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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1893)
A HARntsHVHi! Cake. Last eveiiinsr on an order issued out of the Circuit I 'ourt of j this county, on complaint of Mrs Klla Mendenhall, E R Upmever, President of the Harrisburg Ditch Co.' ami V li Huyno. foreman, were arrested for contempt of ; court in proceeding with work on the ditch after an injunction had been granted by Judge Burnett preventing the same. Mr! .1 (i Kelley. t lie contractor, will also be; arrested. Mr I'pmever and Mr Hayne each ! furnished 1800 Uiil. Harrislmrc neonle ! have been trying to build a ditch that will assist in building up the city, a common enterprise. The right of way was not panted over the property of Mrs Menden hall, who refused io mnko tho grant; hence tho trouble. A good manv llarrisburg people are diiseoiiraged over the matter and ;iro about ready to drop the whole matter. The contractor is ready to do his work, and t is possible a suit for damage.: will follow. Dhaxk too Mitii Watku." Asa Alex ander and wife, John Linderman and wife on the Luckiainute last Ulll I'uM'i - ...... " wcck iilaeklierrving. lhe pari, ..... plenty of berries and had a good time gen erally, but their trip terminated verv sadly. A bee tree had been discovered ami it was decided to cut the tree onThursdayevening. It was quite warm and Mr l.mdernian drank considerable water. Puring Thurs day night he took sick and on Friday a physician was sent for. but the young man died in the evening. He was a resident of Polk county and a brother of (ieorge Lind erman. who livosion 0 K Moor's farm about six miles north of Corvallis. He leaves a wife to whom he wan marriej last Christmas day. Corvallis News. 0 C Hogue returned from San Francisco today. He will as sume tin duties of cashier of the Albany Water and Canal Co next Monday. His family will icmain here for the present. Several teams from Eugene arrived in Corvallis yesterday with freight for San Francisco. They will return with back freight from the merchants, which will arrive today, having come on the last steamer. The Palace saloon was closed last even i ing by an order of attachment in the : hands of the sheriff. The amount of the I attachment was $117. Chas Kohn & Co., 1 of Portland, being the plaintiffs in the j matter However, an understanding j has been reached and the house is open ( agaiu foi businiss. I Following real estate transfers have been recorded since our last report: C j Ci Burkhart and wife to J M Keeney, lot 12 in b'ock 17, Job's ad to Corvallis, also mis I, and li in lilock 16, town of Mc Keener; con. $170. J M Keeney to C A Burkhart, lot 12 block 17, Job's add to Corvallis. also lots 1, 2 and 3 block Iti, town of MchVeeny, con. $175. A lady had a nai row escape from beitig .struck by the engine of the Albany train was standing yery c.ox to " icir ineeugooi tne piatlorm to the track as tbe train rolled in and some one told her to look out, but in stead of s?epuing forward she etenned j back, and bad it not been for a party I s'arnding near by, who pulled her away, j in a'l probability she would have been seriously injured, if not killed. The lady's , name was Mrs J E Petereson, the wife of I a commercial traveler. News To Fast Driviko ox tite Brido.e. Yester day afternoon Bob Meyers, residing beyond Corvallis, near the Lincoln county line, on returning home from Albany .drove his team with greater alacritv across the big bridge man U allowed by law. m fact rapid rate. A warrant was issued out of Justice Curl's court for his arrest, and. on receipt of a telegram, the Marshal of Cor vallis took him in charge on his arrival at that city, and turned him over to the Sher iff. AW McClainwent after him: but on his arrival the Sheriff had allowed him to go, and he had done so very speedily. Very properly it is proposed to enforce the law prohibiting fast driving over the bridge. Secures a Judge. The welcome news is received that Oregon has been successful in securing the appointment of one judge. at least, on the jury of awards for the World's fair. Mrs R S Wallace, of Salem, has been confirmed as juror in the horticultural de partment and has been assigned to the department of fruit in jars. She has al ready entered upon her duties. Informa tion is received that D H Looney probably cannot be appointed judge in the live stock department but may receive an appointment under the agricultural bureau. Statesman. A Womax's Grit. A peculiar case hap pened at Lebanon. Grin Marlin sold Mrs Tom some beans. which Mrs Tom called for. It seems a daughter had called for them be fore. A dispute followed, in which Marlin called Mrs Tom some of the nseauost names in the dictionary, whereupon the latter seized a big bolt lying on the ground and bit Marlin a hard blow on the head, as he was reaching down for a stick, knocking him senseless, and there were fears that he might not recover. At last reports he was lying in a critical condition. Marlin is the man who chased a son with an ax about a year ago. through a field, and nearly drove the boy crazy. A Soeaville Incident. Mat ere were somewhat lively at Sodaville Saturday evening. A resident there, whose name was not learned, but who was designated as sometimes having fi', waa"going for" Mr Richardson, who runs a small store near the Oregon fountain, for selling corks for five cent apiece, claiming tbe pries was extortionate- Richardson took up the gauntlet, and the men quar relled and finally fought a live battle, Mr Richardson it is said coming out second best. Both men were arres'ed and fined 15 and cos's apiece. CoLLEcnsa Tax,. The Salem Jour nal says : A D Pettyjohn considers the way the assessors treat id his Chinamen an outrage Three Chinamen, who are renters on the place were asked to pay $1 apiece poll tax. Not putting up readily he says the officers collared one of them and inarched bun towards the cabins where they live, to raise them and take their goods. One of the Chinese drew a saw and the officer laid him out with a cfnb, so that he bad to come up to town and have it sewed up- It seems the HOME AND A BIO AD The O P has cancelled Its office at Ni agara. Southern Oregon li m b c i bilkol by ssv eral mining export". Charles Mueller has opened a branch confectionary store on Second street. The regular meeting of the W C T U will be held at the hall tomorrow after noon. An Illinois man Is minting a loca'lon through the valley for a condensed milk factory . B Tlhotson has besn awarded lhe con tract fu building a bridge neir Millers. Cost ttoo. A fourteen year old Soy reached Eugene last week, having come all the way from Germany alone. Thos R Kwlng, a carpenter working on a building at Brooks, fell and teceived injuries from which he died. Mr Harris, the composer of the popular song "After the Ball." will, It is said, real ize over $100,000 from Its sale. Th llarrisburg bank has paid Its de positois and closed its doors. This action atCi.t by tbe continued hl- s neaitn 01 tne proprietor, k n. . The annual conference of the M E Church will be held in Albany next week beginning Tucsdai evening. It is expect ed there will be about 150 vUitors here. j Another brave woman has been heard from. Mrs Whipple, of Portland, met s panther directlv in her path near the Folev Senator Dolph has presented the follow ing memorials and resolutions of Oregon's legislature. Memorial praying that the world's fair exhibit be opened Sunda ; house resolution asking thfct provision be made for a member of the cabinet to be designated as secretary of labor; joint memorial asking congress to give financial aid to the Nicaragua canal; house joint memorial praying for the restriction of Immigration; senate joint memorial pray ing for the establishment of a department of government to be called a road depart ment ; petition of s committee of Metho dist ministers of Portland, Or, praying for the repeal af the Gearv Chinese exclusion set. 011 all the tJ WKDSKMM V. Fishing Is said to be great streams at the front. Charges H Page has been appal collector ot customs at Aftona. Al Eeed is wearing crutches, caused by a 150 pound oake of ice t!lin. on one of his feet estordiy aiteu o-.iv, braising it badly. Next Sunday an Excur.lon train will leave Albany for Idanba at 8 o'clock; on returning leaving there at 6 o'clock. Round trip only $1.50. A large number of tickets nave been sold for the entertainment at the M E church to night. One little girl alone has disposed of about 75 tickets at 10 ctnls apiece, Turner am. Club recently lied for the terdav they shot the tie off It. Each made 23, and wdl next Tuesday. In Hodgea k Mo Far land's may be area a WEATOEB Bl BKAr Crop weather bulletin, No 21, of the Oregon State Weather Servico.for the week endiug Tuesday, August 15th, 185. B H Pague, local forecast official. In Western Oregon the temrature dur- I ing the jiast week has liecm cooler by four degrees than it was the proceeding week; the HiniKhini) was aboot normal. . A good soaking rain would lie of irreat beueht to the hops, corn, late grain and frnit, gardens and pastures. The winds are dry, making tho soil very dry and hard. Hops have good growth, they an? very clean, there being few lice; but the burr is smail.produoed by lack of rain, an improve ment in the size is anticipated. Peach plumes, the early jmacbes and apples aie i; rapidly, usually they are I ripe by July 10th. The potato crop is gen erally good, though it would yet be im proved by rain. Harvesting of fall wheat! and oats continues, threshing will begin niin wn-n. 1 tie comspoi!ilent.- all agree that Uie grain is turning out mu.-h better than was expected. . Some little threshing has lieen done, which yielded from 28 to 42 bushels per acre. Spring sown grain does not show much improvement ; it will not be harvested for ten ilays or more, it indi cates a yield Mow the average; not more tnan li to 1C bushels of wheat ami :10 Salem Gun 1 bushels of oats to the acre are expected.. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE m HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED TO FIHD A CCrtB FOB RHEUMATISM. LUMBAGO, SCIATICA KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, fee Da. HIXDCT'K EI.T.CTTtlC BUI with Elaetra HinRlc Mr. ,- 'rr f" wftBaot asetficto a 1 ;i id- iwitt :'rool. TiM e wail niter trom !Si-rv.a Urkiiilr. I.axirs, Drain, l.em SiDhaa. ScrtiiiiMii, Kleraleesaeaa. Ml. I. lI( ITK0 SI M NliAY. San Francisco mer city. This may In; i QBUIIMJail tho medal. 1 c , " ...... j. or rather tried 1 Columbia river counties, in 1 part of Baker county, in the counties to the south it will begin next week. Some threshing has lieen done and the yield is try ag dn stabs of tw. gold liah, oo thftugb is over i beyond all expectation I..K.M l.i it :tZ -.-- 1 Stat Kxnci-rioxs. Governor Pen- nc.yer has addressed a copy of the following "letter to each representative and senator, who are members of the present general as sembly: Salem. Aug 15. Hear ir: Having received numerous! of the shots to hit a little girl. v-oiumuiiuaiions urging me, 111 view ot tne at a very j Pre!nf financial stringency to call I an extra srssum 01 uie legislative assembly tor tlie purpose of passing a law for the stay of ex ecution on all judgments for one year. I request that you as a member of the state legislature, would express your opinion as to the advisability of so doing. . Very Respectfully, Sylvestek Pexnotkk, Governor. Judging from the tone of the press the general sentiment is airainst the eallinc of an extra session of the legislature to pass a ! Ke4r trom lh nn iw staying executions tor a year, tne matter now to a great extent is the lack of confidence. Such a law would make matters worse. The present laws are such as to give debtors considerable protection. It is safe to predict that creditors generally are not going to be very severe on debtors. It would not be to their interest. There is much reason to believe that the present panicky exterience will pradnallv rive wav to better times again developing into pros-! periry. Rt s Over. Last night the three hotel buses were returning from the nine o'clock Springs in Lane countv. and. Instead of "," 'lr, and the otSer has a ailver liain scresmlig, coolly walked out of its way. ' perhaps suggestive of th p rnt fioanci! One day last week a hunter shot at a j t congress. Denny pheasant directly li range of the The eampi of Rev W C Kantner and F Orphan's home, on the front potch of ' " "eCue, on Nye Creek, Newport, were which were several children. The lead robbed or. Saturday night. Ten dollars rent over their heads near enough for two ln ma'-ey w taken from the former and ! I iwu ami umrr va:uat:ei trom trie latter. I TL I . 1 . . Here It k "going on" September, and -" pprenenoeo that Oregon Pacific extension over the ' John Mcintosh killed cn the Snake river Cascades has not vet been commenced, j or ,ne "plosion of a stesmer, was at one 5 Down at Asioria their present contract ! ,lme dep" sheriff of Marian county, and does not call for work to be commenced ' mnger of the Oregon Milling Co. He until October 1st. on their rai'road S:atesmn. Over $1 :o,ooo was psid out in wages: jturdav 10 fishermen by the various ran neries of Astoria, and today another $100 000 was dispensed in the same way. This week canneries will be busy filling final j eastern orders and receiving boats and was a son-in-law of Aneus Shaw o Turner He was 46 years of agj. The decision to tht Rebriqg aaa arbitra tion ts thst i'.omh ceded all iwhta to tbe U 8, bat that theL'Shaa do rights lvood the three mile llait. Setla are to bs pro tected hereafter. Tbe deonioa ta a Comoro- ; miss, sod is moderately satisfactory to ail eonoeraed. Without seeming to remember that the , B sUr.Hai.of Albany has re present crisis affect, railroad matters as : " a a postal snowing that the circus, well as other things the Ochoco Review C",g h nX"K to do with 'he big gets imps ient and savs: Nearly two S1U Bf chxfs. though Sells is a rela- ! wteks have elapsed without Reeeiv-r ! "e- 'Ply a one ring affa'r.probs RadleytelHog som.bodj he ir.tended to i b f,"e characte of those thst have j build the OP this summer. Something ! Irey "ere. must be wrong. He may have exhausted j Mr A Cohen has shown the Democrat his wind and actua'l v gone to work. j circular from the jan Francisco assod- Some one went to Porter's meat market, ! l,,,on uf mooi Commissioners, in which In Newport,rccenlly.and squirted kerosene thef recommend that owners of .heep do through the scree.;' over a'l the meat that j not hJfr M thl Uil on account of the j was hanging ln the shop, and a'so a pool j prices. of it on the floor. He then tried to set fire i A foot-race has been made between Ki ll EftTATE MUI. Wm R Surry to D J Wyatt. one-half interest in e) acres 9 K2 9 t k (.' R R to John C Morgan, 160 ivres 15 w 1 Wm K Price to J P Hoffman, several pieces of land Waterloo OCototieo Medley.-. piixvs land. Watjrloo Thos Brink, by X H Allen. lirick block cor. 2nd and tan streets t . Samuel L (iarland toMarinda J Rob- inett. i loU. K's A.Ibanon Alonxo Miller to A A Hiatt. 1 j of 40 acres 11 w 2 F A Gteason to (Vtavia Stiers. Ji'x.Vi feet. Waterloo Henrv Watson to Annie J Shroeder. G.1I acres 11 4 A Immr C.aai Fire. f -n 1. I... 1- .1 . . . 1 1 i '....Hh rv. 1 ... n L . ' . saasaaaavapai menus or tne them through the screen into the oil on i 'hi city. The distance is ?s yards and ,s,U?A,r!J?in T1" a draukJT man, to" the floor, but this attempt was ineffectual. ; ihe stakes $100 s side The race wilt be driver on ntof thTknS" the St I " 'h P!"d!" i SSiS STSL T har es bu followed: but w'.V I . - EruUB, Or..Ang Uth K O Carsoa'a dwelling. store house and barn with their content were burned Saturday night, i near Creswell. In addition to the furni j tare diamond to tbe ra'ue of 1500, a gent'etnan a gold watch worth 230 and a lady's watch worth f 150 were burned, j also wagon, carnage, harness, etc Nothing was saved. The family barely escaped with their lives The fire is , supposed to have caught from a defective j flue. Lofs, 13.600 ; insurance, $1600, io the State of Salem. fore the man was reached. The motor iust missed the man as it passe-1. It was found that one of the horses had stepped in the man's face, the imprint of the cork leing plainly seen. His lips were cut. his neck badly peeled, and his body bruised in dif ferent places: but he was not injured in ternally, and will be all right with some scars as mementos, lbe man was taken to Sunday. Ray de too yrd race in Talk afaa K4Cja e..o. Deputy U S Marshal George Humph rey spent Sunday in Albany Percy Young and Carlton Sox went to Yaquina Bay this noon for a week, so journ. Capt TJ O.-erman left this noon for Camp Compson where he will remain several day. Mr L Gerhart returned this noon from a trip to the Hot Springs along the Mc kenzie. Dr J M Kitrhn, of Staj ton, was in the city today on hia way home from a visit w-u. Xs UQUf at Vaouma. 1 n r...aa air l ivoeiscn, urouiei n Kiefer, and wife.a'e in the city on a visit, having just arrived from their home in New York City. Mrs Dana Bu'tn ester and daughter Mildred, and Miss Annie Althonse left for Portland this noon. The former will be the guest of Judge Bellinger, the latter of Mr Gas Staiger. Mr Mort Abbey and wife, of Newport, were in th city today the guest of Mr ifeorge tandreth. Mr Abbey and a friend were on their way homi from a trip to the Southern Oregon mine. Mr G W Staver, of Mitchell, Lewis A Slaver Co., has been in the city on busi ness for several days. Mr Staver was formerly at th head of the well-known firm of staver & Walker.fat one time the Jsj biggest advertiser in the Northwest. r .j Mr Otto Lee. who ha been with Hodges 4 McFarland for about a year lef t mis noo;. lor ma lonner nome in Kansas City, fie will visit the World's fair for a month. Mr Lee made many friends in : Albany, and it is to be hoped will return here sometime in tbe future- F S Pelrce, of Portland, was in tbe city today on a new American Rambler bicy ' cle, which a'tracted a'trntion on account : of it corrugated pneumatic tire and brass run Mr Peirce recrntl, wrote an interesting account in the Review of a trip op Uie 'West Side and across tbe coast range to Yaquina. Thursday's Pendleton E O. says : Deputy Sheriff Hailey was in Salem Sun day, and bad the pleasure of a merry chat with Capt Humphrey. ho is getting well as fast as a man ran. He is alm"et 1 fully res' o red to men al tea' h. and laoghsand jokes with old time eneerf ni nes. Hia limb i nearly healed, Uie - amputation being regarded by asylum physic; an s as extremely we'd performed 1 -) 15l 50 1 ... A representative of cantile agency in in tin a first-class agency. BH I ikws kat is not posted ; but every other one that has operat ed here has tieen -snide." 0 If lYr'nt' toe lawyer, and family re- j turned this noon Ironi their trip Fast. where tliey visitil relatives and old friends and j attended the World's fair, which, like' others, they pronounce a grand succe.. Mr Charles F Oay, of Spokane, who has i been in the city several days, and also vis iting his brother, John Gay, in the country, will return home tomorrow, Mr Gay was j a pioneer resident of thi i-ounty.liring here S years ago. Wm Chambers of Salem is parking up j Preparatory to moving to Portland, where : he has an appointment nn.ler VdSs-.-t.-r Mack of the custom house as irupector. His ! nud are offennf coDgratjuatious. He I '' "sari al.'uiiia.' aid hii 1 hack business will lie continued as yore. Salem Journal. A young Englishman arrived in Corvallis Monday exgecting a job from one Jack Powell, who claimed to hare a ranch. On arriving he learned that Powell owned no ranch and ha1 left the county. The Eng lishman had very little money, but some grit, and offered to work on a farm for hit board for awbile until he learned Oregon ian ways. He will get along. Paar Heia.n.iill rmiti Dlaiatt). ajida-eaemt UlaMliS. u e Serf. of abase., eariasn. worn 01 eaj-ore.wltanfaHefaaSrrnaai ci. re tn car marTeiass to..!lonL M cb nTi:rM bat . trUJ to amine tke atest wept'c i. laifBoraoceoref. f.-tt j'.o ma bare on:aif dralsat jr. Jf7fem 0 nerve force d nam - .fa -:. la etacsrtesir-an ttrat caaans roar waa9asr(ac.i.r fofa. If joj repiaee into jroor ifitealki "fentstnaa drained, whieh ara nf 'ioire4 t'rr - zorctuMrerirta. 70a wttt re.TO.erhe r.aeeaa beaJta.rt7aat5 Ml lir i I t.fiow at onea. 1lS i.'-; a 1 f ''ST.nJ mU man. ae. eeeied, frjCTttr. eSn&'m Eleetrie Belt S i raator.a thoawuxi. to nwSs aeasta r.rvl 7lor..rter .1: othenreatc-egtstatla.' Qt woom we bare ttroug letten beauinjc u.-jioujuj to then roorcry txt ter tuir our ! TH ESE-WE C A H CURE YCUi . . . aaa fr acum.Cml A c-u. 11. VmZ. Dr. A. T. SaaSaa. Ijtaar fclr Hm or.l amd wr tvit i MlrMW with low TtBor. TioJ Ixin jS s'"i ''Ft1'? fnr. I would au vita roar twit 1 b ... had'a am. Imm of iif . Iemkm aaea Baraaa 7 fc" oa1. Ih.wiifc. ! 1Z J TMt Ufa bearer taa 1 atiaoal avaSaaaai la imr itmi. li h tai. ttMtjnawL. vJo L... oelu. 117 y.'.r 11. ECK MO RHEUMA'M. r 1 it it i r ii.. t 1 hi 11 . -a . T. S.T.Saatak pMrtUri-TM. ' ' - -"- --t iTrala iiiliai 1 t ot a Kjiai. waua mnauiilii mm. Trair 7otm. RHEUMATISM AND LAMEHES ror lua, i. . Dr. A. T. aaaSsn. baarHirl froa waicb I nd for k.t I omA set braS ai ha w.Ui it I tjoa oaiof 7 v r be,c 1 ... tb. taa aaaTra aaa,rtleM, mtLSnTV-i Wot the omf. mxx mouum I LcA rot '- f T-nr -- r'- rJ s. alavoat wau e- ia OTMbtr. nn I a aaajb raata. 1 wm 0 bas or. MaadfaV-bUal c,. r baha. It lulai MaSTasV... a?! ! fW-iai --ra. ' Tkt wmtwTZZi CUPEO, Era-r-K 5j; L,EaIVti -a uaarusa 11c bare txea cere tit I. at-. 7 a fc. . . c4 , ' 22K 1 tbaraoa t. It tier wM Awtdmmmwtm "21 ta ovm.ortablr. ui fael like . t. it.-T M. C HEOails. I t t rvtor Intern ati-M.1 Botat. NERVOUS DE8IUTY-LOS8 OF VICOiT. jaaami .ut. .1 voo- r ... . a a l ia . mA vi 1 (a. mmJk m...r. , alamat aaala Ja laaa' ss f -1- . .. i.. .nai Mr.: it. .1 A.T bait teaaajaral rr thai. I bmb t-l. t!lrflaib'iai farfiesTcu.. Ibaso IrCTssaraiJ7. ZSlui. LL'KIHA. laaili I .mSI.S I Im! v. all rrr rataraiaa: wad i(urai.: . a 'o. tfce 'it I Satf wijtmtl twU wm . bwt-ww fm a Mr f. !' is -urn mwftr aartact. aa4 atc iaj .ton ! the hattec. I t ! aracfe etrartr tba bSrea aalaa taa Jelt, jars wt-r, Mizyktt tcBcm discharged, shooting Jessie Walton, a sporting woman, in the mou'.li, drath re sulting a few minutes afterward. Miss Walton's true name Is said to oe Tlllle B Wallis. The coroner's jury chsrged aVol soo with manslaughter. Mis Walton formerly lived in Salem . A farmer living down the river a few the office of Maston .v Davis, where Dr m,le from Eugene has just discovered Davis drpjsed his wnnnds. Tho vi.-t nf 1 that he has been taisine hops on land that the accident is Jeff PitchfonJ. a'voung man I hoids no title lor. Upon making a tiaiantt: Clara Uard, Jennie Blount. Do- . . .. ( . a , a ... . - ta. . . c. r a ... a a ho was running around with the Biir survey e fe days 1.0 he found that three Four darkeys during the day. and was j "re and a quarter of what he supposed to loaded with'whiskev. His home is Salem. b n's hoP belongs to the state, while where his wife resides. Thos Pitchford.of : h1' cre more belongs rt the railroad Scio. is his father. Pitchford was placed oompany. There is a good crop of hops where he could get sober, and it is hoped j on th lJd the present time, will keep so. He left today in company ! The Pend.eton E. O. says: Assessor D with the darkeys. W McDannals has returned from a trp to Thk PaofLE SntPLY ExcmtD. Ja A ! Alfred Hamilton, who lives a Cju;'.c oi j miles across the river from Coivallit, had ' the misfortune to laose a 6nc Durham bull on Sunday last. The was slaked out and got tangled ln the rope and his neck was broken. He was valued at $200. News Prof J W Crawford has been re-elected principal of the Albany public schools for inc ensuing year, with the folio a-tng a.-, n-a l. nlaall V . O J - . . I 1 nl , a -jraa.j ocu);. ten, lua ivaca, j Linnie Ramsev, Nellie Lsmhson, Libbie j Carothets and LoU Dywr. gupemum ! etary, Annie Far re! Scio ts becoming quite a hop cenlrr, ' about 250 acre being In hops near that dty, which means over 400,000 pounds. At over 15 cents a pound the e I an hem spatial to Daattatrt 8sLi, Or., Aug Mb. Governor ' Pennoyer is taking a concent as of opto- ion of the legislate! niton advisability ot convening legislature to pass law stay -ing execution for one year. bkat lbe Sheer. Yoe hear it constantly. People let I the draughts but they uever think of the over j drafts upon nature which impair the SI- gesttve organs, and makes the use ot Sim- j moos Liver Regulator necessary to eflec- tually move the liver loaciroc jni aid the ! digestive and aaaintllativ powers of the . bndv. The Regula or is the medicine for ' all disorders of the stomach Try it and ha convinced. the Grand Ronde valley, belie engaged at ; of r.earlv The price, thouuh. f a i-P.nA. I n . .1.1. W . .. I ' nrftmilM Ia K ktrtK-r . - . l a. Maraton, special agent for italic ur.Gath- 600 piece., of land, hr uie In the assessors S crops East and across the Atlantic. "1" V, wtSrsit!!;! -Mr .H5p.nald that farmer, j Mr Prey K,T. MpreaUl. lh. 4 . .7 ' ,"' Zr'i'.S. ! ul 0" KWe' whert "00d crP r i tsUorrMy, by request wei.t to Lebanon v- 1 ...... . . . . -- iua. awuiuiiim . I Him . Ih n... anar. tfii . r ..-hr. ....... . . . a , -r- , ciouiiea isces. in tnat locai'ty theie ;s nearly a total failure.and hundreds of acres ' will not sverage more than three er tour ; bum a suit. Mrs Tore, rj,r.jth i doeed lo plead gai;ty before the ..1 l.-! j . ..a.:- t. i""w ' PJ oaeoi J. i -' u.ii.uwr, aid iMwi . .j;o. i. a. 00 ru.t . j in merit and efficiency. It eradia ttea dan- 1 The ncw 'Imc card of the Southern Ps- c.ruil. keeys the icalp moist, clean, and 1 c""c 8s tato ettcct today inconsequence just completed trip through Southern Oregon and Cali forn'a, and nowhere have X found time livelier or prospects brigh'er than I find right here in Walla Walla. You have good crops, and before the season closes I believe will have very fair prices, and WBM the farmers ate prosperous all o" her branches of trade are prosperous with you, being, as you are, a strictly agrtcut bushel. Aa a hair (treating and f.r the preveatwn astaalt on I '"reo Marlin. th facta of which rre given j ia the DtatorRAT. Us Uaratr the correct facte in the case he very pe-;aw! refute ! to e a. in- it colder ' tural cocn.uunity existing financial Chinese are proverbial ax shirkers and i mncb longer- The panic ia attributable I I dr. not thai healthy.and gives vrtalitv and color to weak. "r aoonsning the Altanv local. The rain will ron-innr. f ded .od it-av Sair. i overUnd conductor. Wick Huff, will tale the officers are (orred tonse rouzh treat toent to get anything out ot tiiem. &LBBED Theie Evrs. A unique feat are of Uie Oregon exhibit in the agricul tnral hnildinir ia the irrains :a" and pre served in th'ir natural state. The stacks, agricqltural ceute. of wheat, rye, oats, and barley are irom three to seven t'ret high and hall an inch thick. The straw berries caused visitors to rub their eyee and take a second look before they conld believe that berries had grown to such dimensiotis World's Columbian Exposition Illustrated. ' TUESDAY A Salem lawyer iccently killed , the posi.ion of baggagcmaser,whoae place I I .... L, . t.v... ickuuiu more I pheasant. cockrcll fr a Denny fr: rl -cm strange i.s ;' 1; ." seem, is caused from a i;:ck t that which is never exactly digested fat. The grcutet fact in connection with Scott's Emulsion appears at this point it is tartly digested fat and the most weaKened digestion is quickly strengthened by it more tn the excited minds of the people .Vi.n I r. l.naikt. Mnma - .1 I ; .m.i.u hi wuy i.u.u.1 vau.c, ...u .lie CCII era! pulse is gradually becoming ! on tbe Pacific Coast at least. " " uThf . Tbr' 9fg "gfi IK trip . 1 TV.o B.m. miolir h .,i.t f a ik.- I Harti.burg rMturdar. though tne water - . a villus a aasass. fv m, sas -asrw T i . fi r Tintt Ks a. rr mrvnfr arfMin.t aarKson Wkr Not 8t ue. Last Friday the!IOOO Cln be .pent on a common foot driver of Mr G W Westfall, tbe Lebanon , race, as was done at Gervals Sunday, liveryman, took a drummer to Browns ville, with his best team. tie street . tin ti . . . n-ttirninir tn a'art hnmn tliA driver fnnn.l . . I . ' ' . . . Tk. A h.nv Wi Mill rl.e inllniierl after tomorrow, when the overland will A Jarakss Giai Mia O Mich Matsnda. a Japanese young lady, arrived at Seattle a few day ago and is now the guest of Mr Reeves of that city. She is : on ber way to Brvn Mawr, I s , to attend a yoang ladies school with a view of edu cating htrseil for the work of a mission . ary among her own people She secured a scholarship by competitive examination under an arrangement by Mis Tsuda. a young lady wbo was educated in country some year ago and srho now j holds a prominent position under the i queen. Miss Ma'suda w lit give f re. 'alk I on "Old Japan and Sew Japan," accom lia'f Vk, . ,1 b5,n,fc'd''f,OTGuhrie. panied by Lantern views, illustrating her n, ;0,,h" AIIo ouiI. The overlsndbsg-inai;,. sne it a TOong christian r;ri ;,',n"4" w, aupcrseue tne prevent 4I)(J theoontry under the dt- brkeman,nd the latter Is to step down I ra t ,he toggeti0n of Mis n" ou, Mary Florence Denton, a teacher in tbe VvTa-aw a Kosbish College at Kyoto, Japan, who ia j days , dolnt. a great wora lor the yonng women i of that coun'ry. She will deliver theae J s Jn??yim,w- Wm Kurobaugh (talks and exhibit these views of laran at ' la Taerune Knrtlanil . n.1 t. ma ha I A near nnatnSRre ha. Keen e.tahllahed at Hitching the : r-ii.trr -.. countv tie. and Pha. M iruuj win iiicii wen. i. it- .net?.- Wll The only possible help in Consumption is lhe arrest of waste and re irwal if nrv, healthy pfti. Scotl s Emulsion has done ijonders in Con tumfdu it just this way. IV-rc 4 -v .-. " v. '.Mrr"rrlaVi. the team gone. No one had seen the j team disappear, so quiet were matters on tbe street. It waa thought that the ; horses bad been stolen, and tbe driver i returned home, and Mr Wettfall tele I graphed over the country ordering tbe norse wnevea appreuenaea xesteruay the team was found in the barn A Mr Temple ton. They had run away, leav ing the top of the buggy in the road. Tbe incident ia a peculiar and rare one. Summer weakness, that tired feeling, loss of appetite and nervous prostration are ariven away bv Hood's Sarsaparllla, like mist before the morning sun. To realize the benefit of this medicine, give it a trial. Sure, efficient, es.v Hood's Pills. The County court adjourned last evening, after transacting the following additional business: The matter of Southern Pacific rrominirs I was continued: also matter of State surt all stations between here and 0li lutjAiteti; also bill of Gw D Bare-1 Japan ahonld not fail to see her. Ad stop at Port and. . Sunday afternoon while attempting to cross the XlcKenzie river on a horse Mr Peabody, a resident of Lane county, was i washed off and drowned. Dull times affe-.i the newspaper busincs more than any o' her, for although their cash receipts are diminished when money Is scarce, their expenses are iust as great. Ochoco Review. An Oregon, III., toung womsn is mak- Job, ard A- Co. 8JK-V). fees Oregon agt Z also bill J A Chance. $37.50. Petition of H J Fallia et al for road granted, and Benj Irvine, T P Good man and Jas Shelton wore appointed viewers to meet Aug 3Q. j Hill of Hall r O Donal.1, printing 12.50 dismissed. The time for making the assessment for : lt5 was extended until AtaW 2d, 1893. Tbe contract was let to J B Tillotson. for Ing a craxy quiit of the silk ties which 1 building bridge west of Haisey, at tl .'-2 Strictly Cask F. L. K.-i t .i. ba. adopt A a can ).t. pj and will hereafter eli groeeri. s fo CASH only. NEVER BOTHER yourself verv much about r-usiness during the hot mon'hs if you wish to keep cool: i di,iBr)ce nor riius' yoc ge. into tne naoitoi asking A MAN if It is hot enough for him, w:ien you can see very plainly that he Is practlca ly roasted ; but, InsteaJ, advise him to call on Parker Brothers and get the best baked goods to be secured, as well s. warm weather groceries generally, WHEN HE IS IJOT. By so doing you wlil surely ictaln hls friendship. Mr R M Robeitson his moved Ins feed store to one door west of his former place, ' just east of the Democrat office, whnc lie Is well located, and Is in a condition .o drowned ' meet the demands of lhe tiadc. He par- les a large and first class stock of feed, I lime, cement, plaster, hair, fertiliser, and ' everything usuilly kept In a first class iced store. Agents Wanted on Salary and Commission for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Blopplj Of JAMES G. BL4IN By Gail Hamilton, his lilersry executor, with tbe co-operation of Lis family, and for Mr. Blaine'. Compl'tn Workr, ' TwKlTV Years or Conuress," sod his later book, "Political Discussions One proapectui for these 3 ce-i sellino books in the rnar kst. A K. P Jordan of Me..took 112 orders from first 110 calls; agent', profit $1 50 Mrs Ballard of 0. took 15 ordrra. 13 "eai Rusaia, la 1 day; pro lit $26.25. E N Rioe of Maaa. took 27 urdera iu 2 days) profit $47.25 J Pstrldsa of Ma. took 43 orders from 30 calla; profit $75.23. K A Pa'iner of K. Dak. fooi 53 onlers in 3'lsyr; profit $98.25. Exclusive Teim itoky viven. If you wish to make LAKOK MONEY write immadistely for terms to The Henry Bill Pub. Co. ,KorwichtCenn DRUGS, Siatioiery, Toilet ArtiJes, InEtruraeiv3, Etc Musico Hodps & McFarianfl, The Corner Drug Store," Albany, Oi BKS. Hfcat Psiker Brer, grocers. P. M. French keeps railroad time Buy your groceries of Parker Bros Fiae grocrnes at Coon & Heodricson's. Hw cream cheese just icceived st Conrad Hey ars P J Smiley job printer, Fliuo Block, does rirst class work. Smoke ti.e oriel. rated Havana filled 5 oem cigar at. Julius Joaepb'a. Dr I II K If. t.hv.i in i ail sargeoo, ')-s.'i. ''.I's nili 1 1 ait ' or oomitry . Laugh'er bas of'tn diirpafcd ".rai and preserved lifo by a suiUon effutt o nuture. Wo are told that the groat bras ui us laughed so heartily at a satirical re mark that he broke a tumor and recovered his health. In a singular treatise on "lauuhter," Jouhert gives two similar in- stancea. A palient lieing very low, ibe physician, who had ordered a dose of rhu barli. countermanded tbe medicine, which was left on the table. A monkey in Hie room, jumping up, discovered lhe goblet, and having tasted, made a terrible grimace. Again putting only bis tongue to it, h perceived some sweetness of the manna, the rhubarb had sunk to tbe bottom. Thus emboldened he swallowed Uie whole, but found it Huch a nauseous potion that, after many strange and fantastic grimaces, be around bis tcelh in agony, and in a violent i fury threw the goblet on the floor. Tbe ! whole affair was so ludicrous that tbe sick I iuan burst into repeated peals of laughter, and the recovery of cheerfulness led to I health. have b:en given her by devoted admirers Her pillows are to be stuffed with their love letters. Charles Young, of Corvallis, and C BralthwaP, of Salem, have been matched to run a foot race at Salem on Sept i a h, ;he recond day of the stale fair. The to be run is Tr, yards and the stakes $ioo a side. A woman and two children go lo Kan j J N Duncan, sas. a husband is crippled snd goes to the j C C Jackson. poor home, t grandfather goes to jall,and the preacher who caused the trouble has disappeared. Thb is the result of the trouble of the Peikins family at Salem, over the aliened intimacy of Mrs Perkins and ex Rev Campbell.of which the papers in that city hive been full. VUlliam Motley, an old soldier, was camped on the bank of Mary's river.ln the outh end ot Corvallis during las, week. Karly .Sunday mornlnj he got up to get s drink, and in poing do ,vn a steep bsnk lost his balance and fell into the river and was I'he bodv was recovered later in the day. The pqroner's jury returned a verdict' Ir. accord incc with the shove facts and found further tnst his neck had been broken In the fa,!. EUewhere appearsan sdvertifement in reference to the life of James G Blaine It is to be wrifen by Gall Hamilton, Mr Blaine's 'Iterary rxecutor,a wrl'er of world wide fsme and litcary ability, who Is much better qualified to write Mr Blaine's life than any other person. Mr Blaine ia a national crtarwer, among ine leaping statesmen of tt.'s cenlu'y. and It will be very gratifying for the public to have a history of his life written by the only one possessing all the material, as well as the best (ualifipatlops for it, Wm Ransorne, aged n, a farm hand, Mount Tabor Villa, while playing tier lineal toot. Bills allowed: Indies Aid Society. Long et al . . Hiram Baker, aid Mrs Gal low ly Meston, Iiygert & Co A m Iropst. acct roads X P Payne, clerk's fees Wm Rumbaugh.per diem and roads salary, etc-... dn-jriff's fee-. . 27 00 x (0 rir, oo 6 00 120 00 104 00 it 00 Tl'tSDAY. Prof hVtd. of the Kucertc schools is in the city. J Fred Yates, of Corvallis. is in the ritv today. X K Steevr. tbe Portland lawyer, is in the city. I reen Beam went to Portlaxd this noon with his bkryele. Dr Maston was called to ILtlsey this nooc on urgent snedical business. Miss Layton. of Portland, came up this noon on a visit with ber mother and family. A B Slaoson and wife, of Portland, are in the city the guests of Host K A Irvine. W E Giliett and Joe Teske. returned last night from tbe foot of Jefferson. J.,n WbocW trom lower Soda and Joe Klein snd family trom the McKenzie. lay Smith of Salem, returned home this noon from a trip to ldaaha. taking- home a several pronged deer which he shot yester day mcrning-. Will Pf. iff-r and Prank WW Jr re- " ' t urned Last night from an outing among the : .-twa i.-jx-n.i .wwet nome. and report , good fishing and a pleasant time. Col K A Miller. I' S resnater at trmron this K an M" 'irubbe.rexenUy superinU-nd- eni ot tne paaTaaw nouis. of alim. are to he united in marriage at an early day. t S Attorney Murphy who was in the city yesterday was not here in amneciion with the Burkhart cases-, bat to attend to other matters in connection with the bosi- of the Linn Count v Bank Dt J Hatty i Jay went to Nesrwwt this n .in and will do losiness there for several He is proving himself an expert op tician, and as ( hegon is now his home is entitled to a good patronage. Mrs K C Pentland of lndr?pendexoe was in aaasm fumiay ami lett on tne eveunir train for Halscy, to be in attendance at the bedsiile of Mrs Harvey Bond, who is dan geroudy ill. Her ailment is typhoid fever. - -Statt.uuan.' Mr C C Hogne today took charge of the business of the Albany Water Works Com pany. He expects to be able to bring his family to Albany in a few months. He A solid edorr-tional institution is the i has just returned from a trip to California. McMinnville C. ilege. It is uuder splen , ;in.l report? matters more 'itirt than here if did management, and is in a position to possible. i H Aliirod. a-ssioUiit secretary of the Y M C A. of this citv. will leave for Chicago tomorrow to auend lbe l -M t. A training school this winter. c-aiem liHlependent xr ill Habcock will ue his sn-nessor. Cooper Turner and Froman Bros returnexl I . .. . a. a . .1 . - . . a ma . ia-i nigm irom uietr trip to toe iwetoies. They taught 821 trout in Blue Lake, and h.lfi il irlririf il timn. Camlv tMiM-fc i'iivn and party bad camil ami were cettinsr other place before lea v ins for the Eas (Shawill be in Albany Auaust 2 1st and will peak in the W V T C Hall at 8 o'ciock p. in. Persons interested in knowing what Christianity i doing for Z1i rateauTK attcb. In co-partnership estate cf Wm M Bar bour and N I Dalgtash final settlr-roent set for Sept 4. In estate of W O Cooper IjowI. ?I500 ap provad and rppraiseis appointed. In estate of Cordelia Orten. commission to take depositions issued to W H Punbar, Ooidendale. Wash. In estate of Kamoel Attridge. W H In gram appotntol aiministrator. Bond In estate of Cora Ann Cox. receipts filed as ordered. In estate of Peter H Wigie. O P Cosfaow appointed admtnistnitor. Bond. 85000. Appraisers appointed. In estate of Peter Welt, sale of land con -firmed. In estate of Mand and Frances Wagnon, sale of land conhnaed. In estate- of F H ltostoe. final account ap proved. In estate of Jas R Thompson, final settle ment continued. In estate of E From final account con tinned. In eatate of F F Craft. J P Galbraith ap pointed guardian of Mason and C V Craft. In estate of S B Finnegan. Wm E ithens, A L Cannon and B M pointed commissioners to set off dower. In estate of John Biiyeu. sale of personal uroptatt aporoved. Final accoont set for bearing Sept 8. In eatate of Otto Seriiing. property or dered sold ao ceding to mandate of Circtiit court. la eatate of Thos Clemens, final accoont allowed. TH DR. SANDEMi ELECTRIC BELT wsanaaasatssalrai. i batterr. mad., a belt to aa to ba aaauy wore dart: fgraaenaUiaur.Br kMnpstt eti-mta wtueb ara taataaxir Salt taroasktat ab ta.asjjrl. itaaaao sravrd Fletarie na.peaaary. tatpwlas aooa warnat it tv enre My of c mbowm wrmmUHmmm, mil I u snaewni. a u-rj inlllsWnsW-Ul l1 DmUl I gadL Un4 will can thm wvtwL c t u two or thxm aoai tterfc wx or ftfefltntf H Of ! II It Tltm t. mfi"iTTai aatl nr t SS 8ANPEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 FntSt, W8TLA1D. S8S' McMIMVILLE COLLEGE. best McMinnvi-ie Oreg n This College is one of the oldest and equipped colleges in the Northwest. Offers Snperior Advantages Expenses light: a boarding hail in the College building on the club p lan. President Browasca steward, thos guaranteeing good board at the least possible cost to the student. Board can ai t be had in private families at ?2 "-J to $3.00 pet week, including lodging. The fine Telescope recently mounted in ihe Kew Cbservatory ami the extensive library, to which students have free access, offins advantage not found elsewhere in this state. taitifii LwtatiH. TbiiU Icre Caafii, SitiMf kiMiiei, faltir SiiTtiiwiia, El'ifit TezcfacR, TWa-ik Wri. Five coarse of study Classical, Scientific. Normal. Literary and Easiness, with special advantages in Vocal and Instnnnental Music. Bosines course of two years, '.rad utiles of the Normal coarse are entitled to a State Diploma, and are in demand to fill high position.. M. Minnviile is acressibte bv rail from all parts of the Stale, on the main trunk of tbe Southern Pacific R.R. West Side; twentr-5 miles Hioth Portland. Fall Tern Begins September 19th Seatal for Caitalwgwe. Address. T. fi. BROWSBOS. Pretsideai. Or A J Hunsakcr, Solicitor and Financial Agent. Oregon State Normal School oV.t Mr H M Stone returned home from Yam hill county last Friday. He has been awav mmm aajpj Lafayette. The Yamhill of his work as follows: "The Cnontr t'..m- wnrt out aad uasoected the bridge lost completed by H M Stone, of linn - . Am . . . . M I . . . r .. a - county, ineunage COBSi I ot a span W . ssonai ana academic courses, ana wen or-fat 10 weeks; Buiorti, 50.25 per term, feet long with cover and ITS feet of ap- j gamr.-d Model School for Practical TraiaJ Board at Normal Dining Halt, f 1.75 per oer week- fnn ma!,Businesa,Mu.icand Art Department karniihec! to $t oc and furnished. Beautiful and healthful .ocaison. LlgtstlBoardand lodginr;n private tansifie,S3 50 expense no saloons, ihe Normal hao S4.00 per week. Tuitior.,ixard,,odging eciorea a noway groann curing .nc ptla.Dd oooks less tlan S 1 50 per year. ('on. tear, reachiir an emollmenc oi over aoo.lM-r rat rv of Muic Thoroneh 1 MONMOTJTH, OBEGON. THt LE ADING NORM ALSCHOOlJtnatios. Tuition Normal, per term of tne Northwest. Strong profes Lf IO week,: Sci-Noratal. ItAi ner tarn "- avus WW hum a v aa.-va v - t 9 - - a.-- t-SVrj3 U SSt .tut tUatl XSUai prrjsschets. Tne cost to the ooanty i- rj17 ing of teacher. Norma!, Advanced Nor Leek. Rooms frctn 50c which is OaTtainir a reasonable ngure : -r such a bridge. Xlr Stone, the contractor. is a rustler trom tairviiie. and he run! tbe work completed long before the limit of time allowed him." The wife of Dr R A Javne. o Shedd. was ! lbt 'r8't hsrtorv. New rcemberslare offered in vocal and Instnimentai ran- mission free. bwried in the Ctakville cemetery Last Vel nrsday. Mr Alex Morrison, of Dakota, is visiting with Herman Holstien. Mr. M K Stone, of New Mexico, b visit ng with relatives here. Miss Wrenn. of Hay Creek, Crook coun- ty. was in Isdrville last week. Geo D Barton is training his trotter. lie is ctmSdent she can Iwat the record of Nan- j cy Hanks, but she is not for sale. M illhollen A' Stone are ready to commence drying prunes. They will dry between 40 j and -V' toe of their own fruit. and probablr j 1. ..1 : L at I Luu1.11 iut 'Ki-i n a w iKU uariu sue- . -m r v o r, 1 cess in their new enterprise and will report 1 jY'l ,"1, tbesr pr-irr-: Amu. - have been aiided to ti.e appar-kic. Tuilion,$io per term of 20 1 atus supplied, arte the course ot study re 1 vised and strcnethened. The eradMSteJ Monmouth is ea-4iv accessible from all I are in demand to fill good positions. Thc4pru of th State, twelve mites from the diploma entitles tbe holder to teach in aniSuue Capitahsixty miles sout h of Portland . county in the state without farther exam-ICaUloenss cbeerfsHy sent on applfcstobn. j do thorough and satisfactory work . Catarrh Cannot be Cared with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and ia urder lo car 't yon most take internal retaediis. Hall's Catarrh Curs 1 taken La tenuity, aad acta rflrwrtv on ttae blood and murxius sur-'ice. aau catarrn ivre i aw oiih: iikuki... iv 1 retluv Inr ousinrx.-' was prescribed b one oft he best physician, in I ton. tai. roununr for vear.. and ta a reauiar ore- srripticn. It ia compoed of the best tonics known, combined with the best bloo 1 purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tbe two ine-redienta ta what produce, such wonderful result In curing Catarrh. Send for tetimooials. free. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Ptoj. , Toledo, O. Sold by drugsUtk, price 79c. ' Selling Hohk. Tho Ochoco Review savst J W Howard is in n-ceint of a letter from Mr Wood, to show several carloads of raised in this county were consigned last month, which states that the horses are being sold at fair prices and are going off reasonably fast. At the time of writing Mr Wood was at Lebanon, Ky. Klmcr Graves' entire load had liesn sold and netted him 8661. About one-half th,e horses shipped by )UHer, Andorson and 1 hatt oocn sold. Onelot netted thom I'll and another $$ per hoad. Mr Kit. h ing's horses were gig from 949 to 190 11 head. Hill. Crooks and James Elkins had sold about half taieir horses, and were re ceiving satufactory prices. The sale of these horse will net the owners about 810 000, which is comparatively that much sained for the county, as there is no Bal e here. A Watch is a necessity nowsdays I yen want one call on Will & Mark, whose st iCk is tarn and vari'd, and price tbe th most reasonable. They can tire ynu a tsrgain io this line aa stelP s iu jewelry traerally jaa li llavi. a nuK-li9ni al &hiwlf I inn county, who with Mrs Iavis and daughter have teen guests at the home of his brother. i itavis of Lincoln I'ark returneil to- iday. Miss Botsfonl. of Salem, returnexl with them. Journal Mr I. Koelscb and wife the latter of whou is the sister of Mr Chas Kiefer. who were spending a tlay or two in the city.continued their circuit of the xxv-t tv iroinff to rort- U111.I. nnd thence will go to the Sound cities including Victoria, and return home by way of the Northern Pacific. Mr and Mrs hoelsch'a son. Wm H P, has been the Grapes, Sweet potatoes sad musk mel tons this afternoon at Parker dns. Late California fruits snd vegetables at Perry Conn's, M . Ij-. & MoFarlsn I. I.u, AlUny. O. . th I I 1 I u 'Ir.i . Fkemi Cream Candy, Hi,L r-BUtT. just received by C H Mueller, who keeps the finest goods in hia line in the city. Try him. Notice la hereby given that a meeting of tbe member of the church and con gregation oi the Firat Baptist church oi Albany, Oreacn, will be held at tbe church at 7 :4S p m on Thursday evening next, Auguat 17th. 1893, for the purpose of hearing the report oi the commutee appointed to aecure a pastor, and for the , .1 L.4 k. nni.liimlal..1 a. .1.. i T. J iraUB.UllUU UHItl UUDtllVBO n. home'! had he not stumhled on thetl.lrd mQnmo 1. m(tn A full iubjj v'iiiu wvwi v inw as r at .. attendance is desired. Jason Wiihi.kb, Pres. Truatee First Baptist church. base ball Sunday, died from the effect of a bursted blood vessel. At the seventh In ning the score was a tie snd the boys were naturally excited. Ransorne took the bat and made a long ht. and would have got base, He fell heavily to the ground where he remained a few momerls. snd then getting up, he walked hurriedly to a drug store near by. He appeared to he so badly hurt internally that be co-ild not say much, and no relief could be given him. He died In less than a half hour. He came here trom Missouri, where Ids parents reside. They have been notified. Dis patch. Factories recently closed evidently purely for political effect are again resum ing business and Items like the following are common: The outlook In the Iron and steei trade is brighter than for some time ln Pittsburg. The several depart ments of Jones & Laughlln resumed oper ations and a ..umber of mills have given notice of starting up. They will sdve em ployment to upwards of 15,000 men. Eight thoussnd more made happy . A acore of cotton mills, owned and operated by B B tc R Knife, ln Rhode Island and Massa chusetts, started up this morning after having been stopped a week. They em ploy nearly 8000 operatives. Fine place, with two acres of land .fruit etc , f-r rent. Call on Prof W W Davis. ret end of Fourth street. Address P. I f tHPBELL, Pres., or S. SHEDD Sec of Faculty. NEW : FURNITURE, SIXrF.E InKOWFULL OP FIRST-CLAS FCRXITL'RE. CONSISTING room sets, chairs, icaBgea, etc., which I will sell at WWKTB CSlMStllM- Venison at C K BrowacUf. VTA VI Co aSo. ia Baltiaaore niock . A fall line of Warner Bros corsets at R, P & Co s. If Tea want a tine amoks call for Joseph s white labor cigar.. Crane and see tbe new chilled plow at Ramps eppoaite tSce. The beat1 ma: onira in the dty at Conrad sCsfara, Motor make five trip, daily to Vieieck'a addition. Lotr there oa installment of (1 per week. An extensive variety cf gardrn seeds both in bulk sad by the pack can be found at C K Brow re I T1., Sam. in.tna.p. Kb BHUal . . I. celebrated white labor etgars, macafactnred by Johns Joseph. New cork sole, hand turned shoe, some -thing entirely new, not a winter shoe bat light and flexible for spring and summer wear, at Read. Peaecck .V Co', Call and inspect them. BOTTOM PRICES Calm for t-sip.ii Thos Brie!. ALBANY J. JOSEPH. WHOLESALE Only White Labor CIGAR FACTORY "Proprietor, 10 RETAIL Employed If afflicted with scslp diseases, hair fall Ing out, sn-i premature baldness, do not use grease or alcoholic preparations but apply Hall's Hair Renewer. Iikmoorat's convsijondeiit for some time. furnishing some able and interesting letters Yesterday was the 67th birthday of Rev. Trains will hereafter run to Idanha S. (i. Irvine, who has now been confined to! 'P the eastern end of the Oregon Pa his home for nearly one year. A reception sifi Monday morning and Wednesday was given hint tn the afternoon at his j .aiuniay evenings, itound trip Clean towels to jvery customer at Vioreck ihsviog parlor. Before golna to the Day or mountains so in and examine the Blazer and Eton jackets and suits at Read, Peacock & Co's. Very chesp. LikeasMp without r adder is a man or a woman without health and the necessary strength to perform the ordinsty duties ot life. When the appetite fail, when debil ity and disordered condition of atom.ob, lirer, kidoey and bowels ssssil you, taks Ayer's Hariaparill. Terms, cash ire. at P L Kenton's grocery ti you are particular about what you E-A-T Perry Conn can autt you In groceries. New seasonable specialties constant yr ar riving He keeps a cl.-an stock. If you are going to the mountains cail on hl.n and get stocked up. If you are going to stay at home, call on Mm and get the best to be secured , as well as first class treat ment. His p. Ices will su't the times. Don't stop eatliiK, but est what will build up for prosperous aa well as quiet times. Oo to R M Ro'iertson's for cheap brshanr shorts. Sewing: Machines neatly repaired an warrantdbv a thoroughly ccmpe .r.nt work man, at P M French's jewelry ito.-e, Albany, Oregon. Viereok's shaving aud hair cutting utr ota Hith at Viereok's abavioa aud hair out 6S par Via. Minister Blount has arrived at San Fran cisco on the Gselic, from Honolulu. He would talk but little about the Hawaiian af fairs. They were quiet when he left. Ad vices from other sources sre to tho effect , that Blount fa vora continuance of provls- tr. a.l im.ier the nrotecti.m of . r .,. . - - - the United Stasst. -mo-m 1 Ashbv A Carse, Rl B tat., 804 Wash- home, attended by a larp number of hi church people and friends, old and voung, among the former being Mr John "Smith, over ninety years of age, and Mrs Hoguo. who remembers hearing Dr. Irvine preach about forty years ago the first sermon she heard in tlrcsjoti- The occasion was a hapi-y one and was greatly appreciated by all. whose love is universal for the pastor who has worn so well in one field of labor. WEDNESDAY. Miss Lulu Webber, duiihfar of our own former pioneer htubwr, is in the city the guest of Mr Chas ifeifrer. Mr l Clifford, who has been engaged to loach the school in linn county, opposite Mill City, was in Albany today. Mm Hall, of the Salem Humane society, was jn the city today on Iter way home from a trip to her Cascade mountain tiiulier claim. Mr VV atson, sister and Miss Morgan, A B Slauson and wife. Man-in 1'iirner and ti.wgti Washburn went to Yatpuna Bay this noon. A Alcxandur and wife, of Scio, uncle an aunt of Mrs Uuo A Wamroner. of this citv relumed home yesterday after a short visit Corvallig News. tickets, good for thirty days, will lie sold for 3.00. Round trip tickets can now be bought to the Bay, at excursion rates every day of the week. Will tC torts, th' leweier. Aiaanj Market. Wheat ,49e. Cats, SOo. Flour, f .00. Hatter, 25a Ens, 18a. Lard, 12 to 15a Pork - ham Uto 15.?; shou ilara 8 lo I0v. J ln. II to 13c Hsy. baled. 7 o atoea, SnVi. Apple,! 00 . Hop. 13a Dried f.-u t- plums, 9c, app v. ta Cbiehena. 94 00 ner dozen. Beef, on foot, !;.. Uors, dreaae.t. 7c. Cabinet photos from $ to I4.00 dozen. tclaietng picture a cialtr. 16x30 cravonr framed 10.00. Ve rarv a arje stock cf 5x8 and ttcresccpfc views of Or- H I'. a.EAniHCs PHOTOGRAPH ERS, '-"" -altsuy Jim, SjJh PotiTIJUID, OUOOX. A. P. AajtSIKOSG. PuXCtTSU Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. X A BUSINESS E DUCATION PAYS. BOKN. SKIPWORTH.-In Eugene, Aug 14, I89. to Mr and Mrs K R Slkipwortha boy. DPRICE'S Ashbv ii Cars, Rett P' tat, injton Street, Portland, Oi. liuaranteento cure Bilious AtUckaand V.m'.untiou, .Small UUe Uttanr. The on! v Pure Ciyam of Tartor Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Cbetf ''llifiu of Homes 4a Uie Stanrbt ALBANY . COLLEGE.:::.: Fall Term Begins September 13. Send for Catalogue. Wall Paper, J rags Paint, Oil Oitaiaik., Etc J. A, Cu milling ALBANY, -:- OREGON Notice of Assignment. Notice i hereby given that the Bank of Oregon, of Albany, Oregon, ha duljr aa tigned to tbe umieraitfned ass lie nee ad it property and effects for the benefit cf all it creditors, under sad by rutaa of the gen e; al assignment tasr of the state of Oregon, snd tbe uodanitnad ha hre'ofore, tit, on the 2Sth day of Jaa 1S93, duly iualitUd as such assignee. All parsons having claims against said in solvent snd th estate thereof ate heieby required to pressnt the fame to the un dersigned at the Bank of Oregon building ia he city cf Albany, Oregon, under oath, withu three months cf this date. Dated this 29th day of June 1S0S. W. S. TaoatBh.. Assignee of the Back of Oregon, an inscl-veut. DNIYERSITY : OF : OREBOI. EUGENE Oris Mosdav, SserwwEK 18vn Just closed the rnct prosperous vear in its historv. Wide range of studies Tho ough instruction. Business course added, f union free. Entrance fee, $10. Board and lodging at reasonable rates ia the elegant new dormitory and boarding hrjt on the eampus, where ttudents will receive personal supervision. Jou:; W. JoHNsq, Pre