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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1893)
s Ibe gemflcrat. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. The bi caking weight of one toot of cast Iron one incli square is 57S1 pouniU; the breaking weight of a piece of hickory of the same dimensions is 270 pounds. The light of 1 he sun is equal to 5663 wax candles, held at the distance of one foot from the eye, It would require 600,000 full moons to produce a day as brilliant as one of cloudless sunshine. Let ua alt look forward to the happy, prosperous times that are In store for us in the near future. One extreme follows another and the flush times are sure to come. Be of good cheer. In Swelen and Norway the peat bogs cover many million acres, the depth of the turf varying from three to 37 feet It is used in iron works, wood pulp factories, glass works, brick works and as fuel for team engines. By the way, the farmers . of this country are as vitally interested in having sound money as any class of people. When they sell the products ot their toil and labor they want pay in sound money and not such as the greenback in Oregon from 1864-7. We see no reason why, in these panicky times, men should Indulge in such bitter epithets against persons simply because of a disagreement in view on the financial question. It is not the way to reach an amicable adjustment of the question. Commander-in-Chief Wessert, of the Grand Army of the Republic, in view of the depiesscd financial condition of the country, has written a letter to the commit tee of arrangements at Indianapolis asking them to go to no unnecessary expense in preparation for the entertainment of the Grand Army. This is very sensible. Lieut Apostolow of the Russian navy recently exhibited to some naval officers In Odessa a new style ot ship, without screw or paddle, but which had instead "a kind of running electrical gear round the vessel's hull under the waterline, and a revolving me:hanisa. which, he says, will propel a ship from Liverpool to New York in 28 hour?." Although an ant Is a tiny creature, yet jts brain is even tinier. But, although it Is necessarily smaller th'n the ant's aead which contains It, yet it is larger in proper tion, according to the ant's six:, than the brain of any known creature. The greatest depth under water ever reached by a diver Is belle ved to have been attained by Capt John Christiansen, who went down 196 feet below the surface at Elliott Bay, Wasn., recently. He remained at that d-pth in hi; armor for 20 minutes, without inonven ence. Germs of contagions diseases are capable . of multiplying themselves with marvellous rapidity. A single germ, when placed in surroundings favorable to its growth, divi des itself again, and so on, the number soon reaching into thousands. It has been es timated that by the end of 24 hours a single germ will have multiplied itself lato mere than 16,500,000 germs. The Southern Pacific Express company, of Kentucky, Wells Fargo A Co, of Colo rado. as citizens of other s'ateg, has filed a , bill of equity in the circuit court of Los Adi,Im tn determine the owne.-shio Of s r i ,.r. rj ,h, !. rhr, Evans. The reward for the capture of Sontag has been paid, bat the other reward is claimed by two sets of men. , The beads of Sarveyir-Genera's W Hen ry Byars, of Oregon, and Amos F Shaw, of Wa-hing'on, will probably soon fall into the basket and one of the seven applicants in Oregon an l ten in Washington will prco ably be setce'ed. Chatges have been filed against both of tbese officers, snd ihe pa pers ate ready for the return of ihe presi dent, svhen an effort will be made to have them removed. It is current'7 rumored tint United States Senator A C Beckwith will on Monday n:xt tender his resignation. While Gov ernor Osborn declines to discuss the matter, tt is generally believed that he will imme diately appoirt Collector A L New to fill the position. New is the chairman of the democratic stale committee, and came within two votes of being elected sena'or at the session -jf the legislature in February It Is understoo 1 that animosity over recom mendations for federal appointments has cautrd Beckwith to 'ake this action. We In not want . cheap money, that is, when we gtt money into our possession we do not want it to be cheap. The more it will buy, the less cheap it is and the more we prize it. If a man has wheat which he wishes to sell he does r.ot want it to be cheap We ai way ant that to be ..heap which we have no', and that to he dear which we. have. But, avide frcm a'l this conflioing selfishness, we, at no time, and under no circumstances, want ore kind of dollar that is cheaper than any other au bcrized dollar. Tlier)aiocBAT believes this to be the safe ground. The official railway mileage of Oregon, according to the fourtn annual irport of the ini'rs'ate commerce commission, was 1441 12 miles. In addition 10 which there were ( miles which had not been reported to the commission, making 1 total, June 3o, 1891, of 1447. 62 miles. The increase over June 30, 1S90, was 1SJ.67 miles. The number ofml!cs per 100 square miles of ler ritoiy was 1.53. The number of milts of rail sy per 10,000 inhabitants was 4523. The number of miles in California per to, Ouo people was 37.13; per 100 tquare miles of territory, 2.93 The number of milei In Washington per 100 quare miles was 3 13; per 10,000 population, 58.80. The mileage of Washington has been considerably in creased by the comple'ion of the Great Northern to Seattle. When Governor!1 ennoyer docs a thing which fh )ipaich can approve it will have no hesitancy in doing so. He com mi'.ed a political b'ur.der, and wi h us an unpardinable sin, last Jane and November for which he is ieptnsihle and for which he deserves the condemnation of every Dem ocrat, but (hat doe not take from him the credit due for his integrity as Oregon's Governoi nor his abilities, tie is a busi ness msn and honest, and these qaaHtts In spile of some of bis cranky notions cd un called for exprets'ons snd act, are his strength among the people of his State. The Governor may be somewhat demag ogic and eccentric In his views, but he ts a safe and honest man al Ihe heed of ihe State department. We ,n.n',l giv this credit to anv man, even t'touh he were a Republican, had he the tame qusli'ies. Port'and Dispalck. An ordinary man eahale every day one pound of carbonic oxide. Each adult l-hale a gallon of air a min ute, and consumes 30 ounces of cxygen a day. The First National Bank at The Dais closed Monday. Mr H M Bea.l. in- gentle man who was appointed receiver of the Linn County Bank, was the cashier of the First National at The Dalits. Grim humor suggsa's that Mr O A Archibald, cashier of the Linn County Bank at the time of Its suspension, should be appointed receiver of the suspended bank at The Dalles. John Sherman's excuse for the passage of the Sherman law is thin-very thin. He says It was to prevent the passage of a free silver bill. This is palpably untrue for just prior to the passage of the Sherman law the house had defeated a free coinage bill. And then Harilson would have vetoed s free silver bill had it passed and John Sherman knew it. Corals increase by eggs.spontanesus divi sion and germination. The rate cf growth hat not yet bctn fully determined. Prof Agitsiz indicates the growth of reefs at Key West at the rate of six inches in loo years, and adds that if we double that amount it would require 7000 years to form the reefs In that place, and hundreds of thousand years for the growth of Florida. An important industry has arisen in France, the selling of milk frozen solid In cans. It has been discovered that milk can be kept perfectly fresh In a frozen condition for more than a month. It is frozen by means of an 01 dinary ice-making machine, and despatched by toad, rail or steamer to its destination . The customer who purchases the frozen milk has simply to thaw It when it Is required for use. The price of wheat is lower than ever be fore. This thing occurs under the very nose of McKinley's bill which raised the duty from 15 to 25 cents per bushel . The fear of free trade in wheat cannot be claimed by the republican organs as the cause of wheat going down, for no one has propose J to remove or even reduce the duty on wheat If putting a duty on wheat affects the price as claimed by republicans, then if that party could git the chance to raise the duty once or twice, the price would soon reach ten cents a bushel. At Stockholm, Sweden, the longest day is iS4 hours in length; at Spitsbergen i Is 3$ months. At London (England) and Bremen (Prussia) '.be longest day has l6 hours. At Hamburg in Germany and Dar.t alg la Prussia the longest day has I- hours At Wardbury, Norway, the longest day lasts from Msy gist to July sand, wlthou Interruption. At St Petersburg (Rot-is snd Tobolsk (Stbatia) the longest dty is 19 hoars and the shortest five hours. At Tomea, Finhnd, July nt brings s dsy nearly 2a hours long, and Christmas one less than three hoars in length. At New York the longest day Is about 1 5 hours; st Montreal, Canada, it is 16 hours. Tbe cough or puff of a railway ergine is due to the abrupt emission of waste steam up the chimney, wnen moving s.owly the coughs can. of course, be heard follow mg each ether quite distinctly, out wneni ... . . speed is put on tbe puffs come out one af ter the other much more rapidly, snd when 18 coughs a second are produced tbey can not be separately dutingu'sbed by the ear. A locomotive running at the rate of nearly 70 miles an hoar gives oat 20 puffs o steam every second, that is, 10 for each of its to cylinders. James T Kilbreth, who has been an- pointed collector of New York city, has been police justice in New York for many 1 years. He is a native of Ohio and, com-. imr ntetropolU to practice la iden-! tified himself with politics, and was ap pointed police justice by Mayor Havemeyer. Tbe place is worth $8000 a year, and the term is 10 years. When his term expired in 1883, Justice Kilbreth was reappointed by Mayor Ed son. He enjoyed the distinc -tion of being almost invariably chosen by bis colleagues to preside over the court special sessions, which fact was a tribute to M legal experience and erudition. He is an excellent judge of character. In a recent statement by Prof llolden correction is made of some very prevalen errois concerning the bistajces of stars and planets, and their size and visibility under the applicst'On of tbe telescope. Thus, he says, if the brightness of a star seen with the eye alone is one, with a two-inch lele scors it is 100 limes as bright, with a four inch telescope it is 400 limes ss bright, an eight-inch telescope renders h 1600 times : as bright, a 16-inch 6400 as bright, a 32-inch 25,600 limes a biigb, and a 36 inch, 32,400 that is with ihe latter stars can be setn which are 30,000 limes fainter than the faintest s'ais visible to the nakcu eye. Thus, while the magnifying power which can be successfully used on a five-inch tel escope will permit a magnifying power no above 400, the 36 inch telescope will per permit a magnifying power of more lhan 2000 diametei s on suitable objrets, stars, for example. 3ut this power cannot b used on the moon and lane's with real advantage, for many reasons; bu. prohaMv a power of 1 000 or 1500 will I e the maxi mum. Crisp will organize the house in harmony with the wishes of tbe administration. This is not due necessarily to any agree ment he has made, bot because be desires to carry into effect tbe democratic policy anu tue democratic policy he believes is tbat which lias been determined upon as best by the administration Whether Bland gets tbe bead of the coinage com mittee or not, tbat committee will favor the unconditional repeal of tbe Sherman act. As to Bland himself, it is not yet de termined that be will again I e chairman That rests largely with himself. If be is appointed chairman, tbe majority of his committee will not be in sympathy wiih his free-coinage sentiments Levhng committees of the house will be in accord with the president's views. In other words, tbe house of the 53d congress will be differ ently organized from the house of the 52d congress. Crisp bas expressed bis pu' pose to mcniWB of the administration to so or ganize bis committees tbat tbey will be help ful to the president's wishes. Crip could not be elected without a contest, possibly not at all if be bad not been thus inclined for unity of action with tbe administration. Besides the change in tbe coinage com mittee, there will be radical changes in tbe complexion of the ways and means, appro priations and rules comtui'.tees. There is no longer any fear that tbe gold reserve iu ibe treasury will bo further de pleted. Tbe merchandise balance of trade during the coming 'few months will be largely in our Lvur, ai.d tiie decline in stocks here makes tt Uss profitable than it his been to return tliem to us to be turned into cash. While Kurope is suffering from worse crops ttan it has known in years, it w juld be better for our industrial interests f the stock market should deeline moie than it has done. Certainly the real wealth of the country is increase J in a healthful way when we exchange tbe surplus crops of American farms for tbe gold of Kurope. ANORflAN OF COKPOKATG INTfcHF.SfS. The Ottgonian is forging ahead to the lead of the army of republican orgar.8 that are seeking to make party capital out of the misfortunes that have come upon the coun try in consequence of "the lack of public confidence in the stability of money." which that paper itself gives as tho reason for the "depression" in money matters now prevailing. It is admitted bv every candid, intelligent republican leader in the land that this "lack of public confidence" grjws out of the silver legislation known as tho Sherman law. It is a matter of record that this law was passed by a con gresti, republican in both branches, that it did not receive a single democratic vote in either the house or senate, and that it was approved by a republican president, Mr Harrison. This irrevocably fixes the re sponsibility of silver legislation and conse quent ''lack of public confidence" (which that paper says is the cause of the financia I distress now prevailing) upon the shoulder a of the republican part. Here, then, is a case where party organs are seeking to se cure advantage from the wrongs of their own party. This is no more admissible in politics than in law. It is in vain tha these organs protest that the Sherman law was passed to prevent the passage of a free outage bill, for only a few days before the passage of the Sherman law the house had voted against free coinage. So there was no danger that a free coinage bill would pass. And even should both houses have passed a free coinage bill Harrison, as every one knew, would have vetoed it. The Or . goran seems to forget that hard time may come upon a country whatever political party may be in power. As an example, let ua refer to the financial distress that prevailed in IS, J, when republicans bad overwhelming control in every branch of,, tne government, inat tne Mistress nas come upon the country in consequence of the fear that the democrats will reduce the tariff is the merest bosh That question was studied and investigated more thor oughly and with greater zeal by the mass of the people than any other public ques tion. This investigation lasted five years And when they voted upon it lasi fall they acted in the light of knowledge and intel- j ligent investigation. Does that paper think the people are nch foo s that they should be frightened at the realisation of that for which tbey voted last November? nuUuUwlUKUrwu.p u-,,uKu consequence of toe Sherman law. even at the time of its passage and having then preuice-i wnai loose contequences 'o he, comes lor ward and attribotes o the fact of the accession of the democrats to power. It is not difficult to measure the lack of candor which that paper shows j aoooi tne question, it aces not require any great power of discernment to see that the very highest motive from which mat paper acts is to me party capital oat of lU" - , . . ,1 , . ', the misfortunes of tbe people. People know that that paper has always been the friend of corporate interests and capital rather than of th people and labor. TaXINC LARiiE ixrotj.ES. Dr Ltarth, cf Berlin, in considering possible decrease of income if the Unite 1 States tariff is redoced, ays that "it could is, rvniHmi nas,, rimnoi im nn or im 11 . . . .. - - J . aiarcr lunancs in o' ucr wt?ras, oy aas us- come tax He added that this plan of tax- ation ' had been introduced 1 recetiUy i" Prussia and was working well in evary par- ticular, as the tax affected only those for- tunes well able to bear it." This confirms previous statements made in the regarding the operation of this tax in Prussia. It has worked to well ! ihl Iir R.riii henn .1, ( nt ... ...... ..." 7 . , . T ing the extra money needed to meet tbe ex- i pense of increasing tbe German ai my. i But the experience of Prussia is not nov el . This kind of taxation has worked well wherever it bas been imposed. Of course most men who have large fortunes do not like it. Tbey want to go on and make money, paying as few taxes as possible. Msnyoftbemdonot hesitate .. commit perjury to escape taxation woicn iney can revolutionize matters. Tbe new instru weM afford. Tbey want all taxation to be noent prints the dispa'ch, nqniring no , rJ .t. o t;,i tia.i .:i m vra ifuvu nan a inn, airj vou whi muuii of L. . . uiemse.Te ror uw suare rrom tne poor. Always the poor pay more than their .bare of the expenses of the government, lbey do it in .New lork City now. lbere is no other way of evening up thU mter so certain and so just as the taxation of large incomes. Tie World THE T I.t'E SuLCnoS. Let congress do as fo'lows and all will be well: First, repeal the Sherman law; Second, pass a free coinage law as to silver bullion, the product of mines in tbe United Slates only; Third, pass very stringent laws prohibit ing tbe importation of foeign bullion into this country, and to prohibit the coinage of foreign coins r '- American coins; Fourth, pass a tariff law making such material reductions all alng tbe line as wauld meet the demands of public senti ment indicated by the vote of the people; Fifth, pass an income tax law providing for a tax on incomes of 810,000 and up wards. Let tbe tax oe graduated. As tbe income increases it.crease tbe tax by a graduated scale. We believe this is tbe true solution Tlti r. 18 UOaPEL. Tn ure: evidence of he artificial and easeniia !y temporary na'ure of the depres sion is the fact 'hat'it is so largely confined ti' the bsnks This proves thst it is due to lack of public contde cr in te stability of money rather ihn o unsirundness of fun damental conditions of business. Oregonas v ell, then, what becomes of tha'. cock and-bull s'.ory so often 'od by republican organs ihat the cime of tt e depression Is the fear of democistic free trade? Tbe Oie gonian s s'ateinent Is true as gospel and all Ibis hackneyed whining nb iut free trade It just used for ihe purpos, of seating pscp'e into voting the republican ticket. The public lack of confidence s in the silver purchise features ol the Sherman law. 110 NEtVSI'APEKSXJW (ilVErHZ NBW.s? John Gilmer Speed, formeily managing editor of the New Yok World, contributes to the August Forum an instructive com parison ol the tea ling ma ler in represen tative newspaper of 1 83 1 and 1833. Ota given day In iSSl, h: shows, fur rspresen' ative New York newspapers ontained four anil one hi I olumns o' S'ip and ore column o' scandal, if Ins one hrodred and sis'csn and one fnurtti Cohiasns of gos sip ami srvei an! 0n-ra)l columns of scanlal la 18O3! From thl 1- naturally In fer thai news of m n n 1. 1 ievi'ably de priveJ of its dsS reren atiim. Hcieniiiils sa that if the bed of ibe I'acific Ocean-coul 1 by seen it wou'd illcluse tc view cveral mountains with truncated tops scatttre.l over it. These mountains would b; per'ectly barest ibeir hase.anjall around ( ineir iops would lie rovered u i' h heagtiful veJttallon of coral polypi. If afflicted wi h sca'p diseases, hair f. 11 I'gour, sit premature baldness, do not use grease or alcoholic preparations but apply Hall's Hair Renewer ' Kentish cherries at C E B,ownell '. In 1783 Noah Webster printed the first spelling book ever manufactured in ,hls country. The combined length of the world's tele eraph lines Is 881,000 miles, or enough to encitclc the earth about 33 limes. In etvere paroxysms of coughing, from whatever rause, a tablespoonful of uhcerhTe ! n hot milk or cream will give speedy reli.f. A flea U provided with a genuine l.incet, he knife eaclosed In a case in the head of he Insenct, the case opening sldew 1 r, like that of a razor. mere are many bnglish rpeaving people today In New York and New Jersey .as there were In all the world when Shake.ncar. wrote his plajs. . 1 " A rattlesnake wiU not crosi a hair rone. ! bxperiencad campers, when thev fear the i rattlesnakes are around , encircle their camp with a hair lariat or two, and feel secure. A Frenchman declares that vegetation can be aided by electricity. Potatoes plant ed in the path of the electric current grew enormously.aad electrified tomatoes became ripe eight days before the others. A well is b:ing sunk at Wheellng.W. Va. which has already reached a depth of three gaiters of a mile, but what I causing won- oer to geologists is tnat no water is ye struck, although the boring is tl rough nor- izontal pails. To tee the World's Fair and walk through the buildings the grand totalis .. . . . . ,,-,11-. tki. y " w lnc,uoe state. Government or private bu'ddinos: the Plalsance Is ignored, and no account Is ukeB of t, , , hoi'din ,-,i, , , , m necessary tod the whole thing up. Staff, wlib vhlch the cold storage ware- house that was buraed at the World's Fair grojnds cement was veneered, is a composition of , . . . . fZI ,. . and pla-ter of psris. While the stuff will net hum It will crack and peel off fiom beat, thus aliowinz a fire to burn through any wooden frame work upon vhlch it it laid. The ocean contains several fish which clothe or a 'orn them '., a. th, r, i ,cuou, of lhem being the antenn.rius, a small hth frequenting ihc Ssrsgossa Sea .hicn literally elofhes itself with srsweea', fastening the pie.-es togeUer wi h 'kky. : gelatinous string, aad then hold jing the gar- meet 00 with iu fore fin ; 1, ,l. . - , , In the va lean at Rome mere i a marble If tl aarlrk aa-l.a- I i-t . . .1 f . -aau -1 4 cycitjcy uic onir QBe. , , , .. TlMiBt ..cT-ug e ,ianu ct .axo a: the mo- ; mnt wttn she was deaerteJ by Thesem ' -tarns The Welcome says the rnns on iha banks in that city would not have oc- ! curred bn for the embecibiy of some of lh n, .n,MM tk.M l.l.l. a I ..'vit, nuavu aic ilill vy uusani ei at. jaik about hard litnea An Al5?ny : .. . - j man . - . . ... ua i rim t .aru.ic, tame ruiiiog ' a,on' nd .",br 01 0Pr ninnav flw I I., a r II. ......... 1 . s pkk them nP Md put them in hi. pocket. j that is the pockets of the otrner.who put in an appearance in dne lime. President Ijewenberg, of the Merrtv 1'!:''.: ai.onld be made. Thera wa. no ! l.n l. faM A aaaSaa. T JSZ.J 'TT . V He met it with nene.and with an unselfishness unusual -ww.irou sminraur ; on such oeeaasons. threw his vast private fortune into the breach and saved ibe bank. Praises of Loewenbtrg are in tbe mouths Ol ail oar citizens. Portland is fjj" hve ,och P' ! Port- h tTiSt'L Tk "T 1 . 1 am ife. -S -a 8111 to receive it. In appearance the tn , - . ' strument resembles an ordinary tvoe- write, ntmoaaied bv a s ass caae con jUinmg electric machinery: It i. operat- y simply pres-mg kfys.ev-ry inltru- "ii ' j . , r-chViiteel in of tbe wheel makes an electrical contact causing the transmission of a current through the circuit- The currents used alternate aad each wheel excites a defi nite number. At the receiving instru ment a similar wneei 10 tnat operated on responds to the number of currents so excited, and to no other number, thus - today, about three miles east of Gerrais. insuring accuracy in signaling. A men- S He leaves a young wife aad infant child, sage struck offupon the keys of the trans- His widowed mother resides in Taoonia. j mitter is prin'ed upon a sheet of paper j -,..,.. by the receiver, and Ibis is done without j , "arreaaera. necessitating the presence of an operator j Baxgkok, July 29. rhe Siimese gtw at the receiving end. : ertimcnt has accepted tbe foil terms of the French ultimatum. The substance of tbe ultimatum is as follows: Funny stories are told in Portland of the a'"tK.i1,j rihU ' FnUK trouble 'people are having who w,n' in?"' 8Cam.boh;. - , ! enough" o go lack on tbe Yanks Owim .LS??dLrSTU..t,CS wl,b,n m !llh of tied iteOO w in a handkcrX.f. hZT.t 1 P" .fort,d. Siames on tie eaM ln lost track of it.'reporting the matter to rne mm. it was hnallv found wh.-re StssLI-"" .. "" "' She Wl forgotten the pW-. rvlaJSTKd'fc . f . a rourth runishment of rulpnts and pro-! , vision for pecuniary indenmily to the vic- If even'bodv will snurr their Kill tnah.v tims. ., tomorrow no crisis can over take Salem. The first of the new crop will be in next week and tbe mills say they are prepared to pay for all that is offered. Journal. But they won't all square their bills either in Salem oritnywherc else, and there will be no serious crisis in this valley. A big wheat crop even at small prices should enliven matters considerably. There will be some buyers too. A valley ex says: The first fanner who gets in a load of oabi or wheat and applies it to paying his debts will be a public bene factor and will do more to stimulate confi -dence and increase courage than the many thousand who will come after him. Tfiaea is plenty of money in the eountrv to pay tin market price of anything that will lie turned off the farms the next sixty days and put millions of dollars into circulation. A Portland merchant is made to say in the Oregonian that goods can be shipped from San Francisco to Portland and re shipped to volley points and even from San Francisco to Portland and reshipped to valley points and even to Newport at a cheaper rate than from San Francisco to Newport direct over the Oregon Pacifb. I Iuh is a base falsehood of the extrcmest kind. The cost of shipping goods from San Francisco to Portland by rail is far more than to Albany by way of Yanina. Here is another cr.ime law ni-enur,! ! Ohio editor: "Hook agents may lie from September 1st to October 1st; spring poets, March 1st to July 1st; scandal mon gers, any time; whale. Auarust 1st to laam. ory 1st; the man who waits until the editor is gone home and then sneaks in and throws half a cord of wood of elm slang in the edi torial wood-house in payment tor a year's subscription, as well us tho antiquarian, two-penny business men who think it does not nay to advertise, mav n killml frrm. January 1st to Deceinlr 31st, without re course or any relief from valuation or ap praisement laws." Trains will hereafter run to Jdanha on the eastern end of the Oreiron Pa- ific Monday morning and Wednesday Saturday cveninun. Round trir. .Mill tickets, good for thirty days, will lie irld for 13.00. Round trip tickets can now be bought to the Bay, at excursion rates every day of the week. Billion's Cure, ta groat ocngh snd croup ears, is for sale 1 y nr. Pco'tc t s ss contain twsnty-rlv dnaei.ojly 2 Jo. Children lo7e it Voshay & Mason. TELEGRAPHIC HEWS. A Krw I. rim tit ot Keller. New York, Aug 1. A new and uncx pected element of relief has been injected into the financial situation. United States bonds have reaebwl tuch a low figure that national banks see their way clear to make a profit by issuing circulation ngainst them. Arrungetuetits have therefore been made by several more pro jiinent banks to increase their circulation from the minimum limit at which it now stand to such amount as will materially relieve the pre.cnt tension. It is estimated Unit SH.OOO.OOO or 810,000. 000 will bo so added to New York' supply of currency in a very short time. Citit Aoo Aug 1 In the closing of the lie tonight the first half of the Columbian ' , i;i.i iii" C r"ii.i i ', exposition passed into history. The num- j lv 'U'PJjJU. M.O Win- ,aa. ... . .1 1 VUlUIU'flUII ber of paid admissions during the month t was 2,759.971. and the larirest number of ! I1" admissions wax registered Juiy s, i when 2SI 273 people deposited the admis sion tee witu the ticket sellers, the small est number was on Sunday last, when 18, C7.1 paid admissions were recorded. The paid atlendance of May was I.OoO.O.ii, bile that of June more than doubled thi figure, reaching a total of 8,657, 1 13. A Xallonal Laaalie Aaylasn. Oranoe, N Y, Aug, 1. The abut-down at the Edison phonograph works is only partial. Euisou today issued the following 1 iU.eaii , . . . ! ,!. JL., ZZ ,... ,.i,irl oil ; orders on hand, and the proprietor, seeing that the country had resolved itself into a national lunatic asylum, baa decided to j wait until we have subsided somewhat." Br.nmr The, Or, Aug 1 As anticipat- ...1 ... .1 1 l . 1 ! financial circles and no trace of excitement ! or diatroat i. .liarvn.l.b. Mr John S,h.nclr i a-M-. .u . v,,;i ; bank, has been instructed by Comoiroller . i Bckels to proceed makimr collections with a view to resumption, if recommended by : Examiner Vtightinan. why is daily expect ed here. Tawaa I'ishl I Oaxaca. Mexico, July 31. There has 1 . been trouble brewing for some time be- i"." " o ataiaiiepac ana teja- , la pa. in thi tate. over Uie question of ; iaarr. Tl.- differ,. ,,id the ; development cf opposing factions, and have resulted in pitched battles, a number on loth sides being killed. A Krr.rd Bro-rn .. , .... , ., . tbe New York Athletic Club, today broke the world's record for putiinu tbe '& pound weigbt. Hemade.S fee. 112 incbe. which is 3 feet further than the record. LNaa wartlhe Hanokok. July 31. 7 p m. The un- easiness among tbe people here, far from lessoning, u increasing. Sertn more Krcnch gunboats have arrived at Koh-Si-Chang makinz a total of 13 now there. Sesotia , noru are iuii soiiiir us, dsi ik iHugieas is : not r-portcd. The intentions ol tbei'reoci! ! "a t .-.1 v I S - . tions are still going on, but tbe progress is sup Wati ii vim iMi anfi lfiismiinsuin. squadron, ha. isrped a second blockade no - ice. 10 iaae enect tnree aa srrom .-at ,rA.w -cm ,1 pti.h war. orday ships Paliat and Swift, now ivwgoff Bang ' kok. to go oataide the biockade limits. Dint al a SbtIbs- SaI-KM . July 31. John Caancey, living in South ?a:cn.. was today engaged m working, with bis son, on the Levy farm. three miles southward of Salsm. rbev were picking beans when tbe father went to a spring not far distant to get a drink. , Not returning, an hoar later tbe boy went to the spring and found bis father dead, i I Tfu, fcwvfr ara Ktrninhl frt ffhi .-if 1 n inqnest will be held in the morning. He . 1Q.IUC, . 1 ta, .1 w time a resident of t,kton. IJalif. i Onsaios Crry, Or. Jaly 31 The rumor relame to ibe doting cf ibe woolen mills j cannot be confirmed, and those in charge say hey know nothing ol the mafer lliey ITIZJTLI ,i 4v! - u I JiZrTL ITo" oT. " V. UUmmette Pulp i Paper Company 's paper mill and STOoad wood tyalp mill office at Revere House. beeianinJ tfn,k In. I mn mm mill haa -,!- ... .i." The ttlver War- Chicago. ,niy 3i. There will be a dec- laration of a tomorrow, and the aiimal . of hostilities will be given by the combined ' j convention of populists, free-silver men and , green -acaers. tne roe to ne onuasrea i i i be "tne money power." and this general iration it so broad that it is designed to , inciudc tte capitalists cf Kurope, as well as the money barons of Wall street . Kioksk. O. July 31 The Commercial i "S nnTnt bTiSZZ TiZcloZ iTZt bank of lottage Grove nas decided to 1 ntxk-r lotas at today tbey were busily 1 gaged paying on all their aSmUs will wind up their business possible. promptly straw steel V Stile Ba'hlag. wa . a young man 'i years ot ae drowned while bathinsr in Puddinir riser liTtirf.t c, ' Fifth -Indemnity of 200.000 franca for various d. images. Sixlb Immediate deposit cf 300.000 francs guarantee the payment of the 1 fourth and fifth c'aoses. Tae Esaaslaer There. Poiitland. July 30. William It Wight-! man. the special bank examiner who ar rived here Saturday and took charge of the su-pended national banks, received a long lata rain yesterday from J H Kckels, conip-: troller of tbe currency. Tho telegram showed that Mr Kckels bad a pretty gonl idea ot the way things stand in Portland that is, he knows the banks are solvent and will be able to resume ns soon as the y can turn around a Utile. Of course he initr:c!s j Mr W ightman to help them all he can. A Big ftwlntfle HsTW York, July 30.-The Horlds Boston special says that a huge conspiracy 1 bas been unearthed, whereby 78 banks anil banking insti'utions in New Kngland were victimized. ' The story is to the effect that cssta in emtiloyees of the Northern Pacific j Wevator Company, of Mmneso'a, issued . li.iOO.OOO worth of forged duplicate ccr -1 tilie.ites for grain in storage in tho "coun- j try elevators owned by tho company. 1 where the inspection is not so strict us at the terminal elevators. These forged cer tificates were deposited in Eastern banks its collateral. (nattlry t'lub July : -Six QKhVAIS. Or. July : Six hundred people witnessed the second game ot tbe j championship series of hsuebal on Hie Uer I vais diamond today. Tbe batteries were : lohiisdii and Btrahan f. r st Paul in:l l'er-1 hum and Williams for SUvcrton. Kpcdal to I'm i; m :, Or., July :ili. The First Na-j lional Bank ol Kant Portland, the First National at '1 he Dalles anl PtBdWon I rkivings Bank suHptnded toclsy. Six thousand men on L'nion Parific j have been put on live days time : at Chi i cago is at llfty-six and iinarter eents, about the lowest on record. The banks at Salem are solid. To Fakmxhs. The undarn'gied havs laaaed tho warehouse of David Smith st Tslltnan and ara now prepared to stois grain, and all turners ara requested to call and see them before making arrangement for storage elsewhere. Frost It Sanpers. He the New Improved Singer sewing ma ne, ihe rtl is siwaystno cheapsst. J Sowdeu, agont, OlUce at F M French's tasrelry store Southern Oregon is the owner of a gen uine dwarf sea serpent, according to the Ubetco Herald : A party wer.t out fishing from Cheteo Sunday, and besides bringing in 70 Bne fish, brought a nonde script, the like of which has not lecn seen before by old settlers, or even Indians. Thin ntrange looking monster of the deep meas ures 5 feet x inches in length, and is alwut thn thickness of a man's arm. Its head is frightful to look at, having a mouth that reemlilw a lieak more than loin-lit nlsn. furnished with eight red-looking fangs.four in the under jaw in the front of the mouth. Its eyes are rather large, and have a dull, dead look, or rather the appearance of being covered witli a thin Hint. It has a row of fins extending from the head to the tail that resemble a mane men than anything else. In . I . , ... I , f . " In short, nnv nno,,., ,.t tUn ,,u.n.inr would pronounce it a sea erpent if there is one in the nrran Tim .rout,, r.. tai 1 1 (so "7-J" "L"UU"M; 11 stuffed, and can be seen at the Herald office 'Ml. 1 1 I HI I X I 1 1 . by any one who wishes to see ii Htnit II CUOIBBKIKU Venison at 0 K Ioue',lr. VI.VVI Co iffice in Baltimore iiiocli. A full j'n of Warner Bros ecrw ts at It. A Co s. vo ' You want a Hoe nnok call fur Joseph s i won, labor cigar. Coin and see the pat chil ed plow at Ramp opposite poU nice. The beat roaat noBee, in the city at Ontsd Meyer a Motor makes five trip daily to Vieieck'e ditmn. Lotr th rc 01 inital!mnt. ..( i ' addition ' per week. An extenme varietv tf garden urd.Knik in t-nlk and by the package can ta found at C K Brownells. IVronixe horrn im :i '-v by amoLing th .Wrtstel white !atr Tiafitifactared by Jaias Jo.e, ,. ?" hand tu ned .hoe,, acme lr". r0.l,r"-v new- n"t waiter ahoa iu "'fchtatd fl,xit.i for rprmif acd anmmer wear, at Keol. I'm:, rl 3l o'a, CMI and inspect thim H lifM V M K.- ,:i 1. !. AlUny.O.. His Isfelioj dras. MOiiEY TO LOAN AT 6 FER CENT ON CITY PROPERTY. M SENDERS T'arhrr . Cxaaalaallani Not e lr hereby triven thai tar ih, n,,r F- of makiag an exatninallooofcll per sons wbo ma 0T7?r tbeaiaaiTaa as oandi j conntr. the count v .i,i,rlnnH.i ,u " j of will bold a public aaatninaiinn a 1 ban, beginning at I o'clock p rn. on WsdooaUay.Ang.s .rj. snd conUnalnt? two days A foe of I 1H bs claarjmj fjf aid exanilnalioo arpllosnts t r ssata r?Vn hon!d flia thair pp:icUn snth j ttf2,n.'r ."f?"'niondJi at ht tirco. ild this IHih day A . n 1. IWH ; O f KIkll tointy Sehvn Supt . - I . Iot; going to the Bay or mountains I ei let a, -1.4 . I . ll a a m vauaiiic vrc uiizrr ana r nn Very .heap. " BUS at. Vtetck's shaving and hair cit ng j-ir ui. Betocr: of O ELJEL ti KY VxAY , , . , . upilliJilLlIC UpUCliUl, Optical Specialist, "in acatr. be In Albany neat aeek Ann Hon.'. ulc ..-. h i, ri. v.. A - eiceiient wars nee in our cry tme difficult cases with glasses, instidns sad consultations free. fitting Esa.n- August toth, i nb, tsth snd 3t. AT It A V A A Aj, A 1 COI-IaEGK.: Fall Term Begins September 13. Send for Catalogue. DRUGS, Sutic.eiy, TuiUt ities, lmtrumeii'3, Etc Musics Hodges & McFarlaii rhe Cotrci Uiug Store," Albany, Oi . HILL'S JJ UUMaUaHfllaai W MUKPHINK HA i "imrTsiyst-- - - ' . UW rituut, hy the use of our SPECIAL 7 z . ; , .. ........ s.a i-'i n- iif' n o iroo U)M . f I iocor .- phmc untiUucb tirnoas they shall voluntarily Rlx. t . f" hor..d toplac, .7ererVfr,5ma tioi, with persons ho have tweu cured by ,,r,-r,:h H SL-Tl" w saio If yiirdrtiK!it dim not keep thom. enclose ns SI OA l"hMr ".' returu tuaal, a tsackaace ofiiur' v rit0J,."r "a""5 "d rddreFspiainlv.andstato anpiiirr n .1. ... . . .... i'. . . i . j ,, ' ii, . V, ,uli"V jaoj - DO NOT Btl DECEIVED Into ptirehaslne nnvc.r nriu .... .... .' l.rri. o'Ternt for trnU- aw i- 'ctttV SS?1 TABLETS sad take nooihr. 83 Jatiuiufuclured only by TIIK OHIO CHEMICAL CO, ol. S3 & 55 Opera t:iot. LIMA, OHIO. PAUTirriits FREE. rilE have two package RESPONSIBLE . A0ENTSJ WSNTEDf (In wriUiig iJeaae Hood's Cures Numerous Boils And Catarrh in tho Head Mr. TP. I Tucker Koseburf. Oregon. I feel that it Is Impossible for me to say loo much In favor ot Hood's Sarsapartllx I was a great sufferer from Impure blood and Catarrh in my head. Job's comforters failed to eomtsrt ma, and I suffered from numerous baila Agony Beyond Description. When I began to take Hood's SarsapsrUla I had six of them, only four of which cams to a head, and sines then, thanks to this good medicine. I have been free from this treat affliction- I aalned 1 1 pounds In three weeks. The Catarrh In my bead w hlch has troubled ma lor years baa also been cured by Hood's Sarsapartua and I Hood's ss Cures am en toying co-vl general health. I earnestly BeDd flood's banaparilla to all who ara aOlcuid." vr. I ii'CKEB, Koseburg, iffegoo. Hood s Pills ru ail Uver Bis, BiUoos- Jausdlce. Indigestion. Sick Headsf ha. J F. FORD, MiM, Of ilea Mwora, low, wrilaa ande ! l!e of March 23. IS33: 3. B. Men. MrJ Co.. Ddfnr, Oegoo. (Tawfcasca s I Vc arnring hme ia; wfck. I fen rial! 1 mad anxioasly a-vaitm. Oar littla ' and 00, h. it years old, Tj.nui 1 away to 3Spoio4, is ,w well. aad vigoron. and w.U flesfced ap. B. Coagh ,"ara htsdwe it. wsrk w.l!. Both of taw children like it. Yoar S B. Cmagh Can has cared mod krp-. saw all hoaraeneaa from me. So give it to iyery ; ace, with graM tags for all. WUhirsg ysw . ftxt , Mat Mas J P Foeo. , . v. an. btaaaax Sara or " y " lij i l hauls 4 S al oaltr a rmiut ( cruise by J ACLMMING. Star Bakerj S'wrMranetstlblsi anal Firwl i4 MKMD Mint, P80PRIE.0B. ausstrsl rrstitst. flaut war, . rtcst Frwiia. Ttbstvn, sigatr, rv. , lataisit 1 . tltt asw v Vegetntilc igsti re - I . CI.. tae r Tik. - thai tt ken -rarwsj M aw'ssr, ake. Hvrbaal asssss psf i saw) I f lata KINDS OP PRODTJOE Wall Paper, I rujjs, Paintn. Ot Is C w 1 n ss , J. A. (cntiRiiig ALB Ah V. -:- CREC0K FOR'AI.E A o L, Vierevk. gool boil ftse aire T. C. M t K I. V. M. 0.. PhrsKiaa and Sarcynn. tataBS- Corarr in BUsaortb St. vr n alaaaa L5rvw eTvocr, stora. HwJtut, ivmtr lh aaa t alaywas tu "Vtf D & & & btt S GO O.0 NEWS For the millions of coctsu trees of a Tutt sPiLUs.n innins"sp I tint tw is utiu poll ii Hsa swl TINY LIVES. PiLL Oniili ll I ,,1 ccrct,in.T smull lc t. retaining nil llta TnTtna iTtS tanr.-r o.-x. cltanrunt. ,-,1 nun-lr an- -Jill Kua . . Tin- i .n l ii ..t (Ot TUTT'S TINY LIVER PILLS m Usiiownia Utebonterof tti"aul.v IREMEMBER carol ulinvtMUntj sMtlafmtii-t-S va 1 : .; . IS iityand tho merits ot our TaU.-tsT HIT .T,r."..w.. v u, t jhu oa mo tvtrr ,.r POWUtA GOLD CURE TABUrHi t-XlX tho use of ou r T A iilk fls. hy all riusT-CLass pauio or ,r crrM a ... .. . r wurth at Tiir oniri Crtiijrr. CVi. for sua, wuriii ,.f iuir then, nil rigm atid.altfiough Iuss !lh n heavy smolcerand chewer, they did tho vivrt tn le than thm-davs. I am cured. Truly yours, ataXiliVV JOH.NSOK, P. O. Box SS. PrrrsBraoH, Pa. Bici CHraiCAi. Co. :-iraTLBatJSit: It (rtves me pleasure to speak a rat-e lor your Tabh-ta. My son was strongly addicted to the use of t hnruKii a frk'iid. 5 w,i led to try your Tablet., lie a as a heavy and ,ihmhi uruikrr, nut urtT i.' mi; your laciieu, nuc inree uaysne qit dnnkins;, P.;il will not toilet, liimor ol ni - laimi. I Imvci Hit,t iour month before wriiinar you, iu onlt-r to kuuw tho cur. as iwruiauviil. OHIO c'IIKUIi- , I. CV. -. ;..... ww '.Vnn, Par.let ustxl, hyuodenulcaliy. for seven years, aiY have bocu eunnl bvthanaaar ol your Tublcla, and without any effort on .Acid. rs nil Orders to THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., macbon low papc.) .. i. ow ano im opera Blact:. -ima, OHIO. $8.00 WILL BUY A WOMAN the beat wsabing machine mads. Go to Stewart St Sex and take one ont on trial.1 They lso have all kinds of wringers. IT WILL KILL YOUR WIFE to carry that great big child srantd iu ber arms. You mast go to Stewart Sox and bn one of '.heir baby -.arriagea. All kinds and pnos. SOVYIHCAWAY HAY hebde.two,k on a farm. Vuoeig make it the easiest by bayiag a comp ete fUy f arrier ..utiit of -l?ait X .V.x. Cr'; and see it. ORA'W, tlABDEK. F1X1VV EB fresh, pore, are to uro' aad sold at IV iar.a price. Oardrn ieda kep' in h . k. Fiald p a- ani FU-ld oorn a'ao crrie I in larKe qoaatities. ItreWAET St hox ENGINES AND SBPABATORS They don't aiake any iietter than Lb I 'RuMe!,'' a.d Stewart 4 Sox ae.ll tbatkiu ! at Albany. Several good aecond band ea tinea frr -ale at a bargain. ' "' - PAINTS & 0ILS.-Te 't ix.d pam, for mu on tfau ( t la the Ph, t" wn wa ara igtati tjr it at Albany. VK ai-c carry a foil line of oil, vartii-he, as. and carikga paints, etc. STewAET 4 Box, Eli SI.PPI IF.X Bon' i tetpj.L, U.a in I l.x ant lonser. Stewart tl Sfoi carry , h-v, aeTtiooa, comb foondatioo abd ,e sraokera at low :ti.. WILLYCU BUILD thU ' 11 Kit tod not tail to aaa Stewart at Sox. Tbey i,eep a Ur,e stock of builders hardware and tell at prices toin.t the times. THOU SHALT NOT KILL ? ! acoordiag u. law, ao.1 i on og b t to bay a-'l ; or gena and sjBBianittcn of Staw-t't & Sox. Tbey keep a i.ood stock and aril cheap. Oases (wwder.fase sod caps always oa band. ' WE SELL COAL, IRON " " f" in iff, " and keep a iarae ttock of black ami tb ssppliea tm hand. ."nrsni isrr t SPRAY YOU I TREES.-60' ww t alrit of Strwatt A" Sox ad take care cf 7001 orchard. Tbe cottit they aell baa bnaa trie in this ita'.e for yeaas by tbe beat or chardiats and a a e mplete snorasa. aSSS aa Sts WE RE NOT BRACCIftL hVe the best Uno ot Dee tears, teuton razors and pecket caltery in tbe valley -erne aad are for ycnrselvar. SnwAEr & fox. PLOWS. We tiif a new (billed plow e attiy tbe tram as the "Oliver." We sraNr apta it aad sell on trial. Extras will fit Oliver. Also we have a fail hi of steel I Ptc wa that :uki: Im r,rie, V mi,M I posaiUvaave a few ca-at bveominff aj-oand and seetag or. SrEWAtrr k Sox. ' Strictly Cash. 1 F. L. Krit hi. adept d a cash iiysttm aad will bereafier C ASH only. cei groceries To Farmers HAVE UENI'KD THE MiOOLJ A -i. - - J .,, .. . ," - "" '"" der for recetviag ike pr-,t croy The wareboese ts a rat class and coaveciestiy kcated. C ntvns wo gocd e'eaaerr. No rfe.'a, in oalcttiia. Sacka wdl t-e band ford:,ery U dee line Ois,s aWl betora mt zf arrange men :s to a' or- soar p ciuik.w w wa a.w - I . i 1 JU 1 aVal Albaav. Jaly 13 b. 4 I.kSMBsSa3 1' Bs :m IftUl 1 11 IA, V V. Flcnr and Feed Store. Have removed their Hoc to the Strahai stor, former'jr occvpled br Deyne S Robson, and have or. hand a"fuil atwck o C9RVALL S flCU B3AH, SHORTS UtKM MEAL, GRIHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE aOUB, NAY, 0A1S. STRAW ANO GHOPPEO FEE: Custom chopping done. " 1 tnit 1 A FEW Testimonials from persons who have been cured by the uso of Bill s Tablets. Trir iinro I'hkmioal Co.: ilin vnio Oii xicAL Co. lie, k sm: I hive lHen nsinir vonr for totauxx, habit, and found It would a . ... ,, I a ....... ii,es.riisrotehewiiic tobaeeuaday. mm ABgja vourself.S Wf !rtrori!ftiirCjaiwaitMasi aVaHEr - K Jrra.5pTmatarrrMaast avar cnnaiuraidiststqcvataV ijrrcar druaau tar a Isattie of ! . It oae a la a lew ,r S-h ut the aid r pafkitjr afa 9PBfasB . t v -- .'.- tatnaa rrtaranac I net la - rsie . tM rw rateraal Can. aa 'r' -'actSK.i i;f aBBBBB 9 Lt Ftxtj CUsjcal C. .H H CiNCWsasATt, O. j ' aaaaaSsaw'B " r.iid Iron, one t Ove t ijrars; or 1 would smoke r from ten t forty ptpeaot tobacro. Have chewed Slid smoked lor twty ltv y,ars, nnd two packages o. Mjor Tubletucurt! nve 1 have nodratre fortt. U,Bl. JAXLOIU), lsile,Mlch. Dobbs FaSKT. N. T. : 3S!ITLatMSX .aaaaa lime ili.i 1 sent Tsblet.i for Tobacco Habit. 1 lwrirai lours truly. iilK. HELEN MORRISON. CITIKII,TI CI: tiKvn ,wrfnrmrtt ,t in a... m my part. w. lAJTaWiAY. SHERIFFS SALE th- Cirrvit Court of tht Ha Orrgon tot the t'ovnty nf Linn. j The Orejron ! iVmipsnv Mmlted,, vs I C P liuikhar nn t N lie C Bnrkhart, hi- wileC K Parknt ai.d Mary M I'arkea bis I .f, John If Un Khar; a-nl H:- K Knrk ban. i-la wife. r. o flo'kiiart and :i!a A tSurkbart bis WtttJ M Keen)' and Frank A Burkli'rt. edimnU'ru or or tbrstate of Mary J Bui kbart.dectav ,1, Dtfi cdants, VJCT1CK H UPf'.ErfY JIV,;m THAT 11 by vlr'os of an exscn ion an J esxlss of sale du y bsud ,.ni of the abova panaed roar, la the ioye en'itlen - ; t tou;o dire-.-. l ii d-.ive t4, I i I 01 aatarday. (be ! day mt Aa;at, issxt. at the f'ont d'mr . f the court fbe .;ity of Albeny, I. inn county. Oregon, at she bodr of on i er!e3rar k p in of said Jny, sell at pu j .c auction ror run u nanu to the bigaeei oioae ins rai ' IV ,1 fan awautiillir ' . r r .r t . sale as follows iwi ; 1 ha fcuth haif of the donatio Isnd e aim ol V P Hatkhsut and Kibtabeth J l.nrkUart, biavi'e. Not 695. claim No 40, lieins; parts o.'xcn 10 and 1&, in Ip II auctb range 3 weat or toe WUIrriM tte mf-ridlan. in IJnn county, OrestotJ, coctatnirtg 160 tcre. Ih pro ceeds arising from said satis) to be spptisst Drat, t J th payment of the coaU rf and npnnmldeX9CU i n acd 'he original coats at nl taxed at Jc8 05, sec -tt I u th fj tcviu pontiff' clifn anaoantitg to Has a-, u of friJS,, il in U M eol-i c .In with scciu ii iotere-t in like goia ir at tne g 'ft j thsov -tplua ifanv t- !a api-'ied upon i tu- :;n of tb ItUn Iri-.'; tl Ruri art, i ajxtbumicg to the sjm of 413.28 la, TJ t) ! gold c ,u with accruing ir,'e:et tuer'on i in jie gout eoto at atm raa i iu pr cant par annum and the fortber ram of fave.Wt 'lull Ij goiti coin w.m acrtiir,g in-ereat ; i hereon at !b rate of 8 i-r per annum, and the further sua? of I'll t-i in US -old crf-3 witb acxruinz intsraat at tbe rale of 8 per cent par a'-r.nai: bot the proceed sniicr isrf cm i not s.fficient to par tta r aim. attorney 'a lee. intferea; and -:; I will then sell trie north half of sr id d -maii lano claim the pro-ed arising tber.from ! to be applied to any balance tnat may be fine open aaid piaintifr ald riafm, a.torrev'a fee and casta. IXsted tb s l&h day of Jni. 1SJ CCJACKSojf. S be riff SsT Lino county, f m eon. EXECUTOR'S SALE. Notice i s he-sby given that : he ctder- tiiutd -Xccatora c i tne last wt'd and teatav mrtit of Owen Bear, deceaatd, Uu of Lisa ccaetr, Oregoa, will pan car.: :o aa order of tbe c anty oar. far Lion eaaury, Orrgon. duly made aad catered i f record est the 5a day cf Jane, 1393, astborix.Bg and iicesssswg he anderMaed as exaeatora of aaid estate, load; the Isaasta hereinafter d scribed, will y the 16. b day cf September. 1833, sttba bear f cat o deck p m of said day, at tbe Caoit li.ja-e door, in ttve city rt Albany, : Liaa - .: ,. Otaatrat. '.ell al pab'scanctioa, ,a tbc bigneat Uide- ail cf tbs rigsit, tit ssstt inttieat the said Owen Bear bad at the ime cf bis dca' h la and tn the fcllewing lactribed real eatate toail: Beginning at the X E corner U the dona ioo land c aim cf Swen Bear ss.,1 wife. Not t rf the Willamette meridian and ."o wua emm i .p ,i a r thence weat ai.ic the ros'Js Loaalarr 'me M and claL-5 i,2.V3 camnm to Use A E corster af a tract of land told to V W P.uSnU and J C Eobin:t by Owea Bear and wife; then J aotth 2 chaxca, ttetvee S 31 45 E, ' following along csa'er of a s'oagk 14.24 duiaa. thence acnth 2.90 chains, thence east paraulel with tbe earth baa ad aaid Owes Bear cUim 53.10 chains to tbe eat line cf ' said claim, thence earth 17 chtiaa to tba ouses of twgiaa ir-r. cxmmme lal.M, acre. I a!t in linn -t. tV. a a T n . T sate nne-ba :' ca h in band no lav if sale aad case haif in six enaeths from day aa with interest at j per cent per atnom ecared by mo-tgage a the land sold. 1 This ibe :h dav cf Jale. lfaaS. ; Waiek cIiee, i loKX CcatXWiS WeatiterforJ St Ctemberlaia, Execetoia. A " : . - for Ex. I CUABOiAN'S SALE. I Notice n stuiibj grvee, ibav ' y villas of ; aa esderii tbe Ccnxtty Coertof Lisa tuee : tj.O ejo.-. aaada aad tatndf record ia ' aid bv a ad coaul oa tb 2TUi c.y of ilsv, ' ISS3 I will oa tbe 29:n day of July, 1S93. ' at tbe boar sf one e'ekclt p as if said dev. at tbe coert haaae door, in tax. city rf Ai- , fl II . . . a. ... . m 1 . , ; y, vrtesi-H, ;.. wn li e t-u.ii.-. i.u is ud.Ur tbeckfoi, for cub in bard, tbe fol- ; prsas Welt- l-asai J winieaa mislcar- l" o . . Ilt .. I fg??8 r.?."?1."'' ? tT 5 ,. . ,- . . - nvHT, Ittlu; tbesee east 32 51 ca:a- 6.75 chain ; tbaatce west "i t to :r . I betweea Scetksa 16 aea 8JJ chair; tare c west I?: UM to the northe-st eonser of tae land cWssaf Jassea S HtU aad wrfe: h'rweJBtl! 14.25 chain: tlkesmeast 1 74 chain to the pi ice of begiatuag. eoataiaiag 31 4 acres more or teas. Aiti .'.- taa I a.- sssssssM beloacing to Frances M Wagasa a attaer. Bettaaing 37 links acnth aad 32 SO cWasa east of the n orthwest cjraer of tae deaatit a land claim of James Garrett aad wife aad rnnriag thence east 7 30 chains: thinoa north 41 links; thence east 29 96 cbaiaa; tacace noetfc 6 35 claims; theoc west S5.46 -- a-.: sassi M BSS . SBSaSal to .2 p. see besianiog.ccntamig21.0 acr are cr le. The iateteat of atv -rnaora ia said laaili to be sold being a f. ,api ia -.erect r apectireiy. D.B.WAGSON. W. R. BlLVBC, Gnardias. Attorney G Bird nr. Notice of Assignment. i Notice U hereby given that the Bank cf ""gon, of AlUnv, Oregon, has dolv as- saga SO to the nrdersigned sigees ail its property aad effects far the benefit of all its creditor, under aad by vis to of the gea eal aaaignraent laws of the state of Oregon, and the aodersi.ned has hnlofcre, tnait, 00 the SSth day of Jnae 1S93, daly qaatthtd All persons havicg claims against said in solvent and the estate thereof are hereby required to pre tit the saas to th nav drigned at the Bank of Oregon baiidia in 1 ne city cf Ai' any, Oregon, nmier oath, 1 withu three asonths of thai date. Dated this th dav cf Jena 1533. VY. S. Taoxaisox Assignee of tbe Bank o LH egon, aa iaaet vent. N( tice to Stockholders. TPTICE 13 HERESY OIVEX THAT the annual stockholders meetiasf af t e Waterloo IVvalepmeat Company af ' V aterlco. Cr:. will be held at the eompni : otSce in the town of, Or, oa Wed nesday, August od, IS si.'?, at the hcur af J j o'clock p m of said day, for the purpos of electing six director of said com pan v to j serve for th ensuing year aad to trans at aucn other Dusinees a mav regn arly eeiore saau mea'cinj;, bated this 7 th day of July, 1893 J O WRrrsJtA r. ikeevtarv. NOTICE OF FINAL SETfLEMENT. i VTOTICK IS HKRKBY GIVKX THAT THS I N j It dersigiMKi aatatnuiacrar. cf tae easate at aaaiSS , lemiiKii.., deaaxl, ha Sled aitathe Clerk ,vf the County Coon tor Una eoonty, Oran, hm ttnal acciHint la aakl asaata. ad tbe Couaiv Ceurt haa fixed the UU, dav .v Aaawa. 15831 the hourot 1 o'clock ( a, aud day. tu the beanotr of SMSM ,1 any t j said aawunt and lor svlliemeat of bU estate, laced June Oh, issjci. ,ltl V a a- aa a, a- a-.. I , . v vaa.' a. a... . i c. a -, J aass J Catsuca, AUnuitutrator AlL-rnev tor iiumbtrs.;. r EXECUTRIX NOTICE jJ vlK K IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE VN XS dersiicned ha It swwml,! executrix ol la ha I rtU and tescamc it ot Andrew Kobe, atrectuni. ; ' ol Una county; Oregon, All person bavins obum, asainst ssN eetat are hereby required u. PTS.' tb,0 atiboSaoa of JaoK JCh-rtu n in Mtauiy. CHe h . t the undersiariied, with nroue- I vouchers aad prejwrlv uriflcd Uh iv m..!l,. ....... a..,,, aHtm, Dated July Srd,l$9S. Jans-JChariU. NE R ROBB Attorney lr Executrix. Executrix M r. Dr. Fatter-sen -tl al!e Th Noted Clairvoyant ad Lire Under, ia now I Y?' ft? U aod ner reauteoc,aeat door .1 R I ...wa 1 1 . all. . -ia . . ... . . war. - -. -.-. " awu. mil suisjecta. past aWttaVBat aaal rutnaa.- Laaiaa , .. W. . . ' btaaasss. You cau hear from your dead bije7 land FOR SALE. Household farttitttre for aaki cheap. Inquire af Thomas Jones 1 on 7th, between Hro-dalljin sad Ferry.