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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1893)
Mt Mmnut Frogs and toads lay numbers of small eggs. They arc dropped In the water like nth spawn, in long clusters or strings, The Surinam toaj carries her eggs so'iiercd together like a honer-ccmb on her back The Aliphes carries them between its leg tolled up in a bunch. The greatest depth under water ever reached by a dtver is believed to have been attained by Capt John Christiansen, who went down 196 (eet below the surface at Elliot Bay, Wahlngton, recently. He remained at that depth in his armor for twenty irinutes without inconvenience. In physical education Dr Luther Gulick argue that by exerclsiog certain muscles it is possible to develop certain sections ol the brain. Ills argument has special re ference to feeble-minded persons, whose mental condition, in his opinion, might be improved by the , right kind of muscular exercise. , The foreign affairs committee have de cided to report favorably the McCreary substitute for the Everett bill- Aa agreed on, it extends the Chinese registration period six months from the passage of the act. It strikes out the word "white'' from the Geary act so as to permit the testimony ol anybody except Chinamen to be adduced to pre re ''CMnamen are eniitled t. register.' It defines a Chinese laborer. Geary offered his amendment requiring photographing trt connection with the identification clause, but only secured three votes in its support. The majority deemed the regulations of the treasury department sufBc'ent. Geary cast the only advcr.e vote. He declares the bill's teeth are drawn, that It b a makeshift in keiping with the course of the administration, and that he will fight it tooth and toenail. W M Springer, of Illinois, chairman of house committee on coinage, says: "There will be no compromise on silver repeal. If the senate does not pass the repeal bill there will be no repeal ol the lederal elect ion. laws and no tariff legislation, and none of the democratic measures which it was hoped this congress would pass will be ad opted. The bill to repeal the Sherman law will be kept before the senate, and will not be withdrawn before being voted on under an circumstances. There has never been anything known such as ab solutely indefinite filibustering, and I don't believe a precedent will be established now. The opportunity must, I suppose, be given to those who hav not spsken to express their views, but when they have done so a vote on unconditional repeal can not long be delayed and the bill will pass. ' Mandergon of Nebraska on the other hand, says there will be a compiorrise. It miy not come for two or three wee ks bnt it will come. SILVU HEEIIM!, The Pan American Bimetallic League assembled at St Louis yes'e'd ty. About 100 deleiratss were present. President A C Fiske, Df Denver, called the convention to order. The de-egates were welcomed in behalf of the city by ex-Congressman Na than Frank, on behalf of the state by ex Governor Stone . Hon S S King of Kansas responded, touching the question of sectional ism and silver. He declared first that this country was able to get along without the economic aid of any foreign nation. Second, as regards silver there was no sectionalism other than that conceived by those endeav oring to debase it. citing the solid notes of the northeastern Atlantic states. As to commerce, he quoted statistics showing the internal commerce from the Mississippi valley was greater than the combined for eign commerce of the world . He touched upon the depreciation of the money value of agricultural products by the use of a single gold standard, and c'osing called upon the Mississippi valley, that great empire of the west, to wake up and take its place in the economics of the country. As the speaking progressed new delegates began to come in and by the time King had ceased and the call of the convention was formally read the convention had con vention had considerably increased. Governor G P Tillman, of South Carolina was chosen temporary chairman. In his address the governor took occasion to charge that the reduction in the anticipated numbers of delegates was doe to the power of the ptes to smother the efforts of the hmos to their proper place, but with all that be dared say the time was coming when the west and south would join hands and win their lights, if not by agitation then by ballots. "God forbid we should array one section against another, but God forbid more than that that one section should liecome the slave of another-" He was of toe south and had felt the pressure of sectional Urn. and had felt it until the we it, in its pitiful, cowardly adhesion to the exst. had come to feel it too; bad felt the iron enter its own soul . No, it was not -ectiona 1B111, but it was proposed to exercise the right to vo'.e, to govern their own states and tend representatives to con gress to better voice the sentiments of their constituents than some now there. Committ. en on credentials and perma nent organization were ordered appointed and a recess laken. Best Medicine. ' . . tf, Contractor and Sulphur Springs, Texas, Ok ot Ayer'sPill3: " Ayer's Pills are the ijest medicine I "it rred; and, in my judgment, no - . "fneral remedy could be devised, titted them In my family and "I'Ujk-ikW them to my friends and 'tnplovo, for more than twenty years. T my certain knowledge, many cases of the 'ol lowing complaints have been . ompl-tely and Permanently Cured by liio use of Aycr's Pills alone: Third day chills, dumb ague, bilious fever, sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys : -J'--!. i, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer's Pills, continued for a few days or weeks, as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named above." " I have been selling medicine for eight years, and I can safely say that Oyer's Pills give better satisfaction than any other Pill 1 ever sold." J. J. Perry, Spottsylvania ('. H., Va. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Maaa. Every Dose Effective "THR MONEY OF THE CONSTITUTION." A reader ol the Democrat says he heaid an unlimited free silver man say that "the people would have their rights In securing the free and unlimited coinage cf silver pro vided for in the constitution of the United States If they bad to lake up aims." He further calls attention to an article appear ing in the Evening Telegram of September the 3oth in which the editor insists that free and unlimited coinage is one of the inalienable, constitutional rights ol the people, expressly provided for fn the con stitution. "Reader" wants the Democrat to 'print" all that the constitution of the United States says about silver and gold and coinage. Clause 5 of section S of the constitution provides that' "congress shall have power to coin monev, regulate the value thereof and of foreign coin, and tlx the standard of weights and measures." There is no provision here as to the amount of money to be coined and there is no pro vision as to the kind of metal out of which 'money'' should be coined. At the time of the adoption ol the constitution there were no mints established, nor had any money been coined, hence it could not be said that mints and coinage wera the existing order ol things at the time of the adoption ol that instrument and hence, by fair implication, a part thereof. Clause 1 ol section 10 pro vides that no state shall coin maney nor make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment ol debts. But there la not a word here about free eclnage. The truth Is that gold and silver are mentioned nowhere in the oonstitntion except in section 10 where it is provided that no state shall make anything but gold and silver a tender In payment of debts. This bad reference to foreign coins then'circuiatlng la this country. And there was no suck thing as free coin age until congress in pursuance of the power to coin money above referred to passed a free coinage law. We have no doubt that congress has the power to coin money out of any metal it chooses, whether it be copper, (copper Is nowhere mentioned In the constitution, nor is nickel,) iron, gold, silver or any other metal. And it may coin all money it provides for out of ettner one, more than one, or all these metals. It may coin all its money from silver, or all from gold. It may coin it in limited or unlimited quantities. The Idea that the people have the constitutional right to un limited coinage ol silver is too absurd lor consideration. Our "reader" is reminded 1 that a gnat many foolish things are now ' being said abont the money question and It is highly Import an. to beware ot raise dactrines and false teachers and those who through malice or Ignorance make false statements, for instance, everything said by the Telegram about the position of those who favor repeal of the Sherman law is to the effect that these repealers waat to crush out and destroy stiver. Of course every man of ordinary intelligence knows this is j am li. ' f K. T-1-nr.m .' , . . . . . .. 1 snows it Is not true, for there is In Ihe I United States six hundred aad fifteen mil lion of silver, and there la not the least hint among repealers to distsrb ttis money or any par, ot it. The Telegram's claim that gold and silver are so insejar ably coupled together by the term of the constitu'ion thai they must be treated al ay. exactly alike would inevitably lead to j the conclusion that congress dso-d com s much of one as the other. If such were . ,, .... i tue rnie we should now stop coming stive'! I until gold catches up tor : have out ix have out ix hundred and four millions of gold and six hundred aad fifteen million of ailver. Again we warn oar friend f beware of false doctrines and false teachers. The Devi ocr t believes in the use of the largest amount of silver possible consistent with the maintenance of its parity with gold, but It does not believe in the widespread method of restating to all kinds of fallacies, ! italr' 0"nocrst: paper, bad been be false doctrines, and illogical saying-. to j fore the way aad means committer and seenre it. EXTRAVAGANT NON8ESSC- It is no time to talk nonens: about the financial si'ua'ion. People are sofferisig I from the depression an j are entitled to re- lief as soon a it cm be had. Nonsense, I lack of logic, false reasoning, will not assist ia the solution of tie problem. Th sVnioa 7elesTiua will become coeniiantl W V V - ro.s rati oocr or icr, WW nope .owner, j ,uwj Ilia( lne aen,,,,,!,. rditor of the In an editorial, Monday, is says: "Cong- Cleveland Plaimdtalrt appeared before the res has no power in Ihe premises except '" and means committee to ask for re within the limitations of the constitution of dutiee on lead ores " which makes it Imperative upon that body Now this is lie number a. The Dimo to provide for the coinage of beth gold aad CBAT " id lhe Ortgonian tariff editor lied silver and to fix the rati? of toe to the other." Now, we I. g to say to the Trie- gras. editor the cooxi otion doe no-, make ore- Th,t PPr Crules ia part and sup it imperative upon congress lo "loin both 1 ?rei" in Prt wht lh IlxitocaAT said goU sndsUver end tone the rrtlo of one J nd lha willfully sdd one deliberate lie to the other." ft die not sty thst coog- lo "nothtr No wonder even many old ress shall coin etiner gold or silver, or both. ! publicans deniuace 'bat paper a totally It ha but one provision in reference ID coinage and that is the one that provides tnat "congre shall have power to coin money, regulate the value thereof and of foreign coin." Under this provision cong ress has power to coin money from gold silver, copper, nh-kcl, stetl. or any other material it may choose. Congiess may pass s law lo discontinue the coinage of gold at any time it may Ihiok the public welfaie demands r. Likewise a law pro viding or the coinage of any other metal Into money may be repealed. Congress has unlimited control cf t'..e sut ject of coining money and regulating its value, making it a legal tender. Congress may pass Is ws on this subjict and repeal them as it -nay other laws. Again the Telegram says: They, (the framers of the constitution of the United Slates.) me e!y selected the two metals most in ne among the nations ot the worid. both f which had been recognized a mony from time ' imn.orial. and diree'ed coogress to provide for the coinage of the two meta's without discriminating against e tber. When con gress shall have perfomed its constitution al obligations, the money question will be settled. Once for all. we desiie to inform the Telegram that the framers of the cons' ilution did not di rect congress to provide for the coinage of the two metals without discrimination against either or otherwise. We have no doubt that th framers of (he organic law bad it in mind that congress would make use ol both silver and gold it coining money, but they wisely left the whole mat bar open so that congress might use other metal as veil as gold and s'lver if il cboe to do so. The fact that congress has coined money out of copper and nickel s-h ws the extern of their power. V e trust th- Te;e irrarn may be more accurate in its ftate menls of constitution il privuiont here after. Doiph, in making his speech Monday on the repeai bill said tba' "if thp national re publican platform had Wn be'ieved to mean fr- poinni. ! rpnt.Jiitn p'rty would have o. . 11 .in.! Iiuried uud damned beyond tbe hope of resurreclion." Teller, the great republican silver senator from Colorado at once asked : "Any wo'ee than it is now?" Dolpb was nonpluHfoil. and the laughter whioh was evoked by T.-i-ler's cutting lnterrojratory is paid to have actually brought th? 0 dor to the friaid tace of Oregon's junior senator. The public de t statement for Septem ber show a decieise cf $408,277 cash In the treasury. TARIFF HEVISON. Tin Washington correspondent of the St Louis Republic under the above caption says: , There was anothor conference of the democratic members of the ways and means committee held Friday The genera theory and principles of the bill to be re ported by the committee wire talked over. The conference was informal and was meant principally to give the members some idea regarding each other's opinions. There seems to be a unanimity of senti ment regarding the thorough revision of the tariff and that the bill should be one that wilt fully come up to the expectations ol the people. Two democrats of the com mittee are opposed to the income tax. They are Cockran of New York and Stevens of Massachusetts Mr Bynum of Indiana is somewhat in doubt. He does not like an income tax, but if it were necessary for the raisin? of sufficient revenue to carry on the govern ment, economically administered, he would consent to it. There seems to be a dispo sition among the majority of the committee, that is a majority of the democrat of the committee, to raise 8100,000.000 through an Income tax; from $40,000,000 to $50, 000,000 through a tax on sugar; 835.000. 000 by an increase of the tax on beer, and 125,000,000 by an increase of the tax on whisky. With this margin of increase to go on the committee believes thnt there can be a very thorough cut all along the line on all the necessaries of life. It is argued that $35,000,000 can be raised on beer very easily without increas ing the cost of beer to the consumer. It is held that brewers are making more money than ony other class of people in the coun try, and that it would be proper that they should pay tax for the support of the government accordingly. There is a very general opinion among the democrats of the committee that the sugar bounty must go, and that in its stead a duty of taree fourths of a cent a pound on refined and one half cent a pound on ran sugar should lie enacted. It is argued that with the ttx at that rate from $40,000,000 to $50,000,000 in revenue to the government can be raised. On the question of an imWie tax the com mittee will think longest and hardest. They expect a pretty general opposition loan income tax from the east and a pretty general demand f jr an Income tax from the west and south. Representative Breckin ridge of Arkansas has charge of the demo cratic side of the sub-committee on income tax. The expectation now is that the bill when reported will have an income tax provision. The bill will be read and in all likelihood reported to the house during the first week in November. About six weeks will be allowed for debate and discussion and amendment of the measure in the bouse. wben it is expected it will pass with every T . . . T . . f democrat in ie uooy rvcuruing ms vote for it. It is the intention of the committee to prepare the measure with infinite care. The bill is not to be a makeshift, bat one that will be expected to stand for 50 years without serious alteration. The principle of mvktariinn Ha f.ntintv immrml nn.l a revenQe Uriff provided for. AU the iQ ,he commiUee are at work on . . . . , . the mea.tre. and as fast as schedules are , , . , , . - - iwwirii tuv will I.,, tnrtutii Am fcn Mr ,- , .. , :a 1 igaiiwi Mr uvDuui, iw win nave charge of the general phraseology of tiie bill construction and ;.T!IX WEDUKD TO LYING- A few dsys ago the Oregoninn said that the editor of the Cleveland, Ohio, Plain- asxea tor toe reeatxn h "w cusiins; duties on ieatl ore. The DlMocaA i show ed bay quoting from the Piaiadtattr ileH that the editor directly stated that he was willing to hare the doty on lead ore reJuc- ed to revenue basts, bat the Oregooicn lh" he kld " "Wing unty should be teuined This was the 6t e of the ia-iffedt or. In Us issue off Saturday it says: " The Altany Democxat i at peia to; .. ,K. I I. I . .11, ' m. . . wnen ne wu tnt riainaeaier eoitor asaan for ,he 'etention of Vag dalles on lead unreliable snd the mercenary organ of monopolies and corporations KN i oftt'K Tfln) I.SUBV LAW. A dispatch from Washington says Assistant S.retary Hamlin ha issued instruction to the collector! customs a ban Francitco concerning 'hit the of the Chinese held for violation of the Geary snd other self: "Chinese persons, whether convicted under the Geary set or previous sets, mist not be received by you, bnt must re main ia custody of the marshal until deport ed. You ate authorized to oar actual nd necessary expeases incurred by ihe mar shsl ia tl transportation of Chinese from inlsnd pots to San Francisco; also steam ship charges for deportation on vouchers cir Ifie-i e the marshal to be taken by you in saCh case. You will l-e made special disbursing agent for this purpose . Shoo'd anv cae occur before your qualification aa pecial disbursing agent och expenses may lie paid from funds in tour hands, lo be reimbursed from lhe Chjnee sppropria lon. Make th bl n-m- o ary arrange -merit practicable wiiii 'he --'eamhip com panies a to ia'r -n ' u'vi-e the depart ment." . i. IM. rnn, jo r ! Koriton's grocery -r- v unn what you owe I for Joseph ity at Coot ad Pay Perry l Terns, c 111 store PI -a : pay p him. If you . hite lbir viu-Tl.- fcr$y The " ' watch in 'he world for the none ai V enclt' jewelry store. I 11,. 1 ''it j ' 1 1 'in 1 s hi s ar F 1. K Nw ia th- time can tHetn. M- io. t?ve trip daily to Vieieck'a Lot them on instalments of $1 per wetU, I1 rnniise honrs industry by smoking the l '.rstrit whito labor cigar', manufactured hv Jt.'iu .toio li. Genuine pait- fr a I se ing machines. ! the 'h' rdl, nrcdle. etc,, fnr s'i wing mi Cntne., i lcycles, et: , at E U Will's music store. Sewing machines snd orgcr.s repaired reasonshle, and all work warranted. Needles prepaid by mai! 40c a dozen. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer i unquestionably the best preservative of Ihe hslr. It (a 'o curnlfve of dandiuff, tetter, and nil ca!p affvc.lor.s. 1 HoitiTO!! h 1 -ova Krri-iNo Corsbt, ens ol the mot favorably knewn line in the martlet, with extia long waists, ' fr sde py S K Yotsa. 1 HOW x NF.UKOES TERRORIZE WHITES- SOUTHER Country schools for white children can not be maintained where there Is a negro population intervening. Some have been already broken up and abandoned for lack of patronage, patronage that wou'd be given, but for the prescsce ol the negroes. The tendency everywhere is for the whites to rent out their farms and move to the towns, wh.-re they can safely educate their children. All who can come do come, and row there ere left in the rural districts none but the ticgrocs and the poor whites, the oor whites who work the highways, serve on the juries and fight our battles In war, ih; poor whites for w horn the negro has contempt and the Northern philan thropist no sympathy. Large sums ol money are piled up la universities and colleges for the nejro, piled up to teach him Greek and Latin and the sciences, tor which he has no use, hlle hundreds of the poor whites cannot afford even the time that the country schocl would take from work. They know all this and feei it, and if ever a race war is pieclpitated, they will be in at the death. Poverty and the negro cvershado them. This mo mentous question is before the South. Seven millions of negroes are face to face with fifteen million whites. How much longer can they live In harmony? It is t more vital question than silver cr gold or the tariff, and the Southern Congressmen who tan to consider tt are either blind or lacking in statesmaoauip. It Is the great aational question, that will not down at our bidding Bill Ark in October Forum A former resident cf the Willamette vnney write, as ioiiows: los Ange es seems 1 II F t 1, W . .. . , ( to stand and does stand (he hard hates better than any city of her size in the T-l-l !. a 1 . f . h. ' report Los Angeles showed an increase of 45 per cent in her financial business, which was the only city in the United S'ates that showed any increase at all. the ba'aace showing a falling off in all the large cities. The question is. what is doing it? From my observation of the resources of this country I should say that it it the fruit V-sinta, which, taking one year with ' another, pays the farmer much better than 1 anything else. And if Oregon fanners are wise they will pay more attention to raia- i ng fruit and not ich has not paid haadiy what :;.. ivJi... t . c! it in for the last four or five Ke iiiurs sueniuio to wheat, which 2s .-A A 1 A ! nc. n ntiiiiK i. sji msxrornve years in Oregon. tsJifomia stands at the head today in the fruit business in the John vV ickland cotnprised a party which United State, but in a great many varieties ? ' f . enc??'a fw- . .j h u . 1 joyment at the sandhill picking bioeber- Oregon can and doe beat her- Among Jrlw 11iey rtarted for their home at North those I might mention is the apple, which Bead at an early hoar. There was a light even Use California!! will admit that Ore-! wind, and wben a boat sixty yard off shore leads them. Bart let pears, prunes, and 1 X" u1,mI tb. 11 , . r- 1 staff, which was very cranky under it am rare on ail kind, of berne.; Jo th , oglL Tlle tappened to be o. Koyal Ann chimes. On all of these Ores j the wrong side, and wben struck by a gust gon cannot be beat, and the only reason i of wind it trfwd o- striking Wiktand. who why Oregon fruit dealers and farmers aiel"" Delt,f..l?im . U! . Jf ... ... . . J gunwale of the craft, upsetting '.be boat not making money on their fruit uvt thnwlDg lU ra pant into the because they have none to sell; while Call-f water. The two men and one child were farnia is getting the reputation of. being ' drowned. The women and two children itu. r,, 1 .1-! e'unar to the boat aad were saved. Miss the fruit and does not have it fo Not 10 the historv of c oar test and cone ressmea In a centu.-y has aay maa made such aa ass of himself as poor old Stewart ia his Imbecile attack anon IVtwi - dent Cleveland. piano oy nis wot narai- Ocas in refasiag to entertain a motion to amend the Wilson repeal bill by providing ; for free coinage of silver, the prod act of our own muses, and Stewart by hi presi dential tVantics have injured the cans of silver more than all other things cosabtaed. worth of uodreswed furs from the exhibit of A notice posted on the door of a sue , Pavel Greuwaidt, of at Petersburg, in the Cded eastern band read : "This bank ! Russian section Saturday night. Several not boated. It owe the people 1 popple employed in the manufacture build $35,000, and the people owe it $55,000. tug are under arwiikaee. and ibe sus It ia the people who are bnsted. When I pcions of the Russian furrier need only a 1 hey pay na we will pay them." fit He sirengtbtaing with evidence of com j plicdi to result ia several arrest. Never let up in advertising, ia the j r. .iur ? sew. let nn never nava To .ton a-Jd m ho. : s. i.'u ' ,1.- I j,'- ur. ... iiiroo.a .u eavg.e m. we water to see it it win noat; yon h. problem bot ,00 .e To', wa- , I a nUaainw ainr U told nn Mm. inn. ! IWsKSfi rtl. in tbi. nU- t i,-, Mn..w nn. rt 1 . A r muim w s a klwuit m vmiih !..t . - -' - - -- 3 . who refused to say yes until apples grew i on lilac bashes. On paying his next visit to her he found lhe young hxdy ty- ing apples on one of the Iliac boehee. and w'tfr! 1 nnh- Ul!. X P"' Well the next morning after the concert n Albany nearly all the trvjea at Mr umgoon . wnere nisi tse.snra waa atop- vms;, rs uesrinr "PP'ea i ney naa been placed on .lirTereaji kinds of trees in he dark in order to be sure and strice the lilac. The significance of the joke skml hw mmanlllia Anita UH. ..I. mirers was a' once appreciated. Until the silver bill is repealed or the sea freeaea over are nearly synonymous terms. Debatitur societies now have several new subjects for discussion. For instance: Keaotved that the Chinese and train tw should be repealed and the silver bill de ported. To newspaper men particularly it is pleasant to see the man with the revolver rushing around for some one in some other business. Frank Siddall. tbe Philadelphia soap is credited with savinir: "1 have confined my advertising entirely to the newspaper i. The man who does not read a newspaper does not use noap." This is the opinion of one successful busine... man, who bus proven the benefits of judicious news puier advertismg. Among the profession a "dynamiter" is a tramp who carries a blanket as a pre tense that he is an honest laborer hunting for a job, he will not work longer than necessary to obtain money for a debauch : a "gay cat" is a "foxy boy" who makes great pretense Umt he wunt a situation.and tells jiathetic stories to people he is sure has nothing for any one to leaving thnm until ne gets money, which he is sorry he could not do something for; a "stiff" i a tramp who will not work under any cir cumstais. The poor are being mom cruelly down trodden with everyday that ptues; While a Bohemian woman was stunding in line in Chicago waiting for the distribution of fnu bread somebody stole 9600 out of her pocket. The coroners jury deciiled that the cause of Ben Nesmith liayden's death was par alysis of the cardiac muscles superinduced by the excessive indulgence of alcoholic stim- uIujiU. A gcxMl many are traveling thai same road as Ben. Here are some first-class rules for health in only six words, as given iy the Scientific American: Strict temjierance. Correct diet. Systematb exercise. Thos Edison has figured out a solution to the financial problem. He would discard both cold and silver as worthless, und make wheat or iron, products representing labor and wealth, tho Wkbone of our money, issuing wheat and iron certifictite. the same us ifum ami sliver cerxTticmes. rte also suggests compressing a bushel of wheat into a dollar, stamp it and circulate it. If one gets hungry he can soak his dollar and eat it. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Brave Tnp. M a nun), (ot .1. Further particulars of the battle between Moors and Spanish troops, who were engaged in erectmg a fort near Melilla. Morocco, show fighting of a most des)nrte character. Three hun dred Spanish troops were attacked by 5000 Moors urmcd with Wincnester repeating rifles. Tin' Spaniards witLstood their charges repeatedly, fighting with the ut most discipline and bravery till their am munition was nearly exhausted, when they were f ireed to retreat and at the same time protect the laborers nt work on the fort. Again and again on the retreat to Melilla the little botlv of troons seemed about to be overwhelmed by the force of the superior numbers and fanatical bravery of the Moors, but foiming back to back, they fought off their pursuers. Repeal Ike laaisr. Washington, Oct 3. W M Springer, of Illinois, chairman of the house commit tee on coinage, says: "There will be no compromise on silver repeal. If the senate does not pass the repeal bill, there will be no retieal of the federal election laws and no tariff legisla tion, and none of the democra'ic measures which it was hoped this congress would past will be adopted. The bill to repeal the Sherman law will be kept before the senate, and will not be withdrawn before being voting on under any circumstances. Arrested far Eswleteal : Spokane, Wast. Oct 3, James Hop kins, president and general manager ol the Washinnton farmers Insurance Company was anesied today on a charge or cm be : zilng $31,000 in notes belonging to the company, lit was released on mi:, ana will have a hearing Siturday. A warrant is also out for Unarrest of Secretary Fly nn on a similar charge. An laasae ae Ms ins. Astoria. Oa, Oct 3. The Urge stur geou that has been caught on tne Columbia iwi , . ' - mmm . V u taken into Smktbt & .. Clnnery ,t K, spot on todv It wektted pound, and the head alone i scaled 151 pound. The length from tip to tip was 11 feet S Inche. When cut and dressed, the huge mss tipped the beam at 427 povnds. Seaaarkablr stMtaic St RiN.-Kitu. Msss.Oet 3.--W W Win die broke the wovtd 'a record for a mile fly- ; ing start at Hampden IVk today, making! tt ia I :J t -5. He was paced by Olmsted, j Measure and Brudhead on a trieycic, James I Clark and Arnold on a tandem, and San- j ger. Previous to this trial he made the world's record for the half mile In 56 3-5 A Trasir tr !. ' . g, . aaaawn, t. W - oiun uiuh uiuwiuisj miw. 00 toc rupp -ned yeterdaT afternoon r ,Be aAh aloogh. Sand point: jus MoM Dynamiie. B M Ivlonney. wife u. Dynamite. B M Wlonner and tbr-e children. Mis Beifie flenson and Besjsoa proving herself a genuine bernae. New Omjuxs, Oct 2. Ex-iiovernor Warmouth and family came to town today I from t heir Magnolia plantation, because 2 h.TOC too1 the storm Sunday. The furious wind tore such a number of sdaie from the roof of the greet plantation j boese that the opper part of t r 'bouse w 1 uooaett oy rain ana &11 otner property am the p'-antation badlr damaged. The oraaae crop all alonsr the lower coast ha suffered an incalculable injury- So far can be, learned. 24 or more persons ia ibis vicinity have been killed aad probably Utrae tiroes as many wnonded, some fatally, ttestde destroy lag a large amount of properly at . Aw orieans. Wl stole tar rat. Chicago. Oct 2. Half a doaen exposi tion aad as many more city detectives are working on too case of the theft of $10,000 . "x w -oomw saw ...rr aavecates wno nave been stodying tne re . .... mBnmmA 5. liu ,,,1,- Vnor l r- -3, -rr-. r .fii C rasilrer'-i point, taai the passage cfeitberof these bills, instead of proving an unmixed evil j mB7 be a teal benefit. They chum the ; f-VeUherof thh bilU into a ve use esiecx or ressunng ure uw coinage of ailver. A 1 laaawr BtrsJvvattwa. WaantsoTOS, O 2 -President Cteve .j, lb,. proclamaUcsa setting ! a trAri ,4 .j , forest reter- ! vition. under the act of March S. 299i. Tbe reaujoB wii known as the "Car Ude forest iwervaiion." It extend from the Columbia river 200 mile southward. ab(mt or, mitfsa in width, taking in the ! Cascade range. Hereafter no .ettlement i wU, te Bowed witnin iu boundaries, ! Wssl SBrWlr. v; asiiisotox. Sept : -The k- iding 'leaincrstic senator, who have been trying . IDl - tor the isai MM lo amnge the terms of an uiir-otabio mmtirami r on the silver Question, encountered a very determined obstacle today when they approached tbe republican anti silver men. who 'hue far; have beta acting with the emocralic re-f peal forces The refnblicans ntuiply de- j urv lorn- l DO t.(iuiinun gruuim uiaiu which '!' could act with tbe democrats longer if unconditional repeal is to be abandoned. When it came to negota'inz for terms with silver, they announced their intention of nocking by themselves, and declared they were ready to fight a com pamise to the finish. A nimrlalltr CMveattaa. St Lntra, Oct 1. The arrangements are coap ete for the reception of the bimetallic convention, which meets here iinvanv. The meeting is in response to a call i"-n-.t ! by the Pan A oierlcan Silver league' Del- j estate- will be present from all the silv r : coonlries of the continent, and b!metalit ' generally. Tbe contention will be called t" order at 10 o'clock Tuesday next at Ar mory ha'l. Nineteenth and Pine siren's. Among lhe number who will attend aio the governors of a number of western and 'Outhern slates. The Wark D-ae t Washisoton. Oct L Spetkinir of the I work before tlio Oreaon delegation in this j congress. Mr ilarmann says the practical completion of the two greatest public works in Oregon will relieve the river and harbor bill of nearly $1,000,000 contain in thelsst. Tbe next great new work with which our delegation must strugglsis that for removing obstructions in the Columbia river between The Dalle and Celilo. Beat-. lli'DA ?iTi?. Oct I A sensation WHS caused here today by the sfrungj enth of the vice president of ibe lower boii'o of the Hungarian diet, Count Andrasi-y A Bokros. Count Hokro wa found dead oii the pave ment be'ow his residence. The necoml story window was open and the police are of the opinion that while looking out of tbe window ho fell .ind was silled, . CeaHdeat 61 bell. New Yoke, Oct t It is the impression of everyone who visits the "Farm.'', where Champion Jim Corbett i now in hard training for his fight with Mitchell, that sturdy "Gentleman Jim" is fii"y twice the man he was a y ar ago He shoes in, every way that he is quicker, stronger and more confident. Hs admits himself that he feels jest twice a aMe and ready as when he iteppe.l in tbe ring lo meet Sulli van. '",0 KoWeiule shall.. Hamburu, Oct 1 Three fresh cuseslof cholera and one death were reported in the ritv i nrni. tho 04 Umm endinir nt noon loduv. No fresh c ibm have developed in the suburbs. Sir ce Sept 15 there have been 119 cases here and 58 doaths. The epidemic is now losing ground rapidly. AX HONEST MA.N- Place the name of M I) Harter of Ohlcjj on the roll ol honor. He is the only manu facturer who h4s frankly admitted that the tariff is too high and that it can be reduced and save money to the pecple without in any way militating against nunufaeiu; ing induNtries. Speaking of the lailff Mr ilartrr aid: '"The present duiy on agiiculuial Im plements is 5 per cent, while the labor cost is only 20 per cen, and the wages paid for labor in the countries which com pete are about 70 per cent 6 those paid here. On this showing a revenue dntv of ! per cent would protee'. trc American manufacturer. No protc:ion, however ought to be given, as agricultural Implc- mentr, are made in the United Statesc heaper than in foreign couatrtc and the American goods control the trade. A small tariff duty ought to becontlnaed, perliipa, look ing not to protection, bat to revenue. wun regard to wheat fioor, the duly at present is .5 per cent. Wares do not constitute "ore than 5 per cent f the cost A a manufacturer of agricultural Irapie nients for twenty-five yeas and of flour for nearly twenty yeara, I ask that both flour and agricultural Implement be placed up on the free Hss," While this tears tlie mask fiom and eff "protection" it is safe to siraoe that it is the naked truih, and Mr Harter, who is extensively engaged in 'be manufacture of agricultural implemebia. j r-tverd by a 45 per cent tariff, is certainty ealtt ci 10 great credit for telling the truh and exploding the statements of others who place a high er value on the dollar than upon honesty That what Mr Harter says Is true Is proven by the fsctthatour manufactures arc pay ing the freight on shipments to South America and aelline their aoods there la ouen com pti lion wtiti t.uropc in at prices much lower than they txact from the people right uere at home. Mr Harter word are spoken at the right time, as the ways and means committee i now at vnk formula! ing a sarin retorm ma aed waat be says on not help but stimulate the crusade against excesdve taxation . Council HlmJ Wheat, 50 cts; oats, 25c; hay, $9 baled i wood, $3, taken In eichanee fo ewinr machines or organs on hand at E I "Ilia music store. Also on aU book 6 mnmh. uiritK. Sewing machine trOm 15 to 35, ,,ranl.,e !or , , n ' wttr my per Clean towel to evert cestoarerat Ywreek atvicg pari or. Bate Yietecfca shaving aad hair cattioa petlon. AMsauss- SXarhrS Th.45e. OsIjs. SI a. I. 'our. ft 00. " otter. Be. Eggs. 1R-. Lard. 13 to ISe. Pore - barn. 12 to IS sjsss) Uiei t- IOe, U'. II IO IJC Hay. ba-ed. 17 "o slows. Apple, . 40 Hope Ifte. farted f.-ult -plum. Be, spp. r. Chickens. $4 00 rr doasn. He-.' on toot, IK Bojr. drssmex. . Hood'sjOures Saved My Wife's Life Nervousness, John W. Jamem - trash. " Of mjr mra tree Jl ard aeeorsV aaytme, and wtsUng caly lo do good to tne affileted, I wish taic j ot the good caaStJee at nood s Sarsapatlla sod Hood a not. I thsnk mere are no medlrtae emtai m taaasa. and bar proved tbetr merit tjr oxpertencs ta say own hnalT. My wUe. Rorji-f. bas been afflicted with wsaaneas. nervou-oess. aad salt rheum I spent nearly all that t bad ot this world's goods lor drrtor tails and nmUelnw until trs dMldad to try Hood's aarsaparUta. lluoaoabtadty Saved My Wife From tho Crave. Tbe salt rheom has esUrely healed aed she Is rrtrrA 1m (wl brnlib. I h-1TS man friends and relatives la the east wis wUt ha glad to know that HOOfl'S SPSa DSls" I II& '.. - . ST ' gssjasss, WMi i itas curea nrr wife." Johm w. Jons. 5 Hooo'8 Pills swatarsardiaawr ran, 1 sestet dtuum. curs hrwlaci.e Try a boa. JS. icUfC! OV Jt WtLI T i 091 bought for temporary use, but a a permanent and servlcable urna ment. I here l ol, en as mucn value tn ' the make a in the material. Will & Stark of this city keep the largest and finest line in the valiey, making a specialty of good goods, riicir line of gold and silver watches is a superior one, and in silver ware they take the lead in ihe central Willamette Vallev. If you wou'd get the best in their lint call on Will & Purk, the mjC.cBn. H I LL'S iiiconipiriti.Tn,vr,,ylnene-,Iot.1,l,,Al-J,,nfrom StoSdays. Perfectly haras lrs; chuso ro sickness, and may bo Riven In a eup of ten or coffee wltmout tne know I- 1 ugr 01 me iwurui, wuo wiu voiuu iruy stop stuocingur cbvrmn lr a tew aays. nfinWFEHrllN atlfl WnRPUTirP RiRTT canlx.coro.lathomi.andwlth- w t was 1 ism uu uiuio ia tlio paucnt, ty tne use or our SPECIAL Purine treatment patients nreanowott tho free use ' liouor or for phine until such lime as they shall voluntarily give tt ., up. '"'"iiu li niuniuiu ia.iipn ii'i 01 tssntonial !tv.iKl sssall bo b'.biI to place suffcrr-rn from any of tticsn habits In "orammiU-a-Uou with persons who have been cured hv the usoof uu r'riiuri - a K, 1 ., .. r . r. . - - - - urnggixUi at S I . OO per iwickaRe. 4. joi ui u ibi ill"', uo. ,Ti iiinn, H' ., ... ill ...... .1 ...... .., .. no " ... ov uu v j ivmuu u I, saws ww Write your narno and rddrcssplnlnly, and stato wnerner niiieis arc tor loeucco, Liquor HaUL DO NOT BH DECEIVED ft;to parcbastns nnyol the various uosvVuins thrt i.r lirtns VHvrm no -'.o-. ask jur . ' i . t 'A)i,XB nnu taao no wuier. Mimuf uctureu ouly by TITS OHIO CflEHiTAl CO, ci. S3 & 56 Opera Block . LIMA, OHIO. PARTICULARS FREE. THB 1 have two RESPONSIBLE tAOENTS WANTED' tin tariff its r Akssr 1H1111I WJIWKLES, and hollow checks, and doll, sunken eyes, don't always mean that a wo man's old. Half the time they only show that she's overworked or suf fering. To such women, to every woman who is tired or amtcted, ivr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription safely and certainly brings back health and strength. It's a legitimate medicine that corrects ami cures ; a tonic trial invigorates and builds up ; a nervine that soothes and strengthens. For 11 . 1 - ? 1 ail tue oerangemeuui, irregularities and weaknesses peculiar to women, it is the only guaranteed remedy. If it doesn i benefit or cure, yon nave your money back. A jjreat raanv medicines "relieve Catarrh in the Head. That means that it's driven from the bead into the throat and lungs. Bat, by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy perfectly and permanently euro. New Advertisements. OK KENT.The opens house store. splendid location. Cat on the Mcr ce ary at (be Dkmocbat office tor par new tare. UrAiTED. County and city var rantt bought and od by U F Mer. rill. WAjiTEU.-A middle aimd ady. first. els housekeeper, wisbeaauitna :ian as housekeeper or to do trnerat bouswwork She ia alo a good draws maker, adrwa bex 373, Atcaoy, Or Wagaw no o ject. FDRHALK. An suumrtmart or flower in plants and xbruba. a n 00 lection ofesbrtl. Mrs Geo Young, corner Fifth and Jackson uret:sv FOB HACK. fr wtl. trad for wood, tray mare, seven years o:d petfeetly g-nUe far oa and eblidren to drive. Oal! t,a E W Mart e wo k. f t OCTC ER E r. Pore bred Silver Lteed J Wyandrttw eoefcwrsto for tale at a lurirsin Addrau John Brush, eatatr llh rd R R stres-a, AHmsbt. Or. XT ANTE D.-Good pastare tor about If IS5 bead of wfasiep- Inquire at Sbulii Bros roosl marker. LAUNDRY FOR wrKD.-Wisl ex efamnge laundry work for nod. Cat. co Rie-arrto a PhiUip-i at th Albaoy Steam Laundry. FUR f?t r.-3 -ere of good sau-den Sand, ftne -it chard. room boose. Irn and chicken Vieree-'K houe. Apply at L f CRMTCBE. rarreta sieves etc. for 1 aa. le at the Bwpust pataor-tfe Cadi arly at,i" take yonr ehoioa. 410XEY WAtTEUI Wast to our low fdff far rw crllt. good real estttaaasecusuy. ame. Tear with Call at the EaR REST.-sW ecresi r-f land, with 1. bnase rota trom Benton eonmv. For parttca'srs apptv ti Area Hsa-r. T. Mt;:i:v. m.n. rjw so-! So-rta. K5or l pM rt .-r r . as at OsM. raxr iflkaae tsfwc rt. Ladies: i The Secret Of a Fair Face Is a Beautiful Skin. Sulphur Bitters Will give you A lovely Complexion. HHH'li ) s i iigfiisjavisiisj 1 1 ay Scrrl 3 J-srnt MarapA to A. W OnWraiT S. Cn Bwtuii. AJas fcr Ut -wtiic-J vsiri. j4bri MOVEY TO LOAN AT 6 FER GEN ON CITY PROPERTY. M SENDERS wk GL A-Jurrn a ci ek I and invito tbe most j n TH tint Inn . to our iwma lbll- I Uy and the mari ta of our Tablets. Double Chloride of Gold Tablets uui x wiiitiiyvnun 00 in, pari ot FORMULA GOLD CURB TAB LETS. .- .. r v j - ...... v e. . jm r SO SSV Urn SI OO ., 7 - n yu U uur Bioriuuno or fr eun worth and I torn .oiu ton tt'id smoked Th Ohio Cbekics- for wort h of your yr mmWT thom all right umt, although I whs hot hu heavy smoker and chewer, tiicy did Ulu work in lees than three .lays. I am cured. Truly yours. MATHEVT JOHNSON, P.O. Box-- PlTTSBOBCH. PS. TtnsoiiloCnltlCAt.C..- Grri.Bltt.- It art vea me pleasart- to speak a word r praise for mar TwhleU. My a n was stronstly addicted to the use or ilonur.uiK! ihrouirh aYiteiid. Iwaaledtotry yourT-blets. Hewaawbewvyana 1011-1,1111 iini.inr Tm ,.i., 1 n.iiic vuur and will nut toueh Hn'uor or an v kind. I you. in order -.know tu euro waa ri-rtn-uuut. .our. tru MOKRlsoN. Ohio CncMiCkt. Oo:-) nTUKWS:-! oor Tablets have performeu a miracle In my used muru,il;.e. hvtu.i.. .-..iiv for ven par-tages of your XaUiota, aud wiUiout, any offort Addrom uU Orders to THE OHIO CHEWJICAL CO., r t Rt tmmM HA O (. . frk J-L OUIO tt-MtsM. fr-at ' DEWALK NOTICE HO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, 1 and especially O A Walker, D B Mon teith. Charles Monteith.M J Monteith.Mar garet A Monteith, I ma II Monteith and Nellie Monteith, owners of the following lecrilel real nrotwrtv in thp fit- of Albany. Linn county. Uretron. towit: Heidnninir at the northeast corner of block No 41. in Oaf city of Albany, Linn county. Oregon, and running thence westerly and along the northern boundary of said block 264 feet. theme southerly and parallel with theeast- ern boundary of said block 111 feet, thence westerly ant parallel with the southern Ijoundarv of said Wor k 444-12 feet these southerly and parallel with the eastern i Uiumlary of said block to the southern boundary of said block, thence easterly and ; along said southern boundary to the tooth- j east corner of said block, thence northerly to tne point ot beginning. 1 on ana ear n or you are hereby nour-eu that the city of Albany, Oregon, propn-es to improve the north line of seventh street, abutting the southern boundary line of the above described real property, at the cost and expense of the owners and holders of xaid real property abuttinir on said portion of Seventh street above specified; and you ana earn ot you are hereby turtoeT notiiiea that said city proposes to make the follow- ing Kulewauc improvement towit: locon-j struct a plank sidewalk six (6) feet in width, j and in the manner provided by section 4 of I wn nance ."io 104, entitled, "An ordinance relating to the material to be used in and tne manner of buiIdiM? sidewalks and cross- walks," alow? the north line of thai portion of Seventh street, as above described and specified And yon aad each of you are hereby further notified that the council of said city will, on Tuesday, the loth day of i October. 11. at the boor of 7 o'clock i ra j of said day, meet at the Council Chambers ia said city, and bear and determine all ob jections or remonstrances to all or any por- j tion of said nfrjaoaed improvement. Published try order of the Common Coun cil of the city of Albany. made by resolution No 24, adopted by said count il at a meeting held at the Council Chambers in said city on the 26th day of September. 193. N. J. HENTON. Recorder of the city of Albany. Wiany. tr. sept. SMh, Star Baker writr twdsstatlss end Flrwt Ms CCNBAO NIYEI, PRQPRIEIOR, ssurd rrsiii, Caasssae t ; r. . eut-le. (igars WpSsSw srlf rrait, -, . we. T Ate., c tnrrl-4 t is fccos m a (Wa rnrry mmul wmmnry n. Wmjmm ui es crit mm far ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED At the store A len Bros, formerly owned by BUTTER, EGGS, IaABD, BACON. and CHOICE APPLES, for which possible. ! wtli pay the best cash price 8 F RAMP FARMERS LISTEN". We have a fee to: of tresis gva t seed, of ilmot: every kind, including cbca. and we want to sell it. Come a-d see us. S1EWART- SOX. PLOWS AMD HARROWS. Bargains for far.ers in bolt, . idii.g and waiting plows, disc harrow,itort barrow, etc. Price ia propon 1 n m 50 cent wheat. It will pay you to cad and sec us . 'sTEWARf-tSOX. Tl I-KT -Tbre (3) work horses and 1 fiddle borwe for seJe, or wl:l trade set wood, oats, woeat ot bay. M SENDERS. ALBANY FDRNITURB CD Saltimre Block. Mbair. Ore. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HIDE & JAMES, Prorrietor! A FEW .tinioiiials from persons who have boon cured by the use of s Tablets? ig onto Cnict. Oo.: iicar sin: I have neon using your I or tobacco habit, and found It would whs . you claim tor tt- I user! ten eenta f wo Htrongrst ohewlng tobaeeoadsy, one to live curars: or I would siooko to tovtv rdiK'fOI tobacco. Have chewed for twenty Ave years, aud two package (.li iss m your 1 auicia a iltcu raw no 1 nave no we vrv ror it. B. M. J A Y LO RD, Leslie, Micb Dobbs Fssst. N. T. Co. -Oskt wan Some time ago I sent tl .hlets tor Tobacco Habit. I received Tal ileta hut three davaa out drink Inc. hawti waited four month before writiag t'INCIKNATI. OaiO. vij . and bavu txxu cured bv the uae of on u y part. W. L. LOT AT. J F. FORD, tajeM, Of Des Moines, lows, writ uoder'dale of March 23. 1893: t. B. Man. Mrc. Co.. Oafnr, Oregon. Qentlrmen ; Op arriving bftnw last wk, I foordsll well afid ai.Xi. n.-i s rasttnsT. Oar little girl, chl aud 01 h li years n!d, who had wa ted away to 88 puurxU, ia rtpm watt, strong sad cj. kml well fleshed op. 4. B. Cough Torn h d oe itf tntk well, doth of the children like il. Yoar S B. Coogb Core haa cured and kept away all boa eenes from turn. So give it tar every one, with gracing for all . Wishing yon prosper i y, we urt Your., Mk k. M J F font. Ufta wfsb to fl iim ami ehaarfal. seat fsaav , tor the liarbW work, cIbm yaSjrajsw wsthtaw I HasSsrin sn4 Urn Cm, brutal tw , or tares iassssaisi jtek. VI mm prr b Ma bj ill 8 1 1 after s positive roan .lac Lr J A CL'MMIN'G. BN17MTY : OF . OBffiOI. EUGENE Orix fj Mono at. ZTTEatSKst lni Just closed the meat prosperous year in its hUtOTv. Wide range of studies. Tho oogh instruction . Business course rdded fui'ion free. Entrance fee, $10. Board and lodging at reasonable rates i t the j elegant new dot or and hoarding hx.:i on tbe earopus. where stodci.u will recti rr S personal suoervisi-a. Josnr w. JoHsrso-, ?re I HAVE EESrKD THE MAGHOUA HUH wars-oa as aad will have it ia peed order far recemag Ihe pieaejt crop. Ik 1 Srst ciaas aad eoaviuisallj Cosstssass - wo srood c'asnen. Mo dssy ia aoksas-a. Sweks will os basil for dejvety is dot lis e. Give saw a eaJi before auciDa arrssTsinsafa 1 So or crop G.F. SIMPSON". Alb-ay, Or Jolr 15-b, 1893 Notice of Assignment, i KCTICE is berefcv nee that Iae Beam of Alb-DT, Vrmfoa, haadaly aval to tbe j Jajsiaaul Msifsu 0 sua (ropeity aad 1 egres- Esrt-e etsttt at his creditus. and bv virtue or the sewenl at I Saws of tbe state of Oreeoe, aed tket atgeed baa bereSwfo t -wit on 'b SSt- daw &f Aag-ct, 1S98. daly quibtd sat sue All pssioes fcaviojj titam gat-t said III. I 111 ll -. mwm II reesured to useatnt tbe aa se to tbe ars.ier- asg-ntl at tbe store aw bsntdntgef Isass Haai , ic the city of Altssar, O ease, aedssr oath wit bis three m Uss fraes thss slate. Dated tai 2nd day ef cpaber. A D, 1SS3. R KCAKTEEBCRT, A--gee cf Isaac BeaB,an iw selvent. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. vroncE u beubt gives that th Xl -wir-t wlasiaHWiaiM ct tW aaasw f W M nana, tl sisis. mm tlmt rah that Ckwfc of taw Oisisli Court sw I sa raw). Owes, kaa -sal an nasi fas assa eataaa. ai taw Cawsav -ta-csd-w lstkau October. -Maa ska swesaest pas at asaa aaj ml sMs at WSJ mii m 1 NOTICE OF FINU SETTLEMENT. V"OTICE 13 HEREBY CI VEX THAT THE Ot is -rss-dass-r-'taw-twla ! -saa -Oyse. m mm, tm mm U SSS-SSI c:rt ot d SU SSW in tl am of mmt Lkmm tswl rn,,ai -sj rf SepumtMr, 1-SO. tt -w as 1 .- r. aa saw aitcn she swart aw at objmaitxm Hi ummt Aajwst Uth, 1 , E WOS SHEXTOS. ts n HcwrtT, attrtw Exetrior. Notice for Public ation Laxd Cmct xt Oaxcos Cm, O-aoo ' A-gast -1st. 189& . Kotio is b-reby girta Utat the following Mseed ssattler sua fM eotiee of has iatwatioe to mats riaal proof ia subpart of his chus, and that said proof mii: be made before the County Clerk ci Una Co, Ore., at Al bany, Oregon, on October 16th, MB. wR George F Myers, H E No 7354. for the X S of the SWi,-4!( of S E sec 3t,tp 11, S a IB. to prove his eoatiau&M resi-eaee ap ee aad cut-ratio- of said hts-i, James K-rea, ofla-osab, iian to, Oregon; Jaaes: Downing, of Lacomb L-ie Co. Oreg-n-Wtlliasa Dowabag, of Lace mb, Una CoyOre goa -tan on Downing, of Iseosab, Lie. Co, Cegon. EoBT A MtiX-S, B-Ctster. Notice to Tax-Payers. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe board of eqnsdisutlon for Unn county, Oregon, will aeton Monday, tba Snd day of October. 1893, and attend at the office c f th county (Hark of said count v, and there publicly examine the assessment rolls of said county for wskl year a-d coirect all errors in valuation description or qustli'iea of lands, iota or other property. Said board will continue in session one weak. All persona Inter eated are hereoy unified to appear at said time and place. W D SARINS, Assesaor for Unn county. Or. Stptamber 12th, 1893. npRKSPASS NOTICE.-All huatsre are a hereby notified not to Ires pass upon the enclosed prnml-rn ifibonnissfilaiiiiri even and a baft miles east of Alba ay, unless permission ta first obtained. I -ball prosco le all who thus trespass. K M B0 fUCHART. Dissolution Notice. The partner bip hers tofcreaxistinif be w en U G Hayne aad C h Buck, doing a ireneral contracting and cement work business in Albany , Oregon, under tba firm name of Hayne Buck, ia this day diss lvd by a-utuai consent. Those !tucwin themselves to be iocebte-l to j the firm will phaao oa!l n settle V f nay-he win continue tee business. September 19th, 1898 TJU BAYSE. C i. BUCK. M re. Or. Patt ter a HasU are Ttir iutett 01im.rat mrj Lis, Bn-sr, a sow wan, ana be found tt ker J B CougUls. Hm tela ab all pnesas aM rotors; lore trouble. nusinns. You n hear tre 1 1 our deed kin. ts . Notice. ALL. persona In debts-1 to I B Beaut by note or recount will please pay the same, the acvvnnu mast be close by note if not paid. Times ate bard, and It ait) your interest to see to th in at once. I am In room No 11, Hrahan lUook: Albany, Or. Sept 16t h, 1893. k r cantkbbukt. of 1 B To Farmers last sssv C F CEpKGE, w