V PARTY 11 .NtKS IN Til K WEST. i In estimating the majority for the forth coming tariff bill it will not do to confine the figures to party lines. If tho pess of the silver states gives any fair indication of public sentiment in those regions there will be a number of western republican votes for a revenue tariff as a retaliation for the solidity of the eastern republican vote airainst free silver. The Denver News savs that ths vote in the house has had a ( wonderful effect on thousands of republi cans in that city: "We are fre traders now," they say, and for tho best of reasons. The west has always been voting for protection, and un der the tariff the east has grown rich It now refuses to accord to tno west whit the west has aided it in obtaining. The west, therefore, proposes to use the club which is in its own hands it will give the east a taste of its own medicine. If England system of finance is a good thing for this countrv. Kmrland's commercial system ought "also to be as good. This lesson will now be impressed upon the east. O It may be said that the News is of demo cratic antecedents. In that case the views of the leading republican organ of Colorado maybe thought more important. Says the Denver Republican: Inasmuch as the eastern republican lead ers have seen fit to abandon ths coinage plank of their party's platform there ts no earthly reason why western republicans should stick to the protection plank of the same platform. Platform lepudiation is a game that two can play at very nicely, The Republican made a game attempt to save Colorado's electoral vote for Harrison last year, but it has apparently given up its old party affiliations and will be willing to join in the fusion procession hereafter.' The following hint indicates that In the near future there will be only one party In Colo rado, as there is in Nevada : Party lines have little meaning for the masses of the people of this country today When the republicans and democrats ot tne groat money centers are united like a band of h rot tiers In a conspiracy to utter ly demonetize and degrade silver, there is no good reason why republicans and demo crats In the west and south should have any more scraps over the tariff question. If the policy here indicated shall be car ried out the McKinley law will be repealed by votes of all the democrats, all the popu lists and all the silver state republicans in pther words, by a majority of 280 to 124 in the house and 52 to 33 In the senate. ANALYSIS JF THE VOTE All or a majority of the congressmen from the f sllowini; states voted for the re peal of the Sherman law Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentuckty, Maine, Mary land, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire. New Jersey, New York, Worth Dakota, Olds, Pennsjrlranij, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin. All or a majority of the following states voted against the repeal of the law; Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas. Mississippi, Mis soon, Mon'-aaa, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, Sooth Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wyoming. The following states were equally divided on their vote: Florida, Louisiana and Washington . According to the census of 1893 the population of those state; voting for repeal was 42,535,272, and of those stales voting against repeal 19,401 .S25. The number of "males of voting age" In the state voting for repstl (i m 1891, II. 744,833 and of the states voting against repeal the number was 4,488.111. The estimated true valuation of property in the states voting for repeal in -8So was $34, 736,000,000 and in the states voting against repeal it was $8,555)000,000. Of the states voting for repeal thirteen are democratic and eleven are republican. Of those voting against repeal eight are democratic and the remainder tan are republican or populist. Gladstone's victory for Home Rule in parliarrent marks one of the most impor tant epoch in English hittory. Whether it pass t'ae House of Lords or not, the im pression made upon the mind of the civil ized world is a most profound and lasting oae. it iil tell in favor of constitutions! liberty in all the years to come. The Orevoriaa editor took snuff days ago. But there is nothing remarkably strange in that, is there? Not at all, but the ludicrous thing is that the Telegram proceeded to sneeze. The Oregonian said this congress would do nothing with tariff reduction and the Telegram says 'Me Too.' Par ncbtU ftatum. - Toe good luck which Massachusetts democrat have enjoyed recently continue. Gov Russell declines another term, but John E Rcssell consent to run and will lead the party to victory. One giod Russell deserves another. McKiniey's friends are claiming th' t he will carry Ohio by 43,000, but they talked the rn-ne way about Harrison when he wa booked for the worst thrashing any Presi dent has received since John Adair. was beaten by Thorns Jefferson. A capital of $53,000,000 1 invested in the nursery interest in 172,000 acre of land. In all horticultural pursuits the entire capital is estimated at over (1,000,000,000 by the census of the agricultural depart ment. Attention In time to any irrefrularity of the Stomach, Liver, or Bowels may prevent st-rious consequences. Indigestion, costive ness, Headache, nau- isea, uilious- !nea, and ver tiu'i indicate certain func tional derange ments, the beat remedy for wtiich is Ayer's Pills. Purely vege-. table, sugar-coated, easy to take and quick to assimilate, this is the ideal family medicine the most popular, safe, and useful aperient in phar macy. Mrs. M. A. BrtocKWELL, Harris, Tenn., says: "Ayer's Cathartic Pills cored me of stek headacbe and my husband ot neuralgia. We think there I No Better Medicine, aud have Induced many to use It. " Thirty-five year ago this Spring, I was run down by hard work and a succession of eold. which made me so feeble th&t It was au effort for me to walk. 1 consulted the doctors, but kept sinking lower until I had given up all bops of ever being better. Happening to be In a store, one day. where medicines were told, the proprietor noticed my weak and sickly appearance, and, alter a few questions ss to my health, reconv iiietidcd uie to try Ayer's Pill. I hsd little f sitls lu these or sny other medicine, but concluded, st last, to take his sdvtee and try a hoi. Before I bad used tbem all, I was very mucb better, and two boxes eured me. I am now SO years old; but I believe that If It bad not been for Ayer's Villi, I should havo been In my grave long ago. I buy ( boxes every year which make 210 boxes us to this time, and I would no more be with out them than without bread." H. II. angraham, Kockland. Me. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer fe Co., Lowell, Haas. Every Dose Effective tsstit-rv LIGHT NEEDED The Albany Democbat still adketes to Its former position that the republican party endorsed bimetallstn In 1892, and quotes a portion of the platform wherein "gold and silver as standard money" is favored. Our Cotempcrsry should have finished the sen -tence in the platform, which, after the words quoted above, states further, -'with such restrictions and under such provisions, to be determined by legislation, as will se cure the maintenance of the parity of veiues of the two metals, so that that the purchas ing and debt paying power of the ('oiler, whether of silver, geld or paper, shall be at til times equal." Thu is the kind of bl raetallsm that prevails in England and Ger many, and which cannot be maintained ex cept all currency, whether silver, paper or copper, rests on the single measure of value P' currency whether gold, as it does in tnose countries. Any other blmotallgm, and especially that advo cated in the democratic platfoim, would make the purchasing power of the gold dollar larger than the one of illver or of paper, Mountaineer, 11 there Is any newspaper office In this state wherein lignt is much needed as to what the provisions of the Chicago platform are concerning bimetalism, it is that of the Mountaineer. It has been noto.-lous far years that that paper, over and above a other considerations, is after the strictest sect a republican paper. Nothing Is per mitted to come between it and its devotion to hat party whatever it may do. The king can do no wrong is its shibboleth, and the republican party Ss'its king ; nevertheless this Is no excuse for its remaining ignorant as to a matter go easily reached as the democratic national platform. Its editor now admits that the republicans in their national platform declared for bimetalism bat that there were to be restrictions such as it sets ont above. Of course no one thought of questioning the matter of re -stricticas, but these restrictions are substan tially the same as those In the democratic platform. For the information of the Mountaineer editor, (none other of our readers need it.) we quote from the demo cratic platform. After declaring for bi metalism the platform goes on: "Bat the dollar unit of coinage of both metals n. ust be of equal Intrinsic and exchangeable val ue, or be adjusted through international agreement, or by such safeguards of legis lation as shall ensure the maintenance of the rarity of the two metals an i the equal power of tvtty dollar it all times in the markets and in payment of debt; and we demand that all paper currency shall be kept at par with and redeemable in such coin." Now in view of this plain demand and statement that every silver dollar coined by the government must be of equal intrin sic and exchangeable value with that of the gold dollar, bow can the Mountaineer say that the bimetalism that is advocated in the democratic platform would make the pur chasing power of the gold dollar larger than the one of silver or paper. We cannot accuse our ootempcrary of wilfully mi stat ing facts. We can only charitably conclude that its editor never read th; democratic platform about which it prates si much. THAT RECORD. A correspondent st CorVslUs wilting to a Salem paper says: Senator Weatherford, of Albany, was here representing some of the heavy depositors in the Hamilton, Job & Co bank . He is not losing sleep over tne attacks on his political record at Salem and smiles at some of the alleged charges made. Being a democrat he was not chairman of any senate cxmmitteee, nor any investigation committee. Of coarse, the statement that be had four clerks at $5.00 a day, is a lair sample of the quadruple extract of political lies now passing current in some newrpapeia. He neither selected nor named any clerk, regular or special, cor got any of the profits or advantage of having done so. He post ed most of his bills in hi files himself. He went to Walla Walla on a special committee on jute mill sad the chairman reported mileage dor each member who went. He drew that besides hU mileage from Linn county ss senator, and it just about met his increased expenses for having had to go to Walla Walla The charge that he appropriated mileagelhat he was not legally entitled to has no foundation in fact. As to the charge that he took codes, session law, and refused to ask questions in the Downing investigation, the senator considers them ss trivial a to be really not worth talking stout. It has been the universal custom In tne Oregon legislature and all other legislatures to vote the mem bers codes and session laws. They are not all lawyer and out of their dnty to serve the people Intelligently as isw mak ers grows this right to have these books. From the constitutional convention to the most recent feaicn of the general assembly this prac ice has prevailed, and th: most eminent men in the state of al parties availed them, I ve of the privilege In toe Djwn;ng Investigation Senator Willis wit ch ai man and the people mak ing the charge acre represented by aa keen a lawyer in ferreting oat technical or com mercial irregularities, as there 1 at Salem, John A Carson. Weatherford' record as a man and lawyer, as s senator and pub ic man can not b: successfully dragged the dirt for personal end. in rEPPEBS SCHEME. Senator Peffer has introduce! the tub- tieasury bill. It was lefeired lo the ju dietary committee. The bill, as a matter of fact, is in the na'ure of an amendment to the constitution. The first amendment, known ss No 16. directs the secretary of the treasury to print and issue to state governments 5,000,000 for each 100,000 Inhabitants, or t the rate of $50 per capita This money is to be distributed in una I denomination legal tender bills, delivered to the state free of cost or inter'. States sre prohibited trom lending It hs excess of an interest charge of 3 per cen . Sc person shall borrow more than 82000. Corponitons are not allowed to lend monry. The lime fjr which ih money i lent is 16 years, and one-fourth is to be paid every four years. Interest will be collected st the end of each yrar. No fee or commis sions shall I tha-ged on a loan. All lands and improvements forfeited for non payment of principal or Interest shall go into 'he poi.lc domain. Other money, 0theii,n the metal now outs tsrcing -ball i.e. ca'led ln'0 the treasury nu de stroyed. The mi rets ry of the treason i' r quired lo priii' 5,00 iwo 50-Cent hills ao'd li e ame number ot 25 cent bills, lo be sold by postmaster. Amendment 17 prohi oil the deposit of any public money in any pilvate or incor porated hank other than the national treasury or ublreaguiy . Amendment 18 provi Its for (he fref coinage of both gold sna Shirer, Add'tionsl mints -ire to be eitsbliahed near the mines. Amendment 19 prohibits aubtreasurem fiom li) ing gold or l ver or receivl ij gold or tilver for depolit and Issuing kirO - ttitute n.oney therefor Amendment 2 1 divides the nations tieatu- , i.,' . . ,,.,.u , K .,,,.; o,'e tu rsnrfvswJI the levenue due the government and dlsburie the same, and one to issue and Histrfbute money to ihe states and rsostS) mu'i'ated bills. Ihe wicked Hoke Smith still persists in hit wickedness. Now he is cutting down tbe fees of tbe pension attorneys. He must be burned in effigy again . STILL GROWING BRIGMTKR. The week closed last night with a better condition of affairs nil around than for several weeks past. The bank statement in New York showed a marked improve ment both as to reserve nud loan account. The demand for currency has fallen off and the premium asked is now very slight, while on go'd it is merely nominal. Local ly tho b.vnk situation shows n decided im provement in every respect. Currency is taking the place of pay checks, deposits are increasing and withdrawals decreasing, and financial matters generally returning to a normal condition. Business is also looking up. The leports from the men on the road are as a rule much more favorable than bad been expect ed. Mills and factories that had shut down indefinitely are in many instances resum ing, and others are preparing to resuf.e , on port time at least. The cotton mills at Lowell that closed recently are starting up again at full time and the anticipated re djctiorj of wages will not take place. The iron trade is not responding with any great strength as yet to the upward influence, but some mills that were elosed have reopened tentatively, and with other lines of industry resuming operations it will not be long before the iron business will feel the improvement. With the iron trade depressed and mining at a standstill the vessel interests cannot but suffer, and as yet there has been no movement towards patting into commission the large ore car riers recently laid up for better times. The hope is strong, however, that there will be some revival of the ore trade before the season becomes too far advanced, and the demand for grain carriers at fair rates can not be delayed much longer. Taken altogether the new business week will open tomorrow under more favorable circumstances than did any of its prede cessors for two or three months. i There is a good deal more blue in the business sky and a good deal less in the facts of business men. Cleveland PtaindeaUr. THS Sr X ATE O.N RKfEAL, The following poll of the senate on the repeal bill is given out as one submitted to President Cleveland for his personal infor mation. For repeal: A Id rich. Allison. Brice, Cafrey, Camden, Casey, Chandler, Co! lorn, Davis, Dixon, Dolph, Faulkner. Fry, Gal- linger, Gibson. Gordon, Gorman. Gray. Hale, Hawley, Higgins, Hill. Hoar. Hous ton, Lindsay, Lodge. McMillan. McPher son, Manderson, Mills. Mitchell, of Wis consin, Morgan, Morrill, Murphy, Palmer, Piatt, Proctor, Sherman. Smith. Squire, Stock bridge, Turpie, Vilas, Yoorbeee. Washburn. White, of La-, Wilson. Total 47. Against rep 31: Allen. Bates. Berry, j I CockreJI. Coke, Colquitt. Daniel, Dubois, j George , Harris, Irby. Jones, ot Ark, . ,, . Mo- i;.kii rv ada, Kyle, Martin. Mitchell, of Ore , of Nevada, Peffer, Perkins, Pettigrew, Power, Pogh. Roach. Shoup. Stewart. Teller, V Vest- Walthall. White, Wolcott. of Calif total 30. Doubtful, with disposition to vote for repsal: Blackburn. Butler. Rtnom, total 3. Doubtful, with disposition to vote 'gainst repeal: Gall. Cameron. lUnabrough Pasco, Quay 5. It is stated the admrnis' ration counting on Vice-PresUest " " " pa- an eoa to nitousieting in inc senate after k fcas pio:eeud for a lime. While there is 00 cloture rale ia tne senate the presiding officer can decline to recognise , senator who wishes 10 vpcas foe the t purpose of delay iog. It U said Stevenson will permit the silver specvh to ran slong for a Urct- until their parprte of being dilatory bcomc eviJeat. At foch time it is s.iJ the vice-pretldeat will fail to give continued recognitloa to the silver men, but will recognise Voorhees in Ha mo' ion to take a final vote. This would ! bring the contest to sn abrupt termination. Senator Stewart hss secured the original stiver demonetization pill o' 87 j. and aa- ' other copy of the measure which went to the house, interlined, crated, and generally j tampered aith. and will present them in j his speech tomorrow oa 'he real history of j the demonetization of silver. It is said be will attack Sherman savagely. Vce erday wai tbe beginning of hearings by the ways and means committee of the representatives of protected industries pre paratory 10 framing the new tsrifl bill. Tbe osly persons present weie represent stives of the potato and onion-erowers of the Bnmuda, island who asked for redac tion of duty on the- article on the ground 1 1.1: they were almost prohibitive. ui.t tney do not compete with native products, comin- in before the lalter. and because Bermuda burs fiom ihe United States much more than it sell. It look as if the protected industries of the United Ststes were not inclined to svsll themselves of the opportunity to sppesr before tbe committee. Mr Peffer the popnlUt senator from Kansas has introduced a bill . creating the department of education under tbe super vision of the sec etsry of education, who, within three tears after the passage of the act, shall cause to be constructed a college of scientific learning In which shall be taught all classic and professional studies arts, etc to be known as tbe scientific uni versity of the Red, White and Blue Cross. The bill appropriates $10,000,000 to con struct the college, andVight millions more is appropriated to create an endowment to be known as the Scientific college fanfl. That confidence has been restored is evi dent from 'the reopening of a large number of banks and commerciil houses that sns pended operations last month. In all 68 national bank have resumed business, and 56 others are exnec'ed o resume within tbe next two weeks. Even in Colorado the suspended bank are reopening their doors, eighl of be 68 referred to being located in that Kla'e. Secretary Carlisle is on the right track when lie propose t ,. mints at work cn;ning ei!ver bulli u in thsj reasury. Now let bin- pay it out tl ' us gold and the vexed quest ion ometalism or bimetulism will t ;t letUed. The next congTiss will he finishing toucbe, and . .1 ,. eut congress men who bavK mis du'y and pled" will n I -ote. Eugeni- Guard. Mr B'and. of Mis silver ;. adv c standing the Meal till a drmocrjt and 0 great hat not free ith- if ! will ' linage, he in nin a steadfast paity. Well, adherent of the deinocr why noi ? The vo-e in Vonu'ees shows that under existing condition the silver ques tion is not a ptrty one UUnd is right MrOeorge T Downing' letter the to colored democratic c mention in Wash ington made tbe point of directing ntten -tion to he fact that the sons of about all the old Abolitionists are to be found in tbe democratic ranks nowadays, together with a very large majority of the other young men. He is not surprised to see a good many of the frcedmen following them. mama A Salem ad. Is croak ; be chferfal, easier." headed : mony is "Don't getting Senator Chaa Cogswell of Lakevlew is a candidate for governor. Aslilani Rec ord. A first class man by the way. Don't be a clam. Brace ud. I-ook cheerful. Everything is coming around into the right channel, and prosperous times are ahead. Already a big improve ment is noticeable. Help it alonn, by a big kick up tun. The Carnegie Homestead plant resum ed business today, without waiting to see how the tariff will go. Only political demagogues lay the recent dull times to a fear of the tariff. Sensible people know that a party in favor of a tariff for revenue only are not going to legitlafe against the interests of the people, bat rather in their favor. However loudly Mrs Lease may yell "calamity," says an exchange, she Is taking good care of number one. Since he started in with the populist move ment sue is said to have cleared off con siderable mortgages on the larm and her husband's drug store, purchased a city home in Wichita, and sent her children to expensive schools. SThe Oregon City Conmr tells this: Lieut C Nelson, of company A, must have had a presentment of death shortly be fore the tad accident ot the sham battle that cat off his young life in the bloom and promise ot its usefulness In a serio comic way he remarked to some ot hie intimate friends that gun wads sometimes kill, and informed those in charge of his company's mess that there waa no nee in preparing supper, for all the bora were going to be murdered. He made other similar remarks until the order came to fall in. The Jacksonville Times pays a circus i that recently bilked Albany people the . n,e following ticket was nominated: following deserved compliment: Set's Governor. J M Joseph. Creaton; lieuten- i Rentfrow s circus, which gave perform- Mt governor. E A Otf. Des Moines: so ances ai t.rant's Pass and Ashland last prwyie judge, A W C eeks. Winters; Friday and Saturday, was not very well railroad commissioner, John Idle, Towns; attended. The people of Southern Ore- arhnol nnn.intiHwlir m v i w.w. ' i gon showed their good sense in staying at 1 j borne, as the show waa not even worth . ' the reduced price of admission charged- ' j A meaner and more audacious set of ; , fakirs, thieves and bun'aio men seemed to ! accompany this circus than any which ever visited this section, and ihey fonnd ' a good crop of victims- ! These are times when selfish people show j the color of their characters and the st vie of ,,..;.. i...: i.i -n i ,i .... - - -. j 1 aaaa-aa ui. . ijij isjt-ii iuuut-1 nun live on shaving and water. Crook county papers keep np pert, as follows: It is reported that men are em- ployed leveling up the unfinished grade at the front on the O P. preparatory to laying track, but we haven't heard the snort of the iron horse vet. Considering the low price of wool the fol lowinir is an aunrravatinir kind of an item. Says tne Prineville News: A treble creek man who i engaged in the sheep buirses drew Kf) on hi wooi m 1 he I laltes recently .j.i tlV lagesome one saw through bis vest pocket J SVIped the money. ! Pendleton has a telephone lias. Five i dollars a month i riiargesl. Most of the members of the exchange hare disronUnnesi the u of the telephones, on Uw in of the telephones, on account of tho nisfii iiruv it iransntre tnat tne aeu IVie,booe Co receives 32 (& a month of the ratf for nan tli-ih,.r-.- --nt ont bet her osed or not; an extortionate sfcooH be set down on. WeUooters imainn( fruit cannot be raisl 1 ; PhJ, us ,Li. ,1 .1 -lis, mi st ksm This se fVneJr .Mmmt. k.. i a - 1 ' -- uimn. uui iu mo uri as- i.rv.'. I londaeed fruit to nmlr the d-ruand. and Um? quality is suix-nor tiaoy hi., llur nwutnn. . Ik. Jtm am otsr tuns. sstaioeo ttenew. 1 ne oiner- 1 ersce in price quoted at least indicate , wotKlertul ftineirnce in the quantity. The Telegram says: District Attorney Murphy and Marshal t ira.lv have quit wnr ryirur .--bout urmfirngrion. The Senate lookl those gentlemen over and stampoi U K on them. The same was done with Collector Page, of Astoria. But there j seems to Le a hitch in Collector Black's aicarmauon. tne ctwaces are that Klack will also come out of the big end of the horn- Governor I'ennoyer is noluesl in oonnty- tion with everything Oreon. A ma I.. Wl . T- ,1. su 1 l. - uon wstsbed aaborc on the north beach of -V'wport has bew iab)cl Hoy Penn.yer. ana an eseaange says: lhe sea-gui! picked hi eye out and the crows have sralk right through hU anatomy, which snlU like a Great Northern immigrant sleeper. Salem seems to he doomed to bare a min isterial wandal on ber hamb roost of the time. Knmor ha it that another metsber of the fraternity here is committinir of fences against society thai it would be im proper to mention even in print. Unless the rtatemente of some of the best roans' ID?n n oor untrue the individual scenes of activity . Journal. Tb.- Man ilrnt Town mvrtlv had the j ptatsvtre of seeing a couple of couples pleasure of seeing a couple of couples of rleaf mates, one a bridal couple. If there i lf anytl'r niw in the world it must be that of beirur loved bv a handsome deaf mate. There is no tongue service; bat peat A polio, how the eyes and face and hands do talk love. The countenance fairly beams aad seems to shoot at a glance a thrswanrl of Cupid's beat arrows, and the finger nail the IsvKain, and the varying expressions stamp the whose business aa genuine, ami not pat on. as frequently with the honied words of the talking world. Should these 1 warning- expression give way in a year or two to looks of anger, elevated noses and clenched fingers, then mileed will the extremes have been reached. This will probably not occur. We have never heard of any divorces between deaf mute. A KFI't'RLirN- KV II. The Ost'es Aoun(oierr speaking of tbe fact that a number of republican assisted in repealing the Sherman lsw In tbe bouse says: The attitude of the republican colum:: wsj the only thing that saved the president snd his s:cretsry. There is no way of gel ling sround thst fact. There is another fct which car. not be ignored aad we heie and now call tie at tention of the Mountaixictt lo it. It Is this: That the Sherman liw wh'ch baa been re pealed was a republican measure in tolo when it was passed. It was passed by republican house, a republican senate and approved by a republican presldest. Not s single democrat in cither house voted for It. But now no one is in foolish as to sprue a word of prilfe la Its lavor. Kvcn Senator Veit likened it to a "houseless homeless dog." Then, why should noi republicans hstle to undo the great wrong they h.d inflicted upon thecnun'ry. Here is a qusstion we hav wailed in rain for tome of our republican I Hen Js to ant wer, and we repeat h with the hone some sody will try to satisfy our cuiiodty: If thr change of a '.ministration is responsible for the present business dl.lurha.ce. v bat caused the financial cataclycam in 1873? Si stales of the union are tcpiesenud tn tbe ptesent coajres entirely by native ons. They sre Mslne, Rhode Island, Delaware, Msiylsni, South Caiclina and Louisiana. A II the olhs rs iisve borrowed ' thelr delclltion in Prl or wholly from neir stsier stares or toreign co jntries . Heforc goirg lo the Bay or mountain go In and examine the Blazer and Eton jacket and suits st Resd.Peacock & Go's, Very ;hesp. Trims, raiii si K L Kenton' grocery TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Will lie lietmited Anj Los Anoki.iw, Cal, Sept 5. Judge How, of the United States district court, today ordered the deportation of Chum Sluing Yuen under the sixth section of the deary act. When the case was called for hearing a telegram from tho attorney general was rekd. whicn stated there was no funds to execute the Geary law and requesting Judge Boss to discharge :he Chinese ar rested under the Oesry act, but ordering them to be deported whenever provision tor euch deportiitiou shall bo made bv the proper authorities. The opinion is praised I uu an un. AppiicaLiuns lor over iw: warrants were made this morning. A Poor Baab. Seattle, Sept 5. Within the four hours proceeding midnight, last night, there was committed in South Seattle one of the most brutal muni era in the history of the city An old woman, 80 years of age, named Charlotte Fetting, had her brains beaten out with an iron stove-plate, and her little trunk was robbed of the savings of herself and son for year. $790 in gold coin. The fiend or fiends who com mitted the deed are unknown, and have probably left the city with the gold for winch a gray-haired mother s life was sacrificed. An t.vplntlril Lamp Seattle, Sept 5 While Miss Alice Belden was preparing to retire at the house of her sistjr, Mrs L fludgin, on seventh strees at midnight, she npset a lamp and the (lames leaped op and enveloped hir, burning her night dress off her and scorch ing her so that she may not recover. She rushed downstair bat was caught by J T Smith, who extinguished the flames by wrapping a curtain Wound her. W in doing so bad y burned his hands. Iowa Pepatlsls. Des Mourn. Sept 5. The state conven-. tion of populists was held Inre today. The com ent ion was very demonstrative and i ) .O l-L-.h I lin ,a Anikll.i.Ni l. Mln I I... I Um r.t .i r nir.iWi Mamliniltown r r-abitc staUrflaap. Wasbixotoh, Sept 5. Bills have been prepared for the erection of public build- tog at the following places: itoasborg.Or $ 25.C00 Salom. Or 100.000 San Diego.. Cal 900.000 Fresno, Cal 100.000 rast Eld las . ......... it - e .. a I ? 1 MI 5 -At the bicycle j s ss -v a a M (umbj h-uiuici "Mu J t,llf7 J - . terday lor the the mile flying start was 1 , lowered 1 :J-5 seconds by John S Johnson i j of Syracuse Johnson's time wax 207 1-5. j : The performance was the! fastest of the , ; year, sssw av-aet I c . . , , , ! Columbia. 8 c, Sept 4 Posphale In : I lanlias 1 I .. I f. 1 I from Beaufort. He renorts to Governor; Tillman that he believes the number of, dead will so away over 1000. The aggre-1 gate loss to the nosswtate companies is close to MJ.twu. v 11 n aotberai prxtcy adopt CL'tl th Coosaw farmer and Bsanfort companies they can resume operation in CO divT. if money and labor cart be serum) AMtawv SSewag. Nt.w York. Sept 4. A special from j vasbiogton say the president has steaded j to tend another special mesaagvto He h is railed his cabinet to mevt to?nrm-r SO discos lb proposed meiKtse The S prwtdent will ask fasauieas to authorize the system that coinage of the silver bolhon in the treaa . ury. This amotutU tS2.000.000. and u the , t that the overamrnt has made 00 ' i the porchass) of silver. The coinage of t bit woo " "iiKr ma up tne aenai j thai now threatens the treasury p-rirhlag fast IxnKrBXDtuics. Or. Sept 4. The hop ptckiag ana set has cnsansesKwl eencni. (Jus town l livefj. bring the center of rupnV of pfeasss riiitrilrasls nave come Jesv dan rut its week, and all have secured work- Xo t are betna; etnp'oyeo AroonJ f 40 acres 40 camtw were and after the day 's 01 chins- is over the hophoase daatee is in order. Hop-pick ing is the gala season of the year to many. The majority of the pickers are women. Hop, are in line condition and turning out : weii A fslaatvle Saw Fsaxcibvo, Sept 4. The IjiglUh stallion Ormonde, which was tntchaaed bv W O B MacrVioomrh for "1 '0.000. arrvcl i Bt n faiifomia home tonight, after al ? marney from Boeno Ayre. by way of ; ! Emrlan.1 and V. Yvet TV, r-l EnirlanJ and New York TV, n. ,:na ml at car in which Oraonde and a nnmlr nf brood mart, with their foals, made t he nade the 'np c'o tbe continent. 1 srit.-ki (iff the overland train at Hue. and rur down to Redwood City. 1 ..ao Skamaa! fs',kl. vaixwo. c.i.-sep 4 -introduction re - ccivesi it aiare isianu touay uirert toe withdraws cf tbe Mehm.tr sea patrol fiect excepuon of from tiebrinar sen, with tbe one eessel which will remain in tbe north and patrol the vicinity of the rookeries at the rribykff islands. Tbe Petrel, which ha been with tbe ftWt for the past summer win return immediately to the Asiatic station cn receivi g a supply of uip's store. Hiiintn, Coon. Sept 4. At a bicydt i meet here today Tylet broke tbe half mile world's record, riding in 1 K)l 2-5. This is ; two-thirds of a second bitter than Zi turner- . man reward. Ha also cut the quarter mile flying; start record, in com pi tttion. down to 25 V second. This is also under ( Zimmerman record made last year at tbe ' same track. A Tram sttOeat. Graxt's Pas, Or, Sept 2. Charles ; Shaw, irhile riding on the bmikbeam of a south bound passenger train yesterday; morning, between West I or andftlendale. went to sleep and fell off. three coaches passing over him. Section men found him ' three boon after and placed him on a I freight tr.un and brought him to llrant's Pass. The railroad company' surgeon dressed hit wounds, amputating his right leg below tbe knee He had severe scalp wounds and was otherwise horribly muti late I and bruised. He died at 6 o'clock, soon after recovering from anesthetics. He was from Cameron Junction, Mo. snd claimed to be well connected. rasscaer I rain Held tp. SntiMifiEXD, Mo, Sept 3. Near Mound I Valley, Kan, at 5 o'clock this morning, j three men held up tbe St Louis k S.tn Francisco passenger train. Express M, - j sengjr Chapman was shot and killed. Fad ing to secure money from the express car the bandit robbed the passengen. It is ' estimated the amount of booty secured fell not short of $5000- Watches, diamond j and other valuable were Uk.iii along with , cash. Women were not molested. It Will he Pnasvedi Wasiunutobt, Sept 3. The senate shows no disposition to shirk the re-spontibility j placed upon it by the house to pass the bill I to repeal the purchasing clause of the Sherman silver law. Mr Voorhees has given frequent notice that he will press the i repeal bill at all times, until it is disposed 1 of. It i expected that Mr Hale's propo- I sitjon thst the senate meet at 11 o'clock daily will be accepted, and thus, generally and gradually, the pressure wiltbe brought to bear upon tbe silver who hold out on the 1 Bght against repeal. 1 hlrly reals To Lsw. ioi.DKSDALE, V ash. Sept :t TLe farmers about tioldemlale are now busily engaged threshing. Some are very much 1 discouraged at present low prices of wheat at Urant's, and if no advance 1- made won at that point much of the wheat wi'lbei hauled to The Dalles, where the price is much better for wheat at this time. Ihe hay crop in Klickitat county is better this i year than ordinnrily The only hopvard j In tbe county is owned by illinnt Van j Vaetor, of Uoldendale. A Very Martina Farl. TopKXA, Kan. Sent 8 Ex -Senator In- galls has re entered politics, and his pro gram is laid down on tno most aggressive lines. He will appear before the repnbli can state convention a year hence a candi date for the nomination of governor, and at the close of the term, should he be elect ed, he will be a candidate for Peffer's seat in the senate. These facts ere given out by lngalls' closest political friends. 8TIUCT CO.VlMTIONa ABK ACCEPTKli. Chairman Wilson has appointed h.s sub committees. The Committee of Wsys and Meins is ready tor business. So Is the country. Tariff reform has been ordered, and f,'ie mmufacturers themselves have a right to a ::t'rncnt which will re -Hove Iticir anxious doubts. AH other business ought to know as soon ni posiible what a tariff for revenue looks like In a st.it 1 1 book. Tariff refotm mill a:Lct prices If it woulJ not. It winning would be a worthless victory. Tariff reformer,, predict ihst the result will be better pi ice, for n.oicallural products, steadier market for manufactur ers and heavier f jr the inurcai'.ile classes. If the labors of the committee, when ap proved by the two bouses ani the Presi itnt, are not followed by thi result, the friend of tariff reform will either be able to show that the new tariff li not a revenue system or will acknowledge the virtues of protect ion. The issue U accepted under those condi tions. If within u months from the going Into effect of the Wilton tsrifl there are nol clear evidences of s revival of agricultural prosperity the democratic party 'l! conf-s that Its measure i awkwardly devised or that its principlf Is wron;. U three-fourths of the manufacturing ano mechanical in dustries are not enjoying prospect of wider markets, the same confession wilt be made. ; If the merchants are not selling mors goods, ' the obllgition to confess applies. Now, go sbead, Chstrmsn Wilson, and j construct a democratic tji'ff bill. Let ao weakening poi! it ty tnmetrr. The demo cratic psrty i before the judgement seat Catarrh Cannot fee Cared with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, a they reach Ue seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood orexmstitattonal disease, and in order to core t you must take internal remedies. Ball Catarrh Cure is takei. internally, and set tinvilv on ths htoorl rnd nun nils surfaces. Uill'i CAIiirh (Nirv. iinnl lODlfk medicine. It was prescribed by one of ths best physicians in this country for years, and is a re-uir pre scription. It is composed ot the best too lea known , combined with the best blood purifiers, actios directly on the mucous surfaces. Ths mtotS mmMnatitn of the two iasTCsUents Is what produces such wonderful resnitta lacaassts Catarrh, bend tor leaumonisjs. Jrse. P. J. CHENEY. CO. , Props.. Toledo, O SSSSa Or vuUaS1-, price .ac. Albany Market Tbt'.4Sc. Oata, 2le. Hoar, M On fatter. Ss. E4BS.I&3. Lard, 12 to I5e Pork - ham 12 to 15 -. atioairier to Wo, atav 1 1 to 13c Hay. baled, a? uo stona, 90c. Applea.1 00 Hops. 12c i'nei fruit plums, 9c app a, Su Chickens. 4 00 dm dozen. Besf, 00 foot. 1K-. Bog, dreaae 1. 7c Hood's Cures Mr. C. XL Card Oakland. Cat, Made Over Anew Meadacrvo Cured -Weak MatJo Strong ami Waft. a " For yean I bad tick besdaebes every day. and s io Biu ews-y wesa iaa. iksw i sre been taking Hoofs Sjtrxspsrtlta, 1 have been ewsssxly awtest of haadaehes. sad say lasssarasnwosaadweO. IiesaJs often y "ow I tell t-icin I. s sn 1 How Vc'.I You're Looking. Is tlsw to ET fhnsparC.v I a scan la stiiare rrrrx ! PaRi txJon HooJs sarsap- s'-- aajaitae use 1 uccu taiunciiiansi rtri -.".osa to 65 pound, hot now t 111 Uj Criecdj tiout I waoM be leaj ms: 'zzt I sa perfectly welt I aa unaUe lo exprc rsy thaiu tor the pxxl 'Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 has done ot. M.L. C a CAru. 1C15 Adans j ssxtcUOaX CaliJornta. . -, .. pr-1" 7 ASTRO. t i, nation wanted t- a housework, and bv ajonaggir ' draw brx S76 Ad- Strictly Cash. K. L. K r t 11 ha. sdept-d a cash itstein and will hereaftvr sail groc r it CASH '. NOTIC: 0? FiivAL SHTLEflENT. OTICK U UEBJEBY GIVES TIIAT THft Cab SnSHal ..In.TiiiSrir., ih. -... . ' W M Uarsv tiereaani, bss Sled sua the tiers of the OoantT Owrt tor Una ruunl), Oregon, .lis ftasi aceoaat in said estate, sad the fwiatjr Omit ha Sie the llth ixj of ISrtoaee. S3S.at the Sear ot 1 .'clock p m of ssU ear, at las fount v 1 ,'urt 1 '.x in inine t unt, court botas.ne-the Ssarine t ehjMUooa II any to aaU aacuuai and for rettlcinenl of ssl-J estate Dated Sept 4:h. ItsR. C t CEORGE. AJitumstrater HILL'S RfUO OUR TESTIStONWLS 1 Double Chloride of Gold Tablets .-ill wtMlVtbAftaalvsri rn.TfMr t P A 1 r . . . - mmm Di.ONKENNESS an MORPHINE HABIT lyXCT' S V VCV Uie JUcnUliy Uicuseof our SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CJHE TAJILETS. S fhtrlnjt treatment patients nre aIlowrt the freo use of Honor or Mar J.Sar raaT ar t pUloe until auehtlnieaatliey shall voluutarily a-lwi then: urv S awMasV ka S Ve aenu nartlculars and immntilei r t,.Kti,,,ii,.iu ., xraw m W hr Blml to place sufferers from any of Uouwitli persona who havo beoncurud MILL'S TABLETS ore for sr. UXUHK1M1M ill ai ,w ht j mi siir. If yourlrii(iirittlm'snotk-pthom,encloeeus ft nnds ewlll scud you, by rvuixu uiuil, a oaokasru of Tabletn. Write yonr namoaml rddress pj.ilnly, and stnto whether Tuhit-ls uro foi' Toti..co, Uorhkinc or 1. r Ilchlt. fc DO NOT BE DECEIVED Into purchasing 1 mi rn ti 1 ui fiitf-. ASM t.. r-1 t n f Wtt L Jr f t- ll.-Jr.i i Cr ::na uiui- uu i tt i M ssuui uc LmxU only by OHIO CHEMICAL St. S3 65 Opera LIMA, OHIO PAETTCl'l FREE. TUB 1 alaVVfl trQEWTS W ft N tin wriUnw Block . S aWfJll faaV ..flr. wssv Vis HIGH LIVING, if you keep at it, is apt to tell upon the liver. The things tp prevent this are Dr. Pierre's Pleas ant Pellets. Take one of these little Pellets for a correc tive or gentle laxa tive three for a cathartic. They're the smallest, easiest to take, pleasantest and most natural in the way they act. They do permanent good. Constipation, Indigestkm, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious Head ache, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels, are prevented, relieved, and cured. They're guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case, or your money is returned. The worst cases of Chronic Catarrh in the Head, yield to Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. So certain is it that its mak ers offer S500 reward for an incurable case. CARPETS, WALL PAPER, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, Best : in : He : Met. -AT Fortmiller & Irving's. WANTED At the stoic n formerly asssiM Allen Bros-, BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACON. and CHOICE APPIiES, for which I ail! pay Ihc best rul' pricr 6 f RAMP possible. X Al.KD HAY Nome, baled hs v icbt X- .y ttamasaed. tnr at r i 1 1 . . - s . . i r.w. van. arsraui ano 37 1 nsursotv ott,. -r . I. Ass Morris k to. Flour ani M Store. Hare removed -.heir store to the Strshas store, formers ocevted Devne i Rcbvoo, and see on hand a full stock c COIVALL S FUO it, BUAI, SNORTS CchM MEAL. GkKAw, BUCK WHEAT, m aOUR, HAY, 0A1S. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEE!': Custom chopping do e. NEW : FURNITURE, AMY SWRK IiXOWnUT O&WOStfSJOB t'vKSITVRI. CCilbTIKO 11 f led roora se-t. chair soir gra, etr-, which I will ant! at BOTTOM PRCES. for bsirsisa. Thoss BriDk. Poam. urn, Ci,- , ,v A Open all the year. Srcder-ta may enter at . ty time. Catalogue free. A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. S7. - A HR r.V.AIIIWfB rHOTOU R A l II -aisM ms - REMEMBE B"B SCaSUKTET A .. and invite the Uy arid ttte meid atKm an to our reapoaatbll ta of our Tahlots. ttuwm hnhlt.Hi i oosaBaunltsa lirtbdumiufniK-lisiesa 5 n hv 1 aiassi in ish ui -t - bsx ar -r- r .atW. rV.aVaaw -aue w . V ostmfej ,10 u wo th mid from rm, to Tnn 1nio OrrratlCA t, Co. : tJINTHass v-Some Utue saro 1 sent for Si.m worth i vsair T&blets forTolm, vo Habit. 1 rs-eelvad tlieni all rural ' .H!th,uir!i they did tho work tn lw than .ruiy yours, at a tutu juii. i;-. v. ssua. - t'tTTSBUKCB. Pa. Oslo mtstriL Cn. : liRv-rilL-MK: It in von me tsliMSUre to apeak a Word of praise for yowr Tablets. My son wus strongly addit text to the uf Uiiuor.aiKl ihruuirli a file ml. 1 wiuilrd totrv voir Tablets. He was a heavy aud coiiHtant lirinki r. hut after iminc vom and will not touch Honor of anv kind" 1 yu, iu order lo kuow tlio culm was jxiruiuueut. OlTr VVilri t fVis !vel Varr a V Aa fsa Vs.. UaTaMi 11 a mi. . i". -. A hviawtnBrsallv fi.n u.tvuti two mckatfua of your Tuulcu, and withoui'kiuy oilort Jk.iXAvotm all OixUin THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO.. TIED r ; , u and IK Opera B'jkk. - IMn OHIO. mmain J F. FORD, Enuttti, (OREGON STATE FAIR. Of Des Moines, Iowa, writes underrate cf March 23, itrus: S. B. Mko. Mro Co.. Oufur, Oregon. Qentlmvn On arriving home last week, I found all I .11 ...:.1.. n... i:,.i. ' well and ansionsly a'vsiting. Oar little girl, e eht and ooe-holf years old, who had Wa ted away to 38 pounds, ia riw well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed op B. Coagh Care ha dim; its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S B. Cough Care has cored and kept sway all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with grexing for all. Wisbii gyon pro uei i y , we ar YoBf. Mr k M J t Fonv. If voa wish to tssl tiasM and ehAsef nt. and re-'tr tlr me Springs work, tiaante your sys-e-n wrth .ha naanaras aau uvar ctart. taking to. or uree inane ssi h -etk. SO orals psr bottio by all draggMts. X 1 1 ander s positir rnsrsjtev I jr J ACUMMING. Notice of Assignment.1 NCTIC? is hereby eiven tht base Beam of Albany, Oregon, baa dniy sasigned to the anaersmnea assignee so nis .rpeuy sou tjTasSs for the benefit of his crtdito:, under SSsI by virtee of the general asaignicent taws of the state of Oregon, at d ander signed has heretofo.e t -ait on the 2oih day of Angust, 1893, daly qaalihcsi as socb Bsngnce. All perioes having c.airoa against laid ioso'iveut and the e-tate thereof are hereby required to present the same to the neder- stgeed at t he , tore house bsriiding of Isaac Beam, in the city of Albaay, O econ, under ca'h within three months from this date. Dated tnis 2ad day of ftep'eaber. A D, 1SS3. R KCAXTEEBUBY. A-'gnee of Isaac Beaan,an insoivint. To Farmers I HAVE RENTED TBE MAGNOLIA Mill warehouse and will have it in fcod enter for receiving the present crop. TV i warehostse is first class and eooseniet-tly tststsaw. Cootsjn wo good cleaners. eieJav in uploading . Sack will be oa hand for eat j very ia due tine. Give me a ea'i ; before making arraneeaenhi to store voar crop O. P. SIMPSON. Albsay. Or., July 13ih. 1893. T. & RACKET, n.n. ftaai SI taaaass rassh ssal Qaasasss St. TP.KsP ASS NOTICB.- A'i bnoters an herefer notified not to trtwpass upon the aoeloaed rjremlsewof tbe utKirahtwd, bsut miles eavat o atiosvary. aaxlesr) peisaion ts first ottsined. Sassttl p all wno inns trespass. K M BLT.KU RT. M rat. Dr. Palleroti Hsillsiee The N'sSeS flsihiiiijaal aew U Knder. is bars, aad eaa tie tmmS a Bar J 6 CoecUTs. She akawt att SBAjeeu levaeai aaa farare; tasw troawis. s. V,-u caa U-nr iraas rear era UssaJa. 4 i . H LOW AT 6 FtR CENT ON CITY PaOPf RfY. M SENDERS ALBANY FORNITOBE CO' a taJtiBwe Mnk, - - Altair, wit. nssslears it. all kinds of Kurwilure. Wa. Farnr Carpeta, Ijoo'eurns. Pietnre Frame, ttc UNDERTAKING A SPECIAL IT ; HYDE & JAMES, Prorr rr" - P. Asm vaoac, Paiiccirai- Cahh. photos from $ 1 to 4.00 o per a ' - pectalt T- ' i. -'"- for $10- we "Strrv a larsp: aracst f vS ar. sssjrescopic tic m ui- EaU. on' CTKK most FEW Tesh'Wuials from pei "sons who havo l'ert cured by the us ot r Sfsravatt "W si d A . mus laoieiSe Itir Onto catitsticst-Oo.: Dsan Stst -l navo own v.sinit yo it or totmeco stahit. aud found It won a lut vi mi claim for it. I used ten cen St of taa uUiniasast nhsw IM tobacco a da s wie to flvo etcarn; or 1 would Kmoke" turtviiiiu-Mi sssbaceo. Have chewed and sinrshedfor twentv-flvo years, and two packagssi ! your T.bleu, cured ttiesm 1 ;Vav no desire for it. B. M. J vYLORU, Leslie, illch. Doa as Fbbkt. N. T. ! was bothnheav v smoker aud chewer. thresMjay. 1 an tewed. Tatilets out ihresi lavlu Quit itrinktnK, bavo waited four month, before, writing 1 ours truly, 1 riser 'wwsbbW B'lSaJ UinDlllAU utss, 1 1, i.t wvniusTv. iHvinvx Ohio. ab Va wAnMnh aa ssstssaAlss in tn V CaUtl - Vtte"a ulwVhttwM hah m !! it V tb Q t ou my part- "W. JU 1AJTJD&AT. to Under the SstVftB entof lb Stste Board of Agricaltnte, on tie State Fair Grounds near Salem, commenaiog- September 1 1 th. 1M93, and contianina one week. More then $15 000 in cash will he psid at premiums for stock, poultry, swine sgricnl torsl prnIncU,fiaits,nstive woods, minerals, wotks of srt amT's-iy work, and for tiisli of ped . Hedncerl rstcs of fare and limx'u't on all transportation line. Favillirn open four evening during be wek, witn good mnsic ... " rt.. a J in sttenaaoee. I he res grand tnd and the new regulation track are conesded rob among the most com'crtsble and the best o the Pacific Coast. iplendid contests saSaalaaall ilse There is entered forth I c-.otesta the best field of horses this y. ' tbst hss been on I he grounds foe man i sessons Valaabi and hacdw rne improve t meott have been ms-ie on the gionnds and ; boiidicg. Premium li-t hss been revised and im wovtd to the txnefit 1 f eshibitois. Kc tries for premium close at 3 p n 00 the first ds of the fair, and exhiUts dinst be in place by 10 p m of said day. MUCK or SOMLSSIOS Mew's Season Ticket tomer-'s Season Tickets MeoV Day Tickets Women's Day licktU Bate Track Tickets, dairy Women to the race conre,free ...S2.5r .... 1.00 .... .25 25 25 Children ander 12 jer. free to all. I - i ths seer. tirv at Portland for a P en, m List J APFKKON. JT6BKOO, S.sr.tsrj , !-,. - ;-r.t. Aoksth WAKTVDOnSab.ryandC for TH E ONLY AUTHORIZED Biopaphy of JABS B. BLAINE, By GaTL Hsmiltot., hi literary eiecator, with the co-otieratw n of risfsn i'v, aad for Mr. Blaine's Comfilet' Wak, ' Tsrcttrr Vsvsas or Covott ;," d hi later boos, "PoUTICAL DlWDf-KWS " ' Ons prnsprctas for these set sdxiso 1 o W ia the mar ket. A K P Jordan of Me.. took 112 orders from first 110 calls, agent's po5;fl!5 50 ! Mr Ballard cf O. took 15 o.-ders. 13 -eai ' P.ossia, ia I da: profit f26.25. E K Rice of Ma s. took 27 wdera ia 2 da-.s: profit $47.25 J Patrtdge -f Me tr..v 42 orders from 3G call; profit $75.25 K A Pa'asev i of N. Dak. toos 53 n-devsia 3 i.v; profit 98.25. Exr.trsiTC Tsuitobt . If yon sub to make LA tit E MoSEV Me j immediately for term to TieMfjrj Bill Pub. Co.,Iff:rk,C)H ALBANY COLLEGE.: Fall Term Begins September 13. Send for Catalogue. Address-, RKV. S. COSDIT. Alfasmy, OrtrgoB. Star Bakerj Ctrllr dlti stssd rirwl it CiNfiAB HEYtR, PRGPIEiOR. : , Saassts al Frs la. t aaae.t S s tlstern. wssr Vsetwhl. Cicstt a rteel Frail Ttkaree. offlee Tea Ete.. tae rarsetraaaji sarSsspaevaaasl tar fU.L KINDS OF PRODUCE DSiraSITY : OF : ORBKIS. EUGENE Just closed the most prosperous year 1st its historv. Wide range of studies. Tho -outh irvst ruction. H nesw course added, ruitios free. Ent eai.ee fee, $10. Board and lodging at 1 -asonahle rates i.i the elegant stew dcrmitor-r and boatrdine hcli ' on the campus, where students willrecetvt personal suoervisJots. John W. Johxsox, ?.-e DRUGS. Stationery. Toilet Artijles, Musis Instruments, Etc lodp k MM, The Co rner Drug Store," Albany, 0i . NOTICE OF TIRAL SETTLEMENT. ; trnni t is HF.ar.RV givks that thk itv. i it oenasuesi exeeator rf th. las will aad tsstaawal I of Jotta ttdrea, Sscsssart. aa tea Us Isslsrjasssit stJ that tae oHiBly cot rt ot aaM Lias eoa.tr. baa Snsl rYhtay. the Slh da.v of SepUmbsr, 1SS&V . fAa boar ot 1 o'clock in the afternoon ot aaU dav, tor the SBsnor of obiectkrts if anv to said Seal ae I ooaet and lbs setUaaseat of aaat sat all. Dated Austnt 1Kb, IS S. BAyoNSBELTOX. J B H lit' a ITT, Bxcater I at' hw Cte.-ut.ir. i Notice for Publication T ANO OSTICS AT V. - CTtr, Ok t no: . Angus' Bss, 199&. N ioa is kiit f jiven that the following ; wauicd settler ha. fi'.e notice cf his iutention u ifcs oual ii:- or in support of his claim, .... thst said proof will be mads before Ha County Clerk of Linn Co, Ore., at Al , Oregon, on October 16th. 1893. vlsi George " Myers, H K No 7354, for the N ' j i ot the N W M and S of N E i sec 34, tp : 1 X. rv I H. aVtaa, nsrirtS Irtaa f I lou inn utit 1 ... i,:... " 1 1 1 sTSJ at V. at WUUam DowsJtos of isw)mb Liao Co,Ore ' sH'n; Marion JDowDtDg. of Lacx-mLinii Co, Oregon; Foukkt A miller, Regtter Wall Panp.r M.JL XJLX JL UiVaB. t J riirs, Paintsi, Oils Glass., Jbltc J. A. CuDimiDg aiDliiv nnrn nawnissi viiasu