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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1893)
Wkt fjmorrat. THE ESTAILKO DEFICIT THE CONIMTION OF BUSINESS. The Boston Herald of Sunday, September 8, contained 57 dispatches from widely separated points, so selected as to embrace every section of the United States, dealing with the business situation. All but two of the reports speak ot an improvement in business, and many of them say it is very marked. Tlie exceptions are from Wil mington, Eel, and Newark, N. J. The Herald, speaking for Massachusetts, says that money is easier and all lines of trade more confident. Its general conclusion from its reports is that "the worst of the great financial scare of 1893 Is over," and "the promise of speedy and complete recovery from the depression of the past months already on the way toward fulfillment." The New York reports are those which roost people will feel the greatest interest in and are as follows: The Commercial Advertiser says that "prominent men in the commercial and financial circles all agree that the corner has been turned and and that the movement in all lines is now in the direction of improvement." The New York Times says that "inquiry in the best informed quarters shows that there is unmistakeably a better feeling and a more hopeful outlook in general business circles. There is no question here that the general condition of the country warrants a pros -perous fall trade." Tie New York Herald reports "a great change for the better." The New York Sun says there is "a wt change for the better, prospects are bright and renewed confidence indicated; business should be better from now on." The New York Tribune says a bull movement is on and adds that "the recovery from the ex treme low prices of last July and early August have now reached a remarkable extent." The reports from the manufac turing centers re especially favorable. Chicago gives quite a rosecolored story, and San Francitco is extremely hopeful and confident. The Middle West and the South report a very encouraging outlook. Seattle Breaking of the sssumed necessity rest ing upon the government to borrow money to meet Its current obligations a need which has not yet been acknowledged the Tribune says: " It is a great pity that the national government should he obliged to raise money in this way so soon after the advent of a democratic administration, nut there Is nothing astonishing in it." Nothing that is foreseen, foretold ar.d Inevitable Is ever astonishing. The treas ury deficiency was bequeathed 'o the demo cratic administration by Its republican pre decessor, and there was no escape from It. It Ig undeniably a republican legacy, like the monev panic which resulted from the Sherman law. The democrats of the last house, who saved at the spigot only to waste at the bung, are partly at fault. But the beginning of the extravagance was in the Billion Dollar congress. Us continua tion and culmination are justly chargeable to the (tarty which had the administration and te senate, and whose president never once interposed his veto for tl.e protection of the treasury from the raiders. When the democrats turned the govern ment over to the repuhllians in 1S89 the treasury su: plus was nearly 100,000,000 the annual surplus revenue the same, and the excess of gold above the reserve was $98,000,000. When the democrats received It back in 1893 the treasury surplus and the revenue sui plus were gone and the free gold was lets than $1,000,000. These are facts to be remembered. It is the duty of patriotic members of all parties in congress to unite in devising ways and means to replenish the treasury. But the trath of history requires that the responsibil ity for the deficiency shall be rightly fixed. New Yoik World. STILL ON THSi SfARE. One of the favorite methods of republi can leaders to manufacture public senti ment is to scare people. This method has fe sen most potent in times past in holding mentotho policy of "protection" when their own judgement taught them that such policy wa wrong, unfair, unequal. and immoral, but these men, until last fall, were influenced by the cry raised that the democrats would ruin the business of the country If tbev succeeded to power. Last fall, after five years of intelligent painstak ing, scrutinizing investigation into the question of tariff reduction, the voters of country, by a majority of one million five hundred thousand of the popular vote, de liberately expressed their will in favor of such reduction. Never did the people vote with so great a degree of intelligence on any question as they did on that issue. Apropos to this is a circular banded to us by a republican friend in this city, issued by Justice, Bateman & Co, wool commission merchants of Philadelphia, which purports to be a business circular, but which in real ity, is a "stump" speech extolling "protect ion" in the same manner that McKinley would be expected to do. This is nothing new. Justice, Bateman & Co, R 0 Taylor & Co so called tin mrnufacturers, and many other manufacturers and business men have been making these self same speeches for years. mm, Hard times are a good test of character. Many will be tried and found wanting. A picture in "Judge is lalwled : "Sena twiat tironitm talk while the tiro burns.' True, but a copious shower of returning public confidence is gradually extinguishing the flames. The US is all right, regard less of a selfish element willing to do any thing for iiolitical effect. Perhaps you have seen him. He knows everything and is pretty numerous these days. He is thoroughly posted about hard times and knows how to cure them. Hew him talk in "I told you sos. He s smart enough to shovel wind or bottle smoke. The Man about Town will wager ha will try to borrow five dollars before he get through. Keep youi optics open. DrJHBarrand C D Mulford. who purchased the Foley hot springs about two years ago and who liav 1 been run- nine the resort since that time, on ac count of the financial depression ot the past year, have concluded to retire and let the property revert to its former own er. Peter Kuney. The gentlemen inform us that they have lost nearly $10,010 in their investment. imam. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. STICK TO FACTS A SILLY OUTBURST Because some producers of perishable Bermuda vegetables testified before the ways and means committee that they had sometimes sold their produce here lees the duties, the protection organs break out with the silly old claim that "the foreigner pays the duty." This is Gov McKinley 's favorite bit of demagogic dishonesty when he is on the backwoods stump, but tor a newspaper printed within sight of the custom house to repeat it is a poor tribute to the intelli gence of its readers. It is only necessary to repeat the inqui ries which we addressed in vain to the republican speakers and journals last year: Why. if the foreigner pays the duty, did your Fifty- first congress stop at a billion dollars in appropriations? Why not spend a billion and a half and fructify this favor ed land with the tribute of effete despotism? If the foreigner pays the duty why not a'lolish the internal revenue taxes, which our own people indisputably pasV, and raise all our revenues from the helpless producers of the old world? The duty on pearl buttons is i46 percent. Does the foreigner pay the duty in other words, give us the buttons and 46 per cent in addition in cash ? The dnty on some grades of cheap flannels is i07 per cent; on cheap wool yarns 133 percent; on cheap blankets 104 per cent; on cheap hats 105. Does the foreigner pay the value of these goods and a bonus besides for the privilege of giving them away here? Why do the monopoly defenders repeat this rubbish t Do they not know that the tariff fight is over, for three years at least, and that McKinley ism is bound to go. New York irorW. The Astoria, hoping to make political capital, speaking of the vote in the house on the silver bill says: A majority of Cleveland's supporters in the house have voted cams' him, and a large majority ot his supporters in the sen ate probably will vote against him, on the very question upon which tie his staked the success of his administration sod the fu'.nre of his party. Now the truth is that 141 democrats voted for the repeal and 77 against It. In view of this fact which is a matter of record it is pertinent to ssk what becomes of the Astoria' statement that a majority of dem ocrats in the house voted against repeal. Stick to facts. A Big Bond Mir. 8an faANcisco Sep u At noon today the directors of the Southern Pacific decid ed to issue bonds slightly In excess; of $89, 000,000. These bonds are to lie issued by the Southern Pacific of California, and will be secured by first mortgage on the railroads properly in this stale. They are to be exchanged for old lends, the exerts to ne used in i0e construction of new line. The original bonds bore 'Interest a lb per Mi 1 he new ones will bear per cent and will I) placed on 1 1- market at London ana isew ork as soon as practical. ' Hirers !'.. iri Salkm Sepl 1 J The Oregon tate Ag ricultural Society held its 33 1 annual meet Ing at the office of the society on the fair grounds tonight. The meeting ws called to order by the President, Win Galloway, with .Secretary A F Miller at the dean. Officer was elected for the ensuing year as follws: Woi Galloway, orettdeot;J G Wright, vice-president; A F Miller, Secre tary; A Bush treasurer. M Wilklns was re elecUd member of the staiejioard of agriculture. Mitchell Walks, Washington Sept ia. In the senate, Stewart's resolution for committee to a certain whether any senator was financially interested In anv national bank went ver till tomorrow. The repeal bill was taken up, and Mitchell 01 wegon suneeti ine tenate against tin: bill While Mitchell was spesklr.g Stewart called attention to the ab seiceofa quorum. Fifiy-ihree senators responded. Mitchell resumed his speech. He favored free coinage, and while he wou'd be willing s last resoit, to change the ratio In order 10 secure free coinage, be lielieved it aitould I decreased to I to I , Mitchell dwell on the surpaing imj ortancs or ill question which confronted congress, and discussed the causes which prtduccd the recent disircsed ro-idiilon of the counr "v- , I Opt I.AK bCIKM E. Sine stopping here I have learned the difference between business and em -bezzletnent- When the Job Bros at Corvatlla cause thousands of dollars of public money and private bank deposits ... 1 1.. 1. .tr,. u?i, . Their po itica and business are one poor school clerk uses $80 school money ,..! ,v, ... I tl l uu iuc oujc, 'ot no luug iu men nave the strong arm of the government taxing milli 3ns of consumers for their benefit they may be rightly said to be in partnership with the government. Justice, Bateman & Co labor with a zeal worthy of a much bet ter cause to show that the shrinkage in the price of wool is wholly attributable to the fact that democrats are in power and are pledged to a reduction of the tariff. They attempt to show that wool without the duty would be far lower In price than with the McKinley duty. They seem to tercet that in this showing they contradict the strong est protection doctrine, for McKinley and other leading protectionists have told us time out of mind, that placing a duty on an article does not increase the price of it. but only operates to keep the foreigner out of the market, whi'e the prico will go down rather tnan up. It is barely possi ble that any sane man can frankly say that he believes such a paradoxical proposition, yet it is the common and strongest defence protectionists have against the charge that a protective tariff operates to tax the many for the benefit for the few. But is there and replaces It, that is embezzlement and he goes to the pen two years. Sa lt m Journal. A valley editor who has been at the bay wye : Young married women al ways welcome their hushes ds in the most affectionate manner when they ar rive Saturday night to spend Sunday with the family. Yon can almost tell how long a man has been married by the reception he receives. II uer arms go clear around bis neck and lock be hind his ears scarcely a year has inter vened einee the license was issued- If six months or less she does all that and kind o'gluee her bill onto his for a sea son. People older and more experienced in matrimony are just as loving but no so demonstrative. Walpole, the tin horn gambler, was recently arrested at Cornelius on a war rant charging him with assault and bat tery committed some months since on the person of William Ammens- An ex change aaas that in default of bail be has been lying in jail since. While in the cage he played the religious role, and wanel to enter into a combination with the Methodist clergyman, by which a'i the wickedness of the town, whetner Governor Boies, of Iowa, opened the campaign at Giundy Center, Saturday. He devoted most cf his time t o tariff, pensions, prohibition and state institutions The governor vigorously repelled the charges of the republicans that l'-e democracy was responsible for the present financial crits, pointing oat ihat for centuries the com mercial centers of the globe had been sub ject to money panics at comparatively regular intervals, the consequences of which have been precisely what we have been witnessing. On the silver question. he said: "Tnis is a question that ought never to be pampered by pai tisan politics; it requires for proper adjustment the best thought of the best men of all political parties. The great mass of oar people, outside of those directly benefitted by exchange, look upon the act of 1873, demonetizing silver, as a co'ossal, national crime, and are anxious to remedy the wrong ia any way it can be done without commuting another, and without detriment to the credit of the na tion. That a solution of this difficult prob lem, which will restore to the country the free coinage of sil re.-, will be discovered, I have no doabi; neither do I qunUn Ums1 will be most likely to reach a correct solution, and one that will do justice to al' classes and reflect credit on our ommon country, if we are able to keep it out of the bitter partisan politics of the nation." raal ftr imivinirv mav ha 11,1 Kmam any sound reason for believing that the the public and punishment fixed. While shrinkage in the price of wool is caused ; in jail he sang and prayed. He shouted wholly or largely by the prospect of free wept till Jailer Bradford chucked . 0 I ham im S It A laa-usl ju. r.. wltw La U BACKS UOWX. The .Vbaataincrr backs down and fills on the question of what was the position ot the republican party in their platform of 1892 on the silver question. Ic attacked the democrats for their position on that question sas ing Ihat ''they did not say what they meant nor mean what they said;" and In the same connection declared that the republican party had always been a gold standard par. The Democrat the made a quotation from the republican plat form showing that it was as strongly pledged to the use of silver at a standard money as were the democrats ntlc'i left that party in the attitude of not saying what they meant nor meaning what they siid ia 1892, if so be the Mountaineer's statement that that party has always been a party that adhered to t'ae gold standard. The Mountmntrt now admits that that parly's platform is practically the same as that if the demo crats on the sane question. This admis sion being made by that paper our charge is true and prove- by its own admissions that it did not say what i: meant nor mean what it said in 1892. A scientist, who has been listening to the voice of the house fly through the mi crophone, says it sensds very much like the neighing of a horse. .0o SLEEP I clear! (lonqI SKIN I LIFE J MENTAL! Im B STRONGI energy4J nerves j - AVERS I (Sarsaparillap The decision of United States Judges McKenna and Morruw, in t inc. in the case of Ving Lee, the Sacramento Chinese ar rested under the Geary act for being illeg ally in the country, was hand ed down to day. The judges decide that unJer the law wairan:s for the arrest of the Cbiaese who have not registered may be issued on complaint of any private citizen. The udges say that United States District At torney Garter shoved there was not enough money availeble to deport all the Chinese in the country, but be did show there was enough to send Vmg Lee away, and he was accordingly ordered deported. The judges further said that whenever it is shown that there are r.c funds to deport Chinese the cases of those on lrll will ae drsppel im mediately, bus until f at is shown the de portation must rp or . him in the street cage. But when he is sized up he is a poor vagabond tramp too lazy to work and thoroughly vicious. Th' River Nile lias a bsjH of only six in ches in 1000 miles. A ton tf sea water is supposed to contain about 14 gialnsof gold. Sixteen ounces of gold ate siffidcnt to l!d a wire that would cocircl the eanh. Whenever there la friction there i beat Hammering a nail rod until it Is red hot or forging a nail without fire a-e feats of the blacksmith. A frog cannot breiihe with its mouth open. Its breathing apparatus is so arrang ed that when its mouth i- open it oostrils are closed. To svfljca'c a frog :t It nee rsssry only to prop Its jaws so that they cannot be shut. rrol v irebow rcalnrm, tn belle! that no trace of "the tnis.W link" between man and the lower animals has been discovered, either is the human skulls which are be lieved to be most ancient, or m t he phys ical structure of modern savages."' Among the sclid', glass is apparently perfectly elsstic. A plate ef glass bent under pressure and, allowed to remain under stress for twenty five vcai'-, when released .nd caref ally tested for any permanent set was found to have returned to exactly Its original shape. The i so animal, Jt wilt sSrink from the hand thai tries to seize it, aid viewed under a lee may be seen cons'antlj draw leg in water through the innumerable canals which form Its digestive organs, and havieg Consumed t'e minute asimalculae f me nam, ejecting K sjjstn through some o:her channel. Roots draw ernrou quantities ot rrois ture from the soil and bv this mess ii discharged Into the atmosphere . For ex- knocking down j ample, the common sunflower was found to lie then threat- , exhale twelve ounces rJ main- 'a i.rl,. ool? We think not. Vve believe the prospector free wool would cause some shrinkage, but not such as has taken place The shrinkage in the price of wool began immediately after the of the McKinley bill and has continued to increase to the present. Why did the shrinkage begin at that time? Surely not because of the prospect of free wool, for there was no prospect of demo cratic success at that time. Ia fact the time of the admission of the territories was the darkest days for democrat since the war. The shrinkage in prices of near I v all commodities began three years ago. and had the election resulted in Harrison's favor th ynuiv ouutu UMIC s BU1CI COU1C UpOB US Look at the shrinkage in the price of cotton, j a dispatch from Wax-i act or, city Was that caused by the prospect of free , September 9 tells the whole story: trade in cotton' Not at all for cotton has j Mrs Cleveland gave birth to a babv been on the free list since i?t. Look at! at noon. Hotter sod child doing well the shrinkage in the price of wheat. Was! It was over n boar alter tae bibj was tKt .i i , , , , . . born before sny one outside of th White that canted by the prospect of free trade u House were aware of the fact. The affair wheat Net at all, for, notwithstanding i was kept a close secret until lr Bryant was there is a duty on wheat it can not affect ' convinced the mother had undergone the .'. MM Made Bare sr Ike JJ. Kalama Sept l2- A Russian fisherman B Mattiton, living in a shanty one mile from here on the bank ot the Columbia committ ed suicide last night by hanging. During the nlgnt be left the shantv without awake ning the other occupants of the house and going to an one house near bd look a (trap he bad been using as s belt and after ad jnstlng it around hi neck, fattened it over the window casing. By holding up nis feet he succeeded in choking himstlf to death. He bad a rtzor and pistol !ylng near by presumably to insure a good job. That W end rr fa I Kali) . Washington Sept 12 The interesting ceremony of weighing the White Hoase baby took place with all the eclat attending such an event. The scale showed just 9I4 pounds. It is stated at the White House todsy that both mother and child continue to do well. It is leportad that sirs Cteve land hs decided to name the new baby Naomi. asaseaae Kala Fa'l. WAixa Walla, Sept 12. The heaviest rainfall ever observed at the United rJtates signal station in this city since its estab lishment here occurred during the IH hours at noon todsy. during which time 1 37 Inches fell. It is feared thit large quanti ties of stacked grain are damaged. Thrt-sb-ing and cutting, it ia feared, are arrested for a week or 10 days. Wk tskry Did It Yakcocvk. B C. Sept 11. Walter San pter arrived bare Sunday from Chester. MH. Today ne commenced drinking and this afternoon got on whiskey craze and ran down i'upont street, all toe Chinamen he met. ened to shoot a teamster who refused him a it... t,;..k iu .i . I--, u., s Dupont strest and along the tide flats of 1 avsjsabi.-of leaves would in the Pleasant inlet, taking oat a revolver as be j aame way give off something like seven went Here he met a "wash known a hundred tans of watev daring the five Zt-: ZTSZ ,r ! -0"" it crHe. its foliage. a few steps and then turned and fired, pot aak aavP , M ON TRIAL. at's a trood way to buy a medi cine, but it's a pretty hard condition under which to mu it. .Perhaps you've noticed that the ordinary ait or rams medicine t at tempt it. .The only medicine of its kind so remarkable in ita effects that it can be sold on this plan is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical IJiseovery. As a blood -eleaniser, strength-restorer, and flesh-builder, there's nothing like it known to medical science. In every liseasc wiierc the fault is in the liver or the blood, as Dyspepsia, In digestion, Biliousness, and the most stubborn Skin, Scalp, and Scrofulous affections, it w yuarcmUed in every case to benefit or care, or you have your money back. OREGON STATE FAIR. (JhI r 1 h swat 1 of AarrMu' nre. i THE GREATEST Blood Purifier KNOWN. This Great German Medicine is the CHEAPEST and best. 128 doses of Sulphur Bitters for 91.00, less than one cent a dose, kind of skin disease, BLUE W from a common pun- aptf or pie on the face to g meralrJ,h'--v at that awful disease, gzre deadly. all ra.. of acta MtmVm stubborn, deep te tQ. t 1 iLT! and best medl Sulnhur Bitters eT a. s the best med-f Uyoiir TOWCUET h to use. M coATED with a b IWtwalttuv M ,tlckySui. f til tomorrow, M :',. I i i r 6 lin kmu av y - i - - r a. WL - m Hreatb foul ana 01 D t wua v . iMtsr Sl m. rnnsssi e ' JfJfKI, xl saw t niici . Mot thon SIB OIK) i'-jf ! S'ntn Boaid St ' Fair Gioai'da 1. - 1 r llth, Ssi v e. a , . " ib v.ill 1 . paid as prrmiom forstoek. (. o "y, itMi gricnl it ve v ! minrraU, ii wilt, atdfortiiaW toral 1 rixl-'CtM.linn- woika of ait and ' of p4ri . j! dne-H r ic tA far- aHt fr.uV.'- n all tranKUtit Fv8sV , ( -r. f.-or eyniii.f dnrina he wi J, witr good n osie its atressnaaee It r gnrii rsvlnt : lr&c are meili1 tob i sn' rtafcia and the best O IS . tp'n5id ssnssiesita Thesw areftletsyl for the Held f ho-ses ' :- t e ytourd for mass ! th Dew regul it j arnone the mi the Pc-tic Cc .psed f h da . j coast ta the j tbat hss h rt mi To every sufferer from Catarrh, no matter now bad tne case or or how long standing, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy say this : If we can't cure it, perfectly and permanently, we 11 pay you SoOQ ia cash." Sold by all druggists. FOUR DAYS RACES al Albany. el. ttk Klk. tSlk east 2tk fensive? Your Stom ach is Owt or On oca. Use Sulphur Bitters immediately. If you are sick, no matter what ails yon, use Sulphur Bitters. Don't wait until yon are unable to walk, or are flat on your back, but get some AT ONCE, it will cure you. Sulphur Bitters is THE INVALID'S FRIENO. j ean s. V- u . ' il bsi rls-.iriiT improve mer.t base Iwen in de the gienisda and ' haildinga. Premium Ii I bs been rid aid isss , ptov.d to the h. aefit f sshi'itfrt. Estsiaa 1 for premiums c. i p m b brat da ! of tbafair, ai.4 eahii!- mo-t t " I" plce by 10 p an of aid d. raico; of Aiati'io: j Men' Season to-k-U I Vomer 'a Saon Tseve- ; Men la TseW I Women Dy Iseket- I Race Track Ticket, dai s J Wim trt ! rr- o ieW,free I ass t l"J 8a, froe U r. 1 . . .. .wtoi if, 'h'. a -c-f r if'' Prem "s jt i : J f 01: Gi, Serstary. 12. 5C 1.00 . . -25 29 . . .25 ChiMress I . H for a APf-Eit-ON. Presletst yi.aay.ifipi-fpyiss.yaiassi ays slMut a 2-eest saasBDS to A. P. Ordr-tT Ctx. Beaton, Mass . for beat nsartkal weak satAlkbwl J I FORD, Efac, Of Dee M'fiaeo, fowa. -rrie fdardat of March 23. ISM: i. B. Map. Mr. Co. fafar, Ofpn. OenlUmr : ALBANY COLLEGE.::: A new thing is transparent leather. We would dislike seeing some Albany men s teet incased in a pair of traus parent boots. People 'aend their washing to a Portland laundry becanse they do not like Chinese to wash their clothing. That would be all right if they were not waahed by Chinamen Leu they got to Portland, which they are, according to what the agent here says. There is nothing like sending all the money you can out of town. Astoria Budgett. Hug a bu'lel through Toms' bead and kill ing him instantly. Then be ran up the street again, and fired three shots, one of which inflicted a scalp wooed on a Chirk man. lie ran across to Hastinsra arreet, and fired at three men. but miesed. Then 1st went in a shed- The chief of police up and went into the abed, where be arrested. Pittj-bi'Bo Sept 11. A large number of idle men were given employment today by the resumption of the ntnaeroas iron and steel plant. For the first since January 30 I TH S SlsrEK. da:eti girl ed by the Uverpoo. market whether we do j ITr ! Look 1 was the subjert of conversation ia the Haai lobbie of all the Wels Sad amy private houses Though tne pre has intimated at 'loses tbat Mrs Clerelaai would become a mureer la time . the birth of the baby to day was soasewbat of a surprise, aad Mrs Cleveland was oat driving last evening. She bowed frequently to pasaiag friends and acquaintances, tike appeased in exeellcat health aad rpirits Gov Altgel 1 spoke to a large audience of Cbicsgo workingmen 0.1 Labor Day with some sense end judgment. He urged the more thorough and general organization of labor, but warned bis beaiers that, to La permanently effective, organization must be along patriotic lines "which harmonize not only with nature's laws but rnith the laws of tLe land." He warned workmen against violence as always mischievous to therc selveaas ssell as to the community. He declared that most of the rioting done in this country In the narr.e of labor is done hy "an ignorant class, out de of all or ganization or union," consisting mainly of men "btough' into ihe ccmm-jnpy by conscienceless men to defeat organized labor." The utterance was distinctly against anarchy and in favor of law and order It ought not to be necessary to say this of a speech msde by the Governor of sny State in this Union, bu' in this case it is. Smith, of Towanda, Pa., whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. He writes: " For eight years, I wast, most of the time, a great sufferer from constipa tion, kidney trouble, and indiges tion, so tbat my constitution seemed to be completely broken down. I was induced to try Ayers Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results that my stomach, bowels, iiTid kidneys are in perfect con dition, and, in all their function, aa regular as clock-work. At the time I began, taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my weight Was only 121) pounds ; I now can brag of 1C0 pounds, and was never In sc good health. If you could see me be fore and after using, yon would want me for a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla to be the best iu the market to-day." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mass, Cures others, will cure you Congressman Morse, of Massacbusettr, commonly called "Rising Snn" Morse, he being the proprietor of tbat brand of stove polish, is constantly doing absurd things, bat when be wrote a bullying letter to Judge Lochren. commissioner of pensions miking illegal demands in behalf oca constituent and threatening to brng the matter to the attention of the country if his demands were not complied with, be made a mistake. Prolribly be is himfelf aware of it now The commissioner bas given him a des rred public drubbing, and shown him in bit true quality 0f ignorance, hypocrisy and inewness. He is in a pitiful cae. but his fare may serre as a warning to some others who are tia'urully as silly. One thing may b? set dovn as certain, thst the tariff hearings bofo-e ilie Ways and KasBi Comml tee of the House of Representatives will have om; reference to the purchasing c iss at well as to the producing class. They may bring out some of the condi'ions, which manufacturers cm the people bini stabj seted some taxation. the price as the market for our wheat is fix-1 orvWal "f,lT tne baby was or do not place a duty on that article. at the shrinkage in the price of hide- that been caused by the psospect of free trade In such commodity? Not at all, for hides have been on the free list since 172. Many other articles of trade might be ad duced whose shrinkage in price would show that shrinkages ha e no: been caused by the prospect of tariff revision, but those given will suffice. The truth is that the cause of the depression that now exists i traceab'e to our financial system. Sherman Edmunds, Cleveland, Carslile and ethers of the best financirs have declared it to be so. Money is locked up in banks, stockings, ho'es in Jambs, etc and is not in circulat ion among the people. The inaasn nave no money to buy from the retailer, and the retailer therefore can not buy from the wholesaler, and the wholesaler can not buy from the manufacturer, and the manufact urer can not buy from the producer of the raw material, and herein is the secret of the shrinkage in the pri of wool as well ae other commodities. All the shrinkages, both on articles upon which there is a duty and upon which there ia not may be ac counted for in this way, but they can not be accounted for on the old scare of free trade. The bouse committee 00 Use election of president and vice-president aad members of ousagreas has ordered a favorable report On the bill repealing the federal elect oa taw. The democrats expect to give i; ex clusive attention ia the house aster Thurs day. A hitter partteaa fi;ht Is expected. it is qaitc evident tbat McKinley baa failed 10 take advantage cf experience . He Is still prating ot the taxpanin foreigner. every csenstrnnent ot Jones Laugbiin s w assasa, u ine .wcrvmiey American works are in operation, giving , theory i. correct, tor p:raiitiiae ou- coa employ meat to 35 men. Sixteen addi- t ,evee to fall cfT honal furnaces were pot in operation at Use i Xaiinnal tsxbst ssnrkm. and thss ahasst mill el ', - - Moorcead. Mct'leane Co. haa started. 1 h UiTnor "" PP' o The Carbon steel works went on the P0, a backbone cf she KosweU P Flower "doubt turn." and the bar mill and two pattern. He st all tappres piite-figb.inj iD beaUng furnaces, two puddling furnaces, j tna: State If be U compelled to call oat the our caassx luiif in use 1 asseu inn susu un ; plate srcuks. started up with foil forcea. lam k to. also resn Tcasoav, szpt. j6. Running, mile Purse, iijo 3 too Trot Purse, $150 Free for all pace Porse, $ J50 tVEOMESOAV, tlV. J . Running mile and repeat. .Purse, 3:30 trot Porse, 8250 1 tear old trot for special counties. Lane I-lnn. Benton, Marion, Yamhill and Polk Purse, ioo TMCRSDAV.SKPT . ZS. Running mile Purse, $100 3:40 trot Purse, $zoo 2 year o'd trot for special cojnlies. Lane, Lltsn, Benton, Marlon, Yamhill and Polk Purse, Si 50 raiDAr, scrr. so. Running 1 u.ile Purse, ft 50 Trot, free for all Purse, f 250 Trot. 2 vear old for Lion CO. .Purse, tico I. A. Morris k Co. Flour and Feed Store. Or arriving home last week, f foardaf! well and aaxioaclv a'raitinsj. Oar little girl, e cist aad ooe-h: If yrara o'd. who bad waled away to 38 pounds, ia sstvar well. i siag and vrgsaxsa, aad well fltaked op. . , H. B. Coagb Tare hssd ts i Wnesi well. Fall Term Begins ftstbof the children like i . Yr S B. wvisvsis ansa csaavsa sou af-pv 1 September 13. ! mintla. oft a single turn. at least, is ml r flourish without to t k bu'd:n- If tailiTico ii, o, a )MJt- kj udiniiiia tratlon meant business depression for tne country no or.e would welcame it more Wirnily than republican leaders and reputi l ean newspapers. TO INCREASE OCtt 1 K A UK, Senator Sherman says: "We ought to encourage in every possible way the expor tation of our procuc e, although I do not see precisely how it can be doae." Two or three ways of increasing our for eign trade ought to be obvious. It is an old ssying that those who want friends must show themselves friendly." If ae want more trade we must show a dis position to trade on fair terms. No nation in Europe wilt bay of as if it can get what it wants elsewhere on anything like as fa voraple trm. Th-s disposition hss been created 1 our hostile tariff laws, which were avowadl; framed lo keep out foreign pro ducts. It takes two o trade. Commerce between countries is based un mutual advantage la the exchange of commodities How can we expect to "increase the exportation of our producs," excep. as foreign nations mur have food, wnile we raise high the barri.m of our prohibitory tanffs, based on he idea ihat "rommtrce is war" that trade mut be like a jug namlle, 'all on one side.' One o.her way :u in : iv to untax the nw mtteri its t turers. pladng 'hem on j their foreign sV MpeliltH as production. Unshackle ei will take care f itself. Friends of .x-S , will b a cir.didaie 'c r U r next year. He ii na of the St a is this (al., a unions sod speaking ticket, lie wouiu M U orship for two sears, '- I test ith S ij f'f i in tl.e Sftin In a rectn1- s; . : . -e i clared for tne free -'nig ing: -Any p.irty ihat - i gold Manrd JtJil l . imo On i hia quest on t sit-thtrd lirana of Karsas a'e wi l h' jr exports Is iur n,anufac- terms wilh the cost Of mmerce and it ugatts say he r of Kanas -live canvnss soldiers' ie iocsI county lie Gavern ids to con i for a sest i Ingalls de sllver, aay for a tingle o powder." I the Kepub- Jther plant are preparing to start. Saakaarrtte Similaxs, Sept It. -The lts ndesst pyro ! wa IlA- e to ET tnratr The bet . ter the groceries the more enjoyable life Is. and while we do not a.I live stsnply to just k TV , V TTT r stet jour groceries an J baked goods ot af? oyT v-.. - TC" Parker Brother, you are bound to live ll K llb . J?ZL,. r"1 ,f 11 ta Cnlr " Joaf of r,e bread hWwiTnJfbvT Tfto mlffS TnCT ''P lhe ln "ervihing. and sell Jf", UD,T!lj JL Wni j w P that sitisf r regardless of limri. he fire was discovered lmm bars! through c,n thcm. tbe immense douw. lighting up the entire city and country for miles around. The' ' s are deissrtiuenl was unaMe to bo anvf binsr I & . SM SBP . more Uwn orctect tbe mrrwnming twud ' Car-11-Ihe zkttasj a first I WaaatixofOX. Sept II. While outward la reply to a resolution, Szcretasy lisle seat to the senate a statement to 47el that ln,(n A nanft A 1 1 j , ,. , appeorancesi uxlicate tnai in situation m seven day, of beptesaber tie de-lMiient g urKhaned and tbat tbeJe- redeeiacd in silver coin $1,473,874 la treks- hale 00 the repeal bill may continue i.i ary notes; tbat only $36,057,187 ia silver , definitely. the are facts apparent to the j had bsea cclaed ajder the U w. aud that no initiated wHch go to show that the end i ; paper moaey ws. redeemed by the psy- g-gj -JSRtat. 0 trlKS . sent of gold since Msrch except the gold jou-, or take up other legislation by the certificates that had been canceled. Hoar haa mtrouoced a bill In the senate amending the Geary Chinese exclusion act. extending tjsc time for registration three months after passage, acd repealing thai portion requiring that witnesses in cases gainst Chinese shall be white- The bill continues in force lhe first six sections cf the Geary act until a treaty can be made with China r '!e regu alien of Ch immigration. Whiskey an I Uke oat every kissd of f,ait stain. A child's dress will look entirely rained by tbe dark be(ry ttaia on it, but if whiskey Is poured 00 the discolored places first of October. Few even of the stanch. t silver advocates any tower claim a major ity of tbe senate. attaewt Ranks sra. WasaixoTDX. Sept II. Tne national : bsnks reopened today are as follows: The' First National bank, of Provo. L'taii: the Western National bank, of h'ooth Pueblo. Col; the First National bank, of Nashville. , Tena: the First National hank, of Lemars. Ia, Of tbe 154 banks up to date 61 have ! mm met, 58 are in the banos of receivers, 34 in the hands of examiner, aad one has ! gone into vo'untary Ikiuidation. Send for Catalogue. Address, REV. F. N. CONDIT. Albany, Oregon. Star Bakerj Or Brass stasiatlai svwsl First. f CCMUO MEY9, PIOP8IE1OR. frosn sse- So give ". to yev gre-'ingsfov all. WtciUBg ywa pmaet y. wa ar Voorr, Mk ft Xx J P Fobo. Ifyoa snakiA Mateaa and ekeerf al. asse re? masrswark. sskssnss vassravacava wysassw taad UrjrCnre. sVytakktz sort or tkrsw 1 nr aostlo by an arasanata. Have removed their store tor-, former' v occvpied Robson, and have on hand to ihe Sirahai by Deysse J a'full ".lock o C38VALL 3 FLC8H, B3AK, SHORTS CEBM HEAL CRAMAM, BUCK WHEAT, m aouR, my, 0A1S. STRAW AND CHOPPED TEEO; Custom chopping done . a it J ACUYMING. WANTED nasi aa m auiira Vrsi. Ciltsatn wave. At the stose fj foyvnetly Alien Broa, o ned t asae srlet rrsiu. Tsbxcea, Sasasr, (ee. Uoeeaawssri Vege.ashle. stsktfs splee. Teas. tic. se HrnL tkas is ksaa m tftl.L KINDS OF PRODUCE BTJTTBB, EGGS. LARD, BAUON. and CHOICE APPLES, I wi:! pay h bet' rsal price for which B F RAMP New Adver jsements. LAtrjJIsRY FDK Wt -d. Win cbansro Uctulrw work fyr -rood tail on Rieiard a Phillip at th Alba.iy Vlrsuu LauioJri . FUR RJCTi - Saeren ctTajood rarrien land. ftn e chard. mat hoosa. t-rn and ehic'-taa hoose. Apply at I. Vie reek: I LH KM TRU rarpeto srvea etc for I sale at the Baptist parsonage Call rarly as. " tsJcs voor ehoiess. T IO lKT.- 1 heavl of No 1 sinosp tola the Khars. Winter neei esato and tore far-n tanssaa excaanate for nay. tor ante, rsr mill M SKXIlKltS. FOR RKNT -40 an m of land, srlth honsas. one mile trom vtbany. in liecton oountv. For ;srtscu!ara apply ti Arch Hammer. f irANTKD.- tnidhs aw- Ur. Jt. B. Chvrckili ML Vernon. Wash. rise Ceary Law. WasniAGTOK. Sept 11. Attorney gen eral CHney has instructed United States marshals to take no further steps fcr the furthe- eaforcement of tbe (teary law. srOBTtl CwstSJ 1Mb call for Joaepbf, Anarchists, be they men or women, who dictate thai they kr.ow i.o law will find that ; they have some v try inijiortant lessons yet to learn. ' A' furera s In th city of Mexico no hearxts ste uteil I'he street railway com pany has a monofKi'y of th funeral business, It runs . fuu-ral cars white for children black for adalts and raw nrrs follow to the cetnivary in a richly-upholsterod specla s'tar. A la-ge hack turtle weighing near'y 200c pounds was caught off Cape Lookout, North Csrollna. If you want a line amok whit labor cigar, Tbe bearnaat nogee in th city at Com ad Mwyer a Motor makes live trips daily to Vieteek'a addition. Lotr tbrre 03 installments of SI par week, Pa ronise borne industry by smoking tbe .elelirated white labor cigars, maoafactnred by JaUas Joswpb. They have fine trlm'ng for jackets and dresses at Read. Peacock & Co'.. All the newest kinds. Call and examine them . New dress goods, the very latest fall syies. if your wife or daughter needs a new dress, tell her to go to Read, Peacxrk &Oo. Yi.u will need ur.cerwear and shoes this fall. Why not rail on Read, Peacock & Co and examine tt.elrs. They carry large variety. Pall and winter cipes and jackets at Read. Peacock & Co' Handsome shapes, exce lent values, direct from the factories. It will pay sou to take 4 look at them. Call early whi e the.e ia plenty to select from. Wheat, so ct; os's,jeC; hay, $S baled ; wood, 3 to 13.50, taken in exchan sew inn machlnrs or organs on nand at E u w urs music store. Also on al book accounts of 6 months standing. Sowing machines from $25 to $35, with my per sonal guarantee for 5 rs. Genuine patt fr a'l sewing machines, alnothe best oils, needles, etc,, for all sewing machines, Mcyclcs, et:., at E U Will's music store. Sewing machines md orgens repaired reasonable, and all wirk warranted. Needles prepaid by mall 40c a dozen before sending it into the wash it will come ! pending specific instructions to tbe contrary : out a. good new. . irom s.oingion. anew instmoions a I Fsyvf atsilf hAMtA Ia thn t hi IswsHss 1 ssvrs , rs j 'j " . uuwcsci, iv su- iinivrv; tun J-ji in progress of deportation by doe process of ' aw. Tfce First rive ms FitAiTcisco. Sept 10- Tbe first, Chinamen to bave their sentences of de portation under tbe Geary registration art executed arrived in San trancisco from Los Angeles yesterday, and are now con lined in the county jail, where they will be detained until sent back to tbe celestial kingdom on the steamer China. There are five of tbem in the batch, and they came here in charge of I'nited State Marshal Uard. who will see them on board the steamer and will not leave tbem until he has the captain's receipt for tbem. The Repeal Stratskt WASUlxoTOil, Sept 10 The senate dur ing the coming week will devote itelf ' almost entirely to discussion of tbe repe I bill. Possibly there may be an orcasitiml ; break during the nurning hour, but tbe 1 calendar affords very little scope for diver sion in this respect The calendar is. in- deed, one of the briefest of publications thesf days. oing to the fact tbat general ! committee action bas been discouraged in ' Ihe interest of legislation on tne Sherman' act. The Argentine Kepaislle Bi'Kxos Ayre. Soot i0. News from j foi I Turn man is far fro ji satisfactory to the government. There has been more fight-' ing in the streets of that city. The rebels . are in pewession of tbe railroads, and have received reinforcements from the surround- j ing country. Tbe position of the govern ment is said to be critical. The irovernor j bas asked for reinforcements; as his troops are far outnumbered by tbe rebels. Vast nieyellna Sprinokikm). Masx Sept 10 Dyer An Honest Medicine Rheumatism Cored Health Built Up. Mr. fjiurehm. formerly of Churchill & Taylor, surveyors and civil engineers. XI;. Vernon. Washington, writes: "Southern California was my uonse tor nutoy years. hen let tcrc 1 U ;aa to be anhc-crd all over svilk Rheumatism And also pains In tztv back and a general fee tins; el being used up. My tmtne takes me oat la tbe elements !U iie tune, sad 1 found nv self until ter week. Leading aa advertzse meat of linuu's tMsrtapartlla, and irtitag also that tbe medicine was compounds! la any own State of Mastachusetts, I cone! tided tills mar be mm Sums " I tnnk It and am so orach Improved that I ass out Hood's s Cures In an weatbers and travel all stay with ass fatigue and tired teeUne. To aay on that feels bad all over I say take Hood's garsaptv rlUa. it has cured tne." It n.CnuKeaujL. HOOD'S Pills cure Liver Ills, Jaundasa, miimimet. Sink H 'M aadtjitaillrailksk ltion warned bra sf 'aslv tf .o cert, -ral housework and br yoong glr , id drss .s li x 378 T tbe 1 VRKPAS OTICfc-All huntara are heiwbv nodded not to tressiaasn upon oeiossjd tsrerotswaof the undcrsianed. seven and a hall mi lea neat of Albany, onlesn r-rntission la first obutoecl. I aha'.i prosreius all who thus trsxpasw. , M M BCKKH ART. M rat. Dr. PaUterMst Wallae-es Ike N'ted Ctairrtvas,t aed Lit Kevkr. as stow kssns. and can "J hwasd at her riasasa ji.aeat aoar vaaw . an tetta aaosn aa aa. sasasssa ana tntnte. love troablaa. abatat lea out near trotn tur deadtrssa-J Msstk r fclaashssss T. ti ll KI T. n.n. OSct - l'f. rt over tte PbKian and Mniraaa. lUi k ' trvrn. Itcatfhrtiee, eorswr lSth and CSJapeoia ! . FOH - aT.K. a of 1. ...... 1 gocd hurse. Jcqutr OSKY WANTEU -Wats to oorrow ith Call at the snod rtal estate as seeuntv oflSee. Acests tA?rruon Salary and C m::;:--;..- for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Knpaill tf JAMS G. BLUE I CARrt 1 5, By Can. H awiltos, hia literary eaeearor, with the cstraini of fasmily. sad fm Mr. litem. ' Cosnpl-e- Wavks, TwrvTT Tuns or CotiaasKt," wd bu later Lot a. "PouvK-aL DmrcaMOS.'" Omm ssrospectat for these 3 aaerr ssousg booka aa the ket. A K P Jordan of Me.. Cook 112 from lint 110 calls: ageet'a ptstit $196 50 Mr Baliard tf O. took 15 orders. 1-1 -esvi Rassna. ia 1 day; prom $26.25. E X Rtee : of Mass. took 27 order in S da-.: pnaht $47 25 J Patrtdge of Me. ttok 43 rdera . from SC calls: profit $75.25- E A P saer f X. Ikak. too- S3 fders ia Stkys; , rofst 99f.S5. Kxrtrsrvk TtaErrokV sr. If yoa wish t j make LABOE MOKEV write isnisisd aiili for terns to flttfftirr lill fib. Ct.,. witk.Cu I WALL PAPER, LACE CURTAINS. WINDOW SHADES, m : tte : Met DHITOITY : OF : OMON. EUGENE Oplk D Moktiav, SxrvtaiBKa lfrm Fordnilier k IrvlDg's. Just closed the moat prosperous sear inj its historv. Wide range of studies. Ttao- ; owgh instruc Ooo. Business course rdded. j ruirioa free. Entrance fee, $to. Board saast, lodging at reasonable rates In the elegant new dorrnitsxr and hoarding hell at the campus. where students wt: receirt personal suoenrision. nfv V , joitxsoK, ?re Notice of Assignment. KC TICK is hereby given that Isaac Beam of Albaay, Orssgoa, hasdnly aaaigoed to saw undersigned assignee all his property aad eSdttU tr the ktcetit ot ha credttasta. and bv virtue of the ae-arrsl lasra of the state of O . -. ace signed baa hereto' - - k -wis oa the 25th day of A trust, I SOU daly qualified a sach To Farmers All persona having esaiaa gainst raid insolvent aad the estate, the-eof are bersby reqaiisd to present th to the under signed at the store hoae bni'dictg of Iaaae Beam, ia the city of Albany, O eszpo, aatdar oath within three months from this date. Dated tots tad day of September. A O, 1893. E F CANTERBURY, Asa-gaae of Isaac Baasn,aa insolvent. NOTICE OF Fl HAL SETTLEMENT, IliAVK P.ENTKD TBS MAUNOUA j Mill warehoaae and will bare i in gcod : orde for receiving the present er. lb . warehouse i first claaa and cost veaieaily keatatt . Contain -.wo mod cleaner. No VtmCE la HEBEET CIVET THAT THE cs. W M navkw deceased, aa alaa stisk Us Clark of tte Ot-anty Ooort la, eosssuy, Csrvg,, ks anal aeeoas la saU estate. ad the Coasvty Court ha Saea tte lttiaar ofOetater. ISsVLM tte boue of 1 s dock p sa of aaial at U Coaaty Oaort tooa ka tk conarjr court stsa.s'tae tearsae delay ia unloading. Sacks srill Ixoa hand jrTT """a x sr eru.eas for deli very indue tine. Give use a call j Dated Sept tea. issa. before making arraajesneata to asore voor C F GEORGE. crop. U. h. SIMfSOJi. ... Albaay, Or., July 15.e, 1S83. HILL'S I WS fltUKASTES A CI' RE i and invite lhe most stlon aa to our reanonallsll- iu of our Tablet. ear rablle KrkttaU Are ihe main-stay of our republic. In them are bein cultivated the uilnds wl Ich are to be our future law makers and lesi ers In every walk of life. Ho essential It is that these rr.lnds should be united in I'rong, healthy bodies. Somsny child en suffer frotr. impurities and po'sonsln the Mood that it is a wonder that they ever giosv up lobe men and women. Manv purents cannot find words string enough i i express their gratitude lo Hood's c ar sttliarilla for its good effect upon their children. Scrofula, sslt rheum and other diseases of the blood are effectually and pet msnemly cured by tills excellent medl cine,snd the whole being is given strength to re- 1st attacks of disease. To aid Digestion take one Small mieBssO ifur fitting. yu, ijr Itoulu. 20U0 spectators saw A A go a i trial mile in 2 K)2 8 5. with aflyin s'ttrt, i tieing Wintlle's world's record . He w paced throughout by Harry sV heeler and j (leorgo U ink-r on a tandem. He sprinted ; Ihe lust quarter alone ad Hnished perf-tlly j fresh. This afternoon he ugain went the ! half-mile record, n;d did ii in 57 4-5 sec- ! onds, which also ties indie's record. rive t'kltarea Cremated Little Rock, Sept 10. T 'H Whilely, residing near Silver Hill, Ark. with too 1 elder members of his family, aifcended church last night. Iesvinif Bve of his chil- I dren, ranging tn ages from 5 to 12, to care ; for the house. After the service were over j he returned to find the house burned to the ! ground and alt fire of his children ere muted. A New Paatealee V.'ashiooton, Sept 9. A new postoffice j i a stars iivoh vnuii'llBliUU HL I IVssC , vwo lAiuij - ty. Or, and Adam Penth Baker appointed postmaster. IKy Double Chloride of Gold Tablets tn nnicn'i ruotut.j utvtiiwnroriviucvoir Toci stoa aava. Psarfectlv hara ),-: e:iti.e to t-lckuts-tttidmav beelven lttnni,t t,s.t,i ... t Clce of the patient, who will voluntarily stop sntokJgur chewing in a tew Utsrs DKDNMHESS aM I0EPHINE MBIT Sv;':'- v luo puuens, oy mo uscoi our MttlAL. FOK.MULA fJOUD CUXB TABLETS. IiiirltiR treatment p.-ttlettta are allowed the f ree one cf liqucr or Mor- IMiii'ti " K m uiiiii aa n.-ji tttiaii ttuuuutrtlV STISS' ti:III UP. We nd parUeulara and pamphlet of uwuimmials w.aitd shall n-(tiara w ffvvi aauciua uuni UJ ut vueae nanius iu .mntu Ita ttosi with nerstma w ho have been cured bv the use of ou. TsaLttrs s MILL'S TABLETS nrn for acln v nil ik, i tea ""tia"""; i .su i" aTytirlruKK'itdoiiotkvptbem,eiichsens SI DO and we will aeud you, by return mail, a wtukagv or our f Taltleta. Write your name aiyl rddres plrlnlv, and etcto Jr. whether Tablots aro lor Tobactxi, Mur'ntUuo or . sSHv Liquor Ifubit. a net not wot rtrrrtvrn intn -,,.. 4r am. v rr l r "'"""""" ' : . ' "e'"B ww A Tf , i. a ' , , ". . a, j-r i - rt I n unu vuao uu uiuc, . at uiufactured only by THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO, El, u3 A 66 Optra Block LI M A, OHIO. PARTIM7LAES FREE Xav5 - x 1 -y.v m rVeRE ' x TestiioBials J k. from persons I L w who havo been I Ik S cured by the use of W y Hill s Tablets? E NOTICE OF nsU StTTIinWT. J NOTICE IS HEREBY GITXX THAT THE IX j XX .iei-MtKd Mou.r at th. ksstaUlasssl I at Jaba lihiaa. ifcsccaasaL ka IU sj u,, ; itH tk esaaty clerk of l i rilslr. t 7 - ".,. waat .u ut., vx ;iMtaassi, lass 1 Nar ot l o-efcxk ia tk afternoon at sM t Ita kaaitnr of obiecUMa U uv tamM a ' coaoi ami -.he etusntt of sant satata. j Bated Aitras nth, UJ-, t H H BE, ITT HM0I S-t"8. Attv r Cxeosnor. at 1 1 asasksv, for TUB OHIO CHEMICAL OO.t UkAlt Slk:-l havo been nslnar voor cur lor tooaeeo hahlt, aud round it would do wl tat you claim for it. 1 used ten ceuta worth .of the strongest cbewlna tobacco a dav. und Irurs i one us ttve cttrars: or 1 would sinoko from ten la t lortv nliH-sof tobacco. Have chewed Mttl smoked I or twentv-dvo venr. and two naeaaaaa of your Tablets cured mo to I have no desire for it . B. H. JATLOKO, Leslie, Mich. Hours Fbset, N. Y. THE OHIO CHXHICAt. r. : GXTLZMKx :-Some time airo 1 sent for worth of your Tablets for Tobacco Habit. 1 received them all riziit aud. althoiuH 1 1 was both n h en v v smoker and chewee. tu.-y did the work iu less tha n throe ,la vs. 1 am cured. Truly your s, KATUBW JOHNSON, V. O. Bolts, j PmsatraoH. Pa. thb OHIO cnaaiCAl. Co. s-ciekvlwi tax: It 0ves me pleasure to speak lord Of nnlat for tronr Tablets. M v sun was stroitfflv ai liquor, and throusrh n friend. I was ted c t irv vuar Tablets. Ho was a h,-avv constaitt drinker, hut alter usintr your 'I ablets but three days he quit drinking dieted to the use ot Ho was a heavy and and will nut touch Uouor or anv kind' you, iu order to know tho euro was pcrusauuu i. I ba vo waiuxl four month before writing i ours truly, Halt!?. HELEN MORRISON. ctNCTsxATi, Ohio. 'IS Ohio Chemical Co :- OexTUittklt : It our Tablet s have performed a miracle in my t -AUdrst all Orders t t have Uats.1,a hinluanitA.llv f., .uv.... .7. aH. and bttvo btas titttinl hrthnitiutrir iwu isiutiisss os your xuoiuia, and without any inort on my part. w. A LUIEUAI. RESPONSIBLE 'AGENTS WANTED (lnwrlUturi THE OHIO-CHEMICAL CO., CI, 63 and 66 opt ra BkKk. -IMA, OHIO. Notice for Publication Lasd Cmca at OsauoN CTrv, Oaaecct. Aucast 21st, 1S93. S-.tic-.- is h. r! r - -.u tbat the following settlet tikj notice of hia intention j t-ke .nal prtat iu aapport of bia claim, -hat aaid praof will be made befora ! i ount Clv. tf Lioa Co, fJr... at Al Ji 'KO". oi. 0-rt.lvr 16h. 1S33. v.x: ." Myrs. H No 7364, for tha N H L K o N E i' sec Si,tp It, t tilB. He names the lol losing t mus to prove his continuous realdecce up l culUvatton cf said taad, sjsJa. )tmtt Pierce, of Uamb, . Ina La Q,. Downing, of Leonl v, Una Co, Oregon: W Downing, oi'Lacomb, Una Co,Lre jvi; Mathb Dowain.a. of LacotabvLiaa Co, reijrso; E OkakT A to ILUek. Register. Notice to Tax-Payers. NOTICE IS HfftEBY GIVEN THT the board of inal zttion for iJun county, Oregon, will sret on Monday, the and dav of October. IfSS, and attend at the office cf ths county clerk of said county, and there pabliclv examine the aaaeastuent rolls of said county for said year ami coireot all errors m valuation description or qualities of lands, lots or other property. Said board will continue ! eaaaloa one week. All persona Inter eated are hereoy notified to appear at aaid time and place. W F DEAK1N8, Assessor lor Linn county. Or. September lb, m.