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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1893)
WKlTtsEKFORl? A (H.1JJ Kt.KaVtl.V Attornays at Law. Will practice n H courts ot the auto. spocM an and to co. lection Spocial attention tlvcn to matters In protr.U or f lur. in tne Diocv BIK.YEU Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. '4ona made on all point. Loans negotiated rable terms. Albany, Oregon Uoll on G SO. V. . IT K I n r. Attorney at law, and Votary Public. Will practice in all the courts o( this state Special attention riven to collections ami matters i.t preb-te OIHrr:-Upstairs afaaon-Twedale Block Albrwr. Qgn B vvriM, It taxal muter wti recilra promp attention fflce i. oil fill w's Temple, Albany, r. " Jaf WIUTXKY m Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. JONTANYE afc HACKLGH&N, Attorneys at Las. Albany, Oregon. AMES J. CHARLTON. Attorn vwt- La w . promptlv: All icirsl baalnrja attended o FUNK'S Bl.aik, Albany Or: jyt. J. i.. mi. i.. Fhvclrian and 3unron. OfTtOK -Corna Fer-y streets, Albany, Oregon. JKS- MAS TOY fc DAVIS. raWsMaas an- Surroona. OFFICE Corner . osad and Brcrsdalbin streets. Albany, Or, Calls pro.apUy attended 1 citv and country . c. 17. CHAHB8B1VA1X. M. Hsmsopathlst. TSpa Jlst In diseases ot the Kyo. Off c boors 7 to B a in: 1 to! m, and 7 to 8 msr. A A Orecnn. I1RST NATIONAL BAKK, Or ALBANY, ORHOOiS rsaMsBt Vice PrpsiJciit LFLiint s. c.youso -E. W LANUIKJS nLaJtaaCTfl a 0K.SF.RAL baaWnaoaioass aOOOWn KEPT subject to shack. 8IQBT BZCBANQE and Vri Taphlc tranater, l ii New York, San Frandsco, Chioafo and P v Uand 00 JaatmOlta' aUDEon favorable aV K. Toraa K, W, Lsssssa L. Pun L K Bun Ksaraaa . Soi. CU1IC1K A C(l.,BtXHER OY ALBANY, ORKGON. TRAXSACTa esawral Ban tin? nsincas. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS cm Mew Yark. 9an Ft a sod and Portland, Oregao. LOAN MONEY on approvsd saeorlty. RECEIVE daposita subjact to ehsck, COLLECTIONS inada on (arorabla torasa. INTEREST paid cn tirna dooosita B ANB OF stflO, SCIO, OBBOON. c I isa t . aUlsr. ... ., . T J III vx . . A J JOB THE WEBF00T ROUTE Oregon Pacific Raited, ' W B ABLET, Beeelver. TUJE SCnfcUtJLK. except Snndars.1 l alhanv UrSO r. a. :L-Te Taqnlna. (,aavr Corraii'.s ir. . LaaTe CorrallU.101. a, Arrla Taanina, 15 r. .im aisuj, Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Points and San Francisco OCEA S1E1JIEX )ll.lva WlilansstlaValUy. Oct 7lb, lTth.r7tli, Fioa Tssory. WulasawtU VanT. Oct 2a- Ittb, Slad ; Sot 1st. 'Die Compauv rwrve the ngnf t hnnge snlling dates without notice. Its YER HTKAXERN . Uanwi "Hapa-" learaa Portland WairsraiUy ana Saturday 8 am. HCDir,0t SaraJhtinsa Slrabt Wbarf. Portland D K Vaarbn. 0n Aif't. Hsa Franeiaea. Oal. B E Xutcahy, tiatwral Bapt: THR0D6H Wl rt 1 aaWSaVSal 'JAW. TICKETS' SH I UKf . OMAHA KANSiS CHiCliGfl. I Dy i TO a (Illlii!0 QUICKEST TO CHitUCO AND THE EAST HOURS UflfiuQ QUICKER TO OMAHA HUUrO AxU KANSAS CITY PULLMAN AHD TOURIST SLEEPERS, FfttE CECUM! NO CHAIR CARS! OINIHG CARS. F01 'atr 1 11 J c-nrral infoi mstlon call oil or address Curran MonUiih, Albany, Oreion, or W H III RLBURT.Asst.Gcn'l. I'.hs. Agt, 3J4 Washington t.. Portland, Okegost li. rM..,aT. Arehlteet and C'otttraetor. t I I I 11 . 1 v. 1 I 1 I 1 I J J I ( BabyRawasBeefsteak 43. Baby vervslrk with ectcmawhon thteo months old . Had home iloo- torsantl specialists. Got worse all the time. Whole bodv raw as beef , steak. Hair none. Kxpeeted him to die. Kirk si x months before we tried Cutioiikas. No faith in them lint in two months he was entirely cured. Not a spot on hini now and plenty of hair. Mbs. FRANK BAKKKTT, Wiulleld, Mich. Baby Bad with Eczema Our babv bow four mouths old. had had case of ecaouia. Head was a solid sore. Face and body badly affected. Itching terrible. Tli roe doctors did not nelp htm. I Hands tied sixteen weeks. Mit tens on his hands to prevent his scratching. Cinriorn.v Rkmkhiks cured him, and we recommend them to others. Q. li. S J. HAIIHIS, Webster, Ind. Baby Itched Terribly Baby three months old broke out with white pimples on red surface. Itching terrible, scabs on head and face. I' sod every thing for live months. Grew worse. Itirchascd C t'T to v it . Remedies, used them, and in three weeks there was not a sore or pimple, not even a scar. Mas. OSCAR JAMES, Woodston, Kan. Baby Suffering Agony Babv had enema, worst form. Battled the best doctors here. Was in agonv eight months. Be gan Withl'l'TUTRA Kkmeuies. In two months the awful disease hail ceased its vengeance. No trace could be- seen.mvdarlinffbov w:ia cared. J. A. NICOLES. Bunker Hill, Ind. CUTICURa WORKS WONDERS And Its cares are the most re markable performed by any blood and skin r.'iiwdy of modern times. la rents remember that cures made in infancy arc speedy, permanent and coououilcal. Sold throughout the work). IMcc,CmcraA, tOe. Soae, Sao. lessor. vs!t,$1. Poma Dni-u ABU Cain. Comr., Sole Props., Boston. OaT" How to Cure Skin Diiuaaos," free. DIDV'C ekin od PortOrd and braatlfled DnDI w by CatlcnntSaap. Absolutely purs. EAST AND-SOUTH, -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTT OF THE Southern Pacific Go. ffllisss Trains leave Portland Daily. raos jclt 1, ISM, :lt. a. Lr 10-13 r a I Lv 10:lta a 1 Ar P irUaod Albany Sao Francisco Ar . s .' asi Lv I 4:43 a at Lv I 7,00 r a Above trains stop a. ail statio-ia from Poitland to Albany inclusive, also Tau vent.shed i.rlalsev.Harrlsburit. Junction t Ity, Irving. Bugena and all stations ' from Koieburg to sUland mcluat'e. i M1,A a i Lt nan., saisv Poniand Ar' 4S0 rir Lt I Itm ;Lt 7.0Ca Jf lf:45r Lt Albany 3:av T M AT :10 All Lt 9HO a a I Ar 1 :cr a I Lt Albany basSussa Albany Uaamaa Ar JCrfl aa Lt Ma Arl -J5r Lt Mtri PULLMAr BUFFET SLEEPERS. AND j Dinine Cars on Ogden Routes SECOND-CUSS SLEtPIIMS CABS A tf a eked la all Th re arb Trains Tear aide MvtslM. rstarLAS ast coai allis. Nan. raai9AUT (ExoeptSnaaay, Moan Itdlra! Lt Ar Kavstaad ill I t: r a 1X0 ra amass nan rattT fEic.-p: lr Lv Ar Pnrtlan.1 ateKiuirU: Ar Lt am a 5 0 a Thronirh Tickett la all point in ts F.v.t-m Stttai. learns CM aw osalna.l at Trwaik, Arrat Albany. m from r K t KOEBLKB K P. BChjERS. aranaarer va'tfl V. nJ FromTerminal or Interior PoiLts the lira Pad : BaiM la f he line to take 'Tfl 311 Pnintv fAQT anH QflllW . 10 all lUlilL) lULuI allll uUU IU It la the HlM Vt; ( XK route. It ran Through YKMTIBt "L- CU TR.4IMS RVERt DAY Is ttsc Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO ftO CHANGErOF CARS. of Dioinz Cars UasarDassed PflSliB:m Dra wins Room Sleeperg Of Latest Equipment ! TOURIST SLEEPING CABS. Beat ttat cao be n t.xtruele I nnd In ! which ao"ommfxi Hsrm are huh free and furnished f ir n .l nrs of Firs or Meond clasa llck-t. a d ELEGANT DAY COACHES. ; A Gontinnans Lino connectiiig M al lin.8, affording Direct an Unrntermpted Service. 1 Pullman alseper reservations ran be aeeared. 1,1 advunee through, any agent of the road. ItURODOII TICKETS to and from all points In Americas England an.1 Kurope nan he purchaswd at ary ticketefflce of this core paoy, Full inf-rmati in concerning rat H.tiine af trains, rnu'enand other Mtatlnfaira (shed on app:ii-at on to any agent or A D CaARl.TON. Aeaiatanl Onneral PAseugnr Agent. No 121 First m . cor. Washington, Portland. Oie.-on. C O Rot kbar.. local ageot. An asrreeable Laxative and Nrava Toma Bold by Drnswlsta or sent by maJL 25c,60o. itad per package. Bamplea tree. YsT A VA The Pavortte TOOTH PffSftSS JBLV HVI for tbe Teeth and flreativ,SSc Captain Sweeney, TJJ4.A., San Dlesro, Cat, arys: "Bhlkih's Catarrh Itemed y is the first medicine I have ever found that would do mo anrsood. Price SO eta. Bold by L"rug-tta. SHILOH'S CURE. Tms Gbjiat Oouaa Otrna wrocrptlyeawni where all others faiL For Consumption it has no rival; bos cared thousands, and will crux Tou.if teUnintlms. fciesttet. MetitX.oa 1 r- r 01 Notice of A jsignment. KaStfes is hrhy niviii, th.i ti- bank of OrtB'in, id A". i. tin-ton, li.a dalv ss- sigued to tbe udrst8nei s'sifne ail its I property m t tI'.-,:.. for the b'nefH of sll i s creditors, under aid bv vtrta of thi nn-- al BauiatDin iul lawa of the stare of ' , and the noiWri ned hsa h-n nrcra, ! it, on tbe 28'.h dir ol Jane 1K9H, rln'y lid as such awssansri. All h"Miii h'vit'S elaf a - .i"-t a.iH r. .olv.i. , ,t it,.- c . a 11 c. i,,.. hwety rrquiied to uie-.nt thsrauie in thu un- dersigned ai tin Bnk of Orynoa bnidine in . hociiy'f Al any, Oregon, under orth, ; withi. thrre tenntha of th dat. Daled this 29ch day cf .June 2893. W. 8. TifOMHiKia! Assignee of the Bank f'lhegon, sn ins 1 vsnt, You can buv spdctaeles and eve classes St HONEST PRICES, nf K M French the jeweler. 11 Louis.: MiffWiw Wfc MtWiHtUi W'V VWVVVWJlrt Clouds are on the overage hundred yards In thickness about tivu The largest apes have only six'een ounce of brain; the lowest men have thlrly-n'ae. All the glaciers In the Alps would not equal one of the largest in our lesrltOtfjr of AJasta. The amount of air that a nun will In" hle In twenty-four.hours will fill stventy eigl t ho ".head and weigh fifty, three pounds. The republicans are now claiming that McKinley will carry Ohio bv 40,000 mi- jonty. He will do we'l wa think If he secures the ordinary republican majority in ihe slate 35,000. The democratic members of the ways and means corr.mittee are making progress with the tariff bill. The ground work Is undei stood to l-e Irce raw materials, with compensatory reductions on other mater ials. Thtie is a growing impression that the conseq ten. de6rti in ih receipts will be met by increased .nternti revenue taxes on whisky and tobacco. Carlisle is under Moo I to favor an increased tax on whisky, calculating this will increase the revenue $30,000,000. All laws passed by the late legislature, 2ij in all, will go in eflect today, and will take te place of the entire statutes of I Kentucky. Among the roost Important Is the law compelling the railroads to furnish separate coach" for whites and blacks. It is feared t'ia. there will be trouble, I as coat of ihe negroes arc desperately op- posed to the measure. The better class of I negroes are, however, willing to submit to ! the law until the courts shall have decided w hether it is constitutional or not. Our protectionist friends say. put a high enough tariff on a thing, and instead of an increase of price of the corresponding thing made in this country resulting, as people ignorantly think, the price begins to go downfor some mysterious reason: at the same time, the wages of the men engaged in its manufacture begin mysteriously to go up. And with lower prices for the product and higher wages for labor, the prospenly of ice masters grows greater: it really does seam too good to be true, we suspect it is! and The Massachusetts Democra's hav nominated ex-Congressman John G Rus sell for Governor, with an excellent and strong Siale ticket. TheT adopted, as usual, an honest, plainspokea and advanced I platform. Mr Russell Is s brilliant cam patgner, and while it is too much to expect ! that the Democrats will cany that Rf pub- Iscaa btale foe bovernor four in sue cession, it is certain thai the second Russell will give the Republican candidate a close ran. The reat cave in tbe Black Hills region is said to be fifty-two miles long, and con tains nearly one thousand five huLdred TIT L nVL 7 ; ing been opened. There are streams, water- .n n u. i.l w., . ! falls and thirty -seven lake, one of which i is aa acre in extent The cave is six thous and feet above sea level, and four hundred feet below the earth's surface. bM rt of ' The L'lispatch wants fsei silver. , wants no obstruction lo the as it r i: ! Congress. It is the Ucmicratic theory , this Governmeat tint majorities, hone:!y expressed, shall rule, and to this we are always ready t land LKsfotek. alwavs ready .o submi ..brdlence.-1'ort- aa According to a statement made by the r.u- . .k. T-a -a ..uc'j i im ,"C aaaniBi o money in circulation in the United States October I st was $l.7oi.9J9.9S. Est!- I. If. miMnc ttl fl9!lUtl1l.s a- hT I'll rVWa 1h I --- per cap v. ., 9ts., . ne- ,D- creMe,arie S;.ie-alw of it,377.47. j The cn-ulatiju rr capita Auzu; iff was GM coin la-r' "ng Ic r-.. . - . c. Sept- I ember $14,829,741. The Canadian Oav-inmtnl wiil allow the Uoitef Stairs tu Inspect emigraats atQue ' bee, arho propose lo come to this country i through Canada. It will not mike any ; agreement wi'h oar Government in this j respect; bat the threat tnat if ex could not ', inpe:t immigrants coming Canada, I that none should be a'lowed to land here, j brought the Canadian prime miniate! to terms at once. The agents of the United States can make it required inspection, while the Canadian ministry shuts its eyes snd affects to know nothing about whit is bdngdone. I: is much sa sir Lincoln once rrmirke. abiut arresting Vallanrltg ham In war time. He wisUed that instead of being srret; i lie had hie" atlowel to escape "unbeknownst" to our authorities. AN INCOME TAX. i Tne Washinirton correspondent of the New York World sneaking of tbe various plans lo raise a revenue 10 support the government, says: Tbe only other important source of increased revenue that will be considered by the committee will be that o! an income tax. So great a number of congressmen I have expressed themselves in favor of tbe j imposition of such a tax that it is general ly believed that the proposition will carry hy a hrge majority. ?evjral modified forms of income tax have been suggested. One oft! em, aibich emanates from Con gressman Johnson, cf Ohio, provides that a tux laj levied on ibe profits of corporations, which nre known through public reports and on rents, which may be ascertained from third parties. This idea is based on the theory that tin income tax universal in its application is a voluntary tax paid by boucst people and r-vaded by thp dishonest. The employireiit of spies by Ihe govern ment, it ia nrired. is alrojrether contrary to oil' theory rt personal independence. Mr Johnson tliinka that he would avoid the lisairreenb'it feature of thl law and prevent dishonest eseipe from taxition by his p an. lt will be seen by ibis general statement of the probable cost of tariff no I tax legri lation that whatever ehangtss may be made in tee rates of duty for the benriit of tbe peop'e the loss of revenue, wliutever it may be, c an easily be made tip by taxes which are net double, hs tariff taxes nre, through I the increased prices charged on domestic I manufactures, and which havo this advan .asfe. that those who pay them know pretty wi II wh.T they are contributing to tlie support of the government. Whatever the committee decides to do there will be no confont.on after contention in behalf of special infi rif m ' Tbe coal owners of Wet Virginia ami Ohio will struggle against the abolition of the duly which bus mttde fuel so dour that the New Kegbsttd iron foun'lriis luivs, crone out of business. Sj u ill bn wi ll all protecteJ industries, but iho bill in very likely to be mado cn tbe lines here wuggrsted. A -suminc; the amount tu bit made uood by increased or now taxation to be $70,000, 000, the following receipts from tbe taxes named are available: w:giir tax at one cent. $37,000,000: saviag of sugar bounty. $10,000,000; saving 011 pension list. 810, 003,000; tux on beer. I2,000,000; total, $89,000,000. DAMNING. Darning seems aimos'ln danger of be coming a lost ar1. With the cheap price of clothing today many people find It essUr to buy the new ibsn to mend the old. While such a spirit of wastefulness is certainly to be deprecated, it is true that in olden days a great deal of time which modern house keepers can ill afford with their masy du ties was spent in mending rents. For I t spite ot all the imptovt'inintt in modern lif;, labor saving machines have no' kept pace with the added duties of the modern housekeeper. While it is true that the modern l.oute keeper is a much happier ar.d wiser woman than her grandmother, she Is not apt o be so skillful in purely manual tasks. It its a matter of regret that children are not taugk msading and the art of needlework as :.are fu'.ly as they weie ia the olden time. It I a rare thing for a oung girl to be able to make a neat darn in cloth. She should use the raveling! of the eoods wherever it is possible to do so, or a sewing silk exactly matching the cloth . Where the cloth l very thick and heavy It will not be oecet sary to put a second piece of cloth under it I but ihe edges of the cloth can be woven together, and when pressed the darned spot will be practically invisible. Where the cloth is thinner, a pice of cloth exactly matching it, or a piece of the cluth Its 11, should be placed under it In strengthen the stitches. In the mending of kid gloves a piece of ...a eaC.,y atBtSTning u.e (.Ut suuu.u placed under the sea.n where they split, and , -III. I . -1 A, 1 L . I 1 1 tbe Klove drawn tocsther over this id', that it mav serve as a sUv to the seam. This will make a teat as well as strong seam, for the silk remains invisible. The darn ing of thir, muslin or tissue U one of tbe most delicate matters. For Ihe fine muslin a thiead about the same size as tbe thread of the goods should be chosen, and tbe daro should be woven together so as to msicli tbe weave of the goods. This must be dope very firmly snd thoroughly as no stay can : be put under it . The datnlng of stockings is an trt M which every girl should he taught from her Chilohoodssthereisnomechanksl means bv which it may be performed, and u is lb. ' ar, f .h.mHln.of everr most impor .sat part ot the mer.dinE of esery family. A matter of great tmporunce in iki. n.HM.,1, ftn nrfrlooked. The darning wool or oarolng cotton hou.d hop, U pj f(0nj ,hat great center fool shaft on so extension of the Bone of chosen in the same quality aa Uie stocking. 0flne hep industry In Oregon. Eugene j Contention ledge, and besides this i hey lt Is not an uncommon thing to see a j Guar.!. jlisve three or four ion from shaft coarse, heavy quality of cotton used, be- I The following have just been admitted ' mW t00 or $Joo per ion. Ash caose this fills ap Ihe darn mors r,pWly . "e bar by the Supreme Court: FS Unf m- tvu i. . -I... t .!. ,k. .rb Matleson. Kugene; Vtebsler Holme. S- The Penulenn Savings Bank i ena I hts it a misuae. it nukes me wora , ,em . NapoIeo1 UaTh ,,, , g pJrt. to on , bult hree p,.menU clumsy and ug'y, and shows a sloven ty t land; TJ Wilson and Chsrle Hamilton. ; of 33 t-5 per cent each on FeS it,julv it manner New York 7r,"ban-. Koaetsurg: B F Bwope. Geo Rmerson and Jamie V Campbell. Oregon City; MS Warren. Astoria; A L McFadden and 11 L A UXS or ACrtON Holgate. Corvallfa . In the si: pre me ourt je.sterday the Senator Cameron of Pennsylvania ia ea- : ea e ot D C Sherman, respondent, vs A J tided to tbe gratitude of the coantry for f ft!,w,v-!V? fy??'-1 M":leo , .vi, Charles Mckell and S S Train, as trus severalac:. He voted awainst the Lodpt ,,..,,,..-,, cu,.,.! ! force bill. On other occasions he has as serted an independence of party dictation which entities him to consideration at tbe hand i of democrats But ih; most signal public service the Peans;vaalaa has rendered is ia exposing the liae of action on which the tariff barons 'propose to perpetuate fseir monopoJet. In j . , . I .. . ... his speech in the senate Monday Mr Cam eron indicated' clearly that the high tariff senators are willing to give the silver sena tors what they want in exchange for their vote, against the repesl or amemiment of j the McKinley lav. 11 ihnt the Sherma, law . : was passen ov repuoncsn vo:e in ine sen- OX I 1 r . rate 11 order to secu-e use naassar e of the - , w - McKlaleyUw through that bodv. Tie! ! ""er 1tm ii aitopuoc. wttn the I uwcat of oeteatinJ the pel measure ot tse ) tariff tirotected indusuus. If aviaar ccrarr-il ! McKialeylsm bv sa-Mlmg the bullion pur- -a. i w . t. I uxar aaiw upon ,uz aaaaaav . aaaaaaaaaaaaa H jaora representing high tariff latnetft' are doubtless willing to keep the bullion ' nttirhin In war in fatrt to(hr riiin ttlrri'ltffa' V . j any pan ot tne aouniy ot McKinieynm. The PennsyNaasa senator is entitle to thanks for hi candid admission Mere any part of the bounty of McKialeyitm. I..a.... - candor of this sort I deura ,Ie from the epublican side of the senate. Lei si know how far tbe tariff barons are willing to go j in the effort to keep their hands in the pen pie' poc'scls. rsEs FoaaoiiA. Ticware may be brighsened by dipping a ?amp cloth ia common soda and rubbing it welt. Very hot soda in a solut on, app led with a soft flannel, will remove paint splashes ,... . . , , glass mslea.l of op. Stioeg. tepwl ao-la ea'er will make glass very brilliant, thrn rlise in cold warer, wipe rv with hnen doth. Cdliaeslhat hnTe icom ,mnkl h, kerosene lampi in. t ir cleaned by wssh- . 1 Ing off with soda water For clcaninz oil pa'nt belore repaintmc pa 'at belore repainuag use two ounce tf soJa dissolved in a of hot water, ther rine off s Ifh rlear I water. A lump of soJa laid on the drain pine wu, prevent, he pipe, becoming,ed .a " UBVC erk with Imillnir water In whlrh litlU ,. J:r,. , . ... ., k Y. ash white marble porches, balh, etc, with a mop dipped in boiling hot water and cda. A good deal of oda ahould be drs- load solved In the water. A little soda pot in the water la cot flowers are place I will keep them for a loag time. sshlch fresh Ii g i esse ha ien s;.jt on table or floor of kitchen or pantry, put a little soda on the sOts and then pour bolting water over them. KteI k"ivea that sir not alwSfs used msy he kc;r fro-n mating If lh-y are dip ped in a trong -olntion ol soda, three paita of sorts to one part of wster; rftrr lipping thrm, wipe dry. r'l! them in ?!an nel, an I Keep in a .bv phce. The whii-ky trust wanis to be more beat- I ily taxed. The whisky trust, like Joey ! Bigsto-k.f'is sly tlevlisb sly.' !.,i-t winter J when it secmeJ necessary to devise 11131ns 1st raising larger government revenues, an increase of the whisky fix was propose-l So far from opposing, tbo trust favored this suguestion. llat it set nil its distiller ies at wofk to turn out a much whisky us possible and get it into bond before ihe new tax could no into effect. It now holds 8.CO0.000 gallons,, and, last year's efforts having failed, trust agents are actively at work trying to induce congress this yc-ar to raise tbe tax. They will nsk for an increase of$ 1.50 per gallon, but will be content with 50 cents per gallon. For, don't you see, the new tax would not be levied on the 8,000,000 gallons now in store, but only on luture product. As price never inter- fere in any marked way with the consump tion of whiskey, tbe futnte product can easily stand the ne tax, while its impo sition would add just so much to the selling prion of stock on hand. An Addition of 50 cnnta a callon in the tar would nut nrer-iae- " a I, W.OOO COO into the treasury of tLe trust. Ihrt trust would Ilka to make it $8,000, COO by a dollar's incre tse, or$t2,000,000 hy an increase of $1.50. it - a- See the New Improved Sbner sewing ma- hui.'. The b-.t is 'alwss the ehespest. J W Swdsn. aijtnt. Ofliceat P M Frmuh's aswelry store' HOME AXD ABROAD The attendance at the Eugene nubile :hools Is 640 The total taxable properly of Benton county Is now 3,411,803, nearly as much as before divided. K'mcr Williams, who was taken to Cor vsllie for horsi stealing will put in a di funis that he I ought the horse from a yi y, Salem, Corvnltls and Albany Is each to have a wholesale grccery house accord ing to '.he present c'alms from the differ ent cities. A petttiou ill he sent to Receiver Hsd ley and the circuit court askiofr that the 'd time checks be liquidated. If dope this would plaoe a gooi mauy thousand dollars in circulation. There are about thirty prisoner li. the Mai Ion county jail.and the sheriff's wfe is having a time cooking for them, not telrg prepared tor such a large number. J 11 Allen, of North Yamhill, reports iV.e heaviest hrp yield of any man so far heard from. From acres, containing I060 hills, he baled 7308 pounds of prime hops. Col Jim Steele, of Tacoina, Is 6 feet 6 Inches high and weighs ; pounds. He has the distinction ot Jeing the biggest white Odd Fellow in the U. 8. The 'adles of the Congregational church have changed the p'ace of their tea to the church. Tuesday Oct 10, take the bachelors lunch that Jay and come to supper Slxtv-five arrests have been made of the i LaGrande Chinese evlctors. A number of : the Chinamen have been permitted to ie-i turn to setue tr.eir ousiness anairs. ine 1 whole matter vrlll probably end in smoke, Are you going to see Comrades to-mor- j rQW righli Rr , mea, d jj ,s for ,ne benefit of the Y M C A and will as a literary entcrtajnmer.t be worth more than the sS cenU it will coat Let every bodv ! R R Hays and L L Butler of this city have purchased the farm owned oy John snd Joseph Stone near Crcswell. "It con-! - . I sists of 180 acres and the price paid was $8930. T'te purchasers will plant at least fifty acres of the land to hops In the spring. ; t.uard. lie following from I ha Corvsilis Sws is 1 about a former Albany printer: KCKirk- pat rick, at no time foreman no tl.e Bsnton leaner, n at prases t uuivenog in tns balance between a isat and sobri-tv. If was takes from Portland to the Keety Institute at Porsst Grove, yesterday morning where it is 1 "P?1 " nT crT,p i UPP' wrBf . far thu m-irth 10 carloads of hops iuve i.n khi nped from the Jic.ulhern Pa- ss .a a as . cific's freight depot in thl city. It avlll not he surprising, however, to note in the pellani. was argued and submitted. H J Adams of HWshoro appeared for the re spondent and Attorney General Cham berlain for the appellant. FB I DAT of Minnie, tbe boot What b'ack. lias Unload your stocking snd let tbe ' money circulate. Electric light no tots being placed in , position at tbe corner of 2nd and I.t on ; streets by order ot the city council. ijo jSaod hare a balance of ,5.65 V; c.tainl, . sh. wing in me lute UlSSaml, j A J , '.. - --" - ' ; loi ,ni.r anil l mllrr ill k. rnotru.4 .12 prnvrroa , duots -ill pas through Albaov this 1 month on a tour of inspection. Thev are 1 from the East. -. Mf. A P Oavidson. of Salem, rode ' " .iX-T;,, iTST. i" 52 thU Is ihe longest rsde ever irom llsat ci. s 1, I. ...,..,., it. I, t. ,K. taken by a lady on a bicycle on thlt coast Dr L I Dart in of Portland, well kn o v.i- a, i t T ' , Ih ftfr thl lYklil. lawlRV MMf He llsrai " .7. ciior' mder moml f m,V F1 . a. ... t. . , . I. asriespssTW nss tsreo tuaneo here In the shape id a new meat msrsei. gentleman ry tbe name ot ttosjera. c 1 believe I Ihe propr'elor. Harrisburg - Cooley aid Mrs Clark Courier j P A Henderson, aid self ( P J Smilev. ihe primer, is doing s b,, ?:','ir AIJ Society, aid poor-... jbusintss, regardless of hard time. He i ,. ,d,1 ,x ' gives as one of the principal reasons iudi- l ,a J?. ' ", .lrr clous advertising. Afemlon lo business ,irf. : J and gocd work also p!ar an Important part '1 ,J Ken worthy j to tt. i t Kemp, aid self . . , . . MA Anderson, aid Hovkmlxtru Seven tramp got inlo a box c.r l J W Zomatt. -id self Albany a few da r sago Intending u no ; ei,mk.,i, . u.. " ' . a aaai a.i wcn jui luaatQl Lba-.on, ar.d the tramps verr ohl'sed i return on t ot froji Tallma.i. Athena and Adarr. tarmrra are begin . "Ing o sell their neat. In two days the latter part of I t week, at Athens. ; 16.000 bushel: trie sokl for cash at yf-S : and 37 cent, and since then there hare , oe'"n wt ,rn'c to"- -K U been later transectiont. K O The fim Incjrporation article o( ihe innnth wr lii.l wl... i K suie resterdav. Ilarrr V Gitss. Iu' ran I Rsnkli. Helen M Gates and W E IVusn I rt. ' at-. . ZZ a. . as k ' ! ",?d f"cie ln-orpralin Use Hir .boro j si'rsiiis i-,B"" rtairr V.O wiin t ipitai I ot f i . - . 1 1, -rt ... s - :v-- of Aibanv. ba. iust returniv'i home from home from i ' Chlcaj , where he disposed of 18 e.iod j. V?Wn V" J 71:::: v 1 17 aau . t vr 1 cnirtTllM-a. a 1 1 L J W J . I1JLB we 1 1 II $61.50 net profit. He say a number n i s,. . l.u . I ... ... 1 r:s' , : .1" zzr-Z'zir i . f . .. . j In IU rowactl proceeding a Salem ! BRg "V : The b,,L of Tllmon Ford and I "kL V,!?, Li?iiT-.u - ...xj-... ...a, case of .hi big bridge contractors against me coun-y, were isiu over lor expiana- w. ii- uvim); uiiuciriwu u, inr wuu thai bo'h law firms were In the case. Tramps are having an easy thing of It now irsrrltcg over the country. Ihe S P al'" a them lo ride on freight provided they br have lhe-r selves, and a great many who ae not tramps take advantage of lb fact. One mas at tbe depot admitted iit he had money; hut said he did not pr pose to spend it even for board. A subscription was taken rp fir Mis C E Hrnwn the first of the week snd she left tor Independence Wednesday. Mis Brown is a hard working woman, and if her huband. sho is now in jail in Alb' any I, r abusing a child wilt kerp away sne wl I be able to pnivtle amply lor her self and little ones. Ilarriaburg Courier Depositors of the Linn County Bank generally should sign ihe agreement by which the bank Jean be opened. They wiil c t their money jus: about as quick, and it will prove of great t .tne fie generally to the community as wrll a to the debtor of the hank Were each one to refuse lo do so thinking thrre would be eno'Jgh without them nothing could be done. The banks reriifjcstes, healing 6 per cent Inter est, will be easily gotten rid of If the mo.iey Is needed, as times Improve. SATURDAV The Oakland Home Insurance C":npany has susps tided business. The county coutt will be In session next week, under the new law meeting as a beard of equalization. An express hoise in Salem was kll.'ed ' J,e,tera.v by coming In contact with a giuuiiiicu icicpnuiic wire. 3J per cent of Pacific coast banks that failed have resumed business, the best showing of any section it tht V , S. II VV Foreman of Halsey has purchased Ihe Cole farm near Mllier'c an-J will soon , mo" 'nerenn. in. price was about yoooo Keview Sitpon ,Qrmer member of lhe A1. ; bany club. Is under arrctt tt Independence, ' being charged with iealing a dog which he has his possession. At th suoual n.eoting of tho Jn; em I: era nfh V M O A last evening tho follow, i'g directors wers sleeted, J II 'oogill, ) W F Read, VV S Thompson, all rs-eleoted, and 0 C MoFarland aod Prof Crawford. The report that tramps are allowed to ride on the Southern Pacific the Demo crat Is lnfotmed Is untrue. The men have strict orders to prevent their riding and do so as much as possible. Today 400 bales of hops will be shinned from Sn'cmover t'te Sunset totite for ihe east. Two car leads from Jefferson, one from Albany andoae frcm Sllverton will also be shipped east Statesman. The followlrg Linn county pases are on the Supreme Court docket: State of Ore gon, rep, vs Linn county, resp: .1 II Van Bibber, rep, ilngh Fields, app, Marv Cougiil, resp. vs Farmer.' & Merchants' Insurance Co, app. Andrew Vail, the -nan accidentally shot near Lcl-anon, dlel yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Just before dying he slated ; mat ine snooting wa accidental.! I-.. ham mer of his gun striking a rail. In view of the fact that therj was a gate close to the place this is doubted Lv some. Shetiff Osburn purchased the 1 Jo-acre farm of Mr A U'ach in Linn county one day last week, navlnic 6o per acre mere for. Mr Hesjh Is at work on the erection of a commodious residence upon hU lots near the carriage factory and will In the future make Corvalilssii' home Gf zette It is said at Koteburg that the Coos Bay Railroad Comptny has receded from its demands for a subsidy of $75,000 from ilie Roseburg people 10 $50,000. The sum subscribed ..up to the present lime Is only, but It is expected that the deficit will soon bt made up. and that the line will then run to Rotebtiri;. : Last evening about fortv tramps passed ' through Alhnnv nn ih i',nlanH aavkia ' taken the train oy storm. A special dls- patch was sent oui pollcemen.and fourteen ot the men were captuted and given a night's lodging and breakfast. This morn- ng 1 oliceman Lee ccorted Ihem to the iibck arm senr ineni tcurnsrara. wnere tney will capture the next fitlg t. W H Brunk, a former resident of Al bans, has bee a appointed postmaster at Ashland 10 succeed A P Hammond. As Mr Hammond's commission does not ex - ': plre until July. 1804, there Is considerable feeling there over the matter among Ham- . t m . a . . ... . monus menus. Mr tsrunk will make a com petent P M and his Albany friends will extend congratulations. The Oregon Pacinc has leased the Co ion Pacific dock lor a period of ft we year and hereafter all her steamer will make ; their landing (here instead of the usual landtng dock lock. The floating harf will be j . . taken to ?M.acn V.0"": wood will con in uc to land at her dock ; unless some other arrangements be made. 1 O. . . i -scm-sn. Two men went Into Grant. Pass the j other day with 56 ounces or (950 of go.d dust which thev pounded out in a hsnd I morur from quartz taken out of a new claim loca.ecl by then in the Williams ad Dec it. I Sua. The EO aavs. "The bank of Portland got about three years' extension, so it can be seen that the above y'uwriiwa aa ui toe root, cnar - much more qulcklv this way than nlth ihe ban in the hands of a receiver. Two things ar; necessary to make the plan a success: Co-operation cf depositors and payment by those owing the bank." The proposition of ihe Unn County Bank a HI be seen to be a very reasonable one com- pared with these. I "seir an-l yellow leal, now obsTvr,i4e. re cot vri csM xrr. minds us that the '"melancholy day" hav i coxae. To some unfortunate people they faalte: Kcmhanajk anl i. at. rack. .1 H of Harrisborg Lumber Co. wunaert. Applicatioca of Preston J. Bruwnsoo. Arthur Wood. Joho Goin. Wanle I Xbrd,ri.Th. MsgiiSj 32? jUt SUt Agrieultoral Bi'l of J L Holllda for S2fX aect oad. j was disallowed "-vwto. i Hill f L,-, : 1 tr,, r.... - . . . .n. . u ... .... . 7 45. con tintsed. also bill Altaany Furni- W TlT aiTiIalwS , v.i t s.t arat as " ; Arthur Wood and John irouw were se- ( 1.11 . 1 1 a a ai . . - A . h? totrts. sdtotarshipsin Agrictihural Cols-grT ' Atai- -waTa - . .. the SUv Application el Smith Cox et ai for cOataiT "jli5 ICan1 Cootttv wort ortised road ctahlihI a r"JI for by J A MeBride and Saner " rtoeana Tlie followini bill -r .Wl ! Mr Mry lialkiway, axct poor ' . " ine louowine bi'lt -er allowed. S 5 in m I" W ,i coauow, arrt poor S 5 m , S o An i 00 6 00 Harris bar Lumber ( . an-t r.aaita 79 eg :a-e apt lohn Hossard 'State agt AM Castle ... 111 fin 4 Vf, John I sher. janitor n m li rt) j John H Weddle. arrt roads V V Spink, lumber ! Albany E I. Co I Hay ce a Bock, nest roads-- si m : 25 0O ; John Burnett, sect poor S f ; Oregon agt Ed Cox aod lobnnie 1C ISinara r' Ctss, trrl iraor ' Melton Dyaert Hook Co ui a a a . - s ; "s s .mc rarnu, aocl poor V i Moore, aid Tavlor. O n r hillips. aid Shough . ii l's s vocnran. -l . . vg ngt Cfcae 2 50 : 91 1 .. 1 . Oregon agt John Howard and J L Alien 32 45 ! .in i r o lKu an i r . i . 1 M Large, t 1. Murphy and I laws atrt britiges , j.; j, Wilson, bounty . K"?iMsio PMcl A W M fvl 15! I 00 1 17 00 j, i-ravne. ncctpoor... j Seepale. acct poor AY in no 10 75 j rv,. Hyde, acct poor. 10 00 W II Bilveti. aert poor T. 00 C C Jackson, acct HheritT Stile-A Nuttitijf. printing W V I leak ins, acct a--isor . . .V, -rj 5 N S 00 H C Hanimiui, acrt roads IS 50 J .1 Davis, acct poor. . . i L (lugger, printing A Hlaker. acct nxuls. . AllatayCA VV Co 10 00 2 40 :rr 29 5 00 Tsa tlnrarirra Jol ; today committed two mont'is go in this county fhe j'iliT9 in sentencing the prisoners sparetl tliem nothing, but impressed them with the heinous character of the crimes they had committed. Tms Vkrdict is u.ianitnous that Will & itark carry Ihe b-st line of allvcr ware la the valley. They nave the variety an.) qual ity, a cni'dnaticn Ihat counts in but ing jomla. An insjiecllon alwaj-s canirs con viction. Shiloh's Vttaliser : what you need lor dyspepsia, tcrpid liver, yellow akin or kid- nev trouble. It is imarantrsd to gtva yon : aatisiactioo. I'rice 75c. S iidjby Foshsy & : Msaoc. A Watch is a necesstv nowaday. I yon wsnt ooe call on Will A Stark, whose at ck i large and varied, and prion the the most reasonable, Thev can give ynn a tar,ain in this line as well s in jwelry aaaassjacly M1KRIKD HOFFMAN - DALRYMPLE. - On Wednesday evening, Oct4th, 18i)3,at the residence of the bride, in Ilev Lengh bottom , ex-Marshal J N Hoffman and Mrs Ida la Ity tuple. They have the nest wishes of many for happiness and prosperity. LI LLY W AGGONE R In Oorvellii, on Thursday. Oct 5th, 1883, by Rev E 3 Thompson, i D, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr frank Lilly and Miss Minnie Waggoner, both of Corvallis. The happy couple have a number of frienda ia Albany, whose best wishes they have. A, s. Or. Oct 4.-J hn Hansen and ! XlSLT I nd obtain cswtirat.of ni Better were both sentenced to death n. 7.."T ""X" u! llT. i I1JW.f I.r .l..d Meltri.l.. fr fh. mnralera - -JrZ " UWe Witness OtBrT XWU1 C Cinese SO SIB , . .... ..... - . .. , ...... nn.i in nmnini inir rr... i i . . . .. i . m Miami An exchange says a man in Kansas was finml ten dollar for Rintring "After the Hall. A Lincoln Mont' naner keel this at the head of iU first pum?: 'Reinemiior that this paper is th only one in Lincoln or Henbm county that BM the courage to stand for the common people " The world is full f teople who think the samp about them Ives, The ant and man have trait- in common that are a credit to neither. Mr Flynn of Mulino spilled a nn ml it of ant - uito a dish filled with water. Ihev hail not taken InsHons in swimming and stniirirtfld for dear life. The stronffer crawhsl on top of the weaker and shoved him under. Then ant No 3 mounted No 2. and two more in succession joined the small pyramid, wlien the fifth ant floated on ton Of four of his submergud I'omjianions. it is a pretty ex pertinent worth trying We see selfi-hnetw e-iually brutal every day in many a human ! community. -Oresron (.ity Courier. An Albany nighl watchman lite other night was solicited by a woman for cigarette or 5 cents with which to buy a bunch. He gve her what ne supposed . 1 . ..... . 1 1 w uc .s tenia; uu; ninwin uiacu vecu 1 was $5. Going to the store where the purchase was made h learned that the left woman nad bought the cigaretts tno the $5 supposinK It wa e cenU. and rush- I jj out without noticing the difference, !Tbe coP got $4.95 in silver. A Kiittpoe man ritimr from the ertl tells aliont hearing Tallmadgein New raiao, went ashore and was loiaby arecsid. York City tie amy: The tabernacle Captain Mayer, les wife and lour stram , is quite a nice ooe, thoogb hardly what! were drwaed. Tne remainder td the crew I expected to find . It has a capacity for niae in nsDiber, floated shorr ow the j seatioa 8000 persona. Seats are called j wreckage and made beir way up r e tseaeh j "free" but there are pew holders. Yon to Neah bay. go there to engage a -free" seat, and are i'. weaim. uifwi! I.naw mn.'li .mi ft n i v i- Irt tl.A ' enpport of the church- If it is $600 per . . . . Ikn. 1... ..... .... .... t.. year they have something very desirable If $100, something not quite so good, j CO. sorry, but 'here, are onlv a few seats j left unengaged and they will have to place you quite a ways back. ! ' j tU2." i ' . 1 sTu the t oinmbtiui mvuitinn was n. hb.M irm k ,1 r.. . L. : . r . i. i. .1 .1WJ''-!oentattht. sintfte-tax cr.n-ms while A II Stibjn. ism nagfe-tax wader of Vhib- 1 -I'l 1. " V- IU.(B.lli'- awls ' I SSTT II l IIi-w-V 'lir ! on Henr (ieow for hU Chines irstrhlir , Ife bailjurt n-reiri-1 to the doors being shut against the I hine. and with .1 ;.... ZwaZL-JK those doorsy Did li Creator trire them sous? Who srave m this eosmtrv. anv- way ?" To this question a voice in tbe crowd promptly railed out with damage to use flow of eloraence: "We stole it from the Indians." Tbe fttieui Independent says: Nobody 1 doubts that the state of Oregon will before ' ",;. i i ji a ui'ii uiiokii aui aiuriw i tbeir face, togvther with accumulated in terest j but at tbe same time it is impossible to get money on them at rsrtvent, without n-',nuous itamnce. ieterlay. - . . . . :I00 was compelled to raise 9200 with which . : QeeasvidtaaWSafIttWtaatSaw place to lisce and wa at last obliged to ac cept" tfJ40 for it, a discount of twenry per To look at him one would not for a .usoment think of Ira Ganipbel!. cf the En- gerte Guard, composing the following: Tbe are onen tne saooest ot tne yar. 10 iothers. Bssf mimtheaavtaiceaas aaaxsw ' they are joyous and giad- t-3;oae. The in liieir run represent , human life hnmanis;. . They come and go. so does Death notices are ant yavticular.'y sought after try onrspaper men. me was given the! Man "About Town hut rught though thai waa not without it interest, tine of Albany's most chauraxsixtar vormg ladies stopped nun a he was rosin -jojethinir new and inuuired aioov after he wanted death notice . whisb. of course he did if any one bad tnen tvnfnsiiiaalM enough to die. ; In languifiif that fiafJaasWal tier lOaaaOry of the pant kear -h rva.arke-: thnl the nerve in one of her teeth had just died at the hand of a ibntid. and we might publish it if news were scarce- As it wa im- ossitlu to obtain the fall porUcaiax oaacot be gives. A man sijrntnff bimseif tVU SenAiVle" io a Oa, gfltr tef U lw to cuiv hard I time, and a every body want to know itsst llsak wtw thiss- ww arivw it- TW i i,ttte thtrough which we have been pacing I are dae to or t.ins a lark of muti-i. nce : '"'tween n-an Ami raan. The heat financier" 1 in W nrnitri iimwl It,;. Un. cur thev he riired I llv sbr.winsr the tmb 1,c anl patron that we have lOntrdence - even if it is ai presen cost . Inh vour . iainnrr mruc- mail i-i- .-. .kis.tiu? i a ' this city that is pursuing this policv. and . . . . VI... 1 11,. .. . . u ...i . cess of other years . Why 't Because while many are srisred. they, full of assimuio' I "n" 80 nSr"' ' i tb nrlvertisinx f ordinary go right on do yea-s. Scro Jeff al vers and linyn Coffer will attend tbe (-rnii Iaxbre K of V that icrets t3 m Hepner. r. on tbe KHh inst. Le Bii- ; yen writ also visit ihat iisantrv at Use same ; time. 0: imeniarht Lut wwk T W Oillev ha.! ttloaaxer at his meat house and in the morn- 00 i inrr he dii)er.vl that nenrlr all nf hia riL" ht tlisciirvl ihAt n&r all of mm harvhfia?l fni3w11 that be hal -ult(l tlovn. S.VJ l.wn l mi.. ;k .v... .i -'Ipsrtnwnb' P """V'mont of Prof I Willi lit Vi K1U Cut i.l Mn M tinkers of tbe several room. Tbe at- temUiK-e lSi. i reganksl as exce4ionaIly goo.1 and will probably he increased to 1 ! Ccsai. Mixe Soto. -The Sheriff sold u . ... , . "fr U cJnwd!r J Tteao C? STS -K,tomlwitaraa sh whs w Hale of Albany, and U t Jones ot Toledo, it w knockest down to the latter for $-r. mre.-; uiere wni twrv lutuKTS. nut nan l attitna News. "r'f Pratsr. e,t. . , . . . there are not times when one mast permit j 'arerson to tell the trnth aaout himself.' When what ne savs is supported bv the t j te(lrr.onv of ether no reasonahle man stitute for tahe F.verett bi'l amends the Cbi ! will uoub! bis word. N .w. to sav that I aSaaatawawan net of 1!92 so as to extend ) Allcocx's IWus l'laters are the onlv proof i necessary to call attention to the cuies they have effected and to the voluntary testimonia l f tho who have used then. Bewait. -t imitations, and oo nol be de . ceived bv misrepresentation. Ask If rsncocK s. ana let no solicitation or expu nation induce you lo accept a substitute. Fresh'swee pinkies, olls-ns, chow cao its, .i 1st reeeii o i at Parks r Bros. Corsets -All of our BALL'S CORSK TS are boned with and warrant ed not to roll up nor break with one yet .r's wear. If they do we will cheerfully re turn the money paid for them. O the corset is not satisfactory in all spects after three weeks' wear it roaj returned to us and money will be funded. S. E. You i rif re 1. A Great CoxvKNiaNCK.--WorId-w visitors travelling via the Northern I lie R K and Wisconsin Central I me. fair ad are in landed at the Grand Central statins Chicago. This magnificent fire-p- roof tnilunng, located in the hearl has been fitted up ag a hold ti.urcpea-1 plan, with about ano res natiasotnely furnished and each rooi supplied with hot and cold water, elec n trie ucrnts. etc. i ne cnarge tor accommo Bas tions are reasonable, and parties can sec ure rooms In advance by calling upon agt nts of the Northern Pacific RR. By tak Ing mc rsonncrn facmc throux?h ear llrst to Chlcatro. visitors will avoid aha .lUcoira fort! of all transfer in that city, and can .also travel between the Grand Central stat ion and World' v.. uis. us run direct bet ween the two poiuts. C G BlJRKHART, Agent at Alhassf . TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, j A Democratic Casvrsllus. Sakatooa, Oct 6. The democratic stale convention reassembled this morning. The report of the committee on contested seats in every cam seated the anti -Cleveland contestants, except one, on which the del MM is evenly divided. Tub report wa adopted to S4. Ine temporary or- ((anization was made permanent The 1 following ticket was nominated: Secretary of state, Cord Meyer, of Queens eounty; controller, Frank Campbell, re nominated; treasurer. Hugh Doffy, of Cortland county; attorney general, S W ' Kosendule, of Albany, renominated; state I surveyor, Martin Schenck. renominated;; associate judge of the emu t of appeals, 1 II Maynard, now filling Vm place by appoint- j ment. Tli Tariff Bill. WAMUNtvroJK, Oct 6. The democra" ic members of the ways and means committee acknowledge (bat some difficulties are nov 'C 'ehe.l. Th framework of the before the majority is understood 10 be the Mi !. drsft submitted by Secretary Carlisle. I; is understood that it haa been definitely de termined tbst (he sugar bounty shall be repealed. It is generally believed by the democratic mesnbers, not only of the com mittee but of the house, that aa increase is the internal rever.ue taxes is a pait of the , .f-.,. ,. aslrtaaa rblpsv rrrU. Pobt Towssbsid. Wash. Oct 6. The r most disastrious shipwreck in several years I on the Washingtoo coast, at 'ended with loss of life, occurred three miles north ct j Quillavnte river earlv Wedoesdav nw-rotog. when the Clji'ian bark Ljanor. of V lp i OA raankisiv, w o. I iiaa m Swthem Fsasr Uniiiriv attorney, ano for many years Senator Stanford s private! secretar; . is considered to know better than . anyone else the raiueofthe great estate ; '- Stsoford He ssya $55,000,000 won Id be a coasevstrve estimate of tie ' I value of the property . The assessed value ot real eilat- owned bv the late seastor is i $3,230,000, and the msrket value probably i !, Tacoma, Oct 6. Superintendent Dick inson received a dispatch tonight stating that Charles Jones, alia Cnaries KiacaH. who waa Vte leader of the Northern Pacinc train robbers, captured in Montana yester day, escaped from the officers this morning, and i hiding in the moantaint . Pursuers on horseback are following him, and expect to ear -re him tomorrow, there is over a foot of snow on tbe grjnid, rendering i trailing easy. Ma i I ail. Saw York. Oct 5. A lack of wind made the first of the lntematiortl yatcb race a I failure, as it was impossab. -to finish inside, of six boars, the limit set bv the coo com mittee. It wa more of a drifting match than a race. The wind at no time reached the dignity of a sai ing breeze. Tbe race was started with the wind from the north. It ended with the wind from the south Tbe thousands of enthusiastic yatcb men aaw the Valkyrie at one time nearly twd miles in tbe lead, and some cf them were srUd the wind failed to carry the boat over the eooase ia the six boon. La Ci bass oc, Oct 5v Fire last night de -avUoiatd the elevator of the Pacific Coast Elevator Company. Uw largest at any m tarior point on tbe North Paofk coast. The onetn of the tare is unknown. Tbe triv, aamtttfta IMeWsaSaaI i;..- ;. . to abon: 40.000 basheU. Tbe largest in-, dividual loser is A B Conley. tbe Grand ! Sonde valley wheat kin, who had upward- of 30.000 bushel, in the burned bsnldini.'. The lews on the building and: machinery is estimated at $30,000. A raaaieat atto. Sa Vobk. Oct 6 The Herald s Mtm- tevideo special say: Word has just been' a received bee frcm, Rio M at the Lombard Ssacavt of the citv hv tbe rebe. Beet was begun vesferdav and continued without 'cued without cessation alt day. Shot and Islam waaia, throarn lnln tba ritv . 1 1 mMM.t V r- Pr,;nA-- 1mm returned the fire. Tbe greateit alarm pre-1 vails in the Brazilian capital, watch is in absolute state cf panic Business i en tirely asBpaoded. the banks dosed and the i bourse utterly deserted. WatXAca. Idaho. Oct 5. Tbe nakw miners on Canyon creek have decided to go on with tbe strike and not to accept tbe tender of tbe mine owners for 33 yi for miners and 5 for carmen ar.d shoi 'ers- A secret hallo was taken today with that result. The Butte union, which has leaned - f tbe local unions bere cofirirWaWe mosey ent in delegates and they demanded that ' the strik- be carried on. a Sxk Pit ill" 1111 II I" the ball of Texlerdav an aaent ot the ivm'bern records F'axific filed for record a eertiSed copy of the blanket mortgage" or deed of trut re- cently issued by tbe Southern Pacific Co. of ! California and tbe Southern Pacific Com- pany. to the Ontral Trsw Orairany. of New York. The CO!l dev." " $3S.00O.- ; 000. and irKludes a prtrtiosl tr-uxster in: trust of all the companies" p--uotw ia 5B j c-otnnanies of this state. j W aVrrtwl KMlec j SrtuxGrixajrs. Macs. Oct 5- Harry a . Trter todav broke the worlds record for I one mile frvm t atundir.? -Mr". :ial Mc- .' Duff e. ar.l Clark txtrata the world's : ; for a mile for taixiem with a flvina I today. Tyler, with three sets pactrmakrrs. made tbo rati" i ' -. ... breaking tse t ld l by3oo seconds. A riaht wruh Kebbrra. H XacoAi Qct 4.-Asistaat Snoerisrtend- I ent Dickinson, of tbe Northern Pacitk. . cei red dispatches tcaicht giving account ot a fight this afternoon between the rcAibers l . . . . - .1 . I . ; a - Vno "ela T mla SS, ",unli"" " , I August and a posse of N) men nr!-ammit sjeTSTlioe of the t.teat Northern in Mon a . ii . aa i... m Tht turhting conUnuetl until late I as. i iWIV. .k. .h,. will be ca ptured or killed before morning. The last rvport says they were su'rounded oo a : hiltou three miles north of Summi', and the airing was brisk on both sides. The j railroac has made a standing offer of a I reward -f$2000 for the cipture of these robber. a new Cktaeae BI.l. r-. j V. a. AfrvrcssoTOS. vrct . Jicv reor s io- tiu Him. six months in which Chinese tier that tbe applicant for certificate was a resident of the United State May 5. 1892. lt also amends the law by providing that the words "laborer or laborers" whenever used in the act fhall is? construed to mean r both skilled and unskilled laborers. Over See Killed New Obi.kaxs Oct 4. Over 2000 killed and nearly 05,000.000 property demolished . .. . ... . . is lue recora or me great vuu storm in Uxisiana There has never been anytlriug approximating it since the coantry has been settled. More than half of the popu lation in the devastated region is dead Everything is wrecked, and the survivors are without food shelter or clothing. The deaths so far reported confirm" the state ment that the aggregate is over 2000. Huso In Circulation Wv-iiiv-mN. Oct, 4 According to a treasury statement issued by Secretary Car lisle, the amount of money in circulation in the United States October 1 was 01.701, !):fc.91S. The averaire circulation per In ' capita, estimating the population t'-T : W. -or ! 000. is therefore $25 29. a net increase in t of the . citv, (circulation during September of 42i,377, , run the j 347. Lhe greatest item of increase was old coin, vix, 014.829,741. j nevensl Csmpetltars Sjlk Frascisco. Oct 4 Wells. Fargo & ' Co, corporation that tor nearly half a I iNi,itrv han hfld control of the exiwss business of this coastt may have a compe -titor in the field before the beginning of the new year. Wlth J.1 uy.s oontract of Wells . iargo to . with be Southern Pact8c will expire and half a dozen express companies, including tbe Adam Express Company, will bid for the 1 Sivileges of the lines controlled by the 1 mthern Pacific. I Those who have a Good Digestion have little sympathy for the dyspeptic . They can eat everything that comes along. While they can eat rich food without fear of ;- the dyspeptic's bad experi ences, they neverthe less greatly appreciate a delicate flavor in their pastry. Cottolcnc when used as a short ening, always pro duces Lie finest flavor ed pastry, which is en tirely free from the many objections which the use of lard always produces. Test it value by one trial. Refuse ail substitutes. - -- -- stasias to 71. K. iawstaassafws rssws,SMTWstT All 11 ii" it t "1 Kateonlyby If. K. FAIRBAKK & CO, ST. LOUIS and ssttcaoo, new voaa. oto W. L. DOUGLAS 83 SHOE oto. Pa ma aaatwrn 9km am ami ty am best in trio werW- r3.89 w46l A3.50 42.50 $2.25 $200 12.00 4I.7S twll BSY5 2. 00 If jw rt a Jse BKSS SWtj nad fsfts fatal stf-i W t srr & . J wy t3, $3J0, UM sr 55St. aqaxtspmmaasam bsuuiibbiii txatsto. Ity e; ir stscauaiaar V. U ttejtas . .bcifwrtarasswy a-T t t3T;taXAS. Esrtxritam, 3at. SasataW laas. Sstllg JZV- L E. Ill .All. aussi a oo- aa bssoaswat pjiiSeSaiSeSnLSm a&SSam&m ritatific mcrifau a in-yst a m. 3fcl iz-otc-'- v.-iitOU. r a n n I - :- OXALCB IS-:- Harness - and - Saddierj Display in the Door ; ; Send aaodsLr We adTtse. a I s. Oaw fas saw ima till a Paatewirr. Heat a Otrram rwtesss. caast cat xcaae m the L.S.axtl scat fret Alilias. CAsSNOWttCO. I 7 TaTps cEsicn patchts. i coPVRiCMTa. etu tw naBanaasa ass taws saawaaysaB writ to . 5tv xoaac. Luaiiut iinsalssi as nraTirr- tCavtwiX and Trade-Marks nlssiasst , snrlaJ Pat-S laathuiiiaai I luataaUri far sScoCTart rxxs. JOsm Omcc is Ceeoarrr U 3. PaTcarr Oroet: j 1 S an nsa axon rate i i has u -a- ti.ssj Irawxsw or pMaw warn isauay-e Son. We aarvxae, at ritrnraraa or boc nee oil scaarxe. Unr tee aaaawtaH inisisssiutaisii. m WRdI. A. Morris k Co. Flour and Feed Store. Hare removed their (tore store, former occt-pied Robson, and have on hand to the Strahai by Deyoe i a'fuil stock o , I GORVAU S FLCIU BHAK, SHORTS GEBM HEAL. mUM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE HOUR, HAT, 0A1S. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEEO: Custom chopping done . DRUGS. - i Stationery, Toilet Articles, Musie ins: rumen j. Ele. Bodies & HcFarlei, The Corner Drug Stiue,". Albany, ARE YOU a newsraper wr i sr. author, artist. pntsttsatrcrai jrttsvrr . yon are, or a: i interested In taj of 'is above, j i shoala MM THE JOU? SAUST. DO YOL want ta roach the six v. Thru aiiwrtisv ia Tea JocKN.sijbT. Sutmi-iipiii n $4.taarra, Adva: u-Jn lata a on niilli s laa AUt' FORMaN. I .: . : ' - anJ iToprieter, U7 Nassau Stbmt. "aw Yoaa.N.r ; FSAZER AXLE GREISS BEST IS THE WOHIX. atsv rati an -f--"-'-i- lirraa- avrtaaaft cmttaatiatf t wo feoara of am jher t- . Mo SKItTaastjrJCTf HtliL , iSS. I OS SALE T BClT JJtS p Xa.tXLY. JLSS REVERE HOUSE kLBANY ORECr-1 AS. FFK1FFEK rROPRlfcTOR