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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1893)
Ihc emuaat. THK PRIMARY CAiTSK. Bradstreet's is the londlng commercial piper in the country. It is non political and its opinions have much weight, Speak ing of the cause of the present depression it says: "The primary visible cause of the busi ness crisis of 189: was dependent on the effect on basks of the withdrawal of foreign funds speculatively invested here, of hoard ing by individuals and by savings banks to meat possible contingencies, the whole being precipitated by a well defined and well grounded fear of a depreciation of the standar 1 of value in the United States be cause of the enforced purchase of $4,500. -000 of silver each month. In view of this it is strange so many writers and others' have felt at liberty to declare that the late severe stringency of currency and conse quent disturbance to trade were dus pri marily to anticipated changes in the tariff. All visible evidence points in another di rection. No sooner had ono branch of congress voted to repeal the compulsory purchase of silver clause of the Sherman law, no sooner had the likelihood of similar action in the senate become apparent, than hoarding and premium on currency disap peared; domestic exchange rates became almost if not quite normal, the banks (top ped taking out clearing house certificates., and advised southern and western corre spondents that they would be able to advance needed funds to move the crops, while last, but not least, the number of banking suspensions practically stopped short, and the number ot commercial and industrial fasluros dropped off 17 to 20 per cent; a "better feeling ' was manifest in business circles north, east, south and west, and a widespread growth of confidence in an improvement in the general situation was manifest. The point lies in the fact that there has been no variation, present or prospective, in the outlook for a change in the tariff. Is confidence returning, are banks and investors loaning mors freely, have prices of securities and of staples ad vanced, and are industrial establishments resuming work because the tariff is likely to be chrnged? PE DERAL ELECTION LAW. The democrats of the Fifty-third con gress must not come back to tne people without repealing the federal election law This law is the creature of political corrup tion, is intended to circumscribe individual autonomy, enthrall popular sovereignty and prevent the free exercise of the right of franchise. It is incompatible with just legislation, conflicts with the tenor and spirit of American jurisprudence and was passed for the purpose, and the purpose only, of resisting popular government. A bill is now before the house providing for its repeal and the manner in wuic'u republi cans are opposing it is a double assurance thrt the law was conceived in iniquity and was enacted to prevent the peopki from antagonizing the republican party at the polls, no matter how deserving it was of defeat. The debate opened Thursday and the republicans set forth the claim that it would be unsafe to entrust the people of the several states - with the rsp onsibil ity of returning and maintaining affair ballot and honest count. This is a libel upon the states and is as false as it is per nicious. If left to the states the counting of the ballots will devolve not upon federal ides but upon the people. The vote count ed will then stand for the voter's con vie tions and will be counted as it was cast. The federal election law is intended to prevent this if it be necessary to do it to hold the dominant party in power. It was ex-Czar Reed who said, ''Give us a law that will enable us to do our own counting, and I care not how the people vote." The law which the democrats aim to repeal is of that bwwrtwtt&feE, thjatyayAtsriyjst, j ment. The democrats being in power could use it to the same advantage as the republicans, but the democrats were elected to wipa out such infamous republican leg is'ation, and not make use of it to subvert popular sovereignty, even though they might perpetuate themselves in power by do doing. L A Thursion, the Hawaiian envoy, has returned to Washington. He said the last Information he received from tbe pro visional government was to the effect that there was a surplus ol $150,000 in the treasury and tbe postal savings bank had a surplus of $35,000. He regarded this as a most significant sign of the government's stability. One buadred and thirty thousand dollars of 6 per cent bonds for internal im provements were put on the borne market and sold, a few of them at 98, but; most of them at par. The attitude of Spreckels, .aid Thurston, is simply a matter ol busi ness. He wants cheap coolie labor, and knows that this BTJ'em would be done aay with if the country were an Amer ican state. Thur.tor., i.i conclusion, said most empha'icalty that be considered the provisional government strong enough to hold tl e reins until a final decision is rsacbrd. It is the strongest government Hawaii his hid for years, be said, if she ever had a stronger. In the senate, Stewart of Neva la ha Introduced an amendment to the repea bill authorizing the president to invite the government! of Mexico. Centra' and South Amerlci, IbyJ and San Jomingo to join the United Slates in a conference in Wash ington four monllih after the passage of tbe act, to secure the adoptkn of a common sliver dollar of not less that) 359.91 grains nor more than 383.13 grain puie silver to b issued by each government, to be a le gal tender far all commrrcial transactions between all citizen of all Hi? American S'ates; that the finding of the delegates shall be binjln,; on tbe governments which Sent them, and on an agreement Icing reached th- governments represented shall open minis iu the unlimited coinage of sil ver for the benefit of depoti'.ort. Ur-juiy lias contracted with the Aryen tins m ir to coin anothar million of silver dollars, wbich aie to be ued to pay for new srnarneDt. Sllv-t Is no v at a clis connl. The cctlon of the government has cr-?;ite.! an unfavorable impression In com rae'Cial circle A. majoiity of the Val parat.o sharehobleis of tbe bank of Vil psraiso and National Ag'icola have agreed to th; proposed consolidation. It is be lieved that the discountenanced sharehold ers will orgsnie sn opposition bark. Til'- Remains of James K Tollc, the tenth president ol the United States, snd those of bJ wife have been removed from tbe tomb at I'cllc plica, the tld family residence in Nashvillr, lo the state catito gnunds, and re-lmerteil 1 ;tUtone will make his great speech in which be will appeal to the electors, score the bouse of lords, and refer to the future of tl'L' liberal parly, at Edinburgh Sep r 'J7. A whale's throat ia so small you could choke him with your fist, and be feeds on tbe smallest things In tbe sea- Tbe deepest gold mines in Australia are tbe Magdala at Stawell, 2400 feet, and Lttrutell's at Sandhurst. 2640. Tbe distance from the farthest point of polar discovery to tbe pole is said to be less tnan 500 miles. HOW SUCH PER CAPI TA A subscriber at Tangent wants a reliable statetrent as to the amount of money per capita in circulation in the United S'ates He "must have the authority upon which the democrat makes its statement."' Mr Bland, the great silver advocate, in a speech delivered in congress, August 36, 1S93, (see page 1 105 Congressionsl Record) used a tabular statement showing the per capita of circulation In a score of coUnt'ies. In this table the per capita of circulation in the United States Is put down at $24.34. Mr Sperry of Connecticut in a speech delivered August at, page 1050, Johnson of North Dakota In one delivered August 94, Caffrey Of Louisiana in a speech delivered Sept 1st, Bell of Texas in one delivered August 24, Catchtngs of Mississippi in a rpeech de livered August 29 page 824 Cong. Rec all used the same table giving $24.34 as he amount of per capita airculatlon in the United States. There are scores of othvr speeches maJe by Senators and congressmen w'lere this same table was used and accepted by all as being correct. The tabulated statement was prepared at the treasury department August 16 I893. Senator PerTer, the pop ulist senator, In a speech delivered August 27. (see page 720 Cong. Rec ) uses a table taken from "Rothwell's Universal Bimetal Ism" which places the per capita circula tion in the United States at $25.15. The authorized statement made by the treasury department places the amount as before stated at $24.34. In this table other countries were given a. follows: Great Britaia $r8.42" France $40.56, Germany $lS.54, Belgium $25 53, I !i!y$, Switz erland $14.67, Greece $9.09, Spain $16.56, Portugal $19.00, Austria-Hungary $9.75, Netherlands $2S,SS, Scandinavian Union $8.02, Russia $7 16. Turkey $2 88, Aus tralia $26.75, Egypt $16.43, Mexico $4.91. Central America 84 cents. South America $19.14, Japan $4 9a India $3.64, Ciiua $1.75, Canada $13.56, Cuba $31.00 Ot these tbe following "recognize gold ani silver in their monetary system, not under free coinage but by limitation: United States, France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Greece, Netherlands, Turkey, and Japan. The following have gold as their standard; Great Britain, Germany, Portugal, Austria-Hungary, Scandinavian Union, Australia, Egypt, Canada and Cuba. The following use silver as their stan dard Kus.-ij, Mexico and India. VOOBBEBS SCORES BANK Eats Immediately after the senate met yes terday the repeal bill was taken ap. Yoor he,s once more sought to obtain an agree ment as to when a vote should be taken. The time, he said, should not be misspent instructing the public mind is repaid to the organization of the senate. la doing this he addressed himself to the ereat body of intelligent public opinion as well aa in some quarters t j a dense, opaque degree of ignorance. The ignorance, la some re spects, was innocent; ia others, malicious. He then reviewed the history of the rules of the senate from its creation, .howing that for 17 years from 1789 the senate, amongst its roles, made provision for the previous question. It was tried fully, and in 1806, when Thomas Jefferson was presi dent, it was) deliberately abandoned and never claimed or admitted from that hour J to the present. "I am now arraigned," said Voorhees, I "before public opinion for not terminating I this debate. As well might I be arraigned ! for not terminating the tide of the ocean or the northwest windf. In abandoning the cloturjjTT(g-cr'oi'pyopTiffv' patriotism, deference to public sentiment and public interests of each senator and of tbe body itself, with the assaranre In the ; minds of those then in the senate that no ! senator -fcouU be found to abuse the nati ence of this body or outrage public baeiness or puolic interest. For 87 years this body has been a law sufficient an to itself. It has never been found wanting !n peace or ia war, so that the cridciams of a certain class will fall as harmless upon this body as they fall upon me. As far as concerns personal criticisms of myself, I may as well embrace this moment as another to say tfcey are met with absolute stern defiance. I have served the people of Indiana many years, and I have had no explanations re quired when I have gone borne to them, and I treat with scorn an.l immeasurable contempt the suggestions coming from the New York bankers or anywhere cite as to thi motives which govern me. I respond to that kind cf criticism by saying it comes from a class whom the Sivior of the world never spoke of lth re.pect. nyr do 1." SKUM. B V ELECTRICITY - Tbe mention of electricity brought up new possibilities for future discovery, some of them so amazing as lo almost pass tbe bounds of credibility. Prof Bell says: "Norse taught tbe world years ago to write at a distance by electricity; tbe tele phone enables as to talk af a distance 'iy electricity, and now scientists are agreed that there is no theoretical reason by the well known principle of ligbt should oot be applied in the same way that the principles of sound have been applied in tbe telephone and thus allow us to see at a distance by e'sctricity. It is some ten years since the scientific papers of the world were greatly exercised over a report that I bail filed at the Smithsonian Institution a, sealed packet supposed to contain a method of doing this very thing; that is, transmit tbe vision of persons and things from one point on tbe earth to another. As a matter of fact there was no truth in Ibe rr-purt, but it resulted in stirring up a dozen scientific men of eminence to come out with state inents that they, too, bad discovered, various methods of seeing by electricity. That shows wbst I know to bo tbe case, that men are working at this great problem in man laboratories, and I firmly b iee that it will be solved some day. 'Of course, while tbe principle of teeing by electricity at a distance is prceie!v that applied ic the telephone, yet it will bo very much more diificu't to construct such an apparatus, owing to tbe immensely gieuier rapidity wi h which the vibrations of ligbt take place when compared with tbe vibra tions of sound. It is uiere'y a question however, of finding a diaphragm wbicb will be sufficiently sensitive to receive these vibrations and produce tho corresponding electrical varialions. McChue's Magazine, Tne revenues of the Government so far this mont' have been only $3,890,000, and 60 per cent of ibis was turned ovtr to ibe pensioneis, while the i'ressury balance bad to be drawn on for other current expvm-c. It takes time and patience to stop up all the worm bo'es made in tbe Treasu- dur. !nge.rtimi e;t r tiMierr. . r-vajj'tnec. Tie disposition manifested by some of the democratic members of tbe boase to continue to refuse to follow tha majority in tbe matter of tbe federal elections bill, bas made a caucus necessary. Tbe call for a caucus has been issued for this afternoon . The Salem Democrat says : The Oregonian bas secured tbe con tract for Portland's city printing. Which edition, please? now to hkpi.enish the treasury, David A Wells has submitted to Secre tary Carlisle, a long report in answer to his request for an opinion as to the expediency, from a strictly revenue point of view , of maintaining or changing the present internal revenut taxes on distilled spirits, malt liquors and tobaccj." Mr Well's conclusions follow : "The wisest fiscal policy for the federal government, certainly for the immediate future, would seem to be to impose the maximum rales of taxation on distilled spirits, fermented liquors and tobacco, that will not create, In face of efficient adminis tration and severe penalties, undue temp tations for levenue evasions. In the case ot distilled spirits, on which the existing rate, under the moat favorable conditions of oroduction is always In excess of 300 per cent on their first cost, or taxable unit, this line seems to have been absolutely Ignored, but as the experience ot recent years shows that the revenue from this source is increas ing in a ratio equal or in excess of the in crease of population, and that the amount of illicit product is comparatively small, anv cnange in the present tax would stein clear ly iuexnedient. "On the other hand, in tie cae of fer mented liquors and tobacco, the existing taxes are far oelow the safe Una of exped iency, aad might be advanced 1 e. to the extent of $1 to tbirtv-one gallon, or one fifth of a cent on a half pint, In respect to the former, snd in the latter, at least to tbe rates imposed In 1S92, with great advantage to our national revenue and to a greater simplification of our whole fiscal system. Certainly, If additional revenues to meet present exislii and extraordinary require ments for expenditures are needed, it would be difficult to show where an immediate annual increment with a certain large an nual increase of the same in the future could be obtained with test expense and popular fricticM than by the tax modifica lioas suggested. "The existing customs duties on the im ports of spirits, fcrmente I liquors and to baccp are exceedingly high and absurd ly disproportionate to the corresponding in ternal revenue taxes on the ssme, ano can undoubtedly be modified o some extent to the advantage of the revenue. Thus on imported spirits, the duties are $2 per proof gallon and the Internal revenue tax 90 cents ; on fermented liquor the relative rates are 20 cents and 3 2-6 cents per gallon ; and 00 snuff, chesting snd smoking tobacco ao and 40 cents and 6 cents respectively. In the United Kingdcra, where the productivity of taxes baa been carefully studied, the cus - toms duties exceed the excise (interna! revenue) taxes upon beer 6d (ia cents) on 26 gallons, sad upon spirits by td (S rents) per proof gallon. ''One effect of the maintenance of our excessively high du'Jes oa Imported spirits is that a greater opportunity is offered to combinations (trusts; of domestic producers to advance tbe price to domestic consumers; and another is that they encourage the do. mestic manufacture, from cheaper materials of imitations of foreign spirits, whereby the American consumer Is induced to uu a spurious in place of tbe genuine article, snd the government is defrauded of the differ ence In the leiative taxation, and this amount ia believed tc be very considerable. Mr vVells estimates that by t:.e changes he proposes the Internal ie venue from fer mented Irqaors would be loci eased from $32,000,000 to $64,000 poo, and from to bacco from $32,000,000 to $6csOOO,ooo, also that the customs revenues from Im ported spirit', wines and beer would be increased fron. $9 .000 .oj 3 to $10,000,000, snd from tobacco from $13,000,000 to $16, ternai revenue taxes and customs duties on these commoJities, he estimates would be increased from $lSf,ooo,ooo to $240,000, ooo "It is tbeiefore obvious," he says, ' that from taxes judiciously imposed on only three I commodities or branches of industry, the Federal Government can at the present time certainly, economically, and with less burden snd disturbance to its pro Die than by any other form of levy, co'Ierl an an nual revenue sufficient to defray all of its ordinary expenditures, including interest oa azi 11s cents, ana nave in addition an an nual surplus of near $53,000,000, leaving its total revenue from other sources i e Import du'Jtfs, less those collected from spirits, beer and tobacc xnJ receipt rrom permanent miscellaneous sources (aggregating about $9,000 000 available for the payment of pensions and for other pur poses. " ICS WILLIAM L WILSO.t Mrs Wiison, wife of Representative Wil son of West Virginia, the leader of the dem ocratic vice in the present session, is a re markable woman, although almost unknown i Washington . She it a daughter of Prof Huntington of theOdamsian University la Washington, aad is thoroughly familiar with Greek, Latin, higher mathematics snd philosophy. She is averse to publicity of ' anv kind, dislikes citv life and Uvea all ihe year around at ner home in a retired por tion of West Virginia, onlv appearing ia Washington for a brief visit once or twice a year. The Wilsons have six children, to whom Mrs Wilson devotes all of her time vhich Is no', spent in stud, . So thorough sr her qualifications tint ahe has prepared four son for college, ad of whom passed successl I examination). 80 averse to pub lic life 84 any sort is Mrs Wilson thst even daring her brief visits she seldom ail! con sent to sppear at any socis! evegt, much lo the .'iigut of her family, who believe her charming disposition and scholarly mini would claim distinction at one:. In ber Virginia home Mr Wilson Is beloved for her charitable disposition. Even if Mr Wilson had attained the honor of the Hon e .Speakership it is not at all likely Mrs Wilton would have contented to em erge ftoro her etlution. Many absurd things are occurring at Washington. The absurdest of all is th hearings by the ways and means committee of those manufacturers who, for years, have been enriched by taxing 'bo masses of the whole country f"r their benefit The spec tacle of the committee holding meetings day by day lo hear whether these protected barons desire the protective tariff system continued ia too absurd to e considered in good faith Does ,.ny one expect for a moment thai any one of these beneficiaries of tbe vicious system will say other than (hat he w;uts tbe system continued ? Every one kno a .- before hand jus what every one of tbeut will say, and tbe fact that tbey alone testify in their own behalf, and spak en-ire'y from self interest and selfish motives, is sufficient bt rttaisx nugatory every sUtement they mak- in their own behalf. Tiiey simp y rep .it the rame old thread bare store beard on every republi can stump last fail. Lat such hearings stop and let tariff reduction proceed. The president has nominated Judge W B I loin blower of New York associate Jus tice eft he supreme court of the United States. Thi appointment was not unex pected especially in New Voik. Tbe first public building erected by the United States government was tbe Phila delphia mint. misfit The Living Issue of Lost Creek, on the John Day, is now a dead issue, caused by the stringency of the money market, and a failure to realize on subscriptions et al. Moat of our exchanges are treating the mat ter as a joke. A good many papers are eoinmemling the following utterance by president Cleve land on the centennial of the laying of the corner stone of tho national caoitol : "If the representatives who assemble here to make laws for their fellow countrymen forget tie duty of broad, disinterested pat riotism, and legislate in prejudice or ikis 8ion, or on behalf of sectional, selfish inter ests, the time when the corner stone of our capitol was bud, will not be worth com memorating. " "What is money" is a frequent head in our exchanges now days . Tin- solution of the question is bringing out some latent talent that is illuminating the darkened minds of the masses. In the U. S. we have nine kinds of circulating medium, Here they are: Greenbacks, national bunk notes, gold and silver certificates, treasury notes of 1990, gold, silver, subsidiary and minor coins. Any of them will be taken on subscription at the Democ rat onion as well as other things having a money value. One day a self-styled phrenologist goes about the city feeling the heads of his to be victims, telling them their bumps indicate that they ore Lorn speculators. He is fol lowed after a few clays by a pal who in veigles them into the purchase of bogus lottery tickets. This is the latest style of confidence game. It is evidently taking I tetter than the tin box racketiudging from the number who have been bilked. Albany people should be getting ready to lie bilked. Phrenologists are their favorites. f A lady attending the fair, having worn out her shoes at Chicago, went into shoe store of that city. After having a number of pairs of shoes brought out for her inspec tion she requested to have a pair tried on. The clerk coolly seated himself on the sofa on her right side, and with a dexterous movement brought tbe customer's left foot up across his knee and commenced unbut toning the shoe. "Of course. I wasn't iro- ; t kt 1 ot ,v,., ,-,-,. . of Chicago," said the victim of the incident ! in relating it afterward, "so I just sat there 1 as though I had been used to having shoes tried on that way all my life, but 1 must i say that the Chicago method is a little j startling when applied without warning," j ; That Oregon Pacific announces that it i wll soon move the mojnlain terminus of ite line ten miles farther east Even this is good news- The O P will somt day get ovtr the mountains and across bastern Oregon and into Idaho to trans -confine') connection. Ex. Rev Edward O'Dea has been appoint ed executor of the will of the late viear- general, Rev J F tierens, who died is- cently. The deceased was potseaaed of , about $25.00C worth of real estate in this ; county,' and a bond of 30,000 was re-, qnired of the executor. Eugene Resist- er. I Use alleged defaulting malum Of Seattle. A Greek studtnt has fignrad out that w" wrested tbe union depot here the correct translation of the word mon- j th evening just as be was about ,0 take ey, as nsed in the Bible, is silver. This emrt '"lif"1 for Cfccag over the would make a familar quotation aa foMg"" r--ibrJ est was effected t,j low. : "Tbe love of adver is the root of l. .JiiV; all evil." The mass of American people ! the Jfarcbnnt s hotel for the nirht . do not believe this, though, in a popular Joe mayor of Seattfcero Mcgrapbed. and j he wired Crawford to hold the prisoner at , j all hazard. Krag when arrested had!'.' ' on bis person. After fleeir.g Seattle be a oewina uiaciune laae nas oeen aotng Astoria. He pretends to sea a machine lor 23, gets 93 advance, and when he I victimized as many as possible skips out ' without delivering any machines. It la - Arkansas City, Kan, Sept IS Dwap strange there are people ao green as to 1 pointed boomers are returning by haadre-ls advance $5 on a machine before getting . There were at least iQ men to every claim it. All the verdant people do not live ! on tbe strip. As a consequence, there will in Astoria. Seme Albany people do aa be contests without number, and there are foolish things. reported awarders committed on . account of them. Deaths by prairie area Speaking of Oregon at tbe World's fair, the New Orleans Tim-a-Democrat says : 1 tregon s lumbermen did some thing that nc one else has done. They bunted op a tide land aproee tree 900 Ji t75.Tit!"nllll' tree down, carved a Mock 9 feet inches in diamet r.v-..Tnd kJL T.'n, ,,.feei. f?,T ,tbe wif 'i' ,he. .VP MPI 5S2 h'"i! 001 - ,h,"y fi different vaneUes of native Oregon mooa t,., . . ... Silver taken on subsmptton at the I - am hat omce; aiao wooa, noraMSS, butter. ) eggs, sugar, mear and wheat. In extreme gold might be accept e-1 No t"hero kee strip rushesermitted. j People are miHtg fan of Raima rirv council, and one man suggest an ordinance prohibiting the running of fire horses to a fire and tbe keeping of dogs by batchers for tear of their being chopped into sau sage. A farmer hauled a load of wheat into Corrallis the other day which weighed just a ton and sold it for 45 cent a bushel, real iring $15 for his ton of wheat. He bought a ton erf bran for cow feed from the miller to whom he sold his wheat, and it cost him sw cents per hundred or 18 per ton, so it S! S?2 to ?t l8 - u--i i,,i tuc miners urn or onus. u. The Oregonian publishes thirty-five col nmns of delinquent taxes The names are simply taken from the roll without levies being made, and is simnlv a ball davzinir scheme, as no sale under it would be legal. The people foot the bill, a big one. The scheme, though works preUv well, and causes lively work at the sheriff's office for several weeks. Any one taking newsimiiers from thp pout-office and refusing to pay for them is now held guilty of theft according to the pew postal law recently put into effect. Ex. Tbe Democrat likes to see subscri bers pay for their papers, in fact it is very despicable business for them not to do so; but it is very doubtful if there is any such law as stated. Some editors have a war of trt-ln.. . f,;.j,i i :i j-: ;- i n i"i "iK what they should de as r matter of butntHta. People are continually running after ig-1 nisfautos. A notable exanmle ia the raaah for the Cherokee strip, which when reached was a worthless piece of land, dry and tin healthy, without water or fertility- What a restless, uncontented people, ever seeking after something in the distance, buffeted by the least glimmer, only to be dissap pointed. Six months is a paradise and nothing would be good enough for them. It rains too much or not enough, und is too hot or too cold. Nothing is ever right. tf started out to fish for toothsome tomcod and trout. ( )n bis way down town he purchas ed a basket to put the fish in. Later we wre informed that he was quite successful, and caught quite a number of fish. On ar riving at his house he asked his wi'e to get the fish ready for supper. Mrs Stoat-1 like a dutiful wife opened the basket, and. my! what did she liehold, certainly no fish, nothing but an M T beer bottle, a small piece of belonga sausage and a little eheese and crackers. It was quite evident that tbe deputy marshal stepped in somewhere on his way home. Astoria Hudgett. The democrats of Pennsylvania In thelt plat 'orm indorse Cleveland's administration and the passage cf the Wilson repeal bill by the house; call on the Pennsylvania senators to support unconditional repesl; favor a curr.-ncy of gold, silver, treasury and banknotes sufficient for the needs of the country kept strictly at psr, hold the republican party and the McKlnley tariff responsible for the financial condition of the country; declare a piompt revision of the tariff necessary The Salem Joarnaf writs s column e.rtlc le giving the tariff views of oae Fllipstric of Skamokawa, Wash. (lie was never heard of before on thiscnait.) "Ool" Fitz pstrick has been largely assisted In the acquisition of a fortune by nvsns of a pro tective scheme Hint enriches the few by taxing the many. What is the opinion of such a man worth? Nothing at all. Thats all. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Oregon' rrtxes. Chicago, Sept 19 Oregon has received the highest award for a comprehensive collective and commerclsl exhibit of native woods at the world's fair; also an award for spruce wood pulp of mechanical manu- j laciure oy me lonir a Itiver Mills of Astor ia. The state also received the highea award for the beat collective exhibit of fish clams in alcohol, painting of Astoria har bor, Columbia river fishing boat and equip ment. model of Columbia river fishing net and wheels, pho'osraphs of tho salmon industry, fresh frozen salmon by.l 0 Meg ler & Co, Brookfiald, Oregon, canned sal mon. M J Kinncv. Astoria: canned salmon. J O Ilanthorn, Astoria: canned salmon. Samuel Elmore, Astoria; and canned salmon bellies. Cutting & Co, Astoria. The In ternational Nickel Mining Company, of muiiies, ur, received tne ingiic-t uaro for silicate of nickel magnesia. The HUver Sltuutiea. Washington, Sept 19 The situation in the senate on tbe repeat bill reached n crucial stage this morning. VoorLees. leader of the repeal forces, after a sesation al denunciation denunciation of the New York bankers and a defiance to the press that has been criticising his actions and questioning bis motives, demanded that the minority of the senators name tbe date for the final vote. Dubois of Idaho met tbe demand by a positive declaration that the anti-repeal men would oppose the passage 1 of the repeal bill by availing themselves of every advantage afforded them under the rules and usages of tbe senate, Voorhees retaliated by giving notice notice that he would tomorrow move for longer and more I nearly continuous sessions, so the situation ia the senate appears to resolve itself into a mere question of endurance. VTatuse 1 Wall. Port Townaexd, Wash. Sept 19. The Port Townsend National bank failed to open iu doors yesterday. This action was decided upon at a meeting of its board of fHmetAM TtiA kanlr'e ,nmttiiAii mm.II. I directly from the suspension of tbe Com- , merctal at want bank and Hie l'ortlsnd Having bank at Portland. Both cf them drew on the Port Townsend National for a sum which could not be immediately rais ed. Not even a day's time was given them, and the directors decided to surpend pay- 1 Aaai rraaee Chicago. Sept 19. The second night of the billiard match between Ives and Roberts terminated in favor of Ives, he scoring t.ooi to the Englishman's 932. 1 his gives Ives a total of lot 1 to 1825 for Rob- ert- P' tonight was devoid of spec is I features. The largest tua made 87. hr Ives. Robert's high-water m,rk being 68. Ives' average Is 15.41, ro last of Roberts 14 34. Arrested AvroaiA. Or, Sept ig.J P Austin the well known postmaster at Cannon beach, was take ap to Portland by a United States marstia: under arrest at the Instance ct A PC Wast, post matter a! Xehaiem. tor sending s-urt iUiom and defamatory matter through the msils. St Pai l. Minn. Sept l!. Aaoiph Krug. -, went to w mm peg. ami day, and then came to St Paul- ; are reported to be nneseroas jb was again visited by hot winds today. The . wind here reached a velocity of 36 miles aa I hour. It was laden with intense beat and I sand, and aade Hfc a harden. Chicago. Sep, lg. At noon the great i Columbian liberty bell at the worU fair j rang out in honor of the acnivevsary of the -doptioa by congress ot the constitution. 8epremlr 17. 1787. As the anntvt-rsarv fc fon Sunday, it was tfengbt besttohoM , the exercises today. The esercites on the ' occasion Uj ioduded arlJlljssiil by 1'reu- dent Palmer, of the national commiwion. j Director tieoeral Iavis and others ices reata rJ Astoria. Sent IS. 1 W Case crave no tice tonight that be would pay the credit oraj 01 ins Hani iw ceciiaou we o iiar on tne aame t Trent a those set forth by tbe Com mercial National bank ia Portland. He offers 5 per cent interest on all his debts, and announces that be will resume businc as soon as 8 percent of his dentad tors con sent to his terms. A We rasa Bala. Ash lax n. Sept, 18. The fire through out tbe state wasextinarasshed by the heavy rata today Captain Uay etti mates that I no less than .6.000.000 feet of ;;me on tne t fcUnab reservation has been burned, dos ing km to the government of $30,600. Neither U city mor Bavfietd U in danr. Tra sawf 4Srt sarr-varkai arjfom rian r m n n sttit sva I working order again. r irtsstr rorstaaaaa taisaeit. Topeka, Sept l Tbe Provident Tratt Company, one of the largest holders of Kansas mortgages, baa written its agents at Great Bend that it is closing its business as rapidly as possible, and that anv exten sion of outstanding loans is impossible. A Tees- rrur ataa Oksbt Bat. Maar. Sept 17. II arr B ' Foaike. president of the Mabatn as of , Ibosophtsts and Sptntuatisti in this place. announce, I today mat ne it tne M resist. . He says be bas been reincarnated no le than seven times, and that Mme Blavatsky came tc prepare Ibe war for his entry as tiic t hn-t and to straighten out ibe teriotu t condition of things now existing in the! religion, -nd business world. He says be is j in constant communication with '.thades, ! and t but i. la announcement and actions are , ttlnraMl f ir lwvn,l Itts mnnrinl mnlr.l l. r. 7.T . 7 ' ." r' . line Mia.i.t ot the ltiiueian urotherboori i He prophrwies that war and bloodshed are ' I soon to follow and that socialism is soun to i conM! oal 00 P- tirrim viMpptimrj Kans Citv, Mo. Sept 17. A big exo dus of lit.ippointed people from the Chero kee stii arrived today. The Santa Ke brought in three special trainloads this morning, and the Rock Island two. AH tbe regular trains on Isoth roads v-re crowded with men and otnen who were glad enough to get back to civilisation A party of people from Illinois who had plan ned to establish a colony of their own in tbe strip came back on the Santa Fe They were the most folorn looking party the official at the Union depot had ever seen. A Triple Lrarbtac. New Oiu.eank. Sept 17. There was a triple lynching almost vithing the shadow of the city lost night, bnt it was conducted so qtilet'y that the account of tbe horrible nit. tir ptiblisb2d this morning was a sur- . prise to the community. The victims were I three negra brothers named Joliat, and the t crime which they expiaten in so summary a manner wis tbe shielding of a fourth brother, Itoselius Julian, who Friday after noon shot Judge Victor Estopinal to death. i he Epldesnlela France Pakih. Sept 17. Cholera is epidemic in the department of the Finistere. which borders on tho Knglish Channel. A t t 'am . areta, a (own of 1200 inhnbibtn's. near Brest, there are :!0 cases. Acute can't have been also reported from Jaon, Plebyen, Triboule and Douarnenex. Strong offnris are being made to suppress tbe Cuthnltr pilgrimages to Lourdes, in the department of Hautcs-Pyrennes. adlcled For CauibllBg X amhn n.i.i;, Tenn, Sept 17. The grand jarv of the circuit court, acting under the instructions of Judge Moon, have indicted several well known society people on the charge of gambling. A number of ladies are included in the list. Kven Ktieher players are much alarmed at Judge Moon's attitude toward tbe popular parlor games. Yellaw rever Washington, Sept 17. Tbe yellow fever situation at Brunswick. Oa, is alarm ing. Late tonight Surgeon-deneral Wy man received tho following dispatch from DrGulterss: "Eleven new cases reported and seen today. An epidemic it declared by the board of heilth." MCKINLEY CAN USE IT. A dispatch from Findlay Ohio says: All previous records in gas wells have been broken. This morning I) T Davis comolctod u well on Hie Ross farm in Casa township, which is good for 50,000,000 cubic feet per day, making it the largest well ever struck in the world. Tho well is but B0 feet from tbe city's 18,000.000 guh er struck two months ago. and tbe greatest excitement prevails. Scarcely hud the go devil struck than the well responded with a rush, a hiss, a scream and a roar, such as has never before lieen heard, even among tbe gas wel's of Han cock county. Tbe rush ol gas from 'he tapped reservoir was awful, unci a gaage placed over tho well showed it to be beyond measuring. The indicator shot up to tbe 2o,000,000 mark and then stopped, for it could go no further. The welt was larger than this capacity and has been estimated at from :I5,000,000 to 50,000,000 cubic feet of gas per day. Hundreds cf people are Hocking to the well and general satisfaction is manifest everywhere- This will come h:indy for MeKinley to uee iu his campaign- Tbe best watch in the world for the money at French's jewelry stoie. Hordes & MoFr)snd, st. All-soy. Ol. the leading drag Albas? Market lOe. Oals, '.'le. I I'our, ft 00. ' utter. 2Ss Kh IS Iini. 12 to 15-: ' i Pork - bams 12 to IfiaX i .i!c-r H U 0oi t(t-. 11 to 13c Hay. baled. 17 o atoea, ooo. Apple,! 00 Hops. Ifts. iried f.-ult--ploroo, So, app'.et, e Chickens, ft 00 rwr doceu. Bobf. on foo. IK". Hojr,s. dreiwe.1. 0 Hood's Cures Saved My Wife's Life Weakness, Nervousness, Rheum. alt "Of my own tre wUl asd aeee anMastd fey j crone, ani wishing only to Co good to da 1 StHsIs. I wish u u .l of the good gssutnea of j Hood's SarsaMrtrta sod flood's Pffls. I tatak I b try UooJr Siiaparr. It Sever) My Wife From the Crave. Tbe salt rbecsa has entirely ''aled and aba Is mtared tat good fcrwltb. I bar) reaer Mead aad reUtttes ia Usa east wist U lis cj 10 kaow that Hood's Sarsaparilla Has eared nty was." JOSX TT. JojOW. i'. ... ues HUtats. HOOO'3 PiUUS a-:; eras ana tlaaar WHa asttrt t jmmim. esj ts4aeha Trj a asav Saa, Ladies: The Secret Of a Fair Face Is a Beautiful Skin. Sulphur Bitters Will give you A lovely Complexion. rn'ii evi mmwiwmvmm Send s e-froe tninra to a. F. Orda-ay Osu Itw'.oy, ALatt., for tt meUlual wurtc putUlUied IT. r.XACKKv. M.IJ. nraM oa-lu iuak at ikrrgm- rt "rrr law KoMdare, oufnrt lath and Calajfcioia it. REVERE HOUSE tlBANY - 0RECf.(. LS. PFtSlFFKP rROPRlfcTuR John IT. Jensen K Alarm, Wash. there are no Bedklaes ctiil to theta. sad bars tu ore, red men- aaerit bv eiiarkmea in snr own 1 not paid. Ttutea ate. tarnJy. My mt!e. Kacfsc!. Uaa beea aetetad I your interest to se to wtu weakness. rTmB ana salt rnenm . 1 1 in room No 11, f-trahan Z?..'J.T.L " .7, ' A tar. Or. few t h. I ft uw a. as at uaua I aw 1 1 SI 1 1 sua as mj siVNMvu - aadonbiedty i HILL'S READ OUR 3 Double Chloride of Gold Tablets ! TEMISMNULS Wir,ctmpleU-lydmrrtythdratrforTOBAfJC01nfTom StoSdavs. Perfeetlv harm leas; caiiao ro stcknesw. and may bo art vrn in a cap of tea or coffee without tne know I . .., w wb tMawvwfc, m mi w iu miuiuu n.v MRnNCTWrTFiK and mPPmNP. Hi Kuuimiutiijiw una tit out utiiu cue paucnt, oy tno uso 01 our bPtiblAL. rtitrlnar treatment cntlents nronllowrd l.iii;,' utini u, u mil,- ua mry nutll vmuil We send pnrtlcnlars and pamphlet ot .M- Kiiiu w ii, (Miuc-rcrn inmi any il Uounllh ISWtsnS who have been cured L HlLI 'N TARlFVs nrt Ct:r Klili, i.iut:i.iflHi 9I.VHI per piiCKIuf''. If your druKirlsitlotMtuot keep them, cnclnae as SI OO nn,1 ..... will ...... .1 ...... , .. '. t 7 " " . , ... r. no JUM, 1VIIU II UIB4I, ft Write yonr nemo and nddressplclnly(and stato vrhether Tittilet nro lor Tobacco, Morphine or ...V .1 ... ,11.,.,,. BO NOT BE DECEIVED into pnrcbasinc at v . . 1 tlx T-'i i-.. i- , . ..... , .. . i ( otTen-il fur amM. ta-- t wt miv ttaiivu it;a( u;i;,a lit is BfT Ask lor HILL'S IH'IIllr TA BLETS end tako uu cihc aast Euuutac tared only by THK OHIO CHEMICAL CO, :. S3 A D3 0p:rs Black. LIMA, OHIO. PARTICULARS FREE. Tub 1c . have RESPONSIBLE (AGENTS WltNTEDf (In writlus please TAKE HEART, If you're a suffering woman. Tho chron ic weaknesses, pain ful disorders, and delicate derange ments that come to woman onlv have a positive remedy in Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. If you will faithfully use it, every disturb ance and irregular ity can be perma nently cured. It's a legitimate medicine for woman, carefully adapted to ucr ueiiesic organi zation. It builds up snd invigorates the entire system, regu lates and promotes all the proper func tions, and restores health and strength. s "iavorit Prescription" is the only remedy for woman's ills that's guaranteed. If it fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. J W hich is the best to is tne best to try. if you have Catarrh a medi w cine that claims to have cured others, or a medicine that is backed by money to cure you? j lie proprietors of Dr. bage s Catarrh Remedy agree to cure your Catarrh, perfectly and per manently, or they'll pay you S500 m cash. Dissolution Notice. The partner .hip beretofcre existing bsv aen V O Hayne. nd C L. Muck, doing a general cootractlne ana cement work business) In Albanv, Oragoa. under tbe firm name of Uayno St Buck, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. Thote knowing tbatmaelves t he, indebted to tbe firm will please call ,nt settle U Hayne will continue the business, fteptembor 19ih, ISM Uti H4YSE. L, BUCK- I. A. Morris & Co'bauon, Flour ana Peed Store. Have removed their store to the -Strahai stort, former" occv pied by Deync A Robvon, and have on band a full tbck GOeVALL S R.0D , B3AN, SHORTS CttM MEAL. GRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, 0A1S. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping don';. Notice. ALL. persona indebut i to I R Bens br note or recount will please pay the same. eiosw bv ante ir bard, and i: ia t this at once. I am Block. KFCAKTKBBCRY. Asadttst cf B Beam. New Advertisements. Grand Minuter) Opening Mrs H J Sower will hold a reception F nilay and Safari v this week (B ar.d 21; in the mUiinerv rs trior of the Ladies Ua xaar in their m store next to Fathiy k Mason's. All are cnrdiallv invited to at tend. An entire net. rtack and all the lat est srvles. lOR S. !,.- An avr-nnt"t sf)BSSS F ! r ftitn' a- I nSrotrt. ait-e. ct. lection ofewrti. Mrs cms-) Tang, ronwr Klfth mi jtrrj, m 17OBSl.E.- rwiir uarU for atnod, tMHSnetlv SPSty marts, seven y tr 0:4 K-cile (or aomn and ni'dreu to drive. taUI on E W Aebiaosi. d Mare o wo ks. ApOCKERELS. Pntvlunsd Silver l.aced J W-yanrJcUn eocfcereU tor sale at a iwcai-i dre!t Jobn 8rob. corner tth and It K tt.-eet Albanr. Or. "IWr N1 KC.tictxt prslnrs frr shout V ISi hej of shoo;. Inquire at Shutta Mr. mea: marVf. T AUNI.RV KUK WtK.n. I i chaasja laundry work for t-ood. 5ad. eti Riciards Pblilip. at ths Alba.iv teaai laundrv. RJrLJi f. 3 acres of good garden J rvtrn and Vie reek's: . , i 1 ui ,i . usim rjouata. ebieken bouse. Appljat I T?CRMTfRE rarrxts dovtsat etc. for F at the lUptist ps:soose fall rariyai.e taste your choice. T HT.-e-Threo (3) wok horws and 1 1 sswrdta noes for sale, or witl trad for wood. al, neat or bar. M SENDERS, LIOR RENT - W tfM of land, with hnus one mils Imm Atttam-. in urntun enimly. For pariiculara applv to Arcb llamtnr. MONEY WAMTEi -.Want to borrow ' forihro or five; rear with anod real estate as seciirttt . Call at tha oClee. MCKEY TO 1 OAK AT 6 FEB C!KT ON CITY PRC PER TY. M SENDERS UDCD vTE cjisurrix a mDCn. and tanfe the RIME I caret ut t Ity and tl atlon as to oar reamns! till - -Its of our Tablets. wp auiotii as: or cnewmaj la a raw da vs. BIT n.beeoredathome.ndwlui. in ouvuny cnort on the part ol FORMULA OOU CURB TABLETS, the free use f I.lnnni, larily Rtvc i.iein up. teatiinonlaltf I reo.and shall uiw ntiults in otnii-unira bv the nas ofucrTiSLttn l.v nil riffs-T.ri ,ca aCtWJV Ul UU. WUCtil lU and irom IIXIIU tOll I ,) and smoked for Of your Tablets TllR OHIO CBEaTICAI. Cn for SI Hi worm of smir . . .?' , "iiuiftiuiuutii i tucy did tho work In less than Truly yours, iv .ii.uii i .C , The Ohio Cnrxtui rn. vtittm tan TSy- IBSSBxaav aaaViAaaaawwr r t .. mi pitiiw i w your estate aramtratttmiui liquor, and thrtnurh a Mend . I was led to coiinuiit drinicnr,,.. iv.;,.0i ihkiii.i. :r":Ti uTt v - utuch lulaor of un kln1- 1 nvo yoU, IU Order tU know Lh, IIK, W,I n..rn,anMnt euro wua pvruiauvut. Ohio Cbemicai. Oor -OsirTLaatXH :-Your Tablets , , . -- i,,ii . i uur iftwvH used luorn.imo. hv(Mti..n,i.t:,. two JUK1lcawes of your Tlcix efforl o AtlUrews all Orders to THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO.. T. - asav . meiitKHi "'! mo wpera CARPETS, WALL PAPER, LAGE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, in : the : Met, -AT Fortmiiler & Ming's JJJ jNJ Y COLLEGE. Send for Catalogue Address-, REV. E. N. COSDIT. -Albany, Oregon. WANTED At the note formerly owned by Aden Bros, BUTTER, EGGS, JLABD, and CHOICE APPLES, for which possible I mrii! pay the best cash price 6 F RAMP Star Bakerj tWrBrwwslaUssIsi snd rirat t CCKRA0 MEYER, P80PRiE.0R. aatbtd rrwtfat. t at Mass as w. - ted t rait- Taaai-s. tstiras, t'ttOe. Qseeaiawsr- Vesxetatatle. Ctststtta Hfaleea. Test. fac fTjtl - cast at aeat at a km earietv aad afeaty aatrt. ITItaatS tin ill 1 r-'i"- ALL. KINDS f- PRODOCE. . fWTFETW i Tl i to r arraers ) ha tdstorv. Wide range of studies. Tho ! oaeh inttroctkm . Bosineaa coarse added. HAVE j tEKCL'D THE MAGNOLIA fub Has free. Entrance fee, fio. Board Mill wart hosaw a id wdl aave is ia . & and rodeinv at reasoaahle rates la tbe I or awe for rec aviqg th preaaat crep the wareha i- firss cJaw and coot neatly tacattsKt . Cat taists -art. food cteaaer- Ho deiav in av'.ot dins. Sm ka will b dc baard for de i very it-dee tin a - Gitrs. sast a Wl before nut aL tiricaanrtr -- nr crop , si. X . Jisrsu.i. Albany. Or Jaly 15ta, - Notice a rn -r t2 T&X- FayefS. XTT!rE IS aRET.V OTVTN THAT 1 the b taut) of eq'is i . or L.fao ounty. O- easaui. will stwU. nday. the 2nd dav e ftketobtr. IOCS, ar-1 aieod at too olBcw r tbecointj eft-eat o1 said there ;u Mcv eiamixta Uaa asaaaaamrt; it rotia or sa ad county for said tear a-d .i net aller.irin valuatiatl desesiptictD nraraaJkiea of lands, tots or other pro paaty. Said bos rrf will coolinue In SMaiou ocm week. All pssrsons inter-(-,! are hereov n:iuW S appear at said time, and place. wyoi A-1 samtr- f ,- ,.,0n seassssty. Or Siptunrasr Irt... .aa; DRUGS, Sutienery, Toilet Artijles, lusiei Instruments, Etc lodges & McFarland, heCft-r Dn.Sr.ire," A bny,0 crai most A FEW Testimonials from persons who have been cured by the use of Hill s Tablets. The Onto CRemicai, Oo.: Dear Sir.- I have taeaat ntlnc -,nf corn for tobacco harm, aud found It would ! what von claim fur It I imi u, ....n. thP !(tmtll.Mt rhin ,..hw ... .. .1., ono to Ovp cipira; or I would smoka ! r V- ,,i ,..i el ,.,...,... if... taflntv-Sv,, v.m, u...t , tared mo no I h v no dent re forlu B. At. JAY LOUD, LesUe, alien. llv-ri -' gwt "J a. ti,im r.r nv,K-i7.V.T. !" illlirJ . -" . . -. -.. . o.iui. i n.,, . m wn lhhii u neavy Mmoaer aud Chester, tbreedavs. 1 ani cured MATHfiW JOHSSOS.P.O.Boxii. j l'lTTttrtr.K p. It Ktves me pleasure to speak a trv vottr Thlnt ly addle ted to the use of waited four month before wMttwf . vitm ""lmS t uuxa trulv. AtKS. HELEN MORRISON. have C'l sc ikkati. Oh:o. tiaw uvoui uiut, a Durante in m v case V . ". ""rv:.: "o! my " Vv.T UmOAX. Ulotx. -iftuK, OHIO. J F. FORD, EiaiieM, Of Des M'tii:, Iwa. vrrTfta aadcr'di t cf Match i$. 1893: 3. B. Man. Mr.; Co.. Da for, Oregon. OtnUrmn : On arriving ti-rrw last w.k. I foardsll well and atrsimtkly a-taitin?. Oar little girl, e ehfsod 're-h If vt a&, who had i ted away to 3H pvutl, is ra well, strong ant vig ttm nd wall fl-ohril op. B. Coofh Tnru h d its sswris well. Both of the e.i!4re like f, Yojr S B. f.Togh Care h. carrd and kept aw.y a'l toarseses from me. 8i cte it to every one, with gre-itnga for all. Wishing yoo croaeeii y. w sr Vcmn, V, a k M J F roan. U jroo wish to UI it CM and 1 aunts, i.wi tbertprW'aw-, Omutm your r." arsataw 1 tr b 4Ut bf ait dnOMU. I at r 1 9 tr a suakive rvsn tee Lr J A CL'lfMING. FOUR DAYS RACES at Albany, fcn is h r.iu. Mh aad tatta Tl'ISDaT, szn. 26. Running, V mile. . . Parse, f 150 j 3--00 Trot Parse, $150 i Free for all pace Purse, fjy W'EDXESOAY, StfT fj . Running mile and repeal . . Parse, tijo i a:3o trot Purse, $150 ; 3 year old trot f- r special c-junties. Lane, Unn, Bentcn, Ma nan, lamnnt ana Polk - Purse, $100 THCSDAV,SaTST. 38. Running mile Purse, $100 2:40 trot Purse, $200 2 year o'd trot for special counties. Lane. Linn, Benton, Marion, Yamhill and rrlk Purse, $150 rainar, ss-r. 29. Running 1 rtdle Purse, $150 I Trot, free for all Purse. $2$o Trot. 2 sear old for Linn Co. . Purse, $100 Agents WAXTEnonSaiarrandt for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Of JAMS G. BLAINE, By Gail Hawtuow, his literary execsttor, with the eo-opentino of 1 ia fasr-tiy. and for Mr. Biarewa Ccoipi Wk-, Twevtt Tauas or Costs aass." a.d ir U ,ttr fcoct. "PsunciL Oiacc-sssosa." Osst i r.pec!ai . for these 3 Exsrr ssEXxrss beuks in the mar ket. A C PJosdsa c-f Me tck 112 orders fross first 110 calls: agaat'a profit $196 JO. Mrs Ballard cf O. took 15 orders. 13 ai Raaxsa, ia I dav: prolit $26.25. E X Bice of Mass, took 27 orders in 2 d-.: profit 47.25 i Patndge of Me. took 43 crdera j fross 36 ealls; prrtit $75.25. E A of K. Dak. loo; 53 cvdavaia . 1 vt: profit j 98.25. Exctxsrrs Tzaarroav vicwa. If ; yon srssh it make IJkBGE MONET write l immediately far terass to 1 11rtlrTifflPa.4. Jnitfc,Cm of . mm. EUGENE Hen iv. irrTEaraiia ISa f Just closed the most prosperous year ta eiCgaxrt aew dormfcory and boaadbaw hcB j the campus, where students will recti v j personal suoervtsiori. , Jews W. Johkso:,, Pre Notice of Assignment. i NC TIC B ia hereby aivea that Isai ef Albany, Oreaoa, has duly lasisjirrl to tbe J uaderaieied aattgot " bUpaerty aad eorcta i or toe acnem as sis creauats. by vutae af the carer rsl nnigassssit i la arc of tha state of Orecoa, and taeander slsatrl baa heretofo :-wit ea tbe 25sb day of Aagast, IS 93, dory qsaiified a sack ssawgnna. All psaioas kavia c airns agaioat said iaaolveet aad th j estate thereof are berebv required to praam t lb state to the order sasjsasi at the a tore hae boi'dif e of Isaac Beam, ia tha city of A Iban y, O esoc. aader oath within three moot he frrm this data. Dated toia 2nd dav nf September. A D, 1898. R K CANTERBURY, AarirAee of Isaac Beam,an iasoivcat. nfvRESPASS NOTICE.- All hunters are X hereby nocined tbe aonloaad preeoi A oerebT aoufied cot to trespass upon tne araeiosaia precnisesoi tne underai of tbe aodaratfrm d, seven and a hall miles of Albany. UathMN permission is first obtained. I shaU proaeeuta all wba thus trespassv KM BURKH KT. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, ! yttnOi IS HEBXBV GIVES THAT TBS rN. J 11 darsiraaa aaatiaSKrator et the eatau ci m uaras swaaaaav aa sued wtA the clerk of taw t-Vontl CMut for L nn wnu. Or- k a account ta said ettate. aad ta. . Coort hasSxedtfc lstkday etOeSasar. lanat caa tS "" ?. tkaCaasaay ataaaana 11 aaj to IfiSrl Sep 4Lh, Ifsa C F GEORGK. laadniilraaw tBUCE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. art t S HEREBY GIVES THAT THK ra il tsralBBial axectuor ot th. ut will and hMtaasaat ot Jo.. i bujta. deceaaed. Beat SM Us taaltcooaat "t Sac oaacty dark ot Una county, Oram and th at th,mnty court ottakl Uaa tv Svad t Hdar, tfct S5h daj of Saptasaaar. 1SB8, , , t ta hoar o ' 8. a'iioti m th afttraaaa ot add dav for Ma bet wis otbjtctiona if aay toasid tnal" ac coum aa th avttlarasat at aud astata. Dated . acguw Ulr. 1SS3. ... HAilOXSHtLTON. Attyl. tdiaawnw. Notic for Publication LashO. wa s at Omkoos Cm, Oreoo-; Aagtut 21st, 189&. ' Notice is 1 named settle to make final wrar siven that the following t hat fi'sxi notice of his intention lorarf ia sapport of his claim, t tfweofwitt be made brfera Iterk -of Linn Co, Ore., at Al , o October 16:h 1893. via a, H.E No 7:i5d. for the N .and N H of N E t4 see S4,tp Ha nsrass the lollowiag wtt stssia continuous residence up biea af said land, v.3; James xrb, iinn Co, Oregon; James and that sai tha Count v ( bany, Oregon George 1? My. ol the N W t U.S&1K. neaaea to nrov on and cultiva i Pierce, oILaot i Downing, of William Dow., ! son; Marion j Orejjon.- t-searan, Linn Co, Oreg. c; mg, of'Lacorob, Linn Co,Ora wssoing, of Lacomb,Linn Co, lOBEKT A MlLLEJt, Kegiater. JOHN IS SH, PSOMIETOR. SW PROCESS not Ajn ' stcsxuoB rot 'AM MS ISM, BSTST0R AGS FAOIIJfiRS