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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1893)
m fuiimat. A Fruit Fair. -At the quarterly meet ing recently held in Salem ay the Oregon State Horticultural Soc'ety, it was unan imously agreed, in order to properly bring before the public the fruit industry of the state, that the fruit growers should unite in making a great Fruit Fair this fall to show what Oregon can do in that line, and af'er exhibiting the collection here send it in a body to the California Midwinter Exposition to b held in San Francisco. In order to make a creditable ' showing it was deemed best to make it a distinct i vely state a flair. The plan decid ed upon was to ask every city and county, every fruit grower and every one inter ested in Oregon's welfare to contribute, no matter how small an amount, to a general fund to carry the idea into effect. Large individual and county premiums will be offered to Induce fruit growers to put forth their best efforts in making a display. The fair will be held in the city offering the greatest inducements, place and date yet to be selected. Only a small portion of the money subscribed will be called for in the beginning just sufficient to defray expenses ft.r necessary printed matter, postage, stationery, jars for put ting up fruit, e'c. A small admission fee will be charged, and if there is a loss after the fair is over.each subscriber will be asked to pay their pro rata of.the loss. or io provide for the expense incurred in takint it to California. If on the other hand there is a balance in the treasury ,it strewn with pine needles, and before he had Teachers' Examination. The follow ing (meters are attending' the public exam ination this week: II E Hodges, Crabtrev. liert Wight. Lebanon. Anna M Acheson, Shedd. Wm Aohesoii,Shodd. Julia Taylor, Philomath. Alice Jackson, Sweet Home. I'.tlie Downing. Laeoruh. K I. BteeknndaBi Albany. L A Jennings, Brownsville. Zua Skeels, Waterloo. Gracie Michaels, Spieer. Stella E Fisher. Albany. Lena Alford. Coburg. Ina Chandler, Coburg. Eva Alford. Coburg. Hattie L DeAnnonrt, Halsev. Win .1 Teemster. Monmouth. C F Swank, Lyons. A S McHonnlu, Brownsville. Dean Me rVilliams, Holscy. Mae Myers. Scio. Elsie Martin, Lebanon . Clara E Perkett, Detroit. Gay Case. Detroit. Kugenia Shelby, Portland. Belle M Chance. Crawfordsville. Hvntixo ox a Bicycijc James Davis is probably the first person who ever went deer hunting on a bicycle. He was Tutting Idanha last week on his wheel, and as the country around there is comparatively smooth and free from underbrush, he bor rowed a rifle from a gentleman at the hotel and started out for a ride. The inflated tire on his wheel allowed of his traveling swiftly and noiselessly over the ground. fl.VfK AND ABBQAD will be turned over to the state society for use in the advancement of the fruit industry. G I Sargent, Secretary, Port land, Oregon, may be addr ssed for in formation on the subject. Tiie Exhibit of 0eoon. The Demo crat has received a copy of the Prairie Farmer of Chicago, with the following item marked : Qaite a novel, interest ing and attractive feature of the exhibit made by the state of Oregon in the Ag ricultural building at the World's fair is the weather crop bulletin of Oregon, as it is telegraphed each week from Salem and posted on an immense blackboard in the Oregon pavilion. This affords the inquirer an admirable opportunity to dravr bis own conclusions. He sees at a glance the condition o. the crops iu Ore gon and learns the state of the weather. Oregon is receiving daily shipments of fruit and vegetables and grains, and will continue this during the entire season. She wishes to illustrate to the farmers and fruit growers just what cau be done in Oregon, and as nothing demonstrates so well as the products themselves, the commissioners will keep constantly re newing their exhibits. Focxd His Crowbar An amusing andjremarkable incident i narrated with reference to Dr Wilder, the Spiritualist medium of 206 ' First street, corner Taylor, Portland. t hen she was giving a ''test" eircle at the New Era ramp meeting, Harold C Libak, the boss on the eection between Oregon City and Clackamas, asked her fchere his crowbar was- Dr Wilder gave no heed to hit auestiou until he had repeated it several times, when she replied that be had used an old unused house to store his tools, and when he abandoned the place, he had neg'ected to take the iron bar, which he would find under the old building. Libak followed the medium's direction, and there among tne rubbish, his hand grasped the lost pinchbar which is used to pull spikes out of ties. Oregon City Courier. San Francisco Dead. An old San Franciscan, who has just returned from the Bay city, told a Telegram report. that San Francisco is practically dead ; and that he never saw so little doing in that city as now. "At any time." said the gentleman, "there are hundreds of people roam in? the streets, wretched nunrv and without work. Many work- men on large buildings have been laid off, Street-car forces have been reduced. Business isdtiller than I have ever It own it to be, and I have known San Francisco a long time. "For its size, Portland is wonderfully active, and mora than ever I am convinced that this ity is one of the most substantial in the country- Telegram. The Bight Stuff. The Salvation Army is often treated with scorn and contempt, says the Walla Walla Union, by other re ligious denomination, bnt in these trying times they are proving themselves to be possessed tf more real Christianity than many of their rraducers. Ibe Salvation Army of Walla Walla has established a free soup house in that city, where those people who are out of employment and without means can procure a meal. Those who call at the house are given a good meal, and if they have money they can pay five cents for it. bnt if they are. without funds they are fed just the same. If other denominations would follow their example it would do much to relieve the suffering that is preval ent just now. A Gcx Accidext. Last evening Wil iam Hannibal, a well known farmer of Benton county, residing across the Wil lamette, had just returned home from a hunt, and was taking his shot gun from the wagon, when the hammer struck something, discharging the gun, all the contents lodg ing in one of bis arms, shattering it in a terrible manner. Dr Applewhite of Corvallis was sent for and amputated the arm. Mr Hannibal is about 35 years of age. and has a family. Farm House Bcbned. Last night while the occupants were eating supper the house of Tryoc Brothers, this side f Millers, was discovered on fire, having caught from a defective flue. The flames were under headway so much that it was impossible to extinguish them, or even save more than a few things. The building and most of the contents were burned. One day last week O C Hale killed a rattlesnake on the head of McKay, which is probably the largest ever seen in the coun try, at least Mr Hale challenges anybody to report a larger one. It measured 3 feet and 6 inches in length, 6 inches .around the pedaled many miles he enrao upon an un suspectingdeer quietly browsing just a head of him. The result was that he killed the deer and returned to the hotel with it slung over his his shonlders. Captain M W Hunt is the man who will vouch for this story. Independent, "Whkkb At." The following from a Salem paper indica'ea that the state officials are nrf human : The a'ate house is much deserted these drowsy summer days. The governor spends i only the first three days of the week i there. Judge Lord is at Seal Rock and j Judge Bean at Idanha, leaving only Judge Moore of the supreme court digging away at the ponderous and musty tomes and dry cases. Secretary of State McBride is still sojourning at St Helens. whkher his private secretary, Ed C Giltner, also betook himself yesterday. Clerk Love! I j is down by the' deep sad sea- The gov- i ernor'a private secretary, W A Mnn!ey,is ; at Mehama. Finley Perrine, supreme court bailiH, is on tor Alt JeHerson. So M own AY Th: Oregon National Bank of Portland Is making arrangements to resume busi ness. Some good yields of 30 bushels per acre of wheat are reported on the "Albany prairie. " Two Vancouver bicyclists passed through Albany this morning for San Fradcisco. Congress met today in the special ses sion. Everybody is anxious to know what it will do. A little baby named Smith drank some lly ppttor. near Eugene a day or two ago; but the doctors brought It out alb right. The game of base ball yesterday be tween Albany and the Wlllamettes result ed in favor of the Utter Sy "a score of io to 9. A man from the east remaaked at the cool weather there. He s.tld the ther mometer had only been up to 104 'n the shade. Walker Bros left for Salem thla noon with their big steer,. They did a good business In Albany. The exhibition is worth seeing. Mr B F Ramp is carrying his arm In a sling, the result of dislocation of the arm at the elbow, brought about by "fooling" with a friend. The Three Sisters has returned to Cor vallis making the trip tuccecsfully wtth the water only about one foot above the low water mark. A Pcitlander says that the size of the Oregonlan is about to be reduced, and otner steps taken by the management to cut down expenses. As'orlan. The fine for this offense is $30 to $50 and Chief Engineer Lamb authorizes us to say that the law will be strictly enforced when the offender can be caught. Any person having or knowing of anv uniform or state property belonging to Co. I r. win conter a favor by reporting the same to iapt a j overman. n-,t a fact. Farmers and merchants who are perfectly good and have large stocks of goods and business resources cannot borrows dollar. Journal. WEDNESDAY, SOCIAL ASBrEBftSHIAI. GAY, GAY, GAY, at Revere House August 9th to nth. A sea gull wis seen today riving up the Willamette. The Forest Grove bank has resu ed business. The salmon catch at Astoria amounts to 365,270 cases so far this season There are fifteen candidates for Chief Engineer of the Astoria fiie department People not able, or lacking the time, to go to Yaqulna Bay this year, have had plenty of sea bn?ezea at home. A Democrat man this -week ate some t raw be rles from the yard of Mr J E Brldgcford, an out of the 'season luxury . An effort Is being made to place the Willamette in condition so freight can be carried on the Three Sisters as far aa Harrisburg. Sells & Realfrows circus is billed for Eugene for Aug und. It has fifteen cars and twenty six cages of animals. A man who has been looking around says Albany Is the best town in Western Oregon, regardless of quiet times. Three o.lldren recently died of dlph -theria in Monroe and two others are II), all in one family, that of a new dettlt ate circumstances The Salem Independent devotes a co' umnloa preacher by the name of R J Campbel', that is, a sort of aharanger, and warns tht public against him . The house of W P Barger and the pub lic school building, three miles from Cc bnrg, were destroyed by fire Monday fore noon. The fire caught' from a wheat field. While John Isom, jr. and L Moore were hunting yesterday their dog was bitten by a rattlesnake. He was brought to Albany nd only saved by the use of strong remedies. Yesterday Governor Pennoycr pardon ed Ed L Oliver sent up from ' Albtny for robbing Albert Bond of $JO;Thoi Martin, Mrs Nellie Brush, of in the city visiting Albany friends C K Fronk, S P agent, and family are in the mountains rusticating. License has been Issued today for the marriage of Thomas 'Lower and Esther 8 Teal. Mrs Dr Templeton and son Charlie are spending .1 tew weeks at their cottage at Sea View Oregonlan. Mr II Flindt and family, of Tacoma. arrived in Albany this noon on a visit with relatives and friends L E Hamilton returned this noon from his trip east.and reports very hot weather generally east of the Rockies. Mr Ed Quinn will leave on the next steamer for San Francisco, where be will remain during the coming tall and winter. BE Mulcahy. snnerlntendent of the minutes ahead and their active climber. Oregon Pacific, returned last night from ! Archie Bobison.was on the roof in lesi than Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. jj Baking m Powder ABSOUJTEiy PURE atVk.- OsKVILtE. The fire alarm was sounded Wednesday forenoon in the southern part of town. Win Company' No 1 was soon at the scene of danger, but too late to render assistance, as the South Oakville Do, had arrived fifteen the east and left on the eaily freight for uoryams. two inmates after arriving on the ground, und in a very short time hail the fire under subjection. Mr B. is quite young, only 80. Ist Wednesday morning when Milton Crawford went to feed his horses he was greatly surprised to find his horses and his hoi k had been token in the niirht. Mr C in company with hisbrother-in-iaw.Mr Will Onlf a tew went to Yaquiina bay this noon, among the number being Mr a. id Mrs Fred Blumberg, :lrC E Wolverton, Miss Price, and Mis Annie Crain. Misses Bit die and May Day, who have hikiin fi.itiniy at 1 r v.,i.lanH ,.f " aj l.t d'e for set-oral return I , thir i to, started in pursuit, tracking tin; hark comer, In j ,ome at Albany this morning Eugene : "'rough the field and through a neighbor's n I r I, . l -r:. i. .. ll .. ti ...... 1.1 . . la. OUBfu, j s'vsic mw bug; 1MBU. " IIH IUUI UUI Y 1 i 1 . 1 1 it i one pony they toppel and borrowed an- JJrlmZ Jfa They f. It sure that ltlTln.t?$?LY??mn,t. y fori the thief or thieves were Und for the ei-in.n veaie, in in me city, lie is now of Coos bay where ho holds a like posi ¬ tion news. Saturday evening a pleasant iwriy was gi ven at tne resilience 01 air a j was gladly surprised to find hi team at u wcrcoy, 111 Honor of Miss Hotgate, : home. Probably this was done for a joke, daughter of Judge Holgate, of Corvallis, but it is a poor way to joke who was the guest of Mr McCoy. 1V whu.,J0 of the steam thresher can 1 M s Jab Ezltn went to Albany todav to hf.ird:it ll ,,. 1 HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED to nin a curs for 9 RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, &c DE. KAHI1FVR Kl.BCTTttC BELT with Klcn r aiagnrsic Mrr mill can without merfteina all M the store troabtes. Thow vtti r frfa Nrrvea ilrbilltr, UrilSS, JIB OB On, M 11 C II. Memory, i mountains. On Thursday morning the team was found in their nroner Dlaces in TDK rKEMIteST HKftftAfcE, SpceUl U the r y 1 , . Wamunotox, Aug. 8. -The President's message was delivered today. It refers to the existence of an alarming, extraordinary business situation involving tin- welfare and prosperity of the people. All people de mand of eOSMBM patriotic exercise of i legislative duty to remedy present evils. Our unfortunate financial condition is not the result of conditions relative to natural resources. W ith plenteous crops.abundant promise of renumerntion production and manufacturers with unusual invitation to safe investment, financial distrust and fear are on every side values supposed to he fixed i are fast becoming conjectural. Loss and failure invade every brooch of business. ; This surcharges principally to legislation ; touching pnrchase and coinage of silver. The operation of the silver law leads to ' direct substitution of silver for gold in gov ernment treasury, and payment of obliga tions in depreciated silver. People are en- 'm ru xr in fjn tm, 1 S TID Feci-Me pi uti tlx : effects of mtmmm. xessees, worry or "i(Kl.lil SoS fdtaf mot ssms cars m oar wthrvmnam ibtcbmoo. b ch requires but trtl toeomrtaes th. most skeotlejiL latenomiosof f. ferts 70a d-,t have rm air dratnM oinerrsiorceaanTuami . Mi eta Is elnrfefi; thai caused rocreealroeaS" rlecfcot foree. If too reciaee lota yoor systesi the im toes anuM, wmcv ere re- Is isr in and antes as ws hare restored I soownbr h ISeeSSHSlSj ; or refsnd asoeer. Im m4 br ererr Tiirc. BSBBW Seat sealed, free. Or. Hen den's rilcetrlc Beit la no expertmenf . nw. a Mms ran. a v i - n u otner ifraoou in i, mm wmm mm t bis other statee.ebo w old aladjy testify OlT M ) book "TBBCZ CI.ASfiSBOP KfEJfi BslMIeafeAsnd eld sent seeled, free. Or. genife :iu outer treesaes 10 wreld nlxdlT testify, i of "bom wsbsTestrouc letters besrtDS test!.- Any to tL&r reevrsry .S'jtt tuingoor Befte lip " 1 . lid WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOU! GENERAL DEBILITY CUR c.D Sea rr. seises. Cel.. A cs . Dr. A. T. Seadea, to Sir s e ere I eesd your bH j was irooDi'O ens lost visor. vui . . . ;.'a"'e ana, uf ,iac " I'TOpw- place , titled to some stable currency. Oovernrnent ""-'"' "s' reiroeu irorn nis nunt rnuav anil : has m. ri. The Ladies Aid Socie'y will meet with ! Uougws caunty, and Joseph and Henry Mrs U K BIsin tomorrow at half past two 1 county, tor noung o clock, a full attendance U requested as business cf importance will come up. Some fire cravon pictures of Ur and Mrs N H Allen, the work of Mrs G W Ala Gray, who lives on the aialr farm just b:low town, threshed 8j acres of fall wheat yesterday. It yielded J49 buthrU visit with her sister.Mrs Frank Kech nm. The latter lady will accompany Mrs Kg-' !in home on Monday and will visit in ! Corvaliis for a week Corvallis News. Postmaster F M Miller, Ex-Sheriff' Mat Scott, B Uurtenehaw and wife. J G j Haton . wife and daughter, I Salt marsh, and Mrs A Hamilton, of Lebanon, lei', t is noon for the World's fair, as well as 00 a visit to their former homes in differ 1 he little son of A S Stone was throwp from a horse last Thursday evening, break- in(; nis ann ai ine eioow trht to injure neon by financial expenment. Opposed to policy practiced ! by other civilized nations nor justified in J permitting etag;rerated and unreasonable reliance on national strength and ability to I jeopardize soundness of peoples money. In j conclusion the President says it was my purj lose to summon congress in special ses ' sion early in comino; Septemljer that wp . end eueoet seoowMe loss of por. I voold est ee with van tired feellee. ooee eestsa, ete.tataee e4ii soar belt I k . bed s eew of ill . I w en;-,. life beoerttua 1 fceve fortee y ere vast. 1 here w. Btrnoej e-ieeeeoce se yoer tracts . run ess j.eo hh tela stetemseuslso beesottaezs an lie or stUss me. Traly yoorsTB. A. BOWB. atsjidSTerkSt. Dr. A. T. Baasn. User Sir.-! eot ot, f to baits two ee-ksaao for rheematlss. from whir hi .uStred far ssiiel yesm. for the seet sis mo: the I rot besesoletow rk. Y r be.i h t.:rd win sJssast oerfret fceslth U the 'me weeks 1 hs se d it, leas walk euss -ortsWr, sad feel like a new sua isoermilr. M. K. HPOBfea. W ,ni-Sor tnlera ttiensl Hotel NE.VOUS DEa.UTY-tjOSS PfJOCOR. eeeaesu near nir f o a osiac yoer 'mauar, see to-os UtMZ SACK tMO RHEUMATISM. F- rttsad O-aeaw. Sepewabar 28, BK De. A.T.Seadea. User Sir s-Yere'.. ittmrm.n kaei work.eoR.bued wufa the strata cos- as fie ss tar ae. savvssea severe eereoi issseneev. eee.rtd for eeea years. 1 e bee .V. bead mi back. ae Ul Aa t.m with it. 1 l,. .i-:.-. a.r roa kaala.eS luis. la ids of tw i dsye, ltd I coatiasod lie .lit I'.r f er Jar of s fraaewhiebl Uftat Ieaeid set bawd I m wan -a msw fiaav s lassef tia vfc rtbwVflS perieexir corea. ass waa lev wne s I im s v lxUj ss I e ar eu amyilie. I suae yoer can i, s..o 1 sa w lo-'sor asee oaea earee i . atsey nrai s i ibey woe d t v ii tie7 woald iladisthe lr. T : B u. mtml . a aaafwi Ibartadutsrkar.thai lee iki laoa raafee. I' -KT i'-l Sar.1,. EnaioeerH! LOST VlTAUTY AUD STRMCTM. , ava, mm Sd.Ti or S!,at. Mtrtae roar fei aty eti sa A. T. i b it I heeehaea areat.r -rey IH naeraiaac; aod sjt-.r a iro---.i. . rj tr baJt I Aaat as7self twice as v awroas as b.e.j. Ur sseasery s eew aanlr anfiit, ead ear. day skaasa for the better. I f 1 smseh stroaewr ifce- Vfrn esinathebtfa. Vensticy. HEiill fcCEXTLrZ. relatives here Smith k Co are putting an addition to tlieir residence. Mr E B Cooer. architert. Ncxt y ' A MKT S. Dr.l.I faadaa.Dawr ITaisi If best far e: er; feal better Ulaerbevefer Sve years. I THE DR. SAN DEN ELECTRIC BELT I BseoasvA- 'SBlvaate battery. awaaWlasoabeit so aa to be easOy vrora dartre w rk rr ll I mil id Jves soot' uu. ar loBswd ea rwela wkerfc are Inst set (y tebv tbsaavtoont an weak Darts.erweforfett le.SSS. itbesaa lasararv-rei Fleiiile Meiaiiiesiyr thesrisisin aooaever rteea vatkBsai.aoel wvwarraaK iwninuiu. ine ejevv weea iieaies. ana so siiwiaw saiissasawireisw.nraagTavoTaisiaias RefaadeV mmTi l f i fin sM- inrt iH irsi -f nalnreii n jirn-. Wit Tri i eariil in '1 . aou u . i curt ie wocmeswavsBswo or waree saoau of grain. This farm h.s teeu sown to ent parts of the east. Irvines. Mrs Simpson is disolavlnir mark ed talent in work on" faces. Saturday r.ight the fire bell wss rung about midnight, some one says iutt in fun perintendent McElroy has not ret re- 'n order to btlng out the Assistant Chief tnginecr. il brought out several others, who have made some emphatic remarks Simpson, may' be seen at Fortmiller St rln conifrnously for nearly mini years. turned from Chicago. : Chamberlain fpends Attorn?v (ieneral most of his time in Albany. And so it is that there is a little . on the subject. hollower echo in the long corridor and offices these dog days. This was sittintr on As Exciting Cbase. about II :40 o'clock a man the depot steps, leaning ig-.iin.-t the vsil wnen nen narser. wno nad receiveet a pic-1 at present , . . m ...1 . 1 .... ,,.-. . nf 1 W I in.' uuu nrvi ,j i.v'ii ol licurilis, Hit California murderer, for whom a good re ward is offered, discovered, as he noticed a tatoo on his arm and a mark on his ace, that he answered the description. He started to notify some one else of the dis covery, when the man jumped from his seat and ran south along thetrat-k. 1 1 Conn :o Eugene Guard Some mystery exists over a sack of five big blue cranes foun i In the yard of Bei: Brenner this morning. Mr Brenner does not eal blue cranes and hence threw them On the square, from wnich place they dis appeared, and U Is possible were taken by some one after yellow legged chickens. Sidney M Van Wyck. jr.. a young at torner from San Francisco, is In the ci:v foreclosure The gen- is here In the interests of r E Hogg. Corvallis Ntsrs. Mere forest fires are reported up the Sinllam It la tK earn nIA I"- 1 less r-amncrs did It reo-r.lie.. t Vk. n. i 'coking up the maHer of the forenoon j Uw. Seveial ol thrr neoole need uelne I .' lhc Oregon P-ciSc rjilroad 1.1 Hnen nn K. I tieillln -J jw.v . The California Fig J.trup Co, which Is one ol i he newspapers, is adrerlilino It hsa ,nal AmrlmrmA . dend of five percenton,ooo,making i ff H,Jf mJl n three dividends in two years amounting to ; Overman Is doing Si co-ooo -Printers' Ink " ' P. hlch is a c . , , . , . . .. . , 1 Oct ist a vacatior. from We have b-en requesied by the busioets -m v.- men of Junction Cliy to notlfvall Portland ' riia-iv. il V Ullll !- t . . .... - f Z I I we. ea,iTar Hi..nk ,. ..-- . u- enr-d a shot gun and with Mr Barker and J ! ' " Ti1"" loPf",e! h"T 'e.m'k! Salem itfldln. and Loin asaocudon .t Miss Louisa Webber entertained a few . invited guests at her home last night, in compliment to hsr friend. Miss Bertha , Ellis, of Albany, and the evening waa' ' enjoyably spent. Those present were : Misses Bertha Ellis Jesss Waggoner aad Annie Allen and Messrs Rosen, Lester, ! ( Logan Hays and George W aggooer- Misa Ellis returned home to-day. Cjrvsllis V'ews. 17 f a .a a - a I of the best patrons of the 1 - r au,J ,npectea last night jy evidently successful io lis ! Gener-' Com peon, who spoke well of the I j .? ,.ww;,. .tie wikviiueinc i account of the season C?t good work for lhc com pany, which is a credit to the city. I'otil the regular d'lits N Hoffman.starteil in pursuit. After a hard run the man was captured. He laughed, and after proving by his marks and other wise that he was not fredencks. was al I rherki r.n Pnniinil m.1i ..... k. - i . i - - . u ... . . v. isn MV-CWtU -Times. That is indtpendence at least j 5I"jng', Une of our merchants received a pack held at the office of the secretary last All the withdrawals were or- i" keep boarders Dt Gay aimed in the cliy this noon Mr John Uedin went to Yaqnina Bay today. Mr and Mrs Cojrrad Meyor went to Port -hind this noon on a short trip. General H B Compson. Is in the city and will Inspect F Company tonight. David Sect; of Fox raUty pottoffice. Linn county. Is in this riiy. 'lit may per marently locate here. Salem Statesman. VI r and Mrs C W Rogers, of Scio. have moved to Albany and have rented the house recently occupied by A I. Lamb, w here they Mr Clyde Bellinger, of Salem, is visiting l t s-e aai ssaj. taut. SHBSBBeSaBBsB "-a t a4 ' ' iniu t clearly demaiKied by so large a majority of people as shown by their suffrages demand and expert and to the accomplishment of which every effort of the present ad mini ration is pledged. But while tariff reform has lost nothing of its immediate and per- manent importance and mart in the near future engage the attention of congress, it has seemed to me that the financial condi Hsa of the country should at once and be fore all subject be considered by your bon- j arable body. I earnestly recommend the prompt retai of Provisions of act passed July 14th, 1890, authorizing the oarcbase of silver bullion and that other legislative action may pot beyond ail doubt or mistke the intention and ability of the ' government to fulfil it preruniary dnty at : once in money universally recogniaed by al! civiitied country s. 8ANDEN ELECTRO. CO. .72 Rot St P0?JL18C . ZnZZ' lowetl to go free. He was a deserter from a ' ge ol freight weighing ic pounds from merchantman at Portland, and thought he ! San rrancktco this week. The freight usej cnarges irom sa.i r lancisco to Albany were Slty cents, and trom Albany here forty-five cents. Eugene Register." Panics have been occurring verv twenty years or there t boats. A New York paper shows conclusively that the present one does not romnars with thnaa The principal at- j of 1857 and 1S73 so far as tie lasting ef fect is conserned. The present trouble is only a temporary one. Keep that fact in your mind. The Democrat recently staled that the Southern pacific had asked a months further Hue in which to pav wages. This as denied, and we corrected the item. So 0, we learn that H was Mill correct. Emp ores in Oregon were paid op to Jul 15m; out south tf Oregon the time extended as first stated. The com nas aoout ,3.000,000 in taxes to pay 1 au-ornia, arm it is requiring some r ling. The military examination board, con sisting of Caption t C Pherwvar and Lieu infants Roblin and Leabo met last night to examine Edwi,i Grim, for lieutenant -elect, and H A Htnkie, second lieutenant lect, both of com pay E second regiment. at Hubbard They also examined M K Phillips, second lieutenant-elect of com was for that, lhe affair considerable excitement for a while. A Pkccliab Show. Welch's unrivalled aggregation of curiosities came to grief in Adani. Umatilla county, re.ientlv. It com- i pnsed a bear, two white owls, a female ; dwarf and the old man : traction was the dwarf. Miss M 1 Welch. 1 daughter of the proprietor. She was 33 years of age, weighed thirty-six pounds and was miny-iwo naoaas in neignt. Mie was perfectly formed and had always enjoyed mod health. Her father, who is TO veurs old. was a rancher in Idaho, and being i w foolishly ashamed of his daughter, kept ner concealed all her lite until about two. months ago, when being no longer able to earn a living, he took to the road to exhibit her in a tent. While at Adams the little one took sick and died, and the old man being with out finids. the county gave the dwarf decent burial. The show is therefore disbanded - Good Shooting. The regular monthly shoot of the Salem Roil and Gun club was held yestenlay at Morningside shooting r rands. F A Turner. C D Gabrielson and W Harritt were the only ones of the club participating in the sport of cracking the taue rocks, lumer anl Harritt each made aerea paid in lull according to the by laws ana 1 1,400 were loaned in two nurses, each st eighty-four months interest 1r. advance. The UJiee of the First M E ctrcrvh will S ve a lawn social at the home of ! W ochtedler. next Wednesday evening. Aug. OX TBC SOITBBBJI BUI tlBABV August 7th. 13. Clarence Taylor got a fall from his binder seat lut week, which bruised him consider ably. The Baber place was sold to a Mr Under last week. Mr Lytic has sold his farm here to a rela tive of Mr Herman's. The Ion if talked of colony of Xotweariana ' for the Pr Davis land is about to materialise, i as we understand a few of them have made Mtl SBBBBBBM Baths BHBswSflnwBM. Several families have been away to the mountains after wild blackberries.' and all report pleat of berries aad a pleasant trip. John Balch will start his steam threshing outfit at MrGibbe's today. John Barger will also begin threshing this week. Most of the fall grain is bound and ready for the hresher. The Sunday f chool at Sotnerville school house has adjourned one month. Will Barger 'a dwelling house caught fire this morning about 10 o clock. and in a short time was totally destroyed. The stringent times make more withdraw- 9th. Ice cream and cake, 15 cents I BSIIBSAB ArrtBCST. al notice than sjsuai, but lhe association is in a flourishing condition. Statesman BCAl KftTTe: S4UES Henry Row to ChrU llssnn. 0 acre 10 w 4 9 Geo Finley to J X Rice, several p ieces laud A B Seal to G V. Chamberlain. interest in severai pieces of land in Alhanv R Miller to fsabeUe Pope, 40 acres 12 w I Maud Wagrson et al tcCW E Githen. acres. 13 w 4 A E Currie, of Osdrrille. who is suf enng j from consumption, is coBsiilerablv improved since he passed through Corvallis on his ! way home on day last week, we are in- j f inned. Corvallis New. i W Hubbard, of Tuatin. Calif., the hop I buyer, is in Linn county, having come up from aie:!i ywSBBBBS. lie says ti" is pre- Oregon State Normal School MONMOUTH, OREGON. WCATBEB Bl a score of 25 ont of a possible 25. and Ga- j F. ol Albany. AH the officers ere bnelson scored 21. The former two will j "una to oe auiy quannej. shoot off the tae at the next shoot. Should Harritt make the best score over Turner he become permanent owner of the silver medal. having won it seven time? previous. Turner has won it four times and Gabrielson five. Statesman. Those Fires. Henry Carter came down from the Santiam country yesterday. He has been up in the mountains eighteen or twenty miles above Mehama after black berries. At Taylor moontasn, three miles above the Henness place, on Saturday a large fire was raging principally in the dead timber and brush covering several acres. It wasn't considered dangerous at the time and it was thought would burn to tne edge 01 a creek near by and then protas The Dispatch says: Conductor i a Charles ilson, who had a dangerous I surgical operation performed in Xew York, -by which 1 cancerous growth of great w eight was removed from his hip, since ' returning home haj substantially im proved. He is quite weak yet and under a physician's care, but he is satisfied with , tne progress he is making towards recov- j ery. Nellie F Monteith to D B Monteith. anaalment of Power of Attorney Peter WeB to Thomas Thomas, 37. 9) sens, 12 w 2 SwBMBths Cam pbel I to Maggie Fox, lot h U W, H s nd ad Wm E Price to J R Hoffman, several lot. SodavilV? Wm R Sorry to D J Wyatt. of 0 acres. 9 w2 Louis Banee to Fena F Flory. 1 lot. Sodaville Geo Finley to J X Rice. 1 acre, I'rawfordsville Independent, j W C Riggs to Susan L Riggs, tSJS acres, sa w 1 E Young to Wm P Small. 20 acres. II wl.... L Hill to X M Fnnison. 2 lots. Sodaville !jwfl to DnmiT. Ixosrasnoca, Or , August Tib. This tnornktg as the morning train on the Southern Pacific railroad, from Portland In Corvabis.wa nearing McCov.a station I eighteen miles norh of here, G C Bell, a fanner seventy years of age, was killed . . " . - v , . . . pared to make advances on crop, to help ; V " in. t.e was ar.ving aiotig m sect-re thess whsther tJbej contractor not. f01 inn. P'n rcll" .U"'U "d Me J H,l .i .. " tho train tssw sp whipped op his . Mr A i Hays retttrried last evening horses and atUtcpted to crjs-i the rail ??P. tiwg Bwch. '" road track. He bad a light wagon and Park- Notwithstanding quiet Umes there mt floor la it x,ie ,mctcu cuiht -mu?m!?mx T"- . tba wsuron sonarelv. throw inr Mr BeK the t.earhart hotel aad setting a , hith ia th- ... .n,l a he came down bis i body was me-hi between the cowcatcher !eo C Stanard. who has the pose contract . and rail and rotted over and over under for the teiephoM company. U in the city. ; 1 he front wheels and literally cot to and report the nls nearly all place. 1. piece. It it thought that he must have rrti t ommunicatioo may now be had with been hard of bearing, as the train had Brownsville aad Halsrr. and Harnstxirg whistled just a moment before. He is 100 250 500 ia running the C arrt-cla. table. 750 I 325 1 40 100 150 m t at t il IXSt While making a coupling on the freight at Harrisburg Monday, Fred Stewart re ceived injuries ihat may prove fatal. One car was equipped with Miller hook coupler and the other one a common bumper, and in fnmine lre.lher lhe hni.V .linne.l he catching Stewart between the cars snd i Marshall recorder pro tem Tuesday evening. Aug S. Present Marshal. Street Superintendent, .-ad Council men Burkhart. Pfeiffer, Mar shall and Whitney. In the absence of the Mayor. Councilmen Bnrkhari was elected mayor protein, and in the absence of the Recorder. Councilman will be reached in a few days Mr 7. H itadd returned this noon from the World fair. He spent twelve days there visiting also with a cousin in the suburbs, and thinks the fair a grand snc eaas. The bsbHim was very hot and there was plenty of complaint on that score. I R Whitney. C B Winn and Ed Cusick returned this noon ftom a fifhing expedi tion to Blowout creek, on the Xonh Santiam, one of the finest places in the world. They caught J9S trout, and Mr Winn shot a grouse perched cn the limb at a tree with a revolver, which suggests that he would be a good man for the Met- tcan editors who recently fought sod failed to hit ea:h oth-r sftet three shots. well to in this country, having lived here many years. BBOWSKB U Itte l ITT Crop weather bulletin, Xo 20. of the Oregon State Weather Service, for the week ending Tuesday. Amrot -th. lt. B S Pagne, local forecast ofEciai. In Western Oregon the part week has been cooler than the proceeding week, the mean temperatore being from 64 to 6 de greet as against O t.. T J ilegrees of the week before. Cloudy and com weather prevailed on the 5. 6 and 7th. with a sprinkle of rain in the northwestern portian and rain on the northwest coast on the 5th and 6th. Fall wheat and oats harvest continue and the generai opinion i that bothare turning out better than was expected The nvwt sen 00s complaint is in regard to late spring grain whiih wid hardly make n-re than to 70 per cent of an average crop: possibly j not that much. Excellent reports are ren : derv-1 conr-rning the hav crop. Iwttt as to 1 'lualitr and qnantity. The warm weather I ' of ten dars ago caosed the fruit to ripec: BBl now the apyies, peaches and pimxu are , coming into market. The rod! in motta and ; hop louse have been deveigped under the innoence of the wanner weather, and .-praying is being generally resorted to. Grass hoppets are becoming numerous in Jackson and they are doing some iamsair in parts of I Marias county some of the fruits is faliicg to the ground apparent cause, lhe irep cerultUons are rt4 ail bs- conragtag. rather the reverse, and as a rote the farmers are pleased with their crops, s In Eastern Oregcn there appears to be a prospect for a general increase in the total grain product, doe to the increased acreage, though the yield per acre will not tie up to that of ISH. T"f VEAa?LN? OBMALSCHOOllnaUons. Tuition, Normal. $6 25 per term A of the Northwest. Strong orofes L i,, . v. e-,,. that other 'too5 fdmic courses, and well or-tf to weeks; Business, V,i$ per term. " f practical irate- Board at Normal Dining Hall. $1.75 per tog of teachers Norma!. Advanced Nor- week. Rooms from 50c per week (un ma,Businesa,Mutic and Art Departments furnished) to $1 00 and $1.15 furnished. Beautiful and healthful location. L(gh Board and todgin? in private Umilies,S3 50 expense no saloons. The Xornul ku u t, a., .l -r.,i,; 1 ..a . enjoyed a steady growth during the ssutjand books less than $150 per year.' Cn - t .hiuidii us oyer 400, servatwy of Music. laoroogb courses the largest in its history. Xew members are offered in vocal and inVrumen'al mo have been added to the faculty, new appar- tic. Tuhion.Sia per term of 2oicuon. atus supplied, and the course of study re vised and strengthened. The graduates Monmouth is easily accessible from alt are in demand to fiil good positions. The parts of th - State, twelve miles from the diploma entitles the holder to teach in tm State Capita Usixty miles aoslhoi Portland, county in lhe state aithout farther exam- Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Addreas, P. L. CAM PS ELI., Pres., or S. SHEDD. See of Faculty. -VTV SPr ?? rsz w rrj . ' z.rss Open all the year . 8tudenta may enter at any time. Catalcgne free- r A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. Poamajrn. Oasooa. AtaSTKlIC Puiai Wa.Tr.. n.t.i- i sv. v-iJii u crushing him seriously, lie may not he v.. J ims wtujc as iavc iriicu;ii(iiisu ; , , , . . t . - . . . ..M.fc VUV W MC 1. IlljUlCU IIIICI i I ' I J , time will develop its seriousness. Junction Citv Times. was destroying an immense amount of tim ber and was burning hercely when he left. Statesman. RETVgxED the PaoPEBTY. W E Yates Esq.. who has been in Linn county for ' several days, returned home this fore- noon. After scouring the country for miles around in company with Ame Crawford, his brother-in-law, in search of a team and a carriage that had been stolen from the latter's barn near Oak ville, they returned to Mr Crawford's horns and fonnd the stolen property. They are of the opinion that young Pmith TUESDAY Ul 111' i.-...- . Israawrf t u wi j t'lLM :t., I who took the horses and carriage, must ease ay.v iv jrsvs s- ji asm fwt auK a All', inn I . a - , - - . across the head, and had 11 rattles. The I 1,aYe. seen.' hem traveling along the road. reptile was virions and showed fight as soon as it was discovered . i.Jchooo Kevtew. Even churches are not proof againsfhard times," and sometimes "burst up" the same as bank and other financial institu tions. Rev Glazier, of the Methodist church at John Day and this city, has been forced to abdicate the pulpit and has turned his attention to teaming between this place and the railroad, which he believes will pay belter than proclaiming free salvation to an umippreciative public. Canyon City News. ill. HQ of term liat Scott's L" in : I s i o n has done lrth dr del- i i';klv A chilrjeen ' tyt-M It's Lie bi :; ' bro u g Uiouianc it ( ft V M Lack to rosy heallh. eatt's Etriulsion of cod-liver oil with Ilypophos-pliitt-' ij employed vviiii great Bticcc ' i t all d lmenis that rc-di:..- firh and t-trcjiftth, Little 01. i i ke it wiili rciiali. 1 : li I v A i;. vne, H. T. A'.l drnaststa. 1'KOF. .l.IIAl'iUV iAY. the well known Ophthalmic Opticuin and Opti ea Specialist will again visit Albany 1 and have his office I at Revere House parlor. Mr Gay has mails several trips to our city and all speak in j west praise of his work. Examinations i and consultation free. Don't forget the and 12th. and knowing they were in pursuit of birr: toot advantage of their going by and at night returned the outfit They traced him a long wsye, bu. lost Irs track. The thief has not been appr. bended Cor vallis News. Up the Saxttah. Wm Brown w:bo has just returned from Idanha re'iorts their camping party a success. He says it is a great sight to see so many white tents stretch out in the woods on the bank of the Santiam. In the evening all gather around the camp fire and eat popcorn and sing songs, lhe only disappointment Mr Brown has to report is the very poor trout fishing. Ever since the dam was put in at Niagara on the narrows of the Santiam, not a single TsuVi rsean sre-atr nlinro J 'I'vin yae.1l rest rlnurn i lion tui fSjVs. uiil, aw tiwiat v ass e. ' iv v aa j Btream as certain as they go up and once ovei this dam there is no gettimg them back. The narrows rightly called is a place where the Santiam river runs through a Hpace not more than eight feet in width and is easily dammed. Statesman. Railboao Crakoes. Commencing Wednesday, August Oth, 1893, and unti further notice, tne following changes wil lie made in the running of trains on the Portland A: Yamhill and Oregonlan divi sions: Train No .'3 from Portland to Airlie will run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only, and Train No 'M from Airlie to Portland will run on Tuesdaysl'hursdays and Saturdays only. On the 15th the local train running be tween Alliany and Portland will be discon tinued temporarily. Alxmt 800 employes have been discharged on account of differ ent cnanges. We ask U.NBALAK:nn Mrs Ellis, the phrenologist, lectured Saturday night at the WCTU hall to a good sized audi ence, hhe is an easy takler and seems i to understand her business. Mrs Ellis j is a daughter of the physiognomist, Sims, who was in Albany about fifteen years ago Khe ascribes the present lisro times to the unbalanced condition of human beings- Any cause outnide of politics is verv interesting just now. Mrs Ellis' subject to eight is love, courtship and marriage. Terme, cash at K L Kenton's grocery Befor; going to the Bsy or mountains go In and examine the Blazer and Eton jackets and suits st Read, Peacock & Co's. Very cheap. days 9th, 10th, 11th; Bath atVieiejk'a ahaviog'and hair cnt ng parlors. G F Ferguson, a sheep herder, died suddenly on McKay creek lu Crook coun ty last week . The residence of C H Peaise, of Cor vauls, was burned Sunday morning. In surance, $8oo. George Dix-n whipped' Eddie Pierce last night at Corey Island in three rounds. Dixon has never been whipped. A Tacoma man who had a house that rented for over $50 a month a year or two ago recently rented it for $11 a month. The boys who went to independence yesterday to play base ball were defeated Is a ten-inr.inga game by a score of 15 10 i 7. Harry Rogers umpired the game. ' Corvallis News. The Oregonlan saya portland Is excep- j tlonatly bleased with prosperity and that there is no cause forgloo.n. 'Facts that; are probtbly tiue, yes which read very peculiarly after six or seven bank failures. The lowest bid for lhe two asylum col lages at Salem was that of H C Ltebe, $21,434. The highest was tnat of Plum- mer H Ault. $31, too. Ii la probable all the bids will he rejected snd the building not built until next year. The Democbat is informed that It is expected arrangements wi',1 be completed by which the Linn County Bank will re sume buslneis by Sept 1st. It is to be hoped this may prove true, ss it would be of material benefit to business here, pulling large amount 01 money into circulation. an Alstine. of Port'unil who has gained more or less notoriety In msny of Oregon, wss tsken before his honor, Police Judge Porter, this morning, and added $5 to the city's exchequer for being drunk. Corvallis News. Our Cor vallis Ex. has the thanks of Albiny people toi not locating the Capt here, where he is :n erally made to reside. The reward of $3000 offeied by the Soutnern Pacific company for the arrest and conviction of the party who attempted to wreck the overland train near Yoncalla last spring, has been psld. The amount was turned over last Saturday to Sheriff Noland of Lane county and S C Miller, sheriff of Douglas county. J E Blundell,of Douglas county, stopped over in Salem today on his way home from the World's fair. He says that Ore gon's educational exhibit compares favor ably with any theie and that he cannot understand how so large a state as Illinois could have produced to small a governor as Altgeit. journal. The lstest fsd tony New Y01 brimmed ttrsw hat York Journal says this fad hss become somewhat common, '-snd the younger femsle members of the 400 sre generally taking it up. The new style hat makes hat-tipping a simple matter, as it can be 1 worn without pint or other fastener. Business men say the representations I I that the Salem banks are solid and have ' plenty of money Is all right but It should also be added that the banks are not mak ing loans to business men or farmers. The impression is created that money can be borrowed for business purposes which is The time for collecting iv city taie was extended one month from Aug 1. A report of Chief Engineer A L Lamb was read. The Hook and I .adder truck was recommended painted. Referred to com mittee on fire and water. The matter of nuisance on Ferry street, between 2nd and 3rd streets, was referred to the Marshal with power to act. The committee on fire and water were given the power to sell the condemned hose of the city to best ad vantage. Mrs C J Bishop and son Chauncey, Misses Bertha and Lenore Kav. Msy Mc Intbe, Etta Calvert, Mr M 8 Skiff, of Salem, and Miss Hattie (ia'hrrlih. cf Al bany, will go to Newport todav for a two weeks' outing. Statesman. The body ofMrArmttrong wit; arrive at noon tomorrow. Time of burial not de termined. Popular, EzxVBSgOB !- Albany to Ya quina ami return. Similar, August 13th, -'.... Cheap fare.quick titue.trood lislung rock oysters, salt air, ozone. Train will leave Albany at 7 a, Corvallis 7:30. Fare from Albany, Corvallis and 1'hilnmuth, $1.50; Wrens to,lusive,$H)0: west of Chitwood.r0 cts. Hie "Wilhunrtte Valley" will sail from Yaqnina with Mer chants' excursion on arrival of this train The tug "Resolute" will take a fishing par ty to sea. Returning train will leave Y . quina at 7 p m. is you are particular about what you E-A-T Perry Conn can st'.it you in groceries New seasonable apecialtlea constanty ar riving He keeps a clean stock, if you are going to the mountains call on him and get stocked up. If you are going to stay st home, call on Mm and get tne best 10 jesecureu, as wen as nrst ciass treat ment. His prices will su't the timet. Don't stop eating, but est what will build up for prosperous as well ss quiet limes. Ecoexk, Ang, ".Ansel Hyland drowned at Big Fall creek. 18 miles east of here, while taking a bath Saturday evening about 7 o'clock. He waa ageJ 23 year. He could not swio- A young man named Humphrey was nearly drowned in trying to rescue him. The little girl who was thought to be .".wl ! the lost child of I W M'ller baa been a ouei ; . , 1 r.,i . r - -r ' A ; llieil vj iter lamei. as. vw'vwi v. Florence- The marks 00 the child's nose, head and hips corresponded with the Milter child. Mr Julius Joseph went tow an:- the Bay today with his cigar case. W M Toner, the popular W F messenger stopped off in Albany over night. Mr J W Cuiek. wife and youngest son have gone to the Findtey hot springs for an outing. lh- Aikin ha moved to Alhanv from Lin coln county, and is residing in his residence in the First ward. Mrs Nelson, of Ashland, is in theoity the guest of Mr R B Vunk. while on her way home from a trip to Portland. Joe Klein and family have gone to the MoKenzie by carriage for an outing. Mrs Klein's parents reside at Coburg. Mrs A K McCov ami family. Mm F P Nutting and family, and fifty or sixty peo ple from other parts of tne valley went to Yaqnina Bay this noon. Mi- Amie May. of Harrisburg. i in the city on her way home from Portland, where she liad been with her father.Mr .Nun May. Mr Watt Monteith and Mr Burrcll. of Portland, were in the city, and took a few shots at our ltenny poetisants. now in season. Mrs Charles Elswick. of Brownsville, a young married woman aged almut 2o years, sras brought to Albany this forenoon, ex ami nod. found insane and was taken to Salem this noon by Sheriff Jackson. Mr Dune Rankin and family have re turned to Albany to reside after a residence of a year or two in Hillsboro. Mr Rankin retains his interest in the Electric lights and water works of that city. He will go to Findley springs in a few days for an at tack of rheumatism. wwerees Bee I . NEW : FUFN1TURE, MY 1 TORE 1SKOWFCLL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITCRE. COKSISTISO f ied room aetr. ehairw, ire ogee, e., which I will sail at BOTTOM PRICES. C J- lonra far berwasws. Thost Brink. SALax, Ore., Aug. ;. The President's message agreeably surprised stiver me" by Its moderation. It favors the repeal of the Sherman law, but recognizes silver as one cf the money nie-a:s; must temaln ta'ned on parity with goid ; but cannot be done bv this country Busts. asft bki . Pat Lev Bros, grocers, ff. M. French keeps railroad time Buy yoor srooeris of Parker Bros FU- jjioeenea at Coca & lleodrioaco'a. l-iew cream cheese just leoeived at Coaxal Ueyera. P J Smiy job printer, Flinn Block, does first class work. Smoke tbe celebrated Havana filled S cent sigarat Julias Joseph's. Dr M II E'iis. nhysicin and surgeon Arhaoy. Oeer-n. i'.ts mils Ii 01 1, ' or ooontry. A Watch is a neoea.lw nowaday a I jc war t one csll on Wi'l Af Stark, whose St iCet u large and varied, and prices tbe the most reaanoahle. They can give yon a fr-?ain ia this lino as well aa in jevrelry awaawafle sa S Prieepalat William Rockwell, So 512 West 57th Street. New York, says: "I have been a martyr to bilious cadache and dsspepsia. Ay Indiscre ton indict, overfatigue or cold, brings on a fr of indigestion .followed by a headache lasting two or three dais at a" time. I thma I must have tried over twenty different remedies. wWh .wete recommended as certain cures by loving friends, but it was no use At last I thought I would take a simple course of purgation with Brandrelh's Pihs. For (he first week I took tsro pit a every night. then one pill for thirty nights; In that time I gained three pounds in weight. and never had an ache or a pain since " Dis esse in one part of lhe body will eventu ally fill the whole bodv with disease. Every year or two some part oi the system groars weak and begins to decay. Such; part should be removed at once, and new I matter be allowed to lake its place. There's no need of cutting it out with a sargeon's scalpel. Purge ir the old,diseaed and worooot party with Brandretr.'s Pills. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor, WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL Only White Labor Bmpioysd el4rW S i SVXAy AJ vrs Cabinet photos from $1.50 to I4.00 per dozen. Ealaiging pictures a tr. tovao cravon framed lor $10.00. We 'wry a large stock of rtS and slerescopic v3ers of Or is?. LHARIRsB PHOTOtiBAPBSM, TOr. slbaaj Are few herveau. Are you all tired out, do you have that tired feeling or sick headache? Voucan be relieved of all these symptoms by tak ing Hood's Sarsaparilla which gives nerve and bodily strength. Hood s Pills are easy In action. Hee the New Improved Singer sewing ms dhine. The heat I always the cheapest. J W Sowden, agent. Oflice at K M French's Jewelry store Death or R IN Akmbtrono. Mr I A Crswford received a dispatch from Seattle this forenoon announcing the dean 01 K N Armstrong, a pioneer resident of this city, and for many years in bus! nest here. He was about 5(1 years of age. Mr Arm strong left Albany eigbt or nine years ago for the Suund. but had many old friends here who will regret to hear the news. The remains will be brought to Albany and burled beside those of a daughter. E. L Power will move hit harness shop 1 -1 -i , ., 1 to tne airanan oiocs, just casr oi mc L i m u''"-,"hl"b'e UcatocaAT office, on Second street, on .i8 .v. P brd"' August 1 Sth, where he will be better pre 5!. ' 1 e New ( Pred than ever to meet the demands of his customers Go to R M RoWtson's for cheap brinUmd shorts. 8awi!ici Vachikis neatly repaired an warranted hy a tbvronshly eompsxnt work man, at K M Frenoh'a jewelry store, Albsny, Oregoo. Hodges Si McF.rlsnd. IsM, Albany, Of . ths liadiq (I ruj, Th Vbsdict Is unanimous that Will A Sisrk carry lhe b'st Hoe ol sllvtr ware la tbe valley. They nave the varieiy aoJ qual ity, a combination lhat counts in buying goods. An inspection al-s-sys carries con- viclrio. Clean towels to ovary castomer'at Virs ck shaving parinrs. Shil.ih'a ViUiiser .s what you need for dyspepsia, tcrpid liver, yellow akin or kid ney troahle. It is traarsateed to give yon satisfaction. Price lie. 8ld by Foshayot Mssoc. tiuarnnuwd to rurr fttltous Attacks and - mtlon. .S'niofi Win Letter taiat. Following is ths list of letters remaining in the post office at Albany, laan county, Oreuon, Aua 1st. 1893. Persona calling for these letters must give the dtte on which they were tdvertite.i. fewBsB rwilSBBLVt Venison st C K ifaowaells. VIA VI Co dSua ia BaHiraore nice . A fail Sne of Warner Bros corsets at R, P Co s. If you wast a tiae smoki cell for Joseph .a white labor ctgara. t'enie and see tbe new chil ed plow at Rats pa opposite poati fSee. The beat meat oiflee in the c-.ty al O-msd atwBwta Motor makce five trip- daily to VieieckV j addition. ltr there 03 ioaurmenta of SI per week, Aa estemive variety of garden aeeds both in t-nlk and hy :he pack ace can be fonnd at j C K Brownelle. P.ronise heme industry hy smoking the elebrateti white labor clears, mansfactared by Ju'ios Joseph. New cork sole, hand ta-ned shoe, tome- thing entirely new, not a winter shoe bat lighten! flexible for spring snd suit met wear, at Head, I'eaccek ,V l o's, tail and inspect them. tvreaww iM av y tfaViva. Otaffon. W. I. Staut. PnncpaL , X A raeroorh bosineas rraiaiae scbocl- Endorsed br the busineii m4 pretesstan five Departments: Busauss, Shorthand, Txfesri'Jxg, Pcmma wc-sl is session lhe entire veer. Students admitted at aor time. Catdos.coB.beii MbXEV TO LOAN AT 6 FtR CENT ON CITY PROPERTY. M SENDERS Boys under 16 getting their hair cut a Viereck's will receive a free ticket to the ball grounds. Fine place, with two seres of land, trull, etc , for rent. Call on Prof VV W Davis, west end of Fourth street. Acknrson, Ed MuJdwin, J A Cummins, L A t.ngte, tfurvo Mi-Knight. C I Hhodes. E H Staub, Fred Walters, W 1! Wheeler. Hip 1 oung, in BOHN. ALBANY FOEMTDBE CO! bltiaere Block. Alkuy, wit. Dealere i- all kinds of Furniture, Wat, Psp r Oarpetx, Linoleums, Picture Primes, tie. -c UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY hyde&Tames, Rheumatism, -Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidoay Compiatnts, Lame sacx. ate. Prorr:eUirs Bain A; Erford, Cale, W II Blkombeslin, Mrs M Flemmings, Hattie Parker, Ella Simnsnn. Fannie Vulgauiore, Arthur tl Williams. H J Wood, Lee Tuoa. MoMT.rru, P. M. NEVER BOTHER yourself very much about business during the hot months il you wtsn to seep cooi: nor must you get into the habit of asking A MAN if It la hot enough for him, when you can see very plainly that he is practlca'.:, roasted; but, instead, advise him to call on Parker Brothers and get the best baked goods to be secured, as well ss warm weather groceries generally, WHEN HE IS HOT. By so doing you will surely tetsin 'his "friendship. If afflicted with scalp diseases, hsir fall ing out, sn4 premsture baldness, do not use greati- or alcoholic preparations but apply Hall's Hair Renewer. WANTED At the store Allen Brotn formerly owned by Mr R M Robertson hat moved his feed ait-re to one door west of hit former place, just east of the Democrat office, where he is well located, and is in a condition vo meet the demands of the tiade. He car rles a large and first class stock of teed, lime, cement, plaster, hair, fertiliser, and everything usually kept in a first class feed store. BUTTER, EGGS. LARD, BAtJON, and CHOICE APPLES, I will pay the best cash price wBeaeBel s. mtmm OK. SUUIKI'sf ELf&TIIC BELT WiKP?.'iI-o-ItT Win rare wataeeS awsBetne all Waste ovwressaanaef twain ass is nw iiismai M lliswiawsa SI re. aver aeJThSIrr taartawtt. lussbaav. nastlls all general qi bealta. eve. Ttas w tastawtty fatsby wearer or forfeit affiamattaT Saw atoaew dfwWSes er aave beea earea st mm IliL! ee.i eacaawwwrsavaa Baiiiiwiaiss aivaww. aweiter i aislilais. female coasaaswaS; 'ire TMC mils tail nia in. On net a SS.esaeas.Mi rae. Those aaai saeaasa a aad ww .a-,aanlaa,h, Iha, aa.1 e-farr r stare Oar rwavrCel baer4 nSCtBJC SRaWJO Ow SI ti ll boon ever offoresl wvafc asea. raaa was latta. BiallS sat ii n " W' ' 1 ' - aa. rliartf raaiuiiwsaaw SANOEN fst-MOTWIO CO., aa. milMBsRtl.l'aKTaAXO OBJE. for which possible. 6 F RAMP Vieteck's shaving and hair ora cntting par- Will St Stark, ft jeweler. rerentana evrs Constipation and Sicks dac he. Small Bile Beans. DOLPH.-To the wife of Chester V I)olnh,iit Portland, Oregon, August 7th. 18d8, a girl, Mrs Dolnh is the duaghter of B N Armstrong, who formerly did business in this city. vVOODS. Cn Sanday, Aug 0, 1893, across the Willamette, in Benton county, to Mr and Woods a boy, number 13. All doing well. PRICHARD.-In Corvallis, August 5, 1803, to the wife of D W Prichard, a son. DPRICE'S Hie only Pure Crsaai of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Uae7 ' r''llicm of Hmnes 4a "Vars the Stenap rairaSlTY : OF : ORHWH. EUGENE. Oru Mohoay, SsrrmMBwt 18vn Just closed the most paososrout year in Its hssiorv. Wide range of studies Tho -ougb instrusaion. Buskness course eddsd. Fultloa free. Entrance fee, f so. Board and lodging at reasoaahle rates lit tfre steaant new dorsrdSory aad boasding heal on Tbe campus, whssa sasidsMits wttl receive personal supervision. John W. Johkso:., Star Bakerj (wrBronelalBlM tastsl Firs. St CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR, 1 sum a ffraita, tilsusa ware, Srlesl rraita, Tobiseeo, Sngsr, CwMce, Kte See ararvtk. that la kepi in variety ana irsocery si re, nereswi market price siJ lur al,Ia KINDS OF PRODUCE Cstattesi He a Qnreaanari Vegetstblew, Ctgara iplee. Tea. Cta. FRAZERtBEtft BEST IB THE WOStr Ms waartagaBaiitiea a: surpass- ent 1 satin z tare boxes of aa r ot s -r ; SabVhwt. arKT TBI. C -rOB8AXgWTPgjJJE3 OCSERAI.I.Y. an tuC