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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1893)
1 A Courageous Women- .V case of isolation and need has just come to the authorities today. A lady with two children arrived here this morning from their home in the northwestern part of Lane county. One of the children, her youngest, is only abahy while the eldest, who is also with her, is not much more than 10 years of age. The father and four remaining children, were left at their homestead which is several miles from any neighborhood. Last winter the woman was seriously ill with in flammatory rheumatism and the hus band who is consumptive managed to get to this place and procure a little as sistance from the county court. His disease lias notn gradually growing worse since, but the mother and her little children have worked what little land they haveclearedand raised enough vegetables to last through the witter. They have no stock, no wheat, and no means with which to purchase flour and other necessities. The husband is too weak to travel so the woman took the two children and started for the county seat to see what she could do. The first five miles they were obliged to travel over a mountain trail, that being their only outlet to a road this wav. From there she caught chance rides until they arrived here. The county court will un doubtedly do something for the family. Eugene Guard. Tiiey all Led. Everybody who went o the Cherokee strip according to news paper reports led the race in the great rush for locations. Here is another from the Pendleton E. O : "W L Gibson, the Birch creek sheepgrower, came in on Friday night's train from Cherokee strip. While there he concluded to make the rush himself, and did so quite success- folly. He had a fine horse a d led the race. He located and held novo a claim I for his father-in-law, which was the ob- j ject ot ma joining ttie motley and ?ager throng tnat rushed furiously across the prairie. At the start there was a mad 1 charge and many a bocmer feil to earth Mr Gibson saw one horseman fall, and others behind ride over horse and man, several tumbling in a heap on top of both. When father out he noticed ten riderless horses dashing across the plain, .heir orners having met with some mis hap. Mr Oibein saw more people dead and mained than he ever saw before or ever expects to see again. Some had been hung, some stabbed, some shot. -11 mm 1 1 1 . , . . . a , 1 uui ucu m, urain iu prairie ures.ur. horse belonging to Mr Maude near Monroe, the woundwl were tl.oins who hd suffered Benton county. He paased through Ku- ..d f.,1 hJL "".ft c,t,nS uaie; ge and at some of the hop yards alove rD1 lh,Uhfre1'fW ?tU!tasWtbehortot4aiIlK1w1B more fatalities. Boomere on the traine; picking hops. When the latter went home risaed lite and limb ,.y hanging to the, to the Lone Tom country the hora WHS j " - "" "-r " Y, - v . cents, and it cost from fifteen to twenty- I five cents to water a horse. j Arrested for Insajcity. This fore jj t, uuon conaiuerauie exciiein.nt was oc- c.innrl nr. Kir.t .,t ho W rail .,,TL. man rushing down the street with a re i....l. u u j i i.: r. i HI ,' " !; TL i V? "1 J Z? re?2? 3 I n a d.octor ad 'p-isted on being was told the lawyer waa in another block. The man was finally steered to the Sheriff's office, where he was taken in charge, aud on complaint was arrested for Insanity. He was to be examined this afternoon. His name is Perry Mc Qaean and his home Sweet Home. He had bad no trouble at all with his own lawyer for whom he was looking, bat said he was ready for another one, out of the city. He imagined a libel suit had been brought against him, and his ills generally seemed to be imaginary ones. The revolver waa loaded and wonld not be a safe toy in a crowd in the bands of a man at least full of peculiar notions. Harbisbuko. Dr H A Davis finished picking his hops Tuesday morning. The crop, it is said, is in excellent condition, ' niijr viup gatuercu uunug recent years. The yield was also very j fair, the yard averaging over 1300 pounds to the acre, or 100,000 pound; for the entire yard of 75 acres. John Howard, J L Allen and A M Cas- I iter a la Sullivan one 1 tlfi had an pnormntpr evening this week near the Davis hop " hoot three weeks sgd. was captured Mr A E Reames. formerly a student of yard. On complaint of A M Castle the I ' Fir8t aDd Montgomery streets by j the University at Eugene and late a grad Kof i,; I Officer Griff Koberts. Jessie was livine "ate of 'he law department of Washington Howell lasteveningand each contributed j 20 toward defraying the county's cx- I penses. The hop nickers have returned to their homes in all parts of the vailev, taking with them thousands of dollars, the price of their labor But In return they have gathered sufficient hops from less than 300 distribute among the owners, a sum of money nearly equal to that which will be received fortheentire crop of wheat at present prices. Courier. A Prune Orchard. Wm Hartless and Jesse Spencer yesterday went up to Hugh Finley "s prune orchard, located on the Willamette river, about 15 miles north of Corvallis. From them we learn that there are thousands of bushels of fruit on the trees and it is of the very finest quality, but Mr Finley has been very unfortunate with a new evaporator which was recently built at an expense of about 700. The evapor ator is ot the St John's patent, and up to the present time ail attempts have failed in making it work successfully, in consequence cf which a great deal of the splendid fruit will go to waste. Mr Finley is one of Benton county's most successful fruit raisers and has 1600 five-year-old trees which it is estimated will average three bushels to the tree and 100 eightryear-old trees which will average six bushels. Corvallis News. 1 Suicidb or Accident. Monday even ing Andrew Vail, residing near Lebanon, was shot just over the heart by a ball from a Winchester rifle. Just how the matter happened is not agreed upon by the neigh bors who have investigated the case. ail made a statement to the effect that he was climbing over the fence when the hammer struck 'the fence and the gun was dis charged. He was found lying near a rate, though, and it is stated that he had been having some family trouble, so that one version of the matter is that he shot him golf T.f r J W ftnwdon of ttiia r-ilv w:n fit his house last evening and repoits'him in a dying condition. A later report this morn- ing was to the effect that he could only live a snort time. Surrounded By Covorss. Prineville is suffering from a coyote plague. This is what the Review says about the nuis ance: ''Coyotes can be liea-d almost nightly serenading Prir.evllle from the surrounding rtm rocks. The a'e ald u be very numeiout this fal:, and it will oe in order for Crook county tn again place a price upon their heads, by ofTering a bounty for their scalps. Five hundre-J coyotes snd wild csts can do nearly as much damage to stock raiser, as a hard winter. FnEDKKicas Aciai.v. Wm r'redericks haa been arrested in Marion com'y and is now in the jail at Salem. Fredericks is the man who was wanted in California for the shooting of brakeman J T Bruce, at the Gold Ran, Placer county, on the morning of June 88th. 1 -''; also for the supposed kill ing of Sheriff Pasco, at Grass valley, Nev ada county on June 30th, and for the arrest of whom the Southern Pacific railroad company offers a reward of $500 and the sheriff of Placer county a reward of $."i0- It is safe to predict that the man is not Fredericks though he is said to answer the description. A Fobmeh Albany Man. Joseph G Evans, a son-in-law of Mrs Deckard.of this citv. has recently invented a wheel for irre- gation and domestic purposes that promises to bring him a fortune. He has just locat ed at North Yakima, where he will intro duce it. The power is in the form of a wheel, placed in the center of a stream from which it raises and distributes thi water. A long article in a North Yakima paper would indicate that it will be a su cess. Mr Evans is associated with a Mr Smith in the enterprise. At one time be was an employe of the Dkmocbat. Huho in Effigy. This morning when the passenger train passed Niagara, on the Oregon Pacific, a man was seen hanging to the building of J W Brown recently blown up. A closer inspection showed it to lie an effigy, though the first glance failed to re veal the fact, so well was the man made. On his back in big letters were the initials j. W. There is some bad blood up the U P and more serious trouble is liable to re sult over contesting claims to timber land. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Forty Years the Standard. Want Lowkr Ratks. The receiver und officials of the llregon Pacific went before the Oregon railroad commission at their rooms in the state bona today at 2 p. in. There were also delegations of business men from Salem, and other valley cities in attendance. The struggle before the commission is over the new rates of freight promulgated soon offer the effort of the Oregon Pacific to bring San Francisco freight into Oregon by water via Yaquina Bay. Then the rates on the Southern IV cific all over the valley were advanced 40 to 60 per cent. Mr t lest the attorney for the Oregon Pacific filed a petition setting forth the specific Objection to the now tariff, and showing discriminations against towns and against certain classes of freight and ask ing that the commission fix days for hear ing the objections of shippers at cities along the line of the Oregon and Southern Pacific railways. The commission has tiiken the matter under advisement. Several mem bers of the commission express an inclina tion to correct whatever wrong or injustice they have done in allowing the Southern Pacific its new rates. It is probably too ite to undo a great injustice toward the Oregon Pacific and take off a tax levied upon the whole vailev which is entirely un warrantod. Salem ..oumnl. r uoiiatk Kkcoiu. In estate o. H 0 Cochran. appraisers appointed and reported. Real property 3200: personal piopertv M0.598. Total, $10,798.60. In estate of Harvey Shelton. bond o 920,000 filed. Appraisers appointed. In estate of A Hani well, final account set for Nov 6. In estate of T A SerfUng, appraisers 'ap pointed. N C Movers was appointed guardian of Tay Meyers; bond, $1600. In estate of Richard Finley. second ac- i count approved the second set of boons, oncer th ) Tucker, appraisers ap- conditions as the firat, which was award ed Mrs Charles Young. Corvallls News. In estate of P B pointed. In estate of Samuel Atrriug personal property reported unventoned at M09.09. In estate of Owen Bear, objections to final iccount filed. In estate of Samuel Mcllree. Mabel Mc-! I'ree was appointed administratrix. Bond I flU.UUU. Appraisers appointed. ; In estate of Martna Mcllree, Walter Mc- Ilroo was um--ointil administrator. Bond. K000. Appraisers appointed. In the estate of John E Porter bond of W T Porter for WOO was approved. Stole a Horsk Several davs ago a man naraec timer v llliams. a traveling horse trader who recently came across the ' fWi, ,,.!. .. ..... 1 ...--1. t n . -icjivu, euw . recognuteu ami the owner came and claimed u. ,oe tniei nau gone svitn irom here taking his team wagon traveling overland Sheriff Osburn of Benton county, procured 8erT3e . Deputy Sheriff George Grocer of this county to trace the criminal j k it j i i i n- 8nd M"" left one y last Week. Tills morning a telegram was received here from i . . v : 1 ' . i- ... v n'lier ui wirainj, vai.. siiUinif mat ne captured his man there ami would ar- rive here on tomorrow morning s overland. - Kugene Guard Tucr HcsTio and Hi nted. -.Mr and Mrs Geo Collins returned Friday even ing from an extended hunting trip. Wednesday morning they lefi- in their buggy, each armed with a gun, and the buggy full of ammunition. They first went to Albany, but not finding game mere mey leit tor Brownsville. Here their luck evidently changed for all the time they spent in that vicinity not a ! solitary bi.d was seen. They t'heu left , for Lebanon, and yet no birds ; then ' came on to Scio, and still wo birds ; and then they turned towards home. Not a bird did they see on the entire trip until , a China pheasant flew across in front of them just as they irossed the corporation; nne 01 asiem. in is trip was an except- ional one, and one to be remembered, in spue ol t:ie lact that there was no game on which to make a possible record. Salem Statesman Ax Cxfortcjjatb Girl. The Orego- nin JeMie Yoong. a 15 year aid girl ho ran w,y frt,m her bom ; in CofVal-; wi'n ner sleP lber,Frauk Pomeroy.and j c'ims that she left home because she could not get medical treatment, of which she was in great need, without exciting the law. the suspicions of her parents- During j The formula ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the greater part of her stay iu this city well known to the medical profession, and she has been under treatment at the ! universally approved. The reputation of Portland Hospital. Mr Pomeroy has, the arm guarantees excellence and uni been telegraphed -for. The story of the ; formitv in the medicine, and the world's ouog girl would nil a chapter, mvo ving the names of several Albanr young men who according to her story told in this city, were of Uie most depraved charact er. A effort is being made to reform her. Hop Centers. Salem newspapers ar doing an extraordinary amount af boasting because buyers are located there, on account of it being a central point to purchase the crop of Polk and Yamhill counties and oth er parte of Marion county. The hops as a rule are not stored at Salem nor shipped from that point, and only a small propor tion of the growers and pickers do business in "arrm At Eugene the case is different. Nearly all the hops grown in Lane county are shipped from this point and the trade and business of the growers and pickers are done with our merchants to a great extent . When it comes to a comparison between Eugene and Salem on the hop question, the latter place must go to the toot of the class. Eugene Guard. Latr Hocrb. On the farm ot "Doc" Jackeon, a few miles below town one nighc last week the threshing crew of Charles Reed's machine did something ex'raordinary and unusual- The condi tion of the elements, which threatened rain, suggested the propriety of a special effort to save the grain which waa then ) in a splendid condition and the plan of burning straw was hit upon to furnish the illumination in the absence of "Old Sol." This proved successful and 1,000 bushels of the golden grain were threshed and cared for in safety by 12 o'clock. midnight. The following morning the elements displayed their liberality wi havy rainfall . Corvallis Gazette. th Salem's B. ic L. A. At the regular monthly meeting of the Salem Building & Loan association la t evening at the office of Secretary Smith two loans were made one of i00 and one of $000, both paying seven tv-six months' interest in alvance. liast month interest was bid ninety-four months in advence and two or three months liefore that 128 months in advance. Last night's loan.i were niaue on tn- snortest advance ; payments of interest accepted for many months I In- shows that the money market is getting easier rapidly. States man. Will Havf. a Fish Ladiikii. Goveinor Pennoyer spent Sunday in Oregon City. He was there in the interest ot the fish ladder at the falls and states that oil ar rangements have been completed and that it will be bnilt next summer. Marshal Mc- Donuld, national fish commissioner, says that if the survey made by the state is sent to Washington he will have plans pre pared there by experts. Independent. DisctiAnoED. Perry McQuean, the man who caused so much excitement yestenlay on account of rushing through the city with a revolver in ins bund-, after u lawyer, was 1 examined this morning by Dr J L Hill and Dr Ellis, and discharged. Though of a very peculiar character he wm declare ' not to be insane. The genera! opinion though is that he is of a weak mind. Card ov Thanks. The members of Al bany Engine Co. No. 1 desires to thank the business men and citizens of Albany for their liberal contribution with which to purchase a Hag for the company, which was presented to it last night at their regular meeting. J W Wiiitk, Sec. Engine Co. No. 1. Howi This! We otter One Hundred Dollars reward for aw. of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY it CO., Toledo, O, We, the undersigned, have known F. 3. Cheney .or the last IS years, and believe him p ' ctly honorable in all baalneaa transactions s lancially able to carry out any obligations B. j oy their firm. West -tTauAX.Wholraiale Druggists, Toledo ,0, Y aldinu, Kinnan & Mahvin , wholcsali; Drug Ciata, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucoua surfaces of th(j syetem. Testimonials sent free. , Prloo T6c. per bottle Hold by all Druggists. HOME AMI ABBOAD MOWDAT The Commercial National Bank ot Port land resumed business this morning. Rostor. this yer wins the National league pennant, with Pltt.burg second. Comrade Fildav niht. It wil' only cost 26 cents io are a tint class amateur per formance Chas Younger and the Mover Bios have ju-.t started a neat ilver jacht to running on the Willamette. It Is pronounced a success. Thirty tramps are camped in the suburbs of Salem. How does such a body of met live, is a question; but one which the neighbors cau generally answer. A new paper. The Evening Telegraml ha just been started in Los Angeles by several printers on the co-operative plan, among the number Frank E l)orrl,f jrm erly ol this city. Yeterdy Mr Lennox residing on W C Morgan's place near this city was kicked by a horse so at to dtslocste one of his shoulders. Dr Hill was called and placed the bones in position. There h s been a rumor on the atieet for . the past few days to the effect that the j , I long congestion "of injney will be relieved i alter October 1st, bv the banks of Salem beginning to loan money on first-class security. Upon this point the tocal nank lag managers are rather noncommittal, but it is the general belief that such is to be the program. Salem Independent. At the beginning of the work of trans cribing the records t Lincoln county. Recorder Waters, who had the contract, offered a prize of $io to the perto.i who m -de i he least error j In his or her book, in compartig the work a close record ; was kept and Mrs F d Irvine was 1 is. nl - ed the priae. A like prlxe waa iven on Dr Lewis, president of the Oregon hor ticultural exhibit at the world's fair.offered $1.50 for an apple that measured more than 14 Inches in circumference, the limit renchlM hv the fr.lm Arkiniu Sin mi. citizens of U nion county Increased this amount to t$, id new Mr E Scnanno has rent 10 Dr Lewis at Chicaao. bv express ,rom The Dalies, a box of apples several of which measure! more than 14 inches in circumference and one tCV inches These apples were grown on the farm of McDonald Bros, 00 Chenoweth creek. The celebrated hobo of the canine species passed through the cltv on the tiain this morning going we!. He has tramped throueh everv state of the l nion In rharr I.I A . LT . v c r nirssrnvrr, tnu cicn one naa attached a tag to him. These are hung around the dog's neck, and it waa ver Interesting to read a record of Ms travels". He is a dog of ordinary si., and easily makes friends with any a.ranger. no one LllOSI whm hi. rir.1 &,rf .! htc mrM, of wandering from lown to town, foreet- ting the scenes of his nativity, and becom ing the pet of exprcsa messengers. The Dalles T. M. Tcaso.w. Times are picking up generally a a well as in tne cnxken bustneaj. The Three Sisters was to begin run ning on the Willamette mis morning. On Tuesday Oct io, there will be a conundrum tea at the (f CTU Hall A small army of tramps is pasting Ihiougb the valley," mostly southward. in the face of reported dull times a new real estate firm has begun business in Salem. The first cranberries of the season arrived at the grocery store of C E Brown II to day. Call and get some. Sherman Hays, of Eugene, sold his crop of oops to Geo T Hall & Son for iS cents per pound. I'. consisted of 12,240 pounds. A rounx' man waa arrested at Harris- burg last night for stealing a bicycle at Portland. The numtcr revealed the thef:. Lane's board placed the assessment of the s P R R at mil. ..i rrr - per mile for rolling stock. 41.77 miles of road are in that county. J R Hays, of Eugene,' has leased the Harrisburg hotel and with his family will take pocscawicn Wednem!ay. Mr Hava ,oecopT " P01- position st the railroad and Lee University of Yirgmia.ha located in Eugene and entered into copartnership with E R .Snip worth for the practice of experience for nearly half a century haa i fully- demo ist rated its value. There can be no health for either mind . or body so long as the Wood i; vitiated, j Cleanse the vital current from all impurU J ties by the use of Ayer's Sarsapari'la This medicine terruits "the wasted energies, strengthens the net ves-and restores health 1 to the debilitated kviirti An Albany man says the state reform school Is simply a house of correct ion; that it is not reformatory at ail, ai most of the inmate are tttre simply on a sen tence of six months to a year, as sort of sn experiment. nhoulJ be a reform 1 school in fact as wtll as in name. 1156 pupils are lent schoo a. enrolled in the five Se Albany is in telephonic communication j witrt Spokane. There are 9J miles of Southern Pacific road bed tn Linn county. Remember the conundrum tea which will be given at the W C T U hall on Tuesday next. "The Mill City bank has shut down," announces the Pacific Banker and Inves tor. This must refer to the sawmill. Portland hunters a day or two ago killed a deer within eleven miles of Portland, and nearly got two others. The infsnt child of Herman Cook, re siding across the river aboot three miles from this city died yesterdsy of cholera Infantum. Comrad ;s should draw a big house Fri day night. The cast Is a splendid onc,and th play is one that will Interest from be g'nning to end. The Kugene post office hss reen removed to the Misonlc building, catting a slight disturbance in that city, always the result of post office removals. George Taylor, while working on the bridge at Mlnto, fc 1 sSout thirty feet re ceiving ac lout injuries He was brought to Albany for turgicat attention, Santa Rosa wlih lis Albany players de- tested ."Jan r rancl&co Sunday i Io 1. win- ntng its fouitli straight game. McOreevy pitched for San Francisco ami was nearly knocked o-it of the box. J I) Rice, who was shot at Grants Pass yesterday was a brother of Prof Rice, of Waterloo, and Sam Brown the man who did the shooting owes an Albany man whom '.he Man about Town knows $40, facts mentioned to increase the local in terest in the affair. Grandma Yocum, so called, 78 years of age, led in the grand march at the ball at Myrtle Point recently She also "tripped the light fantastic toe" to the strains of the enlivening music with the agility of youth. Oar Oreson otoncer women are always in the lead. Roseburg Review. There is an old rocking chslr on the porch of the Madison residence with the figures 1849 impressed on the back of it. This old chslr was alom the first made in Oregon . It hss rocked to s'ecp ten young native born Uregonians. it It could speak a merry tale It could unrold. Kcseburg Review. Judge Burnett has denied a permanent Injunction restraining the Harrisburg Water Power Compar.y from crossing the property of Mrs Emma Mendenhall. It is now too la'.e in the season, though, to work on the ditch, snd hence the msttsr will go over until next year. In the mean time some of Ifarrisburg't, bestcU'zens are pretty well ulsgusied with the business. This morning word wss received by Mitchell, Wright & Co, generai intursnce agents.that the hop houses of James Duke snd Thos McClelland, six miles south of Sllverton, had burned. Each contained about three tons of hops, and was insured for $500 in the American Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, through the above named agency. Salem Journal. The 17-acre nop field of Wm Zimmer man, located near Philomath, yielded 1 555 lotea of hops this season. Allow ing thirteen pounds to the box. In the bale, will aggregate 20,21c pounds. The present price of hops Is 17X cents per pound and making an estimate of 1 centc for prepring them for market will give a net profit of 10 cents, or 12021.50 lor the entire crop, an average of almost f 119 to the asie. Corvallls News 8 (M l It ARB PEMOMAL MONDAY. C H Ralston, ot the IT S custom house, was in the city today. License was issued today for the marriage of Cbas O Rice and Rosetta Wiseman. Mr Bert Case was in the city today on his way from Salem to Gold Hill, where he will spend the winter wi h his parents. This week J H Crooks started to Web foot with a sma'l band nf horses which he will endeavor to sell to the farmers of Webfoot. Ochoco Review. Prof Liggett and family have moved to tow. Mr Liggett will take c Large the school here Monday next. Ochoco Re view. Rev Lyttle, of Albany, and Rev Ache son, of Oakvilie, left today for Tacoma, to attend a meeting of the Presbytery and Svnod of the United Presbyterian enure n. H W White, who has been at the mines for some time, is in the city. He reports having made a tunnel in liis mine 126 feet into the ground, and that the ore looks well. He has just sent some away tor an assay. SpauMing brothers, who had a 34 daya run with their machine this ceason, threshed 68,715 bushels of grain, averag ing a small ftscdon over joai bushels per day. This Is a good ahowlng wiih favorable circumstances, but when the unfavorable condition are considered such a run Is worthy of no'e. Of the whole amount there were 47,000 bushels of wheat. Corvallis News TURSDAT Ben Conner, of Jefferson, was in the city yesterday. Pete Abbey and J W Brasfteid, two live Lincoln county men, have bjen in the city. J F Amis went to Albany on professional business this morning ana will return in a day or two. Eugene Guard. Mrs C A Anderson left this morning for Albany, where she will spend the winter. Salem Independent. C A Brown left this morning far Albany where he will take rnssession of his old barber shop. Salem Independent Mr W M London, publisher tf the Record, of Angola, New 1 ork. is in the city the guest of his cousin. Mr Chas K Browne! I. Miss Margaret Getsendorfer has been vis- mtur her sister. Mrs lruf lisnrieyad Salem. Mse left today for fhe World's and will he gone about six weeks A dispatch says: DSK Bukk. of Rose burg, late consul at Sonne berg, tiermanr, has Men in Washington settling up his affairs, and will return to Oregon tomorrow. Mr Horace Mann, of the Staytou Times, was in the city today, and the Dkmochat acknowledges a call . Mr Mann is a grand nephew of the cetsbrated Horace Mann. who did more for the educational interests of Massachusetts than any other man. Col Oimstead and Walt Low left today for their claims cn the Little North Fork of the Saattam. near Detroit. Thev will be met at Lyons by Newt FerreJl. The party wdlbe gone about a week Salem Inde- Cotnmissioners Compson. Macnun and Eddy and Clerk Baker left today on the trip eastward over the Oregon Pacific, and tomorrow will go to the Bay. It is a good thing to examine road beds; but it is also a good thing to sift exorbitant freight rate, at least not assist in making them exorbi tant. Marshal McFeron and wife left this noon on a visit to "jie Portland Exposition. Capt 1' J Ct erman went to Eugene today to meet with the examining board O N (J. License was issued today for the mar riage of i M Hoffman and Ida A Dalrym ple. Miss Rhoda Hail left this noon far the "arm Springs Agency, taking the best wishes of many Albany Inend. ML Roxie Roseau ut" Albany. Is spending a few weeks in Oakland visiting with her ... u r it it 1 num, t-iw r. a 1 maaaaami. -nerkw. Hon J K Weatherford. of this city, is in attendance at the bi-tnetolic convention in St Louis, and is a member of the committee on resolutions. C B Turiay recently bookkeeper of the Albany Iron Works, left this soon for Port land, stopping off at Salem for Several days on the way there. Sheriff Osborn. of Corvallis. named through the city this noon with timer William, arrested at Redding for stealing a horse at Monroe. The evidence agaiat him is said to be conclusive. Mr E A Pike, who has been with the Red Crown Milla for several years, has resigned and will locate with his family in Spokane. Mr and Mrs Pike have made a good many friends in Albany who will regret seeing them leaving. Mr Bethune will succeed Mr Pike as foreman . Rev H Gould returned irom a trip in the mountains tart evening and is much im proved in health. He was accompanied by J W Pngh. commissioner, and a Kendall, both of Linn county. Notwithstanding they were rained on a portion of the time thev were out an enjoyable time was had. Corvallis News. L M Patterson, who has been in the de livery business in this city for some time, started today for SosjUamu Oreson. where he w'" engage in prospecting and mining for m winter. Mrs A at I'atteraon. bis mother, accompanied her son as far as Al bany and will visit with her daughter. Mrs Ed Looney, for a few days. Corvallis News. A afceellas Sesaae. Geakt's Pass, Or, Oct 3. -A snoollag scrape orcurred in this city this morning, with the result that J D Rice lies in the city morgee, shot through the hesd and heart, and his a layer. 8am Black, Is safely lodged in the jail. The woman in the case, whe is a dissolute, is Black's wife, well known as Jet Black, bat the two have not beea living together for a year or more. When Hatare Needs assistance it rosy, be best to render it promptly, but one should icmcmber to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle rerreuy K tne Rvrvip of Fist. manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co" MiijgKERY. Mrs M Buoy and daughter desim to inform th- public that they have moved into the rooms lately occupied by Mrs Sower and are supplied with a line of mjllinery goods of quality and prices to suit the present hard times. Be sure to call and examine their goods before purchasing elsewhere. Ahsociatioh Mestizo. A meeUng of the Young Men's Christian Association will take place Friday evening at S o'olock in their hall for the purpose of electing directors to fill vacancies occurring in ths board. This is so important meeting and we hope all active members will be present. Spit prometly. ttUKim KROPP--BLANK. In Albany, on Monday morning, Oct 2nd, 1893, at the Catholic church, by Rev Loais Metayer, Mr Rasper Kropp and Miss Mary Blank both ot Albany. They left thi. noon on a hriilal trip to Portland. They have the best wishes ot many. DEAN. At the Pioneer House, in thia citv. after an illness of several weeks. Mr j K Dean, at the age of 4C years. Mr Dean was editor of the Oregon Populist, published at this city for several months. He resided in Coos county for nineteen years, 1 mating there from bis native state Missouri. He ran a paper at Co quelleCity for about 11 yeare,tlien going to rortiana,wnere ne omy resiueo a tew weeks, when lie made Albany his home He was a man of staunch habits, and is well spoken of by those who have known him for years. He leaves a ean eleven Years old, residing with an uncle at Yon-calla- A brother, who had been with him for a week or two, returned home on Friday night, thinking he wae much better, but be grew worse this morning, and only lived a short time. THE OBKCON ruiric. Last Saturday a meeting consider Ore gon Pacific matters was held at Mill announced by the Democrat. Superin tendent Mulcithy and Receiver Hiulley wore present. W H Burns was elected chairman of the meeting. The action taken was a resolution that the creditors should first present their claims to the Receiver, if not paid, then to the Court, then to appeal to tho Governor . A committee was appointed to attend to the matter, A gentleman pres ent at the meeting gives the following ver sion of the matter, which the DKafOCBAT publishes by request: The meeting was attended by about 150 men. nearly all creditors, directly and indi rectly. The present state of affairs was brought about largely by the treatment received by some of the creditors, t hie in stance, that of R G Pierce, of Gates, will suffice to show to the public the character of tne present management. The road owes Mr Pierce about four thousand dollars for material, and a few days ago be asked for one hundred dollars to buy provisions and pay some of his men, to which he received a reply from Receiver Hudley worded some thing like this: "What are we going to get for this hundred dollars t Are you going to put out any more material." Mr Pierce has the letter to verify this statement. Receiver Hadley and Supt. Mulcahy were present and when they found a decided move was to be made tried to compromise by offering to furnish some provisions to those who would keep on putting out wood and a lot of promises, such as the O. P. are accustomed to make to weir creditors; but they were completely ignored. A large amount of wood has been sent to San Fran cisco, and to date no ntonev has been re ceived for it. No satisfactory explanation ', coma ne given regarding this move than that part of it had been sold on time. The committee in charge intend to force this matter to the bitter end. We are tired of promises and wind about the road beiag built over the mountains. We want our money now due from the road and we will then talk uliout the future. ftaWDI.' BTATE WEaTaH swvirE. Summary. Station, Albaaj, Or, Month September, 1893. Eleyation above sea level, 217." feet. Mean tempera tar. 56.3. Departure from boratal, 3.4. Maximum temperature, 78; data, 3 15. Minimum temperature, 39; date. S3. Mean of maximum temperature, 67. Mesa of minimum tempsratirr, 48.3 No. times tr axieaom tempera tare 90 or above, 0. No. times minimum temperature 33s or below. 0. no. times miausm t-mpi stare so or ; boHw, i j Total precipitation 3.17 inches. : Tasnartors irom ac-rauL I 39 inches. " Greatest precipe tion in 24 oinesestivs beats. 0 54: date, 10. ! Total depth of aamsJtod snowfall, 05 : Prevailing direction at the wind. S. 4 N. No. ot clear days, 7. V-7 Z IT V ' - - " 7 t 7rT'r ?,. . w. U UaBTSJ smg WOIC1I .WI OWTrMI WW feii. II. No. ofd.yao- which 04 or of prtci- p tattoo fall. 10. Dates 00 hail WI. 8. Dates on which nne fell, 0 Dates of tkaodor storms. 8. Dates 0 light frost 0. Dates of killing or lajanoaa frost, 0. Dates of solar balsa, 37. Dates oHnnar haJoa. 0. Jons Baicua. Vetaateer User ver. Ax IxTKaxcsTUtc Law Scrr. The Salem Independent has run across the fo lowing version of an important suit i which the city of Albany it the plaintiff instead of Linn otasaty. as stated, protahly getting it from one of the defendants who wa recently in that cite, and hence giving uk line ot ouusi in ids case: rapers were served last Friday in the Linn county court in a case that promise. U be very in- teresting. TM liltinfleiili 11 11 1 1 in nf well-to-do Banana county farmers and hatffMasraacd the Services of Jndae R i Ut .iktTZT a. -,. T!il.., sums for the boikkng of a wagon bridge over the VllMntTrfv- 1i-nv a t the time of the nronnaed bnildirur of thi. hridate a snbarniwiSBi nan waa nn-uiatmi en the Benton county side and received t: t, . . "1. , j j. surners for various amounts. The that raised was to so toward help ing pay tor tne bridge. 1 ne condition a 6a srsaea t;- sahsarmam aassssl - r amounts was that the bridge should be tn a certain wav. Arter "tnanced these men saw tnat they were be ing entirely ignored in the matter and that none of the conditions upon which they had signed were being complied with. They then deatrojed the subscription paper and refused to have anything further to do with the matter. Linn county now begins """ w. " "f"" , snpambed. hot aa the original paer has 'iMiawrw am an "wi.ciu w cnmiderabte guess work in trying to arrive at tne proper amount tn eaten Fall Orssiao nf millinery Friday and Setarday October and .th t Mr. K H "fT r" rZZ? Tl iVJawtbSi aatL LTwiLT.a AailiS! i",L ti dren ta every h ipe an i ahada. ( oras and see for joataalv,. At Meal Times do vou ever consider tne quality of the food you see eating? It may be good. It might be better, purer, fresher and more wholesome. Is It not worth while to make sure that your tea, coffee, sugar, baked goods and lnnotnera bleother groceries aie of the best quality ? There is such a trifling difhrence In the prices of the best and the worst that It loes not pay to buy the worst.even on the talae ground of aupiosed economy. Tne best Is always the cheapest , because the most satisfactory and durable,and the very best ot everything In the grocery line is kept at Parker Bros. Na v Gibd Rode. A hoise-race for a small amount waa run on the county road north of town yttterday afternoon between an Eastern Oregon range horse and the Daniel's ptney, which was won by the foreier. Nay Gird rode me strsnge horse, and before the race came off the animal ran awsv and Gird iumn ed off, jeing use leal to attempt to hold him, as he had r.o saddle on. In jump- Ing off Gird fell and was struck oy a tore foot of the animal on the forehead and received an ugly cut. the race and won it .- He however rode CorvilUs News A New Flao. The regular meeting ol Albany Engine Co. No-1 will beheld to night at the hall. An interesting feature of the occasion will be the presentation to the company by the business men o Albany of a handsome new fleet- M Chas Metzgar, Assistant Chiet Engine will make the presentation speech. numbers are requested to be present. eerailvea there are of all sorts, some good.some bad, some Indifferent. You want the best. So takes Simmons Liver Regulstor only. It Is the best operative In any attack of indl gestlon,dvspepsls,coiiatlpation snd bilious ness. It Is s mild laxative, without grip Ing. or any debilitating effects. You will know the article by the large red Z on every package. Take no other. WHO does your washing? It is to l hoped you send it to the Albany Steam lundry,thua patronizing a first-class home institution that employs only white labor. The work too speaks for itself, not eftar the fashion of the loud smelling Celestial wash ing, but on account of the superior manner in which it is done. Removed-K U Will has moved his music store to the Blumterg block, where he haa a large and choice stock of pianos, organs and other musical instruments, sheet music, etc, for sale at bargains to suit the times. Will ft Stars. jewelers Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Moat Perfect Made. Hodges & McFarland, . .ts, Albany, Ci . the leading drafc Viereok'shsving tors and hair cutting tar : tl.erl btttfiT com- I Highest of all in Leavening Power.--Latest U. S. Gov't Report Royti i ABSOLUTELY PURE 'tatlUt: Mr A T Davis returned from Iowa today His visit was short as he could 'nt stay away from Oregon. Mr Wilson Caulter and his father ar rived yesterday from Missouri, they have been away three years and that is as long a they could stand it . They will buy a farm and make their home with us in the future. David Shearer had the misfortune to slip from his wagon and have the wheel run over his foot. Mr K B Couey and Little Klk yesterday, home there. family starh-d for Mr C pnrchased a Miss Effie Barber, of Camp creek. Lane county, is visiting friends here. Mr Newton Hamer died yesterday, the 3rd. Newton was a brother of Mrs A S btine. Mr Holsteb started for Chicago last Monday via Canadian Pacific railway. While east be will visit his parents in Michigan and will stop in Colorado wills W U Crawford as he returns. Rev A M Acheson started for Tacoma Monday. He will attend the meetings of the Presbytery and Synod of the I'nited Presbyterian church, which meets at Ta coma this week. Aanccs. j Srrpoeixu a Case. Many people just at this time think that newspaper men are , persistent dunners. And, in one sense, they I are right; newspaper men are tireless dun- nera, because they uave to oe. The way of comparing the business of a newspaper , with other businesses, an exchange says s !'ket suppose a farmer raises 1.000 i r" wne year, and sells this to 1,000 persons in all parts of the country, a great portion of them say: "I will hand yon a dollar in a short time.' The farmer j does not want to be small and says all right. Soon his 1,000 bushels are gone but be has footed away his whole crop and its value to him im jinn l.;m I 1 ii' tewors each owing him one dollar treat it as a small matter and think it would not help much. Continue this kind of business year in and veer out as the publisher does. and how long would be stand it A moment a thought would convince anvone that the editor baa good cause for ?nit-nt dunnuur". Moaraw rtmvmt Raiiowad Asseskmexts. The County Board of MuaiizaUon in session this court bouse hf fiff9alal Pacific at 84009 per mile on the road and B57 on rolling stock, on the main line. TheOregoatan and Lebanon branch were piaeed at 83000 on the toad bed. and the Oregon PaciSc will be about 84W0 en road bed and rotting stock, though the matter has not yet been settled on account of a statement of rolling stock not having been received. Bobbed. Albert E Simmons, the expert ot tne Miaace-grange investigating com mittee, had a rather costly experience at Postiaad Last Saturday night, lie retired at the Quimby bote) that evening, fearing a window down, tad in the morning when he awoke he was minus his watch, an orer- coat, purse with contest, pocket knife and several outer small artiste. Nk is lire tn the metropolis of the Northwest in the paakky times. -Ouard. j ,h"' TV- 1 7 Tea "V10,8 Eaatem nates have offered ndncmen!e and we want to vwwiiwi bd vfporManiay mm well, provided too wil! bur now. We bare mad arraat reductions in the price i of oar drees node, fine aboesaoea ,u t ?J f il': Jntond to sell them ' loadble. Eighty- five centa in ' mo"1 c "' Niy a dollars worth of i gOOOB and some times mora. Come in and yonr selections. Our goods are new. and can't be boueht elae- ln Linn county for the prices we I sell them at if bought now. Rsud, Peacock A Co. Frea sweet paoatst. oiiraa. to, jest received at Patk.r Bros Coasrrs -All of our BALL'S CORSETS are booed with kbo and warranted not to roll up nor break with one year's wear. It they do we will cheerfully re turn the money oaid for ibem. Or if s tne corset is not saustactorv in all re- pec's after three weeks' wear it may b returned IO na ami nwnaa -rill h n. fUDd.d. S. .. Yoc . Yea. Yof Cam are the flnet tin n -.iL. ... j 0n,hmmhtn tia, . 1Uor vllh (ew ' 00 hnd to ke them up on short Get the best and moat stvljah tulu of fc,m- A new ' the .kin , i,w .. . . . , ,K. 1 altering of cloaks to the latest stvles, snd the repairing of cloaks. Prices an bot om ones. Saw txc. Machines neatiy repaired an warranted by a th wesably ecsspeUat work man, at F M Fren.h'a jewelry store-Albany, uwagpav Mv fall line of MACINTOSHES aad GOSiAMERS. including many novelties, for lad ma. misses aid children, it now on ale. MBYoaef. See the Ksw Improved Singer sewing ma bine. The ba t ie always the ehsa peat. I W bowden. agent, .welry atore Utbce at r M French a ar laierest ! athlete. James Robinson, the athletic trainer at I'tlnceion College, Princeton, N J, says 'I have found It Imperative to have sure snd simple remedies on hsnd in esse of cuts, bruises, st'sins. s prsina, colds, rheu mat Ism, etc. Shortly after entering up- on my profession, 1 oiscoverea sucn a j remeoy in ancoct i rorous nssteis. 1 tried oiher plasters, but found them 100 hsrah snd irriistlng. Allcock a Porous Platters give a' moat Instantaneous relief, snd their streng'hening power ia remark able. In cases ot wesksck put two plaaiers on the small of the back and in a short !i-re you will be capable of quite severe In 'sprint,' and "dis tance'' races snd jumping, the muscles or tendons In the legs snd feet sometimes wesken. This can Inyartsbly be relieved by cutting the platter In narrow strips, so as to giv free motion, and applying on muscles kffectrd." Tub Ladies Baxar have removed to their new storeioett to Foahsy k Mason. They have again added a millinery department to ther establishment and are now daily re ceiving all the latest novelties is that line. You are respsctfolly invited to call and see tbsir nsw fall snd winter goods in all their departments, Priots lower than tne lowest. The Fkbt Bread Men id thia city are Parker Bros. Tny ; ktead good bread for all wbo need good bread, and keep the beat cookies, oakes, ete. Thcf r stock of groceries is standard and their pro duce ia freh, and fruits lh latest. When yon dial with thsm yon will gat that class treatment and the best in the market, ahethei in bared goods or groceries. iiesjrtyatl Here .1 OS! The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in MillionsToft Homes 40 Years the Standard. Powder svitatk mm. W F Barifer to J B Irwin. 2 lots, So- daville 8 200 ( K Smith to John Barclay, 80 acres, 12 w2 , 2800 A L Compton to F Hearse, 160 acres, wl f, 4000 David McDowell to B Brenner. 43 acres 14 E 1 1 E S Barrows to W 8 Thompson, as signee of Bank of Oregon, lots 1, 2, 8, 4. W I, lots 3, 4. 5. 6, bl 7, and block 3, Fairdale. Albany. . . 10 Jas F Hail, by admr, to Rhoda Hail. 2 lote. bl 13, M' 8 A. Albany. . . 1700 I. 8 to Elijah F Mr Kinney and wife, 80 acres 10 w 1 Patent Martha J Wiggs to J C Dsvine, 3 lots, Sbelbiim 80 J D Walton to B F Scott, lote 5 and 6, bl 25. R's A. Lebanon 2500 Satnantha H Campbell to Maggie M Vox, 2lota. AH's A,AIfaany.. 10 A E Morrison to J C Devine, 2 lots, Shelburn 90 Ellen Bercaw and J VY Bercaw to 8 j Combs. IM4, bl25, H's2ndA.. 800 Barbara Haupert to Lena H an pert, 4 lots. Fairdale, Albany 200 Thos H McOhee to OC McFarhtml. 40 acres, 11 w 3 1209 Hannah t'erkui to b J Combs, lot 4. M25. H's2ndA 10 Oregon to las A McCaffrey. 70 acres, 13w2.. 87 Mary C Crime et al, heirs of Harvey Shelton, to Cynthia Shelton, 2 blocks, Scio 1 H V- Peervet al to Walter F Barger. 2loU,Sodaville fU U1 Following is the jury list for the Circuit Court to meet in this ciry October 21rd: John Gaibraith. farmer. Sweet Home. J Burred, fanner. Waterloo. W B Glass, merchant, Craarfordsrille. I iW E Crawford, mechanic. Waterloo. H Bryant, speculator. East Albany. K C f arwelf. farmer. Shedd. H r Childs,reai estate agent-Brownsville. John Wolf, farmer. Brownsville. J E Owen by. farmer. Tangent. J M Ware, farmer. Sweet Home. W C Lstssell, lumberman. Harrisburg. Julius Dow. school teacher. Sodaville. J L Croisan, farmer, Sheilmrn. C L Shaw, farmer. East Albany. Henry Jackson, farmer. Center. E E Taylor, farmer. Waterloo. J K Tempteton. tanner. Hahey . J L Davenport, fanner, Santiam. Price M ankers, fanner. She) bum. C M Grimes, farmer. Harrisbtag T F Smith, farmer. Hala-y. Jas Pearl, farmer. Brownsville. Dean Wheeler, farmer. Center. J R Keebaer, farmer Lebanon. veorge Shepherd, furrier. Hahey. John Wilson, farmer. Center. J F Davis, fanner. Harrisburg. Albert L'mphrey. farmer. Center. M Daniels, nierrhant. Scio. SP Williamson, farmer. Orleans. TlMams Malone, farmer, Crawfordsville. Recardls s oe Lis'. State Game Warden McGuire while in the city yes terday expressed the opinion that Marlon county should give attention to the pros ecution of those who obstruct the Santi am river contrary to law. if the offenders do fail "of indictment or con viction in Line county. The Santiam forms part of the boundary between the two counties and Marion has equal juris diction wlh Linn over it Statesman Are In seesaw. Are you all tired out, do you have that tired feeling or sich headache You can be relieved of ail these symptoWby tak ing Hood's Sarsaparilla which give nerve and oodi'.y strength. Hood's Pil! are easv in action. The use of Hail's Hair Renewer pro motes tike growth of the hair, and restores its natural color and beauty, frees the scalp ot dandruff, tetter and all impurities. Patbojjise the Cc.-.trai riahandPoul try Market, on Ellsworth strtet, betweee , Second and Third, for your dressed pou!-' try, game and nan ot a:i kinds ta seasnn, j o -'era, riarra aid crabs, bvervtbine fresh in our line msy be had at reasonaSte ' ngures. tali and see us. exawas .V L.o. Or. Price's Cream Baking A Pere OSens Ceaawaat Tatty OWl NO to the present monetary strin- j gency and during the existing condi- tion of the financial market, I find it c- mpulaory tc run my business on a very conservative basis. Sugar, as vou are aware, is handled on a very small margin of profit; a ) trail1 in fa -t to scarcely pey for the handling of it, sod the terms upon which it is bought are very strict (cast. 00! v.J While money was plenliUhand collections good, I was able to alhrtrtugar bills to run 60 daya ; bat cor ditions at present are such that I will sell sugar for, cash only. I assure vou I was very re luctant to make a rule of this kind, but the conditions of the market are such aa to make it imperative. Trusting you wilt look at this in the proper light end also j understand (hat this rule applies generally. Perry Cokx, You can buy spectacles and eve glasses st HONEST PRICES, of F M French the jeweler. a mi m , A Htdcal Fire Sfm An) ksk. J. F. Smith Co. of No. 858 Green wich St., New York, the manufactur ers of that favorite cathartic known aa Smith's Bile Beans, have adopted a novel plan. They ask the individual buyers of Bile Beans to send their full name and address, with an outside wrapper from a bottle of Bite Beans (either else) to their office, and they give 5 for the first wrapper received in each morning's mail, and $1 for the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 0th. Every day $10 tn cash is thus sent to their cor respondents. Ask for SMALL sixe. tetter last. Fodowieg is the list of letters remaining in the post orUce at Albany, Linn county, Oregun, Oct 3id, 1S93. Persona calling for these letters must give the date on which they were sdvertiaed. llenniun, Geo Davis, Mrs PA IVtv, Clarence Feeler, Frank W Kidder, Mrs Wm Marshall, J H Quoss, Barney Simpson. James Thompson, John Widener. A J Young, A M larst. J H Drouth, Joseph Duron, J V Garretson. N W Kidder, Mrs Kimuti Powell. J S Raj-, W A Tee!. Mrs Sylvia Wakefield, 6 O Wright. Bertie aim, H H Tuos. Momteitu, I'. M. PRICE'S Wei McMINNVILLE COLLEGE advantages found elsewhere Beautifo! Lotatioo, Smtablf liilfjii-ji, Eiricat Teachen, Five courses of study Classical, Scientific, special advantages in Vocal and Instrumental Graduates of the Normal course are entitled fill high positions. McMinnville is accessible main trunk of tne Southern facinc K. K. Fall Term ftesist for atalocwe. Portland's Great Industrial Exposition Opsks SapTEisBaa 27 1803 Ctosa OcTouea sS LIBERATI'S CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND WILL FURNISH TBE MUSIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINIATURE. The Sreciai. Feat tars Wiix Eclipse Those op asy Pisrviots Yeab. MADAME QIRARD OYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN Oa-uncted at a east of 810,000 and. throwing a t tootand jets of water to ail esters of the raw bow wilt beautify Music Hall. T. A RG-E -A.Q.XT A "R.ITT-MIS CoDtaiaing tUh cf ail vanetka found in Oiegos waters, have beea eoastracted it gnat 'X'JdLliJ ABT G- A TiTi'Fi-R'y Will ccsUio a colectioa of pain tine selected from the World's Fair. Amnj t hem EJlrbarg 1 eelcbrated pu.ting. Caster's Last wight To visit this great Exposition and Mew its w orders io every department of Alt sad Seisaea. wtll be the next thing to a visit to he War Ida Fair at Chicago. Beduord rates on ail Transportatkm Lines. For farther wforaiataoo addreaw. K. W. ALLEN. :--operi! teodest aad Secretary BUY HEATING STOVES Matthews & Washburn. CITY BOTTLING CO., Wholesale and Mires c i wt tr, Orange Iran Sel taer Vatera, Give as FIRST STIETT. Uwm IwitgNMrr ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Only White Labor Employed NEW MT-' SrORR IS NOW FUIL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, CONSISTING bed room seta, chair, icangea, BOTTOM roaTLAJU, Oaxeoa. V ,7 '7)r -aw a s m v "N' 1 ---aw s a Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. 1" A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. mm atujaaaaa Iwl ANnUUIa? Lrritlt. AnS for it. In slain wrapper. A.Slra rvramlela AJS-uay.Ora.,lj J. A CUMMLSU Aokhts Wakted on Salary and Commission for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED of JAMES G. BLABS, By Gail Hamiltok, bis literary executor, with the co-operation of his family, and for Mr. Blaine's Complete Wotkr, ' Twentt Years or Cosaaass," and hw later boot, "Political Disccssioxs." One prospectus for these 3 best selusc books in the mar ket. A K P Jordan of Me.. took 112 orders from first 110 calls: agent's profit $19650. Mrs Ballard of O. took 15 orders. 13 ileal Rasaia, in I day; profit $26.25. K N Rio of Mass, took 27 orders in 2 days; profit $47.25 J Patrtdge of Me. took 43 orders from 36 calls; profit $75.25. E A Palmer of N. Dak. took 53 orders in 3 days; profit $98.25. Kxt-LfstvB Tbrritob given. If you wish to make LARGE MOhV writs immediately for terms to The Henry Bill Pub. Co.,Sorw i.n,CBB I. A. Morris & Ce, Flour and Feed Store, Have removed their store to the Strahai store, formerly occvpied by Deyae 4 Robson, and have on hand a full stock o GORVALL'S FLOUti, BSAN, SHORTS GERM MEAL. GRAHAM, BOCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done. McMinnviUe Oregun, bis College is one of the oldest and tttdcclleaes in the Northwest. best Offers Sopor Umm Expenses light; a loarding hail in the College building on the club 1 lan, President Brownsoc steward, thus guaranteeing good board at th least possible cost to the rtudent. Board can ala be had in private families at 82.50 to 83.00 pe week, including lodging. The fine Telescope recently mounted in th New Observatory and the extensive Library to which students have free access, effen in this state. Thirty Acre Caifttm, Heaitiy 5urrnfliip, ItornA Wdri. Normal. Liter-jy and Borinesa, with Music. Business course of two years. to a State Diploti and are in demand to by rail from ail parts of the State, on the West side; 3ft v mile- south of Portland Begins September 19th. Addreaw. T. ii. BKOWHSOS, Prealelent. Or A J Hunsaker, Solicitor and Financial Agent. Retail Deal era sad Irani. learn Wise. a trial. ui Uilr AU1II , mm FURNITURE, etc., which I will sell at PRICES. Thos. Brink. A. P. AxMsrsoxc PuiNC-n-. MAWAnwati "H KEVS I RCQ VKBUU Thj,wolerfl raaaaer aatmal toerjulai loqadlwaiai.iarh aa Waaa II orr.Iaaot Simla Power. UeaSatbe. Wakaruaeaa. Uiaa ataaboea, KlsSUj Baahstoe, Karroao aees.aU eralna aad loea of aow la Gawaratir Orxmaa at etttwe aaxcauessw brorerererUoat yaanal eeewr exaaaalT aw of ol era. oOa ; ati -alaitt. wSKA Irad to InSrmlT. CxwawiKl. or Iaaaalt Cb be ee-rnedln .1M eorSav aisar Sox. lur tsaT br aal nra mUL NVH a a oray wa late no other? Vrtat tor free MxtScml BooS aant aeale K EEVE nSKLD .0. . Maxi ic Tampie. CXJCAOO. anU by UQUSKS a McaAltLASP. Wrwasas- ALBANY COLLEGE. Send for Catalogue. Address, REV E. K. COSMT. Albany, Oregon. Notice of Diss station. NOTICE is hereby jrfvun that the uo dersigced Geo P Cramet aad Fred Hess, eamooaing the partnership firm ot Crsnaer t Hesj have this day dissolved partnership by mutual consent Frea Hess will stilt continue I usiness at the old stand!. All persons iodebted to tho late firm of Cramer A Hess are requested to nav the same at cnee to Seo W Writbt at his law office, Albany. Oregon. Dated this Sept lata, isms GKOPCF A.MRR, FRED B1SS.