The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 15, 1893, Image 4

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    FromTerminal or Interior Poitts the
Is the line to lake
To all Points EAST and SOUTH
It, ruiitt Throngs! VESTIBlTaV
In I be Tear to
Compost of DininfCars Unsnrpasssd
Pullman' Drawing Room Sleeprtrs
Of latest Equipment
' Boat tLat can bo oor.strucle I and in
which aoeommodaiiona are both free
and furnished for holders of First or
S oond class tickets at d
A Continuous Line connecting with
al linis, affording Direct ami
UninterruptBd Service.
Pullman sleeper reservations can be
secured hi advance through any
agent of the road.
THROUGH riCKETS to and from all
points In A met lex England and
Knrope can be purchased at at 7
ticket office of this oorrpany.
Full Information concerning rti,M!ine
of trains, routes and other Jeuails fnrn
Ished on application to any agent, or
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
No 121 First St, cor. Washington.
Portland, uiegon
C G Burkhari. local agent.
Qiegon Pacific Railroad.
W linn, BeeclTcr.
TQfKSCnEDUIaaC- except Sunday.
LssveAlbanv W: p. a.iLws Taqnlaa, 7:00 1,
Uave Corrallia 1:03 r, a. Lease Corvallls,10:S i,
ArrtYsqulna,l:S5 p. a. Arrive Albany, 11:1 a.
Direct Line
Quick Dispatch
Low Freight Rates.
Between Willamette Valley Points and
San Francisco .
reus sas psASCtaco
Valley. Sept 8th, lsth.?7lh.
tstsss vaamaa.
WtBaaartU VsBsf. 9pt ard, lsth. JSrd.
The Companv rewurveMS tba ngnt
hange sailing dates without notloe.
'Hess leaves Pettsana Wsiln rt y aad
aatorday a n.
riCDty.Oen iVst,8UmTn Street Wharf .Piart stall
U a VanxSn. 0w Aact. 8sn rrandsoo. Cel.
H B Malaahy, Oensral Sapt:
181, 18&13
law Teria apeaed itepteasber ask
-A f. I oorpa of Instj-UKsUarav
en oi "tud y rjranstad
u. If wi
all grades of student.
SsVesW tmrtttcementt eftrti la mtmitmtt
from abroad.
wrv. klbest si cnaniT
Or Tlifc
Southern Pacific Co.
Express Train leave Portland Daily
Soa'.h I paoii mut 1 . lSPt, I Movta
S:"lS7ai7TE PJettsad Ar 1 8 a
10-.XS rslb Albany Ly i 131 H
10:14a a Ar Ban Francisco Lt 7,00 r
"AboVoTraina stop a. all utatio ie from
Poitlsnd to Albany inolusive, also Tan
gent, hdi',HaIsey,Harrlsburg, Junction
City, Irving, Kugnne and all stations
from ltoiebnig to ashiand inclasle.
atSSaa I Lt Portawd Ar' tir
lr:S pb J Lv Albany Lv ItU a
fcSOru ( Ar Bosebors- ILv I 7 DC A
I aaascx. s
-.SOaslLv Albany arliu-Maa
8:00 I Ar Lebanon Lv SO A a
l:KraLv Alh.y Arl :2Sr
Mi a I Ar Lebanon Lv I J:3r
Diiine Cars on Ogd-n Rjute.
ataasaiaS alt Tb-.aurSi Trnnm
ayHM sifde tvtvUlaa.
BtTTnE! l-lt( lip HKIilll.
, tfsn VI, SAltl (ExptMonuay.
7-JH A tl
ttf s r a I
6:i6 P M
Iff) PS
ssraass fans daily (Exr.,p S,n.fta ,
:0 r a
KcaTlnnsil s
Ar I -: V
t.s I
nrtironcrla Tlcketn
so all point in the K n' - itc. Cansdv and
atarnpeean be ob ained at owest ra'es from I' Is
Sresjb, Acent Albany. '
afanssrer tse't O. P. nrl
Port! at ;! Orcxon
S3 SHOE ct'W,
Do you wear them? When next I nerd try a pair.
Best In tho world.
If you want s On DRESS SHOE, made 'n the litest
stylos, oon't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or
$5 Shoe. They tit equal t custom mail and look and
wear as well. If yo lah to economize In yosr footwear,
do so by purchasing V, L. Douglas 8hoes. Nam and
price stamped on the bottom, lock for It when yea buy
W v.. IlOtJGI.AS, llrockton, Mass. Sold by
Of L Viereck.
gvisl h rie, Inqulr
iir.rt jsp va
43S0K V
2.50 IHi
12.25m Mk
A Aft Kitsaaaaaaaaaaaal
Dreadful Skin Disease 0 Years. Doc
tor's Medicines Useless, Cured
by Cuticura for $4.75.
I feel it is my duty to tell you my experience
with your CcTICOaU, Una hoiks. I have been
troubled fur over nine years with a dreadful
skin uiscaae. vt nen x nrss
felt it, there appeared a few
fall red spots on my breast,
and it kept on spreading
slowly. It started the same
on my back, between ui.v
shoulder. A few days after
tlio spots turned gray, and
Ix-gan itchtrg. Bmall scales
would fall off, so it continued
spreading all over my body.
1 tried, all the intent medi
cines I could think of, or get
hold of. 1 also consulted doctors. Yes, they
would nnre ine in a short time, but they always
1 failed. Then leave it all up, thinking there was
110 cure for me. Some tewmontnsago, niuiceu
your advertisement in the Taronia Jfomfng
'Gtobt. Thought 1 would try the Cctktra
Kkmkdies, and, to my sunwise, three boxes of
CuiSLUttA, one cake of Citicittia Soap, and
three trollies of CcTicintA Resolvent cured mo
entirelv. Mv skin is now as pure and white as
that of'a child. 1 send my photograph. 1 have
many friends in Chicago and St. l"aul. .
F. O. Box Whatcom, Washington.
CrnccBA and Oiticitra Soap, externally,
and Citiccra Rbsolvknt, internally, cleanse
the blood and skin of every eruption, impurity
and disease, when the best physicians fail. The
cures dailv effected by them are simply wonder
ful. No other remedies are so pare, so sweet,
so speedy and so effective. They are beyond
all doubt the greatest skin cures, blood puri
tiers aad humor remedies of t-.rxlern times.
Sold throughout the world. Price, Coricciu,
We.; Soap, 44c.; Bisolvsst, $1. lYepared by
POTTXR IBlfl A WD Onsat. COlU ., Boston.
Brat-'' How to Care Skin Diseases," mailed free.
PUBS, blackheads, red and oily akin pre.
vented and cured Dy ixticuba boaf. .
Backache, nervous pains, and weak
nesses, relieved la one minute ey
the Cntlrura Antl-Faln I
Too only paiu killuig plaster.
i H it:
Attorneys at Us. Will praetl
state. Special attention risen
and to collections. OPTICS I
Will practice in all courts at tha
ut matters in prooate
a the r .inn blocs.
yy R biii.tei-
Atsomsy at Law vnd Solicitor In Chancery. " Coll
'ions made oa all points. Leans asf orUlait on
table tenoa Albany, Oregon
I Attorney at law, and Notary Pub.ic. Will practice in
: all theconrts of this stats Special attantion riven to
BsBsaSusss sun aaattere ta prebste Oalee: Upstairs
asoe-TwaJ aasea Alnaay, uaa
S. I. limn
II lejai matter, wi, I receive proap
r. aid yallov-sTssapK AltMnj, 6
Attorney at Law, Albany. -r.
Attorneys at Law.
Albany, Oregon.
Attorwev-at-Law. Alt Isa-al tali l n
FLI.VS-S fflosk. Aikany. Or
OmCK :m
Albany, Ortavaa.
I Pbyssdaaa an gwrreoa. OPFlCK-C-sraer scond
1 and II, olalbin streets. Albsos . Or, Calls pro-npUj
attsrdad I ettv aad eeoatry .
CfltniERLUI. tl. l..
aWSasd, list in iHsawssw of the g re.
urs 7toa m: 1 u S aa. aad 7 Ic I
A .1 Creson.
or albavt, naawoR
71os Presideat
AOCODWT8 KEPT subtest to shack.
SIGHT EXCHAKOE aad tei Taohie
Mew Tork, Sao Praaeaseo. Ossssfn aad
p ,;;an l
CO XEfmOSf SADE on (atorahls tsnss
E. T
E. W. Las
L. Pttn
BBvaaef.aox. -
OP ALBANT. orroo.
TRASSACTs (saasesj Bsultln useless
P HAW SIGHT OtvPTS on Kew Tork. San
sco and Portland, Oregon.
LOAJf MONEY on approvsd security
RECEIVE deposits subject to check.
COLLECTIONS made on Us-sraWe tonne.
INTEREST Daid en tbxvs denosiU
tfrii wr ttcio.
T t X us
.A J J..1
treo Handbook write to
flu. D.v.ll WAX. C.SW SI
; for soru natenXa to An
Every patent taken out bp ss Is brouant before
sos puDuo vj a notice aaven iree oz coarse w tne
Scientific American
Largest etrenlstlon of any sctenUfle
world. Splendidly Illustrated. Bb
to the
,M.i SIAOsla: months.
irHjtua oe vmuw it. wi
Address) Ml
PfStTSHlnSi 301 Broadway, Dew York
aw eaocfias plod a seraaioa row .amp is
Asm sAtttRs ear,
"T sMwtMe Aasarkai
A Agency
1 yd Mm j mwmw'
1 b , vfltta iiaaap
I l M.
4 rettUeet sns 'oatravs-tr.
Lsvs v.K-nl irs with linlburt Its, i
late ate m a.
' tsfPsTj lt, Wblm. KiicriiiulorrtunlBs
I &7Mur auV uuiiatnral discbsrEtrjkWJ
gjWrojirdroak-lBt for a bottl of
X2eltl'i;tlb'wiid er publicity o
fit B BjH elm rri nf ee! not to''srrictre.
B9jH Th r'nitersal American Cure.
A subscriber to the Democrat who lives
at Crtwforrisville brings this paper Dp with
a shore turn for being, as he says." a go d
bug sheet," tor I living "come out against
silver as money," ttc. When asked what
he had seen in the columns of (he Dsmo
ck.t that justified him in making such
statements he admitted that for several
weeks pat he hsd been so busy he had not
read roach, but that he had heard a couple
of neighbors make these charges against the
Democrat and he took it (or granted that
it was true. If the truth were known it
would be found that these "neighbors" are
not riders of the Democrat at all, but
were making these statements to injure the
Democrat. Now, as It is well known,
we hsve in circulation in the United Sta't
six hundred and fifteen million dollar sil
ver coin. The Democrat Is in favor of
continuing this in circulation and this i
more than all the gold we have in circula
tlcn. There never has been a word in the
Demccrat that would justify even a sus
picion that it favored the demonetization of
this tilver. As to the position of the Dem
ocrat with reference to further coinage of
'silver bullion, it lias not been a matter of
doubt to those who have read it. Under
cate of Auguit 4th, sevetal days before the
meeting of congress in extra session, the
Democrat said editorially:
The She-man silver law should be repeal
ed as the mt act of the special session of
congress. The next step should be to psss
a law admitti' g all silver bullion, the pro
duct of our on mines, to free coinage,
accompanied by the passage of stringent
laws, by heavy duties or otherwise, to pre
vent the bringing of silver bullion or silver
in any shape into this country for coinage
purposes. II we can not carry oar own
silver at a parity with gold, we cannot
earn it and all foreign silver at such par
Ity.' Here Is an explicit declaiatiun in favor
ol free coinage for all our own silver bul-
Hon. Nothing plainer Is needed rod no
w r'""" uvuiu
one who regard, the truth as being prefer-
a a
ao.eto raiscnxw wou.u ne m
such falsehoods as are set out above. But
in ordey that those gentlemen who have
been guilty of misrepresenting the Demo
crat may be (till lurther held up to pub
lic gtze we give below an editorial which
was also published in the Weekly Dtaio
ctat of August 4".h and: r the caption of
"The Tree Solution;"
Let congress do as follows ar.d all will be
First, repeal the Sherman law.
Second, past a free coinage law ss to
silver bullion, the product ot mines in the
United State only.
Third, pass very sti.agent laws prohibit
ing the importation oi foreign bullion Into
this country, ami to prohibit tne coinage ot
foreign coins into American coins.
Fourth, pass a tariff law making such
, material redactions all along the line as
would meet the demands nf public senti
tnent indicate J by the vote ot the people;
Fifth, pars an income taa law providing
for a tax on incomes ot and op
ward. Let the tax be graduated. A the
income increases increase the tax by a
graduated scale. We be Sieve this is the
true solution
All of whtcn shows w here the Dnatora.tT
ttnds on the silver question
Spicy correspondence hj beer exchangid
between Congrsssman "Rising Sun" Morse,
oi Massacliutettt, and CommissioJCt of
Fetation Lorhren touching a pension case
that has been rejected by tbe Bur.-au.
Congressman Moise, in a long letters
couched in threatening term, practically
demanded mat a pension be given to W H
Rollins, of Canpelio. Matt, the fact in
whose case are given by Mr Morse aa these:
'On Nov :j. while at work at ui trade,
a piece of teel flew from ai-other woi k man
aad went almost through one of bis eyes.
Tbe eye was taken out three day later.
Thi man's remaining eye is weak and
painful and the socket of ' he one removed
is inflamed asd call for the use cf medicine
about it every day . The man has a sick
family and has a mortgage on his little
home. Now if ; he act of June 37, 1890,
was not in'ended to reach a ease like this
pray tell mc what it was tor? 1 helped to
make that law, acd tbink that I understand
it I will cxrect too lo Immediately order
a reviw and re examination of this case,
otherwise I assure you that I shall call the
attention of Congress aad the country to
this case at the first opportunity."
Commissioner Lochten in bis reply re
peats Congresrman Morse's statement of
how tbe injury was inflicted, and adds:
"It is plain, therefore, that this disabil
ity era not ol service origin. The report
of the Medical Board gives the disability
a lo of the left eye; right eye normal.
No other disability. Yon add that the
man has a tick family and a mortgage en
his home, which, though misfortunes, ire
not pensionab'e and t herefot e irrelevan t to
the ma:ter to be considered .
'To t-ur Inquiry 'II the actof June J,
1890, was not Intended to reach a case
lite this, pray te'i me what it was for?
you append tbe statement that yon helped
to make that law and think you understand
It; so I presume you do not expect me to
answer the question. You mutt know,
however, that it spplte only to tlsote
sjrTering from a mental or partial disability
oi a permanent character, incapacitating
the man from performance of manual labor
In such a degree to render him unable
lo earn a support. 1 he only disability in
thi cmvs of a permanent character is the
loss of one eye. I tLink yon can hardly
claim tiiit lhat would incanaciate a man
from the performance of manual labor u
as tmrndir him unable lo earn a support.
'You say further ihst you will expect
namin.l'nn nf tht; Case, nr.ieiwls m'l will
cab i te sttentioo ol ConBre and the coun
tr 10 it at toe liist Opportunity. I shall
have to submit lo this dirt- alternative, for
I assure you that I will not order a review
or r -examination ol tiie cae."
CuinmissK ner Iicbren then charge Con
gressman Moite with rrisusr of the mails.
He sjs Mr Mer e inclosed in a penalty
envelope, which was sent him by the de
partment simply lor the purpose of trans
mitting to his constituents a report ol the
action ol tbe officers in this case, a personal
letter addietsed from Cantcn, Mats,
July 24, 1893, to Mr George Smith, Taun
ton, Mass, in which he said:
'I trust after you have been re examined
bytheBord 01 Examining Suigeon at
Tsunlon that we shall shortly learn that
your claim for incieaae lias been granted,
but 1 fear for you, for we have 'Cleveland,
retrenchment and reior...' now, with the
confederate on top in t lie Pension Bureiu
and their motto seen is to be 'How not to
do 1.' and they are revoking ten pension
lo every one that they grant."
Continuing Commissioner Coehren savs
"I pass over your grouping of the words
'Cleveland, retrenchment and reform,' a. ;
your quotation marks indicate that voi !
urpoe to 1 ive some other demagogue iht '
r fed it for ne artistic woik ol this grouping.
Bat vour statement 'with the cortfedcraies
lop 111 '.he Pension Ilureau' and 'revoking
ten persion to every one they grant,' are
manifestly specimens of jour own capacity
for wilful snd malignant lyin. And this,
with the sordid meanness which compel
1 you to break the law sn I risk the penalty
uy udiiii. uic vjucininciil invtio ic lu con
vey your silly libel lor the f.ike
jou M e two Crnf in io age
Of BlVing I
f which
you cheated the (luveiument, iives us a
tair gllmra of your character as delineated
by yourtvlf.
"1 defy your threatened vengeance anil
trust you will bring the muter before Con
gress. Thi correspondence will then,
perhaps, adora a page of the record and
show you as you are to the admiration of
future times, i, m)elf. will aid you in
bunging the in itler Uefoie l 'C counlry . "
A quarter ct eacn generation ii said to
die before reaching the age of seventeen.
Hoke Smith's pension policy is not at all
popular with old soldiers, and in the U A
K procession in Indianapolis yesterday a
song about hanging him to a "sour apple"
tree was cheered to the echo. There are no
doubt many fraudulent pensioners; but the
pension laws are not blameable for these
any more than the gospel of Christ is for
frauds in the ministry. It tiny K neces
sary to weed these out, but the meritorious
one should remain. Mountaineer.
The Mountaineer is nothing it not parti
san. So intensely and narrowly partisan,
too, that its Iras leads it to stray away
from the line of facts in order to make
impressions favorable to its party. Now
this little Kjuib of the Mountaineer about
that song is not told the way the press
account gave it and that paper obtained its
information from the press account. The
Associated Press put the account this way: j
'in the middle of the line the company i
' marched singing. We'll hang Moke Smith
i on a sour apple tree. " Tie seat intent wot
both amsvi and cieerttl.'' How different that
sounds from the editorial statement
ot the
Mountaineer to the effect
was cheered to the echo."
that "the song
This prevarica-
Hon is wholly wrong and we opine that Bro j
Micbell, wlien he thinks of it seriously '
will conclude that truth, to him. in this I
instance was stranger than fiction. Our j
omtemporary frankly admits that there are I
many fraudulent pensioners. Well, it is
these-self same fraudulent ones ihat Judge
lAxhren and Hoke Smith, if you please,
are seeking to lop off from the pension rolls
- -
There U not tb semblance of evidence that
either official would seek to drop the name
.-if ,nv ..nsionAr wrhnosi nstnslnn was Isural- .
., , I B
Iv oranted snd who was lesrallv entitled to
it. The Mountaineer say the pension laws ;
. . , ., , , . ., j- ,, '
are not "blameable for these fraud. vT ell. ;
of course not and no one so insists. Bat ;
the blame lies at the door of Kauw who
adopted a rule for granting pensions which
wasin plain, palpable violation of pen-
sionlawand manv fraudulent nensions
" ,
i .i
: " . . . T. "iarirr-.s- n-i-rr. -7wmn 01 bar. Krncico
it is to eradicate these frauds that luoge
Ijichren is outline fonh 1.1 elfurts. and it
. . ' " " ... .
sjle to av that no one but a dishonest or 1
mo ignuitBii4 man tumu ui wuuiu uja; u 7
. w . , tendrnev
. . . . , , .
f1irnufs sv. mnfh flc ihU rnnfieuxl nhWu '
ion, ratted by pretended friend of old sold-
j iers, to all and any investigation of pension
frauds. Our contemporary thinks It snr
be necessary to weed out these fraudulent
pensions bat the meritouou ones should
stand. It is necessary, absolately necessary
that these fraudulent pensions ahculd be
weeded oat. The very existence of the
pension system itself may depend upon It.
No one has ever raised any question against
meritouou pensions, hence the -Vmnfain-ear's
remark upon that point it wholly
A dispatch fro a Washington says the
administration has rally determined to
enforce the Geary Chinese exclusion art.
There is no kwger any doubt on thi point.
Ite preventative Geary was told so yesterday
by Assistant Secretary Hamlin, by Secre
tary Carlisle and by President Cleveland
iieary brat bad a long conference with uy ago taroaw camp ana left IiJUU rxtocm
Hamlin and Carlisle. This conference was 5f & np?" " rot- Tor
held tsrfovw ths r,l,ir mstiwe. TXIr,
this meeting was over. Geary called upon
Presidens Cleveland at the White Hcaiae by
appointment arranged with tb; president
bv Secretary Carlisle. The nreaitlsmt naked
Geary very many satins., and ww.
. . . , : a 11 si. , .
earnest in trying to get stall the facts tn
coswstttson with the law and its effect in
every section, and especially on tbe Pacific
const. Tbe president indicated that he
L-j .s.ii .,
, . , ,
latv to become a dead letter He teemed
to realise folly that tbe administration
could ill afford to neglect to enforce law
psasad by congress and declared constita-
tirmad he tbTl'niil St.i-. . murt
tiooai by the I nHe.1 State stnpreme court.
Tbenpshot of tbe conference is that the
Qoestioo will come up for full discussion at
ucict usu aaj luecnuoB ut BiiowutE luei,
a cabinet meeting, when the policy of the !
administration will be determined fully.
Geary said last night that he bad no
of the result- It is more
, ,
than likely that
the money now available in the Ucaauij
will be used to pay tne ex pease oi the
deportation of the convicted Celsatials just
so far aa it will go. ami by the time it is
used the further amount necessary will be
provided by congressional appropriation.
This appropriation, it is believed, can be
secured from congress, especially if tbe
president favors it, and there seems no
doubt now thai he will.
Being aakeo about tariff revision George
A Macbeth, the clans manufacturer, sa't?:
'I am willing 10 go bifore the Way and
Mean Committee of Congress and show
where the Urirt is a .vtilment lo the glass
, ,
Thomas a Atterbury. the table glaf
manufacturer, taid: "Andrew Cartegie
does not care a farthing whether the
MrKinley tariff or free trade is in vogue '
David B Oliver, tbe iron manafaciturer,
said: "Congress was pledged to change the
tariff, and should do so quickly so that
labor and capital can gel settled. "
At no time since tbe war hsve custom
receipts beea so low a rtov. The matter
is causing Carlis'c a good deal of worry.
In the treasury last night the cash balance
wa reduced to $105 000,000. inclusive of
sbrasext and j
I9 1
nnt ttrrent snd tubrdlary cola. What is
left of the depleting goH ieerve continues
to bt the only each balance lo the treattry
with which to pay current expemtt-y. The
receipt are now tunning abcut $170,000 f
per day 1 ehind the expenditure. For the
fi.-st time the Import dtiiiea hv- fallen be
low the Internal revenue receipt For
the fiscal year from July t to the pieent
time, lbs. government expenditure have
exceeded the rereipl by $19,000,000. At
tbit rate the deficit at the end rf the ear
wlil be very l-.rge.
Senator Sherman contribute I something
to "tariff agitation" l y suggesting the! the
people's verdict, Iwiie recorded, shouM be
disregarded . He said that our woi kfng
mei want "reasonable ptotectiom against
undue competition with foreign labor art.
j who are miserably paid. fed. lo laed and
clothed." But it is not -'reasonat le protect
ion" which imposes a defy, a theMcKutley
law doe In hundreds of case, not only
more than the entire labor co it in Ihe
roanuftctured pro.luc. but greater than
the value of the article. The jobbery of
high protection is enly cqutfleid by its
Inquired of us to how the Chines 9 would
I.. I,..,,t.l inrln I,wl... P.' Al.irm
. JZ . .. . .
unless tricre arc essuugii ruiins oil ,naJiu ilf
ever the xpensc of (hipping tibem 10
C'ina, Collector of Customs Wfe said
that the plan decided upon is to have lbs
(tetmghip companies put in their bills,
which would be sent on certified to ihe
secretary of the treasury.
One of the lac'o learned dariisftiie last
decade is tha. nine bnnpToposDttoo 8 out
of tan are fakee. In the baste to bt en
terprising tbe people) of the Parotic C oast
particularly have btmn very gcjlibte.
Conductor Wiek Huff has been trans
ferred to the Roseburg-Ashiand division
and will hereafter have charge of an over-
IWIIU 11(1111,
At the regular monthly meeting of the
Salem riuildlng & Loan Association, tiboo
was loaned at ninety-four months Interest
in advance.
Kugene is considering a proposition from
a rotary sickle and header company.
Kugene Is asked to take tio.eoo of $100,
000 In stock. It Is safe to predict It will
not be done just now.
Report from Newport are that tne
hotels there have had a very light run cf
business this summer, and have tost con
siderable money. Neitlv all who have
been there have been camper. Ex.
Sell and Rentf row's circus train was
wrecked near Grass Valley, Calif, yester
day. Two men were killed, and several
Injured. The bca-e escaped; but the
otner anima t were secured.
SN Lilly threshed some wheat on ;
George Homing' place near town yester-i
day that yielded 45 bushels to the acre.
M r Ltltv savs It la the I,,.' Ii- lis. i,
ed this season. '
The Portland Telegram saj : Collector
Black will appoint a depute collertot of
i rnitnmt . ! 1 1, 1 r, s . 1 -., . .. I I.
declined to discuss with a T-legram r.
porter the relative chance for this, the
highest position In hi gift, but intimated
k ou,d Prl?ly go to a Portland man.
A "tested road case, In which
wv xn IWKU U t 1, t It, H . BIIU
nnf a.ifi wanrt a r rna i nnri
tne oiuer side objects to the opening of a
ne road In thi northeastern ponton of
ty court. 'Jeffrey. SHolgate. "and Whit-
.. fnn..n ,1 ilk... i i
'r, Ncws -'
wlthout to .w wh wW
Arn nn ik tariff .Al . . . i - . '
" -s. ...K '""I';
Oregonlan telegraphic advices from the
no,i- f gumption of factories
In various pari of the bastern and Middle
lte. continue to come in, and that many
other concerns are preparing 10 resume
operations. Including large number of
-M--'"2 Je.c Brown har-
' I -.sTi ' " 1. . .u. ' '! :
1 ,i, mi i" 111s: smjui. ic
,v, W...V..I. ...1 . j
,,n;" j"" " trup m
AJ .. p-r .1 rr.
tuti uutcrii a vrfaurii c fstitnp its rar mi rw 1
It t tne pest crop ever raised on the place,
...I I. it,- i .1.. 1 1 . .
iiivssss, . tuv isanu wt uricc atnu oincf
wise, alcadilv persisted In by Mr Whitaker.
i Corvsll!s Time.
The Detroit Weakly Freeman baa sas
Mndd pabnottion.
Roslt Hashono. or Jewish New Year,
will occur next Monday. September II to.
A boat SO.oOO bushel of ah sat have al
ready been stored with the Albany Parmer
The performers recently with the Kicka
poo Medicine Co have formed the Lewis
Minstrel & Novelty Oamptuiy.
A city with a fire department that can
handlsta tire as the recent one was rutin -Aged
should nave the lowest insurance al
lowe,l. TXe tiiis News tatasta a falt-wt:
1 prco of wheat ns CervaUts u 4 cents
pswouscw, watiasa aittuy csaiy o cent 1
lt rained very lively last night, and the
dust U rompSe elv transformed into mod.
The moisture, though. i not a good thing
for hop picking.
The bosinea rtten of this city and
tlirwirh.RH tbe valley are asking their
deotors to farttie by tip" tirst of Mober.
McMinavilleTK. -a i, a a . , , .
.i 1 unumi lur.r .; 1; iaate a lew
Ben W orslev. tlie we'. -known Astnrian
who used to ran with the fir. men. has ssv !
minted tba roll of beats of the (
party of I Tab op ronoty. so says the Bodg-!
. JXl " I T ".k
' 00" tropJcal climate is In cne of the
window cf J A Cummings dtug store.
It it a peim fittfera, aad 1 owned by Mr
' Frrd Slumber.
The county coiVt yeaterday served
noisce it, rough .-ieriH Ub-jrn. upon the
Bonuraim teiimp treasurer Burnett
I that they would ne held responsible for
the fund lot; through the failure of
j Hamilton. Job it Co.-Gaacue
It will pay our readers to t..e
account given by Mta Uxxie McNeil ttf a
bilt,e (oogh( , Uberui. hfc
snd coming frjm a former rr.Uent of
' i aty. and tl friend of ail Jbo knew
. .
Iter 11 si fse of nsntruLr Im...,
, - - - r m.
line of tlw I..IV Ismrs livince sssr
... .
W Pto
i . J J
: t,iA,- vni- -not rnaay last m tie- irroin
1 ".".s .-s .iww wu-iuii. n imer oris ins
1 jn a lllTt tbe ,n jli,,! ,,) ,1 n.m-j-
striking. it etplote.i. Loaded gun in a
jrdtiagcart are danaToo. MrMinnrilie-
The W alia W alia, Stafnssnan stvys: Wm
the gram Isnyer, states that .to far
thu season be ha porebaas-d more wheat
than in any like period in sis .vear. It is
mostly in small quantities, sold by van u-
farmers in order to settle with harvest
hanb. No hrge lots arw laeiog wI . Tbe
1 price paid rsngew from .ti to 41 cenU.
Otva Ces ck aad Will Lvoos set fin 1 1 a
' Urge piscfa stump let Maatssy. and iha re-
( salt tiattvs aear beir . another lurati fesrsstt
or . The fir 1 from the stump, aad
oaly ccraitttnt tynung for two ttats saved
a lar.e bodv of valuable tiatoar. It it daa-
gsroo bo tines to rt cat fires during the
dry seasvos. and too much ear cannot be
exercised. Santiam Lambermaat.
fr The lot of Mr Ssrjh Sutei by tie
nre wa edjosted al $540 and wa
eitico yetteroty. promptly and
( atlafaction of all. Tne lot b
damage to the Morr't stock of f ' etc,
wa adjnsted the same day ol the fi e by
lie Farmers and Merchants Insurance
the nremans' tournament next
s"e fnet officcW ?6
I-,., , 1 d.i 1 . ,,,
oyee cf Portlsnd president, Hiram
fftSXJ?, XTTl
J j Neil v r,f 1 ortland, secretary and H J
a . a ss
Meier nf ' he lis V ,r..,,e., t-..L C
HoatgVIn f Salem, r t. Parker of Astoria
and Emll Schualx of The Dalles Execu
tive Committee.
The Kik City hnb-l owned by M W Simp
son was sold but week to an Albany party
by the name of I, W fieyoe. who will soon
take charue of it. Mr fieyoe intends fit
ting I be hotel up in good style and trill en
ter the Held next summer for a share of Hie
summer putniiag. Elk City is an ideal
atuntinjr and fishing spot and there is no
reason why his scheme should not be uc
cesnfii!. -Lincoln County iaetuler.
i Even now, before tbe work of repairing
tlie Willtitnette bridoe is coiunleteil. cer
tain parties are diowing their contempt for
t ne p
bridge ntid more than once have part
been seen to race from one end to the other.
Journal. 'Ine Allany style is to make
arrets at once, without any foolUlinese.
The Roseburg Review say: "Tueday
wa a good day for accident at the Rose
burg sash and door factory. W L
Dy singer was slntk by a itick he was
running through a saw'ln uch a manner
aa to fracture one of the bones of Ida right
wrist. It wifs bother him for tome time.
W J Bennett had a nail driven through
one of his finger about the same time.
It Is a painful wound."
We have a good white laun Jry operated
by good, white people It shou'd be
given the aisiatance it deserves. I his Is
the only wav to prove lhat the Chinese
are not needed and not wanted in tins
country. The e will always be a Chinese
problem to settle so long as these pig
tailed aliens are given encouragement in
stay. Pendleton E O This la good advice
In referenc to the Albany laundry.
Deputy Sheriff Croner, of Eugene
passed through Albany this noon with a
boy named Stone, whom he was taking to
the asylum. Mi Croner' wife recently
uteri, it win oe remembered that a suit I
wa recently brought on her account !
against Mr Dr Patiemon Wallace of thi
city for $5,000 damage Mr
states that he will also cause her sriest for
crim'nal malpractice In connection
with the case.
The hogs are on top In price.
RTTake notice that the engine of Engine
Co. No. i la In repair and ready for uae.
19 Thompson, as receiver, collected
$io.t,ooo for the Portland Saving Bank In
30 a aye.
Mi it wi isirv l.v t-iuir.tF tiiTitttw it in 1 ' i : " . 1 K ' i . l' til I it' ttu'resat i.t rAtP nn t 1 nie.K ..),... i.i 1. i .i .
fi.lrulat! t soon m K tin uritlsn. t l in aieii journftl Bayn; Tli?r j rovol Vflf in tJlaft lT,"t V-s1ll t n.lflt VS,S e B- at t-BV. I
air . as - 1 7 "7" "! ml . " . . L " I 1 "WUl, lf V -lU. i L V I lit n!ltrt. ft I Ik '
ien who itre on tlie reisiipt te.-tifv was rin showing made to the commission city. T K Howard n,l arif ,..IlV
racing is a daily occurrencp ,on theiort,,' people before asking this raise sault on Alhert Raa rn 9nnsi l:.
A Chautauqua Literar y and Scientific
Circle was organized at Brownsville last
night .
The Increase of taxable property In Linn
county this year will be nearly $2,000,000.
This should lower the rate materially.
All the Eaatern paper say that the
panic Is over and new life I being put Into
DUKtne,. 1 l,e improvement licreaftci
will be rapid.
The Y M C A has begun arrangement
for the presentation cf the drama "Com
rades," within a few weeks. A good cast
has rcen made.
The salary of the principal of the Rose-
burg school wa formerly $1 too a year It
is now $1000 and assistant teachers Bet i
S40 a month, Review.
Mr Arthur Leimert I carrying hi neck
in a sling, due to mistaking a bottle of
creosote lor ano'her medicine, which he
rubbed around hi left ear.
In the matter of the petition of Ed Wolf
et al for 11 county road the report of the
viewers was
read and the matter continued
, ... - - .
until the October term .
In the matter of the petit ion of George
Bratton et at, a county road was ordered
ma lieil. lnriuM Htm'nvtni,nn,l ,'uu.;...
$20. ordered paid.
the petition of H J Foil is et al for a
county road was granted, and the expenses.
$16. of viewing and sarveying.were ordersd
It Is again reported that the O P head
offices will soor, be moved lo Albany. As
most oi tne ousines is done here, anil this
Is the center of the I wo divisions, as well ;
as the distributing point fjr river business, j
It li strange It was not done year ago.
The recorder oi Salem I. doinir c general
.'r'"""'"'. u"d"
l'" -'icr,nu 3 pool "tea mc
Jcttyv maishal ascottstabic. The regular
j objects.and some feel-
f ir-, nf In. kl r.,r, 1.,,.. I ,1.1.
season Is that of Sam Drumbelier on his
tanch at the foot of the mountain near
Wi;a Walla. One hundred and four acres
yielded 6864 buthe's of fine wheat, which
U 66 bushels to tie acre. j
The Monterey Hotel on Big Creek will 1
be kept open a a winter resort. Thert
U .10 finer time, in some respects, to be at ,
e Bar, than during the wlr.ter The
f . . . . , i. ,
iicws 01 Newport ssy there is no hotel
to be compared
IO it
exchange save: Theie I a roan i
down Ir, Lincoln county. Or egor .who has j
discovered a method 'by which he can
lalohTVal, hi!,ffK0K!,,
to a B tn I lie country. Me hti s hrotbf r 1
who ha taken up a let of abandoned tun- i
nel wh'ci, he ,1 -s7 m it,t '
neitwn. cl, he calculates to work up into .
arJon. and aelt for post holes. j
Wheal, 50 cU; oals, isc; bav.Ss baled: I
wood, $3 10 13.50, taken in exchange for t
sewitiw machine, or organ on hand at E j
tWHl music tore. Also on t! book :
accounts of 6 months standing. Sewing
: machines from $; to $33, with my per
. tonal guarantee for 5 yrs.
Genuine part for all sewing machine,
I also the best oil, needle, etc,, tor all
sewing machines, bicycles, et:., at E L'
. Will's music store. Sewing machines and
i organ repaired reasonable, and all work
i warranted. Needle prepaid by mail 40c
j a do sen.
Vote a commotion was caused on ttcr
I streets Wednesday morning by an all
around firhuln which several participated.
The racket Urtea from a debt of fvwhich
one owed Use ether. From coosterna'ioa
to dispute, and from dispute to bard fiats
and rocks. No one was hurt sat thing t
were lively in HaUey for hill an boor.
In a short ti-ne the Plooerr quarry of
Yaquina will commence snipping random
stone for tne new city hilL There will
be abcut fifty or xfx'tv carloads ot thi'
stone sod in the construction of the baiid
lng. So far only about two carloads of
rubble atone have been (hipped. Sates -man.
rtttsTi rorstr
(J S. Pnwaa. eawntty jasfars: Wat.
ad i. W.lNTa.Cii 111111111
Kuril laMSji
Bill of tji.75 for iactraestof R ft' Cmbran.
oral. Also lull
Tbe following bills were ordered paid :
i . . , ..
avttasi iitiroett. aia tr SMaT. .
' Honinn Bros. avt C H
P Smiley, stationary
j Orepvm tag Frank Ihincan.
j j71;('r
i 1 tJhMD'?,T?- " '
Krtapp. BurreU to.
rrs-LAv A Max an. stsotntry
1 l,rf. Wallace, aslary a
ai -as
10 .....
, . , r .
110 namraiuru.rom niwi r
I J vt. IHjgbiSMn and per Ji
v dtexn.
fr 40
9 00
? 20
39 t6
M .si
J Pugfa. acrt rotvds
V C Stsvaard. acrt roads
Albanv rctric Light Co
Dr J P W'allace. acct poor Iimlcr Co. t rtxtil.
I alrr'ewvsn fisrvt iait
2 fiO
Slate aat Watkint
Ben C Irwin, stadionary
John Wither, acrt roads
! Orcgon agt Jos Faulkner . ,
1 rregon agt fHiver Knigblen
, treroii aart Zephin Job
1 J B Tillotson, acrt toads. . . .
4 00
61 05
40 15
m w
K 91
. 68 "5
. G F Roseell snpt
I Foster Mill Co. acct mads .
! Meslon, Dygert V Ccsstalionary .
1 F. T Fisher, surveyor
24 00
j Oregon agt John Thomas
! Oregon agt Ort Smith
Oregon agt John Doe.
i- Hill, acct insane
N 1 Payne, acct insane
J W C rianford, acct roads
12 t"
1 60
1 tJO
5 fjo
4 00
10 50
t". 00
: John bsher. acct teachers ex
I) Nash A Co, roads -
3 SO
Sawyer Bro
50 1-
R W Moees.aect rrdsnndfbriilgvs
8 00
! T J Stiles, teachers ex
IS 00
:s 00
21 00
5 00
5 00
ti 00
10 00
0 H Hart, teachers ea
j G F K . teacher ex
Mrs M Galloway, acct poor.
OP Coshow, ai I Hail family . . .
ar: Af-v, a-a f Wat .11 a
1 a : a JsniisT. If Tini i.tirs:
T "
, Latbe Aul socteiv n i.l poor ..
I w ., i -i.t ,.' i.,;i
1 F CrtXd aid Mrs. .
wiiw.n, .MUt'iu.
10 T
H 00
10 00
B White, aid Preswell and Ken
worthy 1
W B Glass, aid Kemp
0 00
1U O0 '
B F Crow, acct paupers 44
M Anderson, aid Hoclietioera ..
J W Xuwaii, aid self
John Usher, janitor
S VV Moore, acct roads.
J A Thompson, bounty
Hodge - McFarland, acct poor
Mrs Ehxa Osborn, acct poor. .
C C Jackson, fees
i0 on
jo no
, ,
8 S6
0 00
17 74
30t (W
; Gravelioa roads near Plain view
J B Til lot son. acct roads
N P Payne, fees ;
luiir .. 1 : 1 , . , ,., , .
1! "" " tiinne tne exisnuK rates 111st
and proper. The Oregon Pacific will not
eland it. It will ask a full hearing before
the commission.. The people will not
stand it- The railroad company made a
fatal mistake to ask any advance in rates
when all farm nrorliict . e. Iaw .,,,1 hn.i.
. .. .. r. . uwo.-
nest is depressed. The Oregon railroad
pnmmiuinn ..11 l..,!!. 1 l.iil... ,1... MNU IIMIIIJ III , V ' , ' ( ' LUC
rates go into effect without compelling a
A talaebte KritteUy,
" Hon Edmund L Pltt the late president
of the New York Stale (senate, writes:
State of Naw York.Ssnaix Chamukr,
Aluany, March nth, iSSo.
I have used Allcock'a Parous Platters
in my family for ihe past five vtars, and
can truthfully say they are a valuable
remedy and effect great cures, I would
not be without them. have In several
instances given some to friend suffering
with weak and lame backs, and thee have
Invariably afforded certain and speedy re
lief. They cannot bo loo highly "com
mended. Shliuh'a ('are, the orerat couuh and cn.nn
I our ' mr sate uy u. ructet ixe contain
twi nti -live doses.oulv 25o.
Children love it
Koahav A Mason.
Toalil Dlgtstlnn take one Small Wtelteso
.v, v-,it,im. rwr. irsrr IMJI.IC.
11 !!( I u
STON E H0LTON . JOn Sept 7. 1893,
ut the otHee nf and bv Judire J N liiinmn
j Mr K M Stone and Oeorgiuna Holton, of
I Brownsville.
. - a - a - - w . . 1 v- .1. II' ui' Hi litl
ies and it in eiearly in violation of the law of kmmn ...... -;.t. j v.."
Bright I'rea perls.
Coldkndalk. Wash, Sept 7. Senator J
T Ksbelman, of North Yakima, was in
(ioldendale enroutc borne from The Dalles,
Or. Speaking of the outlook from a demo
crat! : view, he said:
' ,Vben the financial question is settled
according to Mr Cleveland's idea
Cleveland's idea, with
1 which 1 heartily agree, a reign of prosperi
i ty not known for years will dawn upon the
people, Our republican friends in a ma-
jority a'e ready with open hearts towel
come this condition 01 thing.
I further
predict that Mr Wilson's modification of
the tariff will wia some of its most ardent
opposers to its hearty support."
Dag Oai.
Walla Walla, Sept 8. George Miller,
serving 20 years for murder, and August
KrugeT. 12 years for robbery, made their
escape from the penitentiary today. The
past year the men have been at work in the
dye work adjoining the jute mill. This
j afternoon ben tne prisoners were taken
lack to the penitentiary from the jute mill
Miller and Knigel were missing. A search
' was immediately commenced. It wa dls -
covered in the dye works that the men had
dna a tunnel at a depth of 0 1-2 feet. 2.
yards in length, lo the outside of the
stockade, and through it made tbeir escape.
Mil. he'i s reslllsa
Washixuton, Sept 8. Senator Mitchell
of Oregon, has determined to vote against
the unconditional repeal of the Sherman
law. Talking the matter over with the
Oretronian correspondent, the senator said
wai ne coma not cmsisnuy uo nnvtning ,
else. It was his belief that it would be '
extremely oangerons to repeu uie merman
law and leave nothing . in the place of it
Furthzr than that be said the people of
Oregon were talking very strongly in favor
of free coinage as a substitute for the Sher
man law
l "seats
Wash bcotox. Sept 8. The presiden
sent the following nomination to the sen
ate today :
Theodore Runjor. of New Jersey, am
Mssador to oermauy; AS wiiihi,
Ketitneky, minister to Hawaii; H
Hmytbe. of Virginia, minister to Hayti:l
i',,f. ss : li 7t i , i. I
sat miiis. oi , irgiui.i. ortsui-geatrrai to
Ifoaolaln: W B Carroll, of Maryland, con-:
wl-geoeral to Dresden,
las areata r the TarttT
TwT.XY.Sept -Tbe CnrtU com-
i - .
r" l'
Pa,ting 400 hands to work on foil time,
XhtjKaatood knittinsr mill, Wateriord.
. and the
mils, fu-inrv M Miltss- Hall A- HwiL
of u,j, city. "will start ap the same day.
The Orkney knitting miU. employing t00
Lsna. nnd llw Ham. amiMirsfp miO. with
hands, and the Haines knittinsr miO. with i
a00 hand-, -it! be started at Cohoes Men
a Tse naraest
Cavccos, Cat, Sept S. This town was
neatly wiprd out by fire this mormrrg.
Only two budolngt are left stand ng in the
basinets portion of the town . Cayawos hat
a population of about 700. The tosses are
tf tioated at 50.000, with iruttiranee of
aboal J The fire started a boat 4
Wasbisctow. Sept
7. Rumor of au
lmpendintr aad t
on the bill to repeal
of tbeSbertnan act
ptirrhasipg cbastae
current in ttva
lot bisji ol tbe
today. Tbe tpeecb
by Mr Walthall, of Mississippi, to
whom Mr Stewart bad yielded tbe floor in
m spirit of accomnaodataoa. may have bren
an indication ol the character aad direction
a a 1 . is s a a a aap
ot sacn towpstauttse- ne cseciarea nuneeir
w tiling to co operate with tne cbatrmaa of
that fiasinre rvwumiftAS, in havinee ensstsiw
adi jn on the bill, or condition that thf. jT!rTTi . .u .
a. 1 . . ... in I'rartlamd- and an AHaant- man at tn
rmamioa ox a oinexaiuc pn,jcy in awa-
1 oorbee suontnte be csotned
forms and given the force of law.
Washi(,Tox. Sept 7. Senator Mpk
recently called at the office of live snper-
vising architect to infuire about tbe Port
1 A ..vj:. 1 :ta: - -
rsjchnetafjrw that nis eAriextditureti for
plans are limited by law. and Portland has
not lawn retvcnetl in senator red a
,-otrstiltaUon with Senator Teaft, cteutr.aui
mm co-nnuttew on raah. tc hoi lo ipgr.
aaa crew net,
' atrthoriaina
acd will
it trod ocr- a bill
i plans for pabb
baailding-s for wbieis ap-!
sr-auc-eusiasre- km
i' ' p-iaii-n ease pssa n.-oe.
A Skpsarsvrtite Cretan.
Hir.i.vM.L... Sept 7. A asytere cy
clone struck I be pretty little town of 1-ock-port.
on the Bayou la Four-cite a' aboat 9
A M, and left a Bias of ruins and deso
lation. Amonir the btuldiBK ueatioyed
wa toe cenvent of tbe Immwc Jlale Con
ception. Fbirteeri tvere aerionsly wttttne'ed.
one of whom i not et cted to recover.
01 j iLArv.s wwa sn -v. sisac lurrisu'i.
tteee Arrest. r.r
RKniJtsna. Cal. Sept T. Depot v United
State Marshal Faris arrested seven Chinese list; - view of Mi matter of passenger trans
Ibis morning on warrants sasoatl by Judge 1 per tat ion . A great many people are snr
Roas under tbe tiearv law. Five more Drat ed tha Uie Telephone oeopie won Id
I acre arrested uus arternoon. Laborers
; from ranches we, c serted. Thtwe I- wjr-
; rants are tbe arst of 170 asked by tbe citi
, w tern- Here, ace sii hf tssssett as fat at altttg ether too low here star on- awn bene
52 50 . the case can be tried la the United States ' St. Aetona won id be laatfasr off if the
. - . .
1 r. awanaia str,
I I'KLTA, Colo. Sept The most daring
' robbery ever consamma'ed in this part of
1 Colorado occurred her in broad daylight
j thi morning. The object of attack was
the Farmers' and Merchants' bank while
i the sum secured was small, tae robbery
resntreti in tne tieatn ot three people, tbe
1 c-attier of tbe bank and two ot the bigh
way men wbo made tbe attack.
of the
Stva t Want ta Wssrfe;
Ciiiratut. Sept 7. Tbe efforts
pe.pie or t oicago to furnasft work for the . depresnio,. owing to the unbalanced ensr
ttnemplojTHl received a shock today.. The 'ditron of tbe human mind, and that one
committee of alliens induced tbe drainage ' hundred vet rs hence there will be peo
canal contractor to etarniov JOfa) man. ! t . 1 lw finri.. na ,M1 KsOs
r "3 n.intirea were ortlere.1 to report at tbe
! al traln today. Only 330 reported,
j ' ney were taken to the scene of operations
j and over 300 refusetl to go to work.
i s. A at knrmtwpawcaf.
Indian ti-ous.
tn isrwassa, -H- -j. atpiain J ti tj
u;f . A.liini r,f Nf .'...o.. ;.. . . i ,1
O . a e . , s s n
, manuer in chief 01 the L rand Army for
the ensuing year He was cboee'n by
I acclamation ibis afternoon. The reports
, 1. . .u-.h I 1 , . I ....... 1. ... 1-: I .
Wi . , , ., ,,.,, lucuivsciaiiii, ui ss.,.., 1 . or
I 1 onr oral , . , .
muuiii ,wi,o an. m goon ftanumg. ine
train by muster during the year was .M.uvt
for relief 1I7.S46 was disbuned dorinai
I. .. .. XL . l.r . 1, 1 ' r . , 11 t
to 1r.11 sua .somen s iteiiei t .irpsi aiv
ursed S5S.630,
A Use Urppner ASntlr.
Hutxki:. Or. Sent f. Tha ritw wtaa
thrown into a fever of excitement last
i trfssmnt. . ..,,.,,- ,; !...: s-. . .
I ---e- e sosrai uwusftlUT
I under the r nrnteat. Tha a..,!! -a
first by Mrs Howard atrikimr Itea with a
cane on tne head, billowed by two knock
downs in far of Mrs Howard. Ren at
tempted to fret op, but was immediately
Moored again, aqd while down. Mr Howard
I ' ,
claims nis revolver was
i chanred. Rea escaned
. , . ' .
acctdeatally dia
with no further
injuries than a good clubbing Mr Howard
was placed under arrest and im v-e hnr.,1. foe
1000 for appearance.
UK Intreduced By Sa.
Wa8hi-otox, Sept 6. Senator Dolph
has introduced bills to provide for tiie
erection of a first-class fog signal at or
near the presant position of the Cape Ara
go light station; granting a right of way
to the Albany Astoria Railroad Com
pany Uiroutrb. the Grand Ronde Indian
reservation; and extending the time of the
Umatilla Irrigation Company to construct j
its oncii across the I tnatilla Indian
The Ways and Means t attmltlee.
V i-iuvnwi i4se.fR ti,..j
AMIINOTON, Sept 6. The tariff hear-
ingot tne ways antt means
opened this morning with a plea of dealer
m metallic bedsteads against a reduction
of the tariff thereon. When this was
finished and arguments in favor of keeping
the present duty on macaroni were heart,
the committee adjourned for tbe day.
BreeklBrttlge Will itaa Again
Lexington, Ky, Sept 6. -Coogresamsn
Breckinridge ha written a letter to a
friend hero, in which ho says he wiU be a
candidate for re-eiection to congress. Al
though there are several men who would
like to succeed him, no one has yet an
nounced that he will oppose Breckinridge.
aWB A1 stat'Cs).
at Alstay, sept, wife, SMB. Mta aad Wis
Following it a fall list of entries :
Running, mile Purae, $150 j
Bank Note, by Frank Strong ; Van i t
Van, by Frank Strong; Lnrlen, by J E
Garrison; Raindrop, by Win Kays, of j
Independence -.Nipper, by W H Hom-j
phrey, of Clymer ; Geo L, by C D Eus- 1
sell, of Portland.
3 -oo Trot Forse, $1 50 !
Fannie Fern, by Woodland Park of
.rant's Pass; De Linn, try Barrows Bros, 1
of Albany ; Beauty, by I C Mother, of
Portland; Alta Hamlin, by T H Tongne, ;
ot Millsboro; Montana, by U w ixng.
Free for sill pace Purse, 1 250
Del Norte, by Barrows Bros, Albany;!
Combination George, by I C Mosber, of
Portland ; Bosemon, by J T wiikins, 01 ;
Portland ; Camis, by 3 P Jodeon, of I
Grant's Pass ; Doc gperry. ly ) W Went- j
worth, of Portland. I
Running mile and repeat . . Puree, t.l&
Fanny, by J G Thorp, Portland; Bank ,
Note, Lo'len, Raindrop, George L.
a:jo trot . . Puree, $250
Dolly Withers, by L Cltilds, of Walla I
Walla; Maltnomali, by Barrows Bro;'
Yncatan, by I C Moeber, J A Ciawfoid,
owner: Marr A. bv far Btaeb. owned by
J W Shannon ; Noonday. Wit.-Ji Haze)
Hock Urm lu,tl (aki Dy j
i norton, j
3 year old trot f..r special iwnii -', Lane, ,
Llwn, Benton, Marion, Yam.iill and ?
Polk Purse, t20o;
Mattnoroah Boy, by Barrows Bros-
Tt'ROAr,aePT. aS.
Raw 1 ing i mile Purse, $100
Black Prince, by A K Stick lin ; Fanny,
Arigo, by W R Anderson; Undine, by J
i B Kays, of Independence-
1 . - ss - .
J'4Q irtn. sruire:, t
Black Diamond, by R D Cooper, of In-1
Vfiendenc ; E P, by W C Smith, Grant's
Paste: Mnrnotnah; Yucatan ; Pauline,
by T H Tongue, of HilUboro.
2 vear o'd trot for special cojoties. Lane.
Linn, Benton, Marioa, Yamltfll and
polk Purse, $t$oj
Hugo, by MeKaight Bros, of Tailmau ;
Mtan'te B, by Barrows Bros.
rtuDAv, ser-T. so.
Rtmn'ng 1 tr.ile Purse. $150
Raindroo. Niouer.
Tior, free for all Purse. $150
t v tw-ii- xr-i
tws ,il iia. try a. iraw, .n sua "
' la; Coeur I'Aiene, b r I C IfoaLer, of
! Portland; Pearl risue. by Jay Beach, ol
1 Vanooaver: Hamrock. sty
Witch Hazel
Farm ; Bonner N B. by
F P Norton, of
Trot, a year oid for Linn Co. .Parse, $100
Horn, by McK night Bros. Little Nan-
sr, by J W Shannon, of Albany; Minnie
? asl-r .TVP sflwaaWa r av. I V. t We swl aTaST
tbw that be innst raise fiOOO in thirty
5 la bard fame- there - . - a
t sit ion ausMsur all Umttcta men to eartau
jeansxtse as much as poaauble. thas betpiag
to make times harder. tocio Press.
a fa.
) vrortn cligesUrig-
I .
-. .. . .j-. .-.
. , . j , ,. ...
paraesi. .tna ye. ssm people yen nam
The Hariibarg Coorier says: Cbas
WUkof lives abotxt tbrec or four miles from
t'Sssrvi in Iataeooantr. aad witi him litresi
safeaw t-inrtfcjg sp sfcsMhter. wbo is aboat 15 or 1G
Sold. A few days ago this girt gave
to a chiid. and rttnaorfatys that r. per-
by is rersponsiisie for tbe
! 1, ,
is tbe storr told by a eorresv
t? ? a.1 a Vx B
. Wjd8Bt Uw in that
J, . . ,ii iiUrlri ltawasv
m 1 asanas
i M tn Ih nsAfrXsw
It is not always beat for a newspaper
b try bow far it cava miss tbe troth. Tbe '
A Ibany Pexocb vt says Governor Pen
ss oyer was ti.e only official in his office at ;
tl e state house on Labor day, and all j
ot her offices were locked Gov.-rnor ,
Pi nnocer s office was locked, but the utber :
S4 ate house offices were not. Salem I
It nrnal. The DasfiK-auT simply capied
Ski item from a Salem paper. Some one j
1 beea
prevaricating aboat the Gov -
et nor
! Tb.. Astoria Budgets takesa very peca
mo e no any combine whatever with the
j Uui a Pacific. It is only a combination
I area aad freights, which has been
: fare i set ween here aad Port 1 .id was
-for tie round trip, l-.ery man who
want Jto bay a necktie woatda'tgo to
PortJat id for it.
Tbers are people in the world wbo
I think aa titers will sofrom worse to worse.
Soma off them are advent ists, snd
they '
; have fitrn reo out tnat we are in the
- 1 terrible si irane baforethe end of
world ; bx 'be it 11 About Town predicts
' that as in tlie past there will be another
( era of pent -perity, probably followed in
: isrsni. w rt or bo hv other nsvrintla .if
data of the (it wtroction of the world. A
j ra.hin. enter arising press that i every-
j where and pta Wishes e'-ery thing for
day's meaiSrMBt made some people tbink
the world is gen tag worse, when in reali
ty it is com pats, vely improvings sinful
as it is. We vm tnt more optimists and
fewer pessimist in the world, more sun
shine in hnmant . character, ieea umbra-
The city ctxatsnila : Salem is trying to
make horses it ttvat ' the engine? SB I lata
t'raay rtotiotA T&e bigxer the city,
farter horsest By to -a. i re.
An ratstern Oregoin paper, in calling
an onsiaugtit on a gwBTA ta.n.mnaim. cnee:
"U s join bands :uS a rele to the right!"
rMitentiy the editor hott jt leeu to a
The reoeiit "hiitnyer riifpa
in New York '.
of the loudest i
en into cusb
ed and wits ;
had their cornier.! ele. ttfsi '
clamorerj far bretsd vahen tnt
dy by the police vrtv- - A--V
foaDil b) have 5 in hi ucven
ts. Kx.
There is only one expstunrt n of the
present attitude of the Kverwiisf Telegram.
Its editor wnnted an ofber . failed
through inenmpetenrv to gat' ia. He. s
now endeavoring to let the aattliltt stration
know wnere be ist nf. Th aiiinu tratioii
should ptirchase a lot of insect onwaa -r and
use it- Kx.
Pendleton has a steam I. insure. -W dl
mamigeii. The Chinese havr redut I
their price to abcut ttt a month or ." ecu ts
a week for family washinsrs. vrliieh n 0
white laundry can do. The K O verv prrw
erly urges tha public to stand bv the white
laiiuary. as uie saying xa tbe styis ot
tag is alone u big one.
Tbe marshal of Pendleton lias a I printed
I iKitiw which lie sends to tha .-ai. w keeiiers
I whenever he letuns of their selline; Ikjuor
j b lrOTs in live habit of bsx'ortiiBsT intoxi-
cattH . or tn minors Tl,.. .nlr.m a
section of the sbato .t,.t taa nt.ik-TniV' it nr.-
lawful to sell liquor to am- iiitwxicaled per
son, or any person who is in tlie habit of
becoming intoxictttrxl ; also a s xtion of the
city ordinance reijuu-ing saloon men to give
a ttond thai tliey will allow 1 to imlawfiil
giimuig or riotous ttnnduct at tbeir places '
ot ousiiuvsa, and will sell, give or supply no
spirituous, vinous or malt lipu ore to any
minor, habitual drunkard or r ersou in ai
drunken or intoxicated condition. The
names of tbe men -warned aga inst are in
serted. One Saxta Bite Wen every n'atht torn
Week hi raise Torpid J Jyers. ssc. xrr tssttka.
it is
me mind that
makes the man,"
aid Watts, but modern ethics
deny this, and give the credit
to the tailor. It is question
able, however, if caber are
has some claims
in this respoct.tliTefoTC those
parents wbo would build tip
the physique of their children
pay strict attention to ttteir
diet Cluldren ore all fond of
pastry; for this to be acaltn-
fuily prepared,
ranat be used as ashortening.
It is
by the best Cooks.
Consult your physician up
on ha hcalthfuli ess.
ssaeiAiii LiaWiasstampetoKB:.
Fairtasnfc A Co.. Cl cwo. JJ'
aosn I.-IIOISS as vatm jnok.
tag mx banana! reel asa. preasnedbT
5n-ri ' ai-tswesQ3lras.
CMtoseae tssoid tr ail (racezs.
Ksdc tm j by
MieiGO. ft car TORS, swoj
EASTsUrf GlTffiS.
Day . to
- I
w. jW
roups m
t PiiLLMAN AND TO'JStlol b .tU'tKb,
For eaten and ge-.jtal inior-:,2iian cat
, n. a-
,l,,i tii'DfniiT s . r - f a ..
at n ni. nt,ni; e. i,.nvvo 1 s. 5S
2ts Waaiilagton St
P itnjisD. OatGOX
Gsarar.teed to cure Biiioas attacks,
Sclt Headache ssd t otstipatiaa 40 in
each bottle. Price -3c. Fcr sale try
Picture -T, IT, 7Z" s- T - a -le deese tretv
i F. SXITH A CC , r-.Ketars, BE
Noises is hsiaby green that the noe'er
vsigned exact tore cf the last will aad testa
tnent of Owe Bear, deceased, late of linn
extant y, Oregon, wilt pnrtaaat te sa order of
the citaaty eoart fo- L st coaaty. Ore; jo,
daly nutde and t -.t . f record cn taa 5ft
stay of Jane, 1S3J, aathorixng and tietatwtstg
the andersigtntt as esecators ttf satd estate,
ta sail tbe lands hereinafter deem bed, will
aa tko 16th day cf Sep em ben-. 1S93, tt tbe
hour cf one o'clock p is of aatd day, at tae
Court House doer, ia taa city of Albany,
Una etsaaty, Oreagta. t U at pab'ie ancttrc,
o tae hibeet bidder ail cf tn right, title
nd i teres t the taid Osrea Bear had at the
.tateef ha death 1 a aad te the foilowiag
Itaseribed real estate tow it:
Bragtaning st the N E ooraer U the deaa
Hob land claim cf wen Bear sad wife. Not
So 2340 aad claim Ho 41 in t p 1 2 S R i W
tf the Wllbttoette meridian and running
thence west aloag the north bean lary Itna
of said claies 62.60 chains to tbe N K ceeaer
of a tract of land sold to V W RobioeU and
J C Robsttelt by Owen Rear and wife;
tetsnje south 2 chains, thence S 31 43 B,
foliowiaa along tbe center of a sloagh 14 24
chains, thence south 19) chains, iheoee east
parallel with the asrth lias of said Owen
Bear' claim 55.10 chain, tn the east lute , f
aid claim, then re north 17 chains te the
place of beginning, eeattining 101.S6 acres,
I ia Linn county, Oregoi. Term et sate
Be-half cash ia hand ta iay of sale snd
xt half in six months from day of sale with
a era st at S per cent per annum secured by
SKirtgage oa the band sold.
Thi the Sta day of Jul v. 1693.
Walts McIlkkx.
Jobs CrnnTaca,
Weatherford & Cl am Iht am. Kxecutolt.
Attorneys far Kx .
$10 i
tbe '
for j
a newspaper wor t -r, aethear, artist
pahlietivr or airt rtteert
If yon are, or aie Interested In ay
ot the above, ; ti sboule read
wjnt to reach tbe abeve
Tlleli ; -r Use in
Tbb Jochxalist.
SuiL-crtptir n SAtxlayeai.
rtd .'e : -i-in - -att on application.
tditor and I'roprietesr,
U; N ass a c Strxxt . ; t w Yoi-.a, N. T
Orufrs, Paintx, Oils
GrlasBt, Etc
J. A. Ciinnning
ISs tVVAtxtras uuaulUaea-e aaaji uaaei X af iitw
evltliwtki two boirss of MT jtter brana. Nek
eStacust by haat. tart. EX T) I K ti t N I XN E.
wall Faper,