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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1893)
17 F.VrnjERFOKD A HBAHf. T V BEBHISI, Attorneys at Law. WIN practice in all court! ot the state. Special attention (riven to matter! In probate and to oollsctious. OFFICE In the FUnn block). R BIII.V ki; Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, coll Mons made on all points. Loan negotiated on raMetenns. Albany, Oregon G EO. VV, WRIGHT, Attorney at law, and Notary Public . Will practice in all the court ol Una state Special attention riven to collections and matters In prebate Onset:-Upstairs steson-Twedale Block Albany. Ogn l'. k V 1 1 A. 1 ! I B At'KHt'itN 11 leral matter will vwi-. tv mwvmn attsnUon ffloe r. Old Fellow's Temple, Albany, 6 Jl J" WHITNEY, Attorney at Law, Albany. Or, UNTAX YK e HACHLEMiN, i Attorneys at Last. Albany, Oregon. AMES J. CHARLTON. Attorner-at-Law promptlv: All leril basiness attended 0 FLIfWS Bl.wk, Albany, Or. D R. J. I.. HILL.. Phyoiolan and Sarreon. OKTICK -Corner Hsrv SUeeU, Albany, Oregon. , JJRS. MASTOV aft DAVIS. Physicians an Surgeons. OFFICE Corner . una I and Broedalbin streets. Albant. Or. Calls nuuti. cuv ana ceuntry . l V. CHAMBBRLAIN. H. D Hemeopethlet, iSTSpeciJlst in diseases ol the Kye. Offlce boors 7 t a sai 1 to 3 m, and 7 to 8 nir.e. A .1 Oregon. IRST NATION At. RANK, OF ALBANY, OBBOON rsctdsat 7Um President . LFLISN S, K.'SOUNO IF. LANGDON TRANSACTS A OKNKRALhanklng'baataeaa ACCOUNTS KEPT snblaet to shack. SIGHT KICK ANOK and tel -rapalc traaarer, said New York. San Francisco. Chicago and Pxtlaad 00 JBCTIOmr ADK on tatoraM e. B. TOUwS L K L. Fuss Ids .u . Sol. CUM OK efc t't.,B IN&KM Or ALBANY, ORIteo.N. TBAKSACTa general Bautinz DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York, San Fr a sco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subject So check. COLLECTIONS made on tsrorable tanas. INTEREST paid en tiro j ueooeit B ANK OP HCTO, soio, OBjaooH. t i lent.. T i Miss .A J Job THROUGH i M'itli'It JKY sKawal TICKETS TO SAI T LAKE. OMAHA, KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS, ABO 1U EASTEBK CITIES. DAYd TO f)2 CHICAGO HOURS WesSt HOUPS sss sir PULLMAN AND T0URI3T SLEEPERS, FREE PECUNI4C CNAIR CARS OINING CARS. For 'aves and general information call 00 or address Curran & Monteith, Albany, Oregon, or W H HURLBUR T.Asst.Gen'1. Pass. Agt, ata Washington St., POBTXAKD, Oh ICON W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE seTtty. f9 yon wear them 7 When next In need fry a pair. Beat In tho world. 5.00 3.00 12.00 reaiASCt l2.00 I.7S 44.10 A3.90I 42.50 1 42.25 W'AmM mm 42.00 iron govs If yoo want s ine DRESS SHOE, mcde !. the latest stybt, oon't pay $6 ts $8, try my $3, $330, $4.00 ar $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made ana look sad wear at well. If yos wish to economize !o your footwear, do to by purchasing V. L. Douglas Shoes. Nairn and price tUi-d on tin bottom, look for It when yoo boy tY - tXHJtllVAs, ErocUton, Haas. Sold'by anus ny L. K. BLAIiV. ARE YO'J a newspaper wo: pnbllsbtrcrar 1! yon are, or ai of the above, sr , author, artist jrtlner Interested In say tlioula read THE JOUF ; A LIST. DO YOL wDt n reach the above? hru S"v-rtla in 'I DE Joi'MNI.IT. Hit inpii i. (I.uiayrai, tin 'a IB -hlis on appllcciion. AbL 1 OHM AN, k it if ual l'ioprlet", 117 K.inau msui N VoiUa. S. Z Red CrownMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. i e ocsis rLona strraaioa roa nanu AND SAkBRA VSk, 'sKKf STO!: t(.P -C ff o To aid Digestion ta ie one Small Bile Bean eftcr tilting. Mc. per lwttls. MOTHERS! MOTHERS I! To know that a single applica tion of the Cuticura Remedies will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy and economical cure of torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning and scaly humors, and not to use them without a moment's delay is to fail in your duty. Cures made in childhood are speedy, economical and permanent. Sold throughout the world. Pottxb axo Oh. Corp.. sole proprietor. Boston. 40- " All About the Blood, Skln.Scalp sod Malr,"maUsd free. r Facial Blemish, falling hair aad simple baby rashes prevented by Catioara Soap. If tired, aching, nervous moth en knew the comfort, strength, and vitality in Cuticura Plasters, they would never be without them. In every way the purest, sweetest and best of plasters. THE WEBFOOT ROUTE Oregon Pacific Railroad, W W UAB-LET, Beeeiver. TIME SCHEDULE, except Sundays.) LatTS Albany U:S0 r. a, jL.-ere Yaqutna, IrOO . Leere Oorrsilis l:0Sr, a. i Leave Conrallis,10:3..i,a ArrtreYaanina, l:SS r. a. Antes AJbaay, U:U A. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Points and San Francisco" OCEAN STBsVMER SAILIM6W TaoaaaB ntaactsoo Willamette Taller, Sept 8th, 13th7U, raoa vaaima. Willamette Taller. Seat Jrd, 13th, 3rd. The Companr rvaerTM the ngnt hange sailing date without notion. RIVER HTKAIEBa. teamet "Hoar" leaves Portland Wednesday sad SatardaySaa. H C Day.Oea ArXSHlatoa Street Wharf .PorUsad D R Vanran. Oea Aajt. Sea rraneiaco. Cal. R E Mulsh j, General SapU FromTflrminal or Interior PuiLts tha la 1 he line to take To all Points EAST ul SOUTH ft la the DIVIHS CAR ROt'TE. It rass Ttaroagh VESTIBVsV KUTKAMI KVERt OAV 1st (be Tear to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO NO CHANGE OF CARS.) Cmpmi ef DiiitttCars lnsarps8- ! Of Utst EqaipncDt TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Bast tLat can be oocstraote 1 and lo which aocommodationa are both free and furnished for holdem of First or 3 cond clash ticket, ai d ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line connecting: with al llniB, affording Direct aud Uninterrupted Service. Pullman alee per reservations can b secured In ad t nee through any age-it or tha road. THROUGH riCKBIN to and from all points In America England and Kurope can be purchased at ary ticket offioe or t bis cotrpaoy. Full inf irma'i n concerning raUei.tlme) of trains, roareaand other Jetalls fnrn iahed on application to any agent, or A D CHARLTON. Asakttant General Paaaangsr Agent. No 121 First eK, onr. Washington. Portland. Oiezoo. C O Bntkhart. local agent. EAST AND SOUTH, Via, THE 8HA8TA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Oo. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. South j a.lSr. a. I Lv 10-tS II Ll lUiUs a I Ar raoa olt 1, l(ar, P.irllsad Albany Ban Francisco I Worth a aw Lv SrSS A v L I fiQ r a a.bova trains atop a. nil Maiio a from Poitland to Albany Inuluslve. also Ian Kentkhrdit.Haiaay.Harrlabntg, Jnnetion City, living, Kugane and all stations from Hoiebuig to asbland ioolnsie sassscas aari, saily M'ja u I U Porvlaaei Ar -sire IftsS r a Le Albany be I ttW a fcsOra Ar Uoeeburic .LvlT.OC aaaart. :t0 A I Lr Albany ar I Mefl aa 9:00 mMr bebatios L SO a l:tCraLv Albany Arl :Br MtalAr Ubaaon Lei t:r a PULLMAr BUPFFT SLEEPERS. AND Dininsr Cars on Ogrden Routes SECQND-CUSS SLEfePl.MS CARS Atlaeked te all Thr., wyb Tralaa. eTeal aiae Mvlalda. atcTVfEK.v rvsriANU and csmvAtxta, Haiti ntaiSsanr (BzseptSanaay, 7:30 A a I Lv lti s r a I Ar Port'and Corvallls Ar I Sirs r ai kv j 1X0 ra esrasssTsim saibr (ExejptSiibday. :40 ra TrtSra I Lr Ur Portland McMlnnvllo krl Lv :fi as t.'O AW Tlaronseh Tlckett v all n-1'!! In "11 ri.r.r'i t .- . nsMrtst anil Eurose ua h: en .inn 1 al uweet ra-es from C K Ireab, Ae-ent Albany. KOBHLBB K P. BOOBaS. Hanatrer Vss't O. F. nrl Port'v.d Orea-on ACADEMY OF- lauy of Perpetual Help BCPS.l I. OF FEDERAL ELECTION LAW The bill to repeal the federal election laws will be introduced today, and debate will begin toward the latter part of the week. How long the discussion will latt li unsettled. Republicans say it wilt laat at east a month. Tucker of Virginia, who has the bill in charge, says there will be no limit plscrd upon the speeches in the line of legitimate discussion , but as soon as it is apparent the minority is filibustering the committee on rules will he Invoked for an order which shill compel a vote. A good deal of opposition is manifested even on the democeatic side to present consideration of thsj proposition to repeal the federal elec tion law. It is claimed it will detract at tention from the senate, and in this way, as well as by angering the republicans, endan ger the cauce of repeal. The answer of the southern democrats to this Is brief, but to the point. They say they have already sacrificed their opinions on silver to the position of the administration, and cannot go back to their constituents unless some thing is done which is desired by their sec tion. Apart from this there is a general desire on the part oi the democratic leaders to have some question brought forward upon which political lines can be visibly drawn. They point out that the democratic party la not a unit upon silver or the state bank tax or Income tax, and there are dif ferences cf opinion as to the extent to which tariff revision should go. On the question of the abolition of federal forces at the polls, tin re is no division of sentiment. LeaJhtg democrats are unanimous ia the hope tnat theie will be a very lively politi cal fight in the house, it will be welcomed not smly by democrats, but by republicans. The exact program which the republicans will follow in their opposition to the repeal of the federal election law Is not yet made known. Asa matter of fact, v is being observed not without purpose, the minority being afraid of disclosing its plana , of campaign to the enemy. All that Ihey j will say U to repeat their determiaat ion lo tight until ,11 ey can no longer hold out. The debate, as already indicated, promises to be very bitter. NOT Org lO THE TAJtlt'F- The editor of the Bradst reel's coatrlbutts to the Forum an inteiea'ing review ol the principal features of the panic of 1893. The article can hardly be called an inquiry Into the cause of the panic, lie int'mat: the opinion that posaiblv the prospect of tariff reduction may hare had some eff.-ct, but confesses that out of the Soo ads 1 trial establishments which closed ibttr doors during the present summer, less thin one per cent attributed their action to oi tariff changes. This fact Is worth a great many volumes of opinion. He thinks that if the tariff changes are delayed long the revival in manufacturing may be somewhat retarded, but In is surmise areas hardly borne out by recent events, lie says that the contraction set in as long ago as 1890, when, notwithstanding the enormous vol ume which oar trade reached that year, collections began to get harder aad prices began to decline- The article la historical rather than argumentative, and it comple tely disposes of the republican pretense that the stringency is attributable even ia dinrlly to the advent of a democraUc ad ministration. The author looks for a 1 marked revival next year. Governor McKinley opened tbe repuhJ can campaign at Akion Monday arha a bag meeting. Delegations were present fro.n Cleveland, Canton. Young town, Masailon aad other cities in eastern Ohio. A street parade occurred la the afternoon, marching lo Grace Park, wheie the meeting waa held. Speanirg on titter. McKinley said: -A great majority of 'he republicans of the senste wll rote for rectal; if repeat Is cot carried, the dentc oats will have to bear the blame. We do not arsnt to strike down cither goid r silver; we want to use both metals, but insist one shall gs at a partly with the other, and both be equal in iatrintic value." He de clared tbe trouble was not flack of money, but taking of money out of circulation through distrust. Conndeac : would come back aad the trouble end if the declared policy to Introduce a revenue tariff policy in tbe country is abacdoned . He proceeded to quote the democratic platform in favor of a tariff for revenue only; to atate Presi dent Cleveland's pcit'oo and that of Chair man Wilson, of tbe waya and means com mittee, all pointing to the same conclusion, and continued by declaring the proposed revision to b made was utterly regardless of American industries and American workingmea and their wages. H- then took up tbe question from a state stand point, touching Ohio manufactures and in dustries, which would be Injuriously or dts sslriously afTecied by a revenue tariff. I How much credit is to be given to the I statements of those ,ailfl beneficiaries who are now lushing to Wsshington to go be ! fore the wsys and means committee of tbe bouse to defend tbe blessed protective 'ar- IA ia well illustrated by a statement made yesterday before that committee by The odore Justice rf Philadelphia, one of the mcn-bet cf the firm cf Justice, Baleman 6c Co. Hi statement was that President Clevelsn I stys that alihln a few months wool wo-ld be placed on the free list. Every one knows that the President does no' ruth srouna into public places and shout off his mouth in tbe manner that Just ce seems to delight In . Auatralia is sending increased amounts of bu'ter to Lu'ind. in 1890 from Sydney there wr re exported 660,000 pounds, and this ye.r the amount will be close upon 2,0uo.03O uoundt. Much of this butler ia I made by the cream separator process, and ' : 1 1. 1 . 1 .... ... . I tv gwu seeping in a long voyage is tre bes'. test cf this improvement in dsryiag that can be asked. It ia predicted that in a few years New South Wales will export 10,000,000 pounbi of butter yearly to Eng land. It is est'mated that tbe Amcican wheat crop this tear will be 383,000,000 bushels, which, wiih what is to be carried oyer, will make less than 450,000,000 bushels. Of this the home demand will b about 370,000,000 bushels, while England will need about 250,000900 bushels. Thin looks sa if higher prices might be expected, but in some way it often happens that these caref ul calculations do not come our easctly correct. Perhaps the good work of Col Murphy in introducing the American corn into Europe may prove an important factor in eupplying the dem tnd. Tho -.hite peoole of the south, l ave sinA 1 the wnr been tixiug thtfinsilves to provide I education not onle In, !.,!, w ,kii,i education not only loi their own children. but for tnose of ihe negroe. Many of the negroes are with increasing intel ligence be- coming nropetty holderi, and go ne of them in Loulslsna have accumulated fortune of 1 t , m I um 5Q to 3Q.oon, I Ihe sentence iln quickly extempor ized five tow bags" contain? all! t'-e let'ers of the alphabet. who are endorse- It will take 30,000 freight cars to carry East this year's fruit output from Cfciifor nia. Nine-tenths of all the artificial dyes made in the world are produced in 1 lie German empire. It Is estimated that a day are burned by United States. 75,000,000 the people m tches of the The rarest of all American dollar of 1S04, the price of from $4ou to $500. coins which ia the vaitea There was a net decrease in tl.e British revenue receipts during the first qusrter of the present financial year of 781,358, as as compared with the same period last )8r. Governor Hogg of Texas has been re quested to call a cocrcil of the governors of silver states. The object Is to supgest that such ststes pass a law that a silver dollar 1 OTrigmua un ounce snaii oc a irgat lender for payment of debts. The raire will have the money coined in Mexico. Some awyers say the plan Is constitutional The senate committee on Indian affairs has ordered aa adverse report on the noml mi ion of a man fiom Mississippi ss Indian agent at White Eaith, Mian., and a man from Illinois is Indian rgent at Yankton, S. D. .Tha committee also voted 6 to a that it would reject all uomlnattcns where ap pointees were sent from one state or terri tory iato another, unless satisfactory to the representatives of the state or territory where sent. The weighing of gold bullion in one of the reseive vaults of the mint at Philadel phia shows a shortage of $105,000 worth. The vault was sealed la 1 887. The seal shows the door was not opened. If there has been sa abstraction It must have been through a breach in the walls. The mint officials refuse to talk. The Penmylvania protected iadu stries are protesting sgalnst a change ia the tariff. The Pennsylvania beneficiaries of monopoly taxes were heard on this point last November, and it will be recalled that they were not in touch with the majority of the comntrv . A dispatch from Pittsburg, Pa, says: A pension attorney, whose Dame the pen sion officials refuse to divulge, has been writing letters to suspended pensioners of this district, advising them to kill Presi dent Cleveland. Secretary Hoke Smith, Commissioner Lochrea and all others con- netted with recent rulings of the depart- ment suspending the payment of certain pensions. A copy of his letter has been forwarded to the interior department. It bt-aon. ItU-id beU. Grand Army man and a pemuooer. The only maouSacturiog estabHsimeat shut down at Trenton New Jersey is tbe American saw works, which eeaeratly em- i 4w nanus. j i.eic are at least . ; nl t -T-i . , . more potters at work ibis week than last General Manager Fraak A Magown, of the Trenlon P Jl. ,.iHwu ... .k- . . '. ' ' ' Potterv situation is leunnatmr faeae ftaas uelK Wilson's woollen mills, with Sx sa ' hands, renewed operations under a 10 per cent reunion. Cooper & Hewitt's extea-, sive Iron works are alto roaring now on a 'a per teat reduction, John A Roebling't ' mills, after a ino weeks' stoppage, have returned work. The rubber mills are also Slartinsr an alter a unri. rl . t rr-a- - ; - " activltv tB nusiaess circle, thsoughont the ti rras 1 nai" innaari si 1 aa 1 city. 1 .,,.1 Within a day or to Secretary Carlisle will sobrnit to an operation . A large lamp has developed on bis right arm above tbe elbow. This baa resisted all the treatment looking to reduction, and Lr Bryant and Dr Ford Thompson, of this city, have de cided that it must be removed by tbe mr- geon'. knife" Mr Carlisle has suffered j much agony from the enlargement. Ine lamp has grown on tbe muscle aad nerves of the arm and has so firmly taken hold of them that tbe secretary Is virtually depriv ed of tbe nse of his right band. Mr Car-. lisle nrerented himself to Dr Thomtaanst lo ! bare tbe operation perf canned MotAy f ternoon. The surgeon, however, refeaed a v . , to undertake it until softening applications had been applied for a day or two. The fact of tbe approaching operation has been most carefully guarded by tbe secretary and members of bis family. Hon Lawrence T .Veal, democratic can didate for governor of Ohio, against lloa William McKinley, opened the democratic j campaign at Newark Thursday ia the pre- j encj of a large and aaehuaiaaac gathering j of democrats of this section of the state. Asia 1 ef erring to tlx eri.t'ng financial depression, the speaker declared the ate Kialey and Sherman lawa were the cause; of the trouble. He said the party waa pledged in favor of derooctatic i bimetahsm and a repeal of the purchasing rUase of the Sherman act delayed it. McKlnley 'sm was the greatest foe of the prosperity of tbe people. McKinley protection means taxati:n favoring the rich . For several years the government receipts have exceed ed the expenditures $10,000 ,000. Tbe burden falls oa the poor people. He de- ciareo tie agricultural interest were the I principal victms of protection. In I Soo tbe farmers owned almost half the property i Of the country, now leas than a quarter,! tbe difference, measare. tbe farmers' lo. j . , . " ) and the manufacturers' gaio. Tne defeet ; of the lepubiicao paHy in Onto wilt affirm 1 the judgment of the people of the entire I country entered at the presidential cfection j 1 Un year. It will be the final decisi. m of the American people. The speaker a) weal ed lo the people to vo'e for democracy, tbe party of the people, the guardian angel", of their rights ana liberties, and thus se natg the destruction of monopolists and unjust tsxation. as t'aiker Bros, grocers. F. M. French keepsrulrossi tm. Kuy your grooeriisof Parker Brmt Fiae grooeriea at Conn ot HrndrioeonV atew ureaii. eheesn iust reoeivnd at Uoi.ra t ' P J Smiley job printer. Flinn Block, does Srst class work. Smoke the celebrated lavaaw tilled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. Dr M II Bilis, ohysiotan aar Albany, Or v.,. 1 ',,) male I country. surgeon it or MAKKiaat i oi.fiAi.-... 17 i.tiiini r,i.u. -"Ttb srrrtrOIl uivtarnvra nauancr r . . r (litv. Sent lOtn. lWilt. Mi RS Corn. Aimmnni unt w Kamsdell, both of Howell llniirie. j Hev W OibrjlsSy omciattna. Mr and Mrs liamltdeli in cit in fair Und will visit friends in Linn and Polk , nullities, after which they will locate in 11 home on his farm in HoweLI. Saiem JLsnr- na'' ' JACKfSON PERRY.-On Tharwoay. 1 Sept 14, 1893, at the reaic,enee of W H , Kimsey in Albany, by N M Newport, J P. Mr W L Jackson, son of Martin Jack-1 son, and Minpie K Perry., daughter of U M Perry, both of Sraavitye. Joint payees of a hill or note, not partners, must all join In an ment. HOSt; ABKOAR Neither hops nor wheat was injured by the recent rains to any extent, as nearly as can be learned. A foot race in Salem yesterday between Young of Corvallls, and Berthwaiie of Independence, wag won by the latter by two feet. A report cf a Boston suicide was ' It Is quite certain that he was unmarried, and there is absolutely no apparent motive for the -sstructl on." Biamero is seriously ill. a foot of local In terest all over tha wjrld, something that can he said of only a lew men, Bisinaro, Gladstone, and well, who else, Richard Irvln, of Benton County raised 53 S bushels otfoate on while land , be cause he drained it weli, a fact that shows that that very unpopular soil is not -iseleas. We have just learned of two farme-s In Oregon who were on a trade. One had alfalfa hay and the other wool, which they had agreed to trade ton for ton even. II- L. I. - . ... . .. . ... .he h.V h.;i" Y" .. Al ,. It r i ,. , vhwim.v . Salem mw has an ordinance that effec- tually shuts out all peddlers. Those who to relate, and although Clatsop county j wealth. The intrinsic value of a com 1 ewi n U ollcitlnB orders i has tried many murderers I don't think modity arises out of its nse. Money has for shirts and clothing will now be coin- ! any one has ever paid the penalty with j no use except as a medium of exchange- pendent t"" v'j iwreraaB oi a oav. mac- ; Those ho pulled the money out of the nanus are putting It back again. I htv have discovered that the burglar ic more j that the burglar Ic more j apt to 10b ihem of their wealth than the of their wealth than the banker, and this conclusion is about the ! correct one. Ex. Aeiroular has noma to the oomt be use ofhciala offerina sKOOO reward fortheannre- heusion and oonvictioo of the p rtiei who robbed the Northern Paciiio train on August 27th, rear Read's Point, Montana. J W Kendrlck, general manager, offers tha re- waia. theltrot, bestlfme, 2.JlH; the c ' jmmc i yceicruay nunnrr wen r1L nvethTA g IS l rlbTaTsaVrJTrmef" was won by D.isy Dean, brat time 2 38. A prlvsf letter from Prlr.evt le tells how Tom Baldwin and C01 Nye V vetted $aooo In cash In a geld mine In tnat county and others about $1,000. and how n wS ancrwaiu icarncu incy naa oeen roped into the business on account of the ore having been ''salted" so as to make a big showing. The mine is absolutely valueless . The New York Sun sat s that one day last week f 10.000.000 was'the sura paid at August dividends on American railroads and additional was paid as in - terest on railroad bond securities. Toe rmerican producer t not dead by any means as leng as he can produce such sums as these. It Is a stood sten of re- turning good times when tbe railroads re- : sume the payment of dividends. This afleruetoa a half interne, in T Gra ham's drat and book store waa purchased by C Otto Weils. Mr Graham has hero in the business la Core all is for tbe past tweo tv five yxara and from study and his exten sive eip noice baa liacssass one of the finest druaaiata cn the coaat. Mr Welle, tte ! jaotnr n-emoer nf taw firm, recently gradoit i ad with honor from tha College of Pbamaey ! the city of New York. Cores His News, j ; rniriAv The Koteltirv fair nmU-hindsXK. owing . v U whjno whu wos m done at the Albany steam laundry. The Building aad Ixstn Assot iation inetHe at the thegon Bank office tonight John Hoi man hauled 10.000 rxwnds of I wheat to the wwhoose ib.alrMinnville a one load, the buvM reported. That would be over i aaeks. i it . . . . . . . . 1 " appmmcu po j it tjougias naa oeen appointea posxi: matter at aanti aaaiaa. aaaraaai czjnnt r . -... m -- . - iL...iu...i,i.,.u ... ia . " T ""7V"S l-"!-" - '" " B" awa.wewa. .m mmK. atj j . . nn i nurnriuriatx bwisd yiiu a ar txarti at ! ton of hooa psr acre, bet ween "5300 and Vtoo an acre. Icountser. There i a thin prutkJing of vt - Wal-'e the tinhorn eambftr who i J ora from lwr part of the -Sate As a wsipoe. the tinhorn gsmbter who i.a ' , . . been having trouble in i.rchill cooniy. fl ZCJIJ J'.- 1. has been sent to the insane asylum. At the opening sale of licke's tor the Henry Irving performance foooo j expended, not a very hand times appear ance. I . . ...a. a nv nanaBB) aws aas an sawaaswaawaajsn mmmmw svaa a cits hnrmm it .1 S tl. nir m.e.k.1 n . .-n.l. i llTi!:! .'!?rV.?tV9. ai' refeaed to sseve est ' " I -m ,. . , " , From a reliable soorc we learn iha- i ,he. u"n y0"."' ",0a' pay 01 ,.rom ? $ P" or w 1, nMt. .,, . .... We meet isnopie continually In this l he dark side of life, and moat miserab' . , . . 7 :r . s when looainy on the bright aide of things. Yeslerdav at Seises Cherish won the pacing raoa. beat time 254 1-2: Bish-tp tha tS4 rrtt two mile btsts. heat tisae 441 l-S: Use I i 'leak eras wen bv Ntpuer. sbK be a Aleaay, in 2.o2. A few days ago tn San Pranc!sco health Inspector found a room 14x14 containing twenty-seven live coals, rive 9: It U difficult to m how the goa'a and 1 ocas ever nvea in susn a piace. . Th'," 172 P0". this j -", t'w iruiewivDoi swv.vwi 9 sva I ni, 3 wmi-weekly. IS weekly. 1 semi - are ; mocthiy and 14 monthly. U it any wander .k .!... s..-.: . i. .-ii. .k ..1. ao.i already lesaooerl th number a fw?j hue aome ediioee hove ciarteo tbe sons which -warbles: 'Ddieqeeeta there mast be a settlement t.t fall We can : tut a papa wit ho at monev, wood, potatoes nr a few gaiov aaeks t make underlet- le for the coming winter." Dallas Ubsetver. aTraoAV Aslitand pays its chv auarney a re .ular monthly salary of $1$, G F Simpson is offering day ior wheat. The foundation hta been 48 ce (0 . w I ,r the laid ew Preabt terian College at Ashland A 1 alt Is being built on Coo Bay that I t.k . -1- - .1-ka-. t-m is' w .' tuo'-'" m! -" " contain will draw 16 teejt of water. The Sclfi Prera man thl week had his hands full urlilner unaaaaults and nutrillt-! tic contests occuning In that neighborhood. AnAlbiny man at Salem yesterday re porta seeing Cap Humphery at the race, lie was looking fat and well, and was one 1 f the santst men there. t R Tcmpleton. whoresides near this oUo.: raised 2489 pound, of peach plums lunmi reea this year and procured for the mt 24.So, unpicked Time . , At t'vs meeting of the Building and Aailallon last night the loa.i was made o kasper Kronp at 90 months In- terest in advance. 'ihe Han County rates promise to he i success. The entries are flrst rlaaa ti c! a I . 1 aa I 2 1 ; . ,1... '. ,nc ,no"0'" are mat A It- rr a. awall at eitma r-rnel t ss-t a iMS.Ia """S '-- in 1 no Large 's nopyaio. near ?tcio, a j man named Doran assaulted James Tucker with a jack, and the Press says the latter looked a if he had attended an Irish wake. Dortn wst fined $11 .50 for the fun. lo the club shoot given by tbe Uatey Uod and Gou Clnb. for tha gold and silver km dale, l,..w Davis. won the gold medal and I Jo. 11 Davis wou tb silver medal. Th re , was a tie I etween Kd Uriakatd and Lew Dtvlstiil the laattwo shots, when Onokard missed. Ray defeated Sievens tn a foot race at I Salem this week. The man who backed j' -Stevens sccused him of throwing the race, . and a live- flrrhi fnllnuierl. Of all contests I w ..rn.. 1. .1,. ,,...1.1 1 ,i.,.,,,.i, i,.,nr. f -v... & ixvimi, .iiusj.. ...... 1,. t able enough when on the square Austin Rosehrook snd his mother are re -iotaus- over the reopening of tte rrnn National Bank, at Portland. They had. we understand, about $14ju on doposit a 'hat xilaoe when tho bank closed its doors Lin e Ma County Leader The Oregon Pacific railroad company now ciuote rates on hops from Eugene to new York, In car losd lots, st t.7f per hundred with thirty days delivery. A chesp rate that should tie patronized by our buyers. Eugene fuar3. tV VV Martin, the jeweler, today sold s couple of the old psle yellow pure gold beaver five dollar pieces for ti$ Tbe.' were cotnet. ,t Oregon City In 1849 and re now only rarely met wlili aslem Journal. - Frank Darby was tiled before Justice fTe" "l, SciuTl,"d,JrLfpr hoollnKl John Francis. The latter had been with a threshing c rew passing through Darby's premises. Previous trouble caused tne affair. The state waa represented by Jsmvs Bilyeu, the defendant by Judge Powell snd Wm Queener. The defendant dlschsrged. fit Oil AaTOBII. . Aktokia, Sept. 81b, 1893. Editors Democrat: Notwithstanding the hard times and the tiresome and continual chin music about the silver bill, the tariifand dull cess generally in Astoria's chief produc tions, Hell and lumber, I notice an extra ordinary number of visitors at the seaside resorts, some for their health perhaps, some that are out of a job, and others to mourn over the closing of tl.e banks and escape the importunities ot uncharitable and unfeeling creditors. And strange as it may seem It is noticeable that those j mat nave 'lie iei or ni ue posits are trie ones that are loudest in condemnation of the banks and the unstable situation of Uncle Ham's financial affairs. However they all have money and rather enjoy the situation of today, and waste no thoughts or anxiety aato what the future holds in store for them or their country. Hard times may be an incentive to crime; at any rate crime is so tretiuent n(I m?aey object that we may arrive 1 - : ftt mnptx 14 pnflC 11R.OI1. 1 Wfl llflMfli mill- dera have recent! v occurred. too ahnekinw i ma me. ra man inigut uc nung lor steal- ing salmon but not for murder. Our county has been nnfortunatj in 1 ttie loss 01 tier assessor, air ueattiarat, who was a good officer and conscientious w ho was a good officer and conscientious n the discharge of Ins duties ins di in the discharge ol ins duties ins duties I nd bank losses seriously affected his mind. His successor, however. we know w' never be troubled with a similar malady. As an auctioneer he never over estimated other people a property nor underestimated his own. It was some-j times difficult to distinguish Ins own ; from SOmeothereoCHitliee's Orotwrtv.and : hia bookkeeping waa always woiully in-. accurate and bis memory totally inadf-! s . . t 1 : T, And -la not" affecr. firYncia. Tunding S t e'eeT !f . B- This is a secret : Tell it not in Gath. and whisper it not in the streets of , Astoria. The Goble road from Hunter. ! Point, on the Columbia, will be com- , mencsd aa soon as the subsidy transfers are olaced in the hands of the trustees or their authorised representatives. Tlie I effect would ensue. Value ia determin uneraployed tan find wor where they ; d by use. won't want K nd they can scratch Another argument of tbe champions gravet on every pve nine section ot uia right of wav to the tone of fair wages an J plenty of pork and beaas. slow do 1 , know it? Well I don t know it, and 1 1 don't know anybody that does know it; bat I get it from people that think they know it all. The Chineaa n nee! ion and the Gearr law is now the interesting topic oi tins coast. 1 ne stiver question does not com- ' pare with it in importance to Americans The silver we have, the Chinese we do not want and won't have. Why should . w e become a cation of aliena to accommo ' date the balance of the world? Charity i should begin at home, among onr own kinsmen, who need all we have to spare. A Chinaman can't be an American; he i isn't built that way. Nan. It is fmeied that a wedding will take amdtsatly atAiac in it. In the finx r thev could not obtain a lii-mar. The .Stletn lodependent suggesta that the I .Im ni.1, uMlliAr man SiwaM I T .mvsf f r.ry f f-..--:v Aj-n.-aKarai - - ..... . " .- - i .1 ear nation tl ntnrert tlv ides that hell tt . '".VT- r . 7 lnu Hie iti hmi or Mwrsetltmiir .--vs i tnl t --w w 1 ar. there are st4rOi)0illVl -if them 1 . . . .peiaBing Ol Use KaW CUT UK JOtBlBI tvT . : t ci a mis, a in? aas mainn iiliu atas I eat and mbtjrbs. and Polk and Marvoo iU J r.r-f-rruijt 10 trie ,-uie .vgnrutturai t oi- lege money in tbe bank of Job Bros at ! Corrallt. the .Salem aiv: A tew . ... ! aJP laStore Us iaajaK CSOSeO ITeaeurer f Shipley drew a UO.OOO warrant of the state closed Treasurer j tree 11 1. out of a (139.000 afsrsraesriation i and ileryisited it with Hamilton. Job and -Al .. 1 :, 1 :, . t i Tilbwi t mr a !eM they owed there and 1 tbe tate treiL.iirer he.1 (l with their en- I t I h" lrarti.-a.l ptuil a private j bank haian with pablic nxoer. This 1? uiiuiierrarrnriinai win ue Mxrwn in due Aa Aihsuvr lady cal -it attentiim to an article on tbe Brerkenridire-PoUrtl serum - ute rregonian.wnicn saw: wiet.n such a hnsKmil i. the creature who idiared hi guilt is not more worthy of syin- palhy ircnideTaiion than he. Mr Breck imtoge sriii gn ones t neaturtv to rurn having spo4l the wretched etorTof her shame over the world, will Mara fo I obscurity. ' The man ran hold bis bead ; up and continue in soriety.the woman most sink into obectirilv. 1 be tregonian h.u a !im tutu tsantiin . 1 ;r- ".TmT'Muaii ii,i a 1 very otrttr smil'iiity of tbe tree Mtuatioa ; in each matters. It is time that tbe man. : .l. ;. M.m. i. i r kicked from society, while the n-oman ts? given a chance to regain her repertaiHlilT. The matter i now too one sided. Pablic n:iiuurriiii uitrnvnutt' ami ueiir: holy side to it .......... ........ . . . . . .. 1. . . . .. . 1 Iieputv tJaitad State I 'Utrict AMonev i Cha J S.-hanale. state a-ithout reservation 1 i, h j, return frosa a trip to Chkagn that f Portland ana Oregrm should cot complain of dull times. He visited nianv cities of . this size and none lookett as busy rarapoear ! ed more cheerful, and. "in fact there is no ! city." be said, "of like ivr.iilution that i as ,. " i.4tn.t iiMmO. i,;i- ' that tiraea are dnll here thev hail le tter take , a trip to tbe manufacturing centers beyond i i -a sfw- " a e r.s-a ; e Mississippi waaany VV m . uirir i- ui ' iiit-i urn (litis, ntv.- ii'iv ajsif Kit 11- i ML I found thnt feeling everywlien' went. Many fcVtarte are resuminir. and ! the outlook for the winter i aot bad as a j monlh a k. -Telegrani. ; Tbe Trae Aasailve rriarJale 1 Of the plants used In mar. ufactu tine the ' pleasant remedy, Syrun of Figs, has a i permanently beiiefieial eSec on the human system, while the cheap vegetable extracts j and mineral toluil ms, usually sold as med icines, are permanently injurious : well informed. Ton wilt uc the true i rdv onlv. Manufscttire.: br the Pall-! ,ornl ' Syrup Co. At S.tlem yesterday tne ?:.l.i s'allloa race: rvannwt Hms. Bros. Mult- ' so 1 a 1 bennr second . in aepacitl tro John i Prkr-'i leu vearold. oacetl a mile in ' -t ! eatal liahing a new rtcord. Nfttie Ham won the rling lane; ia the three-foartht dash w .a y Miss Idaho. A Grrat Co.NvkNiENca.- -World's fair visitors travelling via the Sorthern Pacl- hcK R and Wisconsin Central line, are ' landed at the Grand Central station in j Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof building, located in the heart of the city, l-ss been fitted up ss a hotel, run on the Europeai plan, with about 300 rooms handsomely furnished and etch room 's supplied with hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. The charge for accommoda tions are reasonable, and parties can secure rooms in advance by calling upon agenta of the Northern Pacific R R . By taking ihe Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort of all transfer In that city, and can also travel between the Grand Central station snd World's fair ground by trains which run direct between the two point. C G BVRKHART, Agent at Albany. raatlaa. Imltationa have been put upon the market so closely resembling Allcock's rorous riasters in general eppearance as to be well calculated to deceive. It 1 . however. In general appearance 'only tha j thevcomnare with Allcock's. for thev . wwi.c 111.111 nuitmc", as 1I1CV than worthless, inasmuch as thev contain deleterious ingredients which are apt to cause serious Injury. Remember that Allcock's are the only .enulne porous plssters-the best external remedy ever produced! and when purchasing plasters do not only ssk for but see that vou ?i j a llcock1 Porous Plasters 3 g AMLVEK ADDBEM. Last night O A Phelps, of Colorado delivered an address on the very , impor tant subject of silver bow agitating tha country more than any other question. On account of the importance of the subject we give a synopsis of his address The progress o ciilizstion viewed from an industrial basis is determined by two most important factors production and rnmmerce. The firs generally regu late' by the inexorable law of supply and demand and the la'ter Carried on by means of a system of barter. In the low er stases or civilization commerce was mere barter, an exchange of one com- modity direct for another. But as civili- .lirtn .ilitanMil x , f. .. n .......... ' ed, which might properly be termed sci- entitle barter, whereby one com modity ! could be exchanged for another although j me uarcerera mignt not te present or directly receive the specific commodity exchanged for. This system introduced the use a medium of exchange, an ex changer which merely represented the value of the commodity at the time of - Aiitiiai.. .mis 1 a av-VtainntA Tin . ralle.l trmnev. 1 1 ia nn in Iraalf ,.l .-.I,,... Then coming to the use of silver aa a moi.ev he recounted the historv oi tha metal in this country. The fact that silver was only worth from 70 to 75 cents i an ounce is not owing to ita use as a money. It comes from ita treat ment as a commodity . The W all street : advocates talk oi the gold dollar being the unit of value. Monev has no value, t it onlv represents value. Gold itself ia not stable in price but with the stamp of the (J S mint upon it represents the value of a dollar in exchange whether irold as a erimnioditv riaea or falla in I price. Silver used as monev is the same. When eiher was coined aloast with sold without diecriorinstion the two meuls lVoVJ. I aaTcdnctVt 'priorTo 1 1873 the variance of the price of silver and gold bullion as a commodity waa 1 scarcely more than 3 per cent during a period of nearly 100 years and it waa I aenerallv the silver whieh nr.:rminated w in nriee IVmnneri.. anA nl 01 the goia standard idea IS tnat we ' must have eold to keen no onr foreign 1 balances. "Foreign balances are not 1 paid in gold dollars. There ia no inter national currency. Commodity barter direct is the rule between nations. The gold for our foreign balances is not' . rflnntevt niw it ie srt.ioiie.1 rnnmivU ity at the market price. Then the fear ot tbe oiscontinuaace of foreign trade with countries having a gold standard. "Gold baa appreciated ; instead of silver being depreciated aa a i comparison with tbe prices of commer cial products will verify, if tbe Cnitedi i ; .. .1 j . t State independently resume free coinage ! of silver the demand for gold will be lea- j ened not only in this country bat the j world over. It will then srradaallv de preciate to its normal value tnroogh tbe natural haw controlling both metais 1 hen we can pay oar foreign balance srilb fewer ounces of gold ar d the sag -gestion Hint all the gold would he steadi ly drawn oat of this country, rearing it on a silver basis, is rid reu ions- That part is controlled by the natural law of con merce which can only be circumven ted by such disaatroos experimental leg islation a haa taken place in iht count ry during tbe last 30 years when the American erngres undertook to treat a I nortartn ne trie, imum evtam mm m nnn . ; -rtditv insterd .J an ' ' . portion of the money system as . . . . . .... ST-I r : resent ail ve ot valne. Wiiv not tremt the . . ' . . r: . i e leeunarti aa a r-o nnuinii atari ttw ine ,;l.: I 1J V ; 7..'; ' " . demotion fund of tllXi 000.fl! maintain- . - . , em 1 s treaanry f or their protect- j ' ,w- , , , . , , i n Impct item not to orerioo ed is that sUUstics show aboot one-third of the told produced :. -aved dnrine the proceas of silver tctnink. Cot off one- third of tbe production of gold and a atiil greater appreciation will ensue." oererai outer important point were ; touched upon by the rrwaker hmt spar- for bids taaolkwi. IS Albany. Or.. Sept- Vh. tfM. 1'ie.l. in this -ity, Aug. "iirrd. Sirfi-r , Fjta Elites Vaasalki. onlv dVuiariiter of our I tMvme.j iKtHber and sirfef. Mr .wl M ' x j Mit . y, "St r. ' kiTl -Ss yearn. She paed ..-flv .r tn ,u trreat Kes-ond :it .:.'10 o'clock a. m. v Wnaasu It h-. plaued tbe tirrM , " Master of the I'niyene to rem-rve from Use ; family curie tie- iieloveJ iait rbser and : iter. taerejore. be it twi.t l.i l.:i Betihd, i. No aa , f q m j wv mat .Xnit w y . . w yet do feel that in her removal fnnn j terheT.VX; a atwiirf-e ..l ;?1fq1 " " a ww v mi Lseasrvaa ' eUrl H sjwiec! member. aaenolveu. That . 1 r"VS rouiy to the bereaved faiuilv i , iL.T , ' jj JhTfll. mTi. cfu end niai von ama au uuiiirt wen. j . Resolaetl. That the charter of thi- imiare w mtwu in mourning ror itiirty days. Kftlrel. ITiat these rtxrdiilioni h-.,., ..r .1. 1 1 .... . . , a (at. ta ll recvni Ot tnl lOfUT and 'OSVlr- ; he furnished tbe eitr papers and the Pacific ' Fellow for publication, abft a copy an- l" , IO trrisraitted to - i the lmved f.uuilv. Sii'sxutui in F.. L. and T. ARAIt O. h vas. u- M. MiJtrnu, Icilua M Sauts. (Vimmittie. V" It a V ar W.sL v . . Bullivant shot her husbald. J s vrv.,.. sv. ), OCl. ." Mrs L A. Kichlrd. 1 kis morning aad then fired two bullets into I ter own body . One bu'let entered the men's wuv, isumug uiraugn nis arm and peoetr at iog a lung, and anotlier strnck hs ri ;ht knee Both shots which Has woman fil ed at herself enteret the breast, one peneti at ing a lung. Both victims will probably die. .vKv I'airrofiUAPHEJt. ! hate opened a new gallery In the Y. M. C. A. Work, and stive Allrnnv. ami will trv K-l Wv 1 ial nl. i -fl m wH hvor me with their itatroiu-jre. a i I will take all tints and styles of photos as In"?" 1 1001' Bs U,e best "u1 a ' heap as thel rheae 1 est. 1 am no traveling nhoto ! bxln- and gone tomorrow, but have conte witfti vife ,,1 children to make a home in your RchardAlnontwm!" dimate' 1 fome to stay. u ere me anil try my worS. "Smcuuiiy jr.ur.;, B, A. IIWLMKl I. Istteof Tnrouto. Il'iuuula. Daw u the Baths.- The Union Pk cific now lead with reduced rates to easfcsn point. und thair through car amuigemeists. magnitieentiv sMIIlililsfsil Pultniiui niiii VfAirs- ist (ikpers. frc-nvlining chair car and feet time, mako it the best lino to travel. 'fvo trains lewe from Portland daily at 8isn ... , .w u. . iic ,4v aie iios wtmava reach of ail. and everybody should taie ava vitntage of them to visit Uie World's fair and their friends in the east. Send tor xahsj and schedules of trains, and do not pur clutse tickets until after consulting Curan r Monteitli, Albany, Or. W H Hl'RLBUUT. Ass't Qen'l Puss. Agent. U, P. Portland, Or. Wa H.wa to Eat anywav. The bel ter the groceries the more enjovable life Is, and while we do not all live V.mpfv tr eat, we certainly eat to live. If vow get your groceries and baked goods of Parker Brothers vou are bound to Bee- well If It Is cnly on a loaf of rve bread. iThey keep the best In everything, and seli 1 at pr'cea that satisfy regardless of t antes. Csll on them. w Z.. , , . ws o,.m , Th' , iV'h-M ln be "e" n.v ackof lntestion,. .J . I ;" ,,,c.""cn.e..or constipation . t. 1 t ... ... 1 .XxT i'm , . , "U " continued tor -rt.. i- --'""J inTseaiiniems. fQ'CZn lUiM " S J .1 i odei fully eait' pocket. A pinch S1. f1!0. ff water ""VM no u,te nd orks effectually TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Fast Trailing Chicaoo, Sept 15. The stallion trotting record broken to 2:06 1-2. the world's pac ing record of 2:01 equaled, and four heats desperately fought from wire to wire in the greatest race trotted this year, wan the sport witnessed by 18,000 people at Wash ington l'ark today. Before Directum was brought out, it was announced that owing to the hitrh wind be would be sent airain?t his own reword of 2:07, instead of Nancy Hanks' record of 2:04. Directum made the firt quarter in 0:33, reached the half in 1 K and the three quarter in 1 :.'A 1 4 turning into the stretch, be. met the full fr,r t ftf a utrnmr win! 1 . , A-m 1 1 tUt ' wire in 2:0C 1-2, thus taking a full second off the record for full horses, A Terrs at Bash. Gl'tiibic, O T. Sept is. Fifteen thous and people arc massed tbjut tbi Santa Fe depo, ready 10 fight for a place on the first train tomorrow. The railway company! will not he able to carry over half thee people, and ths struggle fdr a place on the ttafn will by a terrhTc one. Nineteen peo pic were prostrated with the heat today, and j three died. One ynnng man went raving erzy, aad U locked up in jail here with no j clue to bis Identity. Several large fires ' were started upon the strip tonight, and K is 1 feared many settlers will be caught in them I "morrow and burned. l.iar turn. Lmrard. 1 Colcsjbcs, Miss, Sept 15 Paul Aach er. Will Aicber. Pols, Hill, Ed Gayma an ; Ellen Fant, all negroes, prisoners confine in the jail at Carrolh-w, Pickens county were sho to death Thursday eight by mob of masked men Daring ibe preen week the mil) snd ginhoase of J E Wood were burned. The negroes were arrested i and confined in th Carrullton jail. The prelimtnatr investigation aaafn progress but had not been concluded . CoavALLis, Or.Sert 15. -The Pacifi: makes today the following New York on hope, agreeing oa delivery ; From Salem, per 100 Independence Albany. CdtvaUis. and points west . regon rates to yt days' - 1-52 - .46J . 1.76 j Eageae and Harris burg Sevth Peleware Piilt.AKELPRtA, Sept 15. Ia a tetter to ' General Wisar, president of the Academy : "1 Mowc, dated Falcon Harbor, August 30, -Lieutenant Peary reports his party in he ' heat of health and spirits: and adds that: everything looks moat cac encouraging for the A aUr Fssreat Fire M ar.- a n kld . w . bept 1 4 . lhia place j S SUIIOtinoed try a sneet Ot names in Ine ' mantle and trie nermte in th mrnntrv arc I 4 : .. t ei .- - fa : A t . ' jeecsBK iu uku utce. sa as wmm a asea . 2 person hate been cot off from escape Two children, while trying to escape with their parents from their burning home, wewe foct in the dense tiuoke. and have Im ,,l Mrtfltnlv 1 I , laHUMtiH rnirmai aettisfnents have already been tissmimil. and their horse, cattle, lumber, etc, destroyed. Refugees are flocking into Manetiieid. which ts under martial law. : Appearances indicate that that a firs fully j as disautrioaa a the great Peafatigo eonfta- gration in 1871, is in progress, and that the loss ot Uie may be a great. A WaaTen ASTaar Skattijs. Sept, 14. -Tbe finance com rsutte has been wotting ail day and to night oa K rug's books and papers. They aware smeartbed notes and other wmritiea bewingthat Krug had loaned at least' fpt.000 f the city's money to various per- ' ansas anal erqicerns. Mayor Ronald and; Controller Caracas each appear on the list : a borrowers of Ii500. John Cotnodiae. a ! ward politician aad the keeper of a variety dive, received S-13D0. Ward-heelers aad aas mixed up m the hang; bst i 01 notes sna otner oonaierai- xany isa j i.. j . w w. . p. 1 j hmului u. ..uuuag i lm Unl fmm f O8po a rrom !vrg WAmxoTOX. Seat M. Secretary Ores- received tbe following Boat Minister at Rio, at 11 o dock this ing: ' lievoiutioaary fesxes base bombarded the forts comnxanding :be entrance to the Boruor : also tbe arsenal oa the wharf m wke ceater of tbe dty. A few shells were fisted into the city. ne woman s- killed. Ceartmeanai teJegiaasa are forbidcVo. Tbe rusk i-i Char teal on has not arrived " n wui av av4 wTsw-hixotox. Sept it Open war be ; earn sa tbe boose today. Partisan aostili ties were inansrarated over Tucker's bill to j repeal the existinn federal ejection laws. It beeaaje apparent at the outset thaUthe 1 lspnkiiran member woaid fight the propo- silioei to repeal the exisiinsr ejection taws to SB bitter end. Barrows of Michigan tjd ; the ilswastoring mcemeat ' Washicton. Sept 14 Tne new V hit"! Hoase baby will he known henafUr as .1 --c.s-, Ts;. ma f.t.;.i .m- k.. I been selecsed for the child by the president ! Mrs Clwrasai ihya that tbe seiecttoa of j O" " signibcance other than a FbeTns ? 'Ta'" : -enrsl fVwtaitaa ' - ssauvsust re wave Ahi;tiis, "p. r 1 fijysuiv uc Spokane, has applied for tbe positiou of collector of internal revenue for tbe OilSjaa 1 tr u: , a n- here for several days look ine up his cnaneea ana ba coercluaetl to make ioe eaort. I s.-- e. s,....i.-.- I JAcnuNvitX. Or, Sept IS. Jeremiah I Nanan. one of tbe boatdssnen of Jackson i I county's defaulting tteassirer. received a I I letter a few tiara since front Mr Ukxisnar, . which was written in San Francisco. Mr , 1 Bloomer expresses tbe deepest contrition for ! his terrible misconduct He essclosed Mr J Nunan a deed to some Portland property I - 1 a.- AlA . kwi. .)..- Immma aSi the countv- d that be intended ! to return ever. cent of it if be lived to earn I it. He said he nad been tn tbe hands of the detectives, but his hair bad turned 1:1. t ft.i t . h.i ,i t,; ! I v.- 1 ik AlA . . ogniae him by his photograph. He said be would leave America forever tbe day the lecair was mailed. A City all Bsaraest, .t.xK. Wash. Sept 13.-Spokane's ! near city hall, which was almost completed. was bunted this afternoon . Lath bad been ! pot oa preparatory to plastering ami slate was being put on tbe roof. The fire start sal on tbe fifth floor. Dresuniably from a tar ; pot dainty used by p ombees and gasfitters. ? ano m tcree winners me enure in. trior was in flames. It is believed tbe founds tion and first ory of tbe walls can be saved. It was a five-storv structure, cost ing $100,000. Tbe damage is estimated at , $40,000. The bailding was insured for ; 965 000. A Staa Trass Blsel vest. ! Sxw York. Sedt IS At a meet ing of j trust certificate- holders today the great j ) Standard Oil trust was formally dissolved, j ! Hereafter, it is said, tbe companies that : j were in the great trust will act indepen- i i dentlv . No assurance is given, however, I t .1 . aa. : 1 1 I . TV. I i inai mere win w aiij wuikuuuo. tare t reason given for the change is the popular I iHrixsutyj aatuutit v tttaam aa- st,aivut which was not quite completed at today's i meeting, was decided on in March, 18o2 ;I when a committee was appointed to winrj erind ' up tbe affairs of the trust Sweat ay CTAatersu Ti vis. Sent iS. Of the 17.000 Dihriims that' left here aad other ports in May hast i for Mecca, oaly half have returned, the! others having- fallen victims to the cholera. I Pullv 12,000 friends and relatives met the ! returning pilgrims on their release from quarantine, and there were many heart rending demonstrations of grief by the relatives of those who had saccumbed to the disease. The survivors tell terrible tales of suffering. Seriewt Ace We at. Evokkk, Or. Sept 13. About six o'clock i this evening Eben Stewart was caring for his horse and bull in the barn, when the i bull gored the horse, which in turn ran I against Mr Stewart and threw him violent i ly over a pole against the manger, break- ; ing his left arm aad dislocating the shoul i der. The old trentleinan is ouite infirm. and it is thought the injury will prove very serious. Held la a Serena Ttsne Klamath Falls, Or, Sept i3. Tbe j highwayman who held up the Aver stage j Sunday afternoon stopped the same stage .''yesterday. He relieved two Chinese pa I , MA J 1 1 . .1 J ? . ' sengers Ot woo, auu icmrueu m uie nv- . 'j two pension drafts, part of the spoils er .1 his first adventure. The express box aof j mail ponchos he left untouched this timen j Good CooKioS is essential to Good Dige$tioi?- in pastry you cannot have either without a good short ening. Lard has always had very object ion able features, causing indigestion and many other dietetic trou bles. Science has come to the assistance of the cook, and of weak stomachs, with the new shortening, Cottoleoe It is composed of the choic est beef suet and highly refined vegetable oil, in many respect as good aa the finest imported olive oil. Physif-ians endorse it, cooking experts recom mend it, and thousands' are now using it in prefer ence to any other shorten ing. Refuieali'iubstitates. Send three cents In stamps to X. E. fatrnaaa m ta, vnaa eanw CMolene Cook 1 atsl Hade only by If. K. FARBAJIK k CO, ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. NEW VORR, BOSTON. BiteBtwaTis Goaranteed to care BUions attack, Sick Ucattache and roastipatiTm. 40 in each bo'.tlc. Tr-c 7. For sate by drnsgisU. Pfitare - " ".TT " "trnTe-Tr j. r. sar:.; u ...... - ..-. J ' ALBANY FOfflTDl CO Ultimm t!ett - - MfeiT,fct. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY hyde James, Proer'swrs SCS aOS sSSsi .iticntifit mttuan i Wall Pap J i-ngrs3, Painta, Oils Cal arsis., EtC J. A. rin ALBANY, -:- 0REC0 Strictly Cash. L. KectJU ha. adept d a cash tysUot and will hnreafrer ul .rr ri. c or j CASH only, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, uame sacK, c DR. SANOEN'S ELECTRIC BELT hSKtaaanKIa. Bwwnaia. aatl - . gearal ui SeaSh, etc. Tan etecira,;,-.,. j aiiiiBss li it 1 l ..rT.L e wat. tsa ; fis-saa 1 tp.. x,a sr atrvtS use u lies, a .1 ni 1 m saawien, tt.. Si. tTO aires Stress. rVatSAXD C ' FRAZER GREASE BEST IS THE WORLD. awl'wwartae qualities are wsa masse il. s.;tBsnw eattlasrtear two boxes ot any utrier trar t. No arsbyseatlseenraBtiiailNE. roRSAIdgnTPEA-IBSGENEI AIXV. jTsty 0. Ufa iWeFarland, Harness -and-Saddler j Display in the Door FOSHAY a MASON wsrfs.SA.its aaa astau 1 Oraggistsand Bookiveilers Agenta for John B. Aldeu's poblteaUsJpr. as, Aiasn s publisher's raieh wa su at rrieaa wlia atsvaeautdat I I.BSSIT. OKE0 X 9 oc it cn Tr'wri, CO'YSiOKTa. ate. - an Bnqabw.arr Ksw Teanr. tar art ai lair swaaaaa za a Biers a. SSjrfSwaEQasnwnir BkWW BwanaaV