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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1893)
'"MMM!B',,''''',,H!!!g'wa si cuiorrat. An Oregon Pacific Story. lowing Oregon Pacific story ia to keep and ia given for what SSV the Statesman ! -The fol- tOO good t ia worth. The Oregon Pacific railroad runsfrotn the aummlt of the Cascade mountains a bout a hundred ami thirty miles west ward to Yaquina bay. U was the origi nal intention of the projectors of the road to mako i; a trnnacontitial line.but the funds 10 the corporation having been consumed the line terminates abruptly on the mountain top. The western ter minus, however, is at Newport, Oregon's popular summer reaorl. This resort is frequented during the summer montha by hundreds of people from all eectiona of Oregon, and during thia time the road does a heavy J passenger hosine. One day when the train was filled to its every seat and while decending a ateep trade the enginea vigorouaiv sounded the wbia tle of alarm, applied the air brakes, and me train came to a atop sosn.ideuly that the passengers were rudely jerked iroui J their aeata and to a standing pasture. Immediately a hundred car windows were forced up and an equal number of ! excited lieada out. everybody wonder Mi what the mutter miJ . -ri, aight to greet their astonished gaae was mat oi tne brakemen shooing a flock of geese off the track. At thia point in the road the line rune through a farmyard and rather than to commit murder most foul the company's employes cleared the iraca oi me leathered intruders." Miss a.vna K Selkirk. The S. F. Examiner has the following to say of the first appearance in that city of thia ar- tiat : "Miss Anna Selkirk, the .:l,ar 2 young contralto who made her initial bow before a San Francisco audien last nignt at Metropolitan Temple, certainly has reason to be proud of her success. Tickets on sale at Hodges McFarland's Her reception was all that the lady could I n8 to"- Reserved seats 60 cents, tlen liave desired, and Miss Selkirk's voice prai Emission. " cents, was all that her frienda and teacher Ckoos-'k Tit -- ., could have hoped for. The first appear- bv , P-Rs.-Among the ance of the young lady was an event of y. s Pyer8 of Lrook county.are t he more than ordinary interest to her 1 !o''0""nr- according to the assessment friends, and the hall was well filled with Incompleted: B F Allen. $30,279: Al- a very enthusiasti audience. Petaluma. where Miss Selkirk 1 naa tier Home, was well represen'ed, and quite a delegation came down from Placerville, her birth place. Over Uo years ago Madame Thea Sanderini became interested in Miss JseisirK s voice, and since that time she nas naa ner closely with what success. demonstrated." iieara at tne opera oept szua, under M L A, assisted Tickets will be 50 and '25 cents. A Silver Stort. As showing th scar- city of silver in certain small towns of Ore gon, a young man of Walla AVallaPlatelv returned from a visit to friends at Sweet Home, relates a peculiar experience. Ac companied by several friends, he went huckJeberrying along the Santiam river. They succeed xi in alii m In 11 .1 I mn. ., , ,.1. tity of the loscions fruit, and otie young ! menu oesirai io prt-rve a tew gallons to send home to Walla Valla. .rriving back to Sweet Home be purchased one doien gioss jars at the one store in town and in pay ment thereof proffered a five-dollar gold piece. With a look of astonishment the proprietor informed him that he could not change it. All the business places in town were searched for 'change" with the same resnit. tne proprietor of the store then man went to the next tnwn I-eleinnn f-1 , , w uviu salt ia-- KiuiD iur tuunir 1 the silver. After a trip to Lebanon and a I visit to several business houses, the trold piece was chanmsl iin tl,a ., ., : atter a full day s search for ten pieces of silver. Walla Walla Statesman. Where Is OreooxV A good story is told by the Pendleton East Oregonion at the expense of our own state. Two ladips of Pendleton, who had Just returned on Friday from a visit to the World's fair, informed the reporter that they were of course astonished at I he vastness of everv- ining they saw. Hut they declared that they were indignant while on tin grounds to have someone ask "where is Orecon? Somewhere in Washington?" Peoplehave been tho.raighly acquainted with the re sources of Washington, while Oregon is hardly represented. A mistake was made that Oregon did not invest more money in placing there an exhibit which would have been a credit to the state. A Bictci-e Record. Harry Singleton went to Mehama Sunday on his wheel in two hours and twenty-five minutes. The distance is twenty-seven miles. Previous ly Wm Miller has held the record for the Mehama trip from Salem, having made it in two hours and forty minutes. Single ton says that he did not start out to make a record but surprised himself by the time he was aiue to mane over the hills and after t jj iiance ne i w"-" w wii. ue couiu uo. ne came back in two hours and a half and he j avers that he can make the run in two and. a quarter hours. The roads are condition. Statesman . m prime School Opened. A big school of whales is reported down the coast, south of Ya quina, driving salmon into the bays, and filling their hides with great scoops of the smaller fish. If they would only c ime up to Yaquina and scare the tardy salmon into this bay until they got so thick they would crowd one anotlter out of bed. "the board of trade" would extend them a vote of thanks, and our winter's grub would not only be varied but secured beyond a perad ventnre, for the blessed clam we have al ways with us! Yaquina Post. A Bicycle Arrest. This afternoon Ed Bamford a fifteen year old boy was arrested on a warrant issued out of Justice New ports court charged with stealing two ped als off Tony Hansen bicycle sevTal months ago. They were just discovered by 1 Banta on another boys bicycle, having been bought by him for a ride. Bamford denies any knowledge of them. He had not been examined at press time. Tbe Ladies have temorcd to their new store nest to Foihay t Maaou. Th2 have again added a millinery depar'mem to their eatabhsbment and a. e now dail, re ceiving all the latest Boveltiea is that line Yon are respectfally invited to call and are their Dew fail and winter good in a1! their department. FriCE lower than the lowet. Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing, the hsir msy be restored to its origi nal color by the use of thai ,r,iert remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian li or Rnewer. Look! Look! Notice to Deliuquent Tax Payer?, 1 positively intend to collect all de linquent taxes, remaining unpaid after Oct let by the levy and sale ol property belonging to the delinquent tax payer. The taxes must be collected and after said date. I will make tbe levies as fast aa myself and deputies can do so. All those wishing to eave a call from me, as well as the expense of the levy can do sc by settleing their taxes before Oct 1st. C. C. Jackhon, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Notice of DissDhition. NOTICE Is hereby given that tbe un-1 dersigced Geo P Cramei a-:d Fred He, oc m posing lhe partnership riim l Cr nier t Hes.i have this day o.ssolvod partnership by mutual csnsent Kreri Mess will still continue bu.lrea at th old stand- All persons Indebted to tbe late firm of Cramer & Hesaare requested to pay lhe same at r nee to Geo vv W right at bis law office, Albany. Oregon. Dated this Sept 18th, 1893 OKO HCRAMRR, FRED UKaS. M rat. Dr. Patterson H' atl lace The Noted Clairvoyant ami Life Raider, 1 now here, aad can be found at her residence, next door J B OongtU'. She telle about all eubjecta. pwt present aad future; lore trouble, abaent friends and boelnas. You oau hear from vour dead friend. Miss Selkirk will be PJM&Wft "IM lTMlS'r!". the auspices of the Y I VL''nK. eis.NW; wm McMeek- 11 i' Vi;ii.:V i X'n'JIu V.- , 1 . t . . . . :in. S.VX. niin , ! wn -. 1 T. . I " IV. , uuri. IU iUHN I.. ui u,ir 1,-ai ioca a ent. r" -fio.wii: i j Mi;. W.vititi-:. I'iio I'nm'vill,- N,.u says: Mrs Kliza Warnn, of Brownsville, aecoinpttnieil by her son ami hi wife.visiteii her mster. Mrs Win YVtgle.and hoi ilnuirht or. Mm Joe Crooks. Inst, week. Mm u.. ran a history is no doubt faniiliar to nearly all people in ( irejron. She is now 69 years of :ig. At the ago of ton years she was a IV"",, r mission school nt Walla mm. mm wius an eye witness to the massa cre that took place there on the 27th of No vember 1SA7 0 this In.lian botcherv the great Or Whitman foil, ami his brave Lalut tiik wue was also a victim of Mm rr.. iwk. Mrs Warren with .",1 nth.. ....... eu prisoners, ami wen- in ,-,,,;;( ti.. jwks. They were ransomed hy Hudson nay io. omeers. At that time the subject of these remarks was Miss Spudding Iler mother and Mrs Whitman wore the first white MM to treiul upon the soil of Ore gon, those truly pioneer women crossed the plains in 18:16. Mrs Warren was Iwn at Mm Idaho, not from the present town of Iiewiston.iin.l she is now the oldest living: white child bom on this side of the Kooky mountain-. Friday's Contkht. The following pro Tam sjieaks for the quality of the enter tainment rnaay night: TAUT OKB. Male quartette. Instrumental Miss Eva C wnii. River of Rest L Dmu. Miss MM L 1 of Vonsta, I le Beverly, from Man- Cumhff. W indow tsborne J;x" ft 'annum -Mi. Sol0, Wto' My 1 " ,rs kmgdon, vkt ! Trio. Go to the On, TWO. Whom I Aden j t osta Mrs Chamberlain, Miss Miss Co wan Kllis and j Sognia F Sehira Miss Selkirk. j "strunientnl Miss Tate. '" Se'!tirk- ! - M.!xed liP" J-j Moment of I ETwFZ nJ,ssrWklrk- Mrs j K K Prof - W 11 ! IV! K. fi'.'.SUi); 1 M Baldwin. SIX- I -7-vpw it. i : e a. r v . . , - 735; Baldwin Sheen & Ijind l'n s?n o V Circle. $450; Wm Cir-le, 16156; D W MRSXi f,u-W3U; HACIeek, 10,f02; ,'1'. fiu.OJU; llACIeec, 10,f02; J W Klkina, 4435; Fuller A Co.$U,93: v Gage, 17,685; Gullifordo: William on. $7065; W H Galliford, $64; TS J son Hamilton, $18,309; roweii. ?lLV--06; Prineville LSSCo. Sparks. $5303 : ITrsn xi ri-.. , Zell, $7524; Cahn & Weil. t238,664." ' The Harvest. While spring wheat, o which there is a small crop, h-w len dam agetl by the rain, the wheat product of this county is probably larger than ever before. Many of the warehouses arc ilntwlr ,,ll -ongent the Farmers is running over - ......... . ... "', "''" "t"ng 1 net arm ers heie has ne:irlv 15U.O0O bushels- tin. R-..1 Crown Mills have been sacking for a week or two; li F Simpson at the Magnolia has stored large quantities, and the country warehouses all report a big storage. The gradual advance in price is very encouruir- in. It C I ) I. , -. . . , . """"'r " nmn. inougn.and farmers should watch and take advantage of circumstance- ble and put monev into cin n!:siinn wkiA . a Wl" prodnce a BOnnl tvnditu of affairs ff business will run alonir as usuid and f ,rr 01 a times will cease in the man A Cow. Hi.iHWATMAx. A singe was stood np in South F-astern Oregon, with some Chinamen in it. 11. my i"onee," implored one of the Celestials "We going home, work hard no much pay." "Why are vcu in this in- .,.!'. -narpiy uemanaeU the American tor siKh cusses as you our noble American mnn rnnl.ln't ,.M:.-..l . - ! . .- ..... . . ItUL under her eye, and . "S1""10"-18.' H.l.n A: Fr,ed, 14.- i. w " V vVI " ji -Hi. last night's concert i i..m ,ones, ?r.',747 : Z T Kevs, 110.- .ZJTZ'Z v 103 hon?e Friday eve , 21, yne.. ,bs iooney Bros, $23.- iiVa ' 1 GZLZ3Sn2rTL3FvllwmmV' ,or "ection in the neweat and MOtfS'iar v 1 Ptent? 1 cholce,t ood ol ,be The :rreeTCTTaede",rtmen,. z fter tntino ifVi f, nil L c . ,- . I !? 'w perfect. There ia no time coach ai..l went awa a -K5i: iZ Ball." K .-.,ra use Ratnrdav for ' The State Faih closeil il. a ,;., ,. i i .- - u. w incr me regular run ... Ti The attendance of trade sets in. They have Suit received not, .rP' ., 'i" xhib,, were some of the verv latest ahapes in ladle a. Ji L lntere?l,nK ar- their Weat windew. and thev will uke acter. nrda" in the free for all pace pleature in .bowing rou thi other by J.Wthefi-hwti22:20,,l!cI,inSon em- Thai' " S un i OZlET7 re.mID,lng ;hree heat, winter jacaet. r.: now in, make vour fa J. V ,CK lMt he,t!n the seiectlors arly w.MIe the assortment i., - n. ,, m,., I " -.VI. I ucnv nine i. aiuitnomah. Harrows tub, wssai ine ena.and was withdrawn on the last heat, F,,R rrtriT. lne Portland Ev- position have decided to give some libera! prizes on trmt. as follows: a- no I For the largest five pears, . . tv, u i t c Vi r.XX' For &. zzszt 1 For the Farsest bunch of irranes'. . Ml .$5.00. j For the greatest variety of grapes,. K.00, I All fruit should be carefully labeled with n " the name and address of the imSm. h Jd PA rs' ' lhe Central Ful, and Poul be placed on exhibition both at Portland tr-v M' ket " E'iworth street, between and San Francisco. ! Second and Third, for your Jressed nou:- . n. . .-j c . m .... r Ax Oakville Accident. The 13-year-old son of Mr Jenkins, living near OatviJJe in Linn county, accident!- struck himself in the groin with a knife yesterday. He was cutting bandies in the harvest field with a a dirk knife at the time. A physician from Corvallis was summoned who found that the wound was not of a dangerous na ture, as tqe blade bad only entered the flesh. However, it was a narrow escape. News. Albaxt Ahead. Several papers are boasting nf the nnmber of people who went to the World's fair from tneir re spective cities, among othars Kageneand Medford. Agent Fronk givet the ' De mocrat 500 as a conservative estimate of the number who have started from Al bany, going over different route to the big city of worlds wonders. Certainly a good indication of that the times are not desperate. Akk Yoc Goixo East Remember the Union Pacific is the only road that can sell yon a first-class ticket to Kansas City for 325.00, Sioux City for $25.00, Omaha for tSR 00 St I i,i, tnr Sctl mi ..- . - . 1 , - " . "J ...... - .. I III " L 1 I - - ' -j .n .W .(1I .111 ,,iii,.r points proportionately low. Note the time von ca.n rave vin tho Haatnar t' ,, ;;.. l . land to Chicago, twenty-one hours: Port land to umaha, torty-one hours; Portland to St Louis, twenty-five hours. Free reclin ing chair cars. Tourist and Pullman uleepers. Accommodations unsurpassed. For rates or particulars call upon or addresx Ci:KRAS & MoXTKITII. Local Agents Union l'acific, Albany, Oregon. Do not wait too long. The gnta. World's Fair will lie closed in a few week. The traveling public are fully alive to the fact that the Chicago Union Paciffc & Northwestern Line still lends in time and accommodations to the east. Remember that a whole day may lie saved with its contingent expenses by taking tlie Union Pacific to Chicago. Yes, You Can ste lhe finest line of ram pies for suitings In the state at W R Graham's, where he has a tailor with few equala on hand to make tNm up on short notice. Get the best anJ most a'vliah suits of him. A new feature will b- mamng of ladies' cloaks 10 oider, or the altering of cloaks to the latest style, and the repairing of cloakt Price ar? bot tom one. - A Watch i a neceaaliy nowaday I yon want ouo call on Will & Stark. whoe t jck 1 large and varied, and price the ti,e rnoat reaaonal.le. They can give you a bargain in thia lino aa ell in jewelry 'jrierally See the Mew Improved Singer sewing ma chine. The t" t is a! way the cheapest. J W Sowden, agent. Office at P M Frenub'e Jewelry toro Smoke the Carl Dunder the best cigar on Earth for a nickel. For salejbv Boenlcke Bros. " All styles and size of nverai o?s snd rob j bers at dead, Petcook CVa. Jnat received at Reed, Peaecck St Co', aeveral ucw hoes of kid glove the latest style cavil and tea them. WF.ATHKR R1KI II Crop weather bulletin. No 26, of the Oregon Shite Weather Service.for the week ending Tuesday, Sept 19, 189.1. B S Pngnc, local forecast official. Weather During tho ast week the tem Hnitun avoraired .r7 deurera. which wiu cooler than the normal bvfive degrees. The rainfall was slightly below tho normal. The daily normal rainfall for Western Oregon for the past week was 0 05 of an inch, ami the daily actual average rainfall wiw 0.04 of n nuh. The sunshine was about the averag. The week closed with threatening conditions. Harvestinir and threshine is umcie:i!h- at an end. All trruin and huv eroos have been secured. An occasional report ia re ceived recounting the damage caustnl by the nun which occurred during the weekending Sept 12th. We learn Uiat the damage con sisted principally in blowing down late spring wheat or oats, and causing grain to mould or heat which had been left in the shock. Such damages occurred in widely separated localities and were not general. It is the universal opinion that the rain of me previous week proved a lnetit, on the whole. Farmers hail with pleasure the condition of the ground to receive the plough. Prepurations ore being made to , ln 80,1,0 nave already begun. In Has tern Oregon heavy rains occurred on the first three days of the week, which were followed on Thursday and Friday by light and in exposed places killing frosts. I he temperature became much warmer to ward the decline of the week, averaging 56 degrees. Farmers in tho Columbia and Walla alla valleys have not entirely mushed their harvest, and them is ennairf. erahle wheat to thresh in some localities, lne heavy rains damaged standing grain, also grain shock: but the T-.mts were mneli needed to assist fruit in nuituring and start ! new firowth of root crop, KAL ESTATE 8 SUES. 0 4k C io Robert Dickson. 240 acres. Ill .$ C P Davis to Chaa A Davis, trustee, 65-10 acres 12 w 4 Chas A Davis to A T and E P Davis, 55.10 acres 12 w 4 Jdhn MOsborn to D A Gabon,' interest in 20 acres 11 w 5 . Oregon to RSI Smith, 40 acres 12 w 2 tieo H Durham to Charles A Ne:il" 720 4000 4000 1 50 the Foster Block, Albany 22.000 F F Windham to (Jeo M Hill, 3 acres rjatasy 600 &00D S00 200 1 1 10 E 1. Wash Crabtree to Ruth K Richard son. 100 acres 19 E 1 . . . W Crabtree to W W Crabtree. 60 acxes9El CPBurkhart to John H Burkhart, :t20 acres 11 w 3 America Walter to J W Bishop, 160 acres 12 E 1 U G Hayne to C L Bock.' 'one-half interest in 240 acres lOw 1 and 2 C L Buck, to U G Havne. one-half in terest m l.l 1. Elkina A, Al bany C L Buck to O 0 Hayne. one-half in terest in lot 7, U 107, H s A, Al bany B Burtenshaw toE Sylvester, 10O acres Martha Phillips to G W Philiips e ..,n, i 10 W 2 2W 1000 2000 1000 Jer A!j don't stand idle. Its the man w'vo keep moving that generally succeeds in life. Yon can't help moving on when taking Sim mons Liver Regulator. It cleans the sys tem from ail poison and sends the blood throueh the veins at n omrl mnJ - The Regulator is the lest uisuran. r vdkj against indigestion and dyspepsia. Xoth- "'K luaioriuu aooai Simmons Uver Kegu Of Stock offers the greatest possible - 1 r7 V . iaiiiiaia.-,ii nib, rcacoca ac to nave tome exceptionally lattiarrivo ll.l. - -- ....... .-m-i i .in. w UUJIICI 1 "Jl. lhi M' -i:'s ur Mil ami winter or - The Bar id Men Tlur k, ...1 ' io this city are Parker lira. good brettl for all who awed seal bread ad IkM,p th" beat cookie, eahea, ate. Thefr " ' Krvcerw i siajxurd and their pro- ?J, WMh oa wiJ. clacs treatment and tha near in k aheth it in bahed gooda or grocer market. 7, amc alio un oi a:i kind in aeaann. ovters, c'arr.s and crab. Everything fresh in oc.r tine may be bad at reasonaSle ngures . Call and Sac us. Sbxoers a. Co. ueoer Uiat. Koi'owirg is the list of letters remaining in the post oflysn at Albany. Linn county, O -eg.-. n,Sept 19 b. 1893. Person oalltas for Ueae letter miiac rrive .h date an which they were advertise. I. Claypool, Miss Mith DemprieT. D R F.l worthy. Rev H B Fuiton.kiss Ann E lioff.FrancisMarionP Harri. Mr Ruby Kerr, .' $ P Phillips, John A Richardson, A M Rich. Robert -V-hien iann, (iustave Stewart, Mrs J R Smith, EO Shaw, 0 F Weaver, Frank C Williamson, H B Thos . MoTrrn, P. M. Sbiloh'a Yttaiiaer : what yen nred far dyapept ia, tcrpid liver, yellow akin or kid ney trow Me. It is sTnaranteed to give yea atiriac-io.-.. Viice. 75c. 8ld by Poshay at Manse. rerma, cttii ac F L Kenton . grocery alwsy e.uina Hallafaetlaa : aBrandrelb Pill have always g'reat tlstaction. Ir, fifty year there haa ben no complaint of them. Tht is about their life In the Uniirtd Htate and .ml Moos, of jvnson have used them. There k no doubt that they have established them selves by merit alone. They cure rhea matUrr:, dyspepsia, piles, liver complaint, biliousness, and any disease arising from an impure state of the blood. One or two at night on an empty stomach for a week or two, will keep you in good form arV lone up the system. Thev are numlv vegetable, absolutely harmleia, and aatelw-, isxe ar. any time. Sold In every drug or medicine start either plain or ugar coated. The Vs;rdict is u.ianimona that Wftt Ar Stark carry lhe lvt line of silver war In the valley. They nave the variety and qual ity, n Comblnatlnn lliar riuinta 11 Imvinn hejoods. An inpeCij0n alway carrieion-' fiction. Shwinii MACuifKt neitiy repairedJ au warraoted by H th-ir. us.hly compscent work man, at P M Prencb'a jewelry store, AJbny, 'Iregoo. Fine Honhhem Oregon peacbea ar F 1. Kenton. Now i the tiro to can Cbsn. Clean towels to every customer at, Vtarcck having parlors. Bath at Vicreck's shaving and hair cnt-J dg parw. s. Pay Perry Conn. Will & Star., th' jeweler W-DlirNG IXVITAVtOItS. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden. Common every day; MODAT Whet SO ceit i per bushel. Prlnevllle U to have a bise ball tourn ament October 3id. Zimmerman, the great bicyclist, will make about $.o,ooo this year. Sept ut he had won 33 firsts and one second. The house of J W Brown at Ntagata waa blown up with giant powder Friday. The cause was probably a timber claim uouoie. Samuel Adolph. A hile riding In Salem Saturday, was tipped over and met with .nju let that caused Mi death yesterday. At Salem Saturday the well known driver, I C Mother, bad a shoulder ditto cated hy being thrown out uf his tulkr, while turning to score again. The Albany races will be fast opes. Not only will the fastest horses li the northwest be here, but the track Is an un commonly speed ore. The Polk county fair an J race will be -gin on Wednesday of thlt week. There will be eleven contests. Barrows Bros Multnomah has been entered in the 3:45 c ass, and Del Norte In the free for all. Most of the entries ,rc tne same at those at the State fair. The Rebekah Degree branch of the I O O F of this cllv have ordered Jfor use In their lodge room a new piano direct from the factory through Mr Will. The railroad commissioners special train recently ran from Albany to Saiem in $5 minutes, making the distance from Turner to Sa'em, eight miles, in nine mlnu'es. fast traveling for an Oiegon train. Lou Hodges got home Monday from Keniucky. Like most of the others who ' ,ook iiorsea to that sta'e to sell, he re- porta a dull market. When he left for nome, Mr James Klktna still had flltv head of horses which he had not disposed of. Ochoco Review. WorJ has been received from Medford, where the Columbia conference M E Church 8oulh i in session, announcing that Hon E R Skipworth, of Eugene has been selected a delegate to the general conference which meets at Memphis, Tenn, next May. The Oregon Pacific has taken its steam er Th. T..M.UE..... & n . vallis route lo. tne present -wing to the fact that there la no buslnn. 10 i.,?n. 1 contlnuinc on her run. Alihnn.h , 1. possible to navigate the river all the year . . uur.u nc onjon raanc ooes not feel justified in running an empty boat up and down tne rivet . Ex. Soon i the wheat begins to move the Oregon Pacinc will put on a line ol rteara - er of sufficient capacity to handei the entire amount shipped.' At present the Urmer. are contents store their wheat waiting for a rise In the price The X V1 a. K PP laim mat tnrough their wheat agent they have cause a the recent advance m the wheat market. AIJ..; an . tatad in abstaaoa that that city wm to bay two Urn warehouse, for .ta. tioo, to be baitt by two kola. grocery ' ,ge - raln' wealher be (mail, house of Portland. Wo havj no reason to , Heppner la making extensive prepar doabt the aUtemeot a a fact, txil we bar ! atlona for the enfertainmenr of the mem been reliably informed that Corvallis ia to 3cn of the grand lodgeK of P. which coo have a like boaiDeee, to accomodate i ji aec , ver.e in that city next month. If there uoo. HoAinuy ha so advantage over or.n on tniaaoorv. Corvailu .Neat. . J The bav Ul3on Rosemon. owned by J ! T Wiiktns, of Rtaseburg. I making a fine j record for himself In California, having' won several race In good time. He ha trotted several beat In rouea tetter time j than 130. Roaemoo ha nten ntered for I the Albany race, which promise to be I amcng fie best of the season. The track j aa rearranged is one of the belt on the j coaat and corns; very" fast time I looked ' or- The following world's record have oeen made this season ; Three year old is m ur uiuc Snip: t year o d oaclnir fillr. J:til by Effi- Power: 4 year old trotting coil, J 7. mace by Directum: x year old trot, tine aTeklltlR. 1.1 7. made by Wilkes: a .ear a Tear ma irun old pacing colt, J-Oy;, made by Olabto; trottine stallion, ana- as-e . x.-r mark. h. 1 "rectum ; trotting gelding, any age, 06 , made by Gny. Last Saturday. at Chlcaaro. Alls won I the ninth and AtrriAiim k.r i. . k.. -a,. 1 Man exposition free tor all stake, worth . $15,0-0, tcotrjsjg ;he mile in jaxs - Thi performance makes lhe Kenosha mare the winner of the most remarkable race in i trotnog turf history, the winner of tbe tastes: neat eer trotted In a race ti -o7 v, 1 1 and tne winner of ever trotted. the f latest ninth heat Kola Kie informed u yesterday that his uncle expecta to gather over fo.rx,o pound of hop from tv a8-acre Spring field yard. He is one of lhe few grower who sprayed hi yard thi year and while spraying may have had but little to do with Use yield, Mr Neis say he is con vinced r.f, hnw tf,w.. mm w,.kw . L.,.. I -- -- s w M ... -. . w.ic. investment than to spray his hop Hr- risburg Courier. Why It it that a few Linn county yards have only yielded too or 400 pound per acre. Tbe foot race between Wm Rav and Chas tier th wait at the state fair grounds yeateraay was won ray Kav. i hoae from Corvallis who witnessed the contest state Claude Strahan has retained to Ka that It waa an easy victory for Rav, not- gene to continue his studies in the state unitanotng uertnwalt defeated Chas ' Young a tew days ago In a 7-yard con test in the fast time of eight seconds. The race yesterday was 100 yard and for a wager of $300 a tide. The lime given wa 10 seconds. Corvallis Newa. Evidently poor litre keeping Neither man can run in 10S. Band concerts will be given daily at tba race beginning on the .6th. KzeteisM tonight in tb V M C A gyro easinm. Let at 1 in tare lad at tea. 1 . The Industrial society of the First M E church will meet for work in the cnurch parlor tomorrow at z P M Linn County Council will meet in the hall of Fairntour.t Grange In Brnt-w Co. the 1st Saturday in October at 10 o'clock. J H Scott, president. The public schools opened yesterday with a good attendance, 344 regiatering. Thi will be increased over too In the neat few weeks from present indication. Judge Fay cays the affair ot lhe O P look brighter and more hopeful, and he believe the road will pull through all right. 5 'equina Pot. the concert to be given Friday evening of tLia arvewk in tbe Opera House will afford tbe muaie loviocr oeople of Albany rare .' treat. S.'iaa Selkirk of San Kraneiaco will be assisted by onr beat bom talent, and will mafco a rich program. A Chinaman named Mong Tai was taken before Justice Newport yesterday after noon on the charge cf robbing Jim Lan of $550 at a game of the famous fan tan. Tbe trial was set for nest Saturday at 10 o'clock, Klamath, an Oregon horse, son of Al mont, won the free for all trot at Sacra mento lat Saturday, the beat being 2:i3,li the fastest trotted on the Coast tht year. Cramet & Bowman are a new and reli able firm In the blackimlthlng business and will be found at the old Willert stand, ready to do work promptly and the best It can be done. Next to Mrs Looney, who had attended every state fair but the first one, come President Apperson the pioneer patron of that institution. He has misted not more than six of the annual exhibitions, Statesman. The new California base ball league be gan business on Saturday. Several former Albanle are among the players: Mcf Jreavy pitched a strong grme for San Francisco, defeating Oakland 7 to $. Stanley ia catching for ganta Roa, Riley playing second and Johnson pitching. Sufferers from dyspepsia have only themselves to blame If they fall to test the wonderful curative qualities of Aver'a Sarsaparllls. In purifying the blood, thi medicine strengthen every organ of the body, and even the moat abused stomach Is soon reatored to healthy action. Ne person should travel without a box of Ayer'a pills. At a safe and speedy remedy for constipation and all irregulari ties 01 tne and noweis, they have no equa!.and,being skillfully sugar coated, are pleaaant lo lake, and long retain their virtue. Saturday afternoon the threshing crew of Jme Yatea waa working ottDrTW Harris ptace, a few mile west of Eugene. The lowering clouds Indicated rain, and the crew concluded to finish their work during the nlghtl Thev went to work with renewed will snd between the hours of 8 o'clock and midnight, tney finiahed the job, threshing 850 bushel of oats. Eugene Guard, Attorney M E Brink, with a force ol workmen, began the ereufon of hit resi dence on the corner of A and First streets yesterday. Mr Brink Is a man young in years, but Intellectually "skookum," and only recently become a Benedict. Official favors have been thrust upon him during his stay among us, and we venture the prediction thit his true worthiness will keep him In the same boat.Prloeyllle News. It Is rumored that arrangements arc making for the atabllhmeni of a loan eompan in Corvalllt, which proposes to loan money with real estate security st per cem per annum. An agent tor an eastern company of capitalists was here a few days lnce looking over the territory ana making investigations to the above i eno. tie secured the endorsement of a number of our business men to the effect that this was a suitable location for an enterprlte of that kind, which was for warded to his company. As yet nothing furihc is known concerning the venture Corvallis Gazette Eastern Oj stars by the ca 1 8rc. at Booicke Two Salem men were fined Ik f.r stealing a bottle of beer. Tt.e lair and races u Indeoendente be - ... 1 ... 1 a . 1 1-.. 1 , t .7 m..uwiu circum.ianccs. r.oirenei liiev irv or m oaiet roast, cth at BoeoicVe Bros, ths fiosit oysters 10 the market. im, oi Hliier,i urinaing the finest mush melons to the city. Mr Wil s takes the leaU on this succulent fruit. People who cannot so to the nrwm m."ZUfv 4 able toTo the one at Ant err, K'lr,l. ... vs. - r ws mmj, j "we tuotccioeis wno witn to suppiy this office with wooJ on account of ub scrHtlon should d -liver it at once. Want oak, ash, resple cr large fir. The time made by the R R (Jon-mission ers special train from Albany to Salem was 35 minutes and not 55 minutes, as the types made the Democbat to say. Secure yoor ticket for tbs eaaocrt Fri day night. Thia is the stir entertainment ot the course. Boat fail to hear Mia Selkirk ; 1 he ha a rare contralto voice . 1 The aigokl sarvioe, that h been Uliog a rest for aoversl week on awuaot f a santsa at baadqaatats, be ao bnnieu to day, ru we may now look out tor ter weather bH- ! ti Tht, preIden w"aed W B ! Hornblowcr 4 New York, associate ius- i 1 ce ol the supremecourt of the L niled 1 Tl. 11 a .1 Sr.t Ti. ft.Ll .1 . , IO , ineunmtian Endeavor society of the i j0JnJP"oUhurch i will give a bsok i f0"" l lhe ehon lhte evening at . P :venojclock. A pleasant time ' I efPc,cd The price of admittance I a " or old that olil beauitable tor ,he i,undr cho1 Bbrary. J" y t many ot the yard in lne county have finiahed picking and ! me product I now beifg delivered for! ! storage. From beat advice ohtainaw L t lhe hareting of this crop will most all be ' "f bT. Saturday night. The dara- u ne thing that the county seat oi M r row county understand thoroughly it i eertaietnit of guests, and the Knights hre 'V1 thh Inland city, Several voung gentlemen ol this city, thi morning, played a practical joke on Attorney Woodcock, who la in Portland, They had him awakened tht morning br the proprietor of the Hoi too House, and summoned to the telephone, whei he learned that they ooly wanted to no-r ' il he was op." We will not publish hi rep:."-Euge Guard. The city of Ballard, near Seattle, has I recently shut on I: treet tight a a "" .toi, Kwwm( tne loan to be In da. kiseaa. Ttse tMi efS.-i.i ' repotted from the town i also in the line J of thrift, kfavor Pritta- ia aatarl . v.... w ..'. aarur 2 .ill r aa urmmn era aiv. accented a ooarttoo in McTuen'. .Mu. ! mill at that place as a shingle waver. ! and ia now at work Hrrnailrim . i .. .ww .a ww. ncwoui-un so act i , mayor, putting io hi evening in lea parity. that The foilowmc hem trom Use Corv.Iii. i V.w. .Kn. .. . s.i i. ! figure. Pol. county will iai.c about ,oocsooo boaheks of ho.? this year, whlcn 1 "t ao cent wCl bring the neat una of $360,000 Into the costntv. This ouaht to et out termer to .kl.ll.. wa. - 1 convenient thine- it would be if Brntan t county had 1,000,000 pounds of hop to marke.; and they could j-Mt eerily have been raised heie ar elsewhere. BSCIAA HBrHMtll JSV. Collector T I Black was in U.e city this noon. Mr Chaa Brush of Portland, a pent Monday in Albany. Judge Geo H Barnett, of Sa'em, went to Corvallis this noon. r unss bow en retained una noon from the bop fields of Marion county university. Mrs Story, of Portland, who has been visiting Albany relatives returned home this noon. License was issued today for the mar riage of Henry ierdes and Lixxie Poh'.- Mr Ed Hearn, of in the city and will hare after ran tba Moses barber shop, which he has purchased. C.W Watts, J J Dnbrille, J R Whit ney, Denver Hacklen an, Ed Zeyss and son have returned from the mountains, while gone killing nine de st, and having a good time regardless ol the wet condi tion of tbs atmosphere. Henry Irving and Ellen Terry, of En gland, passed through Albany this morn ing for Pott'and in a special train, eight can being required for their baggage a- tone. There are about 100 people in their troop. Miss Selkirk, the talented contralto who will give a concert here Friday eve ning, wilt be in Albany tonight on a sev eral days visit with her friend Mis tirar Piper and will be the guest of K W Lengdon. She will leave Albany direct for San Francisco - Twenty-(oar three linkers of Albany feathered themselves together Saturday evening and went to Jefferson to visit the member ot Santiam Lodge of that city. It ia not necessary to say that a pleasant time was bad and that they were royally trea'ed by the members at Jefferson. Mr L W Deyoe and family left this morning by wagon for Elk City, where they will locate, and ran a boarding house and summer resort They hav a fine property in a delightful place, un surpassed for fishing and hunting and anticipate being suited with the location. They have the best wishes of many Al bany friends. Prof J D Letcher, of the Agricultural college was in Aloany today on his way home inm a trip to his former home in Virginia. He also spent three weeks in Chicago, and thinks ho obtained a good Idea of the wonders of the Wot Id's fair. In keeping with the excellent college he represent his mind seemed to run on the agricultural feautures of the fair, such as fine cows, fruit, etc. There will be a great many people at the World's fair who will not know what they were there long, but Prof Letcher is not ons ot them. He Keeps his eyes open and his muscle in action. Tt'KSOAV, Wm Johnson, the insurance man arrived in the city from a trip to Eastern Oregon. A letter from Jas J Charlton, tit Silver City, N M announces that he has improved considerably. Mr Charles MonteiUi, of Spokane, in the city, on his annual visit to his mother and frienda. Hon Jeff Meyers, of Balem, Hon A If Ble vens. of Tangent and Hon Milt Miller, of Ijebanon, were in the city today. Mr and Mr Walter Hobbs arrived in Albany Satunlay evening from Camden, Maine, and are now located at their home in Benton county. DCapt Winning of A Co Oregon left this noon for the Soldiers Home at Santa Moni ca, Owl. Nearly everybody sent their le gards to John Bryant, who ho been there for severar year. Mr Carries, of Acme, started for Albany last Sunday to attend the funeral of her brother. Wm Deo, who was killed recimtlv by an explosion of dynamite in a Southern Oregon mine. r torenre West. Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Roftl ABSOLLfTELY PURE Editor Parker, of the Walla Walla J Statesman and editor Me Malum, of the I Salem Independent were in the city this I linon Otl their wnv ti thai A Z f I th. 1 .1 , -v " mK.-uvK nonies. ih? hitter boasted of having killed six deer. wmnitipton who left Corvallis a few Sijf WUB UU! lnention of going to the World s fair, changed his mind and is a- (Mill ( )An. II 1 1 .... 11 . ... . 1 ?C l." "'.., weI'Uant 71 I IncU.ft. ....,.. , ic "ui .tiiie'uni ing me weI- Umg of Ur John M Bias. nmsi. Cnl , 11.. , uuj agn.illtural colleim at I W. j M'8 Mary A Wood, recently from Kmm City. Mo. The ceremony will bike la e .."J . 'leinisT i;an. at tne Ijv '"erne f n li bhacklett m thw city, Miss Worsls arrived here with her sister. , nhacklett. when the latter returned frS to the en-ten. state,. I r"wie i.nara Hon J K Weatberford left this noon for heoknk, Iowa, on legal btuiness. Ex-Sheriff Mat Scott arrived home yester day from his trip to the World' fair. Mis Lida Rumhaugh ha just returned from a two month sojourn at Iwaco. ('..utity Commissioner Wm Rum bangh left this noon for the World s fair. license was issued today for the mar riage of George Hoflick and Eva A Milhol- len. W R Bilyen, a prominent attorney of Al bany, is in the city for a few days.-Stetes- Mr Charles Q Rideout, of San Iieandro. IOl.f . . .. . . . u i.wm.-r nnieni m Aiuanv, is in tls city on his way home feam the World', fair. i "".ruM nimiK) amvei iiobi Ihl u : vi: nfL:. . , ... m Aiuany anu i apuma uay. Ku- 'gene Guard. j Mr H F Merrill ha secured office room at tiie store of F M French where he will be ; found ready to attend to insurance, renting j houses, collection, etc. air James El kins arrived in Albany this noon from a trip to Indiana, woere be re cently went with a band of horses from Crook ,-ountv all of which he urled . HinaT UWWa in . , . . . Jn Culver, a resident of Prineville lor a stood many years, ia in tin. rite Mr Culver is full of reminiscence, of Prineville life, among other things being an eye wit ness of the famous Vaughn Long shooting affair years ago. L T Robinson who baa been running- Jim and Henry Lee'a dry hoose at Harri.i.rinr ; " n the city. He has rented the Langb- neaa ram ana will ran it this year. He reports that the Lee's mVknrl A-Vtil mmJ. i of hops from five acre. Rev Geo B Allen, of flak Land fal af""--. a' 111 . Kev t.oodenougb. I goeat .1 Mrs lr hellv xretaiy of FeUowahip. writes that Mr aJ lea la well an-t tavorably kixjwn in this en tire juriailiction. He will preas-h next Sun da'. morniniT and evening, in the r ai ver sa lit church of this city. TAXCCXT. September 1 Sib 1S93. I Iur nnblic school tartaul nn ,l P, .... ""i aMfMI op tJy t-u. t ,., ra7f" , . . V."1 '" Metahee and B)T I a- Fa .. . ; - v - ' on WaW night overland .LIOTl ltf alt the aoBnni con r?c whlch ' betng held there thi Our Tangent Literary society will eotn- ""T " n rsi -ainrday evening in 'JctOoer. , 1 " recent rain bare stopped the thmaher several day, bat Mr E L i?1?0 "arted bia threshing crew to work Friday lastweek.bat tears are entertained 1 naa anma r.l isa innn. na,n ewoae sn atav apricrje atrauD win tre danuuted to that the warehoaa-company wi'i not receive it. Mr A Blevins informs us that tbe ware bouse is full to its utmost capacity, and he is compelled to close on account of larking more room for storage. Mies Georgia Beard and Miss Maggie Casey, of tbe Sisters school of Albany, have been here visiting relatives a day or two. The young people of Tangent tendered Mia Cora Hudson a very pleasant sur- , prise party on last Wednesday evening. At half pas- eleven a grand repast was bad of icecream and case. On Thursday . Miss Cora too bar departure to hr mountain home near Green Basin. A communication sent to last week's 1 DaxocBAT, signed Reporter. irom.Tan I gent, are presume they thought would ! rates quite a commotion in the common I ity, by writing a niece about the, Tangent ru tctier not sending his boteber back around to some of the country bonus. We are afraid there are some people who are to la ay to walk to the shop after their meat. I! the truth is known tbe Tan gent butcher's back reached most all tbe country booses. That is the first com plaint that we have heard. Yocxo AstcniCA. flow' Tkit! We oBer One Rondrad Dollars reward for an;; asae ot Catarrh that cannot be cared by Ball's' Catarrh Cure. Y. J.CHKXEY& CO., Toledo, O. We, the ntKiersigsad, bare known F. J. Cheney .i.r the last IS year, and be Here him pr- -etly honorable in all business transaction s mnci;iy able tocarrj' out any obligatione & . y their firm. Wirsv A Tar ax. Wholesale Drajnrlsta. Toledo .O, Kinn.m A Uaavix w noteeaie ,ruf eists. Tolrxlo. O Rall'a Catarrh Cure is taken internallir. act ing directly open the hloorl and mucous surface of she system. Testimonials arut free. Pries HO. per notue sou uy an irugrtxui. a a (-aaaervatlir Baal. """"VWINU lo the present monetary trm- S gency and during tne existing condi tion of the financial market, I find it c- mpulsory to run my business on a very conservative basis. Sugar, as you are aware, I handled on a very tmall margin of profit; 0 small in fa-tt to scarcely pay for the handling of It, and the term upon wnicn It is nought are very atrict (caai. only j While money was plentiful, and collection good, I was able to allow sugar billa to run 0 days ; but cordltlona at present are such that I will tell sugar for cash only. I assure vou I wa very re luctant to make a rule of thia kind, but the conditions ot the market are tuch a to make it imperative. Trusting you will look at thi in the proper light and also understand that this rule applies generally. Perry Conn. Phase pay Perry Conn what you him. owe Viereck.a lora ahaviog and hair cutting par .-event una e- re Constipation and Skfe 'acne. SteaM Bile Dean. Greta woods. Don't be tempted to invest in them. You will get into trouble every time and In the end poverty and disgrace. The genuine Uncle Sam's green goods are the only ones of value. They make you rich; especially when used to purcise Simmon Liver Regulator to cure your Indigestion, dys pepsia, constipation or btl'.ouaneaa,or drive away maiari. Don't be tempted to take anything else In place of the Regulator. DPRICE'S The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in MillionsTofi Homes 40 Years the Standard Baking Powder Septemlier lHfh. 181. Tho harvest is over in this part of the country, and the yield has lieen s.-Uisfactorir ly. The fruit crop i light.but garden I jok more promising since the rains. The new orchards, where projierly culti-1 vated, have done finely and I think there j are some orchards here not surpassed in the state except in number of trees. A drying and canning establishicent will be needed in the near future. Hunters are now pawing with venison and an occasional bear. Hop picking will about close this week The Indians were not employed this year as there were plenty of whites to do the work. The views of the Democrat on the silver question are, in my opinion, entirely ot tos, j ne uimcuitv now is that we may i have too much blind legislation on the! subject. When it once get a fair start as ' the wisest men are lost in speculation, not ! knowing wluit is the true remedy for the i ills we have. Reports show that unspended ' bank are being reopened, various indos MM are beitisr started a train on fnll time and with a full complement of operatives. unit ifuLuwl SL. 1 ll I. - . I . . . -..- . .... k ... 1 n. uqiujga ix mncu im proved. Every species of business ha been ran on a boom for the last decade or longer, and frequently on a false basis and with imaginary capital, and we are now passing through a crisis leaning to a healthy reac tion, and while it will be ome time before reckless speculation will again run rife the country will move on as prosperously a it baa ever done lief ore. Let us quit kicking and go to work and (to good times will Weslet. Mti rXMEatia(j If yoo want a tine amokr call for Joseph. white labor cigar , Tb beetjnaat a3e to tb city at C Biad sfwyera Motor makes Hie trip, daily to Vieieck'a addition. Ijoto thrae tea m.tal'tDects of fl per week. P roers borne icunstry by MatoLing the ceibrateal whit labor eicare, msec factored by Jo'ios Joraab. They hve fine'n lor iacke's an.1 dtessea at Read. Peacock & Co's. All tii I eeweat kind. Call and examine them. New dress goods, the sery latest fall t'yles. If your wife or daughter needs a new dress, tell her to bo so Read. Pcae-s-k ft Co. You will need ucoerwear ar.d.hraea ihl fall. Why not cail on Read. Peacock Co and examine tl.eir. They carry a large variety. Fall and winter capes and jackets at Read. Peacock & Co' Handsome chapes. CTCC,lent bse, direct from the factories. j It -ill pay you to take a look at them. Call early whbc the. c is plenty to select iroan Wheat, soct; oaf. 25c; hay,$S baled;? wood, $3 to $ J 50, taien in exchange for sewinir machine or organ on hand at E V W ilf music store. Also on a'l book I accounts of 6 months standi-ig. Sewing machines from $15 to J3, with my per- J soma! guarantee for 5 yr. Genuine parte for all sewing machine, ! also the Seat oil, needle. etc lor all I aewtog machines, bicycles, etc., at E L" Will's music store. Sewing machines aad organs repaired reasonable, and all work warranted. Needle prepaid by mail 40c a dozen. Albaar piav-r are doi great work aireadv in the new California cr. al The Santa Rosas with Johnson in the box Stanley behind the bit and RUev at second defeated the crack Pioneer of San Fran- ctco Sunday J to 1. Stanley made tne ooly two bate lit:, and John sen, formerly wis. a rvaietn, struck out Sevan. The Ka-a-ninerass hi pitching surprised even the benches, Stanley catching without an Reillv out out 2 and assisted a times. It what Hood SajwaparilU rigo-oaaiy tight and it is lway vtctonoo ia expell- I in all the tnal laioU aad lhe vital flid the oaality and qaaatitv of perfect health. Hood's Pilta cure all liver ilia. ?5c. scat BESta PSiker Brt, giooeta. 9. 11. French keapa railroad Uaaa Boy yoar sroceri- of Parker Bra Rae groornea at Coon & Hesdricsoa'a. .lew cream chreaa ;uat leceived at Conrad SSr.yers, P J Smiley job printer, Flioa Block, doss Srat elaa work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled S eaat oig-r at John Joseph's. Dr M H Bl'.ia. bhyaictaa artd sargeoa Albany, Ors p. Call ratals U eity'or coontry. WartS -a Fair Traswfwr Will Stare It Tba public deanand thmaah servie when travsiiax. !t ia old-fashioned to lhane Cara." On the ihroagb, olid vtibwled train of the t"hic-, Union Pac.bc A North Weatern line from er to Chicago. Omaha aad intermediate poiata there is no baoge. Thi 1 tbe finest aad fastest scr ee between the point named. Ask loar I rlra. Who have taken Hood's Saraaparilla what they think of it, and the replies will be positive in its favor. One hs been cared of indigestion and dyspepsia another finds it Indispensable for sick headache, other repoi t remarkable cure of scrofula, salt rheum and other blood dlseaes,tiil other will tell you that it overcomes "that tired feeling.'" and so on. Truly, the best ad vertitinsT which Hood' Saraaparilla re ceive is the hearty endorsement of the army of friends It has won by it positive medicinal mer Vou can buy spectacles and eve glasses i St HONEST PRICES, of F M French tbs jeweler. The DsatocftAT will tske tome city scrip", on account. Bring It in. MAaUtnUk McOORMH'K YANTIS. -tbi Wednes day afternoon. Sept "A). LSSsH. at S o'clock it the residence of John Millard, Albany, by Rev T J Wilson. Mr Nevin McConuiek. one of Linn county's most reliable and pop ular young farmers, and Miss Mary Yantis. a young lady nf many splendid attainments and for several years a resident of Uii.t city. Thej; have the liest wishes of a large circle of friends. ZIMMERMAN COLE. On Sunda y Sept 17, 1893, at the residence of and by Rev C.W Hill, In Albany, Mr HeneV Zimmerman and Mr Susie M Cole, txttb of Millers. Two of Dun county's worthy people, deserving the best wishet of all. May they live long and prosper. HOBERO NICKLESON'. In Hills boro. Or Sept, 4. 1893, at the residence of J I Knight, M, Grant Hoberg, of Al bany and Miss Nannie J Nickleson. of Hiliaboro. The happy couple have the best yelies of many. HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS UNO FAILED TO mo A CUBS FOR A RHEUMATiSM, LUMBAGO. SCIATICA KIDNEY. LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS. DYSPEPSIA, LA ME BACK.&e. fffillltfTT Btr Ma sac beak "TnBVS Cf.lKO.-s Xll? y"1! h roatiat an. h a aaiaaiewaafeeT wehara shnanhrf "-"-''""'"- tfl cwQwoarBiaics.eBnwoaio i lanTj uattrt. nil of whom we tuae atrottf letters bearing teettiaucr to their recover? alter aMtiLotadtStT XE D TH CENEKAL DEEILITV CURED life better Usui base for u- ran dm, li..,,! iwa wHmt lamrtnalavt Tee can se- jiu . wmuut amsmariu ell or. aw. Tralrroora. H.A. BoWfeS aiuSTr8t. RHEUMATISM umnfA! -1 x a pea bad (MtM araaksl haven 4 it. ftao aa feel ltfa sew saa eaeraUr. walkee M.fc. tt txlrtm latorawmaJ HuSsl Pr.-Tsaaeaw. Pear fits bare b- aa arias rear jrrrp'-ng.aaaia-aa aa tiwx uus, ana ia atronaia lanrraart. y&agrasatatlr, 3BA3. . Ltrrrsu. ta THE DR. 8 ANOCr. KSaTrt teWilTITTbt ralmni rm ones Tbay are m4ed in atmartb to i : eare tba wot eaaaa ta two ee tbraa a I ia taeihanaia, bmm ablch bam abi tear ffc. Vlsvb.ftbaarjLdm.t, aat bnlik 1. SANPEN ELECTR'O CO. 172 First St., POETLAMD, WEB McMOTTILLE COLLEGE. McMinnvilie. Oregcn, X HMfRfM etaewbere SliUkle liiKiui, Eirint Teaefcm, Fire oonrae of y-CsaaneaI, SraentiSc, wewal advantages in Vocal and Insteurraerital i .raduate of the Normal coarse are entitled to nu nigs posiaons. atcjunnviiae is accessible main trunk of the .Southern Pacific R. K .II I . TI d aa- v. va aa m n . Mi 1 Hi 1U AerEi TOglX-fl SeptemDer lVUs, Utmm for C aUalngsie. Address. T. O. BKOWSSOJf, President. . . , .... . ... Or A J Hunsaker, Solicitor and Financial Agent. Portland's Great Industrial Exposition Draws Saeraw-aa 37 1803 Closes Octobsji S UBERATTS CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND WILL FURNISH THE MCSIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINIATURE. Tne Seam ai. Feaivres Wiu Eclips Those of axv Peeviovs Year. MADAME GIRARD OYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN Coot traded at a east of $ 10,000 anr throwing a t aoasaad jet of water ia all ealor of tbe rainbow will heaatafy Maaie Mall. Ti A TE-GKE aquariums Containing fish of all varietis foaod in Otegon water, have bees construe led ct great ''H hi ART Q- A TiTiER f WUI ccstaia a col.acUoo of asuDtina sed f ros the World Fax. Aaaag than Ellsbarg celebrated pais, ting. Caster' Last "ight. To visit thi great Sxpo-ttion aad iew it wonder ia vary depaitmeot of Alt and Seseeee. will be toe next thine to a vint to .be Wwli'i Pair at fTmag Reduced rata est ail Traa porta hoc Line. Far farther atforatataan address. BUY HEATING STOVES Matthews CITY BOTTLING CO., Who'rsale and IV atter, Cider. Orange and Iron Sellaee Waters, F1SST STREET, tawce. loitfwrr aed Railr klW V. OREGON ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, Proprietor WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employee' NEW : FURNITURE, MY SrURB IS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, CONSISTING cf bed room oU. chair, lounge , ate., which I will sail at BOTTOM PRICES. t Thos. Brink. PoaTnao, Oaauos. A. P. Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. 13 A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. DB. HAHDKK'8 ELECTRIC BELT 5P!Sl!RW!Rf 1U4ti bolr';;t,. Tb,xm)u cr exir-are, wui Bad relief cara 11, our inimlvm 7, 1 '7"Jrr,b,!.t ? trial to ernr-.-gfJatMS lDim,rai,,r,rf. rect T o roar Bav anoaiy ral-e T'7;em A nerve frvroean vitait, whleti Is eleeirtetf T-ac tana oaesM ronrgakie.'.r (irsof for, if ro replace Into jemi ststem th elementi ttaoa drain, which are ne qWred t rr Tajorrmaatraewth. jot vtfl rerBore the eayae amS health. suta-t sal rla t wi I follr.w at once. This caatanlee a core r.r r. H lhu.M h- k. , ' ura treai . , . . UHMHRV as curs; ur HltUS BdMf SfecivteSett'lJ and vteor, afUr all otaeriremtcarot fsilea. eeai be '.tber-jtin..b-.woBid a aaatr tel fr. aasdlhwi Buna 8 EW CA K C U R E YCU! U.MZ HACK AMD RHEUMATISM. Dr. a-. tTJZSi'S tree trbicb I vita ta ktaof taoatba, betas rarfert'. eoraa. That wwtav aJae. twrssaarko ot!perm.Mtlr.aad 1 b. .Ia.: Ts T- 'fcSatferi. tr-f-.-w lairnrTklalt D- n It '.If? iHL!an f.ncL.'"'1 h ' rar tu fjn er tbt ajauir irfeet, aad ac ear abaaa I f rl aassb nil a t'a 1 1 Taa. Vmt.U7. CEaax ocbvlS. tb : ELECTRIC BELT .y?. "y ' ' "tra bia aa. or aaru. or Mmmrj la is College u one of the otdest and nipped colleges in the Northwest. IM Offers Superior Aflyanlages Krpenw Litrbt: a boarding hail in the College building on the dob plan. President Hrownor steward, tho guarantee! nj? good board at tk least pjumlAe cost to the stn lent. Board can ah. lashad in privalc families at 82-.j to3.(i0pe week, including lodging. The fine Telescope recently nVocnted in tax New Observatory and the extensive Library to which atndents have free access, offen in thi state. TfcirtT lere Caiku, Normal. Literary and Easiness, with Mime. Bnaineaa comae of two year, a State Diploma, and are in demand to try rail trom all parte of the State, on the est - r. : aits iu Li-? kwu n rovusin.1 . o : 3 w r. -? r r .. a . w K. W. ALLBS. Sapesiata dealt and Secretary, 'ROMHw-w & Washburn. RetaUDealer In Birch Beer, iiarsapariUa aaI least. Iran Wine. Kte. Give ns a trial. Aanatsoao, PaisciMi..