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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1893)
tights rmorrat at Second- las Mail MMtri. ALBANY.ORKGON, FRIDAl, AUGUST 18. 1893 TITS at WnM, Pabllaher' MM rr.prlei.r,: AO 2 XX I AL. Entered at the Ifoa OBlee at Albany. Or., BUY : Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Lace Curtains, Shoes, Etc., oi READ, PEACOCK & CO., ALBANY AND The Oregon A' tin its home B A l.'iM- - - .nGr; Tskd., comer Libel iy an J MAKES a specialty "of Sunnyside fruit Iracty near Salem's Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 ptr ,Gre small cash payment lore time on balance orparticulars. )t)7jf 18- hyJBurkhart Bros One of the oldeft Job Jrinting Office! in the State I'iie only Exclusive Job Office IN LINN COUNTY We have the Largest and best Stock of Printers' Sta tionery, it has ever been our pleasure to offer the people. COME TO SEE US For Good, Quick Printing. " SMILEY, Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar he very latest uewa is that y ou can buy r & JJTJIaltJS f -.DWOHV3 BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as foil nmr. A.r buckle's Coffee, Per Pound bs. Granulated Sugar 1BL00 ibs Magnolia Sugar White i'oo Wo. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon .20 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90 I Gallons Gcod firm .: l.lfj 1 Gallon No 1 Syrup 40 J t,. conduct a strict cash slore, and a'l goods will be .ld ' or 1jk Jih fr.-n I .5 pV -t nr less man rpgaur prtee. Ky stock of Ctainawai , haco ton-. nv ;ib, lrlrBble aylea of dishsi. aa well as a general aw.rtruon' of arwl erne ' r, lain; a sod fixture is lomnint'-.. I make a specialty of ft ,,, t ,4, c.fiw -n., vip powder. Mid alwiys nay customer. mi Orawr ri sponsible Insnrenmccuipanle. fatlna S red each I PATR9HiZi m-A THt FMMRS k HARTS niNCE m s.1 batty, v dAi, ; !-'. J L COWAN, Treasurer. I Cowan, tfeo F Simpson, W F Itead, T J K Weatbertor i. C J St ALSO DISTRICT Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Compaq FORTMILLER & IRVING Undertakers - - and Emb aimers. WE KtEPfiroji.tii ii l;ir j. hi! In (I ,. in i 'nki . i td trlts tl coffins. Alfo I ni is lutein ncnii,, it I hi (4 ni iilnit.t'( which will be o!d at 'he 1owest Living Profit.. EMBALMING ind 'he proper care of the dead a soracla Ky HO EXTRA CarfFCI FCI ALB AM Y, - - MASONIC CITY BOTTLING CO., Who'a le and RetailDeali in Soda Water, Ciders), Oraage and Iron, Kellaer Watem. FIRST STREET, between Montgomery YOUR LEBANON- Land Co office at; - OI43i!Ch02Sr Slate sttect, branch office In Portla-W' --H WSTITtifWHS. Orejcox: .( 0 WHITS aXl. Swiee-.o ao P" SIMP-. N, Vkn President. B Monteltn.'t srarntMrg JI WyT" j irt. I O Writ .rn MB. AGISTS rOC KEARSE CR Slf f Vlt 4 TEMPLE, - - OREGOf Mir h Beer, Hnrsapnrilla sutttJiTO, Iron Wine, let. 'livj in triV and Mlm-d, EWlif, 0REI Lkbanox A Melvin Williams preached at the First Presbyterian church last Sun day night to a good congregation. Married, in this city, Wednesday even ing, August 9, by Rev H Oborg, Mr W 11 Rihelin and Miss Ella Wilson. Died, in Lebanon, Or, Aug 5, 1SS)S. of heart failure, Laura E, wife of G W Taylor, aged 6JI years. Decease! had not been nek, but died sitting in a chair, her head leaning on her Ii.muI. and her glasses on her face as if reading a letter. The depositors of the Lebanon bank have petitioned the trustees for a full statement of the business that has been done since they have had charge of the bank. We un derstand that the request will be granted as soon as Mr Itoberts returns from the moun tains. Mr Y allcci and son. of this place have started a distillery on Mr stalker's place just south of U F ulodget s plsce. They are now atwork distillingpeppermint plant which they will make into iiepperniit oil. We were shown some of the oil which looked fine. There is a great deal of this plant around here and we are glad to see these men using it up. Thcv intend to make brandy this fall. Advance and Express. A . Bas Tree. The Corvallia Times says: In the orchard on Judge Burnett's farm near this city, stands a tree that has a claim on public attention. Though it ha stood in the orchard for years it has never been the recipient of attention until the other day when Mr R A Allen of the state board of agriculture espied it and gave it a French name that at once set it down as the rarest tree in Judge Burnett's or any body's orchard. According to Mr Allen it is a tree that g.ows onlv in France, where it is used w.ta wonderful success in graft ing. Far a number of years Mr Allen has been endeavoring to grow the the tree in this country from seeds procured in France, but in each instance has met with failure. lie arranged with Judge Burnett to secure this season's crop of fruit, from the seeds of which he expects to 'supply his orchard. That he considers the tree rare is illustrate-1 by the fact that the price to be paid for the fruit is fifty cents per pound. How the tree happened to be nourishing in Judge Burnett orchard is a matter of speculation A Bad AccmKST. Yesterday afternoon Mr John W Wiison.residing near Lebanon eighteen miles from Albany, was moving his threshing outht to Kenton county. where be had some work to do. when he met with a very serious accident, one that ma v cause the loas of a leg. On ascending the hill by Mr Rot hell's place, across the Willamette, Mr Wilson was walking beside the engine, being drawn by a team, when the axle of the large fly wheel broke off, caused bv jar ing. occasioned by the roughness oi the road, and the heavy wheel fell striking Mr Wilson fairly on the left leg just below the knee, crashing it in a terrible manper, so badly that the bones protruded in different directions, and could be picked out with the fingers. Dr Ma-ton was sent for and at tended the injured man, who was brought to Albany this forenoon, and his limb dressed. It is so badly crashed, though. that it is feared amputation will be neces sary. It will be saved though if possible. Mabiued is Lrxx CorxTT. Yesterday JaLuPorter and Lulu Bell Cain were united ijj marriage at Harrisburg by Justice Howell. The affidavit was sworn to by Fred Werner, and was to the effect that both were residents of Linn count- In quiry has been made from Corvallis and it seems that they are residents of .Monroe in Benton county. The bride is a daughter of Dr Cain, and that there was some objection to the marriage, the couple running away to get married. Mr Werner no doubt thought he was swearing to the truth. It is not known what the result will be. Positive Result. The element of faith which was at one time supposed to cut such an important figure in advertising has disappeared before the great mass of positive results which experience ha brought to the business world. Xo man of sense anv I well ask. loes making monT pay?.' or Uoe having all you 4 . w''" But the many mentions with regard to ,)Wt method of advertising ami - ' ,- t to 1 employed to grasp iad o!d the-ntten fit Pulic .th " before the pra-t.. ad.eniaer. wui resoiiv convim him that i oiioe-despised and neglected business ha.- f,w an art. and as such is desenST of the closest studv. Lis Angeles Times. Aftkr Hf.k CnEnrvTni.s.- -A drummer tells a story about how the agent of a ho- . - . i 1 i w. mane soi ieiv was in Aicanv vHenui. v her credentials being asked for she went to i i c o u n A aWod for her baggage that had been left there. remarking that sue wantea to get ocr m An,i I i.n;n. Wa. nliM .Kn milled out a savage looking revolver at least a foot long and placed it in her hip pocket. i ne ltvntd-n it hfla nnf Irani! whether the credentials were accepted or not. Obecox Citt Sttle. The Oregon City urchins sport in the Willamette in cheap and picturesque bathing suits. The small bov begs a floor sack from his ma. cuts a hole at each corner ot its closed end lor nis tegs, cats two other holes near the top for hu arms, slips in his nude body legs first and ties the crop ot uie sack arounu nis own crop. Thus, with an Imperial mill brand on hu liak. he dives into tne water the people of Portland drink. Will Fix the Ckosix;s. For some ime there has leen a correspondence be ween the county court of Linn county and be S. P. in reference to the poor condition of crossings along the line of the road in this county. Judge Duncan met Mr M. Yolk.lst assistant engineer of the S. P. Co.. at the depot, and was informed that the company had concluded to put all of the crossings in good condition, a move that will be generally appreciated. The Democrat it Informed that covote scalps are brought from Crook county across the mouniains to Linn county for ibe bounty ; but our county court has Its eye open. DON'T Find fault with the cook if the paatry does not exactly nit you. Nor with your wife either perhaps anc is not to E- BLAME It may be the lard she is using for shortening. Lard is indigestible you know. But if yoa would always have YOUR Cakes, pies, rolls, and bread palatable and perfectly di gestible, order the new short- euiag,"CQTTQLENE." for your Irt WIFE flOLD BV ALL CJROCERS. Raima Au Saatnrvias, Made only by N. K FAIRBANK & CO., 6T. LOUIS and ;HICG0. NEW YORK, BOSTOMl Rsnd three cents In atamns to JJ. It. Vairbaak Co.. Cbkagu, for hsnil ome Cottolene Cook Book, contain ing six hundred recipes, prepared by nine eminent authoritlea on cooking. Brow.nsvi'ilk. F M Jack, the newly appointed postmaster, has received his commission, and will take charge of tin office the first of the week. Prof W B Mayberry, who will wield the hickory as principal of Hie South Browns ville school the ensuing year, has moved to this place, occupying the residence recently vacated by Iter t fuotigiibottom . Miss Sabina Moore, who has been at tending school at Albany the past year, was ui our chj una weea visiting lier sinter, Mrs 1,(1 Moore. Sister Mary Placidus, of.the Albany con vent, was in the city this week visiting with triends. She retnmed home th morning via Halsny. A S McDonald has been selected to teach in the intermediate depart meat of the North lirownsville school, and Miss Belle Chaaoa has been elected to teach in the priiiiarj' de part meat on the South aide. Anuy Laniiairg, a nutroati iriittre car penter, narrowly escaped a severe accident Tuesday. He was at work on the Suntiam bridge, and while endeavoring to pull a spike, the head broke off. throwing Mr (. amburg Isickwanls to tlie ground, a dis tance of twenty feet, but fortunately no mjiirres were received other than a sprained ankle, -limes. The Prick or Wheat. The New York San discusses the pria of wheat, now lower than it has been since 1845, and finds that this low rate is due to the phenomenal har vests of 1;1 unit which have le't a large surplus. In 1850 the United States produced 4M 'bushels of wheat for each unit of the population. In I860 the quantity grown was equal to 5..r bushels per capita. in if(iO it was equal to b.l busbeis. and in 1880 it was increased to 9.9 bushels: vet in 1889 it had declined to 7.7 bushels, and in 189:1 is likelv to fall below 5.6 bushels per capita. If such is the lesnlt of this year's harvest, it will no more than meet domestic requirements, and the exports we make must be den vet I from the large stocks njw in store. 1 ne present harvest will not pro vide more than enough for home consump tion, and the surplus of last year will soon be disposed of. This will advance price more rapidly than thev fell. Therefore we may expect prices to advance to a remuner ative level just as soon aa existing reserves sh;Ul have been consumed. A Bio Kahm. -The liabccck ranch, cn Eureka Flat, shows the effects this year of good fanning. Mr Babcock lias '"Oil acres of land put mto wheat. The trreater por tion was summer fallow and was thorough ly worked all last season, until not even a weed could be seen. The expense was. of course, some grater than ordinarily but the returns have fuliv iustined the" extra outlay. Excepting about acres the average is 40 buheN iwr acre, (me hun- dred men are kept busv at heaiiing and other work. Mr Babcock i convinct-d.from his experience, that it pays to thoroughly work the land, and will rwm a rich harvest this year from his improved methods. He has 5000 acres of additional land in mi turner fallow this year, which he is treating in the same way. Pendleton E. ( '. A Ni:wpAfKn Did It. The Eugene Journal says: We ought to have pit in a divy on that layout, for having been the Srvt person who pointed out Ri.kmlon a the guilty man. in an article in this paper within an boor or two after the train passed through here and at least two day- before any other paper or person made such a nigsestion. Ibe sheriff, after an idea bad been beaten into their heads bv the hardest kind of work, had nothing to do bat to po down to Portland and eet Richardson oat of the hospital where be was being dined and wined as the greatest hero of modern times. It was ever i- .ne -- and another reaps. Mr Mettiiajs 6 Dotsas. The state treasurer had a conference with the govern ment bank examiner and the latter savs the suspended banks are trying to irt time re-. lessen from 75 per cent of th-ir depository, paying them interest on their demkit. when they will be able to resume business. The funds are in the suspended banks and also in banks that are solid. I he state treasurer is not disposed to employ harsh measure with the counties that are delin quent, lie says to do so would be aa in jury to the state. It would prostrate busi ueas and tie np more money than it wodd liberate. The state is in no won fix than private cituens. merchants and lianks are. Journal. Beix SiiocaEO.The arrival of Hon i ieo H YYillian. of Portland and Kev J K X Bell, of Independence last evening, has considerably increased the avoirdupois of Newport. Bro Bell was on the beach this morning watching the ladher ami be be came so paralyzed at the scene that be turned his back to the ocean once. "Just to think of Dr Brown of Portland, and Rev Dr Hill of Portland too. and Rev E R Prichard of Albany, ami their wives, dressing up as circus fellows do! Why. it freightens me!" said Bro Bed. "I shall go right home; I don't wonder they shiver when they come out of the water.- they ought to. and no mistake. Newport Cor respondence of Corv allis liasette. Mr CnaaxTOX Better. Dr t! W Mas ton received a letter this morning from Mr C P Crawford, of Silver City. New Mexico, an old friend to whom be had sent a letter of introduction bv Jas J Charlton, in which he states that Mr Chariton arrived some what exhausted by the trip through a hot country; but he was rapidly imppvin?.unt he thought all theap!eanuiv indicated was getting well. They had iurt hail the biggest rain tor twelve years which not to in advantage either. The situation on the cilver question hail prostrated business there, all the mines closing down . Pabdoskd . Joseph J Jennings, photographer of Woodto.rn.waa tried and convicted at the Juoe term oi circuit court in this city ol the crime of having obscene pictures in his possession with intent to exhibit. Judge Burnett sen tenced him lo pay a fine of 0OO or go o tail for 300 days, lie had no raonev to pay this fine ar.d he waa remanded to tail on June 20th. He has a wife and seven children living near Hubbard and when he was compelled to remain in jail it worked a great hardship upon them. S'atesmsn. Likcolm CofaTt. It develops that Lincoln county finances are in good shape. Up to July 15 h the entire issue of county orders was but a t rifle more than S7.000, and this includes the initial payment on the record transcribing now in progress in this city Of liis amount more than $5,000 has' been paid off and there was still more than a thousand dollars in the hands of the cotin'y treae- urer. Times. A Live Runaway. This morning i lie team of Robt Crosby ran away with Mr Crosby hold of the lines- coming to the ditch as they flew east along 4th street they shied to the side of the bridge and plunged into the stream, tipping the wagon over. Mrurosby was lost sigm of tinder the water; but soon appeared hold of the lines, and the team was soon gotten nnder control. I'ii; r nml Whateaarar.Qaalli Co.nmends to public rpproval the Call- fornia liquid laxative icmedy, 8yrup cf Figs. It ts pleasant to tne taste ana oy acting gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels lo cleanse tne system eiicciuanv, n promote the health and comfort of all who use it, and with millions It U the best and only remedy. Stu'oh's Cure, the graat eouah and croup oare, is for sale by ns. Pooket aiaa contain twenty -liv doses, only 253. Childrori be it Kothay A Maanu- Advisrtisrig Novelties. We have a complete line of noveltise, direct from the makers, can furnish the a nine at lowes prices. Whistles, mirrors, pencils, rnem oranda books, napkins, fans, rulers, yard sticks, panels, chroino cards, ca ps, calen dara, xmaa cards, etc., in season. And always the best Jon Pristinu 0T SMILEY, Leading Printer. si hi no rsaaontL TIIHBSD.W Mr Bryant,of tho reform sehool,wa in me cry tins noon. E L Thompson aud famlly.of Portland, went to Yaquina Bay this noon to spend a lew weeks. N M ilewport went to 'Salem to-day astride ins bicycle, and thera is little doubt that the record was beaten. Mr R II Wright, of Shedd, was in the city today. v ith his wife he will leave for the World's rair and on visit with o'd neighbors in a few da. W H Ramsey, of S.-io, waa in the city today, and while b re set Albany's long legged men an exani.tfe of high kicking with the pan at the V It C A hall 7 feet 8 inches being Iht flgarss, to which he is said to be able to add abou 1 4 inches if necessary. lira Joseph Kinary, for niaay veara with her family, a resident of Corvallis. bat now residing in Woodland, 40 miles west of Sacramento, Cat. arrived in town last Thursday and went lo Yaouina yesterday. Her visit in Corvallia was replete with pleasure, as she found manv old inends more thanrwlad to gain. She has beet? iu Oreno w eeks, and after a week spent with her son, will and family, at "Newport, she win return to California. Tunes. Frank C Hammond, the newlv-ao pointed co1 lector at Juneu. Alaska, sub- port of entry, was raised in the Willamette valley, near St Paul, Or In 1884 he waa married to MUs Elixa rlsman, of St Paul. Mr Hammond lias been engaged in mining in theColville country for the past live years, and it waa there he met Co'lector Moore, between whom a strong friendship sprang up, which has resulted in Mr Moore nuking him one ol his deputies. United States District Attor ney D R Murphy a:.d Mr Hammond were raised in the same neighborhood and hare been warm personal friends. Statesman. raiDAT. Berthwaite. the foot racer, was in the city today. W H Ramsey, of Scio, left this nvtn for the Rogue river mines. John M alone v. is the only occupant of the county jail, and he will be discharged in a few days. Mrs Porter Johnaotrind ou of Corvallis, are in the city the guests of County Com missioner Rumbaugn. Ex 1" S Attorney General Geo II Wil liams, and daughter were in the city this noon on their way home from Newport. Prof Davis and family left this noon for their new borne at Philomath, Prof Davis will travel with the Evangelists the Bryan. Mrs Sarah Kaiser went to Albany today to visit with friends. Miss Emily Steiger is at Albany fora few days. -Salem Journal. Mr H and family, recently of Ta coma, who are in the city. wiU leave to morrow for !?an Jose locate. Calif, where thev will Mr W J Mewart. of Habey. wa in the! city today. Mr Stewart snowed tin- De- ! ocrat man a Continental (CI piece of pnrr ! of the year 1775. an interesting relic. i The Corralli News aays: Word was re ceived in this city yesterday announcing the death of R N Armstrong, which oc curred at Seattle. Mr Armstrong was a former resident of Corrall'i. and a number of years ago taught in the oM college. He was highly respected and many frwnds will regret to hear of his death, though he bad been ailing for several years. A band of merry Methodist tuin.trvi starts Friday on a tour of song and speech in behalf of Willamette university. Prest. Wbttaker will lecture on education. Prof Parr in Krnse. uid Carpenter will .ing and play. They have dates at Silverton Friday evening. Turner Monday. Stayton Tuesday -. Albany Wednesday, liebannn Thursday. Journal. . Mian Watson, of Memphis. Term, and Niaa Morgan, ol Hernando. M is, who : of S R Bur- ! have been guet at the home lord of ob Hill departed for their home j today. Mis. Morgan was daughter of ( ongrermarfJMorgan who was killed on tl war to the Chicago convention last June as a delegate, atem Journal. Hirnc, Mor- Saaand Watson re'.urocd to A i'tnin? te : r- j'day. where the? are spending tb umter with Mr H C Water. saTCaaat Rev A Melvin Williams, of Lel-ai-.'.ii, was in the city this afternoon. Mr J R Stockman returned lat night from a trip to Yirtoria. B. C. C Company of Eugene, pawed tluousrh Albany for Camp Com peon this norn. Mrs Otto Clelan is visiting with her par ents in l-uie county, a few mite from En- gene. Mrs Weotfall. Mr Lory Haves. Mr Harrv Da v and Mi Dav went tc Ya'iuina today. I B Camming and Arthur Ijeuiicrt lft this noon for E!k City, the Stletz ami other , aqoina Bay point. Mr C G Coultou, the insurance man of Portland, cutue un from Portland yesterday on a bicycle and will continue op the valley. Thos Kay. of the Salem Woolen Mill was in the city yestenlay on his way to San t raneneo on business. Rev DC MrFarland. of Albany, came down Wednesday to preach the funeral of little Cora Hattie Hayne. Junction City Times. Mr I D Miller, of Miilere, who was in the city test evening, reports a large num ber of applicants for work in his threshing crew, lie is paying the same wages aa usual. Dr.T V B Em bee. formerly a resident of Corvallis but more recently of Harney coun ty, has located at Dallas for the practice of his profession. Judge Duncan returned this noon from a trip to Mehaina. where he went to consult with the Marion County Commissioners in reference to repairing the same. Mort Abliev, Mr Priest and iJeo Wash ington, who have been prospecting in the mountains between hero and the coast, came in Tuesday from Del Norte county. They go to Yaquina bay Saturday.- -Ash land Heeord. N C Hawks, of San Franeisco. wax in the it v vi-tord.iv afternoon. Hawks & Shut tuck, of which he is the senior member will establish a branch house in Portland for his type and printers supplies. Mr Hawks is an old school mate and neighbor of N H Allen. Lives of many men remind us We to great success can climb It tli s reading public find us Advertising all the time. IBIeraal Thjliaaes the f lire cf health. Cut with all our precaution there are enemies always lurk ing about our systems, only walling a favorable opportunity to assert themselves. Itnpu'iilci In the blood may be hidden for years or even for generations and suddenly break forth, undermining health and hastening death. For all diseatea a lsing from Impure blood Hood Sartaparllla it the unequalled and unapproachable rem tiy. It It King of them "ll.for H conquers dlieate. BTATB OF UH10, urrv aoutoc, 1 ... I'ni'HTV. VaaXK J. Caajrant nuke oath tgaw ne la tna senior nartner of tholirmof K. J CnaNBY&Co. , rloinir bdsincsaln the City of Toledo, County St.,. nrnrAalrl. nml that said firm will pay th anm of ON 15 HUNDRED DOLLAKS for IS tum Of ON K lUiNIJKKU liuuuvua lor eh and every case of Catarrh that cannot be artd by the uso of H six's Oajaaajj Jgagw FRANK J. CHKNKT. ear Bworn to before mo and sntwcrioeti 1.1 my presence, thia (lib day of December, A.D. WHO. i 1 j S1.AI. 0LEA8ON, Hotary labile. t Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and acta directly on tho blood i.nd mucous surfaoaaot the system. Bend for testimonial", free. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Ml Bold by Druggists , lie. Put up tn noat wntch-ahaiied hot t lea, sugar coated, ScwiK i.10k Henna. o. lr buttlo. liwrsikimiit, New York, August 4ih. 1893. The leading feature of the business sit uation dur!ng the past week, has been the action of the Savings Banks in de- cidingno enforce the thirty and sixty day rule requiring notice before money can be withdrawn. The great scarcity of currency is also another feature. It is impossible for the banks to meet the demand for hills, and gold coin baa been circulated in lieu of currency. The Stock market has shown a decided im provement for the past few days there oemg a lively bull raid on Tuesday and Wtdnenlav. Although things are it ill turbulent state, frequent evidences of a revival of confidence among the neo- pla are apparent. If the grat stingen- in currency can only be relieved, nga will raipdly improve. The an- proaching session of congress is awaited with great interest and the hones of speedy action to relieve the present dis astrous elate of affairs, with a strona stimolous from the President will elao lelp to better affaire. It will be rem be red that las' June, the lid Maw York detenu ion to the demo cratic convention at Chicago, issued a statement to the effect that Mr Cleveland could under no circumstance carry the state of New York. Regardless of this strong. bt deceiving statement, Mr Cleveland waa nominated and fother- more elected, carrying his state by near ly 50,000 msjority. Who are the people that made such a brake in the conven tion? Why the same who expected, but did not find one single berth for their use by gPt of President Cleveland. In the appointments thus made in this state, Tammany Hall has been entirely ignored. When Charles W Dayton was appointed Postmaster some people were under the impression that the President had at last recognized Tammany. But Mr Day ton oniy joined Tammany when the County Democracy dieuanded, and the reason for his joining the wigwam was because it was the only regular demo cratic organization in the county Mr Whitney, Mr Grace, and secretary Dan Lamont were parties of one part, and thev knew to whom the lor rati ve office of Postmaster was in tins ted to- As for the appointment of Ex-Police Justice Kilbreth to theCotlectorsiiip, this was a direct blow aimed at Dick Crokerand his braves. Bbt Mr Kilbreth'a and Mr Dayton's appointments wee surprises to the politicians, bat nevertheless thev are competent and folly able to fill the im portant positions to which they have been appointed. The feat are of the ap pointments, is the fact that Mr C'eveland la not recognizing Tammany aa an organ ization. Although, all this may lead to the building of a new democratic organ ization in the state, it is also a blow at the most coi nipt political combination of boss ism and blackguardism that ever existed. The good citizens of New York regardleaa of party, are therefore pleased with the appointment made, so far bv ! President Cleveland. At last the cranks are happy. Altera aot disastrous trip in the west.Capta.n w rd "Giants" are showing np to that standard where they should have been earner in tire season, me team i now in sixth pmce, having climbed np from tenth place during the last two weeks, in tne League race. The secret of the change of position seems to 1 quite evi dent. Daring the first part of the season the team had but on. pitcher in condi tion, and at one time not even one catch er to do the catching Bat since Mana ger Ward has signed the new battery, Gesraan and Wilson, the other pitchers, husie and Baldwin have got into shape and the chances, under these bright con ditions, lor winning the pennant are, still within sight. One of the moat closely contested games seen this season, was plsyed on the Polo grounds on Wednes day, before a crowd of nearly 5000 cranks and rooters. The new pitcher German was in the hox for New ork and nilrled wonderful game holding the henry bat- tinv Bmnkl. n'm famrn In fie liiuW tar of which were scratches A feature' was the fine playing of Parke Wilson who caught German in masterly style and ran bases tke a veteran These" yoong players hare jumped into popularity amon ibe natrons ol the national nm, in this vicinity. At to the game, the core remained a lie until the eight in : :ng when good hatting bv Ward' men resulted in one run which was sufficient to defeat New York's greatest rivals by a trore ol 4 'o 3 in favor ol New York. Wm. F H Koatscu Heutaehe ial Bi-f Vi:ilam K Rockaed, No 51 J Welt 57.I1 Stre.i New York. ;s: "I have been a martyr lo bilious headache and dyspepsia. Any Indiscretion in diet, overfatigue or cold, brings on a fit of lndtgetkn,fo!lowed by a headache lasting two or three dais at a time. I think I must have ttied over twen'v different remedies, which weie rccommenjed a certain cures by loving friends, but it wat no use At last I thought I would tske a simple course of purgation with Brandreth's Pills. For the first week I took two pll a every night, then one pit) for thirty niehlt: 'in that I time 1 gained three pounds in weight, and mm I. .a 1. . , . .(... n Til. e.'se in one part of the bodv will tvenlu ally fill the whole bodv with disease. Every ye;r or two some part oi ihe system groas weak and begins to decay. Such part should be removed at once, and new matter be allowed to take itt place. There's no need of cutting it out with a targeon t ca;rei. rurge if llie old.diseased and wornout parts with Brandrelt. a PH!. Cawstswa. Imitations have len put upon the market so closely resembling AUcock's Porous Hunters in general t ppearance aa to be well calculated lo deceive. It Is, however. In general appearance !onlv that they compare with AUcock's, ter ther are worse than worthless, inasmuch as they contain deleterious ingredients which are apt to cause serious Injury. Remember that AUcock's are the only genuine porous plasters the best external remedy ever produced; and when purchasing plasters do not onlv ask for hut sre lhat y ou get A.lcocK's fcrout flaster. Wa ll.wa to Evr anrwav. The bet ter the groceries Ihe more enjoyable life is, aud whil; WW do not all live simply to eat, ws certainly eat to live. If "you get vour groceries and baked goods of Parker B'Othcrs you arj bound lo live well if it Is cnlv on a loaf of rye bread They keep the best In everything, and tell at pii -e; that silisfy regardless of timet Call on them. Athbv i-Csnw, Itesl Fit.. 80, W ...- ington Mrect, I ortland, U? The sun ad avaawlrstse. Ksutial to tho production ot ths must per feot aud .opnlar 'axativa remedy kaowo have enabled the California Fig Syruo Co. to achieve a great auoaaas in ths reputation uf IU roidy, Syiuu 01 flit, aa It it conced ed to bathe universal lavitive. For tale ! y all .-.lavyt ts. lak Vour Friend V ho haye taken Hood's barsaparlila what they think of It, and Ihe replies will be podiivc in its f ivor. One hat been cured of Indigestion and dyspeptla, another findt It loc'iaaentable for tick headache, others repoit remarkable cures of scrofula, salt rheum and other blood dlseatet.still others will toll you that it overcomes "that tired feeling,''" and to on. Truly. Ihe best ad vertising which Hood's Sarsapartlla re ceives Is the hearty endorsement of the army cf frlendt It hat won by its positive iiedlclnal mer To'tiet at lae'Faela Regaiding ll.wd's Sarsaparil la, aad t people who take thia medioineor nd t teitimonialt oltan published in thia paps They will ooaviooe.yonjihat Houda'a cars Hood's fills cure cooatisttion. U.SCEKrAIS flEHOCBATg. Ths Evening Trletram has frequently felt hurt at the course of certain democratic papers in the s'ate for criticisng and qoes Honing its democracy on ac onnt of al leged business entanglement' witb the Or- gptu'an. The Democrat baa refrained from these criticisms ii the hope that the charge wouid prove to ae groundless We do not now know that tbe'e it or is not any truth in them. But the course it purines towards the president causes one to doubt that its loyalty to the democratic organization is of she unalloyed kind. We do not mean that the Telegram editor or any democrat is under obligation to endorse or approve the opin ions of even a democratic president on all questions and especial)) cn the - . j- t of ailver which is not a party question But there is a party obligation to treat the president fairly which the Telegram does not do. On Monday speaking of what the president's tnesfage would be the Telegram said: It is evident thai when the president irot to Washington he discovered that the mes sage which had been prepared at Gray Oables was not suited to the temper of con grew, ne iounu inat me pro stiver reeling was too strong to be Irlftea wits. Accord ingly the ibesige had lo undergo revision, and that is perhaps the explanation why it uian i come in today, our advices are that the tone of the messege will be con siderably tempered from the original draft. W hile there will be a recommendation to have the Sherman Uw repealed, it will be accompanied witn the suggestion that ail ver must lie recognized as a money standard. This much is given oat in advance aa a feeler, or ra'her a an opiate to quiet the nervous excitement around the capital building. We are gratified that the presi dent has had bis eyes opened efficiently to discover that the whole national domain does not lie within the limits cf Wall street, v e are more than pleased to ex tend a helping hand to assist him back on the party platform. The Ttltgram had no reason in the world for saying that the president, after arriving at Washington changed the mes sage which he bad prepared at .ray Gables Whatever else may be said of the president he has never been accused before of chang ing his views on important public questions at the suggestion of every wind of doctrine that sweeps along The THrgram shows its aminos in miking sack a charge when there is not the aesabiance of a foundation for its troth. The insinuation that the president is not in accord witb the demo cratic platform is as unjust as its gratni tons. Those who live in glass houses should not be throwing stones around promises- asjsfy Vlf RKT The bretiJen before leaving Washitj-on tor Gray Gables said: My absence from the dpi at at this tinse may exciit some tarprtse i view of the inters tateictt in ihctubjec1 now awai i' g lb determ na ton of congress Truugi, my views snt reccasmerdttions already have been sbsail ed to thai bods, and though 1 am by no means certain I could further xki i- bringing aboat the re sult which see tas so ncc ", it wow Id be a great satiaia-iion to me if I roaid remain a: ibe scene of actiie. But whether I aaa here or elsewhere J alaai! iovk with hope and ciafideace t the action of those upon whoa he responsibility bow rests, of leHrv ing caw people from their present dangers and ancalitet. I am going back to say saoaaner home at he sea saors, becaate I aa aot uSrcsratlT rested from the strain to which I base been subjected to since the 4th of Msr:h to & ae asaia to aauase the do; ics and labors w ich awrit ae here. I hare been (Ouoseird by those whoaeopirion I canr.c t cKregaru u t the forther res. I coalempiatc ts a'nolu'eiy txceasary to my health aad : , 1 I th II retaain away dtsrlng the twnwtft of August, am devote say self to rest and cvldoor re.-'eisoa Mi daj oiD will ns cer-nd of intere-t to the public, and I thai' t exceedingly plerd if t can be fri frjja fe attcatiM of neanspapet corre,m tents The conference of th? silver and ihe an i s ilver mm ha reached an agreement by I which general debate on ibe bill for the repeal of the clause cf the Sber man act will be invited to i4 days, this will be followed by a debate of three days un.ler the five minute rule, when voting will begin on the bill and the various silver 5 a.,. The present aiiangement is that the re peal bill will be Introduced ic the bene today; that an accompanying resolution tha'l prescribe the me" hod cf procedure and genera! debate begin at once. If car ried out, this program will bring the house to a vote on bill and amendments August 28. The silver men'- part of the program is to offer first a sc'tstitote looking to free coinage at the present ratio: if detea'ed vctea will V taken on amendments fixing the ratio at 17. 18. 19 and 30. in order, and finally, if these fail, upon tht Illaul-Alli-son act. Louisiana, by act of Congress, was divi ded iato two territories, the southern one being called Orleans Territory. The line between them wat drawn alcng the 33d paral'el of sort h latitude. This territory then possessed a population ol 50.000 souls of whom mote thaa half were negro slav:s. The reft gee planters from Santo Domingo had introduced the sui,ar cane into that region, and the cultivation ol cxsttoi wat be ginning to be successful. So large were the products of thc tnastitee that the planters enjo.i ed immense Incomes. The white a were piincipa l French Creoles d.-scendtnit of the original French colonitta. In response to a question by a Buffalo corporation, CompvToller Eckels has given his opinion (hat the use of certified checks as currency is not contrary to law. The scheme is to make certified checks for &" ana fiu, payaoM to bearer, to be used as payment for wages. Rauke s and busines men here believe it will bring a large meas ure ot relief at once Advices to the Asso ciated Press are to the effect that simitar action la being arranged by -he employers and banks at Danbury and Hartford, Cn- iiecticnt. Prominent miners in the Coeur d'A'ene region declare that when the northwest cannot sell silver it can ship gold, and Chief Engineer W C Miller predicts that that dis trict will produce more dollar in gold next year than it did last year in silver. The four countries in the world which possess the tmallett telegraphic facilities are Peru, Paraguay. Utuguay and Persia. Ia Paraguay only 510 miles of wire arc in op trallcn, itcjuirmg the sc vires of but 28 persons. Peru hag 36 ortice and 1600 miles of wire. If Mr Harrison is right in his theory, the United States afford the first example of a nation in recorded history going Into a panicover a prospect of reduced taxes. To aid Digestion take one Small BtteBssa after eating. sic. per liottlc. a opes usTrea. In order that co harm can ieu!t from certain calumnies sought to be circulated agai-.i huptrintendent Downing of the peiiten ia-y. Governor Pennoycr request ibe Statesman to publish the following open letter: To the Editor of ilc Daily Independent." Salem, July 0, ifkjt. Wi I you be kind enough ir. behalf o truth tnd justice to allow me to state I . your columns that I examined all of th charges made agalsst George S Downing tuperintendent of the penitentiary, before they were made to Hie legislative investi- gstirij; committee or the grand jary, and that I found thera all lo be endrelv without foundation. Mr Downing is, and always bat been a faithful, efmieat, and honest officer, and bis management of the penlten uary naa been -above reproach. I wish to say thii in defense of a fauhfa! official, who aa teen mercilessly persecuted for no o:ber reason, as I can Coaceive. than became he would no: 'stand in" for which refasal I honor Mm Very respectfnny, SvxvRSTga PzHsovaa. Scientist are bow telling us that ibe dangerous microbe is larking in the green back. Those in aireais for subscription says a contemporary, caa tend the amount, as he baa facilities to dit'nfjct small amn't, and h willing to take the risk W hen once filled in a Moslem grave i at vr r reopened cn any account. To remove the faintest chance of it being ihos defiled a cypress tree is planted after every inter ment, so i hat the cemeteitc rcacaabie forests n J than anything eUe Amour as An 1 n ext. Dr A W Cosick while fishing near Idaafaa fell asleep and a wnopper or a salmon, twenty-four inches long, caught his line and started down stream, note, line and man. After a si sine of great anxiety on the part of the au nana started out to hunt tn the sdd- poaed comae. Thev finally concluded to offer a reward of $2.50. which brought the onmi to tne snore, the doctor stall lsnfctswg on with the grip of death. The party pre rented him the medal for a successful fish erman. Independent. Arrested Trree Times. Frank Don can, of Sweet Home, has been having' his hare of trouble. He aras arrested for as saulting his fater-in-law and held to await the action of the grand jury; then he was arrested for running a horse in the drv limits of Lebanon and fined IS and costs, and afterward far carrying a concealed weapon. Some of the costs were thrown off. and regardless of hard times the fines were paid and the young man discharged The East Oreeoaian ray T Stenben Sunday, received from George Humph rey, of Portland, a letter stattne that Captain Humphrey's condition waa really not much improved- While the injured leg ia almost healed. the Captain's mental condition ie about the same as ben be left Pendleton. Gov Svlveater Peunoyer has visited the Captain and given orders that special attention be paid m. M V Lee per. P H Bowman and Henry Jobnsen, residents of the lower end of the county are in the city. They are here to go before the county court with a remonstrance agaviaat a proposed toad rnuntcfc through their farms and others, lead in; to the count" road from Albany to Independence. Corvallis News- That Recbit. Yesterday, by order of the County Court. Treasurer Wallace gave up to Attorney General Chamberlain for the state of Oregon the much talked of receipt for the check for state taxes, not paid on wocount ot tne tntpenaiow ot the Linn Coun ty National Back, and the check was re-"r.rrK-l. Iaw Pnaror.Ej.rHEB.-l have opened a new gallery In the Y. M. C. A. block. 2nd street. Albany, and will try hard to all who will favor me with their f win taise au sues ana stvies of v&otos as good as the best and as cheap as the cheap est- I am no traveling photo here toda ooav ....1 ui k..H :.L Tlfe and rMMren to make a home in rorrr irlorioas climate. I have come to star. it ...1 i.-..i , i.i ... Bae and try mv ery reportlully yenrj, S. A. Himtu. Late of Toronto. Canada. A Gi.T OasvsstEKca.--World's fair vhAors travelling via ihe Northern Pa-i- tic K K and v. tsconsin ectra! line, ate landed at the Grand Central station in 1 Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof building, located in the heart i f Ihe city, baa been fitted up as a hotel, tun on the Euro pea v plan, with abort too moms handsomely furnished and ach room ;s supplied with hot and cold w ater, electric lights, etc. The charge for accommoda tions are reasonable, and parties can secure rooms In advance by catting upon agents ot the Northern Pacific R R . By taking Ihe Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort of all transfer in that city, and can also travel bet sreen the U rand Central station and World's fair grounds by trains which run direct betvreee the two potuts. C U Bl RKHART, Agent at Albany. The pie;'-nt effect and perfect tatetr with which ladiet may use the California liquid laxative Svrup of Figs, under all conditions, make it their favorite remedy. 1 o get the true and genuine article. Mot: for the name 01 the California ftg Syrup Co, printed near the bottom of the pact ge- ; OPJB ENJOYS Both the method aad results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts EnUy yet promptly on the Kidneys, ver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt ia its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have madj it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. 1 not accept any substitute, CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SAM F8AHCISC0, CL L0i(Siit. kv. nc roar. SICK-HEADACHE Makes life miserable. All other ailments are as nothing in com parison. Women especmlly know ;ta suffering, and few escape its torture, THE RELIEF AND CURE IS I iMany people take pills, which gripe and purge, weakening the body. More take Simmons Liv Regulator, liquid or powder, be cause more pleasant to take, does not gripe, and k a mild laxative, ihat also tones up the system. The relief is quick. It is Nate re'g own remedypurely vegetable. SLH 7Bihv 001 .m Hewfaebe not bad it amee. '-TslioBiii fSmSLT vine, ' na-rvEKir J. H. attrj at CO.. tl MB wnui The Marked Success of Scott's Emulsion in tion, scrofula and other form-. . hereditary disease is due tu posverful food properties. Soott's Emulslei rapidly creates healthy f; - proper weight. Herec -taints develop onlv when tt system becomes weakened. Nothing in the -u:orid of medicine lias so successful in eases tiat are menacing to life, sicians evcrjtv prescribe it. dis- tVwr,-- FARMERS, ATTENTION ir ; voc cast a WACUN RACK BUGGY CART PLOW HARR0W.DM1 SEED ER, FEgj CUTTER, or any kind of a Farm ImVen-.en: or Ve hlcte, call on or address. B. F, RAMP, Opposite Post Offr Albany, O Iamttve and Kawrs Toxic Bold toy 0 Bold by DrogaiBts or sent by aaiL twssaa. scat. '( TSsBTSiijilta 9B0S fSflliig nVtortteTeethaod BreathvSc. CnatalaWsrei iwj,adsJkanPletm.U era: "Skaohw Catavrre Remedy it the finat laadlctnel havwesei fusanilthat svouaddoaan aaygoea, Price 50 eta. SoadhyPiCCTitts. SHILOH s cure; 1 Gilkjlt Oocgh Clntat vtxELwQwt aaUMlMnlUtiL Wot Coi BitTiioa.itt hut xvrmir hasenfed ttuwwn la, ina -wta o. At. UeFarland, -:- DKAtaa IN - Harness -and -Saddler; Display in the Door VI60R MEN sWaWMslMtond. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY, and aU Use train ot es rrea wrt ccrwsor !. ticnins. UW rvsttfca at osersscrk. slctiBeaa. worrv.eec. Full -lnuassx. eTvlefwseail aad tsiaa CtTeft .0 rj - rj;an ana Bacamiatcusatm . Kaitrret rereeeacea. . ear-lanatJ,'n arj pr-4! asaiaed (sealed) ft. ERIE KEDiCAL CO. BUFFALO It.V. imm collbduk immn ALBANY, OREGON 1891, 1892 Twraa npened $entnttser S4k Irtt A f. ) corps of Instructors,-- ClAiSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITER COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL GLASSES. (bursts ot study arrange.! tx tr.wsttt all grades of students Se.-w twiisst'taaiasi c'tr4 to .'adi Irvm tf V-.arf. wrv. rucbt 31 casatT FOSHAY & MASON -wwstauui aaa aaraus- Ornggistsaod Bookseller ts for John B. Aider. puolications, wuleh v sell at puhliaher'4 irto-a with swaeavtitisr' I.Bajw, tKriia REVERE HOUSE 'tLBANY MAS. PFlfilFFEK rROPRIKI'oR aHrzI - baJEiaasBBau3nyg ssa4MaSat!&aasa Ml SO. raws case isiu-not cunt, sw noxtet tautottmn. RMautta. KtuwtXSB.