The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 18, 1893, Image 2

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    Sbe icntuctat.
Wben tho grim old warrior, General
Sherman, was a lieutenant gay, careless,
like the lieutenant of today, he was sta
tioned at Monterey, and the belle of the
quaint little Spanish city fell in love with
Jum, says th,e, San Francisco Examiner. He
'-- -ujrtId ,hen and
.":ll in love witn uei, m .
perhaps he was speaking true, so the Amer- J
ican officer and the Castillian beauty were
They parted wben ho was ordered east,
as other lovers have parted, with mutual
vow and caress, and perhaps the tears in
the dark eye of the maiden were reflected
in tens in the eyes of the man. He would
return. Oh, yes, he would come back to
Marie Ygnaclo Bonifacio. He said so and
was anything more of assurance needed ?
Yet in token that he was sincere be broke
a shoot from a rose tree and thrust it into
the moist earth. Its budding and bloom
ing was to be a continual message to her.
Then he went with his command. And
Maria watched tbe shoot. It flourished
from the first. It grew till tbe blossoms,
season aftc season, made the little garden
rich with color and perfume. It grew till
it clambered on the abode walls of the
house, and the winds scattered afar the
falling petals of its radiant offerings.
But the lieutenant did not come back.
Maria watched the rose tree and thought
of the moonlight night wben her lover had
thrust it, a slender branch, into the ground.
He sent no word. She could not believe he
had forgotten her, and if even her faith
wavered she looked upon the roses, the
token of his fealty and silent message that
be would come to claim her.
Months and years went by. Maria was
beautiful as ever, but she was no longer the
belle of Monterey. She found no charm in
society, but left that for others whose lovers
had not gone.
The civil war came on and great armies
met on the distant fields of the south. A
General Sherman was a leader of tbe hosts
of the noi tit, and he, so the paper stated
incidentally, was married. He was not
dead then as she bad almost hoped; he had
forgotten her, his vow and the rose tree
she had tended for love of him.
Maria, the Castillian sweetheart of the
American lover, made no complaint. She
retired to the abode house with iti clamber
ing roses, and there she may be seen tody.
The raven hair that the young lieutenant
had often touched is silver now, but Maria
cherishes in her heart tt-e picture of the
n.oon lighted garden where the plighted
troth was renewed and the rose planted to
bear testimony. She has been faithful.
General Sherman sleeps in an honored
grave, but it is not r f the general she
thinks. It is of the lieutenant who had
told her that he loved her.
The first patron of our patent system was
Thomas Jefferson, who during three years
gave his personal attention to every appli
cation for a patent. He used to ca'l the
Secretary of war and the Attorney -General
ta examine and scrutinize with him, and
they did it so thoroughly that in ane year
the first they granted only three patents
Tbe very first patent of all was gives to
Samuel Hopkins In 1790 for pearl ashes
M Jeffei son held that the patent system
was not one (or creating revenue . but tor
tncour aging the production of that which
is to be of benefit 10 the whole people.
Almost th: sole hereditary trade in the
United Slates is thai of the deep watei pilot.
At most ol the Important seaports pilotage
has been cofined for generations to a few
families. The Delaware t.ilots conerezate
at Lewis, ahere thy have lived these many
generations. To be a deep water pilot in
Delaware is to be a min of consideration,
with houses, lands and portable goods ashore,
a snug home, a well-clad family and local
honors of vaiious sorts.
A meeting of tbe committee
but week to arrange on behalf of tbe anti
silver men for a discussion of tbe silver
question in tbe house has been called by
Representative Raynor, chairman, for
Tuesday night, at the Arlington hotel. The
purposes of tbe call are the appointment of
subcommittees to take chartre of the various
features of thj present contest, and to com
plete the organization of the anti-silver
forces in tbe bouse. It Is expected that a
result of the poll of tbe bouse upon pending
measures will be ready for announcement .
At present the estimates of tbe majority in
favor of repeal vary from 22 to 40.
Yesterday Senator Hiil of New York
introduced a resolution declaring it the
sense of the senate that nothing but finan
cial legislation be undertaken during the
present session. It was laid on tbe table
Vest then addressed the senate on his reso
lution in favor of bi metallism and free
coinage of void and silver. He likened the
Sherman act to a bouselsss and homeless
dog without a kennel to hide its dishonored
head, but declared be would not vote for
its repeal without a guarantee of silver as a
money metal.
In the senate yesterday Voorhee intro
duced a bill authorizing the issue of Na
tional bank notes to full value 'if bonds
deposited. The bill is accompanied by a
la ter from Secretary Carlisle, urging its
immediate passage. The bill would add
nineteen million to the bank circul itioc of
our country.
In the house after tbe appointment of
committee on enrolled bills, tbe great silver
debate was resumed. Boatner, a democrat,
of Louisiana, spoke in favor of frej coin
age. Lawlon, a democrat, of Ohio, followed
io favor of repeal of the purchasing clause.
Turpln, the Inventor of melinite, ha
submitted to the French wsr office an elec
tric gun, alleged to be capable of discharg
ing 25.000 projectiles in five minutes, and
to have a range ot seveial miles. The ap
paratus is comparatively light in weight, ao
that it caa be drawn by two horses acd
woiked by four mtn. The projectiles are
small shells charged with a secret chemical
preparation, spreading death for 60 yards
around. The English Government is said
to he negotiating for the purchase of the
invention, though acsptical of i's value.
The growl h of the orange industry in
Florida has increased from a prcductton ol
600,000 boxe In 1885 to 3 900,000 for the
season junt closed, and accorjlng to con
aervativs 'siimates the (Oming crop will
be fully 5,000.000 boxes, of which over
4,000.000 will bemarketel. The average
price receivec by growers Ihe past season
w is $1 31 per box.
Local telegrams are now
through pneumatic tubes in most of tbe
principal cities of Great Bri'ain, At pres
ent about 50 miles of such tubes are in
opera '.ion, requiring an aggregate of 400
horee power, and transmitting a daily
ave'age of 105,000 messages or 30,000,000
The Utrald' statement that Senator
Mitchell of Oregon has gotten into trouble
about banks at Milwaukee, Wig, u an
error. It is Senator Mitchell of Wisconsin.
In his message President Cleveland ssys
It was his purpose to summon congress in
special session early in the coming Septem
ber that it might "enter promptly upon the
work ot tariff reform, which the true inter
ests of the country clearly demand, which
so Urge a majority of the people s shown
by their suffrages, desire and expect, and to
the accomplishment of ivh'cli every effort of
the present administration la pledged."
September a but a few weeks away and
kiiiita are that the intermediate
. US
tne p.
time will be fully occupied with tne tsaaaw..
legislation which the president now deems
of paramount importance, although he ssys
tariff reform "mast in the near future engage
the attention of congres." It would be in
keeping with the position cf the adminis
tration for congress to follow up its iinan
clal legislation by the immediate consider
ation of a tariff bill. It has a right to do
so at the present extra session without
wailing (or special recommendation to that
end by the president. Congress is not
biand, in extra session any more than in
regular session, to limit its action to the
subjects mentioned in the call or the mes
sage, or to adopt the suggestions of tbe
president. Nor can the president limit the
time of the session, special or regular, ex
cept thr t in case of disagreement of the
two bouses as to time of adjournment he
may adjourn them to such lime as he may
think proper.
The probabilities ate that upon the ap
pointment of the committee on ways and
means the work of tariff investigation, pre
limiaary to the construction of a new tariff
bill, wil' be at once entered upon .
The decision of the Behring sea tiibunal
of arbitration has been handed down. Five
points of article 6 are decided against
United States Close season is established
to begin May 1 ar.d to continue until July
31 . This close season chall be obterved
both in the North Pacific ocean and Bebring
Sea. A protector zone is established ex
tending for slxtv miles around the Islvnd
Pelagic sealing is allowed outside the zone
in Behring Sea from August 1st. The use
cf fire arms in sealing is prohibited. A meti
can arbitrators have expressed the r satis
faction witb the text of tbe decision.
American arbitrators believe tlia. tbe
regulations decided upon by the tribunal
mean practically the end of pelagalc seal
ing and that they are better terms than
were heretofore offered 10 the .United States
by Great Britain as a settlement of the
question involved.
There are 1 19,900,000 old copper pennies j
somewhere- Nobody knows what has be- j
come oi them, except that once in a while j
a single specimen turns up in change. A
few years ar,o 4,500,000 brotue two-cent
pieces were sat afloat .
Three millions cf j
these are still outstanding
Thrt-f rIIHnn i
three-cent nickel pieces are scattered over
the United States, but it is very rarely that
one is seen. Of 800.000 half-cents, which
correspond in value to English farthings,
not one has been returned to the Govern
ment for recolnage. or Is held by tbe Trea-
i sary. Congress appropriates from $100,000
to $150,000 yearly for recoiniog the uncar-
rent silver coins now in possession of the
Treasury, rhese are mostly half dollsrs,
aad ate not circulated becaus; there la ao
demand for them. Not long ago ths stock
of them amounted to $26,000,000, bat it is
onlv abont half that now. The mooev set
aside for rejoining is not !ntended to pay
for the cost of the minting, but is
to reimburse the treasury of the United
tate on irtnnnt of th Inac in m e;pht
I . . . - . . . , .
I which .at si.ici pine nave uiiccu vj
: abrasion. This loss amounts to $30 on
I every $1000, and it has to be made good in
order to set tbe treasurer's account straight.
The extreme strineencv of monev it nnen
j to very easv explanation. Timid and scary
people have withdrawn and concealed a
large pan of the rroney of the country,
and the banks ar: obliged to bold for their
protection t large share cl the remainder.
The chief thing fat has produced tbe scare
of the country by substitution of silver vaf-
ues for gold. Oregoaian
Wc call ihe attention of those republic-
ans who have been saying that fear of tiriff
reduction is the cuse of tbe extreme
stringency of money" to the above frank
admission by the Orrgoai-rn that it is tbe
silver question.
The rnindreader, A J Seymour, offlillg
boro Illinois is generally known in Illinois
and his proposed attempt to be buried and
remain in the ground while a crop of barley
Is groan on his grave creates interest in this
state. Dr E C Dunn, of Rock ford, has
been selected by Srymoor as manager.
Dunn says: "There is no question that this
fart can be performed. 1 have seen it per
formed successfully three times in India at
Allahabad, Delhi and Benars." Forsever
al days Seymour will be fed upon a diet of
fat and heat producing food, tie will then
throw himself into a cstaleptb state, the
lungs will be filled with pure air to their
fullest capacity, and the 'tongue plated back
and partially down the throat in such a
manner as to completely close the aj enure
to the luaga. The ro e, eyes and eara w'!l
be lermetically sealed with wax. After
paraffine has been spread over the entire
body to close the pores it will be ready for
burial. The body wi'l be put into an extra
large casket . This will be placed in-.He
another and both will be per'o a'e l in oroer
that if aoy polsnnoos gases exn le from the
body they may make the r escape ar d be
absorbed by the sot I. The interment i to
be made in a clay toil .
A dispatch (torn Deer Park Maryland
Secretary Carlisle retsrned to Washing
ton lonight Before lesving he said that
the real financial trouble was In the hand)
of congre-s, with wl.ose decision the a-1-ministration
woul I mike no effcrt 10 inter
fere, an hough of nostras anxious to influence
for the r.-peal cf the Sherman law. The
treasury department would leave no s'one
unturned to aid what he was conv need wait
iqe ueginninn or oeuer times In hK opin-
however, no permiinent relief coulrl he
given of the(hraclei th country demanded
unin action wai taken by conpress.
If lists be true we are not to look for u
of any bill which congregs may pass.
A canning company at Ch-nat Illinois
recently agreed to give the Mo. ii, Bros
$750 if they would within five days produce
a rslnfa'l of half an inch over 300 square
miles. The Morris Bros, begsn Tuesday at
8 o'clock a rain, which ielded i laches 'at
In, covering the territory ccntra.-te.) fcr.
The canning firm says it wil' )jy the money.
List night tain fell in neliihojring localities
transmitted!"1 I,ke "j"""'-- The nltik;ig use
chetn cal.
The present value of wheat in figlUh
marker's is a little below 80 cents a bnabel
and only six times in 298 years has it been
below this figure. In 1688 and 1732 the
average was 72 cents; in 1745 it was 75
cnts, and 77 cents was reached in 1028!
and 1733. In 1733 the average was 79
cents. Since then, 159 years ago, wheat
bos not been as low as at present. The
highest price was $3:85 In i812. It went
above $2 in thirty-one years
From iur regular Comspoudlnl.
AVashlagton, Aug. 7, 1893.
If lodsv was not the proudest day Speak
er Crisp ever saw his looks belled him, and
he must dift-r from the average man. His
first election to be speaker of the house
an office only second in authority and dig
nity to that of pr-sldent-wak the end of
one of the bitterest contes's ever waged
within party lines and now, after being
unanimously nominated for the position by
the party caucus he Is for the second time
- the honorsble position. It was
- 4bU
a personal triumph of which any man ......
well be proud, and which few men have at
tained. The following officials were also
elected by the house: Clerk, James Kerr
of Pennsylvania (reelected); sergeant-at-atms,
Herman C Snow, ex congress.nan of
Illinois; Doorkeeper. A B Hurt, of Tennes
see; Postmaster, Lycurgus Ilalton, of In
diana, (reelected); Chaplain, Rev S W Had
da way, of the District of Columbia.
Vice President Stevenson presided over
the opening session of the senate, which
was a short one, as President Cleveland's
message will not go in until tomorrow.
There were seveial good reasons why a
large attendance was not expected at the
opening of the extra session. There was
do contest over the speakership and many
members of the house took nc Interest in
those over the other officials; still, the per
centage of members present was about the
average for the first day of a session. All
the members have been heard from and
they will all he in their seals ocfore the
house is ready to get down to real business
which It cannot do.until Speaker Crisp lias
comp eted and announced the committee
assignments, for the very simple reason
that none of the bills introduced can be
acted upen until then
Speaker Crisp is losing no time and just
as soon as he can get the committee as
signments completed he will announce
them, but there is not much probability
that it will be earlier than next week. The
proposition has been made that Mr Crisp
follow the example set by President Cleve
land, in announcing the members of his
cabinet as fist as they were selected, and
announce the committees as fast as they are
made up. so that they may gel to work on
the bills is fast as they aie
lutroduced ; butj
-a. , , aw - st awa
the suggtion is hardly practicable. There
is so much dove-tailing oecetsarv In assign, j
1mm tlw mmhrn ta committees that the .
committees are all practically made op at
about the same time.
Some one has proposed and the proposal
meets with lavor from many members, that
that an entirely new commit!?., to be call
ed the committee on coinage and currency,
be added to those eaiatlng in the house, and
that to it be refcried atl bill relating to
coinage and currency. Tne reason far this
proposal is the constant clashing between
ihe committee on colnsge, weights sod
measures and that on banking and currency,
as to the reference of bills. Should the
proposal be acopteo those two committees
would be leas Important, as the tint oui.i
deal on'y wlvh comparatively Insignificant
bills relating 10 weights and measures and
the latter only with bills relating to bank -
lag. The new committee, if formed, woulJ
rank with the ways and mean, and appro
priation committees in importance.
President Cleveland returned to Wash
ington Saturday afternoon and spent gun -day
quietly at his suburban ircidencc. He
j sya oe never lelt Oetter. ana tie cenainiy
j looks to be m tbe most robust health. Be
ss very confident that tbe legislation of the
ttra tentoa will be ettisfactory .
wh Secretary Herbert's snnual report
is made it will be seen that his Inspection
j ,our " lDC Atlantic ccaat navy yams was
aot a mere pleasure junket, oat was just,
what it purported to be ao inspection of
the yard, visited, covering general faciUUe-
and methods of working. T-i. n.ay sur-
prise some peoe.bu: surprise frequent
under the democratic
Treasury cfficials say the scaicilv of
small bills which isnow prcvtiliag is no
fault of theirs, as they have plenty of small
notes and gladly furnish them to banks
which spply for them in exchange (or notes
of larger denomination. A congressman
speaking of this, said : Tne re seems to be a
screw loose somewhere, when business men
of New York pay a pieostam to get
oote wben ' :mHn to wW8on, only
sis hoars away. thy could get all they
needed without paying anything. This
1 matter ought to be looked into
The administration proposes to do its part
in helping the national banks 10 increase
.1 1 La 1 .t. k ..
lug and printing Is now woiklng extra time
printing small notes to supply tbe demand
expected to be made by the banks.
ru'OKi.Ni; i nch. ham.
The as'onUhing discovery has hern made
j by Pension Commissioner I.ochren and h'.s
deputies that sixteen employees of the bu
reau, whoae pensions were Increased by
'.heir fellow-cleras without warrant of law
during"Corporal" Tanner' regime, have
never had their pensions reduced 10 the
legal rate, though the increases were all
regtlarly rescinded by Secretary Noble's
orders transmitted In Tanner, together
with a written opinion of Assistant Secre
tary Btissey in each case. For the psst
four years, therefore, these employees
nearly ;!! of whom still hold positions In
the Per. ion Bareau, have been drawing
thousan d of dollars fram the Treasury up
on rcratlngs, the allowance of which caused
the greatest scandal that had ever smirched
the administration 01 the bureau up to that
time. Tbe prompt action of Congress in
dem in ling an investigation cf these abuses
tbe dismissal of certain clerks an I the ordrts
of Secretary Noble testoring the pensions lo
their original lates were accepted at the
time as all that cuuld be don: In the premi
ses, in view of the opinion of the Attorney
General that recovery of past payments
would be difficult, if not impossible. The
pullc. however, will now lear.v through
The World for the first time that the o'ders
of the Secretary an I Assistant Secretary of
the Interior were ignored by Commissioner
Tanner, placed in his priva'e rfeik ud after
wards turned over to Commisaloner Uinm,
who alao Ignorrd them and kept them 1st
hia personal possession until he left the
buretu. when he caused them 'o be se.reted
in the files of the law division, where Com
migaionc; Lochren's aides have just fojnd
It is a sm cstion which the 1 officers f
th- Government w'.,l oe cs 1 I u,on to de-
! teniiinJ wlie her, In view ' 1 us wilful dis
obedience of lid orrli rn f .elr superior
officers in the mattst of th-bu'sing public
funds, a criminal case art be made against
Tanner and Raum, hut la .v event th
outrage .lands fully reVea'iftC ond fairly
overshadowa all the otiu-r ittegsi and in
decent ncs of whici. Iiee men have been
The Imperial Canal of China is the long
est in the world and the ire?itest in poln' of
traffic, ns length Is 2100 miles, 1 nd it
connects 41 cities sltusterl on Its tanks.
I'. was lOmplete'l in 135'. a l after 6tx
yearg speiit on its construction.
The president has sent 10 the senate the
name of Chas A Page , of Astoria, to be
collector of customs for the district of
Bankers are losing as much by this finan
cial stringency as others i predion. Or?e
dollars idle, not earning a cent. Sal.-m
JourttaL-lf they have that inuch let Them
Fs fo r flrCulahon- Fhat is wh'-t ney
tJ?mK J,uoiixiuii ver" dull about
from a Salem paper: "Last war a
bouo-lir a lu-.,i,. 1 1 - . "
;? ,V """J " uwt across the river
in I oik fxmnty. paying therefor (3800. He
uw just sold the name property for 15000,
nuking a profi of ntfd. Tnis i prettv
good for these alleged hard Bates. '
'"nnv foreclosure
There have never .
suits in this state, and there are fewer suits
of this kind being commenced now than
ever before. There is a general disposition
upon the part of all capitalists, bankers,
business men and everybody else in Oregon
to be lenient. This sentiment is worth
more than any law any legislature own pass.
Tbe outlook continues good. The fol
lowing conversation occurred on First
"Well, what business are you in now."
"Oh, the chicken business."
"How is business any way."
"Picking up."
A lamentable sight these quiet times is
that of npoole natron izinsranide circuses. 1
alien a good suanv 01 them cannot pay rue raeruorv 01 tne policemen ameu uur
their meat bills. Ve need every piece j 'njr the anarchist riots of be torn
ot silver at home, and just wby Oregon j down.
shouid ie afflicted with three cheap john : Am Aaaisraawesst.
circuses during a critical period is am ,
enigma. As one of them has already . h ,s FitAStist o, Aug lo.-The S P Tay
gone to pieces it is safe to say that alter ; 1 -Per Company, one of the largest
all not much money is being wasted on ! P"Per nouses on the coast, has made a vol
lKm ; untary a.ssi(rnment. The rioneer paper
! milb, belonging to tbe same company, also
suspended payment. Tbe liabilities are
Lawvere and doctors are net supposed 190.000 and the assets 400 000. Although
to advertise beyond the mere announce- j L00 6Hn,u s?i to s perfectly solvent, tbe
mnl ,. tt-nlr ,,'r, l.t.l.n,. .n.l thalnMlinn ' financial StnngPttCV Illde it lnitO-lllk to
of their oees. iliis curious advertise-;
meat appears in Hubbell's Legal Direct-,
uZ'hl'ihuZY'Tt l
S -'i2$JSiJ rTlttTTho.Vr
fivy7 Xnen-n:j."
mis 01 umian auu irciri mi iu
within fortv-eight hours.
1 '
ever drink
or gamble. Plenty of property to pay all
liabilities. Insolvencies and transfers to '
defraud creditors a speciality."
The truth seems plain that every band i
letting go of opportunities leaves room i
for some other ItAud to take hold, for the !
basine o( the count ly most nd will
(jsj UUUV HU.T'nCI, IIICIC IB ft ilUU Ul
developeJ or bronght out by ..e I
trj,j, anj demands of hard necessity, I
which aonn becomes a tower in the next
general enori wiucu nits an into oeuer i
times- The wise man keeps his busi
nes- teiore tne pumic even ns 01111 tircea. .
An eastern editor who lost a subscriber
says : Tbe biggest fool on earth is the '
idiotic imbecile who will withdraw bis
support from a paper because he sees
something n it that doesn't suit his ;
makeup. This same bigoted cuss should
remember that wbst displeases him will
please some one else, and in tbe very
next issue be sees something thst will i
please him and displease the other fel-
low. The withdrawal of tbe support of
one imoecue won 1 s tuts nana wagon,
You may depend on that. j
Gilliam county girls are renowned lor '
pluck as well as for beaoty. as tbe foi
lowing from the Condon Glebe will veri- ;
fy: ''While Misses Maggie Ilardie and
1 race Frizsell were on their way to town
Fridav tbev saw a Luae rattlesnake in
', the roadjuid at once dismounted and de
, c la red war on bis snakeship. After a
vigorous battle tbey succeeded in laying
him out. It was a who! lope .and sported
14 rattles snd a button. Girls with audi
penre are not the xind that would be
sags vise tv IUIW it" Bhi HO Wt V i sm iuu a .
Mr Chas II Fletcher, of Castoria fame.
T:XAlZ" ,l"L Z T. i-
; vertising. He continues to advertise as ..e.., .. tts. nM.nt ika. not-
withstanding te general dullnes. in
! business circles, and to a Printers- Ink
r-presentative he stated that he was al
. way. ready to make contracu with new.-
PffS it Uit : nght terms
j JFtot her ad hl tl
ucme iu uivaxaui aiiu uuiruiit,iu 1 1 urn
of nrintera1 ink. Keen thmiirh. dnrinsr
timi iif ,1 f-A r. Anenrial itnrMiinn r-
je . . I T. ' .
Inrm fall of tiwritl- h hallana that'.
- -- j i r"
the after resuita more than make up for
the setback. Castor 1a is a succaasf ul ar -
ticle and Mr Fletcher is a man of long
advertising experience.
The irirls wbo killed lb- rattlesnake and
UK woman who did not scream at
panther will have to take a very retired
. .... ,H V lA.t ' I. . . n
pended their private fortunes in paring!
their father's debts, and then went to work.
one aa a school tea. her and the other as a
... . . . .
Marion county hop growers areretuing
offers of from lM.. JO cent The New
1 on crop jrromises w t atceiieni in ouai-
ity but deficieut in iuantitv. Some Cali
furnia bops have been contracte-d at '21
cent. Irut utsnv irrwers will hold for -V) '
Nearlv everv merchant in Kugene reports
his caah sale in Jtilv as Wing larger than
thov were in the corresponding month last
year. Lane county u not experiencing as I
hard times aa some people would try tn
make the ieoii!e believe. Eueene Gtiaril.
If this is true there it is true elsewhere in
Uie valley.
There are different grades of meanness in
human nature, but we consider that man
baa reached the lowest depths who will re-
ceive a paper from the office of publication
for seven or eight years, without reimburs -
ing the publisher one cent for his outlay,
and then, as soon aa be is sent a bill of his
indebtedness, order it stopped without pay
ing up. We have hail experience with
several such, and firmly believe thev trrans-
oend all other types of human depravity.
The Uallea 1 . M .
A few days ago S P 8 hidden of Kugene
sold forty acres of his prune orchard for
$1200 per acre 48,000 for the tract. ( 'er
tiunly there is someuung in this to indicate
that there is lug money in prune growing
in Oregon. This orchard is near Kugene
and the trees are just now in their prime.
They have lieenp lanterl only six or eitrht
years but during most of that time have
annually yielded a crop that liaa id a
liberal rental for the land. There are
fortunes ahead for those who plant prune
orchards in Oregon. Ex.
Joarpiin Miller has the following notices
posted on atreeat the entrance of his aakra
pbtce near Oakland, Calif:
To Gentlemen: These grounds are for
my own private use, where I desire absolute
quiet ami seclusion. ( Verbum sap.)
"To Hoodlums, Thieves and house
breakers: 1 am stocking these grounds
with imported birds. 1 want to preserve
the native ones. Now, as you have no
business here except to destroy, you wilt
be treated aa thieves and burglars if
found on these grounds. Any one shooting
at thi s notice or shooting in this direction
will be effectually fired at in return."
The thousand dollar ear-ring of a Balti
more lilrl has made a long journey and come
back in ssfety. She missed it after a shop
ping excursion and advertising brought no
trace of it. Some weeks later a city mill
inery firm received a letter from an Ala
bama customer stating that the bonnet she
ordered had com: all right and that she was
pleated to find a diamond among the lawe
trimming'. Not thinking ihat It was a
present from the linn she snid that she
was anxious to return it to the owner if
she could he found . This Is a specimen of
feminine honesty that Is refreshing, since
ihe Alabama girl could doubilesi have kept
the jewel without question.
Tilt VamDICT Is unanimous that Wilt &
itark carry the !'t line of ellvtr ware In
tbe valley. They nave the variety an ) qual
ity, a combination thst counts in buying
goods. An inspection always carries con-
The m ihrt 11 rat III i-
JNKw 1 ork, Aug if.. Thomas V Oakes
of New Vork; W l'ayne of Mi Jaukee'
Henry, president of the M'
.1 r.H Tm" r"fj-oa.l company,
were this afternoon appointed receivers of
.States court in this city.
The appointment of receivers did not
com as a surprise to thd street, although
not announced until after HoVlock rXr
such action had been plentiful ull day.
Will rosl-toae ray day.
tee, of he Southern California railway,
" Wa vtem in Southern Califor -
"-- oil I
nia, today issued a circular
officers and employes that the payment of ' or
tne July salaries and wager would be post- shall insure tne main enance or we parity
poned from Angust 15. the usual payday, of tho two metals, and tbe equal power of
until August St. The reason assigned is i every dollar at all tiuiea in the markets,
tbe impossibility of securing enough cur- and in payment of debt-, and wo demand
rency by that date. The company pays out 1 that all paper currency s'aall 'je kept at par
monthly in southern California "a'sout j with and redeemable in such coins, we
$125,000. ! Insist upon this policy as especially necea-
. , , sary for the protection of the farmers and
aaare 1. " laboring clauses, the first and most defense-
Cuiraoo, Aug 15. Between 7000 and j CM victims of unstable money and a flue
sOOO of Chicago s army of unemployed held tuating currency.
a mee-iug on the lake front thU aJiernoon ! Tbe gist of Uie above is that whatever
and listened to speeches on the condition of . .
industrial affairs. The meeting closed j is provided for niu?t be as current as
witb the adoption of resolutions calling ' any other legal dollar.
upon congress to do away with the present aS5555s5S5S
evils in tne financial world, and demand-1 tu ...-iiciio. .wi.- tu.t U tan.
'""ds to conduct bu.ineas.
iM ravar r Rrprait
ashisotox. Aug 15.-At a meeting
! committee m charge of tfi
bill for the unconditional repeal of the
. '.... t 1 u .l 1
MUUIWIII vmu; w. Ill' II. . .1.11 ui , I i C 1 1 1
! - . , w .: i , ..
iviii(,iit, nc'inriiwLt.o .aui Ul Jldli-
land preided. Forty members were pre- .
ent, representing every section of toe c oun
try. Tbey compared note and the meet-
ing felt satisfied the majority in the houe
was not less tnan :) in favor of the Wi son
,&.- ,Mff-
. .
--r . . -- r- . . .
Hermann i preparing a speech In bich h ,
wi" support tbe JO to 1 proposition for free
coinage. He says that if it works disaster '
" . w i n-wmu uu ju
something eUe.
N viarvias Ti;rirr
V.'ashisotos. Aug 14 While tbe mo
notonous debate over t hi- apSSttMSsi N
coinage or repeal is progressing in the ,
house with no pro pent of a vote till tao .
weeks from today, the indications are that j
tbe senate will devote its first legislative
action to an entirely different remedy for ,
ice anamiai Mitu-.son, lost 01 penuitiinj:
national banks to isaoe currency to lue par
value of tbeir I'nited .States bonds in tbe
treasury. Thus tbe two bodies will be
working somewhat at cross purposes, and
out ot lite complications to ensue no one
knows what ril! finally happen.
Ttse Batter tUssMea:
SrOKAXE. Wash. Aog U Tbe
ing catastrophe of a series of awful horrors -which
have made Snake river a synonym j
of rai-f .r.jD -arred ti.i :.. n..r- ..
7 JO, in tne explosion of tbe boilor of tbe
steamer Annie Faxon, killing eight person -and
injuring many others. A landing was
about to be effected at sVaite'a bar. five
miles oelow Atmota. on tne - .utbern tank
of tne river, and 40 milea below Lewiaton.
It sras prwiaeiT 7 o clock, and the boat was
about eight feet off shore wben the expio
QQ rmTttnt
I er Kill.
Washisotos. Ana 14. Four
bill, were unreduced in Use sesaate- today.
" i,, -Ji
, W Use federal election laws, the repeal.
; -'1 '
r. rtTTTlL .1 1 tT 1 1 iTTl ..k 1 . 1 . '
oi m ny eM ht I
government bonds st par. and bChandler.
TClof eorreLT e-abluhinsr. s-
I . a a . , , .
ubjiv smwoKTii. iin. one is aooui
,: -
; iwo weewa ago jacao nuetnan. 01 lonniv.
. bad t J0o in gold, which be buried in his
' o.) or ,ft. icceiniisr while he and bis
wlfe TlaiteJ the world's fair. He arrived
j home verterday and went to examine tbe
I money. He found tbe gold bad teen stolen.
He suspected several nersons and examined
their premise undet warrant, but found nO
: trace of the s'olen gold.
Sax FnASrtco. Aug 14 Trve .State
Investment A- Insurance Company has filed
an anssrer to the proceeding brougnt by
the attorney general to close ap tbe bosi-
ncss of the corporation. It is admitted in
(hc an9WOT that the i.iMitution is insolvent
and a desire is eip-essed that the aheriff
. retain charge of the instead of a re-
j ceiver.
a fatal I Ire.
CnicaiiO. Aug i4. A hotel fire resulting
, in five deaths occurred this morning. Tbe
j w" n '"T-10 hotf1' lhrr."torT
" .itw, near xn sm
Tbe loss on the building and co dpnts
: is practically total, but as tbe s'ructu
1 old and the furnishings cheap. Ihe a.
w H not exceed a tew thousand.
I'atil ab. h.i t.
Was-isotox. Aug 12. -Tbe silve. dV-i
j bate in the bouse todav did not attract
mucn puouc interest. 1 te Knowieuoe mat
no vote can possibly be reached until Aug.
28 causes the members to lake little interest
'n 'he proceedings and it is doubtful
! whether tt -re was a uorun present In the
j house today Many members left for the
i seaside le t night resolved to remain until
j it should I time for them to return to
deliver a speech, and neatly every member
j is preparing one on the financial situation.
ase t rayed by aa EarlkrqaakF.
Rome. Aug. 12. Repeated shocks of !
oirthq'Jake have destroyed one half of the !
town ot Mattinita on the .Adriatic coast. 1
Stromlroti volcano is in violent eruption.
Itie inhabitants 0 .Mattinita are campion
; in the open air. It ha been ascertiinl
; that three ptrsons were kille I and fourin-
, jured.
. . ...
Mixseapoijs. Minn. Aug i;i. Two
j million dollars worth of property went up
I in flames this afternoon. Over'200 houses
; are burned and at least law Tons ren
dered homeless. Thia is the record made
by tbe destroying element in tbe short
space of two hours. A kind providence, j
and r t the fire department of the feeble j
efforts of the owners ol tbe threstened :
property, saved the greatest portion of the i
manufacturing an 1 residence portions of
the Kast Side.
Tbe l oot Rare at nervals.
(iKRVAis. Or, Aug 13. In the 75-yard
foot rae today between Oeoriro (livens, of
the lied hills, and C H Bcrthwait. of
Salem, the former as tin easy winner by
six feet. Both men were hevily backed by
their friends. A number of sporting men
of Salem went broke on their man 'I In
country Ixiys were fairly in it, and cleaned
up over $1000. Fven money and plenty of
it was wagered by both parties
A Taw a t'aptnred Humeri.
Zavzibah. Auir i3. Information was
received here today from itu to tho effect ,
that owing to tbe continued hostility ot
Fimo Omani, the deposed sultan, a landing j
party irJin tue uriusu wursoips rixjeniiy
attacked and captured the town and then
set fire to it. Tin date of the capture is
not given Lieutenants Fitismaurice and
Oervis were wounded, and one man was
killed. The natives fled.
Horn Victoria a
St Joiin'j, N B, Aug i3 The Rev L
0 McNeil caused considerable excitement
in his church tonight by announcing thai a
cable dispa'ch hail been received that Ijueen
Victoria had been stricksn with paralysis
No confirmation had neen received up to
See the New Improved Singer sewing ma-
uhtoe. The Pa t is always the cheapest. J
W Sowdeo, aont.
Office at V M Frenohfa
lawelry stortr
A reader of the Democrat wants to
know what portion the democrats took on
the silver tjuesaon in their platform adopt
ed at Chicago. The following is the silver
plank in the platform ;
We denounce tbe republican !P(UlaHon
known as tho Sherman art of 1&0 as a
cowardly makeshift, fraught with possi
bilities of danger in (1P fulatv llich
should i mike all of its supporters as well as
itsaii'hor anxious for its speedy repeal.
We hold to the use of U,tj KOld and silvir
as the standard money of the country, and
to the coinage of Uth gold and silver with
out discriminating against either metal or
charge for mintage, but the dollar unit of
coinage of both metals must lie of equal
intrinsic and exchangeable value, or !
dtusted through international agreement,
" iotrislatioti as
by SOCb tauegu
ciiiJiim- lnime Ihe ilemocratic nartv is
menacing tbe tariff, but tbe iron and steel
products of tbe country for the first six
months of this year show an increase over
tbe corresponding ime last year. Tbe
only trouble on the tariff question is po
litical. li the hair is failing oat and tarn at (.ray,
ths gl usa- of the akin need stimolatiag and
co fT food, and lbs t es". remtdy and sttmo
1 a is Hall'a Hatr Rcm-wirr
Mr. V.. U. Churchill
ML Vernon. Wash.
An Honest Medicine
Cured - Health Built Cp.
Mr. CfcorrhCi. formerly of OnaxiUl ft Taylor,
lurveyocs aad civil eaetneers. Ml rooa.
nasiiawton. writes: "SooOser.i Caiilomaa
was say koaaa tor aacv rear v Wbea I raa
here 1 begac to kc aCicled over wlUs
MA zlf paias In bit bark ar, 1 a
A aijo pains In b?t ba
trficg uhhI up. My bt
UV eleawsu all tfce
st ;3
aral I focad my-
se J tmat tor wors:.
M ssiaaa-
r--.-.t of Hood's toruparUla. aoa le.-.mlng
sJSjasnll gbl saaa :..-?. r na.:-r.-.:el ta
- . t 1
Vai cut t ass Smwi-m awawariate. I look
H Hi mwm BWJSWes lbs! I -a cut
In aa wea'Jiers acd travej alt
taUcoo as l Ured ieeUnst. To
tt na
! . bad ail ever I sav take IIoou
rula. 1 1 has cored toe.- E-ILCax
P:l8 csre Liver las.
sack lieadacte and Ccui.psrflsa.
Under the maeaetr.ent of the Stale Board
of Acricaltare, on the Slate Fair irocoda
Dear alefB, coomtoc nj September 1 1th,
1S93. aad ceatQQt"W esse week.
More than $13 OM) caah wilt be paid as
pre miaou fersfock. pca'lry. swine, agrical-
laral'locts.fraite.BaUTe woods mioeral',
; works of art aad 'a-cv wnsk, and tat t ids
. v-1 pe i .
KKIBeed r.!e
f fares n.i frai' oa all
traaepos tatioa tinea. P'tiI-kb oreo fror
evemca dating he wtrs, wna 4 - rr.nstc
in atteiseiaace Tbe eew graad taad and
, the Dew re. .:;. a traca are coeedel 10 be
a mop 1: tbe aunt comitrtabte and the best oa
. the Pacific Coaat . ipteadtd conteats 1 f
mnl .tt- 1 hie. 1 I r iH.ui
1 k 1. ,k. Rt rl.l -.f l,A-nM fete rur
that has He, n no the sstssssssts foe taut
teaaons alaat.le ard hauda-.rne improve
meals have been mide 00 Ihe ground ami
Preotiam li-.t h Ken res I and im -prov,
,1 to the benegt - f exhibit'ira. Rat iea
far premiums ciose at 3 p ro oa the tint '
of the fair, and eabibilt itiatt be la place by
j 10 D m r.f "said dav
P f T.
rsicc: or ahusssms
Men'a Season Tickets
... 1.00
.... 9
.... .5
.... 5
ts"m- e SaaWSSl Ticket
Men r Dav Tickets
! Me
omen Dsv lickete
Rsca Track 1 ickate, daily
Women to tbe race ;..:' .
under ItSa.xira free It. all
i dead So ths arcrettrv at Portland for a
fremnan List
g For nc r::;i!ji: of crasuaiers of
Tutx9s Pills, m
It Kiri tlr. Tnlt pl n'tri lt an
nuittsrthitXa.u Uuon jmitin up:"
vvhlrli sif t-Xt-e-rsiinKlv nail wirr. jam
t retaining nil Uiv siritusi tiir
nrger or. i.n.t: ;ni iurvly
vri table. I loth sUfTif thw jvi.l
mrv till isssttit J, Tttr exact Kins of
Hxhomi In tl-f braUT f tliW-nil.
I r,o oua
0 Double Chloride of Gold Tablets
it 111 completely deatroy th. desire forTOBACOO f.u from 3 to 3 dava. Perfectly harm -
leaa; cnno ro sirsseiw, ami may be given lnacupof teaorcofTeo without tne know 1
isse ui utc I' uu ui, wuu wui Yuiunutniy
tucpaucr.t,tjytneusocr our SPECIAL
rinrlna treatment nutlcnts ore nllowrd
paww uiiui pwd rune as vn-y nait voinntariiv ptve t. e:n up.
We send part lemurs and iKimpliletof teatiriiitu tela tree, and shall
hp clud to place sufferers from any of these habits In 1 .imiiiilt-u-
11011 wisa persons who nuve ih cue area
w Mil I ei TARITTe ro for Kn
Urctritista at 1 .OO Icr imrhnsre.
If your driiaBistUo s not keep them,
Bnunenriu Hti.u )UU, leutrii IILIUL
tt rllo your name n:ul srldress plainly, and stato
leoriiier oir-icu urv lor .
A.ilUU II.. . i.
liu Mil uu into nitrrliaslefj
iiiie.,.i i,i, eu;-.-. n-i e . i , . 1
i15ii, J. t) 1UHI I lk
Muimruclured only bjr
61. 53 SSOpsra Block
agents wanted?
(In writing rilaass
I FORD, Bluett,
Of De. Ifotfi- , .fritfm ,,.,,
March 2J, ISO.-. '
Mini Co..
Dafur, Opgnri.
Qtntl. ,
as and x,aly .-v,tlnf. Our lUu
wo ted .w,y , p00(, . 1." T. . ' W.n well
l'. . Z -""urco tike it. Yoar S
with :.:i , .r ,r:: "
-n...: - '. rili!
teg 'U
wo are
0 nn
1 m.ff,
Mh& Mats
K wo wish in fuel iican anJ rhscrftti, ami read
l.r lbr!kfinx' w rk, ctaanaa jroor ayatetn with the
SRSSaVatks and Urn c ire, l,'tktn( tw or thr
1"eseact. t.k
V) tn'j prr huO.lo l.j all dnuowts.
8 Ml o.Kler a pmiUre ruara itee by
Cure rr rpkls. Teren! and Oenem. De
Willy . .S.o.'i IkK D-si-jt. 25c. per boitw.
Star Bakerj
4'orKrtilsiri sssssl First !'
tSlir Mat .
sstlctl jTsmlSas,
Tubus .
be ewa-rtik. taat la kca im
tartatf aad zaoearv am, Hixbasi
market patd lor
Weak and
Weary Mothers
Puny. Pindling
Sulphur Bitters
Will make them!
Strong, hearty
And healthy.
Red CiwriiaMills
- " -'. rurs srn ice row aSSsn
aim aacaio nut,
1 si icrosaei! aonaftss
r. Dr. Il t rr -Hsllstr
Tbe Noted Clairraaa a'd Lite K-vlor. ta asm
here, and rao 'e I xuxl at bee iiasilssn i, belt doer
i V uosatuix saw leas about all ajeet. twi
vssaial aaS future love traablea, ab at Srtfils asaS
1 cm bear troca uur deml tllet H.
f t ST. -In Aleany.
or on thi roal
a i ieaamg
e-jt Irom that place or or
atxiut Jo v lS:b. a oiooiisaorr not dated
Juiv I8U1 and signed by P B Marshall
10 favor nf adolph He b man for JOv.
Tbe fincter will smfr a favor bv leaving
It at tuis offlce f jr Mr Btchuan.'
Offlce -O.Hlwr tnv
attawonb SI, neer Wataun Mroe troeMjr atosw.
e.r 1 .1 h aaM Calapouia rt.
of 1. Vtereck.
good horse. Iccjuir
T its; Tne trosvr
iVe.ii":. ur.a.n. .
Caitia3tr iwo taaa ot urctte ",- -- i
.-. d l r baat. ta-JE I THEId.:.
fOtt 8-1 1 J! X V I E vT.ETtS OESSaALMf.
DCUCiiDCD w et AKASTEi a it re
nClffk!flDE.n and invite the most
eanral toreaUgation as to oar responsibil
ity waa uie menu 01 our 1 at i ts.
siopsuioaitiKor enewing ta a rew uays.
HABIT &3tt$frT-
thn trre, ni tt Ummr r.e Unr.
nv itu- useotourTABt : v
In lv till lrlRT-e.ri
enclose us 9 I .OO
.ww a TRIii nla
S SbV. Hsm
k pT from
a Tliicsiutll Ul UU1
norpntuo or
u ironi
ten to
and smoked
Of yoiir Tablets
TliK OnioCitCattcaL
for Sl.ou worth ot your
t haas nil riirht and. nit hoturh
tuey did thu work In less than
Truly yours,
Tub OHIO CaawicaL Co.: UESTt.alBt: It gives me pleasure to speak a
rord of nruise for vour Tslilets.
liquor. and through aMend, I was led
uu u a 1 1 lend . I w as led
ctmitiint drinker, but after using youa
luuruf sdy kind. 1
you, in orticr to kuow the euro was pcrtaaacut.
Ohio Ciikmicai. Co:- vit:KTLksj .tonr Tablets have LK-rfoniHsi a miracle iu my case,
nsrHi momuiue. hvnodermieallv. for seven vears. and havo becu cured by the use of
two packages of your Tablets, and without any effort
Address all Ordora
CI, t3 and Uj Opera BC9C. .itViA, OHIO.
Are warranted to thrcah more trral.
given time and do it better iharTan .
chin mi(
in a
.kJ A ?ck Tbacto are
the best In the world. Remember large
work mean, large profits in the
business. Caul-gue mailed free
"Tnt a R d HUGHES
Geril Ag't, Portland, Ori
Best : : He
Fortiiller k Irvlng's.;
At the store
i Allen Bros,
formerly owned
best cash price
for which
I mtU pay ih
implemenu ana
I ."A uoofck Adrar.ce Threshers and en-
ginea, Minneapo! Binders, Wood and
Standard Mower. Niewtoe Wagons, Kor
wegian Plow. o4 of all kind at the
j lowest price pcsaiVie. The Allian-e and
I Grange agents tiaee awarded us the coo
j trad to furnish Twine for 'heir me.r.bers.
Ull asad get oar prices Dclore pcrciisipss 1
Baltimre Bhxk.
UbdBT wtt
DemUw 11. ail kinds vf Fu-ssim-e, Wa
Jap-r Carpeaa, Lanoteaos.
Picture Fremes, He
Proe r etcrs
I. A. Morris 4 Co,
Ficur and Fted Sore.
Have removed their store to ihe Strahat
stor, former'y occvpi :l Deyoe t
Robon, and have on hai.d a iuil stock o
Custom chopping done .
"roncE is hereby aires that the ot-
XI SarssamS xacator4 the iatiUaa.l tstlssasail
cl Jobn bi '-ea, aereawd. has SUed hia Seal account
witb lb vountj derk at Liaa eoaasy. Onra,
aad that IbacoaBSr comnolaaid Ur.n oaumi . bu
nxed Fridav. the St b day SepWBsiwr. !s. t tbe I
bour ol 1 o'ekxk in tbe altaraooa ol aaM dar, far j
the baariae at obieetieoa if aar lo said Baal ao i
coast aad the ot said rtuta.
oaaaa aqjuw nth. tao.
11 II HEWITT. Executor
Alt toe Ke.-ut. r
from persons
who have boen
cured by the use of
Hill's Tablets'
The Onto OiKMtc u Co.: Sik: I have been usinsr Mat
c;m' for tobaeeo habit, aud found It would
In nliHt Vim etiitni foe tl 1 t..n ,...t,r
of the stronitest ehewlnir tobarcoaday.
one 10 nve eiirars; or 1 woiitu mnoss
tortv liitM.s of sabaseo. Have chewed
for twenty five vetirs. und two luekmres
cured me so I have no desire for It.
It. M . JAY LOKU, I.esli. , Mich.
Co.: GsiawaK.- sometime aijo I sent
Tablets for Tobacco Habit. I received
1 was lsth a beav v smoker and c hewer.
three days. I am cured.
MATHfiW JOHNSON, f. O. Box 45.
rrrrsiir'SKJH. Pa.
son was strongly i
a wm
dieted to the use of
to try your Tablets. He was a beav v a
to try your Tub
He was a beav v aud
Tablets but three days lie oolt drinking,
bave waited lour month before wrlllnir
Yours truly,
Cikcikmati. Ohio.
on my pan W. L. LOTEGAY.
9? 'est whing machine mdr. Goto
& S.,i ,d take one cnt 00 trial.
1 Jr ' ha all kinda of wringers.
a M m . m .
so cairy tn.t ,it Li bi'd armt d ii. fcr
arms, lm ron. t0 t( .s.twait Sox srd
hey oo of ' I . alt kirn.
1 and prices.
SfOWINCAWAY UHfi. the hordes work
oa a farm. Yhi e.n mala, i'. tbe tbaieatl.y
!sytnff a romp U Hv,,rr.r .otfitof
St;wait ft Sox. Cs-il and sat it.
sate to gro a .d aobi
Fresh, po.., -lea aaaus krt sr. W
I Utd 7riea. irk ' 'v j-rJ
(iKl pat sii'l r triu ,
at Alb
dWt a-ike a-v Utter tlsau th
" and S:eafia ell -hat kin
isj. Ser rl good e.nd haid en
r ;a'f at a tarair.
The itl r.ixd paint
Cat is tbe "Pbienix" and
we are aero -a ijt iz at Albany. ve aawr
carry a tali lire ul ot; , varau tie, wag
and carriage paint, etc.
Stzwet k Sox.
aa old tuiT an. liAtitt . ?.ev,aiv
carry bee hivea, wmrfiao, comb tVtt Jatloa
ar.d eee amo iers at low pi ice.
3t to do cot tail to e Sttwart fa Sox.
Tbey keep a lar.e fUck of bo kfera hardware
and tell at pricea Lia t the t-m-.
rer-inp to taw, ascl son raaht taoaj 1!!
v tar gens and aw monitinB cf Sti rv t A Sox.
Tbey keep l.ood rtcck sod ttil cheap.
Giant pode',fae aid caps always est bawd.
sap' 'tea rr natrfi.
s . .- .
jrssirj x 5jx,
, SPRAY Y083 TREES.-e frt
oatfit cf Strwait & Sex a-J take care of yam
orchard. Tie catfit they sell La bets tried
in this t--e for ears by the beat or
, chaitats aid is a e swfl-te totw.
j hTe ta heat hwe i t t t ifcer. acaeaass
razors and rket eaite-v its tie valley
and ace far relre.
SrrwaKT k Fox.
DinVfC We bare a tea ctiikd plow e
actlv tr.e ran 1 a- the "Oliaer.' We aa -r-
j asOee it sad sell oss tria. Kitraa will fir
tineas. Also we have a ieil Im- of steel
p'.cwa that ;acBoi fce eial'ed. Tow aright
. possibly tare a few eeata L v cotrjira snwd
! "ssjs a . SnsraxT k Ssuc
ft tie Oratu Court 01 tit sta
far lit CouMtytf Lmm.
its fjresoa Mortgage Ccm pari ii
C P Burkhar an 1 Kellie C Borkharr, hi
wile.C K Vaekaaand Marr M fsikss tia
wtfe, J,.hn II Bu t hart and t. . It Bark-
bs:t. iii wife). C G Borkait ai i ' a- A
Barkbart hia wife.I U Keens'- and Frank
a Mmlrn-Tt sflminarra n nf tti rsaslii
1 rT J Buikhan.ffceeavd.Defecdante,
i w dt vir- j ca an exr-ii . -
ot sale duly isQd cnt of in aboae
named court ia the atxyre en leted sost
t ma directed aad deiivw ed, I will na
tar t isrM.
at the front door at the smart honassja th
city of Albany, Linn cosnty. Oreston. at
the boor of c o? o'eiock p m of a-ud dav,
sell at pab ic a action for can in hand to
tbe higher; hid do tbe real props: tjr de
scribed in said execution aad order of
sale as follows towi!: Tne sooth ha.f of
use donation land cairn ot C P Bnikaat'
and r-ixabeth J Borkhsut, his wise. Sot
ess, claim No 6, bring parta of sees !
and la, in tp 11 soeib range 3 went of the.
t v .a dbuu. nrnnMniinr iwavies. uevr
libit. 11 1 r 1 1 (mm. hU a r. K. ttn-,:.!
era, ta ure ureuk cm use r sas an aou
upon amid eja-041 ha and tbeorurinal
of suit taxed at $36 . second Ja the 1
meat or p'.amtifl el aim amocntisr to
tbe sum of SS3 12 in U S sold coin lib.
I iceiU'D ' interest in like gold ecin at Use
rate of 10 per cent per aaco o. and tea
farther snm or $317 SO aUorney 's feet and
tbe over pi as if an v to be applied opoa
the claim of the defesn l ict.C G Barkbawt,
amoanaang to tne s ui of f41S!J laU8
gold coin watt raiog irtrest
in like gold nbs at ths rate of 10 par 1
Par annum acd tbe farthar sua of $
in U S gold coin with acoraiag iaustsjwt
1 hereon at the rate of g per c Ji pajt
annum, and the farther sum of ISH.sM ni
IT 8 Told olu with accruing interact at
tbe rate of S per cent per annual; boti'
the proceeds arising therefrom be not
sufficient to pay tbe piainiitTa eaaim.
attorney's fee. interest and costs, I will
then aril ths north half of amid d mail m
bma clmim.the proceeds arising therefrom
to be applied to any balance that mar b.
due upon said plaintirTs said claim,
attorsey'S fee and coats.
Dated this 19th dav of Jutv. ISM
Sheriff of Linn county, tsrrgoa.
Notice ia harehr given that the under
1 signed -xecutcrs ct tne lass wiu ana tasta-
aient ol Owen bear, deceased. lata of Lima
j Oregon, wiii parsaant to an order of
:ne cuntv coars tor lama oomatv, own.
. inly made aad entered cf record co the 5tt
day of Jane, 1SSVJ, aathenatag and licensing
ihe Dndersicned as executors of said eata te.
to sell the laada hereinafter deacs ihed, -w&
on the 16:h day of September, 1SS3, at the
hour of one o'clock p m of said day, at the
Court House doer, in the city ot Albany,
Linn coamty, Oregon. . ell at pub ic luctioe,
o the highest ladder all cf ths right, title
snd interest the said Owen Bear bad at the
ime of hia death ia and to the follow! aa
escribed real estate to wit:
beginning at the N E corner f the dona
ion land claim of Owen Bear and wife. Not
So 2240 and claim No 41 m tp 12 S R 4 W
f the Willamette meridian and running
thence west along the north bouuiary lias
t said clain 62.60 chains to the N K corner
oi a tract of land sold to V YV Rohinett and
J C Rohinett by Owen Bear aad wife;
hen .a aoath 2 chains, thence S 31 45 K,
follow ina along the cnter of a slough 14.24
chains, thence south 2 . 90 chains, t benee east
parallel with the north line of said Owes:
Hear a claim 55.10 chains to the east hoe i
I I -l.f .ft . .ft
ail io t.i nn county, Uregoa. Terms ot
"os-half cash ia hand on day of sale
'.'iit" lijui id Kix ti .! i it reem ftiv or mm.;n v
i interest at S per coat per annum secured by
! mortgage on the land sold.
This the S;h day of July. 1S93-
Walter McIlkbk.
I Johs c' 1M . ,
i Weatherford & Chamberlain, Kxecutois.
Attorneys for Ex.
aroTicE is ttERF.Br gives that the rs-
Xs ftlenunaed haa hnan animiniil eimns. r .k. iut
I will and testament oi Andre Robb, lr riasst
ate oi una county; OraguB, All persons La viae
etstsssafalBS aU eaute are hereby reauired ta
in Moany, irir.n, to the underaizried, wits
roan ii 1 1 ., o
Dated July Srd,l&3.
Jaawa J Caarttoa,
Attorney lor Eaeeutiix.
WaMTKD,e-A woman to do hooatsr
work and ink. ear of two ehlldMRi
Inquire of T B Radford, two miles e
of Albany, on ths Corvmllis road.