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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1893)
E ITbEiiTORD A t'HAH M . . ' "!.!! 1.1 mirks., . ... ii. a ill r In prob 1.,- . :-!.) r'tlnn black. bih.vhi V Attorney t Law .nil BulsseMT In Ohaooery. OSU Mom rasdo on ll po'nte Loans neg-otistsd an table twins. Albau, Oregon (EO. W. WRIGHT, jr Attorney t law, r.d KUrv Will practlne In ell the courts ot this state efrssktl attention rtvn to collections and mttor !n prebate UBIeet-l'pstalrs Mason-Twcdale Block Albany. Ogn i.n nun B II tesral matters will race It promp U hi. (Boo r. Oil Fellow's Temple, Albany, O attcit J WHITNEY, AHorncy at I -aw, Albanv Or. 1ON rmVK A HACKLEM4H, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. JAMES J. CHA.Bt.TON, Attoraer-at-I.vw All leeral bavins. attended prompt) v: FUNN-S Block, Albany. Or. D R. J. I.. H1 1.1,. PhycicianamiSarjreon. OFFICE -Corner cwj streets Albany, Oreeoo , TJR'i. MISTO DAVIS. ds. J lirFIOlC turner an3 B."la!a;n Mwti, Albany, Or, Calls prcnpllr atw-ded i andosmtry. Basnsopaih'iM SptcU'rt in tumasee oi me ssy. Circe torts . ' s n CrVwl ,oS m. and T It I pre I A ' Crrgmi" IHVI ITKISI. SIMS, V" Al BT (X BCHIX I FLISN a. r..touso W LNGUS j( k,NKAi. baa kMa baaaaeA v a- 'V rbjext 'c caasek ' -i I 1 -U-'vi and tei Tap'oi maJtz, rH . , . .,.1 .; a atld P lUa- UtTiOi 4ADKOL tasucaSie F. Tcxae B, W. Lais-- I Bum. L. Pun Kowaan . Sox. W (TUCK 0 . J4SA'CM OF aLKaMT, OHStaoS. TKAVSACTirrniHTi! BaaWn7 tnituw "UAY SIGHT fRAtTJ on Seer Yark. .&iSS.I Po",ltnd, Orcjan. LOAJi MoKY" e's approved security .vTXSl I. er.-te subject to check. San Ft i"OLLECTIOSSni1 r fjroraWe lOTEHSaToaid linn denositi B ASK OP St'IO, SCIO, OBKOOK. Of: lent T J Hrinui J Joait 1 1 FOLLOW: 2 THROUGH DA Wains Leaving Portland. 8:45 1. 1. m P M. D A.Y TO f)2 CHICAGO HOURS ( CHI EAST (ADT UnilRC QUICKER TO OMAHA HUUrO AD KivNSAS CITf PiiUm AND TOlWoT SLEEPERS, FR:l ECLIN1 CHAIR CARS DIKING CaRS. Fiji tjeaed gei.eral information cs ot or atldrc IH'Rt.nURl . Vt.Gtn'l Pas. ABt, 154 V, :,t i ia ton Jit., f i ash U a boon eFiitbsAA ti . it is -:- rm nd - Saddlery P jn DOQ' ARE YO'J a newstrtaper we- tr, author, artist HiUTuit rir a -rtlser? . tcsre, or 1 Interested In sny .. xiv shottla rtatJ LIST. in Oi 'assttttf. .; 1 1. y. at. i in ..:t 10c application. . . G1..JAN, kit I I'loprletor, t!.ki New V'oaa.i.. T imm C0LL8QUK IHSTIT'UTX ALBANY, OREGON 1801, 18Qi3 Irsi I t opeaeil Meptenbrr Stb A f I corps of Instructor, CLASCAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. I Miraes 01 atndy arranged iseaitis all ir'adns of students. . ( "inucemtntt eftrtd te ttudtmti trcm abroad. "STT. KtiRRKT I ( OJUIT MAY & MASON veoiaisiji ass ssvaiL twists and Booksellers. - ' for Job n B. Alden'a pu blleatlonr. h Wb till at publisher' nrlesw wit irra.lrlsr' If. OKEUO w What is Eczema? It is an agony of agonies. A torture of tortures. It is an itching and burning of the skin almost beyond endurance. It is thousands of pin-headed ves icles filled with an acrid fluid, ever forming, ever bursting, ever flowing upon the raw excoriated skin. No part of the human skin is exempt. It tortures, disfigures and humil iates more than all other skin diseases combined. Tender babies are among its most numerous victims. They are often born with it. Sleep and rest are out of the question. Most remedies and the best phy sicians generally fail, even to relieve. If CUTICURA did no more than cure Eczema, it would be entitled to the gratitude of mankind. It not only cures but A single application is often suffi cient to afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and punt to a speedy cure. CuncuRA works wonders because it is the most wonderful skin cure of modern times. Bold throughout the world, price, Crnccma, Wo.; Soap, Sic. ; Risolvskt, 1. Ponsa Daps jam Cm. Cose., Sole Props- Boston. "AS about the Skin and Blood 1 maueu tne. THE WKBFOOT ROl'TE Oregon Pacific Railroad. w IsHEI, reiver. TQU SCHEDULE, sxcept Snndara.) .t re .Vlaenv l:1 r. .;L -are Vaonrna. ma, iWirCVrnHt ttfr. a.lLesre OatfsjBUMI a,:- rr ( Taqtuaa, 1:3? r. s.iArrve Aioany, ii:i a Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates Between Willamette Valley San Franciaco Points and Ol'EAH 8TRA ft 4I..IX4 Valley. July nth !7Ui, oa raariws. WlBaaatttc Valley, Jatj Slat, at f p aa. The Companv Ktevrrm tbe ngnt sange Railing dates w'thont notice. R.VF.K MTKAHERS. Hoar' Jetees PotUand Wedaeadar an ' Saturday S a is. H C Day .Geo Ajt,9uoon Street Wharf .Portland D R Vawran, &a Art. San Francisco, Cel. H E Xolsahy, Qsasral Northe a Pacific Rallroafi the list to lake Tai Piii i til EaASTuA SOUTH It ia the. DlfflSO Ik runs Through KO TRAINS 1st Ike TE. s S ( 'HO CHANGE OF CARS.)? I CoaDftsed of Diiiic fan I'BXsTrnAtd iPollflian Dnwiof Ioab Klfrovv Of latest EqnipaicDt TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. : ttat can be oonstru e i and ia which .0 -orjimodttiona are t th free and furnished for hoi lers of Firs' or HrOOod class, Ucketa, ai sj ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A ContiDDous Lino caniectltig with al linis, affords j Direct and Dninterfupt.d Service. Pulimai sleeper reMrvatinna can be seenred in sdvanoe tbroogb any sgest of the road. THRWGH riCKErs to and from all points in a -,i -a ICng a&d sn1 Knrope can te lurehasnt at ary ticket. iffiott of ;hts corrpany, Full icfrmalion cocrniuK r ttrn. f trains rou'es an ' other ."Utaturn ishe.t on application to n iy ngsnt or A D faARl.TO. .aa'stant U'iera PsraangW Agent. Mo 121 First etc, cor. Washington. P rt'and. le too. C G Buiktai'., local n;ent. EAST AND-SOUTH, THE 8HTA ROUTE OK IHE ituutheru Pacilic Oo. Bsprsaa Traius leave Portland Daily ojuth . rao jtnr 1. IStrt, 1 h;r t-. nr. at I le Pjrfias) ar 7"te s 10 tllr B I t,v Albany L I i:-n a w H . a a I Ar 8an IVsndscu Lv T jjO r a Abeve L sins stop only at following stations nurtl ot KVieeutinj Kast Portland, Oreron City, W . ad rmrn. Salem. Albany. Tangent, Sbodd, Halsey. Bar- risborg. Junction City, irrtng, Eugene. ancasuu aaa, sanvv 81 a u I Lt Partialis Albany atssswirg Ar' s-eirr f. I I2r" ;lvi 7.oca l?tS5ra I Lr Wh Ar A LB ART bOCal. 0411.1 (SSCM-T 8DSSST) SMra f.v Ar Portland Alliary Ar -.0 SO a Lv :30 a :10a K t00 a a !: I Mas liT Ar I.v Ar Albany Usbano Albany Lebao'itt ar lu "1 as I.v I SO a a Ar I :2ir Lv I :gu r a PULLMA BUFFFT SLEEPERS. AND Dininsr Cars on Ogdn Routes SECOND-CLaS SlEtPNS CARS Attache! l.i nil Thrsagk Trains fVrsI SlsJe Mvlalan. aarrw kks pwhtlah ami iosvuih Man, raatSsaui (Bxcept Bunusy, tUVsa I Lr 11:10 r a I Ar Port'and Corvallla Ar I fit r Stv I l:f;5 ra Stress" 1 SIS SSIl.e IV.Te. .p Sm.ltsT . eteural Lv Trae ra Ar Portland MoMlDnrtlle Ar I :) a a Lv I Ml a v rriir-opfh Tioliotr- so all point in the Bittern S'atei, Canatli .nil Europe cat bi obtinel st swtit ra'ss from r at sTrenk, Arsnt Aibmy. KOEBLBB E P. Ron Baa, Vanarar Vse't O V nd Purt'scd Orsun. tiuarantuetlto cure milotia Alt " ytUon. Small iu Ukanr. A Urge number of farmers in the vicinity ef Fosoria, O iio, sre feeding wheat to hogs l preference to se ling it presen' low prices. Wtih pticit of hoR mtngas at present t-ity can real te a dollar per bushel for wheat by feeding it to hogs. ' X- .. .. . . Tie wrecking of a train in Ohio loaded with pas-engers going to the wotld' fair. Is unp'aasantly suggestive to those binding about taking that trip. Yet, consider the millions who travel by rail, the loss of life It scarcely greater than i' la among those engaged at home in their u ual vocation. By the bye. can some cf our republican friends tell us what Is causing the low prixe of wool in Australia? -Sslem Democrat. It is probably Hue o the magnificent protec tive (?) tariff of the Kangaroo country. Salem Statesman. Then In thu ram of aH tht is reasonable does not U: 1 M rviniet't, maiilflcent Kan garoo bill ruin 'he piicc or wool? Great is BUI The Benrlng Sea Trlbtmal will it is said reader a decision in tiw ot Great Britain. And now abide by ttc Je. -i in and let the aeal fisheries be dcs roved It willhave one good effect. After destruction fewer wivea I and daughters will look for sealskins liom ' financially ' depressed'' nuabands and common sense and common honesty sag fa' he -s. gests the latter as the thing to do. Both Coi;g.e s wia meet nex. week to ret le ; the sliver qu. -sit. n. Csn ttieyaoti.' 1 he , truth Is, It U not a y a't question 3cd men should approach It in a i i' of patriotism. Let party be sunk, .e kt all parties sink, if necessary, In order to se tie the question In the tight way. It is announced that a remarkable new Medara, or jelly tish.hss tsen found to'occar la Lake Tanganyika. Africa, a fre.h watet" lake, though, we believe, the water 1 bracktsb It is entirely different from the jelly fish found living a few years ago In the Victoria Lily tank ol the Kew Gardens at I .onaon.and tcp rseat a distinct family, whose exact position ia anknean. Analysis of the air.taater and soil of Spiti bergce has t-r -ugtit to light the extraordinary .toverty of these regions n baccra Whl.e the air of the .trceta nf Paris contains on an rt mi hii'i.i.. th.t i' the Arrli. Sea contains only 'h'.e per cubh metre. As to t"e wattt of S ji xb.-t i.. not only is it devoli of any pa: oenic mxto-organitms whatever, bat all b;. it i are a sent 'n discuvsing the lrer que loa it should not be I org's tea thai, up 'o 1878 when this country resumed -pecle patnsents, silver A . r . .... r. 1 , , ii ., tn in rlrrn llin. T. .,e, .n ,h.n me ld joiUr. then currea' . No one would take a gold do lr if he could get an eqail aaaount in stiver. The silver ha'f do'tars had also aa excess of sllvsr in th.rr., so that it was com mon and profitable lr melt tbem and ue for making siirer oroameats. Judge .Ross.U'dted States District Jugea ha rendered an important detain r tictrn in; Sec. 4 of tbe G ary esclu 10a act. which provi 'e 'liar when a Chtaamaa is f.wnrl to be un'afuly in the Uci'rd Slates he hal b: dejior t !. A cast was brought before the U S comaiasluaer at I.os Angeles, who or jeied that the Chinaman should be inv- prltoned in the penitentiary at bird labor for two day aud then deported. Tbe court oa appeal holds tbe law a to impritonmeat void but otherwise valid . Tne neat war, If there esei be one is to be carried cn by wholesale. To 'he hun dred of other implements si destruction which have recently brcn Invented.a French genius has ad.-'ed a piece of light sitillery which base capacity for firing four charges In 15 minutes, r.rr of whi.h ihrowa 35 oon ballets ovrauiface if square yards at a distacce cd two rr.-'ts. With such death bearing machines sa is. there teems little need for hr as.noa.o- soldiers com posing the European auric usiess it be as fold for itse enormous quantities of powder and shot whi.h otheraise might be wasted. THE AHHIMAklUTI'iVS roucT. Judge Slaeei. of the county court et Pitts barg. Pa., recently roe Assistant Secre tary of tbe Interior Reynolds about the recent suspension of many pension, etc. He ha. received a length i reply fro re Mr Rey nolds, explaining the policy of the adminis tration Retoo'ds y suHtatlal!y that the suspensions to wiich tbe judge referred were made by an order of tbe secretary, holding, in subs-aace, that a man who ia able to earn his sapport by man as' lar hat no title to a pension, unrler section a of be act of Joae 37th, :89a The order of Commissioner Raum fixing rates under this set, ignored the tsscntial bstis of pensions" Me status. inaM'i'y to ,-rform manual labor. Furthermore evl rn e wlen i mghi have s own tbe dta illtic were. the rrau.tof rideos (tsbit. aasnot rrqulred. the commhsloner's rating -he- superseding the law. Agsin rea ed disabilities noi of s- rvit o'lgi irtm me as disabilities which Were. Tiie ur.aent e retarjt having found erroneuus oidn if Raum unrevoked and claims arljudlc f d tb r. urJer unques tioned, i.ui t not oi. .rt la than revoke these or.' era. (.rovi in anew n, in accord ance t! 1 the ia fn fa ,ire .1 settee, and orders re examlnt'i n f prior adjudica tions to corrett the R. m's error was not ex(osei1 un'i f.nnirv 7th, this year, after 321 13-, cases hd been adjudi cated in parsumci-thrr. of The adminis tration would have b rn s nar.y -o perpet uating s tnonttrou wrong ta the nation If these claims remained unexamined. 1 ,' HADE A MISTAKE Now cornea Senator Mitchell and tays the republican pree4 made a mistake, when, with one accord, they set forth he s'ate ment that the cause of the present financial distress is the Sherman law. Tnls position taken by the republican press and republi can leaders generally puss our senator Into a very awkward attitude. He , a republi csn and a very earnest free-coinage -of-silver man. His present aliijnmentton ihat question I with Stewart, Ulsnd. Teller and others. He il vote against repeal of the Sherman lav unleas free coinage is substi tuted in lieu thereof As a republican Lu dots not v nt it to Je said by ihe press I his party hat he sustains; tlte very mesue that ihe present rtrtanchl distress. He thinks it would have hecn better party politics for the party 10 hrve attempted 10 get up a tariff sere thai: t-. have attributed the cause of financial .tistress 10 the Sher man law. But the hrnnral 'tj senator must grin sua hear hi aWwaj ; di emms. for nearly all the leekUs of jj-trty are com mitted to the view that the .Sl.erman law is ' tbe real trouble Hut .mny f the republi cans are attemptltiir U, withdraw th.l. opinions thus expresren mid entci one to I -. riict.i isv if.- resi csllBii Ol the inuh t I i in the fear of democratic tsrifl legis'allor . ' or the name of the California Fig Syrup Bu' ility come too late a tke people e ; Co' Printeu ncr lhe bottom of ihe pack that tliey are only seeking; to make political capital out ot the financial mi.fjrtunes o tin, nTTl, ma cuiic. TIME TO URAWTHr L A little while ago Judge Long, o! Mitlii gan, a member of the supreme bench, who had been drawing a pension for total disa bility was notiBe l by the pension depart ment that his pension was cancelled on the ground that under the law he was only entitled to a disability pension when he could show that he wns incapable of per forming remunerative labor. Judge Long is a republican and the republican preag immediately raised the err that the law was being enforced only against republi oons and they cited the fact that Gen John C Black, of Illinois, has also been drawing a total disability pension though he is a ! member of congms with a salary of $5000 a year. The point raised by the republican press in this instance is well taken. Under the law which has deprived Judge Long of bis pension. General Black is not entitled to a total disability pension. The Courier corJially endorse the Terra Haute Ga zette's comments on these two cases as fol lows: Judge Lochren should do bis duty no matter whom it hits. Judge Long, the Michigan judge, gets a total disability pen lion and yet he is able to and doea ait on the bench and draw a salary. Gen John C Black gits a total disability pension and yet he is a member of congress and draws a salary as sue. This is wrong wrong in Long and wrong in Black We most re rise the dictionary or the pension list and these men were brave and rood soldiers , jr fI0m wounds in batUe . .UM to -.;,,. but they are! nst entitled to total disability pensions, for tbey are not totally disabled, for one draws a 17000 salary a judge and the other a 95000 salary as a congressman. Same time or other, perhaps, we shall breed a race of men who, so iong aa they are able to earn salaries like.theee, wilt not accept pensions J no matter what their injuries may be. na ; j i a l 1.' 1 ue pension uepwrtiuvut uiae sw niiw tw .) tar nnlitieal nnraoaea. Uoth parties are equally guilty oi Having moan on tbe soldier vote at the expense of tbe Ux payer. PenMu have been given in - . ..I discrimmately by both partiea as bribe for vote and so this bounty, nobly conceived, has been perverted to ignoble use?. Every right thinking person will agree that the government cannot be too liberal iu making provisions for the worthy and meritorious soldiers and the widows f f those who died ' for 1T The people are willing to make any sacrifice necessary to provide generously for these. Bnt tbey hare a right to ask thai they ah all not be huroened with taxes that bounties may be bestowed upon those who are able to provide for themselves. It is astonishing that such gallant soldiers aa Judge Long and Genera Black should have so little pride as to be ! P" the attitude of recipienU of pub lic chsHlr. for wait is a badae of honor to those who by their services in the army bavehvcri&ced health and strength and tie capacity for earning a living becomes a badge of shame to those who ate still cap able of providirg handsomely for them selves and '-beir families There are men everywhere who earn bat a modest living that acorn to take a pension and there are other with ft incomes who 'ire on tbeir pensions and invest their income. It is high time to draw tbe line. Eransville Cosanisr. A subscriber to toe DaMocaar ask: "Csa ue pwsie c v , ., . . . . Sw.i:.- I,. owe worJs whet It asserts that the caese ol the pteseat hard time comes from fear that the democr. . wl I teluce thetarifi." Bless your soul, so. Whatever el e may be said of that paper. Its editor are men of great palitica'. sagacity, and while there is nothing much of sutesaaanshlp in its columns, there fat much of parti saa asfedosn. That paper is always alert to grasp any party advantage that may present 1 tee if. It knows, sa well as Cleveland, himself, last fear of a reduc tion of tbe tariff cuts no figure ia the present financial depr salon . It has tw9 motives in view ia making the assertion our subscriber refers to. The first I. to seek party advan tage oat of even the misfortune! ot the country. The second Is that it affords aa opportunity for it to indulge ia iu special line ol "sarcasm" aad "irony." These of coarse axr harmless to the general pjb'.lc but to ihe Caftlul Journal as a red rag to a mad ball . Alexander k Sons, the big carpet manu facturer of Y outers. New York, have shut down tbeir mills, throwing 5000 men 001 of m ploy men t. President Cochran says 'be mills will not resume aurain until con- greas meets and repeal the Sherman law Moat of the carpets made at the mills are old in tbe west and the condition of the money market has caused a dullness in the carpet trade, so that tbe overproduction of stock, now in storage amount to several mil ion yards. Tbe mills turn out twenty-1 o miles of carpet a day. The company shut down in i673 on account of doll trade. Notwithstanding this firm is one that man ufactures protected prod tic's, there is not tbe remotest hint that there ia any tariff care to refer to as the cause of the shut down, but on the contrary the Sherman law is given as the cause of the trouble A new enemy to the potato bug has been found in Chautauqua county, N T. It ia about twice as long as the potato beetle, but has a thinner body. It stings tbe po tato beetle larva in he neck, and soon He stroys tbeir hie. Tbe insect has also been reported at Norwich, Chenango Co, N Y and at Kingston, Ulster Co, m tbe late. . Tbe country should bv tnankful tbat t! ei are no g eat strikes and riots id progress this summer as there were a year ago. Tba iron and steel workers, as well as ihe tm. ploves it other large Industries, lisve shown good judgment in so gracefully submlt'ing to the inevitable, and in not Insisting upon nuking bad ma'ters worse. Who wi l longer contend ih&t civilization is not striding forwsrd In Russls, since smoking compartments for Isitie hsve been provlied on passenger trains on Russian railways? With all the advanced Ideas of railway managers in the United States they have not reached this altitude. Tne first free library In this country was not tarto- in any literary center, but in the country village of Pet.rboro. N H, when in April, 1833, the tewn voted to puthsse books for a town library, and hss eer since then continued to support It from the beginning It has been open on Sundays as well as on weca days. Florida housewives use oranges instead of soap In scrubbing floors Thry cut the fruit in two and rub the pulp on .he floor. It is f jund to be very clesnslng. Tke ladles. The pleasant effect and perfect safety v. jth which ladies may use the California litqtiid laxailve Syrup of Pigs, trader all ct fidlilons, make it their fut orlte remedy. 1'., arf Ih. l.i.. ..J ..!.... i.t. wwsititiuaj mq : uivera.eic.isjr : bottle. AND AKBOAD Perry Conn keeps peaches In large quantities. J R Geddes has been engaged to tcsch the Stayton school the coming year. A Knights of Labor club Is to be organ Uee in Albany next Sat u day eoenlng. Some Lane county men who crossed the mountains with a band of cattle lost 65 head (,n the way. The Dkmcckat la Informed that tne statement that tie HIHs'kho bank had closed was a mistake. The baggage men had their hands full yesterday, too pieces were checked fer the Oregon Pacific alone. J H Raley ha lietn appointed receiver of '.he business of Adam Nye. of Pendle ton, at the suit of Balfour, Guthrie & Co. These are days when calamity howling should he set down on. The USia all i right; bat some of the pe'pl lack hore sense, Postmaster for Oregon were appointed yesterday as follows: WH Sl.vertooth, Antelope, Wasco countv, and L O Ral ston at Olcx, Gilliam county. Charlotte M Alton, of Cornelius, Wash ington countv. ! !uat been placed in the insane asvlum for insat.ity csused by re ligion. Peop'e getting religion in the right way wt!l aev r go insane over it. Mr ( - C Hegue has been appointed sec retary of the Albany Water Works, to succeed Mr Waliis Baldwin, who has filled the position for several years. The reward for Fredericks, the man who murdered a brakeman in California, has been it creased to 2000. lie ha been seen all over the ccast, several times in this valley. Dr Edward Bailey wl.t soon go to China unaer tne direction ot a missionary coclety dc ni oeen in w a.ntngton for trie past two years a a pnj.iclsn on an Indian reservation. Eugene Guard. Lionel) 5 tagge.of Portland, a son-in-law of J A Stra eht. of Euo-cne. has been ap- nnint.f1 a . ni ( . 1 ...nil.... r f n.llnn.1 banks, by the treasury departme t lie has already been placed in charge of the failed bank at The Dailes. IfiAiiIre .ii, Kn , . it,. ....... ni 4b. r .: - i i ! .1 .. I . 1 , trntn hivie a eciv auur maraci mr ! cannea goou. tnts rear, in order to tie on , l. - . I tLU I. l J II .J mtw. . . 1 1 . . . 1 1 lit,,.: Ultlulli to can nothing but what there is a market . .-. fa Tt... u.111 i . . . . 1 pears. hcao, etc . tnd wi;! d y prune and - r - 1 II, n I Lai, late I J... Mil Cll slain M Mlatainai s asaawtstf mtr Mr S F Fioed .Jumed the dutie. .f unaVr fai:n. Ri.V .-a. terday Mr Ftoed U a voung man well known in Oresronand hU man? friend. a pleased at hi appointment. Mr Black ha also appointed E R Kreiser and Wm Cowan examiners, the ta'.ter being a son of J L Cowan,bof Albany, Dispatch. A P Anderson and his wife, who started to fast forty days, several week ago. are still no: Jin? out. Anderson i said to be 1 growing; very thin and can scarcely; walk. ; ,,Kt- Tk".,. ... . a.u, .1 . i tenlle Sirs Andtraon continues 10 thrive : her faa ini aa atrirlt. aa Kr huahanrl lliere are .Utern days remaining of the tearty, and doub are entertained about Anders n lasting that Song. Portlsnd Dispatch. Speakinw nf the San Francisco ecur- .lor.nts th Eua-ene Guard save: ft was h.tended. and preparations had been made. to arise the visitor, a fine hanaur' taniaht. but the entire nai t v asked the citizens to torego the same as tbev had been ban- qorltd by tora!ia, A. banv and Salem usnv ana z&siem Instead, tbev ion at CooaeV a-. until they were tired out will be tendered a retro hall lonLsht 10 e,al-h ih nuh lc enatl "a invited. i aibibty far aaxadent on the persons crossing The way of th world are sometimes Xj&m. ' i1': Notif prettvh rd. The OrvalU. Sew. ."'f Mr, Barnard. lw came from the east to ; 7 ccadcm,nf ? an1 hoTS: K tcsch ,hc pablfc booi .1 D.l!, .tout " hLWrntSf a year agobut failed to pas the required ff a "P " 1 Halard. examination, was thrown cut of employ COUBlJr meat. A lose in I he winter bv sickness Western regon w one of the Guest and she b-ct e a countv .have. On Moo- I a . - . t 1., t , , . . . . . .. . t J ' -1 V uihii ' - .,- L.UI . .lie ... nurrh.t a ileVet ami sent h r k In her,.eriJl in Chicaeo. sat s an evchanee. j Mr Barnard 1 weU known here, having taught In it publss scoool of this d:V, ana also c ao uctea a private school lor awnlle. News. raiosT It costs $50 in Walla shoot a man. Cheap. Vtiu.ato try to The Waterloo Hosiery Company Is to begin running far business next . The carriage fact 01 y at Carvallit has closed nnporari!y on account of the dub times. Mrs I M Ei Is, a phrenokwist, will lec- tore In IK W C T U hs I tonight begin - ring at 70 o clock sharp. Tbe large number ot capital rjty people going to the Bay and mour.tai .' would indicate Ihat that city is all rijjht fman- . Suit ha. hern begun bv E W Hadiev receiver of the t"gon Pacific, for steel and no- in pors- sion of the Hoggs. Good for Seattle. Not. bank ha, sua- pedded mere, a fact that speaks vo umes or the peon of that city "a. well s. the K.nt. Ti.. a,..- ..i-t . i shoulder in the matter a T ansa - as aswwawsaa uv k iSsV. a 1 j A lel'cw who could not soar- Si far a newspaper sent fifty tiro cent stamp fo an i eastern ranker to c ow how 10 raise bee s, He got an arswer hi "take hold of the top and pull." Ban. of Cottage The lonmrrdal Grove, throush Its cashier. Mr Hubbard. ' I settling with depositors by turning over 10 tnera good notes. It li not uaeiv mat tne bank wt 1 resume again. Prof W C Hawlev will lecture und r ihe auspices of tbe Y M C A la this el v one w-ek from tonight on the Behrin rtea dtfli ttltv, . subject mar.t huul ....... cr - a re inter- l. ft eaird in hearing. A una!! admiest n of auou; t : CMite win be charged. A ftw dsn ago a boy at Yaquina Btv caught an 80 pound ha.ibui with a !.-vA and line. He then sold is In pieces for fao. That would be 25 cent, a pound, as the last halibut sold for l and 10 cents a tsound In Albany that boy ought to be able: to tr. a'onir In the world TA H-nJerson, in writing 1.. some friend, in Eugene In regard to hK new horr e at .an Iternarvino. stiies that thrv lo r ret find things there at thev were a f. w vears age. Where nine vears ag th.' Holds were vast fruit irict now ; 'n n ,s "cn A in nno S oov nave nrtlved a: Ktujene who enawss' the description of the children of I vt Miller, kidnapped from Summer- yllle. Colon coaotv, last year Mr Miller ha. traveled all over Oregon on wl'd tiviee chasei like, this; but it I. to be hoped the right ones have been found: They gave the name cf Conjpton, but now sjr I is not their right name. The following from a Salem paper ia about a resident of Albany at one time for several montha, and reads familiarly . A atone cutter named J A McDonald went on a tear last night tnd a. taken in nand by the police. This morning when he ap peared before the recorder he failed to produce ihe amount of his fine and was sent to jail for five days. Last evening near th IT P churcn the wsgon nf M Wygant. residing across the WiDameile accidentally collided with one of the wheels of a delivery wagon, fright ening his horse, so that It turned, tipping over tbe wagon, and throwing Mr Wygant and two children cut, hone of whom were injured, the horse 'jroke loose and rani Into the country. The wsgan was badly demoralized, Dr Stratton and Prof Van Scoy, of the Portland University, and Messr. Smith, Crowaon and Patrick, of the A hland committee, met yesterday ai d located ihe branch university, purchasing tao acres of the Devlin tract south of Ast.taiul for $l3,ooo. The subscriptions to the bonus more than reach the f 13,000 required h the Portland people, aggregating about $3.500, It Is said. Ashland Tidings. Economy lajlhe order in everything now. Here Is another case from the Salem Independent! The conductors on the Sa lem Motor con-panv have been removed and for a while the passengers will drop their ntckle tn the b:x and yank the bell rope st their respective stopping places When a man Is out of work he generally cconomlxea by walking, and the street car companies are the losers thereby. This state of things makes a conductor" tin ex pensive luxury and until time get better they will have to find something else lo do. SATItRDAY The Willamette I 1.4 f iet water mark. above low The advance agent for Set's circus has reached the valley. A B Iludelson, of Jeffersjn.wlll run the Maiion warehouse this yetr. There will be no services ot the Nt E church South during the month of August. The Springfield Messenger l to be moved to Eugene and run as n peoples' party paper. South Brownsville has been ordered bonded for the purpos;os building a new school house. Mr Frank Wood. jr. ha nxentl sold eight fine St Bernard pups, out of eleven, three dying. $25 was received for each. E M Mcmtyreand M Carev.both of '.his city, left cbout $300 aplece'ln the closed bank of Alhany and Portland. Ashland Record. The store of Geo Finley. at Crawfordo vllle, has changed hands and the business wril be run by J C Cox and Dan'l Mc-Kercher. The people of Brownsville are very 1 naturally kicking becaute under the new I lime table they cannot come to Albany and return the same dav. , , , , Hie statement In the itMo;RAT and ; other va.ley paper, that the s P had asfc- ed for furtnei to pay It. employe., was Incorrect -They have been paid for last month Tht months age are not uuc u.ii.1 tne i5:n. iveuny pneasants sre uetng tiued tor tne exclusive use of hunters. One hunter leu. uic democrat man ttia'. ao-neot tne , hlrH. a ,.M il,ui. . . . . .1 .1. . . .v.. ..mmww(, ,,,1.1, ins 1, , CI, lll.l iiiiig are a good many around. young ones running j have to take 'hem red hot." Tljat set j tied it. '1 he run was s'-pped. A man was in Brownsville this week on hit way to Arizcna. uhete he intends to t.keuptheApar-he Kid's trail, capture hi. head. securT the S,coo reward-return to the W lllamette val ey and raise hop. t . ' Bupt Jaa Ag.c was over from Duns- muir i week seeing that the ieon w j wasnnurn clrtua cot over the Slskivous ' "f " , """ ""no . to Repdlng $700. They are in hard luck. 1 hough Washbourn's wife was still wear j ing a set 01 Diamonds in ntr nnger ring. Ashland Tiding. An Albany young man was helping himself to what he supposed was some dried venison when It was learned that i he had taken a bi'c cf a dead rat that had ! gotten i.t'o an unused drawer, and died ' ana drl'd up. The r.t i preserved and ! may be seen a', a tlnshop in Albany as proof of the tact. ; ! The nl wheat came to Albany reatet - I J i as . ii , I lia V J M rrhIKe lit al nrii a trtmin tmA at l. ... .. mm. . . - - witrn3u oi mc viwnj nrmtn i,u. ' v v ml I A I at I UBt-C aB ' IAlI ak 4. I lis- rVILi . Ult "$L.-V A" U P'"m? '"d T& w"",nS pounas to ire osnaei, ; :,'g. i, k' "t"' , ,U1 2JT ", , S fe with low price will be of material j M"W'W;M 1'm- l- tJgiesoy litis morning shoared us some of the richest quartz we have ever seen . The rock ia one mass of pure shining go'd. It came (ro.n a ledge be discovered last week la the celenrated Bohemia district east of Cottage iroe. He thinks that he has a fortune, and he - has, it eock la any great quantity will pia i out Hke ht he has. which he sare us I " e .'-lUI. toger.e VjuatU. The Eugene Guard recently put its feet j j in it." by announciivg triplets born to Use ' i srife of a McKensie river farmtr. whereas1 j the report was betaed 00 nothing at ail ! 'Oaat the itewspafiers do Mmthii:g to 1 restore confidence and ftrce miauey into rir- ) 'tilarion is question that to u ' from Virions source Yes. ' toey W9 ,ne!r bills aa prom ible. reduce tbeir V .1. 5 pr" ' vt- r.- ami wait for tiw- tide to turn fJatoBs 1 w . iwcw .wms.. ! JoJ Hublvard. of Mart,n county ha. potdtbe following notice on tbe big stoei t tk tn ik. r.-... ! its-id r. the fbiect tics to i4atce tbe rwixtrt- i fcrtale secisOM of the Pan & Ccast. lt I. 1 I.. '11 a, . - is the WiUainette vjjley. fssaaaal sssssrlaa awn wsvsaa. ot wnun itvr: Never behead 1 1 a inorefasa-inavtiataT theater r rurj: j never weroed more fitly uniteJ tmtnral ' bettQt?r , a1 1 "l -COm V,lUlT ssi wa varsny ui suna..- an 1 rawonum; never were my bucolic iratatct ly stirred than ia this first outlook Prof laobetti. the author of a , . , . . r Swtea, t in Taconm. lectanuE-. Two or tnree year, ago a eia. in iwaiiu took h-a vvtn.and it was tronounced a pretty goot! tiunar u one nas time to master it. tie gadles. of clajrus the sexrrt of all memory systems is application, which, though, may 1 usisti l v diffiwnt fnrrti. nl , .,!,- i 1 Wsahinotsn largaisi,1 nr. 1 . ' ' ! or tried to, for he is not the kirn? of a man' . to ho downed. His sy; rj no doub; has a.- j morh merit a aay. An exebauure savs Ibe reason that there hare bm no hank failure in Naitis i. the. fart tbat the rseoole nf Settle, from tank Itdent, to hod carrier, stand toerth, f tlaeeMamon sroodt of the city, of which they , They take .common pride the record of her splendid growth and j j '"iJZ w 3 3 ?al,2V rMOlT1 ' J PT. ter ?5 SSfc TZ2 t will m ke a name that will be worth mil- lions to her. and it will furnish an object for other cities. Mr R M Robeitson ha moved his feed mere to one door west i f his former place. '- iut eat cf the Deaioca a r office, where j he is well located, and is in a condition to meet the demands cf the tiade He car ries a large and first class stock ol fred, lime, cement, plaster, hair, feniiixer, and , even thing usutily kept in a firu CIS ' feed store. ; j I Faro I P.--The loss cf C T . . . - --- - - -. Melrose, tuts lieen attltuMtttl aif I in- ! i 1 : 1 iJL 1 - snrance lie paid on the total insilnai of J. Then' was ol,j00 on the stock in the N irtli British A. Mercantile and 81000 on t!f a .-U and building in the Fanners A. MercttanU . of Allvanv. and the Sun Co.. of oan r rarrcwo. in t-qiau aniotiui. omy vk of this anV-ttr:t b"l - III tbe LuiUllllsr. AS some of the stoat waaaved the loss was Wtjasanll as follows: Tne 1 armers A- Mer- tK,,,lTxiUn illaSfts5P "" Mercantile 9081, total $197.- I I,, ... .1. -iri. Ii.ift i...f r. BtARt una Lim;ixo of irood ouiilitv a , reasonuhie rates are the strung point of the : ontracts 01 the w orld s t air Hotel j auu isuntini; inuuiu. ror ease at mi raii- ( road ticket offices in Portland and at Salem, J Albany, Kugene. Coirallis. McMinnville j ud Oregon City. Don't goto Chicago i without your HceommoOations nwrved. tin leas you have a big purse you are anxious te empty. Call on C. K. Fronk at the depot for pariicxtkri During the dog-day season, the drain of nervous and vital energy may be counter acted hv the use of Ayr's tSaraaparilla . In purifying the blood. It acts aa a superb corrective and tonic. and enables ti.e system to defv malarial ar.d other cilmatic influ ences. Shiloh'a Cure, ttie great cough aotl croup oure, is for sale by ua. Pocket eia contains twenty -live doeca,on!y -' s Children lave it Kosher & Mason. A abnrp rraeUre you call It when reading an interesting article vu! find at Its close that you've read sn advertisement. Don't condemn the advertiser. You wont read the otdinary advertisement. All advertisers feel this in common with the writer who takes this means of telling you that Simmons Liver Regulator Is the best medicine for malaria, Impttre blood, and a poUoned system. Equally as good for I ttligestlon and bil ousners. Caallue. Imitations have Leen put upon the market so closely resembling Allcock' Porous Piaster In general r.ppearance as to be well calculated to deceive, lt Is, however. In general appearance ,oniy that they compare v,lth Allcock's, for they are worse than worthless. Inasmuch as'thcy contaln deleterious ingredients which are apt 10 cause serious Injury. Remember thnl Allcock's are the only srenulne porous plasters the best external remedy ever produced; and when purchasing plasters do not onlv ask fur but see that 1 ou get Allcock's Porous Plasters. Shiluh's Vttaiissr ii what yoa need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kid ney trouble. It is uuarsnUed to give yoa satisfaction. Price "5o. Slid by Poahay Mason. .1 . ... fcosit&ei sacsa rs nimi A Salem saloon keeper, Biliy Anderson, advertises in a manner that calls for Its own comment : I made a mighty mistake when I went Into the banking business because my creditors became scared and made a run on me, and if k had not have been for my wife loanir.g me $1.85 I would have gone uru). t on the first of 1 he month. Saloons never fall jn business, but banks do; artd KtneJ people will deposite money with me I will pay 4 per ten., and allow them to draw lc out in ehhtr cash, whLkey ot beer. ThJ la the be' offer ever made to those who want a safe plaee to deposit monev. There was a run on a bank in an iron I mill town and the depoai'ors were being i paid in silver dollarn. The excitement increaseu and n ran become a last one. .ne CM ,,er was a young Irishman .tl f",,! ?i Upn. . WM '""-f u be ',kf'1-. Me resolved ;o fop it. Ht eeni. me janitor wi 11 a iiuimei 01 silver doar into a TW rorm, where rl)ere wag gtove wjUl iD,trac iong 0 Ihem ,ilver dollar rl hot " They were t,ea'ed,and in hsV coudition bande-d out wll, ll e. The d.-positora drst g ab- , kii'L-crl "But vrm II nave to tak them that way.' sai l the cashier, "t'egre turning them oat as las: a we can meli and mol'i tln-m. and , 11 ij.,i iiii 1 wait tin in-v cKir yu 11 It 1. r . . 1 , ,tt I T , . , I Tlr o U? e.r" ' 00 d- : SfSf, lf-r, 5ocal newtpaper. Une ! b,'!r!1 M 100 mn1T d'rtisrmente Unit. The other replied : ' In my optn- 1 jon theadvt niwments are lar from brioit the least valuable part of it I look tbem nvur rgfn!l mr,A a-.,... at loom limM ttie coet 01 ttie paper each week 'broQKh the bnsineea adran age I get Irom lheil) . gaiJ tbe other . ..j yon ar, tishtrl know that they par me well ana ,a,h(,r ihinkitis notsoodfaa e to find fault with the advertise menu after all." Tboae men have the right ideaof the matter. It Days any man with a fajsily to take a good local paper for the sake of the tdvertiaements if nothing more. Ani if bustneea men fail o give farmer a chance to read advertisements in the local paper, tbey are blind to 'heir , own int.rul. in mmw I h. lud r.t it ',.n ., . , W de with me, aaul a I man tft m,. ju ,..., Yon have j . - . i naeer mp.l&l . f. , .. . m I , w J V . 1 - . - . as w 1 we!ccBle " w hU The average man of political prominence, who imagines himself self made, would be a bankrupt if compelled to par what be really owes to the newfpapers. Ex. j i These time 'wing out aome funny ideas. i The Salem Journal ravs a run on a bank should be made a crime. In one sense it is Terr mean twines because it makes a bank , do in .1 (lit the bUSUeaS Of months: tWt OUT j n8 100 tzT- ,n lt standing advertising schedule the Werjatebee Advance av: Nctibcation advertisinaj.maJtter is to be dbcontin- ' -1 nicat ne nuvie at tins Onsce. Alleged ! '"rit one avaawriianfa don t gs. r.very newspaprr man knew the good ham sen-e of this notice. ... ,, .- , , ., .. H tTJA S-..:llir!.a!Ff t aaud. All Uu money isn t worth a ray. 1 1 would give it all for your health," to which a friend, half -laughingly and half-wriooajy. replied : ''Well, too much moner is a nui sance. The happiest time in ray life -srai, when I was worth $300.000. " And the happiest time in tar life." rejoined Van derbilt. "was when I was working- on my States I!and farm."' Three yotraar men started last Kri Uy from the City lltlrin New York to walk to Saa Francisco ia 170 dart. This in itself is nothing 11 am aside, but Osestnuiire part of their long jonrpey is that it is to be per formed without eating any food. The leader of the party is a chemist who claims to have duvrveved an elixir made from a Madagascar herb that will sustain life. tr 1 s-:i .1 s- : it r , rue 1 , aasov aiisrr nun ...auecsi i" -i ir. erul daya. 'eatiti no r,vJ at all. an.1 now hu b to r 2 cateilml rf hi cowry by sub. ting himself aad his two ComraaaiMsa on it inncg a walk across the continent, which will be admitted to he aa severe a test a. cnuld well be devised. A Salem paper feels bad!y because some of tbe San Francisco extcxtrstonists were clerks, a fact that really makes no Ufer erare, any raore than the fact that hardly any of the (Jregon saercbanis feasted in an i KnaQaK .vcrrht. Here a what ,1 . finf fronTTn FJSSe "re tartitTo. taking a vacation. If this prove to lie the ease, the business men of ourcirr have heen helping to cheapen tbe expenses of a few day outing for a number of clerks in San Francisco wholesale firms. This is known to be the as? ia rvgard to a few of the firm, and it taverns string? that if the trade of the WiUamette-valley 1 of value to the merchant of San Francis. that the heasis of the different firm could not have come IS) place of their clerk-'. Tbe following from the Aslhand Tidings cnxKKi"otedlv tells about the same man re- . .ntlft in 1 'ln VL, f ..r.-1 .-t, ' I.mmm . ..., it, v, . ift , . , aim . .ee. .ft man wbo-e recklew audacity in swindling ! matle him srscoesslul sucxYetlVu in obtaining iwew trom Ashtana niervbants 1 mostly in 1 cash in mil., I mxm two forms- clus-k liLst Sarurdiiv .rmmr At tl 11 ninnnt'i cLithin. sti-BW 1 he bomrbt ptirht dollars worth of imoilii and , ewsawsntsel rkeb f .e f .i.,n. .Wes ; far,ir ot xjiiier upon tho Bank of ; Aahhan.1 ami he had been working at the Ashland Mine, i did tvrat mms int. taett tttil afl- Uatia. Hours an t would use to have the check cashed. He was accomcalated and took the good, be purchased and $32 in money. At the store of Vaupel. Norris st Drake he bought til worth ami tendered a check drawn and signed in the aaioe way as that cashed at Blount's. He suweeded in ob taining ?19 cash at that place, and then faded from public view. The forgeries . . 1 a ... a, . j 1 a. iserv not mscviwrvii until jn'raiiit itcu me checks went to the Wuik. He 5. not btfal wen about town since Saturday evening, either, ami it is likely he went southward. Mr Hannah M Kowlaml. t-bo resides near Crawfordsville, was recently granted a widow's pension, with prevision for minor children. apgregaHne the sum of fIi.0tU.01. This includes a back pension since 1S0. Tho pot oflice at Lebanon did the largest money on' r bttsiiieaa hist month iu itshis torv. It issoed J-Jti orders amounting to HW.fH, aad paid 43 onlers. This was no doubt due to the suspension of tbe bank there. 'As 11 mat ter of fact . ' ' said a banker of many years experience in Salem yesterday, "there hits been no real stringencv liori'. ihe people were influenced br the reports from other places rather than bv the actual condition of affaits here. Tlui stringem v hasbcen greatly exuggeratotl." There were seven or eiirht (hwn aad Washington newspapers in the eomivuiv that started out with Uie Statesman three or four years ago to take the morning Asso ciated I "res dispatches. The Statesman ta the only one now left of the orijjiiutl anh acribers biking and printing this report Salem Statesman. The ttuuriage of Miss darv S Bvl, the superintendent of Hie Chinese miss'ion lt catetl at No 146 Fisth street, to Clmrlev I! Young, a Chinese business man ol'this oitv. was celebruteil yesterday nftornoon at the First Baptist church in Vancouvur. A re ception to the newly weddetl pair was held last evening ut the Chinese mission. Almnt 'JOO friends were presi-nt. Young is related to Seid Back by tnarria'. He is Auieri ciinized, havinjr adopted our tyle of dress and dispeiitsed with a queue. Portland Tel egram. The laws of Oregon do not permit such a marriage hence its occunence in Van couver. Oregon is unfortunate in having a very poor neighbor ou the marriage ques tion. , Will ft 8t4 rk, t"ewelr TELEGRAPHIC MS. Aa Improvement: New York. Aug 5.-B O Dunn It Co-, in tbeir weekly review of trade, ay: Iiemoralization in speculative markets has been followed by a more healthy tone and heavy imports -of gold inspire hope that monetary troubles may abate. The week has been one of surprises. Enormous liquidation in wheat brought the lowet price ever known on Tuesday. The crash of the pork ring took V per cent from the nominal prtre of that product in one hour MM caused several failures for millions each W beat has recovered about 4 cents and pork 92 or more at Chicago, and orders for exports have caned a sudden advance in nmn lii!il. U'll!, Ik. 1 1 - '..- .1.11 ,itg 1.1 '...(. Ml M t . L L. g 1 wi sttwi uruurni over iruni previous ears, the country will re abbs to meet all de mands. TLe Pros ram asihsiitox, Ang 4. As soon af er congress meets as it becomes pmctii -!e-Representa'ive Bland, tbe leader of the stiver forces in the boose, will introduce a bill embodying 'be views of the silver men. It will provide for tbe repeal of tbe Sber man purchasing c and substitute tbereror the free co'najfe of silver, at tbe present j ratio of K to I "That." said Mr Bland , todav. "wii! be tbe gronnd upon which we will make the fight." Tate KeeelntiaB. V alp ara lao. Ang 4 Hard fighting is accompanying tbe i-tfe of La Plata, where Governor OstaC of the province of Buenos j Ayre. in practically cat off from comutoni , cation with the capital by the revolutionary ' uuuus woo are mvmioK toe ciiv. n otr- . a . s r, a . I 1 . I respenueni in onesstai Ayrea stvesenspsss sans, the ororinciaJ force has made repeated efforts to cut its way throotrh the lines of ' the na'ional troops but ha failed Dormg ' (Kama mm mtfm Aflfl ,,, mm h.v. Swmi. slaughtered. Another revolution has been started in the province of Corriente against tbe governor. I Issisi PrTTSBVBO. Pa. Aa ? 4. It is stated on good authority that tbe Allegheny Beaae mer steel works of the Carnegie Steel Com pany, at Daqoene. will close down tomor row for an indefinite period The aa notincerrient wa made 'o tbe workmen that the works cannot ran looser, as the com pany ha not sufficient orders to warrant a CoatlDBaitCe Of WOTk Ins works employ about ACs Boise. Idaho. Ang 4. State Treasurer Hall today received a dispatch from Stan -ton Coffin k Co. of "Sew York, who con tracted to take the state wagon road bonds, stating it would be impossible for them to take any more of the bond at this time, tnd tbat they do not know when tbev will be ab'e to do so Only owe lot of t3Bw ha been disposed of. This will necessitate the postponernect of tbe banding of th? A Saaritta: Halter Caic too. Ang 3. Eeidenoas of a sal ling nature concerning ihe cold storage warehouse fire was taken by the grand jury today. The witness was John J Duggan. formerly a aaioon keeper, and the man who first told the story contenting incen diarism. According to him. there are 150 men concerned in the conspiracy, and be declared he had given the names to the grand jury He said that right from the opening of the expedition goods of. all I anas were states oy we wnosesase rrc-m toe . waebouse. and finally an iucenciary Sre ; was set 10 cover up the crime. Di-'n I Want kaaexaUaw. W'aSHlXGTOs, Aug 3 Minister Blount report en the Hawaiian situation has been ' pceived. It is long and very comprebei '. tve The annexation plan is diarussei in all Hail, and the cooclasion drawn that , nisiiarai no an wans nntrsasaaow. jam ieter stereos act n rairieg the American flag and hndicg tbe manne is rvferrsd to at length, and tbe report puts that indi tndual 'n aaythinar Int aa enviab e lighi. Tae idea ot annexation is shown to have been the desire, aot of the people, who. ac cording to the pnncirles of this goTern ntenU have the right ta gorern, but of the few- The ( staler a. Lux Dos. Aug 3 -Atrcording to the Lata cet. the well kno -n E.-t-rliah medical sreek lv, cbxdera has been epidetusc ia Maneaates for the last three months. The local officials, it assarts, have carried tbeir policy of de : pfio , to sufh a length that even the . government ba "eec led astray in regard J to the real a-ate of affairs. The perfecture now admits tai there has been 601 deaths ' from c ho sua na star, ei lies sance the middle of May. Brady far ha sines. Bra kd j Bat. Bust 3 This is the presiden- s last aiaht at Gray Gables. He I remaiteed borne al! dav with his truest. Secr-tsry Carlisle. Attorney General Otaey stopped tff 'his afternoon for an 1-ours' chat with them. 00 his w to Falmouth. Thepresidantial party leaves hoe tomorrow afternoon for Washington A Sta.elerer MaJtsHriExo. Or. Aug 3 A H Hiacb. t who was lying in the county- tail at Empire file sw.iiv'n. - leeal r tns. krilltiae. nt Sn. I drew t ikmaa. in August of last year, died yesterday morning of hetnotrhace of the 1 ,T: 1 te . ioica. nincu awve uinxaeH on ants' ne had killed VVikman and was put in jail, t-elet Krlarc'r: L-ispos. AusT 1 Tbe sbssvian of the , Bank of Kngtand have de-"lded advance 1 tbe rate Of discount to 3 per eetA. Tbe ad- ranee, which was unexpected, fa attributed I to a further large withdrawal of gold todav 1 for the United States and the probability of fresh shipments Friday or Saturday. A BSarlac Arses. Moscow. Idaho Aug 2. Last nigh! at about U:30 two men. Jim Cody and J C Nelson, entered tbe store of Lestoe & Lieu alien at VolVjer a.,si ere in the act of b!o mg ope-i the safe when detected bv Deputy SberiJ PS Itunahue and J H Hayes Hayes appeared first, and the bur glars immediately opened tire at him with ; pistols. After firirsr four or five shots. Nebon ran to the store window to esrwraa. when Hayes shot him through tbe left lung with a Winchester rifle. Cody stood his ground with a pistol, defy ing arrest Dep uty Sheriff Donahue, disregarding his threats, arrested him. Nelson is in a dy ing condition and cannot lite until morn ing. Cody was safely lodged in the countv jail of Moscow this moraine. A Per a liar s:taalin. i am. l.tvKR. Mass. Ausj 2. The mill ; , . ,, 3 . & ,trS i " ,7. rla"l. ii- alnw7 lt . V.. At L A a aL k ft . '"""J -f I 'reusuTers of nulls received notices from the vmuks tuai tuere was uimcuity in paving checks in currency. Substantially the notice says the banks will hereafter honor no checks In money, but will endeavor, so far as possible, to take care of the deposits already matle. The effect of this action will be widespread and may call for a total suspension of operations on the oart of the I mills. ' Manor ia rtrewiallaa. washixotox. Aug 2. The circulation statement issued by the treasury deport -ment shorn that the amount of gold and silver coin ind certificates. United States notes and national bank notes, in circula tion August 1, wa lt.tU.0WJl?, an in crease during 'uly of $17,387,61)15. The increase during the last twelve mouths was. in round fiuures. $i000,00t). The per capita circulation, hosed on the estimated population of 07.0t)t.(XM. August 1, was 4.02. The Cear Art. Wasuisotoh. Aug 2. That a desperate fight is to be made to repeal tbe Geary Chinese exclusion act 'he evra r regular sossion of co w-rv-s is no long. ; dou 'teil h those interested in Waabi jitoi. ; hie Representative liejiry cla'ius to hai. j 'earned nothing deflnite as to tbe admin istral on's towafd the law. he ae knowleiltred olay that it woukl not sut 1 prise hi ui if here were : might eff n j made by hee euiie of t'te bill r iiiie repeal it in congress, or originate soawe olbe plan to i.ullify it Pp-cN n-l .. t War. tit'.vTKMALK, Aug at There an iruve apprehensions of a neoera: war in eutrul America Two persons, believid t" be agents of Salvador and jimplicated in a plot to assassinate President Barrois, of Guate mala, liavebe-n shot. It is rumomi that these age .ta made a confession. The attarkade stalsesl London. Aug 2. Sir Edward Gray, parliamentary secretary of the foreign office, announced in 'he house of commons this afternoon that the frenoh blackade of Bang kok was raised today. 1 i 4 J. ': 31 I &afi flWal The Best Medicine. J. O. Wiutfiy, Contractor and Builder, Soiplnir Springs, Texas, Ihua spoalrs of Ayn'a Hilti: " Ayers Pills are l'.ie 1st totdirine V nver tricl ; and, in my jndgment. no ': ' Jet generaX rf:m-ly could 1 devised I bare used lawttn In ray family and reeornmctruted them to uiy friend. and employe far more than twenty years. To vtj certain knowledge, many cases os uti !i. ;. z complaint have been completely and F srmanently Cured by t .c nae of Aycr PHU alone: Th'jd day hills, dumb atie, liilioru fever, sick l.easla.'he, rUeumatiarn, flax, dys pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate sne of A year Pillar, conrhined for a few days or weeks, as tbe nature of the complain required, would be ft rind an absolute cure for the disorders I have named abovei " I hare been selling medicine for eight years, and I can safely say that jtyers Pills give he'.ter satisfaction than any other Pill 1 ever said." J. J. Perry, Spottsylvaoia C. II., Taw AYER'S PILLS I'rrpared by li. J C. Ajrr Co-, Lowell, Mass. Every Dose Effective W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE A. Da yse tar tSnaT 1V1 red Is aeJ ry a jaSz. Best In tho world. Ifvcsarasia'MfHfSB S " I ' sfyts. & t say .43 ti Sft, try 7 $3. $3 $4X0 w $5 TVy ft erts castas. aad lack ai earassrta. if; :a eitseccaalc'a jua likss, ejwtypctfesi sy. L issatt Sfces. euumasf prl is tissual aa bsUsw, teak Isr It - 5S yea Iny W I irCTGi Erotiloa, San, Said by LB BV L. R. BLAIN. CAVEATS. TBAQC astJUM ttfCtSJ SA1EBT8. CCrPTWaTiKTa, sex. fdflis TTmi ga.i a eiiiriar.i OX, :i BaosnwsT. xxrw Tome Arcktteet suast i ratriflsr. . veeier3, . nrih Htririt Eics.. He le 1 MS J it, it Z V Guaranteed to cure BUtetn attacks, Sek Ueadaclte :.- - :r- :ioa. 40 in . each bo;:.;. Fer sale by drugsii.S . Pktnre J. F. Sitrr;; t . free. 1 tOSK. CARPETS, WALL PAPER, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, Best : ia : the : Martel, VT Fortmiller & Irvlng's. mLm lliaslllllte as WYB,, rwCTjai CaVMa-and Cl.COpor Bottle? One cent a dose. TBTS CrHXAT COTJQB waere au at tiers Sara 1 rs! rr3 taken in taSV antess. Vtw s i,I S-a 5S" .l SHILOH'3 BELLADONNA PLASTKf LOHSVCATARRH REMEDY - - - o 2. I J" JVamjysW TaUtDC MASKS- IflLiW f m mm. . cmva" . few cava rfksBc-rsrsR-t-l aot to 2:. sjsC-an t-ssbaaraal swaiam ,. SjBk. "Slsntsfaetared ByaetsTeka IHLThi trtas (aeaekal C.H ggW Ci-VCtMRATt, O. jST mm frafl vvvaciia, k roil TV A a i