The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 29, 1893, Image 3

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Tunkki. KisstNu.- The thiw tunnels on
the Oregon Pac-ilio ;urc the cause of a great
deal of anuisement to the traveling public
Of course, enraged couples and newly mar
ried people always try to steal a kis in the
dark. Two younir married men in tne Salem
excursion to Newport last week played a
rather sweet joke on their wives. Before
entering tho long tunnel at Klk Oitv each
was sitting with the other's wife. ' Tliev
agreed to exchange seats in tlie long tunnel
and each kiss his own wife, as all Salem
married men are in the habit of doing, un
less they are in some kind of profession that
requiresa different lineof conduct to achieve
poiiular success. Well, these Salem swains
did as agreed. One of the young women
screamed terribly and attracted tho reten
tion of the whole car and all had a hearty
jaugh at her expense when the light broke
in upon ner valiantly resisting hervelv and
in her husband's arms. The other one kept
perfectly still and she and her husband had
a good laugh on euch other when the light
broke on them. She said she did not know
but it was her husband and did lvot want to
give it away if it was not. Coming cut,
two ladies tried the sanie scheme, vice versa
on their husbands, but did not calculate the
distance and did not complete all their de
tails as well, and one quite a large fleshy
lady got into Pete D'Arev's seat and he
screamed and jumped iion the back of the
seat and perched there while the woman
clawed at him in the dark and got out of
there before the cars emerged into the day
light. One young; man got his moustache
caught on his girl's cloak button, while
going through tunnel No I and had to be
cut loose by the train men. Another wo
man got her earrings fast on a man's
watch chain while going through No 3.
Salem Journal.
At Cherokee.
at the opening of
A Mcdford man was
the Cherokee utrin.
He writes to the Mai! : About two hours
of this day would kill the average Orego
nian. The wind is so hot that a wet cloth
has to be held before ones face to keep
from blistering, and the wind blowa
about forty miles per hour carrying wisn
it great clouds of hot sand and dust
which at times are so thick as to hide
the sun from view. The white man .half
breed and African are all one, so far as
color is concerned. The worst feature,
or one of the worst, however, is the
scarcity of water. Every drop of water
has to be paid for, and cannot always be
had then. The excitement rivals any
mining camp, and the society would
average pretty well with any frontier
camp. Men carry gvtns strapped on
them and twenty-four hours does not
pass without someone'biting the dost."
Pickpockets and thieves are on the trail.
Oregon Ahead. Hon J M Wallace
who has this year had the management
of the Wallace esia'e pear orchard, haa
just received a fine acknowledgment that
oar state heats the world for superior
pears, gome time ago while in conver
sation with his friend. Chas F lirey,
president of the Hyde 4 Lea her bank
in Chicago, that gentleman questioned
whether Pacific Coast pears had as fine
flavor as those of the East. Of course. he
had only the California fruit in mind, but
this was a comparison that no Oregon
Kar grower could admit for a moment,
order to convince his friend Mr Wal
lace sent him a box from their orchard
in a recent shipment to that city, and
now that gentleman beautifully acknowl
edges the corn, and admits that Oregon
pears ure the best he ever ate. He mild
ly winds up his eulogy of ;h fruit by
saying: "They certainly know how to
raise good pears in Oregon, as I have
An Extra Session Club has been
ed In Albany.
Tne Oregon State Press Association
meets in Portland next week.
Regular meeting fit the W CT U tomor
row afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Hank Mervin dried 6,000 pounds of
hops iroin his three sere pulch near Independence.
For a nice itew a juicv fry
roast, call at Hoeniike Rro
oysters in tho market.
Mrs Sower's fall opening
Saturday were pronounced
finest ever in Albany.
There will be a special meetli.g of
Beulah Rebekah Lodge I O O F to
morrow evening promptly at 7:50 o'c'ock.
A toll attendance desired'
Albany has two boot black stands a
new one having been started in front of
Landreth's barber shop.
The Herald, the Oregon City populist
paper, U out of the hands of the sheriff am'
itj publication has been resumed
The K S Cos- arrested In Portland for
or a
stea'lnga banp was not the R S Coe the dregon fjiU's, it pitching for the same
Crook (h ntv. Notwithstanding val
ley papers still say occasionally that the 0.
P. is sure to be built at an early date, the
average settler here has given up hope of
seeing it cross Crook county for a year or
two anyway. Railroads can't he built
without ctam ami lots of it too.
John Stain and others hare been pros
pecting a ledge of quartz 011 the head waters
of Heaver creek, which they Itelieve will de
velop into a vil li mine. The rock shows
considerable pure gold, and tests that have
been made indicate that thecroppinga will
yieM from 190 to $50 free gold, though no
perfect assays have been made.
Two rather interesting cases came up in
Justice Elliott s court last Wednesday anil
reached tinal termination Thursday. One
was the state against Yoliiey Shram, a
prominent sheep raiser in the northeastern
part of the county, ehiirging him with petit
larceny, for having carried away a prosjiec
tor's camp outfit, and the other the exam -ination
of W M llomltTshot. charged with
grand larceny, for having appropriated to
his own use the same prospecting outfit.
The charges were preferred by W It Butler.
A jury was called to try the case against
Shnim, and contrary to the expectation of
those who heard the evidence the jury re
turned a verdict of guilty. Mr Shtum has
taken an appeal to the circuit court. The
evidence being somewhat stronger against
Hendershot, ne was held in $200 bonds to
appedr before the grand jury. Review.
An Attraction-, The Ssn Franoisco
Examiner publishes a picture of Geo Ml 1 -is
akyeya.1', and 'ays: A "akycycle'" to fly
through the ipen air f.oin Portland. Ore.,
to thia city Is rue i f the lateat jr..,-
nt of novelties billed for the Midwinter
Fair, litcyclea for use ou land and water
hare proved a success, the former especially
o, an I now Oregon, the we ti foot, mossback
rate, is trying a new field for the wheel
Fred T Merrill, a hioye'e expert of Port
land, h is a new machine which it intended
to navigate the air. It ia called a "skycyole"
and wan invented by a brother of Joaquin
Milter, the Poet of the Sierras, who reside
at Kugene, Or. Mr Merrdl ia making ar
rangement for the manufacture of the new
machine, to be commenced as soma as a f n
minor changes hive h?eu made. He gives
a partis 1 dreceiptlon if the nacbine no
which he is new experimentine, and frttn
his statement these expetiniooU have net
with onvdt rable sue -ev
Didn't aV-vreciatk It The other
night a young man was returning home ;
itorn a 1 Dan y by the road across the
river when he was stopped and required
to answer several questions. Not know
ing what he came m aeainat he felt
himself in an uncomfortable position and days and Fridays
nr.JwlJ.. 1 1 I 1 1 1 - ! J J
"u'" nuuju iik.c iianueu over nis ci,. . c ci . ,
iocee change had the demand been LSf' S,.Sh.ermn. "rt,r d
made. However, it turned out to he I ".ng ,rom aieuiora the
""Cs men 01 mai town proDan.v pa-
It only cost as cents for a reserved
eat to Comrads, to be presented on
Friday nignt ol nest week,
In Comrads Miss Mary Cundiff It said
to do the part of May Manning In an ar
tistic manner. Friday night of next
Read, Peacock &Cos general ad In
another column will be found of Interest
to those wanting dress goods, etc, for
Members of Albany Lodge No 4
I O O F should bear In mind that Impor.
tant matters will come before the meet
ing to-night.
Becrbohm's estimate of the wor d's
wheat crop Is 104,000.000 bushels leas
than last year. Which meant a better
price than at present.
The Misses Ball respectfully Invite the
ladies of Albany and vicinity to attend
their opening of Fall and Winter millin
ery, Friday and Saturday Sept 19 and 30.
The spring wheat has been almost en
tirely hcrveatew most of the threshers
having shutdown. In the mean itme the
recent rain put the ground in splendid
condition tor summer fallow.
Hillings, recently with the Albany club,
is playing right field for the Petaluma,
Ualit., club. Dammon. at one time with
owning considerable Albany property.
Kt City Treasurtr John M Pla't, of
Aiacortee, Wash., haa been arreatsd, charged
with embezzling oitv funds, about $8,000.
This oflice is under oblgations to county,
scnool superintendent Russell for "a
; supply of fine trout, the rtault of bis trip
' to the mountains.
Jaok Ogleeby, of th. Aiaea,roently killed
at large elk, and t .mI.v he brt.aght to town
I the head ar.d horns which he offered tor sale,
' The horns Lave seven iwinta aad are very
lsrge. $23 ia the price asked foe them
1 News.
1 An editor down st.ath who seod his
newspaper cut to "that suosjribers ' aeads a
bill taeh year. When a second bill is sent
and there ia no response he takes it f a
(ranted that the subscriber is dead, aad
publishes an "'obituary rotioe" la his col
umns. A church at Fostoria, Ohio. Las deci
ded to purchase 4C0 little wine glasses,
that each communicant may receive the
wine out of a glass no other person haa
used, in order lo avoid iric robes.
Beginning Wednesday next the South
ern Pacific R R will aell tound trip ilck--ts
to the Portland Exposition Including
one admission to the fair for $4.85. Tick
ers win ne sold only Mondays, Wednrs-
Licenses have been Issued for the
marriage of W F Follla and Rosa Beard,
C H Arderson and Mary M Hall, F M
Campoell and Mist L M Hyde, Henry
M Hayes and Florence Betid.
A gentleman is in the city waiting for
twenty five families of Germans who will
arrive across the mountains In a few
days, by wagon, from the East. Thev
propose locating tomewhere in thit part of
B F Ramp, J Clem and II Bryant have
organized themselves Into a corporation
called the Populttt Publishing company.
They interd printing a paper at Albany,
Oregon, In the Interest of the peoples'
party. The capita! a'.ock Is $1.000. Sa
lem Independent.
In the riot at LaGrande, when ihe mob
i of 200 men were after the Celestials,!', was
. at the residence of a former Albany man,
Kev irumbill, that the Chinamen look
J refuge. Mrs Trumbull appeared at the
ooor armed with a revolver, and the men
left without disturbing the Chinamen.
Rev I B Hall, of Osaka, Japan.wlll speak
j In the First Cumberland Prcsbvlcrian
church this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Mr
Hail has been in Japan as a missionary of
hit church for 16 yeart and will return to
that field In October. He It a splendid
speaker and trill please all who come to
hear him . All are k'ndly Invited.
John H Haynet hat filed a tull for
fio.aoo against the Spokane Chronicle tor, on account ot a sensational article
Mr Will Tundau leave.! tomorrow morn
ing for his home in Minnesota.
Hon J M Wallace, president of the Sa
tan water works, wan in the city today.
Lizzie Rlakely has begun suit for divorce
against her husband, Charlet A Illakely.
B F Kamp, of Albany, is spending a few
days here looking after business matters.
Resebuag Review. Mr Ramp has returned
Miss Rhoda Hail has returned from Rose
burg, and will leave in a few-days for the
Warm Springs Agency, where she will re
side the coming year.
Tho Aumsville correspondent of a Salem
paper commends a collector of that city,
wno ne says, win coiiect tne debt or destroy
the debtor.
Miss Kdtth Harris, of Salem, formerly
of this city, it to tie united in marriage in
Salem this week. With her husband and
mother she will go East to reside.
Mr A W Blackburn, the Brownsville
druggist, is in the city. He reports hop
checks a general legal tender at thai city,
some of which, though, are already being
taken up.
Van B Delaahmutt, the well known
Portland horseman and ex-mayor, is in the
city with Kittitas Ranger, who, though
win not mov j uere. rwtutas Kanger w a
wonderful horse without a pod agree, and
yet he is said to have paced a half in 1 tQ2
with ease.
Doc Lean. Pete Kuettner and Dave
Rumbaugh have arrived home from the
mountains beyond Sweet Home wtth a big
record, thirteen deer and one bear. Mr
Conn killed 7 deer and the bear, Mr Rum
baugh 4 doer and Mr Kuettner 2 deer
They report a big time and were consider
ably elated over the result of the hunt
Last evening a farewell reception was
tendered Rev and Mrs UWHili at the
Baptist church. They will not leave for
China until November, but Mrs Hill will go
to Med ford. Or. and Oakland, Calif, on a
visit with relatives previous to then, heme
the early date of the gathering. An inter
esting program was presented. The
spirit of it showed the hisrh esteem in
which Rev and Mrs Hill are held in AM
bany, where they hold the warm regards ot j
many. Besides taeir congregation Kev
Parker Oilman, of Oregon City. Rev Sco
eld, of Brownsville, and several local min
isters were present.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The following notices were recently sent
out to local insurance agents :
Pacific Insurance Union. Office General
Manager, San Francisco, Sept 8th, 189.
To Local Insurance Agents. Gentlemen:
You are informed that tho State Insurance
Co, of Salem, Or., and the Farmers' and
Merchants' Insurance Company, of Albany,
Oregon, are no longer membere of the Pa
cific Insurance Union. The constitution
expressly provides .that a local agent cannot
represent at the. same time union and non
union members, or re-insure, accept from,
place, or cause to be placed whether by
re-iwrarance or otherwise, any business in , a&jUfC E Wolverton. S0
finv 1 aliitntil' 1,1 tiiKii-v tilf rutiMtuttitisif in 1
"wj -..(-iini ui e' musi ' fc i"' - ttt
ui 11 rBOtr.Diii
Tuesday evening, Sept 26th-.
Council met at regular hour. Mayor alt
sent. Councilman ilurkhart was elected
Mayor pro tern.
Present Burkhart, Htewart, heeler,
Whitney, Recorder, Murslial and Suptof
Streets. Absent Counei I men Marshal land
ai-connts reported bills
A Savior, fc.50; Stew
1 FHadley, 811; N I
EL Power, tl.25; PC
Matthews & Washburn.
John Foley, 2.95; L W
Committee on
correct, as follows
art & Sox. 83.40;
Henton. S12.4U;
Anderson. $2.40;
8.40; Cityagt
were parUaiivact ng thTWh 13 ST V U ?,n'e"' " lke
men They had their guns and did not SlrS m ' 1 g"
use chaste laneuaire to ih tr.vli.r hnt "m-v to m"ke J''g.-Guard.
niter some little time told him to drivel A rae day attraction in Albany it a how liatnea
on. These boys or vonrje men bad bet- i . o0001 m-ehio near the Revere I loose, j V alley aad burled hit body. Haynet
ter let such joking alone or thev mieht ' 100 r voor rnooey and rt 50 cents if yea : aayt that he is not a murderer and that his
neaaea -round nis nonet, and relating
murdered a man in Peaceful
get themselves into serious trouble a a I 4 wooden bs'i cn a wire lueh enooah reputation hat suffered
man traveliuc along the road at nieht is ' . " ""' ft v'"' Ln do, though i of she publication.
not supposed to know whether his ia ?' assarted that n. Indppeodeoce man di 1
being held np for sport or not. and he
might shoot, besides it is a criminal stf".
Uorvallis .News.
Biaassr Yet.
ers say a big days
1 A ,1 . 11
it ab ut aevea times ..ut ot ten. .. . .1,1. . .1 1Z s.
Oti Saturday Uu, ibe Oreeon City war of the east side Ther were unable to
I w'n mill (the largest woolen mill west ! get the ferryman out, so they helped
I . wm.,.iu, iv iianua in , ncrr.seivcs to tne ooat. and piloted M
Lmn county hop pick- chtckti which were d(scounted lo ; ,crot, (he ri le,T, g on lhe,Corrali
per cent tor cash. It is said the mill will , side, and it It probable there wat tome
work is ta-o or three
ooxes, ami is takes rustling to pick vhat shut down Saturday, whether tempo rari.v S lend anathemas sent forth on its discoverv
lnUCtl. Hon Tll'-kera hAK) wilt vnl, ' rtr T rm.n...!.. .-.Ill .-1, B7 l.i
witter of the following in r.he 'Jislom In
dependent the biggest liar in Oregon.
No person ver lived who can pick t he
number of boies mentioned : Harris &
Statesman have a forty-acre hop ya jd
near Lincoln- They have 110 picker at
work aid expect to finish inside of a
week. Their Jiops are turnirg out hat ter
than they expected. Mr Stutesn .an
says that he has the best crowd of pa :k-
fmmH t w thi..T,,i.. i.i -. ss eserosme togemer. in rait or
m I nitiur
The IxDarasDENCE Racks closed Stnr-
day, with the following contests.
Unfinished trot, 2:45 class Demon
strator first, Oliver Twist second, Black
Diamond third; time 2 :3C.
Five-eighth mile dash Rockland Boy
first, Linden second, Verde Paul third ;
time 1
Free for all'trot and pace Doc Sperry
flret, Bonner Ji second, Rosemon third ;
best time 2:16. ,
One mile dash Dottie Reed first.
Raindrop second, Nipper third; lime
1 :44 3-4.
Half mile dash Black Prince first,
Pappoose second, Funny third; time 49.
Special trot, half mile Cnehalis won;
time 1:05 'X.
Odo FiLLowgaiP. From the report of
the Grand Sire of the Sovereign Grand
Lodge of the I O O F, which met at Mil
waukee. Wisconsin, last week :t appears
that the increase in the membership of
the order daring the year 1892 waa over
0,000, an increass unprecedented in tht
history of the order. At the end of De
cember, 1892, the total membership
numbered 86,73. Estimates based up
on reports place the membership now at
over 900,000. The annual revenue of the
order is over eight and a half million
Combades. It will occur Oct. 6th at
the opera) house, with the following cast
of characters : Miss Mary Cundiff in
the leading part of May Manning, be
wile of the veteran: Royal Manning,
Hugh Fisher ; Matt Wins-r. O. M. Mc
Farland ; Marcus Graves, Will Galbraith ;
Simon Stone, Bert Van Cleve ; Bessie
Bradley, Minnie McFarland ; Nancy
'Nipper, Lillie Crawford.
Thx Nkw p. O. -The V. S. poetoffice
boxes for the new room in the brick be
ing built near the Democrat office, have
been ordered and the 'contract haa been
let to Mr. vVm. Fromm to place them in
position on their arrival. It is intended
to have the P. O. room ready for oc
cupancy on Nov. 1st. It will be one of
the finest P. O.'s in the state.
Dtep ra Oklahoma. Word has just
been received in Albany announcing the
death in Oklahoma of Mrs Delia Kyle,
wile ot Kobert Kyle. Mrs. Kyle was a
sister of Mrs, Frank Wheeler, and Mr.
Kyle was a sewing machine solicitor
with E U Will a couple ytars ago.
Scores ok Tramps. Tramps are more
numerous if possible that two months
ago. This is the season when the profess
ional tramp hies himself away to the dry
climate of Southern California. Eleven in
a gang were kept off the local train this
afternoon at Shedds, and the freight crews
southbound are kept continually hghting to
keep the. trains clear. This is a time when
every householder and tbe city police must
also use increased vigilance. Eugene
"jruard .
thev are lust tbe same, alar ava
cheerful, and he says they seem to t ike
as much interest as though they owi ted
the yard. Some of tbe pickers nick 21
Albas v ox Tor. The Albany W Jen
Mills Company today received another " big
contract. Secretary Galbraith receive! 1 a
tlispatcu from Philadelphia annonnc ing
that the contract had heen let to the cc m-
pany for 4,000 U. S. Aray blankets, the
first (roods to l delivered within 90 di vs.
They have also received a contract for 1J 100
or permanently, time will tell- Ev.
Yesterday there wat filed for record in
this county a United Stale patent bearing
the signature of President Jamts Buchanan
antt dated June 3id, 1859. It wat given
to Lewis W Cannon and his srife, Mary,
for a donation claim of 03S. 73 acres located
ia township S south range 2 ttri' . TJIW
of Police Minto haa discovered
that the Mitt Usui a Burke, who recently
died in San Francisco, wat a Mtst Isabel
j Case, known to many Salem people She
I wat a sitter of Bert Case, the Singer tcw
j Ing machine agent. The bed will be
brought to thit county for burial. Salem
Journa?. Bert Case resided in A loan at
AH tne merchantt and business men re- J one t'me, being the Singer rustier here
pott business as good and increasing dahy. for several months.
The people are commencing to -"dig up '
tneJr hoarded money and are putting it in '
circulation throughout the country how i , J,ummr "knM slut ilred feeling
when ike banks commence loaning mo rev, j ,m 1 aervou prostration
which will rerylUely occur in a short f,! striven a way bv Hood's Sarsaparfila.
lime, OreKtsswiU giS ahead at a much ,ike.roi before the morning ton. To
more ranid rate than haa war a-reral fi"e tne oenent ot ttiis medicine,
yean past. Eugene Register.
wait thkib rnmnrnw.
At a primary meeting held in Galea, on
Sept. 24th, of the creditors of the O PR K,
the following resolution were adopted:
Whereas, Hundreds of men ont at em
ployment and in absolute need of tbe neces
sities of life are creditorta of the 0 P K U. 1 ciJe,i
wno nave romuheu material to run tain
road, and
the union, except with the consent of tin
Executive Coninmttee.
Alfred Still as.
General Manager.
Strictly confidential. Gentlemen: It it
my belief that measures will he immediately
taken to enable all agents to compete suc
cessfully with above companies and at tbe
same time to protect the business of com
panies members of the union.
Alfred Still max.
If the above notices from the P. I. U.
mean anything they mean that rates will
be declared off for the purpose of driving
the al 1 vc named companies out of the field.
When this is accomplished rates will again
be neatabliahed and at a figure thai will
make the assured pay dearly for the insur
ance he got at "em" rates, and all this it
done in tbe interest of a few foreign com
ics aad 15 or 20 supernumeraries who
on to the Pacific Insurance Union. but
with a zeal worthy of a better cause. Why
is it necessary to pay a general manajrer
bhksj per month ami various others front
$Ti0 to 150 per month to tell us what rate
we shall charge for writing on property.
The assured have to pay the salaries of all
these supernnmaries, and if be can figure
out what benefit be gets by it he ran beat
ut. It is also understood that one hundred
' memoen of the P- I. U. have formally de-
to wajp war upm the non-union
: companies, and at the last meeting of the
executive committee voted for an amend
vtneren. we Know the receipts ot the 1 mem to take up all policies ot non-union
read are amply sufRcient t pan th.- men. mtfttiai at any pri.- Mil UMtSamW
per policy. 1 his resolution stopped down
to plain English means that a combination.
A. Sfiecia 1 from Frederick. Md . , saya:
" Witkso 48hoare. the sheriff i.l take j 00
to the ecaotv jail, iron you to the whipping
post aad uirlicf 39 laabea utoo voir back
with rawhk., as hard as he oaa las- it oa."
The aVsve r 111 1 sural waa meted eat to Dsmel
Jnoes. a pi onu c eat f armer cf this county.
give it a trial.
Sure, efficient, ea- Hood's Pills
Wm. Mack, the barber, arrived in the
army blankets for the National Guards of ! Tanadar, b lai, MeShatrv. of the circuit : " "w ' ' ' , :.. I Ir!
i j : . - - ,, - , . , en j 1 ilia iiwn auu win auruu sow
eta were obtained in ooart. Joaea waa a tnvath ago eonvtcted of t .
New Advertisements.
WANTED. A middle agpd ady . first
class housekeeper, wlabet a asntn
Uon as housekeeper or to d funeral
housework She i slao a goral dreaa
maker, add rent, brx 37 J. Moauy, Or.
Wages ao o jsct.
Tlltai rulit-a.-U
tne iace 01 a Dig comjietition. ITie swj r
ior quality of the goo. la is telling when ver
they meet other mills in competition
tte tin River Much has been said
the past year about river transported ion
to Eugene. We are now reliably in
formed that as soon aa the governna ent
snag boat makes the trip to demonstrate
that the channel is clear, as it waaen riy
in the summer, the Oregon Pacific, -the
Three Sisters, will come up immediate ly.
And even if the snag boat does not 00 me
the O. P. boat will, but rcust wait for
some safe assurance of enough water to
enable it to pass one or two short bet ids
in the river between here and Han is
burg. Enough freight has com mem ed
to move to justify the company running
the boat between Salem and Harris hi irg
the coming week. Guard.
That Trip. The CorvaHis News says:
In conversation wita Receiver Hadley. of
the 0. P.. regarding the item published in
Saturday's News, taken front tbe Santiam
Lumberman, we were informed that in.
substance the Hem was correct and that r.
party will l taken across the Cascad?
mountains this fall, providing Mr. Hadle r
hai the time. He has already sent a mail
ahead to ascertain whether there is any
snow of any note in the mane tain. Should
the trip lie made 'he receiver will return
here from Burn., instead of going direct lo
ew York as before reported. This wou ld
seem as if something is to Ijh done on the
extension of the road eastward lief ore mrziv
months roll by.
A Heavy Yield. Wm. 7eis finished
picking his hop yard afiovf 1 Springfield
Saturday afternoon. Off of, his 2-acre
yard he obtained ".i.OOO p bonds, or an
average yield of 2.678? pou nds "per acre .
which at the latest prices paid fcr hops.
would bring the the turn of $445. per
acre. aThis yard was caxef ully worked and
sprayed and shows what t he proper atten
tion will bring the grower. Eugene
Hop Raibixis Mat-iehh. The Salem
Independent makes h 4ps do wonders as
follows: Tbe liregon r.rop this year is va
riously estimated at '.rom 40,000 to 60,000
bales. Assuming t'.ie correct figure to be
tbe lowest mentioned 40,000 boles, this
will ge a totav'i of 7,400,000 pounds.
Hops a.e quote j at present writing at
15 17 cents. Even if growers should
dispose of their holdings at 15 cents, we
may figure on t'jc neut little sum of nearly
$1,110,000 mi-jfing ihs way. through vari
ous channels, into SaJem within the next
FOR SALE An asaortmint orflownr
in ? plants and Hhrubi. a so co lection
of cacti. Mrs Geo Y-sung, corner Fifth
and Jackson streets.
FOB SALE, ur will trada for wood,
gray mare, seven years o il peifectly
K-Dtle for woman and ehildien to drive.
Cai! on K W Achisou. at Marb e wo ks.
COCKERELS Pare bred Silver Lsced
Wyandctte cockerels tor tale at a
bargain Addrers John Brash,
1 Uh and R R streets. Albany. Or.
couple of months.
a kruhsj aaasolt apoo his wife, prompted by
ins me jsal man.
The Santa Rosas defeated Oakland
Salurdty iSto 17.
Yeutwday a cigarette caused a $300,
000 fire in St Joseph Itiatsturl.
Ncxf .Sunday there trill be an excursion
o jqinru Oar. coslirconiv it for
round trip.
1 coo men have been p rt to work in the
silver mines of Cocr D' Atone regardless
ot recent legislation.
The hot are a'.l picket! in Una county
aa nearly as can be learn ed. They were
not damaged by the rain.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian- flair Reauesver
is unquestionably the best ateservauVe of
the Lair. It is also curatis-e of dandiuff.
tetter, and all scalp affectioi lav
At the rgular meeting of AUsany lodge
No 4 f O O F to-morrow e vetwog" impor
tant matters will come up tor consider
ation. AU members are reioested to at
end.gBy order of N G.
Among tlie Benton county real estate
aales it the following: James. Jalway and
wife to L H Montanye. D L V No 5,149
l.i tect 11,14 ud i6ln t 10 a, r 4 w, con
taining 320 acres ; con, $100.
John BarrettvHty editor of the Portland
Tejegi am. is a candidate foe U S consul
to Jaisan. If the course taken by the
Telegram played an part In the matter
Ik would get left.
B NestnUh Hay den, a y oung la vev. of
Salem, ton of the well-known Ben Har
den, died at Forest Grove Sunday. On
account of illness he had not practiced salt
profession foi over a year.
The trial of Mist Ora Vaughn on the
charge erf stealing sbout Skjoo worth' of
personal property from Mrs Mary Ku'.y-
kendall, began in Portland yeslerd ay
afternoon. Miss Vaufehn was a acho ol
teac'.ier and resided in this courtv at on e
At a general ;s best not to correct
costiveness by the use of saline or drastic
medicines. When a purgative it needed.
Ihe most prompt, effective, and beneficial
it Ayer Phis. Their tendency it to re
store, and not weaken, the normal action
of the bowels.
- Ayer'a Sarsaparllla docs no other
blood medicine in existence can do. It
starches out all the tmpuritie in tha sys
tem and ex puis ;them harmless ly through
ne proper chnnnelt, I hit ia why Ayer s
Prof. B. F. Parson, tbe eminent 00-
tician. haa returned front a basmeat trip
; t- Southwestern Oregon.
Miss Winona Irvine, of Albany, It in
the city, visiting relatives. She will re-
; main about a month - Orerdnitn .
Paul Wallace .a ton of the' late popular
Salem banker, R S Wallace, it attending
the Albany College, and is residing with
the Rev T J Wilaon.
Deputy U. 8. Marshal George Hum
phrey, went up to tbe front today loaded
with a warrant for the arrest of a man
for violating one of TTnci Sam 'a laws-
Mr. Ed- Huston, tbe S. P. conductor,
who haa been ill for tome time, waa suf
ficiently recovered today to take trip
to the front on the O. P. for an outing.
Licenses have been iasoed for the mar
riage of Geo. F. Shaw and Nellie M.
miter, 1. K Devine and Hennett
Smith, J. B. Put man and Nellie M Rns
Another letter from James ) Charlton,
who went to Silver Ci'y, New Mexico, to
regain hit bealtl
Whereas, The management of said road
is in the bands of a receiver who is under
the control of a court whom we have every
reason to believe is control led by the officials
of this road, and that the honest laborers
who are creditors of this road have no hope
of settlement of their claims, and
Whereas. We believe the management of
this company does furnish goods and provi
sions to certain parties along the line of said
road who are merchants, and absolutely re
fuses to furnish supplies to the laborers who
are absolutely in need.
Thercforty be it resolved, that the credit
ors of the road hold a mass meeting at Mill
City, Or., on Saturday. Sept. :Mth. at 10
o'clock a. devise some meant whereby
we ran compel justk to be done to the
destitute and honest laborers along the line
of thit road.
PVatf, come, all who are creditors of the
company, and let ut devise some plan
whereby we can obtain justice, at all facta
obtainable retail re to the affairs of thit
road will be represented.
R.G. PutKCK,
8. C. Dike.
It. r . Eddlkuav
Monday was a quiet day here. Most of
our alliens west to Shedd at witnesses in
the suit of Crow vs Stone.
Mr A I Morrison went to Gorrailis tlatt
Saturday, when he will remain daring the
Mr Fred RlumharL of the Corvaltit
ferry, passed through herd Monday .on hit
way to Shedd.
Judge Whitney passed through here on
his way to Shedd. He was employed by II
M Stone in a lawsuit at Shedd,
Herman Hotatrtn is rtrepnring to ntakaa
i a visit to the world's fair.
Mi, liossie Bfatly i- sidling friemU
Petitions of F W Bliitnbenr. and others for
arc light, at junction of Fifth and Vine Sts,
and of John Giblin and others for arc light
at junction of First and Washington streets
were read and referred to committee on
streets and public property.
Osl motion the committee on streets were
authorized and direc ted to base the neces
sary work of tightening the bolts and other
iron work on the i'alapooia brulge.done at a
cost not to exceed 5IU0.
Saloon bond of John Hclnneer was ap
The matter of payment of semi-annual
interest on bends referred to committee on
On motion the Recorder was ordered and
directed to arive notice that the council pro
posed to order a sidewalk built along tbe
west line of block 41, original plat.
The City Marshal was authorized and di
rected to employ an extra night watch dur
ing the races.
They Have to Go.
Hard times, high prices and profits can't exist
in this town, because we have the goods and
make the prices that save the peoples money.
We are selling our goods AT COST. We
convince you if you will call on us.
Buv now, while we have the gcods.
with it heu!iuartT in San Francisco, and
composed of men whose interests are not
identified with the bone and sinew of the
country, have banded themselves together
to aatets every man on this coast wbo carries
insurance, and if a company dare to write
insurance without paying tribute to this
Son Francisco combination they at once
give notice that these policies must be taken
up at any price and a system of boyeot ia at
once proclaimed. Holders of Farmers
Merchants poucies are now in luck at it it
understood that agents in Albany have
their instructions to place a premium of CVO
on each policy, provided it cannot be had
for leas, Ijm'Krjo.
THF. ktt'E.
The races opened yesterday afternoon
wi.h a good attjendaace.being about double
! that of tbe first day of last year.
1 Tbe three contests of tbe afternoon were
, live and dose ones. Tbe first, the 3 minute
1 trot, was very gratifying to Albany people
James Morgan, of Monroe, is visiting
hi parents bete.
Mr Geo Barton made a hurried visit lo
Salem last week.
Am. t .
You may bridle the appetite but you
cannot bribe the Hyer to do itt work well.
Vru mutt be honest with b, help it I long a
little now and then with a dose of Sim
mons Liver Regulator. The liver becomes
alnmriah anmetimet and needs some stlmu-
bringtlhe gratifying ution to keep off those attacks of indiget-
The starters were Beauty, owned by J A
Crawford: IV Linn, by Barrows Bros, and
Red (kak. by F P Norton. The contort wa
a pretty one. Beauty toe the three heats
in 2M. and ZJH. Thit w
her first re. a tort adding to the merits of
the performance. The dash waa a dote
contest bUntetl Raindrop. Hiretta. Dottie
ftooi. Nipper and Little Joe. The favorite.
Raindrop, owned by Wm Kays, of Inde
pendence, exceeded in securing the lend in
the last half, winning by a neck, with
Sirefta second. Kipper third and Dottie
Reed fourth, all ia a bench, making one of
the finest finishes ever teen on any track.
Tbe principal race of the aflat noun waa
the free fcr all pace between Doc Sperry.
who hat won everything this nation, Del
Norte. Combination George and Rosemon -The
first heat wax won by Combination
George in 2:18. with Del Norte a dote
second and I toe Sperry third. Due Sperry
won the second beat in 2:16 1. with Com
bination George and Roaetnon an
momL Del Nortr. owing to lust ksr.
tailed to do good voric. TW third heotaad
race wa won by Ioc Sperry in 2:!, Kw
. V ' a. - at-' I J
vmm nana, v ihu iniuuva vuini um
Del Norte fourth.
Today the contorts were a H mile and re
peat daah. a - trot and a 9 year old trot
for local contestants.
Tomorrow there will he a dash, a 2:40
trot and a 2 year old trot for special contests
with tome good entries.
A Meitca! Hm Grm km Ml
J. F. Smith & Co. of Xo. 2S5 Green
wich St, New York, the manufactur
er! of that favorite cathartic known as
Smith's Bile Beans, have adopted
novel plan. They ask the individual
buyers of Bile Bean to tend their fall
name and address, with an outside
wrapper from a bottle of Bile Beans
(either aire) to their office, and they
five f5 for the first snapper received
in each morn ing' t mail, and $1 for the
2d. 3d. 4th, 5th and 6th. Everyday
$10 in cash fat thus tent to their cor
respondeata. Ask for SMALL size.
At Meal Times do vou ever consider
the quality cf tbe food you are eating? It .
atay be good. It might be better, purer, j
fresher and more wholesome. It it not i
worth while to make sure that you- lea. '
coffee, luarar, baked roods and Innumcra- I
hie other groceries tie of the beat quality .'
There it audi a trifline. difference In the
price of the best and the worst thai It
does not pay to buy the wort,even on ibe '
beat is always the cheapest, because the
moat satisfactory and durable.and the very
neat of everything in tbe grocery line it
kept at Parker Bros.
Coasars -All of our BALL'S CORSETS
are boned with kbo and warranted :
lyrf In r-nl nfi nnr IwMk villi nn mm m r m
wear. If they do we will ebiserfnlly re
turn tlie money paid for them. Or if
tbe corset it not satisfactory in all re
spects after three weeks' wear it may ti
re turned to na and money will be re
funded. - S. E. Yocxo.
Matthews & Washbnn
' ' irrBaBt
PsruMst the Cti.trai Fish and Poul
try Market, on Ella worth street, between
Second and Third, for your dressed poul
try, game ant fish of all kinds in season,
os-"jert, riair.a and crabs. Everything
trash ia our line may be had at reatooaHle
figure. Call and tee us.
Starotuts & Co.
advantages net found elsewhere
teuiiftl Ueatiti,
SiiUUe liilfius,
Effieit Teatkers,
This College it one of the oldest aad
u 1 pped colleges in the Northwest.
Offers Soperlor Aivomges
Expenses light; a boarding hail ia the CoBegt
htrilrlingon the ciub plan. President Brownsor
steward, that guaranteeing good board at Ur
least poswTbie cost to the indent. Board canals
be had in private families at 82.50 to $Uf)
week, incfaaiing lodging.
The fine. TeSeecope recently moonted in tit
New Observatory and the extensive Library
to wtueb ttorients have tree
in thi-
Five courses of rtndv-
snecial advantages in Vocal and
TlirtT ItTf CUefM,
ealtJiT SiiTt Biius,
TkfrtUsi Wf.
inteilieeace that 1. e ia improving and
gaining strength.
Walter M Parker aid A W McClain
have been elected representatives to the
grand lodge, K of P, which meets In
Heppner in two weeks. Dr J L Hid,
grand prelate, and Geo sV Hochttedler, ;
grand representative, win alto atteno
Col Jeff Bridgeford. of Pari a. Mo, ai
uncle of J E Bridgeford, of thia city, ra
tion and MHoutnesa. A good active liver
promotes digestion and prevents malana.
centlv won the first prize at the world'a him
1 - . t' v .i 1 . .1 : .1 ..
Pty Perry Cvnn.
Term, caai. at F L Kenton'a grocery
Pirate pay Perry Conn what you owe
Yks, Y"t Cas ste ibe finest line o
ra?tes for suitings la the state at W R
Graham's. where he hat a tailor with few
equal on hand to make them up on short
notice. Get tbe best and roost stylish
tuita of him. A new feature will be the
making of ladle' cloaks to order, or the
altering of cloaks to the latest styles, and
the repairing of cloaks. Prices are bot
And thiu ikt ft enm I Santanarflla I. ....... m .1a.rhIu mMo live
servative estimate. The total of the s a remedv f s r rheumatism
- III 1 , I .1 ,. iS 1 - i
irWrv E mn?n ereawr a;nu i Whi,c wnd tlter monef al
mm iioove nirure
n-.t' .... ra . a I v-.-.-w .....
mis snoo u twouui a home. Celestial send llieir
regular boom in basiness, lasting from J China'. ismk would get yo-ur washing
T . l x,"" ssvaai done in a firs, lass manner, or omp'.Iy and
make the most hardened croaker muffle his M reaso.iable price pttronias the Alrany
steam laun.iry, an Institution being run
by white mess, in a business, t -av. It is a
credit to Ui est y. The rnoer the patron
age the mute ecple will rei ve a support
from it.
croak for tbe present .
"ANTED.-Ocod uai.tur fcr hViouI
135 head of sbaor. Icquire at Sbu'.tz
Bros meat marke'.
A chanae laundry work f.r woo.i. '.
00 Richards Pbiliip-. at 1I11 Alb.iy
Steam Laundry.
FOR RttN r - 3 acres of Rood garden
land, fine icbird, r' room house,
barn and chicken bouse. Apply at L
Vie reek's:
rtDKMIUHE, caruets
', sale at tb Bsntlat pa:soni.'e Call
tarly au. take your choice.
stov6s'etc. for
Thk Gov Rkmkm .ur.ii. J W Mullen,
of thit city, recently sent to Governor
Pennoyer two gobleh of turned wood, one
of cak and one if myrtle, and a match
safe. Tliey were from the collection on
exhibition at the district fair, and ;tre very
pretty articles. Mr Mullen sent a letter
along with the present ami in it he said:
llie oak represent The strengt h o! tne
state, and the myrtle the friendship that
exists between the governor and the peo
ple Koseburjf Keview.
Do sot wait too long. The grea
World's Fair will be closed in a few weeks.
The traveling public are fully alive to the
fact that the Chicago Utttou 1'aciffc A
NorthwesteJii Line till leads in time and
aceommoiiatioiiij to the east. Renv'-iitier
that a whole day may be saved with it
contingent expenses by taking the in ion
Pacific to Chicago.
Wheat, 50 cts; oats, 25c; hay,$o baled;
wood, $3 to $3.50, taken In exchange for
seslnK machines or organs on hand at E
U Will s music store. Also on an book
accounts of, 6 months standing. Sewing
ONKY WANTED Want lo nor row
Call at tbo
The I! ti 1 .a egan this aflla noon too late
for particulars I oday. Three contests were
lieing engaged i n before a fail ' sized crowd.
a i du(h. with. Hank Note. VanG. Ltirlen.
Kiiindron. Nim ter and G L entered. 3
minute tn wif h Funny Fe rn, l)e Linn
Beauty, AKaHf mlin and Mot .tana entered,
and the free ft x all pace, wi th Del Norte.
Combination G eorge. Rosetoon, Camis and
Doe Sperry ntered. Thit is pronounced
one of the hem contests or tho races.
Tomorrow there will tie a mile repeat
between Fans iy. Bank Note, Lurlen, Rain
drop ondi ( lit rgeL; a2:Wtrot, with Dolly
Wither-. Mt dtnotnah, Yucatan, Mary A.,
Noonday-aw I Itetl Ouk enteree1.
Laughable faroo.J OpertHouse,Jtonight.
The IrW .land exposition opens tonight.
Eastern - ovstera by the cai at Boantcka
Mac an( . Tex, musical wonders, Opera
I loose ton' .glit.
In, wfc erf? Otein House tooiaht. How
If you want a tine imokr call for Jottphrt
white labor cigar.
The bat tfrnatt nogee in tbt etty al Com ad
The beat watch In the world for the
money at French 'a jewelry store.
Vtat Southern Oregon patents at F I.
Reoioo. Now is the time to cso them.
Motor make 6 ve trip daily to Vieieck'
addition. ltr tbsr oa installment ol f 1
r week.
Pa.rooia home lodaatrv by tmoLina th
.elebrtttd white labor cigar, manufactured
by JaHat Joseph.
Genuine part tor all sewing machines
alto the bett ollt, i needles, etc,, for all
sewing machines, bicycles, et;., at E U
Will muttc ttore. aewtng macnine no
organ repaired reasonable, and all woik
warranted. eediet prepaia oy man 40c
t doxen.
a a t'aaaervatlve Bast .
W1NU to the present monetary strin
gency and during the existing condi
tion of the financial market. I nnd it
s m
l 0 l forihree or five vesr with
iiood real estate as security
tOR RENT, 40 acres of land, with
house, one mile Iroiu Atbanj, in
Benton county. For particulars apply
to Arch Hammer.
TO LKT.--Three (3) work horses and 1
aa idle horse for sale, or will trade
for wood, oats, wheat or hay.
machines f 10m $25 to 3S,
uonal guarantee fbr 5 jrs.
with my rer- I much 10 and 20j.
Frefh k wect ptcfc'.er. olives, oSow chosv,
te, joat n iceived at Parktr Bros
Sevent - five ceot worth of fon for JO and
20.'. at the Upera House tonuml
Fine stock of soods at cost at Read
Peacock .& Go's. Examine the price)
A Watch ita necetiUy nowadays, I 2 PJTSttl
Will &r Starii, whose I v " - ' 1
fair for being tbe beat gentleman rider.
tie bad rive competitors. Mr w no re
ford wat 70 yeart and 10 days old at the
time he rode, a remarkable fact in con
nection with the honor obtained. Col
Bridgeford haa a big reputation aaa
horseman in the neighborhood of hie
Mr John Morrison went to Newport yea
terday for a several days outing at his sum
mer cottage.
W H Goltra returned last night from a
trip to Portland in connection with the op-
I ening ot tbe Linn county .National isana.
j K uross ami wire. 01 nanstsai, ussswn
through Albany last night for California,
where they go for the formers health . Mr
t Jasper Yandran returned with them from
1 'ortland .
Mr Bryant arrived here yettenlay from
C isnk ennntv. havinir came over theMcKin-
aL watron road. He reports five inches of
sn iw on the summit of the Cascade moun
tai ns Eugene Guard.
j . A. Beard, a popular employe under
Coll'octor Black at Porland. formerly mayor
of I tibanon. was in the city today on his
wav to Lebanon' Mr. Beard is examiner
of m ercDanaue.
Th Portland Welcome says: There will
1 en issiderabic siirnrise in society circles
urnnn d town when the announcement isreaa
the first time that Mrs Walker, widow of
the lal e W H Walker, in life one ot tne nrm
f i.. r Mr Walker waa married in Van-
couver, .Vash, on Thursday of thit week, to . present tre tuch that I wl.l
...,b known in his aaaociates as Jack cash only. I assure vou I
Squires. Squires is about 20 years of age lucttnt to
abonbthe age of Mrs Walker s oldest son
and :rx Wulker is somewhere near :
or 38. Because of tbe young man t youth,
it is reported, it was not possible to procure
a marriage license in this county, hence the
lover nnsarred to our sister town where the
ceremony was performed.
1 ..d ..ininr u nleastint surprise party
was given at the residem of Mr. lieorge
P. Warner, in honor oiuie oiruiuny us mr.
Warner, nroving one of the most enjoyable
social eventa of the season. Several hours
were spent in a live manner, including tne
....rtoir.n.r of u. tine retHut. Those present
wswn: air ana mrs . w 1
t.a M 1) Barker. Mr and Mrs Men-
- wa- 1 .
Mr nnd Mrs Watson. ir and Airs
N ( Moore. Mr and Mrs rtoot, urown, mrs
O Monteith, Mrs J V Pipe and children.
Mr and Mrs llendncson, mr ana mrs
Fronk. Mrs 11 .1 Marker, ot roruanu, Mrs j
Fno-an. of Hubbard, Mrs U heller, Mutes
the existing condl
Matte. Bosineat course of two
Graduates of the Normal course are entitled to a State Diploma, and are in demand to
fill high potations. MeMirurriUe is arrestable by rati front all parts 01 tne state, on tne
main trunk of the Southern Pacific R . R. Wet Side . Sfty miles south of Portknd
Fail Term Begins September 19th.
Sewst fart alalagwe. Addraas. V. G. IROWSSOR. Presidetit.
Or A J Hunsaker, Solicitor ard Financial Agent.
Portland's Great
Industrial Exposition
Opcws SKrTKjsaaa 37 1893 Ctjoscs OcTonsa s$.
cf MACISrOSHES andfTsta Seactax FtJtrvaas Will Ecurse Those or assy Pa viols Year.
3 K Voaag. ' Cotsstrscted at a ooat of $10,000 aa? tarowiag a t raasand jrtt of water la all easora o tha
I rainbow wui ncaataty ataate xtau.
Containing tith of all vane; us fotnaa at Otegoa water, nave been construe -.ed at gnat
Nonet- Frank Heta, the biaefcamitb,
recently of Cramer ft Meat, the eopart
narahio of which haa ben dissolved, re-
n to as to state that the aceoonte of the '
were placed in the bands of aa J
attorney without hit knowledge, and
that be bad nothing lo do with that part
J the business.
Ms fall line
The Ladies Bajask have ramoved to their
new store nctt lo Foabay ft. Mason. Thar
have again added a millinery dapatttatul to
thrr establishment aad a: now dailv ra-
osi vine all tha latent nevaltiat ia that line.
Yoo are raaptetfally iavitod to call and see
their new tall and win lor gooda in all their
department. Prints lower than the lowest
The VaaoicT It u.taaimoat that Will &
Stark carry tbe b'tt lineof ailver ware lo
tbe valley. They nave the variety aad qual
ity, a combination that counts ta buying
jonds. An inspection always carries con
vict wo.
Si- vis . Machine nit. repaired aa
warraoitd by a thwoaghly coaipakat work
man, it r M French a jewelry ilora, Albsnv.
You can buy apectaclet and eve glattet
at HONEST PRICES, of F M French
the jeweler.
Saitoh' Care, tha gnat cough aad croup
oa re, is for tale by us. Pocket sis coolaira
twenty -Bv dosea,oaly 35c. Children lov it
Koahav & M
Ake Vor tloisii East Retnember the
Union PariSc it the only road that can sell
yon a arst-ciaa ucaet to tamat v lty ror
tas.00. Sioot City for 5.00. Omaha for
Zi.OO, St Louis for W0.0O. Cjr firttatta
rate to Clanlga is X! 00 and all other
potato prupottkaaately low. Note tbe time
vou can tare via tbe Union Pacific. Port
tend to Chicago, twenty-one hoars; Port-
tand to ihnana. torty-one noun; iTsniazia
to St Louis, twenty-five hours. I ree rerlin
ing ktotir cars. ' Tourist and inltmaa
"Ij'j "T. Aiconimofiai ions ananrpaateu.
ror ratet or particulars can upon or ssooresa
rotRAX a: atosTEiTn.
Laral A pent Union Pacific,
Albany, Oregon.
We MfST Sell more goods for cash.
Hence we have decided to offer you the
profits and give you the goods a. coat if
yon will come now and boy them we
tffer you the goods and 10 e of the
largest stocks 01 the market to select
from. We mean business and intend to
tell the goods at toon at possible, cadi on
us and examine our price.
Read PakcooK & Co,
Aibtnvand Lebanon.
Will contain a col -action of twisting selected from the World Pair. Amatu tisa
fjsvbarg a ealetoated -'' Caster's Last Fight. To visit tbt great Expoatti a and
view its wonder ia every depaitattat of Ait .and Science, will be tbe next thing to a
visit te th Wsrld'a Pair at Chicago.
Reduced rata eta ail Transportation line.
For farther iaforsaauoa addrtta, B. W. ALLEJf,
Saperiatcndtait aad Secretary
. Wholesale and RetailDealer
Cf alerts.
Orange and Iron.
Heltaer W atera,
Birch Beer,
ftauraatavatrilla and Irat
Iran Wit,
Give us a trial.
c mpultory to run my butineta on a very
contervttlve bailt. Sugar, at you are
aware, it handled on a very small margin
of profit; mall in fa-:t to scarcely pay
for the handling of it, and the terms upon
which It la bought are very tlrict (can.
only.) While money plentiful and
collections good, I was able to allow augar
hills to run Co days : but cordltlon at
ten sugar ior
wat vary re-
to make a rule ot tins sine, out
l,e rnndltlons of the market are tuch as -.0
make it Imperative. Trusting you will
look at thit in the proper light nd also .
understand that this ruie applies generally. I
Perkv Coss
Viereck t sharing
and hair cutting par
Sea tb New Improved Sieger sewing asa
ctuo. The Kt i alwsv tbe cheapest. J
W Sewdea. agent. Office at P M Frtaoa ra
. wlry store
3ows This!
We offer One H.m.IrxM Dollar reward tor atr.,
U of Catarrh that cannot to cored by Hail'
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO. , Toledo, O.
Wt, tbe undersigned, hare known F. J.
Cheney ior the last U years, and believe him
aaaciaily able to carry oat any ooiigauoaa
as. j ut toetr nrm.
W A Ta r a x . Wholesale Dru crista. Toiedo.O,
Waloixu. Ktsxas A Uaavis , Wholesale Drug
gists. Toieoo. 0.
Hair s Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act-
tagdlrectlv upen uw u.ooa ana mucous ai
of the avstVm. TeatirooniaJs sent fro.
FIRST mill betwfM iMtgNMi? u4 Uiir AUWT, wU6M
Clean towels to everv coatomer at Viereck
hsviog parlors.
Hnrlgea & McFarland, tbt ttadieg draft
.t. All 1 tv, Oi.
TiiaMPros's Glovb Fittish Cobskt, cc
o( the most favorably knewn lines in tbe
n.arket, with extra long waists, are fir sale
BAKER BRIGG8. -In Albtny, at
the Revere Houte, on Sept 37, 1893, hv
Rev E R Prlchard, Mr Lee Baser and
Mitt Lulu Brlggt both of Htrrltburg.
Albany Market.
Whoa, 45e,
OaU, 21 o.
I 'our, f4.0a
utter, 25b.
Egga. I80.
tarrl. 12 to lSn.
Pork - ham 12 1 15c; ahonldort,0 to 10et
til. II to 13c
Hay. baled. V
uo atoea, ton.
Appltl 00
Hops. 16o.
Dried fruit plums, do, apples, ta,
Chickens, 14 00 nor doaen.
Beef, on foot,
Hogs, dratted. Oe.
per' bottle Sold by all Druggist.
Will at Stork. tV twelr.
Letter Wat.
cf bed room ttta. chair, lounge, etc., which I will tell at
Thos. Brink.
Krulowieo is the list of latter re n. a lump
in the post offioa at Albany, Linn county,
Orcgon.Sept S3 B.IS5W. rtmwi caiiioe ior
these letters mail give sn uaie on wuiun
thev were idvrttea.
W ikn swjasawawa.
etajAU.K .ISWSilllkL. in c
aildralDaadlsiot power la GeaeraUTeOrKaiw ol eiskce 'aaa caaasw
br Dnrtitntoo. raUiral eren, ajawaaiTe aa or sc cro. spwar
.1. A U Tor IK- laaa IH UIBer. nvm t1 .wmw wim.mMmmmmm . .-
Fur sal In Albany. Ore
l.ln 'mmm RM,. lMWM Mt mS W SS,al SS., BIS1C
.by J. A. Cb'ttMlKU aoU br HOUSES a lc AlUAau,
On Tuesday evening, Sept 2,
my to Mr anil Mrs U S Smith,
Raskin, John
Carthv, H B2
IVoarnuui, B A 8
England. Huny
Uraen, Ham -Lewis.
May. Iiee
Smith. Miut
Walker, K 1.
Viurroner. A li
Walker. 11 B
Webster. A Ci
Wtod, B
Hurkiiart, Geo
l aiupbell. Rev RJ K
Forest, Edward P
lirimlle, Eliner
(idey, Mr
Roundtree. Minnie
Stavhan, Reulan
Wiilters, Miss S
Wallace, Chas
Whitney, F C
Whitehead, Mrs M B
Taos. Mom." kith, P. U.
J. JOSEPH, Proprietor,
Only White Labor Employed
inn want one call on
st ick is larmo end varied, and prices the, a
the most reasonable. They osn give you a
bargain in thia line as wll as in jewelry
Maggie and Cora Barker, Misses Bertha
iunfLena Koifer, Mrs Enos, Clara Warner,
Ed Fronk, Mr lieo i'oiuier, win warner,
Jessie Barker, Mr and Mrs Strauder Fro-man.
Jerry Ream has oeen in Eugene on a
Mr Sam Cohen, a former resident of -Al-
1Ur.t in Alluniv
m'mAm, V All . 1 1 II TU! Wt ! ! . with the USllIll
festivities aronml tbo sheriff's office on such )
SMILEY. On Ttiesilnv morning. Sept
26, 1HW1, in Albany, to Mr and Mrs 1 .1
Smiley, their first child, Mabel V, weight
IQK pounds. All doing welL
Jfeany, is in the city.
nd Lcba non.
jMonaa ys, w eonesuays anu inuti - , Vmtn nrA w;fH , .loino-
o the Pc rtland Exposition for only m,? Hf uv- 8
n eluding one, admission. Portland for a few day.
WIIiLIAMSON.-On Momlay.Sept 25th,
1893, Mr J 1. Williamson, at the age of 31
vears. The deceased was a son of Philip
Williamson, and resided in Benton county
cross the river.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millionsof, Homes 40 Years the Standard,
PuTuiia Oasuox. A. P. AaasTaoxo. ntis4jea.
Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free.
rahinet ohotot from Si. 501014.00
ner doaen. Enlaigtof
. ... .
Sarveciait V .
Wot So.oo.
picture a
era von- framed
sVe earrv a large ttock
ior siw-w. -- . , , r
of txS and steretcoplc view of Or
egon, s