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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1893)
f m SAKUSLE'S FHJfJRES. Secretary Carlisle takrs the position that the government could not ' carry out the provisions of tl.e Vest tree coinage bill put at the rate of 20 to 1 . In a letter to Senator Vrorhees the Secretary say: "Referring to our conversation relative to the probable cost incident to tlx change from the present coining ratio between gold and silver (r. to 16 for the standard si'ver dollar and 1 to 14.93 or subsidiary silver) to a ratio of 1 ao, you are respect fully Informed that the number of silver dollars coined since 1878 aggregates $419, 333,450. Without any allowance for abra sion and loss InciJent to melting the same, the coining value of these dolhra, at a ratio of 1 to 20, would be $333,322,162, or 84,uo,22S less than their present face value. To recoin these dollars at a ratio of 1 to ao would require the addition of 81,376,700 ounces of new bullion, which, at the average price paid for silver under the act of July 14, 1890 ($0.93.1;), would cost $7 Si 883,700. In addition to this, 1 estimate that there would be a loss from abrasion and In the melting of these dollars of at least $3,000,000, which amount, to gether with the difference in the face value of the coins ($84, 1 10, oSS), would have to be reimbursed to the treasury by an appro priation for that purpose. From the fact that the silver dollars are distributed throughout the country, it would be neces sary as I hey arc redeemed at the several aubtreasuries to transport them to the mints, and the ex pens of transportation for $300,000,000, the amount outside of the s'ock on hand at the snbreasnrles and mints at Philadelphia, San Francisco and New Orleans, would average at least 1 '4 per cent, or $4,500,000. "I therefore estimate the cost of rccoin ing the silver dollars already coined as fol lows: New bullion to be added, $75,883,700; loss by abrasion and melting, $3,000,000; cost of coinage (labor, materials, etc.), $6, 290,000; copper for alloy, $68,2co: trans I portation of dollars to the mint, $4,530,000; lotal,$89. 74 1,900 The stock of i subsidiary silver coin in the country is estimated at $77,000,000, which at roll weight would contain 55,699,875 ounces of fine silver This amount, in a mtio of 1 to 20, would coin $55,843,802, or $21,156,198 less than the present face value. To recoin $77,000, ouo of subsidiary silver into an equal amount of fractional coin, at a ratio of 1 to 20, would require the addition of 18,797,- 625 fine ounces, which, at $0,93 per fine ounce, the average price paid for filver under the act of July 14, 1S90, would cost $17,528,785. There would be a loss of about 21i' per cent by abrasion from the face value, or about $1,925,000. I Would therefore estimate the cost of recoiolng subsidiary silver in the country, at a ratio of 1 to 20, as follorvs: New bullion, $17, 528,785: loss by abrsaiun, $1,925,000; cost of coinage (labor, material, etc., $2,500,000; copper far alloy, $15,636; cost of trans portation, $(,155000; total, $23,124,421. Recapitulation : Estimated cost of rejoining silver dolUrs, $89,741. 9o; estimated cost of recoining subsidiary silver, $23,124,421; total, $112, 866,321." The movement of Grand Army veterans to secure the nomination and election ofja candidate in the next presidential election ."who shall be in perfect accord with the Grand Army on the pension question" is premature and is likely to prove futile. Did not the promoters of pensions have in Harrison a candidate alter their own heart? Did not the "comrade" ho appointed Tanner and Raam, and under whose ad ministration the cost of pensions increased from $80,000,000 to over, $150,000,000, secure all the votes that can be obtained from reckless expenditures in this direc tion? The great majority of the people arc now more concerned in a just and thor ough reform of the pension system. The wild Cossacks, living away down in the southernmost part cf the Russian Empire spend most of their time harassing the Turks. They are peculiar; savage in appearance. Their uniform is the Cossack coat, foil trousers, scarlet undercoat hooked up to the neck, b'g boots, and as an over coat they wear a bourka, a circular cloak made of coarse felt with long, shaggy hair on one side of It. This cloak is big enough to cover the lUer and much nf the horse. The most distinctive point in their dress, however, I, tlie cylindrical hat of black aorakhan which they wear St all seasons The top is of cloth or velvet. They form part of the Russian cavalry and live prin cipally on plunder, stealing, during their raids into Turkey, anything the can', find, rom a chicken to a chilJ . Goust, the smallest separate an I inde pendent territory in the world, it situated in ti:e Lower Pyrenees, about 10 miles from Oleron, between tbe - boundaries of Fiance and Spain. Ths people speak a language cf their own, 1 cross betweea French and Spanish. A republican senator has at last appeared with assurance enough to move for a stay of execution of the people's will an reference to the tariff until I -'7. His name is Gal linger and be i very appropriately the colleairoe of.Bili Chandler. "Only the Scars Remain' Says Hentiy Hudson, of the James Smith Woolen Machinery Co.. Philadelphia, Pa., who certi fies as follows; " Among the many testimoni als which I see in regard to cer tain medicines performing cures, cleansing tho blood, etc., none Impress me more than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the age of 18 years, I Inn I swellings 'come on my legs, which broke and became run ning sores . Our family phy sician could do nic iii good, and it was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old Mother Urged Me to try Ayers Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not ticrn troubled since. Only tbe sears remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of ' the good Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar saparilla advertised In all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ure in tolling what good It did for me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer ft Co., Lowell, Mesa. Curesotherg, will euro you A fa I lty.1 B i in i-i mm nti " '''mm . n " " - , WASHINGTON U5TTKK. From our regular Correspondent. Washington, Aug. (4, 1S93. The democratic leaders of the house proved themselves equal to the occasion, and broke the record for a new congress by getting to work on the silver question on the fifth day of the session. They also disappointed the republicans who were cocked on the charge of Intentional procras tination. The republicans have been so surprised with the ease with which the democrats reached an agreement to take up the silver question, in advance of the ap pointment of committees, discuss it fourteen days and then, vole upon the bill for the repeal of the purchasing clause of the Slier mi n law nd amendments thereto for the free ctlnage t silver at a ratio of 16, 17, 18, 19, 01 90 1 one, and for the sub stitution of the Slaril act, which was the aw before the Shorn n act was passed in 1890, that they have just begun to charge the democrats with railroading the matter through she house. The democrats sre perfectly willing to plead guilty to the charge of railroading the questio-i. They believe that the situation required railroad ing, and that the people had a right to expect It. The agreement under which the debate now being conducted is thorough- j ly democratic ; It provides for an equal di ..t.: t a t ., ,lnn. ,i, Kilt v istvili us nuts aassv vs wsfm w-- and the amendments named without fim bustering, and the decision of the question j is to be made solely by the tot jonty in the house. It looks now as though the bill for the unconditional repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman law would pass, al though there Is a probability an amendment providing for the free coinage of silver at an Increased ratio may be added to the bill. Up to this time the debate has been car ried on in a spirit of toleration, although same ot tne speaser on ooin siucs-anter and anti-silver ; there are no political ldes j recognized in the debate have made some rather strong statements. The small at tendance is surprising, in view of the great inUrest throughout the country in the result- Of course every body knows that it is easy for members of the bouse to find more comfortable places than their seats in the house to apeod their time from 11 a ro to 5 p m dally, but it does seem that more of them should regard It a duty to attend the sessions than do. While there is no actual necessity for their being present, if they do not intend to speak, until the voting begins, still it wculd look better to see them In their sea's. The democratic senators have not found it so easy to agree upon a program for the disposal of the silver question ia the senate, although the committee appointed by the democratic caucus, of which Senator Gor man is chairman, has nude some progress towards a compromise, and there la reason for the belief that it will eventually succeed. The most radical silver men in congress are republican senators, and it is their influence which makes it difficult to tret t'e demo cratic senators to agree upon a compromise substitute for the Sherman law. There is little, if any, probability that a bill for the repeal of the entire law or of the purchasing clause can get through the senate without being accompanied by a substitute. The town has been full of silly rumors about President Cleveland's health since his return to Or ay Gable, nnder his physicians orders, in search cf much needed rest . The case is very simple and there is no occasion for rum jr. There is nothing the matte with the president's general health, but he has been overworking himself ever since the 4.u of; March, and being on'y human, his system is now paying fie penalty, and j demands the rest which be haa not before felt a, liberty to give it, There b really no good reason why he should be in Washing toe during the discussion of the silver ques tion. In fact, there are more reasons for his being away. Had he lesnaiaed here he would constantly have been charged with trying to influence votes in some way or other. Being away he could get needed rest and ao one can accuse him ol trying to interfere with Use constitutional rights of senators and representatives. While there has been nothing in the shspe of an official agreement to that effect there seems 10 be a general understanding among the democrats in the house that the committee on ways and means will as soon it its membership is announced begin the work of reforming the tariff. The agreement to take op the silver question la that house was a great relief to Speaker Crisp, as it will enable him to take bis lime in making up the rommittees, for there will be nothing for th-m to do until after tne silver question is disposed cf . IN Llfg WITH HIS 1' A BTY. The demooa'ic f any Is net a mon ometallic party. It ia a party which be lieve and openly asserts its belief in bi metsllism. The folloftirg plank from tbe democratic national platform adopted at Chicago prescn's the democratic side of it and answers those who are asking "what will be don: I y the present administration:'' We denounce the republican legislation k.. r,, . w,. . sown ., the Sherrn.n act : of iSgoa . a cow- srdly makeshift, fr.ught U, fwslUl.tle. of danger in the future, which should make all of its supporters, a well as its author, anxious for its speedy repeal. We bold to the nae of bo'h gold and silver as the stand ard money of the country, and to the coin age of both gold and silver without dis criminating against either metal Or charge for miatage. buv the dollar unit of coinage of both metal must be of equal intrinsic and exchangable value, or be abjured through international sgteement or by tucb safeguards ol legitlaiion as shall insure the maintenance of ihe parity of tbe two metals and the equal powrr of every dollar at a'l limes in the msikets and in the pay ments of debts, snd we demand that all paper currency ahall be kept at par with and redeemable in such coin. '.Ve in'st upon this aa rspecfally necesiy lor the protection cf tbe farmer ;nd laboring classes, the first and mos' dcfcDseie vict ims of unstable money and a fluctuating currency. It is claimed by peisons who do not tske pains to investigate that President Cleve land lias repudiated the foregoing declara tion and has planted bim'elf -quarely upon a monometallic standard. This is not true. President Cleveland is opposed to the coinage of silver at the present ratio becau '. the unit of colhige ot lioth meUl Is nu ui iqual intrinsic and exUianaable value. He !n!st trr it hul! he, anil in doing to Is in strict harmony with the fore going declaration and with the dominant sentiment of til arty. Thre art some people who do not seem to know Ihe ri'.ff.-rencc between rronnine a:litm. and bimeta'lism c'oihed with the net eary safeguards Council BlufTi Glob.. VVHI AT AMI WOOL. The Timet Mountaineer says the fear of free trade has caused the bottom to full out of wool. Vve wonder what ha cuued the bottom to fall out of wbeat 'ill our esteemed contemporary impart tbix informii'ion'f' THer- U herafv f'.OCO.OOO worli, wcoi Kiwttji in Oieston annually, while 10,000,000 will not pay for our an nual crop of wheat. Tbe true retson for the low price of pro -duce is that tbe people have ao money to purchase clothing or bread. The people have a do y to do as well its congress. It is to empty their stockings and unlock their strong boxes and begin to do busitesf . It A It Y s DIMENSIONS From measurements of iOO infants born in the Royal Maternity hospital of Edin burgh, averages have been obtained. They are practically the same for American child ren, and are as follows: Average weight of male infant at birth, 7.55 pounds. Average weight of female infnnt at birth, 7.23 pounds. Average height of male child at birth, 19.34 inches. Average height of female infant at birth, 18.98 inches. Each inch of the male infant corresponds to 2.56 pounds. Each inch of the female infant corresponds to 2 2d pounds. The range between the shortest and tallest male infants was 10 Inches; between the shortest and the tallest female infant;, S inches. fill RIOCS FACTS, Astronomers say (here nre 500,000,OtX suns. The Greenland whaie has a heart a yard in diameter. A single tobacco plant will produce 1160,- 000 sels. Mecca never sees a venr that does not bring cjJ0era. One-third of the human race speak the , . Chinese language It is stated that more than 25,000 women are employed in the United States alone in the decoration of china and pottery. The famous Khwajah tunnel of India pierces the Khwaja Am ran mountains about 60 miles north of Inotta at an eleva tion of 6400 feet. It is 1 2,300 feet long and constructed broad enough to carry a double line of tails. hen Q Ju,v 4 r, lilllsil Congress declared the English American ebonies to be free and independent states, they appointed a committes to report a device for a seal the emblem cf sovereign ty. That committee and others from time to time presented unsatisfactory devices. Finally, In the spring of 172. Charles Thompson the secretary of congress, gave to that body a device largely suggested to John Adams, then United States minister to the court of Great Britain, by Sir John Prestwich, an eminent English antiquary This suggestion was made the basis of design adopted by congress June 20, T7S2, and which is still the device of the great seal ot the republic. Under the McKicleyaJaw a farmer may sell his leaf tobacco in any quantity with out tax or license, but be may not manipu late it in any way. If be presses into plug shape, or even twists it, it is dajsed as manufactured tobacco and subjected to tax as such. The custom of Chinese wearing pigtails saot so veryaneient. It dales from 1627, when the Manchas, who then commenced their conquest of the Celestial Empire enforced this fashion of doing the hair as a sign of degradation. The average cue is three feet long. Aa excellent way to cure insomnia is to bandage the ejei w.tb a haakercbief before retiring. The compress seems to drive away the blood from tbe ey and si to cure or, st least, to tempo attly relieve that feeling so often experienced by insomniac ot try in j tj ste it the dark. Conectad returns show tbe adverse bal ance of trade againar this country far the fiscal year jast closed to be about f 50,000. 000, instead of $93000,000. Tie uncli stocks of pig iron in the United States Jane 33, 1893. were 549,141 tons, compared with 737.94s tons at the same time last year- John L. Ayer, the Portland lawyer, and at one time known as 'Bo" Ayer, has skipped out after issuing $11,000 of begus New England National Building Associa tion stock and trading 6 000 of it with Mr Keen of Bcutor. county for a farm. Ayer waa an all-round bad egg Mr Ayer was the Telegram lawver, a position that will now be filled bv a former fellow student of the Man AboutTown, Geo M Cone. The Man Ahont Town in reading a his tory of the IT 8 came across an account of the panic of 1837. It was much ijiwu tne prevent uuaticimi crisis, nearly all the hanks suspending, where now the proportion is small. Aa extra session of congress was called and met Sept 4. The president in his message recommended that the government should not Inter fere with the panic, as it wonld right it self, the same as it is now. It did itself snd proeperitv followed ; bat the non .1 . L. . c :-l 1 interference policy, though caused the defeat ol the party in power at the next election. The West Side has figured it out this way : If there is any man independ ent of hard times it ia the farmer who has a good farm and is rat of debt. He produces what people mast have and when he sells it he gets just the kind of "'vc uin ui r.f?-o no ncriw ill m can k th , f ' h man w ,B tum tbm ,oU) mnnaw V. a . a. I.-. I. 1 ' he wants or eise be keeps money. Take wheat for an example : If tbe price does not suit him, he can have it grrond into floor, and he and his neighbors can eat it If that will not work he can feed it to stock of some kind and drive the stock to market, and thus be able to realize a fair price. The mer chant, the manufacturer and the labor ing man is entirely dependent on selling that which he has. A stagnation i i bus iness effects tfiem disastrously, but hats very li'tie effect on the farmer from hear say . Independence West Side. A many people are coming to the conclusion that there is no earthly excuse for money being tight. It is true that an era of speculation and boom imbalance matters; bat tbe country should have over come that. A Salem paper gives in an evidence of hard times the fact that there were hun dreds in line crowding up to tbe ticket wa gons and sideahows of the circus holding up their hands with silver dollars, S5, $10 and $20 gold pieces. Ten t housand Portland people had 50 cts a piece to visit Camp Compson with Satur day and Sunday. That is evidence that there is still a good deal of money in the hands of the people and not so much real destitution as has been advertised. There waa certainly a vast army of unemployed who had moneybMiojidRx. New fnoTociEAPHiut. t have opened a new gallery In the Y. M. C. A. block, 2nd street, Albany, and will try hard to pleuee l ii i r.i - . F . tin who win ihvot me wiin lueir pswonstge. I will take all sizes and styles ot photos as good as tl " best and as cheap as the cheni est. I am no traveling photo here toduy and (rone tomorrow, but have come with wife and children to make a home in your glorious climate. 1 have come to stay. Pleuse call and see me and try my work. Very rcHpuctfully youri, . S. A. Hammeix, Late of Tomato. Canada. L.i'mdbv WoagTE., y enizen ol Al bany should ben in mind that the Albany Steam Laundry tfiiarantee flist class work at very reasonable prices, and employs nothing but white labor. Shirts lone an cheaply as the Chinaman. Pat ronize your own rac T;tiel at iaeraels '(Is'trlinK tlml's Sirnmril t, a' t j pop! 'i i .n chit m i Ui.t-ia, ,t read t j tamm fix's 'itxn i p inl ia.l ia this papi Tny will on ivma fjjy mj'h t Ho id' .i uro ' Hood's fills cure cooatiuation. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Impeitaat Decision. Portland. Ana 21. The case of the United States versus Hie Oreuron Cali fornia Railroad Company and the Oregon Central Railroad Company, defendants, and the Oregon & California Railroad 'ompany and Oreuron Central Railroad Company, complainants in cross bill versus the United States, defendant, wag decided by Jndge Bellinger in tho United States circuit court yesterday. This is known as the quadrant land case, and fiilly 500 per , 1 i . t . 1 , , I,. suua mv umimaM in 11. juure net linger decides that the lands in the quadrant are included in uie lands forfeited to the gov ernment by the act of January 31, i885. t'aaanaliteee apiiolntnf. Washington, A us- 21. The sneaker announced his chairmen of house commit tees this morning: Ways and means. Wilson, West Virninia: aonroDriations. Sayers, Texas; coinage, weights and meas ures, island, Missouri; banking and cur rency, Springer, Illinois; invalid pensions, Moses, Louisiana; rivers and harbors, Blanchard, Louisiana; Afrriculture. Hatch. Missouri; public lands, McRae. Arkansas; lndinn affairs, Holuian, Indians. Tremble reared: Sacramento. Awt 21 State Adiutnnt- General Allen apprehends serious trouble in toe state during the coming winter months. Numbers of unemployed men will then flock to the larger cities, especially San Francisco, from the ronntrv districts in search of work and will be disappointed, hence trouble will fallow. Within the past few davs the state has issued 400 rifles to the various companies of the National unara. -v- ' Li. a i 1 Bafcaeal by laawsymra. Heitnxr, Or. Art? 21. This moraimr about 9:30 Frank Sloan, a very prominent stockman, accompanied by J A Thompson, bis assistant, left Heppner for Butter creek , about 25 miles from Heppner, to pay for and receive cattle. When about three mile from Heppner two masked men held them np and relieved them of M85 and a trold watch. The sheriff and nossc are out after them now. a Ltivi eaiti i ... . tV . . . 117. ... W..k A .. O . P I .ua muj, vu, Aug 41. r farter, editor ana proprietor ot toe states- ; man, has been sued for libel by b L Bum-, and a return for more good. The game pas and W B Bryan, agents of the West- is umpired on the square, ard there i ern Loan Company of Salt Lake. Utah, who! never any kicking. Pi om pj and count -slao ask for S5000 damages each Toe suit ' ous treatment A steady thing. Doors is the outcome of an article published in ( open early and late. If vou w-wld be ton the Statesman warning ci tiaras and farm- the winning side call on 'Conn, era against the two men, who were de-j M nounced as fakirs. I wink stain. Sauoi, Of, Aug 21. It has been in- . formally decided to go ahead with the asylum and reform school additions, tiioogn not so fast as first intended. The bid of J A Hazel. W0.09S, for the addition o the , reform school, and of H C Lsebe. 921.344. for the two cottages and the congregated dining haii at the asylum, wil1 be accepted and work will proceed at once, but slowly. stsweresl Urlse Astoria, Aug 19. News reached thl city tonight of a dastardly murder thai was cornmitted a few miles from Ofney. Last Monday George FitiaeVald, of Otney, sent an emptoye, Frank Roberts, into Astoia to ; purchase provisions. Roberts was a thorough'' trustworthy man. and when be set out on his journey he had 50 in trold in pockets. Yesterday morning hi dead body was found by the Olney school teacher, lying beside of the road with his bead ter- ' ribly battered and cut Chicago. Aug 20 Steps were taken today to organize a workingmen's relief and aid committee, with a view to provid j iDK work " tn large ing work for the large number of unem ployed men in the city. A meeting of the unemployed workfogmea was he'd tats afternoon. About 100 were ia attendance, all (f them foreigners. The meeting was called ostensibly to devise ways cf getting work for those who seed it. but it IMS tamed into an old-time anarchist meetinaT. during which load howls were sent op bx oreaa ana wooa. 1 be rf Miaaltoa Kbw York. Ana- 20. The American Agriculturist's annua! review of the crop : situation says the harvest of 1889 tn the! United States in many respects is similar to three years ago. bat with every prospect j that the home consump'jon and increased j foreigw demand will so advance vaJoes as to yield as large net returns to tartness as I the average recent year. Indeed, the re view makes a distinct encoarasinar exhibit. Un mittiag the financial stringency may 1 interfere with the early movement of tbe crops and have a temporary restrictive in fluence on price tn trnaaal Killed Seattle. Wash, Aug 20 Twelve bun dred people who went to Sraoqaaimie Falls, 50 miles east ot Seattle, on an eierimoo train today to see C A Anderson, jr. other- wise known as Frank Clifford, and Vrof. latvonts maae a paracnate jump over use 1 falls rspwrfe XHi fart hiwh wit r I thai sicaening sttrht of the aetxmaat dashed on tbe rocks below a nearly lifeless rasas. Go Anderson was tbe sen of one of the richest picneercitiaen of Seattle. rive Persse. killed few Tratai Lkbot, X Y, Aug SO. -A carriage cor- taining five persons on thoir way to churrfc was struck by a train on the Lehigh Val- icy crossing ana aft kiffeu ineu names are: L J Bnve. Mrs Row U ills. 1U. L J Rovee. Mrs Bow. Miss Ola Bo see. Miss Nancy Wycke and Miss Km ma Bowden. All were horribly mangled, re tSoM reaaa Ear aye Loedox. Aug i9. Gold to the amount of 110.000 waa withdrawn today feotn the Bank of England for shipment to tbe ('sit ed States. Tbe Campania sails from Liver pool today with iMtVl.000. and tbe New York from Southampton with IT !0 1. 000. A Gekat Convbnibecb.- -World's fair tlsitors travelling via the Northern Pacl- fie R R and Wisconsin Central line, are landed at the Grand Central station In Chicago, building, This magnificent fire-proof located In the heart of the city, has been fitted op as a hotel, run on the Europea-i plan, with about joo rooms handsomely furnished and each room 's supplied with hot snd cold water, electric lights etc. The charge for accommrVa tlona arc reasonable, and partiet can secure rooms In advance by calling upon agents of the Northern Pacific R K. By faking the Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort of all transfer tn that city, and can also trsvel between the Grand Central station and World's fair grounds by trsins which run direct between the two poiuts. C G Bl'BKI! ART, Agent st Albany. Down 00 the Rates. The Union Pa cific now lead with reduced rates to eastern points, and thair tbrough cor arnuigetnonts , magnificontly (equipped Pullman and Tour ist sleepers, free reclining chair car and fast time, make it the best line to travel. Two trains le tve from Portland daily at 8:45 a m and 7:90 p m. The rate are now within reach of all. and tjverybody should take ad vantage of them to visit the World's fairand their friends in tbe east. Send for rates and schedules of trains, and do not pur chase tickets until afterconMulting Curan & Monteith, Albany, Or, W H Ht.'RLBt'RT, Ass't (len'l 1'iuwi. Agent, U. P. Portland, r. Kleeaal Vlallaace the iiiir of health. But with all our precaution there are enemies always lurk Ing about our syctt ma, only waiting a favorable opportunity to assert themselves. IinpuHtiet In the blood may be hidden for )rars or even for generstlons snd suddenly break forth, undermining health and hastening death. For all disease a Uing from impure Hood' Sarsaparilla Is the unequalled and unapproachable rem el, . It is K'ng of them ill. for it conquers disease. L'kea uhlp without, a rudder ta a mtn or 1 t wnintn without health unl th uonry stieogth to perform tha o-di-isiy dutie, of i . When tha spnetite fail , when dehil tt. snd a dtao dared oouditloi of atommh, , I- r-r, kidney .ind Itnwaia assail yni, take A) 11 i W irtsuartlla. Sniloh'a Cure, tn areas cough and croup oare, is for sale by ns. Pookst sise oootsios tentyfivsdosas,oaiy 2.5o. Children taveit fjshay k Mason. r.r. aut i Paiker Brof, grocers, F. M. French keeps railroad time Buy your urocerias of Parker Bros Fias grocer ics at Conn & Hrndrieson's. New cream chess just reoeived at Conrad Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, does first class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. Dr M II Kllii, uhyaioiau and surgeon Albany, Ore; 11. 0tll rath In city ' or country. World Fair Travelers Will Have II The public demand through serviot when travaling. It is old-fashioned to " Change Cars." On the ihrongh, -olid vestibuled trsins of the Chicagn, Union Paeifto North Western IJos from or to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points there is no hanae. This is the finest and fastoit ser es between the points named Twenty Years' Experience, t. Ll I-redricks, the well Known pho tographer, 770 Broadway, New York, says: "I have been uslnar Allcock's Por ous Plasters fur ao yeais, and found them one ot tne best of family medicides Briefly summing up my experience, I say that when placed on he small ot the back Allcock's Plasters fill the bodv with ner. voua energy, and thus cure fatigue, brain exhaustion, de-bill v and kidney difficul- 'or women and children I have ounal them Invaluable. They never inl ate the akin or caue the slightest naln but cure sore throat, coughs, colds, pain in the side, back or chest. Indigestion and Dowei complaints WiDuuto 1 xvrr aviosk. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. 19 to o. That ia the score people make who trade with Perry Conn, the deslei In fresh groceries, p reduce and crockerv . . . . ... . ware, iney snuc out naru times and else clean bargains. Plenty of home iun Hood'sjOures Saved My Wife's Life Nervousness, Rheum. alt Of say swa free will and saxsar, afflWed, Tvrtsh'u tea of" Leood' Hood's SartaparfHa and Uooors nB. ' ttereareMSaxatiaesecl to ilyawasjHgaxix -Moved flartr saertl cry experience tn say own j htsaity- My wife, KsktTtiaa been alxUetM ! with wssl ssi, iis'i i wiiubi I. and salt rbeoas. I lamrry an fltat I bad of ttda worlara r try uasaarisfniiis it Msaass (lad to Hood's Sarsaparilla my wlte." jToarx VT. Jo vast. Get Buuirs. HOOOra PlU4t " bt arterdaaaer rtCa, asset 'frrrtirsu extra hstadacn. Try a fcaav. SSa. ' 111 jk fa 1 T" f f- A MX J 1 W IX I L J 1 At tbe atoie formerly owned by Allen Bros, t3I Iffwnnp OUAAJSrt, EGGS, LARD, t a r SAUUN, ' j nVtfYWW VaUlKjtt APPLES, tor which : possible. I wilt pay ih hex cast price B F RAMP Notice of Assignment. V-tios is herobv niven tht the 'leak cf Or g o. of Albany, Oregon, has daiy tigmd lothe anderaienet1 s a if nee ail its prtrpei ta aad effects fur the b- neftt cf all its ciedi'or. nnder aid r virtu- nf the gen I e si ss-inment laws of the srare nf Oregon, f and tha undent ,od has h-tv-ntere. tnait, on tha 28 h day of Jane IS 93, du'y qntlifhd as such -inner. All p sons havicg claim seainct .aaid in solvent n d the oalau thereof ar beieby required to pre' tt the rame to tha u r -deraig'i.d at ths Bank of Cregoa baiidrae in he out -f nil any, Oregon, ondor oatb, witht three month of tbia data. Dated i his 29th day of Jan IS93 W.8. Tmomusow Assignee of ths Bank r Oregon, an insolvent. flaava&. 'J swgHgaJggagM A Jokst IT. JTmmm aTalaaa. Waaa. Savod Wy Wife From the Cravo. t. Mt .r. 1 - - a., at. .tin - - - - - - w aad reran re ta taw east woo wia kme that HILLS "J Double Chloride of Gold Tablets BEAD OUR TESTIMONIALS Will completely dctriy thcdslre forTOIIArr In from StoSdaya. rcrfectly harm- leas; canaerot.ckiic.niiii muy im aiven t-ustf ol uiopaucui, who will voiuuia.riiy nCmrsTTsTVlTW OWi MnDPmUP liUUltaUHJllaJU UIIU JUUlll liUIII t he patient, by tbe uso of enr SPECIAL l!irfnBtretinrnttwticntanrenllowc-d pltlcc until aucn 111110 as tncy aimu voinnutruy Rive incii; ap. Wc send pnrtlciilur unil iiuuiphlct of testlinotilala frw,and shall Tin cum to piacn sihiitit i mm any 01 tlouwltb persona who have been cured sail 1 ra -rani rTQ era for anln drrgguta at 9 1 .60 l" r packuftc If your druitBlsfdocs not keep them, ana wo will sciiu you.i.v return mail, u ii'.. Write vo'.ir name, and rddreaa plrlnly, whether Tnlilota uro lor iocuueo, atorriruno or Idcjnor HuLK. DO NOT Bn DECEIVED tr.-o porchrtsfng any 01 uie vnr ions Disrrumi ; m orrercii for mile ask iur . -1 1 1 TABLETS nml tut 11. .:ur. Atauur ueturud only l. : THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO. ct, S3 SSCrrtra Block, LIMA, OHIO PAKTICUJLABB FREE. aa RESPONSIBLE (AGENTS WANTED (oiwrlUng A FOOT-HOLD for Consumption is what you are offer ing, if your blood is impure. Con sumption is simply Lung Scrofula. A scrofulous condi tion, with a slight cough or cold, is ail that it needs to develop it. But just as it depends upon tho blood for its origin, so it depends upon tho blood for its cure. The surest remedy for Scrof uta in every form, the most effective blood-cleanser, flesli-ouilder, and strength - restorer that's known to medical science, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. For Consumption in all its earlier staires. and tor Weak -Lanes, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and all Hronchial. Throat and Lung affec tions, that ia the only remedy so unfailing that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money bacL. For a perfect and permanent cure of Catarrh, take Doctor Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Its proprietors offer $500 reward for an incurable case of Ca tarrh in the Head. Costs only 50 cents. Star Baker (orGriisdn lila stnd l lrl Hi CCKRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR. t tease, tl SUM ST St re-, "rfed froO. Tobarta. xMiaMr, . Ktsr., anard 1- . Hurraaaar gttthle. t igar Mploe. fas rrmntk s tlaai k sap la a ewaar rariexy n-l canrT store. HHa1 atari pries pat fer AI.L KINDS OP PRODUCE ALBANY COLLEGE. Fall Term Begins September 13. Send for y i Catalogue. 1 HAVE EES UKO TH '' MAGNOLIA Mil atreboaae aad will nave it in read osder for receivirg the present erot 1 he warehoo is Srstcttsa and eooreoieatly k cat ad. Coatwits -.wo good cleajMrs N delay in aaioadixnt. Hack a will twos head for delivery ia d tiw a. Give swa a call ksfars m t io srrtn.r rr,.; tn -or. rear crop G. f. -IM! -ON. Albany. Or.. Jali 13 h. IS33 WxNTiUL V woman to dn bron wore and ir,h-c-r of twn child IrK)nlrw nf T ft Ka-tford. tw nallea of Albany, on the Cor "a: Its r-iad. M re. Dr. Pallerson-M ellste Th Ned CUtrvuywal s-d Late Itnaar. la us bate, son esa V looad at her ntradanes, next anor i OowxUt"- Sirs teils ahsarx aS suhet. past SWtaat sast tatare; tow uwnlaat, aaaaal tVkoJ and htwsssasa. Tea csalwerbeaa iur aeajniaaa. titVT. -ln Al'any. or m tht road i reading st tmm that place or or aiH,ut Ju'v IS h. a ptnniUaorv rro:s dated Jn.y Ititlt aud alameil by Y B Marahali ' for f Adolph eichman for $.v,i. Tbe finier will en tf a favo.- by leavlna It at ttdstiRlca f r a.r K-chmao FOR of L ALE A Vtereck. gocd hcre. Inqulr T. c. n if ki;, ... iatssa axsl Surywan, OtBee iVwner Sort d rjliw.nh St. rrrsr r Hslsoo Bros rroesey atarti lira crocerj ttnru Kasideoce, corner loth slid Cslspwis it. To Farmers ; DC If CUDCD WI: r.rtRASTEE a citbk ! nCmCmDaafl and invite tho most cs.reifullnveUjratlon aa to our reaponatbii-1 I ity sou tow raeriuoi our aaoteta. in u. cup ricaorcotreowttnouttne fcnowl- stop s unning or cnewmgtnaicw aays. nHUTT euredet home, and wlt.1- UitUtt outanycuort on tnn part 01 FORMULA GOLD CURB TABLETS the free use of Liauor or Mor. uif.i nnoiia in emuiiiiiiiic l y the use of onrTABLKTS, liv nil FinsT-CLAsa cnclnae, us S I .DO iuiciuuri 01 our and stato iirmg etire tlo what worth of cntl Ironi ivin win rnd smoked Of your Tablet 1IUBR r 1. . 1. - The onioCnaMiCAl.aAd'mwTLawKN:-imtlnieair 1 scut for ai.W worth of vonr them nil riTh I and. ulthonch tucy did Uiu work tu less than Truly yours, ' Tu; "itiii I'ltKMiCAI. Co. : tiKNTl.BatRH j It rflvea me pleaumn" to apeak a word of praise, for your Tablet. My son waa stronsrly a quor.and through n friend, I wasted to try your Tablet. iUnt drinker, but after usiriB your Tabl. -ts hut three di iquor, eontititlit 1 and will not touch liquor of any kind 1 bavo . -u, iu order to kuow iuo euro was pennaueut. Omo CBBatlCAl. Oo:- aiWLUatSJ!: Vonr TaMeta I have, used iiiorp iii.e, hypoderuifoally, for seven yuara, and uavo Uxn cured by the uso of two tjuvJuura of your Tablets, and without any effort on uiy part. W. L. iXrTKOAT. j i Id ! all Ortlcm to THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO.. : f -13 and Opera St xck. -llttA, OHIO. J F. FORD, MltU, Of Dos Moines, Iowa, writes underrate of aiaron za, imci: K. Mi.!,. Mir. Co . Dnfnr, Orpgoa. Gemmint Cf arm mi! home laat week I Inn ml all well and anxinuklv a-vaitinc. lnr littln girl, eight and on-hlf years old, who had waded away to 3 pounds, is now well. strong and vigorous, and well fleshed op. B. Conah Curs has dine it work well. Both of the children like it Voir s H Cough Cure baa cured and kept awav aM hoaraeneaa from me. So give it to eyery one, with gre-iinjra for all. Wishing you proaireri y, w an ours, Ma & M J K f'OKU. fv-'U With La ImIiimr ,.hj.rfni .t r.,iv Mr the HprtDl'a wnrk. cleune uur maaaU with the Usadachn and Urn j are. brisking two or three inssasrb week. 'J ceote Pr try all ilru;-uta. S kl outer a gsswtta guararle lr J A CUM MING. ADYAMGE THRESHERS Are warranted to thresh more grain in a , given time and do it better than any ma chine made. The Advamck Tkactioji Exgims an the best in the world. Remember large , work mean large proni in the threahing busines. Catalogue mailed free. EDWARD HCGHES, Ger.'l Ac'', Portland. Oregon i in asw a..- GRAHAM & SHAW DEALERS IK AGRICCLTCRAL implemects ano suppiica. Advance Threahera aod en- Bines. Mlnn;arlix Binders. Woods and Standard Mowers, Kewtcn W.gcm., Jo'or - arcatan PVosra. oilt of all kind at tbe lowest nrire nnulSV The Aliiane acd Grange agents have awarded as the con tract to furnish Twine for heir members. Call and get our priors before pure hating elsewhere. Wall Paper, I rin2, Pckint. Oil" Cwlaaastas, Kto J. A. ( tmninj: ALBANY. -:- CfECOK CARPETS, WALL PAPER, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, Bert : in : te : Mel, AT Fortmilier i Irvings. ONIVEBSITY : OF : OREGON. EUGENE OPkX D Mosidav, tin tat BUR 1ST1 Just closed the meat prosperous vextr in Itstiissorv. Wide ranee of studies Tho - ough tnttrnction Burdx.eits course edded. fui.ioo free hn trance fee, $to. Board and lodging at reasonable rates i.t the etegant new do'initorv and hoarding hc!l on tbe campus, whert stjucetits will trrjeeirr personal tucjr vision. JotiJr Johxso:. Red CrowiiM"lls jou. isom, piomnni. sw rsoce nana strrtauoa xv eaan' ia am babkbs ess, i&T STORAflP fAlMiilflRi? from persons who have boon cured by the uso of Hill s Tablets? Tit a C mo cuEaucAt. 00.: Sl: 1 bavo tKen uslnar vonr for t Mincm habit-nui found It would vi 11 ctuitn for it. 1 unI ten ccnia tin - trxmiri'st ctii'w inir ti.baccoa dav. ran, in flva, rliar. oi 1 would soMika 1 m ror;y injK-s 01 tooacco. nave cue waa for txransv flvo vcars. and two liackasrae cure d mo 10 1 Ita vv no desire U r It. It. M. JATLOKI), lieslle, Micb- Tnll .,r T,,t,.u.,',i lluhit. 1 rtH-4ivwt 1 wr.ia hoi h n hcuvv smoke mnd eaevsr. trr roc .la vs. I am cured. J lATafiW JOilNfsJN.P.O.BoXtS. - Pmsarismn. Pa. addicted to the use ot i. He wasaneavvam ll was tt heavy ami using- yonrTnbl -ts hut Ihreo days he quit .trmklnij till lour niontb before wrlilug tours trulv. HELEN MORRISON. ( IKCIKNATI. Oa;o. ha vo nerrorniex; a miracle iu mv oaso. Notice for Publication Laud Ojtk s at Oaaoot Citt, Oaanozr, August 21st, VM. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler bat IS led notiee of his intention to make Anal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof till be made before tha County Clerk cf Linn Cn, Or., at Al bany, Oregon, on October 16th, 1893, via: Georce ? Mvr H V. fin tnr th M u ot the N W and N 'A of N R sec 34,tp as, ay is is, He names the lollowing wit -nesses to prove his cootinnus residence up on and cultivation of said land, r'.z. James fierce, ol lacomb, i inn Co, Uregoe; fames . , William Downing, ofLacomb, Linn Co, Or- Lrowmng. 01 L,acomr, Iaoo u( uregvn: gon; Marion Downing, nf L comb. Linn Co, ; "gon; uar.aT A Mll.LKR. Bgiter. NOTICE OF FINAL SmiStNTT xroTKT. IS Ui:rU:BT CIVBS THAT the cst XI Uenwur.ej SMjasaasral the laat will and neaaaawt U John bilyea, ileeeaeeii. haa Sled hU Saaiaeam' i with the county clerk ol Uim county, Orer .u, wrf that the c.iiirty crort ol miA linn enaraty, baa ft-'l FrWaj, trie 8th day ol September. 1flS, t the hour of 1 o'ekxk in the alternnaai of . : v, lor the hearing ol objection Many taaaad ft. al ac eouot an.1 the aetilement of aaid eaUU. 1'ate.l Auu tlrJi, lsO, 0OK8HELTOX. a II lie ITT, Kieculor Auybrr Kiewtor. EXECUTRIX NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY C1VEJI THAT THE -dereljrned ha t niaaaialiild exmjiria ot Jie ,at will and Uaufeaect nf Andrew Kobb, deuated. kale of Una noonty, Oregon, All persona bating emiaaa acaloat i4 estate are berrby required to tnne at tl rTiee r.f J,me 1 Ch-ilu,:. in Albany, Orscsi, to the nuderaianed, wilt pro tonceers sod properly vorined, eilron . inonui rone i ili Dated Jnl) Srd.liOS. JANE H KOHB. James i Charlton. Kienti is AUorney for Karcwtrix. EXECUTOR'S SALE. No ice ia hcehy siren that the ssgpad -x ecu tor of tne laat will and , meot of Owen Bear, deceased, late of Lino , county, Oregon, will paraaaat to an order of i turn e innty coor. for Lion eonnty, Oregon, d uly made and entered of record on the Stb day cf lace, 1893, authorizing and licensing tbe uodentlaraed a executors of aaid estate. to selt tbe land hereinafter described, will On the ltUh day of September, 1893, at tbe hour of on, o'clock p m of aaud day, at tbe Coort Hoaae doer, in tbe city of Albany, Linn county. Ureayia, tell at pen ic aactarea, j to tha kigbeet ladder ail cf ths right, title ' tod intaraat Use aaid Owen Bear had at the ixoaof bia death ia aad to tha following ieaceibed real estate towtt: Beginoing at the X E corner ut the dona- I ton land claim of I Iweo Bear and wife. Not So 2340 aad claim lio 41 in tp I2SR4W it tne Willamette meridian and resume hence west atona the north boaalary 'ne said claim 62.60 chain to the N K corner jf a tract of Land ofd to V W Kahjret: and J C Uo btnett by Owen Dear aad rrf.; then aoath 2 chain , these S 31 45 E, toUowug along tbe center of a slowgh 14 24 shams, thence aoath 2.90 rhjsaw,lhaaee e j parallel with the aarth iias of aasd Owen : Boar's claim 55.10 chain -a the east line f i J !, tbewee aorth IT chaun. to the ! Pjf f xfdnm. onctaoaiag 101 M acres. 1 oaaty, Orejon Terms ot sale ! t etah m hand on lay of S ""ths from day of I with I u"rrm at o per cwat per aacsB teewieo wy I mortgage est the land sold. Thte tbe S-.h day of -Inly. ISS3. Wat-m HcIlbjcb, Jobs Crxinixo, Wcathri-.-tl A Ccam:r!is. stsiaasasa i Attorneys for Ex. Rhoui lUklistTif Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame uacK, otCs M. THE GREATEST Blood Purifier KNOWN. Tht Great German Medicine is the CHEAPEST and best. 13$ doses of Sulphur Bitters for tl.OfX less tsxaai one cent a dose. It wtu core the worst X-taut - J: u frrvm .Zl' t' BLUE pie on tbe faceto il' that awful disease. SCROFULA. In all ca of such , t.HS Stubborn deer ouipnur BIS- ters. the xattreak aj aeauea diseases. and best medi sulphur Hitters is t he beat med cine ever made. IsyourTONCUE icine to use. Don t wait un til tomorrow, COATED with a yellow, sticky sub stance ? Is vonr try a bottle Trvnav B xxreatn fool and of- achis Oxrr or fax rare. Use Sulphur Bitters immediately. If you are sick, no matter what ails you, use Sulphur Bitters. DouH wait until you aM unable to walk, or are flat on your back, but get some AT ONCE, it will cure you. Sulphur Bitters is THE INVALID'S FRIEND. jrji-MlWMi van ai . mt HM 3 sent stamps to A. P. Ordxray A Oa larasiiii. Mass., tar tea aaedkal wort inahlMieor FOSKAY A MASON Oraggistsand Booksellers Ageutafor John B. Aider. 'a uolkttotV. waich we sells) pttblisaer'a vranas i:K alaasailde .BANT, skkmu o. IM. M cFarland, -:- DEALER IN -.-- Harness -and -Saddlery Display in the Door tovrjesj3s lavatttwa andKamra Tosta AW 11 V forthe Teeth and ilraatu,a5o. J.n.8w?y San IjvCJL. i " icioo s vaatrra Kemedy ia tha first I have over found that wnnkl ay booJ." Prion 80 cts. Sold by Cruats Jata, SHILOH'S cure: Tana Great Oouuh Ccrta aroraptlT j -wasdlotrtersfaU. . JTor Consumptioa It haa i wsavau, aavwai a I TOO, f tentttettsaV One NraavJ Bile tjcaa every night for a Mek arouse Torpid Livers, ac. ptt botlta, aaaaaww . n aa W ? - aastv- axsawsafl ilBfawaa aasss - aaju'-1 DE. UIDEI'S ELECT! wlaaaaaABaa,M a( awMtfal WtT9 CUMVCtiZ WWHtBH&1U4t& i; whs, as aaeiwas ofcjiy. Iiiliaii aiawi. gtai mJSSSTZ. im - sea - Sstasatty rSTsSTwvsw Tl'lliSSt l!im'imSLf sstMsat wwk sea! 'ntnlaa'aS eattoca clectcic ox. hk raarruxi oath. OREGON STATE FAIR. Under the management of the State Board of Agriculture, on the State Fair Grounds near Salt m, commencing Heptember 1 1th, 1893, and continntne one wetk. Mot than 15 000 in cash will 1 e paid as premiums or stock, pr o try, swine, agricul tural prod-cts,fait,natiV mnods.minerals, works of art and 'a cy work, and for trial of spesri. Reduced rtealof f : r. ami f ,--i j '. 'a on all transportation line. 1-aviliir-n ores four evening daring he w rk, witn good music in attendance The l ew grand ttand and the new regulation travr t are conceded to be fH" th comfortable sod the beat o the Pacific Coast, splendid contest speed eah day. There is entered for '.be" contests tha heat Held cf hot sea this ye that baa hern on 1be groanda for many reason Vs'oal.Itt am1, in. pro. e roentt have been made on tbe grounds and batldicgs. Premiam t a - r h I r-n reil and im piove,l to the tenefH I ' exhibitors. Kntiiea for premium cioe it ;i p m on tlx rirat da nf tha fair, ar.d cahibit mot Ixs In place by 10 p m of aaid day. rxicsx or Auatmm , Meo'sScaann Ticket Werner's Season Tickets 1.00 MenV Day Ticket -2S Women's Da licket .25 Ksi Track Ticket, daily 25 Women to the race onte, fre 1 hilrtrcn Q"'- 12 t sir, free U. all. 1ci.ii In lbs aeeretar at P far a Prem -m Iit APPKOON. J T OJtlGG, S errUry. Preaidest. FARMEHS, ATrENTIOIV if : you - v. ast a WACQN HACK 3US6Y CART PLOW HARR0W.0RK.I SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, or any kind of a Farm or Ve hicle, call on 'or address. B. F. RAMP. Oppcsitr post Off rr Allany,Oe W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE sc, Doyos vearftoi? Waa ssaf b aenf try a nak. Best in tho world. 500. 44J0 35f 12.50 4 2.25 FOB H vw vtA a im DtESS SHOE m atsetaSa Ms, 4rrtFi7t5t3$3,tyity$3, $3$e0sr SSStae. Trey fR easrsi Is i asrasssefl. lfys wtrttstcraxaaatraayssi ssuiik, ta !y sai i hsilag V. L ftxtgha gwe tsasssaai srtcaateEw9wBdxsra, lxkfvRasawsakxy wy DOTGXAS. Eroettsaw, Ksvsa. Sato by L Fa. BI.AINT. er- KtTbEKFORD t'BAl ? BfUtLAIa, Atx-jrrsna at Law. Wia jnrac a3 eewrts a( tfc art. Sxwaaal naali ia tr. slim ia tea sals axalaes3tstitar. OFFICE la ike Flits tawefe. J K BIII.VEI aVxtorary at Law sad r ia Clxaroiry. Oafl ail i G E. . iltltHT. attorney at Jaw. acd Sum 3 Fxcawe. wm rarasxaea ax aB las usaiaa at rtaa aliti ga itial aatewtiaa chaasa Albaa.y. Osa t.11 1 1 . 1 Z. .( Kb t K 5f a Tin M, a serai atattxji wia ret ire sswass ! 1 a stas r. Oil FSca ,w Tessas. Alawa; , O J wTHlTNKl Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. OSTASTE aft H&CKLUal, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. AXES J. CH RLTOV . AS lerI basta FLIX-S Hack. A lvj . Or. D' J. I. KILL. orptca rar? jQRS. NASTOV A DA IS. OPfrjsT Coewer a . Or, Cans rarajaads; Q V. CH tlREKI tlV. S. Haaaeonalhs. tySpeoUhat ia diseases ol tbe stye. OSBca heans 7 alia: UI aa.asNlltc8 mry. A I Oreaaa. FIRST NATlOSTAt. BAXK. Or ALBAS T, OS BOOS LUIXK . S, B,TOGl B. V. L-tNGDOX rsUKSACn A O PCBRAL aaaMa-t aaf 1 1 a ACCOCrT8 EJtPT aatact ta aasok. SIGHT K.ICHAXGE sail tel vaaal tsvaastar.seM Hew Tork. Saa rraacasa. Ctitsasjn aast Pousse 0O 'jJECTlONI BAD K oa tavorakta tarsas si. B. L B Las SOWAXS I . Sox. croirs: a t'D.BtvaKM or AtsBANT, OKKOON, TR.VXSACT eenentl Baatiit aalwtaa. DRAW SIGHT drafts on lew Tork, San Fr a nj Portland, Orarao. LOAN MONET oa spprorad arowrrty. ESXlilVK wnu suliect to !ei. COLtBCTIOKS asade on favor&b INTEREST oaid oa ttaaa B iK Or wiVIO, cio, osseo. ei tent., alar . T t Mi- St. .. .A J Jo u ALBANY, OREtssON 1891, 18&2 laws Tarn Waeaed aaaaeaaaee safe -A I I oorpai of inatnieaonv CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERA L COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coarsen ot study armngsd u. a till grade of student SfmtM imamumtutt eftrti tm ttmimh from mbromd. Ml. KLBSKT CWNSttT