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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1893)
F.VI'lEuFOKD A CHAM. I bh:i ti AUnmtrl ' aw Will practice tn all coarti of the I Uti Spot .tl atte'iici given tu matter in prob-.t : sit. -. e tsctlon,. Or 1 1UK - in the r .Inn ulcer VV IV Bill, Y UP Attorney at Lw tud SHciior In rhstioery. Uoll Mon mad, on at) po'.nts. Loans ntyoliaUd on cable term. Albany, Oragon JEO. W. H'KIGHr, Atr-niiy t. law. w.J Notary Will practice In all the .Murta of thin tan Sixicial attention el van to essllsetion aiid nwttcra U prcb.t ,)ce: - Upatalr Uaaoii-Taciiale Block Albany. Otrn I t !vt I K A- VifilH, II tatal matter wi.l rsci lv promp attention Bice r, 0.1.1 Fellow", Temple, Albany, 0 rl' WII1TXE1, , Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. TyjOVVANYE H. KI.KJI4N, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. j AMES M. CHARLTON, Attoraarstt-Lasr. All tajral business attended o proaaptlv: FUNK'S Block, Albany, Or: D' Phvdt J. Ik. HILL. Phydcian andtSargeon. OFFICE Corner Fwy tneU.iAlbaay, Oresron. D K. ?USTV tfc DAVIS, Pnraldan an Surgeons. OFFICE Corner . econd and Brcsslalbin street. Albany, Or, Calls promptly attended i city and ceontry: CD. CHAHBERL4IH. M. D - Betneonathiat. Specialist la diaeaaea of the Eye. OtB co hours 7 to 9 a m: 1 to 3 tn, and T to 8 bib;, A .1 Oretton. FIRST RATIONAL BANK, OV ALBANY, OREGON resident Vice President Cashier ... ...LFLINK S, K.TOUNG K. W. LANG DON TRANSACTS A OKNERAL banking toati ACCOUNTS KEPT eubtatt to check. OBT KXftHANOK and Lei Tannic New York, San Francisco. Chicago and P .itland jajasi CO JuECTIO:.- BADE on favorable una s. K. Totnra B.W, Laaasoa f. B Bun, L. Fuxb , Enwaaa I . Sot. W CU4ICK OD..8 INKERS OF ALBANY, ORKOON. TRANSACTS eencal BaaVinr naints. DRAW SIGHT DRtm on New Yark. San Fr a sco and Portland, limn. LOAN MONEY 09 approved security. RECKIVE deposits subject tn cheek. COLLECTIONS Blade on f-sorabie terms. DnSMR uatd ra tin. dm-ssita B 'K OF Mt'lO, soio, oRssaow. c '. 1 r. ..... ai'nr .... us -T J Hon A J ' ! W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE KcWrv. Do yea wasr fhesj? Whes next is nerd try a pair, best in tho world. $5.00. 3.00 $4.00, 3.50 S2.00 2.S0 2.25 rat uasraj S2.00 I.7S rait BOYS 2.00 FOR lfyossrar.ttSs DRESS SHOE, mads the latest ttytet. tun". p;y 6 to $8, try ny S3, $340, $4.00 or $5 Shoe. They t equal to custom asds and lock and waarasweS, I f yos t isa to eccnembe 'a yosr footvsar, do so by purchasing V. L. Douglas Shotr. Name and arics stLtipsd oa the botton, lock for It wboo yos bay 1Y v. DOCGLaVS, ErocktoB, Mass. Sold by -ZP- L. R. BLAI ff". asVsvas.oa Caveats, and Trade-M arks obtained, and all Pat- i ent business conducted lur MootssTt rata. JOua Orrice is Oppositc U.S. tikt Ornee J and we can secure patent in leas time taaa those 3 remote from Washington. i Send model, drawing or photo., with desertp J tfon. Wo advise, if patentable or not, iree ot Scharre. Our fee not due till txUent is secured. 5 A PAssPMtcr, now to UDtain t-stents, witn J cost of sr.ue in tbe V. S. and sorctcn coan tries 0 tout c Jo SBSSK U(C jaillllMSs C.A.SNOWCO. Oee. paTrsrr Orrree. WasHiHOTea. D . C 0. )l. McFarland, 1 DEALER IK Harness - afid - Saddlery Display in the Oaor ARE YO'J a newspaper we- ir, author, artist t iii.lis!i. n r at rtlser lists, err: I oterested In sjiy 1 1 :.-i aVi j eboaht read '.V.Z OU? .-ALICT. " : OL 1 repl 1 if above? - 1 iiit.' in . .'oi UT. 1 1 SS.ittayrai. a i. t ou eiiptlcctlon. . oauAn, I I . . I ;..(llet"', i-HAsar NawVona.if.T SHAY A. MASON V1Lsll.Aesl AID stavTAtl- iHtsand Booksellers, tutor John B. Aider's puollnsvUon. tell a pohllsher'a prisna with ll11 OKKUO vsussssssaisa ai;aikmy or Ucjf of Prpftnal Belp REVERE mil IE slBANY - OBSCt-l. t. FFiilFFEK rKOJ'RlETuR w ssjhSSS aat 25 CENTS PrOV the efficacy of CUTICURA Since a cake of Cuticura Soap costing 25 cents is suffi cient to test the virtues of these great curatives there is now no reason why thousands should go through life Tortured Disfigured Humiliated by skin, scalp and blood diseases which are speedily and perma nently cured by the CuncURA Remedies at a trifling cost. Cuticura Works Wonders and its cures are the most re markable performed by any blood and skin remedy of mod ern times. 8okt throughout tho world. FtrrrsaDaca and Chsx.Cobp., bole l'roprii-tors, Boston. m Ail about the akin. Scalp and Oair," free. Complexion, hands and hair preserved, pnrilied and beautified by t'uUcura Soap. Pain is the cry of a suffering nerve. Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster is the first and only pain-killing plaster. THE WEBFOOT ROUTE Oregon Pacific Railroad. C W HADLEY. Beeelvwr. TIME SCHEDULE. Kcept SundarsJ i4TsAJbany 1S: V. t,:LT Taqulna, 7 KM) a, a tTeCorrains IK r, at. ILaara OorTaJll,10:i, 4nie TaqaJna, l:XS r. u. ArrtT. Alaany, 11:13 A. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Points and San Francisco OCEAX STElHEft StILOiGt Willamette Valley. Oat Tth, 17Ui.s;th, fbom t sarin a. WiUaait tu TsBtr. Got end, Hth. Had . Sot 1st. The Compass rnmxyea tbe rtgnt ange sailing dates without notice. RiVKB NTKAHBKS . "Hoar" ieanss PwUand WsshedT and BBSSsntay S a a. H C DaftO. A3Unn Street Wst.FVrtlaa4 t R VaatrSn, Om Aft. San Erauciaro, Cal. K E MtUoahy, Canssat Baut: EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF 1 HE . Southern Pacific Oo. Express Trains leave Portland Daily Sosrta 1 raox jxiv 1, 1SBT, S.Ur.sLILv P.miand I0:S3 r I Lr Albany I awti r SSOaB L I lit a a LV7r a H);lSaaAr Baal Aimve trains stop su all asattio ia from . Pcitland to Mbany inclusive, also Tan ! aent.hedt.Haisy,HrriburK. Jn Oct ion City. Irving. Kugnne and all stations from Koieburg to tablanil loetaat'e Koasat-aa sill, fsltr SS la at I Lv ffcruanS Ar 1 tlrr ir.tS rLt Albany L I Vtpl OBru Ar Iss.bars .LvlTJCa saaaea :10a Lv Albany r ISO-nan Ma Ar Labanoa Lv SO a l:SCr Lv Albany art :Br .-OB a a Ar T.ahaasai Lv ttr a PULiMA" BUeTFT SLEEPERS. AKD- Dinine Cars on Ogden Route. SECONO-CUSS .EhPIMS CARS sVest affe .svllaa. bktwekv rar u am kai tta. Malt jaaiSesill I Except Sonoay, TtSUast I 12:1 - r I f.T Ar e0rt:an.l Corral lis Art S:ir. r a S I I CC ra sirssssrsAis sarsr (Exempt Suirftaj . :nra Itnn Lv Ar Portland . McMlnnviI Ar Lv I asr ll.'vsw THhtrorij?:!! Ticliete to all point in the 8tstes, Canada and Europe can he obtainsxi at rraak, Arent Albany. . KOIHLSg Waascsr Purt'sr-J Orsiron. osrast rses from C K. e r. aoocKs, ts i a. r. ns FromTerminal or Interior Poii.ts th Mm Paic Bailrojil la 1 lie 11 ne to lake To all Points EAST ant SOUTH It la the DIMIMs3 CAR Bill n: t roas I It rough V KIT IB I I. Kit IK tl.KS IV fit. DAY lis Ibe Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO T;0 CHANQE'OF CARS.) Composinl of DiningCsirs linsurp iss?d PiiSlmau Drawins Room Sleeps Of Laiswt Efnipinnt TOURIST SlEEPINB CMiS. Best tLat eai be eot:itrue(e I in. I in which aoeotnmodaiioiisi are bub free and furnished for holders of Firm' or M. contl elasis tickets, ai d ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Lino connecting; witH al lins8, affording Direct and Uninterrupted Servica. Pullman nleepor reservations can isa ocurei'. in advtsnca through any agent of tbe road. THROUGH riCKErs to anl f'ouiafl points in Ameiloa Kngland mt Kuropa nan he pnrehiai. t at sr W tict n- 't -. .h i...,. Full ut ruiaii in eoiKwrning rstua.tiinw t. rours an i other imslm Torn af trains labed on applirMtloii to aay astern or A 1) CalAKIVON Assistant General Passiiirr Agent. No 121 First Hi, or WasUiogtoii. Port'and. tqsWOtsV, C O But khan, local agent. They IrXTSttse appetite, psrrttr t whole BsawnsmlasHontbahverBllsIsMrtslwsatV. ihe femoral HIIALI. THE MAJORITY RULE? The World has not failed to recog.uxs the patriotism and the i oll'ic! sense of the republicans in congress wt.o support a democratic president' call to repeal one of their onld las. The party has un doubtedly st engthrurd i a II in the country by its neaily united a"d en thig question. Neither have we failed to rebuke and condemn the course of the democratic sen ators who are obstructing repeat. We have admitted the responsibility of the demo cratic party for I tglslat on demanded by the country, and which I" promised to enact. With equal Impartiality we now point out to the republican who threaten obstruction to the repeal bill if the attempt to abolish federal supervision of elections be no abandoned, and whs insist that the tariff shall not be disturbed, that they, too, are in rebellion against the will of the people. Every republican who tkea this position puts himself on a level with Teller, Jones, Stewart, Pugh, Wo'co't, Dubois and the other defift of tbe majority in the senate. The people declared last year, by an overwhelming; majority, against the federa control of elections and in favor of tariff reform. It was not a ba&ty verdict. It In fact reaffirmed the verdict of t8o3. No two questions were ever more fullv dis cussed or more deliberately decided thai were these. If this is & republic ia fact as well as in theory and ia name, tbe people's wlH must be respected the majority moat rule. It is perfectly proper for the republicans to restate their case in favor of federal supervision of elections. It is legitimate for the protectionists to defend their high !,a,iff Ful1 dcbale houWbe permit,ed- i rtere can be anomer apne.i to tne peupie in 1S96. But what is true of the silver purchase bill in the senate is true of the other legislation proposed. Tbe minority has no tight and it must not be permitted to prevent a vo'e. It has no right to nullity the will of the people. It has no right to reverse the republicni principle and sub stitute minority for majority rule. A question more vital than the currency, more important than taxation, superior indeed to elections, has arisen at Washing ton, It is this: Small laV majeriiy rmlef Weri. IT IS EsSY TO UE- It is eaay to lie. It Is easy to He about the tariff. It is essy for the tariff editor of the OrvgoaKi to lie about the tariff. Hear him: The Cleveland PlairndtalfT ia among those newspapers whi:h urged their read ers to vote fcr the democratic candidates U st year on a platform that declared pro tection fraudulent and unconstitutional. A few days ago tbe PUtmdtaler's editor, Mr L B Holder, appeared bef . re the ways vu.u.... . - -. fs ..k fc,. tha, rniiraa ,l th. eaiaiina dutlra - m ..... r a IChlMBlA. IA v ' . - on lead ore. The PlainJtaUr, a copy d which is be- h - .1,1.. .n of .l,si Mr Holdea said before the a ass and Means committee says: lie (Mr Holdea) demanded for the lead mineisof tbe country fair i-msideratioo and cl-isaed that la any change of the tarlfl nocreater redoc ton sboold be made oa lead ores tbaa on the products of lead and that irte stmo redaction should be atad; cn tool snd implements used ia reining. Toa question as tn whether he was willing to nave a redact on saade so as to pot the tariff cm a r evens basis he re plied taat he was and was willing for them 10 begin on Irad ores but w sot wil'irg to hatre lead ores pat on the free let- The OregOBMta sajs Mr Holjn asked fcr the retention of the existing duties on lrSV Ore. This is not true. He says he is wilting to have a redaction made so as to put tbe tariff on a revenue basts but not on the free list. This is purely democratic. Mr Holdeh In his sddress sslJ: "A fab measure for snch a tariff, that o" lead ore, is tbe difference in tbe price of labor paid ... in this countr, and that ot oilier coantr.e. Z toTZl uaHtnited witfchich the miner of tb a country w 0f tbi. country alone snd indepeo haveto compete and the difference in j deniiv, and I nn in favor of the immediate interest on money in this country aad in those countries which with us ia this country " '.Ve venture the prediction that nineteen oat of every treaty democrats In the laad would will ingly adopt the above as the tule applica ble to every ca.e where the 'ariff is to be reformed. In his address Mr Ilolden more Mian once asked that no greater re daction should be made oa lead ores than on the product of sue H ores. How differ ent is wbat ht really aid from what the Oregon tan says be said. Secretary Morion reminds thj crotkers tiat only about three per cent ol all tbe merchants escape failure, whereas hardly three per cent of tbe turners fa-1. The statistics really show that sgricultuie is safer than banking, manuf ictuting or nil- reading, taking alt things into acconat. i There !s no farmer of good sense snd good health any a here in the West, Mr Morton declares, who cannot make a good'1 living tor mmseit ami laa-tiy. and tbat 1 ss well ss the majenity of men are doing in any other pursuit. The man who owns a farm and sticks '.o it is certain to profit by it in the future. There it practically no more laad to be added to tbe aiei ol cultivation. Tbe supply cf agricultural products has reached its limit it the United States, snd must now remain stationary, white the de mand will ko on increasing every jear. This imp' e a gradual improvement in prices, snj s steady appreciation of the value of farming !nJ,?. Toe evening Telegram continues to ig nore the democratic plaifor-n adopted at Chicago by doing Lsitle with Stewart, Teller. Du Bolt, WVt iti si d other repub lican senators aeaiss tie teneal of the Sherman law. It has fiyquently betn charged that the T'lrgwm Is owned by the Orrgonian. ar.d its course tewtrds the dem ocratic farly cot. firms many people in the belief that ll.e charge it true, asd induces many to helUve the truth ot the charge that laye heretofore disputed it. The Democrat has no knowledge upjn the subject, i.ut if people believe it It is because the Ttlrgrath itself U furnithing the prcof . More tilver and gold are used in the industrial arts in the United States than in sny other country Our snnual consump tion of gslJ for this purpose amounts to over $16,000,000, and of silver to over $ 7,000,000. Germany is the next greatest consumer ot the precious metals for manu facturing pu poses, snd each year works up about $13,000,000 worth of gold snd about $6,000,0 is worth of silver. France uses ,' about $S,oo,ooo worth of gold and $4,000, 5 000 worth of silver. Down 00 tuk Hatrs. The Union fa j cific now lead with reduced cites to eastern I point. and their through cur arruiigeriientn, iiiitu-riilicently tMiuiptiod l'ullnian and Tour- ist sleepers, free reclining chair car and fast time, make it the best line to travel. Two j trams le ive from Portland daily at 8:45 am ; and 7:30 p in. The ratos are now within reach of ail, and everybody should take, ad vantage of them to visit the World's fair and their friends in the east. Send for rates . and schedules of trains, and do not put -j chase tickets nntil afterconsulting Curau A Monteith, Albany, Or. W H RlTBUnjBT, N Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent. U. P. Portland, Or 4 or COCRIE. The eraif quoie fiom the New Or leana Times Dtnocra'. to show that since the passage of the McKinley law which provides for the payment of bounty of two cents a pound to all prodticeis of sugar in the United States, there has been quite an Increase In the amount prcduced by American ,irc-ducers and attributes this increase to the Inducement of the bounty paid, it then adduces law in crease to show the wisdom of the law. It argument is that as men will produce more sugar wtien the government pays them a bounty of two cent a pound than when such bounty is not paid, such in crease in proJuctlon justifies the law. Let us see how this argument, when am plified, will operate. congress should pass a law providing that a bounty of twenty tire cents a bushel should be paid by the United States to every produc r of wheat in this country. Does any one doubt for a moment that there would be a large Increase in the amount of wheat produced? And, aa a matter of fact, do not the farmers of Oregon stand as much in need of such a bounty as the sugar pioduc- era of Louisiana do? Ha any one ' ver j proposed to provide for such a bounty to ; wheat growers? Suppose congress should offer a bounty of 10 cents a bushel on all oats produced Is it not plain that the amount of oats produced would largely lb crease under. such a stimulus? -Hut would that fact be a justification for adopting a tyatem of taxing the people of tbe whole country to pay a bounty to wheat and oat growers? And if congress woul i not be justified in giving this bounty to Oregon farmers It would not be justified la giving a bounty to sugar producers. Tbe msple sugar producers of New England and the case sugar producer' ot Louisiana nave been producing that article for a century without a bounty. Why at tali late date should a bounty be given? Toe truth is this bounty system is another form of pro tective paternalism found la the protect - ire tariff, This paternalism thit is seeking a foothold in tbe selushaess of people ' .t.rtMl I H n'trltf itimaKl out. ljt the sugar bounty be utterly swept from the statute bk. It is like a cancer eating Into the very vitals of government itself. CLEVELAND'S VIEWS. Some days ago Governor Northern of Georgia wrote tn i 'resident Cleveland ask ing him to give bis views on financial matters. Tbe president under date of Sept 25th answered as follows: "I scarcely know bow to reply to your tetter of tbe loth tost . It seems to me that I am plainly on record concerning tbe j flMhctal question My letter accepting f the nominatien to the presidency, when j read in connection with my message utely ; sent to congress in extraordinary session, seems to tne to be very explicit. I want a currency that is stable and safe in tbe hands of oar people, i will not knowingly i. ;...i;.i 1 . -.,:n ;u iustlv U me. in the is dime.'. '.Dswerabie to any laborer or farmer in tbe 1 inswersusr k j any latasixx ur latnier in ur ' fi.-i t.J .1 -l.:-l : v u.ic! isic ivfi .ujiin-i .iiiuautacc is i purchasing power of the dollar be has re- j ceived for a full dollar s worth of the pro- d iet .if lua toil I not nnlv want fair I cwesscy tone rfspcha Caiaiac-er as will letnanstnte sJsroad oar wisdom and moa ; iaiih. thus niacin nr it unon a firm foue.da- tjon of credit among tbe nations ot the earth. 1 want oor financial roolitioo and taWa relating to par currency so safe and . aairW that ihnso wh hs msr wi i r. - j !l.'Df cannot core fright by calling it foolish and fCrts, maTsJT-h iJZL frightened man from boarding his roooey. I want good sound and stable money and a condition of confidence that will keep it in ! use. A' ithin the limits of which I have: written. 1 am a friend of silver, bat 1 be- j lieve its proper place ia oor currency can ; only be fixed by tbe readjustment of our) currency legislation and the inauguration j of a consistent and comprehensive financial basai' I think snch a thiaar earn only be 1 : entered upon profitably and hopefully after I j tbe repeal of toe law which is charged witb Ml oct bnanctai woes, in tbe present state of the public mind, this law cannot be built npon nor patched in such a way aa to relieve the situation. I am. therefore. ' uncotHiiuanai repeat or we purcnasicsr woeld cpeiO0BB-1(Il Rttoot(bnJ by the oppssiUon 1 1 nil, us use catiru nnennaa ia . i , in the senate to ancb prompt action as wrsnid tssttanra the nrassmr nnffnrtniiate altna- tion. My daily prayer is that the delay occasioned by such opposition may not be tbe cause of plunging the country into a detyT depression than it has yet known, and tbat the democratic party may not be justly held responsible for snch a cstbastrc pbe. ' It wil! be seen from the above that the president is a friend of silver npon oodi t Ion that tbe purchasing power of the sil ver shall be equal to the purchasing power of all other dollars. This is in brrmony with the Chita go platform KAPID BhF.ATIHM; AS A KKMKUl . About fifleci. jears ago Maj Geo Dray soa of the British army often suffered. , especially at night, from a severe pa!n in tae region of tne heart. He believed he w j doomed to die soon ol heart disease About : that time certala of his experiences la tbe evperiences moon; a ins cf India led htm to think that his bent pain mlgh' be due to IntuffLieat oxygenation of the Wool, lie therefore tiled to relieve it by breathing rapidly at the rate of about forty breaths a minute. In a few seconds tbe ptin cessed, and did not return that night. IS..II...L I ,J T T " ' w tne same expedient, and inv.ri.biy with " "v wc.i un inc pam vecsme not oniy less trequent bat less severe, snd ,s- n v.icrc is tne sugniest looica-.ioa 01 II rapid breathing prevents its arrival at ma Unity. 11; thereupon brings forward many in stances in support of his belief tint tome of the sdvai tsgis of moderate exsreis; sr to be gained by simply breatelna rapidly. Rapid breathing is an effect of exercise, and this Is beneficial because the rapid breathing gives the blool plenty of oxygen. Invalids or otheta who cannot take eer cise can obtsin some of its good eff ;c by delibeistely passing much pure air Irfrough the lungs. Rapid brea hlng is particularly helpful in casts uf sleeplessness and restless ness. ire sir inugt 01 course tie pure, e se is.'i ) breathing caw have no goad effects. Hundred of thousands attilbute disease to themselves when nothing is wrong except their habit of breathing air impure from tobacco smoke, gas burning or simply from a lack of ventila'ion. A Hup liunsr Bui lied GERVAis. Or, Sept 27 Riley Kicbie's hop house, situated at f'arknrxville. Marion counly, was destroyed by fire at noon to day, with all its contents. It contained about 1 2,000 pounds of hops. It was par tially covered y insurance. The loss is eHtimated at VliOOO. aii "lift 7Jiv uofii ttnjsipvniV vnoiim auia oj tnuajnft HABBIBB ULKVINS-OGLE.-Onrfept 20. 189.'J, at the Evangelical parsonage, in Rev Fisher, Mr Geo S Hlevins, of Tangent, and Mix Alina Ogle, of Albany. Thev have the best wishes of many frienns. tMKD. PKKRY. On Saturday Sept 28. 18911, in McMinnvilljb Carrie, wife of A M Poerv, aged 42 years. Mr Peery is a former resi dent of binn county. saaaaii r mi 1 11 1 none AID ABROAD It will only cost 35 cents to see Com rads F. Iday of next ' week . It promises to be or.ejf the amateur events of the sea ton. The O P pay car went over the road today liquidating for the last half of July. Itts reported that August will be settled by the 15th of October. It M (ttston hi heu aDrointed post master at tiraiiu Kinid. !latop county. Or. Th- poitoffioa at Oaatu View Benton ununtv, his bean discontinued The current indebtedness of Salem is $59,000. An effort was made in the city counc!' to boni It. but failed by n even vote, Mayor Qatcb casting the deciding vote against It . A Salem man travelled to the Worid's fair and back In perfect safely, about six j mousana miles, only to be killed almost i in his own door yard by a factious colt.- journal. Our sympathies are witb A I rimy, A populijt publishing company has been in corporated thar Salem Statesman. The paper has already been tunning several mouths, and the DruocraT finds it a good neighbor. The Pendleton K O gats evtstio aa fol- i low: Senator Stewart ta doing much to make Grovcr Cleveland tha moat popular ; mauoneorth. Mr Stewart lack one fie- . meat of auceett his swt siennt exatt'y ; long enougn to conio.-m to hu c. Cato hdwatda, a yoaug man representing; i a I hieago ruilhoery house, ia in tbe city. I A rsftsat r .!( m' mmm l.v f e V.! , m t Eastern Oregon aggjegatea i5ooo. whieh showr that the depressed condition here do ; not nueriere witn mm mnitnerv uutineta to any great eitstit. K O Salem has been boasting of bclnar the hop center o! Oregon; but the Eugeae ft , . . . . . . .. uuara prooao.y trutituiiy says: Eugene win ship more hops than any city irr the state of Oregon. For years it has maintained such a posltit 1, and will ship more bales of this product this year .1. 1. . . man eves uciwic. Florence Bathe, of Portland vesterdsv ' recorerrd a judgement sgt Thoi' Welch, a druggist, for t?J,oo, damages for breach 1 of pormise. The case was an aggravated one, and if the sentence had been hang ing in n it would have served Welch right. The engagement occured In 1SS5, and the plaintiff had in court a handsome seven year old boy to snow (or her wrongs. The defendant had skipped out and could r.ot be found until recently - Sams rLnti.f Itaa SiimJ out that wheat from the time tt Is thistahed will shrink two quart to the bushel or 6 per , cent, in six months even undet the most 1 favoisb.e circumstances, lleace it follows j tnat 94 cents per ousnei wncn 11 1 nrst threshed In August is y good as t.oo .helollowlna Wjrua',. Corn snrUks much more from the time It is husked, .w wt ear. iron, tne nei.i in ov- , emner relng reduced to about S j So 40 cents per bushel for corn as It comes from the field lass good ss 50 cents the next March. Potatoes shrink so much 1 hat wsjiwsTsrii yimuci nu mc net: spring tne v. . .. 1 . . 1 a .1 . . . I loss to the owner who holds them I near so per cent. ratnA r C II Page, the nrw ecl lector of cswtoms at Astoria has 176 apstiicatlons for position under him . Call on Senders & Schmeer Central market tomorrow for fine ens tor a Sunday dinner. Rev U B Whitmore has bee a at the chick- Rr V ? W h,tn0" h" " ewplojed ?T.!S?rJS' 2- - . , is . - . 5 rgtio-a:isU uf baenoaa and Willsaitsva L McFsriaad he sent n tbe Danes aty " " bei " b ac klwrrwa fresh 'iota .he '""S '" usaaco in t..oiosn. ptettv blsct berry igbt C E HuddiracHi, of Woodbura, has made i aa asslanmens for the benefit of his cred- not, bi.t hopes to effect a satiifacary : ! settlement aod rr-usie in a few das s. j There will be tne assessment In the A ! n f at .,..1-. . t .. ,.! : v . . ... .jv ,vri tits: nranin ci ssciotsrr ! L''k- ?"L j Insurance. rreuy nre L ' she oen.d In ; Oregon nine l-ive resumed. The Dam. ocsraw rvoo-sto see U L:nn Count r Natbshal bank as the neat one. Arrange- meat are btina ssushed tor thi suns. valne of a good educational Institution Itke that academy. ThenewclTicers of the Colleae Y kt r A ire. E W Kmmett. oresldenr: Prof W H Lee. vice president; Albeit McCcv. secretary: Me:. in Williams, cor. sec. Arthur Fosha. treasurei. . A taitor named Nichols Rehart was arrested at Rose burg on the charge of steallny some je weir v from the family cf a Eugene tailor named Dsvies . A tailor a few days aro slot a pair of shear from an Alhanv tailor and paaned thera for 50 cenis. A carload of Household good and litre stock arrived Irom areern K. r. . . i- . terday afternoon by tbe freight Mttawssv cattle, hogs, chickens and tufkey. foVrrsed tne menagene parr 01 the oultu. IVf come from the dryest pyrtlcn or drought- stricken Kansas. Eugene Guard. The Wg bddge ft being tightened up ready for the winter's strsin. under the supei intendenc v of Mr F J Mllier. who kindly contributed hi services. Mr Dan LsrSc has charge of the force doing the work. The work it to be done at a cost not to exceed fioo. Tbe Dallas Item r says- A eentleiuan Jast bark from t tsit to bi old tsacra's taaaaa .h., . .t,,. ( ,. " the f.imers there sre making .! most nntn- e7--. Tell the troth. There is a good tag bee .at tketr laad has been impovsr- ' ft otw prone crrards: bo! no gold ishod by too saaeb cottoo rsisirg, and he ' wlnM ,lu P1r"n ln W St Paul pa report tha mass t f oewrot aa utterly worth- j Pr '. adaeatioa seeming t.j bare ht'mad rather than htvped the n. E V W'.'l is maklng; arrangerncr s to move to the Blumbcrg block- on Oct 1st. ) ufHy looking sreasxins nisde in a machine Tne s'ore vacated by him in the opera ' "bop in this city. A gentleman last nigat house h'-ck is a good location f-r tome ' called at tbe office and oonfiroed our stale business snd wilt be for rent. For parti- ment . "Not only are knives being made" culam caM on the secietan at the Dimj ; he said, "but they are rending to Portland ca.;T office. i and San Francisco for uil the old guns Th- treat event up -n the 'urf yesUrd.y i nd pilol they can get hold of," It be waslho mvtch race run at twtawAtwg to- i ,f,,n to loo,t " tho5?h there almoud-e-ed tween Tamin tae an I Lssaoliahtar. th ' mon Parker- 1::'. :: I t- lanwist in violat- i 3 year sAi -f ihe,ear The ra was for nuns nl f fSlfl ai,.l StOSisft a .lit- I liehi. r . ridden bv Taral and Tmmny ' j by GarrW . Tha Utter woo ia 2:06',. lbs distance ( I mile. Th. i..,t-i. .... -,.,. one of The dnaWli in is. cks to the son hs hsd He went to ty business pncumstie tbes Henry Eeclcson j an ex icrience with a Mcyc'e. He "-fL?" :TL'V3L w'"Jf. ""- biiu luir . iir uii! inprp in. m ...m. etl. lie came home with u on a wagon. A San Francisco house wrote an Aator la man a searching letter for not remitting The letter had gone when the remlitatM- -srrlved. A telegram to the P M st .As toria sayed the letter from rearhlng'ttic merchant, and kept a customer for tbe wholesale house. The ! .ort: list. i lover rnnnt Company, ... wnuin a receiver a recti. suDuinted is 1 poeseil if S 5tX),(00 10 f .ren r-l wed moit- ' gais on "strn f srms, the onors of tbam bsyin failed to .epay tna money advanced on them. This is striking SsddflBsBa til tho rnin u Kt,-!. 1 1. ! I . . . - i .. t. . . l r , i - in , ii u w ,,i ,i, iimi lyaiea .. ..- -."., .... Lvwiiiuwin sk nisi Neither tha Imrrnwer nor lender seems to : bidding1 of the Southern Pacific and tiubsti have orotited by the mortgages. They have : tuted its own commission, put them both into b tikruDtoy. K. O. Te jseople are taxed twenty thousand A San Francisco dlsps-ch says that ''oUtr a year to salary three men and a Patrick C Glreson bss libelled the steam- "f who apparently do not consult those er Willamette Va ley, and demands I wuo employ tliem, bat do the bidding; of $ 5,000 damages The complainant states corporation against whose exactions that August 1, Isst, he was a pasenger on '' im' sorn to protect the pnblic inter file vessel from Yaqulns, Or, bound for et- that city. His ticket was pronounced a: T - scalper's ticket, and lie was evpelled from he cabin. The penitentiary Is sbout to be slocked ' with prlae fighters. Nine of them were convlctedof thst offense In Judge Munl-i s court, st Por.lsnd. Seven were sentenced to pay a fine of Stooo oi go to the peahen- ' tlary for one year. The other two got double dose, they will spend two years In ' prison. They will go to.S.iem, thus set j ting an ettmpe to the prlae fighting ele- ment. sATttariAv batuhsble fstos, Oj era Home, totiglit. ! An Oregon mitt dampened nutters some what today. MsoandTiz, musiotl wonders, Ou-rt Hoose tonight. fun. when? per Hours toi uld. Dow mud.? 10 and 20j. i Fresh sweet pickles, olives, etow ohow, tta, jaat received at Parktr Bror. Seventy five oeita worth of fun for 10 and j 20., at tha Opera House tonight, j Fire stock of goods at cost at Read, 1 Peacock & Co'.. Examine the prices. They are selling dress gooJ', Ahoes, etc, at cost at Read, Peacock & Co'a. Albany and Lebanon. The Ladle Band of Rosc'jui has been making a lour of Coos coun'y'vlng con certs, A bi u'.e named Wright is wanted at Independence for rape, committed on a ten year old (jlrl at one of the hop yards. Were he caught it Is possible a jury would ever sit on his cane. You villi get tour money' worth next Friday night at the presentation of ''Com rad.' The cast Is good and there will be specialties, Hkr a parody on 'titer the ball," that will amuse and entertain. An agent for a California tailoring and shirt-making establishment was in Cor vallls soliciting orders Wednesday. Those of our citizens who dtsire anything of that sort should bear In mind that we have several reliable clothing dealers who can supply all their wants News. Tr.e crop of hops grown or J E Ebberts' ranch was bought today by E C Smith for a New York tVm. There were 71 bales, amounting to stbout 14,000 pounds and were of excellent quaiity. The price paid was 1 : 1 . cents a pound" and is the best sate made at this point during the present sea-j son Eugene Guard. The CorvallU limes aavs.soeaklne- about ! some nrun.-s: Thtv nie ol the Munsi. ran variety, grown in the orchard of Samuol rar immnir ..I Tt.-ninn -.-.., nv but now of Linn, four miles west of Hal- ser, and were brought to this office by John Whiiaker. They measured thrte inches in length and seven inches In cir- rufrnrs Tl-nv ifr.ur nn Baas ...... r ,,1,1 trees, and eighteen acres of them will! average two bushel per tree. ,, RELiotora Sebvicks. Preaching at tbe l nite,i freabytoian church by the assistant If , tha llnsnln nn,l In ll. I am debtor lasth to tbe Greeks and to the Barbarians. At 7:30. subject. "I am not ashamed of tbe goapei of Christ." Sabbath school at 2::. Chris tian Endeavor at CM. StraniftTs wel- comnl. DrC C Stratton. of Portland, will preach at r ut.M ? church lioth morning and wnir- oonday school at 2M. Junior :,:.;)- w,1 devotional .meeting of Kuwrth L-.-Tie at "::. A rtinlial wel come to all . German Lutheran aervlce every first and third Snnday of each month at the W C T L Hall at 10 a tn by Rev G E MeTer. Preaching scrvii-p at the Presbyxerian church at 11 and 7 JO. Sabbath bool at af a A saa auminitrreu in omnecuon witn tne morn- trig wtv. I be aimoal .collection fr the cause of home missions will la? taken, lite second sermon in the course on the srrneral topic "i Hie relation or i nriMianKV to me i -jaastions will be given in the er,ninr. ! snb, '(vrsnity and Wealth." Ail j will be made weironie. ' rhe eosyrst-1 meetlii(f of the V M C A wUI be exreirticmallv int-nting. Mr Williams will conduct tbe service. It u expected I)r ; Strattok. of 1'ortlaml rnivsTsilT. will also I rtrwsssstt 40 dock in 1 M A Hall. Servirt-s at the Baptist church on .Sunday at 11 and " M. Preaching by pastor. V.U. O.f. Sm- meeting f.::. Juniors, union at 3. All made Atue. auarns. . 1 "5." had ca tui -i. 1 rse tasBS recripsa wens si.sio.- 570. This snggests a monstrous white ele phant . bat its one the srorid is proad of. A man asked to guess bow many tl bills weighed tbe aame asa S39 gold piece, said 973. He was ssjrrirised on learning that tf73 bill and twenties weigbed alct tbe ame, a twenty and 'Si billf brntur of Coital weight. ,1 ,u , . tOBteif the most taabtr ssags SUBH . . i - . . tiltTs aW .ui" -cat'v ta w,-rf I.itte Annie Rocaaey.' and very . soon use man win lax hu lite in ruvml wnu sings .Viler the Boil." ..",w " n-ITOOd cittriMi i rv 1 IP reswurtvs. wtlimg workers, and the ' " '.- has rent a il pound Pippin to L"' to beat tile lug Arbsneas hgon giant girth incnea.-Taaii 'linan. a ?i poowi appse 1 fl"1 10 vrsoU-t If-r report of SI 1 T fcop a P in j ', Some one who claim tt know says there are very few races ran or Broiled oa the sxisawe tvrwadav. That it i. arranged Le- f.. band whieh h.jrre shall -in H i.l.;. .1. f. i .1 -r .1. know. There U so much hipretdroming in ifgj1' "RR "a?1 w to ! 12"D UjLT, " ' S" wVim.i 0" xceptions even if sornesUmes :tw- Mr Sladden. the owner of the 100 acre prune on-hard netr Eugene in an interview vl St Pan! tleclaml that his pniwe orchard ffiveat fm ontpat of 1000 rs.umU to the tree ! and '!'") per acre. This would give him a gross ontpnt of 9060,000. Taking oat ex - I ,rou,,, haire m ""W that would Pf ?! f 'P" . ? sind tatwicaucm aoout irregon ttca no Yesterday the llndset slated that th t "hi- nse srere aniunif thtmflveatid are settiiit ' g the law.-Atoria Buget. t , 1,M Nwthcrn 1'acihc h i lit on an extra car for the oxpress nse of the ' 'genus hobo. and will haul them free cf chttnre towartt i ' most severe mow to tne 'raerni'-Jr- owl ro'js them of about the only ' tn'nl' tnt's' ''ve fT- company would i furnwh laV "ftS "P? the city. 'I his is a most revere Wow to the fnl , ,! nlw sVn idee.i wo,, .1 . irtui iimi raw imtatoes. then nnletM won j the tramp's occupation be gone. If he can't ride or forage for grab, he will aoon I pine away or be ilnvn to suicide or work. Hecoru. t 'Ilie Salem Jonrnal is getting warlike. It says: The Smithern Pacific owns the htateid I'alifoniin. It owns the in'j.on r.ini.m.i . iinmissimi. It wants to own the tote of Oregon. It hn got its foot on the n,'k r the iieopie of the state nlretitlv The' saawda ,.- -.A- aA .kw- u "a" Ti ! ,.,,,.,t. r-orous flavtcrs in general r-itsearance a a Manning to reabze the ev, effect ofjtobe wel- ca.cuUted to dee cwrxjrauonntrel of the last however, to general awHsaranr 0-1. Tsta! u-li,,.h . u J i . 1... I it... ,,1,1 .v,.,.,,, . :. ... ... ,i 1 SEK HKKK 1'aiker Bros, grocers, P. hi . French keeps railroad time Buy your grooerias of Parker Bros Fiae groceries at Conn & 1 lendr oson's. ,sdw oraam cheese just reosivsd at Conrad vteysrs. P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, docs Srst class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled S cent oJgarat Julius Joseph's. Dr M H E'lis, uhysioitn and snrgeon Albany, Ore ( i. O.ll mils la oitr'or oonntry . World'. Fair Travelers M ill slave It The public demand through servios when travsliog. .' t ia old-fashioned to Chanae Cars." Oa the ihroogb, 'olid vsstibalsd trams of tbe Chicago, Union Pacific A North Western Line from or to Cbioago, Omaha and intermediate points tberehs no haoge. This is tha tiussrt- aad fastest' scr ee between the points named. TBE stACE. An increased attendance witnessed the second days races. Tbe last beat of the fre for all pace was hotly contested. As anticipated Doc Bperry came in first, with Combination George second and Rosemon third. Time, 2:17. The mile and repeat dash was won by Raindrop in both beats. 11- 2 :30 trot was an interesting con- test.itnd presented the peculiar feature ! of every beat ending in tl.'e same relative j order, with Dolly Withers 1st, Mary A, 2n I, Yucatan 3rd and Noonday 4th. The best time was 2:29-4. Tbe three year old trot for Lane, Linn , Benton, Polk, Marion and Yamhill connties was an exciting contest. It was won by Springstlne. Red Oak 2nd, driven by I C Mosber; Irvingham 3rd and Multnomah Bay 4tb. On complaint being made the driver of Red Oak was changed, and tbe horse won the third heat, mostly on account of Hpringatine's breaking. Today there was to be a special 2 year old trot between Bonnie Bell and in Aiene, aa attempt o heat 2:27' a second special 2 year old trot, a daah, ad a 2 :40 trot. Notwithstanding the Oregon taist the ..-teruay were i an interesting na- 1 tore, resulting in some good contests. The 2;40 trot was won by T H Tongue's Pauline in four heats; Yucatan, owned by j a vruwioru, 01 tin citv. won tMnm heat and was wjcoml in the race, with Black Diamond third and Multnomah fourth The special trot between Bonnie Bell and An Alette wa won by the former. l--t tinse 2:'!h. Tbe two year old trot was won by Carl Came. Multnomah Bay second and Louis B third. The ilab was won by Arigo, Funny second and Pappeoas third.Tinie seconds. On account of the rain tbe race were snspendetl totlay. The attendance for the - "in, nu.a.u .... contests was good, the races being fast and of an interesting nature. tnree iiay wi sniail; llt tne quaury. or tne j . 1 , 1 t 1 , .11 BtEsI mTATESSLCa. B Bortenshaw to Enoch Sylvester, 160 Margaret Cyrus et ux to K 0 U.vde. lot IS!. VIA. l and I9B, -io 1150 K A. Albany. l.rsi L' it II... 1.. . . VI l U i !- 950 -1OOO Fi a U 9. uvu.i S ... ; E Oslsorn to Kzra ('ather.lfjr; acres, IS w I r r " l- u dl..i .tl 0 w i Kborles.. acres Jog Stimmerville to H A Sommert iilc. iio 1 a W It Kirk to Marj -While :l.,; 14 WZ Albany Cem Aani to Edward Huston. 1 lot. cemetery Tbos J Edwards. Iry sheriff, to Lizzse WO M Thompsrm. 68.50 acres 16 w 3. 3E"0 tJTJO 3000 Iisrrnton to Mury Allison, r. I . suisass 14 tr A 1 J H Bo to A and Maggie Maiwetl. lBUtt acres 13 w 4 I Harriet J Maple to Margaret Maple. 1 id aire 114. J .Shea to Elisabeth Wiley.', interest in Id acres, covering Wiley saw mm ite r S to Betij F Kirk. 40 aenw 13 w 1 .Pat mt B Eliza Starbock to Watt Mead. acres ad joint ite Altsany T H Preston to Emma Doesaca. ' acre IS El ..; J N Rice to J M Rice.30 acres 14 wl A Montgsjtsserr to W A Ewing, 36x 1' 1) feet. 3cio ......... C W Simons to P H Prcstuo, . acre 12 E 1 ?..... John Haley to Newton Lcari..V) acre? 9 K 3 E H F&odea to Tbos SkeitcaaJlO acres 10 w 3 0 C R R to SeWen Warner, 2 lots 1. w 9. , M L tiarooth to Jos Harnson. 5.31 , acres, .xortn itrowrs.viiie i J P Carter to A W Rich, ny acne. 13 1 w 4 B F Child to Tbos Jr..l Liarie Xo- UttLacresl:.w2 Martha J WicgvtoJ C Iarvine, 3 lots SKeibarn. -ksssaajMassae. - - - I" S patents to EJirai-Hui Warner. acres; Seiden B Warner. 14:t arres; Tho T Wilson aad wife. 640 acres: fSamoel W Adauns.lf5 acres: Charles Brigc. lr acre: . Newton Lewis. I W acre. Albany Is not entirely dor tar t Da.MocaaT is pleased to" notice i- .t R Chead.e hj . r.'ctcd a barn on ward property. bert hird A Gnu Cow stMiasce.- W yrWm fair ssTr R . v , ..h r '"' J l,nS iaded at the Grand Centra! sudor in , "". '.l nre-P "oot bsiitdinss VSIImI In K, of the city, . has been fitted up as a hotel E-ropea, pUn, ?w,"h aooutl 't-.-i on am ro . ; handsomely furnished and ewrh j ,upplted m;lh hl), ! lights, etc. The charge for aoco rota n elec j ,,on are reasonable. and parties can sea , rooms in advance by raHiag upon : of the Northern Pacific RR. Bv 2 the Northern Pacific thrnssgU ear Hssa : Chicago, visitor will avoid tbe diacvaanl of all transfer in that city, aato can 1 1 travel betvrecn the Grand Central aaae . od World's fair grouads bv trains wr ! between the iwv, points. SI S i KS.HAK7 Agent at A 1 bant ar Fatslte aehassl Are the main-stay of our rensshiic. 1 : tbein are being cultivated the snrnstU srHa ate to be our future law makers and IcasArt tn every walk of life. Mow trssentjafl kt t I tbat these minds sitou'd be united a J t'rong, healthy bodses. So many chi!dss-i j suffer fro-r. impurities and rtoHonsin oa i blood that it is a wooder that thev eresa grow up to be men and watnea. M se parents cannot find word strong enc tswh toexprtst their gratittsde to Hood's iaw saparilla for Its good effect upon their children, Scrofuia, salt rheum and tther diseases of the blood arc effectually and permanently Cored by Oiis excellent 1 nedi ctne.and the whole being U given str sngth to resist attacks ot distarstse. 1 WBiilsae a rallarr Who shall decide h ? We have cc nclud ed long age that it is a success evert time with Simmons Liver Regulator ": as the house. I: promotes harmonv and good nature by preventing any attack of tbe worst enemy ; indigestion aad dv apett da which make discord in the brlghte tt hot ne.' You wdll find the rei;iilaror a good rew e dy for billiousnet and sick hcadschr. It is the househstld friend. CaatlfMB. Imitations have been put upon file vnarLas .1 a la ' . ! . iT"" "e!7 rcsemoiing Allcock 's they,- with Allcock s, fcr thev an worse than worthless. Inasmuch as'thet contain deletetious ingredients which are apt to cause serious ini ti r V P.m.... 1 that SM......I - " . ...... -nsns uic enc univ genuine rvorotnt plasters the best external remedy ever produced; and when nurchaslna ni...- sirs 1 1. a. . . . ..w. ,,n asa tor ntu see that you get tucoca i-orous Plasters. Have Atoaa, don't stand idle. Its tlie man who k , - ninvuiia Vs., A- 11 J 9 - 1 ." If . wawartssty sucreetis m ute. loot cant help moving on when taking Sim mons Liver Regulator. 1 1 cleanses t h. -as -torn frtim all poison and sends the Wood through tho veins at a irootl mm it I nv-,h Theltogulator is the best insurance itgtunst indigestion ami fapmk Kith- I inn- malar on nl-,.,t ;..., '..'i :"' agc -vu. uMuiuuun juter twju Thk BftW Breao ssa. V wB KN in this oity are Parker Bros. Tnstv knead good bresd for all wbo need gcod rVe.,1, and keep the beat cookies, oak as, at. Thofr stock of grooerias is standard snd thsrr pro duce is fresh, and ftuita th latest When you d.-al with them ou will gat that elaaa treatment and the best in the market, whether in baked goods or groceries. Lives of many men rem in J ne We to great saecees oii.ah If ths r 1 1. t - pabiiu da I at A ivsrtising all tha tins TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A 'oBBprsnlae Probable Washikoton, Sent 29. Tbe democratic repeal senators have practically given up the idea that the Sherman law can be re-1 pealed unconditionally, and have, after! numerous conferences, decided npon a! compromise, which they believe will end i tbe long ftcrht and secure the rjassaee of a bill to relieve tbe present situation by tbe a 'V S'aS Lff....'" ober democratic repeal senators have been ', actively engaged in arranginsr tbe terms of I compromise, and tonight it is believed, thsy have succeeded' It involves conces- ' sions on liotb aides, tbe repeal of tbe par chasing ctaose, the coinage of a specified i amount of t2.0oO,CXK) or f? .'.-" per month nntil tbe total silver coinai e ia ; f700.000.CoO.then the coinage of all bullion in the treaaary aod tbe sale of gold boada to increase tbe gold reserve to an amount which is deemed sufficient to insure th" . maintenance of gold and silver money at a parity. 'A hen the proposition was ib-l mitted to Secretary Carlisle last night he j insisted upou the latter provision to tbe j agreement. Tbe general understanding tonitrht that tbe silver republican sena'ors will agree to the compromise. Tbe only thing in he way of tbe program now ; stems to he the president. A.Masjata Bee. Mot n i Versow, Ga, Sept 29. -At; noon five nrgroes were banned on the same scaffold at the same time In public. n 1. :. j -an ,r . fm. Nortn Carclina. Hiram lacob-. Ltsden Mannet and Hire Brewineton paid the'i penalty for the murder of Alexander Peter -, son, a rich merchant, and robbing hi afe ' last July. Gordon ktlied a youig colored girl and .Stiick'ar.d osordered another negro. A Terrible Aeessteaf . CavsrAL Fauls. Mkh, Seot so. With a terrific rush the water of Use sfichigim roe ' ,m broke through - led weakened by . mining mtn ' drowsing jg j I under the cats mining mtr. the Mansfield mine last night. . ..... men vho were at work atreci- cave-in There were 46 men in ; tbe mine wnsm the socidesn occurred, bat I 18 of hen who were woridog in tbe lower j . levels mjnage-l to escape. BeaetTts Bastalsta. IsoeitsrsttCE. Or. Sept 29. Yester tav afternoon H Wright, a bop picker tor i A Wells, near Bueaa Vista. 1 said to have committed in omitoo tl-yer- 5d Lxna Bildcrbrin, dauehler of a widow. I by enticing bee b side of bis but. Si e gave 1 the alarm, sad he made his escape. It is ' reported that be has been arrested near j Jc,5orl City. j Ssrrrassr mt laMsneewls. I Bvaxos A vees. Sept 30. A dispatch I frosa R-Hario say the sytsareeata have surrendered to the government forces, and the Nstlontl Guards, having restored order, have dtsbancletl. Co'ooeJ Eapima. aa insurgent ?eader. who incited tb: revolt ot two torcedo boats again the sWvcrBoseat an i was sentenced by cot." martial to be ; shot, has had his senteace commuted to 10 j years isstprtsoctneot. The raswriB WMesl. Borrers, Sept 28. Tbe injunction lajd anon the newspapers by Judge Barker, of , the sapresae coart, yesterday, forbidding any report or comment in the breach of -promise ease of Van U oaten vs Morse, was ; obeyed The morning papers ttontain no reports of the case- Among the lawyers; them is believed to have been aa codr- .S.n.l,M 1 1- t In iiafiM lYflrft "tsSSI aSSBB ' cases will be tried in tbe courts, not ia the """i newaaptrs." as case of tbe frewity pcrtr .jit. Tne reported reason for the judge' x action is. it is sopposed. te oae is otse of 30 j 3X blackmail against Morse, who u an ex- senator. 1 1 ViLriEti w. Sen? 2Z..K disnatch from "iOO Santiago sat advices have been received that the iroveniment of Argentine aaatfcf ... - . - '.a .a ST far. a sr a a . J iL. a 1 I Tm i t av - - -a nn Ulia rtMttMB wMUlHIJPMI UUC IsUWieiii " i VssnUV Bl 1H avBsT U'l wsTV tU ttWC WVilaM: vast 1) 1 Th. fiil ln.,1 tn the covernment. att-1 the bope is that order will be peedt'y restored asl ! sections of tbe couatrv. 111 a FaSal rastlc. Warsaw. Sent 2 A false alarm of fire ! wa given, today in the syavagogoe at Kal- ' sratriga. near isralki. last taildiBg was , crowded with Jews at worship. All rnshsrl j at once for the exits, and. despite the -hoots of the rafcbi that there was no fire, , foogfattoget out. After a straggle of 10 ; , minutes two-thirds of tbe cswsgregatioo 1he were still in the sywagogue. As no Sre Mrs ! l, t anrsswnsrl tbex becatas calmer and : j with tbe aid of tbe caretakers the rabbi: eventually restored order. Nine desalt 1 bodies were found near tbe exits and 20 peraoaw lay asvonscioat and tyee-ling wnere I they hat been trampled Fully TOO perm were mjureo. ot whom 10 are iixsiy 10 awafai t atu-eer Vuajs. ur. p atv atplassisi a raav between Charles Kocn-hck and a wa3 . . 1 . i i:.-. .Lmi ait mLm r ssaat the mah named Jndr. iivmg auont rat m wst of Drain m the Loon Lake district. I . . . a-si 1 r j: -s. s : Jauv arsrvt ano lttetait 1 autseu ituuaua- tric The row started over aome pay. aad . some hot words Judy says hooodick ure j to shoot bum with a sBsWirnn ana in uie -nts fight Jady hot Koondick with a Winches- j toe Iter. Jndv was tried beoro Justice of tbe i to 5 Peace liurchard. ot cotistairjr, ana ooana ort j over. ' i rsvwsifc Akrahsla. ssss i -..a. t.,..,. is. -vit 9ft. was miitcv at nuditurbt onisbt ' the widful. preaneditated murder of wife, t'oroi tne Haasto. The jury was for an hoar. The defense set up was t'USltlMJ. o sLLU D. r., ORUMIJ "chronic alcoholism. ' nd a good deal o? CEBIi MEAL CBtHAlt. RUCK- UirUSSai IC..IIUIUDI SSS alSJS.S l (SWiTj tbat Hansen committed tbe crim- whiatt snffering from that direaae- Stiser tat Intses. WijtniNtiTox. Sept 88. The treasury depa: tment yesterday purchased 2S2.000 oances of silver, at its offer of SO 4o j oaace. 1 he puree ares tana tar uus moo j a 'gregate 2.172.000 la s BUtaaarstaarBI. IatxTMys. Sept 27 A private telegram received here bv an important bank, from I Rio Janeiro, says the bombardment of city was so serious that the banks of after consulting together, decided tbat sill probaWy dose altogether until the tl the capita"! of Brazil is settled one that Rio, they fate way s' the other. The bombardment yesterday i a said to have ceased only when the for a,ti war vessels threatened to tarn their gone upon tbe rebels if the city was not i ; srsartysJ. Negotiations have been resumed j jlii lassri thn irnm 1 and the rebels at 1 I interest a. with apparently no b-tter chance f (fapul termination of the straggle tbaa sxua voes.s ago. RastM abMtiaa On rr .or. --t 27 . Cassins Beldec in sane cari'iasre- .tkinter. entored the south gallery of the atsArd of trade, about noon lodav. and tvWwag a revolver, deliberate ly nrtHi towa-rtt twsetiiutc into the crow. W jHlt erf tbe floor below and into the oppoe. SOlS. A panic immed iately ensuedai wasajrbe traders, everv one seeking safety in ' 4fht- or concealing him self behind Pie b. tiJatin Utartla and other objects on the tioo. !rJjee l005 were strvck by flyiag bu) Ready. ,rtBse-a New York. Sept -Thomas C Piatt, in reply to a reporter Voaaterviewesl him in regard to the measart !te te tbe express coiupany 's p. JtKy from train robbers, snirl- V "We are rend v for then we taking citra pretaotions t ,rotect WTT. reives. we are putting ex. 'menli o"11 trains, wherever our interests astay be the rmen are thoroughly eauinp, n'1 arJ readv tn litnk mit fru- sn, mtaro wa. v Here Ktew Slates j WASHtKOTos. Sept 27. -It jg& probable that the couimitttv on t t,T"' wblTi ' t f I H S l!S?!. f bl" ,0 statehootl witi for the admission V!? ithin a fe da VS. J. weyum n.e,i a :a- l..:.i .1 am u.a n bill will kai asatl .,...! i .1.1. .1 I MWIVU -- mrmwm "til It pVI lt,V, SIMM ststwt ss fore the elor of thus Tsens.-o.nt session b li the nf ln,sss Kw Mexico ' 'r Oklahoma will be repofd favorably h his committee. He pressed great oo fidence that all four wilt become laws. Irrfcsatlan Mel-rsrate Sauqa, Sept 27. (Jo vernor Tennoj-er today appointed tbe follom int delegates to the internatiowal irrigation congress to nreet in Los Aageles, Ca fornia. October lit. 1 U a . V VL Hsais n I 1 1 utKiuajion antr it ss -w--i -Harney: S S Anstenoa anal George Co j slier, of Baker City; J fV T A 1 s s ,-s t tuu ttuu v, a. vogswei jf ij- ,w e, o To aid Dissalon take cuUghl aOlltasssssa Wssr eaUttar. -. Pec buttisv 1 do not Eat Pastry, jpfliow often ycu hear this expression, and the ex- &2 Jji planation that ttsoally !S 4C follows: "I am troubled with dyTipepsia.' The r$ explanation in not far to seek. In tne past Lara has been used as the prin cipal shortening in all pastry, tbe result dys- iA txrosia. The dyspeptic fc need no longer be i troubled, providing COTTOLENE THROUGH TICKETS TO SUIT LAKE, DENVER. OMAHA. KANSAS CITY 0. ST. LOUIS. ASP laU. EASTERN CITIES.' DA? . TO tillt AG 6 HOURS v0ft$S8fm HOURS mSsW WUMKH AND TOURiST SLEEPERS, FREE FECLlHl G CHA13 CABS. BlfiiKC CASS. j j 1 I sPa-s: rs.acan1 sMsws.-WT-a1 inlfvr-tt-jltsii l fa'l has josscw address Curran Jt Moatei.h .A: ban v. sv l "" T -.t 1 n CV L.iL IV aV .1 V tugs ( . 1 ssav ' t. nt-nt t-t-t a . t A St. ajs Washington St, PoBTUtXIa. (Jragox tyaaaaasa die. Scientific American ta; it" after. tried 1 L A. Morris k Co. Flour anil Feed Start, Have removed their store to the Strahai ? is substituted for lard in 2 the preparation of all food. p Sj4 It is composed strictly of jgg t highly refined vegetable Wi bbbbb on iuiu UCCI 3tat.. 7 used as a shortening, it produces wholesome and sg 5J healthful pastry. Physi- and fv.tiert cooks WL ?S indcn-seit.Bribstttates. 5 1 -d three cesta r. stamps to S K. flR J4 h3SaBi Jat srf2 csioscwc Cook stock tumainiaa; six nb 4 nundnti secipas, pttss by mat east. 2 Ijp acsa asstasKSfics on coofas rtadc only by ' Kn.k. FAIRBANK & CO., M - ST. LOUIS and PgcMiCAGO. wtwjroHKsryossja aW-sSjsskffilw I -liBs or stent wATcarrs, . OOaTSsacsrTSi, oJ ' Mt'iS "oC la1 tatoywTtcrrtX. rajsaatwaB Ser aacara-s; asaapaa a Aasnjas. SSstTb?Baa av WtSijL sis asuastx anasw Asma sua, rTTSI it-ran gal atroal srsr Yuri: Ota. Jo'ta Hansen store, formerly occv -ied by Deyoe f of Kobtvon, and hate or 1 trd a fuil stock o his j oat 5 nisBU.,i . . otiau eunsv.s WHEAT, BYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND CHOPPEO FEED: Custom chopping done. an : in i rugg, Paint.-, Oil t i i r..-. lite J. A. CufiimiD ALBANY. 0REC0 DRUGS, SUtionery, Toilet Articles, Musica instrumentf, Etc Mm & Mailaiil, I r Corner Drug Store,". Albany ,qi Strictly Cash. W Wall Paper, F. L. Kenton ha. adept-d a cash system aad will hereafter tel! groceries fo CASH only. FRAZER AXLE GftEBE .e - ! BEST IX THE Vor.l T ft' --111-11 -n-ntiltrii n laasnMaaii 1 -mlrss Not i SSotlasstiaat two bcoraa of any oihar ' onscwu br asav rsjEX xai j - WR&UJtavutjji8tars,-ssiAv tar ftedllrownMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. aw eaccasa sxoca scrcai ia vos isn i asd saasKs 'tas, ! EST STORAGE FsVCILlflKS