The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 14, 1893, Image 2

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    liw tmMtL
The greatist vital question of the day
"What will congress do about the money
A number ef Is rmers have been consul
ted who tell us the crops will be excellent.
Hay much more than an average crop. Fruits
except pr.ioes not good.
The Populist who can't give Cleveland
pointers on the financial condition of this
country and concoct a salve warranted to
cure this monetary eruption, will please ad
dress Kohl & Middleton, Chicago, Illinois.
These gentlemen own eight dime museum,
nd ire thoroughly responsidle. Welcome.
And now comes a minister ol the gospel,
a popuiht, and declares most solemnly that
no man can be a christian w'.io votes the
democratic or the republican ticket. There
is no greater object of pity in the whole
state than this demer.ted minister.
The largest yield of oranges at Pomona,
Cal, this year was from a grove of trees
over 17 years old. Sis acres yielded 3500
boxes. Two trees yielded 35 boxes.
A company has been incorporated in
Canada for the purpose of running and
operating a telephone line between Halifax
and Vancouver. The length of this line
will be 3500 miles.
It the management of the state penitenti
ary is as bad and corrupt r s made out bv
the IndepemtrHt, then there is but one course
left for the governor to pursue. He should
at once remove him. It is all right to have
a democrat for superintendent but he aaust
be honest, careful and vigilant. But we do
not condemn Mr. Downing. We prefer to
hear his defense to the charges thus brought
against him. Let him reply.
Tne ''unwise laws" to which the presi
dent alludes are not those alone which deal
with the purchase of silver. The whole
money question will have to be considered,
and with it the tariff legislation that has
largely contributed to bringing the business
interests of the country into "the present
perilous condition." To deal with these
inter-related subjects of the currency and
the tariff wil tax the wisdom and patriot
ism of congress to the utmost. While the
democratic party will be responsible for
whatever is done, the probabilities are that
strict regard will not be paid to party lines
iu arranging the details, whatever may be
the case on the final vote.
Many questions are asked as to the action
of the two parties in congress at the time
of the passage of the Sherman silver law
The vote in the house shows 122 republi
cans and no democrats voting for the bill,
and 96 democrats and no republicans vot
ing against it. There was one republican
and fifteen democrats that did net vote. In
the senate there were thirty-nine votes, (all
republican,) in favor of the bill, and
twenty-six votes, (a'l democrats.) against
the bill . Three democrats did not vote.
There Is but one ppinkoa as to the effect
of President Cleveland's call for an extra
session of congress ia the comnvercial com
munity, and that is (hit it mug', necessarily
improve matters. For a long time merchants
have betn unable to obtain accommodation
at the bans. at anything like fair rates, for
the reason t at the banks were compel'ed
to husband their resources because of the
uncertainty regarding the future. After it
became reasonably certain that tha Sherman
law would be repealet the banks of New
York became inclined to deal mare liberally
with merchants There I already more of
a disposition to buy good paper, but not in
any volume to speak of. Jacksonville Times
More han one-half af all the oil of pepper
allot, spearment and tansy used in tha
world is said to be procured and distilled in
Michigan. The centre of the Industry is St.
Joseph County. Peppermint plants to the
weight of 15,00 tons when dried are culti
vated every year in the state. Fiom these
the essential oils are distilled. Early in the
Spring tbe roots arc planted in furrows
from two to three feet apart. A few weeks
later the rows meet and cover tbe entire
ground. Io September the plants matme
They are then covered with fragran purple
blossoms and the time has arrived 'or mow
ing. APtr lying in ire sun 10 ciy they are
raked into heaps and taken to the distilleries,
of which there are abort 15a ia tbe State.
It is estimated that 350 pounds of dried
peppermint plants produce one pound of oil.
The yield per acre is 15 pounds of oil. Dis
tiller! pppermint brings from $1 25 to $5
per pound in the home market.
The pension bureau has notified a great
many pension" b throughout the entire
country, who are drawing pensions under
tha act of June 27, 1890, known as the in
dependent pension act, that payment of
their iiensions will be suspended for 60
days, during which time they are required
to show cause why they should continue to
draw pensioes. This'aelion is pursuant to
tbe recent ruling of Secretary Smith, that a
pensioner under the act of June 27, i890
drawing a pension for total disability,
must be shown to be physically incapable
of manual labcr. It is estimated at the
pension office, although the work has re
cently begun, tbat something over 1000
suspensions have already been made. It
would appear from this that tbe adminis
tration really means to make vigorous ef
forts to nd the pension roils of the very
many fraudulent names placed thereon
The people will endorse Ibis move, and no
honest pensioner can object.
orvis ENJOYS
Both the method and results wber
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts'
ftnlly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
aver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Svrup ot Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pre
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
M ptulile to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in iu
eiTccU, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
vwy excellent qualities commend it
to all and have mado it the most
ixipular remedy known.
r-yrtip of Figs ia for sale in 50c
and 61 bottles by all leading drug
Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
- Ititute.
toutsnw. nr. new roan. .t.
Champ Clark is a Missouri congressman.
He made a talk at the Fourth of July cele
bration at Tammany Hall in New York.
He was selected as the funny man for the
occasion. He did not disappoint ttie com
mittee on speakers. Here are some of the
things he said :
The Louisiana purchase was the larcest
transaction in real estate since the devil
took the Savior up on the top of a high
mountain and offered him the kingdom of
tha world if he would fall down and wor
ship him. Satan didn't have even a tax
title to a toot of the earth wtiieti he was
promising so lavishly. The First Consul's
claim to Louisiana was little better. But
on the ever-glorious 8th of January, still
another democrat, Andrew Jackson by
nadne, converted Bonaparte's quit claim
into a general warranty deed, against
which the Gates of Hell shall not prevail,
by fighting and gaining with a handful of
raw militia, the sixteenth decisive battle of
the world, by humbling England's tower
ing pride to the very dust and by utterly
routing the picked veterans of the Penin
sula who had snatched the iron crown of
Charlemagne from the brow of the Imper
ial Corsican.
Further on he gave expression to the
Between the Mississippi river and the
Pacific Ocean lies the faire't land beneath
the skies, containing 27 per cent of the
population, 71 per cent of the area, 23 1-2
per cent of the wealth, and 80 psr cent of
"the git up and git" of the republic. Every
foot of that princely domain, in possibili
ties rich beyond the dreams ot avarice, and
in extent neater than that over which the
isRoman eagles flew, or over which Martial
Macedonian waved nis an conquering oan
ner. was, thank God, added to tha Union
and forever dedicated to freedom through
the wisdom, courage and patriotism of
Thomas Jefferson and James K Polk two
peerless democrats.
Of course this truth expressed in such a
witty, humorous mmner was highly pleas
ing to the assembled Tammany braves.
But the following brought roars of laugh
ter: "Judge Crisp. Benton McMillin and us
tbat was raised among the' niggers, got
many good ideas from them. One was
that no matter when you cut a snake s or a
turtle's tail off it will live till sundown.
Two boys had a snake, and cut his tail off.
tie wiggled around and thev dispute) i as
to whether or not he was dead. An irish
man came along and the Irish are the
wittiest people on earth. The bovs pre
bented their case to Pat, and he said : 'Byes,
the truth about it is. the ugly divil's dead,
but he hasn't got sense enough to know
it.' " .
This was applied to the republican party.
But the following capped the climax and
produced a hilarious uproar, such only as
can take place inside the sequestered walls
f Tammany Hall:
"The republicans remind me of the story
of a school teacher in Pike county, who
gave to his pupil this problem In a rith rue
tie: 'There is a frog in a well. He jumps
up one foot and falls back two. When will
ho get out?' The following morning the
boy appeared with an armful ot states on
which he had been ciphering.
'Well where is the frog now
'In a half mile of hell, g)ing
the rate of four miles an hour,'
down at
said the
Tbe quest on of tbe repeal of the Sher
man silver law and the enactment of such
laws as will restore confidence in tbe finan
ces of the country are not party questions,
and tbe man who would attempt to secure
party advantage out of the misfortunes of
his country, rather than put forth an hon -st
effort to remove, these misfortunes
should be regarded as little less than a
public enemy- When the members of
congress meet tbey should do so, not a
democrats, republicans, prohibitionists, or
populists, but as patriotic American cili
sens bent upon tbe performance of a great
public, unselfish du'y. Unfertanately there
are too many men who are too apt to let
their desire to secure advantage for their
party cloud their judgmentin their action in
congress, t here are democrats wuo win
do this. There are populists who ill do
this. There are republicans who will do
this. All parties are equally weak on this
point Bnt when tbe business interests
are in peril, when the public welfare it at
stake, when the voice of distress is heard
from all part of the country, then it is that
men should forget their party alignments
and help to remove tbe peril and distress
hanging over the country.
The demagouge in po!itics is now in his
glory. Hi demagogic cry and howl are
beard everywhere. He pushes himself to tbe
front and many unthinking people are led
away by his false profession of love for the
people. Ha Is a deciver both by nature
and occupation. His oa y hope of success
in subserving his own personal, se.fith
interests is In Ida abiiky to mislead un
thinking people. Ke?p your-eye on bl.n.
He will do to watch. He is a dangeroua
enemy ia deep disguise. Watch him.
Say the Vancover Hegitler-. So tie day
ago the Orego'ian's Watblngtoo City cor
respondent, in speaking of the candidacy o
Hon. James A Munday , of Vancouver, lb
collector of internal revenue, said "charge
had been piled up against him " Mr.
Munday immediately telegraphed t the
national ctpital and a Men X made a caretul
search, put found no charge whatever
booked against Mr. Munday. The editor of
this psper saw tbe telegram hich Mr.
Munday received in reply.
Judge Bruce of ihe United State district
court, sitting at Bitmingham, Alabama,
has decided that an appointee of President
Cleveland hag a right o take the office to
which he has been appoin'ed, whether the
republican Incumbent wants to surrender it
or not. The case grew out of the action of
a republican marshal an 1 district atternev,
who attempted to hold their offi et under
the tenuie of office act. Col'ir CumMonrt.
Congressman Uenton McMillin, of Toa
essee, who will be leader of the democratic
majority in the house of rrpresentativts
during tne next congress, says "There is
no doubt th.t congress will wipe out every
vestige of the e ec'.ion laws framed during
the reconstruction days, so called; the entire
management of election will be g ven to
the state, wnere it belongs. Theie will be
no more federal supervlor and United
Beetle matsbsls at t'.e polls."
Do not forget that for t-e small sum o
12.40 you can get the Dkmookat and New
York World for one year. This is the best
offer yet made If the reading matter
printed in these two papers during a year
were printed in books ihey would cost from
thirty to forty dollars. Now is tbe time to
subscribe. Send money to us by money
order or other safe ways and the papers
will sta't at once.
Robert A. Miller, of Jacksonville, Ore.,
was appointed Register for ihe land office
at Oregon City by Prtsident CleVelard in
June 30. J T Appeieon will hsve to step
down and out from his bononzi jib, and
thene.-'p-'p tp- w " ksw ti IfiSlss a
uivr ' in. u, - 11c a uf me p ir eWs ."
'ti.laniook Ail vocal'.
VUe-Pr.aldeut and Mrs stt eiison h.te
started on a lour. They go first to Chicago,
thence to Salt Lake ci'y and ther.cj to Sa"
Francisco. Afier a brief stay there they
will go to Portland They will return
early in August. A taw d)s Ister they
will go to Washington lo remuln during the
From eur regular Correspondent.
Washlagton, July 3, 1893.
Freddent Cleveland never did a more
universally popular thing than when be Is
seal his proclamation calling an extra ses
sion of congress to meet August 7, it being
generally conceded by everybody that the
rinancial situation demands congressional
legislation, although, or course, there is a
difference of opinion as to the exact nature
of what that legislation ought to be. It la
well known that in calling the extra session
for August instead of September as origi
nally intended, the president deferred to
public opinion as represented by prominent
individuals and business organizations in
every aection. They stated to him that In
their judgment an early extra session would
have a tendency of Itself 10 restore public
confidence and improve the rinancial sit
uation, and although it greatly Inconvtn
enced him him personally and doubtless
many of the senators and representatives
who had trad: their arrangement for Sep
tember he yielded, and a good effect is st
eady peiceptible.
No that the extra session has been call
ed, the question naturally arises, what will
tdo? Mr Cleveland states in his procla
mation that "The present perilous condition
largely the result of a financial policy which
the executive branch of the government
finds embodied in unwise laws which must
bs executed until repealed by congress,"
and It would seem that both Douse and sen
ate being democratic there should be no
difficulty i.i having those unwise laws
repealed at the request of a democratic ad
mloistrailon, p-.rticularly when the fact i
remembered that the Chicago platform,
upon which the democratic par'y carried
the country by an overwhelming majority
denounced those laws and demanded their
repeal ; but there is a difficulty and a doubt.
although it is growing less substantial, as to
the repeal ol the She mm silver Jaw.
The absence or Mr Cleveland, who does
not expect to return to Washington until
just before tbe extra session meets, and the
reticence of the members of the cabinet,
most ot wncm expect to take their vacations
between this time and August 7, indicates
that having done its duty the administra
tion proposes now to keep its hands off aad
let congress do its duty, believing that the
business interests of the country will
make j
Its influence sufficiently felt Iu congress
to make the repeal of the Sherman law a
oertainry. K personal friend of tne presi- ;
dent said this mornlrg: "I do not believe
hat Mr Cleveland will have another word
to say publicly on this question aatll he
sends his message ts congress, waich if I j
mistake not will be a convincing document.'
Senator Vorhees, charrman of the stale
I committee on finance, who ha always voted j
j for the free coinage af silver, is strongly ia !
favor of the repeal of 'he Sherman law and
expresses the belief that it will be repealed .
The senator is always a power in congress
and his aid will unqoaationably be valuable
in the senate, where the strongest oppose- j
lion to the repeal will be met. It seem to
be settled in the mine's of those who have
been studying tbe question that the house
wi'l vote foe repeal by a majority of not leg
than Jo. although it n,iy lake good leades
chip and some bar ) fignttng 10 put it to a
In view of tbe p-obabthty of a prolonged
fight in Inch tbe whole silver question
would be thorough'? sttrreo up, and it
pmbajle baa c fleet on hm.r.ari affairs, the
uggestioa baa hern made that It would be
good polls.; for the extra acsaioa to pass a
resolution aathorlzing the irealdeat to sus
pend toe purchase of silver uthder the Sher
man law and then at once adjourn. It I
claimod hy tbe advocates of this plan
it would dtmonstrate before the opening of :
the regular sesioo f congres whether the i
purchase of silver was as largely responsible J
for the financial itnngeocv as it claimed 10 '
be and would enable congress to legislate
upon the subject with more Intelligence. Oa
tbe other band, .here are numbeis of dem
ocrat who sa) the pay ty is pledged to give
the country finan ial and tariff reform and
j tbat the work shoo 1 1 begin with the extra
! session snd not en i until it has been thor
I oughly completed .
The canvas for -e ofSceia of the house
will necessar.iy have o be hort. Speaker
Crisp will be le-riccted wllnout opposition,
and Cle-'k Keir is so feu the only candidate
for bis position. In adt oo to the incum
bent S S Voder, of O no; Charles H
Turner, of New York, and Lycargae Dal
ian, of Indiana ibs'e are a number of
gentlemen who would like o bs sergeant-alarms,
doorkeeper td p t muter, and the
probabilities are they will make a very
lively campaign with 'tie chances slightly
ia favor of the o'd tffkiata.
.Secretary Chsiles N. Wf, of the Stale
Association of Democatic Clubs, ha is-ued
ctll for the membe. of the executive Com
mittee of tbi aseociatioo to meet in this
city at 2 o'clock P. M , July 26, for the
purpose of considering tbe advisability of
Calling a stst convention of democratic
elubt early ia the fall.
A can va of the members of the exec
utive comrnit'ec ha been made by prom
inent democrats, who state there is a prac
tical unanim'ty of opinion In favor of a
state convention, at which it is expected
thit sll pails of the state will he lepresented.
It ha. Iieen propesed thst an address be
Issued by the convention to the citizens
Oregon ont lining h pnnrip'es snd policy
of the demncratic parly in this state, snd
p'ai developed to extend the orgsniza'lon
Ol the p rty throughout the state.- Telegram.
It is all 'igbt t" hold a convention of the
State - 1 ion d . ti clubs, bu
this sosvcnjfj n h d ii t "o circum-tircet-
ai t' lnpi u ou'Ihh tne principle of
the part i In Mtf Male " ft w -ud be s great
mistake, an an Humrto .f power that
atouUl be qilckl . r. sentc let members of
the party everymh rr. 'pe 1 ouvsnlion of
the whole party In the ear 1894 ill outline
the principles ol the pr y in this State.
The admonition to te asocljt on of dem
ocratic e'ub when 'hej m tt In convention
a to go slow so f.r as this outlining" busi
ness is concerned.
Four Grand Arms pols of Pitt b ng
Penntylvi.nia have decided 10 iaae up the
cases of the dropped pensioner of that
diilrict. Attlinpi iteily payments of pen
sions there last week 125 pensione, were
dropped frm the roll in accordance with
order Inn Washington. It is the inten
tio 1 ot tt.c Grand rmy posls to test the
matter in the rour a, an I Congressman
Wll'iain A Stone ha he 11 -elected as
A good many n,en u ho
bo ding ft.-i" l nut
publican p-p wl .-n ihe routd
have been
getting Ke
nit getting
iirni " tati suppoti between time are
"norklng" the IV jple' t-artt for all
It it
won h
thetn .
-r rather for all
."Hlem Joui nal.
' i I worth to
lh orgin that pretend
sugar was redu.r.l hocau1
that he price o
j hounty of two
cent a pound on 'he home
provided for H th;r MeKin1 -y
product wis
all inty be
h- foreigner
depended upon 10 "
I pay the duty on iinporteu tuu.
In sll these United States there are, it Is
said, but three women who own, publish
and edit political newspapers. One of the
three is Mrs Mary Virginia Proctor of
Lebanon, Ohio, editor, proprietor and busi
ness manager of the Ijebanon Patriot, the
democratic organ of Wnrren county. It is
an ambitious and politically anient journal
published in a s'rong tepublicancounty. tbe
former home of Tom Corn in, Bishop Soule
Gen Burnsides, Justice McLean, Gsn Mit
chell snd many other men of eminence.
Upon the death of he' husbind, who was
editor of the paper, Mrs Proctor was in
clinsd to sell the Patriot, but found she
could do so only at a loss. As it was on a
paying basis, she determined to continue
in full charge, and within the first year of
her absolute control she increased the cir
culation and took a well earned place
' among the editors of the state. She is
earnest, extremely practical in business and
politics, not hesitating to use her editorial
columns in the defence of her party and in
tbe vigorous denunciation of tbe enemy
both in national and local campaigns
While not assuming literary pretensions,
she has a clear forcible style, not unmixed
with keen sarcasm, and incisive thrusts in
her political writings. She has a very com
fortable and valuable home at Lebanon
The Patriot pays well and she is a stock
holder in a local bank there.
Wild man -Whoo-o pee! I'm tbe winged
and un lassoed terror of tbe chaparret, the
double-headed dragon of the swamp, the
superheated aerolite of the Sierras ricochet
ing through space at my own sweet will.
I breathe the cyclone, drink the waterspout,
and dine on tbe blitzard. Whoo op!
Nervous cltUen-Officer, why don't yon
arrest and confine that dangerous lunatic
Officer That hain't no lunatic. Thsts the!
governor cf Oregon takin everdse Clive-!
lani Phim Dtoltr.
1 ne records 01 tbe pot torn ce department
abow that during the first four months of ;
the present administration (he total number
cf presidential postmasteia appointed was
434. at agilost 578 appointed during the
"ret four mom St of Harrison's aisiatt traton
and 313 during tSe first four months 01
Cleveland's former administration. Aa to
the appoiotmsat of fourth-class p-jst masters,
the records show that daring the first four
months of the present administration there
were 5730 made on resignations and death,
and 312600 removalr, making a total of
8956. Tbe number appointed on resignations
aad death daring tbe corresponding period
of Harrison's administration was 3649, and
removals 7463, making a total of il,io9.
We would call the attention of the
Ortgtmki to the fac'. that this showing
makes it very plain that the republican
party Is really more of a spoil seeking and
spoils grabbing party than I .he democrat
DThe total value of the gold product for
(be 400 years since. 1493 has been tK,2M.
308,900, while tho value of tbe silver pro
duct has been 9 736.07200.
A patent has been granted in Auckland
to' a net to catch ntuie. Tbe mesh it big
enough for a calf to pass through, aad it ia
saio to have been used already with great
IWl nas j
cycioBCTi too.
-j f """
tere we nmply have tbe
quiet time.
tj : 11 - .1. 1 ...
way will have? a trrolenry to elect him to
iJinuT-r iiexiiuuin i uiowinir shulvwr
coogrow again, it ts tree silver now. II
people houe been fooled by him sever!
times lief ore. He talks one thing out here:
hot it is hard to keel) track of the wav his
influence goes east.
Another evidence of Oregon's remarkable
climate ia found in the following bom a
valley ex: A Salem woman picked some
freah esrg yesterday and one proved not no
fresh. So she threw out the whole batch, house issued todav fcKO.OOO worth off loan
Imagine her sttrprise when she went out a certifies . 1 be largest lank in M ill
little later and found crawling oat of the street report a alight demand for currturr
debris a lively white Leghorn chick. She from the west, countorbsdaAced. howeve r.
gathered the Httie fellow up out of the by tbe return of currency to New York,
wreck and put him tinder the stove where Five of the principal banks report tbe tner
at hurt accounts be was doing well. j chant are taking care of their paper iu i
The Salem Independent announces an ai-
ointment in the following loud manner: V
S' Chambers.of thin cit'-.u now to null. vank
!fllkii?!itl,e.pUic teu1unt! Jubri;i
cates hi. throat and hu abdomal ,
proceea with "pop
ith "pop. Bill ha Iieen a faith-
fut democrat, ha veiled for the psutv and
,lnnb t kitt. .u:i . "
- aw ,,. tuiii 111 umilUll ,11J( 11 1 jM lli'll
of the day when the winds of advfr-itv
would cease to whistle through his old and
shattered bulk. Bill is going to gauifp
whiskey for I'ncle fam, at a good round
A prominent clergyman in Boston needed
an errand boy, so be advertised in the want
column. One reply read this way: "lseen
you advertise for a boy. I am one. 1 can
do things as you want em, and can hustle.
Most folks ain't got no use for a boy
betes hel how hard times is. 1 want the
job. Joe White." Tbis rather shocked the
minister, but it made an impression. Of
many letteni this one held his attention: it
pulled on both his curiosity anil sympathy,
and he took to tbe boy's frank and original
way of puling it. "Joe" got the job. Hi.
Lost week, says the Oregon City
Enterprise, as Col Nevius, of Portland, was
out in a skiff with his wife. who was up
here for the ptirpose of looking about the
city to see bow she would like to live here,
and was lefslurely rowing about on the now
placid Willamette, he was suddenly as
tonished by the appearance of a huge "some
thing from the water at the side of his
boat which springing into the air struck
him a blow upon the face which nearly
dazed him, and then fulling back rested for
an instant or two on the oar which the
colonel was holding, and then with the
raising of the oar slid off into the lifer.
The sturgeon for such it must have been,
was six feet long and was doubtless a sur
prised fish.
The newspaper busine is in Astoria is full
of interest. The Budget Bays: It is getting
to be fashionable to g up Suit river. It is
said that the poor old Astorian ia preparing
for the journey. .She lias been on the
ragged edge for a long time, und mortgages
have undermined her constitution and
hungry creditors have so long gnawed at
her vitals that she is frail and almost ready
to totter over into the boneyard where lie
bleeching the bones of the Advocate, the
Indf pendent, the (latewuy Herald, Pioneer,
Transcript, Columbian, the hobo sheet,
Bulletin, Shipping List and the fresh and
odious carcass of the defunct P.xaminer.
which died of starvation und on overdose of
gull on the river.
The editor of the Salem Journal is a
botanist of considerable talent. He knows
plants from petal to root anil some times
gets very poetical and fairly glows over his
subject, facts to his credit. Hern is a
sample: Oregon's feathery, plumy lacelike,
native, flowering nhrub called"ocean spray, "
which it certainly resembes, is now in
bloom. It is one of the numerous Siiirea
family, of which by roadside and hrooksitle
there is another variety in bloom ut present
full of wined-colored sprays. Oregon is
rich in native flowering shrubs, any of
which would be considered a choice orna
mental plant in any eastern state. The
wild syringa now in bloom all over this
valley is only sold by nursery men elsewhere.
btid joor unne uvd address to A ad
eaoock & Co Alb-n.y, Oregon, and tns n
ou ihe Dkmocrat, they will malt ou
aaliion frou ..oa month
The e hi i-m Catastrophe,
CfllCAOo. Jobjlt. The full of night
Htill limU the ruis of tho cold storage
building unexplorfd. and it is just begin
ning to be realize! that the full extent of
yesterday's duasbr cannot be ascertained
until the niotiti of rubbish is sifb'd and
carted away, in nil, 15 bodies have been
recovered from I he ruins, besides those of
the three firemen jwho died in tbe hospital.
It is now ciefinitdty known that a number
of workmen employed in the building as
cended the fatal tower with the firemen.
ana now many of them were lost 110 one
knows. 1
Vuau mo, 'July 1 1 . 1 .livpatches from
Rio Grande do $ul, Brazil, via Montevideo,
say an assault vfss mail on the town from
land and sea bjj the revolutionary forces.
VvlitMi tbe nows'of the admiral's arrival on
board the steamship Jupiter spread in town
the citizens ifere terror stricken. They
feared an immediate attack and many
abandoned Ihejf homes and sought refuge
in the country. The result of the fi(rht Is
not known, because the government officers
in Rio Orande do Sul seized the telegraph
offices and reftlsed to allow messages to be
sent south,
oil. nt ss .1
Chicago. Jtfly 11. Tonight James Cor
bett anil "Parjon" Davies, the latter act
ing for Peter Jackson, signed articles for a
fight between Corbett and Jackson, to come
off in June, ISM. The fignt is to be for
th lartrest purse obtainable and a side bet
of $10,000. tht winner to take everything
Tbe men each put up $1000 forfeit and ore
to put up 6150 additional in three months I
from date, $300 in six months from date ,
and the remjttung $yj00 three months be
fore tbe figft.
teased a allure
Chicago, July It. The heavy financia
loss entailed by tbe cold stor age fire at th
world's lair yesterday caused the Hercule
iron works, the owners of the plant, t
mase an assignment ttm morn in if
Th j
company owns a plant at Aurora. III. Th
assess are $400,000 and liabilities $300 000
Yesterday's fire caused a loss of $330. OoO ;
I - I . t ' , . . . . I
wnico tue company win nave to stand, a
the insurance company recently cancelled
all riks on the structure
TlSe ttaaterr;
Astoria, Or, July 11. The United
. l: u i - r. , 1
I oiihc auasuisuip .Monterey was visjieu ny
nearly 4000 people todav, and her officer
and men were on hand from early morning
till sunset doing the honor and entertain
ing everybody who came. She looked
beautilul after her cleaning of yesterday,
and the whole vessel called forth express
ions of surprise and pleasure.
Suites by a TaraalwU
VAxroL-vKK. B C. July 11 A deckhand
on the Australian steamer Wax ri moo was
bitten by a tarantula on the breast, today.
The dreaded insect dropped from a bale of
bananas into ms open shirt bosom. I he
surgeon cut the flesh out alU around tbe
bite, and so saved tho man tr im the chance
of death that follows when the tarantula
poison gets in tbe blood.
ABssattrtasu rare.
Chicago, July 10. Tbe fear that has
existed for months in tbe minds of tbe ciii-
aens of Chicago found realization today in
a rngntful Mtocaust at tbe w
or?d "fair '
rtim and 1
that claimed nearly two scire victim and
for a time threstene.1 the destruction of tbe
entire white city. The diaaater was all the
J.U..I Ll 1 -.. .
more dreaulfsl because of it sodden Tans
formation from an innocent flame into a
death-dealing catarirophe. The structure
that burned, the cold storage warehouse,
was one of (he smallest building at tbe
fair, but not MsgssgM; to the exposition
. uw jciu.'kiok w ice t-apunuun.
The rexord of bow twenty-live men. mostly
in nana, were burned i one of brat err nd '
daring, filled with horror. The building :
was a regular fire amp.
Leastns in 1 . ri
TorKKA. Kan. July 10. Bank Commit- j
uooer Hrted.-othal has rwived rett- from
. ioe ranaa in es em rvaneA.- wnicn iryot
j cale that before long lb majority of them
will clone their doors. Tbey osoally have
: a small capital stork aad their deposit in
dicate tiiat either cooMdeoce ba been ot
I ot that the depostiors bat feft the country.
?. MM rifenl ,hl . wfliknes. in
' tne WtnS in that section la tO romn rr.tin
. h" of the rfii 'Iapois!;ition of the? not to
A WStM rntlnre
lu tini Jgit IU inal kamherum In
IiE5VEii. Joly 10 Trart baiuberiain
' vest men t otnpaor. the IbMsJ rrnl est
conwrn in tte west, cloaeJ it door tais
morning. The liabilities, direct and ot
tinirent. r eT-'.--Ml' and asset (!(.
000 The failure was 'xwight about by aa
attachment sworn out by C H Kurgun n.
president of the Iienver Savings Bank, or
VVJOO. on which be ha 1 securities greatly
in excess of tbe amount.
Ustl UrMrJ.
Mtw Voaa. July 10 Tbe riea'iasr-
j not asking for extension, 'renerally sprs k-
PrJtno' tbe Vk retjard the
1 ,f'mt,0 " wPrL
! Mrewn With nvaet.
AixsAxnua. July lO.-An liyirUitn
a-iesm.e to MLeal ,h d L, .
.1 ,l- i " . '
I ,-1,1
; P "IL".
in ttie vauey ot Mouna it is 1111-
possib! bury the dead. Tbe road le
tween there and Mecca is strewn witn
oorfxee. In Mecca the bodies lie decon
poeJ for days, owing to the impossibtb'y
to get grave diggers.
f armer Albany People.
Onwioit Citt. July i0 Ui-t nigt C 8
Hodge, who i not living with biw. ejuct
now. visited tbe bouse where bis wife lives
at present, ai.d broke into her room. anil.
SMC aims, assaulted ber with a danger
ous aeajKin, and for this be is' now stand
ing tiial in Jadire Font's coun.
a sua rirv
Orovilu Cal, July J. Oroville was via
ited by a ldfr conflagration Uii afternoon
The fire 1'ioke out in tbe Western hotel at
2:45. and -pread rapidly to Chinatown. II
awept butidingM on both aides of the street
for two blocks, but at 6 p m was nndcr
control. Nearly the same area was turn
ed iime years ago. and only a etrong south
wind caved the bnsiness portion of the
towntoiny. Kight brick store and :50
smaller liuUdingi were burned. Tbe Chi
nese will lose t6,O0O. with small insurance
The Keeur.l
Wahiiivotoh. July 9 The records ol
the .Mn!ti,v department how that dur
ing be first foar months of the present iri
mirris'ration the total number of presiden
tial postmasters appointed was 4;tl. 11
atrainst578 appointed during the tir?t (our
months of Harrison 's administration, and
823 during the first four months of Clove
land's former administration
A Farlea Nterta
CniCAtiu, July 9. A furious wind and
rain storm passed over ihe city lie' ween 5
and 6 o'clock tbis evening, and caught
many a craft on Lake Miciiigan. Four
persons are known to have been drowned,
and in several coses boats were capsized
and narrow escapes from drowning were
had. By the of the sailing yacht
Chesapeake, near the life saving station,
the occupants were thrown into the water
and four were drowned.
Sunday opening f ailure
Chicago, July 9. The attendance at th
world' fair today was so light as to rais
doubts if open Sundays are to prove, th
financial boon to tin! exposition thai w
expected. While the exposition utScia,,
express satisfaction, it is no satisfae inn, lls
is no secret that the concessionaires ar0'
irreatly disappointed, as they, of course"'
feel tbe result ot the slight attendanc
Nearly ull the caterers and restaurant e ,
tablishments are cutting down forces.
Died of Small Po
Orkhon City, July 9 There was quit
an excitement here this aftornoon occasion
ed by Captain King's presence from Need
He mentioned that be was after 11 colli
for his son, who had died this morning
smallpox. The announcement created co n
sternation in the ranks of those urnun tl
who immediately scattered, nd it was 11 o
long until the authorities had hustled tht
ntptaiii himself out. e
Shiloh Vitalisar : what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid Hvar, yullow skin or kid-
nsy trouble. It is ituaranteed to give yoo
satiataotioo. .11106 750. Sildjby
I Maaoc
The mowing machine is busy every day,
and there is plenty of hay.
I he prune crop will be VA tl
inure than an uveraae.
Wild lpliu kWries are scam.
Owpoal master Is preparing t., build
addition to his DOOM.
Mrs N A .lunkiii i
deuce 111 West I l.ikvi
pulling up a fine rei
Mi Nut-cross, of Portland, is visitiii"
Miss Hiddcll. k
W A Robl. and family, of Portland, were
with us hist Sabbath.
rVof Oibeon cans down from his moun
tain bom,, yesterday, lie was looking for
Uie minister. What next ?
Mrs t'lift. of Oakland. California. in visit
ing her brother, l! L Smith.
Mr .1 I,' Cochrane was in tr.un hist
the guest of llev A M Acheson.
.fumes Kimii. of Albanv, is visiting with
I) A aV title.
The (htkville bank has not closed yet, and
isablo to pay 100 cents on the dollar.
Ilicvcle riders pass hen- every day, but
Prof Crnnie has not put in an appearance
y't. Amii,
Freer of Merit
The proof ol the merits of a plaster la
the cure It effects, and the voluntary
testimonials of those w!to have used All
cock's Porous Plasters during the past
thirty years 1 unimpeachable evidence of
their cuperiority and should convlnce'he
most skeptical. Self praUe is no recom
mendation, but certificate front those who
have used them are
Beware of imitation aad do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ak tor AI
cock's, and let no solicitation or explana
tion induce you 10 accept a substitute.
Notice. All parties who have been in
the habit of tying cows so they can run
over adjoining sidewalks. are hereby
notified to stop the practice, or the ordi-
nance in reference to the same will m en
forces! .
AovRHTisiMt Novixties. We have a
' complete line of noveltisc, direct from the
makers, can furnish the same at lowest
, prices. Whistles. uiirrorB, pencil, mem
I oranda books, napkins, fans, rulers, yard -1
.t;..t. ..nt., - - ' 1.. ..t
niiw, jwivu, otiuillij ouitlt, t, ;r,
dara, xinaa cards, etc., in season.
And always the --. Job PatxriNC
IW SMILEY, Leading Printer.
Lai jenny Won;. Evry citizen of Al
Vwny should bear in mind that tbe
Albany Steam Laundry guarantee tStst
class work at very reasonable prices, and
employs nothing but white labor- Shirts
lone as cheaply as the Chinaman. Pat
ronbte your own rare
WcpMxts lsrrr.wiujis.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
TltejftklJt osji MswMas.
Kc'ial to the pmda?Uoo of the suit per
f'ri,'r 'aaatire remedy kaowr,
have cmablrd tha California Fig Syrao C-.
I P" ! "3? lht ,"
K KEJt 5 22l T" V
. d to be the era! laxative. Fo
: oonotd-
br eaie
ail drattqitU.
errant CF nno, rrr or muisu,
Lrru Cocjrrv. i
Fkak J. Csxtit make oaifc that ha ta Ins
senior ; artne-ro! the firoi ot F. J . CHjanrvACo. .
i ckOs baedaem In tbe City of To woo. County
and iStaieatoecaaid. and tbat eud Ina will pay
the saca ot OJiE Ht'N"lKU DOLtAn-S fur
ends and every cne nf Catarrh that cannot B
cored by tne ana of Han. a .raaan irsa.
Sworn to before me and en eaten bed in ny
presence, tsiaOUa day ot Ueexaaber, A.D. last.
H :".' Caiar-h CM re Is taken Internal r and nests
directly on Ut nkt snd nucou surfaensaf
tbe j.tem. Kend fcr tenttnaanJnJn. free. .
Jr. J. CHRXEY CO., Toledo, O.
. 4 sons try sjenaamnsn,
an f-a.y nianu:
The hi .!i.:c4fcrio n( tew Cnicaero.
i Uokns fat:.- A Xnrtb Weswrn Liae durtmu e
ail ,n n.-.i. m. It I as the ab.ri-
. . . . rw . a
at line, i.t.eal tirce, t. teasel oj-oui ana no
change or de'ay at tne ltw.rt Kiver, and ia
the popular World's Fair rontr.
Tbey li i.i I'nnr pom
tatcniaadactcnascUver ttikt;
Food - - -Digestion-
are all intimately connected
i practically inseparable,
i Thoogb the fact is often
ignored, it is nevertheless
j true that a good cornplex
j son is aa impossibility with-
oat good digestion, which
1 in turn depends oa good
There is do more coeassaon
; cause of Indigestion than
lard. Let the bright bouse
: keeper use
The Now Vegetable Shortening
SSS and substitute for lard, and m "
her cheeks, with those of
j her family, will be far
zSEB more likely to be " like a a;
rose in the anew." ji 5
Cottouene is clean, deli-
ja cste, healthful and popu- -"
m lax. Try it for youselt
""Tl SetMl three rents la atampt to N. ' -
- K 1 :rtian V. A Co .,ti j
in. aandMeeCc4toexicCick Ikiok,
Z ccnuuaing i buetlrcd rectpe. ,'hii 1
prepared by pipe crninrtif niTnor. 1 m ; -rt
S!i Ittea on coofcinjV
nade only by
N. K. Fairbank 5c Co.,
8T. LOUIS and
fei'''tl I i
Ill WBtiM umU
in completely iHwmy meuenire ior xvajBaU in trom atosdava, Perfectlv hart
1 K; cnuse,iuilcWneM.atultiiay beirtvon in n cup . I tiunr coffee without tac Unowl-
One of UiSJepaUeiit, who will atopsuiokiiicr chewing in a lew days.
llB TVFPlnlRS!! Qltfl MflPPenieP
uituituuitiiaaw uuu tuuiii JU11111
tbe paueut, by tbe use of our SPECiAL
florins; treatment patlciits are allowed
liuiuo un. 11 nucu vimeas 11117 .-nan voiuncuruy (livo 1 1 t'.it up,
Wenend particulars and pamphlet or teetimon lsU free, and shall
he Rind to place sufferers from any of tbesn habit It- itunniuiilca-
uuu wiui
urtursTisuat a 1 .do r pat-Ktiiri'.
If your druititlsldw not keep them, cneloneua $ tejO
and wo will send you, by return mail, a pac-kuatv of our
Write your name anil nditres plc.lnl
wnetner iiiincta uro ior tooacco,
Liiinor Ilabit.
DO NOT BE DECEIVED Into purchasing
mi v ui iuh 1,1 iiiua iii'"iruni.i iiiittiire IH'ini;
offered for naan, Ask lor HITjrici
evan. sa 1 1 mmmxm wso uo outer.
Manufactured only by
61,63 4 65 Opera Bloc a.
i have
(to wriUn pb
eternal tigllaare
I tbe price of health. But with all our
precaution there are enemies always lurk
ing about our systems, only waiting a
favorable opportunity to assert themselves.
impunities in the blood may be hidden tar
years or ever, lor fenerations and suddenly
break forth, undermining health and
hastening death, for all diseases a-Islng
from Impure blood Hood' Sarsaparllla l
the t''equa!led and unapproachable rem
e.1 . it i King of them tll.for it conquers
disc. -c.
St OK I 11 0llIK!M
. 1. at C K Brownells.
VIAVI Co ffii; in Baltimore block .
A full lintjof Warner Bros cornets at It, P
If yoo want a tine tmokr call for Joseph s
Whits labor cigar,
' 1.. ;.!.'. . e the ii".'. chilled plow at
ilamps opposite t.oat'llice.
Tbe lK.rnt ooffee in the city at Coniad
irfuyer a.
Motor five trip ' daily to Vieteck'a
addition. Iat tli. ro i,-t installment of J 1
per week.
An extensive variety of garden arrdshoth
t in hulk and by the package can he found at
t C V. Rrownella.
J Pa.roniz) home industry by smoking the
I -.1 .... i.i : t t j
by Ja'ios Joreph.
New cork sole, band tn-ned shoe, some -
thing entirely new, not a winter shoe bat
light ard flexible for apnng and sainmer
wear, at Head, I'eaccck tV Co', Call and
inspect them.
nt ! Ktcbt
The trsvelioe public are new fully alive
to the fact tbat the Chicago. Union Pacific
& Korth-Wef torn line offer the very bant
accommodation to the public from and to
Chicago, Omaha and intermediate point,
not only dunnt the Worlo a Fair, but all
tne year room!.
Albany Market.
Oatas, 86e.
I lour. S5.0U.
'utter, 15e.
Kggn 15e
Ijird, 14c. -
Pork - bams l&s shoaldsrn,
Hay. bafevl f 14
o ntoon, 100c.
Applee,l 00
Hopa 18c
jirtexi fruit plum So, apptas, 9c
"bk-kens. $4 50 per duaen.
Beef 00 foot, 4e.
Host, drsssen. 7s.
O! the Agony
Of Those who Suffer from
Hood's Saraaparill PurtfiM,
Soothe, HeaU, CURBS.
T. r. Juki
!on Jose.
I have for racy years been a exeat saf tree
tTcta ttaoriXA bresiag Oct oa zsy ausaa
and less ; they were covered with ersptioo rsnd
ntercs. dterlsnrcijag ell SM t .tme. I tried V try
many ksgsl 1 lass and eoarainna yaayslciana far
or.d near, bet reawae snily grew wceas, I
have takes bat lore bottles o! Hood's Sarsafav
Hood's Cures
rt3a for ilmineattiin and has derived so maett
benefit frata I; On she dsclares tiers b no
other meiiciae c 1 earth. Vta wcaM not no
wUhootlt la the ivxsm if tt easts SO a boaJn."
T. Vast w Jonsox. San Jose. Cai.
ICE Ee t'-re 1 get Hood's SarsapnTIIta.
Hood's fHf!;x". eas.ry.yet rrocpUy
oCctenUy. oa 3m liver and bowels.
Vl,T1tT- I BOtEBT Cirtot THAT TUB Bet
11 ilwweiaKl sJsSsWfti. 1 et tW tmf 1 1
sal etthtaeC era
1. a MM) , Otieeen, bi
eaie. d tbe Qh artv
. art Ins I n i oa :rtt s 1 Ssntani. taS tna
war I ookxs: p of tM day. le ta nsari-i of
s -eciir tl maf to snaj mi 1 am and fee rtt, nt
sa sees este.
lltn -en Sth. less.
John a t Lf.tmr.vs
JnwJCsiIUW, A4c-ut W
bean I nggy for sie ctseap .
Wm XorUni..r.
SADDLE HORSEfor sale cheap,
fer-tly tj-c'.te ration M Sender.
v-JlfKKP LOT -21 head .f .he j. not
vj l-r-n4ed. from A Sreh'a farm a- ath of
teeny. 10 old 00-. II lmb. o-e t bet k
rd . ne a raenno. Will pay f.w iron b'n
f. rmti. n to A Sne'l. Albany.
r AN 1 ED.-Position lo co
at tbt
I)k.ooat vltie
IOIt SALE. A cord hnd calisrasph
In eemd condition tor ale CO bp. I. -qmre
at thi ofSie,
rehiterl it 11 el tonlraelor.
Lee v oe rdoii with Ho)lnt Pics.
I.i- nts.
I e
eSnJBW j clti.iliM
I Uy and the aenti
TE til AB tSTU
and invito t
Uarstion hh hinurrn
lty and the mci its of our 1 "ablets.
Mr. T. r Jnioa
Double Chloride of Gold Table
H1PI-I- can at home. and with-
uuui 1 ousutiyetiun on tbo part o
tho free use if Liquor or Slur-
i.v tin- u,-ut :- 1 iBLrrs
sale by ail firsts lass
v. and state
Morunuio or
and iru
from U n
of vour TubUi
Tnr Onio fnsMtCA t.
,.1 ,. .., ,1. .
tliom allriirnt and.althve
tiiey did Uio wositjn-
TiiKOHtot'HratiCAt.Co.i OasT-t.
word of nralw for vour Tablet. H
liquor, ami tlirouuh a friend. 1 was lee
constant drinker, but after u? not Vosal
and will not touch lluuur of any kind. L
Vim 111 untir tulniiu t n i-lirti u iL-t tvrillill
Ohio fneatciL tv i- .Ikwti.kwv'S Vour Taw
iis.-d livuodcrmicallv. lorsev 14
two puckuefcs 01 your Tauluts, and without any effort.'
Adtlreeat tsU Orders
1 . 00 and or C
-the beat washing machine made. Co te
Stewart & Hox and take nee oat on inal
Tbey slao have all kinds of lingers.
to carry that great big child amnnd iu her
arm. Yon mast go to ntewart nox ami
bny ono of their baby carriages. AU krt ds
snd prices.
ou a farm. Yon can nke it tbe easiest by
buying a complete Hay Carrier outfit of
fetewart Si Sox. Cll and eee it.
Freab, pore, sore to gro aad aold' at P. rt- I
land price. Garden teeda kept id t asflr I
Field peaa and Fietd corn aJao carried in
large quantities. rjTEWaBT ot isox
They doo't make any batter than th
Ranseli" and Stewart A Sox sell tbat kin
at Albany. Several good second hand eo
gioes fee sale at a bargain.
PAIHTS & OILS.-' w d f "
for sale 00 tbis Uoaat ia tbe "Price o x" ar d
we are agents for it at Albany. We alto j
carry a loll line of oti, varoi-ne, a;D
and car'iage points, etc.
Stew a a? A Sox.
BEE SUPPLIES. 1"t keP PaWf bee. in
old box aby longer. Stewart at nox
carry bee h.-vea, tton, comb loonoation
nd see smokers nt low pi ice.
WILL YOU BUILD lhU y"- u ,m
r:t to de not Utl lo Stewart St hox.
Tbey keepa lar.e stock of builders hardware
and sell at unce t nit tbe time.
lis.'- exeep
- v raja, w or .
vrtir gon. ami sronnitaan ot Htswv 1 a sex.
They keep a tood stock and sell cheap
Giant powder.fase and caps always em hood
11 viae. And seep a large stock of biacasmita
upliea oc hand.
SnwAjfT t Sex.
onltit of Stewart Sz Sex aad take cars of yoei
orchard. The ootfit tbey sett baa been tried
uo this a tale for tb:ee years by the beet or
cnardiaf and ia a c t cce.
nave tbe beet hoe ot nee shear, stwnor
and pocket cnllnry in toe vsMna
and see for yen retve.
erTEwaJtT k fc.I.
PLOWS "w nv a new chilled plow e j
aetly the snene aa ihe "Olsver." We as r
antee it snd li on trial. Extras will M
fli see. AJao have a fall ltn of afiel
pU-wnthst sSSawSl be excel'eri. Ton entu't
cowibly save n few cetrta ley eoesirf amatd
and inning u. Stcwjlrt ft ox.
I. A. Vorris & Co,
Fitur and feed Pm.
Have removed their store to the Strahai
tire-, former's occrpied y Deyne t
Robson, and hate on hand a fuel stock o
Cestorn chopping doeu. .
la a pleneint drick. which wiilLe boms ty
the ate roach e'thsot nae ar gtapteg
thpeoeghiy on the liver, hvlnevs and
rentoiccUve ergaes. A gentle ntsvsie. ,ffi-
cteat deareOc, sae meet nstwl a cant or
rsttnfai merduralKxa. it aid diaeeta. n and
reucem rpcrnej. ciear ate centp. ajnr.
rewieniii it fair, and restoring hn i- tsjray
tone of the a.vor it removes lb bii wniah
bv ececn.abtvn,prH)ecer tk eellew.r oWv
eomplesteo pecaltar lo lite ccrt!pt-d ttmle
bv all .unaxstt.
Wall Paper
1 niirsi, Faint-. fill
C3laV, JL-tc
J. A. flMlBg
1 ,Or., Jnne S7. 1SSQ.
The cc-ii:iirtfcip m the cUthirg bast-
nc--eietfore existing betwter J L Cowan
aad St Sternberc is front thi day dissolved.
Mr Cowan retirir.g tberefrena. The fro
wi I berrtfter be krown by tbe name of M
St, rahere A Co, srili assnme all the liar i I-
tie of the film and collect al' intstacdinc
accx-nnt and note due said frm .
J. L. Co was
hi. SratiNrKt-ti.
I will pay a rewaid cf f oO for the eenvic-
tioa nl tbe pettou who waniotdv aud malic -
mosly damaged my hie tele in the ball rp
tir in the Ki ater Ulock 00 the nicbt if
C O tUM.
be mtiHt
ieMBlr,il. 1
cured by the use of
Hill s Tablets!
Tna Ohio On antral. Co.:
Dkak siai-1 have been nsins; your
v for tobacco habit, aud found it would
bat vou claim for it. I used ten cennt
11,., dnnn'iM en.'WlllC ltlUt'CIl a QST,
m ono to five clears; or 1 would smoke
to lortv tiiiH-s or uibaeco. llave cneweo
mr t -,'ti t v ri v c years, and two nackaaTOB
cured me so 1 have no desire for it.
U. at. JAY LORD. Leslie, Mich.
dorbs Faaay. N. T.
Co. i-tJaxTiKMa - Some I sent
r Thlets lorTotiaoco llaDlt- 1 received
irh IwiuilKiUiabTOvysmokejandcJeawoa,
joaVwSlV O. Box.
PrrrsaoMat. Pa.
KMEXi-It irtvea me plenaiure to apeak a
y son was strongly addicted to tne use or
to try your Tablets. He was a heavy and
Tablets but three day OS quit drtuktrte.
uavu wattednoiir month before wrtOnsj
.'lit. 1 OUTS ITUlT.
un aunauua.
vwciKiiaTi, Onto,
lets have performed a miracle in my nana.
is, and nave Men eared by the one of
ou my part
pera BtOCK. .IMA, OHIO.
Notice is hereby given, thst by virtue of
an eider of tbe County Court of Lion ponn
ty.OregOd. made and entered of record in
ard by a .id couit on the 27th dnf of Msy,
189S I will 00 tha 2flth day of July, 1893,
at tbe hour ef one e'clack p m of aiod dav.
t the conrt honse door, in tne city rf A f
beny, Oregon, sell to the behest aad beat
bidder thereto!, for caab in hard, the fol-
iriwinnoewnMnjireniuei belong to iland
M Wagnon, a minor:
Keginniog at tbe northwest corner of the
donation land claim of Jam. Garrett and
wife io Tp 13 S K 4 weit and ronciog thence
asoii ai una; tnenee east ;Z 51 cbaies;
j thebce north 6.75 ehaina; tnenee west 32.41
! ehaina to th a line berweeo election C, and
j 17; tbeoee north 8.27 chairs; theaee tat
i 11.84 chains in the northeast earner of the
j donation land claimof JamesS Hill aad wife;
j thence sooth M.2- chain; thence east 174
chains to the pltce i f beginning, containing
, 31 Macros more or leas.
And also tbe fcltowtnir described premises
i belonsing to Prance M Wagnon a minor.
I Beginning 37 link 1 nth and 32 50 chains
i esat of the northwest creer of the donatir n
land claim of James Garrett and wife and
I runriag tbeoee east 7 50 chain; thence
: north 41 links; thence east 29 96 chain;
i thttce north 6.35 claim; thence west 35.46
I cuaio; tbeoee sooth 6.75 chain to .he place
besiicning.eontain ngSl.SO acres more cr less,
j The interest of said minors in aaid lands
nb mM being a fee aiaaple iuterest re-
W. R fltLTarj. Gaardiaa.
Attortef f r Gnardtsn.
Notice is heeeby given that the under -tianed
-xecntor cf tbe Last will and teata-
ment of Owen Bear, deceased, late of Linn
j county, Oregon, will pwrsnant lo an order of
. the cmnty coots for Linn c un- y, Oregon,
' dsly made and entered cf record on the Bth
: day of Jane; 1693, authorizing and licensing
, tbe undersigned aa executors of vi e-tale,
! to sell tbe land bereioafte deacnbeel, will
OathalS h day of September, 1833, t tbe
boar of one 0 clock p at of said day, at tbe
Conrt Honse door, in tbe city of Albany,
! Linn county. Orcna. tell at pe biie aoetion,
to the higheat bulde nil cf th right, title
and inureat Use said Owen Bear had at the
time of b-a death in and t lb? following
described real estate tow it:
Beginning at the K E eurr r , tbe dona-
. .- eU: . , . l, M, . W-a
1 A,, , - ., in ,
, of the Willamette meridian and ransnssg
: thence west aleaz th north bconaary ue
! ot said ciaien C2.t chain to tbe S E comer
: of a tract of land o!4 to V W CcMaett and
J C Eobrnett by Owen Bear and wife;
! then je toalb 1 chain. tbeoceJS 3145" E,
j foUowisjs; along tne center of a sloogh 14.24
: chain, tbeoee soatb 2.90 chain, tbence east
par 1 'el with the earth line cf naid Owen
Best' c aim 55.10 chain to tbe enat line cf
.aid. I. in., tbeoee north 17 chains to the
place of neginn ng. cwtainmg 101.86 acre,
all ia Lisa c cnty, Oregoo . Terns t sale
' ntse-na i cash in hand in lay cf eaie and
one-half in kx no-nths from day of aale with
! intenst at Spar cent per sstsn leeored by
ennrrgage on the land aoUI.
Tbi th Sib day of Joly. 1833-
WALTCa McIlkiz.
W.atkerford at f 'hxmbertkia, Execator.
Attorney fur Ex.
A GRICCLIL RAL tmplerrents ard
.uppik. Advae.ce Thresher aesd en
i gioes, Miitncaptrb Binders, V uoda scat
' Standard Mower-. SeW Wagejc, Xor
' aregtan Plows. o:l of all kit d at the
i Wwet price possible. The AKian'e axd
f range agents have & warded us tbe roo
j tract to farnith Twfne fr 'heir me .n ber.
j Call and get our prices, before pcrchaatng
' elsew here.
At the store
Allen Bros-,
formerly owned by
It TS I ltst
1 .A RTl
tor which
I will 'pay, the beat cast prise
a lhany hi hn m m m
1 ' fa-Jaja. a m A X V1UU1 UdVUI f
taitlmre Bkk. Atkij. Ore.
; Deaier tt, all kinds tJ Pnratta.-e. We.
Paper O fpe'- Un-'r-ntn.
Pture K -, tie
Pro' r'etcrt
S'-atictery, Toiltt Arties, Music
Instrumen j, Etc
Hodges & Marlui,
Corner Drue Store," A tani, Ot-
iiotic of Assignment.
N -tivv ts h-te'y ,'tfj tost the Bank of
I t)r g..n, of all'ii v, Oteioo, has tloly aa
I i.....t t.. the u 'ti k'u ! aesteaee a.l its
unset) a d ctf . for the twnefit of all its
, .-editor, nr-der aid bv vietnt of the gerw
I - as ignment Uws of the state of Oregon,
and thentdervi ued baa h-re.o-cr.-. tvir,
! .m the SSth da. June IS9S, duly qnalitvid
as saoa assignee.
All persons hvvingelaiu aatatcst said io
ol vent and the -'.. e 1 hereof are heisby
rcuiied to preiii the atne to the an
.leisig ie,! at th Hank of Oregon hailtlim- ia
he ci v of Ai'ai!, Oregon, under . ath,
Witht there n i. tha . f this dare .
Date ! tnu .h day ot Jane 1893.
W. S. Thohusco:
Aiscee of the Be: k rKhrgor, an insol
1" 'IrruneU haa bee atioutekel isamlll
l P.stiw.1 ezscutcia of Bat kaa
ill and teaianw-.t ol Aad "
law ot una county; Oregon, All person banag
- ' -"' awM are nerP ncjutreu t
arenas th aua at lb 1 Ssse et Jamsa J t'h-rlton
m Vbanj', Oraria, ii Uh ualerai-ied, wiU peener
.oiK'hera and prvperty v oided, vitbia ix saontna
Irvxa this 'late.
Uatd July Snt.lssn.
J AM K KclRtt.
Hiss J Cnarltoe. bievati U
Attorney lur llxe.utr
Jee. Dr. Iattrsea-Usita
To Noted Ckdrvoyaal and lit aVrsdny. a.
OOXSaie. far mere or
era or qibwi waptrtvn
obtnaTi it bv aj-Sviua
malt cheap cam
at the Aibacny Brewi ui
near the. o f depot
special session.