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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1893)
WKAThKKFORD it (HAS BRLtl., Altsrnor at Law. Will practice In all court of the tat. Special attention given to matter In probate and to oillcottota. OFFICE-In tb rilnn block. K BIIXYBU Attorney at Law vnd Solicitor In Chancery. Coll 'ion maile on all point. Loan negotiated on rabl term. Albany, Oregon G EO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, Notary Will practice In all the court of thie tM Special attention riven to ollec'.ione and matter in prebaU Ufflor; Upstairs Maaon-Twedalo Block Albasv. Ora IV .it'RMt'ltN & V II legal matter will reueive pronto attention Hi I. i' til Temple, Albany, r. u .f.J WHITNEY, AUorney at Law, Albany. Or. M OVTAJiVK HAC HI. KM AN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. TAMES J. CHARLTON. f Attorney -at-Law. All leral hui attended o VaP"v; FLINN'3 Bloek, Albany. Or: D r. j. i.. mix. Physician and Surgeon , OFFICE Corner Ker-y atreeta, Albany, Oregon. jRt. H INTO A DAVIS. Ph.vsi.0an and ISa . i , Surraon. OFFICE Comer eoond Call pro.nptly .:cdalbin streets. Alhant . Or. atterded i city and aatij. C." hist, tm Speci-llst in ttlasases of the Eve. Office beers I to a sat 1 o 3 m. aad I to 4 Bin. A i CresTra. FromTerminal or Interior Puii.ts the Nortltern Pacific Bailroai Is the line t lake To all Points EAST ail SOUTH It tm the DIHIM3 CAR ROl'TE. It runs Through VF.ST1BI L EU TRAINS EVER DAY in Ike Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. t0 CHANQEiOF CARS.) Composed of Dining Cars losorpassed Pollnan Drawinj? Eoob Slwperg Of latest Equipnent TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Best ttat can be construct I and 1a which aocom modal ion are both free and furnished for holders of First or 3 cond elasa ticket, at d ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Lino connecting with al linw, affording Direct and Ud interrupted Service. Full man sleeper reservations can be secured In advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TCCKKTS to and from all points in America England and Kurope can be purchased at aty ticket office of this ooa-i any, Full information concerning rates.time of trains, roatessnd other Jetalis farm lshed oa application to any agent, or A D CHARLTON. Assistant Genera) Passenger Agent, no izi r ir st, cor. wasnington, Portland, Oreroo. C G Burkhari. local agent. THROUGH TICKETS sa'stll'li rwrnw TO SHI T LAKE, DENVER. KANStVS CITY ST, LOUIS, asa all EASTERN CITIES. O A.Y 4 TO f2 2 CHICAGO HOURS ,UIMD?MEMTAM HOURS sWsascm4" PULLMAN AND T0U1I3T SLEEPERS. FREE FECLINiMG CHAIR CARS DINING CARS. For 'ares and general information cal o;. or address W H HURLBURT.Asst.Gen'l. Pasa. AKt, 2.S4 Washington St.. Portland. Oregon CURE VOyft3ELF! rlftrtnililen whh (i(ifinrri,aai r.-i . .i. ... : . 1 1 or unnatural dlscharsw - i--., .. iin.-.r-iwririHiorrn j rour drisBlst lor a bottle of rnrs w. u cure in at rwrm I-.'iiK.itthnaldorpiibllcIly of a rloctor. Non-noboDOus and lenaranteed not to ttrlctiirs. Tht Unlvrwl AmtrUm 0a. Manufactured by .Th- Zthbs Chemic.. 9k CINCINNATI, O. U.S. "e. VI60R MEN Easily. Qalcklt. Perraaasmli Restsrstt WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY, and all the train of t; from tarty error, or later excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry, etu. Full atreusth. deTelopirieut and rone given 10 every organ and portion ot tba bodr. Btnrple. natural liiethorls. Imniedlatelurprovement seen. Fnllure ImuoaaUll. 2.0UH referencea. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (auled) free. ERIE KEDICAL CC. BUFFALO. H. V. FACE LIKE A BURN Bloody Water Oozed Out Constantly. No Peace Day or Night . Doctors Failed. Cured by Cutlcura. I Iy child's disease, which was the worst kind ,,stancuoti one cneeit iikci riiigwuiui. It apread and itebrd n tno pour little fellow had no peace n ight or day. Then it started on the other cheek and chin, until all were raw a a piece of beefsteak, like a burn where you would rub off the kin, and bloody water nosed out constantly. Hl ufer InR were terrible I know, al though he was but six months old and could not tell bow bo ivStemal. I tied his band that he would not scratch, then he would rub his poor little cheek on hi shoulder to relieve the intense itehiiip. I had as good a doctor as was in Philadelphia, but he failed to relieve him. I read of the Cuticx ra Rsa ediss, and at once purchased them. Strange to say that very night he rested without scratching his face. and. from that on he improved and soon waa entirely cured. I would like anyone suffering from this terrible disease to see my boy, who is in his twelfth vear now. His complexion is as clear and smooth a can be. This is an unsolicited testimonial, and every word is true. I thank God for my child's recovery, and 1 thank tbe manufacturer of CCTicuitA. Mrs. E. 9. GAMBLE. 852 N. Forty-Second St., Philadelphia. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS And hare effected the most wonderful cures ot torturing and disfiguring ski ti and scalp diseases of infants and children ever recorded. They afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedv cure when the best physicians aad all other remedies fail. Bold thronghout the world. Price, CnrrcritA, 50c.; Soar, Ste.; Bbsoltsht, tl. Pottx Daco and Cbxx. Corp. Sole Proprietors, Boston. J6T " How to Cure Skin Disease," mailed free. DIDV'C 8klnand Scalp purtned and beautified DAD I 0 by Ctmcoaa Boar. Absolutely pars. IF TIRED, ACHING, NERVOUS Mothers knew the comfort, strength and vitality in Cntieura Anti-Pain Plasters, ussy would never be with out them. Sdsallfto Amricut CAVEATS. TRACK MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPTRrOHTS. artcDooa write to TIT, ITSW Tl PlrlT aMatsM Hit ptm hra&ottoa Mas By us as grrea tn EAST AND-SOUTH, via THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Express Trains leave Portland Daily noanur I. Pjrtated T:0or. a. I Lt lOtttrs 1 Lr LUitlir Ar I TJi as Li:S Lt j I fiO r a Albany Abro traloa stop only at fallow! at: tation narth ee KOMWirt- Btwt rortlaDd, Orwoo Cltjr, A'.bar.r. Tajunt. Balaey. Has- riafcanr. Junction City, Irving, KaaVus ssras sail, aa,T a t a j Lv Itt r a I Lt fcSSra Ar Ar ' ).- LtIxJH IXrvl TJCa Albany ALaaa-r tocai. uai (a r SrjiAT) SSOr Ml Lv t V r ! Ar PnrtaanJ Albacy Ar ; :30t Lv J0 a :10 a Iwta l:SCr a .OSa a Lv Ar L Ar Mhawj c l as ; Lr Ar I Lt ss. :arr feStra Albany raseaswa PULLMA- BUPFFT SLEEPERS. AND Dininar Cars on Ogden Route. SECONO-CLrKS SLEEPIM6 CARS AUaeataal la all Tbswsqra Tralaa Teat Sifts Mrltlw. ra sTTLAJia as cam tax. lis. Stall. niSpiiu (EtwptSuDoay, T-Jn a a I IxuO r s Lt Ar ArlfcMrs av I u n CorralUs 1 rears aarar (RaciptSwaatay. inarsi Lv TSral Ar Portland aeXuuiTUln Arl4aa Lv I &.4S a Triaroissrla TiclietM to all point In thi Eastern statet, Canada and gnrripe can b ob-woad at ra.e from C K rmk.Amt Altsaay. K0SHLEB K F. ROGERS, Wasaa-sr v- O. 7. nJ PurtHtd Orrcon. THE WEBFOOT ROUTE Oregon Pacific Railiod, W SlAtVLVr. Kavrelrer. TUfBsrjUEnULE. exetpt Bundars.1 n Albany ll:in r. m,:lt Vaqoina. 7r"0.,k Corrallia 1:0s r, a. I Leave CorvallU,lH:S5a,a Arrl -e Taqalna, : r. a. Ajtim Albany, 11:11 a. Direct Lini Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Vallev Points and San Krancisco raossu raascraco Willamette Valley. Jul; IUh 2Tth, rao Tsacma. WillaaietU Vallay, July 211, .1 f p m. The Com p. tv frtirvea (he ngnt Tnge sailing latoa w-'tbout notice. BiTKR MTKAHEM. tcamer '-Hot' leave Portland Wednesday and Saturday Its, HCDry.Orn A'i't.Stlm n Street VVhtrf.Portland D K Vtnim. 0 it rY Htn rrnelaon, Oal. R X Malcahy, General S upU i lit nt nnojiki. iitsh, or AI.BAi V. OKKOor rettdtnl Vice Freairtant ...1. rumf . K. YOUNG -It. W LAN O DON ACOOUST8 KBIT subject u eheefc. SIGHT EXCHANGE and tl rapbic tranater, sold New York, ban Kranciaco, Chleago and V itiand eon 00 JLBtrriONf dAOKon tavuraht tnc stascToaa. a. K. Torrss E, W, Lo L K BUUB, I). Fuss owaae I . Box. I'flHi fi dt n..nnnnin Or AI.HANV, OHSOOS TRANSACT a renortl HuiVlrir nslt- Ir RAW SIGHT IIRtrfd cm New V..rk. Kan fr a 00 .ml Hurtlanrl, Oretf .n. LOAN MONEY on amrroverl wrivi... MOt vk .. mi-. . ii,j .. .. . h -t OOLLK..TIrl,',Sruwie ur U''4 urrrll. IKTEkKdT uald M time ileixralu B ANK OP CIO, 010, OBKUOSt. ornossa Oil lODt , shier . , 1 Uijsk .A J J.i us Tbey inevease appnute, purtt: ravstem ituu act ou tun u ver one oi r.ezcma at I SI sjst 1P- Kaunas. 361 Braadwar, Kew Tort Qtr. AWV THK BEIIKINU SKA OKI'ISION The following press comments I he Behrlng sea decision will be of Interest: The New York WorM save. The dec Lion seems to tie against the United Slates. Really it gives to tbe gov ernment and io t'fe lessee, the fur company, all that was rightly asaed . It only remains for the two interested countries to carry out tbe provisions. The tribunal has decided agains us, but the contention was practi cally abandoned by Mr Blaine and by our j counsel on the argument. The ffcrtiU has this to sty ! This country may well be satlstltd with the decision of the Bcliring sea arbitrators given i Paris ytsterday. It is against the .United Siates on verv claim to exclusive right, but It calls for the protection of the seals by the joint action of this country and Great Britain, and protection Is the sub stantial advantage we have been after. The most this countty had reason to expect in value from the arbitration was an arrange ment for the protection of the seals and this we got. The happy ending of this Inter national controversy juatitiet the timely sentiments expressed yesterday by tne pretiden'. of the tribunal, Baron de Ccurbel, as 10 Ike value of arbitration. The London Daily Cknmidt says; We feel e sentiment of profound gratitude at I In- fill' j.tlli-mrnt nt h liiFfirultv v, hi -li 1 ence tarea'ened to Involve the interests of ; t, v r s'- ss a t'l 'l' rvir aav a osiusasss of reason and humanity over which the civilized world should rejoice. It Is good for the world to know that Keglishmrn have rot claimed a single thing that the tribunal has not decided to be in perfect accordance with reason and justice. Amer ica from the outset has not had a leg to stand upon. Its case has been altered hall a dozen times. It nicked and chose evidence to suit it arguments Part of ita case res id on forgeries and it stood out for rights which would infringe on the com n. on rights of mankind. We are not disposed to criticise the proposed regulations, without which the seal weu I i soon become ex t'net. They will ieaye America a pretty bill of compensation to pay to the North Ameri can Commercial Company. The Toronto Gtobr says: It scarcely seems possible to accurately judge the effect of the award on lb Cana dian cad o! tbe Industry until those who are intimately acquair ted wilt 'he cendi t'oos wih which it is carrie.l On are beard from. Onj thin; is very apparent, the regstatior. ought nor to be a severe dtap- 1 poiotmcot to rur neighbors. None ol the ; privileges in this very profitable calling are abridged in tne slightest degree. The lessees of tbe islands will likely rename the laughter of io,ooo animals jeirly a-d the American treasury will be enriched 10 the extent of or $400,000 a year a rental and royalty on the franchise. Tbe close season will affect them but very littles whereas it cuts eff three of the best roost hs of the year from outside hunter. Tee j t sited states gets the test of the boslses, on the whole, therefore Canada 1 noi satttaratt K.. . la. t,-,l ft- ., what'more the arbitrator, cou'd Iwve done. I - artil SMNG TO KIND OCT. The truth i that the American people have been coquetting with a great danger and are now awakening to the simple prop osition that American markets cannot be surrendered to the cheap labor of Europe and at the same time be preserved tor the Asscrican worsingmen. atrue rwtww. The forgoing party pabslsm it fed to re- j regarciess 01 tne capacity or rneir aireaay over .oatieosroaaacas. .000- .e- , tend to know what the foreyvng dcclar- atlon mesas. Nor do rcpjij.icjn editor. care so long as it Is swallowel whole. It must refer however to that poni is of the StcKiaiey tariff rmirh is prohibitory sad which if retained will compel those foreign masufacturers to carry out their purpose to bring their plants aad operatives to Am erica and here manufacture. This was the - threatened remedy of these who were iha .rr f I--. k. ,h. ..fea. the McKinley tsrifl in Europe and o'ber oreign countries. And '.hi no', oaly brings foreign labor to the Ual ed State, but to this extent prevents impart da ties. This is tbe nstur.' result of all prohibitory tariffs. And this country was boldly tbreattaed with this invasion cf lbe field of American labor when the Mioiey tariff taw went into e Beet. The election ot Cleveland has for the present at least held this project in abeyance Notwithstanding this republicans in Congress n' nothing dose with tfcis prohibit- -y tsrifl for two years, thereby preventing imports aad compelling foreign espi al and operations to compete with these of the United States On American soil A prohibitory tsrifl nay prevent imports, bnt 1; can nit prevent foreign competition with American f labor on American ground. Uxcut Nkd. The exjminaticm of the books of the collapsed bank lately managed by Charles , Foster, tx Secretary of '.he Treasury, has revealed a very startling aad shameful state ot things. The examiners report tbst Foster's own accocei is overdrawn by more than $100 000, that his partners' accounts, those of some of his clerks snd those of concern in which he is pecuniarily interes ted are ass heavily in arrears. If the re ports mad- are security, and there would seem to be no occasion far doubting them, Mr Fester and his associates have LetrayeU the trust reposed ia them by their townsmen. Tbey hsve helped themselves lo the depos its placed with them for safekeeping. Whether in doing this tbey hsve kept within the bounds of technical legality it will be for the ourts to determine, As 10 ' the wrong and sham' of their there can be no question in any mind. conduct upright j Th: Canadian Architect suggu that in building Utah houses where they sre not pro'ee'ed by surrounding property, not to forg.-t that hollow walls will add greatly to ihe convenience of lbe occupiers, fbey will render the bouse cooler in summer and warmer la winter, end will assist materially In keeping the house dry. The cost of hollow wail is only very Utile higher than that of walls built solid . One of the greateet fire that ever visited New York city broke out on Dec 16, 1835. Before ihe confUgrslion was under control it htd rwept tbe first ward, east of Broad wiy and below Wall street, destroying 529 buildings most of Ihcm value!. 'e stores, also the Merchants' lCxchsnge and the Smth Dutch Cnurch. The property det troted was valueo rt more than $ao,ooo. 000. A million dollars In gold coin wilt weigh t68t.8 DOUr.ds. and a m'lllnn dn!iar in ai. ver coin will weigh 58,99.9 pounds. A ; ton of pure goM is worth $6ea,, and 1 a ton of mi'c sliver is north &n.iOAnA. Boys who .restarting out io make their fortunes shniild remembtr these figure. A French savanr lias a new 'est of death. Willi a candle pro iuce a blister on the hand or loot of the body. If tbe blister upOT being opened with a in t o.lier In strument, is fouid to contfin fluid of any kind, the'e ia S'ill life it. ihe supposed corpst', SfaiuKl 11 conmln te. 111 unl the vital spark has flown. Janiettoun, Va, wblcn was tne earifes English setilemsnt, 1607, perished in 1676 bv ihe hand of Bacon , and the only vestige of the village that remains Is the ruin of a church pillar. tJtiarantt-ed to cure Dlllous Al t,ic!a and "it4oii, .S'rnali lllln Ire ptr. The National Bank ol Commerce of Den ver has reopened for business today with almostJlOO per cent of Us liabilities on hand. Three more of the suspended bank are expected to open by September i . The senate finance committee will prob ably report favorably on the unconditional repeal hill, and ask that body to fix a day for a vote perhaps within a day or two of the vote in the house. The com mittee have agreed upon all bit the phraseology of the bill, which will contain a declaration favorable to bimetaltsm. Tbe London Times speaking of tbe Iiehr ing sen decision editorially says that it is tbe policy of Lord Salisbury, and not that of Blaine, that is justified by tbe Behring sea award. It admits that America got tbe advantage on tire practical question of the method of hunting teals, and it seems batd that one system of slaughter should be supervised, while tbe other is not. j " I Ha vikig been called a liar and asked to remove the trusted superintendent of an institution which successive republican legislatures refused to take out of his con trol, Governor Pennoyer ought to resign. But he will probably stubbornly go on run-i ning the state prison at a lower expense1 than any such institution is ran anywhere in the United Stales. Salem Josrmaf, Concerning a suit brought against Con gressman Brackinridge for seduction and breachof promise an eastern dispatch says: For some time the question with Miss Pollard was should she kill or sue Congress man Breckinridge, her own mind being strongly in favor of the former coarse. Better counsel prevailed, though. An old friend of Breckinridge has said that unless be shall be able to disprove the material allegations in the papers, it would have been more merciful had she killed him in -stead of suing him. Kentuckians credit tbe story that a suit instead of killing pre vailed after considerable persuasion by friends of Miss Pollard, who made her see tow complete wo.'.d be her revenge by the , exposure which would follow tbe trial. ' 1 The Ireeonian at Portland, the States man and Democrat t Salem, the Democrat at Albany, and the Times at CorvaJlts, are active champion of irold as tbe only sood money. Tbey have a very poor opinion . ;r jn... u. V... 1 w- i ia thmBt i... mj -.JS.ta i 0 Kojj, an(1 it : alone on greenbacks. One kind of a crank ta about a.- good a another, always except- ing the great and mighty Governor Pea- j noyerwbois the worst of a l cranks. - Kugene Journal. ' u a. .. . . . , By whatJaulhorU.v does UieJ.x.i7 make, tee above statement? So far as it refers to! ntKing arrangt-exnt 10 inco iioa'te for the "Democrat at Albany." there isaoiutuat benefit and nroicction It wi;l m it j , - 1 Tbe member, of the MiteWpl i arroer's Aiiance sre getting lease. Tbey hsve conctived a sub-treasury scheme that is origins), and we reproduce it wit boa' com ment: Resolved, That we will try 10 mace a sub-treasaty at home, sad try to store It witbaorn, hay, oats, fodder, pork, potatoes, peas, cabbage, turnip, onions, beets, nee, parsnips, trioleate, pjeJer. sad then if we tae f lilue wu mt wjl pa( ). wr tw toUo- v, Ultre one that u mmj lb,, wiU tr hare . ub-treasery wi.i ever be of io (,., any Tne republican of Iowa in their plat form declare that prohibition is art teat of Republicanism. Tbe geaeral atsetnbiy ha given to tbe state a prohibitory law ss strong as say that has ever beta enacted by any country, sad like any Other criminal i rrpv ! isd by lbe geswrsi assessbtv. e.ected by a no ia sympathy with law pea pie and to it is relegated tbe subject, to take sacn action ss it may deem )l and Lest in the matter of main'aining the present law la those portioss of the state where it Is efficient now er can be made so, and give to all localities such methods of control! inc. and regulating the liquor traffic as will best setve the cause of temperance aad Hiy. You ra you hsve a stiver certificate which reeds: "This is to certify thai there have been deposited ia the Treasury of ' the United States Five Silver Dollars, payable to the Bearer oa Dears nd." Klver certifi cates like litis one sre redeemable on'y in sliver dollars. The Treasury has so au thority lo redeem them in gold, and any Treasury official who thoatd redeem them i n gold, would be liable to punishment, it is the "coin certificates," hsued under the Sherman bullion act of July, 1890, that re redeemable in gold or silver at the dis- crttion of the Secretary of the Treasury. These coin cert Incites sre Issued in pay ment for silver bullion purchased by the Government an ter the act cf jaly, 1 890, j and to extent they are silver certifica tes, but they do not, like tbe others, certify to the deposit of a certain number of sil ver dollars. The term White House, by which the executive mansion Is now known throo gh ost the court ry, was not applied until after the sandstone walls, blackened hy smoke j and flames when tbe British set fire to 1 j were painted a gleaming white ia 1817 Before the first occup.nt, John Adams, had established himself In the mansion. Con- gresf appropriated for furniture what was then ensidered the munificent sum of $15 - 000, snd this money was made to hold oat during the four years of hi administration. When his successor, Jefferson, took up his residence there, $14,00? was net aside "fo, tbe accommodation of the household of the president, 10 be laid out st bis discretion, and under his direction, together with the proceeds from the sale of such part of the furniture and equipage, belonging to the president's household, ss may be decayed and oat of repair." Most of this money waa devoted to refurnishing the house, aad it was all spent in three year. Four years ister a like sum was rlsced at the dlspossl of Madison, and tbe same amount was ap propriated at th lieginning of his second term. The burning of the mar.slon wbi'e he ictidtd there, however, necessitated Its reconstruction, for which $jo,ooo was ap propriated In 1817, togetlier with the pro ceeds of the sale cf the old furniture. The year following James Monroe cams into the bistort old mansion, and ff&,ooo more was spent in finishing and refurnishing it. The regulation sum. $14,000, wa sgsta sllowed wen John Quincy Adams took possession and in IS26 and 1S28 $6000 Addition) wai appropriated for finishing and furnishing the East Room. The province held bv Gorges after the division of the New England territory he' named New Somerset. He sent out his nephew, William Gorget, as deputy gover nor of the domain, which extended from tbe ritcatuqua lo the Kennebec. He assumed rule over the fishing hsni'eli Ihere, and held a general court at Saco. Durlsg the tate cirl war New Jersey fur nished the Nations! army with 79,511 hoops. In 1870 the Legislature lefused 10 riilfy the 15th amendment to the National Constitution on tbe ground that ihe right to regulate suffrage I vested in the respect ive States. TeventBnoc--tt) Constipation and Hits, - -tncbe. Small Bile Ilea us. BOHR AKO ARJROJI) IHC'BSUAY. Wheat Is eleven cent lower in Umatilla than In Linn county. Regular meeting of the Building fs. Loan association tomorrow night. George Stan.bury, of Eugene, had a leg broken by a runaway yesterday fore noon. It J Hendricks, editor of the Saiem Statesman, has br.en appointed Superin tendent of the State reform school. A stranger was arrested in Eugene for passing a cnunterlelt silver dollar, hut it transpired that It was unintentional and ha was discharged. Hop picking has been l-gim In the Cartwright vaid t Harrlsbnrg. This is one industry that promises lo put consld eraole money Into circulation. A solid educational institution is the HeMna villa College. It is under splen did management, and ie in a position o u worougu ana aatialactortr worK . rZf.m'' un J't'o"" "l t.Orv.rl la nilhlif achni i v I Pratt M .in.l.. Breneman. Gusele furney, Motile Bergen, Kale Cssto, Leon lrulr, Ada Sharpies, Mary Newton. The Portland Savings Btnk affairs looked shaky ; but Frsnk Dekurr. come out with a card guaranteeing the payment of depositor In fuJ providing he ha lime and the management U satisfactory. There were t euty-elght teachers exam Ined at the public examination held last week, of whom one received a first graie, six second grade and ten third grade certi ficate. There were eleven who failed to secure certificates. An Albany man a day ct two ago ir.ade his exit from a First street block by way of tbe rear window. He had aisunce. 'Hi antagonist letting him down head first. W. J The act said to have teen sotnew ' t ridiculous, wis preceded hy a pugilistic contest. The Salem Woolen MiU has the follow-; " " " on .it . latrer . tarm tour ingdiaplay advertisement: Wo.klngmen, I f"" "est of Creswe.I Wednesday after workingmen, worklngmen. give vour ; ? toflar.ate enough to run Into palronsge to them iha-are making i.bor ? el!t ,'Ck'' DC'- T1 one oi lbe for your kind ar.d remember that the woolen mill Is now, ss hard aa time are, paying out f3ooo a month to working peo 1' .':. .. r.. ple. Wnat alemneed is len more such , . Profess jr Reld hat been truubled with : a fungus growth en hi. left eve. which j threatened to Impair Ihe sight. This j morning Ur Paine performed sr. operation removing the film which was growing etwr RM over the eye This explain whv lro- hss hit eye bandaged. r,u f1 t,0rd E W Beckwlth, of Portland, a few days ?o went over to Ocetn beach, and died u,"c ' gSSS- , g nir tn. 'n? w,v 'h" T0 a ,'hl "brV ofJ 'J" ? 1 of!he !nJ'1 " h Urg Monday night in hU sleep one of H finger r.aiU irrtttied and scratched it. rtiuin isoMO to harvest the ptes- est crop A hop buyer named Hubbard . . r . r jbstight some la it rears hops and stave a ( check on Ladd ft Beah of Salem . It was i Itemed that he had no account there, and he had to raise Ihe money otherwise. People generally should keep their eye open. A dispatch received bv Marshal Mc- Feron from Corvallts Yesterday afternoon announced that Bob Meyers, wanfd for drfvtog a team across ihe bridge here st a rapid speed, had been arretted. Upon re- oaeat he was allowed to give $150 bail to Hpear before Justice Curl in this city la about s month. Mr Mcreron who made ' mm- ssass ise.oert aiir.ira.wn 01 ueo ike complaint la tab case propose to aee C Placard, had partaken of a liberal tup that the law prohibiting fast driving on , P!T ammonia. Drs Starr ft Sponog'e Use bridge I enforced . tn inr-meJialely summoned sad disco r- t ered that the announcement was unlound fridat ed and that the little tt How had not drar. k j asy whatever, but had Inhaled as amount Walker Bro. are now in Or -eon Ct'y tufficientlv large to cause atranculatior. In with their big ateers. a sma'.l degree. BrowntvtUe Times. Mr C W Lomier. the Portland adverthv- rng agent, waa in tne cm tnu nooo on at way heme from a trip to tdanna. kfoaday W B Atnley cot down a tree, sad it not only felt .across the railroad trace, b-it romplerciv took ihe too off I L i Berry warehouse. S.oliAm Lumber- Mrs Ltirie M RI?Pv was appcialed at Joisev. TBlAtaook county, ft I"""6 "'aaiKheo tt tarvm. vnWwv.,iurkninu neuprpi, - iter ss poatmastm. jamonnt of ciyart at his office while teliing Aa extra session of ihe leglslstnre i how hard the tiroes were and that he wot id probably coat $j 0,000, and if the : ouid toon pay that little mil. loorrtal. pest se talons sre any criterion, would do 'The otlrer fellow will spend hi money at mort ham than good. So far at the ; the cirrus, teat legislature is concerned the mischief .l-fL; The real cause of local bank failure i. rsterdsy afternoon s bix traction en- ihig state can justly he laid at he doors gine was uaen across the oridge. Ttejof the saseanderi hanks of Portland, law requires the os- of plank. It look ; They had $i2,W of ths people-, Use four men to place them fast enough 10 i bekmgtng to the state. Th-v had $l0, kecj wp with the engine; but It was done. ' 000 of the peoole's taxes belooginc to andlhe engine reached the other side in the fori land schools. They had S300.000 '"rtr- of Multnomah county tsxea. They had A Coo Bay papei speaks oi a former i severs: bunded thousand dol'ars city Aibtnv man as follows: Rev M - Stiangle, 1 taxes. They have ewallowed bete sums pressilng elder, warn people against the f to use a mild figure of STpeech. If tbey Coot Bay wagon read and call It bad . had this money the, thtv ahoo'd have nam,and advises people to go some other j Dos a bank '.n Orrsxou woaid have 'ailed, way It I doubtful if he know a rood i Journal j easy road when he sees it. "Here died at Newport last week the 1 bctttr half ol an cc'oeenarian couple whol regan their double iourner 61 years ago. Th" day of her deai'i was the annfveraarv of their wedding. Mr Hall was S3 years old rod root her of 'he wife f Capt Ilensel, collector of the Yaqulna port. Mr Ha.: Is n raring 90. A good deal ot wheat I being btought to the Mt v, and bemg stored with Ihe Red Crosn Mills, Albany farmer Co, and G F Smpson. An Albany man say that eves thi year he wll not hold Ins vheat Ions, ss the many that, and extra er ieaB do tot jastify it. He ha tried I ! z earh five or six vears and ha ntver lsed it. VG Danfotth will immediately com mesce ine erection of a large and cvrnino dio hoi.-l opposite the telegraph office at thia place. He will also elect a store building 40x60, with a hall uptairs. A n'calr anjirnj will l.i.,1 off !vlc on the flat, sid every convenience will be provided I r the tomfart and welfare of guests. b'anllam Lumberman. Everybody wants to know how Cap Hcmptirev is, hence when we see an Item on the subject we give It. The following Is IroTi Hie Ulapatch : Capt N B Humph- rfy, who is under treatment st the insane astiuoi. I getting well. He has recovered r his mind and Is now bright as ever. He spend hi time in joking and titling storle. with a. much vim as usual. Hi leg ta healing up nicely and he will be out In another month. The following from the Redding Fr -e Press suggests thst John Pleice. alia Everts, I now doing Csllfornts: A forged check purporting to have Seen signed by one R L Jsmea wa disposed of this week to Ed Dojrowsky. The forger's name ia supposed to be Hirrv Foster, and the amount represented was $30. He also succeeded iu swindling certain parties In towns not th of Redding. The Dalles Chronicle savs: A letter just received by a leading citizen, formerly J from uermany, trom menus In that country, states that the empire is suffering from a drought the severest ever known. Many farmers cannot get their seed back, and 'thousands will make no atte.nt t lu harvest. The hay crop Is almost s total falbirc. and the ' letter states that 1,000 patinas ot nay soiu mere nir 0 mars, or " . m - . 1 at the ra'e of 1 1 4- per ton. 1 SATl!RDAV It ha been discovered that the virus of erysipelas wilt cure cancers. I D Miller's thresher Is said to have averaged 2000 bushels a day last wee a. Mr C Buckner's wheat on his farm, near Mi hers, sveraged 41 bushels per acre. "That's Bll right." The mayor of Condou recent lv drove tho, atagn to P'osai', so that th stage driver might go to the noes . At the meeting of the Building & Loan Association last night the money was looned to Mrs flyman nt 66 months Inter est In advance. Mrs Hy man proposes erecting a residence on her city property. The first bale of hops of this season was taken to Eugene yesterday and was sold for 35 cents a pou..d ; the extra price being paid on account of lis being the first bile. They will be shipped to London. The Eagle woolen mills wfll close tem porarily Saturday evenio;, in or.t r that new floor on be put in, in al least two n oma. It ia also stated thtt several other minor imp'oven.eati will be made. -Brownsville rims. Kev H Sadler, of Halley, Idaho, In at tendance upon tre Metnodlst conference In session this week, at Baker City, got drunk and went on a lear.vislting a bagnio during the night The next day he was very promptly suspended. T Butler ha sold his King's Prairie farm to Portland parties for $4000. They will probably buy most of the prsltie and set out an immense prune orchard. 'o be occu pied by tenant. W J Turnlge i offered $4000 for hi 160 acres. O'or. Press. This allernoot at sheriffs sale the C P Burkhatt farm adjoining Albany, was sold at public auction, and bid in bv the plain tiff, the Oregon Mortgage Company at $0824. It constats of 320 acres of first class land. E M Burkhart, one ol the enterprising farmers of Albany prairie, threshed Cfty one acre of wheat this week which yield ed 1430 bushels, an average of 28 bushels oer acre. did not tern : Mr J M Archibald wheat ; out as well a, he ', 28 buthe's per exptc't d, leJding only j ace on to seres. Mi I Zules.dorfer went some infer, 35 bush els per acre. Ail toget er ihe Ueidlss I good one. The Three $isirr js now engaged 1 in building a wirg dam on j the Black Dog bar aSout eight miles this i side of Albuay. She will be in Sa'em Sst ; unlay and return to Corvaills Sunday 1th about ten tons of household good. ' Statesman. hiv n..iii n.i nl it..., ,i v." There is some talk oi the Oregon Pa- - .' ..": . . - quina division this coming fall. I hia will give the company a five re oay service la. stead of a boat leaving every ten daya at now and will he quite a factor In inducing patronage. Joaquin Mlller.-.hv ijae; of the Sierras," who h been atoppnig thrre. says the style of Castle Craggs makt hlri tick, (he ai of Snerv taking awav hi aooetite. He s a a a . ' . , . ?! L. ... T:: " y , .,nl, ptor e 1 ... .. .. , t . v .,.. rr. riager, ageo 13 year, while Oper sa l ' ' 1 a i 0 . . a . a -- ...... jim aars 'wswa breaking it badly .Kugene Guard. Geo Morrow, of 8ck Hotel, saw a huge black bear while berrjipgon Potato hill and ran him a race ' just to see him run." The tracks of both were seen bv others. " .w" A , " ? "rTWVSm w which a as ahead, man or bear. ?clo pre. The AshUnd lldlrg says: It Is 1 ported that J T Stewart ha to.d hi. entire crop of pears this year lo Page ft Sont of r n j I - - - - . . .a . . a I fortisnd. H estimate that th crop will make fifteen carload. Page & Son take the fru'.t from Ihe trees snd pav about a cent s pound for it, which wilt net Mr Stewart something ever $3000 for the crop on W eight year old tree. Farmer Jsck while riding a horse lo town the other day saw a Chinese phea. snt In the road a few yards ahead of him. He got off of his horse, picket, up a clod, remounted hi. horse and rode up within a tort of the pheasant. Ke threw the clod t the bird, breaking, its back. hJch k!I,ed ' inatanri. iiaisev .e. Cttss IfcParlsad has been relieved of i earn bis bread by the sweat of his face. hU position at the depot. The company which is the severest rsuruduneat to him. U attempting to run the road with as few This writer is not posted upon the disporri racn as passible aad are cutting down ex j lion of tramps bv tbe Albany arrthori tiers. peases 00 all side. Mr McF arland it the ' Statesman. It iras rarobaljiy Jbe work of no best employe tbey ever had at thi place, j tramp as they bate Albany. Our poline- leuagooj citizen, a gentleman on all Ia W 1""" I , 7 , "JrAT " x"?ToUby .-J"oa Cly i . " . j voe a rtppie 01 excitement was occa taod Tuesday evening be the announce- 1 , s 1tI .. ; A valley exehanre says September Ita ' will show a marked improvearent an 1 j the panic will have vmn'.sited Good . , One man sen -Haa fwltnrw ark waat tn t the seasirore reaterdst is Use wrantr mar. jB the right plaee. Another says a man owing Him s dollar baa (Droaed tbat An extra session of the state letrisialutv i ought do one thins. etTeex the n-i.Mi of ' several big and extravagant appropriation. Atgeid and Pennoyer are freviaentiy men tinned in tbe tauoe bxMtth. But they are different kind of men. ktrd rVnnoyer after all fat- tbe most brain. Tbe Leirannn A dvano? renurk as follows: A fraction of linlhxon'stJltXl.lJOO metiatreris 1 pUvimr "soier" attirestmCiti-this wrvk. anil the men wno pay for the show are toil ing to harvest their .V)-cent wheat to foot tbe bill. Tbe ltoseburg Review goes aitogether loo far when it says: "Salem papers are be ginning to realise that the hotrgiAhrjes of that town htis thoroujrhlv nrou-.! the t- 1 l! all Over t.Ke it.'.. !. a:id it IS UOW VeTV probable, no ui.UUv aoxv the.Vddiers" Home is finally dr-cided. that but one more j session of the state legislature will be held I in that p,ac" ' j . - . ' " """t y"u " ivi n,- twintment of a now receiver to the Portland Savings hank. It prays for the removal of the Hon D P Thompson, and asks the court that "a practical, disinterested'' man be named, for whom the signers stand ready to give ample bonds. Mr Thompson once ran for (tovernor of Orejron. Tliis is August, always a quiet month, and business is always slow. A valley ex change han been informed by several care ful business men. that they on comparing their books for the correspomling month last year find they are doing a far better businrw this year than last. This goes to show that at least a part of the cry of hard t'.mes is dimply nnoginary. An E. O. Orixtox. There is an impress-Inn that Umatilla county wants the extra session: but the E. 0. of Pendleton says: It might relieve a few for the time being, hut in the end it would do more harm than good. It would discontinue liquidation for prolialiiy a year and be the cause of an in- reasetl interest payment on the ivart of t)lnsi. : jilf mU . . ! w SUV lltatipnil UOUSIMS H breutliinir wll. but it would an vs. nrsrals autt rogues opportunity to lusposn of their property; put the money in their ttoekett turn let their creditors whistle for all titno to cm ie. The merchant who is carrying' tho farmer under present conditioris would be unable to grant more credit tjeatuse ho could not piirchase more goods under "stay law," ; The men who mistake "human beings far I lieurs are now in season. How to deal w ith this rlangeroiis element is an important question. Talk :bout hard times and cheap hones! One of our residents tried to iriv awav a horse this week, but nobody would teke it. j it. was a goou noree; !l or 40 vearsof uitli ful sen-ice had proved it to be so, b d no one wanted it. Jefferson Review. One thing at least is very lively, and that is hunting. Crack, eruok, crack, aad squab and roosters and hens, young and old fall before the steady and merciless fire. Although it in against the law to sell Denny phoimants, it may be remarked that the prevailing price u 15 to 25 a A Umatilla county farmer nald to an 0 man : A stay law would proclaim to tbe world that we are paupers and cannot pav our debt. Loons would be difficult to ef feet. Should there be any prospect of the passage of the law, an avalanche of snits would result which would involve the coun try in rain. We would not recover from the effects for twenty years. Thr valley imper ireneraily art; "onto" ' circus, tne noseouTK neview : ". rmn ui simj nunc nitii wee 11 1101 iisr well-lcnown Sells Bros.' show, ami has no connection with it. It is an insignifusint affair infested by ''fakes'' and swindlers. Our people should not and will not encour age such institutions by giving them their patronage. n fxchunire has limirod out the follow ing dull times item: The stringency of the tin,,-, mtwithrtufulir.o rlu. Word's f .ir has raiused a decrease of over saloons in Gaifairn. uimninl iiil, ,...r son In tunes of depression the reckless may drink more through desperation, but their number is limited, and so tbe general good of stringent times is in the line of. temper ance arid abstention. Again is brought to the front the maxim about Ihe ill wind. Obkuok is It. The following clipping is from an article which recently appeared m tlie Chicagn News-Heoord. under tire heading "Kival Fruit States." It is not r;!., . . c.i: .j . Z - eJT"."" 5 ! against the southern peninsuht,but tbey also V -'-rr--"g-"'l keep op a lively competition between them selves. Oregon is in the thick of it, with pears like pumpkins and prunes almost as large as foot bull . Here are some of the signs ov.n- tlie derrartment . 'Oregon, the land of tlii big red atpl-s.' 'Pear ls 17 ' , llWISfa 111 ' 1 R-TI SI L, inche in Tegon.' 'Koses bloom every "ntlr in Oregon No tyclones or Uravards tn ( rP1ff,n -Oregon the botn.- of the prune. Two bites to a cherry in iJreccn. The visitor must not linger for any time within sound of the Oregon man's voice or he will be convinced that all other states are barren dexMTU compared with the balmy tnd uro- I line grovea of Oregon. A H asoiso Bodt. Thursday night John ' Anslya was retornicg to his borne in 'the Kirirt Ward, when on paasimr the vacant lot of the school district, he was horrified to see a dead body hanging from the limb of a tree. He hastened onward, and calling out Al. and Wren SteUmaker. secured some gun and return! he scene m the hanging, tearing that at any time thev mitrht be attar ked from behind a fence m - 1 1 r. try men in amousn. aiut some mfnetrver ing they left without an examinatiori of the body. It was afterwards learned that seme one had suspended a dummy to the tree as a practical joke, in order to frighten some passer by. It was a soccer. - Watsidk Humor. On a tree oa the Turner road a few miles south of Salem is pinned a card which bears the piainlv written words: "Go to Albany Salem is dead." This is evidently tbe sentiment of & tst l-t tm n rvsnrNTSai tetmi, ih htn Mimiawt t'AIR Salem is dead to the genua tramp, for she - - ;-s,-. ..k-, a. ! raea have no mercy anthem. It was either some man with his eyes open, or a who enjoys humor baaed oa facts ... . r tmtm (X b Fmrr. The Middles Fnterprise says: It u estimated that the'Til'-nbrouk" fruit farm of Judge Riddle, will prod- aw.'w pormos ux green rruu cars year, princith- pninra. Mr .Stills Riddle esti ristMi about the mmm yield from his prone OTsAatrd. Tbe Oaileirh Heiirrrts frail farm of A Kiddle Son will produce 130.000 pocnos while like proportions of pounds to the aamtm will be the rnsnltt el the or chards of J B Kiddle. Mr lVan.; K Quine. isjtiey Brr. J Weaver. J 1 had wick. John Hall and many others. It it safe to esti mate at least iOuu.OuO pound of green prunes for the Sooth UnsMaa and Cow Creek valleys alow. It will require quite an amount of help to iJ- this nrodnct in proper condition for the iaarket. tism is Mcirr. i C Dari.faon.the news in his frrSBm. He was the tonus a dayortwoagro of bavinga rnan riding t the train jrrv-t -1 in lavekaai county, for a recent Californ. t train robbery. A photo-1 T. A phOtO- trrajpb an 1 de.-Tii.,n lead to the arrvt.and : he ha no doaht thai it is tbe right man. I Mr itavidar left last night to be present at the preliminary examination, and when he gets his money will build a handsorne cot tage in Albina. As in most such cases it is prolubie the wrong nun has been serured. Boxn FajtrrrtHtrtrr. Mr R K Vulcany Sup't of the Oresjon Pacific railroad, was brairduuT the axornittg south bound over lam) at Albany on his way to San Frsncfaco Wt-dnesthty night, when he fractured some of the Irenes of his left hand by getting a sudden wrench. He telegraphed ahead and lh" Paine boarded the train when it crrived at Kugene. and dressed tbe injured hand. ' r.ngetve i.uard. J:rrF.Esos. Mrs Klixa Denny, aa aged pioneer lady of thi state, is scricusly ill at tire residence of K alter in this city. Mrs Art Holt, of Albany, has been visit ing relatives! and friends in our city this week, returning home Thursday. There is a mixed crowd ramped near the ZTlTrZ TW tJZrrXiTLTIJ ti! bany for some time. Pitdiforvl the man w-ho arwa nin (mm K.- t li. vvm Sam. Lm i while he was Ivi 114; drunk on the strevt in Albany Last Tuesday night, is with the crowd. Review. SJeverwwr Water Talk. CuAr.TACo.CA, N Y, Aug 18. At the grange today Gavernor Wait, of olorado. was chief speaker, addressing himself to the silver question and closing: "We of the west don't intend to wade in blood or anything of the kind, but let ibis oppression of tbe east continue and then let , any candidate of your old pariie go before tne people in Iran on tbe platform ot pro tection, when the west has no protection, and he will not receive an electoral vote west of Ohio or south of the Potomac." A Gas. at CoNvxjiiBJtCB. World's fair visitors travelling via the Northern Paci fic R R and Wisconsin Central line, are landed at the Grand Central sudon in Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof budding, located in the heart ot the city, j ras oeen ntletl up. a a note), run on tne European plan, with about too rooms handsomely furnished and each room 'a supplied with hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. The charge for accommrc'a tlons are reasonable, and parties can secure room in advance bv calling upon asents of the Northern Pacific R R. Br taking the Northern Pacific through car line to 1 Chicago, visitor will avoid the discomfort or an ira ister in mat city, ano ran also travel betv-een the Grand Central station snd World's fair grounds by trains which run direct betveen the two points. C G Bl RKIlART, Agent at Albany. Dow.x 00 tub Ratks. The Union Ph cific now lead with reduced rates to eastern poinht.and thwir tlirourfh oar tAmiitremenfei. ..laKiriiieumiy oqaAunu rwH ami lour- :n .1 . : 1 tv 1 1 , ,,, 1 y "wTf, ireerreririiiivvcriairvar iintl tas , .Z-Vl vtuitia ivja.v uvui i rsnNsssw uiuiy itt a :. a aa and 7:5t) p ni. The rates an now within, reach of alt, and everybody should taku aii vuntitge of them to visit the World's fiurssad their friends in the east. Send for rasas and schedules of trains, and do not psr- wa ueaeia uuui iuuirctiitsitiung t urair AT Monteith, Albany. (St, W II HtrKLBVaT, Ass't Gen'l Iass. Agent, D. P. Portland, dr. Seed your tame son .11 to acock & Co Albauvt Oretoa. and OU Ihf I)KStoCKAT,thrV will malt ashion s eet free eaoh month ad men IOU L.'.i siiiiY Wobk. Every citisen of Al bany should bear in mind that the Albany Steam Laundrv sruarantae first class work at very reasonable prices, and ; cmpiuys notuiug out wiuie lauor. .'Mitrta ione as cheaply as the Chinaman. Pat - ronise your own race, TELEGSAPHIC NEWS. r"la trial : j a WAsnRfoTOs, Aug 18. Of tbe many financial schemes proposed to speedily re lieve tbe stringency in money, the one re garded hy treasury officials as tbe mt practicable is that to authorize the secrc- i tary of tbe treasury to issue currency ! :-. tn, uAf or pront upon the coinage ot silver bullion in tbe treasury. mere are iw.uuu.uuo ounces ot silver, out under tbe act of i$90, and notes issued j against tbe seigniorage on ibst amount would add nearly 5O,00O.0O0 to the circu lating medium. A large proportion of the notes are already printed, and eon Id be pat into circulation, it j said, the day af'er ' congress authorizes the secretary to art. A Wky Trf a. RAiiWAT. N J, Aug 1. Captain Chris Paulsen, who intends to cross the Atlantic in a 16-foot Norwegian skiff, started oa hi I perilous trip yesterday. He bad inten vd sailing sooner, but was delayed by tbe non arrivai of bis instruments The boat will carry two tank, holding 100 gallons of water. Provisions for only two weeks can f be stowed a war. owing o the mailnes of irwcrsn. ire win ucpena on meeting 'oe trans Atlantic steamers to replenish bis store of provl iions and water. -Waat War. New York. Aug 18. Tbe world's peculiar ranama came says: 1 here is a ranama c clamor :n Ecuador for a declaration of war against Pern to take revenge for atrocitie said to hsve been committed by tlie Peru vians during the dispute over ihe boundary and in violation of the status quo Tbe Peruvian consul here officially denies tbe rumor. Pern would be unable to respond to a challenge to fight on account cf troubles st home. Blsesaasa Csawatesl. WAsnixcTox. DC, Anjr. li- Henry i ,iw. T 15 of lleppner. candidate lor col- ; lector of internal revenue, has been here several days. He thinks now there is an j opportunity for him to secure the place. There was a time when it looked at if the ' collect orsbip would go to a Washington i man, bat the quarrel which tbe Washing ton democrats hare among tbenueive makes it pcasible for Biaekman to win. A Bard naacslteas. Sew York, Aug iS. lt is said the Wg dwrntoad which is the a'-sr of the Tiffany eabihit at the world's fair has been boaght bv Mr Charles T Yerkes. wife of the Cti csgo street rsilws7 klee. lbe iricepaadii quoted at $100,000 The diamond i. aboor lbe the of a smsll walnut. tirwa SesrJIscace. AsToai a. Aaar 1 A terrible avHadent. wekfa wilt orobablr cost Edward Oilroore ! his tife. happened uear Cathlamet yester day. Gilroore and Cbarie Sioper were on thtir way to their ranch. 16 milffl? from Cathlamet- whee tbey struck a heavy patch of timber and decided to make a short cat across it. They had got about half way through when there waa a report of a rifle" and Gihaore fell to the tpoaad with hi shoulder smashed to fragments by a boJIet Immediately after the discharge of the fire arm. D H Prescott. a banter, emerged from the timber. He bad takes the men for, veers. Waal a Baser. Topkka. Kaa, Aug 17 A petition agned by state officers and sta'ehotrse em pkryes was forwarded to Governor Stone of 1 Missouri today, asking him to call a con- -wen lion of vernors and delegate' from tbe totes west of the Misstfnppa river aad , soath of the Ohio, to rlecide what shall be frr tiao rmrinal reltef of of the TJeonte: lookiisg especially to aa arrangrroent of sraext tradt reiataoos as may reader tne see : tioa free from deraewrarace WDOB the eastern aecxaoa t-l use t aiou m uttue9 saarn. . a STAT a. PHiXABELraiA. Aaar 11. John hwope,; T PliiladelTjhia. a 4ociddwof tile Sortb era Pacific, has employed Attorneys Read and Pettit to bricft suit against Henry Vytard. Edwin H Alsbctt. Charles T Colby and Colgate Hoyt oa the eexterai charge of xaalfeasanrje ia twice and misaTiararganect of Use affairs of lbe cosapany ia their ca - pacify of directors tiseraof. Tfce damages art? p aoed at tea mil'.ioo ttol-'ars. PrA-sarsroTox. Aug 17. The second lot I wT noaaination of recess appotttmenu reach , svsasss, W ot which wese 1 sited state f T L Zl ; Tsft""'1?:.""; rr" r: ". . "rasTuaa- " ' l!. " i I. ano coraecttsrs 01 rawan u the snath and sTlte6esy Last. Sett Tors. A 02 i7- The WWe Society has received the foil r rug front its agent. Verity, at Shanghai. W hat may be tbe effect later 00 u' tbe '.eary aot on tbe Chinese gOTernmeut or on 'he people, we cannot, of course, say. So far as my obscrvatiou goes, it thus fax kaa bad neae at all on tbe people. Wherever I 30 in tar interior, tbe United States is in favor with the people, and it seems io as our friesws st home have been too sulki- Stare Svalat fSrt IMX)S, Aug li. The movement of o!d to the Cnited Scates continues. The atrataaei Trawe. from Bremen to New York, sailed from ffaiafhBBiitlBi today with 1910. 900 for Amexieaa bonaen, and tbe Columbia will sail from there tomorr- w vt-tin a con Ignment valued at .4VfX There was astso witfadrawTi from lbe Hank of England todav X ,570.000 for shipment to the I nit ed Statea. i vVASwlxw.Aue It-Senator Peffer. f introduced today (by recmest) itwro bills, one of wlich provides al .in i of tfiOO.000.000 of legal tender sheets of aluminium or siik- mmm on threaded 1 oaper. uk people may prerer Tbe amount i to be covered into the trea- aary as ''surplus money." and a call for all tbe outstanding interest bearing bonds is be made, and tbey are to be redeemed at rpar and paid for from the surplus fund . The second meausare is headed the "New . Silver Bill." and directs the reoretary of ; the treasury to purchase all tbe gold, silver I and niMdiary coins offered at any price, seas the cost of transportation and mintage, without resrxtxl to tbe price in any foreign ewuntry. The bullion purchased is to be twined into standard coins at the ratio of Ktol. mi t LIKr It. Washikotoit. Aug 16. Secretary Gres hasu is said tb be dissatisfied with the find ings of the Behring sea tribunal in regard to the regulations established, and it ia un deretood his views are shared by other easjanet officers. The regulations are in tmsreted to mean that the United States and Great Britain will have entailed on them the cost and worry of patrolling Behr ing sea without benefit to its sealers, while Russia, Japan and perhaps other nations reap the harvest, tbe reflations being binding only on Great Britain and this country. stow Tttrj stands WASHirtrTox, Aug 16. The executive twttriUee of the anti-silver forces in tbe house, appointed at toe conference last night, held a raeetinir this afternoon for consultation. A pole of the house had been praetioallv completed by canvassers in the interest of the anti-silver faction. It was said by one of the leaders to show a majority of 27 in favor of the uncondition al repeal of the purchasing clause as pro vided in the Wilson bill. The t balers St Petebsbi ko, Aug 16. Otficiai re- 1 turua jndicte a furtner increase of tne ! MmZTZZ ami 67 deaths from the disease were reported from August s to August la. Ware Klels. Bombay, Aug 16. Tire religious race j rioting was resumed in this city today, and 5or several hours the streets were scenes of j aesperRte conflicts. Tbe fighting was of a j most sanguinary nature, and a large num- ! ber of persons were killed and wounded. 1 A faylag Mine. JArKSOKVtiXK, Or, Aug 16. A L Stur- gis, proprietor of the famous Stunris mine . iia-atexl on Jackass creek, four miles direct-' ly west of Jacksonville, was in town yee - teraay. tie has completed the season s run and has almost finished cleaning up. He has taken out 917.000 and expects the finish to reach $30,000. His expenses nave been less than 93000. ileal Ihe ma' BORN. 1 DYER. On ftiday morning, Aug 18, ' 1893, to Mr and Mrs Louis Dyer -a girl. The Question! simple one easily iR? is a Eimf deeded by reason and CQTTOLENI the new sririrVaTiy pr ipared shortesriag s made from pure beef suet, and highly refined vegeta ble oil. Lard is made, in the majority of cases, la the packing-boose, aad net as of old, from the pure leaf of the hog. Which likely to be the most healthfrJ? Decide tor yourself. It mast be s s 1: COTTOLENE i c 4 iti.w ftaaeaaawaSsSs- s k-FMauk & Ot.Chicaaa.fer rr- Cottotenr Cot 1 '' r HAVE StTSfKD TB ." &1AGKOUA ! Mill waxeboerw arid will fcave it ia txod ; order for reteivisg the preant crtra. The varrboase'i Smdss sad coovecieatly - eated . 0t.oa -.wo gsad e'etaerr. m delay in aoioadia-. Sacks wilt le- oc bssd forde'ivaey is doe tiea Give sse a call before oii :; arrasaeats u. a'nrv roar I n xr ciurxnv j "'"rv- Albany. Or.. July, 1SB3 W. L. DOUCLA S3 SHOE c'fc. So yes wear fwat? Wfea sari b seal by a saw. in ths 7sttTO 4460 42.50 2.25 2.O0 rzf. HaVtisxtd ttjfer, &'t ; 1 5 ta t3, tr. 77 S3, $X50, ,0 ar . SAue. iiawKsaxaascssasaaaai wasras waS. If laawtsktotsasxasfa jay asay pwirawna r . - . .-n, or fiwlaBacvaxAaarSvaoa wasrsv T- rsOVC 1 15. rocm, 3K3SS. SoMby L. K. BIb.IN ; . j t j ; j C.A. SNOW & GO. Or. Barsai' Orrar, W POSH AY A MASON Druggists aad BkseHcrs r. gw-B. for John B. Aldec'n puulliasHota, waleh wa sell al nublasaas's t-rioew -tth LB 1 IT. OKi.0 aSs -K IV'TaTM --iBSBBSBSSSSsV Bite ins all Guaranteed StekHeadacb each hottic. druggists. Picture"?, :r j. f. sarr:. i to cure Bilisss attaeka, ) &utJ C-Uprat kav 0 in n s - . For sale Itjp - " -rsr-?s ose freav. sew tosbT. REVERE HOUSE aLBANT ORHC t HAS. PFellFFKH rKOPRlKTOR ARE YOU a newssaper wo I sr. artthor, ajtsBk ' puwui.vr or au.t rtrser i you a v, or ai ? interested law of the above, j shoals mar TrlE JOUF AL'ST. DO YOL want to reach the above? tVu aitwrtise in Tub Jot hn i ivr. SUUM-ltrtl D, Auv.-.-i-in tan son application. ALIAS FORM AX. haii-ir and Pro ft l raw, U7 Na: s c str t, Xbw Toast. K. T Wall Paper, o Orudis, la.itit, Oii Glnsis, Eto J. A. CuDimiiig ALBANY, -: GREGG DRUGS, J Stationerv Toil.! Artid !,..: "ruwca Instruments, Etc Hodges & McFarlani, The Comer Drugstore,'' Albany, Qi Sstav, lui iiat six ssrttwcB rr3y Ja WFV"" eatiMt aasav riticiiM rrrrsrwig. Jtr Cotrelrar is tola by aBgropgs. W Rctaw 3 wjwrrmrt. jy rutte oaly by . K FAIRBANK & CO. ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, HEW YORK, V To Farmers st k bbbbsJ Fas" BSVS a fa DRESS Snuta a tsTbiasia?iTsha s 1 1 fsbs. ! !OCTi0s uiii .u..s.greywgs:; , leaders eaat WW parent mlawasaaae TlwaatWaW; , "3 TfreSrSoV pim.. arili drro-' looa. We ad'ise, tl paxesaaolB oc nactne ofj taatge- CSix :ot no dare tjg pateatt ra A ra.rjiaiH 1 !!rr to Obaan rntl . vtyaSXB aStuVt i the U. S. acat tsria, iwsiisl aaexst free. Ac dress. I