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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1893)
MHS-BSSS-B ruiorrat. bumc tKRiitn A Talkstrd Vocalist. Miss Annie Selkirk, tlio risinvr yoimir contralto of San Francisco, will lie in Albany probably on Sept '.hi, when u concert will lie iriven tin der the auspices of the V M C A at the opera stOttse. lxical talent will assist in the presentation of the program. The Morn ing Call, speaking of her debut, among other things, says: Metmpolitan Temple was hriglrtliist evening with one of the largest audiences seen within its walls for some time. The occasion was a notable concert given by Mme Thea Saiitlorini for the particular puipose of introducing a fa vorite pupil. Miss Anna Selkirk, to the San Francisco public and eventually to the lyric stag.-, which it is understood she has chosen for her career in life. Miss Sel kirk's debut fulfilled the promises the lo cal press have been making in regard to her of late, florid as some of them were. Her voice is a pure contralto, true, sweet and rich, and the numbers she sang were assigned her for the purpose of testing tnis rare natural vocal quality, as well, no doubt, to show her instruction up to date. A little nervousness was evident at the out set in tho trio from Ponc.uello's "La tJi conda." but this was soon overcome and she subsequently gaveSehiva"s "Alto Solo" in a manner that left no doubt of her vocal i capacity. In the number that followed for an encore, a love song, her fine contralto organ was shown to even lietter advantage. The sympathetic encouragement of the au dience gave the girlish singer courage, and she repaid their Kindness by vocalization fresh and delicious. She was also heard to great advantage, so far as flexibility of voice is concerned, in Robandi.s solo. "La Stella Conntlente" a mandolin obligate being played by Samuel Adelstein. The Wheat Market. The report re ceived by tho Rett (.Town Mills from Port land today is as follows: The local wheat market has hardly commenced to move so far as the new crop is concerned, but re ceipts of old are increasing and some ;W00 tons have been received from Kastern Ore go and Washington since the 1st instant. The lateness of the present cereal harvest will delay new crop receipts and not much will come down for at least a fortnight. Bi Urnr. A movement is on foot to form n stock company in this city to build B river boat to ply the upper Wtl- I lamettc from Kngene as far down as Alba -' Monday. nr and Corvallis. W K Johnson, an expo-j I lienor! lwit builder is here ami is willing i A heavv ., ,nU morr,ln Indicates good to ulscnlK' a large fraction if the capital j weather.' , sliM K neeossiirv and also to give IhuhIs lor the faithful performance of the work ol eeiistrurtinn. A stock siiliscriptioti paper is being circulated this afternoon. The pnosit ion is to form a oomirany with ST-aW capital, divided into 7S0 shares of 10 each; the boat to lie built at or near Kugeno and to bo of sufficient capacity for the cur rying trade of this point. Lumber; hard ware, etc. necessary to be used in the work ot constniction may lw suliscrilied at the actual market price. Kugene (iuanl. This move is made on account of the exorbitant rates of the Southern Pacific. A verv low water loat that could run regularly during the summer would do a steady and business. prisoners in the of paying A Fiout With U.vtti.kks. -In the! window Of Schumacher's gun store, on Third street, is displayed a lxx of rattlers j taken from the tails of a large number of : snakes found in a den on the south fork of the Waila Walla river, the capture of which came near being fital to Kdward j ihuvh. While hunting on tho mountains: above what is known as the elbow. Mr I Rurch wounded a large brown l -ar, which ! immediately showed fight and a race for j life was the result. Rurch ran through the orusn ami over rocks down the steep moun- There nrr twenty tbre county jail at Salem. Fori land now claims a population w.uuu miner a r-cenc census. The team of S W Ross ran awav this noon, some damage to his wagon. A blight amount of blood was drawn In pugilistic contest Saturday evening on Ferry street. The Stale flr began at Salem today. Only twelve ticket were sold at the SP depot for the grounds today. The hop yards ot I,inn county employ white people, showing their good judg ment, hence there is no trouble except from the rain. The number ot achcol children In the state of Oregon Is 110,645, In the state of Washington 112,300, according u this yar's school census. The social announced to be given Wed nesday evening At the residence of Mrs Roscoe, by the ladies of die M E church, has been postponed. A large number of tickets an- being sole" ;o the world's fair. One farmer 'at least sold some wheat at 45 cents lor the pur pose, an IndicaMon of confiaence in the tain side, am) Hivillv l,ml...l .l ,;-l 1... future. , ...... .. wii, I 1 sat down to take breath. Suddenly the: The Oregon National Rank of Portland dreaded warning of a rattlesnake made him J has set a sn'endM example In that city br jump to his foot: then ar.otlier and another, ' resuming business. Everv National bants until the rocks were swarming witli snakes ! that closed In Oregon mould have re all around him. He proceeded to fight his j sumed business bv this time, way out and killed about fifteen not. how- The fiARol Albanv have passed reso ever. without oeing bitten on the leg bv I utlon asking our Senators and represen one huge monster which he had stepped j tatlves in Congress to work for an anpor upon. He went to 'he nearest house anl I priatlon to assist In completing the Nicar was given remedied, from whence ho was i aueua canal "a w m-MHii, M HTP lit" HUW IHS VTV r U 117 11 c a. a ill from the ejects of the hire - ,11.. V,,i. ! fn ' Wt,U Fr company have reduced la Statesman . A Lotal Tkmpsk i.xci Lkoiox. At the regular meeting of the W OT U tomor row afternoon, the Loyal Temperance Legion work will Ire discussed, witi. ref- ence to an organization among the child I ren of the city. What is a Loyal Tem- iturr region: now is it conducted. now may the public Here is a sample ol Elienaburg style: The police officers yesterday arrested four strangers with a splendid kit of burglar's tools In their possession, also a lot of cheap jewelry. They were a hsrd lot, and the officers turned them loose after giving each one a whaling lth willow switches. In all thst goes to strengthen and build up the system weakentd by disease and pain, Ayer's Sarsaparllla Is the superior medicine. It neutralise the poisons left In the system after diphtheria and scarlet feyer, and testores the debilitated patent to perfect health an-1 vigor. Among the expert wlngshotsof Albany Is Mr Dan Large. The Dkmockat Is In formed that while out hunting Celestials yesterday he put seven No 6 shots Into one, bringing it down, four hundred yard away , a feat probably never equalled. It was also rumored that It was a dog that was hit. Central New Mexico has bcm snj-ot a most dtily, for mote than thrse mouths, to violent earthqnakrr. Fiv.- com me turn Thursday thrsw down 001 of ole abode buildings, already snaky tiom previous earthquake. No lives were lest but a pe fettur ia the nutiitriraa cats t nervoas sickness, even convulsion", vnoig the inhabitants as soon as the rumbling com meoo s. Five days In the city basille was the sentence given John Foley lor vagrancy. Last night Folev run Into the lion' mouth by begging of Policeman Jones, who ar rested hire. Folev reflated with stones and slicks and Mr Jones drew hi revolver which settled him. On being refused a meal at Mr Porter's, Foley threw a stick of wood at the house, On Friday, September Sth , at the rest dence of hi son nn Row river, above Cottage Grove, W L England, an old pioneer of that section. Deceased was 91 years of age and although for several years he ha been without use ol eyesight or hearing he lived a happy Christian File rate between Albanv and Portland to to the end. HI demise was sudden, the ! So per cent, and It is nearly as cheap to old gentleman falling from his chair dead. ; send by express as by freight under the S j The funeral occurred yesterday. Eugene ! I"s present high rates. ; Guard. j The Astorian says that the four prlnci- Times are live enough In Corvallis for again. Principal R ;t Wright cf Court In the meantime whe,.t is advnn., 7ll "w ""7 ,ne U""C he interested it, It? I leading centers and today's wire advi.-s ! I1."' V?. among chi .Iren are phrases were very strong. The onlv local draw back is money matters, which, while rather easier, yet are of slow improvement and not much relief is anticipated until after wheat and hops commence to move on a fairly liberal basis. No changes are re ported in wheat values, but when grain gets here, an advance should be obtainable. The freight market appears to have reached a maximum figure and the tendency is downwards, it is doubtful whether ships will get any more of the foreign improve ment in wheat, rnd exporters have called a halt on chartering. Hops are in good tone and will fetch fuil figures when growers are ready to sell. street has been rusticating very pleasant! in the wtids ot Lebanon, etc. The steamer Willamette Valley arrived from San Francisco yesterday, and today of the subject to be discussed bv ladies I " ',te n,ount of fruit ar.d other Call selected by u committee for that purpose, i foro,a product were brought over from tt-ia earnestly hoped th ladies of the ; ,ne ' union and any others interested in the The Farmers and Merchant Insurance training of children in principles of tem- (-ompany of tnis city, and the State Insur perance and purity, truthfulness and"ncco- cf Salem," have both withdrawn reverence toward God. will be present at I frm the Pacific Insurance Union, and the meeting to give encouragement and ' hence are not governed by the higher help to the new organization. I rats of the union. ( Probate Record. In tbe matter of the ! The North China Herald of August nth guardianship of Viola. Lerov and Pearl j fc1 oe,il ol ,he gre flood, whieh It Laport, bond of ilOOO was approved. i Pronot;nce the most extensive since 1800. i NT.i Im .AA i t In th.. Aa .f n u r.. i I Vw " ruvc ueen oe 1 v., r.. .1 a xcel: engagement at the ooera house Mr John Fox ha purchased the I Beam stock of groceries, and will run a store at the Beam corner n the Third Ward. No one who hears O A Phelp, of Col orado, at the Court House to night on the silver question will get hurt. Go. listen, and then do your owa thinking. Sheriff Jackson and his deputies SB lit AND PKttaN4L MONO, v Maggie und Dora Kirk are visiting their parents in Sweet Home precinct. Mrs Wm Balaton, who returned from tefferson tills noon, reported her mother, Ira Denny, some better. Miss Iva Cheadle left today for Mon mouth, where she will resume her stud ies in the State Normal School. Mr L W Moench, the builJer and con tractor, left this noon on a visit to his former hr me in Michigan, and also for the Worl 1's fair. Mrs Alice Dodd, of the Salem pnblic schools, is in the city, the guest of Mr 1) R Monteitli, and as well on a visit with her many Albany friends. Miss Annie Dumond and Mrs Wm Agar left this morning for the Quicott Indian Agency, on Grays Harbor. Miaa Dumond will resume herduties as teach r thtre. Walter Lypn, formerly publisher of the Stay-ton Times, has been named as one of the employees ai the state reform school. He will assume the duties of industrial teacher there. W E Chandlei.of Corvallis, was in the city this forenoon. Mr Chandler was recently robbed- f a IS, as narrated by the Dcmocbat, but denies that he lost a suit of clothes, as reported. John Nutting, a bro her of the junior editor of the Dimockat, atone time a resident ol Albany, but for several years of Crook county, is now residing in Spring Valley, Minn., at the borne of his parents. Mr Gus Carrie, of Portland, was in the city today on his way borne from a Oakville, where be (had been to see his brother, A K Currie, who bas been quite ill, but who Is now somewha' im proved. Miss Khoda Hail, of this city, now at Roaelmrg, baa accepted a position at tbe Warm Spring Indian Agency, and will ; leave in a fe days for the agency, ex pecting to remain a year at least. Wilson A. Chace, of Lebanon, who have the contract for constructing tbe new agricultural college buildings at Corvallis, were in the city today report rarild uiirk and will flniali lh Highest of all in Leavening; Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder AaSOLUTELY PURE rmtti As the harvest is now almost at an end, and the products of the season are again placed in tho hands of the speculator, the fanners will soon turn their attention to the planting of another crop. Tbe yield of grain in this part of the country was fairly good considering the lateness of the spring. Some fields of wheat were reported to average 85 bushels to the acre, but the most of then, were below 25. Winter oats were badly mixed with buck cheat, bet the average was 25 to 30 bushel per acre. Spring grain was light and but little of it. The warehouse at this pl&oe is rapidly filling with the finest lot of whjat ever raised in Linn county. Tangent has not improved much this season, possibly on the account of the lack of fund for the purchase at building- mate rial. A new drug store has been started by Dr Akin and son. which presents a nice appearance. WKATSJEB BI Ss-.! 8 C Sharp has rented a part of tbe Houck farm. It seems be found the office of city marshal would not keep him and his family in bread and butter, so be will try farming. John Canavan is around on crutches. His leg is getting along as well as could be ex pected. There was quite an accident haniiened in i the threshing outfit of Moses Parker on his : hut ,,i,rt nnt 1m rj it.. I . - 1 ney and each had a leg broken. Thev had to lie killed. A Good Mexobv. A Pendle'ou man returned Friday from Salem, w here he called upon the unfortunate bnt cheerful Captain Humphrey. Thecap'ain is now improving tignt along and in due time ! J tie guardianshin of Hnatus. ca7uin savVthatThe,ri; 'rfec. hi. k ! Tit ' r V- f SSs, ' aaSeft 22 T' L' in hi. nm,. from rni. T.i.r- .i. In the guardianship of Malone. Kllen lukn Portland lor cutting Umber on after the accident, nntil August 7. On j OTalone wds appointed guardian. tbe latter date he awoke from his Ilusoal Ht.xns.-The eitv attornev re month's sleep, and after getting some of . , ... - , ' f f his bearings, asked the attendant in i 852 ,h'ln thn?.caLtf V AT7 1 what dav and vear tbev were 1 hen li v-! "? "tv of Lorvallis. tie circuit court over- Hem y Goodlow and M N Gird. ho had served their full terms in the penitentiary. soe approacning marriage 01 itugn Thompson, chief clerk at the Oregon pen itentiary, and Mis Emms Do'n, daugh ter of Hon. Geo. B Dorris, of Eugene, is announced. Both parties are well and favorably known In Albany. The city of New Haven, Conn, needed money recently, so it fve notice that It would borrow In small turns 5 6.000 was secured the first day from cltixen with fro to iieo or more thev wished to invest at a good rate of Interest, until taxes limt. . oonw of tlie residenUi cf 1 angent arc go- , ., . , , , inz to the hop fiehl for a few wet ks to try A very emovabla floral pari v was given , .k..;, 1 i bT Mr and Mrs T J Blacfi, at their reai-! """" QUf denee. No 300 fUlmnn ilrxt RrM.!,llW( are different nurserie isear evening, in honor of their daugbter. MfsiJ2eBt whuh haveaffne lot of trees for My ' Mi. Am tils trnaala arrltful I riaav warn written 4iii receipt for ibo3 Uses be.ide d, lightfully surprised at the beautiful H knigbten bas moved on tbe Vernon delinquent tax receipts for other yea.; decorat'ons. consisting of choice potted : 'arm- 51t n?fc r uUntr', "d . Pl"' nd cm flowers The evening There U complaint from tie country that buUne?. nUce " ! w? ,pnt1in, a"l? nd drive the butcher wan f roTthu plIilTto Duines place. whist, until 11 o'clock, when a delicious ! come to time as usual. What is the matter - cstcroav two psraons were graniea oy lancn was served, uancing was then i Kverv one Governor Pennoter, thereby releadne indulged in until a late hour. Sunday's I . i,,. 1m Crop weather bulletin, No 25, of the Oregon State Weather Service.for the week ending Tuesday, Sept 12. 1HJ. B- 8 Pagce, local forecast official. WRHTKKX OHKfiON. The weather has been thrcateiiini; and showery during tbe past week. Thunder storms occurred in localities and high winds from the :-:outh ntevain on wver.,1 da. The rain commeiiced on Sept. 5th, and be came general on tie 7ti. Tbe average amount of rainfall was 1.1' " of an inch, and the mean temperature was degrees, having Irerome much cooler. Tbe sunshine was below tbe normal. The week ended with cloudy, threatening weather, witi prospects for continued showers. Some crops have been benefitted, and others datn ared by the rain. The benefits greatly out weigh tie damages. The evil effects can I." summed up as trivial, e insisting princi l ally in blowini; down grain which had not yet ripened, being the late spring sowing; also in causing plums, which had been too ripe, to ImrsL Some hay which had been cat was damaged, having Uvn left in tie shock instead cf hauling to shelter. The rains have caused the gard n track too take root, and n rigorous growth is noticeable. Late potatoes will make a better crop. Pas tures iare revived, consequently the dairy product has increased, and tbe quality be came superior. Preparation are being made by farmers to start tie plough, fal lowing land ami preparing it for tie fall sowing-. Fruit promises a good yield, ex-i-ept peaches which will be a small crop. In Eastern Oregon showery weather has continued since the 8th of September. Thun der storms oi furred in tie mountainous districts; the? were generally attended by hail. Thresh insr baa temporarily ceased owing to tie dampness of the straw. There remains considerable work for tie ' headers in sections where the grain wrs sown late. BUY : YOUR Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, , Lace Curtains, Shoes, Etc., oi READ, PEACOCK & GO,, ALBANY AND LEBANON BUY HEATIN6 STOVES In the matter of the rruanliiuishin of ha n hsn Irvtr In aVlwnt Turtw Nancy Marks, guanlian appointed, liond, j The hop house of R Edgar, between ,.,. . . u , Turner ar.d Marion, was burned Saturday in the estate of Harvey Shelton, Riley morning with a quantity ot hop The Bfcanoa was appointed administrator, on lose is understood to be'about $1,000 and giving bond of $20,000. ! the fire was of unknown oris-in. nmb.hK War-1 a re(ult of the recent troubles. mg "August ,, 1893," was the reoly. "Why, this is the day congress meets, isn't it?" mused the captain. "I don't know," replied the attendant, who prob ably bad never bothered himself much about public affairs "You're a h 1 of a fellow. You don't know as much aa a crazy man," was the patient's qnick response. The disabled veteran says he is fed well and treated weli at s'alem, bnt is compelled to skirmish for cigars. Pendleton E O. Hops. Ezra Meeker, who has been visiting the bop producing sections of this coast, estimates ibe yield for Orecon and Washington at 65,000 bales. This is equal to about 13,000,000 pounds. At 17 cents per pound they will be worth $2,210,000. This amount of money placed in circulation would be qiite per ceptible. Hop growers of this vWnnity seem to hare widely different opinions as re gards the efiect of the rainy weather of the past two or three davs upon the bop e ii. tl : -I, juic Bjr cr ium ram w I j i ; - cause great damage, by driving whatever ! .i"" lice there may be on the vines into the burr. Others think a week or two of ruled tie demurer to the complaint and i i .i , i - government land, were held under $joo bonds to await the action of the nex U S erand jury. Thev had not gotten ball at ZfZEXZSZ latest reports; but it was thought would, i " liceman Tarpley found a man sleeping in Oregon ian. rtasD.w W T Cochran, of Brownsville, is in tbe city. SMW Hind man. of Lebanon, was in tie city today. Foster Kossell, who has been at Tekoa for some time, is in tie city. License was issued today for tie mar riage of U H Morrow and Carrie B Spink. Mr r rank . Will returned last night from his stern trip and report a pleasant to be lookitur to the inemsnin for nrdief from p ressing effects of the money matters ot tne t . f. we nope tney wul get to work and do something, if possible, for peojvle would feel at esue if tie signs indi cated a return of haahjiaa. Kkjkkteu. et ii. raacfeBmi Tuesday erening. Sept. 12th. Present Recorder, Chief of Police. Street Superintendent and CouneUtuen Whitney, Stewart.Burkhart, Marshall and Wheeler. In the atartK-e of tbe Mayor. Councilman aaax catatb ilia. U S to Tbos S W ,l:.n. 640 acres. 14 wl Patent First National Bank to J V Coskk, ' interest in brick wall 500 Alden Fruit Preserving Co to C H Stewart. trustee.7-Jxl50 feet.blotk 116. H's A - Jas H Scott toCeorge Finley, 1 acre, CVawf,irdsville 1000 V 8 to RCbeadle. 320 acres 12 w :i Patent Elizabeth J W est to George B Dor ris. several pieces of land Tbe following advertisement appeared in an Irish paper: whereas lolin Hall! rendered a decree declaring ordinances Xo I has fraudulently token awav several ur- SSST 52 . s i :J7. 45. 47 and 40 void. He also re,rtl t.M f . .i iiX!.? " K When "lm 'ul ol ioon that he procured. Judge Straian in safd case knowledge, this -.Therefore. toiatori I !tV! .UMl as tea that he I retained to -sansl ba him th.r ,f h mmd WacjWsss t ' w"'"",f T case of an appeal to the supreme court. On the same his name will be made pnLlic. Henry Irving, the great English actor, will Ire in Portland September 18. in the Merchant of Venice, The prices) do not ! son wanted. Salem Independent. " a v 7 : , 'ST1 'ltom-. "lu In the case cf the S ale of Oregon Tt. .V. a '. , . ! relation to Charles Booth, school superin co. "7,1'. "k. , "V ' - . i tendent of Lincoln -a-. j!nrry, uu me pnvrie ana loages, mj motion tbe city attorney was authorized to carry the case op to the supreme court. These include the ordinances authorizing the .special bond election, tbe sale of the water bonds and tie purchase of the pres ent Corvallis water system. On what grounds tie above ordinances have been de clared void, does not appear in tbe written decision of his honor, but it simply over runs the demurer to tie complaint. Cor vallis News. The Cou.kge opened this morning with a fair attendance and with a good outlook, notwithstanding quiet times. A good many young men are attending, ami by clubbing together making low ratm far living. TW faculty is a decided credit to tie college, men of talent and push, and young people piace.i umier tneir canon get the best to be see a red. The nutter of influence alone is an important one in tbe life of a vonnc man or woman. Our j tion given by Mrs Go Plaster of the man who broke into her house last saiurda v night. He was taken to Mr Piaster's houM aid Mrs plaster identified him a tbe per- JoW Stmiiau came 'up last night He did not go to tie moun tains recently, as was reported Mrs Kd Bedaker. who has been visiting ai ber former home in tie east - for several months returned to Albany tnis noon. from Portland j "" .tem. The fcuowinr balls were ottlered raid C H Hart & Co, $4: I F Hadley. $65 79; B F Pnrdom. 2M; Bolrt Brown: Mr Kel logg. $1; Cramer & lies. $10.25; X J Hen- ton. $3. 45, McFeron Propst, $10.10. John Hoosworth. : m D M'-m-. ?7 F M Miller returned, this noon from tie j bill of Robert Crosbv. allowed for IB load ' 1 .1 Al I . J Ijtk. I m w - World's fair, trreatlv pleased with the many strange sight ami wonderful things he at tbe big white oty, now reprwentinjr the rand. Mr J W iieeae and four children left j yesterday for Indians, where they will be joined by Mr Reece and son. Ben. in a few j month, with tie expectations of making j uaat state their rAiinl nlnlAl iff v a OOxeSf EJ Brin, school ftupriMcnOPnt ol Thursday evening th- heaviest rain ever tern has rendered a decklon It favor of the probably the most promuient m the known at liesDner ten. WiHow crrek I ii,.. Tk. . . t . , k,: 1 ortnwest at one time, wno had one ot tne wss perfectly dry and in 2o minutes there fund amounting t.. about I. too Coder ! ( P Otaitrarta under the Hoggs, is in tie five feet ol water rushing down the circumstances Superintendent Bryan ia'T its chanrel.causing a great deal oi damage j m prooablv soon be enabled to make to the Heppner dour milts, floodiog the . the school fund apportionment for Benton lower floor and basement. The Mountals- ! county. Cot valiis News house, two torv frame building.uj a total 1 t j - wreck. Ii was flooded frosn top to bottom j of gravel per square and reduced from $110.34: K tn. Iirrht Co. $89.50: Bsaei Conn. $12.50. Susan Ptmkxn. $12.50. Contract for painting tie Hook k Lxsdoer track was let to Suesens A Baker for &. Report of Street planed on ate. Recorder nutated insoraare on Xo t's Superintendent was i i , . . . . .. rainv weather will do no particular harm le snouiri siana oy onr nome ct.liej.e unl-ss it should turn ofi warm and sul- I" lsl m rnng it up try following. There are comparatively few lice on the bops this year, and it is Raid they will not amount to anything late in the season. Eugene Register. Att&ckd by a Boar Mr Adams, who has been working with the Combs wood saw outfit had a peculiar experi ence yesterday. He was in the country with his dc,f, when the canine started after some hogs and pigs in a neighbor ing field. He went into the field to stoo the trouble, and, colia.-insr his dog, was leading him ont of the field, when he beard a big grunt as he was attacked viciously by a boar. The animal tore nearly two feet of bis pants open, but fortunately on'y scraped his leg. The animal, from his very Ions? enout, looked like a wild boar, and Mr Adams thinks he bad a close call. State Fair Tbe races at tbe state fair have been slow on account of a wet tn.t-k. On Monday Pauline won the three vear old antl the rear wall caved la Prof C H Chapman, the newly elected president of the 'Diversity of Oregon, who 'ecently came fiom Wisconsin, baa received a dbipatch stating that his Ii brary and household foods, which were stored in a warehouse in Milwaukee, werc all destroyed by fire a few dare ago. They were only partially insured. it is a serious loss antl a great inconveo- be re- rai1! Ist tarn ?: Khu-lr lli ,r,,.l tl, ""-c, - mui nrauur 2:40 race, best time 2:37 and FunnV the i Pced. Eugene Journal, half-mile dash. Yesterday John Parker's A gentleman writing from Washington A I ta wood, two years old. paced a mihiinj1 observe you are after the tele 2:29. Barrows Bro's De Linn won tbe phone monopoly of your town. That a 2 minute trot. King Patchen second. Best ' correct. I heard a paying teller the other time 2:35. Verdi Panl won a mile Uvth in idJ $ cf the largest check he ever 2 minutes. A three-eiRhth dash was won, handled, saying it was for $115,000. being by Cyclone in 36 seconds is small. The attendance A Scio SnooTikG Aftaib Last Satur day evening a couple young men from the country, one of w.ose names was Jack Barton, while in Scio, got into a fight. Marshal Diiley went to arrest them, wtun Barton fled. He ordered him to stop; bnt he kept going. Then the Marshal fired twice 'at random. As Barton did not s'op he took better aim and fired at his legs, hitting him in the calf of one of them, 'when he fell. It is claimed the Marshal also bit him with his c'nb. Tbe affair caused some excite' ment daring the evening Full particu lars will probably give a different story ; bnt the above is as given the Democrat and is the substance of the unpleasant affair. Weights akd Measi'reh. number of gentlemen who disputed about the weight of a busbel of green peaches asks the Demo crat to publish the weights and measures Used by statute. The statute does not fix tie weight of a bushel of peaches specifi cally. The weights are as follows: Wheat or clover need. 60 pounds Rje or Indian corn 56 pounds Oats 36 pounds Barley 48 ponnds Buckwheat 42 pounds Dried apples or peaches 28 pounds Potatoes .60 pounds Apples or pears 45 rounds Aa Accidekt. This noon Mrs Frank Barrows and child were brought to Allrany from 8hedd by a lady friend. In approach ing the depot the horse became restless anu turning around tipped over the wairon, throwing the occupants out. The little child was nearly stepped on by the horse; but fortunately his feet only grazed it face, not injuring it. It was a very close call to a fatal accident. '1 he other omipanUr of the wagon were uninjured, Mrs Barrows continued her journey to Salem, where she will join her husband, who is attending the fair with several trotters. Blank Cartridge. At tbe Camp Compscn range Captain Jones conducted some experiments to determine the pen etrating force of the blank cartridges used in the recent sham battle- Be found that a rifle, loaded with a blank ebarge such as was used and fired at ten inches range at a board one inch in thick ness, would tear a ragged hole through the timber of much greater profiortion than if tbe rifle were loaded with ball. Other tests proved that the blank charge was deadly at a much greater range. An I mprovejixxt. Wheat says advanc ed 2 cents in Albany and is quoted this evening-at 47 cents. This is ahee lthv slfjn. Tbe increase promises to be slow, ont rt- a dividend that one man got on the stock he owned In the Bell Telephone Co., and it is quite proba'dcthat the original coat of the stock was much below this sum paid ! him as a single dividend. " K O. The Astorian boasts aa follows : Busi ness most be looking np considerably. Mesera Alf Kelly (stoves) and A Clair borne (oils) with two other drummers who came to this city yesterday, reported last night that tbey bad done better business than in any other citr on the coast this year. One of them sold thirty seven household stoves in twelve hoars. For a hard -up town, this la pretty good work. Astoria is not so dead as some people seem to think. During a duel scene between Meicutio and TvbeJt in ' Romeo and tullet,' at KicaiMi os Pwscrwjt. Once upon a time two frogs, living in comfort and ease in a pool of dear, cold water, were acci dentally scooped up by a pious milkman in a backet of water which be poured into bis can to give his milk mom body and thereby increase his revenue. The frog found tfaasnseives in an unknown element in which tbey coukl not live, and so they bad to do some vigorous kicking to keep their heads above milk. One. ifiadafsai t na'iil at being shot up in the dark in an element new to him. amid: "Let's give up and go to tie bottom, it's no use kicking any longer." But tbe other said; "Ob. not a little bit! let's keep kicking as long as are can. antl see what tbe ottcome will be; things may take a turn presently. So one gave np and went under; the other kept kit king, antl when the pious milkman got to town and opening his can. behold, the frog had kicked out a lamp of batter that was large enough to float mm, and he was sitting on it very coinfartahly. Moral ba hard times never give up. but keep on kkkiirg. f i W Mr t has Pfeiffer. wife and danshtrr. Emma. Isft this morning for the Hast, to be m tint thmsi ' Thev will snend arart of th? time with a brother of Mr I -w. .:. 1 t. MAMA Hunt, the well known railroad con- .T'".' , , r euuua 01 n j uaaiwu aasu nar re- placement of electric light at tab and Cali poota attest. Referred. Ordinance Bill 14 providing lor contract witi the AiSanv Electric Light Com pan v for electric light at $10 per light for the term of three years from October 1st. 1898. at least ten light to be takea. all additional Pfeiffer. editor of the IsanUnar ttenaan pa- 5 l,rxu lacd aaU par.' in Coonril Bluff, abr-it n month at the " Jf? ""F- sfm,tr world s fair, and will visit ether K-AMern I vice to be used. Passed ananunoasir. points. I The resignation of Jas J Chariton a city E F Osborn and wife and little daughter j ltonJ. sent from Silver City. Sew Mm Waflrt left this tnominir for a visit to read accepted. the World's fair ami their old Pentwylva-1 X M Xewport was elected city attorney nia home. Thev will he 1 -COM panted from on the third liiot H 11 Hewitt ran-ivitsjr Portland by Mr and Mrs J M fasborn. of 2 votes on the 1st and 2nd ballots and 1 on t orvsll and Mr and Mrs F W Oslwrn. of S tbe 3rd. kugene. They will all vuut the oll ongi- Suits ordered begun on the delin George W Barnard to Sarah Matter. 4 lot, block 3. Pipe's A Geo B Dorris to B W Cooper, sereral several pieces of land R Shultj- to H R Shuitz. feet front, bl 15, V. A. R Shnlb to Fred W Shultx.21feet front, bl 15. R A W W MtGbee to Minnie L McGhee. 39.12 arrea Th- F. Kennedy to Carrie I Kennedy, 320 acres 15 E 1 Oregon to Rkherd Henrv. 160 acres. 10 E5 - Oregon to Michael MrGuire. 100 acres 10 K -V Jregou ami California K K to to Kobert I'wfcson. acres s t. .. Wm Skeiton to Partheua Hcndris. 60 acres 13 w I Elijah Osborn to mSkehon. 2 tot. Lebanon Loois Mayrnrd to Jos Ames. 105 acres. 13 El 30tt K r iscer to .voasa, m 11. w , Hill s A. Sodariile J M Settle to Harriet M Settle. 11 w i Oa-CRRCoto J Hntrhin0 acre 10E2.... - - isu. Catothar u Martha M. Bride.108 13 w 1... .... 1500 225 10 60 2" 720 600 550 S3 Matthews & Washburn. McMOTVILLE COLLEGE. McMinnville, Oreg n, This College-is one of the oldest and best v) uipped colleges ia the Northwest flte SDpenor Aflyantages Eraenses Light; a boarding hail in the College building on the ciob plan. President Dwsiiiw tfara, thus guaranteeing good board at th least possible coat to the student. Board tan ah be had in private families at 2.- to SJ.00 pr week, indoding lodging. r The fine Telescope recently mounted in tJa Xew Observatory and the extensive library to which students have free acre in tnis state. Thirty Aerf Cajipis. Thridi Wert. advantages not found else here leulifii LoeatiM, SiitaMe IiiUiiw. Ifrkit Tea f km, Five courses of study Classical. Scientific Xcrmal. Literary and M I nal Osboms and have a grand i n 4tetn aaaai family mm- ' riuent snbscnirtton to the Icidge fond iv the Hah. Catarrh Caaaot be Cared With tXSUali APPUCATtOXS, teach the swat at the Business, with special advantages in Vocal and Instrumental Moae. Boautesa coarse of two years. Gradaates of the Xormai course are entitled to a State Diploma, and are in demand to Ell high positions. McMinnville is accessible by rail from all parts of the State, est the tnatn bank of the Southern PaciSe R. R. West Side fifty inilessonth of Porttand September 19th, T. ii, BBOVIMI, Preaident. and Financial Agent. Fall Term Send for f a tales ae. Begins Address. Or A J Huosaker, SoHcfto disease. CsaaRhssabkMsa dt as. east la orte So cue rssasstte. Baa's and acta ft voa asast take iatcrasi Catarrh Cars is takes. iataraaOy, Pittsburg. Saturday, Thomas Keene. tlie linl.l TKt. A;twt t ;il ' v.i iragetnan. accwemsiiy tnrust nis swora nnt. ho ,w ..'.vt.-..l U ll l i ! "tO tO w ' ' . . H. . MUV lb ! UCilll III! In the Eafif Bays of cod-liver oil us use r- was limited to easing. those far advanced in consumption. Science soon discovered in it the prevention and cure of consumption. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with Hypo phosphites of lime and soda has rendered the oil more effective, easy of digestion and pleasant to the taste. Prepared by Seott t Bownc, N. Y. All dnigei't. provement on V. Residents of different parts of the county report a better feeling and better times generally. Tne old confi dence is being restored, and tith it wheat will ascend some. Tu k Thrkk Sisters. Word has been received by the Oregon Pacific company's agent here from the official of that road stating as soon as tbe water raises a little more and freight begins top move this boat will make regular trips to Eugene. Tbe I loat has been overhauled for the purpose an.1 the river is in fair condition as the re sult of the work of the government snag boat, so that tbe venture will be practical. Cuard. Fine Piiuses. Dr Chamcerlin of this city has shown ux samples of silver prunes raisrju oy mm in row city mat are at ont a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Sam ples of such laid before the eyes of those who visit the World's Fair jvotild canst; people to stere antl wonde.-. Measuring Iengthwiw some of them are nine inches in circumference. A Ul; A Dush, of Salem, bus brought a Huit for 822.000 against S Z Mitt hell. 0 F Paxton. George B Marklc. J L Hartman. D F Sherman, D S Tnthill.A P Fuller. F B II Paine. F A Carle, V R An son, P S Knight, K P Wbetmore and H Page. The suit is to enforce the payment of a promissory note for $22,000 made Au gust 31st, lf92, due in one year, with in terest at 8 percent, and signed by all the defendants, given in consideration of the Electric Light plant. 3 What it Costb. A farmer has figured that it cos's as follows to raise wheat: Preparing ground, plowing, etc, $1.80; s?ed grain, 80c; hOwing,33c; harvesting, l 30; threshing, 12c ; housing and sacks, 30c ; marketing. 50c ; to'al, $5 1.5 per acre, without considering tbe rental valno of the property . If tbe farmer raises 20 bushels per acre he has $3 (i' per sere wkii which topav ins taxes, interen., or rent, etc. t e left eye of Lawrence Lowell, de- ctroying the sight, Lowell was playing Benvolio, and when Mercutlo (Keene) stabbed Tybalt (Robert T Haines.) Lowell, who caught Haines when he fell, received the sword thrust in the eye The sharp blade narrowly escaped entering the brain. Lowell former.y lived In Seattle, and Keene has been'in Albanv several times. TCRSOAY. Yes, You Can see the finest Hoe of samples tor suiting In the state at W R Graham's, where he has a tailor with few equal on hand to make them up on short notice. Get the best and most ' stvlish i suits of him. A new feature will be the I making of ladle' cloaks to order, or the altering of cloaks to the latest styles, and the repairing of cloak price ars bot tom one. Tbe Fur Br no Hap ta this city are Parker Bro . Toev ksead goad bvesd for ail wbo need good b"fi, and keep the beat cookies, cakes, etc. Their stack of groceries is standard snd tbeir pro dace is fresh, snd fruit th Istsst. When yon rtoal with tnm ou will gst first elaas trna.itieot snd tbe hast in th market, ' a briber in bayed goods or grocer,. MiHE.TJUm 4T ON CITY PROPERTY. 6 FER CENT M SENDERS a km liHoKEN. Mrs Miaw, mother o Charles L Shaw, living three mile; east of Albanv, slipped and fell this morning, breaking one arm at the wrist. Dr Mas- tun was i-aded, and d'essed tbe arm. Mrs Shaw is 83 years old, and will be :t long time recovering from her accident. This ye-.r is 565,3 of the Jewish era, 7401 in Hie Bizar.tiiie era. 2553111 the Japanese era, 1310 of the Mohammedan and the 117th year of the independence of the Unit- ; eu 5w I" T., I. t . ' . , 1... , a iic miidiicai ,ivjic pierce. 1 oy miKicm machinery are l-io'JOtb of an Inch !n diam eter. They are bored through sapphires, rubier and dnmor.d by a machine which j makes 22,000 revolutions a minute. 1 Salem has an artist, Mrs E T Albert, 75 years of age. 'the College begins Its fa. I term to mor rsw un er favorable auspices. The Ainsworth and Commercial Banks of Portland, It is said, will resume business this week. The delinquent lax roll of Multnomah county amount to $325,633.73. The de linquency is chiefly on mortgages. Minnie ba moved hi hoot black stand to the Moses' barber shop, where he will or fourd ready to polish Ihet masse. After several men Sad shot at a cougar near Florence few davs ago, Mrs A Glover look the gun nd killed tne animal the firkt craclt at him. C II Mueller has moved hi confection. ary atore to Second street, with Billy Taylor he will open a candv factory in Roseburg. The Corvsllis New ays there is nothing In the report about the bead offices of the O P being moved to Albany, referring to Supt Hadiey, as authority. Joaquin Miller's son is again In the Oregon penitentiary. Superintendent Downing took him through Albany yes terday morning from San Quentln to Salem. The Oregon Pacific railroad has under taken to transport free of charge grains, grasses, ores, wood and other articles of Orego" products intended for the midwin ter at San Francisco. Quite a contest was bad round Lebanon to see who would haul the biggest oad of stiaw to the paper mill. The blggeiit one was brought in by one of tne Souths, ( an J weighed 6874 nouads It took five 1 I Mrs. Margaret Cyras, of Satan, is visit- ! ing in the city. S P BarVrr, of Brownsville, has been spending the day in Albany. License ha been issued for the marriage of Jasper H Keeney and Zella Ames.lioth of Linn county. Mr Judge I Hark bum went to Sal u to- dav being railed thcrr- bv the illne of Mr R H Coshow. Colon Katon. a nephew of Assessor Dentin-. left for the deaf and dumb srhooi at Salem this noon. He ha been attending the school four yean. Dr Sutherland, of Spokane, is in the city. The doctor, wbo ha been in the life insur ance business for some time, will open an office in that city. He recently returned from the world' fair. Harry Harkleman and several other men arrived in Albanv last evening from A 1 Harkleman' ranch, in Crook county. with a band of horse. Mr Harkleman wilt send his beef cattle to Huntington for shipment Fast for sale. Mr 8 A Devaney. of Sweet Home, was in tbe c it v last evening. He has been cngagt'd to teach the Foster school, acd will begin the duties on Monday. He reports that Mr A T Thompson, whose borne was lairned on July 1. has linen paid hi insurance m run by the State of Salem. Last evening a farewell party was given in honor of Miss hila Merrill at the resi dence of Mrs Fish. A large number of her friends gatben-d and srient the evening in . the usual manner on such occasion. Ill are Tea rr. Are you all tired out, do you hare that tired feeling or sick headache. Von ran be relieved of all these sympto-ns by tak ing Hood's Sarsaparllla which giveVnerve and bodily; strength. Hood's Pills are ea In action. Vwteek'a tors having itd hair tattitg par a a raauwrvaUv ""VWIXU 10 the present monetary strto- KJ eencv and during the existing condi tion oi the financial market. I nod it c mpulsory to run my business on a very conservative basis. Sugar, as you are aware. Is handled on a verv small margin of profit; S small in fatt to scarcely pay for the handling of it, snd the term upon which it Is bought are verv strict (cast only.) While monev was plentiful and collection good, I was able to allow sugar hills to run Co dav : bat conditions at present are such that I wl'l sell sugar tor cash only. I assure vou I wa very iuctant to mke a rule of this kind, but the conditions of the market are such a make it Imperative. Trusting you will look at this in the proper light nd also understand that this rule applies generally. terry toss. Cmra Is not Qttrk MtUciae- B t tnteof ttebss pajiiFirtmsma tfciscoaatrr lor years. sad fa a regalar -crtMioa. rt is compomrd ot U btt tk known . oonitrfned -ilh U rxl e-xxw pmnom, acting tttreetly es ta saoceas wtrtsce. Tka acbwxndcTtlrwsTuixictuias I tor tsssttsaosnat. tree. . y. J. CHENEY A CO. . FTOp.. XOSSS, W. old tar draaai prtojac. Imnnwn Xovri-TiE. We have a complete line of noveltis, direct from tho makers, ran rartuan toe same at towes price. histles. mirrors, pencil, mem oranda books, napkins, fans,rutere, van! sticks, panels, chromo cartte, ca pe, eaten dam. xmas cards, etc., in season. And always tbe beat Jos rsorrnw IW SjCILEY, Lending Printer. Wsnnoro lKvrxavioss. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. ILXT. Portland's Great Industrial Exposition Opcks Ssencrataa 27 1883 Closes Octobsx :S LIBERATI'S CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND WILL FURKISH THE MCSIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINIATURE. Tne Searaai. Faaicaaa Wiix Ecurss Thoss or asrr Pkbtiocs Yua. MADAME GIRARO OYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN C e ttacted at a cost f f 10,000 anc throwing at toe sand j stt of water ia all colors a the rainbow will beanbfy Masie HaU. LARGE AQTT A TtlXJIStllS Containing ash cf all vartethe found ia Oreroa water, have beea cosrtrse-l at grtatf sasansm EEY Word Fair. Aaimj tbesm To visit this great ffiiiilii 11 aad and Siaaaoe. will ba the next thing to a -THE AET Gh sLaataamaf assnaasns se'.ectrd I rated paUtiac. Caster's Last ?iht. ; si Art WUl ccataia a aMsastrga eV.ebroted paitiag. 1 If ICS Wl to htWwls'i Fair at Ctucaeo Kedaord ratasoa sil TranaporUtion Lines For tarther E. W. ALLEN", .Super in tee-lent sad Sretc'.nry, Smoke tne Carl I lunder the be st cig ar on Earth far a nickel. For tale by Boenicke Bros. The DctocAT will take scrip: on account. Bring It in. Please pay Perry Coon what you owe him. uime chy FURNITURE, STORE IS NOW FUM. OF FIRST-CLASS FCRXITURE, COIsblTtav bed room set, chair, koagea, etc., which I will sail at The VaaoiCT t u.-immon th.t Will Si vn r-.iliHrlv eniovnble one antl ! want carry tne it'l line 01 .uver ware in wv- Bnd ,ml isaastsattas w.-rt- tun- I plemented by an elegant repast much ap- Will SSun, rt jerelr the valley. They nave the variety anJ quaf ity, a combination that counts in buying joods. An inspection always carries con-vkjtion. A Watch is a oeoassit nowaday s. I yon want one call on Will ft Stark, whoa nt iCk is large od varied, and prioes the tl, most resstjotbie. Thsy osn give yno a t-rgsit ia t hsw line as well aa ia jewelry ijBjsfall? Stand in with white people. That Is -what counts these days . Albany's steam laundry it dtlng first-class work ar.d Is entitled to the support of the public. It supports about fifteen white people, a fact that speaks for itself. Order aucnded to with great oromptnesr. . nrerinted hv all. Miss Merrill rtart to morrow for Colfax, Washington, where she will make her future home. Manv warm hearts follow ber. wishing her mm-h happi ness and prosperity. An ISSSMSftaat DerUl.ia. Special to OsaocssT. SAiJt. Or., Sept. 12th. The Supremo Court today decided the Salem street im provement case in favor of the city proper ty, and the owners must pay atx-ording to the assessments. Premature baldness may be prevented and the hair made to grow on heads al ready bald, by the use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. C nice potatoes 40 cents a bo at Parker Bros. Pay Perry Conn. Bath at V wreck' aaaviag and hair cat ag parlors. Shiloh' Vital icsr : what vast need for dyspepsia, tcrprd liver, yellow akin or ktd nev trouble. It is guaranteed to give yoa aa&ufactioe. Price "Sc. Slid by Foshay ii Masse. Fine Scut hero Oregon peaches a F L Kent or. Now is the time to can them. NEW MTi BOTTOM PRICES. Thos, Brink. There I no excuse for any man to ap pear In societv with a griaaly bears! since the Introduction of Bucklrgham's Dye, which colors a natural brown or black. 1 Clsaa towels to every customer at Visreek hsvrog parltirs. The best watch In the world money at French's jewelry store. for the men about three hours to load It. U A Phtlps, an oratoi of talent.recently Terms, tor'ti si F L Kenton's grocery from Colorado, will deliver an address on silver at the Court House tomorrow night. The subject Is one everybody is interested In and no doubt there will be a 'arg-attendance. To rite in the morning with a bad tiste in the mouth and no appetite. Indicates that the stomacn needs strengthening. For this purpose, there Is nothing better than an occasional dose ot A.ver's Fills taaen at bed time. People generally are commending the worn dor.e by Richards & Phillips at the steam laundry . It Is fu st -class, and their prices arc reasonable. Vou get no disa greeable Celestial smell, and clothes are not torn to pieces around a pole. MORROW SPINK. On September 11, 1893, at the residence of the bride in Har risburg, by George Howell, J. P., Mr(i 11 Morrow and Mrs Carrie B Spink. K ERR I) AN FORTH .At Detroit, on Tuesday morning. Sept 12, 1W)3, at 5 &' clack a m, at the residence of the bride's 3un-iit. by Rev K R Prichard, of Allrany, Mr S P Kerr and Miss Klla Danforth, two nf tbe popular young people of the upper Saiiliuui. After the twilight ceremony a weddini breakfust wes served and the nap py eouple took the early train with Con ductor Tway. who hail attended the cere msay, for Albany. They have the best tritrbes of their many friends. M1L.LER-GRUBBE. At tho of -tite bride's iiarents, Mr and residence Mrs LC !rifti4h, in the Waldo hills, Monday, Sept II, 1888, R A Miller and Mrs S (i (Irubbe. Uie wedding took place in the presence only of the immediate family of tho bride. and Mr and Mrs Miller left on tho after noon tram for their future home at Oregon City. Tho Drmockat extends hearty - con gratulations. BTJCKWALTER-McNEIL. On July '.ith, 499:1, in Cape Palmas, Liberia, by Rev Kotiertion, Kev L A uuckwalter, superin tendent ot the mission, and Miss Lizzie McNeil, sister of Mrs Ueo Patterson, and formerly a resident of Albany. They have the beat wishes of a host of friends jol the bride in Oregon. Green nd. Don't be tempted to Invest in ihem You will get Into trouble every time and in the j end poverty and disgrace. The genuine Uncle Sam's green goods are Ihe only ones of value. They make you rich ; especially when used to purc'iase Simmons Liver Regulator to cure your Indigestion, dys pepsia, constipation or bU'.ousnea,or drive awav malarls. Don't be tempted to take anything else In place of the Regulator, Thk FnoF.nKi. KtsiiEuoAHTKN will lie open next Monday. Sept 18, but not at the old place on 7th street, a beautiful room having been set aside for the purpose in the Albany Collegiate Institute. Tuition tho same aa before, payable by the week' or month, as preferred, in advance. Mrs Ta- thum him spent name time 111 an rrancisco this summer, examining the work of the (loiden Gate Association, which has some thirty-seven kindergartens under it super vision. The inspiration thus gathered and now ideas appropriated, will doubtless 1 cti etit our local work very this year. The rutin with the nerve to ir.vest his money when price are low is the one who will make it. Letter 1,1st. Following 1 the list of letters regaining in tho post offios at Albany, Linn county, Orag.m.Sept 1 1th, 1893. Persons calling for these letters must give th dte on which they ware advertised. Bekon. Harry Bonfort, Mrs R Burkhart. WHliara Crawfortl, C B Ford. Dr TB Gammon, Mrs M Uootl sell. Bishop I) A-2 (iowen. John 1 Sewing Machines neatly repaired aa warranted hv a thwrughly ocaapsjent work man, at P hi French jewelry store, Albany, Oregon. Sea the New Improved Singer sewing ma chine. The btt is slwsys tt-.e cheapest. J W Sowden, asent. Office at F M French 'a fowelry store Hasl eti. Mis Lola Howe, .laimie Leonard, Mrs V (i MeWherter. Wm Peterson, Oley Struchan. Robert Thotuaji.Mrs Aiigie wild!", Kd Thou. MostTEmi, P Hoskett. Miss Iola Hohn. Emit McNabb, S A Mav. Iee Spaulding.Rev I 1-'- !SllllUl, K II Tron, Henry M. Hodges &McFritd, lss, Albany, Oi . the leading drus Alba ay Market. Whst.47e. Oats, 21e. Hour, 4.0a utter. 25o. Kggs. I80. Ijir.1, 12 to 15e. Pork -hams 12 to 15c; shonltlera 9 to lots; sio'. 11 to 13c Hay. baled. 7 vo atoea. 80c. Apple,l 00 Hops 16a. iiried fruit plums, 9o, app' rs, 9o Ohlckens. $4 00 per dossn. Beef, on foot, IV. Hog, dressed. 6i. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J.Joseph, Proprietor WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed 7 , ? 7 Faarsaaa, Okbko. A. P. AMstvis I'siscirAJ- Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue ft. A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. DRUGS. ADVANCE THRESHERS Musiea Stationery, Toilst Artijles, instruments, Etc Hodps k WM, he C. ! Drug Stors,". Albany ,o ALBANY FDRRITDRE GO Baltimore Block. Albany, Ore. You can buy speclaclea and eye glassis at HONEST PRICES, of F M French the jeweler. Nbw U-iutX Rates. The Oregon Pacific Ruilwav has made the exceptionally low rate of J'i.ftO ler ton on wheat and oats to S.ui Francisco. Tho company is sttinding by the farmers and have been led to make this reduction in yiew of the extremely low prices now prevailing in hopes that it will advance very soon. Reduction hikes effect Sept 8th. DPR!CE'S Baking 'owder. The only Pure Crtam of Tartar Powder. No Amiaonia; No Alum. tfo Million! f Home 41 Yeari the Staudai UNDERTAKING k SPECIALTY HYDE & JAMES, Proprietors " 1 Are warranted to thresh more grain in a given time and do it better than any ma chine made. The ADVAsca Tbactios EsoisfMsat the best In the world. Remember larje work means large profit In the threshing business. Catalogue mailed tree. EDWARD HUGHES, GenM Agt, Portland, Oregoa Strictly Cash. F L Kent ha. atlopt d a cash system wlll hrafe tall groceries for CASH oT-