The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 18, 1893, Image 4

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ittvun ti . -i-.i3) n nifts 1 .
itUi jimtiiu. OrtM-tttlu rilnn block.
Attorney at Uw vnd 8olloltor In Chanwry. Coll
Jons made on 11 point Losns negotiated on
nbliunn Albany, Oregon
... . 1,-, Nnt.rv Pnh.ic. Will nraotico in
2! 'of "this stats Speci.l atUutloo to
collections ami matters In prebiW OMre.-Upstairs
Uoaoii-Tsrcdale Block Albany. 0n
. I
II teral inattcrt wl 1 reel Ivo promp
Ioj r.OM KolljWTe;nla. Albany, O
I . '
Attorney at Law, Albany. Or.
vioahve HAt"wN,
. T
Attorneys at Law
Albany, Oregon
AH loiral business attended
F HSU'S Block, Albany,
andSunreon. OFFICII --Corner
m etreots, Albany, Oragon
PhTSkians an 3ui-rons. OFKIOK -Corner ssoaa
art BSasdalbin strael. Albanv. Or, Calls projtpuy
attended i atv sad oeunlry.
ILmronalhlst. X SpecUist in
of the Eva.
and 7 to S
Off ce l.tvis-7 to Sa u l.oI
mww. A Creo
resident ..
Has Pros! J out
8. B, YOCMO.
A.I COUNTS KEPT aab).t to check
SIGHT KXCHANOK and tl Taphie tnBShw,sM
Mew Vork. San Francisco Chicago d PUaod
COJJCTCOJfS A OS on tavorahle
t, w.
L. run
Eswaas f . Sox.
TEA SS ACT a general Banlrine twaoesa.
DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Sew York, Sao Fr n
sooand Portland. OregM.
LOAN MONET on approved security.
RECEIVE deposits subject, to check.
COLLECTIONS made on taroraMe terms.
INTEREST paid en Urns deposits
T J Mcsxs
.A J Johxs
dining cars.
K. r 'aiesand general Information cai
on or address
W H HURLBL7RT,Asst.Gcn'l. Paaa. Agt,
254 Washington St.,
Portland. Ukbcom
Southern Pacific Oo.
Kapreas Trains leave Portland Oalljr
aW-h 1
10 ii' a
n ! a a
raoa jctr 1
1- ',
I Ar
gaa Fran-lsco
Ar 1M a a
Lv I :2J a
Lt 1 7,00 r
aav. laasaa t 1. onlr at rull..wiua; statu. im mirth
iA tMMhqri;. fUst Portland. Oracoo CS17, H.od.
onrn, aaletn, Albany. Taajfent, Shodd, llalaay. Har
riaoari;. Junction City, It viae, Bugsne.
Rcatssvaa a an., sau-t
Siftu sb I la rortlaad Ar' f-irr
1 rail.- Albany Lv rj " a
VJt-'ra ; Ar BoaabnrR ILt I 7 .0Ca
aLsasr Local, axitt (excerr Scxdit)
S M r a Lv Pnrtlana Ar 20 SO a
n"raAr Allaiy Lr S:80 a
:10 A sr I Lv Albany ar I lu fl as
9.00 a a I Ar Lebanon L I SO a a
1'fralLs Albany Ar I :Xri
lOO a a 1 Ar Lebanon La I ziS9 r a
Di.tine Cars
on Op-den R.utew
Atfa'.beil lit all Tlaraark Trains
Aesl le BHvlslaa.
Wtn. '! oaut (Except Sunaay,
TiSti a a I
12:10 r a
SiSU r a
12:56 ra
aifxaas rtais nan, (
Slice I
7:24 ra I
ii20 a a
S.4S a
Tlirimavrli Ticketn
tn all point In lbs Km -'i Sttts., Canais and
Eacy:ca:i br ub-ainil st owstt ra'ca from C &
front?, Aeent Albanf.
Wsnsa-er ' Vss't 0. If. nd
, Fartlscd Orsiron.
J. M.tiftTONK
Arehlteet and Contrstetor.
I titicod is wtlli Hull r rtrs.P
II K 1 ( I !.
Bloody Water Oozed Out Constantly.
No Peace Day or Night. Doctors
Failed. Cured by Cutlcura.
TIv child's disease, which the worst kind
OlKcma,wne,! onoaecheck iKartaijom.
' I ...,1 itched o the
iioor little fellow had no peace
night or day. Then It started
on the other cheek and chin,
uutil all were raw as a piece
of beefsteak, like a burn
where you would rub off the
skin, and bloody water ooacu
out constantly. His sufter
insis were terrible 1 know, iil--w.
h hA , luit nix mouths
old and could not tell how ho
...r,i i tin.) hia hands that
... .. ...i. thin he would rub his
SSoTl SSt cheeks T o 'his shoulders to relievo
niJhthe rested without scratching his face, arm
f'rSm t5n he taproved and sooir
cured, iwonld like anyone HMm
terrible " JSUtTim .a clear
, U-Airth vaat now.
and smooth as can be.
Thin is an unsolicited
SodTor my chTwVieeeYy, and 1 thank the
,nnufactumotCiceR.a 0AMBLE
832 . Fort) -Second St., lUlladeluhia.
r. , i u't-trti tft True, i wii"
am aI Va mAdf wiMtrlArflll flftM fl
And have effected the most wonderful cureaof
torturine and dUflRuring skin and sea p diseases
of infants and children ever rwa-pj. a a
afford instant relief, permit rest and a eep, art cure when the best physicians'
and all other remedies fail.
Bold throughout the -41rriSf,gBj
80e 8oar,SSc.; Rssoivsjrr, 1. Pottsr BBOO
r.,T,c. Bole Proprietors, Boston.
nn.mrhirBkin Diseases," mailed
) savannas
Mothers knew the comfort, strencth
nnd vitality in Cutlcura Anti-Pain
jpiaaters, they would never be with
out them.
free Hand boos write to
lioifivir.Nrv York.
f a searing mtmts tn Axoerlcsk.
Orerr patent taken om brute tarooctat before
tbe puhilo by a notice ttreu !ree of cliarsa to tho
faeutific Smeticau
I ars aat etrenlatlon of any actenUSe papsr tn in
woru. BpastxnaiT uiasaimaw. nc
t auoatz
381 Bra
Brawdwair , Maw York Qtj.
Oregon Pacific Bated,
W slAMCT. Baeclver.
TIME SCHEDULE, except Susdajs.1
ltrs Albany r. ,:Lts Tsqoina, r:"0a,
'ava Corrallis lr, a.iLeare Carrai;is.l0:3f-a,
rrls Vaauinal:S5 r. .Umi Albany, 11:13 a.
Direct Line
Quick Dispatch
Low Freight Rates.
Between Willamette Valley Points and
San Francisco
WBhasatU Taller, Jnlj nth 27th,
raoa Tiarrsa.
j WKaaKtu Vallar, Ja'.j Slat, at 5 p at.
The Cornfaav- nwrreai toe rrgnl
htnge tailing dates without notice.
"Hose" leaves PoiUamt Wodnesdav and
Saturday e a a.
HC Diy.Oan Aet,SUin'Ki Street. Wharf.P.jrtland
D R Saoxan. Ova AxX 8m Francisco, Cai.
B E Malcahj, lira am I Sapt:
Nertbe a Pacific Baiiroa.
Is 1 be line to lake
It ia Ease DIVIMi
It run Tlsroaigls
ia the
toaposed or Hinins Cars I inrpasse
...... ......... s""us viivh y 0
Of Latest frjuipwot
Beat tLat cat be constraele I and in
which ao ommodtiions are b-wh free
and furnished for holder of Fira or
S. oond class Uoketa, at d
A Continuous Lisa coniecthis with
al linw, affording Direct ana
Uninterrupted Service.
Pullman aleener reservations can be
secured In advance through any
egsrit of the road.
THROUGH riCKBrs to and from all
Siinta In Arneilcav Eng'arjrt and
orope no t parchaawd at ar y
ticket effloe of ibia oou'intn,
Full inf-rmallon contwrniog raUA.tlue
of trains ron'ee and other fetalis furn
lahed on applimf ou to any agent or
Aaslatant General PA.aeairor
No 121 First Mt, cor. Wa-.uinKtou.
Port'and. tiifi'on
C G lluikhatt, local agent.
i 1 .00 par Bottle?
One cent a dose.
Trria Great Cocon Cure promptly cures
wl-ere all otliers tail. Coughs, Croup, Bore
Th.-oat, Hoarseness, Whooping Couch and
Asthma. For Consumption it has no rlva;
has cured thousands, and will CCR TOtJ ii
taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a guar
antee. For a Tama Raefr nr nheaf nu,
1 ve vou Ci fun
teed to cure you. Price. tt ct.
? this is truaran-
injector free.
Notice of Dissolution.
ths o:-partnership herei f ir existing
between the undersigned nuder He linn
nim or 1 nt. 1. s I 1 . Ii a lest , and
is this nay (ll.aulve I by alU'uai C'llis-ut. lit
ti-a partro", John I om having puichaeed
'ne in:orec nr r. j Lunninjf. fhe ImMn
will hereafter he carried on l.y J.,hn 1
the purchaser there, f, who hm-by ass tn
; all ptrtneramp debts, and who alone 1 an
j thor.zsd to collect and receipt for all dsbc
I dus the late firm.
Dated this 1st day of July, 1S93.
smS BssflffsBBB
m wbl9b tradb marks.
HtTfl vou rtf n rrti
t$hc flcmoctat.
Sometimes there is a degree of humor in a
old dash of tmpudence, and then some
times it is nukedlv mean and insulting For
6e years ihe ((tiestion of making reductions
In the Jiigh rate ot duties heretofore imposed
on foreign Importation has been discussed
and Investigated by the pec pie. After s
full an t matuie consideration ot the subject
the voters of the counlnr went to the po'.ls
last November and deliberately vottil out 01
poaer the par.y that Sad msln'alned theae
high dutic. The Dmocrat would now
call st enlion 10 the tmpudence of McKln-
ley, who a few days ago mads apeech to
a large concourse of people In Ohio when he
undertook to advise democrats in congress
to psss a resolution not tn reduce the tariff.
Having fsiled to keep in p-wtr by work
ing the old tree trade bugaboo, they now
seek to nullify ti e will 01 the peoPle b
attributing the financial trouble due 10 their
own silver la to this thoroughly ridded
and discredited scarcecrow.
Do they take the voters of the United
States 10 be chlldien or fools? Wilt they
never drop the Insulting hypothesis that the
people do not know what is best Icr themr
The decision cf ihe people 10 reform the
worse-than-war tariff wss not hss'.lly
reiched or Ignorantly given. The question
WAS thmnnghtv wr) III "llTlll 1 1 ill
ationa snl effect
la that elevtion, fanght squarely upon
this issue, a republican majority of 4 In the
House was convene 1 into a democratic
majority ol 14. The democratic plurality
00 the topular vote fcr Cwngrtssrran was
a..... i.. .... l. r.... ;n ,l. . ..,,t.ti.(
'" J"1 " ZT. "
stales was made mainly on ihe (stiff. And
ihe verdict cf 1S00 v.'as tepeated. A demo
cratic preUJent. who stood first of all for
a. -iM- a ' 1 -j mn...- rknrn
by an electoral plurals of 131 and a popu-
iar nluialitv of 181 o6 A dcmociailc
majo.iy of 94 In the House was returned,
and the political standing of he Sem'e was
reversed ia favor of democrallc principles
and policies
Ard yet in sp le of those anprece-lanied
j and anmittakable mtnitestations of the pop
j ular will the agents, the organs and the
j beneficial ies of thi- condemned tariff for
bounties have the m.pudence to suggest
that the flections go or naught They ask
the dm rati- ni,t to 00 lai.e to its cledeea
and its trutt They dtmand that the new
tariff of abominations te left undisturbed.
Thev will nit win by bluff what thex. lost
Dr Totes. The tariff will be reformed and
r rf
reduced just as soon ss the peril Of the
Sbennsa act is removed sod the stability ot
the currency is assured. Th? more exigent
doty must be done first. But ahen that is
accomplished the decree of the people ia
respect to the tariff will be executed ith as
much promptness as is consHieat with the
grariiy and Intricacy of the problem.
McKlaleyism is 10 go there nerd be no
cai lake abjul that .
Every candid mini must approve and
applaud the work that Commissioner LiA"
ren ts doing in and pu glag the
pension rolls.
He is granting every near ;-ensscn for
which a just c aim is male oat. He is
suv-ending no pensfoa ai'oaahle under the
law. He is simplv stopping lhe payment
of millions of goveramtm money to asm who
are not entitled under the law to receive it.
The ansae natoos Include two classes of
cases viz, those in which the allowance
has been secured by direct fraud, and those
in which, without fraud oa the pensioners
! part , tne allowance has been made conliarv
to law. There ware iSo cases discovered
j ia Virginia, 250 in Iowa an! about too in
j Near Mexicp ia which pensions bad been
! seeared by plain fraud and false t a earing,
lor men who had never been in ihe lervice
at alt. To s'nse tnese from the rolls wss
asmtnifesilv a duiv as t slop aav other
j form of stealing.
Bat the o her clasi of cases is much the
larger. Investigation stsoas il st a boa! one
hundred thousand pensions were improperly
gtsnted under Raata's extraordinary order
No. 164. which flagrantly perverted the
plain intent ot the law. These p listens
take about ill, 500,000 a year out of the
treasury. The commissioner ia as mtch
bound to suspend such pensions as he would
be to stop the payment of salaries in his
ofSi e to persons not t mplot ed there .
Every siKpendfd pensioner wi'il hve op
portunity to make goxl bis claim by futrber
evidence if he can, and every cne who docs
SO will be promptly restored to t'.e rolls.
The rest will be stri.ken off because they
have do right to be there.
Commia' Lochren is simply enforc
ing he pension laws with faiihfuloess, as
he is sworn to do, and as every honest man
m the country desires that he shall Jo. In
cidentally he is stopping a treasury leak of
more than io,03,ooo per annum. This
is practical pension reform by honest snd
vigilant administration.
England's present h coroe tsx system was
j inaugurated by Ptel when he began lhe
won. of tariff refoim. He anticipated a
a falling off in revenue receipts and revited
the Income tsx.
We c n comfoitably use it as he did.
There ! no need for tmitatir.g In the
change a tariff for revenue. The heavy
discrimination against tne homes can he
aboii.hed and deficiences can be at once
made up by a tax on the gains of those who
nave wealth to spare. The country re
quires activity of trade In ls surplus staples
mote than i. has since th: tariff qiestior.
hecame prominent in politics. Rspld
recovery from the effects of the financial
stringency will be impossible unlets oar
chief prolucts are marxeted esslty and at
good prices.
A compete revtnuc teiiff act cannot be
prepared and pasied by ite sseetsi ses.ion,
but ihe ways an) means com ml tec ought to
get down to w 3i k upoa tho tariff at the
earliest moment. Tbi special session comes
none too soon ftv a s'srt on the democratic
revenue- tariff. Evansville Conner,
Those good old times we read about are
canting a?aln In Geornia. From every side
the assurance snd evidence of increased
prosperity come ti us. The farmer fre-h
fkom his field smiles upon our city folks sn 1
things of a storehouse filled with home pro
du.t enou ii to feed the wife anil babies am!
enough Utlt over to trade away foi Jitt'e
luxuries. IPs corn crop Is laughing snd
waving Its tassels in the breeze, and the
ur,) us crop of cutton 1 iks green ard
pre iy wne.i heiljlnks o wore debt paid
offend the oij mortgage goi'e. - Macon (Ga)
In view cf the luting pi ice of wheat it
might be well to Inquire what hsa become
of the tariff the McKlnlry law puts on wheat
10 protect it against foreig-i competition and
keep up I s price.
It is stated that work st Iron Mountain,
Mo, which has hcen going on for 51 years,
is now sutperided. and that the deposit of
ore is practically exhausts 1.
The editor of the Independence West
Side evidently understand his readers and,
instead of supplying them with facts or
arguments on the tariff question furnishes
them with highly colored fiction and abuse
of the poor unfortunates who happened to
be born south of Mason and Dixon's line.
In bis last issue, among a lot of other rub -bish,
he gives bis readers the following :
But unfortunately the south rules in
congress just now, and its policy has been
and ii today to have free trade, at least in
northern products, such as wool, lumber,
barley, etc, and no doubt it wilt have it.
Now if tho West Side editor will consult
statistics and not draw so much upon his
imagination, hs will find that the southern
states own sheep as follows:
North Caro'ina. . ,
South Carolina..
274 ,7W
Texas 4'SS'fIf
Arkansas 2W.W
lennessee. '"J
West Virginia .
So it will be seen thaUheseMgt
JHIHllstV'lfjflt'J. Bow than this, the states
that voted democratic at the last election
own sheep as follows:
Southern States
Michigan (one half)
Indiana ,
. 10.142.590
. 1,130,000
. 1,150,900
. 770.993
. 889.210
. 3,812.310
. 55.1KV.
: LI
' New York .
New Jersey.
I Total
i There were 4;l..V)l.i;fi
sheon in Ihii
country in 189i and about5 500.000 of these
. ...... ...
are in tbe democratic tern tones ot .e
Mexico, Utah and Arizona, so that the
democratic states azd territories contain
many more than half the sheep of the coun-
try. and Ohio, with iU 4.000,000 sheep. '.T wf Mcore
. , ,. , r 1 ' fp oo per week end he psvs for -rerr-
came very near crossing over into the dem- j thing he uses from the tat m. The addl
ocratic column ; and the states that voted j tionat fifty cents per week to be paid bv
the republican ticket the last presidential j k 'or heat and light. Times.
! lion have nrniialilt Uv:s than nn third 1 Mr Slanard, of Albanv. was In the cttv
.a . . m,. , ,
of the sheep of the country In spite cf
all.this the editor el the West Side and
, "er republican rJitors are engageil in an
i .. . . . - . I .- .
attempt. 10 mase tnetr reaoers oeueve mat
th democrats, especially those of Uw sooth,
are engaged in an attempt to destroy the
i KOal industry because there are more sheep
at ine norm man t trie sootn. aaana
The light of the full moon is 900.000
times weaker than that of the sun, when
the latter is at meridian.
Dew U the greatest respecter of colors
To prove ibis take pieces of glass or boards
and paint them red, yellow, green and
black. Expose them at night, and you will
discover that the yellow will be covered
with moisture, that the green will be damp.
but that the red and black will be left per-
Granite U the lowest rock in the
crust; it is the bid rock of the wotld. It
- snows uo evidence of
animal or vegetable
. : i;u i. tm t a i. in .: .1 l. ..
the united thickness of all other rocks. It
j is the parent rock from 'which alt other.
rocks hare beets directly or indirectly de-;
j rived.
living germ of disease can resist the
fasUaOtpbc power of essence of cinnamon for
! more than a few hours." is the conclusion
1 1 t r-i l 1 1 .1.. 1,
-j 7
ox prvHongva rvsearcn anu expenment in
la fasteor a laboratory. It is scad to d s
i troy microbes as effectively, if not sf rapid
'J- s corroaive snotimate
interrsti-g experiments with rattles nak
venom are in progiesa at the pathological
laboratory of John Hopkins University.
The captured rattler ia induced to strike at
a glass saucer, into which the poison from
its fangs falls This Is then injected in
minute quantities bet eat h the skin of rab-
bits, and as soon as the nnawmecting sni-
-' n-ol. .m ibaj . W..-. . n. A i n i In 1 In .ka
J B. V IWI. .V .11..,.. WIWW
the action of the
1- T
The democrats of Ohio nominated
Neat for governor gains Mc Kin ley
s said to be a free coinage man.
Ohio has normal republican majority of
aSo. Thepla:form "exprerses confident
that the Democratic coagresa will devise
wise laws to that end, and continues a
WWThennanculanustion is the un -
fortunate legacy of a Republican admin s
trstioo, it is the natural result of the McKte
ley tariff, Sherman silver law, extravagance
of the pany lately in poaer and the creation
and foaterisg of trusts and corrupt combina
tions by that paity, all combining to shall e
credit and create a distrust m the mosey of
the country, and paralyze its business. We
recommend that national banks be permit
tc 1 to issue currency to the amoant equal to
a par valae of United Steles bonds, deposi
ts! with the treasury ot the United States,
to the end thtt the volume of currency will
be immediately increased."
A Kentscky Iswyer who went to Wssh-
ineion to secure sn exlen tion of the time!
for ptying tax on wl.i.key In bond, was
seat back with a flea in his esr. The whis
key aforessid had been carried by the gen
era! Government three full years, snd the
bond had, been renewed two or three times
There is no more reason why Government
should thus favor the whiskey trust than
that it should advance money to ftrmers on
their crops according tc pipullst demands.
But two mistikes do net make one right .
It is out of the line of true pilicy of the
Government to fsvor any class.
The last royal governor of New Jersey
was William Franklin, son of Dr Franklin.
The State Constltu'ion wat a 'opted in
I770 and the first I. igis'.ai nre met at Pilnce
ton in August and chose William Livings
ton governoi . The Natlontl Conttitution
was adopted by unan.mous vote in Decem
ber, 1783, and the Stat; capital was estah
ished st Trenton in 1790. The present
constitution nf New Jersey sni ratified
August 13, 1844.
A dispatch from Providcnre Rhode Isltns)
ssys: The B B and R Knight Mills, which
have been Idle the past week will start up
Mondsy. The firm operates mills in
Pontiac, Natlck, River Point, Arctic. Fish
vllle, Arkwright, White Rock and this city
In this ftite. and at Ilebronville, Dolg-svllle,
Mancbaug, and Readville, Mass., employing
between 7,000 and 9,030.
The gain in the gross esrnlngs of the
principal railroads In the United Stsles for
month of Jure was $2,158, 129. or 5.35 per
cent., and for the six months $12,1 42.022, or
4. S3 percent.
The principal articles producd by Co'o-rsd-J
last year were: Manufscti ies, 170,000,
000; fsrm products, $63,000,000; coal $55,
000,000; cattle, $34,000,000, si'ver. $31,.
478.97; gold, $5,539,021.
Hops are 15 to 18 cents In Portland.
A snort pugilistic contest enlivened
matters In Albany last night.
A big earthquake occurred at Santa
Rosa, Calif., yesterday .
Washburn's circus recently disbanded
in blons, Calif. The Uingencv of the
money market dtdt.
John Bethune, a competent miller from
Alnanv, Is In chsrgc of the Bcntoii Mills
temporarily .Cor allls Times.
Remember Minnie these quiet times. He
can shine confidence Into a pa'r of shoes
In short notice. Open twelve hoars a day.
Mrs J B Horner, of Corvallis, was in
the city last night on her way to he
World's fair, where she will join her
A $100 footrace wlf take place at Ger
vais next Sunday. C B Berlhwait, of In
dependence, and George Glvens, two pro
fessionals, are matched to run 75 yards.
Philip McKay, a Marlon county farmer,
claims to have been robbed in
light of $48 qj : The robbers according to ;
uf. ....... .1 . u... 1 1.. m nffiMala nl '
11 in m us, " v t; 111. 1
that countv. j
thetUle ,und. are ied up
i iwn. ,u,, m n. ranlial cltv
XirSmlnaaswa arerivtei everv one "fits" aSout
It, becaute it dels vs work on the state
Prof w C. Hawlev. o! the WlilsVin .
it t '. ii, 1 ma miii at
AtllllimH, 'WM s r A small admlssloi
fee will be charged.
Tuesday night near Eugene two tramps
were attacked by faur others after all had
disposed of a keg of beer, and one of them
was nearly killed. Two of the tramps
were arrested for the ffense.
Beginning next Monday the Roaeburg
express will only run to Eugene. The
people of the former plan will nave to
depend on the overland, which arill make
slightly slower lime.
A letler received bv 1 S Hnff man Irnm
O P Blount of Ashland, confirms the fact
,he forger recently operating in tl.ia cliy.
I was ine same who beat a couple ot
! Ashland's merchant.. The cona'able ;
I iraere hadSfeii notified o( his prrsence, !
j $houl,1 ble !o 8
Ili-lS rrla a., sat Sl. f I ( I ts
Uoardtr at the 0 A C dormllorv
pa $1 co per weak instead of $1 t, a
paid last tear. Tbi oiler has heen ad
anced because the board lost
,h boarders. The contract for boarding
yestetdaj. He has been up ttj. McKec.z'.e
ri .: , ,a, at . ' . ,.
j iele?hoe com pan. that U running a line
up tae valley. The line m.nwereat
i I iaiW I K. fir.
Halaey the first of the week and expect to
reach llsrrisburg by Saturday. It will
taae aoout ten days to run the line from!
Harrtsburg to this dtr, and then we will : ry south of Uansud, Karros, Thursdav
have telephone communicaUon w'th allcrncon - Several farmhousea wcrede
Ponland. ail prominent valley towns, and i madiacd, but no lives were lose. Many
the sound cities. Eugene Register. ; farms were swept clear ot crops and the
i damage is ery heavy.
F,DAT A Urge number cf men who are not
MrsDrasw died at Shedd last Tues-! ff0'60"'1 .lmP.a'e Ping through
dav af.W a .m .W. .n...
Sixty. nine persons are bcins? examined
Eugene ror leacners certtnc ites thta
,- . -
LeHanon's new arater works system waa
ies:rd yesterday afternoonjand proves very
1 satlsfacioty
! The Wi.Iametie Valley arrived
Bav this noon from
111 sail Sunday.
L V Arvtngton, ex -county treasurer oi
rinii.'i. MI..I. a... I Laj ...a..
tro,ooo bonds
" ... -, Mti u ii i
for robbing the coun'.y of
Yesterday afternoon at Lebanon Frank
was held under gjoo bonds for "tie?
grand jury under the charge of asaauit
afc-h Intent to kill.
Mr A I Davis brought twentt-seven
boxes of slrawberrira from bis 8tiara
gardens today and left them with C E
Broanell. A tuturious August sight.
II r Fisher. Of the Corvallis mills, nn-
iahed ban leg 7000 bushels of wheat that
he recent) purchased from Adam Wll
helm, ol Jdcnror. cj cents was the price
Pk inTirur. usrvallt .New.
" sren
Placed on the
orace ol the Oregon Herald, the three-
weeks' old organ of trie populists at Ufa-
e0i Ciiv, by !he of 'he ofSce.
who claim not to have been paW their
wages, and the sheriff now holds the key.
Mr l May fat brsing jooo Ions of hay
In Washington to ship to tngland, payira.
til for it. It wilt coat f to a ion to get it
to England. In ptlce anticipated is $co
- ' " ZsT i M nmy w,u tsours. Subject ft 11 a m. Night." Snb
clesjr over $100,000 b. the transaction. ! jert 7.-5 p nT Morning." AirTther Mr
The lecture 1 f Prof. Hswley. announ- hices a usual. AJi wu be made welcome,
-ed 'o he given at the Y M C A Hall to- J T Abbett, pastor.
tl ;.hMr.'r; ?rC':e? J,! differeoli The pastor of the Christian church will
hc."vhe pSKS ttlLtttElZ ; ESS; L-
Mr Saaettzer was arrested for burning a
barn in Marion county, and was held un-
der coo bonds tn await the action of the
grand jury. He had a fnend dig up $789
hid In a tin can in the ground, and put ap
, hi. H.II mr.A t:i - .... a.a. .l. uli .
j ,d win return In time far the trial
General Holmes of Southern Oregon
j made a bank ol a coal oil can, depositing
i t.'oo In It, Two boys at Roseburg, 14
'nd 'I Ie ? ere accused of rob
""a ,,c erc aivaieu lor ine
offense, f 7000 of ti.e in ones has b,-en
recovered, lhe story a, not believed at
first, but piesent developments confirm it.
A coyote wss today received by express
from Portland br lam Uearhard. .It was
sentio him by a filend. Leo has a bar
coyote, two setter dogs, two bull do . and
now wards a dwarf, snke, monk, y and
hi n J organ, wt.en he will a-art on the road
with the great aggregation. Corvallis
Jack Denvpsey, Ihe ..Nonpareil," is at st
Joseph's hospital In hi Paul, where he has
been since last Monday, lie is suffering
from severe mental strain. Physicians at
lhe hosnl'al think that broodtn'r over his
past delt a a has caused his mind 10 become
temporatl'y unhinged. Demnsev has also
been drinking contiderable cf ia'lr, which
no doubt is the main cause.
The Dalles real est tie scheme has
1 pri-ven 4' i sat Iraua la all rnnnai-tnl will. It
A man from Roseburg, Or., tells Ihe
Goldendale Semlnel that $25,000 has been
sunk in lhe scheme by rolJents of his
town He knows far tiers who have sold
their f.ims and Inves ed their money,!
hoping thus lo provide a sure Income for
iheir drcMoina tears. Thev have been
obliged, In
1 heir povertv, to co Into tmck
raisir.g In enmpe Itlon wl h the om: I- !
p-eseni Chinam'.n.
Senator HHI, of New York, named for
his only appointee Colonel John A .11. -Ewen,of
New York, who I 10 be principal
legislative clerk.ln place of C W Johnson,
of Minnesota. II II GUfrey. of Oregon,
has not been displaced In the sanate. as
errot.eous'y staled He it one cf ihe men
designated to remain It It scirce'y to be
expecied that Charles Newell will lemaln.
Gilfiey has strved during the republican
ascendency In the senate with satisfaction,
and though he looks like Senator Hill,
that gent.eman Is not small enough to be
affected by tne fact.
The Astorian, ot Astoiia. hss s-ispended
publication. Its expense account was too
big for its patronsge, and it was not able
to meet the hard times Anew typeset
ting rrschlne and a big mortgage were tco
much for It. The paper was forty years
old, the dally thirteen or fourteen years of
age. It waa always a good pap' Mr
Parker sunk a small fortune In ti. ing to
keep it going until a railroad should rSHjai
mailers. The suspeus on of the A inrian
Is a misfortune to that dry, and the busi
ness men should have stood by hand kept
It up.
The forest fires are now raging more
funously than ever known before In the
Ssnilam country. One Are near Lerdy's
mill Is making its wsy eastward and an
other north of Nlsgara Is under good
headway in the same direction, and three
miles east of Idanha Is another. The most
furious one, and one thst Is spreading In
a;l directions, is five miles up the Breiten
bush There Is no posslole chance of
checking the fires until heavv rains set In.
Milliona of feet of tine timber will be de
stroyed In the mcsn lime. Journal.
It has been figured that In the United
States the average life for farmers Is 64
years, for lawyers, J2; merchants, 48;
mechanics, 47; seamen, 46; laborers, 44
J A Ramsdell, who with his family Is
camped near the gas works, on the river 1
bank, was more or less Injured by a kick
from one of his playful horses, as he was
leading then-, to wter last evening. Mr
Kamsdell Is a tiaveinng missionary, wno
preaches that the lime Is now at hand
when all the nations of the earth will be
dashed to pieces as a potter s vessel. When
asked bv some ladies who came to his
assistance, he replied, that he had a phv
alcian In ihe crest healer of all Ills. He
Is nursing a very sore side today. - Salem
Late California frulu and vegeiabli s at
Pei ry Conn's.
The limes Ico decidedly brighter
through the es
F I. Kenton received the first grapes of j
the season lols noon, a fine assoitment. j
One of Ihe ticket vendors at the fctste ,
fair will be Jos Purdom cf Oregon Cilv,
Grapes, Sweet pouires and musk met
lons this afternoon at Parker ctri.
4 W Lorets, formerly of Eugene, com
mitted suicide si Calu.3, Calif., a few days
Peoole alone the Oresionlan R R are
energetically kicking at the eveiy other
ay ra.i.u .cr.c.
Tl.f Kntlnvfietil Mnwiair. which was
ry- " ,
to have been transferred to Eugene and
run a. a populist paper, ha. folded .
! wings.
! A petition has been circulated and gen-
! erally signed asking that
be retained
. ' ffT .a. 1 "awircr Hodgkln went
j to Mehama this noon, and Mayor Uatch of
mat citv, ana oiners to - ne nay ana iaan
ha. AmobofunU-n allots ran things In
Port Townsend la-t i.!i. Fifteen shots
were fired, une man probably bring fatally
A former Aibiny man wri'Jog from San
Jose. Calif., says: "Tm are very hard.
I am homesick and wish I was back home.
This is a hard p.ace for an honest man."
Lower Soda springs in the Cascade
mountains la being; liberally patronized
this year, frot? 30 to 40 camps bein con- on the pround Press.
A new boot tisck in Baker C?ty with
long Ro'den tresses, as thought to be a
girl, and hence did a rushing business.
Minnie hai no Kolden trrsaes; but he can
onlshlne the be -
Several hundr
Chinamen are doing
thj work on the S P that abould be done
h. - hi, i? i, a. k,
I hare enough scul' to stand br our own
' ....
W)p:c m nmtt like these.
I t.,, a. . . ... n ..
It has been decided that Manor., Pol.
and Salem will psy the expenses of repair-
ng.ncprmgc.i ,n city. ea.n ring,J B Tillolson, bnHdinc
the same amount. It is euimard itJoo p:.
will be required to do the work.
, , ,
A chicken thU-f vmerday stole one of
Mr John Brush s bad-J VYvandotls,
wmmiitlng the art
In broad da liaht.
Several Jas ago another one as stolen,
i A lhe chketa are valuable and are not
".roon fries, the act Is not apprrxtated.
nve separate ct clone swept th coun-
imcva.ies. it la said mere are two IIMKI
t.rnl . , : -1 -1 1 -
..,.4 - -. .,
awn. " ........ .JJ-lll V. . 1 1 . . t t IIC 1 1
eves on the Southern Oregon ml.
MerchaaU. workingmcn and tMiien are
nrgtng the Spokane count. Wash , com
missioners to issue warrants la amounts
not exceeding 1 10, and bsnm the latter
used ss serin, negotiable at par in any
siore or place of business withia the
Dr II II King lain receipt cf a letter ;
. . . ... t aea a . . I
iiwhi ... ax i ixing, irirax a fxjirji
I called Starreout, oo Cow Creek, wbt has :
been engaged ft. prospecting for gold for
wmt time.
trw a. T n
i-.- .1. . ... x ' .
cic rut ai iw nwoti a otunz
- - .
wi. nssma mi sarner ia art a
came near 1 lliflia fatailv Frank P.m
Inat and Arthur Cornelius aawd aboui fen
encountered another boy cf about ihe same
age, or 1 lie name of Smith, and in the ;
melee stuck a f-itchfork into young Smith's v . . .
cheek. The sound is prohablr not sett- 1 W,?rd-L at Fmtou, 111., HarrT Se
mis. ) ttttiae heat T C Morris, in a 100 yard .'tw
a i -- .1 1 . . .. .iraee. byn yard and a half. Time. V1.
- 7:V...l r?Z?. ,ro oe
ii liT a" "l. .." V,
I 7 - - - r , T " 3
Pengra anj othen in favor of Rulu Mai-
lory, trustee. The propertt is that form
erly held by the Sswir.gfteld Investment
CO at Springfield. Il wilt be soid ia tne
near futrr
at sheriff
saie. Eugene
keliuiock MIRviny - M fc church:
rVSSacnuur morning an.: erening at uuai
eaua.uai. n uu If 1 I IirtSuan r
tng. "-Sanctificati'm. or Entire HoUneaa.
Place corner .1th and Jarlcaon st.
Kaleniuan 1 showing samples of gacds for
i.uining cimumesi- i nis, ma' lame, is our;
very latest thit for lathers. A dose o herding shewp, giving them one of bis
clinging and is warranted to shrir.k to half nK grev horses to ride. In a abort time
dimensions after fivr? minutes in the water. ! "r H loosed up and aaw two horses run
Miss Shasdeigh - Splendid! Give me en- j 'Og neck and neck, the riders plying
ough for a suit at otsce. -Town Topic. the whip with all tbefr strength. An
! explanation waa called for and Harry
j aid "that fellow came along and said b.
The Pendleton K. O. savs: Two davs ' C0OJ,W D u n' ark in the road ; Jim
ago Marhal HciVain received a postal
can I from the "Barean of PmtefiM '
Chicago, ttotifyinn him to be on the Isawnxsa 1
for the Sells At Kentfrow's circna ataahaw 1
: that it was a poor conoern. had no cxmnee- i
mat .mi u.r nrns nnK snow, met cstrrie.1 1
a tr.iiiiM iv.n:ideiu' men. trickders and
thieves in its wake.
It costs something to disturb the Salva
tion Army in Oregon City By jury trial
Tuesday at Squire Fout's court, "four young
men were found guilty of disturbing a
MfSAtionjAn meetii and punished as
follows: Mike '-'"-..nn, 19 or 21 days in
jail: Wayne tirider. Henry Jones arid
Ireorge Freeman, each. g-Jt) or 10 days in
jail. Pete Summers voluntarily plead "gutl -ty.
without arrest. nd was fimVf $10.
The dispatch announcing i large
number of cotton mills in the east would
resume next Monday was the first bright
ray to penetrate the sixty davs of gh-:m
that have hung over the html. Business
men do not car for differing theories of a
political nature. They want the wheels of
business to move, tariff or no tariff, silver
or no silver. We welcome the dawn of
prosperity. Salem Journal.
Even book agents are suffering from the
' 'general depression. " line dropped into a
sa. Id I. tv shop today and borrow ed a waxed
end to liieml his valise. He said that from
receipt of $(50 a day he has) descended to a
bread an 1 water diet, carrying a loaf of
taker' bread in his valise for an nteasional
lunch !!x.
Berreweal Hoary.
Saji Francisco, Aug 9. Tho Southern
Pacific Railroad Company today borrowed
$800,000 from James L Ford on a note
signed by C F Crock'sr, secured by 1.000. -000
of 6 per cent Southern. Pacific bonds.
It is slid this loan was necessary for the
payment of back salaries of employes
19 10 o. That la the score people make
who trade with Perry Conn, the dealei In
fresh groceries, prcduce and rrockerv
ware. They shut out hard times and give
clesn bargains, plenty ot home tuns
snd a return for more goods. The game
is umpired on the square, ai d there is
never any kicking. Piompt and courte
ous treatment. A steady tbing. Doors
open early and late. If yon would be on
the wi.inlng side call on Conn.
BROWN. On Tlmrsday, August 10th
1 S93, . at 2 o'clock a. si., of consumption,
Klizabeth L , wife ot J. K. Rrown, o! Al
bany The deceased came from Nebraska
to Albany two or three years ago, and
made many friends here. 8he was a
woman hiehlv resDected bv all who.
I her, and many will mourn her death.
corsn corBT.
(J. N. Duncan, county ludga; Wm
and i. W. Push, Commissioners.)
Bill of Ben C Irwin & Co. 167.25, disr I
missed. Also bill of Dr ) M Jones for
Petition of II Kearn et al for aid for
dist 20, dismissed.
Petition of T ti Mils) 't al for a lridge
across the North Santiam waa dismissed.
Petition of L M Arch:unbcau et al for
locati a of county road continued.
Petition of A P Morris for county road
dismissed an-1 fwtitioneni ordered to iray
Petition of Ed Wolf etal for county road.
viewers appointed and matter continued
Petition of J V Whitinir
ct al for county
roail dismissed; and JF Whiting, J K
Uane ami A M Wlnting or'lerMl to pay routs.
Bill of D Nash A: Co. !.50. continued.
Bill of Oregon agt Kolierl Foren. $1.10
Ordered paid :
The following bills were ordered paid :
O P Coshow. aid Hail family ... 5 00
U C Cooler, aid Mrs Clark .
C 00
P A Henderson, aid Henderson's.
W E Savage, aid Cox:
G F Crawford, aid Mr Robert. .
W H Wallace, aid Mrs Kitts
B White, aid Kenworthy'e
lohn 1'eher, janitor
10 00
10 00
8 00
10 00
10 00
16 00
10 00
11 86
15 90
W B Gitaon, aid Keini
recou ait Leigh ton.
b Nasli & Co, roads :
State ogt Jotin Haley
8Ute agt Harry Wat kins et al. . .
.Santiam (.umber Co
Stewart & Box, sect roads
W W Craw urd, aoct roads
Cram A Menzies, roads
Wm Mcl'lieson, sect roads
Parker Brja, acot poor
F M Rambaoxh, acct roads
A G Propst.a-ct roads
Ira 8 Truxler roads and bridges-
E T T Fisher, surveyor
G F Russell
W A William, wornl tr C. It
16 25
8 05
16 00
20 32
30 96
IS 27
27 34
9 85
150 00
6 64
13 00
4 50
2fr2 05
136 00
7 00
j Ot Wyatt, cc: poor.
: Trites A Mil'er, acct roads
E i MeCaw. acct reads. .
I Oregon airt Collins Reed -.
' Btitea A Nutting, prin iog
j Uregon agt t, lose
B F Crow, acc: Crow
! " !' 'u" 18QI " VH
r r e:.i. :
V,,- ' A 1
rosier Mill Co. acct roads
j ft t f1 tmdlr
V F llaaklna aa. .Maaanr
f - , , . r-7.
Albanv Electric Light Co
M A Milie
r r Vunk, acct roarls
n oo
- ,
- 1
I , ., . '1
Albany t urn it are Co. avt t H
Oreson ajft John Maloner
i",.- u tKait.
H Vi
5 -
. 1 --, i' .1
j u SrlvesVr arrt mali
j j. State cot Chin Unan .
t Matthews A Washburn, acct mail
3 4
:.9 00
0 00
9 CO
8 00
0 00
rvte Kuettncr. acct roads
IV tr Knettner. acct iail . .
J Keeker, acct roads
John Burnett, acct poor
John Burnett, aid Mrs Mom
L E Warner, acct roads
hvgon agt John H,d"v
I atU.
S UlBMl agt lohn Pmrw
Mlmmn aak J.-Jin TVi
P. "
I T Jackson. anctSberiff
P W Spink, acct roada
Wm Hawk, boonty
Imainecase Elfarwick
i 8 Acheasoo. sawing wood 27
KortmillerA' Irvin.aoct C H andjatl jg.
Kimwy A- Davis, rndries 25
trviUna awaaseaasa. aw ..a.l.t! i at ear t V a
' a--. swvaaaj viwsltfl 4V IrVyUissEgUU VI JSJ. T.
"vw,sf Tcr m i.Tnwa tn
. u. i - , aW.
L P ONCOST Jcaimsl UoasU
. . w . -ire tk.iie-r
town are d. nsal
bnnia bursting and faction closing, r
I less in XOSnC abend
! saloon and a tobacco store t he paet we- eh
uv upeoeu a Era
I seconds. Hethooe cbJlwn the Tni ted
I 'or ,y ,um op to $10,000.
A letter f. , t'l.;.- ... .a... t
Boyd, of Spriuroeld ,o!c-ny ache me. he
been arrered at Chicago forfraudu eavrs-
cbtainieg $1011 frvm a man named To m
ana a oumpso.'.n. lie was held to see
! wer ui the criminal court under
j Dottdn
-Eogvne; Regiat-sr.
A gent tr man w ho has been work login
a round house on the Denver & Rio
Grande railroad where they twnallv keep
cne hundred eitjeines, .-irrived in Eugene
a lew oaya ago and w I stop for awhile
with his bt othr-in-hsv up theXrKenxie
river. He ears t raffs, on thai mad I n
been reduced so that marly three fourths
ot tne roiling f toe ts idle.
Nat Holman took hia hav Jhuniv and
Harry Belt out to his farm and set them
um ran 10 shock ntm on the Ch'ie'tsats
tree' and I done it." Dallas Transcript
A Salem sjsasaw savs : Tta. iwh1 C-
nancial tone of the oonnt.v and nartico-
"J w me 1 actnc voast a steadily im
proving and it is now palpable hat the
worst of the present ctisj is is over, and
eiitmiu iie general anuar ion improve a
lire present rate, a nolacs able relaxation
in fie matter of loans mar be expected
even in a few weeks. Quite a nnmber of
small loans have beeo made to farmers
within Hie last week or ten days, al
llioith, of course, the bank are verv
conservative in the .nacter of security at
The mrJe w-erv keor. swaaW .vmtrl in
Seattle, and they were masle to understand
.mpliatically that the good of Seattle de -
i-uucu uu meir inTanojnar t.wthcr. and
thev have dora. it it. .w , ;., -;. ,v...
succcssfu! tieht to iuwint mn on tiie link
a resnlent there says: "The women have
caused more unetsiness than the men.
They teem to get "ratiled." and when a
woman wants her monev 8be wants it
Thertts no argument alsoat Seat tie that
will keep a woman from faking all the
money she has on deposit if a 'a is wared."
The Dewocbat has lieon re -eiving some
jieculiar financial reports from. I'lap 1 Oo,
Of New ork City. As they sound verv
much as if written by a Bostoot girl we give
a. sample: tioveruinental respt msibility for
the many M only felt by thefow . IWtizan
ship eiupkisiaes the power of executive
place. 1 w crowns personaltt v with dis
'k 'T'i' "i"' "uinsbinces mai e it regal.
Livelihood of many appears now ia the
Mm of one. Ictuses of panic seem equal
to robbery of protected industrj.-. Power
to end lir..
jower to give means of living. Paralysis
finance aitnears now to ta iockiiig fac
tory doors, stifling furnace firea, omfet-hlins:
pick and sihovel, and tilling lnsrviester and
cotton gin with fear. Railway- engines
seem purring with snora ttt light buruens.
Mortgages and tax warrants are layi"1"!
to take airs of landlord and owner. Pay
envelopes beg-in to forget their ssniss,
KtMdstde tads of lutuiy are curtaiised only
by the sky. Sorrow and sin commence to
rt'joieo at defoat of thoir enemy, work. Dis
order grimly i-minils orjpuiijaition of it.i
demanila on order. Hie ghostly lingers of
the rich man's folly panic drip" with earn
ings of the prudent poor. Kxecutive dis
cretion, apriears to offer relief from indus
trial cm is likely h grow to permanent Us
tress. Will it ta exorrUecltf
Waat ahaM I Take?
isny Simmons Liver Kegulatcr.of course.
Itcsn'tbebeatinanvatikiii .1
n,. a, . . .
biHounness, sica headache or constloatlon.
Il glvx quick relief, and If continued for
awhile will completely cure th;se ailments.
The Regulator comes in liquid and pow
der fotm. Tne powder is womdei fully
convenient for the vest pocket. A. "inch
of that powder and a swallow cf water
hxciveti no taste and works effectually.
The Steal Caase
Nbw York, Aug tl. The
Washington specisl says:
Thor,. svaa a wild rerjort circulated m
Washington laot nieht to the effect that i
Cleveland would leave and go to Bnzsird s
lw .nrim va fad.iii he ia htmtm in his
lH , 'H1,UU TW 1 ,,V Mtwtr . ,
efforts to secure a repeal of the purchase
clause of the Sherman act. The silver men
were radient with ioy, and declared the
uiswlnwr bad abandoned his post ami sur
rendered be leadership which he assumed
in bis message. The simple truth is, adds
the corref pendent, a domestic event in;
Cleve and's family will require bim to be
at the tide of bis wife witbm seven days, ;
and it is scarcely decent politics to draw
such a delicate matter into a rsngn-and-
tumble political figbt.
A Mvaas rteatlaaeat.
Wjtmmnatmi. Aug u. "We !
' intend any nolitical oartv shall
vive that will lay a conuscaung nnu uw--America
in the interest of England .and of
Earce, and demonetize silver in tl'Uj
country, and. my friends of the eas'crn j
democracy, we bid you lareweu wucti juu
doit." as)
ThK were the words ot Kicnaru r ,
Kland. in the crreat financial contest that
opened In the noose of representatives to s
day, and the applause mat JL!U8sHaW
detepev TWTerEad with bias the
ferial element of the democratic party .
The Ckwtetw.
New Tore, Aug If. The inorain?
bulletin of Health Officer Jenkins said the
bacteriological examination of the two
case removed o Swinburne island jester- ;
day snow spirilla of Asiatic cbolara. Two I
i more cases s bowing choleraic symptoms
1 were removed to the inland thi- moroiog.
; At 9 p m Health Officer Jenkinx issued this
"At 4pm three cases were transferred to .
Swan burn island from Hoffman, and at j
7 W two more were taksw to the same
blat Artlasaa.
Kfcw Yoke. Aug 11. The steamer Nor-
manma.. from Sonrbamptom. a men ar-,
24 1 rived this morning, brought tatM.aoi m ;
35 j gold Total of fM.000,000 in gold is now
GO on the way from London to Chicago. The
20 effect of this will prove a great relief. New
05 j York exchange went down from 830 a
00 ! thousand tn 5. the old importers buying
35 i exchange md using it for cable tratUfer.
29 1 There was a feeling of strength in ail the
00 ; markets.
00: i tut
ttS Bo ii bat, Aug II A riot occurred in
wis city today, ana one ot me resusu
that many persona are in the hospital suf-
fering with more or leu dangerous injurit s
W t, , . .
Th lisliiinswia s noonbuion of the cttv
always at odds in regard to religion, and
today a number of Mohamrnedans and
Hindoos becaaie involved in a dispute.
"' which soon led to a general not
S54 i
tsi Beady Far Ine Alls er WUht.
Waai5oEOX. Aug 10. Slowly but
swaefy the lines of battle are being drawn
on the financial questi.--, and before an- .
ether day paases the country will probably
be aeaoaioted with the full plan of proced
ure, it if oefseved to have been nnsjiy
solved tedav which plan is likely to wis
the apcTSval of a majoritv of all elements .
Toniarfatss'l indications point to a drawn
S3 hastl. SS -o- rJt Iks wlfluwiT
"0 "T
serf f Hats ynstAn in tt 4nnzmlttPm
; on coinage, weights and meassaes. Bland
2 i readily auieeces in the twogram to fight ,
! the bsfftle out en the floot of the boose in
W 1 Mmminea AT--taw arnnae in.-1 tn thsa
nagement the aati- silver men, of coarse,
readily a Tee- The two bills, on which is
to tarn all dist isniim of the financial ones
tion. were today -fairy prepared and are
ready for presentation.
Wacw Traaiiinatlaa.
St Pin- A Tiff iO The north western ,
railways will now take a hand in the mat
'eaatifwiiw far th anneal armv of satw
' I . - . mwm -
innin in wwwwtm. xiier euiBuuiiveu -
' nJto
I a A.. -
j j tfoatana and vVajjiington. and it
expected that ihii year they
wffj carry
ow men.
Tws Meat stavsMw
Smk ixl. Wash. Aeg I Two live
were tost at N of h port Wash. Ut nig'at b
the baraing of the Commercial bote
Geotxje Ebieidi. the bartender, eras so bad
ly huipiisl that he died is a few minutes.
I ana r race ingie snxcsrau injuries sbko
a- a . . m . T - t . :
a - ! wnaed nw death a few hours later utaers
I merely borne i but tbefr names can
! now l'ea
Ss Aatumo. Tex. Aug 10 The Mexi
j can 00 -laws oa the aimer Kin Grande bor-
i der are becomisg' so numerous and hold j
thai authorities are unable to aape with j
them. A band of thieves ran 300 head of i
.beeves across the Rio Grande last eek.
The cattle wtre the property of Boss at;
Jfa one. They, with sheriff and other;
rstTi ial help. wee anon on toe trail- lhe j
party are still pursoiag be thieves on their
own soil, with the help of the Mexican j
VnssA, Aug 10. The official state
ment i sane! - by tne sanitary council o
Austria dec burs teat the condition of th
country wi h regard to cholera is very pre
cariosts. much more serious than it was in
1892. Cholera has broken out among nav
Tiea. mostly Italians and Croatian build
ing the railway at Marmaru. 11 the Gali
cian 'rootier, and 35 iia -e a-rvady died.
Seven cases of cholera and twa death.- oc
enrred at Cxetuaaood.
A Ka raise raastlaaUaa z
Frksjeo. Cai, Aug 10. Ananrmoos let
ters were received today by Louis Einstein,
a loser by the late fire, and by city Marshal
Morgan, stating tnat an organization has
been efferteo in San Francisco for the pur
pose of burning pmprrty. Armed guards
will be station, si aaoind packing nouses
and warehouses at night in the future.
A Fwnajr Mary .
Washington, Aug 9. A pathetic story
exxssas from Chicago The other day as an
Oresotiiaa was walking down one of the
world's fair city be saw a figure on a box.
It had a familiar red head, and be touched
it. I'p it sprang. "For God's sake," it
exclaimed, "doat say you saw me here.
Mr gsoney stopped arid 1 am e'erkinc in
I this shoe store at $? a week, trying toi
mke "?I enough to get home." The i
! stemnt was confirmed by tbe proprietor j
1 '" """."TJ s-s -uu
I was setluur shoes at per week had coo-
tjiiuted A.000 to democratic success, and
with other patriots had coiae to v ashing -
ton for bis reward, appiyiag for an office
worth probably Sio.000 a veer. He failed
like thousands of others, and started on
the tramp homeward . He spent as much
every day in Washington as he is now
earning every week in Chicago. There is
a moral to the story which young men In
search of office might heed .
Fevwrla FtartUa
Pkssacoi-a Fla. Aug 9. The cscambia
county board of health has issued the fol
lowing official paper:
"The board of health regrets to announce
that two deaths have occurred in this city.
Rev F CWaite and F.lien Wood The
disease in both cases was pronounced to ta
yellow fever The houses have been iso
lated. Idding and alt clothing destroyed.
and all necessary precautions taken to
prevent the spreading of the fever."
This created almost a panic and at least -1500
people left the city by tonight's train. ;
e Sk.lsBsJ.
Jackson vtLLiB, Aug, 8. The county ,
commissioners finished investigating the .
accounts of County Treasurer Bloomer to-
nay. ine amount ot nis defalcation is
I7S68. At the July term of the court the
treasurer was found to ta short in his ac
counts and was asked for a settlement. He
claimed to have the money invested and
asked for one month's further time. Noth
ing has been heard of the defaulting trees
urer, and it cannot be definitely ascertained
in which direction he kft Medford, though
it is Known he bought a ticket there last
Saturday night.
tioad rating Mines.
Dakkr City, Aug 9. The Virtue cold
mine this evening sent in $10,000. The !
: elean-iin 14 tha naanlt nf I.-. .In.-c .-.r Ik. !
; Z, "r K7mm ,; " tfj. iiVS .vl
mP?' TbeMable mine has fiOOO tof
i ow '?Lr nve W .wort ot t"0. 8?1-
Kigiit thousand dollars was received from
ihe mines yesterday.
I toasts la the A i Kansas Stiver.
Pvkblo. Colo, Aug 9 Water in the
Arkansas river rose eight feet ia an hour
last night, submerging the lower pan of
the city and doing immense damage to
a bridgeand railways.
"Only the Scars
Says IIiarBY Htraioir, of the James
- a . lit. Uvilort
Machinery Co..
pa., who certi
flea as follows.'
" Among the
many testimonl
ats which I see
k in regaru io
tain medicine
cares, cleansing
the blood, etc.,
none impress me
more than my
own case.
Twenty years
aso, at the age
of 18 years, I bad
swellings com
on my legs,
which broke and
becanfe run
ning sorsi
Our famiU s
stnan could do
no good, and it was feared that the
hones would be affected. At last, my
paad H.I
Mother Urged Me
tost Ayers Sarsapariila. I took three
bottl . the sores bealed, and I have not
been troubled since. Only the sears
remain, and the memory of the
past, to remind me of the good
Ayer's Sarsapariila haw done me.
I now weigh two hundred and twenty
pounds, and am in the best of health.
i Have been on the road tor the past
twelve years, have noticed Ayers Sar
sapariila advertised in all parts of the
United States, and always take pteasv
uxe In telling what good it did for me."
Ayer8 Sarsapariila
FKpasaa by Dr. J.C. Aver JtCfe.,LowtMasa.
Cures others, willcure you
S3 SHOE soWp.
Do yoa wear fkea7 Ve sed Is aeei try a pair.
Best in tho rvortd.
is -
rca BOYS
If mm i Urn OgTSS !910L BBSS al
Insn hv i j s as
Im Wm
aK ii m. mnnwasv xn.
as Idas
stjiw. aWt ?ay$6tat8,try $i50,
SSSsas. Tsey Stents castass aniwckasd
earasaeS. ffyjs sfceaeaafals jest fasts an.
abKprcfstsfagV. L leSEgfas SbKs. sfaasasad
rrW ea t-e catl; kr.k tx "t -mbtm jib mtj
ff.-r IorCItS. Eroeiltr, 31a&a. Soil by
L. R. BI IS.
ar -
- '
10. -
- t
A Slav 111 11 "BowtaObta
iJSTia the V. S. ad
. o. c
Guaranteed to cur? BUioss attacks,
Sick Headache and O-sstixsstfoa. 40 ta
ejstch bottle Psica tea. For sale by
Ptetor "7, :'. 7 ' aanSa ose free,
i I. SMITK t C .. ,. - .--5, ELW Y'OsE.
To Farmers
Mill warehouse and will have it in ecod
ordav for receiving the p reseat crop The
warahoaan ia first clam and conveniently
tseatad . Contains -wo good ciasncra. N
delay ia as loading. Sacks will boon hand
for deuevwy ia doe tin t. Give ma a call
before snaking arrangeateata to s'ore roar
crop 0. F. SIMPSON.
albanr. Or.. Jaly 15.K. 1S33
a newspaper wet
jmbllstH r or at
If you are, or a.
vt above,
r. anthor, artist,
interestej tn ny
t hont nasi
"ant 1 1 reach the aborvi.'
'Iheii ettlseia
ine ' . i - i-
Mi i etit ti $s.tx) a j-rat.
.t.iv ! :a -.aksonatiptleatlon.
. i.t N r CRM AN,
fc. : . - aa l l'tocrier
u; Nassau f-xasja, Na Tosus.N.T
OrntT,,, faints. Oils
Olanh, Etc
J. A.
gal rsrfc;.l4tli'nc"TTtKas5
" 'aet,WhiBBxpevvatonnnssH
SUBtS ' utmatunvi ltaciiaixv7aaKni
&E3E3 ZT r a botyJa of
mKE&S!- res In a fewdasn
gJBiT.-nt the aid or poba.-itr d a
ftfPMasaeiiBteed not to si ii Tasa.
sxajt Tto -awnd Jtmrnruxm Cte.
'. k T".. ?-ww BajBsaaBB.t
sMj, k - -SasnstKB VstwlHZSu v- -waxwgHB
lis! liaiiia w mnitanrrt for isosatwarr saaa. Ii
TOaea Ovnca sa Oseusw t O S- WaTxwr Orwct' '
Tasal naian sisais jam I as hist Isssa laaaiaaaa; ,
itssnts frosa WasSBSSpcm. 1 1
JlkaL. W sssvtsaH easentabSsor nottree af
anBanBanasnBsnBTVsnaav ni. ?V JSsf"J-fB
BSBawWrSsSKi MsflB