Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1893)
ehc flcmotrat. Kel in u ii J. HARRY GAY Ol)litli ilium iliitioian, mlei Hiiuiiiiiiidt,, W ill )s u Alfcan, -tl I !, "h Hfrte (I? NraiV MflHMi l(i""i"'fe M '-H, JnU tH'll. Ml M ifrlMr5 esllpm wink ha' InmiF eiiji piling MfRJ ,llil..,ll ..! WJ !(!. MllH iMfNM MM ""'"iimw.. IWfi MrfMl Mil, Ifthl lUll Htl Mill; Mr-MMNi III1: MhHIHI. Nnwi Wno tit . .; . t ..i i. tyiM 5.,)r,i,K frim, .,.) Ir'tttWif rti'rtr lletf Jlfiin. injlwi WtJ Mile, rtf Ht MlIlM iif ; WW! ttttrtmil K W WJIhrtW) In Hi wytWmrt sHH; Wllliniii. Wllheittt Wits M ttiott Kj te!ir nil!, itli-i IhiiI Htn heert lirillu wilh ht-J fiittiilr f"r -'"'Hi' time, t !? !""!! reftirneil hltjUfflUtf (llWfftlW trilli hi-- tt i fc :t ' ' I rwhi-l f ir H (fttn I" SHtWl tier. TlHI Lor. -ii'iiiL' (heir lire-- in ihuiirer -truck lii- f:illtr "ii tltc head with :i bjttBj killitip tiitn Iffstttiitlt. Hi' trcnt t" Vv PUlm Snlurititv nu'ttiinir WW cnr himself up t" the sheriff, who. tritli the Cormier, hits re paired t" the st-Piie b! Hie tr:isrPly. Vf!!T Ht'MI Bltt)tN(!. There !l!M-t hi' M Vic detiwiifl for money in Piilem acfOhutUt In fho following from the Ptfttesrmin : (The itdinurned meeting of Hie directors of the Palettt Builditirr arid Toim association was held at the office of the secretary last even ing, at wliii'h all withdrawals were paid in full, and only one new notice of withdrawal presented. Two thousand dollars was loaned nt 120 months. ?400 at eiphty, and 400 at seventy-six. The one at 1'2 months' interest in advance was the high water for this association since its orfpinization four years ago the first of next November. Nf.w 1. M'a The following postmasters were appointed ye.-terday in Oregon: Brownsville, Linn county, h M Jack: Gas ton. Washington county. CW Hudson; Monmouth. Polk county. " J .1 Higgins: Ne halem, Tillamook county. (' S Bobbin; Stjiyton. Marion county. .1 H Hitrnahy. The total nunilier of fourth-class postmasters apjiointed today was SHI. of which were to till vacancies caused by resignation and death. Wau Pi I tllil, - I couple evangelists of the Christian church have the following posted up all over Pendleton, and the same has been circulated in Albany on small slips: "A reward of (SQil offered for a jiasage of scripture in tlie Bible command ing an alien sinner to pray for forgiveness of sins. A reward of 850 is offered for tin example of "sprinkling" or "pouring" for Christian baptism in the Bible. A reward of 8V) is offered for any other than the Christian church authorized in the Bible under the christian dispensation. A re ward of $500 is offered for one or more standard Oreek-English lexicons that give "sprinkle" or "pour" as a meaning for tlie !reek "baptizo." W ar! War! ! War! ! ! War declared upon sin. error, superstition, infidelity and operatic singing. The Custom House. Collector . i Black is I proceeding slowly about making changes in the custom huse and appraisers force at Portland. Fred Floed. formerly of the Democrat, is already at work and is booked for the place of first deputy. H W Sitton. of Yamhill county, has been substituted for Thomas Jordan. Charles Ohle went in some time ago in place of William B Se wall. examiner. The other two examiners, Charles Hoxsie and Thomas Young, have as yet been undisturbed. W E Pullman has taken the place of Charles Hughes. dep".tv collector. MeHsrs Pike, Phillips and Jas knlek are still at work. Mr Pike will con tinue as chief deputy for some time. Salem Democrat. A DESEnTED Village. The following from the West nearly duplicates Gold smiths deserted village: Four people were left in Florence on the 4th to watch each other. They were: Mesdames Masterson and Morgan, and Messrs Kyle and Wilson. They celebrated by congregating and be moaning their sad fate. But to do some thing patriotic. Mr Kyle read the ten com mandments which he mistook for the dec laration of Independence and Mr Wilson, in his dazed condition, playeti the Dead March in Saul on the cornet, thinking it was Hail Columbia. Base Ball. Saturday 's game be ween Albany and Salem was a closely contest ed one.and brought out some good plays. Arick, of San Jose, who is visiting in Albany, did some excellent amateur work in the box for Albany. He struck out 3 while Grant struck out 4. Jolirson, Sheaand Meilen made one good double play. Grant made a lio'ne run, and Strand, Sullivan and Holtnan, of Salem, and Wallace and Stanley, of Albany, two base hits. Sena McFarland umpired in an impartial manner. Yesterday Salem again won by a score of 8 to 4. It was not as good a game, it is raported, as that of Saturday. Portland defeated Oregon City Sa'urday 11 to 9 a'id Sunday 10 to 7. The record is now follows: PLAYED. 12 12 10 10 WON". 5 0 0 LOST. 4 r 4 7 Albany Portland Salem Oregon City Ax Albany Child Kicked. A li'tle child of Mr and Mrs Hedges, from Al bany, who are the guests of Mrs Hedges' parents, Mr and Mrs R V Howard, met with a painful accident while attending the celebration at Smith field. The child walked up to a horse hitched near by and caught him by the tail. This freightened the animal and he kickd, striking the little dhild on one side of the head, knocking in senseless. It has developed that the child was not much hurt, the kick proving a g ancing blow. -Junction City Times Probate Kecoku. - W T Porter was ap pointed guardian of Johh K Porter, insane. In estate of Buth A Fry. a gna rdian . B A Fry was appointed guardian. In estate of Andrew Bobb. will m id mitted to probate. Jane A Bobb waamjp pointed executrix. In estate of W O Cooper. H II Hewitt was appointed administrator. Bond 81 560, In estate of Henry Hirons, A P Hirons was appointed administrator. Bond 14000. Edward Durban was formally adopted as the child of I E Stanton and wifeand name was changed to Edward Ilurbin Stanton. Old Tame Methods of t r c at i n g Colds and Coughs were based on the idea of sup pression. VVe now know that "feeding a cold" is good doctrine. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with hypo phosphites, a rich fat-food, cures the most stubborn cough when ordinary medi cines have failed. Pleasant to take; easy to digest. Prapnrivl hySrntt Iloy iip N. Y. AM rtrggint. FOSHAY & MASON WSOUIiAVS ASS HMttlh Druggists and Booksellers L'.'i '.to for John B. Alden's publications, m ieb we sell at publlaher's prlosa with , .ataaearldai' LBA4Y. OBEOOII sip Wt INI R HI III II I 'nip weather biillelin. No Hi. of liirt'giui St. ile Weather Sr in'. for tin' Hm II- iiding Tn.'-.liu. .1 1 1 1 x llih. vis ruguc, loml t.ins ,i i am Int. I he tctiiiei,iliirei'i.itiniii'-li remain I MM nun h U'lnu MMWII. It is saltfclM Hull llic RMlimtim lcniiei.iliuv roue iiIhoh ilegnix. I'urtly i luinly to will M h i- pre ailed, v illi gMMWM MM sll.mi'l- Tlie Mill- WW! "f fMM ' ' uelll the "i il .Hi' I fruit nop, hut ili' to the 1 4 1 liiu lil' Ii I nuvk in piuyri'sK link i-r mi Ii i't Iii.iv. imimhy jw not w In.ivv. I. ul I- B y, i.i.I ,iv,i.iUi tin: ilii'iil I. ,n a u. .ni i mil in in. mi I.n .ihiii's. ' it i. nut .iii.I liimih ui'.itlii'i piiivuuis ilm li'pi I ' HI il... I I 1 I Mil! I.lll uln .ll h Ti l It villi In .it .mil I l.illliiii iIhuii in pi. i. i .. Iin .i (i; ...I .in Flip) i Fop. npnnu i., ,.i w ill in tiilly M .nm.ijjii i )np it.ilt .Hi: l. Mlli .1 l.i In: ,i llli. i i MU in lively i null U " .mi mu ffllrW JfWWWiJI ni.ii'l? "-.imi,:! u,,,:i IflHM HIH tfRWtftyl lilllfM ie .1 HtWM Hlt'ttt llf IllHt W 'PIM nilHIfl iHtin.'umiy Min frHll rWH Wf Hffl WHWfttt IHtf ( Ihi ..:. H f.lle dilfiiu f tllil"' th'' ffMjl hI H MHWrW ilhl nine iiMIi.i itlir Httil Irtll'.ft-'Me l.4ifljiU 'kclslmj )( Mlllltltf tlttwtt HtH HmIi), fM fun Wrtttr Hf the nftlittfdt tii.i mma ttowmfa ilt h!! liiufttH't- nfilhtfif links slit-iiHtitf titltl l'fn-r HiltihiHim. Mittir "f the mifet t-epMfi etHKH tlfiiiriK- )U SHiid WtMi WHW ftH.WWt; PrttHf itilil tilltltts I' I ttit tuttt i-r-p. mwfmfmi m-h FfttrtrMW I" h ;.i rtiMfttifH i t-np atul uteri I hi-. lit ectii.!i- Mi" riot up t" the arerairi m nt 't (fWjWltHy spi'ilkiiii; th"1 II W iin :Kerai;" yieiu. In Rttftfrl I in'gi'ii.i lo'iilv In partlt i loudr wi'iithi'r has i "iiliutii'il: there Hits heeti ii marked ali-'enie ef any real warm weather s" far this sea--on. (-(- are freipietit in I rook. Klamath anil Lake countii-. A .gen eral rain ivcurred on the PtH and fth- 'Die trrain crop has heeu greatly lienefitted hv the rains. Fields which ten days HMJ did not promise over 1 II or 1 5 hnshels jier acre or not hardly sitital'le for hav. have retired, new growth lias started ntuf the U are filling nicely. The fruit crop is. no mm than it is in the western portions of tlie state. Insects are marked by their al'seuce. though in Wasco county a few codlin moths are to lie observed; in Tmatilla the green aphis and codlin mdth are ipiite injurious: in Klamath the green aphis lias done dam age to some of the fruit trees. As in West ern ( Iregon the cool weather abates the tie velopment of the fruit pests. RE 11 fSTATE SUB A F Hamilton to R C Vatkin. f4 acre. Sweet Home 8 H It Miller to J W Wallace. 1 lot. Wsad Harry Wilson toC H Stewart. trustee, lot 1. bl ;!, Ralston 's ad Newt Iewis to Ezra Chase. SO acres. IIS C F Moist to W F ami .1 H Moist. K interest 98-75 acres. 11 w J Fred K Hill to Jas (i Boulin. 1 lot. Lyons R S Strahan to Sarah H Strahan. reverting to Pet and Qaad Strahan, 22x100 feet block 5. . . . (irant E Barrett to Josephine Whed bee. "5x134 feet, Iiebanon E Storrs Barrow to E F Sox, 320 acres. 11 w 1 A J Wigle to R G Wigle. 121. 58 acres. 11 wl? J L Hill to M M Cooper. 1 lot. So da ville H A Bingham to D R N Blackburn, y block EOrin'a ad. Albany D P Neff to Jas Gillospy. 2 lots. R s ad. Iiebanon Brownsville W M Co to AlKmv W M Co. bl 115. lot 4. bl 110" li s ad, Albany J Win Roach to Man Peters, piece land. 190 1 l.X) :(000 1500 1 125 1990 I 40 250 325 2250 200 Patent xiamsourg U S to (leorge Gebhart. "17 acres. P5wl A Circi s KMKT. The thieves naming Sanger A: Lente cirrus met their match in t. hehalis yesterday. A dispatch says: One of the flim-flammers accompanying Sanuer A: Lent's show beat a (ferman farmer out of 820 by means of tlie short -change racket. The I ierman swore out a w-arrant for his j arrest, which was put into the hands of j Deputy Sheriff Ed Baruett to serve. Barnett went to the show train while I the outfit was packing up after the per formance and "xrested his man. As he was leaving with him. employes of the show, headed by the manager, assaulted him together with two other officers, beat him insensible and recueil the prisoner. At this juncture Sheriff Barnett. accomp anied by Ieputy Carpenter, arrived on the scene with drawn revolvers and proceeded to search the show train for the short change sharp. They were unable to find him. but arrested fouremployes of the show. The manager in the meantime escaped to the hotel and had gone to bed. They hunted him up. got him out of bed and took him with his hired men to the county jail. The five prisoners were charged with as saulting the officers, and were to have had a hearing this morning, but it was post lioned tili Wednesdav. The show proceed ed to Olympia without a manager Jand sev eral specaity artists, ine manager was re leased on Ijail this afternoon, furnished on a telegram from the. Oregon National bank of Portland. Cap Hcmpubey's Condition. Lasl evenings Pendleton Y, O says: Late unf.w- vorrble symptoms have occasioned the fea.r among Capt Humphrey's friends that he cannot survive the affliction of which he was lately the victim. Last night he was restless and delirious, and no sleep came to relieve him. His cries awakened nearlv everyone in the vicinity, and his attendants were worn out in their effort-i to calm him in bed. ' This morninghe hadquieted down somewhat, although the condition of de lirum remained. During the entire night his friends, T Steuben, and J C Misell. and nurse. James Hanrahan, watched nonstant ly at his bedside. From his physicians a more encouraging report wa. obtained con cerning the captai-i. They state that his pulse is fairly good, his temperature nor mal, and that the iimb appears to be heal ing rapiply. They do not think that there is occasion for any alarm, and believe his mental disquietude will prove but tem porary. Tue Same Celestial. The following from the Eugene ftttetd tells of a Celestial who resided in Aioany at one time for a year or more, ar.d whose prienee is an eye sore to any city: A rumor has been in cir culation that a CM6 of leprosy existed in Junction City. In answer to a telegram asking for particulars we received the fol lowing answer: "I will state that 1 am unable to find a single person who has even heiiril of a case of leprosy in this place. A strange Chinaman got off the train here Batoraar. Hi; had a wen ou the back of his neck as large as an average siy.c eoc .a nut. The rumor must have started from this. The heathen should l; run out of town on general principles." Killed a Hand Car. -Saturday night two hand cars of employes, of the Oregon Pacific, were run from Albanv to Corvallis. On the way Thomas Smith, who wae pumping on the front of the first car, lost bis balance and fell off under the wheels. Both cars run over him and he' was picked up dy'ng. His body was take? to Corvallis, where it was em balmed, and will besent to Iowa. The deceased was a young man who only re cently came from the East, and had only oeen working for the O. P. a short time A Good Showing. An examination of the affairs of the suspended LinnCounty National bank at Albany is reported to silo assets of the bank nufficient to pay depositors and all other debts in full, and stockholders the par value of ihfiir stock. Salem Statesman. New Photographer. 1 intvn opened a new gallery In the Y. M. C. A. block, 2nd street, Albany, and will try hard to plcane nil who will favor me with their natronaire. .... .. - - J will take all sizes and styles of photos a goon as ttie nest anu an cneap 11s trie cne.iie est. I am no traveling photo here today ind trone tomorrow, but have come with 1 wife and children to make a home in your glorious climate. I have come to stay. Please call and see rue and try my work, Very respactfnlly yours, S. A. Hammkll, Latent' Toronto, Canaila. 19 To o. That is the score people make who trade with Perry Conn, the dealei in fresh groceries, produce and crockery ware. They shut out hard times and give clean bargains. Plenty of home lun and a return for more goods. The game is umpired on the square, and there Is never any kicking. Piompt and courte ous treatment. A steady thing. Doors open early and late. If you would be (on the winning side call on Conn. rmr ir tmk hxmiih. I'.i I be M.i Alwul Town. Agreeable I" pi'iinife I will irivu van a MMMMltl lay i emit trip in Mnntlcld' hot spring THtM sprliiu ant on tlie iniitli n If of the l; u t. i.i .i.i rivtr, an important Irihiilniy of tho Nnrlli Sanliain The piuiiriare in Marion county, about Itn MINN lnw the line bet ecu Marion and I inn Mnny, They ara said, by irtoii Wha lluvui psUD.I vuraiMly or .....l 1iuiiiii(ivbi lii fanta, In Iiv only ik niilua 'i "in i be nuarasi i a 1 1 i.iad atalimi II. i. i. it. ii b all ilalciiiunit in abaviicu nt no ulat kiin ledge ume ...... ,,i ,.,,. lion, luii oiuiiii bavti icniiiad Ilia tor limns palb in vault I am pmpaiud t.i '(latent. U t.4i) a in. mi old toi... . i . I'Uiid iiaiitnrl.l. Hit; in nin lulnr nl Ilm anwtiyii lain Mill and y.mi liiiniliu. amvanl inai.l.'.l Ilia l). '. al Atli. .mi.teii I tia it I- al Albany, wal iiiiti ad bif a iiaid iiiiuiib k Wliau we mil lad Rlfilttm milaa aael n All4f): Uiau dalaaaMNtt id AwuHMIt imlfltHff anaifad lia Haiti HHtrMtttf, ttliil hmh hM ya4t,f 4aa(a naif MHWIMil Httd atHdtH FHttrH taafly mmt m t itiMHn hh m H'tht (H IIHtilMilHiwil'tlMfMIHt Hm linfir ttettta tif fHM8 finwitnfi, n( k WHti Willi etlllH'l tWft fn p'dl Hmcntil KHtt flir MHmMni (Iin Witty dlHhltti' tlttHHt'tl tdtdrtttrl nt 1 A iieet tleleudtlttrl td Hitfli t'lftefo ttet-a ilrinilHi, (imtelmd ttjrtUtt IHH Ft YillWUJtli tim mail Hi Hit trttim tnti hnrVtlntilitleM Itfi Kflptlitetl ere tbln; I HUM tl''f. 41 lt' ldTte renebed l.tottt.. ultpre the str?'"atterc crowded With vehicles and footmen. fine" flyltic from house tops ithd tlie roar of .tttviis reverheratlnn thrmtgh the forests tit bit Bl that surround the town. The nceouimodating train men held 'be throttle lust long enough to sllow the remaining few who were (joing farther to feast their eyas on tlie beauti fill dresses and sweet facas of charming girls who surrounded the car on which the orator of ti e day traveled. At the familiar "all aboard" we again sped to ward the east with nothine special to Hrjttj except the ceaseless voice of a drunk en "smart alick" who got on at Lyons, and from there to the end of the track never ceased to bore the crowd with his blublH'ring self supposed sma't sayings. No more impressive lecture for prohibi Hon can be given than the slobbering, silly expressions and idiotic gyrations of a drunken fool, who if infatuated with his own wisdom. Not a station could be passed t hat escaped the eye of this bla tant pest, and every mao, woman and child along the road were overlooked, ho thought, should they fail to receive an impudent salute from hispaluted tongue and rotten breath. At Mill City, the next station, the pop ulation is counted by hundreds not thousands, but there is lumber enough at the famous saw mills there to build a dozen cities- Lumber towns are numer ous and apparently prosperous from there to the end of the track Vhen wa arrived at Mill City the cars that had been almost depopulated at Lyons began to till .and long before Idanha was reached s-anding room was again at par. Where they all came from I cannot gay, but at nearly every whistling station men and women in great numbars were pared off, often with from four to ten or twelve lit tle red-faced children surrounding them, awaiting their turn to be lifted on the car. We arrived at Idanha, the eastern terminus of the track, at 12 nocn, where a picnic was advertised. Without stop ping to shake hands with a half dozen forest dwellers that had assembled to welcome the excursionists, we slung our packs across our shoulders and started in ; single tile up the railroad grade, which -as followed two miles to Scott's ranch, ' where tc left ttiA irrarlp. tnrnAat n I mountain to the north, following a dim 'rail. v'e stopped at a mountain brook and took lunch without lose of more than fifteen minutes time For three miles , we climbed a mountain, or succession of j mountains, so steep in manv places a . gazall would have hesitated to undertake the ascent, w e then crossed tlie south . fork of Bolder, a rapidly flowing creek. and came upon a mile of table land, after which the middle fork was crossed. Be- i tween the two Boldera reasonable foot hold was found, but after leaving them ' another mountain w as encountered. which ' was steeper than the firs', if possible. and : fat more disagreeable to ascend, because Il was covered at least half the distance 1 of two miles with snow banked uo in' places live feet deep. On arrival at the summit, about fagged out, with feet wet and almost frozen, and all the old rheu matic pains of former years aw ake and renewed in vigor, we were admonished by the declining eu& to tarry not- With a rapid glance at the surrounds, the de scent was begun. Tramp, tramp, slip, elide, tumble, any way to get down an almost perpendicular mountain, covered with deep enow, that hid fallen trees and underbrush for two milee, after which the enow disappeared and traveling was much better.bnt we were so utterly worn out by this time we had no appreciation I J P ' ' ' !' ' 1 1 u HI ! atarlf in tit. Iin.iaa ami alaato.1 1 tnr nnrl hinn a. unt tha an..n,.0 a fire and soon had some bacon grease fried out.from which, with a wick of cot ton cloth, we made a Missouri lamp in an old tin cup. While drying our wet clothes we cooked a supper of bacon, bread and coffee, whicli was soon dis posed of. much to the comfort of the in ner man and immediately beds were sought. Next morning we arose tireder than when we went to bed. Mansfield had left two good beds in hia house, but a man who had been sent in to work probably thought comfort unhealthy, so he emptied the ticks and spread the blanVte'.s on boards. The day following was spnt in looking over the place. An immense amount of hard labor ha- been done there during the five years that Mansfield has occupied it lie has cleared about eight acres of land, two acres of which were last year put in ber ries and garden, the remainder is slashed and burned over and eowed in tame grass. His strawberries were ripe and the rasp berries and blackberries will bear some The snow laid on so late this spring he failed to put in a garden, bnt the volun teer potatoes are trying to do something. Timber in the immediate vicinity of the springs is not the best. A mile on either side it is better. Near the river it ia bet ter adapted to agiiculture I think than a ny thing else. A field of 40 or 50 acres is fenced andean be cleared wi'h the f tart now made and will be productive. 'The owner has met Kith considerable bad lack in having one house and some fencing burned, but he now has a good house and small stable on the premises. His house is furnished with two stoves, tables, chairs, beds, cooking utensils and tools that cost considerable money and labor 'o get 'here. Now about the springs. I saw a print ed statement that they were but six miles from the railroad; that they were 30 springs covering GO acres of ground. I am trying to give actual facts and facts will warrant me in asserting that with the trail as now followed the springs are from 10 to 12 miles from t le raiload, and a'.dead manjtoboot if be isn't sure footed. By cutting off the 0 from the 30 the number of springs is represented. Ther are just 3 springs with a dozen leaps that could not be enumerated as springs. The 00 acres they cover can be truthfally ex pressed by cutting off the 0 andjdividing the remainder by 6. At the greatest limit they don.t occupy more than one acre. I was very much disappointed at their vastness, and will be more disap pointed if they ever attain the celebrity claimed. The only way to get a wagon road to them is up the Brejghtenbush river and the construction of euch a road will cost many thousands of dollars and will not reach the railroad short of iti miles. The springs are about equal to th ; Hot Springs at Warm Spring Indian reservation, but are so mucti mere inac tessable. I see no hope of their early ,1 w.iiii . ..-..v.... ina.iv a mil (lALft , traj acr08S the mountains.but the storms utility. Mansfield made a fair pack of last winter has piled it full of logs and made it impassible. He has abandoned that route and started a roaddovvn the river. He says it may require several years to complete it but he will never stop till it is done- He has put in the best part of live years on the place, either in person or by hired hand, and $1600 cash and he says he intends to drive a wagon to the springs yet. riis pinck is com tnendable. 1 hope time will prove hir. judgment ditto. Is there any iish in the river or game near the springs is generally the firet question. If fish are in the river they must be averse to dry land eporta for af ter faithful reconnoittering along the Breigbtenbush for several hours by two of the party they could only induce three little euckera to seek protection from deep water at the end of their lines. The m i i ' only iii w fotind ner Ibe ipringa v MWMrtna ..I II, n nai.ia.l flnm I i . I ll.irnall mo)uitoi and gnat that e,ar Infette.t auv loraau or plain luere u a mete ii a tune utriped aiui)ir called a deer II v that can i i' la'ffaUak out ol a anan'ai-hvek and kick a half dottn rilw lliroiili liiaapinal eoluinn in Iwoaeeonda by Ilia walrii. II li ware nut for there litanaa and niiineroua oi he i Ii n in. ii blood auckera Ibal ml. -I Ilia wOvula tlie parfrek aolilude of Ibeae . i . . I i I . , .........lalna , I ... ... I I u II. inhni ui il". waTre. IniliaT ao lU, li; ' w .mill a. ui.iU know a iii.iuiiiaiii lioui a till. Imle. I II.' nilly aomiil of life to Iw liaard la the idiiiiiiim of nine a.iuuiala and ilia uiiamaiiial voinanf an iMcaainnal Ulna Jay lilt ilia draary appinaidi of nigM aiah ilia plainiiva my nl ilia mglil-bawk uaiiaaa a aulluii, Mtalaiii'lmly aduaaa In laai auinaa uauli ptaaaaiit .Imain VYu aau a law w il.l ptauniia aiel iJaUn i-ttanv narva appliad in tlm Itfaaai ol a aliol aim avu ua ln iif IhkiM lot iluiaui vii. . Liokliia nvat lliu ikma nyti iHg nuiiity In aal unit Id dn in i bis tu.l nnl Mftygfl Ifflttld IMWld litaaa aa4. . laU all mo; atnihj Maiikii !. ..iiuliipl, lull Ull.ln plat nil a MHm aniut ihal aa jtt Ida linn.. .....I nm Hf aim m: Wia Itata I a tl'4 lHm m ltfi Tlia til atafiriji tavt til timiHday lail ff-Htn M ahnva wltHfliM Ida fffa Willi mm frtfr'ti tMH ftlijli hall ., ,,,ifnaajinl atlRtflnhitttimiHltilHiIlM PstttiM tdtttll ft T tUt-ltlHildalH, AM HUM arid bit atid elawtl tttV ljaa Arid Hate m KwtHl path. Mm illrjtijjht et-flt while mt te9tH Would eoth them t" the dreamy lititl, Where peaceful tliotiehtaof plestatit'lntM Wnttl A iptell the wrstli of Plittoe1 MM: Put tm. (her SPiit their iiicket out And entered In n dendtv plot, With fid fly, horse-tlv and bouse lit scout To clean your humble servant out. I hung tny harp upon a tree That erew beyond the babbling brook, Said I, Hot Springs, you now hear me! Good by ' And from their '..auks my presence took. With sore distress and ranch tribula lation on the morning of July tith we packed ourselves like faithful mules with substantiate to supply our tan's till civiliraton could be reached. We deter mined to avoid the terrible and oftimes dangerous snow clad canyon that we en countered coming in, so we telescoped a very high mountain to the west of the trail that was denuded of its frigid mantle by the fierce winds that daily s.veep across its dome. We followed Mansfield's new road down the river for about one mile and then started without blaze or compass to the mountaia which we as cended by holding to snow brush and pulling ourselves up a narrow back-bone, at many places not more than three feet across. Caution was required to avoid tumbling over an almost perpendicular cliff on either side for hundreda of feet. On the very apex of the mountain two cedar trees are standing, on which we displayed usual human vanity by cutting our names and date of arrival. Some thousands of feet below in a deep canyon toward the northwest can be seen a beau tiful lake of deep bine water which an explorer and acquaintance visited several years ago and named Ijike Emily in honor of the writers little daughter. Down the southern slop) of the mountain we traveled till we came to Boulder creek where we struck the trail that took us to the railroad at which we rejoiced hugely for we were eager again to see our homes near the banks of The wide spreading Willamette The placid W'iUaniette The lauging Willamette That glides by our door. Its water that sparkles. And twitters and warbles, Rolls bobbin like marblas. The laughing Willamette That glides by our door. We welcome its waters Whose flow never palter, Never ceases never falters, The laughing Willamette That glides by our door. It is smiling and dimpled With little furrronghs wrinkld On its bright face that's tinkled. The latuhing Willamette That glides by our door. Cease not dear Willamette. Wide spreading Willamette, laughing Willamette Roll on evermore. J. L. II. Thr Ladle The pleasant effect and perfect afe"r with which ladies mav ue the California liquid laxative Syrup" of Fig. und:r all conditions, make it their favorite rernrdv. To get ihe true and genuine article, look ! lor :he name of the California Fig Srrup j Co, printed near the bottom of the rack - I age. Eaamnem lATR-i.--Tnuns will hereaf ter run to Idanha on the eastern end of the Oregon Pacific Monday and Wedneby morning and Sattirday venings. Koun trip ticket., good for thirty da-s will be sold for XK). Round trip tickets can nowr be bought to tlie Pay, at excursion rates every dflqr of the week. WEllAviTnEiTin.)ir. The bet - ter the grocerie the more enjoyable life Is, and while we do rot all Ihe 'simply to eat, we certainly ear. to live. If "you get your grocerie and baked goods' of Parker Brother you are bound to live well If It Is only on a kmS of rye bread. They keep the bet in erervthlng, and tell at price that satisfy regarc'lea of limet. Call on them. The V erdict 1 unanimous that Will & Stark carry the hot Hoc of silver ware In the valley. They have the variety and qual ity, a combination that coun ts in buying goods. Ap inspection always carries con viction. Boys under 16 getting their hair cut a Viereck will receive afree ticket to the ball ground. Wew patterns in 2 ply. 3 ply and tap estry carpets for the Albanv Furniture Co. on this weeks steamer, from S. F. C'earance sale ol all kinds of hats at Ida M Brush' b. Now is your time to buy. Clean towel to every customer at Viereik having parts) rs. To Farm ers . The undersigned have laed the wtrebuuae of David Smith at Tallmao at id are now prepared 10 store grain, and a II ttrmers ra retiasated to oall and ee th m before making arraogementa for atoragx elsew here . Frost & San hers . Latest ef ects in carpets and portiere to arrive with this weeks steamers freight for Albany Furniture Co. Before gf go ia and jacket aud Very :Heu 'Ing to the Bay or mountains examine ihe Blazer and Eton suits at Read, Peacock & Co's. BaWHSOB Machines neatly repaired an warrantarU hv a th-ircnehly competent work man, at 'f M Fienoh'a jewelry store, Albany, Oregon. A Wvw; i Ma necessity nowadaya. I you i.i is call on Will & stark, whose stock geand varied, and prioea the the mr,Ktrea sonable. They oan give you a baraixiin. t bis line as well aa in jewelry uberaKy. Kextitib -cherries at C E BiownellV rteo tlie Ni iw Improved Singer sewiDg mi I ehioe. The bi'.t is always the cheapeat. J vv onwaen, i gone, umce ac r oi r renun a lewelty atoro "Will il Stat k, th- jeweler Bth at Vie reok's shaving and hair cui ng parlors. Hodges & Mo Farland, gists, Albany, Q r. the leading lru& Viereak's shas ing and hair euttinjr pai- , Guaranteed 6 o euro Bilious AttacfeSSnd vr'iMilou, 4 "a" "Uo Uoanr. M.)MA The HvJtt H .l an. I dun i lnli in- .... ilrrpil IhiDiigli W J Ki ci two vnv tint mciiau lor iiia'r igu'i maaial absaati i win. Ii ajajajMM nit on. e a ... r k Tlie Ixyyn A Haiaay tn giwa) ie-. I'mttaiui li lali'h. A man pnl fiiini Ilia iiai'iamcniii vail v. V. !.Ka !2f ' .III ll.l" I, UH, I run .i ll Ill .,,H - wtitl gl ..nil) I ha Wtluiiu-iu valla) win nac me anvdiiiagii -jiu u.H.i , u,., nl wi jic ImiiiiJ In pkWrialtM go.i.l fall a. il li)li . Twit or ihraa man yui luti a iw vcisi llfj mi. K i iiic O I' lii!a ni Ina ItfMaP . ictulliiig n nut: .riug a kMM iii.I n lampiin in iah miaUis! .nic. ) Im ,tt thai a i.iii Im , lini Ilia man kbi.-ii l PtMmaataMi'nefAl Brll ravareai lliu mlnife) nl In, pf9trMttf ohmi.. m Hi. maj k'tot faf mail i: tyr it.wtaf p RlMr "PffflltH - Hf f mlfBtftf fha dtMfnft i. i i .,u PMttlfM Irllt l I'M " H -tnii Ifff) MlHH HHti ultHttM W r ImKle'd lh H"l" tt HH Hlhe'l Itstltf pjOfl ll l,lllH t-HHHlr Had baWifWnj MiM M IdhlielMfttyjRMtNri f:Sll!ff tfSm Ilia mi sH Itrttl fSHM- hl"h Ii rt he Hlael sf-rittHrf the' eel tHiwn nt Pie jul ) h hi he tihieed shunt tn feet ft-rim the hnlhliH rldth Mffiel IHfHdft( tn keep all ft-Hlri edHtetlHj Ht haH-Jltiiitrirthing hi HHtajfl Mi tH aeciuri' "f "o-rie temnrlt of s t ,i.. rdd aeieiwte the trterhheti nf the Satlttttsl ChrMlan Pntlritrtr irlclett le. nnlrtrf IH Monlrcsl Were mnbb-d by a '.o,- t( tillrt. I he sorlett. If was learned, Was not responsible far the retn?rks made, which ere otiHHe of 'lie rreu'ir ses sions. I 'tiring the last week fettle S-fliver. of JefTetson, lost a doren head (if extra Jersey dairy cows. Some old white lord cans which had been lying about for several rears were torown out Where the cittle had acrets to them, and it Is believed ther were pottoned from licking the paint White lead Is fatal to livestock. Mr Stel wer's loss will eggregate nearly $iooo. Mr Lelghton Jefferls has returned from the Bay, and states that he has good ad vice that the prosecution sgainat him for tampering with the malls can not be made to stick. Jerome Williams, and one or fwo others have been subpoenaed to ap pear before the U S grand jury at Portland this week, and the matter Is at lcat to be tested. Mr .feffetts Informs us tnai he la to be found at Yaqufna C:ty and further states that the item published under Serious Charge," in Saturday's IIemih ft at, s absolutely fale. A Salem Celestial has learned to ride bicycle. You can go to Chicago for $ -, but it costt regular fare to come back. . to E C Bernhart. who waa reported hare cut his throat In a cheip lodging Mouse, has turned up at Corvallis. ffi s said he went up there on foot. He is evidently attempting to create a sensation. Mr Julius Gridwhol. Albany agent ol the German Ameiican Insurance Com pany inform" the Democrat that Mr A F Hamilton, of Sweet Home, insured in that company for $iSoo, and who was recently burned out, has been paid in full, dollar for dollar. This is prompt payment. Salem ill send a five man team to Chicago in September to co-vete in the : World'a tournament at Inanimate targets. ; Alnany could send a ttrong team in P J i Baltimore, L W Deyoe.George and Grant ! Kroman and li B Montcith. There are people who like troubles o well that they make themselves miserable over their past, present and luiure troubles. If you arc bound to be misera ble confine yourslf to present troubles, and let the others go. M E KeHoge, M K GritVin, K W Gridiin. E Kcttey, S E Murray, M E Griffin. J Parker and C Griffin, have located the "l.reen Horn Bar"onthe the north side of the Sanliain one mile north o! the junction n J ooduy itrength. of the south fork ar.d Soda fork. Hood's Pill are easy in action. H L Cranor hi been appointed mini ger ol the Albanv base ball club, to sue- ... tiik IUtks.- The I'nion Pa need Mr Wheeler who will be obliged to ' llfio now load with educed rates to eastern be in the country during the ummer. A ,int(1.alH tlleir through car arranmnts. new pitcher will be tmo orcl ard the ' ;i: i : i..n 1 t, ..rengt.ieneo 10 meet the other in- ;vf rrwr.nine , lair car and bii cre.ingly stronger cub.. ,imf. f, u, w Tw Several were imetcsted ibis morning trains kvc l'..rtland daily at :4-r a ni In eeing a special train trsaasferxed from . and 70 p 11:. The rates ajv "now within tht Southern Pacific to the O P track and I reach BB, Bad eteijfbodj should take ali gn west. It wa simplr Koehkr and ' v.uitag .if themto vish the World" fairand Fields special beine transferred to the ; thoir in th. Send for ratrs : West Side , and lid not justify anv wild , rumor. ; At a meeting of the Jefferson institute j Ibe following teacher were eploved for Mbeco.ning cho..l year: Principal. Prof lxiuis itarzee ol the .KlavUle seminary ; first aistan-, Mtaa Minnie Watkin, of Linn county, and primary, Mrs Stees. also of Linn coi:n:y. Mr I. C lefferis wa nrres:ed last rrtn j ingon complaint of los Jlevera for assault jand battery, and fined i ar.d cosi by IJutlce Curl. The affair arose fratn a ' dispute about the recent charge- against Mr Jefferis of opening a letter while work ing for Mr Meyers. Ere'y town including Albanv. needs a club fot "setting down'' on Chronic gr.v' er, men who run ihe town and every body in it down. Life i too short to b: waned on such men. Every good citizen should put lii shoulder uO the wheel aod rustle instead of growlinc. Both are I catching, and w hich had vou rather have i flamed into a c r Sanation. The Stateenv.n av Yesterday Man residents, was going through a narrow pas ager Uosgiat C Min'to brought the Saleai fB in hi- bans, in the suburbs of th- city. t,m in ikt riv .n.i iii 1... . .1:. ' foll.vw.Ml bv two or three .vws. whim ono mond at the irr.i,n,s fix,..! nn ti,i. weeV iMii . th- -.,.. - - i . rr ', iic ............ viii oiiuiui. iir 1 1 t the visiting team and the home ' tem j, .' k ik. i; .. . 1 11 will parade the streets befor the mne " , mm e- i..u 1-VK...IV... imiiu) Joe Leveque of the California league will be here Thursday to pitch for the team. Mr Hadley.of the Ureiron PadScwrite C rook county people that trenuou efforts are being made to raise monev to build the , O I' to the Deachutt. Let'lhi he done 1 so that Eastern Oregon is fairly tapped, j and the business of the road will be won- I derfully increased, it will be a ten stroke, j The terminous would prove ir.e shipping ' point for the products of the coumrv lor many miles In all direction. Al the regular meeting ol the Epworih ' League of the M. E. church held lan j evening the following officers were elected 1 for the eneuinv term: President, Mav; Rideaut ; it Vice, John Concalin ; ind j Vice, Lillie Rideout; 3rd Vice, Bertha Swart; 4th Vice, Arta Huston; secretary, j Winnie Chamberlin; treasurer, J A Du mond; organist, Emma Cougill; assistant j organist, Lizzie Starbuck; chorister, J Mi Isham; ushers.Collms and Luther Elkins. Last evening the case of the State agt 7, Job, chatged wi'h obstructing the Sian--tiam at Niagara 1 that rish cannot pass up the river, was tried before Justice New. . r i tr. . 1 n i. pori. j rs it 1 xii .iiiw mine aruen M 1 McGuire appeared for the prosecution, and H H Hewitt and J K Wealherfcrd for the defendant. Justice Newport heard the testimony of the prosecution, the defense .introducing none, and 100k ihe case under consideration until tomorrow. I A i.wynn, cniei engineer ot the gov ernment snag boat, Ihe Corvallis. was in the city today. The Corvallis is on Luck iamute bar. where she is going to put in a dyke. This is the worst bar in the river and shuts off navigation about it for at least a month each year. Even now it is almost impossible to get above it. The dyke will be 700 feet long, live feet nigh 1 and sixteen feet wide. It will take about six weeks to complete It and will deepen the water on the bar three feet more. Independent. WEnNKSDAY. On account Cltv Caunctl of a lack of a quorum the adjourned until tomoirow night. A jewelry store was recently roblu'd al Weston, and it Is claimed a couple of Al bany young men ar; suspected. Henry J Day has received the appoint ment from U S Marshal II C Grady ol deputy for the district extending from l'ortland soum to uose'itirg Mr A J Shanks, writing from Rosalia, Washington, says that a greater wheat crop will be harvested there this year than was harvested the great wheat blockade year, 1890. Mr Nlvens, manager of the famous White Swan mine, deposited s6oo In bul lion at the Bakei City National bank, the reault of a ten day's run, or $560 per day. On Julv 16th the Oregon pacific boats will all be tied up for the summer, owing to the lowness of the water, and the river officee will be closed until traffic begins again . Hi V'nto( all in Leavening Power Latent IT. S iov t Report ABSOLUTELY PURE Ilm tith la. bin al Oregon l ily s avian lug a vim l.tllie t.wn ti.iin , fjaaMa mftaf M I t.iiul.l, vii.i-t ..:(iii.iii tin u tU'l in iIil-maiUi. In..ns am. ill. i. UU.1. ' r W H Wt be nniel , ln.i IMVIMm f nt -I4lnlla ai i.tabi low H.if H ,.,fL had mji Ini.t (ji.iin. 9sv1mM MfM M- fl tttM a af jiatlnlt inttltiiali iM.t, th,. iynn i )m . m . rit-Hl; ate tmt eefrllrli- V-.( an ti fPte liiiiefi iiHtl hffie tn hiwj. flntr mlMfl, MntlHa ih evettltte frina Will it'l'l de nt s bfltH tllh- H th- He'(Hktle)H: n ynM'i 9m Bwrtw mm tim twehtr Hue Mttnee nt (trtld Ih HHe'Httiiiet h'trtheht Irihv AllPlattef tfnm fi e Ait,ot15.. liH mnk, jhe ehhhk a frttiHd lit Illtde L'Hiht- iH lit! His) Ale Antlerm-H Hlrtrer. tin Stltket treeit. (fent-en tlfitet tHetiM- "tie ahidurt's 1st. iWklm NeWHrtrt t-end-t-d Ills dcrn - da r In the case .d the Male .(... s)aut if b. for nMtrtirtln IHH flrcr at Ml UUw.iMlHsi IHI Indlrtment. wtilch was agaiHtl hlrn indltldnallv, whereas he wa onlr the president of a corpora'lon This morning Mr Mirandl, proprietor ol the Phmeer house, arose at the sound of his alarm clock, and went out to attend to his horses. While gone someone entered the house and stole the clock. Some rampers were ruspected. Besides the above a nofre was stolen from l)r Mas kdfl'l yard, and about $3 from a person at 'he Delmonico restaurant. An Oregon City dispatch says: Town ship to sou'b, range 5 east, in the ,.intiam district of I. Inn county, on the Oregon Pacific railroad, was opened yesterday for settlement. The office was beslged early this morning by nearly a hundred appli cant. This township 'is reported to be very heavily timbered and of u and which w;l prove very productive under cultiva tion . E A Turner broke twentv-four out of twenty-five blue rocks at the shoot of the ; Salem Rod and Gun ciub at Mrningide : shooting grounds yesltrday. B W Har ; r it and (J D Gabrielson eacn broke twenty : two, and J Rven nineteen. The contest srsjt for the silver medal. Mr Turner has wan it five times and Mr llarrit seven. j Vheneer a contestant secures this medal j eignt times It brcomes his permanent 1 property. Statesman. A German namtd Woll. who has jist returneu Irom the Lni:ed States of Co lumbia, tells a horrowing tale of suffer'ng and wrong. He said that last March he and about 250 other were engaged i" work or. the Magdalen & Carthagena rail road in Columbia. When they got to the place ther found the land swamrv and many of them were socn ill witn yellow fever ar.d other diseases. The company gave them tin medical aid and they had Uc-lake caiecf each other. When thev ' asked to be sent back to this countrv they were told that the had not kept tbdf con tiact Wol! y (hat over 100 of the men di d in a short lime and that of the entire number onlv 65 lived to return north Pendleton E. O. Are t SersoB Arc jou all tired out, do you have that tired ftciing or sick headache 3 Vou can be relieved of all these symp'oTs by 'ak ing Hood s barsapanlia which guts nerve r. i ' , 1 - 1 , and wheduW-s ..f trains, ami do jHir . hase lililta until afterconsulting Curan sY M -tit.-ith. Albany. ir. W B Bi nu) rt. - t lien l Pas. Agent. P. P. Portland. r. at H It tvtf. PfjOWKB i not to be sneered Th foilowimr smraests that while we were at it the apple niossom nouui nave been made the state flower. The HiltshofTJ lndemdeut says: Mr T B Perkins, of this iiHinty. has in his possession a section from th.- sSBBD .if th.' ' nirrn vrrai' 1 Berl'ris A.iuef..liumi which is n'tnurkable for iu siie, it Wing nine inches in diameter. The nlant is clas-nnl amonir the usdeod it i a tne .-hub. but the pt.imen fund by Mr Pefkins 1i;ls grown t" a dignity of a tree. Tlie flower of Use Pegberis A-jne-f..liuni is what has l-n selactei far thai state flower. Mil. ton H u.F. Is.h kkd. -Int- morning Mr. Milton Hale, one of Albany s oldest itiiiiml again-t anotlier oiw.aml on acixmnt of the narrown.'.-s of the l'laiv push.M Mr I ITalu inWiHr aaainal the side of tin" Kirn. - --TT- , . . , . , . j breaking two nbs.bnnsuig his shoulder sad iniamw him intenud v. mst how seriously 4 . , will not ! known for a day or two. Pr. Ifaaton was called and attended him. and he i- doing as well as can U expected this eveniim'. sir SJKBK i'aikcr Bros, grocer. P. M. French keep railroad time Buy your groceri- of I'arker Bros Fine (jroceriea at Conn oi Uendricson'. . . e a creian cheeso iust leceived at Conrad M'er r .1 Snii'ey job printer, I'liun Block, does !irat ela- werk. Smoke t:ii celebrate ! Ho na tilleil 5 cent cigar at Julia Joseph'. Dr M II KMis, Dhyssotas 'J aarie;n Albany, Or t. i'.IU nil 1 oit ! or country . World' KalrJTrareleni Will Hare It The public dnaaanrl ihrouah aarviea ben travelini;. -t is old-fashion I to l hange Cars." On the through, olid vslibcleit trin cf the GUoaro Union Tacitlc A North Weefern Line from or to Chicago. J , i VJman and intermediate point there is no hance. This t the finest and Utest ser ce between the int niimed M In ii Ti-arllnc Whether on pleasure bent, or businots, tak on everv trio a bottle of Syrup of Figs. it acts most pleaantly nil effectively on the kidney, liver and lioweis, preventing lever. headaS Ma and other forma ot iicunens for sale in 50 centand 1 I ottles by all leading druggist. IHlliN. LEVEBICK. On Sunday. July '., nt Blnck log, to Mr and Mrs Win Lever ick, a boy. DIKI. POWER. On July 9, 1893, in Albany, of erysipelas, the infant son of Mr and Mrs li L Power. The onlv 1'ure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia, Ko Alum. 0se? T'llicui of Homes 4 v?ars ihe Statrlar Baking Powder Si.ti.jju $fij aiui, I 41 Hi M ( A 'A.. Make nagnu tn ban 1 ii tl.u sfcUiai. '1 I ilHe'iit. Ilftf Mrtfl tfWWrljfli Iff . IM .... it,!. Mf ' has rrMitlald .s tittth-d ttm Ilia mf a-batalta lta Mtfl dffti"Mf f'tH plats bif aornfal -ko titatlM, Irti llMla.tH nt tfMitt I Nj SfJIrrSt.r , Mtr(a lll H.-' tl..t.rrfi , t Visit t MtM,Sf)ee Ml M W F trfrIrrBI fldttfti. .4 ftafiliaw nt tH'it thi. t'lHIfJtMl litra ttlrfeil it gf-hrJel ift ' l".-seM t l,.,ro f'.f- the htJllfef ediHHMi! 1 BWIMlM tf.. atittie hi bio' Mfielii whom N sifWI the 1 ,.,,,,.si,lr nf I I.egoft.'' J A Williams left ti... frr,rnihg I'wal thr Pp-'kat-. Wafbi aline h- ti!' enter!!.. . i-,- hi HlehirrJfttfH ii '11 lag'ier, a law firm, a tetioerap!)t-r sttd fypewrit"r. K'ip"i" 'Juard Patmday nine's Prvllf-t'in K t) ity: t'attialh HUttltthteV'i limb wa dressed today by )ii pbyicinn", and is healing nicely J he captain t friends in tend to make hitn a preen' of a near eork loot, which shows that all desire to rernetnlier hitn . At a meeting of the direc'ors of the school dis'rict of this city n few days ago Mr (.' H Jones, of I. inn county.was elect ed to the position of assistant principal Dl tfjP SC .(id's. lie him tieen tenelimif fit Astoria the past year and is well recotn- tneiiife'l. He will have charee of the ieary school Eugene Reaister. Mr Jones is a nephew of Irr Jones, of this county, and Is provine a voune man ol the right metal. Mr nwrn W ft ddei li home serionslv ill. Mr- H.-nry li;u keri-to. of Italia-', is visit-' IDS AJtMlTI trieil'K Mayor .1 L t'owan and n Will, left this noon on a trip to natUUKL "Mi-- 1 ';irl BitrheBS, of Corvallis. is in the ity. th- guest of hex sitter, Mrs r 1 1 Mr Wilt ..f W ill A- Mmm --ill l,.. nr. tri,. i l.i. f,.r,.,.., l.,i ;.. c ...ta... . . ..... I'JMMtf I UVJiir tJl I 1,-. t.. ilu iC.rl.l'. i,;, .a,. i . 1 r ' .. . I Mr I.U' lan loitx hau. of San 1 rancisco. arrive. 1 in A Usui v this mominif and is the guest of hia snnt, Mr- B.m Brenner. j Mr il F Simpson has leased the old , Foster wan-house at the foot of Broailalbin am wiucn ae iu lanavTeaaa use lor i a i : 1. L. -11 : 1 1 - storage of wheat. Vice-president and Mrs A.lalai Stevenson will lie in rniron in ahoSBl two weeks on their wav -at from a trip to the coast. fiM ' going tn S;ui Franciso. tl tiner left todav on the 11 :17train for : BodsTSille to join his famdv. Mr Steiner xpects to s-pi-ml two or three weeks nisti-' t-ating. The family will remain ail summer. ; alem liidi-pendejit. l aptainj Ko- h went to Albanv on im- portant business on vesterdav mom'ne- e.rlv train. H will sinfaill return home 1 this eveninr - Eugene tiuard. Tlie t"h:lilr-ns Montefuire society guve ; jxirtv yesterday afternoon at the residence 1 of Mr A Cohen. Several hours were spent ; in music, sm lability and in partaking of a delicious r past. A nuuii?r of the jsnents and friends of the members enjoyed the oc casion with them. The soc iety "consists of ! Lutie. Eva and ChMfie Sternhnre-. Lillie and Edna Binnvr. llien-a and Oscar Baunig.irt. Minnie fiotleib and Marion Cotse. Irwin Smith, a young fanner, of Benton county, ad eel Used in an e.istem paper for a wife. It resulted in an enfeiierienf with Millie K Little, ff thef yotmg laiiv arrireii in torvalii- and was rnet at the depot by the young man. They j inmifiliatelv s.s-ured 3 license and were . luamiil. While WbA marriages are ha- anlous affairs, though jrhaps little more 1 than marriajprs g'nendly. the Dkmw hat ' wishes this one will prove fortunate. Six leads of Allnany people left Wily this morning for a ilay's outing at Waterloo. J where they will hold a picnic dinner ami tetaam tonight. They were Rev :url Mrs - D H.UT. Mr an ! Mr L E bhun. Mr and Mrs J K t'autliom. Mr- Pahiuiore. Mrs 1 Bunnester. Mrs S E Young, Mr Henrietta l Brown. Mr- F M Fh ill. Ml ail Mia Jaaata ' Xanny. Mrs I H Stewart. Miss Sarah Alt- 1 home, Ifesais ami Bfiaioi IMgar Blodgett. 1 Ava Bidtimon. Oaritosl Sox, Mildml Bur-j mester. Pen v Yoimir. lara Iavis. Clem j Irv ine. Mae Pollock. Hetfie Miller and Mrs Nutting. This is the way some new comers in Al-) btssvy get "shown up" bv a ptfOC in their; fxaraaer boaae: lr rCMtsehes luy moved j from tJardiner. in diis immll. to Alhuny. where he has located for the j.ractie of his , pr.ife-i.-ion. He practiced medicine in tianliner for Mariy eigliteen years, twelve i vears of the time making that loam his' home. :md during that time his business j hits been extensive, and h. has enjoyed the ; conhdence and estein of the people to the Etilleat extent. Hi- qualifications as a phy- ' sician and his many exol!en; tiualities as a citizen are beroad question. Not only l ianliner. but the entire county. experiewvs B loss in the removal of lr M;ukev and his estimable family, and we trust the Albany ; eople will appreciate the gain at our ex-! iense. The lnst wi-h.-s of a hesf of friends Endow then to their new home. WKJSmtSOAT. tSer, of Scao, Mr Green ( has Uvn in the city today. Charles Pfeiffier and John lsoui aasd wife are 11111111111; in tlie mountains. ieorgv Waggoner, Sr. and Jr.. of Cor vallis. ;uv tloiiii; Albany today. J tula C H l'alryiuple. of Albany, is in the citv. S.ilom Independent. Mr Alliert Bond, one of the prosperous farmers of Lima eountv. is at Forest imive. taking- the Kivloy cure. Mrs Henrietta Brown, of this citv. and Mrs Xarvissa White Kinney, of Astoria. ' will leave tomorrow for a several weeks .fo jourti in California. Judge Human n'turneil baat nisjlit from a j trip Wyond Crawfonlsvilie. when- he had lvii to take Baal proof on the claim of W 1 H llen.lerson. an oM nillllli mail to. ill to come to Albany. Mr Henderson is said to be the Wst checker player in Linn county, j Misses Knie and Mata Klein, daughters , of A Klein, wen' passengers south on the ' 11 :17 train yastnnlaj Miss V'.rnie went to' ARnrnv for a short stay with friends, ami ; Miss Mata mvoinpanied her friend. Miss j Kay Pnlswn, to Bagene, where she will j pais a few weeks as her summer vacation. Sliss DeLaUM has been in t'uis . ity for a few 1 lavs taking in the sight of irregon's cap iw. Salem Statesman. Catarrh Cannot ho Cnre3 With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they eannot reach the seat of tho disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to curs it you must take internal remedies. Haifa Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this countrv for years, and is a regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. f, J. CH KNEY A co. . Ptvps, , Toledo, O. Sold by Vuggists, price 75c, MIL'S MUSIC STORE ! ,.-. i. , It . ,. ,((-, .afrSfO'til " H."f, .- frrfRT;' spattl.t pfttw , uitn.tyfs. fi reit'T , I I tt'r-i B'l .-.. . . , R.-l vm r.i Pr!'." rMfore Psrch'Slat We Mi -h B!StO-T4l s nal! tr.stro rt?nta, K nH ara D-serlr'-loiB !w II aa Snd other Vwln? Jlt-.tilneS. hi NeeJtta Oil n4 Kxtru for ait Ms-faine: p I' WILL Albanj, Or. UNIVERSITY : OF : OREGON. EUGENE Moyn.kv, Sbitembeb l?rn. Orix Jt:l closed the most prosperous vear in ' Thor- . .. . , - - - ,. it histcrv. wiae range 01 siucies. oueh instruction. Business couree added. r..i. 1 i-, r. ,. n, iji ,k. elegant ew dormitory and boarding hall on the campus, where student will receive personal supervflon. John W. Johnson, TreAident. GOOD NEWS q For the millions of consumers of TrittVPpls. gk It rIii- rr. Tntt pleaifn to an- A nu uee that lie is ntrw puttins up a TINY LIVER PILL . n hi. h is of ear 1 irnty small size. . 9 4 retaining all the irt :. - ..f Oie 9 iam.r ones. ;narmntsd purely v . . table. Bohit-ofthesepn!s r t.l! i n.. The exact size ot-' TJTT'S TlfJY LIVER PILLS A i. -vhtiv. il m the bonsrr off thiful.'t 9 3 r .--.: .-.I Trde-Mrks obEuced. aJ all Pat- J eat ius;atss cc&iucted for WoooiTt Fees. Qua Oirct is Of ism U. S. Ptckt Onnct ind we can secure;: i less time taaa t SeJ tnocei. arawasc or pntr.o., i-i v-4lt-T tjoo. We aiiise, il patectaMe or not. iree o: j v . . rni mip i . - v -.-arte i e r- . Maj A Piwto. nowwvw"""-3"3. ; cost oi same in the D. S. and tore:jn lent tree. Address. C.A.SNOW&CO.; amp. Pattkt err:t, Ws- gtok O. mas ill Guaratio B Sick He.uia" each bottle, dtrnggfst! Picture "T. J. F. SMI. . . i Bilious attacks, v oa -lipation. 40 in . Por sale by lose free. ED AXLE H mum JtEST IX THE IVOIII-D cut I Si "-y beat, j j-o r.T tm 1: ; s: 1 s k. for salt: in- df.a:ks orN B 4KH OF HVIO, SOIO, ORKSOS. si lent., shier T J Mi saa A J JOUNS Notice of Dissolution. N' oriCK BHKREBY GIVKN THAT ths (N partnership heretofore existing tietween the uudemsned unaer me nrm name of lsom, l.anniog & Co. hs l-een and ig this day dissolved by jiutual couseut of j the part'e. Jshn I -om having purchased ! the interest of E J Lanoiu;?. The t usine ! will here. f;er be carried on by Jshn 1 : the purchaser thereof, who hereby assamu all partnership debts, and who alone i au thorued to collect and receipt for all debts due the late firm. ..oils' Isom, E J Lansin... Dated this 1st day of July, 18t3. Notice to StockhDlders. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annna) stockholders meeting of t ie Waterloo Ueselopment Company of Waterloo, Or:, will be held at the uoinprieg ! office in the town of Waterloo, Or, on Wed nesday , August 2nd, 1SU3, at the htur of 2 o'clock p m of said day, foi the purpose of electing six directors of said company to serve for the ensuing year and to transact suoh othtr business as may regularly come before atd meeting . Dated ihia 7th day of July, 1S93. J O WarrsjtAs, Stcretary. Ayywjx ;':r' ': ''e'' with Coocrrbral JBHHf'i'.i' - ''his iperraatorrtasaB JK aaf r- J" au nas urai dischxrttaak HhcaJ J " for a bottle ol HHHHBii! S. I; c s tc a fewdar Bciib ul Us? sid orpnblicitT of a H doctor. Noc-potaooons ard KlPBtiiiMttnl not to rtrirture. SlHft ' - rmoertBt America Canr. V. a-.-factored tr fBIJ Tlis Er&:a Qeciol C H i to exu FRAZ AT ALBANY Firiilay, Jul) CM, Af Leon W. Wiiburn Great European . fc , RAILROAD SHOWS ft, S Pl"w ( :-r-'? P'$1 r'itt, A"y.Wt:'- anH A-i t.. t rtrH iwi UfmM Mfplfrlrflfne. ntdufprr; stfeftt pa-"p dally a Id a. rh. Op-T d-ns nf lri Bea'r', r. ca- pis--. ''-"t-Hoo Bteitti Hor Ai'r." the Mrtntter Wf Rlerhaitt "jupfterj" the Baby El-phant 'Cnrld.o 3 fee high. U'-ors ope? a 1 and 7 p. m. Perform -arre one hour !aler. Admistlort ts children, half prie. ADYANCE THRESHERS Are warranted to thresh more grain in a given time and do it better than any ma chine made. The Aovance Tractiox Engines are the best In the world. Remember large work mears large profits in the threshing business. Catalogue mailed free. EDWARD HUGHES, Gen'i Ag't, Portland, Oregoa CARPETS, WALL PAPER, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, Best : in : the : Met, AT Fortmiller & Irrag's. Star Bakerj ISrKr ;:bia and First Ml' CCnRD MEYER, PROPRIETOR, si'i.if't 1 ra.ts. SUas saare, Orlesl FrBllx. Tebttceo. Mncwr, ware, Kt.. Canned a-t Qaeeaswarr. Vegelaibls's. GtfSts i Mpiee. tea. tte.. tae ..-.':.. ; tha: is kept in a refeer irU-iy an-J r-tn' lrr, Hiriuta l -fr price r : for all Kiicrrs of produce Put up :n Dt.i a slcS-snaTieG botTie. -a7nz (uued. .-- a:.j Bewa. vs. in.- Ls.i Lia. W. L, DOUGLAS $3 SHOE Nop. Da yea star fteraT WSea aext la aead try a pair.' Best in the world. FSS LlkSXS S2.00 FOR BOYS 1 Ifrsuwaatafrae DRESS SHOE, made hi ttta latest styles, oWt paj S6 tj $3, try my S3, $3.50, S4JMor $5 Shoe. They fit equal to c--storn made and fasksai ; oorisn'l. IfycaaishtseccBCiniielasaartaaasBa; do so by ftarchasina; W. L DoujUs Shoes. Naate sat price sta-iped oa the batten, Ijck fcr It ahea yea bay W. L. DOL'Gt AS. Brockton, Mas a. ScU by -s- L. E. BLAt tV. Will cure The worst cases Of Skin Disease From a Common Pimple On the Face To that awful Disease Scrofula. Try a bottle To-day. Boatcn. uT wT3SasT NOTICE OF FINAL SETTUT . me sa, , , ww , m and place aaas went f!.. ... . .. . ' ftoal ace k.. 1. : .. . "irj"" ,u a saase are be irsHurt rr? 88 DaWdibUYa.TfiSf- u p COSUOW, jr AdsasMSSSSr. s-lL 44.C0J1 i3.SQK t 0 1 JC t IS HESK3Y Gl VKX THaT THE I