and Washington, ibe ikKstrtn again wins the coveted and the men from the Ca&ital up the rear. As the New York team si in front of the team from Brooklyn everthing is satisfactory, despite Ibe fact that oar Uiante" did not win the in response to a boastful rhsllessesj i by the Brooklyn players. Manager Ward has prevailed upon his men to take up the gauntlet, ami again convince the base ball public, that the boy. from Use ether side of taw bridaw an not sumnentir stronsr to sweep op with the new. bat coming players. wnica constitute tne ew Hart Base Halt dab. in consequence of the sweioiatibsawa tberesuit btoeteraineeuculi The first same will be at the Polo Grounds tosnutrow, and and a high rival- the player of the two a grsiit Of hotly contested fames win certainly be played for ..V . . sa, oiamond honors. The crowd that will torn out to tee the games, both in Brooklyn as wen as at toe home ground, will be very large, as a mat interest i manifested in the reMiit. Wm. F. H. Kokucb. Bbowxsvtliji ox Tor. The Roseburg Review boasted of a chair made in IS49. Brownsville comjaVtoiy knocks Roseburg out follows: F M Jack, the pestmaster. ha chair which for celebrity in ancient quai ls more than an equal for the chair re ed to- It was made in Polk county by Gage, in the year 1836. and is now in Jack's home doing actual service. The torn was made of rawhide from the back an ox which crossed the plains in 145. the time of its advent into the household e hair adorned the rawhide, but 4? years constant uss has effaced thoese fibres, and day the seat is so "slick" that were it , l.g enough it would be hard to find a etter tcdioggan slide. I lie IIemocrat would BBS to ak how he hide of an lt45 ox was used in an chair. m Old Ate Edward Colltnson, Queens, N Y, say I commenced using Brandreth' PlUaover fifty-five vear ago. I nrt bought mem tn 'London, and have continued using thtm ince I came to hr country tn 1S36. I am now over seventv-flve years okl.nale and hearty, and attribute mv wonderful health 'o'the persistent use ot Brandreth's Pill. Occasionally I have a had cold or severe attack of rheumatism. Indigestion or bitoutne, but four or five dote of Bjandreth's Pill always cure me. When ever mv children have been lc with scarlet fever. meaIe. acid stomach, di ordered digestion or costiveness, a few doses of Brandreth's Pills restored their health at once." The Mistakes nl life are inaov nm areat. ethers smsll. W classify them as we feel their effect, and iust in the asms way voo reuognix Simmon Liver Rsgalstor when taken for indigestion, dyspepiia, oonatipstion snd biliouns. There can no mutak in taking the Reg- nlator for these ditorders. It ooickly re lls. Don t make the mltUke of g.-tting anything else for malaria. When the hair begins to coins cut ia comb ing, it chows a weakness of the scalp that calls for immediate attention. Th beet Drena ration to arret t further lots of htiraed restore the lealp to a haltb condition is Ayer's Hair Vigor. Ahk Yoc Goiko East. Remember the Union Pacific is the only road that can sell von a first-class ticket to Kansas Citv for fes.OO, Sioux City for $25.00, Omaha for $25.00, St l-outs for $30.00. Our hrst-clas rate to Chicuiro is $32.00 and all otbe points proportionately low. Note the tunc you can save via the Union Pacific. Port land to Chicago, twentv-one hours: Port land to Omaha, forty-one hours; Portland to St Louis, twenty-five hours. rree reclin ing chair cars. Tourist and Pullman sleepers. Accommodations unsurpassed. For rates or particular call upon or address Cl'RUAN & MtlNTKITH, Local Agents Union Pacific, Albany, Oregon. New Photograpukii. 1 have opened a new gallery In the Y. M. C. A. block, 2nd street, Albany, and will try hard to please all who will favor me with their patronage. 1 will take all sizes and styles of photos as good as the best and as cheap as the cheap est. I am no traveling photo here today and gone tomorrow, but have come with wife and children to make a home m your if 1 irlorious climate. I have come to stay. Please call and see me and try. my wort, Verv remvoctfully yours. 3. A. Ham afKi.i., Late of Toronto, Canada. C faftMIJ M MB BMM BhWBl as tne teams have each ry exists between W ASHlNtiTOX luETTEK. from cur ragulsr Oornepondent. Was'uUgion, Oct. 9, 1893 Senator Voorbees on Saturday gave notice that next Wednesday's session ofAthe senate would be made continuous, for Ibe purpose of trying to get a vote upon bis bill for the repeal of tae purchasing clause of the Sher man silver law, and since then every senator who is absent, and not paired upon this bill has been notified to be on band. Wed nesday. Numerous attempts have been made in the past is the senate fo force a vote upon measures by holding continuous sessions, but there have been more failure than successes, and the peculiar circum stances surrounding the present attempt mate it almost certain to be a failure. No parly machinery can be ai d in this con test, because there are no party line observed by the friends and opponents o the repeal bill. The question which it eliciting the most interest here i. what will follow the failure to reach a vote on the Yoorhees bill ? One cf two things most b: done, if the bill cannot be passed it most either be indefinitely abandoned, tearing the present law in force, or a com - "Wiiii BB thai i. ib be adopted. Which wPI it fce?Ko ea can at this time answer that question with sbsolute certain ity, bat it being generally admitted that the present law is a bad one the probabilities seem to favors compro mise, although a number of prominent democrats, among them .'resident Cleve land, belicva that it would be better to abandon the bill for a time than to adopt a make shift compromise. Whatever is the result, so far as the Yoorhees bill is concerned, the opinion seems to be increasing daily among con servative me.i, regardless of party affilia tion, that congress most pass a bill author izing the administration to issue bonds to increase the gold reserve fund whenever it may become necessary in order to avoid panics, similar to the one the country recently passed through, which may at any time be brought on by large and continu ous exportaiions of gold, lien who six months ago opposed aa issue of bonds under any d'camstances sre now advocat ing that the authority for issuing bond be given to the administration. It would, not necessarily follow that the bonds would be The knowledge that they 000 Id be if necessary to replenish the govern - apply of gold would, in the opinion of shrewd financiers, of itself act largely a a preventative of the exportation of gold. V hen tbe house adopted the order dos ing debate on the bill for the repeal of tbe federal election laws, today (Get Si ami directing that the voting on the bill and fsmSMMssdBssBCI MSBBBsl there! tn-sokl begin tomorrow and continue until the bill was disposed of. it was : bought that tbe senate would have before this disposed of the Yoorheci repeal b&i and have been ready to lecmve tbe ejection repeal bill. The democrat of tbe boase will bold a reerni on the subject tonigbt. and imnrsxh as it might add edditiowal complication to tbe already sufficiently complicated situa tion in tbe senate to send this bill over at this time the caucus may decide that it is adrisab e to defer final action on tbe e'ec tioa lull for a time. Tbe Ford's theatre diisiswr has been recalled to public notice during tbe nest week by the opaiiag of tbe trial of the four men indicted for criminal negligence in connection therewith; by the senate rasohi lion for tbe appointment of a joint con- commiUee to ascertain the responsibility of tbe government for dama ges to families of the victim, and by g of repairs upon the wrecked building. A tumor that the men who oxupiedtbe building at the time of the disaster are to be again put in thereto work as soon as the repair are completed has raisse a general protest, not only from the five hundred clerks and their friends ,but from the public at Urge It would oertaiah ssem to be aa unnecessary cruelty to compel those clerk? to work in that building again. President Cleveland and his family moved out to hi country residence Satur day afternoon, and they wilt remain tiers until cold weatLer, the president coming in to his office every morning and returning in the afternoon Mrs Cleveland is, rapidly regaining her strength and baby Esther is enjoying good health. Mis R'Hh celebrated her second birthday last week. It is extremely doubtful ahethcr the joint tesolatioe offered by Kcactative Davtv, of La. for the appropriation of $25,000 for the relief of the cyclone suffer er oa the southern coast gets through con gress. Not because icdividoal senators aad representatives are opposed to helping the sufferers, but becaass all such appropriations by the general government have been op posed oa principle tor msny years, on the theory that the several states should fur nish relief to their owncitizene. However, tit being an exceptional esse the houve committee or appropriation, to which the resolution was referred, may igaote prece dent and favoiatM? report it. Should it be favorably reported it would probably pass. A plea la equity was hied In the United States district court at Omaha yesterday. Judge Dandy appointed S H H Clark and E Ellery Anderson, of New York, aad O YV Mink, of Boston, receiver for the Union Pacific railtoad. The applicatiorefor a receiver was made by the executor of the r redenck L. Ame ette, Olive." Ames, Samuel Carr, Edwie F Atklas snd Peter Wyckoff . The an nouncement ot the application and appoint ment ot the receiver came simultaneously about noon. The temple of Ypeambul is Nubia i cut from a solid rock, aad its entrance ia guard ed by four statues, each lxtt -five feet high twenty-five feet across the lioulders, the face feven feet long, the ear over thre: feet In India 'wenty-five million seres are made fruitful by irrigation. Tn Egypt there are about six million acres and in Europe about five million. The United States has about four million seres of Irrigated land. The greatest university ia Oaford. twenty-one college and five halls. It hat aow? This! Weedier One Hundred Dollars reward for an; ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have kaowa K. 3. Cheney or the last 15 years, and believe htm pe- -otly honorable in all business transaction a aanclally able tocarry out any obligations ft. joy their firm. Wkst Tai'AX, Wholesale DroajfUU. Toledo.O, TfV auiiNU.KiNNaN &Maitvi9i, Wholesale Drug. siata. Toledo, O. Hall' Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act- I ins directly npc n tho blood and mucous aurfacas 01 1 no system . TSc. psr bottle TeKtinioniais sent freer. Alee sow iy an unigHistH. MAJORITY BULK. A now constituted the United States senate it en" pnd of $5 mevbtrs. Forty eight, (may b: nftv) of these re in fsver of pasting th- pending bill to repeal the Sherman law and flirty eves, (may be only -hlily five) are opposed. According to the castom of tbe seastc no such thing at the previous question or cloture rule is used to cat off debate. Senators in time psst have been permitted to disc as any bill or question until they were tat'sbed, bt t teratora have been cosrteout esosgh to use only reasonable time for diacsssicfl Some eight or tea sena'or, aoti repealer,, have now determined to take advantage of this custom snd defeat tbe repeal bill by de bating ft indefinitely. Senator Voortees made a great speech Wednesday on the subject of the light of t-e majouty to tule. The following 1 as extract snd it is worthy of careful perusal by those who are UJ away about the rights of minor hie: I he! eve," said he. "that thU hrd, should have rales by which 10 conclude diacuMioa and reach a vote, one higher, more reasonable; store sensible and more decent than the rule on which we are en tering now. which is tbe only one. Op ponent of ihn bill will not same anv da Ty wilt resort U ditetnr mn tares to prevent action being taken at all. Who It to q jit, air. I would rather be f arrled from this desk feet foremost nd jMjt to steep l home la Terre Haute foeer, than to ytttd to a principal that a o-jorfty ha no right to govern. I stand here for ibe highest principle of free gov ernment, known to history. We started ia here some weeks ago to discuss tbe repeal of a bad measure cf naancfil legislation. We have reached a question of free gov eminent, we have reached a question of coaititutioaal government; at reached a question whet her or not we have a govern ment that era administer itself. Idle, va pid talk, takes the places in papers in re gard to aboBahing the senate of the United States, This senate can no store be abol iabed than can tbe constitution, for it t s great part thereof, hot it can be governed by rotes of its own mailing, so as to make itself aa acting and proper and reasonable bodyof legislation "No, I would not injure Ibe mincrity; bat shall the minority govern? Answer toe. Shall th minority govern1 Somebody ass to rate; somebody has to control this gov ernment; hall i; be minority or majority; the senator from Idaho tagnifaed that poss ibly they had s saayariiy The let as as certain that by a vote aad we will subaaat to it gladly, willingly, if we are the minor ity. Will you? No. 1 Then the question come whether we base a govcrasnetat at all. I used here tonight not talking com p.otutse; 1 stand car lbs rule ot tne major. y. There it mighty principle involved fa this, aad if I go down, I will go down iih my Sag sailed to ike mat acad. If s compromise I to Uke the pace oa the priadple that a atiaotitr baa a risrHt la Nictate, rt will be by others, not by tne." BE WARE or FtBE B&AXDS- F.efudicc seem, to be an (aspiration for nearly every thing which tbe Telegram has to say a boat what it designedly calf "ad tninittration democrats." There is so longer say dosbt that the real purpose of the Tcegr r , m jr op discord In the democratic party. Democrats in t'-is state are warned ic newsre of the inflammatory. bitter utterances of that paper against every one who will not bow in worship at its shrine cf anarchism, populism sad social ism. The surrounding influences that weigh heavily a pen the manner of cowd act ing the 7ctarraa reader its course a stem ocra tic petper oae of doubt and dspiicit) . Aa tae nay ia camp is always to be watched with vigilant eyes. It expatiates from thaw to dsns upon its allegation that Cleveland m not a democrat, to prove which it says thct be i. toll3wei aad supported by such republican as Dolph, Sherman and ccbn. It seems never to have cntcrH the stupid naiad of the editor of tbe Telegram that the democrat In the senate who oppose re peal of the Sherman law are ted by such republican at Teller, Mitchell. Wolcott, DaBoa atd other, so that if tasnilaliae with such republicans as Sherman aad Dolph takes Voorbees, Palmer, Cleveland, Mills and other great leading democrat out of the party what will become of those democrats who are led by Teller. Wolcott, Stewart, MithcU and other republican. The whole truth is the stive que v. ion b not a party question aad democrats are foolish who permit themselves to be led into sack belief. There is no reason why party ecu asay not divide oa this question without having their party loyalty called ia qssrtioa. It I the part of wisdom for octuocrata to bide the lime of the settlement of the silv er question snd reserve their party pover to be uted in the tariff contest to comb later oe. or rfchtse Are the main-stay ot our republic In them are being cultivated the mind which are to be our future law makers and leader in every walk of life. How essential ft is that these ntinds should be united in strong, bean h v bodies. 80 many children suffer fro impurities and posbos in the blood that it ia a wonder that they ever gtow up to be men and women. Manv parents cannot And words strong enough to express their gratitude to Hood's Ssr- eaparitla for Its good effect upon their children. Scrofula, salt rheum and other disease of the blood are effectually and permanently cured by Cii excellent medi cine, am! the whole being is given strengtn to resist attack ot disease Both tbe method and results when Syrup of Figs is takes; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, 1 Laver and rowels, cleanses tne sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers end cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tbe only remedy ot its aund ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial tn its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its manv excellent qualities commend it to ail and hero made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any rehable druggist who may not have it on nana will pro cure it promptly for any one who wamcs 10 try iv. jlm net accept, any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SUM FKANCISCO. CL UMHSYiui, nr. mm rose, an DYSPEPSIA 1$ that misery experienced what Baddenly made aware that you powewi a diabolical arrangement called stomach. No two dyspep tics hare the same predominant symptoms, but whatever form dyspepsia take The underlying cause is 4b the LIVER, aad one thing ia certain no one TO remain a dyBpeptic -who will It wm correct Acidify of t; Stomach, " rat us. Allay Irritation, Assist, IHseatioa aultttttsata Start the IAver tverhina and Bll bodily ailments wfU disappear. M Sans. I tried teeeol laestbJ. Arkmlrrei sc widterat it." Jjurran A. Rosas, nasTa, Pa. -' mwwaat pack, carve j. a. axon 47 co., rtiiiiiiiijiii , FARMERS, ATTENTION IF : TOW VAST A WACON HACK. BUS6Y. CART PLOW HAMQW,DfGU SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, or any kind of a Farm Iron 'err.en- or Ve hide, call on 'or address. B. F. RAMP Oppcatite Post Oftr bar.T.O Gladstone has A clear Head 1 mmmmmmm 1 WHY? Because he Safin these rales: '"Keep rbc head coci. the ieet warm, and the bowels open- You a clear head and Irre to be ' if too do Ibe sacae thing. Vlien tbe bo eis tad to twie dar ing the day take oa retiring two i'is SB Rue Beasas. Their is so unld east son are not aware of tt- AH cbsf ysssrsssatiwS be dear sard rnol. "Not a gripe is a barrel of thesa." Adfcrraa3saBB, Tata so snbstjtase for SUTH 'S Bile Beans! 4LFASY CQLU6Jifl IfSTPOTX ALBANY, OREGON 1891, 1892 A fc. 1 corps of i cuisitafU, sciEnnnc, uim?r COMMEBCiAL AND NORMA'. CLASSES. Caorscn ot study erranevd 1 a--. ail grades of students Sffamt tsMMsatsseau c tired ta iua mm tr. KLKsarr rassaiT Archltex-t and Contrartor. SMOrrdera e acnis. Will. ) 1 .. mam SXOBperBcattaC Oaeaaata doso. Tea Obbax Cocoa cca proratary qnres where all others faiL Cwba, Croup, Sere Throat, HoaraeceartTWhooplng Coach and Asthma. For Consumption tt has no nvaC bars enrad thotaaaibfa. snd will cx aa Tot; If taken in than. toW by Dragjists 00 a guar antee. For a LaoM Bank or Chest, uss SHtLOH S BELLADONNA PL.STKKjSc, CATARRH REMEDY, aTeTouCatarrfiT Tbisrcancenrisruaran- tead to euro you. lv:ce.;-0cta. Iiectortrce 0e Me iVeFarland, j -;- UXAXtB IK 5 Harness -and -Saddler j Display lm in the Door ACADEMY OF- laoj of PerpRtnal Eelp VIGOR ov MEN Easily. Qatckhj. Persaaasatlr Rett a red. WEAKNESS. NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY, aad ail tb train ef eeCa rroraeartj rrror later iiauiia tbe Tiealti of overwork, tiefcaeaa, wiery.rk'. Fu lotrermlk, iteTelcpiuaai aad toaa elven to erj organ and n. rtion of the body. Slinple.naturt IniettHwt. Imnieellatelm,r,ir!it area. Failure impossible. 2,01) referent . Book, aplaaatkm and rr' Bulled taeated.trw. ERIE MEDI0AL CO. BUFFALO, W.V. M'-Vsi I Tsia-uw 3T CB-Iswws ".r -mm