ETh BKTOUB a II Vltl- BKRLA N Attorneys at Law. Will iirtcti In ourtl Stat. 8,eainl aUsiti 1.1 ia 1 1 1 mtttsrt In prob and to 00 lojiiu.u. 0V(tla-ta ths FHnn block. w R ItllLYEU Atturr.ry at Law vml Solicitor In Chancery. Coll Uona on all point. Loans negotiated on rabla terms. Albany, Oregon I 1EO. v . wim.iix. Attorney at law, ar.d Notary Public. Will raoUoa in all theeouru of thia stata Special attention riven to collections and matters in probata Offlcr Upstairs slasoii-Twcdale Block Albany. Orn I.I! 1 1 I I I B tt Kb i it at flflH, II I era! mi . r wld reca Ivs pro top attontliui IB " i. oil Folljw'a Tsmpla, Albany, y. . WHITNEY, Attorney st Law, Albany. Or. M ttMrtHVK A BUCKLES. AN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. JAMES J. CHARLTON. Attorner-al All biliia tended 0 pneapUr: FI.INS'S , A'bany, Or: D R. J. I.. HIM.. fig oil Ian and Surgeon , O P PICK - Corner Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon. JIW. RIASTOW A DAVIS. Phyatdana an Sarieona. OFFICE Corner eeond and Bunlalbin streets, Albany, Or, Call pro-nptly attorded I city and cenntry. 1 V. t II innEiatis, m. D HameopathlsU tWSpecUiet In diseases ol the Eye. Odlce bonis 7 tols K ltotpm, and I tt I nir . A 1 1 i ' .Oregan. FIRST NATIONAL BlHM, Or ALBANY, OREGON resident . Vtee .... LFLIMK S, E, iOONO S. W. LANUDON rHANSACTS A OKNKRALbaoklngbnslnase ACCOUNTS KEPT subset to sheek. SIGHT EXCHANGE and lei Taphie tranaler, ld New York, 9n Francisco. Chicago and P 'itavnd agon CO A&cmOKt siADKon lavurable Ursns Diasoroaa. j E. Totrm E. W. Lssasott :. K Bum. L. Puna Ebiiu t . Sox. W CITtK'K A Ci..B INKERS OP A f. BANT, OKKOON, TRAXSACTaii5t-al Btakinr u.i Kas DRAW SIGHT ORVFTi on yew York. San Pr m sco and Portland, Ore-MS. UAN MONEY on approved aecuri'y RKCF. VE deposits s ibjed tocnack. CUUJCCTlONSnaJe -xi.hrorable ura. IVTR!:S T oaSd rr. tint, dsoosiu ALPIHT COLLEBUTK ISSTITBW ALBANY, OREGON' iL891, 1892 swag Paras Opes sat Italsaiarr Mk A at 1 oorpa of Instructor. I jSlCAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. ( m rises ,oI study srrsngrxJ la mentti all jfrsule ofatadom SyWsg tnamctmttnti rftrtd t ttmdtmU from abroad. -. CLBKBT rsIT FARM MS, ATTENTION IP : Vol) V. ANT I A WACON HACK BUGGY CART PLOW HARROW.DRILl SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, or any kind ot a Farm ItnVement or4Ves hicle, call cTor address. B. F. RAMP, Opposite Post Offxe, Albany, Or. An agreeable laxative aad Ifzarra Toarnx Bold by Drtigglatt or sent by malL ScSOs. and 1 OOperpackagg. Bamptes bee. VA HO The Favorite TOOTH I0WBB AV nlj for tbe Teeth and Breath,ac Captain Rweency, P Diego. Cal 'Shuoh'a Catarrh Semedr I ls ths first medicine I bare ever found that would do me acy good." Price 50 eta, Bold by OroCTSti. SHILOH'S CURE. Tub Great Cocoa Cm promptly ei where all others falL For Consumotion t no rival; hag cured thousands, and will can taken in time. Frio. SS rta, Mettw H.00. VIGOR of MEN Easily. Julckly. Pfe.-mantntl) Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY, n1 all Iht train of e-lt Irom mrly rrrorior lAtf r Lc-ven. tbe rt-Milts of crerworfc, alcknen, worry. etc. Full Atreiigt U, UcTelopnieat ami tune given to every organ and unition of tbe body. Hni natural metbofi. Immedtato lm proremen t sfpn. Failure fm possible. :?,nx. references. Ilook, 'Xplanatlnn and pntf mailed (sealed) free. FRir MEDICAL CO. T I ESSSHS BUFFALO. . v. f -t -sAY t MASON g . ri i I tku KSTRtL Bookaellera t i U for John B. Aldan's publications, viiirb we sell at pobliaker'a pricaw with vttiaaMdaU E.B. UKKaUOM RedGrownMills ISOM & IAHNINC, PROPRIETORS. W raoCERH PLOUK 80TBK10 POK r AMI '.IS AXD bakkrs VII. HEST STORAGE FAOILlfJES w aBSjKaLaAs3j IS 1.1 .' aVnTsTTTsssas sasaaaljUsTlj saMsTTPrvaasl When my little girl was one month old, she had a scab form on her face. It kept spread ing until she was completely covered from head to foot. Then she had boils. She had forty on her head at one time, and more on her body. When six months old she did not weigh seven pounds, a pound and a half less than at birth. Then her skin started to dry up and got so bad she could not shut her eyes to sleep, but laid with them half open. About this time, at the earnest request of friends. I started using the Cuticuka Remedies, and sjs ene month she tmu completely cured. The doctor and drug bills were over mtkun- drtd sswWirT. the Cuticura hill was not more than five dollars. My child is now two years old, strong, healthy and large as any child of her age (see photo.) and it is all owing to CimcuaA. Yours with a Mother's Blessing, MRS. GEO. H. TUCKER, Jr., 33$ Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Sold throughout the world. Pottbx Dstxj AMD CantM. Coat., sals proprietors, Boston. Mailed free, ' All about tbe Blood. Skm. Scalp, and Man. Baby Blamishea. falling hair, and red. rough ssSsApi' mil 'il nail cured by Cuticura Soap. BikBcsuis Guaranteed to ettre Bilious attacks. Sick Headache and C si:ra'"- 0ln each bottle, rrice Bs. I'or sale by drugplsti. Pictc? "7, T " wit "..o'--slree. j. f. sierra a .;., r:.,, ;:w yobjl P. 1 aaaanS taken oat brash aisaaSfau STSBoUes gtvca trsatat scientific mencan 1 Of SET scseti tntha vaari aUSstx moaUu. Addrsaa MCSN a 00 K ausuas, SSI Broadaraj, Hem York CUT. EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OK THE Southern Pacific Co. Express Trains leave Portland Daily I raoa'acir 1. 11, I fiarsh 7:UOr. a. I La lOflr Lv Kit A a Ar Portland Albany San KasaSjM Ar ( 7 JJ L a a Lv 7730 r AbT trains su.p ooljr at to!! owl or statsoa n nrtl' of Koawburr Eaat ForUaod, Orawoa Otj, Alswar, TaaeeoL Shodd, Baiser. Bar JasacSasa CUp, IttIbc, 4 ScjfmAswicao I sLaWaOssiilsaV, fiPw MSION tSATKMTS. IBBt COP VRICKTS, etc PorliusaallrslfT)HatlraioSsTttto uvkh CO, aa Bbmaswat, Ksrar Toax. OliliaS I si 1 lain far secorlne savtatlts hi Aaasrlesv ! laiaaslil linr a am JU Portia sa1 Ar' SaWr r M:aSraLr Albany Lv ttfm u fcUra Ar atosstwuw ;l 7 Ota Auuarr local, unt (axe art sro.i I t SS t m I Lv Pnrtaand Ar :5X0a t ra Ar Afswry Lv a a sasan. :lflarLv Altaui. orlliilis SWaa'Ar th.n... Lv SOss 1 ! r I Lv Altaanr Ar :B OJialAr Ubaii ie Lr i i.S r a PULLMAr BUT SlEfPEBS. -AWD- Dinint? Cars on Ogden R.ute. SECOND-CUSS CARS AUaeasaal is all Tlt'.aww Tralaa Test aide IsavlslM. aarrsieeP rasstTLAist Aat rssstSAixia. Man. rss.aani(gzMptSawiay. 7.S1I a u lt:10 r Lr I Ar Ar I 5:30 p it K:f rr Cortsllis a-.raaaarsats sii.t (FxeW.Sinav t:ii r a 7 m L. Ar Pnrtlarin .atinnrllie Ll s.-TTi a s.4 a a 'I'hronrh - all i i'. in th. .!: y.i? - Si .''lit a' troafe. Arent Altauiy. : i- ii.KK rrioUett- i aj.,o . i.,.,t ra and as from H p. p. aos.s-aa. Vas'l '.I nat THE WEBF00T liOUTK Qregan Pacific Raitio-o, W MtOIVr.. aeSvrr. TlaieSCHKDUIE. eaeept fundars.1 UcrsAltauiv n:T t. s.-.l.'xrs Yaqtnna. 7:ila,a Usrr ',orallla l:nr. a. Lawra Corvaills,IO:SA,a s.rrl Vaqalna. l-.SS r. a Ami. Albany, 11:11 a. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Bit ween WIHimefte Valley Points and Jsan Francisco OCKav Nil K NiltilVKS raoa sas raasuiaco Willamette Valley, J inc lith 21st, ami 3 t). rsoa raamsa. Witlassctts Vallty, June 5 th, 17. Ii. KM ai I I i.y . The Company rewwrres tue ngot hange sailing dates without notice. to ItiVKB MTBAM KKM . teamei "Hoait" leaves PoitlanJ WeJnrsUay .ml Saturday 9 a a, II r D.y.Oan At't.S iln. m Hiraet Wh srf.P .island II B Vauirhn, lis A"t, Ksn Pranslsoi, Oal . R K Mulcshy, Osnsrsl Bant: j ACADEMY -OF Udy of Perpetual Help ctuoctat. I The autoblogrnphv ot Gen, Long I street will appear In October anil will doubt 1 less contain the solitary but positive opinion I that ha,l Lee incepted Ms judgment the battle of Gettysburg would hsve oern won. Lelsnd Stanford began his husi.iess life by telling borgeradiHh, and when he died tio nil a ITnlt.d totpa Senator and littfl SCO.- or less. ThU Is tt. se.son (or horseradish and ambitions young Amu I csn can st once enter the bulness. One singular proierty of all animil bod ies is that of miinlainlng witl.ln themselves an equib'c temperature. The blood of the Arctx explorer remain t a normal temp eralure though he breathes air that will freeze mercury, snd in indU, where the temperaiuteof iheair is 1 1 5 to iao abtve zero, the leirpcrstt re of the blood it still qS degrees Fshr. Mr. Grant snd Sirs Divl- areshonly to meet st Cramyaw on th- Hudson, and Mi. Grant is up01"1' assaying that -he wosl be delighted to :e Mrs. Davl. If shi doesn't cemtt.t our glorious Union we shs'l never be cemented. When the ladles an nounce thit peace is here make sure that it has come Ex-Gov Campbell is quite emphallc In declaring that he wi'l not b- the ilcmorratic ! rominte fo Governor cf Ohio However, LMr. CampU'l aonojnces that i is hi pur- Twr.w...-...H w . s. 1 .v s 4V- n..w.r..;.. surdtrdbearei. whoever ittNroay oe.aou int. mtsis thit ihe nign-iatnt sopnisiry oi lei is (a te st:bj;cted to a round of oratorical thaip-ahooting that will be effective. very I Tbe Baltimore San ssjsj Aheady thtre are indications that the ' I ,, , r.ii., i monopoiists will try to use the Populist crv , . , . , , , , .... for an Income tax as a red herring to draw . .. , serosa the scent of tariff teform. ... ... .. . . Oh. no, it ts not tne roruusi cry, out a.t s-. ti.. the cry of the UemOcrsttc masses. The in- : i j j ... . come tax was repealed in order to perpet- aatea high taiifT. it woold be in eaiatence .-J I S .1 I 1 1 l.ll,,.,,. T eoes lLndinhsnd w ith t.riff refoim, ,d : . . . . . ... 1U adoption is tne easiest snd most just wsy to make good the deficiency In the revenues. Everybody sees this except the organs of Urge landlords and coupon-clipper. In old ruffied-shiit tow-as like Baltimore sad Phil- adelphta. i". 1 . . l t , o-f- rw 1. uawiiiiH, iiicusjais jma u r1 Bank, of Hudson, Wisconsin, c'osel its doors agaias'. its cus-ooers. The cipiul Stock of the concern waa $25,000, ihe sar- nlus Sal. 000. The orotund denosits ran uf to (461,00a, and the tme depoaiu ijS.ouo nearly lava hu-dre I thiuamd do"lars, banked on six'y Ssf fsousanl We assume that tlie v '. to the depositors will be very small. The asxpraa e lo 'geof iht Ancien' Or.ltr of UnileJ Workmea se'.ected San Kunci co a the place to h"U the next coavrnt Tne following ofricees were elected: Supreme master workman. I; U F Shie'ds, Hanaihal, Mo, awpresaM foirrnas. Lewis Tray, Chicago; gj.neme recorder, M W Backet'. M-aivil'e. Pajsaaireme receiver, J J Aek-'r. A. amy X Y; uyems overseer. Joseph K ggs, Kansas; supreme guide, John Milne, Essex, Ontario; supreme watchman, B J, Detroit; supreme medical ex aniner; William C Richat.lson. St Louis. Si!v:r men wi'iooen lead quartets at Den- stress that now bangs over the country, ver in a few days and begin a silver can- j Nero-like they fiddle while Home burn, palgn, to be sxteadaai skrostgiauut tt e coun- i Kotp oor eve on such. If yon are ob try. F'Htertag this movement a.c servant you will soon delect tbe cloven foot VinJerwort C. -nnal Vavrr President . or the Dhariaaical shriek of the demairoDe Hoack,. of the Tf-rmer's alliance. Cbalrmao ' laubenetk. cf be people s party.; General A J Warner aad others. Colotado bankers ar.d miners will con-ribute moncv to the campaign M.olonir t,r: month Ch t aw - quas will ac held in every eastern stale, aad and tbe r lections ia Virginia, Ohio aad Iowa will be hot y conte.ted. Senators Stewart, Wakott and Tctkr. RcpresentatTe Penle, Colonel A C Flak, L M Pat.erson and Dr W W Rowing wi l take the romp. Silver literature will b sen! i:-iadcast over the country from headquart era. rl IOC8 PACTS Ia the Unite.) S ateataere are eve woman snr'ertakcrs. Tne voters In tl.e United S'stes in 1800 numbered 16.940.3I1. Ametica manu'ac'ares nine-tenths of si the rubber gootls uteri In the world. There ate 208.-94 railroad bridges in the Uaited States, spanning 1213 roilra. The outlook for a successful salt iadustrv In the sta'e jf Wavblngton is reported lo be very promiiiog, rs that mineral hss been dlscoterel. in scveial places. A rattlesnake will not cross a hair rope. Expctlencrd camper, when they fear the ...... .t t-il .1 rattlctnakn ste s with a hair oue u tao, a.vd feel secure An organist sas that a cow n.oot perfect fifth oc ate, or ftntr ; a dog I aiks in fifthor fuuith; a donkey l.ia)s octave; and a hcrse nright In a n a perfect descent 00 Ihe chr-imatic scale. In Pails tbey firs, utiiize rats to clear the flesh iio.n the Usaaws id, i,"n kill tie- lata, 1 te up tie fu. !.i 1 its oiinga, tbrir skins 'o gsxtsea. iheir thi(l ones for tooth pic'ss srd their 'ei don - and hones lor gela tine wip(trg K.-as'a were in common ute totoe 50 )esrs ago in ll- nor h of Kng and for addressing parcels on broun paper. Thry give s lsuld ttropg w tiling, such sa 10 quili or steel pen can girr. Tn; common bulrush whh a thick bead it the i.e.' . s.,t. Tbe watrrs of Ct.ina a'ound In fiab, and It is estimate . b I igh sut'ioiity that one tenth of the p.opre of I hat empire dei've their foo I from Ihe wa'er. The t oasis sie crowded with enie.piis:ng ami inaustilou fishermen, and betides the net snd the hook a grtat cumber of ingrnulous expedients are used to captuie tl.e fish. In tbe East ern 1'iovincrs cormotanls sre liaised in grest numbe a to catch ti-h, wlilrh they brinjf to their inas er, who it in a beat from which he watchts ul tl.e same time 15 or 20 Hrd'. Tb-t son cf as Aiuiican 1 itiseti is a citi zen of the. United States by virtue of hit birth, no matter where the event occur.'cd. The ton of a naturalized ci'i.en is also 1 citizen, ptii.idcd he Is bom after the natur slization of his father, and lso i' lie has re.l.ied in the Ur.ittd Sates five years tboug'i bo.n before his father tvs natura lizo'l. A ny Uoi e II ale. c J.irt or court o reco'd in any etste,ls proper tiibunal to grant you papers, but in 01 rr to obtain naturalization papers a pe-sn.i must liavcr resile 1 in the United ftiates five years, one J l 111 m ..a. VI j, ..w Mfc j cured his lutemion two jeara nelure he it admitted, anJ renounce bis allegUnc to foteign prince or power. VP wrUTs fair Travelers vt ill Uave 11 The public de i and th" Ir.vslli..'. .'1 M l-ttJ Cara. ' On he '4sr.asd-i trains if 'he t'hio.. , 1 h tervioe when i.e- 1 rhu.. ul. 1 v ttiiii.ltxl Uniiin P o.f o Nona W. UiualiA ami t oll I ,. ti n. . r lo Cbiosgo, int. 1 -i.iiili.ib pi'li.ta there is do b one. Tliia is lUn tiucf, aiet fastas' Mr oi bstweei. the pcHuts UaUied. tiii: rorrs letteb. The letter of the l'ope to Cardinal Q.b bon has great interest not only for ad hennts of the Roman Catholic Church but for all who recognize the weight anil in fluenee of uch an utterance with a large part of our population. There is no need to recapitulate at length the circumtanca which have called forth this deliverance by Leo XIII. It is notor iousthat thiVe ha been n controversy ho Roman Catholic ot this country with regard to the binding force under all circumstances of the rigitl decrees of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore held in 884. on the duty of Catholics to maintain parocbial schools and withdraw their chil dren from the public school.. It was part of the missions of Archbishop Satolli to compos this difference. He at tempted to do it by a statement of Catholic duty made at a convention of archbishops of the church in this city last Krveinher. But it did not accomplish the effect intend -ed. It was held by many that his utter ance was in conflict with that of the Balti mere council. The controversy wased warm and the Pope was appealed to for a new settlement. This letter to Caruinal GibUm is the Pope's reply. In il he sanctions both the Baltimore council and his Ablcgn'e. He says that they are consistent and not con tradictory and must be inlerpretattd to- Msner j, doe4 Ml seem that either parly has gained a victory over the other. Indeed tbe real import ot the communication is that there is no occasion for any difference o 0pini0li t,, rartie to the conlro- j versv are exhorte.1 to tvase from strife and , " . . . .., i That our American free public schools ill be maintained in their luteirrity and i homoireneiir is very certain. But this is a 1 1TVV cuuutrj. av uiie uie law ukit reijuire .LA -tl -I'll I 1 1 ... 1 , .. . I , ill t : i - i. . i . insi aii cnnuren snau auenu scnooi, ai- , , ,. tendance on tbe public schools will not be 7 a uu en'orced on those children whose parents oreler orivate schools for them, and the so- . called parochial school are private schools, The unanimous decision of the supreme . ... . , ! " - tains this view. .Nor will the community regard wth favor an, religions or soeta, 1 war on the common schools, or anv no lev 7- ' , ' r ' 01 Punuhment of ho to nd i tlum'cn " lurul U ' M(x I gratifying to all good j '"c 1 our uu mu ku that interpretation for practical purposes' of the action of the last Baltimore council ! I - , , ... . 1 1 wnicn nut Auiegate announveu laua .covens ber. Sew York World I mmmm ' Tbe Oreginitn Washington correspon s A .! ih.i 11. a Mn.h ,i,.i j see President Cleveland on his eastern visit lied Mr Bush saw the president but he didn't hang around and pester him a I summer. We might add also that tbe as :. Z.. i . .V- VT" PPVn" were u.ue ,ue Mr Bosh sw Mr Cleveland Statetmam. It does seem that ail new-spa perdoro in Orosron pouches and jabs Dun, the corre spondeei of tbe regonian in Washington 1. when we come to view the conduct ot that discredited individual in all. i's bearings, we are forcesl o tbe conclusion that no man in all the land so richly de- serves these poacbes and jibs at does tbe fssaasais correspondent. Give it to him. brethren There is quite a large number of partisan organs throughout the land that seek only party advantage on account cf tbe financial ; Inese indications are found in tbe columns ... : not only of tbe metnpoiltaa paper, ' that of tbe seven-bs -nine weeklies. bu.l,n - r roar e' es on them. Tbev have but oae ttsexn. 1 bey nave but owe ' miroos to avsrve tbot of nromotintr their own party advantage that thrift may be j allotted to them. Some of them are so ' tmoo-h-tongued that if it were possible they would deceive the very elect ihev-hf. But atch them. ..The Col. C. M:k . l.cote. a aitlcle on ! Grand Army as a Pension Agency," ia the , July Fore as, sbtruW ceaie a profound im- ' preasioo A member of tbe Grand Arms snd a veteran of mat battle'. Colonel Leo-er many oaitles Colonel Leoter dteaoficlaldocumeats to prove that bnt for iSe efforts of Its lesders to extrnd gov ernmenl bounty to tbe uedrssMving, tbe or der might have died ol inanition ..ear. ago Ifae mikst fha alatUna rKasaVav Ihsf f an rsatR. ! skm resolution since 18S6 has been permit . . . .... . r" ! lo- lhe "Kbt nc'f hf P"isson of the Cotnml tee 00 Kesaltion, a majority of which has slwtya beta made up of pen - . .ton sgemg. Dr Faville, the explorer, ha discovered tbe burial chamber of Thotmes I . eighteenth dynasty, at Toehes, wiji a massive altar at the entranc. thought to have been erected 1 1. j...-k. Z. u-... TTT ""'""'"' .s...u.w. tf-w-v . ., r. ii . u ww. wue. toe union evangeiisxi are coming to Albany to hold a revival ; meeting. The meetings as conducted by j them at Independence, t 'orvallis and Phil- otuatli were lartrelv attended and except - ionallv succesriul. Their meetings in Al- 1... ... ill 1... 1 1 .1 : .1 c- . 1 : " 1 1 . 1 . 1 : . : i . T- . . it"; ..... u..- uc.u it. r.viuigeii. iti cniin n. waxs uisiinciiveiv un.ienoiiiinationni ami 10 begin Thursday evening July 6 at s p m Tbepsklll pad akaawletfae. Ratwnlial t the prndaation of ths m.itt pr feot sod .opuUr 'axstiva remedy knowr, have saabbsd the Cthfo'nit Fig Syruj f . tosohieys a ar-at aoose- in ths rsjputatifln of its rsm-iy, Sjtuo of Kis, ss it ia roncsd ed to be 1 ho universal 1st .live. I For sale Vy all droski ta. Lavhdbv Wok.-Every citizen of Al bany should bear in luind that the Albany Steam Laundry -guarantee first class work at verp reasonable prices, and employs nothing bat white labor. Shirts Jone aa cheaply as the Chinaman. Pat ronize your own race Wkduino iKvrrAVioaa. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. 7sav"SMtt k v . Capt siweenav. U S ASi Diart, 11 ys. dl.iloh'a Oatarth Ko-uedy is the ti atyisBBa I have ever fooud thst would do ygood. Price, SO ots. Sold by l-'i.s Mas na. Boakd and le mi. 1 no of good quality a reasonable rates are the strong points of the Star Contract of the World's Fair Hotel and Boarding Bureau. For sale at all rail road ticket offices in Portland and atSaiem, Albany, Eugene, Corvoliis, McMinnville arid Oregon City. Don't go to Chicago without your accommodations reserved, un less you nave a big purse you are inxious to empty. Call on C. K. Fronk at the depot for part icnlurs . MAMIKB UAWLING8 CLELAN. On Wed nti day evening, June UK. 1893, at the resilience of u1: Mrs John Clelan, in Albany, bv Rev E R i'rlcbard. Mr 0 Q Rawiings, of the i.ebinon Electrie. ldjht and Water Co, and Mis Kdoa Clelan, of Albany. iioth are pontilarwjsjssaa. people with many friendljsalssa tilem joy jn abuudar.c )yfvVMsTsaartas all things TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Several appatatnieala Washington, Juno 28. The president has made the following appointments: James Sheakle, of Alaska, governor of Alaska. George W Snow, of Salt Lake City, sur veyor general of Utah. John C Straughan, surveyor general of Idaho Charles F Kaslev, surveyor of New Mex ico. Registers of land offices Bvron Grow at Salt Lake, I'tah; Benjamin F Wilson at laGrande, Or; James 11 Walker at Santa Fe. N M. United Stales consuls II Clay Arm strong, jr, of Alabama. atGrenoble, France; John B Lit Quaile, of Louisiana, at Marti nique, West Indies; Samuel Thanhauser, of Georgia, at Matamonw, Mexico; W C Km melt, of Now York, at Aix la-Chapelle, tiertmwy . Hrxles Aba Wasimnotos, June 28, A rumor was current in treasury department today that Mexico contemplated stopping the free coinage of silver. It could not be tiaced. and is not crenenillv credited, Mexico has a circulation of ab ut $50,000,000, of which not more than 83.000.000 is gold. I he gold production last year was less than 91,- owuuu, of winch nearly WOU.oou was ex ported. In the present state of Mexican finances, il is not clear if she abandoned the silver standard how she could go upon the gold basis. A Vlllase Burned Battle Creek, Mich, 'une 28. Karly this morning the wl age of Augusta, loca ted in the northeastern part of Calhoun county, and having a population of 600, was wiped out by fire. Aid was asked for rom Kurroumiinif towns, and Kalamazoo and ; Battle Creek sent engines, but despite "'r ca,?"s 'ne u"uc" "ol uo' dued. The fire destroyed all the buildings on both sides of the main street from the jepot M far at the para. Among tne build incs there were fifteen store and a number of resideuces. Many families have been rendered home ess . tarscalilsHssrBia New Yoke. June 28. The enormous export of wheat from this port during Ihe last few weeks created a demand lor i.i. .hil. h, mnn.ik.aMn.hoi. ' , " . 12. " sapf'lv. l.ngagt menu ..f freight room- havn alreadv been mad at Atlaniie norts i 'zrzjz , . . Al'anlK ..P00 a one for 0.000,000 bushes that will go! i abroad within tne next Ik) to V, days. Tnis , aeirreiMte of '14,000.000 busbe'sof wheat J"lfl "PfT,"-' ' "I"""' ' y 1 on the banks of Kurnpe for over 16.5l,- j 000. A tteh B hbrrs ; j AM aR Mo Jun, sTbe Hartly bank. at jeneho, was n-Ubetl early this morning The roblars went to tbe boose of the cash SO - ier. forced him to get up and go to tto tank, where they cleaned out tbe vault. j fJifife were four men in tbe gang, and they effecte-t their escape after securing every - j thing in signt. It is estimated they took 1 between touuu ana eto.two. t aVasuat Parrhaatas rawer Wa,sxixcTO!(. June 29. Secretiry Car lisle received aumerous ca'leis today. Among them were many members of con- vh a l tbe silver question form- ; - , - Alfip - r nn .. Mna i the coot irjed decline iu tbe price of silver was naturally reterred to. The secretary bad rxeivsjrj a cablegraui statimr tb.? price of silver today in London was tSS 1-2 rents per ounce, at which rate a silver dollar as bullion was worth .( cents. eertbeiess the point, of cotrtsr. was that the apparent pan-basing power of tne ilver do tar. was as great today at when silver was worth 11.22 per ounce and tV bullion value of the dollar cents It should be equally obvious tba thi is so because it is known that the ere it of the Coded States is be hind its silver moner. t Brave Caatdarfsr AjikaxsasCitt. Kan. Jane 29 -Another train robber came to grief today A rough looking character I warded the northbound ' passenger 'rain at Oklahoma Ci'y. carrying a large do re'. After the train was "well out of town be went in'o the toilet room and soon eincrged wit j a Winchester ia , his hand He beJd np tbe conductor . com- i petted btbi to stop tue train and tbe orler . ulm f ? '? ru'rf- - lr-? J &trfl tn f hiA crrvsiin.l I haw ssPssrl a is gaze and gun to slightly shift. The i win; w uniiq M. via. riicii SSIHS w.u. osow on ice jaw ana oesu mm into sab- i blow on tbe jaw and beat him into uaiatnon w.ui 01s own gxtn ti u equip- PT " -j '"c DH kTan- j . The f rjU tb, 'aifrloli(armJ .j were in sesaion this forenoon behind closed doors. tt.e rira'iarat.iirCe i aeaaion this forenoon behind closed doors. all members being present, with tbe ax- ; sa--- N!x 5We J ,mmg war. The mailer of finances was ' , given considerable attention, and after! careful investigation it was considered ad " - tKt t-jntrnirtl (! . - wmKMUm., .,) UiA.fnr L.;t.l j wgf op.ned Sottirday ' next, as ad a axeBaarkahteraae. Bt ru.isi.Tox. la. Jane 29 -The sodtlen. f tMbSsI tfif f Kaf tXaSMt h ftf Jf' tilts 'Atllrtaaet x-lirv i --- . -- . W!" apparently in perfect health, was so ! wfJ cy -"K1 ;""'.." K v.... e..i.iU..iwi fier heart wa founnd burst MnJer. Pbvsicians sav no other sari. raas ! was ever be-id of. The cause is supposed to h:v, I ,vn :. trvnunln.. innl .n. to have been a tremendous emotional ! i.:. vultion tilled bra Vtawtt T.ala. i AsHusn, r. June 29.-Ttu tireen, ' a.if:.nt roadmajtier or Ihe .lir.. ! train at llornbrook yesterday ami was in i'" 'i "- .W..UI. iru u.ioerii 11. i.ter n UnU- Kitlewl. Awood train was back in suinii no. t wuuu train was wncamg ' fnim th.-- .1.1.' track to tho main .mlp n.l '. ....... ..... w . a,, 1 ureen w no was on toe train, was tiirown I aut.r im.vm oe.-His, nine pasW over bim. horribly muti j lating I be body. . , . ' " 1 JAcass.v vii.le. Or , June .'W. Antoiue i 1 1 . . 1,... u t 1 , , ; josepo. u i ut.uai.aene, who nas resided on I . m ... .. i a. larni n.i nun ills cieoit. in Josephine county. - ' nines wes ot Jacksonville, wa? missing from his home the first of this week. A 1 he was rarely known to leave his farm the neighbors became apprehen sive an l a search was made, resulting in nndintr his tiena body a short distance from j mendatlon, but certificate from thoe who his bo.. :. with a bullet hole through his have used them are. head From indications, be was shot in a Beware of imitations aad do not be de small trail nejf bis boose, and the body - celved by misreprescnlsllnn. Ask tor Al dragged into the brash where it was found, i rock's and let no solicitation or explana- . lion Induce vou 10 accept a substitute, at. A Miller .tppsdafetl. " ' WashikotoK, June :W At last the la bors for the democracy of Colonel Robert A. Miller have been rewarded . He is made regis; er of the Oregon Ci'y land office; suc ceeding John T. Appcrson, who was- ap pointed May 27, 1S89. Colonel Miller left New York yesterday morning for home, very despondent and almost cast down bo cause his appointment bad not come. Tbe place is worth tSWO a year. Ab Extra aessUa arcaagress VvAHiitsoTox, Juno i.-The piesident this evening issued the following procla mation: vVhkkkah. The dwlrunt and apprehen sion concerning the financial situation, which pervaded-all business circles, iiave already caused great loss and damage to our people, and threaten to cripple our merchants, stop the wheel of manufacture and bring distress and privation to our farmers and withhold from our working men tbe wage of labor, and Wiierkas), The present paribus condi tion is largely the result of a financial pol icy, which te executive branch of tbe gov ernment finds embodied in unwise l,is which must be executed until repealed by congress. Now. therefore. 1, ti rover Cleveland, president ot the United States, in per formance of u constitutional duty, do, by this proclamation, declare that an extraor dinary occasion requires tbe convening of both houses of tbe congreis of the United States, at the caDitol. at the city of Wash ington, the 7th day of August next, at 12 0 Clock noon, to the end that the nennle J "nay . be relieved through legislation from ttra impenaing danger and distress. All those entitled to act aa members of the S3d congress are required to take notice of this proclamation aad attend at the time and place above stated. Given under my hand and tbe seal of tbe United States, etc Red o .acock .V Co repair alt shoes n: nr (M its Henry Amnit rman agt Farmer" & Mer clmnU Ins Co, recovery of money. Con tinued by consent. Fleckenstein A: Mayer ugt J M liilyeti and Wm Bilveu. recovery of money; at tachment. Judgment for plaintiff for want of iinswer. I K Weatheiford, iulinr agt Mary Hoff man. Foreclosure. Hefaultand decree. R W Fuller uui S W Faulkner and S K Faulkner. Recovery of mom-v. Attach ment. Settled. A L Hfiiuctt against Addle Mcilargiie and .1 K McHarsrue. Reiwvery of money. Attachment. IMault and itigmUfA ami order to sell attached property. W H Goltra agt Thos and W J liorgsw. Recovery of money. Continued for service. Knupp Ilurrell A; Co. agt A S Knox jr. Continuation. Salu confirmed. r ct-t s i . rraiiKiiu t oie u(rt Aimtnuii t me. tlivorte t'ontinued. Sttte of Oregon ugt Andrew L Arnold, arson. Wnlict of nxi'iliy tu chorgetl. Shite agt John I Waxaom. Indicted for assault with intent to kill. F.ffa Kleinhainmer vttt nsl Kleinhaiumer; Divorce. Hi von grunted idff without cost ( 1 liurkhart vs Nellie C Burkliart. Hi- rorts) Ihvorrv granbd with costs. I L f'urtice vs A T Curtiee. Hrvorcr Ifivon granted. Malinda Y'oung v Neater H YiMing. Ii- vomi Ilivon-rt ifmnt..l ,Jff u-itl, m..K- of minor child without costs W B Peacock agt iiildlflaaW Bros et al Recovery of money. Attau huient. On trial. Harford W Smith agt Minnie E Smith. Dis-one. Continued. F P Crandall & Co. agt C t; Hackleman. Recovery of money. Default and Judg mnet. Suite vs John I Watwm. Continued. W B Peacock vs Snodirrum Hro et al. Uecurv of money. Attarhment. Yerdiet or plff against W P Nail for 91762. D (' Sherman agt A J Bellow, et al. In junction. Demurer overruled and Injunct ion made perpetual. A P Blackburn agt KR Case and C1I Gotui. Confirmation. Sale confirmed. Estate of (Hto Serftiiig. Order of Pro bete court court n'verse.1. Chivs ooiret al bv I) U (' '"f '"T'V 1 M per.t- (Ttanlian vs W ni IkHisrhertv. n trial. ,. . ... .- , btate rs i uen. Lurn Suk. Hot hor. ,1am Sick plead truilty and m tine-l l indictment di-misaed as to a 1 iwn and Mor tW- ItKPORT 11F GRAND JI RV. To the Hon. Circuit Judge of the Circ uit Court of Linu Co., Or.: We. the grand jury for the term of tbe circuit court of Linn roonty. tregvm. for Isritt have, as miuired bv law. examined I . , A .ar :i 1: 2 .1 a CSSTraESLTtS outbuildings, and we find that each of the county omcers have their offioes and look in booiI condition and tbe officers courteous and obliging. We would especially com mend the neat manner in which Sheriff Jackson keep the county jail. We woold recommend the sheriff" a and tlx- clerk's oftoe. and also the vaults to be provided ' with new carpets. j And it further aooearinsr to ns tht alot r,.fX) of mewv bVWimr to the count v i locked np in the Linn Coonty National Bank and that it will he taecesaaary for the c Hints- treacarer to endorse warrants ""Not paid for want of funds'' on account of the su.perrJ-irsa of said bank.', aad said funds not tanng available tor rountr porpoees. ' --,1 that K , K ik- ' tne citv H A I tan v tint are ttnanriallv sotmd waold recomrnend that the deposits of the roanty rands be dtstntjatea - There being no farther baine for our c mMileratioo we respectfully ask to he dts rharged. Dated this :th day of Jane. 19:1. V SI S vi mi. foreman. H B vti.v. n;. 1 1 HaaDV iv. W C Hteixk riiKK. P R tone. A C WlXtKaM. W K Aaxocn. . r Tin: Vf Pacipic Raiumad Wii.i. St sail rur, Ratsol ( nf tk Northern Par itk-Hailroad have decidad to place low rates into effect. They will sell ti.-ket from Portland to St Paul f.r SJ25 ,1W fair bnrt-rlaas, and make rorrersnilini; rates to all eastern points. World's round trie, rates, will ho cm-atlr -l-.Ul licXrtscan ! utiliaesl ...i either of Iheir through trains, both of which will continue to carry the IMlltnan upfc lstere.i S sleepers. Two trains dailv witlicwiTcliange. K" infnn,i0 f1. mmm your 'fel,nf ssxomnsodatiocoi. tall ost. or aldres. A I "hritou. assistant genera.' ! L7aSoTc ffS afPn'' A"""-v "' m Tacjri.i attxrs The great races of tbe regon Breeding V .Snee.1 AsaMriation wyur at Salem on Julv 4th. 6th and Ttfa. nOSUKI iril. lI. K.ts will he for sale saaeh r.f lb- l.r ,lanc-J good for as late as tbe b. by the Southern I ' la'5 tSl" ts 1 1 ps v, 1 Bnl nil ,;i. l- xv. -r" " t ! gene ity and Portland, at reduced nriop.. ....... ine win i worth witnesinsr on every .lav of tire williliii , Tne I C..-i- That tl,A P.initK I Art keeps pace w t h modern prostress. in tart in ad vanes, of it ear. I mn h an .'inspection of Sanger & Lenl'a advertia- : .... ..:. 1 . 1 - -. - o. 1 m IMn I iiii...i .1.. posietl III our ct v. Ino I gk be trotter and veteran circus asrent. gays tt.ts show haa eiglit hundred and ' . .. ... J. ... . . a . ... gay, this show haa eiaht hundred and ig,i, MuiiB. is.i niuerent aixe snowa niua i from 10 by inches to 7 feet by 100 sne American printer excels in every rartirdlar. Tie t:-eat Rbosaa attll v. , bit here on the '.h of July, rrttsr r wrrll Th. nr.mlftl It. .....I,.- ... . I. I ' the cures li affects, and lhe voluntait testlmorialt ot those ss'io hae used All cock's Porous Plasters during the past thirty years is unimpeachable evidence ol their superiority and should convince 'he men skeptical. Tspit pr!tc '.tnoiccom- Monkv to Loam. 1 nave money in sums of two to 120.000 to loan on imsj proviu mrni lands in Linn and Bentcp at lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. C O It i k'k il car Real estate agent. A I ban v. Oregon. AnvEKTtsrso Novf.ltie. We have a complete line of noveltiee, direct from the makers, can furnish the same at lowest prices. Whistles, mirrors, pencils, mem oranda books, napkins, fans, rulers, vnnl eticks, panels, chromo cards, caps, calen dars, xuias cards, etc., in season. And always the best Job Printing SMILEY. leading Winter. Vtkc 1 ; itss sir, we , aVrt) her Castors, i'li. a.. as a Child, she cried for Oat ton :., tp ttvatne ii;H. ti. dune te ltstona, I ' i.i ai. j Iiit. -1 tiiV v." sl. tn. w 1 : . -ni I's stores. Mhiloh a ViUliasr la what you need for dyspepsia, Urpid liver, yellow skin or kidr nay trouble. It ia uuaraBt-ed to givo yoa sstittaation. Price 73j. H ild;by Foshay & Mason To slil Digttatloii take one Sma't Kilo Beau aTfter SatlDg. PV. per bottle. Whea TravellBg. Whethet oo plessnie bant, or business, taks on every trip a battle of Syrup of Figs." it acta most pleas ntly and effectively on tbe kidneys, liver and how els, preventing fevers, lietdt Jiea and other forms of sickness Kor sals iu 60 osataad f 1 bottles by all leading druggists. One &atk.t Tj teimi ran a.i t.'Se 1 1 T. ; -noon, causing little damage. The Synod of the C P Chuicn convenes In Salem today. Rev Longbottom Is In attendance from this city . Tl a Albany orcheatra furnished music last night far the commencement exer cises of the Slate Agilculttiral college. lion oco K i.hamberlasn. attorney sren- eral.'dellvered the eradMatU- U,.'..'i. v night before the senloi class of the State' Agricultural college. John Sheakle of Alaska ha been atv 1 pointed governor op Alaska. Thi it th office for which Hon Jeff Myers, county, matle uo id a flcbt far f this The regtt ar inc-tin- of the Y M C A ausiliary Kridar il.V)pm A nronram i hag been prepared for the occasion. Klec I Hon of officers M take place. A full at lenoanc is desired. Jim Lotsn yesterdav si,aiimmari)y re moved from the office of , ,r at Port land, and his deputies srKI rUn ii until Black gets hlcammtalon Cincs.'. Such i men a lailan a ould he kicked out in double quick j Just forty-five jeara ago today Mr A.!. -i by Pearcc. of thU city, was rrrmtn ihe i Cascade mountal.i jv the Barhrw route ; through aevrral feet of anow In piacea, ar- i nvin a lew days later into the faeautiful f ; WILamette valley his home aince then. ; There lll be one avm.m in th A O U W order for the month of Julv. This makes 9 for seven months of the present j 1 he Wlilameite base ball team wl'l play year. Whole membership of the order j the Oak Cre-k nine at the league roui da A petition i circulates!, asking tlie eour. May isf. 1893 was 4I8.075. Whole mem- ! on Sunday afternoon st 2:Jo. The sd.nis- ! JT cootls of Linn ar.d Marion counties to bershlp In Oregon 0419 and in Washing I tidn will be free, an J cars will run to the build a biidge acrjsa ihe Nfih San.iam, ton 4 i8t. 1 grounds. Ladies, espectsllr invited. By at what i lisown a tte Davis Frry Thb Thia forenoon a live fight occured l ; this city between a man 6 feet 3 or 4 and ' one e "feet 6. It was a draw. A alight I amount of blood was drawn, and the con - ! test ended by the smailer man dancing a jig to show that his bon- were ell in place There are fony fi.f toads io Liacolts count v and Mr Krdrield will ihis week complete the vork saf transcribing maps surveys etc of thtmi for - he Linco.n coun ty records. Tliis work i. being done under recorder Wafer.' dr.lrart, ana is biglily credttab.e. A large number i f di-denU of live O A C were i 1 Albany this noon o" tiieir way home. They evidently had learned con aiderable rbout tnaaculine dutisr in agii -cultuial matieis. for a bright young girl remarked s she passed the Man About Town: -I'm the man who wrote 1 ra boom de-ay . Wes Fuller, charged with killing a '( flic AahUnJ Record sass: Maude Mongolian pheasaat 00 the 15th of April. ; Granger .nd her troupe were or. Tueadav's had a hearing before Just.ce Apple w hue- train to pUy at Eugene. Maude last Saturday. The case was dismissed on t ip, her husband fired oat and lives the found that the complaint was draw a h her two dogs, who are allowed In 1 er under the new law which had col gone pulmsn urctio-i by the soecUl dispensa iati effect at the time the off en a- was. ,hc lMu,d head ofBcials. Vetv committed. Corvaiits Times. J less people are privileged to this extent by An interesting and important cawigrcta j the rtilroads.' will meet at Los Angeles, California, o.. j re Ashland Tidings sits . There was October to. to sit lor five da. Thi is I . rtrnr . ..r'rllV rhmrh tie interna local Irrigation Congress, the last session of which was beld at Salt Lake Cut in September, 1891. about 700 dele- gait a being present. As 'here aie J.i 5 , with 177,044 acre irrigators In Oregon rrrtgated stale i tatter. interreated in the O M Smith, of tbe Voaon Title Abvrac: Co hss just completed a foc ptecr of work. His mxhtng short of acoanpletealpharartic Uft of all the mortgage and judg.nenls ever rendered i.t Mation countv. There are 13.400 mortgages of record and Sooo judgments that effect titles of real estate. The judgment were rendered r-gsintt 240a different pal lira feaaem Journal. Charley Small has a Wcvc!e with a prsrumatie lire; that Is a tire filled aritl. lr. He treat o the HrosnsnrilU: Dicaic a baa- : . ! . and Monday suited a nde It I k. - : a . , - .M . . , . k . . - ' ) J ' ... IJ too tire lost lis wind. Cos tie ra wrn - fsdly Jed the thiag tasca to Browntvflle. wnere ne snipped it sad ri assert Home by train. UBrvajits 1 tract. 'S,itir ' C! -O.l I 1... r,. .... .i. . bow folly recovered, plead guilty and will be seotenced tt fi.e nenitentiarv ! A f5" -n?olian tells the Man About Town that tsnliivxui ia I rerjorteai to have k::'.l raam nun n C:- 1 - . -1 ; ; - - . ; lornir-, and is tottstdered by many Celee-. 7 bad man . I ' The Fringe o' froety aa presected! nK.n, V t' Ossasger ar.d her ' l"cnal3 ,rYur 0 snvaii audece. h Tsne j very superior 1 c-log a given In triis somewhat tenvaiunai Fr play. kPss Granger has few superiors in her field. it"w at uewj is jtcd as Osmund bt , "tnm" au arst cast, toe i r Mn ol -soc-.v is from one of Ihimas ' . saows u,- poar- Hfc fope"voe rso: cx.k here, One sear ago tooar the Sr tesra cross- eat the W.IUmette on 1! lahr aleel btidue. big L,ii,. "l-ge Look out tor several agent of supp t rsoutea doing L.inn cot Mv l. not be! tot he I taken ia I Albany is the raili oat! renter .if Oregon. ', Yesterday J o pirccs of htggtge were ' che.kcd at the depot. A Portland man drew oo Itsoi a bank I because he t bought It tra tot t tie, and in I ? ,e hcur - variety tsaeater and I s ree.eae ..tati.r rf I. as IU. 'd. one ol the bg ldboMers of -he OP Is laere ik , - . , mB matters. i.u.t' t rccKi nas been rettaveat as t superimendent of ihe Eueeste rtatttic tchoottfor another vear. This w ha hit ihiid year tn that place. Henry Irviaar and his CO-.-w.-trv -will tail for America rat. Aug U. riselr fares from lUr.doo to Saa Francitco. whexe they tvili open their Ainericau tour, amoaint to over $1 1,000 One ot Joe Mevers Mil ery lea'rH ran ,,."""0". U"ing the wagon on ' . '-r' .!? PratinK, on osstting up 1 at oioo'c s uvery stable the o-lter eltve I where. The same team has rati a war ! twice recenUv Tlie Oregonian savs: T J Black ha ; been placed in office as colle rtor of the port One of his assistants it to he S F Ploed. of R.tscburg. Who t u - others will be nobody know. Mr. iilack says, not even himself. It fe said lhat C K Ralston. ( C Hack leman snd C D Montague will hoai posi tions in the Portland custom ho stave under . ... . s.ouecicr is act. ine Chs rlets. are "strictly In iL" Lebanon Adva. tee. On account of the bxnk and o User fail ure in (.orvallis it was dec.dt d not to ru:ld the Masonic temple thia tar; but 'rtts Oectsion hts now betn recc and the temple will be built anywi y. Prof, li Torbett had maki rr ar rangements to commence the erec ttoo of a dwelling here; but on account rsf the ! Albany college funds being in the closed canst, ne was ob.tged to postpone, tbe matter. Lebanon Advance. Harvest has begun in California and will begin in Oregon soon. Kat resets should remember the expertenises of the past, and keep iheir eyes open, remem bering thai in five year out of six there Is danger in holding too fesng. James Wheeler was Indicted tt .Portland for robbing the Scks postofhee, and placed under S'.ooo bonds which were furnished. A Lebanon paper says it Is the general opinion there that he is li nocent. The principal evide t.-e U said io be the finding of one ol Wheeler's gloyes in the post office, decidedly thin evidence these day. Peter Powers of Newberg, ha s been ad judged insane and was taken totheasv lum. He had an idea that he wanted to start a grave yard and has been endeavor ing to hire men to dig graves for some time past. It waa bis intention -Jo furnish the bodies but before he had atai ted to do so he was hauled off Us Salens. J. W. Brown returned last wesek from the mining district in Southern Oregon. Mr Drown states that L W Des'oe. Wm Hand, of Albany and himself have teen working a mine together for wntch thev were offered a bonus of $10,000 ts hold ninety days at a price of $ 100.000. They refused to accept the oflVr.- -t'rttlam Lumberman. The council has declared Tvai McNary , Bill King and Harry Dunn to oe oosnrnon drunks and Recorder Ede has posted no tices In d'ffeient saloons and rcssorta warn ing saloonkeepers not to sell thesn any intoxicatlngliquots under a heavy penalty. These drunks have been io jail so often that they have become a ataisavnee. snd the council has taken the above means to keep them from bothering the ctiy crtli cers. Salem Independent. The law should be amended so that a nut declared a common drunk In one city will he one anywhere in the state. Some of tjiese el lows are liable tocoaoe to Albs&nv. At a dance at Eagle Point recently nol ladles attended, it was reported a dry sffktr. A game of base ball will be played at Yaquina on the ath bftween Albany and I ndendence. Today and tomorrow the Albanles and Independence club play base ball at In dependence. Mr H f, Walden lias been appointed lo cal aitent of ihe O P at Albany. On ac- count of ihe health of Mrs Chsproan r - bapman has been transferred to ioieoo. A doubled headed lizard has been found near i lie wanes. i ne neaai ire urn iu it , "PP"e e"ds of the 'jodr and tne feet so arranKed that the rep lie could rropel j naini in euntr uneciion. ! A Co'vallla man cl.ims that a .rnalj ! snake i.arne cut .. a water faucet recently. The griatest mystery connecud with the affair is how came a cuvtlMs man ni ar a j water faucet. Harrlsburg Courier. Judge Burnett irnJav granted a per a nent ipju cion restraining the building of ' in which a ML V.ine of SUytn had . be the vjldler's llorr. r.t Koaebure. 'Ihe infatuated with Mr V heeler of Rock case will be appealed 10 th supreme I Creek from seeing him pass the honse of court. i her sister Mrs Meyer, with whom she was Thi, forenoon the freight train on the ridmg5reral times. Kirlysbe 't wet si.le was wrecked at rWrs. by run- ? Mr hom W 3 - Mr ninr into a swib-fi. The engine, tender - On tte aatter WiDt ; r,) Mr and several can. were hedly maxhed np. Whl fr tnvestitration Mws Zinc stop Fortunately no one was injured. P"' Mr Vanr . where her )Abr-m- f- a ... r . a, , , The Oorvallis Grzet 'e publishes estrar s from (jeo fc ChamberUit a address to the gradu-iting claaM ol ihe Agricaitural col ' eKC and says: It was one of in- best pap' that y..ur reporter has read orie- of the captain, C E Bowen. Perry Tetnpleton, ine fifteen year oid son of A M Tcmateton, of Brownsville, was sitting on a log last Tuesday, holding a gun when, bv some means, the firearm wa. diachareed. the bullet eaterine. th. 1 . - -t u 1 , . 1 ' v nu 11. . 1 ... 1 1 1 1 -. iisiniui, .iiws.1" ! V. ... . . . . - . , . not aerloua, wcu-.d. lSr35j 10 h' 1 ll' 1 -n a !u. .. - n n The Pedagogue ia ar rducattonal paper Th- SiHitlsern Par ific corapanj will sell I the movers of -f-t project expect, rouml trip UciuHs from all points to all wouu consider s:Jv t Sam's repu poinu. and return on lines in Oregon at one taiioD M , educational crstrr if it shavsid fare for the round trip on July 1. 1. 3. and ' jocj,, here jrCE B ir chard, tbe on morning of Jury 4tb. These tickets will ! n filing tocjme if .e cn get en be void for rtHnni after July 6th 1.-30. , cooragement enough. Sslern Iodefen- Sereral men came down from the upper ; d0 fsantiam and will 1st on hand at irregon City Monday to tile claim to their 100 sure trasts in the Caaosde. dn anticipation ti t CWr hut mnvod hi. uut to Co. ,l j and the Iai'mberman will prJjaWv be taken -J to the same place. There will be a g.od I openinsr for a democratic tastier there soon last undar. Tbe minister announced Ms asocinlrnenta and said: '-There will be Dfst.rmrninr tint Th-jsadav. hot tiaere still be no crturch lighted and no bell : cape the odium of repiidiariosi that will at rur. That has keen done a Bomber of ' tach to their comnutxtitks if they do not times asad no congregation came. At 8 o'clock tiest Thurdav evenins the m ver , neeting will br at your (yea turn. Too wi l p'eate observe it. The Jackaoovi.le Times sets off the fol lowing: The tact that toe Blarrcy Morse lias arrived safely at Chicago, and will Le in position to be kUsed in a few days. b no incHeatscan that fner.d Bineer Her man cmnrmphte. , trip to ihe World', wasp, ssst -ar oe 00 .rr soman, star nit carney is 01 wax pore ana ucacu:ter- area sort .run ncssrsnount 01 c lamer siooes luuui Better h. A very in'erotitv. meetias; ox the Y M C A Auxilisrt was orld in their rooms on i Friday aite'tvocn j mere f!0e.l k Devotional exercises a fskasint: p.oerarr. ; Eledsoti of other is tesaltrd ia .-;.?otng j Mrs McCuLash president. Mrs F P Nat lor ; ung. 1st vice. 71 r Huttit, 2nd vice, Mrs ' lln. . .1.1.-.. at. r.m ... V- at,. Cm.i...; j 4lh ce. Ma pi: c h vice. Secretary, , Mis T I Overman. Ass't Sec. Mrs Prich- ! rs. nd treasuser. Mrs , Gff . Meetings 1 I the Auxiliary at-Jl be fcesd on the 4 h Ft.- da v ot each m nth A r ran art men is were . . . , , for a shtng.c social in the rooms on Vt'etloesd.r. July i2. Frank f-ruse, whose rome i na. Boon's ferrv, Clackamas countv. under- ; went a surgical operation a few davs ago at at incent s hospital. For a long time he has bad an abnormal growth of abdo men, so much so that h reached nearlr to the knees when a'anditta. eren The operation cuntU'ed in making a transverse iocition snd removing about fifty pounds f t j oi tl: Tbe pak-nt withstocd ihe o-era- tion without the aid of an anevtheti and now apparentlv ding weii. whh eveiv 1 pttasparct oi recoverine. ir.ere aie o.. rTT: ,fc - " 1 p-rti.t. 1 ru..irf, I asonnw at the .Presbyterian church will be i ,t was noticed that his horse was aearlv ex af follows: Presvching at 11 a m and . M5 bansted. Tbe race was amost excibnsrooe. p m by the pastor. Sabbath i .j seemed his. He was nearins the gate, scnooi at. l-'lop ru. Jo,vtor t E tiieetingat . but ia a moment C.ovan appeared in a br 4?m"APvSC EtneettngatTt. m. Tbe pajh. J00 vards ahea.1 cf McBraver. He sxtbject of the luornirur sermon will be "Our : i. .k"1 .w, ...! tV ; s .. .. 1. f 1 .1 h:,i sl . r , .v ... . oa aru ure Dime. 1 oe soptc ox tb irmino i lmirw v ' -1 t'.vitrt ! til ;iil ... . . . . - - ' SLseT aTthe Evawti-.J catnvh h I ; . . . i uavrus mgrninp as nsiia. iiv ; oT.)r. in. the evening the annual Chi.Jhvus Day ser- j ; tuts, wui ne sen tomorrow there will lie ;i siasctaJ service in the 1 MIA conducted bv a quartet- t bote who avail themselves of this meeting will not be disappointed. Come ami hear and enjoy it. at 4 o'clock snog service will begin. ."service at the Baptist church Sunday at 11 a m and T :t" t- n. Preachina; by the raashar. Rev Geo W llill. Commimion fttl lowing morning sermon. Sundar School 9:45 a m: Young Peoples Society ftraVs p m. All are made welcome. Tne usual services at the M E Church South. Sunday school at 10. Irestching in the morninc at 1 1 and 7 r4o in the even ing by the pastor. All are cordially in- ' vite.1 to these services. The communion of the Lord'.s supper will be ohserre.1 at the Ctwgntional church in txmnection with the morning service, and the regular offering to the American Missionary Association will be made. Preaching morning and evening at the usual hours. AH are welcome. ItxedJuM ripht Lieer, Stomach, and Bcrrels, by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They do it ia jast the right way, too ! oy using IN store a own inctucKta. That's why they're better than the dreadful, old-fashioned pills, with their griping and violence. But thev'ro bettjr in every way. In size, for instance, and dose. They're the smallest and the eas iest to take; only ono little Pellet is needed for a gentle laxative- three for a cathartic. They cleanse and regulate the system thoroughly but it's done easily aud naturally. Sick Headache, Bifious Headache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels ar prevented, relieved, and cured. They're the cheapest pill you can buy, for they're ffuaranteed" to give satisfaction, or your money ia re turned. You pay only for v&lu received. Something else, that pays the dealer better, may be offered aa " just as good.'' Perhaps it is, for Attn, but it can't be, for you. B ink or acio, SOTO .TJlbuiaa .A J Jjbss la mum. A friend tells of a lry over in Polk coun ty finding a nest of that moat beautiful of doraetirated American birds, the Goldcn Winged wood-pecker, or "'flicker," in an old aptde tree. He has taken ont an egg every day for :56dayi. the bird faithfully layintr a new one each time the nest is robbed. Ordinarily the flieker hatches four to seven young.- Journal . TV north iole is at tract inir 'eneral at- j . j ,.i ,, - . .,, l .,,r, an Kntrlishman. is t- try for the north pole by from Fraiv. JrM?f Lawl: Dr So onjn h to slart on hi- -Intiitig vovage ?i or the mirth pole; Dr Ryder, a lane, u to explore ;he east coast of ire.-nland. ami there i talk of an expedition to Arctic America to locate the magnetic pole, The Scio Pre (five a tsf uiiiir inehlent Ist-V !. . - l-a i'l liVI - a7.Ssrj I v-naaw-a fc.a , - , ,., Kif ; the Sintia--. Imt wasrest-ned Iry Mr Borzee. Now i is renorted tbj-t a marriatre betwetn the eo iple Ira oreurred at Stayton. la a mucn neeaeo', mr.a c hope the counties wil and build tl.e bridge. grant the peti loi .. , . . M .rt. .e be m md,- .0 t-duce the nublUher cf 'he Wesur 1 I'cozfizue, ot i i Tbe Pendleton E O gets liv t'.y as iol ' loai: An editorial acribberon the Oie- ! gonian has discovered that human frogs- ride bicycles ir sort, a reckteass fashion that pedestrians in Use cities are in danger of their iitea, and caiia upon the law makers to compel them to ride bo faster f ban tlx ni.les an boar, vs bile this eeribbier is a beat it be oazbt alto to call attention to tbe human fools en gaged in editing nexrspaoen a ho are en dangering people's rights Some re -strict ion should be placed on them. too. There ia a boat at much to fear from the : hotoac fools as from the 'hrjzan frogs." The Linn and BerUon e&CEtr men i bossM BOW pell thenuelHtS and secure alt the bVpositors there aaleas- make good every doilar entrusted to them. Salem Joornal. That is just what is be ing" desce here. A big effort is being niade to pay every cent her, and it is probable derVJitors will lose nothing-, or little, ex cept tirae. Col John Lane. rentlv attainted 1" S ImraBrlni of Indian Asasscses was in Cor- j enroav toSiletx. He is a ; ftIfm gnnpotte of the plan of are! iriiinmr the In liana. A storr is told Salemite who hts plan and re ef the Indians lj . .: as a : vndnsdinsr from the ::T;"i ' to the resrnttanc. teauxtiBsr to the old blank. t stvae of liring. The Col retorted: -Weil, vks: some we'1-raised Ixvs have be- etmm ,:r:';kri- Hi MHMBa CBBBal kj.s - f gone to the penitentiary or junrd tbe re- patiUeaa rjsrrtT. So Iwsr as this 1 tee ! . V -. . . . 1 . ; ti- a :- c. .u. i ;t-i a i j rf rofallel H Yorkvilie. iJeorgia, mmtm jjBiirers. bat outsM not decide I l " . r . 3 . as: n 1 saeiween ascora.vr wssta i . iiuui ( j (or D miff ad the two voontr men. She told the rival, that tbe one who woold come back to her first with a mar- i "age Beexxse aSBOaaid bp her huAond. both to leave Yorkvilie at the same tune aad ride to Dallas, the coentv seat. Tne yosxasr were well mounted, and the. distance 19 miles. The race was a hot one. McJarsver. the n h lover, reached the or- j ainary nra ana s-u-eu loe u'tmse ceiure Govaa appeared. The latter came a rnora- j arserwara ana suso stvrrea a ucense. in a lew moments ne way aiso on o.s way taaa lorlmlle. The lace became snarp. . u-mt mu 1 - - the hrrw nnionted Miss Storr. her fa- ' ther and the minister waited on the obuza 1 1 .1 ' 1. r..H,. ' .t-m- t-w, "- m " " . . 1 ffo Sjjvq taker, a short cut through tbe woods a. r i i -a..r ",,V T?s"! S f?Z YirVjT t in me .uamage res-uit i. pro m 1 e:a Northe a P.5!i! Riilwal la ihe liar to take f i a mWM SOUTH It la the DIXIXG It runs Throagl' K.l T8 kites 1st Ibe TE. I.- I PADLand CIGA60 t0 CHANGE OF.CARS ' " Ctwposffl of Biaiiis Cars lisirpiss Piilaan Drawins Stwa Slftp?rs Of Latest Eiipaf at TOURIST SLEEPiNS CABS. Beast tLat can be coastraote i nrnl ia which ao.vmmodstiont are bmh fine and furnished for holoers of Firs or Second ciassi tickets, aid ELE6ANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line connectiiu, with al iinis, affording Direct and Uii interrupted SerTica. Pullman nleeper reserratioos can ho secured In adVaoee through any asteut ot the road. THROfQH TICKET'S to and from all j.. lints io Ameiioa tna.aod aa.1 Kurops. can be purchanevj at uy ticket office of this corrpany. Full iu format i m coa.sarBioit rstus,tim of trains, routes and other :e: s:.s tshed oo application to say ageat or A D CHARLTON. Assistant General PasaenKor Agent, No 12i t-irst sit, cor. WaahiBgton. Port'aod. t'lo.ou. CG Puikhart, lecal sr r.t. ARE YO J a ncwwaFcr v. ' .' '.1-:. .It taam. ot : U h sthove, -.aotfcor, ardst, tiiu-rj . . . 1 la exf i ho tts rta 1 .'.L'CT. VrlE j DO Y wjas! i' rerl. ih. a'jcv.f j If a vs - Ms. ill TBB Jot K ...1T. fu tint i 1 M.tti y ar. A.i fa .i;-3 oc Bpt'licutloa. rOltWAN. t. r. ca ;i- o.rict- -. '.17 Kas&ac Siai.i Ns. atra C REVERE HOUSE aLBANT - aMWH HAS. PF1SIFFER rKOPRlIiTOR