The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 14, 1893, Image 4

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    S CHAH-
Attornoy i at Lit
Will practice in ourti
Ute. 1 13 ! ii ,,-,i r.i
ivjn id mitters in prot
and tj o i i r,. i u.
I ' ' 10.-: -In (ha Flinn block .
Attorrey at Law snd Solicitor In Chancery. Call
tlons road on all points. Loans negotiated on
rabl tonus. Albany, Oregon
Attorney at law, Notary Public. Will practice in
all the courts nf this state Special attention irlven to
collections and matters In pre bate Office:-- Upstairs
Mason-Twcdale Block Albany, Oirn
f. K ) 11 i I I 1
..u hnt A-
II leifal matter) will receive promp
fflce r. Odd FallDW's Temple, Albauy, 0
Attorney at Law, Albany, Or.
Attorneys at Law,
Albany, Oregon.
All leifil ! i . attended
FUNK'S Wist, A'biny,
R. J. L. HILL.
Phyclcian and Snrjroon. OFFICE Comor
Ferry streets, Albany, Oroiroii.
US. tltKTOV at DWIS,
Phvsidant an Silrwns. OFFICK Corner econd
and Btcrtlalhin streets. Albany, Or, Calls pro.nptly
attended i citv ami eeuntry :
1 11. 4'IIIMMKRLIIN. II. .,
nemeopathiaU a3T Speei-Jist In diseases of the Kye.
Office hems 7 to 9 a m: 1 .o S ra. and 7 to i
nir.p. A l.p Oregsn. ?
recident ,
Vice President
, . S. K.YOUNQ
TRANSACTS A GENERA Lbaoktng'busloss
ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to eheck.
SIGHT EXCHANGE and tel raphic transfer, e-iU
New York, San Francisco. Chicago and P -it land
CO LKCTIONg SADE on faorable term
el. E. Yocva K, W, Laaaaoa
L E Blaii, L. Full
Edwaid F . Sol.
TRANSACT a reneral Baukiuir oainea.
sco and Portland, Oregon.
LOAN MONEY on approved security.
RECEIVE deposits subject to check.
COLLECTIONS made on favorable terms.
INTEREST nid on time deonsita
motlif S3
Portland, .8:45 A. M.
7:30 P. N.
For and general Information cal
n or address
W H HURLBURT.Asst.Gen'l. Pass. Agt,
254 Washington St.,
Portland. Oregon
J F. FORD, KvanpUst,
Of Deal Moines, lowi, writer under date of
March 23. 1893:
3. B. Ma y.rn. Co..
flu fur, Oregon.
Gentlemen :
On arriving He ine i t week, I found all
well and aoxumsly awaitias, Oir little
girl, e-ght and Oft-bU yaars old, who had
wa fed away to 38 pounds, is now well,
strong and vigorous, and well AVh ;1 up.
n B. Cough .'nra lias d ne iw work well.
Both of Mm child, e i like it. Your S B.
Cough Cure ha i-ured and kep: aw.y 1
hoarseness from trie. So jjive it to every
lie, with gr-iini;ij f r all. Wishing you
prosKcii y, we ar..
Vir, Mr 4 Mas J K fORu.
If you wish feel iiesn and cheerful, and ready
for the -S.irinir's work, cleanse your system wth the
Headache and Livjr (tare, by taking two or three
loses each -rtek.
iW cents per hoi Mo by all drwrisls.
H Id under a positive -nr. itee by
1801, 1892
rsl I it in Opened September lllh
At I corps of instructors,
' - '' "lii'ly arrHiigoJ uiawlt
k'i ti'adra ufatudeiita
$feil titiinrrmrnti eftred la studauli
Irotn abroad.
fted CrownMiUs
,w fBOcars txcim srraaioa von vaatrvir
and aaa as. tw,
1 Kit LA N
When my little girl was one month old, she
had a scab form on her face. It kept spread
ing until she was completely covered from
head to foot Then she had boils. She had
forty on her head at one time, and more on
her body. When six months old she did not
weigh seven pounds, a pound and a half less
than at birth. Then her skin started to dry
up and got so bad she could not shut her eyes
to sleep, but laid with them half open. About
this time, at the earnest request of friends, I
started using the Cuticura Remedies, and
in one month she 'was completely cured.
The doctor and drug bills were over one hun
dred dollars, the Cuticura hill was not more
than five dollars. My child is now two years
old, strong, healthy and large as any child of
her age (see photo.) and it is all owing to
CcncURA. Yours with a Mother's Blessing,
335 Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis.
Sold throughout the world. Potter Pure, and
Chbm. Coup., sole proprietors, Boston. Mailed free,
" All about the Blood. Skin, Scalp, and Hair."
Baby Blemishes, falling hair, and red, rough
hands prevented and cured by Cuticura Soap.
ror information and frae Handtook write to
MUNN A CO.atl Bkoadwat, New York.
Oldest bureau ftr securUw patents tn America.
Erory patent taken out by us is brought before
the pubilo by a notioe given free of charge lu tho
f aeutif it mxitm
t arcftst ctrenlat Ion of any scientific paper lu the
world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent
man should be without It. Wee It, 3-00 a
rears tLSOstx months. Address MUNN A CO.
rmilsHlBH, 3S1 Broadway, Mew York at jr.
-or THE
Southern Pacific Co.
Express Trains leave Portland Daily.
1 TAX w M AP
I B .niaii
South I notl JCT.T 1. 1882, j Sorth
7:00r. a. I Lt Porffiuul Ar 7M a
10:23 r a Lt Albnny Lt :x3 a a
a.U A a I Ar San Francisco Lt 7.-00 r a
AtMTe trains atop only at fol lowing stations n nrth
ot Roaehurg. fUst Portland, Oregon City, W vl
ourn, Salem, Albany, Taairent, Shodd, Halsey. liar
riabarg. Junction City, Irving, Eugene.
aoaxsraG aaa, dailt
M am I Lv Portland Ar 1 4-30 r
t!:45 r I Lt Albany Lt 1 ';S it
S:S0ra Ar Uosebunr SLt I 7iCa
5 00 ra I Lt P.irtland Ar lu 3" a Aiuar.y Lt j 6 JO a
:10 A a I Lt Albany Ar I lu ?1 a
r00 A a I Ar Lebanoa Lt I 30 a a
1 :Kr a Lt Albany Ar I :25 r
r09 a a I Ar Lebanon Lt t: ' a
Dininsr Cars on Ogden Route.
ttia-hed Is all Thrsagh Tralsia
Te Mr MTlsloa.
Mail s a. dailt (Exnpt Snnaay,
T si a a
12:10 r a
6:30 r a
1-2:5S ra
BxrKsasraAix mar (Eicjpt Snudsy .
7:i5 ru
r I : a a
v I 5.45 A a
Thronprlx Tickets
so all point in Ihi Evitern Stiles and
Europe can be oh cned at lowest rares from C H
1-roQk, Airent Albany.
Manas-cr Vss't O. T. and
eort'v.J Oroaon.
Oregon Pacific Railiodd,
E W BIDLI V, ReeelTer.
TIME SCBKDOUS. except Sunda.ra.l
bam Albany 12:20 r. a.jLuve Taquina, 7:'K)a,a
Uavp Corvallis 1:03 r, a. Uave CorTallia,lH:S5 A, a
A.rrl Vaquina, 1:35 T. a.lArnTe Albany, litis a.
Direct Lin
Quick Dispatch
Low Freight Rates.
between Willamette Valley
San Francisco
Points and
ir.uc nun
Willamette Vality. July lltli t7tb,
raoa TAqt IMA.
WkfaaaattS Valley, .liny 21st, at r.
The Oomp.iv -ir-rvea Ibe ngol
hange sailing datea r loout notice.
It. NTlMtlKKN.
t. 1 "Ho" luaves PultlniiJ Wc.liie.lay
Saturday 8 A a. .
IIC Div,Os'i Ai't.Hitm .n Street Whsrt.l' .rt'aud
D R Vauxni. (1 -ii A'l. n Fran.isco, Cat.
H K Kalaswjp, (lenvral il aaa
Mi 1(1' w'IO,
oto, aaajaajaai
T i Kara
o. llln lleFarlaiid,
-: - UF.ALKK IK -:-
Harness -and -Saddlery
Display in the D-Giii
- '-,. 'Par a.nrTaii -
o-iutu flnrf RAiiLi-tiiallnrv
lU.IHlMdllU OWUHBrilCf 1
: - . ta for John M.Alrlan'apubllcntlonr,
wi-rel'a' "sHaw'a prlaasa with
I.lla "t Ottf'UOa I
The Pekin Gazette is the oldest journal
in the world. It dates from the eighth
An Armstrong gun in the British navy
hurls a solid shot a distance of l2 rni'es,
the highest point in the arc described by
the shot beiug 17,000 feet above the earth's
surface. The discharge of the gun cannot
be heard at the place where the ball strikes.
The Oreijonian defends its Washington
correspondent, spying he did not say Mr
Hush did not see the president. He did
say Mr Bush only had a chance to shake
hands with Mr Cleveland with the rest of
the sweating, seething crowd of curiosity
seekers, and he lied. Your correspondent
was the man that lied, then, MrOregonian.
He has shown on many former occasiom
that he was either a liar or most wofully
deficient in gray nmtler .Statesman
existing silver laws would bring us to the
condition that we now face. Siuce 'the
inauguration of I democratic politics,' no
one thing has occurred to increase the
malevolent effect of these laws. The long
foreseen crisis has arrived That is all
,i . : l i.i l
mere is no reason to suppose it wuuiu noi
uuve nrriveu nun pas iiuiimu ma iccict-i-
ed. Ifanythintr. the inauguration of Mr j
Clevelend as president may lie said to have ;
been in the nature of reassurance because 1
his attitude and deteunination to save the I
credit of the country were well known from
the beginning." Evansville Und,) Cornier.
By "the high eas" n-L-rre I to in article
t of the Constitution of 'he L'nited States
is meant the open sea; that is, the waters
i outside cf the civil jurisdiction of any
i country whatever, which, accotding to the
laws-of nations, Is ,lnutei to one marine
league, or three geoguphical miles, from
the shore. Even the Gieat Lakes, beyond
the limit designated above, are regarded as
h!gh seas." In tne evtnt of a crime or
crimes corr.micled on the high seas, parties
charged with the commission thertof are
subject to the jurisdiciicn of the Federal,
Royal or Dlstikt Court of tiie country which
the vessel first enters after the criminal has
been detected.
The expeiin.entsof Co'.. S.noilon of the (
Russian Army with falcons as carriers ot
despatches have proved successful, and the
Russian At my hereafter will employ them
in preference te the ordinM "homing birus.
The colonel has found 'hat the
falcon can
1 p.arrv 16ao irams wi'hoct diminishing its
1 - ' " -
: rate of speer), which is con ideiably greater
j than that of the pigeon. The falcaos, h
sayg. are less likely to fall prey to other ;
birds, as they are better agtstars than the'
pigeons. It is on rtcoi . ..rtordiog to th
officer, that a falcon aavca flew from lh
Canary Islands to the es'a'es of the Huke oil
Larma in Spain, lt seems Kigkly probable
that the falcon wiil berorae the servant of
other Eurorean armies
Ea President Harrison keeps up his well;,
established reconl of small bore statesman
...A-t ..v..:- r
snip, in uis noie 10 iue nepuouciiu uestiraa
, ... . , 7
Clubs Wednesday last he said be tuought
he might add without transgressing the
proprieties that there is nothmg in Ike
present business situation to suggest any
great gain to the country as toe result of
theinauguration of den.ot latic politics. '
The Indianapolis News cmmenUng on
Luis cHBuasmwiiaAie uviensuva uiua tctv irum -
, ,. . . ... . . ...
I .u,i, ..seAi.ugui.u.u ,e..o- ciUrn.
j "This statement, it wms to us. does great"
! lv transgress the proprieties, and reacte in
' . . ' ...
. . 4 11 Iia : . w ,t i.s
ck " . iiui L.J IT. lu.-iii u, iui . iuiv ttt-
. , , , . 1
ention to the fact that the present business '
ituation has nothing whatever to do with '
, . . B , . , .1
democratic politics.and vice versa ;that thi ;
" ""'"'
situation is the direct resu t of laws pass-!
, , ... , , , ,
ed and earned forward for years by the re-
publicans, in the face of as plain forewarn-
ing as ever an event had For years every.
man of affairs has persisted in pointing out
that it was only a question of time when the
interruption, and is still doing business at
the old stand. He ws in ma nineteenth
year when he received his appointment and
is consequently nearly eighty-four years
: old. His unbroken s rvi e is the longest in
.. . . -. . ..
me nistory 01 American omce-noiemg.
Five years ago. when his commission had
reached its .ixlieth year, he waa offered a
I f a . S j a . . I V
arge ngare .or ,ne oocumrnr r,y tne -ew
1 vt a ucui;idiiiiti iiutici v. I c uuer was
refused . The old geatleman, between his
posioffice and his country store, known as
Beardsley's Corner," has amassed aa inde
pent competence. In his last quarterly re
turn to the Postoffice Department he referr
ed to the fact that he ha-1 mailed letters for
some of the families In his neighborhood
for five generations Fcr n.any years the
reve.iues from the office di I not exceed f 20
annually and it was considered a big thing
when the coming rf tie railroad increased
this to $6oo. Like Senator Hill, Postmaster
Beardsley loves to proclaim, "I am a
Democrat." but it has been n.any years
s.r.ce he manifested anv "pernicious activ
ity. "
I'auipas grass covers an area of 1,500,000
square miles in South America- It was
first grown for inatket ir. California in
1872, andjin 190 a 28-acre ranch yielded
2(50,000 i.ltimes.
Paris will amuse the world at the exhi
bition of 1900 with the greatest of all tele
scopes, whicj will cost at least 8500,000,
and it is ex; ected to bring the raoon near
enough to see objects no larger Ihau the
towers of the Brooklyn bridge
It htis lieen noted that the effect of visit
ing the Maninio'li Cave is to rest and stim
ulate the olfactory nerves to such a degree
that, on returning to the surface, trees,
animals and human beings have strong
individual odors, not previously noticel.
A man breathes i4 pints of air per min
ute. Sedentary people can get all the ad
vantages to health of a long walk or oilier
exercise by simply increasing the
rate of breathing during one or two hours
a day, thus adding to the amount ol oxy
gen that enters tiie lungs.
From researches on the effect of heat
and pressure as applied to a cooling orb,
Mr Clarence King. Ibe well known Ameri-
cam geologist, conclndat thai he age of the ;
world dots not exceed some 24.(UO.0OO
years. Alluding to this calculation, Dr
Andrew W'ison sas that the period of
years is "so entiiely unthinkable a number i
thatnolxly may feel intellectually per-j
( lurueil it B tew millions more 1 added or a j
jfew millions be sub ra-'.-.f from the 1
) amount. j
Man prides him-elf on bis stuprtndoiis
reasoning 1 .'Wers, but is tnubtfal whether !
I other eventores) iiawe not tl umi fWenlty
in a much grent' r d.'rw v . i in cornier-!
..... z , vuniic
' linn .1 ill, . i . i- . ... ! ". - '- - '
V. , , AI 1 ' . '
little doubt but often the sm e bird comes ,
1 10 me Hiime locnmy u mnBMiwn im veiir
. ., . r ,
More' thouh 11 has mir-a of
miles during the season. It requires jndg-
ment to distioguish betw.-. what the b'nl
. ,
has or has not seen, so as not to ta-e the
ss. ;., 1 mt L i..
wrou p.1". uu" J" 1. 10 an nam
ot reason
a uijvun 11.u1 - - ..i b-t 1 - -r"-' ............ ....(... .-.r.. ...... 1 artu ;.-s .:. ii-... t i- or ltv: ten- l,lr-e, o-l oiu not compete lor the prize.
This is a proud day lor RSAe!IBe.rdsle,. ure title deeds to their UnJihsvod. of . will take all nasi and jtyl-- of pliot- as conditional repeal of the lan . while the , . me. we TheRevXV.Uc of,h .urel-
of Noith Uns'ng. tan, in. countv. Sixt f farmt rs thi.k a. little of growing for home ! f 'V c25&guiSi not ak "Am h 3 erinws "mmied. A -v stem of inter- ! got the nbyZo"apZd
five rears ago. or to nf o.rci-r. on June 28. use lhr choicest Iru t as it they were ten- , ' '"" " ' jf " 'J'jf. K ' J - "SS I ?" communication is i.-i,,- arr.inge.1 an that given htm a rltp. He was the'direct cause
1828, he received his emm-ssion as post-' , , ... . . u,, ,,, .h th.t 1 ! !': i 1 V ' lhr rrriroi ippariistwai when a notorious thief ;md thug en; ers a 1 ot thirty-seven people who a' tended the
muter from President John Quiac, Adams. I"' li.b.e tmh that lU1,l t hl!,lr.. , make a home ,,, your of city he is known ai one and told to move camp meeting fcltotabn lutair
ui- u uu .u. .: ' .:.u-... , manv farmers are on v temi'te to erow ifl.Tlous chinate. I have aome t.i -Mv. .' . ' " I -,.s,.. .,1 m 1 c 1 1. - - J
If there is a man in this nation, of prominence-
in political life, v. ho can aftord o rest
upon his lauiels aud enjoy the present finan
cial situation from a personal standpoint,
that man is our late honored chief macistrale,
Benjamin Harrison, of Indiana. While he
is a patriotic and public spirited man, he
would be more than human did he not en
joy in a sense the results of the change
from the sound Industrial and financial
policy on which his administration siood to
the uncertain policy of his successor, ful1 of
vague hints of tnrifl" revision which
the democratic congress hesitates to inau
guratejof an income tax to which nine
t-ths of those who have incomes In excess
of the proposed standard are opposed, and
cf the free coinage of silver upon which the
democratic psrtv and its chiel advisers are
divided an 1 perplexed. Having btoiijjht
the country to a degree of prosperity never
before attained. President Harrison and his
advisers were discredited by the very people
who reaped the greatest benefit, the so-call
j e 1 "labtir voters." He csn afford to look
on serenely while his successor sweats and
worries at the helm striving blindly to map
out a course by which the good old ship of , improve county road, allowed $2u0.
lae. heavl y laboring in the financial break- ( ln apprlcalIon ot Ktl Wolfe et al for !
era Into which she was betrayed by a sud , county road granted and viewers ap-
den change of steersman last November, , pointed. !
may reach again the smooth sea of ptosper- ; -n, ,r,ii . . , , .,
itv It Is seldom that a president .eeHne .1. blowing bills were ordered paid :
re-election and meeifng defeat jj s0 thor- j
oughly vindicated l.v cvenis In so short a '
space of time, and the country, while de- 1
ploring its own condition, may well con-
gratulateth- tx-ptesident and his chiel '
advisers of the late administration. Ore-
jt men ever was a case wncrc ine vyre-
g0ninn succeedel in putting much slush in i
little space It is in the article above quoted i
from its columns. So. Harrison can rest
lV)Kn his laurels can he? Well, what are his j
aardl?Tby are to be fonnd in the present j
ii-!nncial condition of the country crowing!
cut of the Sherman silver law and the Mc-
. . , . ..
Ktnley tariff law. passed during his )
administration, and both of which were ;
approved bv him. What democratic con-
gress has been in session during Cleveland's
b , " I
present sdmU.istration tEtt tiie Oregon!
should say that it hesitates to inaugurate
tailrf revision? Shame on such open falsi-
fication. So Hi-rison brought 'he country
to a high derive cf prosperity. 1 i J he? And
how did he do I' ? Was it by finding a
$ioo, 000,000 surplus in the treasury when
he entered the presidential office and leav-
lot t empty iruurary when the people
retired him? These are magnificent lani els,
indeed So he has be:n vindicated, has
he? Yts, we are now reaping the whirl wind '
as the necessary harves' springing from the
evjjs o Sherman and M Kinlev Uws which
j ha helped to sow. He cm look on serenely
,t lh re consequences of the vicious
: legislation of hU own administration, can
he Sj likewise di 1 Nero whistle
d u 1 tk. ut, . n. .11 td.
rk. .. -- - : t; .1
thg peoDe wmc HT,,s,and part of the p;oP!
j 1 ,he time, but its editor is entirely too
finite in ni, cr,nitim t0 foo, the people
u the ,imt The people, (the intelligent
0f them.) know whom to ho'd respon
yble lor the vicious ievenue and financial
tylUm thlt has brough; stagnation apOB
the Country
' 11 M Ui J UCili'i id ii juiii..ii?ii...iiii
. causes the I arj times. lohn B Henderson,
, ,. ,.itv mUm anA CQmntoi,en.
. ' . . ,.. ,
Mve-apetience, eonscier.iicus ,,.. w
... , . . - . . , , ,
whai he conceives to l r.ght and withai a
I repabHcan .., eem to
demonttr,blet so ar ,s , f!nanci., propos
, Im.,1. th,t the
j preent situation is not ,he retuU of Hcc.
. overtrading or ud buiinf
I not who!y. proda.
, ceJ b e iMver ,, ,,, of mmgnm,"
1 ,, ,.
Mr. rtenoerson is goou auvnoruj aim hii
, fooUh u,k 0, pab.
: .. on
. . , . . .,,
: as a result ot a democratic administration.
, ., , .. ; ,. L. VI IT ,
The present silver law wtnch Mr. Hen .er-
. . m . . , ,
son rays produced these hard times i'
, ... . WM .
passed or a congress that as repubdean 111
. . . . . . . .
both branches an 1 approver by a republican
., , D . , ,., .vn. r
president. People can d'l their own con
' 1
The man can haidly be an aii-ruund, good
farmer who allows his own family to lack
for the choicest fruits and vegetable that,
with his own labcr. his jwn land could
! choice fruits v.hen they find that such are
proGWble to sell, an 1 harjlv at all lor home
. . " r . . ,
Kvnr.iinprts have be?n made with al
i r u
' minum for horseshoes by a Pennsylvan
1 manufacturer within '.'ie last few months.
, MelhoJi ,nd machin0, uied wlsi steel had
to be modified a little first. Tie shoes are
light, of course, out ilev wtai rapid! v, rot
might be more serviceable
There is ln Spain a liver called Tinto,
which has vary extraordinary qualities. Its j
waters, wnich are as yellow ag topaz,
harden the sand anJ petrify it in a most
surprising manner. If a stone fal s into the
river and rests upon another they both be-
come perfectly united and cor.glutinaieu in
a year. It withers all the plants on its bank;
a well as the roots of trees, which it dyes
the same hue as its water. No fih live in
its stream.
The London Optician says that great men
are usually blue eyed, and instances Shakes
pear. Socrates, Locke, Bacon. Milton, Goe
the, Kranklin, Napoleon, Ilismarck, Glad
stone, Huxley. Vlrchow and Kenan.
A justice of the peace at Creswell re
cently had a case in which he turned in
a line of $50 to the county with but $4
coats. He is a .nodel justice, and if there
were more like him the people A-oiild be
benefitted. Register.
TI19 Orcgoniin labors very bard in one
column to convince its readers that vvha'
its correspondent says in another column is
true. Tin 4 U the Washington correspond
ent and it is sife tn say that 'paper has a
fruilh ss task on its hands. Tig corre
spondent is discredited and the public know
t. Hat's all.
Ill view of Chandler's discovery a year or
wo ago of an invisible lliird rrb about
which the star A'gol and its dark complexion
revolve it is ialareatinar to kunw ' (ha
. . ....... in . ,. ,miuml melfDr
o ogist, suggested in 1855 the existence of
such a body.
A vhit onk was lately cut near She
nandoah Junction, W Va, which made
three log. whose continuous hngih was 36
eet, tllc .liameter of lhe largest one at lhe
hujt heing 70 inches while the aanafteet end
of the smallest log measured 42 inches
gg g
... o, , .. . .. 1
..)e aiinoiinces that It wil
P-W- n original storv next Su-,d,,y The
. ZIL , .., 1
in, .'..inn tiia' it is not common for that
pa el to puh'lsli oi'ginal storirs.
To ahl Digestion take one Smut! DUe Beaa
atter lattlsat. Ha, ir imjuIc.
Cure for t olds, he-vcrs snd Oenerni "Do.
bllity, .mho1 Hi 1. X6c. per butue.
ting over a eeW or lo days on a dirt I j, 7" I : 7 i- T-. i' - ii i wmt tnwugli tooay, ana tiie contract wun : i'pei io can up visions oi lots ol weailti
i l.- - ' . T.i'.- Tl, . . ... ... 1 k n W 1 . IM'tlllllk'l. 'II. Hi'.' It. ill" "l tIIU.U lt. IIUI, tCl vs 11-1, a Ul UlCAIietM
, and easily. The experimenter J iUui Biphnir Bureau. r-r at ail nil- 71 Vmz- - D: ' n trt tit is,- . i
us mat p s-t.ii) ;in aiurmnum a loy , nm.i m n.-i ium in i ..niaim ami ai .-.11.111. .,.-. f,ir i,Hlnn,l f.1ni.,rr,-,w IU will at ' cure v t hat ran hurw .,1.1 hr.l!
rm vn connr
(J.N. Duncan, county Judge; Win
and J. W. Pugh, Commissioners.)
Hill Ben
rvine v Co, 967.25, was ootv
Hill of J rfinsoii liee, $12.00, dismissed.
Hill Stute agt 0 Knighton, continued.
Hill Weston t Dygert, 8.r)(i, continued.
Mutter of petition of T L Golden for
bridge at Davis ferry continued.
Fees witnesses in grand jury and state
eases allowed.
Bill Albany Furniture Co, $35,oontinued.
Contract for construction of woodshed for
jail let to Pete Ruettner, for $60.00.
Clerk was directed to issue warrant to
the sheriff for the delinquent tuxes of 1892.
In application of A P Morris et al for j
county road viewers appointed to meet i
July -JS. j
In armlication of J V Whitnov ..t 1 f,.r i
untv marl remonslrnnee r,l. Un,W I
j -" ' ' . V. 1 .
In matter of application of A Brandon
and (ieoige Young for appropriation to
'ee "rowrj, roads
' r ox.bountles
JV.,r. i8,lt'r- surveying
" h l otter, bounty
Harnaburg Lumber Co, roads
',ete Ruettner, roads ........
Suntintri I . ... !... i " . I .
lO.Utl ;
- .......nil uuuiuvi 1V1UHO - . .
Alriant I.' ! ...-( .-; .. T t.vl.f
j ptarj, r ..l.
Charmless, & Sloper 13roa
Glass & Prudhomme, stationary .
' 'rinl'!! roalB
q c jYcksonJeea0' T. .... '
Hodges & McEarland.acct poor.,
John Duncan, roads and bridges.
i. ' . a . .. mi:n fi.. I .i i : 1
,ry1 j
t7.i M
tVJ ,
Chasvv Schick, acct rond
0 p Cosbow, aid Hail family
J C Cooley, aid Mrs Clark
Mrs Henderson, aid Hendersons.
Aid "--.'''tV.aid poor
W h lavage, aid Cox faunly..
; F Crawford, ai.l Mr9 Roberta-,
W II Wallace, aid Mrs Kites. . ..
10.00 1
v lute, am baran I'teanell
15.00 ;
10.00 :
r. in I
lolin Usher, janitor.
B A Stafford, aid Mrs Johnson.
W R Glass, aid R Kemp
B F Crow, kt't-pii.g paupers
PI Smilev, stationary
, Oregon agt Y'uen e; al
' Oregon agt .Fuller .
Oregon act A H Koberla.
Oregon' agt Samuel Case,
Oregon agt Doug VVaesom
32 01
Geo Henshaw, roads
Harry Sbuff, roads
F. Martin, bounty
04 86
Matthews v Washburn, roads
I C Mo gan, roads
j C Uoodale, roads
vVm Haw k, lmonty
Ben Irvine ST Co, stationary .
fj, 00
1 'regon agt any nsaoon. .
--lathews A W aahlnim
' . n . 1 .
stationarv .
sayaj l.nmiier 1 o
Ileaton A Dygert Co, stationary
1 Mtm Burnett. .u. !ior
; ce au.uv,
, ,,avn 4 lnada
j John Corbel!. Unmty
' anfonl C.vhr.ine. I.,mt
I Syfe1"
' , C sheriff s lees!
State agt Holiotraj
j Smiley .the printer
10.00 1
414.00 ,
i (i
ir,. 7"
.1 -i 1111 rtii .Mr I . .
': : '
X I' Pavne. fe.-s
,rt t
1 Fortmiller A ln-ing. rndae
, ; -
sawyer l!ro. roatli ......
, ,.,,,.., .n.
100 00
. , " - - -
m KumUiugh. t.-r dun A r u.'.-.
John l'ugh. jv-r di'.-i.
r.. Brs ! tttr IV. r I.i
Senator Henry C Nelson, of Xew York,
writes: -On the 2-lh cf February, 1S93.
1 was taken win a violent pain in the re
gion ol the kiJnevs. I suffered such
. - -
agonv ;hat I cou'd hard I v stand up. As
, lppl!(.d two Ailcocfc
Porous Plasters, one over each kidnev.
.n.l .IHi.1.1 tnV r.aln ha.t v'anUlsVsrt :.A I
was we'!. I wore the p.asters f jr a dav or
two as a precaution, and then removed
them. I have been using Alloock'l Por
ous Piasters in my family for the last ten
years, and have always found them the
quickest anil best remedy for colds, strains
and rheum-.tic affections. From my ex
perience I believe they arc the best plasters
in the world."
Nkw 1'ii.iTix.n ipbtjoi
. new ir.dlerv ln the Y. M
I 1 . .- , . 1 .
. www. ..,ri,.-..
. ' . inn K. ni 1
' i . ii A Hmmm, na u..l l,.,T-.l a tJood.
Please . all and s n.e and trv
Very reapsctfalry yours.
S. A. HvMMKLI-1-itfof
Tonuito. Canada.
See the New Improved Slogfr swing mi -chine.
The hast is alwrvs U cheapest. J
V Sowden, acnt. OfSoa at F M FrvDch'a
sweiry store
Albany, hugvne. Corvallis. McMinnville
and Oregon City. Ion't go to Chicago
without vour accommodations 1 (am ltd, un
less you In If a big purse you are mx: mis ta
empty. Call on C. K. Fronk at the depot
for narti.-nlars.
iui 1 1 i t x i i. r i ii .it i- 1. 1 i rum i'i- a . t . r. t.. . -I . i. i i ..k . CT-. - . aa i i .. l
,, .-."1,1. ...i.. . 1 lit- IrtlUV'ilU 's-.. ...i. nu.., . , JIUUCU IUCI IUI t .IIUUI. . I . ' .-fc
I "111 ill l" i'l lit II ti l I ,111 II ,' 1 -i, ...-.... . ... I. . - 1, ., . s , ... 4 VV n 1, 1 J n Tvil.r si-jto iin .o.-. .t l.-....
. , . la , . 1 a i I l "IV. , ll(;ur. .ii ..... -i J aawaiwa aa V'UllU Ta aj A a g W JaVa I'UUC tU
i uing. L and O Morris, th? tiootllan.l. Kan
ttie jrest coijh soil rrniip I rainmsUrs ham nrur-.iin f.sf'i"
Shi'i 'li ! 'nr.
; core, is f"r sale by us
p,.i: -
. , vuiius
twent -lv doaes.on'y 2."ie. Ciildnoi n.-it
Fi bh.iy Maann.
' dysuv".
nev trou'.
I estistar.- mi
I Masm
itaiiz-r ts what you n.
rpid Hear, yellow akin
It -is s' larint ed to gn
1'rice 73 S aid by K.i
d for
r kid
1 yon
.-, A-
I (id i ar nam- and a hires t.i rtal
I acock .V Cn Alhiny, Orngoii. and ine 1
it. tl DkMOOUT, they will mh you
Bshion 'ft tree eich month.
V Terrible ActeMc.t.
Obboos City, duly 5 The oelehratlon was afterward eaptored oj the sheriff of
at Gladstone yesterday was nianed at its ' I, une county and sent to the penitentiary
close by a terrible and fatal accident, wiii. h for a yetr. He had alse served a year from
reaalted in tba Immediate death of Mrs M thiaooonty for forgery. W hen arrested
P Bradley, followed by the death this !at he had bean serving a 60 day sentence
morning of her infant child, while the I in the Coos count; jail for petit larceny,
three other children were so severely in- i He admits Ins guilt and said to Sheriff Os
jured that their lives are despaired of. They j burn that lie had been expecting a call from
were thrown 40 feet over an embankment, ' him foi some time,
on account of their team getting fright- A Peculiar Accident
a ' .,. ' Pomkkoy, Wash, July 5. During the
July 7th. 1888. by L M Curl. Justice of the
Penes, Mr M W I. Sa-bo, of Polk county,
Or., and s E Kleinliammer, of Linn county,
June 30th, 1883, at the resilience nf and
by Rev Geo VV Hill, in Albany. JMr W O
Honougbue and Margaret te K BadclifT,
both of Linn connty.
180:1, at the residence of and by Gi orge
Howell, j. P., Mr Charles I! Looney and
Miss Elpha Loonev,bolll of Linn county
CONN On Thursday at 11 :3a o'clock,
July 6, 1S93, in Albany, the infant son ol
Mr'and Mrs Perry Conn.
AWBREY. tin July 3rd, 1893, to the
wife of I'r. (), C. Awbrey a girl.
DICKIK80N. tin Thursday .veiling.
July 6th, 1888, to Mr. and Mrs. George
Hickinson. of Albany, twins a boy and a
girl. All doing well.
HUNTER. On Thursday evening July
li 1883, near Albany, of consumption, Mr
,1'ames Hunter, aged 98 years.
The Prealitent Not Sick
Bdzzard's Bat, Mas, July 7. i'resi
dsnt Cleveland was tonight feeling better
than he did this morning. His knee is
lame and his left foot is swollen so that fce
isonliged to wear a big shoe. The pub
lished report that the president was suffer
ing with cancer is denied The following
was sent tonight to Secretary Gresham, at
Washington, by Secretary Laroont:
"The president is laid up with rheutna
tua in the knee and foot, hut will be out
in a day or two There is no ocsasion for
any uneasiness."
A Omsk emtlag Cretoae.
KoitT Dodge, la, Julv 7. Seventy-four
pwp'e dead, at least live more to die, and
over -" injured is the result of the cyclone
hat started at Quinby and ended with avv-
fl rfesuita at Pomeroy last night. At tho
lll-Ul'r I)lun' arr" 'lea.l and ever 10-'. blocks
r '1 1 I 1 , v.ii I
yjt t-iuuneu iirir UCTUOIlBUeil. rsOUUBK i
remains nut Kinoimg wood, i wo ii unit red i
amines are lionieiess, manv
ire nomeiess, manv liavintf lost
itiiu;., i. !..i... i ii i
and lht ncw peTa drug store and
seven churches are completely demolished,
The loss in Point roy will reach fully 150
000. All is chaos there
A a,.k
f OETH, Tex. Jult 7 A !' Tm k
u(f nm l.lont if 111.. Vn-,.!. .nli' '.'....:
. . i , .0
i R e:Vf! 3n:,eUpV
"tJ'-'t - s iiilli. v. ft .Ta j in 1 li JJ
Paige, vice pretident, and Co'onel It M
Wynne were in con-ultation over the affairs
of the bank yesterday morning, in the
Colonel H M Wynne pushed between the
brass wicket door. lie then leit the ban
Smith and Page en. plied their k.
acfa other, but neither was hit.
A Xrwr Krrrlvrr
Ciihvai.i.i-. July 7. Walter 1 Vw iles
recently tiled his resicnation as assiirnee of
the CorvaHia Carriage & Wagon Co., and j
a election to fill the vacancy was ordered j
to take place liefore the clerk of the circuit;
court today. X B Averv. of this citv. was !
noin.nat.-d and nveived all the votes cast,
I'arties representing s 3iue fi5,0Qp in claims
did not vote and propose contesting the
legality of the pro vedin
A Paper in-penil
i.Di, fl. - Tl, ru.n'n F
; air.iner, which has been run here lor ,he I
past thre years by Geoige tlibliert, a press (
veteran ol ! the coast, sutpended publication i
: last niht on arrnunt nf dull tirrn-a. The!
1 -w -
Examiner during Its existence was c-nc cf
the I nghtest snd ckaet dai j papers in
Tbr I'ori land and tKt.rialtca.1
v. ...... - w ,.r.
"7. J "V l'- " "a11". .
ific toni(,iii wun a rwssevpa 101 bii iic cccua
" "Q railroad sonstdy Cases bank
,n h"' pocket. He goes east at once to
rrinCe anout coMtrncmn. ano to oimi tne
nninciii pail r,i ;ne .woria oc j oruana
t Bix ( jrlonr
-"J1 cashier s office, when a dispute aroe. Page
1 atM' 'mlu 'lisrgrecd, and drew pistols.
1 Eight shots were fired. I'age received a
lI'.IKl ,1,,,. 1, Had, Tl',.ii,i,l, la ..,. Dun , o 1
..Ill- il I - uui BCIIUUJ. '
11 .i Si.n x Crrv, la. July (L Soon after 11 I . , , ,. T ' "
.sijOilock tonight nws reached hereof a I H fa:er as adm n Kutherfonl et al.
1 in) I territic cyclone which wei.t across the ' nenffs certificate of nsrleintion by judg
41 11 : countrT to the southwe-t. The wires are ' ''' "r',,;r'",! ei.t.-re-l ..f word and
M uniworkins badly and it i hard to obtain a ",,t"r t-wd his wt.ite.
definite artxmni of the damage to property
and the loss of life. At Storm I -ake
churches and a numlaw of resiJenoe-s wi-re
1 literally reduce.1 to splinters. The storu:
! center aptieared to be four miles we?t of
'wn. where, for many miles, nothing wan
c . """'""B "V"
irutidiu iiuiii r tuua itibut ilia. r-in-it-
t i n n . i;s.sT
t rlr,: r"T r,..7 - vmm ""v -
A Darlas rrtfartaaerr
KtaOAna Fai.i. July 6. Clifford
rlrl..t nil r.
orda at Niagara at Niagara bv wa king on ' -iisswered at the depart-
a wire acioss the gorge in "the darkness 1 " ? tL7wv fnU
and shootinnaoff fireworks in midstream. that a Ilfft.ftf " tMr ,Bnr
He had arranged fr two strong search- j f? ,fa.r- th,s unt hr-s been
ml.ts to be psace-i at e.-.di end of the wire.
river, and Cnlverlv was seen sea'ed cn the
wire wi'.h his balancing pole across hi--
klHV. setting off fireworks. H
of red
h American siue ami,i a name
h'bt anJ the cbM ot crow'---
Thr vnrrtuaa Law .
AH!M-ro. July 0. 1 he president
evidently is rot deceived by the canvass
made by different new-pspers re-rarding
the repeal pf the M.enu.m law. He has
expresse-i doubt to st-venil people whether
congress will repeal the law or not. The
great New lork dailies, which have t
.1..... t.i!.. -'-,i 1 ..l-.r ..... . Man - 1 w
ii.'ui-n 111 i.ivi-i . utr . - -i . wm
t'lpYfrlnn.l wnn; f.-, hlr.i lii
but the liaht uroved a failure and so Use I t"M5"VS.""W w. -ess taan isre- Mr uewellmsi was a
voting man ventured cut in the darkness. 5 ' , 1 "T00 ln ttoe -xond-c;aas j vacancy of A 3et Adams
No one could ssv him until suddenly a ! "s-- r ,',a" 11 wn m the sacond-elass 1 man selected onr ,oan in ei
l.rlffl. 11.1,1 ,VT,Mt,. iUa ...,-t, f ii prel-at.iy wu!, not have mid a free 1 the rouniv to serve on the
I H?:it,. lias rnmmitn.l tle nrwa ot soveral ,v iur uusnii: n, uui. i i.uui.iie m cr is. v,nns;.--i.Dr-aii:i
counties of the state, as required bv the act , K,T' ou tl ,ur c.v. the Bam on a
of and apportioned the monev in the j tu-111 . 1 reyenUon is better tliaiu tire.
per cent fan J arising from the sale of " ,l li ln matters,
governments land in the s'ate. among the ! , , ,
counUes. as directed by law. The balance : -a'eai ebr&ted the 4th with a picnac
in the fund, al that da'e was S60.0W. i "er ,a a "mpie- according to the I n
wbich is divided among ali the counties of dependent, of the day's proceedings, e- n
the state aecordine to area. Linn cotm'v's : dent,-T a 1st of April affair: Quite a
share is $1.5.V4 92. ' i ,are ariiount of amusement was atTordt o
at the picnic grounds vestenlav bv a
Tbes'oalrarl Lei.
nni-s ,0 o-ist ami 1111 lhe ond of
II Kalaed.
liitiTTOx. S D. July 6.-
this county and others is broken by a .a n
tail ot one inch, with prospect et contm-
1 : ' r
. hnnrv Thaw .- am, I in rain ,c l,.r
Far Iiui- r -ii tin
Uohvaujb, Juiv 5. Shenff Osbnrn re- Juiv
ttirnetl from Empire City this moraing,
having in .-harge Frank .1 Peck, alias Frank
Baxter, arrested for horse stealing on a
lioni-h warrant issued three years ago. ln
1890 Baxter, was n hunanling the Singer
Manufacturing Company in this state, and
while in Corvallis procured a team of
Thomas Klgin to drive to Kugene. As he
failed to return, the sheriff started after
him. panning him to the southern part of
the state, and came so near overtaking him
that Baxter left tho buggy in the road and
1 .cain il with the team into the brush. He
, races at l'ataiia I ity today, William Crum-
I backer and Charles Mochel attempted to
cross me iracK as tne norses in a running
race were coming down the homestretch.
The last horse struck Mochel, throwing
him against Crumbacker, felling him to
the ground. Tiie horse fell on Crumbacker
and rolled over him. He is unconscious
and will die. Mochel is badly hurt, but
will recover. The jockey was not seriously
Vr'nrld'a Iteruril llealou .
8 m i. m. July 5. The World's trotting
record for two miles was lowered on the
Salem track today, that brand new truck
which somebody said was slow. It. was
the race of the day. and of the season thus
far. The record was -L is 1 2 until Btondie
chipped off half a second, making it 1 1 18
Hut. lireater speed has bi-eii made ugainst
time, hut never in a race.
t'lvr I'craons killed by Ltghliilnu
Cauktown, Mich, July '..A farm j Viola won the qnaiter flana; Readtland Hon
house four miles northeast of this place was the tive-eigb.ts .hif-h in 1 :02lj and IKh
struck by lightning anil burned early this j Sparry, an almost four year old, the pacing
mo. mug. ra uiiiii imuie-.i iiiiih ocs. nis ,
wife and child, a man named Frost, nf
Postoria, and a child of Roberts, were burn-
ed to death. Koberls' daughter was fatal-'
ly hurt. Five others in tha house escaped.
A Baa Attendance.
etmmm .. . r..l.. -. 'TM, - 1 ,, .
v.ui. a.. ii, juiy ti. aui; luiiicuiuilis are
when tho counts are all comuleted than win
show that over 1100.000 people visited the
world's fair yesterday. Today opened fair
and cool with a bracing breeze, and crowds
began to flock through the gates enrly .
In the matter of the assignment of E C
Hyatt. Final account allowed and assignee
K H Buchanon n Channcey Williams et
a . I oh of real prr.jierty. Decree on the
L E Blain
of money,
vs Henry Watson. Recovery
Attachment. Continued by
A Hiukletnan vs City
juiic. Continued.
I II Mullen vs City of
"f Albany. In-
Albany. Injunet- i
ion. name as above,
I A Thornton vs ex
junction. Same its above.
of Albany. In
W M Brown vs Iiuis Bane et al. Fore
closure of mortgage. Continued.
Iota Mayer v.s bVbeeca Jane Mayer. Hi
vorce. Dismissed for wan r.f r.r.-ux-iiHdTi
ind without prosecution. j
Geo W Monkera vs V A M r
f money. Continued l,y emwent.
nantiam un&beruur Co vs Frank Wood
Keeovery of money. Coritiniieil
J N Biea et al agt W H Smith
Partitjoii. Continued.
I ity of Albany n Bad
money. Continued.
Recovery of
A Andrews afft Jos Andrews. Divorce.
Divorce granted piff without e(.-t cnatodv
of child to plff.
i.ulu A Sly agt tJfij h Sly. Hivurce. I)i-
'ore granted to plff without.
A W Cordon agt C W Watt, et al. Re
covery of money. Attachment. Judinnent
with onler to sAll attacked prosper a.
W and Kmma Watts. Coiitiinteif ;i-
a. t C
w til .1
W Watts.
J 0 Writsmtm agt W
Foreclosure. Continued.
M Bol
-t al
James I-turents ra E J limning. Re
eovery of money. Attachment. BettietL
Henry Brocket, agt F A Hurkhart etux.
IVsession of real property. Conttnued.
James W Brown agt John It Wert etal.
Foreclosure of lien. Continued. vs Morgan Waaa
., iiiiimr i
i adviAement
J H Van Bibber ts Hanh
under advisement "
a. , ,,
Mat" " u? 1 r ,1,.,"r
elds. Tak
!"Vnt"iiced to
i f"""""? Ior M months.
Ada I. Anth-rson vj Win -. Anderson
R S Sfaahan HStrahan
gr.mtil to plff without rosts.
1 iv.jr..v
R Sylvester atrt Forsyth i. Honiar. Re-
'Wery ot money. AtUichiu. nt. Settlwd.
Freil A Brown agt John B Wert etal.
Foreclosure of OXO. Continued.
- T1mHiii.iA 11 rt 1c:n .... .1 r,.
..-....i.i ii i. ... 1 1 i..ii' j cans M.w
' reform deed. Continued.
Will A- Link a"t W H l iJ.. 1l..,.vrv
j of monev. AttadatoenL CowtiDaed '
fj C Lee aet lames Wextdle rerovurt-
of Ls, rla&
I .
Lang &i Co aet J B Thompson, recov-
; ery of money; attachment.
D M Ostborn at Co act SF
Banger and
! Saih K Barger. F.-n- loantW.
, o -. , ol r-
.." . - h' .li.nn . -.i.-. l'xvuscs.
1 iniiaia trr.iiis.ii pan wiuimir co?tj!. j-m
coatoay ..t ' awin and d-ft .rf sarali
Ad ouri.ed until October.
stls.1 lla.
n,., P.....11,., -.- l- 11 1 i-n:
l"t city wiLs to have a fre.i delivery, that
i u
v i i
"ww "'. iiuiiL-i,.-ii ami ever win utc
urng. Tl. ami a hig slip. TheEO
I' liini"! waw9,9i itr ine nsicai
ing Mar h 31.
l?fl, 99.1(4 more than en
lao.-iiie omop on a as?c ono-ciaas
I W a. I a sa
! . "K Y..' , ""- .- "
' l--i alitor gvts the following nou-e fnvm
ItM I 'alia Transcript: ;ay. Bro (iuild. lantern-jawl. crreywi, mea.dy dia-
phramn-aJ. knvk-kn d monstrosity : did
. vov notnv that awrul r..m Ihss Tlenhone
h-mster mar. v. ::M votiV He said vn u wa
, a Iecameron al lakateaUte; thatWt had
rn.Ma.sses on y,..;r f ngera ud the rlies
won- lurhtitir on von. We ll hell vou
! if you want to go down and aaatigato iiim.
jrrMlf ..... .,f BHwntsfai j raaid
A .great .eul of attentkaa i benatr paud
1 : . I . . 1 1 . 1 1 , 1 .
uit.T- ii-.- iia . -u .1.1 uver cue worm, ana tn
rid. and th
i magazines and p, jrs are full of int.wsting
j lost puree." lt was anew and neat
- have moved it- Th runiditv ni the
'crowd was amply illustrated bv the wav
in which it dived for that nurse
ie. At one
, ., . lime lour people saw u at the snme mo
due drouth .:-.., ,-. -f -- - .. 1 -
; ,he confa9ion ,h, art k,.iv. .i-e.l
up that if it had uot been for the frantic
manner in which she reached for her
fallen hat, it would have been hard to
distinguish her from the men
Smvw u.i.i:. July :!.
The ceJehratinn is over. A grod i icad
time. rOOO porapte. Hon. M. A. Millers'
oration was the isi-s. Linn county nnv v be
proud of a young man of his ability for her
mpresentatiye. Miss Stella Parrish 1 ead
the mvlarai ion of Independemn nilh a-vim
that called our minds ba.-k to tiie day of ' its
adoption. The SodaviDe Brass' En unl
thrilleil the grove and hills with their mi sic
all day, which added very much to the
cheer and enjoyment of the invasion. "Oie
vocal music was led by the ladies. ; nd
sweetened the atmosphere wirli the mt st
harni.uiioiis blendings. Afte'r utninalU ti
exen ises closed the usual program of for t
races, baby show. Hag drill, "lise liall isn I
other amusements wem iudulgied in until'
unite a late hour in the day. The bubblinj
ronmani was irtviy paaTCauaad during tb'
day. Many thanks to the Tonne men of
the brass band for the ability in mani
fested in faiin.sliing such UJi exivllent tnv
gram. J.
An Assicnmknt. A F Hamilton, the
men-bant of Swet Home, made an assign
meal of his roperty to r 1! Dtahiaa efthis
nlace. for the benefit f his crtxliKirs. The
liabilities amount to 88228 and the assets to
88890, mostly in accounts and notes. The
immediate eause for the aasigBment w;us the
nvent lire at Sweet Homo, which burned
the 11 o'liltoti buildings and stock except
alniut 8.'Vi0 worth of gtHnb. ttiken out. Mr
Hamilton's net loss will amount to over
85000, and taken in connection with his
timed retinunent from business is a severe
blow to hini, anil will i e felt to a large ex
tent by the people lit and near Sweet Home.
Wo understand that a pmKisitim Im- ban
made to ortvt him a now building in the
event that ha can resume huskiess again.
Tuk Races ai Salam closed yesterday.
I a Horseman says Unit while good time was
l made there wore few sniritwl ,tro
mau n in :.u, :'. and :1H with ease,
I VI Norte was second. :V six mil,, running
race, with lady riders, was won by Miss
Bertha I rice. Her only apponeat gave out.
. '
W K Scarborough, recently from South
lYakntn is in lriioitn,. -in -1 n
- - ft..- ...... ivu.1.1 IUW 1 1 1 1
commence work on a rew abstract of the
titles of lands within Lne countv. The
work will be contained in substantially
hound volumes, and the arrangement will
be cuch that references may be readily
made. Guard.
Kentish cherries at C E Biownell'i.
Major Healey has left for Southern
Oregon with money contributed by some
of our libera! hearted citizens. A good
riddance. Eugene RezUter. Second the
The union revival meetings to be held
at the Evangelical church will commence
this evening at S p m . All ministers cor
dially invited to be present. M J Bryans
and wife.
Ail 0 P baggage will now te checked
in the O P baggage room and not in the
S P baggage room as heretofore. Miss
Maggie Barker has been placed in charge
of trie justness, an assurance th.t
it will j
be well attended to.
Hollenbcck Si Jones, of the Citv -)rug
store, have sold to lr h. IJ McKenoey,
formerly f 'his city, who has taken
charge." Mr Mc Michael, of Springfield, is
, , , cn -,?e Zf Dll5'n"8
Mr Ho
in othei
business In this ctly, and Mi Jonea V 1 1
soon return to his old home in the Ea'. j
Eugene Register.
As Mr. II White and her mother. Mrs!
i ' j
Lock wood, were driving down the hill !
close by the mills in Brownsville yes-l Notice i herehy given, that by yirtn of
terday, the horse shied and ran over the I an oiderof the County Court of Linn ?ood
sidewalk, throwing the two ladies violent- ty.Oregou, made and entered of record in
ly over the walk on to the hillside below, ! acd bv and court on the 27th day of May,
hurting Mrs White very severely. Mrs1 1893 I will on tb29Ul diy of JuU, 1S93,
i ijckwood was not much hurt, but it i
: (eared Mrs White is very severely injured t tiie . iirt hooae door, tn tnt city i f Al
i internally. itinv,0 -gon, sell to the hij,hei.t and beat
bidder I, for ch in bard, the foi
A span of horses costing $12? sold in teeriaf .-acrded preraues 1 - : to Maad
Corvallis for $u. Tough on the horse . M Wa ,o, a minor:
market. j rie:i "iog at the iorthe-t corner of the
I The circus to be in Albany on July 27th 1 dnnaiion land chums of Jamts Gsrrett and
1 is Leon W Washbume'a Great European ! wife in Tp 13 S E4 weataod running thence
I Railrnad thnut. aacth 37 liuks: theuce east 32 51 chains;
A c kmin from Chicago is in the
) city today engaging the growirt' prune
Among the features of the 4th of July
! ce'ebration at Waterloo wis a speech by
Mr B F Ramp, of this citv.
, hether a big or small person, Walter
irving is prepared to wr.ip tne man wno
" ; stuck four pins in his pneumatic tire.
The Kings Daughters society wi'.l give!
a social at me W C T U hall tonight. BJce
cream and cake iScts. All are cordially "
Vs Elsnn Bros ast weL soid the Corvallis i
. opera house to Rev C Crawford, under
. whos; management it is understood i' will
i be conducted in the future.
Rev Robert Co! Iyer, whose date for a i
lecture was iccently cancelled in this city. ;
t is to lecture in Corvallis tonight. A big !
t ad with Mr Collver'a Dicture traces the;
, , j . w - .
I pages of the Time.
I The Portland exposition wili open Sept.
j s7'h and cloe Oct. aSth, this year. The
i P, just an elegant affair,
wadtbe best yet produced. Liberal! wili
1 again furnish the music.
The receipts of the Denver ami Rio
grandc R R -he nast year were $9.3155:7 :
operating expenses. $5,280,903 Net earn
ings, $4,034, 55V. Xo buzzards on thai.
Among .b exhibits at ihe W 01 Id's f i-
! 1 6 p ca r-f cards thai w. rr caotareu
fro.m C:f Geroi ima. of the Aveit. and
Atb-b re made from human skin If Each
.11 mir Eropean guest think of ni'
Matt -rs are lively in Oregon, compared !
to O'lcrado. where the goverresr has been I
pcti'ioned to s-ail a special sssion of the
'egislature itw 1 he purpose nf passing an
. 2Ct staving toe proceedings for thr crjllec-
. :ion of debts.
I At the 7aUt ce'ebration Rev J R N
Ceil receive! 'tie pr-z: for being the Dig
-i- . .
i won trr oicvc:era:e tor men. and Miss
i ., - M . ,.
Tiie EOI P'engcr, tx a;oanv, tne latcyue
end-f Blor.die. the Oregon f.orse that lowered
- ' 'be world' rexrd erf for two mile
trot to 4 .4S at Sa'em
Wednesday, is not
a dash of Oregon
to have hurt.
standard bnrd. But
blood does rot .-e
The exe-u.ive tD-tmitteecf the people's
party of I. inn county met last Saturday.
ppointed to fill the
The chair
each precinct m
e-ieci'ttve com
mittee. Advance.
An Industiia! Legtn was organiird
ucji:un s Ti . : n-n.: r -r. ieir--r r.
j F Ramp made the -.peech of the occasion.
Following are the new ofEcrs: Captain,
! A C Hirden; lioutrnan?. V F Ay era; ad-
: latart, F M Steele.- John
I Nicho s: rha.iliin A r a'il iimi
J A O Sturm; librarian, G L AJexander
rn iu ,ccoun: o ,ht. 4th ru!v ce ebr..
; tion tuEene tne Recister sa-s The
h ran. in .s. k ,k-
1 Kewoet, thev making I run of 300 feet
,h h.-.tra-r Za i.,- . ,i, n
to i 19 e.-.-rds
t.s . 29 ecra. 1 he
I - . 0
Oregon made the run
, In 111. wi r. i. Th.
- i ,n Vfi
1 - - - ri.
ma'J,; Ky
Kev Wallace i a cousin
of Dr and T L
H atlace, of tins at v.
Cusick. one of the ciicus change faVirs,
was arrested at Salem for swindling a
young man out of seveial dollars. S20
was handed for a ticket, and three paper
ones and $4 In silver u; 'n '-ac'.. The
'matter was '-settled.'" a;.- . reus men
were such thieves that ther evc i went to
a house of ill repute in tin- c-.. v and stole
"sO from the proprietress, alter thev had
en her drunk.
The I.t'.-a- .t. 4th of Ju'v celebration
had some funn.v features." The wheel
borrww race was won by a woman, Mrs J
G Reed, J E Miller was the highest kicker. '
SJ Charlton had the largest feet.Mr? Men
. ,,cs ,ne targest stay s reet, auoic Mmpson
A-as the best 'o-.'s-- ,- adv; Mrs bperhnt:
had the be: M.iut oabv under 1 vear of
I age. Mrs Carsan under 2 rears, Mrs .Stub-
1 nleneld the fattest babv.
while Mrs Court-
1 ntrs w 91 K twcl ml
tied J G Reed had
ix. i- a . - 1
laW O 1 tram, uue
. left Chitwoodthis
k and has not Iwn
the lengest nose.
Is IT WaisMiaaat -
hare at 11 d3 oVkvl
morning at .:;ltl oVlc
. if. nsa. .
ny.uu uuiu siuev. iup next operator :s at
Nashville. 16 miles this side. It is feared
the train has had a tsul wreck some where
oetwtvn the two phn-es. lt has !een mi-
lHissitiie to pet any wortlfrount. A spevial
left I orvalha awhile after nexm and went
there'sxue. .
Later. The
nise was a bimiimr tr
falling across the trestle work. Tne train
will arrive at
i o'clock this evening.
One of the pietli- st, as well as best
stocked jewelry stores !.n Oregon, is that '
of Will & Stark, of this city. It is a fine
The Havtian Repub ic has been libeled !
for the sum of $45,000 for being engaged
in the smuggling business. This is t he
work of the new administration.
Mr Peterson, who recei. ed the contract
for building the Masonic temple of Cor-
auis, nas withdrawn his bid. and the1
COttract has i.een let to Wilson & of j
.Lebanon.thenext highest $S.;.-o.
Six sets of scenery have just been pur
cl tased lor live opera house from a Port
IM id man They are good pieces of work
am I will add considerably to the effec'.s of ;
futt re plays.
O n authority of a Junction paper the '
Dbs. 'Oc-rat stated a few davs ar. that I
Miss Ida Maxwell had accepted a position
In tin function schoo. This was a mis
take. 1 Miss Maxwell did not
poa'tic n.
A ey York woman inserted c clause
In hear will invoking ihc curse of the Al
mlghrw on anyone who should contest the
instnHwi ent. A contest began immediately 1
afier hi death. Lawyers and hciis t ill ;
lake a s" 0l' mans chance hen there ie
a few dr4 larxin si;ht.
Ae-censt ing to the l.e:nnon Express all i
the insus-i nee at Sweet Home in the re- I
cent rire w.a earned by tiie German Amer- I
lean. Mtr Hamilton's atodi was Inaarsd
for $jooo. h building I e $S,o, 1 he teed
stable fiw $r "o.
1 AndmwAS has bought Swm Eros,
s-tove and tin .store, including all ot the
sloes, and will fake charge iii;lit aw.y.
Mr Andrews hats .Seen in business betore
at this )lace and has many warm friends
and the contiotme of every body. Leba- i
non Ezpress.
Keep ln mind the shingle social to he
held in the Y M C A rooms next Wed- '
nesday evening, July f2th. No regular
admission wilt be charged. A free-will
offering of any amount, not exceeding
$ioccs will be accepted. The proceeds
to be applied toward paying for gymna
leeum. apparatus.
Toledo boasts of the oniy brick depot in
Oregon .
Capt Ad Chapman, the old Indian war
scout, has made a standing wajer of $1000
that he can with a horse beat any bicycle
from Vancouver to Salem ard return.
This was brought about by some bluater
maae oy a fancy bicyclist that a Dicycte
was superior tost l.o're. Cnapman is a
good rider and understands a horse. He
has silenced ti.e blusterer of Vancouver.
Dispatch. All the same the bicvele with
the right man on it -would undoubtedly
hefoilowing from the Salem Jcmrnsl
obably the last item we will be called
o make about "Hro'' Richardson for
etime: Geo E Richardson.the Yon-
rjlla train wrecker.ihe fiist man sentenced
under the new law for dgtit years, was re
ceived atthc8ta.e prison today. When
searched he had on his person a steei case
knife notched into a saw, the tame which
'.ie probably had when he cut off one of
the bars in the Roeburg jail night before
last. He is judged by the prison official
to DC a very naa man as convicts go.
it ..r t-l one e'clacu p in l M tav,
thence north C 75 chains; thence weit 32.41
chains to thi line be' ween .Sectiona 10 and
1-; thence north 8.27 chains; iheace welt
11.84 chaiosto the northeiat cornir of the
donation land claimof Jamea S Hili and wifr;
thnce south 14.25 chain?; thence eat 1 74
chains to the place of beginning. cratining
I H sWacrea more or seass.
; ana a.w me iuibwv ' nei iwu inmna
helonsring to France M Wagnon a minor;
D 1 T- Imta n 1 n - A Jl
"B ' , " " """"
eaat of the northwest corner of the donatton
'd .cla,of Jime ."f '"f1 wlf nd
ronniag theiice east . aO cnsina; thtnee
north 41 linka; thence east 29 90 chain:
.1 u r. -. i . .. .z r
im, thence .oth 6.75 cb- -s tn .he plaee
I k.,.,. m..,;,,'!! n a-.. 1..
T. r.i .a-.d ninnri in M !uiil
to bi sold bein;
W. R f'ILr'.".
a fee aimp:e interest re
Attorney f r tjcxrd:tn.
From Te t
M a Pacific Eailroafl
Ir- .lie U isc- to lake
It in the DI1';
It rans Thronjli
in lb'-
' !. r a
! lOfflMSH U 1)111102 (arS I fLSwrpaSS!
. int nn nrd " titium .iff i-r
. . . a.
, f
Of LaM EaipiieBt
Best that can be constro-e nd ia
whieu si xmaio-li ion are b--h free
1 rniVioil bi nn! ar .( ffirm
s or
! coud cis's lie Sets, sa d
A Gontirnoiio Lina Goniectiiig with
ai litss, afloroiiiT Direct ani
Uuinterrnptsd SerTls.
a: , p,-r,,.
s'tsrer . resvs-rmtisr.s can oa
secured lu advanesj toroash any
f f of th roa I.
IHK 'l'tiH TICKEO ta ar. 1 from aM
points in A o.e i a :. .r. : aril
Europe cn l parchas- i at ary of this company, eono.sroini: rts.tima
cf trains Tomes and other .':ilsfcra
isbe-J oi applirai oa t. a iy aen' or
A ri CfR'..TuM.
AssIsomu Oererai Paseoirr Agent.
No 121 f irst ts;. c .r. Washington.
P.nt'an.J. Oie;oc.
C G r.otktar . lam gct
to ;
. - ;
if : voc
or any kind of a fir
hide, ca!! on or add
Bi nm?,
he Post OfTc?
Albany, Or.
- '
( ite Conntg Court oj tie State of Off on,
1 couutr of Limt:
I the matter th estaw M Clara Iieranzr, de
cwaseJ. Xotice ti crvJitorc
rN"I10 IS,1?RE?y 0 TH-ST T"f 2
I il-.?!!H?i .1 55 ! ? '.'!.
; .' ..u. uuu . " jiui,itsvii, miuiii.iim.i.r v.
, saij estate aaa an twrsovs liana claurs aaias
id ,re UsreOj- requimi 10 present 'them
urJthaoaWj 5 wBSf.i.
. tany. wMa si. awntbs In-iu the date heiwV.
i'si the isth iiy t Ma.v.ivs.
to j j tvhito,v
j aaSaTjalaw.
a newspaper vr
ynu ar-, or 1 -
-. antbor, sjtlst,
- t i-. cur
: 1 1 1 redc th ave7
... v-rt!!st iu
ioi mv.h i-r.
n . 1 itpti i.
iv ij n svut:i!e-.::ic-a.
'. L FOR .'.AN.
l . i-ut.,.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lamo Back., c
ra. a. J aT -. . . j- . "
I With Electro twasnetlc SUSPENSORY.
IdsSeat PmlTl t Bess Imprvvtmeats t
Win rare without n Mictne all Snkaw resuming from
cT..r-iaxation of brain aerra fortes; aaaaaaj or baan
crtiioa. aa MrTi debility, aleepfevana, lanswa-.
rheumatuiii. kiduey, liver and bladder complaiata.
le lumbaav. sciatic all female coropialnta.
Kneral ill health, etc. This electric Belt ooataina
...TV'.1? f""""' OTer all others. .Current U
nistanUyferty wearer or we forfeit aa.aa.aa. and
wul cure all ol the aboee dlseaaea or no pay. Thou
aada hare been cured by this marreioas inTentioa
wtrer au other remedies failed, aud we aiTe huailreda
LlVnHi aaaasaaaS Kuccraic srsrEssoar. the
greatest boon eTer offered weak men. TOT. Mh U
5?2" aemltS Tlxuru Sueaatk eraKASTESB U 9 Sa
aedajs. Bend for 111 ;3 d Pamphlet, mailed. Stated. froa
- -. u. u. -b ; iu every en ma I
, wi.wsn aaasw I aiv
No. 1 7 Fires Su ed, lMUTLAXU O
lady of Ferpetaal Help