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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1893)
Ufa Bmamt. Wit ATS IX A NaUK? Mr lWnui. i the oodburn bank appears to be somo what of a joker. Some two months ngo he was strollin- along in tho World's fair wo man's building, in Chicago, when a My approached, accompanied by a Coluinbinii guard. When she reached where he wns at the foot of a stairway, on the steps of which some women and children were sit ting, she gave an order to tho guard ana passed on. rhe grtard turned to to the women and told them thev would ' have to get up and move on as the steps must le Kent clear. "Indies, you can sit still just whore you are" said" Pooriniin. The guard looked at him in amazement and paid: ' Perhaps vou don't know who that lady was who gave that order." " do not," said I'oorman, "who wis she'!1" ' That was Porter Palmer, the president of the woman's fair committee." said the guard. "Perhaps you don't know who I am said Poonnni. "I do not said the guard, who are yon ? "I am t.overnor Pciuioyar of Oregon" said Pooniian. The M I L AND PERSON I MJNDAY. The regular meeling of the W C will be held to-morrow afternoon. The new flat; pole o( No i's will T U HOME ' AND ABROAD Th- raised tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock liremon will arpear in uniforms. Ail t? quiet in banking circles in Port land to-dny. there being no more run. A day'., rest gave people an opportunity to contemplate matters in the light light. Dr Love, of this city, is now running a Klckapoo troup in Utah, Besides his Indians he has a first-cluit concert troup. lie is said to have developed into a crack orator. Seattle Telegraph: Daniel W Bass, a prominent young lawyer of Seattle, Is the probable appointee to the position of deputy prosecuting attorney, made vacant by the resignation ot Si Q Win-tor Formerly cf Salem, and well known in Albany. Cant Humphrey's case Is quite serlnus and bis brother G C Humphrey believes that he will not get well. He is almost a guard looked amazed awl passed on while 1 raving m-.uiac. He cannot feed himself the women looked grateful and sat still. Statesman . Ax Attack. The Oregonian makes a mean attack on the San Francisco Mer chants excursion party, personally and gen erally. This is "small Wans."' While the party is not large it is a representative party of young business men. Mr Feather stone is president of the Chamler of Com- nerce. a fact alone that wonld entitle the : party to all the attention it is receiving. 1 Mr stetson is a member of one of the big linns of the city, and others Iwlong to lead- j ing mercantile houses. The principal flung though is the fact thai thev represent an important interest. So far as stealing trade from Portland i concerned there is no such thing in business. Competition is not thievery. It is life. Immense quantities of goods come to our merchants from the east, where the trade should be with this coast. No one can kick though. If Portland would keep the good will of Oregon mer chants it should not discriminate against bonks outside of that city bv fefoatog checks on them, particularly at a critical time. Ixkixitk Wisdom. The following from the Astoria Budgett was found posted on the springs at Sodaville Monday morning: It may sound like a Munchausen varn. but it is an actual fact, that In the sq'iinteyed little burg of Sodavihe. in Linn county, in block 8 of the town plat, there is a "soda spring, and that the last legislature, in its infinite wisdom, provided that "inasmuch as there is a great and growing demand on the part of the puh'ic for the water of said spring, " the state would spend 500 to im prove it. This, at last, is the fond realiza tion of the long felt want which has been loafing around the country like the ghost of boyhood's happy days in" quest of a water melon patch where haplv lingered no vicious dog. It is a grand and imposing sight to see the legislative fancy rising from the sordid contemplation of a cold and unre sponsive hog law and hoverincr on halcyon wings over the soft murmur of an idvllic state soda fountain. and does not kaow anybody. Portland leiegram. Notwithstanding the stringency money market hop gro.vers who proper security to give can get Mrs A I) Barker and daughter are rusticating at Waterloo. Judge "V G Piper, of Moscow, in Sale tu. W H Raymond, the Guardian insur ance man is in the city Judge Strahan, of Portland, is in the city. All the courts are now taking their vacation. O V Adams and A Winkler left today fcr the Cascades on horseback for a months outing. Mrs A B Matthews and daughter re turned from their eistern trip last Satur day. Dr Wallace of Albany has been in our city several time during the week. Jefferson Review. Everybody invited to attend the grand ball this evening, given in honor of the visiting San Franclacoans. Rev H V Rominger has organized a party for a trip to Mount flood. They will leave next week -Oregonian. E Thrall and Knox Haight, who have of the ; been selling wagons in Eastern Oregon I and Washington, are now at Elberton, 1,11,1 1 Wash. Thev have sold six car loads, or money thev need to pay rands f r harvest ing their crop. This is what the bankers all say. Saierr. banks are solid and ihey do not intei.d to see their patrons placed at the mercy of the hop buyer. Sidem Independent. Thk Sax Franiisccans. The Mer chant's excursion '-arty from San Fran cisco arrived at Yuquina Bay yesterday, ana tins noon wure given a banquet at Corvallis. Thert are about 36 members 01 1 tie board ot trade and titty otl.ers. j p,,ur springs 16 miles west of Albany I .u.cin iM!0 u;e vnney menus a j yesterday, reports about two hundred closer business relationship between Cal-j people there partaking of the beverage ifornia and Oregon, one tbat is bound to j that has given that place a name, operate to our Advantage. The excursion I c H Laughead, the O P engineer, cap party willurrweat Albany at 4:30 oclock, j tured 8S trout yesterday up at the front of and will be met by our business men,! the OP. JR Whitney nearlv doubled beaded by a band, and be given a i thenumber with a record of 165, and lev- uuutjuei. i iuc ot iiiHues 10 i.igiit. Alter the banquet the visitors will be ' about 275. Loren Laughead, w ho resides under ! the eaves of Mt Jefferson, was in the cl'.y ; to-day. Last week he killed a couple of . bears near his place. Mrs F F Windham, of Halsey, who has j been In the city visiting at Prof Russell's, returned home' to-day. She will leave In ! a few weeks for Cos'a Rica In Central ; America. Mr E A Parker, who was at the Sul- WHAT I SAW AT HONOI.ri.Cl A trip to the Hawaiian Islands from San Francisco in one of the Oceania Company's United States and Royal Mail steamships is perhaps the most enjoya ble in the whole passible range of Bea excursions. The distance, '.'100 miles, is invariably covjred by these superb ves sets in sewn days. A three thousand ton steamship, fitted with every modern con venience, and capable of ruining sixteen knots an tiour, sails twice a month from San Francisco for Honolulu and returns at similar stated intervals, thus giving practically a fortnightly steamer service between the Pacific Coast and the Haw aiian i standi. There are also two olier lines of s'eamers which touch at Hono lulu, one from San Francisco running to China and Japan, and one from Austra lia to Vancouver, B- C. At the last moment we decide to join an excursion party bound for this new land, Hawaii, the most written about and the least understood Utile country in the world ; the prettiest, wildest, weirdest, moat uniqu ; conglomeration of Paradise and Perdition on record, within easy utl of San Francisco. Hawaii lu-es us on with ita legends, landscape and poetry, and we embark without further delay. "O, had we souiebright Utile isle of our own. In the blue summer ocean, far ofT and alone." We s ood in bright array ; brides. bene dicts aid bachelors, waving a fond fare well from the upper deck of the "Aus tralia." We are not alone, for the cabins are full, but we are not making acquaintances at that moment, and so we stood in silhouette waving our farewell. At 2 p in sharp the gang plank is drawn ashoisand we swung off into the a'.ram. and in exactly seven days ye are to enter the harbor of Honolulu. Meanwhile music and mirth reign in the social hall; carls, cigarettes and dro'l stories i"Jhe smoking room, while the symptoms of frolics and flirtations from concrete structure, also the Palace, ot con siderable architectural merit, and contains several department offices and the Supremo Court and Judicial Chambers. Formerly the Legislature of the Kingdom met in the main hall of the building, but now occupied by soldiers of the Provisional government. In the well kept grounds of tho government buildings stands a bronze statue of Kame haraeha, the Great, in feather helmet and robes of state. The likeness to the founder of the Hawaiian monarchy is said to be perfect. Kawaiahoa of the old Mi landmarks of Honolulu, is in this vicin ity. It is built of coral, tho material and labor being furnished by the natives soon after their chiefs had renounced idolatry, and is an enduring evidence of tho iniluenoe of the early Christian missionaries. In tin Kawaiahoa churchyard stands the monu ment of King Lunalilo.thelust of the Kame hamohas, although he did not assume that mime. The Hawaiian opera house, a com modious building capable of seating tereraJ hundred people, fronts on Palace Square, close to the government buildings. A short walk from the Palace brings the visitor to the Queen's hospital, built in 1860, in honor of Oueen Emma, by her Royal consort, the Fourth Kamehauieha. The grounds surrounding the Queen's hospital are planted with palms, flowering shrubs and shade trees. '1 N Avenue of Palm, leading up to the mai l entrance, will well repay a visit. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report m Baking Powder PATRONIZE. HOM INSTITUTIONS.- I FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE d Albany, ABSOLUTELY PURE rftCAii, President. J I COWAN, Treasurer. J O WRITSMA.W. Societal 3 Geo F SIMPSON, Vfos President THE MRKI'H 1&T4 EXCI IIIM Albany ( the ftas rraaeUcMH a live rrrptloa The following members of the Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco arrived in Albany at 5 o'clcck last evening by a specja O. P. train in charge of Receiver Hartley and Superintendent Mulcahv: E E Wbal- H W Mastick, .. If am WM i...3 1,1 L 11 i sT "hast of the city, dose to the footuilkund Wendt. j I, Ktsasar. A Stetson. A Corri- not very far from caeh other, are Ltyalil 1 ' 1 . . .1.. . .M ..... 11... noine anu vuju 1 u.irc. . ,,v mrmer is sur rounded by extensive grounds. It was founded by Jung Lunalilo as a home for destitute and aged Hawnuans. Oaiiu col gan. J H liner. L H Iryon, ebster Jones, II M Hineman, L Hinch, J Waterman, J P Hlunt. J Figenliaum, A Walter. H Coon. K O Blethen. A Sachs, Nelson C Hawks, H Ti: ,M .ndowl with UU. TA k " ru.ntwK.aiso r. v yrawton . representing ---- - 3 - ; me ui rnuwisto tail, and w f Uuimby for vome entertained by a grand ball at the -pera l. - 1, . nouse, 10 which an are invueu. n f ery body come and crowd the house. the Al rJV8 3V Bask Ball Last Saturday h.iiiys paddled th? Chemanas the score of 16 to 10. withont trrini .r hard. Five home runs were made, Free man, first base of Chemawa, came in for two. Collett for two and Stanley one. SUnley and Billings were the batterv for Albany. Sunday base ball beaan at 1 o'clock and did not finish un il about 7, three eames being played. The first game was between theAIbanies, with Arick and Billings as the battery, and the Willam ettes with Burns and Pauley as the bat tery. The score was 11 to U on seven innings. Then Chemawa strengthened by Greene, of Oregon City, faced the chain Dions with Arick and Burns in the box and Stanley behind th bat The ecore was 11 to 6 in favor of Albany. The ball was hardly out of the air be fore the Willamette, with Thompson and Bentley as the bt.tteiy, began busi ness against the Corvallis club, whom they defeated by the close ecore of 9 to 8. Several davs ago a number of peop,e weie in ciov;r at the bay wtvin a school of smelt stuck the Nye Creek beach. They were washed in Utile holes where they weie easily caught with the hands as the tide receded. One boy much wiui ijtj up u- wic ucacn. Lj a Blain c.i-i. v got 150 and others did at well. It irat a fin picnic for while. A large, beautiful likeness of Mi-- Mauv HoSmn it on exhibition at the furniture store ot S N Wilkins, where it wa pot in a handsome frame. The picture was taken as Miss Hoffman repiesented tbe character tf Juliet at Boston in one of the scents of the great n!v of Romeo and Juliet. Tiiere are many of the v ung ladv's friends in ' orvsllis who will be pleased to see the likeness of their former school-mate as shi appeared upon the stage in her debut. Corvallis News. This morning a farmer named Robbins from near Zena was crossing Ihe bridge in a hack. He had driven but a short distance wnen one of his horses tVfst its tot e foot through a thin place in the b ridge and began to struggle. In trying to ex tricate itself It went thrcugh again, this time with one of its hind feet. The sen- era! others also caught enough good messes. Mrs DCS Reid and children went to Lebanon yesterday to visit her parents. I A party was held there yesterday, the Albany ' occasion being the 90th birthday anni versary ot her lather, David lee tiler. Eugene Guard. Mr Peebler is probably Mrs Kent's grandfather, as tier fattier John R Smith. Several families of Albany ptoale will j take their outing this year at the Sodas be ; yood Sweet Him. "C H Stewart and son. .Vanlcv, anJ td Ulodgett left to-day for Lower Soda with a wagon load of pro visions and utensils, and will be followed by R M Robertson, wife and two daugh ters, Rev ard Mrs Ban and Rev George Hawes and wife, nt Portland. On Wednesday, E W l.angdon and family, Recoider N J Henton and family and Mr and Mrs D C Schell i:i leave fjr the same place stlth a large supply of eatables and a cook to take care of them. earned a wide reputation as an educational institutus;. It is of missionary foundation. On the west side, a considerable distance from the city, are located the Kamehame ha schools, founded under the will of Mrs Beonice Pauaiii Bishop. hetre?s of the late Princess Kuth. sister of Kamehameha the Fifth. They are richly endowed, and con sist of preparatory and tinihiug schools. Practical instruction in useful trade is given to Hawaiian bov and srirL. in addition to the regular school course. And here it may be said that the public schools of Honolulu atnl W H Murray, of the San Francisco Journal of Commerce, together with Jxit j nfty others, they were driven about the j citv. and shown our Woolen mill, flour mills, big bridge, and other places of inter I est. when they were left at the 8t Charles Hotel, where the Mechanics' hand furnished . good ni usic, and at o'clock several live balcony speeches were made to the large audience of citizens gathered in the street. Hon J h eatserford acted as master of ceremonies and did the introducing in a happy manner. Mr J B Fesitherstone.Pres- .1 1 .1 . i tl.A uhln fpnin a A IT. ,r uturR l'i VI nuv lilt uiii u . v ... c b..m. The mists gather with the evening shades ; are numerous, well equipped for education- j t of the t hamW ' a m, but we are well away !rom the coast by ! work, and are in dtoWM of a most efh- ,j .i .i. : iiTTr Inll tk.i I ,a ..... a ..a I . J I 1 I r a . I . 1 r . f - ' "t ot tu , cieni anu zaiou oouv 01 ustiira aaaima. in this time and we waa prosperously begun. For a couple Most all the teachers haw been trained of days are were reminded f the land we the colleges of the United State- naa leu An eager ana nippingar uiew the sea was a meat tireless waste over us of cold suds and bluing. Most of tbe day was passed between the pian5, the library, the smokine room and the con- 8 at'tutional spurts which converted ions deck of the "Australia" into an arena for the physical development of the go-as-you-pUase passengers. Then came a gradual rant h ion ; sky and sea grew brighter and more exquisitely blue; we were hastening towards the calms of Cancer. The temperate atmosphere it is ton often intemperate in the temperate zone was already becoming setni-tropi ' cat. The great porta of the ship stood wide open to the balmy breeze. The; decks were crowded with loons-era From the social hall at twi'.ight floated the half in the citv proper rary ana Heading TUESDAY the i W Case's bank at Astoria and Hillsboro bank suspended yesterday. $350,000 in gold was received in Port land from San Francisco yesteiday. Mrs Cooper, of Yaqulna, attempted to comrrit suicide Sunday by taking arsenic. The new reform school buildings will tlemen in the hack cot out as rapir. 11 v as not be erected this year. No funds avail- possioie and after considerable tn luble succeeded ia getting the horse out f the Mosey a Hors. Last year there were about 300 acres in hops in Polk county, and this year it will reach over 1000 acres As srrtltostration of the money made in this business may be taken to J H Benton, living near Salem. With only a few dollars as canital, a few years ago be planted hoo vards on shares Last vear he was $400J in debt, but paid it all from his crop and ha-f nearlv $2000 left. This year he has 40 acres in !ops, which will probably net him $8000; also 100 aciws in pota toes, 5a in wLeat, 20 acres in hay and 30 acres in oats, and all on rented land. A. poor man hts a chance to get rich in Oregon. The scarcity of hops fu Europe and other causes ifive promise of a good price for thi3 years crops. Producers j would live. oiiuuiu ee uieir eyes open When vit-lt ed by buyers. predicament. The horst's legs were badlv scratched and Mr Robbins conside r it fortunate that they were not brolu m. Salem Independent. TCtSD.W. County C.erk Jones, of To'edo, w as in the city today. Miss Lilly Robertaon and Mii : Wary tjaston, ot lacoma, arrived fn this noon on a visit i'.h relatives. Prof Garland was in the city today t n his j way i rum rnneviiie to uasianu. wyat re ne has been engaged as principal of the at hools of that city. County Clera Payne, and fa'hsr M j Payne, J R Wyatt and LC Marshall arill I leave this week for the Metoles, retui by way of the McKenzie route and th fxr. spring of Lane county . Among those who went to Yaquina I xlay were Rev Prichard and fatnilv. Mrs C -rant Haight and daughter. W C tweedak and i family. Mrs Wm FortmiuVr and chilt'wn. Clem Jones and Lossie Knox. Mi J B Morin. of Harrisbnrg, retumetl home : txocn the Bay. and reports only about a thL -d of the number of people of last year at the same time. Last Sunday Ray Gee and Alex ar roll were hunting in the mountains near Mt Jefferson when the former was Lei den tally shot by the latter, the rifle Sail causing a bad wound. It was thought ee able. leet Downing, a former resident cf in eattern Ore- Salem, was recently shot gon for horse stealing. Some comment is being made about two young girls being seen tn a Chinese house last night dr'ssed in Celestial ap parel. Mr H Kenton has perfected a gold sav ing n.a-h'ne that to be a valuable A. ibany ' thing. H will give it a test at the Bar in a short time are me r unite ia Koosd. the Young Men s Christian Association building, con taining lecture hall, class rooms and li brarv: also I O O F halls. K P Hall. Ma tt ; onic Temple. General Post office. Custom Mouse, mice buildings and court, Pit men's Home, fire stations, telephone -.rflice, etc. The churches are numerous and well sus tained. The Central I'nion. a fine mom. cost over fPiS.OOO. Honolulu is lighted by electricity. It has an efficient water wn ice and fire depart ment. No city in the world is so well or so cheaply supplied with telephone systems, as Honolulu, and no other community makes such general ve of the telephone. 1 be imputation is composed ot native push, spoke in jrlowinsr terms of the treatment received and of Our beautiful valley, as well as of the business relations desired. J B Stetson, introduced as a merchant prince, expressed his aston- Lnhment at the wonders of this vailev. so far above his expectations, and then talked bu tineas. Mr thumb v. of the Journal of tommen-c. spoke for San Francisco's mid J B Walker's theme was Yaiuina Buy. He showed its development from 7 feet at low tide to 14 to IB. and 22 to 20 feet at high tide, and referred to the time when two or three 17 and 18 knot steamers will lie running between San Francisco and Newport. J A Crawford was toasted as one of the earliest pioneer of Oregon and California. "He's ail right." J Gradwhol elopuently responded to a toast on the city of Albany, and toasts were given at random on Mr Wardlow. the purser of the Willamette valley, the toast maker and San Francisco, when the comp any adjourned at 1 o'clock. A ball was in progress at the opera house. The excursionists went to Salem by the S P. and will do the valley as far south as Roseburg. I Cowan, Jeo K Simpson, W F" Read, D B Montell'i.H Sternberg JJ WiCcue J K Wealhertord. CJ Stu irt. I O Wriuimn. -ALSO DJSTBICT MBit FOR- Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies ft K S L KT ATE - t LM . X A Blodgett to .1 X Ihincan. lob, 1, 2. II, 12. fai 2. Shult.' Fruit A. Alhanv Samanth;! f 'ampMI to Maggie S Fox, lot 8. bl 47. H's2nl A, Albany . Chas Patterson and Kobert Farrar to Agnes Sliough.2f.0-' acres 12 w4 Louis Barzec to Vena F Florv. lot 8, W 8. HUl s A. Sodaville Chas J Howe to Charles P Jaeger. 2 lots. West Seattle Henry Row to Chris Hansen. 16.03 acres 10 w 4 CGBurkhart toJHBurkhart. 160 acres II w 3 Waterloo IVvelopment Co to Frank Leslev. 1 lot Oregon State Normal School jVCOISJ'MOXrTjEC, oheo-on. F "ST " IJL' f T a rf ttn . y-xw m.m . . I "0i raJfr . TuhionNormal.s per term - "iivilK PWICI'MT in mrPt-K . - ft ! and academic courses, and well or-L gamzed Model school for Practical Train ing of teachers. Normal, Advanced Nor ma!,Busineaa,Muic and Art Department Beautiful and healthful location. Light eipense no saloons ', enjoyed a steady growth during the past year, reaching an emollment of over 400 Ihe arget In Its historv. New member, w j hare beer, added to the apnar atut supplied, aod the course of study re vised and strengthened. The rad-iaM 4o0 750 40! M s diploma entitles the holder to teach in any 2450; to weeks; Business $ .00 per trrra S6.2S per term. Board at Normal Dinir.e Hall. ii.T per week. Rooms from 50c per week Cun furnished) to? too and $1.15 furnished. Board and lnriir-n r in triv .t-4. n4Uf -r en The Normal hasho Si&n tier nk Tuhn u9nt rnVt,t . - ' r . . , iib and books less than 9150 per year. Coo - erraury ot .nutlc. lborouzh courses are offered in vocal aod instrumental mu le. Tuition, 10 per term of.20 lessons. Monmouth it easily accessible from alt are In demand to fill good positions. TbelparU of th- State, twelve miles f-om-the State CaoiuLsixtv miles south nt Portland ; county in the state without farther exam ICaUlogtMs chetrful'y sent on app:ication. Addawa, P. tU C'A J1P8KE.L, Pres., or B. IHEOD. Sec of Facuity. The Maiikets. -Ist night wheat was ' only Blf! eents in Chicairo. In San Fran- ! cisco Seller Iter, wheat was quoted at 121 , winter tair. announcing that even iioveroor -.r-i Tk Pnri.,ii,i mnnrt 1.1 1 ennorer would pwmit Oregon s exhibit to j market lifele. All exporters report noth-1 . it without "his veto of the bill Re-1 ing doing and say it is useless to give quo reiver E W Hadley. of the O. P.. said the 1 2 TV i mfct nlr r.f will .-an rranriKo men naa been brought nere farbtuoneas. In reference to tbe 0. P. he melancholy refrain of a wahx. Lmht ( Hawaiian. American and other person of floods of moonlight and the silver sea tbe uid lie could say with certainty that it ' ; would not be many months before dirt would , be thrown on tbe Eastern extension. That ! ! was the mat obiert now. Tbe delav has 1 9 m. S n . already oeen too song. I be present man agement proposed to extend tbe road. Hi tetnariu were loudly cheered. W A Carri gan of the common interests of Ore- , Walla baaed at present freight rates of 3 7-6 - . . ...,.., -k; L. tm ' 1 '.it ji ' j 111 , riiii-iuiiu go arj PortUJO, Oikm. A. P. AavTOOBC Panovai. Open ail the year. Students may enter at any tiaje. Catalogue free. X A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. tree on board, !ut no doubt some shipper : who has cheap tonage may bid up and pay higher prices to secure grain for early am- j Tair. All markets eased off at the close and ssstfl there 1- relief from present tightness of money no improvement in wheat value is looked for. a small milling demand ex ists at relatively high price. Yesterdav CITY BOTTLING CO., Whek tale and RctailDealert in joyous coteries in the saloon, where a wilderness of electric lights glowed like loops of red -geld and made summer sun shine, bright as day, the minstrelsy and the delicious languor that was beginning to possess us, the "Australia" was lie a floating Casino drifting toward paradise on an even keel. Ia the tropicst last ! Such a flat, oily sea it was there; so transparent tbat we saw great fish swimming a boat, "full fathom five" beneath at. A monster shark swam laxily past, hit dorsal fin glistening like polished steel, and now and again cutting he surface of tbe sea like a knife. European devnt. iVrtusrw chiefly from ik. a .1 :.l 1. . 1 l 1., ... ,, . . ' 7" . v uiMc-c ''. iai norma wouia nave 10 rusue to rumun a gon and California. In sneakjiur of what 1 r?iz u:a rX u- .it, w..n'.. -.i i lfi ' laesMsdssssi sfOssassalsi renurke-i tht ! ;, ibabi This mixed community is orderly and in iustnoui- as a rule and tiou crimes are almost unknown. The taw is strictly en forced. Honolulu has no municipal gov ernment, the police and fire departments being under control of the Minister of the Interior. The cucjervation of public health n en trusted to a Board of Health, which has large powers, and enjoys public confidence. Ten per cent ot the gross revenue of the country it appropriated, annually, for med ical awl sanitary purposes. The govern ment maintains a large staff of qualified physician throughout the islaal. wh-w 1 duty it is to give medical advice and at tendance to the native Hawaiian fiwe. valley anywhere near a pretty at the Wil lamette. He congratulated as on having the Oregon Pacific under its live receiver. Mr Hadley. Judge W S McFadden. of Corral li.poke eloquently of Oregon . among hi lefeieiireis calling Albany the Kansas City of the stale, but claimed for Corvaliis j . Hm fa c tm sstviasj j..hed wf J K Weatherford tn lead rach an occasion. At 9 o'clock about one hundred people tat down to a sumptuous repast at the St t harie. consisting of the following menu: Soup oyster, consomme: salad -lobster: entre chicken, a la creole. cold turaieT Uxcd. duck. ham. Tbe Albany market general it as follows: Vbea Ste. Cats 4V- floor. 14 00 "otter, 25c. Eggs 18-. Ltrd, 12 to IV: Porte hm- I io 15 boi dsrsfito 10. i aH a.ll to 13c Hay. ba ed. f7 oato8B, n AMtsaJM Bops ISs. iMisd f.Ti B - -plom, 9c. app -Chickens ft 00 Dr dvaen. Becf on foot, life. Host. drrwL 7i. W ater, islera. Orange and Iron Mcltaer. tTsUet a. Bireh ar-aparilla a Bid Iron Iron Wise, Etc Qirs o a tria. FIRST SHEET. Wwi loitewm u4 laiiml ALim. mm A Low Waw Boat. H B Williamson Foster block vacated by the L E BUtn Ciothing Co., which Is being fitted up In a tasty manner. WEDNESDAY. ine wnoiesaie price ot Italian prune will be about 1 2 cents in Portland, French prunes 10 cents. No i's new flag pole was erected la-t evening fry t'ic firemen in full uniform A j huge crowd witnessed the performance. ' m tm, sj cheap and spoke of the great necessity of cheap I lisststiislsli 11 for their further advaare- Died Shortly before 1 o'clock Friday . Julv 28, Mrs Dona Cyru, wife of W H Cyrus, died at her home at Haystack, after an illness of four weeks- sged 2U years, 5 months and 6 days. Mrs Cyrus was a daughter of Ephriau Stringer, of Linn county, and was married to W H Cyrus on October 31, 1892. The leaves an infant daughter aed four weeks, and an affectionate husband to mourn her loss. The remains will be taken to Linn county and placed to rest In Dodge c;m etery near Lebanon O-boco Review. Last Saturday at union an accident-oc-cured at the Oregon Roller mills in wijich Linn Philips, an S -yeer-oid boy, lost his life. He was going through the mill alon? having no particular business except a desire to be around the machinery. The head miller was on ihe third floor when he heard t o dull thuds. On descending to the second floor the lifeless form of the boy was lying on the floor with his scull crushed in and his body otherwise fear fully manglep. It is supposed his cloth fnghetame entangled in tne machinery, He had been warned to keep awav from the machinery. East to Bod. A Salem man was in Portland Saturday and watched the run on the banks. One man drew his deposit amounting to $800 and put it in his pocket. When he got back through tbe crowd he found that someone had robbed him. of every cent of it. A woman put the money which she drew in a small reticule. W hen she got out of the jam she curried nothing but the handle of the bag: as someone had cut the body away with a sharp instrument. The crowd waa full of pickpockets and sneak thieves, watching their opportunities to make a profit out of the excited condition of the depositors who were drawing out their tunas. A Useless Briiigk Parties wbjf) have been there say the covered county bridge built last year serosa the north of the ?antiam three miles above Mehatua and costing 800 is, not ueed much. There is no road cut after you croe the bridge. An occasional blaze is a'l the sign of a road, or probaby ever will be. Salem Journal. r WE CAHK SPAR; healthy flesh nature j burdens the body wit! much sound flesh. f. flesh usually indicator p .. r stmilatiori, which causes I loss of the best that's in fuw the fat-formin'r element. 1 10 - Scott's Ei According -o one of the speakers at the banquet las- evening San i-ranciscc has a solid banking system. Their resources amount '.o the enormous turn cf $30. 000,000. There has been only one failure there, easily accounted for. All the teachers for thi ensuing y eJi have been elected by the school board of thit district. L N Liggett will havs charge of the school as principal, Miss Mag gle Newman will teach the intei mediate grade and Miss Effa Crooks the prim.- jy grade. Ochoco Revi-w. WEDNESDAY. Mr C C Haekleman.of Lebanon, has mov jd to Los Angeles to reside. Ex-Mayor P H D'Arcy, of Salem, we ot to the Bay this noon. License has been issued for the marria: re of Geo E Skinner and Vina Galloway. Judge Burnett. Dr W A Cusick, and Seer retary Weatherbee were in the Salem e t cursion party going to Idanha today. Mr Fred Fortmiller. who recently wreat east, is now in Xew York City, taking a several weeks course in embalming. Among those who went to the Bay to day were Mrs K A SchifHer and son. Mrs I P Mason and three children. Rev GWI Jill, and family and I lev C M Hill. H H Hays left today for Spokane. W: tsh.. where he intends remaining. He will enter the employ of his brother, who is a deal er in furniture, etc.--Corvallis News. Wedding cartls announcing the man riage of Alvin Bowman to Ida Hyde have been received at this office. The wedding will take place Wednesday, Aug. To Jedo. Journal. Prof H S Strange, of Oregon City was in Albany today on his way home from. Cor vallis where he had beep to attend tho fun eral of his wifes mother. Mrs Caleb D avis, who died there on Monday. BevG W Hill this week presenteil hit -ornial resignation as pastor of the II ja tint church of this city to take effect iSa 1. A committee was appoiuted to secure ti r :11c cessor. As heretofore stated Rev Hill -will then leave for China as a missionary- Mr and Mrs rVilliam Brown, Mr rani 1 Mrs Werner Breyman. Mr ami Mrs r'lemimr. Mr and Mrs Southerland, Mrs Chapman and daughter, Mr and Mrs Laoro, raid forty others,of Salem, passed through Albany this noon tor an outing at idanha. Hon Jeff Meyers and cousin. Dr Miss Jeffries returned to Salem today rom a trip to Mt Jefferson. Dr Jeffries and Miss Meyers walked to the end of the. track from Independence valley, a distance.' of 15 miles, said to be thc first ladies ever to make the trip on foot. A E Currie, who is sufferingr from con sumption, was brought to Corvallis from Portland today. Mr Currie 'k home ia near Oakville, Linn county, but he has been away for the past year or more bopanfr to benefit his health, and he is under Kits m pression that he is improving, though lie is in a serious condition. He was taken tome this evening by relative- who came after bun. He was accompanied by hi wife. Corvallis Times. of pure cod liver oil with li; phosphites contains tin; essence of all foods. If) 1 er form can so much nittr be taken and assimiUu I. range of useful nea I 11 1 lion wher e weakness e.xs 'j . H fwk. Boitf tllonwa Frank Davey, for many years city editor of the Salem Statesman, was elected Grand Lecturer of the Grand fxlge of. A ) U W at the recent session held in Portland. Mr Davey in a polished writer and a fine speak er, but for several years past his grand in tellect was sunk in the awful abyss of intox icating drinks. He took the Keeley cure at Forent Grove and has been the manager there for the past three vearv. bcinor re stored, and once more takes his place in the world of active thouirhta andriirht endeavor a blessing to his family and an honor to of the reduced rates ins irn.'ims, uiroutfii we trrana noeaibiiitiea nt r.r, ...,,.! die tie letter. sat: -The state of Ore gon, m vou will tee from its rxhltrt at the wf jd Mr, hat become one of the great fanning states of the union. One of the finest collections of coins on the ctvt is (hat of C E Br' wnell citv. It H listed and ia valued at I0S7.50 Mr Brownell has been negotiating for their sale. As an rfter dinner pill, to strengthen the stomach, astitt digestion, and correct any hiliout tendencies, Ayer'a Pi'.lt are onsidered the best . Being sugar coated thev are as agreeable at any confection, arid may be taken by the most delicate. Ihiring the dog-day season, Ihe drain of nerwous and vital energy may be counter acted by the ose of AVer's Sarsaparilla . In pwrifying tint blood, it acts at a superb connective and tonic, and enables ii.e tystem to defv malarial and other climatic influ ence?. Mr R M Robertson hit moved hit feed I sir-re to one door west of hit former place, just east cf the Democrat office, where he it well located, and is in a condition to meet the demandt of the tiade. He car ries a large and first class stock of feed, lime, cement, platter, hair, fertilizer, and everything ututlly kept In a first class feed store. Mongolian pheasants and grouse can now be killed tor your own ate . How ever, don't sell them, or e'te you sre liable to pay a fine. Deer may -also be killed, except -one -half hour before sun rise snd one hour sfter sunset. Carcases mutt be uted, preserved or told for food. The Eitt OregDoian informs ita readers authoritatively timet: are very hard. This might appear like a startling and somewhat injudiciiras statement, but a circumstance st Pifcr. Rock illustrates 1ft clear, csld truth. Depi'ty Sheriff Fraker conducted a sheriff's sale up there Monday and a good buggy t id set of harnett brought under the hammer exactly $6:50. The report of Chief Engineer Sanctuary, of the Roseburg fire department, shows that the department cost the city $609 00 during the fiscal year ending July 3rd,iSo3. In the stme time there see re nine fire alarms, the total lost being $1992; insur ance paid $820. The cautes of fires were . explosive lamps, 2, defective flues 2, csre- ets use Of coal oil i, cigarette 1, sparks from locomotive 1. Some new comers arrived ia Pendleton Saturday, per covered wagon, from Lane county, having crossed the Cascades by the old in(gary road. They were dissatis fied with sli the region traversed until they reached Umatilla conn ty.and describe the country after leaving th3 mountains at drijd up and dusty. In the party were Mr tnd Mrs Vt ootten and M.issrs llalsnire, Eng house and Bowers. All will probtbly locat :. Pendleton E. O. A j 'entleman by the name of J Ander son brought into the clerk's office thit rrornirtjr seven coyote scalps.firr which he will reedy e two doliars per head. He was disgusted st the low bountrv paid, as he said twenty dollars per scalp would be nearer the aanount that should he paid. He killed the coyotes near the summit of Ihe Cascade mountains, In this county. Engene Guard. A Fottona, O., dispatch it Interesting: A large number of farmers in this vicinlt v are feeding their cheat to the hogs in prtrfereiv-e to telling It at tne present low prices. With the prices of hogt ruling at at pretent. thev can realize $1 per bushel for wheat by feeding It to hogs. T'ie hogs are iotng extremely well on (hit fodder. The big failure of a packing Co. yeiterday. though, dropped the Wottost out cf pork at least, temporarily . Here it the way Roseburg looked at It according to tbe Review: "The commit tee appointed to arrange for entertaining the San Francirco merchantt.have decided not to go ah' ad with the affair. Enough money was subscribed to pay the expenses. J B Stetson answered the toast of Cali- fornia. the land of gold, sneaking of the ' grand reception given the cnamber of com merce, our hospitality, and eulog'ted the new Mood in the Oregon Pacific J M Keatherstone responded to the toast j of the merchants of San Fraarisco. referring ; to the wonderful dwindling of trade with ... .1 mmam VAftlUa- vuuMtumi Sr Jn. The exquisite aulileM floated pas: us u. the native Hawaiian fre. jtien. Chateau La Rote. Zinfande!. Cham- with iu gauzy sail set, looking like a - Medicine is also supplied gratuitously. The ! pagoe. Ponunerv Sec: tea, coffee, slice cut out of a soap bubble; the wierd j various sugar plantations are required to The hotel rooms and adjoining coon were Anemone laid ita pale, ee-sative petals ' provide aieuate medical and surgical at- j tastily decorated ft the occasion. Musk on the tips of the waves, and panUd in j tendance for their laborers. im tire of fumiibed during the recast bv the ecstacy . Down dropped the swarthy tun rare. band. into hia tent of cloud : the waves were I Then? am manv charming dritwa in snd i II 1 v WM,1-W1 - H J Sower hat rented the ttoe ia the all amber; the fervid sky waa flu tbe d ; . around Honolulu', but tho to the beach at j 6ehvTl '.he wirtm- rakinir of the fsJ- it seemed as it something splendid were j wauukt "em bracing Rsraolani Park. 1 and low feeling bttseta the two states, rich in about to happen up there in the heavens, to tb famout Pali, or precipice oxer which f gold and nerve and everything prod ing ana utai me secrci rouiu ue srps nu , r u-Qtwawuw aamraunena oortm uk dosw- nl has we mutt asvetooe v 1 1 a . Ti' t . r 1 , 1 1 - t r 1 . r 1 1 . - . anger, ine purpieti swttezsw lonowea, 1 vawjaisnea poro n ' vail, ire nenrorcr wherein Ihe sky blossomed all over with j Ijoke-l bv tourUts. Each one is perfect in its the biggest, ripest, goldenst stars ; such : way. There it a well made road from the tan as hang like fruit in sun-fed or- ! city to the Pali, six miles distant. It leads ; chards. j up Nunanu valley by a gradual ascent to Tne past was forgotten ; tlswsn I tne great t k-ft tn tne maintain, ending in seemed the one thin needful, and we tan adrupt preripue 1AM feet above sea clinked glasses that night and fell upon level, ror acrjcuiaVrabte distance the road Frank G Carpenter in one of the tyn - one uotner s necas in mutual congrai j u une.i witn lieume vtuaw. t in me nf ,r - u i u., , ,u( . . m mm . cw .. lllll I 1 1, l M miyw at mr board. Already we seemed to see the , An excursion of nine miles by rail road broad fan-leaves of the hanana drop in to f earl Harbor is one of the attractions of i rmmn due to the tranwontinental mods tbe motionless air, and through the a vit to Honolulu. A new marine resort j tpoe of the wottderfui reveiatioa of this ' u tropical night tbe palms aspired to hear- j is swinging up a! Peari Harbcr since the j valley, and promised to divide profits with j Kinn Is Mrt J Po'y informs n : en as we isy arrtmiui our jra urnui, luiitw wuii. l ne tceotTT i pwwtinif rmtf uu on cSUuTusy IS-1 sir OOdman was ?J rocked in the cradle ot the deep. i on thu trip, and a r!rnile of tlie nce3eldt. Oreaan. ancen of the Pacific, waa C V. drivinsr alonsr the road over in the Alsea on the morning ot tne sevenui nay. an uanana pfantatioc and cane nekt it ob- Wolverton t toast. Several live hilt brought island rises like a blue cloud out of Ihe j tained. the house down, it waa thoroughly re- sea . t hen another, and yet anot her. and , What surprise.! tu tbe most is. they have ' gonian . The length of oar veart was iilut toward the last we make our way. Green ; no stated tine for seeding and harvesting trated bv our 13 months rain and 8 to 10 of wuii iciuurc iii oeici . uivu:ur-uuu. to toe tame pianiaiiua. var isnBSnine. I teen aelds of nee in all stages of de-re! -roent. from the freshly town field to the field being harvested. The Hawaiian Inlands have been called the genu of the Pacific, and it it true, that NEW : FURNITURE, V.f V SHORE 15 KOW FULL OF FIR3T-CLA8S bTCRXITCRZ. COXSISTI5TO a VI cf bed roots sste. etasirr, Icsutgto, c.,fwhieh IJwiil sell at having pat the river steamer. Three Sisters, in shape for running at a low stage of water.the started on her fir-t trip doom the nver trt Ltv kaU,l with hfrr.Hrs im oi freurht. tsrinrinoJrr for Bslsss mwbuiti 0 d m -n Cant B J Young, who will be at the helm, and crew, arrived from Portland Lat nisht and they were agreeably disappointed when they bearded the boat, at she it in better : shape than they expected. She draws ; nineteen and row half inches of water at j mid-thip when loaded, which will no doubt enable her to ma at the lowest stage of I water. The captain informs u that on re- j taming from Salem the Three Sisters will . proceed up the river to Harrisburg. Cap-; tain ML who hat been on the river for nearly thirty years, fills the position of pilot, Corral! i Xew. BOTTOM PRICES. for bargvaw Thos Brink. of theViliaroette. E. L to the Strahan B'ock. iutl east of the the great navi- oin.e. on secona t.reet. on g Hgiw mfce sharplr.m the CroHron . ..S ,k.S- ' "erc ne fntrTfT: IVi .referring to it as theline of least re- " ; ,'"- ' tastamce. The system of the road was to 1 omer i, !., on the cost of transnortation and j not on all a thing will bear. The interest- weather groceries generally. t ing inionuauun in cunnecuon win me ability to give low rates was given that Summary. Station, Albany, Or. Month ! Albany was 1 miles nearer San Francisco by the 1 . than by anv otaer route, and with the bronze tints of the lava-flows that have been erld for centuries. Looking at Diamond Head from the sea, the volcanic shore promises nothing of tbe beauty tbat is harbored in the vernal vales beyond it; but the moment our good ship rounds the point oi the fa mous head-land, the fairy-tike coast line is suddenly revealed. It is a transformation scene- The mountains turn gloriously green. Val leys, vistas in Eden, dawn on the eye in quick succession. Of course we are all impatience, for in less than an hour we shall come to a snore, wnere a century axo. (1778) Captain ( o k gator, met bis fate "As he aaiied, as he aailed. There is hardly lime to note well the picturesque features of the landscape and j marine, tbe white sands at Waikiki, the feathery forest ot Aeroba trees that! now overshaddow the plains, the russet slopes of Old Punch Bowl a domestic crater just back of the town and the i roof of the Capital, inundated with yer dure; a summer city, such as the birds ; might build between '.he mountains and I the sea. Then we tarn sbrubtly toward; j the land, thread a narrow channel be- j tween submersed walls of coral, and are soon within speaking distance- of those on shore, w ho have come to welcome us. By this time tbe sea is littered with AAw. n .. t Knt tknv irA enrlv htsded. ""i . .. - w-i n most of them, and clameroue. lor me , ,1 i Um mmmM AnfT their ear- I timet .t ihA olmrte.t nntieeand denostt DOlow, u. i iii. ii vd . . .. ' - . - a themselves amphibiously so long as there ia a prospect of "raisina" another nickel out of the vasty deep. The gang-plank is out again. There is a brief interview with the Custom Of ficers, and we divide ourselves among the numerous carriaaes awaiting patron age on the dock, and are at once driven to our hotels at the rate of two fur a quarter of a dollar. There are so many strange and beau tiful things to be seen in the Hawaiian Island that it is realty difficult to tell the tourist where to begin. Honolulu is It self a bower of beauty, and ia moreover a place of great historic interest. The ascent of Funeti-bowi, wnicn overiooss the city, has been rendered easy by the Hawaiian government, which has built a fine carriage drive to the summit, where a superb view of the city and harbor, Diamond Head, Pearl river, and the Waianal range is obtained. A very complete system of street railroads renders travel through the princip-d thor oughfares of Honolulu and suburbs cheap and expeditious, but most visitors prefer to j Mr Quimby. of the Journal of Commerce. handled tne subject ot transportation in a valley, hi .laughter and her children being in tne wagrm with him. wuai he struck a chuck" bole, throwing one of the little one to the ground He then spoke sharplv to the horses and they became frightened and ran awav. throw Ing all of the occupant out of the vehi. ie. On returning to where ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY j. JOSEPH, Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed to show a life study of it. giving , the first child was thrown out it was dit-1 ! figures and facts of importance, referring under the present system of the necessity of those who have once visited them, bring a way I branch house in Portland. hen the door a memory as Battering at it it unfading, of U once open it will be kept open. He re the most romantic Island Kingdom in the i ported 21 feet at Yaquina Bavat mean tide, world, a solitary group in a serene tea. and remarked that let 9 feet be added and where tbe summer i- perpetual. " Newport would be a second San Francisco. O. F. Bi SfcRU. That city it ready to assist in making it . i such a harbor. . In ten years he predicted ,, ... ., . , i mat au tne engines, eiectnr ugnra ana sn- Fower i 1 move hit harncs thop I , j iw :n u, v a-n. covered that a wheel had run over it. and that it was completelv buried in a mod bole, but fortunately it was not killed. Corvallis News. I iJVfAnYJfVSPWly ip Cabinet photos from $1.50 to 4.0-3 per dozen. Enlarging pictures a taltv. lvuo era von; framed for Siojoo. We rarrv a large stock of 5S and terescoplc views of Or- III: LF.AItlxe PHOTOCKAPHUtB, fta tlbasj SJetsjta NEVER BOTHER yoortelf very much about unices -luring the hot rrontht if you with to keep cool : nor mutt you get Into the habit of atkiag A MAN j if It k hot enough tor him, t.itn you car. tee very plainly that he it practicably roasted ; but, instead, advise him to call on Parker Brothers and get the best baked goods to be secured, as well st warm miTVMTY : OF : MM., ADVANCE THRESHERS ttiii: .rT sratvast iebvice June, 1893. Eltyatioo above tea level. 217.7 Its, Mean tempera'or, fit 5. Departure from toroisl, 15 Matimum temperature, 95; date, 31 Minimum teaiptrtnre,44; date. 28 Mean of maximum tim cratuir.N 1 3. Meso of nun mam temperature, 48.74 No. timet o aitmam temper. ture 9b' above, 3. No. times minimum temperature 32 By WHEN UK IS HOT. to doing yM 0 surely ictaln hit friendthlp. mininum t;mpe!Jre 40 or Total precipitation. 0.2 inches Departure from normal. 0.25 inches Orestes: precipatioo 10 24 hoaii. 0 27; date, . Total depth of ooroclted auowfall, 0 inches. Prsvailiog direotion ofthtwind, N. No. ot clear dayt, 20. No. of pa. tly clsody dayy, 5 No. of cloddy day, 6. No. of days on which .01 or m ve of preci pitatioti fell, 1. No. of 00 which .04 r more of pricl pttttion fell, 1. Dsteton which bail fell, 00 Dates on which ssow fell, 0. Datts of thunder storm. 0. DaUs of light fnt , 00. Datet of killing or injurious frost, 0. Datet of solar hslos, 2, . Dstet of lunar hslot, 0. Johx Baiccs, Volaoteer UVttrts.-. the city leisurely and enjoy the wealth of foliage and bloom on every side at they stroW smg the streeeU, protected from the sun by the overhanging branches. There are several well conducted hotels in Hono lulu, and those who wish to enjoy the per fection of sea bathing can be accommodated at Waikiki, where there is aUo a tirst-nasH seaside hotel. Until the overthrow of the late Queen the government had in its era ploy what was known as the Boy al Hawaiian Hand. It was established by J 0 Dominis, the late Prince Consort, twenty vears ago, and consists of forty pieces. This hand, composed wholly of Hawaiians, has been brought to the highest degree of musical skill by MrHBerger, who waa sent out specially for this duty by the Prussian Gov entuent in 1872, at tho request of the late king Kalakana. And we say that wo nave listened to many bands and are decidedly of I you are particular about what you E-A-T Perry Conn can SRH vou in ctoccrict. New tcatonable specialtiet conttanty ar riving He keeps a cl. 'an stock, if vou are going to the mountains cad on hl.n and get stocked up. If you are going to ttay at home, call on l.ltn and get Ihe best to jesecurcd, as well at flrtt clatt treat ment. His p.lces will tut the timet. Don't ttopeatin, but est what v ill build up for prosperous as well at quiet timet. A Watch its neeottlty now.dayt. I yon want ooo oall on Will At strk, whose at ,Ci is large and varied, and firioet the tho moit reasonable. They can give yon a csrgtin in thit lino at well as in jiselry morally ; even Portland was 45 miles nearer. In ref erence to the future of the Oregon Pacific he showed how 65 miles would take it so as to 1 command the trade of Eastern Oregon, and remarked that they were not only going to ; fry. but were going to build it. 1 I 'Judge Flinn spoke on the Oregon Pacific or ; and its possibilities for good, showing how j it had raised the price of wheat and ad or : vanced our interests generally.and spoke of i how we wished to see it married to an East ern road. The Ladies, by J B Wyatt-was the most eloquent effort of the evening and captured the audience. It was a bright tribute to .1 :. .. 1 .!..i,.,i attentive iwi mi .n. wiu 11.11.nn1-. i "Our I'ndeveloiwd Country of Eastern 'Oregon. ' was handled bv Judge ?trahan. I In snowing our relationship to California, j the speaker spoke of how the Willamette & j Coast R fi was named by a San Francisco i man. His comments on this valley were . glowing, as well as his remarks on tne pos- MOiuues 01 our ueiiiuoninr cvuuu. m.vsw the Cascades. D P Mason spoke on the commerce of this valley, with which be had been familiar for over twentv-five years. He pronounced our irreat needs to be more people, smaller farms and more diversified interests. thir Common Connfrv was iatrioticalIv noliidied down bv Judge McKadden of Cor vallis, Washington. Jefferson. Jackson Lincoln, l.arlie.1 and Cleveland were re ferred to in the weldintr toirether of the 117 years of our existence, the best beloved of pll nations. The Benefits of Mutual Interstate Com merce was dissected by Mr Carrigmn in a Wight manner. He proposed to hold Mr Hadley to his promise to make the rate tit the crime. A toast was given to Mr Had ly. "Whats tho matter with Hadley." "Oh. he's all right" in chorus Mr Blount's toast was the Pacific Const, ita Commerce. What wilt its future be. While they would sell us gomls, San Fran cisco was iiHor our hides, our wheat, pro ducts, cattle, etc. Mr Geo F Simpson's impromptu toast was "The 0 ranger. " and he was toasted on "long may ho live." W F Crosby was toasted on his part of the snccosss of the excursion anil banquet. Peaches $1 00 a 00s at Parker Pros. Goto B MilkoHerttoa a for cheap brxn'aad a'l ?ts. The lsdir of the M E church. South, wi.i give s lawn foclal next Friday eve ning, at the home ot W Cundlff. Ice cream and case, 15 cents Alter Break fa. I To purify, vitalize and enrich the h ood, and give nerve, bodily aud digestive strength, late Hoou's Sartaparilat. Con tinue the the medicine after every meal lor a month or two. EUGENE. Onjt Movdst, Ssrranxn 19m. Just closed the most pro pe root year In its rdsrorv. Wide range of studies Tho -ough intt ruction . Busincas sousae added. Tuiiioa free. Entrance fee, $10, Board and lodging at reatoaahle rates to the eiegsnt new dormitory and board lag scil on the esmpus,wherc ttudents will receive personal tuoervitlon. m Joww JOHKBOW, T.-e WANTED At the ttote ' Allen Bros., I formerly owned by rrwer r mrrtl The proof ot the meritt ot a platter it the cures it effects, and the voluntary tettlmonialt of those wSo have used All cock's Porous Plaatert during the past thirty years it unimpeachable evidence of their tuperiority and should convince he most skeptical Self praise is no iccom- j ntch. mendatlon, but certificates from those who j prjbje nun it'lli Hum i 1 v Beware of imitations and do not be de ceived b misrepresentation. Ask tor Al cock't a'nd let no tollcltatlon or explana -Hon Induce vou to accept a substitute. BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BAOON. and CHOICE To aid Digestion take one Smufl Rile Bess tier outlni:. V. lcr tiuttlc. Boyt under 16 getting thtlr hair cut a Vlereck't will receive a free ticket to the ball grounds Him. -HKEP LOST. 21 head if theer. not T brtnded, from A Snell'a farm aoi ti of thany . 10 oiu onei. 11 wuii", ice uuna n d one a merino. Will pay for tronb'e on formation to A Snell, Albany. of the Keeley tnmtment. Ashland Tidings. 1 neous crowd! of ordinary esxurslonlttt. Will tl .Stark, th' ieweler- Viereck't shaving ted hair ors hut there was some doubt as to the char- the opinion that the Royal Hawaiian Band stanos among vue oei. The chief places ot interest tn tne city or Honolulu are the Palace and Government buildings. Formerly the Palace was occu pied by the Oueen, but since the Provisional 1 intern man t naa neon estaunsueu uiu uuim- occupied by the rresiuent ana rus XIUS nullum 10 1. uunumjuw , ill im acter of the excursion and the benefits to be derived from It. The San Francisco papera state that only a few merchants will come, and tltat all classes have the benefit Our merchants did ttmply a mlto'jla- BADKOBD. On IWlay. Aug 1,1883, at her home west of the Calipooia, of .-on-tnmption, Mrs T H Hudford, age.1 36 years. The deceased was a Christian women. ;iih! leaves a husband ind two children. Tlie funend services were conducte.1 by Mr Fntl Dawson, and the remain- wen taken to Halsev for burial. APPLES. I will pay the bett cath price B F RAMP Skwi Mi B (acwines neatly repaired aa warranted!!) j a thoroughly oompsicnt wewk t man, at F d French's jewelry store, Albany, tuttl0 f I, Oregon. V ing is cabint inrtt. nn riilenre.atandiru? in extensive pleasure grounds. The Government buildings are itnoosite the Royal Palace, fronting on Palace Square and King Street. This is a The Verdict Is untmmous that Will & Stark carry Ihe b'tt line of .liver ware In the valley. They nave the variety an.i qual ity, a combination that counts in buying goods. An inspection always carrirt con viction. Fine place, with two acres of land-drull, etc., f?r rent. Call on Prof W W Davit. v . -st tnd of Fourth ttreet. Clean towels to every oattonis.' at Vtererk shaviogpailort. D&PRICE' Bakin US38 ALBANY FDBNITDRE GO Baltimore Rlofk. - Alb-ay, it. Dealers u. all kinds of Furniture, Wat Paper Carpets, Linoleums, Picture Frames, Etc. -o UNDERTAKING K SPECIALTY hyde&Tames, Projrletora Are warranted to thresh more grain tn a given time and do it better than any ma chine made. The Advanci Ts. act 105 Esgbis art the best in the world. Remember Ure work mears large profits in the tnresmng business. Catal.-gue mailed free. EDWARD HCGHES, GenT Agt, Portland. Oregon GRAHAM & SHAW -PHYLERS ik- AGRICC LTCRAL Implements ana supplies. Advance Threshert an.1 en gines, Minneapolis Binders, Wood and Standard Mowers. .ewmn w aguas, --.u.-wegUn Plows, oils of all kinds at the lowest price posslWe. The Alliance asd Grange agents have warded us the con tract to furnish Tine for heir roeoiber. Call and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere. N. Wftldahl, Merchant Tailor. Powder: Notice to Uontraotors. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED V0& THE completion of the Orphana Horns at Albaov, Linn oouotv, Oregon, up to 10 o'clock, July Slat, 1893. All bids to be di rected to Mrs T O Hopkins, chairman of Building Committee. Tbt board rsswrver the right to reject any or all bids. Plana and speciSoationi osn be seen at the office of D 0 Schell. architect, Albany, Oregon. Suit made to order and guaranteed. (.alhiaction Repairing of all kinds. Shop opposite the P. 0 Atbany.Oregon Terms, cash store. at F L Kenton's grocery j The en Ok. Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. ''IUotu of Hrones 4- va8 ihe Stonr FOR BALE. Oood Wm Fortmiller, TYtTGGY JL band buggy for sale cheap, second Call on LADIES' TEA Is apleaaat drink, which willhs boms by the stomach with ant nausea or griping. It tots thoroughly 00 the liver, kidneys and reproductive organs. A gentle phytic, effi cient diuretic, aid most useful in scant or painful meoetnratioti. It aids digestion and reduces corpulency; el ears the complexioc. rendering it fair, aid reatormg.nen.xara tons 01 tne tain, ror iw- - -by Joces the sallow.mudc'y complexion peculiar to the eonttlpated ttat -Sd by tU druggists.