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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1893)
RECOKD Pbkskntino Chi cks.- As a good many rases km occurred in Alluny wo (five the following in reference to the ' presentation of chocks, taken from the Portland Telegram lawyers' column: Inasmuch n.s the failure of tho tiank before presentment is the prin cipal, if not the inevitable, occasion of loss from from Mated or delay of present incut, almost any delay is likely to produce the loss; and hence, but a limited time is given in which to make presentment, the length of time varying with the persons between whom the question arises. If persons to whom you gave clic ks resided in the same place as tho bank is situated thev have all the next day in which to make present ment, and if presentment is delayed be.- pmHHNUBM hours of the next day, and the bank fails in the meantime, the loss falls on the holder of thecheck.notyou; where the payee receives the check at a dis tam from the place where the hank is sit uated, he has tha whole of tho day after re ceiving it in which to forward the check for presentment through an appropriate channel, by mail or express, to the place whore the bank is situated, and the person to whom it is sent for presentment has the next day aft?r reeeivieg it in which to make the presentment: and any loss from a failure of the bank during the time thus required for the transportation of the check would fall on the drawer; if the party who receives the check reside- in the country away from the postottice. the rule as to diligence in forwarding the check for pre sentment is not so strictly enforced as in other cases. ,,,.....- r.. o i I iiixksf. Doctors -A Um paper gets after them this way: There are several i "VT! "dot'ors "practicing in Salem who slmiild be deiwtod. nut into the neniten- fciarv. or in some other way prevented from j continuing their professional careers. They know no more alout the disease they pro- fess to aire than a wooden-headed pagan ! idol, and yet they are allowed to go ahead ! immoieste'l. swindling the ignorant and gullible. One of these pigtailed "doctors" recently treated a growth m his white pa tient's nose by givimr tho patient some bitter and burning stuff to take internally a decoction that, if no positively injurious, would certainly have no effect toward re moving have no effect toward removing the growth. These Mongolian frauds take much money from their "patients." and make some of them believe they ore cured when their "medicines" have no effect whatever. In some country neighborhoods it is quite the rage to go to these Chinese doctors in Salem. Hasn't Oregon a state medical board. If so. what is it good for. Poisoned. Jane ion City Times: Thog Allen, of Long Tom, had a narrow es cape from death Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Alien were away from home and on their return Mrs Allen baked some g-rns for breakfast. They tasted peculiar and Mrs Allen declined to eat them. Mr Allen, however, continued his meal, and a short time thereafter became quite sick. Dr Lee was seot for. acd by bia timelv arrival he htah Anctil.t ',i inn- teract the influence ol the poison. The Rems were tin own out and it was but a .!,vtU.n,e and W?rC' stretched ont dead. L Don examination i it , ; . - i . naa uiELUtcrni Hie ceiur CiCl aineu strychnine in deadly qnaniities. The nems were made froin batter itep in a jar, and the presumption is that tbe strychnine was placed in the jar during their absence. They have no idea who committed ihe dastardly act or why any one should wish to take' their lives. bETTLESIEXT WITH CREDITORS. J. L. Cowan, proprietor of the Lebanon bank, has settled with his depositors there by transferrins', under the nominal considera tion of aw'.noo. to W r rvmo at i iko l. ti 1 kuuivu IIWmi. UIUCK.-. lots. 83 acres of land, and also a bill of sale of bis bank fixtures, notes, etc.. in fact all of his Lebanon property. The property will be disposed of for "the benefit of the creditors. There is a difference of opinion as to what per rentage will be paid by the transaction. AH the attachments; against Mr. Cowan were withdrawn. Claim Jumpers. Vm G Obenauer re turned yesterday from the region of Green . Bain. where he had been to look after his timber land claim, which he has been hoid - iosj down for a. eouple years. He found a claim jumper on it. Besides his the claims of Dan Larsre, W P Smith. I V Tatham anu, "T7 Z u en J!1-. fconw? , wwaw uowi uui. iue ciaim jumper 13 aliout the meanest member of societv. cording to information and tradition, and he is liable to get into trouble up the San tiara. Rcxsrxa Loas. The Deadmond boys now have their drive of seven million feet of logs in the river and a-e running them down, covering about a mile and a half a day, which is goM time with Bach a large drive. They have twenty two men engaged in driving. Some of the logs are for the mill at Cobnrg and gome go to Corvallig and gome o Harris burg. Booms have been put in ihe river at the race leading to the Cobnrg mill and the logs are here separated The driyers were at Ander-on's place op 'he river Tuesday night. Eugene Register. Thb Bio Circcs. With its great ani mal display, exhibition of aqnariam features, deep sea monsters, Roman hip podrome and living phenomena, will exhibit here the 4tb of July. It is scarcely necessary to remind enr readers that tbe world's best show is coming or when, as it ia duly announced in every conceivable form in a radius of forty miles That evesybody that can come will be here on the great occasion goeg without saying, and 'hat all who do come will be highly pleased. A Surgical Operation. Dr Maston waa callsd to Halsey last night by wire to remove an eve for Mr S W Sargent who has been suffering intense agony on ac count of the diseased condition of the eyt for three years, the eye wzs successfully removed and the pa'.ient lef . m a comfort able condition, wlih the hope lhat he would be permanently relieved. Mr Sar gent is 1 highly respctable farmer near Halsey. A Watch ia neca.iy . .. ..1 1 yoc want one call on Wj'l & -tarl , wheat aUca ia largaand vari J, ai d pricea the the mntt reatnnable. They co give jnu a fargaio ia this linejas ssetl s in j-velry 'CHrally Vieresk's sbavio r s. ,t,rl cull in ' pal- Will At ht-.rk. th' esresr. rCllag Irx'.'.v.p better bet:v.-r it! cvsry way. TLcrc s more consolation in that titan tvoii people stop to tl m i l aal I 1 ' I . ponde'. lo gc, back flesh ant spirits is every f thing. Scoffs Emulstsn of pare Cod Liver OH ritt RTypb phosphites is prescribed y lead log physicians cvsryvhere r ail ments that ars c:i; '. : t ra 1 ! '.jss of fiesu and vital s' . . Scott's Ejstntsipj .- IJI (',;,,: Vtza to sin? .-1 lingcrin;.' Co..-;- H i .rt !.:'es tins By tier.; ifiAJSSl t. . .. ; A :s. I"-rwr rt tm Ba) B A v. u a t , Notice of Assignment. Kiotica is hereby given that, tba Bank &f Ursgon, of Albany, Orerou, hza duly as kigueu ib itie unnerslgued arsienao ail ita property ana enacts lor tho benefit of all its creditors, under aid by virtun of the gen eral assignment lawa of the state of O.ezon, and the underai ;nrl bas hrtofcre. tnwlt. on tha 28th day of Jur e 1893, duly rjud.f d as Bucn assignee. AH persona having claims against euid ir. solvent and the estate thereof srs hereby reumred to prcatnt ta same to the un dersigned at tha Bank of Oregon bai:dinir in the city of Al' any, uregon, under oath, withia three months of th s date. Dated this 29th day of Jant 1803. W. 8. Tbombbon Assignee of the Bank of Oregon, an insolvent. AL Kcokxk Hanks. The officers of tho Iiane County Bank, of Eugene, recently suspended, yesterday published a statement showing the following: Loans and discounts. 8115,000: real estate and mortgages, esti mated, $100,000: miscellaneous, 810.000; total 8225,000. Liabilities: Duo depositors Time certificates, and bills payable, $85, (XX). They say: "We have ample loans to pay all our depositors in full,, besides other means, but to force collections on those loans by process of law at this time would cause a panic at home antl bankrupt, ruin or seriously damage hundreds of good men and create great losses to us, and cause much longer delay through legal process than by private and individual efforts. Hence rather than bring this calamity on those owing us, we preferred to close our bank and War the harsh reflections that may lie mode believing that in the end you will all iustify us in this course. Know ing all our claims and being familiar with the coudition of our many customers we propose to collect as fast as possible without expense to any oho, our loans and apply the same to the satisfaction of claimants' By request a committee of citizens examined into the condition of the other two banks and publish a statement showing them to oe saie nnanciauy. Thk Statu SnooT began at Salem yes terday afternoon. Tho Albany men did some fine work. In a shoot at ton singles Orant Froman of this city. Hughes and Harrit broke 10 and divided $88. George Froman broke 9. Deyoe. 8, Jesse, of Hivlsev, C. and Mceks :t. There were fifty entries in the second match, the first prize being an Imperial safety, and six other prizes.and a I' viol ot SfU. K 1- miiiir. of Ash and. Vince Jesse, of Halsey. and George Froman. of Alluuiy. each 24 and will divide tho bi- V n;uii rrouiau ami I woo oi mis t(y wt,n. two f fmir makin, an , win. ning the third prize, a combination colt, 100 catridges and ft24 in money. Meek scored '0. m-HW iuirt of th .i.-., ,.r ... ... . . i ' . m 1 i . . Tho ,'trd match was at 20 singles, with :fii entries at $1.60 each.. V J Riley took first, breaking 20 straight. Deyoe and Meek broke coming in for part of the 4th prixe. (Jeo Froman and Vince Jesse and 6 others broke 17. uvttiti"- the fifth prize. after- There were to tie four contests this noon. School Attkndani'k. Tho principals annual repori to the school lioard of this city shows some interesting figures. Ve ropy for the benefit of our readers a few of ' the items. The number enrolled the first ! day. Nurt 12, .vtti: the nunilvr tho Iat day, June 'Si. ;W6. The average daily attemliuiceliv months was as follows: Sept 378. tVt. 424, Nov. 439. Dec. . Jan. 421 Feb. 419. March, :K7. April. :9M. May. StfO. June, ,S60. The greatest number enrolled in any month was during Dev. 510. The whole numlier of pupils attending school from Sept 12. to June it, 588. The average daily attendance for the school year was 404. The whole number, in the Irincipal's room for June was 49; average daily at tendance 45. It is worthy of note that the attendance for the last day was greater than that of the first day. that average daily at tendance for the last month is almost equal to that of the first month. The results of the yoar show that a ten months school is better for the educational interests of the community man a snorter term., of Iohnnn ... ,,-.,.,.( r i,s.', , " " . vj i i am evenitg on a warrant issued out of justice Newport's court, on complain of GO Vernon. He waived examination and was held under S150 bends, which he did not furnish, to await the action of tne grand jury. The charge as larceny of a horse. Recently ihe hor&e belonging to Case and a brother, was attached bv the SheriS for a debt and cold st pubiic auc tion to Vernon for $1,5. Afterwards Case went to Vernon and demanded the horse claiming ihere was something irregular in r"e " me saie, ar.a on refusal declared he wcu!d nave it anvav The same nitht. after dark, he went to Vernon's nas-ure and hriped himself to the animal. He Is in jail, and his case will come up this week before the grand jury. Ths Scio Bank. T J Munkerg, presi dent and A J Johnson, cashier, publish the following statement : Aa it baa bean freely etated and thought by gome, that J L Cowan, or tbe Linn Cotinty National Bank was a heavy stockholder in the Bank of Srio, we desire to state for the information of tbe public that Mr Cow an, does not own a einzla bare of the tank's etocs. and - he Linn f.mntv v . : t . , . . - . -ixiiciiai Ulan oniy lias iri,, I iwiui-u can ie reaoiiv feen could m no f'se effect this bank. Tbe hank of Scio is virtual. v osiird. who v iv our citi zens and is being run for 'the benefit of the whole communitr, as well aa indiv idual gain to be derived therefrom. It is run on business principles and, there fore will be found ready at any and all times, to accommodate our depositors with a part or all of their money as the demand calls for, "reports" to the con trary, notwithstanding. Will Rrx Agaix. - Arrangements have been made with the creditors bv which tbe property of tbe proprietors of tie Red Crown mills will be taken from the hands ot the receiver and transferred to Mr. John Isom. who will !- th., r.. ,i7; ! same, wnile r. Jobn K stockman will ai-t as manager. The mills will be run at their full capacity, to meet orders ahead for some time. No flour rjiannfactured on the coast surpasses the Red Crown, and very little equals it. as people who have been de prived of it will testify, and the public gptiarally will be glad to see the mills rniinw ahead again on a good foundation under so J -. .;...!.. .n-'ii. . orwr nving ine com plete confidence of the public. A Rate War. Wnat promiises to be a rate war from this coast to the east is grow ing stronger each day and it is more than likely that tieople can go from Albany to Chicago for U or 20 dollars within the next 10 days. Rates are now very low via the Northern and Union Pacific roads, but their more powerful rival, the SoutJiern Pacific, has at last taken notice of the cnt rates and is about to show its band. Thev are about to withdraw from the Passenger Association, and this is looked upon by ticket agents as a war cloud that may assume preportions unheard of befyre in rates to eastern points. lt would be well for people going to the fair at Chicago to wait a few days. Declares t a Steal. L H McMa han, of the Salem. (Oregon) Independent paid the Statesman ofljee a pleuant call on naitiraay. ir .i:nilnn reports 'imes decidedly flat throughout the Willamette valley, and that from general Indications the brunt of tlie financial crisis has not ret been felt In mat section Mr Mo Ma han is in Walla Walla to gather statiatlcs in regard to the jute mill, at the peniten tlary. The Independent is of the opinion that tbe Oregon jute mill proposition is a "steal." and Is striving to convince Ihe people of Oregon to that effect. -Walla Walla Statesman. Fish Gardens. --Is it unlawful now to catch fish in one's garden? Tbe law speo. fies certain streams where we must not catch fish at certain times of the year; but when they come into ones garden and com mence flopping around among the potatoes, beans, parsniim, etc, what are we to do? One day last weed Uncle Johnnie Lewis went out into his garden and found a fish about two feet long and weighing ten or twelve pounds, struggling among his vege tables, and so took him to the house for his presumption, and Prof A L Haaelton se cured one in his garden in the same plight. Ashland Tidings. The Bckko Mbs. It ia now certain that the parties who fleeced the Benton connty farmers, A brains, the Argt of ths week, we.-e in Lane county a few days prior trying to play the game game here abouts. Parties attempted the game on a number of farmers near the town of Irving, but the producers in that section being intelligent men ami newepaper readers, they did not want to ' roh the bunko men," hence tliry are not now wearing mourning. Guard. Foil Robbinu a P. 0. Deputy U 8 Marshal Sinnott, of Portland, went to Ijebanon yesterday and arretted James Wheeler, a Hon of L M Wheeler, of that city, on the charge of robbing tbe Scio Post omce about a year ago. He will lie taken before Judge Bellinger to answer ths very senouH charge. We Have to Eat anyway. The bet ter the groceries the more enjoyable life is, and while we do not all live simply to eat, we certainly eat to live. If you get your groceries and baked goods of Parker Brothers you ara bound to live well If it is enly on a loaf of rye bread. They keep the best in everything, and sell at pricea that satisfy regardless of times. Call on thern. A nice linv of Negl op, at Read, Peacock jee shirts from 40c Cos, CIBtTIT COI BT. Following is the grand jury: f M Smith, foreman ; W C Stellmaker, Henry Sprenger, D F Hardman, P R Bll yeu, Alonzo Wlndem, Wnj Arnold. The following cases were continued again : State of Oregon vb J as Bannon. State of Oregon va Clias Baker and F S Phelps. State of Oregon vg Ghag Baker at.d F S Phelps. State of Oregon vs Chas Baker and F S Phelps. State of Oregon vs J J Brannin. P J Porter et al John C Elder et al. Toplltz & Co va Mary Couglll. Geo J Branner va Mary Cougill. Mooney Valentine Co vs Mtry Cou gill. Capital National Bank va W F Croaby. T Paldwin A Co vs Goldsmith & Kunkle M Bermond va F A M Ins Co. In matter of the assignment of LT Henness. In matter of the assignment of Geo W Smith. J C Goodale vs Serepta M Hansard et al. J M Brown vs A F Goorh. ' R Nothingeret al va T A Morris et al. J L Cowan (trustee) va Serepta M Han sard, Senders & Sternberg va L Houston. Sarah M Shields vs P C Harier & Co. In the matter of the assignment of Al beit ina Kriesel. A R Read vsCJ Fletcher. Jessie Wilbabai vs Henry Wilbelm. Enoch Cvrus et al vs Warren B Cyrus et al. Leb a Santiaui Canal Co vs Southern 1 acitic Co. llie A McPherson vs M S McPlierson. In the matter of the assignment of T Or Metalic Co. E B Earl va E W Achiaon. S E Young vs L B Knox. Price Robson va L B and A S Knox Jr. Mittchell Lewis & S Co va L B and A fS Knox J r In the natter of the assignment of W Graham W J VanSchnvver A Co va Huston & Miller. Ella II Mendenhall va Harrisburg Wa I ier Power Co. State of Oregon agt John Emright, larceny. n u o 1 8 . y 'gl J M-miy and v- 1 "auuai?. iene 10 issue execution . In the matter of the assignment of Cyrus A Pitchford, assignnent. Final account allowed aad assignee discharged. L J Hocck et al agt W I Vernon et al. partition. M Payne appointed referee to sell land. Continued. Price ic Robson agt George Kstep. Re coven' of money. Attariunent: lefaultand judgment, with order to sell attached prop erty. W C Cooley agt J B Keener Recovery of money. Kf.iult and judgment far plain tiff. Mason Ehrman & Co agt A J Houston, re covery of money. Attachment. Default and judgment and order to sell attached property. F H Page agt A L Lamb. Recovery of money. Attachment. Judgment for want of answer. F S Wolf agt Waters, Blakelv A Co. Re covery of money. Settled. S A Riggs act E W Achison. recovery of money. Attachment. Settled. Bittenhoeffer, Haas 4 Co agt C C Hack leman. Recovery of monev. Attachment. Iefaiilt and judgment with otxrer to sell attached property. tjarretson. Woodruff. Pratt Ar Co ai?t t Hackleman. Recovery of money. Attach- ment ltefamt and ludtrment with order to sell real property. M A Harris agt Henrv Towiisend. Re covery of money. Attachment. Same aa above. Malissa Govro agt Isaiah fiovro. Di vorce. Settled. X Steinberger.'agt C C Hackleman. Re covery of money. Default and judgment. The California Vineyard Co act Carl R.....1 - . . . , 'tiiuci . iievun-ry 01 money. AOascnmeni. , . . . -. i, . Parke ic Lacy Machinery Co agt Forsythe ic Hunter. Recovery of money. Attach ment. Default and judgment. W S Lsenham agt L A. Woodle? et al. Foreclosure. Continued for service. W S Denhara L A Woodle et al. Foreclosure. Continued . Thos Taylor Co agt Carl Bender. Re covery of money. Attachment .lnrf s ment for want of answer with order attached iroperty. to Daniel Long act T L Wallace At Co. Re- wvery of money. Attachment. Default ad judgment. TS TT . ' , , ... . .. r' ' . IJ 11 " r agt J t. it.: K Uark. monev. Attacbmeait. fudg- ment for want of answer ' E Wolverton and H H He-ritt agt H Wilson. Recovery of monev. Attach ment. Settled. Charles E Brownell agt D M Colip. Re covery of money. Attachment. Settled. tion A o Mcllwain agt R Custer. Confirma- .Nue confirmed. A D Horner agt Harvey Ward. Confir mation, Same as above. In tin' matter of the assif 'unent of tbe Bank of Oregon. ConttnuecL R II Laller as admr agt R H Rutherford et al . Nonsuit on motion of plaintiff H Bryant agt Wra St Oikhnst et al. Sale confirmed. D M Jones agt Donly. Same as above. C T. Craft agt El mini 1dgawood et al. aale confirmed. A Gow, true bill was found against Itom Letter known jis Sullivan, on ihe charge of assault with intent to kill. Goldsmith & Kunkle vs F V M Ina Co. Recovery of money. Continued by corastnt. W C Myers vs Emil Milbredt. Ap fswm Justice Ourt; Verdict of jnry for $191 Jt. Linn Co National Bmk vs Geo W Smith & Job C Smith. Continued by consent. M J Smith et al vs Heavy Watson et al. Partition. Report of referee confirmed. Harrisburg Water Power Co vs M R Schooling. Ap from lost ice Court. Con tinued on motion of deft. J W Cuakk & Co vs A B and Mrs A B Seal. Default and judgment and order to aell attached property. Alliance Trust Co agt J L Hollida et al. foreclosure. Contizraed, Samuel E Toting agt H H Cole. Re covery of money. Attachment. Settled. M A Miller agt Geo. M and Gennie Staf ford. Confirmation. Sale txmiirmed. Knapp Burrell tc Co. agt S SKnox. Con firmation. Sale confirmed. C H Hard wick & Co vs Qualey Bros. Recovery of money. Nonsuit on motion of plff. R N Norris vs Geo W Rogers. An from Justice Court. Verdict for deftfor 92.84. State of Oregon vs Andrew L Arnold. Arson. On trial. Ann:i af VrraI nrrt. tlpdrtri, l-Vpiwl Tli- 1 voire. Di vnrra rrmnUl to Iff without, c. ,st s and plff to have ciistody of minor child. James II Railev asrt Isabelle Oakley ctal. Foreclosure of lien. Decree on oleadtnira un ts Issabelia Oakley. James W Brown agt, Isabelle Oakley etal. Foreclosure of lien. Same as above. Ezra Orcutt turf. Ian.hll Onlrlev trial Foreclosure of lien. Same an above. F S Biskirk nxrt. Wlwllr Onlrlev etal. Forclosure oHien. Same as above. K P Wier agt J L Cowaa, as The Bank of Iebanon. Recovery of money. Attach ment. Nonsuit on motion of plff. Mm John Orisham agt J L Cowan. Re covery of money. Attachment. Same aa above. Benjamin Brothers agt J L Cowan. Re covery of money. Attachment. Same aa above. Fleichner, Mayer & Co. agt. J L Cowaa. ror recovery of money. Attachment. Same aa above. John Denny agt J L Cowan. Recovery of money. Attachment. Same as above. Martin Doughty agt J L Cowan, as bank 01 ljeuanou. ivecovery 01 money, auucu ment. name as above. B N Hardman agt J L Cowan, as Lebtv nonbank; action and attachiiienf to re cover $595. Same ua above. 1 PL Wallace agt J L Cowrtn, Bank I of Lebanon. Same as above. OKI -NO A MAD MONDAY The Kickapoo Indian Co. are In Silver ton this week. Wiley B Allen Is opening a brancn truslc store in gale m. The Monmouth Athletic club will give an entertainment In Scio tomorrow night. Will & btark are fixing up their jewelry store In fine style, enlarging and other wise Imdrovlng 11. William G Obernaur of Albany passed through Halsey Monday on his bicycle with the maps of Linn county .Halsey News, Judge L Flinn and two daughters ar rived home yesterday noon from their eastern trip. They left Chicago Wednes day morning. Rey R M Jones of Oswego, will lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock In the Congregational church on Martin Luther 1 Tickets at the door. An excellent Edison phon-igraph is at Geo E Stanaid's drug store. A good se lection of pb ces edify a large number. No one ever puis meir ear to a monogrspb without being delighted. The Telephone Company have a gang of men at thU city starting on tnell irlp to Brownsville r.d probably to Eugene. They live In tents, and are" camped near the S P Depot. Hon P H D'Arcy will deliver the xih of July oration at Woodburn, whert a grand celebration will take place. Hon Tilmon Foid and William Kaiser will makt patri otic, addresses at Aurcraonthe Fourth. Salem Statesman. Pres Marshall, ihe A F CVs secretary, I Saturday jumped onto a bicycle at thj Farmer's warehouse, thinking it belong- I ed to a friend , intending to ride to the O P depot and back. He was followed by a man franttrahv yelling -'stop thief." It belonged to a Tangent man; and it took prompt explanations lo satisfy the gentle man. 6aturyay at Portland In the ama teur athle'Jc contest, the one mile run was won by E Coke Hill, a nephew of Dr I I. III I. of this city. He Is a aon of Hon W l-air Hill, who wiote the codes of Oregon and Washington. Young Hill Is a native M Uregon and a graduate of th- unlver slty of California, at which institution he i mm inc one mue recoro up to tne time of his graduation In iSn The time was 4S 1-5. W F Ready, the club swinger of CorvallU, was a contestant In the l.x and azo yard races. He won one heat In the 2ioyard con'ett. TfBSDAY, The annual tournament of ihe Oregon sporumea began in Salem this afternoon . a A vounc man named Latkie was taken to tne Insane asylum from Biodgett, Ben- ion coamy, inig morning. Licences have been issued for the rtage of O S Hlnton and Eliza Grace snepnerd, S. r NcFeelev and Marv A Thompson, Edmund L Wheeler and Eliza Jane Zink. Morgan Hoult. who recently suffered an amputation, of his leg at Junction, Is now able to be about the hospital in Portland on Clutches, and expects to return to his home at Harrisburg in a few daya. The Yaquina train shows a great im provement in style, and Is now a decided credit to the road. Tha company he added several fine cars and a larger and better engine fo the outfit. Everything connected silth the road Indicatesprogresa. A man from Oaklacd by n.m cf Frank Pike who was oncesunstruck, ic a tobacco fiend and moderate drinker, at ilmea be comes violent, and believes be is Jesus Christ and has power over eyerrihing, waa brought to the inlum today. Salem Journal. Several .onths nam Dr. G wvnne'a res ; iddnce at Salem was robbed of several 1 valuable articles. Here's another one from the Independent: Some petty thief , cn,cred ,he dwelling of Rev 1 Gwynne on Cottage street during Saturday evening wniic the family was away and carried cf! a roast t nd other articles purchased I r a Sunday's repast. A calculation based on the receipts of bullion at the two banks of this city taktn from the books places the amount of gold shipped by the banks from Uaker City during the present month at $40,000, not , to -nention various other amounts passing ihrough the express, office and poatofttce oi wdch no account can be had.- Baker . City Democrat. A strong effort Is brin aaad to reopen the Linn County S'a'icna! U-ns under a reorganization o strong a to secure the , confidence of the people at once. Mr. ; A. Eush. of Salem, who owns $3oooo in stock, la expected in Salem today, and j wilt probably meet mlth other siockhol.t era ,n this city on Thursday. Mr. Jen- ntnga. the bank inspector, has about com- pleted his Investigations, but srlll have nothing for the public far a few days, i Depositor are sate. The serious question is wl.h Ihe stockholders. WBDSKaOAT. Since Jan 1st, I60 Inne persons hare been committed to the Oregon asylum, being nearly one a day. The Y M C A will have ice water on! draught this summer through ihe kind - ness of the Albany Ice Co. A slice off an Oregon hazel 62 feet high exhibited io a real es'ate office in Albany a 15 inches in circumference. The Willamette alley sailed from San Francisco yesterday morning at 9 o'clock, and w'.l! arrive at ttie Bay tavnrsrrow after noon. Yesterday at Scio th club of that c'tv beieated the Chemawaa very easily I4 to 4. Wells, Burns and Cole pitched for the Scio. JJRf metriter the lecture in the Congrega tional church tonight at s o'ciKk, on Martin Luther, Ihe author of the Refor nation. Ttsaets at the door. The team of I R Cochrane ran away opposite ihe P O this morning, or, rather tried to do so, tearing the harness com pletely off and acting dcspeiately gener ally. " A party of young people, who recently made a picnic trip across the riv-r came near getting Into trouble by treapasslng on property of a farmer, who finally threatened to uae Ms shotgun If a perma nent retreat was not made. Albany Engine Company No. 1 haye juat put "in posit'on their new heater, fixed ttve floor ta their engine room, and have a new flag pole ready tor raising, besides rtasrsbf new uniforms. The company 11 s prosperous one. Jt la getting to be the fashion In Eugene 10 address and stamp the envelopes on the oack. With the address wiltten across the la lass, the letter cannot be onened by an unsaathorlzed person without the fact being detected. Eugene Guard. Crook Cowry . J W Stewart arrived hera on Friday of laat week from Corval lia, hating acosate across the Cascades hy way of the fiantlam route, lie found about fourteen anile of snow, averaging from one to ads feet in depth. Messrs S I Weavtom, Mm McMeekin, C 8 Smith, MA Moore, S T Black, ME Brink and others contemplate form'ng a joint stock company for the purpose of constructing a ditch to take water out of Tomalow and convey It lo the desert west of Pickett island for milling and Irriga tion purposes, Their ditch will be eight miles in length Rbvibw. Tub Verdict 1 unanimous that Will A Stark carry Ihe teat line of silver ware In tbe valley. They nave the variety and qual ity, a combination lhat counts in buying goods. An. inspection always carries con viction. Now I the time to put up atrawberrlea while the quality la good and tne price are low. Leave your orders aa F L Ken ton' grocery store. lean towela to every oattainer at Viereok al aviog parlors. C'earance gala oi all kind of hats at 16'a M Brush's. Now is your time to buy. .Bet the New Impraved Singer tewing tna ohtos. The l"sit is alajayt tfe cheapest. J W Sowden, agent. Office at F M FretraVs laasBlryatsirajf Only ti .so for latest styles Oxford Tie at Read, Peacock a Co. Get jour pyrbtechnfea of Conn. Reasi. Peacock & Co repair all shoes aotiiL ami rmsovii MONDAY. John O (jollra, son of W ti Goltra. ia in the city. Dr E L Irvine, of Portland, is in the city. J O Wilaon, one of Corvallis' live young men, was in the city today. Miss Laura Tate went to Portia d this noon on a vljit with some friends. U G Haj ne ond Chas Buck have gone to Scio to butld a residence on thcii farm near that etty. Rev W H Bsrr went to Poitland thU noon, and will soon go to Seattle to assist In some evangelistic meetings In that city. Prof W S Mayberry, recently of Co burg, has been engaged to teach the South Brownsville schools. A good se lection. Rev Glbonv, of Origon Cl'.v, returned home lids noon from orvallU, hsd been to preach the baccalaureate ser mon before the student! of the (J A C. W F Mendenhall the popular drummer leturneJ to Salem this noon. Mr M the it. ....... . i. ...I ..... ...i . -.. . .i-i .. . udaiuvkai iiiKui ii vu, -. .. inn irting I In a pacing Oregon mine be U in.crc.ted ! in. Ceorge Humphrey 1 as accepted a jo sliion with the new U S marshal at Port land as 1st asistant marshal, a plsce with about 3ooo a jrar. Mr Humphrey Is ; ..-II ...... K .1 . . I . All tl... !.... . , I well qualified t fill the important der- uiythip. j V.lss Lizzie Rosfl'.er. recently ol ti e Ashlsnd schools, apd Mitt Myra Abbett daughter of Rev J T Abbetr, of ihU cl y, I left today for the east where they w ill at ' , tend the world's fair and Indiana rel atives. Kditora I I Campbell, of the K Guard, and Robert Johnson, of ttie Cor vallia Times, were mean enough to call at the Welcome sanctum when nil himli j out, the other day, and too blamed azy io return again lo receive the bro'herly greetings anrj the warm hand shake that awaited th am, The gentle men had visited the Chicago thousand ringed circne, lived eight years a minute. ; and kept aober. Portland Welcome. Tl'CSDAT i Geo L Bliukman. of Portland. i in t 1 citv. Assistant State Treasurer K E imt Sunday at AIImuiv on Y Mi ilolgin A busi- Il'-S. J O Writmnan. of the Farmem and 1 chants Insurance company left to day M.r cn a trip over the est Side country. I Ih Bern anl Italy, a represeniative from Ijike and Klamath counties, a member of ine uoarti ot rewnts i.f u- State 1 iiiv.ti- ' tv. and a uoitular in-ntlemm ffenemilv S'l 1 in the city this forenoon. E Cox, of this city i about to go up to tbe cedar flat near M t Jefferson and cut bop poles to be shipped into this vallev on the Oregon Pacific There is a scarcity of good poles hereabout, and Mr Cox will be , aide to work up quite an industry in this line. Salem Journal. Prof. W. S. Arn-Id. recently of the Wil lomette University, will locate in Tacotna. ; Prof. Arnold arid tlie Man About Town came to Oregon on the same boat, and the ; indications are tharthe Litter has the most i web on his feet. Dr. L. A. Port is in the citv from l , Angeles and San Digv.. He was caught in one of the San Diego lawk, and be thinks of returning here and residing in a coun try when prudently luanaged banks and , properly cultivated crops do not faul. Mate&man. The following lawyers, are attending court here: Hon Til ford and Ex-distri-t Attorney teorge ti Bingham, of Salem, nil Ellis, of Taroma. I. Bilveo. of Eugene. Stowe.Somrrs and B M trariaad. of U-ln-on. and Mr. Tossing. of Wright A T ing. of RrownsviiW. w bdkbsdav. Paul Costel. of Portland, is in the city. A B Matthews went to I alW yesterday on ' boaines. iovernor Pernoyer went to CorvallU thi noon. Mrs Richard Neil, nee Ida Webber, a in : the city visiting Albany friend.. License has beam icroed for the marriage of John C.Findlay and Rboda P Mc Kinney. Mr. Arthur Lrimert ha aeceptel a posi tion aa book-keeper with the Fir-t National bank. tau.v Powers has been ptarfvd in harp- of the O P office at Salem. waileCha. It MiiW will art aa purser on the H oaf lr Leeperazid family. c4 Onton county. returned 'this noon fron a tiip to the World's fair and their IsOM! eastern home Hon. A. Bush arrivad borne frni his r-avrtern trip. yesterday He was considera- ' weannf and remained at home to rfst. -edemStBtMHiin. Mr. George Humphrey aad wife left this noon for Portland, where the former will begin his dutie as deputy 1 - B. niarslial. . on the receipt of Marshal Grady a cum mis -I sion. Prof. Hawtlsortv and Rev. J. R. X. Baa went to Corvallis this morning B0 attend tbe oramnaenrenient ezcrcises of tv State Agricultoralrollege. ocrurring thi s after- . noon. WKA aatata Slltll Crop Weather Bulletin. No 14, of th Oregon state weather service, for tlie week ending Tuesday .June 27th. 1. B B Pague local forecast official, weather bureau. In Western On-con theox-l. ckmdv wea- taaBr continues, tlm temperatnre this month 1 has o tar averagwl from 3 to 6 degrees a lay below the normal Crops -The report thi- week are not as encouraging aa they have l.-:i. There is a unanimous desire for more sunshine and warmer weather. The rain was of great l-nefit ; yet it also did some damage to the hay which waa down be an average one. The wheat crop will iKwitiv more. The growth indicated SB to fl Imsliels to the acre while at the present time from J" to : bushels per acre is indicated. Kali wheat is out of possible danarer. its condition would be improved by warmer weather anil unshine. Spring grain is from 4 to 10 inches high and is the most seriously af fected by the lark of sunshine. Tlie cool weather retards growth, ( lover is btaac 2 Wyv!t!? fr tim?Jh ' Wt so heavy, t orn it not doing well, owing "4. tack of warmth te - mg toe day. Potatoes are growing well ann a large viekl is indicated, flora have good upward growth, but latteral growtli 1 alow, due to tbe cool, dourly weather, more than to preventative action, the hop lice are not present to an alarming extent ; in some yards sprawing has commenced. Prunes and plains continue to be reported as being a large crop, the same for lierries. while peaches, apples atnl pears will not be an average crop, the increase in liearing acreage will, however, materially increase the total product. Having will be general by the close of the week. Stock is in ex cellent condition. Illustrated Talk AU ladle In- terested In the subject of health and Its sequence, ocauty, invited to tne taia 1 hursdav at i p m at the Vlavl Co par lor in tne Baltimore block . ei 19 to o. That Is the acore people make who trade with Perry Conn, the dealci In fresh groceries, prcduce and crockery ware. They hut out hard time and give clean bargains. Plenty af home lun and a return for more good. The game Is umpired on the square, ard there Is never any kicking . Prompt and courti. -ous treatment. A steady thing. Doors open early and late. If you woubl be on the winning tide call on Conn. Put upin neat scbaoa pedis tt lea, tiigw ousted, Small 'Ule Henna, xac ix-r Is.tUo. HAKUED WHEELER-ZINK. On June '27, 1888 ; at the residence of U W Powell. Marion ' county. Mr Edward L Wheeler ami Miss i Eliza Jane Zink, Justice Powell ofKcmting HOUN. PAYNE. On Tuesday night, June '27th, 1893, to Mr and Mrs N P Payne a son. BILYEU. On June 10, at the regi-j dence of F P Deyanay, near Jefferson, ' Me'.inda W wife ot Peter I, Bilyeu aged about 39 years- Mrs Bilyeu has been sick along time of consumption and her death waa not unexpected. Pho waa a daugh ter of F P Devaney.with whom she came to thie country. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE BASE BALL. Played. Won. Lost 1 3 5 5 Per cnt .875 .5u0 .375 .loo- Aibany 8 Independence ti Portland 8 7 :i 3 I hereheireKonCi,y.. 6 Oregon City waa an easy prey io Al bai.y in ti e two games played in this city Saturday and Sunday Saturday the home club with a record of 6 errors raade 14 baae bit. and 10 runs, while Or . , ( . .. - - - . m r , , . , Oiton CitV onWarul .1 rim nml ...... I., j ! base hits. The pitching of McGreevy ; waa very eiTecttve and Stanley doea great ' mmum tare dm. i tie recor.l was Earned urns Albany, 8; Oregon City. 2. C3.-.I I . i . . . JU r-iuirn liases Airmny, 3; uregon City, 1. Struck out by McGreevy, X; by Greene 1 Passed ball-Stanley, 2; a ild pitches -McGreevy, 1 ; Greene, I. Utnp.res, Hoyt and Wells A feature of the game waa a catch by Burna in left field of a ball just before striking the fence. Yeterdaj'a game waa a follows: ALBANY. t. a. bb. ro, n. a. b, ?Rilly,3b i, 2 3 1 0 2 1 Burna, p . 5 I 4 0 340 Sbea, 2b 6 4 3 2 1 . 0 : McGreevy, rf.... 6 3 2 0 0 0 iitanUy.c o t 3 II 0 0 1 Wallace, rf 5 1 2 2 0 2 0 Mulling, lb 6 1 0 il 0 0 0 Cole, n 4 2 I 1 1 I 0 Jones, if .3 2 2 0 0 0 0 Total 45 19 20 10 6 11 2 1 obSsbb cnv. IB. a. mi. i'O- SB. A B. Babb, 2b 4 U 0 3 0 0 0 Rerkner, o, p. 400 80 30 Clark, lb 4 0 I 8 1 0 2 Anderson, rf 40 O 20 00 Fields, aa SO 0 0 0 3 0 Harlow, p. If 4 1 2 3 0 0 0 Mils, c 4 0 2 10 11 Kelly, cf . 3 0 1 10 10 Fenimore, p, rf 2 0 0 1 1 i 0 . n i " u I m o iT , ! Total 32 1 6 27 2 II 3 Karned runs : Albany. 10: 2 base bits Burns, I ; Stanlev. 5 ; Harlew, 1 : home runs, c:reevy. Shea, Reilly: double p'.a. Wal ace, Reilly; base on balls, Al bany, 2; Oregon City, 3; struck out. Burns, h; Fenimore, 0 Albany 3 4S 1 1 002 0-19 Oregony City OOOOOOOaJl I j Umpire, tVilliam Welch ; lime of game, 2: to. At Port'ar.d the club of lhat citv defeat ed lndeper.dei ce 10 to j Saturday and 10 10 4 aunaai . "mrtT. Tasqbnt, Or., June 26, 183 C rangers held a picnic in tbe The strove just east of Tangent 011 hut Wed- i neaday. It Icing a nice day a large rrod mas pre-aeul. and good speakers were present. Baa H E Hayes, Lw.urer of the irtate li range spoke to tbe audience ' in tne foret,oon and after dinner Prof J M Uioau of Corrallig and others epoke a few words until aboot 4 o'clock. Tbe crowd went to Tangent to see a game of baae ball played between the College ins and the Oak Creeere, sc. re 16 to 10 in faror of the C allege. Hay harvest is right upon ua and i: will not be !oog until yo'iram bear the clicking of the tuower and also the binder. W notice the improvements atill go on in Tangent. Mr MrJenks is b-jilding a new barn juat toitli cf here and a law William Jeoks and John Beard. Born, in Tangent Friday June .' rd to Ihe wife of Mart L Forrester, tbe nu'eery man. a t;g boy. Mother and child alcaasal A sad accident banreneJ near here n last Wednesday at noon. Mr John Can- 'avan was plotting sotnaner fallow and on- hitched bis torses for dinner. Tying lil hones 10 in wagon to feed them he was going around hia wagon 10 pkk np some scattering bay, and wus s anding by Ihe side of one of his hia horses ahen Ihe horse whirled around and gave Jot n a kicat on bis leg breaking i. Dr Hill waa tent for to dress the limb. Mits Ixl'a Necdbam and Mss Bcssia Seltletneirare visiting their manv irienJa in Tangent. Mr Oranvil Smith ia visiting his par enu for a lew days. He ia depot agent al 1 ualaiin station. Rev J L Fotrelt it spending a fevr days Una weee down at Teasel camp meeting and hia wife intends taking a trip to. VI a-lungtcn. Ycino Ahklhw TacittA Bast s The great races of tbe OaajWi Breeding ic Speed Association occur at Salem on July 4th. 5th. 6th and 7th. Round trip tickets will lie for sale each of the alwve days and good for a late as tbe Mh. Iy the Southern Pacific railroad at all point between Eu gene City and Portland, at nduoed prices'. Some first-class entries have len made. and the races will la? worth witnessing on every ; day of the meeCng. After Breakfast 'lo purify, vl'aliz; and enrich the b'ood, and give nerve, bodily aud digestive strength, taae Hooo's SarsapartHa. Con j tlnue the the medicine af:er every meal ! fo' a month or two. mm Double reverslh'e Four in-hand I ies at R Pc,cock ro.t. To ties for the 1 "JJJ ,cf of one C, ,nd th,. 1 B th at Viercok'a "hsvin ( acd hair cot n : psr'oti. htral)errle at r L Kenton's etety morning. Bodgaa B M.-Far!and. .l.t.-Aluaoy. O . tha Iradieg dtlifc Sewing Machines neatly irpaiitd lui warranted l-jr mir, oghly ccrnpe .rnt aork mtn, at K M French's j-eby store, Albany, Oregon. A good fountain pen for ft J5 at French' jewtlery store. F Sal irftter Mat. Kotlnwirg i the list al lattars ren.aiuiog in the post oftioa at Alhany, linn county, Oregon.Juoe 2'.i:h, ISP3. Persons catling for these letters must give tho data on which they were tdvertiaeJ. Atchison. Mr A F. Irven, Mrs Adkens. S A Apiary. Y r Butler, Or B f 1 'awning, A .1 FaIwutiIs. Mr J Howev. Mr John P Mmde. V A Heers. Dr Olive Dinglev. Mr II II KUiott.' Loo Friendly. Mr S II McKinnev, Mr K Merrill. Mr D II Nothigi-r. Miss Marv Weston. Mr Dick Siuuuons.Mr Jessie Wo Ark tChimuniui) Tuoa. Momtbith. P M. Mro Crract of Tartar : Hie xu Eat Sal m it t.l h n u r u , nA-!lBakin The . " I Uses1 Baking Powder rKosj iTait. Amtoria, June 23rd, 1893. j E liter s Democrat: The principal topics of conversation upon ! the street of this city is the cold weath -r. dull times and scarcity of fish. Politics i j not in it. since Mr. Cleveland m far pays' no attention to trie vol uiuinous !u for J office, which leavfa the fntun? hopes and; exiiectatioiM of many of tlie hitherto san-1 gninc aspirants sadly in doubt, and the i idle summer is (-ui' kly passing away and J will soon bring them the wintiT of their j discontent. Verily prlitics is a fickle jaU; ad they' that serve her are but illy paid. People in Washington t-em to m: iosted , in the affeirs of fhe cmtiim house, maylie lietter than the rjorlstfcgs him- -If. the figure liead of the buoiness, who gave tlie lxmds ' anil assumed the r-stiOruiililitv of the office, since t-o of his principal officers nave neen iinei-rcjiioniously suss.iried, per liaj for cause, maybe for fun. however. 1 that as it may, the susjjended inctimbents ha1 little to lose either in wealth or expec tation and they have probably held their own and graned a whole I t of worthless experience during their, memorable servi tude for fjnrje .im. ' ITie colUs-tir of CBstBfflB lu-re i a brother Of the 'trejrou judge that sentenced a pry,r nthennan. with a family, to the pen for : two years for stealing a few fish, and also,; out of sympathy, it is presumed , sentenced a man without family and a noted gambler ! that never earned an honest penny in his j life perhais. to the same institution for the tana of one year, just for killing a man. j The crime of the first man through an un i just sentence disgraces an innocent family, while the crime of the (.'ambler disgraics ' none twit himself, and tlie judge. Everybody talks about hard times and bewails the terrible state of affairs the future holds in store. The Sherman bill is 1 thought to lie the cause of all of the trouble aad if not repealed soon will bankrupt the whole country, and we will have l- return ! ' op (rreen backs until Furors? tret I tinsl of shiniiiutr out of the Cioted States ' the Kold she can lay her clutches on. 1 unncr coin or iai:iMn. Ihe money qtaea tion is a conundrnm few can solve intelii gently . Tbe Chinese qm-stion is also dilfi- j cult of solution, and if the law is not en- j forced an endless amount of trouble must ! ensue, for which we are not well prepared. Ha cholera is likely to make its appear- an at any time, and up to this date this i port U not re.kooe.1 in the ouarantine cauuons 01 tne gmCTntraent ettetmd to j San Francisco. San Diego and Port Town- send, so Astoria will have to look out for her own territory and the safety of her citi zens at the satewav of the inland empire i while Portland with her China shops and filthy ewers may be visited by way of Chi ; cago and the world's fair route. The weather keeps so uncomfortably cool that seaside vLritor are slow to ventirre ftvni their comfortable homes and endare tbe djscomf.Tt of cold winds and irn semen: weather even in midsarnnir-r. and no far ine uavet i ugm. moan Use tare u very : low. Two lnat.the TtK.mpr.-n and Potter. an? so diablel that some time will elarase before they will ba rnnning aarain. In tbe ' meantime thw city imtinues to be quiet ; dull and utiUi!fTetinT to everybody but a dyed-in-the-wo; mosshark. Neo. aa. . 1 , , . . . . tl . u;i(.ti; i When Hank Vaughn died at Pendleton he had thirteen ballet wounds on his per son. His earner had been a reuiarkabie one. According to an Ki he was born 46 jears ago in this valley, where be has rela tive now. At the ag of 1? he achieved hit first notoriety. At that time he was associated with a companion in the Burnt river country Idaho, and they had in their possession horses stolen from Umatilla county. Sheriff Vaddock. with or.- dep- ary. crefn '.rrvn; riinK an.i nif oompaxuon in tne enavi tmie. and a asht with pistol in tr h; r Hank's companion and the deputy was h4 inJ killed. Tbe sheriff wa ht through the jaw and Hnk wa ; unhurt. For this affair he waa sentence-! ' to the state's prison for life, bet aras par- dotted after serving eigbt year. On his ' release he went to Nevada and remained several years. A eona:deral4e mystery at tache to thai portion of his life. He fin ally turned un in Boise city, ant won the affections ana right to use tbe fortune of Mrs Robie. His most r..s.,l ext-'.-it since the Srst was hi eaKVjnter with t'barle Lng in PrineviUe. 10 or 12 years ago. On that otvasion he was in a ssaYxm and invited every U-dy to take a "rixtk. Long who was a rjuiet man refused to come up." t.rab th- end of thi- or take a drink.' said Hank. Lnsr awvpted the hallenare. a:;d both mew . emptied their revolvers into each other. Both were riddled, and were supposed to t be mortally woundei. However, to tbe ' surjise of every one. loth recovered, ami j Long is still alive. 1 tl M It rBSMll tIt: Tuesday evening, Jtine "JTih. Present- Reconier. t'hief of Poli.-e. Street I 1 Superintcndont. City Treasurer, and Coon- j ilmen nitBfJ OsTewatt rteifTer. ISurkhart. Marshall and tVheeler. In the ahsense of tbe mayor. Councilman Burkhart was elev terl mayor pro tern. 1Te filling bills were ordered tid: F T Blonnt.tslo.W: McFeronA. Prepst. J t;radwhol. eli.W. W B Bart. Stewart A: Sox.iM : CoP Cramer. C..15: i N J Henten. 0 C McFarland. .70: 8 W Ross. Il.tO; R R Crosby. M8-9v; B B lavidson. B4.."0: N" J Henton. astssing city. 1350. Petition of A B Mcllwain et al. asked that blocks 1. and 3 in E A be removed from the fire limits of Albany. After a 110 degree in the shade discussion the matter was referred to the committee on fire and water, after a vote to grant it hail been lost .1 to B, I T . a O.a-1 .11 I L. 11 in referemv lo the ouuside brick wall to the Brink Mock, which be claims to ba in an uiis.uo condition. neterrtM to iMnitiutsec on streets and mibln- imvix-rtv License to sell Knyior wete anartod Peter Sclilosser. tUtdinW!. M Ihimcart and Williams llrothers. HEAL r.STKTC BBLCS. Tbo J W ilcox to E A Colliert. i-tS Hrownsville $ J .1 andT A Swan to Harriet Tillat- son. J.'ixl"'; hvt. laMianon. T A Swan to II U Kverett. 80x1(11 ieet and 1 lot leba:ion Florence Lillv to Isaac and Sarah Klder. a" Mock 1 K's a.l. Alhany. T ami J Swan to A Oottsche. .r lots. I I Iiebanon .1, 1,0, and K A Matlock, to A J Mat- loek. !V acres, 14 w 1 K A imd H wataatk to J 1 Matl-xk. 'J2 acres, Uvl Jacob Kees to li Hiatt. '-"d.W acn-s. 11 w 2 : Jos H Ames to Ix-wis Maynaxd, UQ acres, IS E I Aaron Bleason. to Lizzie ii CaUlwell, 1J9.71 aenss, 11 w 1... Florence K Lilly to Chics K Wolver- tn. Power of altornev ti Powder: Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum, "jtSa of Homes 4r Vpars ihe Ston-fotA Boys, Do You and bat ? Do you want our boy dressed in a serviceable and stylish suit? vVE FURNISH a three piece f-uit, coat, short pants ard vest, Double breasted, square cut, Double thickness, kne and seat to the pants, A ?uit with two pair of paDts at very lowp rices A euit made of the Albany Woolen Mills cloth that is as goxl as imported tweeds, A suit made of foreign fabrics THAT possess style and elegance and giver dignity toycur boy, cne that he ia wiring to endeavor ti keep clean and neat. " We can promise yoo a suit tiaat WONT SHOW DIRT or we can give yaw tr e rara' delicate shade, many shades of Jerseys, in suit from to 7 years. We have extra vests tor bos froai 1 2 lo 17, extra knee panta, ertra long pants for boys from 9 years up, extra Jersey pants, beys waists, boys shoes, boys shirts, boss hats in wool, fur and ;!th, nobby neck lies and evers thing that makes th boss look nice. NEW PATTERNS mall line of CLOTHING. Tin- L i lain (!lig Ii Agents Entpe and kmm ZmMM Tentefl Titan ! The J85 -St Intensely Interesting Exhibitions on thfi Olobft ! SANGER & LENT'S Grand International Allied Shows ! WILL EXHIBIT AT Albany, Tuesday, July 4. u n par ailed in Original hxclusive r matures. reat double monster G encus. nienaiirie hiPDOdrone anuanum o' uo r w a wonders. he rarest wi'd oeast public attention T nlv great show show of fected for travel. O A il acceptable innovation verywhere acknowledged great leature shows and E specialty exhibitions! The very best artiste of America. Japan Europe and Arabia. A suniptu- ; OU8 Wonderland festival . A : tainment for all Don't forcet Assension and Parachute daily. Be on hand to See the Grand Fr?t Soectacular Paeeant. I . . . o n ticket, lor tne usual t rice, aamiu to tne ttrwai Combined Show! Two grand exhibitions. Doors poen at 1 and 7 pm. 1 4i . rtsgS YOURSELF! I ! low BWUtnnbMtitbtADorrtustV BttanBaac31 " 'mil um m GRAHAMS SHAW -DEALERS IN- A Asupplle. Advance Threshers and en giaes, Minneapolis Binders, Woods and Standard Mowers, Newton Wagons, Nor- rreglan Plow, oils ot all klads at tbe ; lowest price possible. The Alliance and i Grange aeents have a warded us the con tract to furnish Twine for 'heir members. ' Call and get our prices before purchasing j elsewhere Want a ball for tbe Albaa? Woolen Mills. Conception of Pre-emiueTi Ivunan ocean io a:-d Id's a a gatLerin; that ever invite marine wonlers ever per in amusements. rich, rare, and moral ejter- the thrilling ireo Balloon . w -a .s ADVANCE THRESHERS Are warranted to thresh more grain in a given time and do it better than any ma chine made. The Advanck Tractiox Ekgikks ajt the best In the world. Remember larca work mear.slarce profits in the thresiJSg business. Catalogue mailed free. EpWARD HCGHE8, Gen'! Ag Portland, Oicgpo J. H.uNTOSE, Art-Uiteci aud Caatraettir. Leaveordors with liulbnrt Bro , tate agents. 17 f in aTtlje ORSaV. F.rnajers or others wanting malt cheap iai obtain it pv a pisttg e AlbanyUrewinsUo'.- esnoiianmetri ! near ibt ts P depot In this city j ught of them free of charg c . I