The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 11, 1893, Image 2

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The message of President Cleveland to
congress is what might have been looked
tor It is more or less disappointing to
Bold monomstatists and not just what free
coinage men want He briefly traverses AVfameer.
the present condition of tbe country and
finds the cause in tbe silver legislation o
1 890 known as 'he Sherman law. Speaking
of tbe purchase of silver bullion under this
law he says:
Up to the 15th day of July. 1893. these
notes had been issued in payment of silver
bullion purchased to the amount o more
than one hundred and forty seven millions
of dollars, while all but a very small quan
tity of this bullion remains uncoined and
without usefulness in the treasury. Many
of the notes given in its purchase have'
been paid in go'd. This is illustrated by
the statement that between the 1st day of
May, 1892. and the 15th day of July, 1893
the notes of the kind issued in payment for
silver bullion amounted to a little more
than fifty millions of dollars, and that dur
ing the same period, about forty-nin
millions of dollars were paid by the treas
ury in gold for the redemption of such
This matter riea above tae plane of
party politics. It vitally concerns every
business and calling and enters every
household in the land. There is one im
portant aspect of the subject which espec
ially should never be overlooked. At a"
time like the present, when the evils of un
sound finance threaten us, the speculator
may anticipate the harvest gathered from
tbe misfortunes of others; tbe capitalist
may protect himself by hoarding or may
even find a profit in the fluctuation of val
ues; but the wage earner, the first to be
injured by a depreciated currency and the
last to receive the benefit of its correction,
is practically defenseless. He relies for
work upon the ventures of confident and
contented capital. This failing him, his
condition is without alleviation, for he can
neither prey'on the misfortunes of others
nor hoard his labor. One of the greatest
Republicans admit that the Sherman act
was the movintr cause of the financial de
pression; but the primal one that set it in
motion was the election of a democratic
senate and home and the Inauguration of a
democratic president. These created public
distrust, atari isamedistely gold began to flow
out of the ' ttaasury and capitalists com
menced to board their money. To restore
public confidence congress should as soon
as possible repeal the Sherman act, and
emphatically declare that tariff laws will not
be disturbed. This will re-establish busi
ness on a scund basis, and save the country
from the frightful disasters that are now
threatening trade and manufactures.
Washington mjttkk.
Then if the Sherman law had rot been
pa$ed it could not have been set in motion
and there would have been no financial
depression. As the Sherman law was
passed by republican votes atone, and ap
proved by a repub'ican president, it is not
difficult to trace the financial depression now
existing to the legislation of the republican
party . But the Mountaineer says dogmat
ically that the election of a democratic house,
senate and president "has crested public
distrust." The Mountaineer evidently be
lieves its readers are all fools, and it Is to be
feared that they are if they heed such lessons
at are taught in the above extract. This
cry of public distrust is an old one. It was
used by the republicans for years alter 'he
war, when they would declare upon the
stump t at the democrats could not be
trusted with power because they would
re-enslave all the negroes. grant pensions to
all the southern soldiers, etc. The Moun
lainnr used to engage in that kind of pas
time, But It did not believe Its own words
then, nor does it believe Its own words now.
Its highest motive and purpose is to make
partisan capital out of the of
the people. But what party was distrusted
last fall? Tbe tariff question had been!
discussed continuously for five years. The
people understood the issues better than
any national question ever presented to
them for consideration- In view of all
this they voted overwhelmingly against the 1
Mckinley tariff. The masses did not "dis- j
trust" tbe democrats then, nor do they i
now, except, maybe a lingering fear now
and then that the party may not fully carry !
out their pledges of tariff reduction. We j
know there were a few. the protected few, j
mrtA thair tViAnitc whn iliilmtpil th( llpmO- I
' , ...... I Civil Service commissioner
crais. it was perfectly natural iaai tney
should be "distrustful." The men who
had for years been wringing tribute from
statesmen our country bas known, speaking pocketa of the people by means of a
(arm mar. uueu. iuc w noic pcopic lux men
more than 50 years ago when tbe derange
ment of currency bad caused commercial
distress, said: "The very man of all others
who has the deepest interest in all sound
currency and suffers by ! mischievous legis-
ation in monetary matters is the man who
earns bis daily bread by bis daily toil.
These words are as pertinent now aa on
the day tbey were uttered, nnd ought to
impressively remind us that a failure in the
discharge of our duty at this time must
especially injure those of our countrymen
who labor, and who, because of their num
ber and condition, are entitled to the most
watchful care of their government.
It was my purpose to summon congress
in special session eai ly in the coming Sep
benefit might well "distrust" a party that
was pledged to break this iron grasp by
which they held the masses. The Hosm
taiaeer very graciously recommends that
democrats should declare in congress that
the tariff laws will not be disturbed. It
has not been a habit with democrats to
take advice from republican organs and .
they have found the rule a very safe one
The democrats should not only repeal re
publican legislation on the silver question
bat moch of it on the tariff question. And
they will de it, too.
Fran) true regular Correapondsrit.
Waslifssrton, July 81, 1893.
President Cleveland, all hit cabinet,
Speaker Crisp and mott of the membert of
congress will return to Waahington this
week, prepared ts grapple with the mott
sellout condition of affairs this country has
known for years, and that democratic
statesmanship ind wisdom will find a way
out that will be safe. If it does not at first
meet with the approval of everybody, it at
certain as that congress will meet next
Mocday. It is particularly not iceab'e that
this is the predominating sentiment among
democratic congressmen already in Wash
ington . However wide spart they msy
now be they are all certain that tome way
will be found for getting together In the
Among the compromises already suggest
ed is one that appears to be rapidly gain
tng ground It is to simply repeal that
clause of the Sherman law which compels
the purchase of 4,500,000 ounces of silver
bullion a month by the treasury, or to
merely adopt an amendment to the law
authorizing the purchase of silver to be
made or not made In the discretion of the
rresidrnt, and to let it go at that for a few
months, in order to determine whar. other
sl'ver legislation may be necessary. A
number of democrats who favor the free
coinage cf silver have announced their wlll
lingness to support this compromise at the
extra session, leaving the question of fur
ther silver legislation to be determined at
the regular session. There are not enough
members of congress yet In Washington to
hazard a prediction at to even the proba
bility of the adoption cf this compromise,
and some of those here say they prefer
awaiting the recommendations to be made
by President Cleveland't menage before
committing themselve.
Representative Kedl, of Arkansas, says:
' The Sherman silver la Is vicious and
ought to be repealed, but bad as it is it Is
not responsible. In my c pinion, to anything
like as great an extent for the rinancis!
stringency as McKtnleyism is. McKlnley
ism must be wiped out before the count rv
can get all right again."
Mr Logan Carlisle very properly tikes
issue with the ridlcu out statement made by
Roosevelt at t
the government cierkt being aoout evenly
divided between the political parties. Mr
Carlisle is chief cleik of tbe treasury and
be says the statement of Roosevelt is worse
than rediculous when applied 10 that de-
Tho Washington correspondent of thej
Sun of New York, who has been investi-!
gating pension irregularities and abuses
finds ono thing of this kind that is special
ly deserving of attention from heads of
departments, but about which nothing it
aaid or done. Persons in great numbers
all over the country, uudor a law of con
press, draw $12 a month on tbo ground of
having, through service in the army, teen
incapacitated for se'f supporting labor, a
considerable proportion of whom are al
most, if not quite, capable as ever of self
support, and actually are getting piy as
though they had no disability whatever.
It is a fact capab'e of demonstration any
how that in tbe pension bureau itself per
sons are employed at $1200 and $1800 a
year, who are drawing besides from the
government pensions of $12 a month given
to them on the sole ground that they are
incapable of self supporting labor! Cases
of this kind are to be found in all the de
partments, it is believed. If there are any
exceptions they are rare.
In the list of questions In the famous
searching instrument known as tbe con
sangulnity order there Is nothing that tends
to expose this abuse. It is especially worthy
of Secretary Hoke Smith's attention, and
that capable, practical reformer, Mr Logan
Carlisle, will probably regard the matter as
one fit to be inquired into, with a view to
, ascertaining whether or not persots m the
treasury department drawing pensions
obtained on the ground of being incapaci
tated for self supporting toil, are not draw
Ing good salaries which none but able
bodied men cars earn.
The First Bill .
Washington, Aug 8. After the morn
ing routine tbe senate took a recess till
12:45 to await the arrival of the president's
message. On reconvening the message
wss read. Seldom in tho history of the
senate has n messuge been listened t with
such close attention- Kvery senator seemed
on a nervous strain not to lose a word. As
soon ns it was ended Voorhees moved that
it be printed and referred to the committee
on finance. The message was thereupon
referred to the committee on finance with
Orders that it be printed immediately.
Doltiii, of Oregon, gave notice that he
would, after the morning business, address
tbe sen ile upon the subject of finance. A
large number of petitions for and against
the rerjeal of the Sherman act was nrasent-
ed and referred. Then It was announced
that the introduction of bills was in order.
The first bill of the session was introduced
by Hill, of New York. Its title was "to
repeal certain sections of the act of July 14,
1890 (the Sherman law.)"
Bealdeaee Destroyed at orviitll-
CoBVAIXIft, Aug C The residence of C
II Penrso, corner of Highlit and Harrison
streets, was destroyed by fire early this
morning. The fire is supposed to have
been caused by a defective flue The loss is
about $t00 and the insurance, $800.
J F. FORD, Evangelist,
Of Des Moines. Iowa. '
March 23,
Trains will hereafter run to Idantia
oh tlie eastern end of the Oregon, Pa
cific Monday morning and Wednesday
and Saturday evenings. Round trip
tickets, good for thirty days, will be
sold for $3.00.. Hound trip tickets can now
be bought to the Bay. at excursion rates
every day of the week.
To Farmer The undersigned have
leased tbo warehouse of David Smith st
Tillman and are now prepared to atore
grain, and all Urmsrs are requested to call
and tee them before miking arrangements
for atorair, elsewhere.
faoxT & Sanukks
All. anj Market
$, B, Mrd. Myr. Co..
Lrofur, OrassM.
VeHUt mm :
On arriving li'.me last w.ek I fono.l all
well and anxiously WMlliww " Our littl.
girl, sent and one-h. If years old, who had
wa.ted away to 38 pounds, m now well.
wrong aadvigoroa., and well fleshed up.
S. B. Cough Cure has dine it Work well.
Both ot the children like it. Your S K.
Cough Core baa cared and kent iwu ell
Lhbtrsr-nes from me. So sive it to every
one, with gre-iinae for all. WUbina von
pruetH-it y. we are
1 ours, fcj iiiilj.j F form.
There is no money panic In Texas, says the
Fort Worth Gatttlt. The rrocese of squeez
ing out water and hauling down speculative
kites began there two years ago and hat
steadily continued to the present time.
Merchants, lawyers, doctors and farmers
have been cutting down their indebtedness.
w.w,Wi.'i,t(.,ina muni. Thev mot todrsv. and whon
the sta'c is as nearly on a cash basis as a I Bioomcr was called for a sett'euent
til af Werk
New York, Aug 8. Arrangements are j
being made for a parade of the unemployed
probably to take place next week, and it :
will form a melancholy sequel to the mag
nificent displays illustrating the progress 1
aud wealth which have flitted along the I
streets of tbe metropolis on the recent
occasions of national remembrance and as
melancholy prelude to labor's yearly
celebration. September 4. The secretary
of tbe American Federation of Labor etti-'
mates there are 100,000 men men out of
work in this city. i
swathed njr Usg
JfruAnoKO, Aug 8. News has just
reached here of the accidental death of 1
Martin King, a young man employed at
hauling logs to the pond of the Manning
mill, on the west fork of Iainr creek, last i
Friday. He had jnst ro'led off one log and
stool watching it splash in the pond, when
another one, larger than the first, came
rolling from ihe track and caught a the
eft hip, crushing his hip and smashing
lioth legs. The accident occurred about 4
o'c'ock, and he died after intense suffering. ;
at) Treataurer
V hers .5 1,..
Osts, 0o.
I lour, f 4 OU.
oiler. 25s.
Kr I80.
Itr.l. 12 to 15i
Pork - hams 12 to I 5 hoj rl tin t.t 10; j
sto-e. II to 13c
flay, baled, f7
vo stoes, 69c.
Apple,l 00
Hops I2e.
Dried frit It--plum", Ac, apploe, Oo
Chickens, $4 00 per dozen.
Beet, on foot, lJo.
Hog, dresael. 7c
Walking heats the feet, ttaniing castes
tetnber that we might enter promptly upon them to swell and both are tiresome and
exhaustive when prole nged.savs a writer in
i the S, Louis Republic. There are various
kinds of foot baths, and authorities differ as
partmeiit. He says further : i'To tar that j
to per cent of the classified e'erks in the
treasury were democrats a the beginning
of this administration wo4d be patting the
percentage 100 high. In some large bureau
tbeie was not a single democrat." Roose
velt's statement was made because of Sec
retary Carlisle having stated It to be hit in
tention to give tbe democrats a show by
dismissing the inetnren: clerks in bis de
partment. Depu'y Commissioner Bell says
that lea thae twenty per cent of the classi
fied clerks ia tbe tension office are demo
crats, aed it would be safe to say that tbe
percentage will sot tun over that in aay of
the departmerts.
state of-.en gets to be Beside the
price of cotton, making crop loans difficult
to obtain, other Influence have been at
work In Texts, but the liquidation that has
left Texas in such good shspe has also been
going on in all the other cotton State. For ;
several years planter and farmers have been i
1 forced steadily towards cash basis and are
now In shape to profit by remunerative
prices for cotton. They will all get rich If
tbey will only s'ay on the cash bast.
Jacksoxyiixk, Or. Aug 8 Great ex
citement prevails here on account of tbe
disappearance of County Treasurer (ieorge
Y. tJisomer. 1 be county rommisMoners
have bten investigating Mr Bloomer's a. -
low ! fared to answer to his name, ibere u a
deficiency in his account- of several thous
and dot ars, bat tbe exact amount bas not
been made known.
A Baal, Sewwewatt
Coop ax. Was. A 8. The bank of
Colfax, owxd by Perkins A Williams,
closed jt doors tme moraine. Ii is the
oldest I ink in I his rttv, and has the confi
dence of the community, its tecuritie. i is
clairael, jeing ample Uit the bask eft cers
having been anabte to realUe. There has
been no excitement, Hon Jme A Perkins
bat jast ritarnesj from Portland, where he
was unable t teilue funds on securities
V smssaaaaaaW AsBaaavSBaaawBEf&Cvsi
rritfc uoderlale of
you wish to tee) usee and cheerful, awl ready
S "J s"rt"if's "rk, cleaiiw your aMasst wtth the
Usdch and Mm Com, by latins; twa or three
50 eente pr btlo by all JruffttU.
8 Id atlr a poatiive ruara itae by
the beat waahing machine made. Go to
Stewsrt & Hoi end Uke one out on trial, i
They alto have ail kinds of wringers.
to carry that great big child a mo rid iu her
arms. Yon moat go to Stewart k Sox etui
bny one of their baby arriajr,e. All kind
and prices.
on a farm. Von can rr ke it tbe eaaieat bv
buying a complete Hay Carrier mi St of '
fetewait Si Sox . CU and tee it.
Fresh, pore, tore to gro sad sold' at P. rt- j
land prices. Garden seed kept 10 hulk.
Field p -as and Field corn aJso carried in
large qoantitiee. Stewabt At Sox
To Farmei
X Mill ws-rehoriee arid will have it in
order lor receiving ihe pretest crop.
warenoote is nratriita en.l cn.vnie
Ir.catel. Costtioa - wo good e'eaoers.
nciay in ui iraiinj. fact's will r I
for delivery ia doe tine. Give me
before 01 .lin srraozeoienia to a'or-
crop O. F. SIMPl
Albany, Or., July 15 h, 1893
Stationery, Toilet itiie,
Inttrumen-3, Etc.
AGRICCLTL'RAL implements and
supplies. Advir.ce Thresher and en
gines, Minneapolis Binders, Woods and
Standard Mowcn,, New Ion Wagons, Nor
wegian Plow, oils of all kind at the
lowest price possPtle. The Aliian'e ar.d
G range agent have a warded u the con
tract to furnish Twine for -heir me. Tiber.
Call and get our prices befcre purchasing
They don't snake any better than tb
'RneU" and Stewart Sox sell that kto
at Albany. Sereeal good aecood hand eo
pi oee for a&le at a barssun.
PAINTS & OILS. The l dd pa,ut
for sale oo this Coaat ia tbe "Pboef N 1' an i
we are agent f jr it at Albany. W? wieo
carry a fall line of oil , vartti-he, s
and carriage ptuora, etc.
SnrwAt-r Sox.
rne Vtvg Sti re," A
BEE SUPPLIES. -D"'' keep jonr bee in
an old box any longer. Stewart Si Sox
carry bee hive. ceTrioo, comb fonndatioc Burkhart his wife.I M Kten-v end F
, ltke Circuit Court 0 ti-- tt t 0"g
tot lie County of Linn.
. Ihe Oregon Mortgage Company limit
C P Burkhar; and SeSie C Rnrkhartl
wiie.C K Ps'le and Mary M Parkea,
' vfe, John Li Bo-Sbart aod EI it I
nait. ais wire. U U no -e:-. art arid "ai
end oee smokers at low prices.
WILL YOU BUILD tb w- 11 j
I'.t t.-rt- tot (mil tore Stewart (V Sol
They keeps iar.e stock of baUdes hardware
and aeil at prices to init tfce times.
Mrs. A. M. Alien
Ferry, Wash.
20 Miles from a Doctor
A Kentucky bride in a sleeping car
started to get a drink of wa'er. "When
I come back,' she said to her hoshsnd,
"stick your foot oat of the berth so I'll
know which it is " Tbe conversation
was andible. When she returned a mas
culine foot rotruded Irom nearly every
the work of tariff .reform, which the true
interests of the coun'jy so clearly demand,
which so large a majority of the people as
shown by their suffrages desire and expect,
and to tbe accomplishment of which every
eTort of the present administration was
p'edged. But while tariff reform has lost
nothing of its immediate and permanent
importance, and most in the near future
encage tbe attention of congress, it bas
Arwrr wtn'Hks.
to their value. Hot water enlarges the feet
by drawing tbe blood to them; when used
. ) -1 , J L - . t I
ii icy aoouiu oe ruoueo or excruicu uciwe :
attempting to pat on a light boot. Mustard
and hot water in a foot bath will sidetrack
a fever if taken in time.cuie s nervous head
ache and in luce sleep. Bunions.corns and
Taw Mesttaste.
Sew York. Aug 7. Tbe World's .
Washington special say tbe following is
an authoritative sta'ement regarding Pre- '
ideot Cleveland' message: He dwells
most particularly upon tbe deplorable con
dition of tbe country as it affects tbe mass
es, Tbe basker and tbe broker and tbe
capitalists, be reasons, can take care of
themselves, but the wctrkingmen are prac -
, . .... I tkally be) pies when tach a condition of
A Benton county paper tys: If tbe affairs as now prevails exists. Tosubstaa ?
1 ,T l V' " u"on" om" 01 ""ni.ion. Gate this argument be show, in conrire
: Job I o continue Jodecresue at the j language the actual effect of tbe law know n
rapid rate nwhich tbey have since tbe j aTTbegberaan act now in force He calls ?
irrk lists rlAaVr1 tlt. w ill at l,ai-a Ia 1 ..... . ..... .
- -'" ' " i attention to 'be iesrtti ot conhdec e sua
make an assessment upon the e"d- tberrfrora Hr deals not in theories,
itors to raise enough money to sy the bat ln f, to demonstrste tbe trut
assignee his salary . this assertion that the burden inflicted up-
1 ' nm ths rYMintrr Kr tKttt nnitt I saw fa Ma
A San Francisco man says people are ! TZLJ?? ! W,?in,D . !
I fortunate who have monev in tWpended 'orth"T7tkh lieves that Use
mnA t. ts .hvjif, a n. I itnt.-wtl 1 1. . I ;, 1 . it..
fi pisin iiuty 01 ail patriotic ciiiaens. entrust
But Hood's Sarsaparilla was
Equal to the Emergency
Ptottrtsy, Otitis and Fermr itUk
Leg Perfect Cure.
" Alter ay basy was bora I got Into very sert
oos const Itfcrn, bsvisc pieurisy, cMUs sod tsver.
fraJaaily dereloptaz iaUs ml!k lef. We Bve 20
aSawaWamB(axySl ai:.l c.i t..: whit
10 do. FSaaBy ssfsstr ptal Wai of essffer
taa I besaa to tike Beod's SarsaparOas and
when I was tsstng tbe Utird bouie I eoahl see
It Was Doing M Ceod.
I craitinned with aortber bottle, sod reeerereJ
so rspsdly tltst now I suae ia gst heeMss. I
aco-tdiDg lo law, sad ton raubt to bay
I iur (ia) sod an roncittoo of Stew-v t A Sox
Tbey keep a t.ond rtoek ard tell cheep
Ciant powde,ftue ar-d cap always co band
lve. ' and keep a Urge stock of bUcksmitl
(apt lie ot basd.
SrrwAirT t Sox.
Hood's Cures
BMBBss) MBSSBMBl xs 3 fUmt
Mas. A. M. A1XEX. rerry. Y ilMrsgton.
Hood's Pitts curs all Liver Uit,
ous. JanndKC. Itifftsnoa. Stem,
seemed to me that the financial condition ! c:iousnes are nature' protection against
of the country should at once and before I bad shoe leather. Two hot foot baths a
a1 1 other subjects be considered by your J eek and a l'fle pedicuring will remove th
honorable body. cause of much discomfort. A warm bath
I earnestly recommend the prompt re- ' with so ounce of sea salt is almost ss rest-
peal of the act passed July U, 1890, author-1 Inl a a nap. Paddle in the water until it
izing tre purchase of silver bullion, and 1 csols, dry wltti a rough towel, put on fresh
tha' othe legislative action may put be- ! stocking, have a change of shoes, sod the
yond all doubt or mistake tbe intention j woman who was "ready to drop" will have
and ability of the government to fulfill its j a very good understanding in ten mtonUs.
pecuniary obligations in money universally The quickest rel et from fatigue Is to plunge
"Not one person in a thou .and take
proper care eta watch." said a watchmaker
yesterday. "Good watches are raised by
the ra etc treatment they receive from
tbeir owners and 'he makers are abused
hen they get oat nfordr. The modern i banks that will pay dollar for dollar.
watch is a intricate and mott i Tbe Pacific Bank of that city will pa
j.hmi. ,j , .. 1 .j ' almost nothing une roan who bad
-,!, I'llVI. vi ss.v (.iiwutsiu, 4 v its tAiiast'tsswti i , - . , .
r I n its mrtnBV in it hsasi K ita str t faa in K rtrvtnai
of ninety-eight pieces, and over 2.000 opera . QQ . ,rip Sh, expected t0 draw on tie
lions are used in its manufacture. It takes ! fond: bat now she can't get home until
For lite totliions of i l 11 cf
sTutt'a Pills.
Are warranted to tbreh more grain in a
glren time snd do it better than any mi
chir.e made.
The Advance TrACTios Exctxes art
the best In the world. Remember Urge
work mear Isrge profi- in the thretrdng
business. Catalytic mailed free.
Gcn'i Agt, Portland. Oregon
SPRAY YOU ? TIEES.-t - t-r- .,: a-4 Uke ear of your
orchard. The oatbt they edl has brew tried
in this st'-e for tb. ee years by tae best or
ei ardur ac4 ia s e mpUte nirtitss
b ee tbe beet be otdre tiearv, xiMort
razor atvd r'eket cwltery is) lbs- vaJte)
2om- snd m e for yr.arsre.
- rxwajrr k f ox.
PLOWS. We bae s aew tbillwi plow es
etl tbe tmm a th "Oliver." We its r
Uc it and ai on triad. Eitraw v ;,1 fit
j f 'hvtr. Abo we fesve s :il hue sf steel
: pU we that :jbc be exeeUed. Yoa saight
: rosrifclyure s few cetita by cntDiBg srastsd
5 sod teeis w. SnrwaaT ft Sox.
Wall PapeF, Oregon state msM
j It fi!-sr tT.
... . ... . IHal 1
recogniied by all civilized countries.
(Dubuque Herald.)
It is well said that if they did not read
about it in the papers the (aimers, store
keepers and other business snd professional
men of Jowa would nst know there was a
financial stringency in th country . There
is none in Iowt. For the fsrmers tre work
ing a usual, raising the best crops ever
grown in the state or making the best batter
Is ihe world as usual. T,e latter has as
mnch to sell snd gets as much returns as
ever. And it goes from him through the
chain of Iowa commercial and manafaitui -log
Why is this? Why is Iowa do'ng so well
when other s'ates are experiencing distress,
lack ot work, shut downs and other bad In
dustrial signs. An answer can be read
between the lines in tome figures aarf'corc
parigons issu;d by the commerce exchange
of Des Moines. They are worth studying :
Iowa butter product 1891 $ 33 748.198
Total f,old output in the United
States 33,'
Total petroleum output in the
United States 32.s75.tS8
Total gold and silver output of
Colorado 31,958.320
Iowa crop in 1891 1 05,263483
Total anthracite coal output in
the United States
Total tilver output in ihe
United Ststes
Iowa's bay and corn crop
Totsl pig iron output in the
United States '25,337.985
This is the rtasrm we bear of no bank
failures or financial crisis in Iowa, and that
is the reason there will he none.
the foot In ice-cold water.anj keep it im
mersed until '.here is a sensation of
warmth . A nother tonic for tbe sole is s
handful of alcohol. This It s sure way of
dryine the feet after being out in a storm
306,000 of the sin ail screw which are used
in it coast ruction to weign a pound. Die
hair-spring Is a Uip of steel about 94
inches long, i i-ioooth of an inch wide, and
27 10,000th of an inch thick. A 20- 1,000th
part of an inch difference in tne thickness
of tbe strip makes a r iSerence in tb
nlog of a watch of about six m.outcs an hoar
ber husband
saves enough from his
i-si witii the responsibility ot trovemoent.
to heed such demand. ThereBMs be recom-;
mentis an stietistditirsnsl repeal, without a
hint of oonptcnite or a substitute of any
kind. He notes the tact that the people in
the last election made an emphatic demand
for revision and reform in tariff legislation.
Tbe pledge then made nasat he kept, 'at
since that tiase asjmforeseen exigency has
arisen, snd it must be met and mastered
it 1 the plain duty of congress, therefore i
Tnlt ptrnn-rv t au- tjb
..tthMi! icTtlTsuly wiH .Jrrr-. gftj
fP.t nrtatntitc all UieiirlwllU
larsrt- SSBSSSi uweraustrrH. wljr
tTV twn tali!.. IMhaaanaStheiK-pttUflB
.- dtSSS ). , . Tastr ttatl U at
I t ii(N, PaintH. 1 1
(iinsr., lite
The new postal money orders to be
provided by tbe government will soon be
issued. In the new system there will
be no complication. Sheets will be is-
IUD. sued calling for amounts from one cent to "to afford rWief to tbe country by plaving
tiiree dollars, wtiien can oe torn on to the repeal ot tbe financial statute ahead of
unit tf nnrrhlMr Trip twMlmstt.r vill .11 aSIu. mhImmUUJ lnm'.l.i;,.n
, . , . f " " " ' - .1 . .... ....... n.n.uVU ITWUIK
To keep th' 'aoing of a watch ss regular j have no writing to do on it, the sender j to tariff or any otter subject.
rvteairt? at assswtssaj . .. k.. t rint Isaat. al I rst w V Sa n A f tSt i n j il tha samn as ss as mIw&abV '
vswitsi as uiuat r . vtsujcvtMs hi b tuatsi s v s s sttttwiy , ss- a tr t, s iut flsttHtr eao at. v tivrv t
ment that U to ur. it hcnSd be wonnJ op 1 ?r nit- n cent Vn W.!h clmrgei
mr fc. assort rarn ilur ts rlf r ai is-
C" 9 iMOrf
Strictly Cash.
J. A. fiBiiiuuf;
N. Waldahl,
Merchant Tailor.
st the same time of day, asd daring the
time that it ii not worn it should be laid
down or hung up regularly , according to
...... , . . . . ; habit, as the movemeai of evert watch it
Spirit baths are used bt professional dancers, ' . .. sn ivilntriaM In Item Ike f-tl in i r
in any amount op to three dolUrs, instead
of thtee cents as now.
; down than when it
New York rimes.
i. worn in the pocket.'
7Mt6, 565
Tbe Sunday Oregooion pablishrg the
f (Mowing editorial paragraphs, one im
mediately following tne other. This is the
All the western railroads are discharginT
employe nnd reducing sages, and mills
and factories in Lawrence, New Bedford
and ixjwe'l closed eterday. The effect of
the "change" votd for last November
s' ems to b felt in all parts of the country
And this is tbe other:
The country believs in Mr Cleveland as
a man tat tbe times, and awaits with in
ter'st Hiid c mfi IcriQavhu unssag-t to con
gress. He understands the principle of
ir.'.Pi-y. ar,d courage to otate and in, tin
tato hem 'e a'til get a inessare that
will braes up t -e country
-f yi 'i vn e paid your money you
c.n nke t'i:ir f.'hcice
luq if
1 ;
d a
o 1
bt: irea'iirj elicits the infor
b" e. verrtnent l as on band
oniOiS o' fin- silvr, costing
va. ue of the
- 0 ' o (167 rxo 000. If
ii v i t rasol would teslize
48 wss, SKalnal which
ii -i l ' issued. It would ' 0, it'i he present
a i "I t f United ijiaies, about
. o ,-nvert 'Ms bullion Into silver
jilvi cei'ihctes by law could
ietucd n profits a coined.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
One of the most important features pre
sented to visitors is tbe magnificent dura
tional exhibit, now fully open and complete.
In Ik. rl.r,rlmnl r.t liKa.r.1 ar. '
-''-' - ., 1
all the ststes and teriltorle are creditably
represented. Particularly are ihe most dls
tant state we'd ren-esented, from the At
lantic to the Pacific, snd of thee no exhibit
it more attractive Ua that pretented by
tbe state ot Oregon.
Its specific charac eristics are numerous
and many cf ihem unique, and at once hold
the attention of tbe pass;r-by. In the dt'
part tuenl of ornithology ibere Is a magnificent
display of all tbe game birds of Oregon
elegantly mounted. There are free hsrd
and mechanical drawing and photograph
work illastiating all feature of public
school work through tbe several grades. O'
the higher institutions of learning the Slate
University, the State Agricultural College
and the Willamette University lead In their
exhibits. Tbe entire exhibit is a splendid
tribute to the enterprise, skill and ability of
he teacher and schoo's of the Wtb-faot
state. Chicago Inter-Ocean.
The following appears at the foot of a
billhead of a Kansas physician It ia
laid ! unique, original, and we presume effect
ive. "A prompt settlement of this bill
is requested. If bills are paid monthly,
a discount of ten percent is given. Bills
not paid promptly will be passed to my
attorney for collection. If yon pay your
pnysician promptly be will attend you
Aat interesting example of bow electricity
as applied to farm work it now is operation
at a Scotch farm. The wlio'e of the usual
farm machinery, such as Ikraahing, sowing,
corn thrashing snd th - like, sr. ,lere driven
by sn elect. Ic motor. The electricity is
generated by water power, the turbine
wbeel which drives the dynamo being about
1.000 yard from the fsrm. The electric
current is conveyed by underground wires
10 the house and farm, in each of which a
storage battery it placet. . Th'e supply the
tlecttlc currents for ligh'fng and motive
purposes when the machinery is not work
ing. The whole of the mansion Is iKum-Inate-i
by electric light, and an electric motor
if pro-i led for pumping tbe waler fcr do
metilc pui poses.
1. i
M. j ' W Powell, director of the United
Stie Geo'ujticsl Survey, thus describe the
origin ot Lake Tahoe: In geog-a phical
tin.ea not long go. as peaks ihe scientist,
but very long ago, as speaks ihe ctnonlcler
of human fol ies, ihere was a deep valley on
the eastern dope of the Sierra Ncvsdas at
the Headwaters of the Truckee Kiver, Ahon
this valley towered gt unite mountains. Set
earthquakes ctme, rectt were opened in the
rocks, ami from the fissures poured rr on
strous streams of lava. One of those fissures
crossed the lower end of the valley , aid
through it poured floods of molttn rocks.
Stream af'er rfreim faed, 10 r in sclld
hcel uiiu htwsi lii.iii . Anil was built
across ill val'ey 2000 or 3000 feet in height,
and above it was a deep basin 500 or 6c
square miles in irea. Ti e storirs that fell
on trie grsni'C and volcanic mountains rolled
in rivers to fill the basin, and Lake i'uhne
was created .
Nellie Grant- Sarioris and children have
arrived at New York from England. It is
rt ported ste will reside there permsnemly.
waits, aa be made the doctor trait, and
while he is waiting the angels gather
him in."
All changes made in tbe tax laws, state
or federal, involve new adjustments in bus
iness affairs. To unsubsidize one industry
however, is to assist 'another. To take tbe
tax from steel rails, for example, would be
to cheapen tbe cost of railroads and trans
portation. Tariff reform would help as
much as it might hurt. It bas been certain
to come since 1890. The manufacturers
are preparing for it by adjusting their
business to expected changes. But there
is no special alarm in manufacturing cir
cles on this account. Tbey are not stopping
their works, excent in case where thev find
it impossible to get usual banking accom-1 SS Atri? Judge? 5? whttt " think
,. . . as follows: W ben a business man wants to
modations. Anxious as Mr Harrison and ,,,i, ,,,, ,u . ,
1 vst 'uiii va tii' sti itiKnii t 1
KUUst the WstlteesiBn.
Loiitvttjjr, Ky, Aag8 Tbe wbitecaps
f I'-vr.t- !..wnhij. led. bsjrBsd Btl IbsBM
of tbe Conrad tonight. Today three rider
less horses, owned by three wbitecaps. John
Kendal. William Fish and William Hnb-
ose. were loonu. it it thought tbe owner
I 1 1 t 1 , . , T a l I
ami uero airreu ny lac ronrai. vno nave
returned from Kentucky. Thef sav they
hare three mote men to kill. Harrison i about Ju'v IS h. a rrromivsorv note dnievt
county is excited as it never was before 'JntrlSth wed sisn.d bv P II Marshals
vr.,. infcTor sdofph el.-bmsn for fan.
sw i are, sum. Tn- flfM.4r wi, onrf. , f,., s,r v.vtne
Na' Youk, Aug 7. Tbe world's Wa.h- it at tbl office f r Mr Rtebmtn
F. L. Krt hs. da ash at its
and 11!. beresfter . el grtru !o
CASH iy.
T iT. in Al'any. oe on tb road
4 iswcmz t :roui tba! piare er or
promptly, night or day. rain or shine, inaton enrnatra.Mit ha nolkd mmmu
''He your slow neighbor sutlers and ' unon tbe PronoaSd silver Uri.laiion and
.. K. mmAa Ik. Imim . n.l ! .1 I . tV . . . . . t
' u; it-xwj innru sure- taere are it-
A Portland paper nets excited as follows :
"Keep your eve oo Chicago. The fair is an
utter financial failure. The town is loaded
down wjth mortgages. Speculation has run
riot. Nearly all business is on a factitious
basis. Tne foundations of the whole city
are sandy and are not expected to withstand
the fury of snch a storm as is now sweeping
the country.
tbe republican organ are to make tariff
apprehension a stalking horse under whose
cover they may hide their jrolitical short
comings and responsibilities, it is a trick
that will not avail them. They will be
held to proper account for the conditions
they have brought alrout after thirty years
of continuing control of federal legislation.
Tbey must lay in the bed they have made.
It will lie time enough t) blame tbe demo
cratic party when it shall iiave developed
itt policy by action.
A "Constant Reader'' wants to know how
many United States bnds aie now outstand
ing, when they become doe, and the rate of
interest they draw . Of the funded losn of
1891, (due in 1891 ) authorized by the sets
of July 14th, i87o, and January aoth, 1871,
and drawing 4 per rem by the origins
Set there are still oubs'anding $25,364,500
But ihee now draw only 2 per rent inter
est. When they became due the II' rrison
administration, t emg sin r of money, pro
posed to the hoi e s 10 continue them at 3
per cent Interest sbk h wit ncrepted by the
holder. Of the funded loan of 1907, (due
in I9o7,)inthoiizt'd by the ar's of July 14th
l87o, snd .lamiurt 2 Ii 1871. ml diawing
4 per cent interest ther are i I outstanding
$559.6o5-5''. Kx p i 1. $67,690 re
fjnding r tiici es its " v .wo classes of
bond constitute rr e ir. i leret beanrg
indeblednest . 1 tb tinned atsts. The
debt upon which irtetrt h e ceised since
maturity smounts t $2,081,530. Besi.i,
these thT; are o (a'Uiig legal teoU r
notes, old deminii n t-s f c urnsl currency
etc., amounting '374 noa . 46. O' certifi
cates Issued Mil 0-r..f .ullrm, etc. .there
are $569,428,556. r 1 indebtednes.
including e incstss sod tieasury notes
amoun tti $1 538 483.607.
money, and irenerul hanl tiniw. he liirins
by stopping his advertisements in the ioral
pats?rs and virtually withdrawing his sop
port from them. And yet the newspaper
man is expected to keep up appesraxu'sw
make a lively and valuable paper, boom the
town, invite capital, stimulate enterprise,
and do a thousand other good and necessary
thing for the welfare of the community and
at his own expense and on a thinner diet
than a faith-cure fast.
fled CrownMills
s reocttKs run siTCstoa eon.
aso sasiuui "tar.
representatives in favor ot tbe repeal, while '
t ' vlsre for a substitute and 22 will not !
talk. Three aenslurs declare against the
repeal of the Sherman Itw. Many members
of both houses who will not talk will no- I
doubtedly vote for repeat A large nam- ;
ber of those who want substitutes are for '
fres coinage or against the demonetization i . ,. . ...
of silver. j Kk.S; St)I.'4lP HiM !.. f J .
Twealy-Tw. rrran Brwwatst : "'""'"""'
LoxDOjt, Anf 7 Newt of a sad acti-! C HEEP 1. T 21 htd ( siep, not
dent to s party of excursionists wa recei v ! 3 Hrodl. frost A !t Jts f tret snath of
ed this evening from Port Talbot. Wsles. ! 'sny. 10 old o 1-. 1 1 UasSs. o e bank
Twenlv-eight pleasure- seekers took a boat ' 0 1 "' m . W.H py f .. trooi .oa
at Port Talbot and pnt out into Swansea j '"Tm ,tl ' A 1 l itsy .
by. A heavy sea struck the boat, capsiz- ' 11
war cw.j 1 . ,j j - 1 iir , iih iuiiik f Witn
several women and children, were drowned. VV i. . . t
The others were saved.
S BardBUw.
PaoRt'. III. Atur 6. The action of the
government in requiring the payment of
Inquire- of T It R
of Albany ,.u U
internal revenue taxes in currency to be
remitted to Chicago instead of New York,
is the most serious blow the whiskey trust
hss received in a long time. As a result,
its business is practically paralyzed. Pro
duction has been stopped for some time.
Here is how the Seattle banks held their I snd now tbe process of distribution is at a
standstill, and all for a lack of currency
The anti trust
own aootirding to the Portland Welcome:
tne banks in Seattle former I a union,
through which all the lock boxen in the safe
deposit vaults were bought up and it was
; agroiii mat wnen one nanrt would tie tercet 1
to close that they would all immediately do
the same, and if a deposit was drawn from
a bank, and the tiarty withdrawing such
money should wish to deposit it in some
other bank, such bank and all others, would
refuse the deposit, thus forcing the depos
itor to return to his own bank or hide his
fumls away.
The following is handed u by an Albany
man as worth publication: Willie and
Johnny set up a lemonade stand the other
day. says an exchange and a gentleman was
their first patron. Willies sign read:
"Four cents a glass." Johnny modest
announcement was: "Two cents a glass."
Being a man with an eye to the fact that a
"penny saved is a penny earned," the cus
tomer iiought a glass of Johnny's lemonade,
paid the two cunts due, and casually in
qnirod : " v hy is yours cheaper than your
brother's ?' ' "Cos mine ia the lemonade that
the puppy fell into." Tbe Christian Register.
The Astoria Budget! says: There laid
at the U P dock this mornlng.a fish of very
rrspectsble size. It was a sturgeon caught
near Salmon Head, and weighed exactly
585 pounda. This monster, as blsr as a
young steer, would possibly have been a
gorgeous tight for some stall-fed gourmets,
but as for us a long Intimacy with tuch
thingt enables us to control our emotions
in the presence of sturgeon tteaks,vtt and
to some appetizing.
The Oreironian's report of tbe San Fran -cisco
business uieu visiting tbe vulley was
not altrgether a news report It was made
up largely of venom, ill will and envy. A
great deal of emphasis wag laid on the
personality of the visitors, and because a
few of them were not well dressed they
were ridiculed and abused. The Oregon
lan is suppo-seu to print tue news ana not trom the general public, it cannot lie pos-
the opinions and narrow prejudices of its ib'e tnat tb annual sea bath of the mem
.0, ai ... . .a. in !,; ;.,!,.. hers of the bench was the"important publii
reporters, as was done m this instance.- matter" which 8Ummarily sidetrackec
O he soldiers home case? Roseburg Review
The members of the supreme court tire
now out on the sea coast bathing in the
briny surf, but those cases of "great public
importance" ore still inbabitingthe land of
mystery. Important enough, as they were,
to crowd the soldiers' home case off the
docket, they should no longer be kept secret
with which to pay the tax.
ditii ers are no better off. The (i lobe dis
tillery at Pekin bad o'ders for four car of
spirits Saturday, but to flay the tax requir
ed $16,000 which the Pekin banks were un
willing to furnkh.
St.. Bid It.
UiujnoRO. Aug 5. The barn of Hon
V.' U Hare and that of his son, Joeph C.
were destroyed by fire at 2 p m today. The
fire wa caused by several boys playing in
tie bam. They bsd been amusing them
selves with lighted torches, when one fell
in the chaff and straw, no notice of It be
ing taken, until tbe building was well en
veloped in flames. Both strictures were
an entire loss. The loss of W D Hare was
t0, of his son 9150, and there was no in
A Ball tlasste.
Gervais. Or. Aug C Tbo Oregon City
baseball team defeated the St Paul club on
the Oervait diamond today by a score of 5
to il. It was a very pretty game, tbe score
standing 5 to 6 in the ninth inning. On
tbe homestretch the Oregon City club got
in some heavy stick work and scored five
runs. Tbe features cf tho game wen tbe
stick work of Davy and Wilson of the Ore
gon City team and the excellent ork of
the fielders, which won them the game.
A Straw:
Pants, 'Aug 6. Inasmuch nstheBelir'ng
sea arbitrators have not asked the agents
of either power to furnish additional ovi
dence relating to the questions of reguJa
tion, it is inferred that the decision will be
against England, aa it had been arranged
that if evidence was sought at all, it would
be a decision of tho question of jurisdiction
ruvorame to England,
Poor Shsatinsi
City Mexico, Aug C The details
of another duel have become public here.
Kafael Re.ves Spfndolai, editor of El Uni
versal, considering himself injure! by 1 er
tain paragraphs which appeared in Gil
Bias, demanded satisfaction from Francisco
HectesdeOca. Pistols at 20 paces were
the terms decided upon, Three shots were
fired without result, after which the sec
onds brought the affair to a conclusion.
aotnan to do house
s o r of iwc children,
f rd. tw mt'es west
r s IN rood.
N.tCKEV, M.D.,
Phratcian arxl siwn. OBleeC.nier -.o
tCiisworth St, nvy ato Km tmcerr statu.
RssiCeacv, corner 1 'th and t'atapuoi it.
Sui's mJ-
to cider and
Repsiring of sll kinds.
Shop opposite the P. ' Albaay.Oregon
I. A. ti orris & Co.
Fiiur asd feed S-rOre.
Have removed their store to the Strahai
tor -, tormer'y occrpied by Deyne 4
Rob so.-., and have on hand a full stock o
Custom chopping done .
Ctsder tbe masajerceotot the Sate Board
I f Agncnltar. 00 tbe State Fair Crouds '
sear Salem, eoossnesscissg September 11th, j
sesaa, una ooausmros saw week.
More than Ho 000 10 cash will be paid as
preeuoea for stack, p. a try, awrne, agraeal
irl prodrcts i.oitt. native woods. ssioeral',
weeks of art and 'a-cy work, sad for trial
of speed.
Rednoed r.tes of f stss aed fratsa on all
transportation Brass. Fasnitiess opest fostr
sveotaga daring ' be week, wits goad rsasie
in auessaakoce re pew graisd stead assd
th ssew reguUtioo track are n asmdtsl to be
attsoae tbe ssewt cottdietabke and th best cm
tb Poetic Coust. sDiendtd natna f
A iiutlth.rt. adminuc-ra or ot the t
Mary J Burkhan.deceaw d,Uefenia
i. by virtue of an excu'ior, and 1
ot sale duly uwued cut of :be as
ns-ned conn ii the abore en nle-J
to me diretr.ed and d -;lve ed, I wtif 03
satarstay, late I SIS slay .r a:4.
a toe feont door 1 f the eocrt hoosstMt
i ey of Albany, Linn eon my. orrsstor
the hear of on - o eloek p m of mid 1
1 sell at pob'ic aoeUon Car otsh in bendj
tbe tiign-: maae - tn real property
. ritisu in s:a exeeulioo and or.ti
sale as follows WWfo Ttesca'.hl
rat donatiob land c.sim ot C P Par
,m luizabeth i Korkiiart, bis wife, ,
995 c'aim No 46, bedosz pan.', of eel
and 15. in tp 1 1 tsoutb range 3 wet
MTillsnMlte mertdieD. in Una
Osteon, eonGuniasz ICS acres. Ih 3
cfM-i n.Moz )r ro said st t to be 1
Sm, t tbe p ) ment of the cnets cf
jpon eaic execo'.t -o ana tbeorizinai 1
oLeoh taxed at fcS OS. aeeoa to the :
aflfSU cf p'sifittff'. claim atr.oantic
the tin of $Si2t 42 in V S tolc coin
4iiiti - :nteres) lc use go.d cctrs 1
- rate cf 10 per cent per nrn r. snd
.art ber stun o' $517 50 sttotnej s feed
use oet plus if snv to t spoiled j
tbe elssm of tb- lcfen:lsn-, " i Birs
. snsosnssnz to the ins of -i5 .38 tt
To:d ciin wrtb sccraiasr IsstS'S'f ibi
in like sold ex in at tbe rata of 10 p.
i per nncum so I tbe far.her sum ox I
MfilS go'.al eiin with a- in
ber-roo sttsrt rate of 8 yer ef t
annum, an1 lire further sun.- f H)l ASi
Ua void cnz. wrb so-rumz inter
the rate of 8 p.r cent per s -r.nar
tbe HBtssStss ir. r.t tTerorresSS
'.ffiejent to par use piaintin eft
suornev 's fee. interest and coots, II
then sell tie north half ofs iid,
lan a claim ihe pto-ceds anting ihe
pplted 10 snr osianee teat 1
open sa.d piauntif. s sain
torxet s fee .n j costs
Ixued tli .s JSkb liar of July. lfc33
Hbtt'.S' t L'ntj coeniy. n
Notice is be-efey cirea thai tbe
SBBtcd rxacsUor cf taw tact will cdi
men: of Owess Bear, deceased, isle 1
ecttr, Orecoa, will porsaaat to sail
the esanty eoar. foe Ltsns easutry. Of
doty icsde sod -tiered tf tecard eaVtf
Jay Cf I sue, 1?3. actnermns nii
tbe arxiersaed a. exeesstors cf osa '
to clt the Lord herein It's ,
tho 16 b day cf September. 1998,.
ststsdeadi day. There U rate rod fur 'bese i Bsar 0 cloc1 P ef aatd day.
eawtewu the b.t riei.I ri h, e.i. ; t-it Hosssw door, n tb ctty of
that has he noes tbe croatsd foe mj . Um ',y ell rkKi
esasets Vatast.le asd bandtrsee improve " hinimr ladder ail cf th? righ
aser.ts bass been made or. th. ! sad interest Ue taut Uwcn bear
beildsas. iaae of ha dea h Lo sad In tbe fol
PreataoB ii.t has been revised ard ioa- 1 id rJ estate towit:
fovt,l to the benefit - f exhibitors. K-in Beginsinit st tbe X E corner vi
(or preroioana cjw. I3ais.t,.i J.. I land elsum 1 1 wen Bear and
of the fair. ar,d exbibtta ststt be io p ice bv So 2340 fd elim Ko 41 in tp 12 8
IV r m of aid dav I the i.lamette menciia
Jt snd cU a t32. 50 cboiss to tbe E
fc2.50 1 ot s trace of land sold to V W Rubs Set:
ntrcss or aossissiox.
Men-. Seam Ticket
tS'omer' Seesoa Ticket
UestV Day Ticket
vTorceo s Day 1 tcsteu
Rate Track Tickets, daily
Women lo the race coir, free,
aoder 12 er. free tball.
Seod i th: oecreUrv at Portland for
Lut appkessox.
J T URSGU, Seentory. President
... 1.00
.... JB"
.... JS
i ,.:;.irec
ew. Dr. I'Htterson-tV hIIusw
The Noted CSainroract a-d life
ware, and caa tw fuund M N r
U tVneillV !she tell abxut all
ami lulnn.. SM traohhw iW
bo:nM. as tirsr frrqa 111 lulhasqas
Of L Vierctk.
good horse. Inquire
f i C Robin, t- by Owen Bear and
tben eosi:b 2 chain, ttence S 31
kliowjn'..- the csorer sfasl iih
rasitss, tbeace smtb '-. 90 cbaaa, thewcel
psalei with tbe north line uf sd I
Bear claim 53.10 chains to the east ' SM
asd rlsiss, tbeaes north 17 thotos to sf
pssce of begieaing, enctaintnz ltMJS 1
oil to unn o ccty, Uregoa . Tori
-ne-aa. t cash in bond on lay
one-half ia six tncnths from day
rourrect st 5 per cent per ami
awrtcatje on the land sold.
This the Bth day of J!y. IS93J
ALrtta .
joHX Crs
eathjrford S t. mberfitsv.-'
Attorcevafr Ex.
Notice of A3signm(
Notice is herebv civen that the
Oregon, ef Alhoa v, Oreron. has dab
tinned to the uderigned sssisnea si
i property sad effects lot the btnefit of 1
1 creditors, noder asd bv viits of tbwl
j e i sssinment laws of the state of t
j and the andersi ;ncd hss bre'ofre.
r all Term beeins l" ot jQO s93. duly q
0 i as snch arerignee.
September 13.
Send for
All persons havtcg claim against I
solvent and the estate tbarevf are hi
repaired to press t,t the same to thai
dersigned at the Bank of Creoo hoi
he city of Al: any, Oregon, nsder
with! three months of that dote.
Dated this 29th day ef Jnce 1S93.
oeasc 01 toe i k n Utegoa, 4Ut xi
I earefurinveetistatj
Vr I t;i iKANTEK A era
arid Invite the innet
invegtlrrmMnn r. rum, MwwMikil. 1
I tly and tbo merit of our Tablets.
J Double Chloride of Gold Tablets
1li.,T!;l-,;l,WT,hrdtrfwTOI,ITJl,ronitJ'i--' Perfectly harm
' ' iy?or?,irHnv'T-amA!,'"tv'"n "i-Pfteaorffeewithouttn. knowl
i --. INK KN Nf.N anfl HHH Nr HI KIT enn tenred at home, and wtth-
- - ........ mum nviiiiunu ujiuii uu.aiiv eort on tne jvmt: o:
' -itlcat, by tbe uso of our SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD Ci CP Tari pt
li'irliiir trr-.itmr-nt pstirnto rtrr nllowrd th frrts t ,. . " T in... 'Sis
pbti)euiitllucbUrnostheyballvolnuiHlya:nv them ui.
t- n.i iKinu'iiiurs una patnpniel f u-timonilM free, and shall
f C- l Itart tri 1 iti-st SSlsfT nwnssa tf wwm .. f t - BV twts. a . '-
r!sirrr"tirr.''r"-'? " oojnnsunica-
HILL'S TABLETS nre for sale by all
If yoitr driiKKlKtilum not k-,'p them, enclryw ns I on
-v. "... ..w u mull, 1. Ul lUr
rile jyor.r nemo end rddrc-iplslnly.andstato
1 iranu lire KT iUtUCIXl, Morniiuio or
Liquor HsLtt. '
DO NOT BU nncniVCD Into purchasing
... ..... ,w,vw . rrv peaner
TABLETS nnd tako'uo i i'liit.
Uauuf acturod only by
St. S3 A 58 Optra Bis::; ,
from persons
who have been
cured by tho use of
Hill s Tablets?
Tun Ohio Chemical Co.:
Dkak StB: I have been vtsintr t-rmr
enn- for tobacco tliiMt, nod found it would
In whiht vim el nil,, iYm- it t ,,..,.! ... .,t.
troitii 111 me stronsrent chewmar tAtiAr-tiK dAv.
ami Irom our to rtvc cisnsrs: or I would simike
ten to lortTDlneaof tobacco. Have ctuiwMt
nnd smoked for twentv-Sve vears. ami twonm-kansn
Of -vmr TableU curvd me so 1 have no rtvsire for It.
B. X. J.W LOKU. Leslie, Micb.
Onnnn Frarrv V
TliK )niitT'!srv ' . ivttt S.i ttt tttrst 1 vuat
for l.fl w iiMh f -t-stis TsnltlsBf fi ThKu,mi llsnKi I sals,!
thcill it 1 1 r;lU tintl It rtniitrb 1 was It st liassa .- kbu . ..W
tbiy did tbu work lu lesw than tbrceitax-s. I am c-ured.
Truly yours, XATU&W JOHNSON. I. O. Box 4X, LTi.r-VtKMLEliBItl-il glXS DIO pisaSUr9 tO SpBat A
wUrd Of tll-Hl.Ht tr VIMIP TSvrtlaSf U Uv swvn tsius drmr.1st ...l,ll..t.ul ,. skJ., a
- ST a iT . j ovst stag .iiiini mi m Miv VJl
b r from
Notice to StockhDld(
X tbe DBtti stockholders meettasi
"unw i-everopmeoi .otnpany
atertco, yjr-., win te neld st tbe comp
otbee in tbe town of Waterloo, Or. est WsJ
nesday. August cd. 1SU3, at the beast
O clock p sn of tssd day, for the par
iiiauaiasa u aireetors ot saud compsnv .
serve tor the eosuu g year ar.d to trsu
auch other business ss may rrgaarly
oeroressioi meeting .
Dated this 7th dsy of July, 1S93.
J O Vansja-r
, uniimumbVOIIIIS SSS Will OOd tSSt
of Juhu buveu. daceossat, ha Sied aa Saw! a
with tba county dark of bins cooasiv O
i Us" uw iNxintr court of aaM Linn iWrt
Sta rate the Sh Jv of September, 13SJS, Yt t
2 in ih anernooo of ru oav
""""ST oocuocs u any to said Ssssl
swan august nm, last,
you, Li order to know t
euro was pcriuuuuut.
Vours truly
liquor, and thrausrh n friend, 1 wan led "to try yuur Tablets. Ho was a beav y snd
!ini",w . Vl'i "ul afler naina your Tablets but ihree day s be irtiit driukina:,
mi will not touch llriuor ot any kind. 1 have wnited four tnoiuh before writing
uu curu wt iHTinuucuc. i ours tnuy.
t'IM-lS.ATI, Oil.o.
r tbe now tat
AdtlrsBi5 ull Ortlorss to
t GENTS WSWTEDf ' wiiiw wnblfllVMIa Wi(
qvxuwmnx,, M'wana uu - OHIO.
Tub Ohio Cbkm ica r. Oo :- Oiitn'Lsatkst v
uasii usou iuurr"ir.ii', Iivooaertnlea lv. lor seven vewrw anil
-' our Tablets have perfortneC a miracle In any case.
two packages ol your Tablvta, and without airy effort on my port. W. L. LOTEGAT.
jlv rnraoweu auoutuasraaor ci the estate
anoinai uanw, araaw, ass SUM with Uke Ct
ot ins vounty r.ort tor Unn eonnty, Ongon, ami
SsCss rrr : ...yn
vvw.. i iun v . u7 ui wsrswav, i?ws,at taws
bourol 1 o'clock p ta ot aaid day, tv the hcartasraf
bjeution it any to said actfount and tor settlemeat
Dated Junefrth. ljs.
john a i i ruur:vi
Jasss J CHAUu.v, Admiuiitnier
Attorney for admitustrtor.
, J.V dorsiiroal ha tsseu appomtml eiecutrii of .he lm
) will and toslaattnt of Andrew Robb, decease.
, late of Una county; Oregvn, All person havisar
oiairusas-alnat said estate are hereby rcoulrsd to
present tbe some at the offl ot James i Chrltoa
lis lbony, Oregon, to tbe uwlerwgoed, with proner
viinch.ra and properly voriftej, within six sirialaa
' rorssthl ilats
imum jui.v Srd.lSSW.
James J Charltciu, a'nTltSSlU
AUomey for Esutrix.