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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1893)
&50 11 MO IES 2 00 75 boys a75 W. L. DOUGLAS 83 SHOE Htft'ttp, Boat Call Shoa In tha world tor th pries, W. t. DOUgl8ho raerddwewivwliskia. Bvarybody Should wear them. It la a doty van nwM voiireeilf to ret the beat ealoe tor yoar money. Economies In your footwear by poronaslng w. a.. I represent the beat vartlaed above, as I , L. DouglasShoos.wbiob beat value at the prloea ad . as tbousanda own tea illy Si- Take Mo Subat Itute, - Br ware of fraud. Nona renotsa without W. L. Douglas nam and price stamped oa bottom. Look for It when you buy. W. I. Douglas, BrocktoBi Mate. Sold by SOLD BV L. E. BLAI NT. WG.4THEKTORD asERLAIN Attorn at L v. Will prutim I at ( HAH- .irli Mar la pra b Kii in block . 3 k l il k .v I -i i '' ' ii l llo i "l-J.-lt: vv K BI1LYEU Attorney at Law vnd Solicitor in Chancery. Coll lions made on all po'nta. Loans negotiated oa rable terms. Albany, Oregon G EO. If. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, ar.d Votary Will practice in all the courts of this stale Special attention riven to collections and matters In prabate Oastee:-Upstairs tteson-Twodale Block Albany. Oum D. s . 11 J 1 1 1 Ktit lt B II lecal mitten an 1 reel ire pro tap r. old Fallows Temple, Albany, 0 attention (Bee WH1TNKT, Aitorney at Law, Albany. Or. M OXTANVE Jt HACKI.EHA1C, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J" ASIEJ J. CH4RI.TOS, AUoraer-al-Law. All .ti". bud teas' (alteaded promptly: nnfrla Mock, Albany, Or: D K. J. Ij. llll.b, Pbyci'-ian nd Sarjeon. OFFICE Conaw Ferry atrttW, Albany, Oregon. D its. rnvrov & owls. avnti tU ia$WWa1 urrcls. A:biv tU tXd 1 citv mntl c-antrj. Or, Calif promptly 1 i cntneriKiitn. n. o., Ilamci'pail.iet. gpseUiat in diseases ot the Eye. OBce 7 to !a m: lwlpm. and 7 to S airy. A - -,' o.,r. l.'SlltrvT fsATIOSfAI. BtXK, f I F AI.BAIST, ORKOON rrsilsnl lee Preai-icat Tashaai ..LFLISS S. E,TOL'NO . at LANG DON rasJtACTS A Q EX ERA Liking bawlaeer Att -OUSTS K EP r sabjeat So shack. OUT EXCHASOE and lei raphle transfer, t -M New Vurk, San Francisco. Chicago aad P itlaad agon CO .LECTION SAPE on ia riSle r Tons V.. W, U Fuss E Cuts. L. EswAasf .Sox. t Hit K & Ctt.lBl1Kr.Rs OF ALHAHT, ORROOW, DRAW sioirr DRAFTS oa Hew Turk, Ban sco and P .rtland, Oregaa. UAN Md.SEV on approved security KKCKIVEaicriosils sabject to ckack. mr O' i ' i i.i. i.. i I'j.ts made on UroraDle IXTERESToail cn Bast deooslu FARMEHS, ATTENTION IF : YOU CAST I A WACON HACK BUGGY CART PiGW HARRQW.ORILl SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, or any k'nd of Farm LnVement or Vet hide, cs 1 onlor adf'rt sg. 5. F, RAMP, Oop si o post OfTce, Albany, Or. mwm JBAMV, OrttsJON 1S91, 1802 tri lr a 'ifnril Api:emlM.r ot '. t I orpH of in-itructord, . WeAL, SCIEHTJFIC, LITERARY timmtL AND NORMAL CLASSES. -"oly arrunzed to nieaHth gtarfea rstudent. :n:t5 rPtrrd to itudentl 'torn abroad. . Ki.ur.nT n coxbit t ..sssss sm ssasssssssass Caveat i. an;! Trade-Marks obtained, and all Hat- tent c-jcductcJ ior Mooes ste rets. i. n..A.iTr II St pirrNT Omcc J and we cart secure patent iu less Uoie uisu those J ! IC.UOLC oom .... ,, ij,p.,i, x 4 Send model, diuwiiij or , hcto., with descrip- e Jtlon. We sdvise, M iatentable or not, free of J J charge. Our fee not due till pstent is secured, j. e i pisniirT. nowlouDiain rtwuit, ' . " - J cost of same in the V. S. aad foreign countries 4 sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Olt. l-ATCMTOrr.CE, WAHINGTOfl D ' AOIv-iKlSTRATOR'S NOTICE. CstUty Court oj tie State of Otefo", rot'ity sy .t : lit las Batter of tltu estateot Clara Dierenger, as r.M.'ji. it a'l-e to cronitors: roTI K IS IIKULBY OIVEM THAT THE CsT- il.-rsiuiiuil has been ouly sit...l'-te. hr tl,e oi.utity court of Linn SSSassy .Oregon, ailiituilstrati,r o said es'ato and a'l pwauis having claims agains said o tat e are hruy required to present them toflte'h.r allh the proi-er voucltrrs snd precis to the tiMdt-rii.-.itl a tha last i,ffl. id i 1 Whitney, in Al bany, uiihin si. months front the ilat herswf, Kttcl the Hth lsv it Mitv.lsOtl JOHN H!EHi:NiEK. J J Win hiv), Ailtuliiistratcr. sttv for Aimr, rt . sswAswsattassSS wwserwa 4esrtss?artsuaBssaBa-. A(!AI)KMY lai'v of ht&SNLi Help m EAST AND-SOUTH, -VIA THE SHASTA ROUTfc OK THE Southern Pacific Co. Kpr, ss Trains Icavo Portland Dally. South T:ir. at. f Lv ; 10 23 r x Lv ' 8:16 a a I Ar FROM JW.T 1. MW, Alhuiv Ban franalsco JN'jrth "atTW l.v I f.ttt A Lv T;00 r a Abera trains stop only at tol lowing sUtlons n st u,,i...,s, t.t Portland. Orea-on City, Vt . .i o ...I...... lf.t Portland. llremm liar- sunt, Salem, Aitniiv, - riuoarg, Junction City, Irving, Bttgene. OBimn SAIL, DAILY 8:SU AH I Lv IStMra j Lv WJm I Ar Portland Albany Uoseburg A' -r Lv lU ;Lvl TiW-a ALB ART LOCAL MM (SXCSFT SVSDAV) 5 00 r a I Lv 9 V T a I Ar Portland Albar.y Ar to SB a l.v 0:S : 1 0 a v 1 Lv K A a I Ar ltSCra Lv M A a I Ar Albany Lehanoa Albany Lebanon Ar Lv Ar Lv it) n am SO A a :Sv :S9r a PULLIIAF BUfffT SLEEPERS. AMI Dininir Cars on Ogden Routes SECOND-CUSS SLEEPING CARS Attached Is all Thrsns Trains. eVest Stae IMvIslen. ETWEES rBTLAM ASat ! Ilu, raAisAill (Sxoopisonaar, T-.SU a a Lv Ar Portland Corvallis Ar 6:80 r IS M ra U:10r a itnw tiaix BAtLT (Ixcjpt Sua Jay . Portland alcMlnnvUle At I r80 a a Lv S.te A Throixprti TicltetH to all point In the Eastern Stiles Canada a SLLT K h.ined at lowest ra'os from C and frwak, Arent Albany, it. KOKHLKB atanatrar Port'ati Orevfon. E P. ROOER8. Vva'l O. F. and THE WEBFOOT ROUTE Oiegon Pacific Railioi Tf I1HII. Beeeiver. TIME SCHEDULE, except Sandars.1 Lee re Albany 1M0 r. SL ta Tsasalg Leave CorvalUs 1KB r, a . Leave 1 ." ArrleTa1Blaa,t:SS r. a. Arrive Albany. U:l a. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Points and San Francisco OCKA STEA R SsAstUSsBal WUlsaaetle Valley. Jane ttth tlet, and JSh raoa raacrsA. WiEaaartta Valley, J ana Ttk, 17ta, ssth and Jaiy 5 The Com pan -imMvee tbe ngnt hange sailing dates without not tea. It . V I It NTKAHCnil tram'i "Hoas:" lea' lutarday a a. p-.tfa:e! BwBSSats and H C Dar.Oen At,SUm Street Wh art. PiLaad D R Vso-hn. i in Art. S" Francieoo, Cal K E Mnh-ahr, General SwpC From Terminal or I st Northe n Pacific Rallroai Is (be Hue to take To a Points EAST anil SOUTH It Is tlis nivivu TE. It rants Through I. EOTBtim ST.PAULand CHICAGO (AO CHANGE OFiCARS Coaposd of DioinzCars UnsirpasotfJ Pillnan Drawinz Room Slwp;rs Of Ulttt Eqaipmeot TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Heat tL at ca'i !e is inslrnefe and in which av o'ti.i.o Ivi ma are hitli fiea and forniabssl for holJers of Fira or H rsond ciaaa tickets, at d ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Cootie noils Line coniectitie wi'.h i 1 . s j; n x 1 ai iiat auoruinj uireciaL -i tininterrapted Srricj, Pulitnai alteper rtvs-rvatii.t.a can secured tu advance through any SKont 01 tne roa I. IHR')Un TICKETS to acts f om all j points in Art e lea Eng'aod an I Kurope can te parcbaii st as y ticketoffit of Ibis corepany, Full inf -rinati it eonisHrniog rates.tlin9 of irainst roti't-s a:i 1 other pntaiia turn lahed 01 appii(tt or, t aay agent or A ft CHARLTON. Aaslaiant Gonoral faxaenr Agent. No 121 i'ir-t St, cor Waablngtoa. Ptirl'and. icon. C G I'uikkar.. local agent THE LIKE T HIT LEADS! ALL OTH R F0L10W THOROUGH OAIieY TRAIaNS Utflig Portland, ,S:4 . M. 7:150 IV H. DAYS TO CHICAGO 2 ' HnilRQ TH QUiCKEST TO Cl . nUUnOCOANDTH EAVf iiwwt ' Anu i tfiCiA CITY PULLMAN AND T01W3T SLEEPER-, FREE PECLINI4G CHAIR CAR DINING CARS. For 'aiesanj general information cal - on or address ! W II 1 1 U R L B U RT, A sst.Gc n 'I Pans A8t, J54 Washington tt Portland. Orkgon MOKrIROKV The Or80'iin says: Is there anything in loyalty, fidelity, pa tiiotism, beyomi th comeit'of line words? Are not men who have hern wholly wanting In ioyalty, fidelity, patriot lain, nay more, who have repudiated loyahty, fidelity and patiiatitm, alike In words nd deed", honor ed jutl aa much ai those who lave made the greatest efforts and lacrirlccg for patriotic ohiccte? Is there more reason why men like "Colonel' John l.ane slioultl draw sai niUs fiom the lreaury than that they should draw pension tiom It? Some day, perhaps, we shall he hor.cai enough to quit mumbling about loyally, faith, patriotism, and the like. It Hit e be.-omes a sensibl: people to pay homage io illusory and deceit ful phrases. When the 0..on a shall be called to account for ihis wantonly disparaging the principle of , airiotism it will fall back on i s plea "sat kasm." But we a .ould think thrt the loyal heart of II W Scott who rush ed to the foremost In the bloody conflict of 1S61-5 to meet the Iraltxr "Col" John Lane would err out against uch aacrllegt in the columns of the Oirroamn. Many year ar," though, people were wont to ask the fan e question that the Dregonma does about there being anything in patriotism. It was when Grant picked up "Qua! Akerman and put him in the cabinet where he drew a salary of $io, oco a year, or when Have put "GeV Keyet (another confederate "Gen") into hit tabinei where he drew large talaiy. We might name o.tier instan ces of rpubl'can appointing rebel leneravh to office wheic hey drew large salaries. We could suggest to the OrecoaiKia tht name of Mahone, Longs tee:, tl-.e gurllla Moselv and many o'hers whom republicans have high,r honored by placing them in tat offices while many a ":oyal" man wate-ing out a living by the sweat of his fac: at common labor. Tbo Oirioaira'j question about whether there (s anything in patriotism, (in view of the fact that many co.oaela" and gen erals" of the la'e confederacy have held such lucrative offices under the government ) should be answered, and we know of no one :: fully equipped to make answer ss repub lican leaders who have conferred offices up on so many of tbe Colonels." POOLS A U TRCSrS The announcement that President Clave land will in the near future move against the pools and trusts with a view to crash ing them will be favorably entertained by the vest army of consumers up mi whom I tnese unnatural combines nave preyed without limit. Pools and trusts have no ' legal right to exist. The purpose of such a combination is to make circumstances and : conditions slaves to capital. Pools and trusts are crganired to thwart competitive trade and thereby enable tb'se who are identified with them to exact unreasonable prices for their goods and wares. For ihe ' v ay good reason that soch organiia'ions c inspire to BSKSi tnj porcaaaing asp city of the dollar by unnatural influences they have no rights which tbe people should or are bound to respect. Pools and trusts are the legitimate offspring of re ! pabln tariff kgis!aUon. for not until we had high tariffs did we havs pools and and trusts. They ore a menace to trade jcommerceaswell a. grinding brirden , upon tbe industrial cusses, it nas oeen lAiltn,aldb that lliM n ,,'.vr A'Yl trusts in - existence, i nd as each of these exists for : the the purpose of maintaining the price of j the article identified with iU trade it can j be readily .een that. taken a whole, the 1 amount of moner thus wrnntr from tte i pockets of the people is necessarily very large. President Cleveland and Attorney n l rtl l c,u t) work and if they succeed in annihilating this hydra-beaded octopus they will visit j a great b'essing upon the people Va1"1 1 . " Among our importations from England j last year was over $1,000,000 worth of ptcksls. This, too. despite a high duty , imposed on this class of goods. This soon J try can ami does grow all the materials for i pickets of every kind. Ve ought not to import any. rariners and gardenert are often obliged to tell cucumbirs. cabbages, cauliflower and other picket materials for i very low prices, if they would mannfac j tore part of this too cheap raw material : into picksU they wjold relieve tbe glut of ! market when vegetables are cheapest ; and I get first rate pay as manufacturers. This is one of the lines on which farmers of tbe fti'ure will improve on present practices. Nick'etcei is a combination of nickle : and steel which very curiontly has the re j suit of uiakintr sbel vastly slronger and ', harder than the let tempered steel can be made by any other process. It costs more just at present than does common steel, but not not more than any steel cost 18 yeart ago. It is one of tbe means whereby it is ; expected to bring the time of a steamship between New York and Liverpool down to ! four days. I lis likely tbat nickel steel i will, in bo near futu e. be largely used in I masing ligh'-. easy runang farm ma. bin j ery ant implements of all kinda, where tbe heavier and weaker common steel it now used. And row comes Senator Dolph and de clarcs it to be h i deliberate purpose not (o attend ti e rp cial s -ssion of congress if Presidei.t Cleveland shall call cne to meet the first of September. And this, because, as he says, he does not care to submit him -self to the rigors of Washington's summer climate; . Now, public opinion in Oregon is much at fault if this Oregon lord can not withstand the ncrors of any summer climate that can be put up at Washington. Who ever heard before of an iceberg suc cumbing to the heat of a summer's sun. It is new in the history of man. If Senator Dolph can not withstand the summer heat of Washington-with all bis shady retreats and cool refreshing drinks bow does he expect his constituents to labor fourteen hours a day in the harvest fields of Oregon Senator Doipi, ought to resign so that a qualified in ri may represent the state tru'y Senator John V Daniel will deliver an address at the Chicago fair on Virginia day, Aug 7. The oration which he de Hvered on 'he unveiling of tbe monu ment, at Lexington and another on the dedication of Washington monument art p. -ci mens t f tbe finest eloquence- He was invi'ed to deliver tbe address on the dedi cation dy of the fair, but declined. '1 lie 0 A 11 in Kansas is hopelessly di vide I between the populiattt and republi can', who hold separate celebrations, and are as far apart in the army society as tbiy are in politics. Heppner Rteutl, IM ti-pi 1 1 - . I- Is the mainspring of the Amer ican Constitution. It is the birthright ol every American cltlxen - tbe life blood and vilaltty of ibe tnllon, Ihe legal property ol every Individual member of 'hecomntun iiy. In no other cdunlry In the world has cvrrysinan such a right and title to Itbrrty of ijwnight and action, and yet If you aouM have H e best giocerles, produce and fiesbest f.tilt at the moat reasonable prices you must call on Perry Conn for th-111 His stock l compleie, end treat ment Is prompt and courtesy. Get your Groceries of Conn. WHEKE THE GOLD WEN T. Nearly if not qni'e all of ihe gold gather ed up in New York and ihlpped to Europe during the present year was cn Russian and Austrian account. Very little remained in Lcndon; in fact, the London stock has been heavily drawn upon for the same destination. I be Russian object was thi accumula tion I f a supp'y of the precious metal in antici- patnr. of war poisibilltles, and the Austria Hungary demand wa for the purpose of pu'tlng the currency of the dual empire on agn'dbasis. This latter task had been undertaken by a syndicate of bankers, having members or agents in all the finan cial centers of Europ: and a'so in New Yrk. The syndicate hiving accomplished its tak, an official account of l a operations nas Deen pubii.hed in Vlenns, and is sum marized In the Vlanaa correspondence of the London Economist. The amount of gold required under the agreement was about $46,000,000, and the amcunt actually accumulated wag $45. jo, 000. Some indicatiou of the tourcea from which the supply was ob'.tlned is afforded by a descilption of the materials of the treasure as turned over to the Imperial treasury by the syndicate. There are gold bars to the value of $14,300,000, American eagles amounting to $23,700,000, English sovereigns equal to $4,100,001. French ; twenty-franc pieces worth $1,000,000, In Geiman twent-maik pieces $1,400,000. and $100,000 In vailous coinsges. The gold bars came part"y from South Africa and Australia, belne intercepted on their . , 1 .. , , . i ' . . '; . . . . ana irom nrw iork, wnen tne cor.uitionoi the exchange permitted . Now that the Austria-Hungary demand J his been satisfied one abnormal, feature of the gold market disappears. TO PtKUE IHE I'E.VSI'A boll. Pension Commissioner lujchren has be- gua in earnest the task of purgirg the pen sion ro'.i of the names improperly on it sad patting a stop to the pa) menu uaautboriz- Bi by law or without justification tin facts. A ba..rd Of revision composed of twenty three of 'he most experienced employes io the pentiin office bag been cteatcd, whose duty will be to go over the entire list of penslor.t granted under the provtaioos of the law cf 1890. There are over 300,000 of these, so that the task before the board ts a gigantic one. The instructions are to ascertain whether the reiii ieat of the pen. slon Is entitled to it by his service and also whetVr in gtaatlng the original pension under the law of 1890 or io reiatiag under tbe same '.aw the express limitations of the act I Jive been dlareardcd . 1 be isntractloi'S of the commisaioaer to the board are slat! net on one important particular. The object is not So rrduce the pulsion list by dropping as many came as ; possible, bat to tee thst 1 o Injustice has been done the wo.thy soldier by fastening oa the pension fuad men who are not en titled to the 1 ttisJit they have secured. Where there Is cubt tbe pensioner will laSjSre the bearf t rt the doubt . Vs ha-e, cn the olher hand, i is clearly thewa that -'.e -, peo.tort or increase of pesaioo was unde- I servaJ or illegally given ihe correction w ll be saadc. CocarnUsioner Iocbren has al rKCTed ,eUc iBd ,eIeBr.m, of lp ; provsi from veterans who know that Ihe . ntftiina rnlt neils t nreiRir anrt hits fen j t worfc ,h ccmmVt i .,tng ' , atoner will Ixk can folly af let the interests of the deserving . I Ooly two occupaata of the Brish threat I h,re VictcrU i. length of rears George II llred to be jent, eeren an i Gr " ofaiy-lo. Tbs oaly Earo I S" sovereign ol !er Huw Her Majesty wao is acveat-tonr. it u e Mt ien a. M tvor lltrriton 's rontUera'ion ijt ihe pride of Uncle Ssm. diacloged by his refusal to oder to foot tbe b'l g cf the nation's guests (lest i be nation roliht feel bait, i only equaled by the delicacy of a young bride- groom abo hesitates to rrtrwve his bride frcm the resileoceof her millisealre fa'hrr II hat been estimated that the firing of a small pistol sets tree about 60a f .rot-pounds of energy, Si!c a wa'ch consume only . about 1-55,000,000 of a hor.e power. Tbe j energy of a bullet wauld be taficient there fore, to keep the time jor two years. The average length of life it greater in Norway than in any o her country on the Globe. This is aunhatcd to the fact il at ike temperature la cool and uniform daring the entire tear. VfaBin totslOIKISt Vrntsoo at t' K H tva nell.-. VTAVI Co .tfic ii Kt timore Moot. A foil Im. W rawer B-rtt corse ts at R JP A.Co'a. If you wai.t a fif - sittois ealfjlcr Jon pi ft whits labor cigar, Coeae slid see th- m w chil .-.1 j !- st - lumps opposite i-ttatoffice. The Leatmaat m,r!re to U.e ottv at t ssas sd l.ors M 'or makes live trip daily io Viaieck'e addition, Ixitt th te f instal men t. of $1 . ksAk per week. an ext. n.ive vstiety of ganleo serdi luth in balk and by ihe package can he found at 0 V. ISrowi.el a. Pa ror.17. home industry by smoking the elrbratetl white lalror clears, rair.u'aclurcd by Ja tus Joteph. New cork sole, hand tn-oed shoe, some thn k cntnely new, not a winter shoe hut li,.ht aid flexible for rpriag and summer wear, at lU.d. I'eae. ck it fJs, Call and inspt ot tht.m aa Basr Wlaaert The solid vcstUra'cdl1 1 tins nf the Chicago, Union "Seine A North Wests rn Line diatan. e all -.. i petition with ease. It has the t r' eat line, fag'.eet time, Uoi-.n dapets and to ehantfe or da'.ay a the Missouri River, nd in the popular Wor d a Fair rtmt-. Shi'oh'a Cure, the great eotitrh snd ertinp Cl", is f.,r -It- by o. Poo's, t tgt co'ttsins twent -lis-. d..fe,oniy 25r Children hfit Fosl.s v h Vr.,i, tit ot ritxkt 1 hft. traveling pnbbt! are now fndy alive to ibt- f i t. lint the C -inug , Uui-n I'arltic & Nor' h-Wt-f tern . h.e off. mile very beat acoon imul i lions to the public from ar.d to Chit av, I 'maris enc iotermdiate po'nts, not otiU da. ior 'h - World's, but til tn le.r rnaut. Ta uet ai lae Farla Rsgaiding i od's Rarraparil , as. th people who t.tie this medicin.'. or re.ol th tastinionialt often pabliahad iu lM ps Tliey will cotivinot yon that Huoda'a cere IIiHiti's rill 1 cute (onstit i t on. Wsrltl's FalKTravalert Will Bare It Thepublio deaiand through sorviot when travslinf. .'t it old-faaltioned to 'Change Ctr." On tha Munugh, .-nbd vettibuled tr im tf 'Im Chicag , Union Poctflo A N Tin Western Line from t-r to Chicago. O naha and intermediate ptinta there is no I '"ge. This is the finest and f iateti ssi- t , brtween the points named. R..1 .Itil. 8 Wash (l. Boys under 16 getting their hair cut at Vlsvack'S will receive u free ticket to the ball grounda. 'revert, ana ct re Constipation and Slob be. Small Bile ttoans. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A New Wfaatrom Baak New Whatcom, June 24. The Colum bia National bank did not open iU doors this morning. A notice on the dour stated that, being unable to realize on securities, the directors bnd decided to close tempo rarily. Cashier Baker says the assets, in cluding stock, notes, bonds and real estate, are $2-26,000, while the liabilities to depos itors aro $95,000, and to other banks $15, 000. Hill's Poalllan New York, June 23 Senator David H Hill has come out in favor of free bimetut Hc coinage, lie believes that if the as surance is triven that the frovenvnent will return to the Doliey followed previous to 873 no difficulty will be found in repeal ing the Sherman act. and .not otherwise. It is Raid he will deliver speeches on this jine in Ohio and New York Fleeced ky Skarsera Tacoma, .fun 23 John O'Donnell, a recent arrival f om tsconsin. nu t some j three card monte men on the boat from j oeatlie today anu was inuueeu to wager : tie could pick out a ce iain caru. a im me result that he found himself minus $350. ; tie reported tne loss to me pence. sharpers took the return boat to Seattle. kit eel Car Utm Arrested 1'oktlako. June 23 Seven street car drivers and inotorman were arrested yes- ! terdav afternoon, and before the uiunicipa I - .a a aa I court is called tais otternoon as as man 1 were iglsue(j by olerk Fryer yesterday ! upon complaint of Chief Hunt, charging more will be taken into custody, war wk trxeei-car men wun a violation 01 a nth .1 city oruinance. It is a violation of a city ordinance. It la claimed that instead of stopping I stopping before crossing other car tracks, as required by o-dinance ihev s,.im,l ihoir gongs and ber.s their brakes. without even applying . a a a targr Natnuer or Sallarea New York, June 23. Brads t reefs to j morrow will say that tbe number of bajsj I failure has mcreaseU sharply, the to- . f being :60. This i nearly, if not quite. total ,)ein? tbe hrgeat number of failuies ever reported in one week. Last week there were 303 : failures, 159 a year ago. and 227 in the corresponding week two year ago. About . , u , -. Dru.yjrtion is oo wn. MrBeaald Baak Clawed. Sas FuAScistxt. June 22. At a meeting ) of a board of directors of tbe Pacific bank tonight, it was decided not to open the i doors tomorrow . The direct cause of the suspension is a notice from the clearing house association that tne bank a paper hereafter not accepted. The Pacific bank i was organized in 163 by R H Mcltonald and the present manager is K H McIonala jr. It tas a paid up capital stock otfi.- 000.UUU. a nominal rewrve ot abodt f , '.).- 000 and deposits of about $1,5000,000 Accordinfr to tbe recent official report of the slate txlshk examiners its loans are said to be about -',.V.000. IVposilors will ose nothing. Still Urate t.aBrmrd vVshisotos. Juie 22 Already there is talk by Oregon democrats who bare I Tigered in Washington about preventing the confirmation cf I ban R Jlarpby when tbe senate meets It is asserted that Sen ator Polph could make himself more solid in Oregon by preventing Murphy's confir mation than bv any other act in hit public life. Senator "Mitchell will also be urged to do his utmost. Tf both the Oregon sen ators should unite they could make it very unpleasant for Daniel. A tsradly clear Kassis l ily. Mo. June 22 Latest ad uises from Perry. Kan. where n people reported killed by the eye) one last nioerf an.) rnnm mi:n,r. that no more bl,- har, are to tbe eneci . been foucnl. Tbe storm iwe: t oier a tpace half a mile wwle and several miles in lets tit cmpletely demolishing every structure in its path ' : and killing or seriously in luring every per- . son within tne srea named, loose killesl ' were found to be horriUr maimed wfaasi BsSSBBB the bodies were gathered op today. Tar gsalswera' strike settle J Roaenraa. Or, June 23. Tbe Southern .-inkers' strike at this place was declared off today. A committee of tbe ' Brotberiiood of Kngineers. in conVence . with (reneral Master Mechanic Small and I Assistant Younger, settled the trouble by the company granting what was asked for. A Saaaatrr at . JaCKAoxvitxa Or June 22 heavy rainfaJ!. preceeded bv a thunder ' thewer". beat an falling; last niabt and continued un- I - til 3pm today. Tbe low hilit in sight of this place ere ccvtvtd with snow this morninir. 1 here is a lanre amciuil ed a t- alfa hay down la this valley that damaged by tbe rain. will be A lerrlb r rtalr St Petkksbcbo Juae 21 While the anl 'oe other a. lout six vears of age- Iltev ; wnen possible, walking when neces aivieol church of 'Romana.' at Borisog -i took their fathers horse and IwimT and. Iry. Ea. lebsk. on tbe VoIbo. was crowded wuo starting at 2 o clock Jninday afternoon.1 Congressman Hermann has forwarded pilgrims from all parts ot t oro-lay. who had come Io take part in tbe annual church procession, a panic was caused by a false alarm of fire, which bad been laised bv . . . . . . .... .... - pilgrims from all parts of Coro-lav. who F v ... . t thieves in order to facilitate their opera Uewaa WU ik. Snm.n .rrtawJ ! .n. -.r In Ihe tnllino n mm .Un. Kr Ihe ssw . : ton of th church, they iound the door a as 1 locked- Breatdaw it "it they witnessed a fearful sbjrbt Io tbe mad rush for the exiU hundreds bad been knocked down and trampled upon, while others had been ruf focatci by tbe pressure of the great throng t. advertising were to tiring more work- -- a ruroomoi i. icttmi. tor j of terror strickeo people Tbe bodies of j ing people to Salem it would be : nnPlis. Statesman Clsrrr ee Pur IM womhn and ten men were taken from , If it were to bring out a capitalist or two I ??m ', " on of Joc Pum. of 0rco j the church. the pr nubilities are that after a few dav C ,a"ncrlr Auany. t saalag This War Karw, tTASinsoTOlt. June 21. Tito sb: ment ' ws of look- ; 1 of iroltl bom London to New York, i ' whic't wat received this momma, is I ed up-n us showing- tbe tide in gold ex , pons b is turned. For the past three weeks . no g i it i been .'xportexl, and. as a con ! lucn: tuc twjMfv has been sraining in gohl during thal P;. The ' U uncr today "as M',,.,,0 A Bat Aerlstrat. " ti.i.. Wis. June 21 A t"rrilic thunder rm ratp'sl lo'e this af!. moon. Just as l.mglintf'. circus bad lti.islie.1 a j perform. nice and Ihe people were passing ...,t i,. .tin Kni r I. .! T of the rents wstka. f SI t.., .1 ,- than -i people were proalrated Kight; U'UM injurtHl and the balance are now regamirg the use cf their limbs, which were ten. porarily isirajyted by the shotk. ' ' la Aagetes Hit Heavily. nri.-n. iii.'St - t. .S. lilt ll If . CI Los Axoklkh. Cal. June '21 The in tense excitement attemlinir tne mn once; banka of this citv vcstertlnv did not sub- i side till tonight Following the closing of the tnree banks yesterday came the suspen sion ot four others today. One of them, tbe Fist National, had been looked on as one of the strongest banking institution of the city. Will Brinaln al Sarramenlo W'oodlaxo. Cal, June 21. Superior Judge Grant today decided in favor of Sacramento mid nguinet San Jose in the state ctpi'al removal cese. Tbo constitu tionality nf the nvtion of the recent legisla lure in submitting an amendment to the constitution, tillowimr tha change of the capital, was sought lobe tested in his j court and ihe act is declared void Aa ArrMeal. Saleb. June 22. An eleetrio car col lidetl with a buygy, containing Ieu -g O. Cs riffitlt, an old' Waldo Hills Urmer, emsahing tlie vehicle, breakingdriflltli's collar bone and otherw ise seriously in juring hltii. KEF NKKK fniker Uros, grocers. P. M.Frenoh keeps railroad time liny yonr grocerias of Parker Bros Piasgrocerios at Conn & llcndrioton's. New cream cheese just received at Conrad He yen P J Smilay job printer, Flinn Block, does 1rst rlaaa work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent oigarat Julias Joseph's. ! M II BHD. uhyiium and surgeon Albany, .-sfi. ' ntlt It oit.'or country. Tbey increase a whole sstaaetn anu suvuu sSraott. STOIty OF A HANK : A I I Hon Brie VVttlliu. treasurer of Linn county, arrived here Satunlay morning and presented to the Btnto treasurer a draft for $10,000 drawn by the Linn County Nation al bank of Albany on Ijuld & ilunh of this ity; Tm stavte tretonirer'a receipt was is sued for the amount which won intended to be applied on account of ntate tiutea due from lanii eoiinty. The draft was pre- ".ntf 1 ,to tmh 011 the afternoon of t he day of ita rco-ipt and wan by them Min..iioreii, me imiiK elaiminjr it wan an overdraft, and that the bank of immp hod no funds here to meet it iayment. Step were Um taken with a view' to having Ihe draft protested 'Hie Marine day K Minday BOtiuafl further wtw done in the ! matter. V ord waa rnceivml hen- miMnn-l day morninp that the bank whs dod. I Mr Hntlirkii, of the tiwaiirv de:,re,t raataaH ment went to Albany on Monday and endeavored to regain posKpggion of the receipt issued by the state treaaurer. offeriii; in exclianjre thenof the irnrtnlQBj draft. Hix claim was maile on the ground that, the draft tjeing worthlenH. no valuable coniiideration was given in exchange for the meeipt Tlie county olh. eni apparently realizel the juHt - im, iuii a. anowiiNigci tneir nm in me eiaim msb coumy ana owsxi tne ram l.v the r.icpt. but inasmuch as it r.'T T." . me county ciera. ; that officer declined to sunasltlui the rwvipt ; wtmout an order irom the county mrt. I and that body not boing in session, the or- j ler could not la uamed. Formal notice was served by the state treasurer on the : county omcers demanding the return of the I sbaa a.aV .1 A J A I -1 - . t u-nuennsr me unuriu exrmmge ; therefor and thus the matter stands the : ,lruft having l-en dohy protesteil at i tank. the Attorney General flklllltall la I II and other 1 prominent lefral counael aver uiireservedly tnat tne receipt issuei under tne circum--t.uii .- is null and void and when the coun- ty eoiirt inwt the matter will lie brought .... -.,t .1 lit 1 t 1 1 : m i UP " inuain w- iuea ior The funds -.uiwhitebe . 1 . .1 i.. -II . L. wunncua irom ircuiauon until tne an airs of the bank are settleJ. Salem Statesm in. iumi School superintendent Stevenson, Eugene, is in receipt of the following letter from a young man in Arkansas- e copy the letter verbatim : 'Dear sir I will write yon a few lines asking yon tbe B ratten es teachers has to be ex- amine on thair. yon will do me a favor in do-ing so I ame to Come oot thair and teach school, please ensure By return mail and Oblige." Here is a case of very close to the twelfth boar repentence: People at Drain Sunday, Jane II. witnessed a U4IIA Slittt , t , , r . nllftfi j, - An r. 7-: nwwiii nave a ni-e time. Kxerdae. win old man wat there baptixed by immer- ; ," mBKe 1Jn county his home again. , eion into the Christian church. He has j The gradcadfng exercises of the Agri psased the century post in life, being ' cultural Coil ge at Corvallis occur next nearly 102 years of age. Mr Brown is j Wednesday. in feeble health, requiring assistance to j Double reversible Four in-hand Ties at get around. He says he has lived long j Reap, Peacock A Co'a. Two ties for the enough anJ would meet death with feel ; regular price of one. Call and see inert. Ings of pleasure. M W Tsllman. a Davton warehou' j man. has failed for about $7000, I: It aa- In keeping with the time, a good many ' rUd by crooked work. He left for , advrisnnenU in our exchangee are word- ' ort!nd Monday, and u thought haa gone ed. "A big ran." In every case the mer- j chant wae etitial to the ornssiHi on account : A traction engine bchau.ed over ' of his large and choicr stork. A gtmtieman who haa just prturreed from the r-ast savs that he has not sen outside of GssWBJB any etty whach shows the life! and imj-vernent whkh is manifest here in ' Oregon City.--Oregon "itv Krtberprist-. j Next. I " Hold vour heads up. A Taller ex has I figumi out the following good news: A isolongrsl drouth of over MB days duration j Lt itrevaiied in Kturland, France and lier I manr. arel even it rain comes stun, vnst lLU!1 n rn ,w n p ot asaass osioum. sssj a result spest may t -xtw-iei inr tne wneat. and heat, bops and cattle of our farmers and produor. cv - njse - I quently an easier money market. This a a at S . -S k a,k . a- I I neerrui outiooa tor me 3uanciai lootiook next fall. Astoria pe4e are entitled to enrwt ! credit. They never W their grip. The j Astorian says: Tber.- is etery reaeon ft. ' satisfied with the present status of the rail - i roatl oit.Mi.Ht. thcaroajrhly satisfactory evi- t denoe of Mr. Remington's ability to control 'tion, havinst been placed by bim befvethe , n-m,r the subsidy company. tne rw . art ai.uai. umier ceruun o rHii- Ihe following from the Ashiaivi Tidings - wiil b appreciated by those ho kn w Marrv Jt-ness, f jrnieriv c thi , itv. and a i Ittother of the bovs referre.1 to: Two little I sons of Rev Mr Jones, of Central Point, i If" ms'kacf ase and ha-dhip. she is yet started out to see the world in a one-horse I cheery and active. She hails from Piita . rig- last Sunday. The older one was twelve turg Pa , and is travel: g extentivelv rid- 1 VC J"""" lw,ni w Melf.trd thence i " T,"",1? , ,,rant ; f" ' 1 I . . lt.du W . . .1..-1- t. 1 . : rtve from the fair grounds war t entral . . ai . i r l , l. i t. n j-'.i., sw ' . iiirmr w jji .iiiir- racea distance arnvtrtaT at t.rant s T ,n." " bo started have an un. :e at t.rant s rasa w ! 'hem home SB j The Raaem ImL-newlent is nnile tan rsat. ; spoken paper. I tsars: The Salem Iward of trade slt!.l with-imw it. in j eastern papers for awhile. If the result of sja-nt 111 looking arountl ami talking it!: . .i;r merchant, they would pull oat for home to stay. All the advertising in the w-orl.l will Bo no gootl if we cannot demonstrate Uie truth of what we sav in our advertisement. We cannot do thai now. Salem shtiuld send in. nmnev nwav i . v.. .t.- ti.uu ..tuiv-. ... tn.n, tl... ...... 1 ...... - " V. ... . I ...i Tvnt she Ht her,. There is a hall t, street iinpr tci,. v.U I, I- mn has to Sla'll.l. to betiuilt. and imiir. v.... ,., I. I.. ,...i., ...nvftttft - j is not any h j..t U( . I . .. ' '"dS'-tf- of Astoria, is going lor the Celestials re.l hot. H.-n- are two dimples: l 1 here would lhere w.mld laevervfew worthless riifarette- i smoking laiys running aUmt the streets all pKssible 1 f Ihe reeking, stinking rotten t'hinesie stores were clcesexi up J. ? .. I S fg , 1 at '1 poor man do to keep the wolf from the door, ' Vlt there are about two thousand Chinamen . " . ' . employed andreceavutg good waaresin this n...vo .o. ..... u.. ... to.- . .. 'east two thousand dollars a .lay H sent out ot tut- to.ititrv trt.iii .-vstoriti. itist uartiti it up mid ws- wliat it will come to in a yer. Isn't it about time to look for a remedr. TukComim; Shows. nexehiingi'says. i lie wuiitienui iiorseinan. .;uu ivi'iinetl. s-i far surpasses in intrepid equestrian feasts any other rider of the past or present.that a visit to Sanger Lent s big allows would well repay the investor of a ticket were one to see nothing else than the brilliant ae-romplihnienL-af the wizard horseman, the date of Sanger A- aWt's great shows here is 4th of July. it. - t r . t t c r on- .v.. I ftlla l.sii every night for a tTiimi- -.lvi.iv .w,.i.,..u li hi Tor; - BIEB. BITE At his home five miles east of Corvallis. June ISth. 17ls'l, Antlrew Kite, aged 71 years. 8 months, 20 days. Mr Hits was a native of (iuernsey Co, Ohio. He came to Oregon in 1858 nd ttled on land 1 Linn county where resided until his lath. LINCOLN. In Albany, 011 Friday after noon at 1 :80, at the hdSne of ilrs lleckard, on Fifst street, of consnmpti-11, Mr Austin I .incoln at the age of 88 years. Mr Lincoln was broup-ht up in Albany, where he re sided until a number of yearn oato. He was recently in Sacramento, Calif, from which city he retrrned to his old home about two months ago, with Harper Cranor, his stcp- DrOUMT. WHIN. TYLER. To the wife of Joseph T l0r,at his home on Asylum avenue, in Salem, Wednesday, June 21, a daughter. CONN-On Wednesday. June 21, 1893, to Mr. and Mr. Perry Conn a boy. PARKER- On Thu.sday, June 22, 1803, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker a boy. OMBJ AND ABBBAB Yesterday at Tinnt th. eMmmm -i..t. defeated the Oak Creeks 16 to io. Albany Is the strawberry center of the valley, and large qusntl ies are shipped to different points In the valley. The State Sportsmen's "ournament wll W h'ld at ale-n June 27. 28 and 20. Save at will attend from Albany. It has been decided a "oryallls not to erect the Masonic temple ihlg year on ac count of Ihe stringency In the money market. alia f . . Tinnt v.Tk Icked l..'".",.- n, "f " ateC." ony rtJXZ I)r J L Hill set the bone 'broken . . m,n" , . , " w"'" , Fuller ,he H 1,0 aUeml"el Pete ssssBsasi, was bound over to await the action of the jury rl n Cyrua A Dolph was i.i the city yesterday. Hesaitif the people would fall Salem loun-al. m'm ; . ar A crate of Egyptian Chinese quails, as p- 'y a oira as one otten sees, were aent ; niwny oy .vr waiter U Burrell, of j Ponlaod, pan of 1, a.i'.pmeti from Qhlna, , u -m oe lurnea loose near Albany . Next Saturdav. In honor nf I ,nA Stanford, whose funeral occurs at i :3o i how in arehitectnre, it was o'clock, there will be no frefftsl butineaa iiecessasry for all the details to be fol transacted by the Southern Pacific R R lowed. In oar everyday life we see con Co eh her at this city or at other places . tinually the effects of dropped stitches, along the line. j History is full of deeds left undone. At a meeting of the dry council of Wal-' A Tc1 ?0, hf Lil,e Farrell wa.? greatly la Walla last nlcht. an' ordinance was appreciated. passed calling for a special election July J7 to submit a proposition to bond tne cfty In the sum of $160 to construct ot waterworks. a system The Public Sc hool. Friday is closing day at the city schools. Interesting- ex- i erciaes have been arranged bv the teach j er of the different rooms, and the pupila , will have a nie lime. Exercises beain ,t 9 i.Vlwk in tl. mnrn;n a . Ul noon. Parents and friends are spec- B.l!v i ft. i tkA Ia S 1. a i 1 ,1 : T at.. any invited to the brjildintr. In tbe evening the annual gradoatiug exercises will take place in the opera bouse, be ginning promptly at H p ni. The exer- otTrJ.7.V?Z 7i.r 1 ib tT.;;"a ' r" . . I - - "vm themes. W J Crawford, Principal I .... - . n'.t-50 'or Utest styles Oxford Ties I l Kcd- Peacock A CoV i A nice llnv of Negligee shim from 40c up. at Read, Peacock ft Co s. Read, Peacock k Co repair all shoes bought of them free of charge. the The Chemawa Indian club ar.d Sclo club will play base ball at Scio on the atterr.oon of June 27th. F D Height has returned from a t w o roars lesldence in Ca'ifornla and is wil- the Sa'em bridge without its being planked j or the occasion, a fact iha. is causing ! sne embarraas-nent among deal .-rain ' Ut the Ss:ers schro: of this city has or- , ganfred an alumni with Mrs j H raider SB president, Nora Z eyas vice president. Amelia Senders, secretary and Kate Skel- ly, treasurer. eo Plaster, forme-lr of this ci:y, who' w bound over at Sa em some time ago j to Pr befoev the grand jury to answer charge of iarcenr, has had a hearing "od no- a true bill was reported 1 he ric Litht ompapy have been introduction cf some new ;. utile MnlroducJon cf some new irhu Aa 1 wonder.'ul as eiectric li?htine has hewn im. provemenu ase being cot ssan:!v made The sore of Foe hat A Mason r-renlly t rearranged is about r.adr occuancv. j and removal Into the same has been begun. I It is a fine place, and the interior corfers j credit am the ants1. C H Hart ft Co. who ' dd the docoratirg. Gradualing exercises of the puSltc 1 schools at theop.ra house tonhrm. Ad : mission free. ' II patrons ot the school I should be presx it . Program as publish - I eo. a verr si.cessiui tcircWii .0 las- ' Intereslog exrr-iart occurred this f. i noon in tf.c wiffcrent departments ef tore- I tbe schoo. . a woman trams, seventy -1 wo years old rde In on Wcdtesdat erening' Spoiane tram. Mte w ore a rust r black, arras and M"w "S While her face is wrinkled bv "o the war and navy departments his rom- i...,i m . . r . . ...... , iui csoets iron mis altirict to "est Point and Annapolis. The no ml nations are based on the aomnetlrtve i '!AVi0n- he' . I? Sl'3m Weak Ur j the direction of .State Superintendent Mc- : : v the Ki.tiMi . n.l - ku, 1 each place being named as nominee and I alternative resoectireli- The n '. 'w- i --Mve respectively, i ne name, are i ?m ! fj Jcksoo count r seid Fred f rrII'nBe'' Clackamas for West Point , , ifh T .M"e of Dwitlas countv Tbe steamer Willamette Vaiicy will, ll from fan Francisco on Tuesday June J7 'o1 Y equina. Several Albany people In Chicago will j , probabry start r-.o'me nctt Monday. a - -- - - . i t t . . " . - .. - ts a good deal cf feeiin in iha? citv over thr fniurr of lh. hank il ihit rllv ' ; . nj .a ... I . S v ' " ...v.t mimm i large r umber f English sparrows in that j city This Is the bird itvst is considered ' such a pesi by many. Prof llanlry, of the Whiam.-tte univer 1 sitv, is drliverlng a lecture on the Nica ragua Canal. Some of his Albany friends would enjoy hearing it. J V W ilson and Ed B'oJett hive open ed a blcycls- warehouse rear Cat corner of First and Washington streets. They havt. six or seven machines on hand, and will add to the stock. The Telegram reports an interview with f t Rlrek in s-liWi he sees - 1 ' - M f, decided upon anv of the oersons shall place in the gubordintte positions , when changes arc made." Rev G W Hill arid speak tomorrow for ; ihe " M C A at 4 cVtock. A large at- tendance is exnected M teste It is nl ik 'attractive festuies of these meetings. We lurnisn tne ocst. A Salem parer uyi Receiver tfadlv will hsui receivers cetlficates and build : the O P into Cr. - k countv ; that there are all eadv 65 miles of s-e-l rails on hanj. Hope it ie true. The cllia.-ns of C'awford-viile are anx ious 10 have a rrcainers star ed in 'hat community, snd as an inducement Mr A A Hull offers to furelsh ihe rieam from 40 coat, besides -aklng considerable s'ock. A rare chance for the right man limes A large number of aop'irn ijnt have Seen received for positions as teacher In the public 'Chools" Including one from Miss He'.!. The board of directors wili not meet to make the aptvvinimenta until the return of Judge Flrna from the cast. Mr I J llalley, the ex-O P conJoct .r, is Intioduclng a hay press, which is no doubt a very rapid and good workei. and hag the merit cf coating only $100, a reg ular hard timet price; and "et It t claim ed It will do as much tf not more wora than costly machines. v About a week ago Miss I.orette S Alhr. a school teacher in the Lownsdale school, while riding a bicycle oa Washington Street near Second, wa thrown violently from her scat, and sustained a broken left leg, above the ankle, ghe was taken to St Vincent's hospital for treatment, but the wound was of such character that am putation of the foot was necessary yester day. Portland Dispatcn. In 186c the state gave a grant of 60,000 acres of land to Ichabod Henkle, Samuel j Met. am, J R Boiley, r. A Abbey, A New ton and George Mercer for building a military wagon road from the valley back of Corvallis to Elk City on the Yaqulna ilver. The old warehouse they then there hat just been torn down by M W Simpson It Is reported that F P Hogan, of 8po kane t alls, formerly of this city, was of fered the consulship to Honolulu by pres Went Cleveland, but refused it. He woul like to be U S Marshal for Washington Ex Since Hagan assisted In capturln Saunders, who once escaped from th Linn county jail he has been in the swim as It were, in a decided manner. the rcBur afateu Theo i .era house was more than packed las t night on the occasion of the second public ! annual graduating eiercises of the public j schools, A very entertaining program was opened i by a piano solo by Joice Biwnell, a pretty ' selection. Rev C G Harmon offered the invocation. Havid Gotlieb was beard in a violin solo. ; rendered with artistic taste, j Deijikkt A Beam read an essay on 'The r Seven Wonders of the 19th Century." Thcv : are the r'irth Bridge in Scotland.New Tori Acqueduct, the Kiffel Tower. Brook vn. ano tne neu 1 .at a- a ."SKI.I.IK 1, 1)1.1, IK.KTT H et.aav wail Ride Acrosa the Continent on a Cloud. ! told of scenes acroaa our glorioiw countn ! including the World's fair r SVw York and visits to three former fellow Wa-luates. 7. Maiu Crwhv pronounced an oration on I ''DrTJgJDM Stitchea." The oration ahom-e,! ADA L t-LlCKisoKH pronounced her ora tion on "The Fate of the American Indian." The manner in which the once proud owner of the American continent had been mis treated van graphically portrayed. Use true aitoation was presented in a distinct voice and with good effect. Tbe Indian hcalrai the head but the white man scalps tl.e nenri of the lie A splendid defense of the rurhts ' Indian. Maiw;.rict B HorKixa pronounced an: oration on "First Step,." showing in nice- , 1 I ' aL. ; a " - aJL. It wordeii -nUm the importance of the first step, being well taken, and without which success is impossible. A wrong stop means a downward course unless rectified 1ZI ZZJTLZ i, r " " lustrations. N 1 i r ace IxrvE paid a tribute to Stone wall Jat kson. giviag a good biographical sketch of this man whose wonderful gener alship is now recognized by all. while bis 1 crmraKe is is in the front ranks in tbe pages of history. He did more praying than ail Ufcl BDawaTBsl sawksHscr. KitNA A Millek read an 'essay on the I I Young Authoress, showing- how many more ; mere are who think tne-v can write than who can write. The essayist showed the ' qualifications for authorship, the neceasity fears of preparation, etc. Good iilastra- aotts famed oat the ideas advanced. A vocal solo by Rev E R Prichard. ar aj I ways, was a pleasing feature of the pto - gram. Bex F Rkete read an essay on Wm T Sherman paying: a just tribute to that great ' irenerai ttame. Martha A Rislet's oration was on the : subject "Irrifting." Tbe result of drifting in life were portrayed in pleassing- tangvaage 1 and with apt illustration. TV class proph ' ecy was presented in a manner that must certainly have pleased the sojerto. one of i wbc-m. Ben Rees. becoenev president of the : r S. and dosm through artists stodios to the ' ! cow boy. i 'laresce B StrmitTEK gave a bio-1 graphical sketch of the Aiahing- and brave ' Phi! Sheridan, j Costs Sat pr's ensay was on School 1 ; Life." a fine pen picture of the joys and nps awkl down of school da vs. C H Hart was heard in a so-'o with gnitar accompanirjeot. a weec pieasing effort HErBEX I 1 Boitrsox care the clans hN tory. A creditable effort clearly presented. Tie bright sketches :nv-at!v nieased the an dience. inclwimp a glowing tribute to Ore-1 gs.n. a t4 . ' I .: t as: r - I I f Wm Kiirkinrsw ir. el,rafcw it.ZZ ' in Albanv.Mr Reerejn Ktuvsas. Mijw.osby. in Coos to. Or, Mis Hopkiiuwln Wisvonein. Miss Miller in Oteav-n. Miss WTieeier. in : Albanv. Mies Shunt) ia Iowa. Miss W,ts in Kansas. Miss Blodgett in Hamsbar- Mr f I HJ! I Beam, in Albany. Miss Love in Michigan. l Kiarhf wer- Isien in 177. Est-V AH J W beelez gave an intoretsting acctjont of our first Naval Hero. Paul Jones, a name dear to every American. Pka ai. A Woods' essay was tbe sensible i advice ' Learn to latbor and Wait." The . ' idea was rsiwented with illustration and traa well roBMckred by the essayist. awa at vs orbel read aa esaav on I ; Books as t octpamons. showing them to i be the best are have, and eraphaosiujr the i importance of reading only eood ones, and , leaving trashy literature alone. A pro duction deservinar consideration. A solo by W S Thompson dssserve I a . a - oesarty apptaose given it. rhe vaieductory was raresented bv M aroer lte Hopkins, i happily spoken farewell to j class mates and teskcfaers. IVorinjr the rendition of the esays aad ' asawi there wras trjaaa .nfu---.n.tu.1k.iii: : impossible lor many of the audience to keep track of the ppvluctiorts only a few of which cistanctly tiefvivered. Ine arift Of suspUysxl the woo,ierJ itpacitv of Ai- ; banv in this direction ' 1 I a , . . . i ine srraaoates were nre;ente.l tiimoma.-- by Mr John Foshay and the program closed with a piano solo by Maud Halt -at llus idtra. cofMocM-sisi . SaS. -s. . v n tl s . . f w un t. atarru, nnaiiT ana comwetetv. ; or you nave SOW in casn. i . . . That's what is promised von. no mitt or bow. ' L" v - " v " J ssft , ,m n. ui sA AIUW long standing, bj the proprietors of Dr. Sage 'a Catarrh Remedy. Catarrh can bo cured. iSot with the poisonous, irritating snuffs and ! atrong, caustic solotions, that simply palliate for a time, or perhaps, drive tae disease to the lungs but with Dr. Sage's Remedy. mi - . ine worst cases yield to its mild, soothincr, cleansinrr and healinsT nrori- f ernes. "Cold m the Head, neeas bat 1 few annlieMLsn. PfttttreKal Wn.inv 5' ttJTas-riTVsr uwuavuc, aim an tut? eutXIS VI . a- j tarrh in the Head such as offen- ' sh e breath, loss or impairment of the senses of taste, smell and hear- ing, watering or weak eyes are at once relieved and cured! . In thousands of cases, where ev- j erything else has failed, Dr. Sage's i rtemedy has produced pertect and permanent cures. That gives its roprietors faith to make the offer, t's $300, or a cure. They mean to pay you, i? they can't euro you. But they mean to curs you, aad they can, Star Bakerj sr!ir -oli hln mill r'irsst fit CtKEAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR. auiartl tru.ll, Glaus svatee, irfcJ Fralla, Tobwte, Siagttr, CoBee, Kto Cstunesl Met ttaeextawstrt VegetstUlea. CtgarB i pices. Toss. Kt., lae ever) lh.g tbat la kept in a geosr variety aad gaooary stars, Highest market price paid for tU.L KINDS OF PRODU ON FIRE WITH ECZEMA Terrible Sufferings of tattle Baby. Seven Dotrtorfl nnrl Two H( spftals Fall. Caret by Catfcara. Uy baby boy, S months old, broke out with eczema. TSvi itcbL-ir sod burning wa la lease; too ocma j Lie Umbt, btt&ti, tire, taJ bl, n .iii he was nearly covered; bis aorwrfB a; e wtsa pitiblc t behold; be had S3 yrzrn ar.ti hot ttllit rent oaibt or dry. lie wae under traj. meat at diifvriot ti; it two hcrpitaU and I7 re f d'xnora In ffcle e'.ty 1 prea-ri?tl-'i of the fN:tt I J-.e ieait SwSass, tve.y f-- ercw W(jrre t i 7 Vm s 1 t'ltHr-r. p.. Cut wj i-.. .. ; - - c. ai d ret as:! 1 . - 1- .'. ! ted hj : 15 r.:Sr?wb& wlab to . 1 -.-.-sj it- ,Ur to aaa to (at -try . :r. FE2T ' . :..'.-.aaae at., Mai Remedies f. ec n..n!c5Sy , sild bv ot eir.vrxr.n, hcfcar:r.T Ml, z!y, tmrttA, awd t of Ska skm, aup, acd r. Ires lalaory to ease. ;, : erec;iary. -re. rr1. CTTaru, 50e - gca :.r. ttl. T.-ed ba tha Pcrri Tiff t, CuLi-oCATioa,Bostoa " T-7 to C i ft tin Dl: ai 1 fi l l.. -al. red, roazh. jkapcd, a-? tvuA by .- ,jl. 1 FOLKS FraiMS, '- ' ? r-p'.'irx tag an PaSasa, Taaass . 4 -.f ae Aasta i : taoa, aypata,, geCL&g&- tVILLS MUSIC STORE '.mCEERISG " -I! F KILLEE. "STTXK.' KSO TOSE at SOX ClAN'ri. -VESTitV BErtS,- ORCASS. DEAEHXTF to -.11 'rit tor calsr:s -rl rVices rr Fwitkwlisa . -.1- Best C-ts at Lowwst rrjeast wear sa:t liss I Veer asks -fwBjKssrai xawiVemr Xii-s O., Xeeta. Od a-al Ltarai S-w aB Si-S-vm: s.-smj. Dr. &3 ,-: . tl3feSv s: r.' .V. . L - Caarantsed to Sick Ile.:u-iu K each boC-e. 2H dni;;ir.; Pkti.-5-.- ;r. r crtcks, ex. m salt? by !-esa free. - TO&K. f . rsi. A s.s CaL. iIoh-B Oata-rb Remedr Is ??!LJftmdthatwsiiddo nrsx arewwota, Braktay shiloh's cure; Gauss tl - wbeeeaU others fail aSorCaaaViesi!sbnttlsta porrrat; bssscared ttaaieattda, and will ctraat tSSltt. Sk, axS : TtTOOAT TrrnT-.xr Vnrrinp V wUL L 1 lUi J U 1 11 IV The partnership i between w 1. sir ! ,!..;.. 1 i 1 bercstofore existing oom ssii a s.kmv doing a lively bustuests in At tans-. Or.. ihe firm name ot Sirauev dt saotate. kt tars tiav Jtvso'vrd bv mutual , con sea.. The busjeess wiii be continue.! "J. ta Motue, who wftl settle a t tr .' :9. brm ". mdebte. ness sai coil. lect a'l ollls dua the firm. May 4th. 1S9S. V." ti MOORE. A SfRAMSY. Cavtra-rw- TAO SS ARKS, OCtlQM SAT EMTS. r tntoniuL, . XWV' v stsSsTB. etc. 1 .fr:,?aa.lon and free 1 lambent writ, to fbwreawftIi rn tha man snonjoM Wltboiu It. Weekly. I rear; SUOstx aaoattta. A.reaJiCV ft tmsnsats. attl BroaslaaeaT 1C a BANK Of sjvio, SCfO. OBS SCIO, OBROON. ardent, shier... . TJ StiNaa A J J..KSS NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT la Rent Ike astsis st Andrea Kalston, Dec'd. Sf! NOTICK IS BklSKBYGIVKN THAT THE COfSTY curt ek Liar ocuatr. Oreeon. h H , ..t s.i 11 r,l. Vt . 1S93, at ths km ul I. .'clock p tu of said day at ' 1 a . , Alba. y. i.rtv'n. aa law tbsas place Baal aecoant and settle, t of the above entitled estate. Ant nana having aay objections to tbe suae are hereby i llgul ee rrieimt anu present tne i this 9th tsar ot Jane, o P COSHOW. Jr AttaOnistrator. saS-.'' the aT3 : suawprxpacaage- Sanrates Me. 4 SclsrtAjrnjricaa paK. assSWB sasswl.; 1 i tasax 9 m