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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1893)
Hiahts BematTdt. VOL XXVIM, ALBANY.OREGON, FR1DA, JULY 7. 1893. Entered at tne Pes OBte at All.nnj -. Or., a rrond-( li Mall MMtri- fin-. Axirrix, rnntiuiu NO 48 2 TfEUfETHftT UA S! ALL 0TH:R5 FOLLOW. THROUGH DAI' V TR4IN-8 huain iVrllanil, S:4i A. M. m P. H. & 8 D4TS TO CHICAGO hours "ansTO UftllRQ QUICKFR TO CM AHA HUUrO KD KANSAS CITY PULLMAN AND T0U913T SLEEPERS, FREE FECUNMC CHAIR CARS DINING CARS. For 'a e.iiHl general information cal ot or address W II lltRLBURT.A&sl.Gcn'l. Pass. Agt, 354, Washington St., Portland, Oregon mmmmm GOOD Food - - -Digestion- -Complexion - are allintimatelvconnected practically inseparable. Though the fact is often ignored, it is nevertheless true that a good complex ion is an impossibility with out good digestion, which 2 in turn depends on good iooa. There is no more common cause of Indigestion than lard. Let the bright house ! keeper use GOTTOLENE The New Vegetable Shortening and substitute for lard, and : her cheeks, with those of! her family, will be far more likely to be " Like a : rose in the snow." Cottolene is clean, deli-: cate, healthful and popu- lar. Try it for yourself. , Send three cents in tumps to N. J K. Fairbank & Co., Chicago, : handsome Cottolene Cook Book. S containing six hundred recipes, i prepared by nine eminent author. ities on cooking. I flade only by N. K. Fail-bank & Co.. ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. NEW YORK. BOSTON. mmmm fjr. The trxeial Sori of Read, Peacock A Co. f.-r ihe prfns season is to lucu ste the purchasing power of vour dollar with the 6REATB-T. Villi EVER OITEBED FOR YOUR MOSEY. It w i!i be to your interest to call and inspect their Halt v- IVG DISI-LAY Of NOVKLTTES and RELIABLE STANDARD GRASSES : Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Tite Statk Shoot cloned yesterday of ter noon. The first shoot yestetday was a pool of $1 each, ''4 nntwilW Piper broke ten straight. Meekl and Grant Froman came in on the "V A consolation shoot had only one sllvjiiv man in it, W V, Baker. As there was prire for every man he got one, a silk hat. donated by the L K Biain Cloth- inglo. r ourteen teams entered the team "litest, two in a team, with $106 in the pool. Pearson uid Harritt broke 4o out of ;i iossi1iit .(), winning the first prise; The second money went to Martin and Shadden and Farlow and Vinning, eoeh making 40. Meek ami IVyoe came in for a third of the X .1 A ... n mi no money, t,eo r roman and I luer broke 9$. The next tournament willbe held m Portland The date set will be be tween june i ami in. w A Morv was elected president. V .1 Riely secretary tturrv iveei treasurer, all ot Portland. the tenth shoot was won by rM Rrink- iinl a 19-voar old vounir man. of bkw. who borrowed a gun, and some one paid ms entrance fee. 1 he Statesman tells about it this way: Kd Urinkard, a 19-year-old youth who resides at Halsey. was the sports iuiui wmi created so union excitement yes terday afternoon at the shooting grounds and made the crack marksmen feel that thev were not in it. He belted his suspenders around him and took about too reel in his breeches at the ankle and cooly bdgan the work of cracking the first fifteen discs thrown for him. ile did this without a murmur and he accomplished the feat of breakingfthe remaining ten as though it was an every dayoccuirenee. Almost before the asmoke of the last shot had died away the boys of his native town. Halsev. and the Albany team irrubbed him up and should ered kim ail over the ground to the pleasure of r3? spectators. He was placed one of the irai bwxes and with the gun in his hand with which he did the work, a phototmiher's camera was turned on bis form and a shot takon. He was the hero of the hour and the siico-sjrful winner of the tine Parker gun vriued jit $100. But his luck did not stay with urn long. In a shuotoff for some other prizes he only broke five of the clay birtis cut af a possible ten. It L V inning of Ashland, i ; V roman of Albany, and Jesse of Halsey. who scored twenty-four out of the twenty-five in the match for the Imper ial bicycle on Tuesday, were compelled to shootoff for the wheel. Mr Vinning broke nine and the other two fare each. The gen eral averages were as follows: Ed Long, of McMinnville. first with 89 J& per cent, win ning the individual championship medal valued at $50. F A Turner of Salem and Paul hinzel tied for the second general highest average getting the oil painting valued at $50. B V Harritt of Salem made the third highest average. Pipes (P J Bal timore i of Albany and Evans of Portland tied for fourth general average. They won the silver shaving cud. YY" A Storey of the Portland team, and the newly-elected Pres cient made ths lowest general average. Lkranon. A statement of the condition of the bank shows : Gross asses its, 976,000 ; I of this the bank property is counted at $8000; J L Cowan owes $4-JiXH) to the bank or ixHKinoii: over tiraiis oi upwards ot Bi z,- MHIll IM -Hts.. ti V H Raymond, lbs Ineurunce man, s in the city. laVi ami thn hs.lii.uw is. ..V.I.W Tl,i. ' " ' 1 V'1'"'-T ? "' . "n llll iituT JTSSS " ."ii ' w citjronliW.wM Home ironi ihe World's $24,000 to de1t.tl9.n to the Linn f0i,ciln?i?VFrnc,, ,rmCr Countv National bank and the balance to i ,0 ctt Mr f " 'rnch. the oilier creditors. It is the ireneml im- Mesdnmee RMfleld ami Altli -use ar pression that since Mr Cowan haslet things r,veti 'ro' , A,l2,', '',,-r. ''' arc the KCt in the shape be has, that he is txviiwr to 1 Kf8tai orMti r A llelu. M,g8Lida do the right thing by the depositors. It is thought the depositors will be paid a good deal more than waa at first expected . the Lebanon correspondent of the Herald says that rrot Hichener is the only appli cant for the principalshin of the Leluuion public school. We are reliably informed that there are fully a dozen applicants, and Prof M iehener is not among the) number. Married, in Lebanon, June SB, 1893, by Rev C R Lamar. John C Findley of Port land and Rhoda P lie Kinney of Lebanon. The new I) -married couple left Thursday morning for Portland. The bride is well known here and lias the best wishes of many friends. There waa a race at McKniirhts track last Sunday between Wm ltoyoe" "Jack" and Wm Ltttae s '-Hyer. for Jo a side The distance was TOO yards, and "Jack" came out about three length ahead. There was also a race between James Taylor's pony and toother of Rovce's horse u the former com ing out ahead. Hw Pikkkt Prkkd. The following from the Independent is about a former well-known school teucherof this countv: but for two or three years with Lodd &- Hush, of Salem: It has been learned that S A Sanford. of Bush's bank, this citv. is short $150. He started east a few months :uro purposinir to visit hisold home in Ohio and the big fair, after which he returned to -alem on the 1 1 :'J0 !x-al this morninir. While enroute west, this side of Cincinnati. he came to the sudden realization that a wallet containing the sum named above was missinif, and upon further iuvestiira tion found that it was not a cold-brick or tin-box scheme, but a cold-blooded Dick- pocket steal. Hereafter when Mr San ford travels, he will either go without money over the "bumper pass or carry hecks and a letter of identification. Dress Goods Fancy Goods, Notions, Their servicable stock dh dlspiay. and sure to please. FurEishing- Ocodfi linctivein itle, tfeganl ln Try We tiiem uhen you war.! have e'egant line. SHOES. Y ii can be economical xlrh no eftcrt whale er by bu i la bat Vn nt cd for Spring from READ, PEACOCK & CO, ALBANY, OREGON- N. WALDAHL, --Aerchant Tailor 8ai's Inie foOrtier ami Satisfarlion Knsrani t Tjcpqiiaiia of 11 lilds. SHOP OPPOSITZ THE PC ST OFFICE OREGON FORTMILLER & IRVING Undertakers and - Enibalmers. ll IK'VKClnflnitl lirE KhEP rrrnrri'; i n I rr! full I't c of nils it VV coffins. Abo InsUtifti trd null"-, i i lirtiVlril. Hlb which will be sold at The l.niif!.t I.tTlsa) ; Irofltn. EMBALMING a,,,J 'nt proper ci ot the dead a sptrisK. il r. 4 1 , I m lEHTRA CKARGfe FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE ALBANY. - - MASONIC TEMPLE. - - OREGON- v - - - - - CITY BOTTLING CO Who!', tale and RetailDealers In Noda Water, Cldera, Orange aud lroa, Nellzer Wateris, Blrels Beer. Haraaparllla ami Irou, Iron Wine, Kic. Countryo i i i, i ..eked, G,yo i-.. i. i . OPPOSITE IRU88 HOUSE ' B ALB ANY, OR NEW : FURNITURE, M Y STORE IS NOW HULL OK FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, -CONSISTING c f bed room sets, chair, Icooget, ntc., which I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Call on m for hargai ss, f I ) Brink. The Yaqi isa Harbob. MrP W John son, the O P agent at San Francisco, in the Journal of Commerce, says: Formerly and before the jetties that are being constructed by the government were extended to near completion, some difficulty arose at times, causing delays that in the present extension of the jetties have been entirely overcome. The bar proper is not over 600 feet in width and but a few years since a strong tide coming into the bay would wash the sands upon the top of this narrow ledge to a con siderable depth, obstructing temporarily the channel. But this difficulty has lieen entirely removed, and at present, practi cably there is nofbar. rThe jetties extend - wg out several nunoreti reel connne tne cur rent to a comparatively narrow channel, thereby increasing its velocity. It is now sufficiently strong to keep the' bar swept en tirely clean of sand down to the hard rock, and so protects the entrance to the harbor that during a gale the force of the breakers Which formerly rolled in from the north west with great force, is entirety de-rtroved by the projection of the north jetty. With these most favored conditions, it u not put tinir it too stronir to say that the entrance to Yaiiuina Harbor is one of the safest on Xv 1 acihe coast. Tiik State Shoot. Yesterday the Al baujy men again did good work at the eta-ie ahoot The fourth match was for ten Piisgle blue rocks, with 41 entries "Oreifoo." Kinzel, Caveness and Evans broke ten straight. Grant F roman and four others divided second prise on 9 breaks; Dey-te, D. B. Mon'eitli, Jesse and eight others divided the third prize. In the fifth contest. Turner won firs nrix; Holdridge, gladden, Long and Evans scored 23. Dsyoe waa the only man in the 22 hole and, therefore, sole winner of a set of single harness and 28 i in cash. Toward the last, when the shooters began to see bow things were going, there was a strong effort on the part of several to score 22. lease secured a fourth of the sith prize,Orant Froman a fifth of the sixth prize, Mon teith and Mek each a nintb ot the tghth prize. The sixth match waa for 20 singles- there were 38 entries r a Tarner also won first prize in this con tent ith 20 straight. Grant Froman, of this eity, and Evans scored 19 and di vided second prize. D B Montci h and thrte others divided the fourth prize on 17 Leyoe came in for a fifth on a score of 10. The ae en tli match waa for ten ningles. Tbiry-two entries at I.S0 tneh. Martin won first prize, a Victor Sierele: Kioz?l ani Long Al- b tny men did not figure much in this co iest. Okiiiomzi) Times- A N King, son of At soa King, of Portland, arrived in Cor' val lie Sunday night from the Chewaucan Valfey, Southeastern Oregon. Me cam 3 acrces the monntains via tne oia muuarj rome and found about eight ml lea oi snow . ten or twelve feet deep, and a num oer vt wagons waiting to cross. Of the rendition of affairs in Chewaucan he seys ' " were never at a lower ebb. Wool is only worth cents per pound. Cattle can be boagbt at $10 per head al! round, and horses recently sell as io per head Mutton sheep only bring $2 to $2.25 per head, the la'ter oeing tne best ot wethers." Mr King baa aboot 4000 acres of land in Chewaucan. On a former trip out there this spring be ol- f red a certain tjrro Wtfjyo per neaa lor a band of sheep, and on the visit from which be is now returning he was offered the same eheep at SI. 50 per head. Bright Coi stbt Girl. In view of the fiu:t that an enormous number of insur ance agents have been around the following from the Wolf Creek correspondence in the irants Pass Courier will be of interest: As one of our younir ladies was on the train coming from Grants Pass the other evening a vounir dude, with his neck and ears cor- settted with a standingcollar, professing to lie an insurance asrent from Ashland, forced a conversation with her. As the train sped along and the dude was talking very learned. thiukinir our vounir ladv a "trreeney, a long-eared jackass pnt in an appearance and the smart "insurace agent" said, "Ah, deah miss what animal is that, can you name it?" "Yes sir," said the vounir lady, "that is another insurance agent from Ashland; x i.r -j" uon s yuu rccusriu7B nun r $500 reward offered. The following is from K P officers of San Francisco: Th Southern Pacific company offers a reward of five hundred dollars for the arrest and con viction of the man who shot and as sup posed, mortally wounded James Bruce, a brakemau on passenger train No. 3, at Gold Run, Placer county, California, about two a m, June 28th. Several tramps were on top of one of the forward ears of the train. The brakenian attempted to get him off i a i.1 t.: 1 a1 ..ll vv lien one oi uieiu hiiol hi hi, nua uwu uti th? tramps fled to the hills. It being night thij only description Mr Bruce can give is that Hie man who snot mm was tan, had dark n.mstache, dark slouch hat and carried a small bundle. It is thought the man may have fled north. A CattHBax Paeasant Did It Ycs- tcrdoy we heard of a serious runaway that I L MolHda had at Muddy Creek bridge, J , Sirt.ll. J.l.iln. am 41.. ne ar nis tarm. unit uu" up nm bridge a China pheasant Hew up scaring hu ii-am The team started to run, when one of the horses jumped off of the bridge and was killed Instantly. Mr Hollida was violently thrown eut of the hack, but not badly hurt. How one corse could get loose from another in so short ft time arhn auth were harnessed seems aueer. Mr Hollida was In luck net to get killed himself. Halsey News. Robbed n Portland. A farmer nam . . . . . ea Lyons came to town from l sspuna a few days airo. says the Teieirram. He rouirht with him about $1.10. ami decided the first thins for him to do was to pur chase a new suit of clothes. Going into a clothing store he bought a $15 suit for $90, and changed his clothes, transferring his money from the pocket of his working clothes to those of his brand new suit, tie claims he lost a $31) gold piece in this establishment and called up on the police this morning. Detective Jim Barry took charge of the case, and after an investigation decided the man's story was true. He will arrest the proprietor of the establishment as soon as be can find him. Telegram A New OrEMNG. - The Dally Journ al of Commerce of San Francisco takes a more happy look at t rungs than the future will probably reveal: TSe ntw opening for trade with Southern and Western Ore gon which has manifested Itself during the ptst few weeks come upon us with a suddenness almost startling. Until a Uve receiver was placed in charge of the Ore gon Pacific road the Webfcoi state was as mach dosed to California enterprises and commerce as might be any portion of Centnl Africa. But the road wanted an income and the gentlemen in charge, with a trne appreciation of the true sllua lion, saw it at once that a vers- profitable trade might be carried on between San Frandsto and cur neighboring state, and that his toz could be made the yehlcle of the traffic ensuing The result Is destined to mark an area In 'he Malory of Pacific coast commerce. It hhs ope nod up at ynce to San Francisco the trade ot 200, ooo active, enterprising and Intelligent people, who instead of buying in tbe east, will now come to purchase in the metro polis ot the Pacific coast. Newport or the Ska .The following is from the Portland Telegram, and while it is part of an advertisement it reads pretty well. "Newport, the fashionable health easide resori of OstHsB. 'IV r are thr- C . I I . I , . . yer mst-cia vmciM ax .esrpon anu one u u- qmna (;ity. Small cottages can be leased tor tbe season at a very reasonable rental. Newport is the most healthful resort in Oregon; has abundance of pure spring water; delightful e iaathing. rme fishing in the bay, and the tag Reso lute will make excursions for deep sea . fish ing. Seven miles south are the Seal Rocks, and three mikes north stands the govern ment lighthouse and the massive rocks of Cape Foul weather. Arrangements have been made to have a fine ochestra and band in constant attendance. Ar Albany Horse.--In the races at Portland on last Wednesday. Del Norte. owned by C E Barrows, of this city, won tbe special trot and pace in two straight beats, defeating five fast horses, never skipping on the circuits. Purse, $200. lime. -.'lioii. 'OSiH. Yesterday in the 2.25 pacing class I vl Norte won the two heats with wonderful ease in 2:22 and Rosemon. of Salem, was one of the horses defeated. Cameo, second on Wednesday, was also second in this race, while the other horses took minor places. Del Norte is one of Altamon't finest progenies. Cob tract Let. Governor Pennoyer, State Superintendent McKlrov and D C Sctkeli. the architect, oi-ned the bids todav for the dormitory and other buildings for the State Agricultural college. Thev were as follows: I F Conn. $9,750; W Butler, of Corvallis, $9,000; O McPadden. of Corvallis. $9,568; J P Huffman, cf Cor vallis. $8,928; W Herbert, of Corvallis. $8,560: A F Peterson, of Corvallis. $7,500: Wilson k Chase, of Lelmnon. $8..0: .1 II Couirill. $10,345 W S Tranor. $10,300 I raven ii UUmrer. of .Salem. 8.!. the contract was let to A F Peterson. Iiw Rater. Beginning tomorrow the i re iron Pacific will put into effect a rate of Zi cents ner UK) nounds trom nan r rancisco to Corvallis and Albany on all classes of merchandise except articles coming under special commodity rates. 1 he airove rates includes State wharf toll and transfer charges at Corvallis and Albany. The com - , . , ; ' A . tM . . mcuuy rates going mio eueci hi uie siime time are shipments of 4000 pounds and over, and are as follows: To Corvallis and Al bany canned goods 17c, coal and coke 16c, gram nags ioc, none snoes 1 ic, time anu cement I6c, malt 18c, nails 15c, gas and water pipe I7c, rice, salt and sugar 15c, wire lie. These rates also absorb State wharf toll and transfer charges at points named. A Practical Joke, Yesterday an Al bony man was mowing some grass in his yard. A friend came alonir and remarked jokingly that he needed some hay, and was Sing to steal it that night. This morning ,e grass was gone and could be traced ail the way to the other man's yard, where his cow was kept. The result would have been pretty serious had it not been learned that some noys had overheard the remark and thought a good opportunity was offered for a practical joke. Messrs E L Knox and ?!. ,l,..,f,.. .......1 :.,.! as ever. A Card ok Thanks. We, the under signed, wish to express our gratitude to our mends for their remembrance ot us in our sorrow, and especially to the railroad men, for their kind attention and for their thoughtfulness in not ringing the bell while passing the house. MRS. h. U. UF.CKARD, H. L. Cranor. ItumbauKb. ot Ainsny, is the uuert of her sister, Mrs r rter. of this city. Corvallis Timer. Mr and Mrs AEli t!lahrr left on ihe local train this morning for their n 'w nomas at Spokane Palls. Mr Gallaaher has formed a law star tne rshlp with V E Richardson, an eatsbljahed sUorney ibere, and will Immediate enter practice. Eugene Guard raroAT. Hon M A Miller, will ..rah- at godaville on the 4th of July. Dr and Mrs J 1' Lattl. r returiHilthis insin from their eastern vtfit License has ' rjr ' for the imtrriage of Louis L Matnejsfrnd Mattu- E Temple. Mr W'alter Lycsys: recently of theHtoyton Times, is in the citv afteS ttipt.ssiiWii t'regon. A D Baker and (' f K''inimK look r.,r-n iw u; suinn ymieniay mviung. lle sijr nincance of tlv trip mniiot 1 given at the present time. B&S fk. T .a an i .i fusuii, oi mouny, is. in mis niy uj jieniitending the work of placing the jptl vanized iron rornit on the Thos llotmaa DWCK. iNalem Statesman. is: sf i r , m. . . u in win iwani. or langens. wiio re- eenuy graduated from the Albany collese I.e. I . , . . . . " en uii evening lor an!a Anna.t al. where she will visit friends a couple months sa f si e . . . mi J una inivi and son. of Miedd. w.-re HRUU,., It,, .11 ., .1 I . - SJSSJ lauru at I'KHIH HAT OmCS tislay. Mr ami Mrs Davis will leave in ) few days for the word's fair. Mrs J W Tathani w-nt to Lebanon tuday ami will give a stereoptinui entertainmei.t theie tonight in the interest of kindcrvarl. n work. Mrs i i liell left this arm for the home of her mother, west of Port i and whom she will pruItaUy I .ring home with her. it sufficiently rerorwre-J from a reo-nt illness. Judge Kelsey. of ( orvalli. was in tlse city this noon. The Jmlge is one of the most vigorous men in Oregon of his age, 70 years. He credits his present splendid health to the following through life of one or socraies iaeav; and tbe Judge by the bv. is somewhat of a philosopher himself. One of the prettiest pieces of oil painting. the .Man alwut town, has seen is a small one of a broken paper stsrk of oranges (iiiuiK mi on a sranu. wni n l in a win dow at r ortmiller A. Imng's. It is tbe work of JtiM le Irving, and 'hows an ar tistic taste of merit. saitanar 8 E Young and family returned day from the East. Miss Bertha hieasr has gone to PortlaiM on a visit with friend. Miss Sadie Nelson returned to her home m ammmt mm mmm Mrs Henrv Warren, of Ut MinnvihV will spend tbe summer in Ailssnv the guest of her son I S Warren; also Warren StetJon Of Seattle. Miss Hela tfilbert has trone to the moun tains for her summer vacation. I Hiring her absence her sister. Mr Arch Hammer will have charge of her class in music CMrs E L Irvine, of Portland, and MUses Sophia and Anna H : k. of Albany, were visiting their sister. Mr- 0 A this city the first of the saeek. tr Irrfne bus been in failing health for some time, and be has decided to accept a suitable position in the Portland custom house ser vice, -t'orvallis Gazette. Dr E G Clark ami family arrive,) fjl sss Portland last Saturday to spend a week vis iting Ashland, the guest, of the family of Mr C s father. D G Clark. Dr OmA now of the prominent lenti-1- ,4 tlie state, i- prwmlent of tbe state dental society and secretary- of the state board of dental "exam iners. .-Ashland Tidinsrs. Mr. 0. F. SiaBBBCSS. Mav Ridrmit and others returned this noon from the ezcur- tnp to San rranriaeo. and repert a stf-rmy trip to Yaquina. over three davs neing resiuired to make it. Prof G. F. Russell is in California and G. W. Simp son and family, who were on the excursion, and will remain a while longer. A Pioneer Dead.- Nathaniel Greene McDonald, a pioneer of 1845. died at his home near Scio yswterdav afternoon at the age of 76 years. The following excellent sketch of his life appears in the Statesman s Mr Mclvmald was born in North Carolina August 10. 116. He went to Missouri when a young man and near St Joseph, in that state, be married Miss hVtiecra J Munkers. and the young couple came over land to Oregon in 845 and settled in lacfc amas county near Oregon City. A little later, however, he removed to Linn county and took up a donation land claim of 640 acres. Mr McDonald took part in the or ganization of the first county formed on the Pacific coast Clackamas, Upon the break ing out of the Cayuse Indian war in 1 -18 Mr McDonald volunteered his service and he performed valorous service in the ranks under Captain Gilliam. In one of the en gagements of the campaign Mr McDonald was shot through the right Inng. the bullet passing entirely through his body The wound thus received never fully healed and it gave much trouble during the remainder of the old soldier's life, hard worker though he was. Nine children were born to Mr and Mrs McDonald, the eldest of whom was the mother of Hon Jeff Myers. She diet! a dozen years ago. Two others of the children are deceased: the others are id I in Oregon. Mrs McDonald survives. Mr McDonald was always a warm democrat. Within the past year be united with the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He was a man of sterling honesty ami he stamped his individuality upon what ever he was identified with. He never sought for pol itical honors MEW TOBK I III. New Yohk, June 23rd, 1893. . Lure for Coins, Fevers and Oenerai Je- Diiity , nmcui uu urois. asc. per Dome. Ts fiel at MFaets Regarding Hood's Strsanarilh, ssk th people who tsks this msdteioe.or resd th testimonials often published ia this paps Tbey will oonvinosjyou that Hondo's core Hood's fills cure oonstiustioB. v atCsr, Rstvl It lac, 801 Warn Street. Portland, Cr. Prevent ana euro Constipation and aafihe, Small BlWBesus. Twenty Tears' Experleae. C D Fredricks, the well Known pho togrspher, 770 Brosdwsy, New York, says: "I have been using Allcock's Por ous i'lastert lor 20 yeais, ana rouna tnem one ol the best 01 ramuy meuicuiet. Briefly summing up tny experience, I sy that when placed on she emsll of the back Allcock's flasters hli tne oouv sag ner. vous energy, and lints cure laugue. Drain exhaustion, debllty and kidney difficul ties. For women and children 1 have found Ihem invaluable. They never Irri tate the skin or cause the sliuhtcft pain but cure sore throat, coughs, colds, pain In the side, back or chest, Indigestion nd bowel complaints." New Photographer. I hue opened a new tnillerv In tlie Y. M. t . A. block, 2nd street, Albany, and will try hard to please all who will favor me with their patronage. 1 win taKe all sizes ami siyies 01 pnotos as irood as the best and us cheap a- the cheii) est. I am no traveling photo here hxluv and gone tomorrow, but have come witl wife and children to man a nomo in your ?rlorious climate. I have come to stay 'lease call and see me and try my work Very respectfully yours, B. A. I1AMMELI., Lateof Toronto, CoSTtoa. an Easy Winners Tne annual parade and review of tne Fire department took place on Saturday morning, and tbe gallant fire laddies ac- j quilted themselves nobly and deserved I the plaudits showered upon them by an sdmiring public The review was held at Riverside park ; on the weef aide of the driveway was a long grand stand for the use of the friends of the fremen and the city officials In the center of the stand was a covered booth gorgeous in drappings of bunting and United ftats flats fins was occuDied bv Mayor Hilroy and Fire Commissioners r.tcKtioii, ncannell and (jray. The par ade started f-om Seventy fifth Mrwi in command of Chief Hogf! Bonner and led Dy is lie's tKWt Regiment Bank. In the column were 10 ensine mniinni.. each accompanied by its hose cart, also iwo noon and-ladder companies and 200 firemen on foot. The column made a most imposing picture as ihe men lined no in Iront ol the reviewing stand. Mayor (iilroy made an address annislL menting tbe men 00 their good record, in tbe conrse of which he presented four medals for bravery. Firemen aspe I iiivs, 1.1 as aim ujan were the hon ored ones'liaving risked llieir lives in savir.g inmates of burning booses during the year. As these men stepped out to me rami 10 recpiva the tokens of ap -preciation, the vast crowd cheered Hu m again and attain. 1 he fire.lou-i Jnnn.n. and Nellie were "onspicaous :n tbe par ade and looVed like heroe as they dashed along with Utsrif rani ,1a baiiitius: from their head. Both dos have r,-. , . ..I mrdsls for bravery and have saved lives at (ires. They are lbs nrids of th partiuent. The record of the New York Fire drparinent is irr-nroaelial,'- svi for efficiency it -annot I excelled in this or any o her country. New York's pride and boast, the 8- enth Regiment, hss zone In (Wk.l.ili where the state camp is located. Over '.00 strong.the Seventh marched trom its armory, under command ! Colonel Ap- pieton to lirand Central denot on Satnr. day morning. At Peekskill tho regi ment reltevsd the Twenty third of drool, lyn which reg.meat marc.iedont of camp as the Seventh entered. Tbe bovs tli occupy the encampment for one week and excellent rsjeaw-J ahonl.l h made as the Seventh is the finest and strongest militia reginceoi in tbe United State. Vti 1 Do lice outrases s-r Im mlnnrA - That is a query of sorts: importance in the metropolis. While off duty and in ii'iiiaa aiurr, oergeani 3tc artoo en deavored to diten angle a blockage of street cars at Fourteenth street and .Ninth avenue but Monday. In doin caugm no u 01 tue horses driven t David Bryant and altera war of words the men began to assault each other. Bryant, boa ever, didn't know Mcv'arton a as an ofBcrr uutil he was taken vo ihe station bouse by another officer ssho tta attracted to tho soot by the disturbance In the Jefferson Market police court on Tuesday Bryant was charged with aaoaatt and was bold in $300 bail bv lattice 00. bis. According to custom McCar ton was givtn custody of his prisoner un til delivered to tbe prison authorities McCarton. betor he rearled the rarri dor leading from tbe court rcom, gave prisoner a violent shove, and. attract- ed by cries of distress, the joelic coold see tne sergeant violently kickiug Ute priaaner whom be bad tbroan down. hen by order of the to Mice. Bryant waa led to tho bar bleeding from cuts and bruises, and his clothing badlv torn. H-i told Justice Yoorbts ibat McCartOn assaulted him as soon as thev reached the corridor. The other policemen there rushed to the spot and 1 eld Bryant while McCarton stood off and struck him repeatedly nub b'a fist and then kicked him- Justice Voorbi. on askins? Mc- Carton what be bad to say. perceived for the nrst time that he was under the In fluence of liquor, reprimanded bim se ver! v and srarned bim to avoid such treatment in tbe :utnre. Justice Voor- his then noticed that the sergeant's fists were still fresh with blood, and as he was leaving ihe court be was told to come back and was held in $300 hail to answer tbe charge of assault A re porter and Lawyer Thomas J liibbons saw Uie assault and will testify against the police brute. A charge will also be made to tbe police com -nissioners and it s hoped that that Isjrfy will do all in ita power to punish an official bo over steps bis authority. It ia not nnnsual for citizens to be asaanited on the nublic streets by an incompetent or intoxicated police man, but takirg trutalil before tbe very eveo of a police justice is cstt-- ins. ihe outrage entirely too far. The pub ic choice lias been b:aten in Suburban, as well as the Brooklyn han dicap- Before a crod of 25,000 people M txirriUrds great coll LamDiiab'er met deleat in tbe great 25.iXJ Suburban llondicap. Thefoiloaing horses faced the starters : LampUitriter (Sims). Ban- qart (Lambly). Peasara (Taral). Dr Hae- brouca 1 Bergen i. The Pepper t Overton. Mars I LittletieW. Iddesleigb ( Hamilton, Lowisnner ( Mcliermott j. Terrific y Lambls ). Iiwiander led at tho start and setting a terrific pace won all tho way around from terrific, alio beat Lamplighter for second place with com parative ease, fhetime for the distance, one mile ar.d a quarter, waa 2 .06 3 5 breaking aU previous Suburban records. ihe winner, Low lander, was an out sider in tbe betting as was Terrific, who ran second. The public lost heavily on Lamplighter and Banquet and sports re peat the assertion that nothing is certain save i!e nil and 'axes. A train crowded with people on their way home Ironi Sheapshe:id Bav race course, ou Suburban day, was derailed, killing eight and injuring twentv-six people. The accident was caused by a broken tail, and although euht were killed it waa considered a miracle that the loss of life was not greater. ,v .. i tr tr ... " M S , SI . IOt.l.Sl 11 - The Orcgonwn says: "It is a democratic party principal that to tho victors bc'ong the spjils. While republican profess; Otuerwisi, n j parly ever followed the rule, "that to die vic'ors belong ihe spoil?," more closely than it does. It is amusing to sec with what assiduity the Oregonian and other republican pape:s labor to show that the democratic party is the pa ty of free silver while popullt papers labor with even greater vigor fo show that it is the party oi the gold bug single standard The Oregonian and its coadjutors re-t in serem contentment in the belief thai tbey have established t.Se:r proposition. And nine tenths of tbe read ers of the respje'ive classified organs accept tbe conclusion arrived at by these paperr. Such it partisan politic. J I POBD, Mii-M, I Of OA M nes, Iowa, writs uodsrMata of March 23, 1893: OIVj KlVJOYfS Both tie method and results wbcr. ?yrup of FlBR IS tslreo- if i. I . I 1 ft a - was f a V w IJJCUiaijl I ana refrealiinc to h 1 .... I . c - --, u.... 1 assjiJi ihe newspapt 1 or pary leader who has Bt.nJ" yet promptly on tbe Kidnevs no pgfisyr purple thin to gain party ad vantage over Ihe financial mif trtanes of the people at Urge", his tut a small supply of real patriotism in him lie may oaten Utnudy ni"ir? a bo of patriotism but it KII.I .-. srs i ttn Buam pmommm ivfp our mm JLtivrp and i i, i .. ,V ??WKmf cttauises me sys tem effectually, dispel colds, hesrl aod fevers and cures habitual wnUp$tion. Byrup of Figs is th' a LFVfy. kiud e" Pre dnced, bhasine to the taste surd .... S. B. Med. Ms.-,. Co.. Dafur, trgoa. "m" lt week. I toned all well and atss,,! . aajtiog. Oir J,i gul . h ,d o,e-h If ,r. ol wfco had wa ted aa.j u, 3Sra,U.dt. ,.ow well. TmrL&V aod ",eil -bedop. 1-V?h V. h"1:M iw.ra well. iJ-thofthe ciitldrea Ilk. it v.... e s. Csstgh Core has cured and keot awsv sdi from n.e. So ,t . with gre-iiDji; t.-u -At VV wear, ' Yoare, Ms, t M-1( j F roKJ faoanecest .e !t-KI- .1" . optn wide and you will be sore to see the 7L 7'.' a T"?1' Prompt la cloven foot or tbe earmarks of a mmnte ljT. " U l ft!neal l its bank dematrosrue The country is full of ! l.Zi.v P'pnrwt only trom the most lbec fellows HarJ times bnntr these chaps to toe front By their fruiu shall ye know them. full of h,!,, i V " 7 u agreeaoie raraftanccs, its to .1.1 and have nsauL, Mr. Gridy fne ea L'ni'.d Siitt Mar has entered oron tbe cis.faarje of Lis du'.ie, and sppcin rd the to lowin;; J It. . .... o' Funis nt chid deputy, U R Sibiey Unt i la ' titf cleik, GctX, IIur,pbrry Of many excellent qualities coramend it aim nave maac it tho most II;Jlar remedy known. Syrup of Figs ia for sale in 50c apd 81 bottles all kading Anf reliable drnggbt who may not have it on hand will rtrrs. r BTjSSS srisS I, ...... ... I .. SO csnu snr ssjttlo kn sfl irnguU. 8 H "oAsr a pusslis fxonMmin J A CUM MING. :care it tHomotlv for . l. nf -Ut,.. ?. sr. " J mmm -- .-UV3 so Lrv 1 V S . ... .. n . t S ... W s.ina service u-pn:), . II orjcior i service SUOSUtUte. d;put.,rr. R. B Beat ie of Pend'tetoa local se-vice dtpaty. Frank Scely of PcrtlanJ Iocsl scrvce at ihe Iiafle. The Oirfomua make a p e tense of bo - lieving that tbe presen'. stringency ic money matters is the remit of the election of Cleveland. Bank failures and suspen suns all are attributa 'Ae, to ihe menace of free trade" in tbe U. tion of Cleveland. Now all know that paper does not believe anything cf the sort, but it is a mere pre tense for the purpo'c cf icakii g party cap -iUl. The stringency now existing casae upon tbe coan'ry under the operation of tbe financial and revenue aw. eotablirbed and put in force by the ILtrriV.n admini ra tion, ami may be fairly said to be the result of the the opera ion of socn law The Ore gonian seeks not facts or the country's good. but party capital. WSSS7 SSUU ajo not accept any CALIFORNIA FI6 SYRUP CO. Loutsrms. tr. SK nAMCOCO. CAL m w tout. -.r. M. HeFarland, and - Saddlery o i Display Ii in ths Oooi 1 ero ia no need cf incidectt in proof of ihe propotition Ibat good work minthip always pay, it is too self evi dent to coed demonstration. Neverthetess did one with to carry coal to Newcastle and to Isnltter up his axiom he souM have tboosand upon Iboutacds of facts from which to choose. An excellent illustration, for instance, coold be found in a small Vir ginia town, where are made and have been made for many years ail the cancelling and dating stamp used in the pesvofhee United States. They are manufactured by a mm who many years 3 snetreded o the business on the death of hi' fa'tttr. who beore him bad conduct- el it for almost a generation The inter esting part of the story is that each year the contract i put up for poblic bidding, and that although proposal are received from all part; of the country, no one bat yet offered o do as good work for so little money. 1 n. IlIflilD U71 by Bcrkhart Brae. One erf the oldest Job printing Offices in the State I'iie only Exclusive Job Ice IN LINN COUNTY We hare the Largest and best Stock of Printers' Sta tionery, it has ever been our pleasure to offer the people. COME TO SEE US For Good, Quick Printing. T SMILEY, ACal tsiriONS ' iistt::. .n The Oregon Land Co Th solid vsttbvjledjtrain of ths Chicane. Union Pacific A North lane ditan all competition with save. It has th thart- eat hoe, fastest time, Union aipoia and no change or daisy at ths atiiiouri River, ami is the popular World's Fiir route. It would be well to remind the Oprona that the Sherman silver law which it so lustily denounces, and for whose lepeal i 10 loudly civ I s for, was passed by a congress republican in both branches, and passed nearly altogether bv republican votes. The that it was for fear the democrats would pass a free coinage bill that repub licans passed the Sherman law is redicu- lously absurd and nonsensicul How could the democrats who were not in the major ity in cither bouse of congress and were without a presideut to approve a free coin age bill, pass one? Or more pointedly how could there be any fear of the demo crats passing a free coinage bill when the republicans had a majority in both houses sod a president, a ho. it was known would veto such a bill if it should pass? No, this excuse that the Oregonian gives for the passage of.the bill is sham and frivolous und without a single prop to rest upon. No one found out that this was ihe excuse til 'he Oregonian dug it up. It is tli Oregonian's party subterfuge. Fifty three cents in gold or greenbacks will buy enough silver bullion to make IPO cent silver dollar. World's fair dispatch: Tnc Oregon commissioner received today an cxnioit which, when placed on view in the fisheries buildias, attiacted much attention. It was a salmon, weighing 85 pounds frozen In solid piece of Ice. Shiloh a Care, th great oough and crimp eare, is for sale by as. Pookst siss contain twenty-five dosos.only 25s. Children 1 j i it Foshay A Mason. Send yoornsms and addisis to itsad eacock & Co. Albiny, Oregon, and men on ths Democrat, tbsy will null you asbion sheet fro stoh month. Oat Ol sight The trsvelina public a-e now fully slivo lo th ftot thtt the th og, Unitn Pactti Si Nortli-Weftern ilne offsistlte very best ao:ommodalions to the public from and Chicane, Omaha and intetmadiate not only durin ths World's Pair, the year round points, but all I When iadrndence si as estab iad, tie bnadt of the new country stcre enrttisl sadenaite. Tbe limitso! the 1$ States ssere known tsi'h iratOniisic exactness, although there were si the oittct disrate lo'h be- weea tue States and between the Cci'ed State ami tbe European gosemuteutt a hose las alongside ours. The first great cpiitioa cf teiritary. sit the Youth CoopaKmn. was that of iu:siani. which S sin had ceded to France, and which tbe Empsror NapoUon to!J to the raited S'a'es for Jh.oxj.sko, la iSusi, arisen Mr- Jctfcrtoo was President. Mr. JcfLticn dii not : ,'mt that tbe Contitvitio-i perroltird the United S:ates to aanev forrigo tetrt'ery, snd wished that an amendment 10 tbe Conli.ctioR tftould be dopted to sanction It. lut the smer.dment failed after the anm aatlon had t een sc compluhed,and Mr. jcrTerscn stifled the scruple. Louidam, it acq lire I fr:m France, it elude I the 'erit'ort bounded on the east by Mississippi River f om its maulh to ha source; cn 'he not P by ihe line of the ilish possessions on :h west by the Pacific Ocean to the south line of Oregon. The olhfi boaed-'v fo'lo the north line of t'iforala.Nevadt and Utah at far east as the Rocky Monnlaios, and thence ia a gen era I southeast wardly direction, so as to in clude part of Colorado and mast .f Kan -is the Indian Territory, and all of Ar kansas and t.ouidana ta the Gu'f of Mexico Florida was lor mar.y JSS the object o cotetousoegs on the put of our government which claimed now a part atd nosr Ik w hole as included In the l.ou:sia?.a purchase The United States tit, all obtained it from Spain in 1S19, when Mr. Monroe was pres ident. What was known as vt est Florida including the part cf Alabama In which Mobile is situated had already been seized and he'd forcibly. Texas, originally a hart ot Mexico. itself up at an independent republic in 1S36 Its population ccotisteJ largely of bold and somewhat reckless adcentureis from the Southern Slates In one year Texas had laVMlohed indei cadence, altn a sharp war with Mexico, and a fe months afterward applied for union with this c iun'ry. The question remained open until, hav ing agitated American politics tor many yeare, snd having cost Mr. Van Buren the Democratic ncmination for President I n 1 S44, it was finally tett'ed in iSaj Texas was annexed, and was admitted as a State of the Union by a join' resolution approved bv President Polk. California, Nevadi, Cuh. Arizona, New Mexico and the western part of Colorado were acquired by conquest. Tbey were cede I to the Uniied States at the close of the Mex ican war during Polk's admlnistiation in 1848. Nrveuthcless nearly $30,000,000 was paid to Mexico, and in settlement of ceatain claims as ihe price cf the territory. Except - tug west Florida, already referred to, this it the only territory gained Uy the sword. A strip of Und In southern Aritona was not ia the Mericnn cession, but was bought In 1853, l'leice being President at the time, for $10,000,000, DThus the country became ,rsesed of all It present territory between Canada on the north and Mexico on the south. Alaska was purchased ot Russia during Mr. Johnton' presidency in 1867, and the wm of $7,100,000 was pal J for it. Its total area is almost the same as that of ril the territory obtained of Mexico by conquest tVitn its home SAT,EM: - - - OREQ-OJTS jie Gr. block, corner Liberty and State street, branch office !n Portlans. 1MTAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem : Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 rr a a .t 1 M ere srnati cash or particulars. p yraent long time on balance Jfllios Gradwohl's Bazaar "He very latest .news is that you can buy at JTJIillTS It 0WOHI.'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follow Arbuckle's Coftee, Per Pound Qilbs. Granulated Sugar $L0C tbs Majrnolia Snrar TJtfrtftas 1 AA . a I ww i uv No. 1 Kerosene, ner slnsriss niinn Carts refilled, 5 gallons ! Gallons Good Pickles,market flra. . 1 Gallon No 1 Svrun .... jfy E orsndutH a strict cash store, and nil goods will ba sold lot- net i -."U,"8 SEf? Prit- My stock oT China ware, fane Jlhi desirable, sylew ssTiHisjii, as well as a general assottmsm of croc .20 90 110 40 ; i- ice. I fanev- iresi?. ai,a ,y limps sod tlxturs, la coiapistt, i luiTv o7 1 te TJri tin powder, and always pl-as3 toy customers, tstoe orssvsjr n sprmsiblo Insurenee ccmpame. JJolisia .cadthl. PATR0NIZE ROM WSTfTiiriOJIS. rHc FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO Albany, Orecosi. del Ail, President, J L COWAN. Tretvaiirer. J O WIUTSM VN. Socretai Goo r SIMPSON. Vie Presi lapt. -DIBJEOTOBa t t'owan. tioo f Simpson, iV P Read, D B Montnlth.U Stsrunarg . J K West hertord, C J Stuart. ) tVritaman. J W ri ALSO DISTRICT SGEXTS SOB several Solid Eastern and Foreign Gompaaies - waafaBaaassssssjn . riWiaaswwassTSBIBS S SSS StBTSEwtwatM BBl SBM SS I ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed and purchase . r r rtifcsfsrryspj?; ipe s s tVsvyjrej ssv -s-sw w j t Hi: I.asADIIHtS PHOTOGRAP8 BBS, -aikanr n s Cabinet phJtoi fro n $1.50 to $ per dozen. Snlaiglng pictur clalty. ihxao cravon fra for $io o3. We -mrrv a !ara of 5x8 and sferescopic views o egon.