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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1893)
A Peculiar Bear Story. Last Tues day morning about breakfast time Billy Palmer and Mr Giles, who were camped on M 0 Powell's place about three miles below town cutting grain, discovered a huge, silver-tipped bear approaching the camp. Billy discharged one barrel of his shot gun at him but his bearship still ap proached and when at verv short rane, Billy let fly with the other barrel, it did not seem to check him in the least. The bear was determined to take breakfast wit them thinking, perhaps, that free lunch was a necessary concomitant of free trade, but being a protectionist did not see it in that light, and taking a stand between the grub and the bear, he stood with the empty gun presented. Meanwhile the bear was approaching nearer and nearer until it was so close that Billy put the muzzle of the gun in the bear's month. It bit about three inches off the end ot" the gun, o." so crushed it, that it broke off. Thi bear turned and went into the brush. Billy is doing as well as eon'd be expected un der thecirenmstances. Prinevlile News. Ha's All Right. Speaking of the matter of the refusal of Ladd & Bush to cash a check of Mr Hubbard, the hop buyer, to which the Pkmocrat recently referred, taking a Kuiienc paper for au thority, the Salem Democrat says : It is "i'u company 'rue Mr Hubotrd had no account with Ladd St Bush, of this city, but he believed lie had made arrangements for them to cash his checks, and he noimht the boos in gooa taitn. rue nan, nere retusetl to ! nave oeen ronnteti, woma navegivenrne Kkkp Kverylastinqi.y at It. Avalley exchange takes the following view of an important matter: The merchant who withdraws his advertisement from the papers during a dull spell is making a mistake. It is then more than ever necessary, for customers are scarcer, competition keener, and buyers more discriminating in their choice of supplies than in flush times. Besides, advertis ing rates are lower, and his announce ment can occupy the same space for less money than when trade is brisk. Judic ious advertising is a sail that in dull times it may be well to reef, but never to furl. And there would be more of it done if the work that it actually does coiild be distinctly traced. A new cus tomer entering a store seidom informs a dealer that it was his advertisement that brought him there perhaps the cus tomer is not aware of it himself but if the truth could bs ascertained it would be found that in nine coses out of ten Jiversionof trade is due directly to con tinuous advertising. A Fatal Mistake. The local company of National Guards of this eitv, "C Corcpany.are not sufficiently appieciated at home, but when they go away tLey nearly always attract some attention at least. Thursday in the team rifle com petition at Gladstone they shot suffi ciently well to win the trophy, and it was only an error of shooting at the wrong target by one of their men that Kept mem lrom letting it. Hie win- Blior a total score of 77 HOME A Silt tlllil MONDAY. . There is $10,000,000 In cash In fifteen San Francisco banks. The Oregon school for deaf mutes will reopen for the ntxt regular term Septem ber 13th, 1893. The Ktckapoo Medicine Co. closed Its business In Oregon at Eugene Saturday night, and Dr Smith will go East. Dandruff torms when the glands of the skin are weakened, and, if neglected, bald ness is sure to follow. Hall's Hair Re newer is the beit preventive. A citizen yesterday borrowed $2000 or. $50,000 worth of security. The generous money broker charged him only $300 bonus Portland Welcome. The M E conference begins tomonow night. Alieady several ministers have arrived. About 1 50 visitors will tie here to be entertained for a week. Carl Bender, arrested Saturday for keeping women of III repute at hU place at the foot of Broadalbln street, was dis charged in the evening on his fatness paying his fine. The man arrested in Southern Oregon smut ami rKRsoMi. MONDAY Rev W R Stevenson, of Portland.spent Sunday in Albany. Emll Kwert retnrned yesterday from his ocean trip to Ban Francisco. Mrs John Jones and daughter are vis iting friends in Ha'sey, Mr Jones spent Sabbath there Wash Philips and F P DeVaney, 'ha Ixo beat looking men in the Forks, were dcing Albany to today. Rev M O Brink, of Can v6n city, son of Mr Thomas Brink, of Albany is in the city to attend the conference. Mr John Crawford, Mrs Lyle,and Miss Edna ProUman left this noon for Idanha, where the latter will rusticate for awhile. Mrs Mary Chamberlain left this noon for Dakota and Minnesota, in each of which states she formerly (resiiied, on a visit of several months. Mr and Mrs Harry Woodin, of Port land, were in the city today on their way to the front, where thev wilt rusticate with Mr and Mrt A B Woodin. Rev Riley Little, of Ohio, has been called to the pastorate of the United Presbyterian church, of Hits city, for one Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Royal Baking Powder $9.00 WE BDUIIAD the lest washing machine made. Co to Stewart St Hox eed take one out on trial. They also have all kinds of wringers. ABSOLUTELY PURE Hull. J. THE IAIKA l -.Mu V K. Reads U.vrrnnr I'rnn.jer His Oplel.a. for robbing the mail in California, proved i year, and will arrive in Albany with his not 10 be the right man, and he was dis- wile in a tew days, about J-epc 1st. rtev ci.arged. Davidson, the newsman, thus Little is a recent graduate of an eastern fairs to secure the handsome reward of i theological seminary. $1500. Be sure and put a box of Ayer's Pills in "C" Company had 74 scored and Cock- j J"""" satchel before traveling, either by erline to shoot. He shot, but as there were two targets up he shot the wrong tie shot at a 4, which, if it could boys the prize; but tlif judges ruled that it should not count, and thus thi boys lost wha'. thev shot sufficiently well to win. Eugene Register. receive the check except for collection but at the same time ex pressed full con- fidencein Mr Hubbard, their theory being i that tne hop buyers should have cash on deposit here and not depend altogether on letters f credit. The statement that j "he had to raise the coin elsewhere" is: incorrect, as the bank finally paid the check Mr Uuah authorizes us to state that he has every reason to believe Mr .Hubbard to be and worthv man financial standing and credits eral of the leadina banks of the countrv. I prominent in Masonry. T , .... J being a Knight Templar, and the Oregon Pacific. retnrned from hia trip to the east a week o more ago and the attorney for the road C H Gest, returned a few days ago. They both seem well pleased with the result of their trip though neither has said specially that the arrangements fo extending the road across the mountains have been com pleted, t'here seems no disposition to drop any of the improvements projected, along the ri.-er, among which in the new warf Pt Salem to cost $3001 The ar rangements for running the boats so as to get the most traffic posiilile are stead- 11.. 1 : . . , - . . . . f Ax iMMKxsF.FrsKRAi.. Several Pendle ton Masons on railroader went to Walla Walla Sunday for the purpose of attending the funeral of T H and John Mcintosh. th. two brothers whose sad death with others a perfectly responsible ; on the snake rive- startled a host of friends 1 and that he has good ,ln the Northwest. The funeral was the with sev- i larR-i ever Known in W alia Walla. Both Mcintosh over '2.V) 11 1 , ... :ua-xms irom aii pans or tne country were present to do them sad and silent "honor. There were also two hundred vehicles in J line, iservices were held in the church.and the remains were then interred in the Ma sonic cemetery. The grief of the mother and wives of the dead brothers was extreme ly touching and sympathy from every heart went out to them in their soirow. Many prominent railroad men were also in atten dance upon the funeral. K. 0. Drew Straws. John Wheeler, the court stenographer, returned from the Har ney ronntrv l.l.T eveniner an1 will r.., ,, ily being perfected for a profitable bust 1 in town ten days. He report that an in ness is encouraging. Mr Molcahy is . teresting case is before the authorities of land or sea. Ycu will find them con ten ient,, and safe. The best reme dy for cosiivenesa. Indigestion and sick headache, and adapted to any climate. The Chinese pay ihelr doctor on v so long as he keeps them in heahh. They believe in preventing rather than curing disease. This is found sense, and one of the strongest recommendations of Ayer't arsaparilla, a medicine which not only currs diseases but prevent them. Lieut Chat E Nelson, of A company Two items, which belong together, are from the Prineville News: Mr and Mrs H Hnlbert, fro.n Albany, old time resi dents of this county .are visiting relatives here. Wta Johnson, special represents tive of the Mutual Life Insurance Co.. of New York, is among; us soliciting for his firm. He will remain a few days as life and jack pots are uncertain the good people should take advantage of the op portunity and take oat s policy. Prof C Elton Blanc'.iard and family started today for Cleveland, Ohio, and from Portland will go via the N. P. road. Mr and airs uianchard hare been resi I, j "M request for his opinion Hon . J. K Weatherford, Senator from Linn county sent to Governor Pennoyer the following on the subject of an extru session of the legis lature: Alhaky. Or.. Aug. 21st, 1831. Svi.vksteu Pkxkoykr, tiovernor, Salem, Ore. My Dear Sir: Y im of the l&th inst, asking my opinion, as a member of the legislature, of the advisability of convening that Itody in special session "for the purpose of enacting a law for the stay of executions for one year" is at hand, and contents fully noted. Stay laws are in full force and have been, for many years, in a large number of tlie states. The time differs in the different states; ia Arkansas, the lowest, it is three months: in Pennsylvania, the iomresL it is one year; other ttate, five, . is. eight and nice months are fixed as the limit : ami where in force, it seems to meet with the IT WILL KILL YOUR WIFE to carry that great Ug child around iu her arms. You moat to to Stewart k Hox sod boy on. of '.hrir I at,y carriage. All kinds and prices. BIED. VASSALLO.--OnTuesday morning, Aug 22nd, 189. at 5 o'clock, after an illness of several months, of mnsumption, Mrs. Etta B. Vassal lo, at the age of 2ears, 4 months and 14 days. Her death was a very jneaceful ) one. The deceased was the only daughter j of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Stites, of the Demo crat. She was a member of the Congre - j gational church, and her life testified to the depth of her Christian convictions. Be- j loved br her parents her death is peculiarly j a great one to them. Loved and respected ! by many her death will be long mourned by a large circle of friends. The Democrat ! office bows in sympathy over the great loss It was the request of the deceased that the funeral sermon be preached by Kev. H. V. Rominger.of Portland,herformerpatftr; but it was not known at press time whether ; this would be possible. Services will be 1 held tomorrow afternoon at the Congrega . tional church at 2 o'clock. SHOWING AWAY HAY oa a firm. Yoo can make it I the hardest a or k 1 the eta ient by baying compete Hv Carrier outfit of Stewart St Sox . Call and is it. ENGINES AND SEPARATOBS They d.tu't make aay better than th 'Runell" and Stewart ft Hox sell that km at Albany . Several good second baud en gines It aate at a bargain. BUY : YOUR Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Lace Curtains, Shoes, Etc., oi READ, PEACOCK & CO, ALBANY AND LEBANON PAINTS & 0IIS.-Th "td 1"" I Uor tat. on tf,i i;.tt in tbe "Phoenix" and I , we an agent f jr it at Albany. We aUc j carry a fall line of oil , virni-lict, waj- j and carriage paint, etc. Stxwabt A Sox. McMIMVILLE COLLEGE. TORBKT. On Monday morning, vug 2lBt. 1S93, a- the home of her parents, in approval of the people. Such a law proper- fAlbany. of consumption, Phoebe Tor bet, was hit In the back with a ad in the I dents of Corvallis for more than two years j of much benefit to the debtor. hi euarded cannot irretttlv inconvenience the creditor, and would at times like the pres ent, when money cannot be obtained on anv If sham battle at Camp Compcon Satniday j P8'' JJ' afternoon, causing a lots of some fcood. j '"v? ISMned t He died last night. Capt Oerman,of this city, was standing about five feet from him at the time of the accident. There will be four Linn county young men In Lelacd Stanford jr. University this year. Richard Wheeler, who has heen two years, Percy young and Carbon Sox w"io have been attending the Mon mouth, 111, college, and George Howe, of now in San Francisco and it is announced that the company will put another big steamer on the San Francisco -Yaqnina ran. This will give the road facilities for handling a much larger amount of freight and it can give a more prompt and efficient service. SaDm Statesman. At Moxmoi-th. The State Normal well patronised school at Monmouth is by Linn connty students. The well got ten up catalogue shows the following Birdie Anslvn.of Albanv.advance course JN Bilyeu.of Jordan, W W Conis, Ernest j in which aaacev, vv m rtampv. 01 narrisnurg, x c Cheadle, R K Casteel, Davidson, of Rowland, Roy Gill, Rose Moore, M ( Kicbardson, of bcio, Leota Piymate, of Halsey, Mattie Swann, of Crawfordsville, Berha,Shedd, of Sbedd, Alice Temple, of Plainview. in the Nor mal class; Lela Davis, Nellie Pugh, of Sbedd, H A Gaines, Lee Gaines, Mae Myers, Maggie McDonald, Henry Myer, Fred Morris, of Scio, Edward C Peery.of Sodaville, in the sub Normal class; Mon roe Clem, of Albany, R L Carey and J H Goins. of Scio. JH Orchard." of Sweet Home, Hela Rice, Jinna Turner, of Har- j returned last week risbnrg, and U a Sbedd, of Shedd, in the ; land He brought 'rant county. inree men concoctea a scheme to commit a robbery. They drew straws, the one drawing "the lonmt to stand guard outside the store, which was near Long Creek: the one drawing the next longest to hold the gun, while the loot one did the robbing. This happened ten days ago. About a week ago a woman made a confession that she received 140 of the amount secured, some. 9900 or 81.000, and j returned the money. E O Brownsville A V S S natcr said to Oregon's moss back senator, Dolph : "I have a triend you ought to know. His name is Kipling Rudyard Kipling." "Never heard of him," said Mr Dolph as he turned away, ... . jw .isc kuiuk w iurwm a uiu and during their stay here they ue esteem of many friends MrBanchard informs us that he still controls the Western Pedagogue, school journal of Oregon, bat the prospects are favorable ot its being disposed of. Cor vallis News. The Sunday Orrgooian gives the fol lowing Newport seaside item : The social world has not been so active lately as usual, owing perbapa to the absence of the male population. Bat tome very pleasant affairs have taken place and among them might be mentioned a sail there was a uUnosition on the part of tin creditor to push collections, I should be in favor of such an act, but in this connty vrhere there is no unusual activity in that direction, in fact, not aa much a in former years, it is unnecessary- All seem tt agree that to sue at the present time it to force the debtor to assign; and all persons with experience in estates of assignees. know that an .L-i-ismiuent means only a small par rent ' of their chum. It is a bankrupt law, and the effect of an assignment is to diviie. pro 1 rata, by law. the garments of Joaeth -the I debtor among hi brethren the ersiutorv mg party, given by Misses Flora and u01'? a """'I f V!U",U Vesta Mason with the assistance of t 'on, SaUiaMlA BAH1A Af KMVVANnM lady friends. Those composing the party 1 meet it with are re Misses L-ora auce.ttame rnenaty. are covereil and Ute debtor is left with a heavy burden on his shoulders and nothing TV. enry way it Ik-ncfiu any one at the present time to iliarourairr fon col lee- lion" In the event, however, erwlttnr Commercial department Fatal Accident. Yesterday afternoon Homer Bell, son of Rev J R N Bell, of Who is Liable. Complaint in a suit The First National Boitk. of Portland. iriJilnintlfT :rA fh l.innliUinh' of Albany. Bruce j National Bank is defendant, has been filed with the County Clerk. On June 15th a i draft for 81000 in favor of Fleischner. Mayer & Co., of Portland, was drawn by the de fendant at the request of Mr Cowan. It was paid by the Portland bank .and returned immediately for collection, but was not attended to and the bank closed its doors on the 24th. The plaintiff claims that the bank thus became liable, presenting an in- i teresting question. i Ikish Scssks. Mr Robert Crawford from a trip to Ire ith him several pho tographs of pictures of ncenes inlreland. among others some of the Giants Cause way, two ol fort Kush. a thatched cot for hu relief let me know PU help him j Ktto G3SrS.h. AlhWuhrofV '1'- L .l:- uf u ahnuld forve rollecrions. tl- homevfe-ad law . J,:r , . . 7 7 Mauiif anro. ririiraiimun mii.-iai .r V" V . . .i at Corvklhs It of interest in view af the , Friendly had planned a tea as a surprise of muth importance and wil be the absconding of 1 h e-an-oi: lohn L Aver ih.,,l.l., ih. . mean of saving many a small heme: no ml wife to E E Lo commencing at N lmaul (rom tuir ,-51 UlMe inf ite law on our statute, however, would save Wcor DL Oof LVanbebber, thestce , paired to the Friendly cottage M iss ! roni financial rum many a well to 4o man. eatttrly 1249 8 Itith.nce northerly j8.5 faattie was Indeed surprised that they i J1 V"1 5 ft to oeginning, containing So sent; con, Lboad thus accompany her home Oniwortw1 ,A ) 24 f being invited in shVwaa more surpriaed ta J1 "fc . bn call the leguUture At harvett progreatet enormout yields 1 than ever to find awaiting them a dainty bjgether for that pnw. "urht., and per of erin continue to be reported throueh-! tea. The entire oartv were of a literary I nape would. Hasten many claim uo coon out the country . From the farm of WII- i tarn, and na'ura'lv enough Itooks and ! tor adjuatment. liam Tavlor, near Made ty.a tield of forty- j their authors were the subject of conver three bushels of wheat to the acre i ma-! sation . As a hostess Mias Friend v fas lew peers, and so well did she employ her art that the evening passed befors they vera aware ot it. at the age of 18 years. The deceased was a member of be M K. church, and was a young woman of great parity of character, beioved by many. AsiaUW j 1EE SUPPLIES. - kP JO"' U in an old box any longer. Stew at t Ac Su carry bee h tea, (rstioaa, comb fouBdatloe j and ore amokera at low pi Icca. WILL YCU BUILD tfc l3t tod cot tail fo e Stewart it Sox. Tbey keep a lar.a tk ' bothtert hardware abd tall at prieea t.nn t tte timer. HOLWAX MCLHOLLAND. On Aug. 18th, 1803, at the residence of J B Morin, Rev W M Huston, Mr C H Hoiwax and Miss Nannie Mut hoiland, both of Linn countr. KOIN. BLACK BURN .('a Monday. Aog 2 1 1VJ". t Browoanlle to Mr and Mr Arab Biadiborn. fi rmerly f Albany. 1 lis pound kon: All doing wall. THOU SHALT NOT KILL "p according to taw, arel yen mht to bay ail y Mr gam and an .monition of Stftv t A hox. They keep a Lood stock and aell cheap. Giant powder, for sad caps always on hand. WE SELL COAL, IRON d " ! Itvinjr," and keep a large ttocl of blacktmitb toppliea 00 band. Stew aar k Sox. a iL ftBtasaL.' 9 . alasSaS SSaUll elsewhere advar.f.:e- found Icutifil LoeaiiM, Saitablf luiiiip, EffirieBt Tea hen, McMinnville, Oregcn, This College is one of the oldest and best equipped colleges in the North west. Offers Superior Advautages Ripen Light a hoarding bail in the Coto$re building on tie club plan. President Browmor steward, thus guaranteeing good board at tb least possible coat to the stm lent. Board can ah I had in private families at 32.50 to pr week, indnding lodging. OTbe fine Telescope recently toonnted in tit New Observatory and the extensive library to which students have free access, offert B this state. Thirty Acre Caapis. iniur wmmntu, iWngh Wwt. and Business, with of two year chine measure, which Is equivalent to about forty live bushel)wasobtain-d from a 6e!d containing forty-five acres. Mr Taylor had ten acres' of oats the only ' oats he raited this vear- that made the very gratifying average of event -eight bushels to the acre. Salem Statesman. An annular eclipse of the tun will occur October oth. 1893 The path of the annuals being in the Pacific ocean, and running through Lima and Peru. It will appear as a partial eclipse to the western halves of North and South America- It will begin in Atbtny at 10:14 a ro jtm! will continue till 11.45, post meridian. About four digits wi.l be covered by ute moon, or ooe-third the entire surface of the sua will be hidden from view. TbS will furnish an excellent opportunity for calculating the abberitoaof light. Independence, was banting with a friend 1 ,?f ,e hi ng f I 1 in Rosedale addition, three miles south 1 ",1 L f 1 '"if "'"b . c. , T, . ' ,i. , worth eeeng. as the actual photograph of Salem. It seems as they were passing throngh a gate the gun slipped through the slat work that formed the bottom o the cart and was discharged, giving Bell the entire load in the breast. A thresh gives one a view not obtained bv a rcpro- ! j auction, and it is not often we see photo graphs taken in Old Ireland. The dic- tures are at Crawford & Paxton's where June entire loau iu me ureas, a turesn- . ing crew was close at hand whoconveyed 1 they are enUon. the youne man to a neighboring farm house, where he died at 10 p m. He was a printer by trade and about 18 years of age. The news of the accident was re ceived with great sorrow at Independence as he was a very popular youne man and a1 mi red by all who knew him Inde pendent. The Cikccb. The parade oi Sells & Rentfrow"? circus today was better than was anticipated, consisting of twelve or thirteen cages of aiiimals.several open, two bands, white and black, a calliope, ele phant, three camels, besides ponies and performers. The balloon assension and ! parachute jump advertised so much did not ' materalize. Tne fakes were not allowed to operate. At press time we had not learned the opinion of the perfonnaJK'e. Rcsaw ats. Today while the 'circus parade was in progress a horse driven by a lady from the country, ran away, tipping the buggy over, and throwing the lady and two children out. but not injuring them. The front wheels were dislocated and the 1 rest of the buggy left on the public sqrjare. The ladys name was not learned. This noon the drav team of Mr It P Pnr. dom became frightened at the depot, and Ktorof the Demur a r. toon will beam Tl'ESDAV. The eoofereaes aarvioaa at the M K chinch begin with preaching tonight. Tip Humphrey, of the Jefferson Review has been tried for libel by H C Inman. A P Anderson and wife, of Portland, fatted forty days. A bicycle lock and chain fo-md on the streets of Atbanv can be obtained by calling on Utto Cleian. The large attendance aC the foarth-claas eircua yeatsrdav dtroootra'd again that the aliened stringency in flaaiii n is all poppycock. Salem Sttteamaa. Oa acoount tf the deah , ond funeral, of j Mn Ktta H Vaaaalo, daughter of the at Dior TVESDAT R B Klea. an Albany merchant spent Sunday in the city. talent Journal . E W Uragdoe and A H Matthew and families returned last n:ght from the moun tains. Seth and Mamie McAlister, of Kugene. formerly of Albany, are in the city visiting fjUtasW. Cant E J and family letuiaed last night from a pleasant sojourn of several weeks tit Lower Nxla. Mr J M Wallace, president of the Salem Water Work, and who ha charge of the estate of the Late R S Wallace, is in the city Mr W H Kimsey returned last night from a trip to Polk county. He report lew than an average yield of wheat in that connty. Rev 8 E Meminger. of MeMtrmvilK formerly of this city, is ia Albany, attend ing the M E Conference, that cotrrene tomorrow. Miss O Michi Mateuda, the Japan? and tjefore a kw roold be put in force the mischief, aoorht to be )e vented. would he acrompiiahea. 1 do not lielieve that trediton are trnnsr to crowd collection mu to dirtrew the debtor; sen- bic pari- iency will lie shown until the pan. sobside. and onmrre- unli. k the vast trea-ufx- d ourminea and restores to circtdatioo the money of the people. If the legislature would meet and repeal Catarrh Cannot be Curea with IXC AX APPUc ATIOXS , as they cannot reach tne sea ot the dlaaaaa. Catarrh is a blood or eoat itntional dJaaaaa. and in order to ears It you mart take iateraal recaadies. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, and acta directly oa the blood and mocona sruCaces. HaU'a Oatarrb Cure 1. not aqoact roedirtnt. It was prescribed bj eras ot tbabsat phjnleiam to thia oosntxr for years, and is a regular pre aerlptioa, It U coinowwl of the heat toatsa known . eeeahiaed wtth the beat blood purihera. acUa directly on the nraeaaa anrfac . The perfect ooaabfeai I art of the two iawredteaU is what pnxtooM aah wonocrtal raaolu in aulas Catarrh. Baad forteatimonlaia. free. F. J. CBEJtBT at CO., Props. , Toledo , O. teal by Orswisto. price 3c SPRAT T0UX TIEtS.-y 'P-l' ooint ol fetewart S ox and take care cf yooi orchard. The outfit I bey tell tea been tried in this state teats by the best or chardutt aCO ia a e ntflete tncwaw. Fire enmw of study Classical. Scientific. Normal. Literary special anvairuujea m vocal and instrumental jjnac. uasxaeaa co ilraduateit of the Normal course are entitled to a State Diploma, and are ia W to . fill high portions. McMinnville is accessible by rail from ail part-t of the State, on the j main trunk of the Southern Pacific R.B. West Side; twenty-five mi ies south of Portland Fall Term Kernel for atalogne. Begins September 19th, Add ree. T. CS. BBOWSfiOS , r resident t. Or A J Huctaker, Solicitor and Financial Agent. WE'RE NOT BRACCINC h - -r : h tb- beat hce et h e ftearv. ttrsora i ratvet and irehet re It-) ia the valley Come aad are for rtelve. Sttwart A fox. i Clean towel to ever) rerun er at Tiereek PLOWS W h" 1 l iild plw ex aitjy the urn aa the 'Oliver." We ire r antee it and aall on trral. Extra will 6t OSver. Aim we have a 'all lira, of steel plows that jiaaotbs exW.'ied. Tea migbi roanbly aare a few eraU by eoasieg aronwl and aceieg n. Stew.kt A Sox. HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED t so rait a ecu roa RHEUMATISM. LUMBAGO. SCIATICA KIDNEY. LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK,. DR. SAXDTTVS EI.TECTallC BELT K'tae of the appropriations made at the twt emion. eypwudlv tl- appropriaMoa for (lie j rapport of the Militia, it would be money ravel to the people. It woehi be aa exper iment of doubtful resulta. iiowujsm, and it seem to me it i best to bear the harder. ; we now hav? toan to take tne C Barer si ot greater oo--. Toan truly. J. K. WEATrfEurtmn. $ewiso Macbixcs neatly repaired an , rranledby a th wrugbly eompe at work- nam, at M Frrnth'a jewelry ttore.Albeay. i t iregoa. HtraBT.,Or , lpth.lMW. Thomas C Newton died this morning at his home comer Chan li an 4 Misaion St., ialem.Or., o( consumption, after an illness of about 3 years He was born near Albany, Linn county, and moved to . Salem with hia paresis whan a noall dot. w nere tie nee rmtr rwuve a v a m employed ia the plambsog batixies and - m i . . i - -n- u-j yomurladTwhoisto dctrrer a leaure afU-r mvJS'-i"Z-S' the confereuce U over, under the auspice of JTL otohsSd ill. many nawcrr .; 1 1. ;-, -.i riw. - mneh " BTr. compmioao. wrn many Vjr i. ,; t r7u.iX..r 1 friends did all they coaki to mae last came down Lyon street tt a terrific rate.bat was stopped before-any damage was 1 ne BE tTH OF H4S. HtlTtV fBELTaX. Summer weakness, that lired feeling lost of appetite and nervous prostration are driven away bv Hood's Sartapariila, like mist before the morning sun. To realize the benefit of this medicine, give it a trial. Sure, efficient, et,v Hood't Pilia. Fkes .C, ?REAM CASDT. just received by C H Mueller, who keeps the finest goods m his iine in the city. Try him. Hon. Harvey Shelton, one of Linn county's moet sturdy pioneers, died at Scio last Monday, Ang. 21. He was fouud lying by a fence which he had i been building, and was taken to his son's home, where he resided. He lived until 6 o'ciock. Mr Sbelton was born in Patrick connty, V., Oct. 24, 1822. He came to Oregon in 1847- At the clone of j the Cayuse war, iQ which lie was en gaged he took up a claim six miles from Scio. He was married to Caroline Thomas in 1852. Hi renamed on the farm until about five or six years ago, when he moved to Scio. He hail been a member of the Baptist church from boy hood. He was a member of the State l.gilature for four terms, serving his con stituency well. Mr Shelton was a dem ocrat, and aa well a good citizen, whoe record ia a clean one. Ht leaves a wife and seven children. paper issued from this office tomorrow even ing. K Martin, a Maeleav farmer, it i t front rank at wSoat raiaere thi vea" Ha t .e(,orta hat be threshed from t forty-acre nua taw nuanets ot watte wheat, aa aver age of fnity-niae and a ha'f litubela per i ere. -SUtesman. Already toots rf the papsra have bteun boommJadge W M Tuwusend, editor of tLe Ltkeview Examiner, for nominee for governor on the democratic ticket. The jadge is an able man. sod woo Id hold the executive chair down fa Jy at well aa the present incumbent. Ex. A foot race was witnessed by a large cro d at Gervait Sunday. The contest ants were Will Ray, of Woxibim, aad Ellsaronh Cstneron, of Corvallis. They ran seventy-five yards for $ioo s. aide and Ray won by three feci. The gove'rncr Is receiving replies from members of the legHUture to his reqaeat tor 20 vice a to a special teuton tooaae a Ip you are particular about what you E-A-T Perry Conn can acit you in groceries. New seasonable tpeciallies contlantv ar riving He keeps a cl?an stocl:. If you are going to the raountalna cad on hi ,n ana get ttocacu up. yu.. arc K"."g . SEVER BOTHER stay at nome , can u,i mn nuueciinc ui - - to secured, as well as firtt class treat- jourse.! very much abtmt huslnestdr.ring ment. His p:icet will tu't the timea. be hot moniht If you wUhw keep cool : ... . ... I urtr einal .. ,ai IhIa ka kibit nf Irian Don't stop catinK, but est what vill bi ttd I r """-J"S Mrs M H Bea! and two daughters. have been in the East, arrived in Albany this noon where thev will locate temporarily with the former s husband, the receiver of the linn County Nation tl Bank. Mrs Gibbs aad MissBornell. of Puyallnp. are in the city the guest of their cousun Jason Wheeler Mias Burnell is the Tuva! the j lap correspondent of thePost Intelligencer. r BaaaBa, ani a taconta papar. Mn Burroeater and dauehter. Mildred. returned from Portlaad today, rtoppinjr vti at Salem to Tint the brother of the former. Capt X B Humphrey, who is now almost rally recovered and is a rational as BvBa He is in good spirit , and will be in Albany after awhile. Several Crook county people were in the city today. Mr A Cohen, formerly of that county, who has had his bands hill keeping track of them. given the list aa follows: Cam M.ntii)frv and wife. lr Sam Nc ir ansae, a stater of G F Simpson. Wm Gulliford. Ir Uasner. and Mrs .Newt White, who . j boon comfortable. n 1 I 1 J 1. wttl astaaa Ika. IUWU urrurai wiva, ... ..... ) Soon on death's eooch we'll all recline ; 1 Soon "may our heads be lain beside thee, j Good bye, you've left all paiu behind. V'bany Herald olease copy ! ' a Eaar Wiaaert T- M v jedjtraiaaof the Chicago, TJe "adSV North Wtabra Line dattaiw e ' all -apetitloin with eaa. It baa the than- i et line, faataat ttsae, Cetoo djpoto aad no I chaage or delay at the alayaoori Rirer.aad is I the papular World' Fair mate. To Ft swan The aodarrigaed have llsanJ the warehuuae of David Smith at I T alio: an and are now praparad la etore ' grata, and all turners are reaasted to call j aad see them before asaktag arrange men! a J for storac- ebe where FaOST A SAStaBJB lat tip ra neat wi aated. aaaaS Bale GRA45, UARBEK. FLUHEB. Fresh, pare, tare to po aad told at Fc rt iand priee. tiardea aeade kept ia bulk. Ft'd ptaa aai FtrUl corn ahw earrted ia larse qaaautis. Srcwtrr it Sox Strictly Cash. V. L. Kertia ha adept d a oath tyabm aad will hereafter sail groom. it CASH sy. aurataZtav 000. with Klixti Maeaetae Baepea. w7ansl aWASa& err wn earw wtihaat aiaalrtaa Wmtm 'ML Qy.-y g3 aaajaaSra. staegajiia Tjaojwwaa Hsrv! yyaamBaa'iR-'l'rTt. tfltnal eneaei WmKMsi MaWiBal ' Meaaaey. B Fi a Ir Can VfflsT ;.-J; Savf JB t! ai- v general lil fceaiia, HKaVanna A rp. wwaaBS tlaaeseecaer aeaaaa, eaeaaaea. wutif mmJBL UBETS ELECTUS BELT ZZJsll2aSZ "'SBIH wmch reawtnt hat atrial to eaevtare Wmke aMt iltflMli JHIaaaaaW 11 1 'iiili III I Inlia n lai i nfif XWm KaBHaBjb. Jtaaa&aHaGaBaaW -rcta yoo aaar hare aaeaty draaaat HaaaaaaaanKt aBSHf yaareTauaaersai ia im ai l nianiy aV lKmBBXSSCSSBMHKIK waueh ia eseerrtdarr nat ta 3( awnl - 9 BfHnrmsnBSmMrX enoaaya-aeJcoea'.-teact f srre iBgfftKK- qalrel uV"T!jKaaaVaiiMMia -i"- I aaTv4er?l haw atoaee. Taw 1 f la oar phnt taa malaaaa. aiat wt trhkaemnraai aaeat "TUBES mt tMkk mm4 Tiro, after aB ctzrwuxMMt til I J IsMHPel I rw a t - LaanaaT'aaj'l aaar tifaTEall ! ataaette aaav TVaarv hi. RHEUatATlSai Goto R M ItoSertasa'a fer'eaeap brua ard ita. . etre for catds. Pevees btutj. Vaao' Ib rvt A i Acexts Wastkooo Saiary ami Comaatataoa ! for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Bioirapiij of JAMES G. BLAIN1, across the Watch , Mr Fried, formerly of Hahn and Fried, of Pnneville. now of Portland, was also in the city. Last evening at the residence of 8 E Younir a farewell reception was tendered Rev and Mrs W B Barr, previous to their w- -' -a.v.. kmuri w paw a, , fvcv IU1U Jan TW 13 UMT, JwaM w uwu rtty law. He hat answers from not quite ' departure from Albany, after a residence up for prosperout at well at qu'.et lime" increased fiawiit is one of the first goo-.! i iects felt by users of Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil with Hypophos- pliiles. Good a; ... good health. i begets Scott's Emu Qi. FI is o lai iooa mat provic own tonic, lnstcaa o: a : up on appetite and digestion it. ij i wonderlul help to Liollt. Scott 's Emulsion ar rests t!u progress of Consumption, Bron chitis, Scrofula, and Other wasting diseases by raising a barrier of healthy Hesh, strength and nerve. A MAN i it it hot enough for him, wlten you can tee very plain' v that he it practically roasted; but, instead, advise him to ca ll on Parker Brothers and get the best baked goodt to be tecured, as well as warm weather groceries generally, WHEN HE IS HOT. By so doing you will surely ictain hls friendship. Mr R M Robertson ffas moved his feed store to one door wett of his former p'nce. one-half of the members and those writing to far ire mostly opposed to the Idea. - Journal. Rev H L Bate, pastor of the Eugene Congregational church, Sunday gave notice tbat he would ret ion the pastorate cf that church, and would remove to Forest Grove to accept the principaUhlp ol the preparatory department cf the unl vttaity at that place. While people are complaining of dull timet, they should tike in coreardera lion tbat thit ia the dullest month In the y.-ar. August It the month that those of our cit izens who are able and can spare the rt me. are taking a vacation either in the too jn taint or on the sea coast, Ex. A tramp bicycle's! ttole a bicycle f om a Portland man and rode it to San Fi an cisco, where he returned it to the ow ner with a note of thanks and stating that It had served its purpose all right. 1 "he owner, who has been In Albany recen tty. now locks It with a heavy chain. treorge Avery and i A Bell will go to a aUrrtoae a Callare Wtto thail decide it? We havt conclud cd long ago that it ia a aacceat etery time with Simmons Liter Regulatcr in the house. I : promote harmony tod food nature by preventing any attack of the worst enerov; indigettlon aad Jytpeptia, which mate discord in the bilghteit home. You wilt find the regulator a goad reme dy for blllioutnets and tkk hescache. It is the household triend. i Imitations have been put upon the j market to ckwely resembling Allcock'' 1 a www i waM.,a w jvysiai Lraiaiac a t. p ra.-.-. Ib II . ,,. t AZll la L. fOUTKML Ut9 ClllOXS however, in eeneral appearance on, e that they compare trith Allcoek's, tor they are ! reB awir iiun aui u.'o. inamw.ii at okt contain deleterious isgreoienta which are apt to cause tertoas le.j urv. Remember that A Hcock'c are the only aenuine porou platters the beet external remedy ever produced; aad when purchasing platters do not only ask for hut tee that voo get A licock' Poroat Plaster. Prpr:l by hoott 4 Uowiw. W. V. drugging VI60R MEN h it well located, and is in a condition vo meet the demands of the tiade. He car let a large and first clas stock ol feed, lime, cement, platter, hair, fertilizer, and everything ututlly kept in a' first chut leed store. jutt east o the Democr at office, w - Brownsville to-morrow where they t elll I 1 . -I I I . i i t ll... - I , . . remain ior several weeat. The fori ter will take charge of the warehouse tl ere fot the Benton County Flouring Mills' Co, while the latter will run the engine. Mr Bell's family will accompany him. 0 or valiit Newt. Yesterday about noon W R Mara uls, who lives about f?ur mile north of J lu- tgene, informed hit family tbat he Inte id ea killing hirr.selt at he was tired of Ilvi ng. tie went 10 tne oarn and proceeded to twallow two ounces of aconite. Dr J VV Harris was sent for and saved the mi in. Domestic troubles was the cause. See the New Improved Singer sewing ma chine. The r:t H alway the cbeapeat. 1 W Sowden, agent. Ijiwelrv r tore Office at F M French's a.TM1tnWsalnt(ae Easily. Quickly. Permanently Restored. WEAKNE88, ' NERVOU3NESS. OEBIMTY, at"' all tb train from early errura or later xr. -, the rexults cf overwork, itlckuets, worrv.etv. Fullt-tn-i.nU:, developtneut and ttwe l,lvcn to ever organ and portion ol tho Ivrij: Hlmpie. natural met h!. Imni5tiitnlniiir.enpr.t wen. Failure Imuon Iblo. 2,nuu referencei. B(Mk, explanation and vr i;. ERIC KEDICAL 03. BUFFALO- W. v. Tkk Vksdict it unanimous tbat Will & Stark carry the b'jt line of iver ware In the valley. They have the varleiy and qual ity, a combination that counts in buying goods. An inspection always carries con viction. A Watch is necessity nowadays, I yon want one call on Will St Mark, wbose t iCk it large and varied, and price tbe tiio mot reasonable, Thev o'tl give vnu a bargain in thit lioe at v.elij at in j w. iry 'Jjurlly Trains will hereafter run to Idanha jn tlie eastern end of tbe (Ircimn Pa- itir Monrlay morning and Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Round trip tickets, good for thirty days, will be scitt ror tvj.uu. ttound trip tickets can now be bought to the Bay. at excursion rates ev?ry day of the week. AshbvCar, RetlFitate, 80i VVaah- iogton Street. Portland, 0i. Will St Sti r. th' leweler- REVERE HOUSE Sodgsi & McF.rland, a'els, AlbtDy, PS . ths lesdiog drufa tLBANY OREGM. CHaS. PFiilFFEK rROPRlfiruR If afflicted with sculp diseases, hair fall ing out, anj premature baldness, do not use grease or alcoholic preparations but apply HaU'a Hair Renewer. Sunday evening about half-pant eig ht, a Dear belonging to Sella St Rentfro ws' circus broke loose and got into a x ow with another bear, says the Salem Un le pendeut . Those who taw the fight i ay that it wa decidedly exciting but that it did not last very long. The lote bear seemed to have the best of it froo l the start and when the duet of battle cleat ed away hi antagonist was found dead tap on the field. Than the bear ran and hk3 it i a barn where he w; captured. On Sept 23 the Multnomah A mati -ur Athletic club will hold its third annual o ut- door championship games. Entries- 31 ay be made up to Sept 16. Following wttl be the events: 100 yards dash, open eve nt. 22a yards dash, open event. 440 yai 'dt run, open event, eoo yard run-, 01 en event. 1 mile run, open eyent. t 80 yards run, novice members only, 1 20 vsrds hurdle, open event. 230 yaraa hi ir dle, open event. One mile safety bjcy :le race, open event. One mite safety Wcy cle race, (3:00) open event. Running hi gh jump, open eyent, Running broatt jun ip, open eyent. Pole vault, open eve nt. Throwing 16 lb hammer, opei eve nt. Putting 16 lb shot, open event. ShUoh't Yitaliser IS what yoo ased for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow tb m or kj d- uey tronoie. to uniuaranveaa to give j satiatactioD. Price 76o. 8)id,by Foehay Masoc here "f -eicral tin nth- in whu h thev have obtained warm pUv in the h.-arts of the members of the V P church. The house was filled with young and old. and the evening was passed in a manner that will long impress itself oa those present. A lunch of unsurpiacaed quality, was a feature. Rev and Mrs Barr will go from here to Califorrua,and will take with them the host wishes of all fortunate in knowing them. E K Mitchell arrived in Seattle last night, having ridden a bicycle all the way from his home in Richmond, Ky. He ttarted May 17 and traveled through Ohio, Indiana, lll'nols, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, through tbe Yellowttone Park into Montana, and then followed tbe line of the Northern Pacific railroad through to the coast. The en the dlttance covered by the wheel ti 3100 mile. Thit trip wat undertaken for his health. Mr Mitchell will proceed on his wheel do w n the coast as far as San Diego. Joseph Pozier, a negro, stubbed his toe in the river mud at the old Planter's plan tation, six miles lielow Nw Oriean's Thdrx day. There was brought to light a bright shining object a gold ring. Digging in the mud he discovered 11 other gold and diamond rings, some gold watches, chains, lockets, ear-rings and other trinkets. The news was circulated among the negroes on the neighboring plantations ami several came to the scene. Over 60 more goltl. diamond and other rings were found, aViut 100 pieces of jewelry in all. Dozier in formed the police and several detectives were sent to investigate. The treasure was turned over to them. The theory of the police is that the jewelry was dropped by tiurgiars uy accident WOSHB CMnsWII Teaiaoa at C V Brawaetby. VIA V I Co T.c ia Baltimore week . A fall line of .Varoer Brat corttts at It, ft Co . If roa waat a has ttaokr call fo- Josephs white labor cigars. Come and ere the new chiPed plow at Rampe opposite poaUfnce. Tbe better! ooSae in the city at Coat ad saaws r a Motor saattas five lrip daily toVieierV addition. Mt there 03 iaMal'aMnta -f f 1 per week, Aa eateatire variety cf sard en sMdaboth in balk and by the packse caa le found at C B Browaell. Pa.ronia borne industry by aantieg the celebrated white labor cigars, mans.'acta'ea by Jn'iat Joreph. New cork sole, hand to road shoo, acme thing entirely new, not a winter shoe bat lit tit ard flexible for rpnng and soremer wear, at Read. Peacock St ( o'a. Cell and intpect them. Wa K v. t to K-T anyway. The bet. ter the grocer let the more enjoyable life it, and while we do not alt live simply to eat, we certainly est to live. If you set your groceries and baked goods of Parker Brothert you are bound to live well If It it cnly on a loaf of rye bread. They keep the best In everything, and sell at price that sstitfy regsrdlcs ot times. Oall on them. By Cut. Uasilton, hit literary execator, with the ce-vperaona af hi family, aad for Mr. B lain 'a Complete Works, "Tvrirv Tuts or fiMwust," aad hi later banc. Oaa as aspect at far then 3 aawt saxuso book ia taa mar ket. A K P .1-rAan af Me.. took 112 orders 110 call, stent's aroot SI96 50. Mr Ballard ef O. look 15 orders. IS rJ iRaasta, ia I day; profit $26.25. E K Rice oi Mass. took 27 ardrr in 2 data; profit S4; 25 J Patttdge of Me. took 43 order from 3", caila: profit $73.25. K A Palmer of N. Dsk. loot 33 order in 3days; profit ' ; f9i.25. Kxcxnavs Taaamtcr sivea. If j ; you wish to make LARGE MONEY write 1 j tstiarlisttly for terms to The l!f on till fib. C.3r w irii.CMi WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAM CUBE YOOI OEBIUTY CURED. i LAME SACK AMD 1 rr ai.aa,"l. ui. . a-n. aa. anaat r i.r i - - kMaSUIaiM ua aftar. fail. 1 1 mtfimmmt a Bett tail taar I mmmwti tar a I aali Mt aaB.aall a. tttaaC ranacrc ataa? aaavam ni 1 1 itm it li ia Hi 1 1 at 1 aa 1 rj an ta war. 1 1 aiiatij.atwtnant Lorr aiKaTyj:4 La? I fatal ajaalw" waawoWaa. VJatabair. HESZ aXZCUX. 1 mi ni hut 1 1 in a n aa Haat near, nut ttoaaat mm. lai at. a s. K-.ri taajeaass llhaMhaiaaaaia e -J . Im itaaaa wiin aaawaaaaL, iu LBtaa taiaa 1 a a i T ll ill call H. A. BO WES. ataaCslXuK St. tar, s-x.aa aSTa.'TS. TC?Sm2 aihiitlaairialn lha laai aiili liana in i it lcaa a iiaanaiialii la laal haa a ar ana i aa attar. at. c atatHxa. WjatKat win mm i am irE UJ. 1 aTial leBttaaaaa "astaaar Eatal Keuaaa. JH.1.T tat tiaDaaar nr- Wtotaar laava Ikan fcar ta 1 mtanweaiti, T Sma5x5r7'S5S" IXTETKA. THE DR. SANDEN ELECTRIC a)eoawetetoaBfveiarT,aaaabann c as t3 arawt MaSjksa. sv Immul ea iitrii wtstra i Wl.BSSl ll kan ta lanaravva Klaecrte imiaa ii t 1 1 aia i i r t-S aaova aaal atefttaaleal. Thar an aiaaaSiaatteaathta - --J " " SANDEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 First St, HKTLmttEfit aafaffiy nTOffal Qtaflttf W a3atssaanttell ill IllaWsl SEMkas BELT t nana, art i in ii ami raaiaaraat.cTat.aeT CITY BOTTLING CO., Whok sale and Retail Dealers in TRE-iPASS NOTICE.-All hantara are : hereby notified not to trespass upon lata Maud preealaeaof ihe ondersbrntd, j seven and a hail miles east or Albany. ' unlesn pecmltsion is firtt obuiaed. I sssall proaeeute all who thus trepaw. K M BO RK ft A RT. Water, Oder, Oraaasre Bid. Iron. Seltzer Waters, Birch Beer. arsapatrill 3 aadlnrn. iron Wine. Give u a IriU. Thehlllfeaw Kaaallal to the prodactioa of th atoat per feet and t,opalar 'axative remedy known, have enabled the Caltfornu Fi 8j ruo Co. to achieve a great aaocnaa in tht r--potation of it resady. Hymn of Fur, as it it coneed ed to bathe anivateat laxative. Fnr tale l.j all drua;tttta FOR RENT, v oood five room house 6 bioeka from he court ti'Miaa. oosr pxing garden land and fine orchard, 3 Apply at l, iertear. FUST SHEET Wtw(ei MgMKi? art lailr ALBAS V, OUCH Terms, cash :re. at F L Kenton' grocery rat and W kle.aar'aaalltr Co.Timend to public approval the Cali fornia liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Fig. It is pleasant to the tatte ano by ac,'nt igently on the kidaeyt, liver and buwelt to cleanse tbe syttem effectually, It promote thr health and comfort of all who ute It, and with millions It it the best snd only remedy. f OaT. last Monday between Fourth j and First street, iu thi ; city .a pocket book with a trunk kev in it. Finder wil' ac-ommn-'ate a young lady by leaving it at this office. Vietcck's ahaviog and hair cutting par ora Bath at Vteittsk's shaving a midair cot- nar.'ois. Aak Taatr Prlrada Who haye taken Hood't Sarsaparillt what they think of it, and the replies will be positive in Its favor. One hst been cured of Indigettlon and dyspeptia, another finds ll indispensable for tick headache, others repoit remarkable cures of scrofula, salt rheum and other blood diteatet.tiill others will te'l vou thst It overcomes "that tired feeling,'' and to on. Truly, the best ad vertising which Mood artaparilla re ceive Is the hearty endorsement of the army of friends it has won by its positive in rtllctnal mer What Shall 1 Take? Why Simmons Liver Regulator ,of course. It can be beat in anv attack of Indigestion, bilioutneta, ttca headache or constipation . It give qui;k relief, and If continued for awhile will completely cure thsse ailment. Ihe Regulator come In iquld and pow der fot in. Tne powder ia wondei fully convenient for the vest pocket. A pinch of the powder and a swallow rf water leavis no tasle and works effectually I. A. Morris k Co. Flour and Feed Store, Have removed their store ttors, former'v occvpied Ronton, and hare on hand to the Strahai by Deyoe i a full stock o Proof of Merit The proof of Ihe merits of a plaster Is the cures It effects, snd the voluntary testimonials of those w'.io have used All- cock's Porous Plasters during the- past thirty years it unimpeachable evidence of thlr superiority and should convince he mott skeptical. Self praise ! no recom mendation, but certificate from those who have utcd them are. Beware of imitation and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask tor Al cock's. and let no solicitation or explana tion induce vou to accept a tubttitute. Head yoar nam i ml ' . v r Ai . i, . i. tl on the Dxu:CRT, th wil' JttH ashion tl-eot fres eaoh month na it t ' t Lives of many men rnin-3 us Wt to it t: u Kin htttnb It :'i ritllnz . i . t tl 1 1 at v t!i ; ;t'.i khn tim;. If ths htir it falling oat and turui.iit gray, ths gUndn of the akin ueetl ttimnlating and o 'lor fvl, and tbe beat rauiady and aiiniu ant it HaU'a Hair Ranewer AUVKKTTSINU KOVBLTtKli. Wc liaVC h complete line of noveitise, direct from the makers, can furnish tbe a ante at lowes prices.- Whistles, mirrors, pencils, mem oranda hooka, napkins, fans, rulers, yard sticks, panels, chromo cards, caps, calen dars, xtnas cards, etc. , in season. And always the best Job Prin nvo SMILEY, Leading Printer. Albany Market. W heat ,4.9c Gala, 30o. Hour, fi.Oo. "utter, 26a. Eggs. 15a. Lard, 12 to 15o. Pork -hams 12 to 15c; shoulders 0 to lOf sin, it to ISo Hsy. baled. 7 vo atoea, 80c. Apple,l 00 Hops, 12o. ,r'd f.u It-. plums, 9c, apples, 9a Chickens. $i 00 per dosen. Beef, on foot, l&e. Hogn, dressed. ?c. COIVALL'S FIQIM, BSAN, SHORTS GERM MEAL. CRMUM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done . ALBANY FiNFFlE C(H PotruiM). Otrcon. A- P. Atamaoaa, Pssacrai- Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAVS. Oregon State Normal Schcjol MONMOUTH, OREGON. .an 'T'HE LEADING NORJIALSCHOOLfcnations. Tuition. Noi mal, $6.15 per term X ot tne Northwest. Strong profes sional and academic courses, and well or- sanized Model School for Practical TrairJ me of teacher. Normal. Advanced Kor-faeek, Rooms from $x par week: (un mal,Bustnet,Mutic and Art Department. burnished) to $1 00 and $.?5 furnished. SI 10 weeks; Sub-Kormal, Jt-.oo per term f to weeks; Business, 'ffe.iv per term. Board at Normal Dining HalL. $t.T5 per Beautiful and healthful location. Light , Ore. Baltimore Biota. Dealers iti all kinds of Furniture, Wa Pspr Carpets, Linoleums, Picture Frames, Etc, UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HYDE & JAMES, Be lor-, going to the Bsy or mountvlns no In and examine the Blazer and Eton jackets and sultt at Read, Peacock St Co't. Very cheap. AneKBreakfatt To purify, vitalize and enrich the blood,. and give nerve, bodily auu digestive strength, taste Hood't Sarsaparlila. Con tinue the the medicine after every meal for a month or two. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 FER CENT & i ON CITY PROPERTY. M SENDERS DPRICE'S USPowder: Pro'r'etnrs The only Pure Cieam of l artar Powder. No Ammonia; No Mum. 4W vUlioni of Homes 4a vPars ihe Stan hrX DRUGS. Stationery, Toilet Artistes, Musica Instruments, Etc Hodps & McFaflai, The Corntr.DrugtStore," Albany, Ot atut supplied, and the course of study re vised and strengthened. The grad.iatesJ are in demand to nil good positions. The diploma entitles the holder to teach In any county in the state without farther exam Board and lodging In piirtteitmilie,$3 50 expense no saloons. Tbe Normal haslto S4.00 per week. T'iiticn,boaru,,oding enroyeu a steauy growiu uurmsr ine past year, reaching an enrollment ot over 400, and books lets than $1 50 per year. Con -kervatwy of Mulc. Thorough courses the largest In iti htttorv. New members! re offered in vocal ami Instrumental mu- have been added to the appar-fclc. Tuition, $10 per term of 20 lestont. Monmouth is easilv accessible from all parts of th State, twelve miles from the (State CapitaUixtv mile south of Portland JCaUloguu cheerfully sent on application . Address P. Ia. rABPBELL, Pres., or S. SHEDD, Set of Faculty. NEW : FURNITURE, f X tHUKK is WUW ruial- Ur rIKST-ULASS FUBJaTTUKS, tA'!iM 1 ltSv of bed room set. chaire, lenngaa, ate., which I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. i n for bargaiia. Thos. Brink. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, froprletar, WHOLESALE Hi RETAIL Only White Labor Employed