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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1893)
w EAThERTORD AUornan at L. Will praoticj In oarU etati. Souhl aUentlin trWoi tj nutters in pro o sal tic ileitis 11. OSYlJit-lntu fllnn block. Bill-V V.V Attorney t Lw vnd Solicitor In Chancery. Coll Mont made on all po'.nts. Loans negotiated on rable terms. Albany, Oregon IEO. W. WRIGHT, lllnnor l U r,l Notarv Pob.ic . Will pracliM In all tho court! f this state Special attention iriven to collec'.ions and matter! in probata Ofnce:- Upstairs Maaon-Twcdale Block Albany. Oiru P. a I 11 'I H B Kfct UN II larat nutters wl.l raoi Iva promp r, Oil Foil sr's Templn, Mbany, O attetitl in Hi - r, I J- WII1TSKV, Attorney at Law, Aibanv, Or. M ONTANYE A HA'IAl.KStAN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. AMEN J. ?HABIrO. AMatMr-at-Li All lesrU b'isi'iss attended o prompllv: FUSS'S Blos. Albany, Or. D K. J. I.. HILL.. PhvelMan and Surreon. OFFICE -Corner Far 7 streets, Albany, Oregon. D US. MASTO A DAVIS. Physicians an Sanwni. OFFICE -uorner and B..-.llblri streets. Albany, Or, Calls pro jiptly. attended I atv and oauntrj . c. Hssraeopatlilst. aWSpeciJist In of the Eye. and 7 tc 8 Office assure 7 to a m: Bins'. A 1 Cron. lwS FIRST WATIOHAE, BANK, OF ALBANY, OBBOOS resident ...... Viae President Oashier LFLINH 9. bWOITNO .B, W. LAJiODOS TRANSACTS A OEKEKALhankliigbosI . uutvrra arwtVT snKUtl An srHstck . oiffSicrHGradte raphie tran-..dd New Fork. Saa rraasrtseo. CM ear as P -itland "oOXECTIOH BADE on htvorable terms C TOCBS , W, LABSBOB K Fuss Kavaasf. Sol. W ClHK'tt A C. BlVhF.RO OF ALBANY, OBBGOW, vrs a VJ a r9 . Msunf RnVin DRAW SIGHT DR ArTS on Sew York, Saa Fr eco and Portland, Oregn. LOAN MOSEY oa approved security . BKCE1VK dcroaiu subject to check. COLLECTION:! road! on br arable una. 1STERE3T naid cn tiinj denotata ANK OF HViO, SCIO, OBBGOB. m. BBSS abler . TJ Musks ...A J JOBXS EAST AND-SOUTH, THE SHAJTAj ROUTE Southern Pacific Co. express Trains leave Portland Dally rsoassxrl. ISSi. "islasrfj Ar IIS SB La f srtS s b hi I IflOT a Sasatai 7rSoe. I Lt 10. r B Lv 8;li a m Ar i'.rffa-.,! AltsanT Sail Bassslseo Abere tks. sSao ool y at M lowing statsooa n orth ol '? I S sat Portlaost, Orasrou dtj. risbsnt. JonctwB J. Irrinr, Bofsssi. aosssrae asu.. sjult 8JS b I bs l.s-.SS r a I Lv W5rii Ar (.mans Ar' lltrr bv I 120 B ;lt 1 rata Albmy I Local, bsjm (sac art Snraar) S 00 r b I 9 y T t I Ar Purtlanl Allsary Ar I IS J a Lv I :) A :10 a I b' 9.00 a a I Ar 1 .-scr a I Lv Ma a I Ar AtlauiT Lrt,aiK Albany hao'n Ar La Ar Lt IllflAB S0SB :r V PULLMAr BO TFT SLEEPERS. AlTD Dinine Cars on Ogden Routes SECONO-CUS SlEtPIHS CARS atlas (sail TBrawyls Trslss. sTest aide awvlsloa. ETVIRB9 rStTl.A AS CstT 4S.1.1B, Malt, fsaiSsAui (KxeiiptBaastsy. .. . ' n: " Bnrt'aBd irTsJSI ' aTTfl.. A, Corvallls fcvlt:Mr. asi-asas raais caULT (BxerptsairfUy. :4li r 7:25 m Lt Ar Portland KcMlnnHlla r tan , 6.4 a B "Throntrii Ticltetrw so all s'!t 1" BBS But-! 8ta Can vis and Bomswea-i ' vai I at !.. rs'ss lrm C K rrssik, Arsot AIMnr. KOKHLBII C HOSIERS,"' ,-"-t Pr'-sr.J Oria-n. FOSHAY AV MASON . i ts Ear John B. Aldeo's publications, w iifa wt, sll s oohllsher's prWss with . ,t8MUt'' o. Ms ncFarland, -:- iikai.kb is -:- Harness -and -Saddlery Display jRthe Dooi NTWaldahl, Merchant Tailor. Sui's tnxdc to order and guaranteed. satisfaction Repablng of all kinds. Shop opposite tne P. O , Albanv.Oregon. Deafness Cannot be Cured try local applications aa they cannot reach tbs diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to euro deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sounder imperfect hear ing, and when it Is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and; this tuba restored to its normal condition , hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is notblntr but an inflamed condition of the mucous !iwXaes. We ivll (jsve One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness fcansed by catarrh) that can not ba cured by Ball' s Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars; free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O- r Bold br DruaxisU. 76c. I 4r x if months apo my Httlo son. aced much trouble Oil with a breaking out on his soalD and behind his ear. The places effected were about as large as a silver dollar, tho flesh seemed raw and covered with little blisters. The child suffered considerably, and was naturally very fretful. I tried several reme dies without obtaining any beneficial results, in fact the eruptions seemed to bo spreadinc and new places breaking out. I concluded to try the CmcfBA Rkmkdiks, and bought box of Ctmci'SA, a cake of Cctioi'ra Soap. and a bottle of CTtict'b a Resolvent. I washed the effected parts with tae . CrncrBA 8oai taking care not to irritate the flesh, and applied CracuBA. 1 noticed a change for the better In the appearance or the eruptions in twenty-four hours. I continued the treatment morning and night, and in two weeks the eruptions entirely disappeared, leaving the skin smooth and the scalp clean. In fact a perfect cure, as I have not sen any indications of any eruption or breaking out since. I gave the child only a few doses of tho CCTKTRA KE80LVKNT. 1 consider your CmcntA Remedies very valuable, and expect to Keep a smau suppiv constantly uu nana, i believe CmcrBA would be excellent for apply- in to insect Dues, wuicn are very annoy uig in very annoying i v RHSTRONO . this country. C. A ARM8TRO: swift Island, N. C. r ClTK'tBA Rsasnns cleanse the system by external and internal medication of every erup tion, impurity and disease, and constitute the most effective treatment of modern times. Bold throughout the world. Pries, Ccyiccba, 0c.; Soar, tic.; Rxsolvxxt. 1. Pottih Daca AKD Carsn. Co sr., Sole Proprietors, Boston, i " How to Cure Skin Diseases." mailed tray, Fro m Tcimir el cr Northe n Pacific Railroad I H I lie Hue to take PiiitiEASTaiJ SOOTH To It tat the niMSU It runs Tkiroagta KUTRUIS 1st the TE. k 8 0 t,0 CHANGEiOF CARS.) Compostw of Dioinr Cars Insirpi&s Pull mil) Dmwins Room S.fprs Of Latest Eqnipmrnt TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. , Beat ILat can be constructs 1 and ia which a i oinmoliiions arc htb fres and furnished for holders of Firs' or HiCond olasb tickets at d ELEGANT DAY COACHES. 1 GontisuOUo Line cDniectiiig with al liiws, affording Direct aM Dninterrupted Serrica. Pullman s.'teper reservations can be secured lu advance through any egent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS to and from all points in Americas, England and Europe can be purchased at arjr ticket office of this company, Full information concerning rates. time of trains, routes and other Jetalla furn Ished on application to any agent or A D CMARLTON. Asanatant General Passenger Agent. No 121 First St, cnr. Wasbiiigton. Port'and. 1'ie.oa. C G Barkharl, local agent. mam K M 1 H sW.1! W V. i Nil IH'JssWl ZSetJ. mm 50cta,and Sl.OOrjsrr BottkC One cent a dose. This Cbzat Cocch Cukb promptly euna whoa all others fall, Couehs, Croup. Sea Throat, Hoaratnraa, Whooping Couch sad Aathma. For Conaumptl at has no rtvah ass cared thonaantts. and will OUSa TOO If taken In time. Bold by Drosgista on a bust sntee, For a Lams Back or Chest, use SHILOH'B BELLADONNA PLASTEKAe. CrilLOH'SWCATARRH iri Have you Oatarrti f This resraedy lasrusuTarv to cart you. PrMcta. xmectorixeeu ARE YOU a nesrejaper wt.: pat!iirir svi Ir you re, cr r.i o! :ta above, j TrfC JCsJr r. an! hor, artist I miser? tnterestsd ia say i shonU read 'AUIST. YOL 1 1 ' rc' th above ? ' h . : m ' ' .'oi haI IaT. NS . :( . , u $4.(j0BTCar. id -abs on application. . OUUAN, ani Proprietfr, ttLT, Nsw Yorb,N. T vwww, ansa.waiaa cwwanTO, boss ail I al- eat buaness conducted for Moors ate Fits. J sjus ornci is oeeosrrc U. a. Pstcht Ornce and we can secure patent in leas time than I BOSS www miin .. aftuingiun. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, it patentable or nor. fresi osT charr. Our fee not due till patens is aecsrett. a PawnsLirr. Mow toobtain Patents. " with ot ssase in tae u. 9. and foreign coustnes free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO, Oee. PATtarr orrxi. wshihctosi o. asswwwsii sssws,sasasas 1 y imi lias I I ALL OTHERS FOLLOW, 2Tfw THROUGH AIlaY TRAINS leaving Portland, 8:45 A. M. 7:130 P M. 32 HOURS DAYS TO CHICAGO OUICKESTTO CMI CAND THE EAST NfiHRQ QUICKER TO OMAHA ! nVVm AbU KANSAS UN T- ! A0 KANSAS C.T.. PULLMAN AND T0iR!.T SLEEPERS, FREE PECUMhQ CHIR CARS DINING CARS. For rates and general informal lou ; 1 on or address W H HURLBURT.Assl.Gen 1. Pa. Agl 254 Washington St.. Portland, Oregon About tlx three, was it THE SMUGGIKliK A dispatch from Washlneton says that Supetvislng Special Agent Tingle, of the treasury department, sacs t lie (government has a good cise against the rx -officials of the customs service who have been indicted at Portland, Or,, notwithstanding that the Indicted men claim that the action againt thein was Inspired bv political motives, the purpose being to oust Ih'tn fi m office as reftibli:ans and to put d mocatt in their places. Mr. Tingle, who Is himself a re pablican, says that this alienation ig untrue. He siys the department has been convinced for seveial months u a' there was ling of smugg'ers In the Xor'bwetl. Kver since Inspector Novrs was sent there to investi gate and leportrd that the Portland collector ! and his subordinate were implicated, ami j since the reports of Inspector Wood and Lewii were re.-eived. there has been no-! doubt tint the right panies have been ctugh". Mr. Tingle ay he regrets as much as anybody that he had to peifortn the dtsagrerab'e work of detecting these officii' in dishonest pra. tiers hut he was boun.i to p.'r'orm his duty and will push the ess. to tho e id. tie aavs the collect or at PorMand mutt have received about $50 a head for ech Chinese he smuggled in. There wire 170a Chinese brought in in all, and the revenue derived by these en terprising treasury tifti.UU must have amounted 'o about $85.0 o. It (s believed that a majjii y of these Chinese were ad-1 milled on f aidukot affidavits, but the j amazing thing ..bout tht whole smuggling j operations cf the customs officials is 'that they not only required the Chinese who I were candidates for illegal entry to pay $50, 1 but the Chinese who under the law were entitled to ei.ter had to pay as well. Mr. Tingle sas that al Victoria .he smugglers hsd regular headquarters, where bogus affi" I daviis were made out aid signed with ficti tious names, acknowledged be lore a mythi cal notary public and a counterfeit notarial seal affixed. In a great many rates the photograph was a!ao attaches! as a means of identification. Tingle estimates that there ware S530 pounds of opium smuggled ia, the duty on whlcn would amount to $103,- 1 000, It was very difficult 10 catch ihe ; boats with the contraband s'urT on board Several times they were searched, bat they had been unloaded in the liver. Tie gov ernment has been wor.ine on this case Ji i- gtnlly for, and on succeeded al j last in making nut cases agalas the 1 5 in j dieted men by means of seme of the (uilty cnes who to'un'cereu to turn state 's evi- dence. When I: was found by tie others ! that hese had turne i agaiust them, there 1 seemed 10 be a gfi.rral desire among tie dishonest offi ialt to b o me witnesses for 1 tie government. In tht lop- that this might grant thrm immunity Iron punishment. Several members of tie ang almost fell over one ano'her in tbci desire o become prosecuting BdjtaMscs. THE VBtBS lOitKII. BC'SISE. Tbe monthl? s'aicmrnt j the Tr Dfp&rtmenl for 'use ia one t'.as skou'd strengthen public confidence The exports of merchandise wtre mote than for any June daring the past six years, and the e sports cf gold were lrsa thaa for any Jane ia tbe pas' six sesrs. The imports of bot'i merchandise ar.d gold were greater than kx any Juae in the past six years. On.- exports of silver re also far in excess of any previous J ace. Ocr loss of gold for June bis only fl.Oot, 544. as against l6. 635.477 in Juae, 1&9J and $14,539494 lo tsne. 1SD1. It is lime for the -gold scare" to nie oat. Oar 10 a import of mercLan vise asd money me'.al reached the magnificent sum of $996,841,31.1, wt He our total exports of wealth were valued a S9S5.443.761, show ing trial our commerce is in a piO.pcioos condition. There is aothiag in this balance-shett of the year's business with foreign canliie to cccasi m for doubt T mls'rusr. Mr. A. J. Mackitstosh, sliscassirg the In Jstinct of IsKsIitv in snitat's, rrtaarks tbst it j is time to inquire more carefully into the i stories about the almost mir a.uluus man ner in wtikb animils taken frotc j fsmlliar spot contrive to retrace their s'eps. Sev eral remarkable stories of '1 is kiad are cited but tbe wi iter treats skeptkallv the cur rently accepted explanations. "Carrier pigeons." be savs, '-are t.ujht homing' by taking them graduailr longer tlichts from home so that they may les n the loos of 'he country. We cannot always discover that a dog actually was atqsaiatsd with lite route by which it wanders -ome ; but it. is quite absurd to imagine, aa roost people at once do, that it wjs a prrlect stranger to tht lay of the land. To find on way a second time over groaa'l we have once trd is sca ctly ioieiligencr ; we can only call It ini-.i: i , 'he wot.i ii irs ii ,', in the least ex plain tbe process." Eurofe nants our grain, ir.eatand fodder crops in large quantities tbis jesr to com peasate for her had harvests The United S'ates bas i large s in plus oi farm product- for fore :an shipment. Thus does sgri cnlture come to the fiont, turn tbe stream sf gold fr-m the Old World to the New Wollsj. rciorinu confidence in business snd manufstUiring circles. True wealth must come Ii im mother earth. The bumble fatmpr ni his toil and hardship solves Ibe kn I i questions of psilitical economy which cenCuid ihe brain of ihe scientist. All the civi;lze.i world eat bread and meat and are willing to pay for their sustenance. The Amtticin system ol education, espe cially in the juvenile departments, is un doubtedly svpcij ,r to I hat prevalent in En g'an I. A jiiii-li cmmissii.n s about to vlit ihe Unl'e I S ates too'e the metltMls of eiluca'ion wld Ii prevail in our public school". There ought to lie more such invss iga'iun among ruraelve. Tho e who have examined a . hoos in different American cltls s find that some rt much better than cipher', an i fiat. 'oa, in points where equal excellence It possible to all The school journals ought to be read by teachers more thtn they are. The governor seems to think that dem ocrats have forgotten that he has no 90IH- Ical claims upon the democratic vice pres- 1 ident, Stevenson, or for that matter, upon 1 the deroor tlc pany. He forfeited all these claims, when, whh a spirit of ingrat itude wi bout a parallel in Orrgon politics, he d aerie I the party that made him what he wis, (not is,) ard used all I Is power, offi cial and othemi-n. to rfeai lb") elecllon of 11 demorralic u.idrnt. N"; the governoi's die on 1,1, nreat for he has no c!.-!m '11 Br ike 'h-m. KiiKia lias .innounced to our Government ihal she wHI hold a frui' culture cxliibilion in S Petcisborg next year. Such a show should be rx'cnsively palronlzed by Ameri '.111 fruit growers It is unlikely that the 11 ieci fruiis ran ever lie largely produced in . K naff, and if our liest are put on exhibition ; here they will doubtless secure for us a j very valuable market. A good crop and a fair price ougrht to re lie?e the people of Oregon of much of the flnaacial stress that now exist. We wll have the crop, ljut what about the price? It is a manifestation of gall rarely met with when Governor l'ennoyer nukes a psrty appetl to vice president Stevenson In view of the fact that tbe governor used all his might, official and otherwise to ilef.-at the man to whom he mak;s the appeal . Now as a matter of fact the silver que tion is not a party one. It will bo 'impos sible to lr.vw party lines in discussing and disposing of the question. The men who seek to make party capital out of thoijtnis fortunea that have come upon the country should have their names enrolled alongside of Nero's The republicans are preparing to mar shal all the powers of their organization tc assist in electing McKinley governor oi Ohio, Is not But why this remarkable effort ? Ohio as certainly republican as Rhode Island ? aag Much is said about lynching co'ored men in the south . tat the same people talk much about the brutal assaults made by nog row upon white women and girls in the south. Break up the latter and the former will cease Tiw. f ilw. a.i ot iv q usuu ana ru nicu iiuu r ... o t 1 1 1 l... : J .. j 1 shows the value of the esta'e to be as follows: Real estate, $4,127,250; property. $3,:176,608 85; total, (ersonal j 858.95. The Beavrtrton Ctronkte, animadverting upon an appointment made by President Cleveland, asks "But what could you expect from a pros ident thai would send a substitute ?" Well, indeed, we would expect just as much from Cleveland as we would from Blaine, who also sent a substitute. A curious phenomenon is repotted in tje columns of a geographical publication. It is A large promontory in the .V-gnui sea known as Aayon Horoo, which extends 3000 feet above the level of the water. As the sun swings around the shadow of this mountain touches one by one a circle of islands, separated fy regular intervals which act as hour marks. It is Use largest sun dial in the wor'd The IrgbUtion ol congress under which our financial troubles have come upon us is that of the icpablican party. The Sherman law, the chief dUtmbcr. was passed by republican congress snd approved br a republicin present. Xot a single dem ocrat in i it he r house voted for it. 1.H all Use ciilxens of Alhaey j .in in a hearty welcome lo the merchints from San Francisco '-j h.l visit as sex, week. TLcy desire to cultivate is: de relations with us and we should be prompt to re.lp- rocate. Sack course will pre mote business ar.d social interests. our 7. 77 , J Jhn Sherman, EJsaunds, Urn e'rn aqa .. practical'v : II ths repuV.iran lease's, row - admit that the cause of sow so prevalent la traceable directly to the Kbeimio silver law. And ye:, in ihe face ot such emioeot authority repubUcaas ate to be found mho, nciwilhs'-aadlog IU s.' i.- .s... uiiioiiaiiMif. saos.t.,c, ""' ths hard tisaes are iraceablstotneexUUnce of a .Wwll,. .rfmi,.Utinr. ThP nvsn are either ignorant or dishonest. The Sherman silver law should be re- r-.l .i .. th fi-. .,! ot th, anpHsil session peilei a. the fw. set of Ibe special seMion j Lfcoagress. The aext s-e,, shov.M te to, pasta Ita admitting ail stiver bulson, tht product of our own mines lu fre cob age. accxnpanie3 ly the pataige of stringent aws, by heavy duties or otherwise, to jwe- ; vest", ihe bringing of silver bullion ot silver i in any shape into "ha ctmtry for coinage purposes II we ran not carry our can silvr at a par!ty whh gold, we ran not J carry it ar.d a'l foreign si've at sacs pail j . Edia C Mt. shall, wlto died in Saa Francisco a week ago, was a brother ot Kentucky s bayous orator. "Tom'' Ur shall, and Msnscif a eicqoert sneaker mi a man sf brilliant parts. Ia his younger years he practised law lathe c Mixta of Lex ington sad Versailles, sod the reputation for wit be made then still lives In the blue grass region. Oa the slump he was an entertaining snd original spesker, and he was s master of sstfre and Invective. His vocabulary of sleasncUtSua vss Inexhasst- ibte and bis capacity for applying ? iagfog epithets wondetful A story told of Mr j Marshall in California illustrates Hisc'ever use of repartee . In the excitement of a po i ileal address be was making in Tuolumne County aa i-st; audi, or shoaled out, "You're a liai!" Maitb sll paid no attentisa to tbe Interruption, but in closing his ad dress be said: "My frie.sds, just teore I csme up here I net my old friend Frank Pitcy. He said: 'Ned you are going up in to Tuolumne County anj I want tou to do me a favor. I once had a mule who was wy companion and eoiicr. lie and I were iaseparablr. I loved that rr.u'e like a brother. But, ala-: I lost him. In the wilds of Tuolume he strayed awaj and I have never icm that te'oved mile -Ince. If you hear anything of him 00 soar trav els don't Vt political bias or anything .else keep you from letting m; know las:anty.' When I leave this stand,'' continued Marshall."! am going straight to the tele graph office and telegraph Frank Pixiey, "1 have found your mule.' There he stands,'' lie shouted, shcoliag Out his long forefinger st the man who hsd interrupted him. A ion of gold is worti $607799.21, cf pure rilver $37,704 84; $l,CMO.uco in gold weighs 3685.8 poun is. uf sliver 5V,ssso.g pounds. A tslsnrp rraellre you call it when reiding an inleresting article nd find at its close that you've read an advertisement. Don't condemn the advrriiser. You wont read tbe ordinary advertisement. All advertisers feel this In common with the writer who takes this means of telling you that Simmons Liver Regulator is the bcsl medicine for malaria, impt re blood, and a poisoned system. Equally as good for i idlgestlpn and bll ousness. Lives o( many men renin J us I We to great success can climb, i If the reading public find us Advertising nil the time. NUIIEB BURTENSHAW KATON On July 20th, 1893, at the resilience of Die oride's parents, Lebanon, Mr James M Bnrien shaw and Mies Maud I Eaton. Rev H Oberg officiating. LAWTON-McEVERS.-On July 26th, I8'3, at tho residence of and by Rev U tv Hill, Mr E E Lawtoo and Miss Carrie McEver, both of Linn county. HOKN. IUMS. On Friday. July 28th, 189.1, in Albany, to Mr and Mrs Jade! Rossa girl. BR0DER8. On Friday, July 28th,1808, in Albany, to Mr and Mrs Hwiry Hrodere a girl. BONK ANB ABIOAB IIIL'RBDAV. The Fii st National Bank ol Kpokaoe closed Its doors at 2 o'clock yes'.trjay, Henry Falling has been appointed pres ident of the board of regents 'fii ihe State tniversitv. Prof Chas I Champman, of Mllwauke-, has been o'ected president of the State University, to succeed Prof Johnson. R"v O D Taylir, the North Dalles real estate man who was recently flogged by a voting lady of The Dalles, lias been ar res'ed for emuezx Ing $50,000. At a meeting of the City Council of Salem Archie Mason was granted the contract of grading and paving a portion ot State street. Consideration, $8,417 The lowest bid for the addition t i the reform school wa that of S A Hazell, $40,098 The highest was $50,000. As tht lowest vvss too hlch, no contract was let. b The Prinevlllj News says: Strawber ries sold in Pen timid this year as low as one cent per box. The lowest price at which they could be had In Prlneville wis io?i cents per box, and we considered that cheap. Clapp Si CoV wcklv letter says ; That Importing rotintries of the world last ar required about four hundred million bushels, and arc likely to require more this year, and we are not able to furnlaS more than three-fourths as much f H as we did last year. That as long as 100,000 m'ies of our railway system earns annually a sum of money aDDroachine six ! hundred million do'.lara. bankruptcy nunurea million The regular monthly business meeting of the auxiliary of the Y M C A will be held t.-monnw at 3:30 pm in the rooms ct '.ne asso.a'lon. AH members are re quested to ne present. The meeting will he unusually interesting. Misses Eva Simpson and Mart Cundiff will etve read ings and Mlaa Mildred Burneater will sing a sasn Mrs E R Prichatd. ac: lug secre-1 tary. Evidently havlni talked with a hatem ; stockhold'r the Staiesrran says; Arrange- without an engineer, he had taken charge ments are under wav for the re-organ!- of th; engine hlmsrlf. He fl cold water ing of the Linn County National bank, into the boiler, which pr diced an explo which recently failed st Albany, ai.d for ! slon resuhiog ia bis instant death, the lesumpllon of business when the stringency lets upa bit. It will pre bab'.v ) Total lallexe resume in the fall . We wish to cotigratu late Altany. j Baltimore, M J. July 27- A summary fbioat iM bank failures in the United States from j'-- . .. . . . j May 1 to July 1 Inclusive shows that 301 1 ne cotisBy jail at Salem has nine occu- j b,rfsing iost(tuUon. ith a capital of P3"- 'XA XX), have suspended. Fire sixths of Every bank in Ellensburg. Wssh, has j these failures and four-fifths of the apital been cloud. One of them, though, will involved were in Aestern or Pacific stales. resume business August 1. while only 10 per cent of the failures and Fine place, with two acres of land Jrult, j II per cent of tbe capital involved were in etc , f?r rent. Call on Prof W W Davis, the Sooth. In Colorado alone the ajgre- west end of Fourth street. gale capital involved was nearly t2.000.009 A Capital citv ordinance prohibits the ? Pefr,lb" t!,,KTeftJ(' cPlU'of " driving of s'ock through Ihe streets of the I baul" lhat ,IJ So?,h- Tw? nam' citr. A man paid c fcn the privl eee 2F ?f failures in tWbouthern states was yesterday. Te Alban'es will plav the Lmorruw mzjM, o coc. ana tne ll- la-ncim, anil s ltsnje ss oattenes, on . c aundav. nenry aceseas. tne well known painter. otrn ir.iunit m mc t 'Kuies lor several rears has returned lo Aibanv sad formed 'a partnership whh W T Baker S. 1 1 J, i n 1 . There are eighty-seven excursio.ils-s ,n i. psnr nisi su. uc in .tinnv nest Mendir khan. "rooisM la .im! , .hem we. wi h pleat v" to' eat'. sUht seeinB ' sat " aodmaatc. The builJ nr just east l the Dittoes it price Is being remodeled I. r occupancv j by K M R sber son'c feed store, while the bttck S'Bcalrd Lv turn l!i hr mmnurA ln R I. Pnr, .1,. farmer Jones. In comina to loan this! m0rr.lng wi:h a toad if bale.1 hav was i tipped over ia err,.- , tne Lebanon 1 s a a s m s s Th rc wilt Ix one in ihe A O I W orait-r lor : K n.rtnt K rJ ntna Tyd, makes 10 asarvamerts for S months. ' At this rate the number of assessments fji the tear will ataaaai a.t ith . rh. , , .j-T... .."'' . T TT ' . . . . "T " " "' w-""." " V ia hi linn sh&w4..l! .m priatioa. A gentleman recamlv there savs he sees no signs of the money having t - i i - i Ti a. ii.. i . i . hce" vxpendeX There ia IUU doub . boon. lh, " " " applied ss ordered, mhcfl trceix (rnm lhe ,utc. Prof Ha-le. on tbe Nicar,Ue Cans' . at the M E c urch tonight . Admisaion frex. ioco rctlon. Prot Hawlei snukr l.i Eugeae last Tuesday evening snd ihe Si Chang. Tbe general expectation is that Eugene OuarJ thus speaks cf itse it-Cure: ar'7 August the French fleet will attack The leciurr bv Pre frssor W C Hawiev.of ; U"Tok and land some .'-Oft) man- Tbere Sasrm. was at'rndtd by a large audience ' '' doubt hrre that Frtcre's purpose is st she M E church Isst evening. The 1 n-aae Siaro a French cdony. gentleman is afoclbte speaker and Uxor- J rmrnl alansrr. oachls rn-ivers-wit with the details of his j , , , .... suhject.' Astobja. Or. July 27. Mr taro'iae I Hansen was murdered in a patch cf nsp sATrRDAT herrr Uasbes near her hose Wsdnswday J W Gaines has been elected vlce-prcsi ievecinsr. She was found fare down, her dent of Ihe Bank uf Sdo. succeedinv I I. , skull i ru'bed in. an.1 tbe bead restinir ia a Cowan FneJctirks, the California murderer. has been seen In Ihe northern part of Ben- ton count . The Annual Conference of the M E churcn wi I eet in Albany A jsjus: ;? to zS. Bishop Goodsell will be i i attend ance. Eight of the so ing peooSe w ho went to, knot's Butte recently are down with no I- ; saa oak in different degrees ot Intensity. I The force of empWees on tbe S P has ? b.en cut down wi-vrever possible Ol I course this la to be regretted, ss it throw j ' wu WI WSSTK. kct Hill, a tiaptist minister of Aibanv. will hold service ifundav one mile south rest ol town . There will be several par ties baptized during the day . ScIo Press. The World's fair will open to-mono. This is in obedience to an Injunction that was grsntcd preventing the closing nf the fair. The matter ! have to he tkdded again. Recently a brown team and buggt were stolen fr..m Grant's Pass. It staa ihouuhi the ihlwrs wen. In Use bti-hcs opjkmIic Aibanv. snd S N Hoffman snc A He ; ... . ' B I Cain made a live hunt fo them las, eve ning. O May. John Curl and lack Lemon. of Scio, have tsktn up va uabte mining claims in Southern Oregon, at Hore Shoe Bend, cn R- gue river. T.iey mink ihev have a good mine, and will return and work it. (ien E L Applegate has been Invited to help out ihe Portland Exposition thlsi year In f. oratorical works.havlng s!ec!ed him lo do justice on the subject - f "The Pioneer Women of Oregon. n The Gen eral ha concluded to accept the invitation Thi- sfiernoon fire araa discovered in the wesi addition 10 the residence of Mr Marlln Payne The i-uckct trigasle e tingulshed tlie rapid'v spreading fl.iir-, which had caught from a defective U se The department were called out, but wvre not needed! The Indian boys came up 10 Albany to day and were facing the Albanies with Stanley in the box ami h;hind (he bat. Ho' nian, recently of the Salems. la In Ihe field Northern!, a voting while man of Salem, was In the box for the dus kv kids, of Chemawa. To morrow the Albtnles will play the Wll amettes, the cluh ct.anglng battetiea. Hugh McDonald, a carpenter of Athe ns, recently attended a meeting ot an ad -ventlst In a lent. The minister was pic turing how the world was about to come lo an end In glowing terms, when Mc Donald, who had been drinking, arose in his seat and told the preacher he waa a I'ar. He waa fined f 200 or 100 days in jail for tne offense. He chose the impris onment, They abk Bm. Walker Bros bip steers are attracting general attention in the tent adjoining the 8t Charles. You can tell them by their horns; Cleveland's are ojitjn. Harrison's parti v closed. They are 18 hands high, 12 feet 6 inches long:, 15 feel girth, 4 feet through chest, and 4 feci 'J inches across hips, weigh ing- 4040 and 4000 pound. Tonight ut 7 o'clock a free exhi bition will be given in front of the tent by Apache ( ieorge. the champion lariat throw er, and Sum Walker, champion long rifle shot. The admission is only 10 cents. 19 to o. That Is the score people make who trade with Perry Conn, the dealei In fresh groceries, prcduce and crockery ware. Thev shut nut hard times and pive mean bargains. Plenty sf home tuns and a return for more goods. The game it umpired on ihe square, and there ts never any kicking. Piompt and courte ous treatment. A steady thing. Doors open early and late. If you would hereon the winning side call on Conn. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Tke WrBrlnl rigarra, Washington, Juy a8. Controller Eck els takes exception to the re;ent dispatches which have appeared In the newspapers slating thit 200 national banks have failed since Jtnunrv t, and is out today in a atatt mert ahowing that 105 have pasted into the hand 1 ot the controller. Fourteen of these banks have already resumed business, two of th'm being the Fir.t National, ol Palouse City. Wash, snd the Washington National, of Spokane. KlrkeU la the rate. Kuornk, Or, July j8 Hon I M S; ores. who lives on the Mohawk, 1 j miles east of here met with a very serious sccldent yes terday. He was riding cne horse and lead ing a not fur, when 1 he one he was leading turned and kicked, s'liUng him fairly In the face. A terrible gai was cut down the chin, and the flesh of the light cheek from t lie corner nf the mnuili so the eye wsi tern loonr, breaking the chin bone. He Is now doing (airly w aud will rver in a fw week". la (tilraa ClK A.. July 38. Male Suuerinlend ), July s8. fctate ent Mcblpiy, of Oregon, nrrived yesterdsy lo attend the sessions of the National Edu- 1 caiional Association. Tolay he took t( mra seye v,e, vist'ing uregon a exmblts As s membe-' of Oiegon's world's fatr com mission. Professor McK'roy says be is well pleas. d with the state's exhibits and is fur prised st it completeness compared witn many other states nhich made larger appro priations. Professor B J Hawthorne, of the state university, snd Professor John M ttloss, of the Oregon agricultural college, are slso doing the fair. ;..! Sax Diecjo, Cal, Jul 2S N'evrs has been leceived here of the tiagic death of L Spaugkr, fotmetlr of Illli ois. and one f the most prominent American ranchrrs ia Lower California. Snanulrr ivi- i in Kan Rafael vallev. where a Urge crop is beisg harvested, tie natl latem secured a iteam threshing machine, and being tempcariiy . L . . . . , ; .11, involving,iiw: in in vsesrssa and Pacific Ufes the nuaiuer was 2U, tn llitmieii j,:r r,i .r.ii&ti ; L'.. j &u, Nurtber0 slates KL ith -X,uOO,QOO 1 . Twa Burteaa Btaaha. : , . " -- s " , - -- M4?""1 and- UonUxrA oai banks failed 'his morning A run began 00 the other I Waass.lV Tls bws ass ssswsmas saaBsfiaasaaval ssaiulull.- Iir'STItA- Xanl. JOIV Ii. IB t ir! N:l ,n tht. Mwh.U' National arbsWk . iCHns ,. - . -!,-I - i, . .. - . , : "T"" it. trie riotett " rSKaX II S t' 9 . s r 1 ' st l IJ-a sB VSas L'ltsas aaaU -a wJ - Ma, of over l MAM I'- paid out over 1 .SMfl (100 li. rui.f wek. Ths. llnatsiu National ha paid out nearlv 5ffl),000. The other bsnks are s andinc 'be ran well. lasAJaB sBrllr -S"KW Vobk, Jnly 27 Aicig tbe uu "nerous reports that teodeO tc firm thir-gs P n W SJI sTm WKtay. lae n: -! nWSJ - I snl sum a a Iks mm a mis nt CI sf'afafl lafafl further drep in the rate of sterling ex- casr.ire. One feature of the day's opera- " tinus was tbe purchase of securities for in - vest meal Toe movemnt was tbe heavi- ' aoa - ' ine UsL tcreura buters were esneciaiiv act ire and cooservatire. ' ' BiawSusSe Baxokoc. July 37- Notice was stvea today of a blxkasle by IV rreacr Beet , i ; .1- i i a . i. . i OstgOtng vessels bare been warned that! : tbey must clear before Saturday or submit j lo dvtentiM. The biockade will exiend I h'8 tbe entire north coast of the gulf of am. Tbe I-Yench beet, with M. IVtvie. r rHKb tcicister rei.lent. has cone to Koh 'pool of biood. which was stilt warm. The ipwra. opinion is that her husband. John ,,aan- arrest -n susolcion. Btwaate t.illlrs Steady Xi.w Yobk. July. 27 It is learned i through authoritative Russian sourcsss thai j the Russian fleet now at New York are un- der orders tn jmn the trench Mediterra- nean squadron at Toulon. It was also staled tnree ol tbe Krasian warship now hrn. receired pre para' ory orders, wbich wa c,u' ,nm 10 conlinoe. alter "wg Toploo. to kast India waters Aa Esxsiasaiam. Aberdrkx. Wash.. July '.-'. The l-.d- nr in It). V : 1 ,.rr. t mill ... i .wl .1... morning about 7K) oclock. instantly ktl- I f" to SB her and drawutt; a re- ling tbe fireman. iliiam Welch, and bb-JS" so tntimidatr.1 the younp riouslv injuring several other men who , J"' ortnU U and walked out with were wo-kino-near bv. Tbe accident wasi?""- It sc-ms that on Satnrdav last she cansed I y one of the Hues roUarcing. Bat little damage wa done to tbe mill prop erty. Ssvartr raaie. . . I . I .' 1 Yor.s. July 'J6 Toslav V 11 1 -Lift .u 1 , sT- ca,,l,v ,bv a a ban- 1 la sim' ' "l 111 ,iay toe stock ex- ch.tntn p'e-nted a situation verv close to a pilc At time sales of innstment stocks p'occesisxl iss Mark volume as had never before Itren witm-wcd except in the i worst slats of 1S7:5. lAindon hraxsrh' fora time, but proved quite poireriess to stem tbe ti 'e of liquidation. The bears liad it entirely their own way. for them was no opposition to their onslaught. Lyaraed Isa Beater Dksvkh. Colo.. .fuly 26. Last night B C Ligfatfoot. an olsl lit and Army man. was brutally murdered by Dan Ami a. un Ital ian saloon -keeper of unsavory fame The murderer was placed in the county jail, and the mat'er has been discussed all day by tbe iieople. Many threats of lynching were niasie, but not much attention was 1 .i l to them, ns it was thought the tinm for fton tier justice in Denver bad passed. After a big meeting of laboring men. the man was 'jtken from j-.ti! aud banged to a jelenrupb pole. Hove Mai iBteast esla. Sens STo.v. Pa.. July 20. T V Powderly returned home today from his western trip'., and was asked regarding the statement that? be contemplated resigning his position as ppiieral master workman of the Knights of Labor. He said: "Tliers' is nothing in it. I have no thought of resigning." A Bail sVresldrBt. Cincinnati, July 26.Clarer.ce M Over man, late president, and director of the Cit izens' National bank, of Hillsboro, O., was arrested by the United States marshal to -day, charged with embezzling $50,000 of tbe bank s funds, and also with making false entries in his report lo the controller of the currency, as to ths bank's condition May 4, 1893. Ho plead not guilty. Over man ia a cousin ot ex-Governor loraker. The t'rcntUaiansrsr Trsaltle. Pabis, July 26 It is staled that an ef fective blockade of the Siamese coast by the French-fleet will only liejjin Saturday or Sunday. Until then al! the powers will not have received notice of Frances inten tion to establish a blockade. A cabinet council was held at 6 c 'clock this evening, but the (res test secrecy was maintained as to what took place. Tke Ladle- The pleasant e fleet and perfect safety with which ladles may use the California liquid laxative Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes It their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co, printed near the bottom oi the rack age. Prof Miehener left Tuesday for a visit to his old home in Kansas, aiirf will also take in the world's fair. A II Cummings and of Albany, visited over Sunday in Lebanon with old friends, A C Harden and wife. Isaac Saltmarsh, Mr ('randall and Miss Kmrmi CrandnJI. W M I'.rownand wife.iml A F Stowe left Monday fora mountain trip. Pivf H Wilkes arrive! here Friday from Kansas, and after visiting among friends in this vieinitt , left Tmwiar for Halxey and Eugene. IjuA Friday Clint Oordon mtnrnoil lo UWawBOB all right. He says ha don't know what' made his dog leave Mm. Clint ha given up the mining business. Hamuel A.ttridire. of Mountain Himie.died of kidney trouble, July I5th,at Broranritte, where he went for medical treatment. Hi? was an old nioneer and a highly-respected citizen. He leaves a wife and nine children. Mr Matthews, of the firm of Matthews k Washburn. Albany, visited lKinon on business Monday. This is one of the lead ing hardware and tinware firms of the val ley. They luveliuilt up a large business by 1 -- -r - v .11 . . 1 iiifir sr Tr iriu- un, ..r . ,, Mr Carman, from Washington, and Mr Van Auken. recently from Miciiiaran. have succeeded I) Andrews in the hardware and. tinware business. The name of the firm i Larmanavt o. Mr Carman is a married man. and his family will soon arrive. We welcome them to I.luion and wish them SU'n. Drlailills'rson lia.s reneivnl nomrh r hiii'M j lark (117 tons) to fill his contracts in lon- don and New York, and is not iaiying ary more, although people are still bringing it in; however, he will try to sell it for them, and expert to soon mak. :irnin.piiwnt tr 1 tuspiM- or wmti 1 brought in. Mr Beall. receiver of the Linn County j Bank. 1 ame out Toesiday and wanted to pot ' down bis signature a a depositor in tlse I Bank of Lebanon to the amount of 8-7 ,000, ' but til.' trusts) wrmld tu.t !,. 1m ,1.. , This is the amount the former owner of the j i Hanlt ol Iz-lurion iw,-s to the lann Vnintv ; I 1. Bank. At a mivtiiifr of the school Ixsard Last Monday evening. Prof Miehener was re .Iprtwl prirwpal for the cominir year, ana! Miss Fannie 1 irigjr, Mrs Funk and Misav Alibie Pn- were elected as assistants. All of the old tearners were re-elected with the exteiition of Miss Carother. who has ac cepted a position ia the Albany school. J M Kalston was in the cifvtwo dav this wwic l(,kinL' after this bank. One of tbo trustsses infmnl n that he had withdrawn hi offer of eKit). And the trustee also isfTerai wnowere at nrt oppcasM to takinjr that amount would like very mu h to get it now.--Advance and Kxpnec. Taw rswSlauas! atsaks. Speeisl lo tke "JaancsuTt PbBTux0. Or.. Julv 29tfc. Tae ton.- merrul National. Portland Sasie-s Baai .. .. 1 a : . 1 . - , . . uu .smsaona .-satmnai lauea to open doors ttiU m-rnimr .i v.-iimnt .n.s, S slight removal from First Nations! Com- mercuil, asets9l.'Cr.ia.i. ,h.Ka-it SJ.4S5. 000: Ainswortb. assets 887.000. deprs-iu M7.Ca: Sariags. surplus Xeabj.t Ubowxed. Mr. Wm. RaWtonre ueived a tetter from Olex. lisLsn Urtob. 1 - - - - 1 BBBJI sefBI of - a dose tali to drwninsr by thre children not often experienced with such favorable results: Mr. Gilf Sk;i;ner. an old re&ident of Ijnn "untv. was ai i uex with his familr where his little irin MI into Kock Creek, at a point, where it was juite deep. A fifteen rear M m jumped in after her. folk. wed bv a younger eon. who got strangled and caught h" brother around the neck and thev went, down. A young man with apoie sxtcrvjedesl in (fvttjnir the airl oat sus.1 Ixi-ir - i: f-n-raeriv of thi itv. siov.- for lhp 1tm an.1 ' at once wurssj the vourger; bat it wa ! with srn-a; .USVuitT that he finaiv got the ; older one from the deep boh in "which be I sunk. They were rolled on barrels and all ; twuturnt w. tne olsfcr boy not ontu after . about an hoars crmtimr.I vnrt with him. The saving and resossrilafion of th three was . ..nsKiervl retxSBrkahlp Mr R-lrtnn rsartv-uiariy was entity I to great credit for his part in saviasr the :!Jren from a. tt-juVry Brave. A CnxTt'KT u t m, v Lriw.xxl bssljnKs to a bscyeJe cinl. wboae name t Century Road lit. ,rf Aiatviea. siys tbe Salem !mleriexisi;. Tbe i&jeH of this dub is to prorn - rosut rxding a against track nu-ituf. an 1 tbey have certain rule wbicb make it iutaestini lor their meai- tsers. meot ttsrse ts. that any iiiisalBS who will po before notary public and give tor farts in the rase, an i make oath to bare ri'hl-n 1"1 mile in sixteen txanarentive boors or Um. will je entitled to a lirtsVcoid bar that thev will send vou. witfa the siaDe. anl tune sugravsd upoti it. Tbe dub medal is . ircalar in ronu and aboat tbe sixe of a silver doiia . The riding of 100 miles in than si- e horr is railed the inaking of a rentur. and a sold bat that is received in reran for the affidavit ia attached to the kvtrer par; of the dub jneda). It arooseis a smirit of rivalry among tbe members and rensier them Anxious to add as many liars as Mi oa- to their medals. Wkxt From AL-six-v. The Portland Dispatch says: A man by tne name r pics. wbo has been keeping company with Vuwt BerUet rcsase. Isevauneso obnoxioas to her by his alsasr ami rrxselty that she dis-canfc'-.l him. and said she never arantod to see him again. A few evening ago be called mwn her where shewasemrioyed.and had token a walk with another and this r.uidpSpisss anerv. He given the girl a goM watch and citber presents which ho .leuianded she should rttarn or nsrkulnr -I 1.1 -- : w am m . at OSSOS ptre them up he sAsxW ber severely and drew a revolver on her.but it was taken away from him by some onewatAinfr him. The posw girl entreated him with tears to let bin- alone: that tshe would stie laafore she wcvtild luarrr him. .She is remits! to he Bl p0' honest, hard working girl, and had to leave her home in Albany to get risl of her periisvutor. lie tot lowest her to this city and is pursuing hist course of annoyance. She is stopping with tri-. : al East' Sixth ami Harrison streets. Servssa ayssKsskB: 8cnato- James F iNerce, of New York writes: 'For the past two years 1 have suffered very much from an sggravated form of nervous dysoensla. I have re- aortcti to various remedial agentsderivlng but listle bmet . A few months since a friend of mind suggested the trial of All- cock s reroti p.ssters. 1 ol'o Ing the suBuestion, l have hear 1 ualng the -ame i'h the hapoiesi effecis. T th,jie slml- sasiy ssuuecra ict n!e suKgrst tne manner of their u;e I pace one over snv stom - ach, .me over the hepi ic region, and one m my hack The effect is exceileot. From the stay I commenced their use have been slow If nut surely improving, and am quite confi.'en' that by continuing I shall again be sestoied to my accustomed ncal'h ' a Oi Mski The j public are now folly alive to the fscttbac ihe Chicago, TJtiou Pacific & North-Weftvrn - hie vffria the vary best aoeommodationa to the public from and to s-nica-o, ssmana an.1 intermediate points-, not only darins tho World's Fair, but all tne year round. AnvEBTiscta Novkltiks. We have a complete line of noveltise, direct from the makers, can furnish the s ame at Iowck prices. Whistles, mirrors, pencils, mem orantta bookst, napkins, fans.rulcns, van! sticks, panels, cliromo cartls, ct) ps, t':a!en dara, xmas cards, etc., in season. And always the best Job Pbixti.vo SMILEY. Leading Printer. and Oregon City. Dcuit goto Chicago ; withi nit your atxtmuncKlaUons n-served, un-1 test you nave u tug put empty. Call oti (. TC. urse you are -mxious ts rronk at the depot tor purucnlors One SmoU Bile uoau everr night fora svs urtHtss Torpid Lire tv sac. ir bottkk HllAHli AHfn l.tiU.MVii .-.f ivrarul n,.jix I reasonable rates .7177 I "? . a..4 ';tP the sts. i-wi.s- si vv ii- l" ' ii i ''sl- 1 w no traveling pnoto here ir ii he i.' 8i fr,.Hl,M -an.lgviutwnomw, imt have t-ome V.T ,R(nL"rNlp J0rrli,t sr"1' wifcumlchildrtrntomakea home in rcvd ticket oAcem l)rtliuid. clml(lte- 1 have come to Altaiiv 1- ntr,vitf Wu i M.-Minnvil L R n v . . mm It Inr.lra from th stateniimf a if tltfs Port land bank that failed yesterday was simply I doing business on public funds, and it no wonuer 11 went. mwra. Don't ! a calamity bowler. The a States is all right. Eras of finan tal te- j pression are penorlical and never mive last- r . rat ...a 1 l ft 1.. , . . . L , c 1 vtt vs I etl. anu win not. last, msmm -followed by snnshine. The big bridge at Salem is still full of hnW :,nd ibinawrm to travel. Both txiati- ties seem to disclaim ownorsliip of resyon- j sibility for Hie condition of this wri,1 ' structure. It is clearly an orphan and the county c.mrt should unijoint a guardian. 1 j Salem Jonnial. Tlierermblir-rti 'rresident of the Twdasj National b.uik of 'litcmia. says: The clos-1 lag of tail Isank was due to the present nr. rareeedented financial now exist ing in this country which wer, cansed pr '' cipally by distitist of the Shern in bsw. Should the poxcha.-uig ciause of the w man act lie repealed money would liecontc eauier at once. ' Dr S A Young and Jake Aprieraon ar rived from tbear iirospectbig trip in the Blue mountains lart week. Tbey were iinsim-ncsfiil. Mr Antrxin lieinsr iinalrle to locate the place where he panned oat the , yellow metal.- nc.mnnvine 1. . coorve. Some Linn county men met with j the same restult. The causes for pie present finani-ial crwis ! are many, a given by tbe public. .Some cf j them are quite ridiculous, as well as amiss- j ing. This is an euss for bre-linir jmiioao-1 pher; lint most of them are a,'wp. One is remin.lerl of the cry of tie a theater arisen there is ita.-dfy a blaze; lut every- j Irody (roes wild. ( Vol heads are aeedd,and more conhslsw of man in man. Man is a harvester. Hie begins life at i the cradlV; learns to lian die the fork ; j ofteti has rakish way sod sows wild j na'-s; threshes his way through tbe; vortdand when he art iveea. tbe sear nd yellow leaf, time mows him down j sad bis remains are plant"! n the hill side. Ex. The people of OrKon bare xmeauee to i comnlala of hard limes.wl.en tJsev com pare I heir conditions with eaetera states . No one an Oregon is suffering far tbe j necessaries ot me, wniie in many eastern ; states tisoounfa of labor rs are Tiiacfird for their bread and better, and ottiers are 1 dependins; on charitable people (or their upport Ker-.ster. T' - levtnre business rets kitocksi r-ut with o-her tiutijjs. T'se Kajttoe Regis ter savs: nev itarry m' ksct, lovsner'y of this city, was to lee' ore a t Salem this weels, but after oi 'r:a: rt-mineil h"m". as be rooid gt no h-wresa. He i a food lecturer, bu pais dvegBOt ii'erested in stub utaite.j. Young Mammon, recently with the Ore- aval Citv riah kaa nmA wsath Is ..i. the Call tells of his first game: Los An-' gates ran against a snag tolay in the sxasrpe or uamnton. tne young sonupaw M&nagr Moore recent! v imnrated frr.m rWoY-r. TK viator thought th-y were gointr to wipe tbe earth with the youngster. 1 ut instead Le played with them. The new hair! . w.iierful curves. L'mpire Srjernev couid at see many of the bails which twisted over the plate, therefore he gave Dammon somewhat the worst of it in his deosiaai on balls and strike. But that made no si if-1 ference anvbow. as the AngeJes could do) little or nothrsir; with him when bits weae ! aaawawL of positioo who allow the uie of their names as directors in banks or other financial usfUtutions wooiddo well to based the eanerience of Judge Jenkins, of Mitwaakee. He was .1 dmvtor ia a tsaak. He gave tbe use of his name without at ttendinsr to the duties cf tbe position. Tne ement of tbe hank w a- bad. Xoney was wrnngly wed. The hank failed. Now Jadife Jenkirt? rind- h:uiw4f under indict ment. He nleads that he had no ctitraixasMa of tbe wrongdoing. The answer is that bv allowing the use of his name he was se sponsihse. If he did not attend to his ities Be was all tbe more reponrible. It is a bad position Lra jodge. but it impree a jeaaan that soxae bank shreetors need to learn. Kx. y&7 hMT7; rancher, lost 500 the other dav by palling it into a tin bos furn i, bed by two ?Jtit!e men. who kinUIr permitted him to kee- the box. After waiting -4 hoars for the mra Ui cHne lck he broke open the box on'v to ind 1 full cf atasxBB. tJtse morning last week we rssjaas.1 e I JsassV berry patch and saw two ladies sisssis the t rnarherous Isashx-s of thorns piddng bssrias with saen's pants on. says the Traver Advo cate, wbereuptsn the v oodlan,! Mail rises to exdaun that it is tim tor VrA. s- shut up shop when Tulare can produce fruit like that. J B Mahaaaa is trying in UtiH a saddle track railroad from Claskai ntv to Mt Hood, tir Mahaaaa ha. tbe BBrrit of stick- j im; to a thia? . He is tlu- n w ho bbsb establishing creamerii-s at one time, and said Aibanv wasn't worth the packing lo a saddle I sag becani we would not invest. Here is a warning for th s unthinking ps o nleof today: A man in Chicago lost confi dence in his hank and drew oat $1400 he had in it. It was handed to him in two psirceis. one of ? ar) . : the other of "J900. . Before lv had w.tiked two block. sotuebodv !:. It- .1 - - - ". i3 re.ievtn mm ot tne swsw. on itiscovennir his loss he went hack and .letwsiited the j500 again, havinsr iid Uam how to to keep 4300. ! I The Pendleton Tribune savs: roe num ateret of E J Lsneiog. Ths rasia ber of idle men in Pendleton grows not i hrJ;er eatrkd oa ty Jshn 1 smaller fast. Lodging bouse are full, feed th,e Purch"' thar-st f, who hereey ass m stahles are crowded by the blanket brigade, 1 Pneship debts, and who .lore i su and even the woods above and below town, i "on9" 10 collect asd recess for all .kbts swarm wiut men. tor the most part honest, i.-!f --.I.. . 1 l.uL. " 1 a a mm, nut tiead broke, and eaicer to work. The outlook is jfloomv bevond worrit and th.. logic of the situation points to harder times wxuai tnere must ot iieeessity be much saffsiring. and even crime grow oat of the sMUoreed i l' of so many men. 1 1 The following from a vallev ex. should be a terriWe warning to Aibanv voonsr di,-s hke the one referred to: Last nijrht as four I .vomig ladies on tVont street were impitinjr i the yard, a lady and gentleman passed- the nxwe oeinjr very stroni; some cf the spray I fell on the ladv's shouidr. ber companion ! ' resented this, and toning, frightened them j all by Rat ing: "If you ever do such a thiur ajrain. I will break vour neck." emiha-1 j siting his remark with an oath. The wmig j ladies, now verv pale, rastened the doors ; securely and spent half the night in watch- ) I inur t,ir his return t.c ..,.t 1... tl.n, .r rrr at Merit The poof of the merits of a plaster is the cures It fiTects, and the voluntary testimonials of those wlio have used All cock's Porous Plasters during 'the past thirty years is unimpeachable evidence of ! their superiority and should convince the ! moat skeptical. Self praise !s no lecom mndation, but certificates from those who ! have used them are. Beware of imitations and do not be tie- j ceived bi misrepresentation. Ask tor Al- I cock's and let no solicitation or explana tion induce vou to accept a substitute. galleo' In the Y. M. C. A. block, 2nd street, Albany,, and will try hard to please all who will fa or me with their patronage. 1 will take all sixes and styles of photos as cneap- tcKlllV with your stay. ' J o my work, 8. A. 11 VMMM.I.. Lute of Toronto. Canada. Tbev Iniinass annetUe. nur JstemaBdaetontbeilrer Bile! Hllll IX t ' How goo f digestion wait on appeti te, And health on both: CmietsBiCatsplm Cottolne ;toleae Cesasasss Cortotene ipumnis CnttOT.' xiitaune iLtssessaw To assure both the above ends, good, wholesome, palatable food is demanded. It is next te unpossible to present a Sttffcient variety of appe t iiing bills of fare for our meals winV c at a liberal allawanee of pastry ass! other food in which shortening is required. How to make crisp, healthful, digestible P" has mizzled the cooks. A difficulty in all good cooking in the past has been lard. Always fickle, tvrver umfcrm. most tmwsKJsesoiae lard has always been the bane of the cook and the obstacle to "good digestion' CsbWbsbs COTTOLENE comes now into popular favor as the new shorten ingbetter than even the best oi lard with none of lard's djectionable quali ties. And COTTOLENE comes attended by both "APPETITE AMO HEALTH." Grocers sell it all about. aeruse all substitutes. Cacssnsc Cettofetae OBSSoisawgessssmjLessssisBB CetcVcaw Cenalnc CcBSDStse Poor Weak and Weary Mothers Raise - 1 ; i J Puny, Pindling Jj Children. J 3 . w Sulphur Bitters Wiii make them Strong, hearty And healthy. j m ' , f ! A. P. OrstssBV A Caw THE WEBFUOT Oregon Piciflc. Mml ST BUM.!. Ef" -t Alhas.. tfr?' e s,,ijj"Tsri-j. rrsyaja '-sCwvbXBs l.Wr . CSStoKtp.1 ' "!rna,W! . Isinsr sWi.lials. I Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates Between Wiilame te Val'.ey PunU and San Francisco LS STEt R SIILIVGS rs.t SkS raLS3. 1 VaSev. Mt nu TTU, raow vasrxa. TaDrr, Jaiy flat, at I JI Bt. The Oompaav .tseryr uw neat Baxts snmag sjaxtes v-rthoat notice. KiTER VrvAKERS, "Hoar" leaves f:.M Vfaajasxsn; aast H C Oay.Osw AsrXtOas,. Sr wlsansarusssi D K saartn. (Saw AtX Sm FrasKucs. Cat. B K Xsleahy, Gsr.; S ik: Notice of Dissolution. NOaCE ISHEREBT GIVES THAT ths ck -partsersaip avaretvfotw existiag tetweea the uixlarsitjwed noder tie firm nam of Iiorn. I.u.t r & Co. h-.t teea and is this day dissolved bv aistaal coeseat of 1 tas asart'ue. John Ion KstIm m,.i,. i sn-av -osrx Isoa, E J LAsxrst;. Dated this 1st day cf Jaly, 1690. eavtara. 'ntana sd.s MSICN MTWTS, BseaxsBBBssaaBBa swriRiBHrx, SB .MUNM a CSJL.5 wassuiawHssas sa roe irwasa. ffiwyiaaww, taAen out h?- sts la rsBsxiswatveiitreeor tsrgs TMTt Sl-SDaxtT 4LFAJY C0LLSSUT1 IHStTTUTI ALBANY, OREGON 1 1891, 1892 less Teraa Sssssaeal Sessmsaasxir ssb A ft. 1 corps of inastruotorR. ClAoSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, immi COMMERCIAL AHO NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot study arranged to meet sr all grades of student? Sptoml imamemmmts eftrti ta stud?, from ttervmd. ITT. KLBKBT ! COVBIT REVERE HOUsT sLBANY . OBEIv HAS. PFlilFFRH tROPRlKTOR C" Ka okUt by lw U. tC FAIRSAslK CO., ST. LOUIS and 5csiiicoirwjB Jk Sasxtr3o AnyericaB U) - vBa - mWW I St : x WBBS WBSXBESS