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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1893)
lite ettimt. A dispatch from Topeka, Kansas, says: The populist state officers are gradually reorganizing th militia, with a viw of patting none but populists on guard. Every commissioned officer not in sympathy with the state administration has been supplant ed by a populist. Some of the most effi cient companies in the state hare been mustered dot and new companies, made up exclusively of populists, are forming. The regular militia is being supplanted by volunteer companies organized in different parts of the state with the advice and the encouragement of the adjutant general, who furnished theai with arms. Republi can papers charge that the populists are preparing to use the militia in carrying the state next year. Should a situation similar to that of last winter arise the populists will be able to enforce their claims. This they were prevented from doing last winter by the refusal of the mi- itia companies to make an assault upon the republican house. This is how to extinguish a candle with out blowing or snuffing it out: Take a piece of thick copper wire coiled in a spiral at the end. Fasten the other end to a wooden handle. Hold the wire so that the coil around the flame of the candle, and very quickly it will be extinguished. The copper, by its great conductivity, takes the heat away from the flame and eaols it so rapidly that the temperature falls below the point'of ignition, and the light goes out. The ax used by Hon William E Glad tone will be on exhibition in the Forestry building in a few days. It was used by the Premier in felling trees on his estate of Hawarden, and is a very fine one, sharp and heavy, withjthe handle worn by the Grand Old Man's frequent hearty grips. As far as can be ascertained he has never yet parted with one of his axes and this will doubtless prove a great attraction. It will be exhibited by the timber trades of this country and the compliment paid the members by Mr Gladstone is very highly appreciated by them. Dan Murpuy says that Dun, the corres pondent of the Orego(Tit, at Washington, claimed to him that he was a consistent republican and that the reason why be sent such lying dispatches from Washington was for the purpose of creating discord among the democrats of this state. This truth has been perfectly apparent without any such confession from Dun. A singular illustration of the persistence with which the Japanese adhere to their family vocations is seen in an announce taant in a Japanese newspaper thatja certain celebrated dancing master was to hold a service in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the death of his ancestor, who was the first of the family to take up the profes sion. I gsjMjM The charge made by Representative Tar aney of Missouri, fa a speech Id the house 'one time ago, ti at a pension had been granted for no other cause than baldness has been proved true according to a publi eaton today. It appears that Allen G. Peck, company H, First Rhode Island ar tillery, was granted a pension of $4 per moalh, October 19, 1891, with arrearage from March 1, 1S84, no other cause being given than "loss of hair.' the result of ty phoid fever. The famous jlarney stone, which for cen turies occupied a place in the walls of histo ric oW Blarney Castle in Ir;!aud, hasarriv e.l at ;h World' Fair It was shipped he-e bv Lady Aberdeen and form one et the attractions of her Irttb village, Friday ar.eroMon it was bUced in the walls of the reprod action of Blarney Castle, wbLh onns a part of the Irish village, where mav be kissed by all who have the hirdi- hoo 1 13 be lowered he .d down to where it is to temporarily re'.. Tho average length of life of tne clove tree in Zanzibar appears to be from 60 10 70 years. Such terrib'e devastations re sulted from tlie great hurricanes of 1872 when nearly all the clove plantations on the islands were destroyed, that the aver age agi. of the trees now growing may be put down as below 30 years. The trees in the sultan s plantation, the largest in the island, are from 16 to 17 years old. '"saw tw-wjnwawawww. Dan Murphy who has just returned from Washington with his commission as Unit ed States district attorney in his pocket says he thinks that C X Wait will be ap pointed postmaster at Portland and that a Washington state man will be sppointad collector of internal revenue. Senator Divid B Hill hat come out in favor o' ft co bime'allic coinage. He be lieve h 1 if the assurance is given that the governm-nt uili return to the policy lol lowel previou. n, 1873 no diflicul.y mi l be found in tepealing tits eysaaa set, and not tiherwite ll H , wl l deliver speechei on H it line .- ijtuo and New York. It took 80.000 men seven years to erect King Solomon's temple. The great 21 story Masonic temple in Chicago, which is nearly th oe times Ihi height of King Sol omon's, was run up i:i two years by less than iOOO men. In 18, i.:)j,n.)0 woman au-1 girl were reported as in professional and personal services, 631,(100 in manufactures, 594,000 iu agriculture, m 1 nearly 6 ),003 in trade and fraatportattail, Tue ceusm fig jres for 1830 have not yet been published. Ii'teliectual work MoXtfjs) to M Ju;o 8imii I who is, by th way, a striking ei umpiti of the corr ctness of his own theory), it the ;;ret of a green old .iga. Nothing he declan.-s, helps so ui iterially to conserve physical streuth as QMotal employruent. An entarpritfng Detroit woman la living to get a divorce from her tecoi.d hi.s'.and in or'ler ibjt she stay obtain a penijri.a t wido of hjr'wart, w'i.i die'l af apopbxy five e. rs ngo. In CsMasfa iln yaie t Iking abau itr.po ing a mi (.11 ii Jttftora, sj as to d. ive them into mttriinony, rnrl t e ctian,e art ihat inaitad iA driving lhasn in o tlie ui.l:ed state f' will -: i ve into the United S ate. There sip about rirht times as many divorce granted in Japan its in the I nited States, the proportion in I'e Mikado's realm amounting to 6'12 out of every i00, KX) in population. Djn v'urphy says that I'ennoyer is ta k ed of in the east more tlnm any 111. in in the United Bbite. Jeff flu via ure I to attract a grout rJaaJ af altention in the Inter days of hi life. Mailing akva d nevet be mi-bed with ant'ting but sa't r,nn water a pint r,f.It to lial' (-af 1 al cf ... f' water niofaTjlahf waitn. Dry gulckly with s ao t Cl.h, Kx (lov (Jampbell, of Ohio, say a that he iil not be njmina'cd for govtrnor this time, but wil! stump the state t,t whoevei is nominated. SOME l'BNSIONERS. Secretary of sttte, Walter Q Gregharo, draws a pension ot $36 per month for a gun shot wound of the left leg. lie has consid erable property and receives a salary of $Sooo per year as a member ot the cabinet . Senator C F Manderson of Nebraska re ceive! $15 a rronth for a gunshot wound. He has plenty of money and property and re ceives $5000 a year as s.nator, W W Dudley diaws $36 per month for the loss of his tight fost . He has a com fortable foitune. Corporal Tanner, whom Harrison dismissed troin the office of com- mtttioner of pensions draws $71 per month for the loss of both feet. He la a pension lawyer and has a large practice. Congress man J C Black receives a salary of $100 per month for wounds in both arms. He has a successful law practice and will draw a salary in the next congress of (5000 per year. Congressman Curtis, of New York, draws $30 per month for a wound in the left breast. He draws a talary as congress man of $5000 per ver. Joseph B Carr, ex secretary ot state, o New York, receives $22.50 per month for disability due the service." Osn Lucius Falrchlld receives $45 per month for loss of an arm. Ex Governor J A Braver, of Pennsylva nia, receives $45 per month for the loss ot a leg. He has a fortune. Gen MDbej ge't, ex commissioner of patents, receive $3 per month. Rev Dr Gieen Clay Smith, from Kentucky and now pastor of the Capitol Hill Bapttot church of Washington, has a pension of $30 per month. Gen N P Banks $100 per month. Gen F Soloman, ex-surveyor cl Utah, draws $30 per month. Mrs Belva Lockwood has a pension of $2o per month as the wid ow ot Chiplain E Lockwood. Ex-Con gressman Newberry, the Illinois million aire, draws $la per month for "gene-al disability." He is a hale stu'dv man welsh ing 200 pounds. WOOL FACTS. Wool i :IU lower tM week. Wi.l our democratic newspaptr frienda offer ome more explanations to their readers a to ahy they ad.ised tbein to vote the free trade lor wo :l ticket last fall. Siaftsmm. Now will the Statesman look into these fact and then answer its own que Stic n, as i'. will te fully trepircd to it will give them due consideration: The.tartff duty on wool i a nih as ever. Every pound of woo! imported into this country is iut jtcted to that duty. Tims are stringent, consumers of woolen good are their purchase as U always the case in hard times, the demand for wool is less than when times are good, the piice of wool thus gos down, and wool is now cheaper than ever. But, notwithstanding all thee fact more wool i imported than ever, as shown by the following: The ircportition of wool for the ten months ending Aprd 30. 1S9J, was iai, 589,035 pounds, and for the ten month ending April 30, wa 146,097,964 pounds, being an increase of 21,499 929 pounds, cotwtthatandiog '.he above ftcts. From th: passage of the McKlnley Ball down to the present time the price cf wool has steadily declined and that before a well a siace tne last presidential elect ioo. A ad yet more wool is imported than ever. Thfa show that protection to the wool grower is like that offered by the wolf to the lamb, eating and devouring it. a FAVORABLE OLTLOOK There is a marked innnr.--v.mtnt in the condition of national finances which speak . 1 . . . . --.)., 1 . t.11 .,atr.7ra.-.r. Ity a a fiiiccier. The net balance of gold 1 in the treasury is now above $94,000,000 and in addition to this over $6,000,000, Id gold certifit ates have been redeemed. The treaturv hat recuperated te that es'cat that tlie government is anticipating interest on bands and will probaly pay out 07 ,000,000 fur this purpose before July 1 The demand for export gold ha practically abated and the iacreased sh:pments of prodact,-xupld with a revival cf foreign confidence in Am erican securities, insures the return of gold an a libera) sle from now on. There it every indicltio 1 that the go d reserve fund ,n tlie treasury will be rsstoreC to it full amount and a st: p:us obtain at a very early date. All of this is due to the splendid snf vigarous poli-y adopted by the admin istration, for had i rot been for the open stand taken against tl.e 11.0 cy broter of Wall street by prisident Cleveland and Secretary Carlisle o ir condition woald not now be as subi antial as it is. The Harrison administration left the country in a financial fever, a condition bordering 00 a c, isis, but the people sen; Grovsr C'evelard to the rescue and the signals f om the light bouse and the ship of s'rte co tv:y Intel ifgtncs af a complete recover. Council Bluffs O'atV. What are known to the tradi as ;sari bj t tont are rnadr from the shell of the mutel and the ojter the Inner lining of Hit he'l of moiluska l.eing Iri lecent tu'xtJnce, often viry braatifu! in tints, an-l known as the mother of pearl; these s!iels, found in almost all parts of thr world, vary consid erably in quality and valee. The pure whibr shell is found in the E .st Indies, and the next it what is termel the icllow sdist manils, found at the Mini a Island. Aa- kind of sbell in (his line comes from the Picif.c Irjf.ds, and ia ol a very beiu 'if al but d 11k hue. Fear shells containing fine qualities of the usance In question aio native to tltisj couniry. thoueb Urce oomtj -rs of the Infeilor era r hc obtained. Virginia ai first settlsd by the Eagli-h temporarily. The first permanent settle ment wa made by them in 1607, uuJ.;r tbe auspices of London merchants, who that year sent five ships with a colony to settle on Roanoke island. Storms drove them in to the entrance of Chesapeake bay, where they ascended the Powhatan river &0 miles, landed and bailt a hamlet, which thev call ed Jamestown. The stream tbey named James river, both in compliment to their king. Thunder storms are more frequent in Java than in any other part of the world, there being an avera e of 97 days in each year upon which they occur. The Illinois legislation has passed very stringent anli trust law. It is tbougbt that this explains why tbe O reunion thinks that body I lie worst Icgula urn the state ever had . Tbe hiahest tida ir, the UniteJ States i at Eastport, Me, where the difference be tween flood and ebb is 218 inches. Bice paper is not made from either rka ir rice straw, but from a pithy p'unt called tung isua, found in China, Corca and Jap- D.-apitv i lie bark of the pen.l n 3.- !, Secretary Hoke Smiih continuet to do hit share towards carrying out the will of thr peojile who voted for a purification of the pension rsillt; At the entranov of fac 'jolnrado building al tlie world's I rr is a flagstone of red -andstone 29xX feet an. ten inches thick. POOLS ANDTP.PSTS. No time should be lo.t by the adminis tration In wiping out the pools aid trusts that are today combat tng con.peli.lon and legitimate trade, sapping the life out of commerce and bearing heavily upon the shoulders of the people. There are about 400 of these monopolistic combines in exis tence and each cf them is extorting unrea sonable prices from consumers to pay heavy cuaranteed dividend on watered stock and excessive prolits on money actually invest ed. The very ftct that their purpose is to i eliminate or prevent competition, to deny to the buyer the advantage and benifit ot s competitive market, of itself makes them unlawful and argues for their speedy des truction. The trust Is one of the many monuments the republican party erected to iti own memory at.d to the memory ol in iquitous legislation. The truit came Into ex istence as the direct result of unjust legisla tion enacted by the authoriz d representa tives of the republican part), it flourished along with the republican natty and today it is the staff upon which that party, tott ering under the weight ot iu iniquity, it leaning upon for support- The affinity ex Istlng between the trust and lepublicanism is quite apparent to evety student of pell- ics and the destruction ot one meant destructlor ot lie oth-r, for without republican party at its back tfte trut wouM tall and not having the trust to lean upur the republican party would fall. The peopU dealt the republican party a staggerlag bio last Novembei and if the present administra tion shall surc-c I in deRtroyi'g the trusts before the next national election rolls around the republ can party will be a tit subject for the undertaker. ABSBMIC 11 IBB AaONli WoMKN. The arsenic habit among women is mor prevalent than is generally known, though it is no secret among phvsicians and drug gists that .here are women who take every day enough of the poison to kill several men. for it is only among the fair sex the hakit in fVuin.l mill th Krvtm-h iloetnrs call ' the victim a.enicomane (arsenic maniac.) Tne arsenic eaters experience none cf H e .1 supreme exaltation of spirits known to the; users of opium or alchhol They slowly poison themselves for the sake of gaining a waxy. Clear, uunea u y cuuipienou, mi. to the uninitiated mght seem beautiful. This becomes more marked as they increase the fatal dose gradually and gain m plump ness on the tiny pills which they lake daily ; until a bottle containing enough arsenic for a week's treatment is consumed in a; single day. It is not an uncommon thing for young ' oirla Wlonfrintr to nrominent families to atx physicians tor prescriptions containing flu nniniiiK hawaatan r Thnae more ail ,- .. . e. . a vanceo in me uaon ouy tne innocent 100- mg sweets imported from Madrid and sold only to those known to the sellers as arsen- ic eaters, for in e.u.b of the harmless look ing caramels there i enough of the poison to cause paral si and even death to the novice. The arsenic victim possesses ber puffy, waxily fair skin and plu-r.p appear ance to the last, but she dies at 40. Rarely does one vicim reach the age of 45 before the fatal poison cause death. Xew Y k Sam. SH"IST IT.01' Lateat cabieKiiics relatiy.- to the crop ou'lork in turvpe woald indicate a setroot (hortae. Germany it aiarme.1 at the short -age and is preparing to foitify agaiss: famine and want. The Russian rmp it bcow the average, while tt-e out..o in trance. Austria and Spain, is anv thlojj but eocour i ..... w turopw.s Kepors 1,0m aoutn American ccun'rtes and Au talia arc to the effect that the volume cf gtaia for epcrt will be much let than thr BtjnajB) ff Inditd the shortage is no: of that proptnllon ag to compel ioan.iie which hive htsberto helped to supply t e slur .age ot the ward to import, or h'l I teir so-plra in reserve for dom-s'lc uj I: it plain rherefare 'hit the United Stat. will be drswn on very extensively tbit year, which meant gaol prices for cur farm proiu.tsand afawable, trade ba a-.ce. ' million Columbian scavenir half -dollar ' are iU held at the miot io this city, sob- ject to the orders of tba secre'a- v of the Suppose tariff rate on wool bad been I treaturv . The opinion of Attorney Gen lowered by the McKinley bill, instead of , "j Olnay that no more money ought to be raised, and the price ot wool bad then j JfjdJ ',be "'V?" 5Poraoii . knowo a. twauiiy oeclineu. there m.ght nave been tome argument in the prote tionist's theory that low tarills make low p iccd woo'. Our tariff friend, deny this fact and declare that because President Cleveland wat e'ected, with tie prospects of (be tariff being re- moved in a year or so, wool has declined in price. But wool began to decline in price, under the McKinley tariff-, long be fore there was any definite indication that Cleve and would be e'ecfed president. Our republican friends are playing an unmanly part in trying to shirk the responsibility for tbe present deplorable state of trade and finance. All tbe evils now prevalent are the effects of their act. Cleveland and tbe democracy have not yet created results. Portland Oisfaici. rrcr . r Merit The proof of the merits of a plaster Is the cures it 1 ffecis, snd the voluntary tcstfmoriali of those 'io hate used All cock's Porous Platters during the pas', thirty years is unimpeachable evidence of th'lr superiority and should convince the mcst skeptical Self pra'se Is no lecom menda'ion, but certifica'es frorr tboe who have uttd litem are. Bewaic ol imitations aud do not bt. de rived b . inisrepreteniiti'Hi. Ask tor Al cock's SJ d let no solicitation or explana tion induce you to accept a substitu'e. N'ihthkhn Pacific KAii.noat) Cits tiik RaTB in Two. Rates named by the Northern Pacific are now reducod about one half, and are tlie lowent rates ever nam ed by any line from Portland. This will give every one an opportunity to go east and visit the Yellowstone Park and the world's fair. For full particulars and sleeping-car reservations in both first-class Pull man and Pullman upholstered tourist sleep er, call on or address A D Charlton, Assist- ant (ienprul Passcnjfcr Agent. No. 121 ! r:i . "JV. ,Q .' .. .. tirst street. Comer Washington, or (' U Btirkhart local agent Albany Oregon. Thb Noiitiiekn Pacific Kailroad Wii.i. Slash the Katks.- Officials of the Northern Pacific. Kailroad have decided to place low rates into effect. They will sell tickets from Portland to St Paul for 825 firHt-clasK. ami make oorresBondinir low raten to all eastern ixiint.-. World's fair round trip rates will lie greatly rediiied. Ticket can lie utilized on either of their through train, both of which will continue to carry the Pullman tourist upholstered sleeper. Two trains daily without change. For full information and to secure vour sleeping cur accommodation, call on, or atldreiH A I) Charlton, assistant gitneral passenger tigent, No. 121 First street, cor ner of Washington, or C O Hurkhart, local ajprnt, Albany Oregon. New Photoouapheh. - I bavrt opened a new gallery In the Y. M. C. A. block, 2nd street, Albany, and will try hard to please all who will fivor mi with their patronHKe. I will take all sizes and styles of photos as good as the best and as cheap an the cheap est. I am no traveling photo horn today and gone tomorrow, but have come with wife and children to make a home in your glorious climate. 1 have come to stay. Please call and see me and try my work, Very respectfully yours, S. A. Hammei.i., Late of Toronto, Canada. Cure for Colds, revere and Oenerc. De bility, Small Bile lirr.y s. 25c. per bottle. MUFI1I A banker says there is more in Salem banks than ever before. Loans are not being made except at regular ten per cent rates and only "for love and affect ion" as one banker puts it- Coin is held back until confidence is restored. Jour nal. A Portland Paper says: Joe Day form erly a leading detective here, now in the employ of the Pinkertons at Chicago, la caged in a si.-by-six ce'l on the WorU's Fair grounds, watching Tiffany's million miliar diamond exiium. toe writes a friend that ho longs lor tl.eold time Ore-! gon showers and a sniff of our refreshing zone The Portland editor who wrote the following was evidently thinking about the pictute of Collector Black recently in the Oregonlan: If the et teemed daily newspapers of Portland are unable to secure new a, lists, they most certainly owe it to the public to kill the preseut ones. So far as Portland is concerned the nonsense of withdrawing deposits from the banks has been discontinued, and the money is being returned. One banker informed a repor'er last evening that the j deposits for the day were larger than for six mouths pasr. The money market hww gniui 10 w rueiug up very percept- j iwg;0 again. Wekome. oiy, ana witiun a week or so loans will An ex ray: The Pendleton Tribune has. become a joint stock company, with a capital stock of $30,000. The East Oregonlan ha a capitalisation of an equal amount and Pendleton has two aood daily newspapers Several Pendleton merchants spend from ?0 to $75 per mount, uotoniy lor a single season, nut regularly from month to month for ad vertising. Pendleton people appreciate the . alue of t-aviiig good newspapers, as a wiey are me ure-oioou ol the town Referring loan item about the nam j convicts sent to the penitent ary j SS. S.g pas about ?C j 000 annually to have the right to send as many of her louah citizens to Salem as she ehooses. W'e convict our criminals Tjlti iSMftK ".i I I " " ' v. , ene valley. parti W"e cannot see bow Salem has any the best of Pendleton in thio connection Daily the Salem IttdeDend ZT'TicU ont is filled with charges against come of izen. Letand Stanford is aWHsslal having died j from gross over eating. Wm H Armstrong, deputy collector, has returned to Purtland. He says Black. hU democratic suwrior. will go slow about re movals. I ut W m being a trong reMilliran is not expecting much. ...... I tla an interestinff thing in connertum with low lata Ijllf that the l.vwnea is only lone way nat tne pecipic are alter H ; u - . trinratM ft vrreat manv have ; get their heart on aout a $50 round trM' rate, The Kujvne t in town to- Keep a stiff upper lip tsuard says: itodnev Nrtt was in town to- day. He" report tbe'uromise forlarw crorss of wheat. t and hop, the best of any season lor llurtv vear. lie thinks it tines 1 ' .1 . ,w . . . - are tair mat cm luv will ta:r!. bnotn thi- fall 1 A rule of the insuranee union is that a man who f-ul to pay hi premium on time ', shall have his policy cancelled, when be cannot insure jD any other company in the , union until the old premium U paid. If merchant, of all kinl. includinfr grocery men and butchers, would do this it would soon annihilate the dead beat. John Bailev. wh home it thrv miles uthwext ssTtasIs cite mm tnntr . with a number of relatives be is entertain- Ill,: lor A t?w ilavs. Amrtne usmh aiw Him - . . - .ftr-i- T r and sister, the least in height i tit feet, and the tallest is six fee T 1. in. he Ttu roundest is 66 years and the oldest is in hi eightieth year. -Kugene ;nanl nffiunnc nm Ttawc Mlver tiir.D I ,r, PHiLPEXintA. 1j. Jane 27. Nearlt a 1 uke the control of the souvenir coins out of their bands, and in all probability tie ue "uriua cuuibviaa r.xpoition. corns wm ue ptaceu in circoia'ion a' par j ned'01 j Cweaas ai er j w , a.-ii.,..ui., .. .u- , . rni. .nan ni the action of the government of India ha been to renew the demand to' an early -sion of congress Thi view wa presented toS.x re 'ary Carlisle this morning by many of bis congressional caller and numerous telegrams from all sec. ion of the country. Before going 10 the cabinet Carlisle re ceived a telegram from London announcing a further decline in the price of silver to X, pence. At Ibis price silver dollar are worth cents A Fenrlal Aeeldeal Kcukxb, Or. June 27 Mis Baker, a young lady about 14 years of age. met with a horrible death tbit evening abou' three miles outh of town. In company with her sis'er, aged about 10 v?ar. she was riding a home home from school. The hore be c me frightened and ran away, throwing tbe girl off. The oldest go' tangled in tne halter rope and was dragged some dis'ance and literally torn to pieces dying before assistance reached her. The other girl was badly injured. The Race Ended Chicaoo, III, June 27 The cowboy race was ended today, the first man in wa John Berry, riding under protest ot other con testan's. Kmmett Albright followed two hours later, (iillespie has arrived. He is said fo be the real winner, having complied with all conditions. ('aBdeace Ketlwreil Los Asoki.ks, June 27 The Broadway bank opened i's doors this morning. Com missioners Oerberding and Dunsmuir both say that this btnk should nevei have been closed. Tbe University, First National and Southern California Na'ional are 'lie only banks now closed, and they will be T ,d lni. ,eW d"y8- ,.onfidenee UI storr-d unrl business MtSkilta tin. AWondcrfal Maralae There It no doubt that man it a tine mehanism, but like every ether machine he wears out by friction- It is ssld that he it born again everv t-o or three years. Hi body Is virtually remade from food. To retard thla making over is radically wrong, as man loses so much vitality In the delayed process that it takes a long lime to recuperate. The procersof mak ing anew Is so accelerated by purging with Brandreth's Pil I hat a new man. salt were, may be made In two o- three months, and the change in the mechanism is such that the worn out part part is re placed by the new without the usual run ning dow n f the entlie machine. Yon don't have to stop for repairs Purge away with Brtndreth's Pill (tie old, dis eted and worn out body. They are purely vogeiable, absolutely harmte.s, tnd safe to lake tt any time. Money to Loax. 1 have money in sums of (600 to $20,000 to loan on im. proved farm lands in Linn and Bentrv c unties, at lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. C O Bubkhabt Beal estate agent, Albany. Oregon Siiiluh's Yitaliser : what yun ntnd Ut dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow si-in or kid ney trouble. It is uuartnUed to giv-a PU latisiaotion. Price 75o. Hild'by Poshay ft Maaoc. A Jadgr Held I p. Roskhlko, Or, June 28r-As Count .1 uugo Kiddle was comin au across the Inin- qua bridge from home annul 1 0 clock to . . . . . lay be was held up 'iy J M G Kcaton. The judge hiul just passed the latter, who was eviuentiy waiting for him, when ho drew up a cocked Winchester rifle and called for a halt. The judgo attempted to argue the question, but Kenton would listen to noth ing. He demanded that a paper which he extended out on the point of his gun lie signed and also the promise of 9s00 in money. Judge Riddle, thinking discretion the lietler part of valor, ncccedetl to the various requests and got away ax soon a POSSlble. Some nassers hv were stontad and lined up by Keator while he was at- 53"?!! 'k0 Judgc- c olhce,rfi "TUT" looking for Kcaton, who crossed the bridge mm uisappeared. heat on considers him ¬ self wronged because bis children, which he was unable to provide for, were sent to the orphan's home last winter, and he seems to have gone on the wnrputh in earnest . Law Price tor alls er. Washington, June '26 The market price of nilv r today reached the lowest point in the history of that product. Sat urday the London price, which guides the director of the mint in purchase for the government, was 37 l-'2d, or about $0,81 in this country. This morning the price in London was llCd, or about in New York. Later in th day the price dropped to 77 centB. The cause of tne depression w.i-auMiri'.ed 1 ' Mr t re ton. the actios director of the mint, as due to B rumor, which was probably true, that India, one of the largest silver-consuming countries, was about to close- its mints to the a bite metal. Aaarrbl.ta Pardeaed. SrnmnmxD. III. June 'Jr.. Governor Altgetd today pardoned Fielden. Neebe and Schwab, the anarchists serving life sentences in the Joliet penitentiary for complicity in the Hayiuarket riot in Chi cago the night of May 4 i-?. in wnich a large number of police were killed and wounded, sad for which Parsons, Spies and others were hanged, n'-d over whose graves a monument was unveiled by Chi cago anarchists yesterday. a reealtar fata'. .Irctdcwl DwiVKit. Colo. June 26. Colen l Sam P ltose was awakened by a noise at hut resi deace early this morning, and. thinking it came from uurglars. he took his revolver 'and started to investigate, vv hen about half way down stairs the revolver was ac cidentally discharged, the la 1 pawing 1 nrougn in abdomen and causing deaht before a physician could reach him- A BU l lrsa Pa San FmaJKswOO, June '26. The firm of 18 t Q tiutr.p. extensive dealers in art good. made an alignment today. Tbeit liabiitio are placed at 140.000. The aiet of the 6rnt "are supposed to exceed this amount . The cause of the fail i I attributed to toe rating in of louns. VleiMt n 1 KtaWOnr. June 85. -Kor several days the I Mttlems bive len preparing to celebrate a religious fotiral today. This morning! they were forbidden by Mr Fleming, the ! British magistrate, to sacrifice a cow near ? ft' . . na . . I w . a a ivuiiua tuM ; threattoeJ yesterday to issue this order, and the Mohamructans were greatlv ex 1 ine ninuoo tempi. .tir 1 lemintr had cited before the hour fcr the sacrifice Wjen the nolle uoiveared near the temnle with the snnounoemeot Use Mohammedans . began signing them, lbe police charged without Srtng. hot the Mohammedans held U"1" irroand st'ubornly and fought back ; ttaeta and stsne. Mr Fleming, who had gone to the sptf a toon at trouble be- Wg" imminent, and see era I policemen "" -"uoneu 1 oe nonce wimurew. 00 i h.i.j mLJ a 1 tatneti reintorceinents and cbarveit again bat without efTrv: Mr t leming then or dered them to fire. The volley wa deliver d at close quarter. Twentv Moharu roe- fell dead and many more were sererly wajsadasl. .IM tat lee VasnivoTos Citt. June 24 The fo lowing irutructiont were teat out todav from the treasury department to collectt-rt of custom throughoat the country : "In view of the scandal winch have resulted from the mal administration in the Petrel nod 1 'tinner. 1 uestre 10 imprest upon! ' ,f"'' nwsaity for U e exercise of grat ) care :n the tetectioo of vocr tubordinales but men of unblemished character and unaouoteil btnesa tor t be work to be done should he aominatesl bvron.aOm.,- ter whit t-res'ure mv be brought to l-ar on beha'f of person who are not pas-?,) ' af these indispeuible -jaahScalion Ra f riialera WajiaixoToN. June 35. .Surgeon -Gen era! Wyman. of the marine hospital service, rrferring to the outlook for cholera in the I nited .Statu daring the present summer said: " 'A e have an even chance escaping the cholera aitogethor Ibis rear Should it arrive, it will certainly not becom? epidem ic, iu non appearance tou-. far Proves ' that no germ have lived over tbe winter ' ia this country, a) it was feared might tap- j pen. A Sew Trraly Wilt ( htaa Iaxoo. Jane ij A ditpitch from ' n.inghai to tbe Standard say Li Hung : 'lianp. the Chinese premier, his intimated that a new trjaty Urtareen China and the ' ! I nited Mj'is will be necewarr in view of tbe present condition of the immigration I question rtobablv tbe new ministry will be clurgssl with tbe tak. VTWCirj itlOKEltl V uitoj at t VI 1 , oaet Hi . ia Rt.'tin fi ra h'ock. A fo I iin-V VVtroer 11 .1 !C"-. ' If yon want a tine ssa while labor cir. -alljf. r Jotei b 1 l"uie md sea the n-w eh H .n opposito pnaf I.', - . Th - hestoaat ivi!e in tlie td St ; tv ttt art,! M 1,. j , per week airs, rive irtii dailt lastr thi te au in't '1 Vitiock'a : ments of f I ! Jn ex tint ire variety cf gutlm j io halk and by 'be p-tcge -at, : . j C K flrowi . la. Pa mm hi-tne hBfawtry ! s. .elrbrate.1 aHita tshor r'uar. rca ' by Jo int ,.! ataaas, dt loth j f mn I at j baj the j ' clurod ' New e. W tole, htt .l Tfi talar sfSBI '!" K ' r ly now, i,..i a w.ntsr slhta let lilitat ft fl ni I lor rpri'ig and rtat'i ws.r, t i,d, Peac ck 4ti.'a (J j j inline t ui Ny j fe . H 9 fl BSsafE aaaBS RfJD OUR "J Double Chloride of Gold Tablets TcSTIMOrttALS win cotnpiiK lyoeirtroy inn Monro rorTOD vtit in from 8 trvl itavs. IVrfeetlv.hitrm -l"t: cause DO aleaneoi. atid tuny bo at von In nana ot teanre.tMV.. triiSom . .... - . . Ami .Si .ill.,.! ,. i. , M. . i , .......... . ..ii.. .o w, i'--n w.. ww luiuniai ,ij H NK r NNKXx Sttll H KPH NK uiluuuuiui law uiw mvili Ulliu UUUII v . . -1 t .1 t on lite part I tho patient, by tbo use of our SPECIAL FORMULA OOLD CURB TABLETS. During treatment Mtientariro nllowrcl jiin-....... bm. u h, ,1.,-y biiuii . tstftttstustar n va saam up. We send parttciilara ntul pnuiplilet of testimonial freo, and shall . f . "... .. .uunrioiiviiiwij UI tlou with parSOtia W BO nave been cured i HILL. S IAH LtTS tn- fur b.-.1o BalBjuitaso as ai.vju pTiacKUKC ii your art gnfil does not keep them, enclose us S I .CO nd you, by return mail, a uick.tgu of our and wc a 111 sc Tal'l-tsr. V rlto yottr niitin nnd inlrlrerss plnlnly, nnd stnto wni.acr aaujeu uru lor lofucco, Mornhlno or .,r ii;:l:i. DO NOT B8 nnCElVTIl i-.c, pnrchnslng i "i --at; vaai ni4ii inwiruiii ii v nrtj : UllfH M l"l aSSIt ll. 'I at 1 -L 1 a I a'?-W. TA EXiE'-L'S mid take no ..ttiTn aluuufucttircd only 1 TIIK OHIO CHEMICAL CO, et. 63 a 65 Cptra Block LIMA, OHIO. PARTICCLAES FREE. na RESPONSIBLE (a thV. AGENTS WANTED (In wrltlag pieaao AliVKIlTIHNi; NOVKLTIKM. W(! havft a complete line of noveltise, direct from the- makers, can lurnish the same at lowest price. Whistles, mirrors, enciln, mem oranda books, napkins, fans, rulers, yard sticks, pawls, cliroino cards, caps, calen dars, xmas cards, etc.. in season. And always (lie best Jon PsuXTTaTu SMILEY, Leading Printer. When Travcllaa. Whether iu l-isuie bent, or basinets, takion every trip a bott'eof Syrup of Piira, it seta most pleiigmtly sad etfeo'iyely on the kidneys, liver and. bowels, preventing fevera, hesd.Jjhrs and other forma nf icknea For sale in 50 Ovataad fl I oU'e-t by all leading druggists. Boys under t6 getting their hair cut a1 Vlcreck t will receive a free ticket to the ball grounds. GOOD Food - - -Digestion- -Complexion - are allintim8te!yeomected ! practically inseparable. ; Though the fact is often ; ignored, it is nevertheless 1 true that a good complex j ion is an impossibility wtth ; out good digestion, which 1 in turn depends on good : food. 1 There b no more common ; cause rff trrdigestion than j lard. Let the bright house ! keeper use COTTOLENE The New Vegetable Shortening and substitute Sat lard, and ber cheeks, with those of her family, will be far more likely to be" Like s rose in the snow." Conouxt is dean, deli cate, healthful and popu lar. Try it for yourself. Sec d three ceats in tuayp to N. K FairtAttk & Co.,C5wCA,lcr trL&iome Ornatcac Cook Book, COBCUMBf sUX MpHM 1 1 ttt CO c CtHTwfUtCs natfc only try N. K. Fairbank & Co., ST. LOUIS and Chicago? stw vork, notrroN. 5GOGi)NEWS & Tor the anxBgas of coswers cf a oTntt'sFills.a It Mr. Ttut $i,f-ft!r tor A b-'iuiT tUall ;;riD'ia p -ltli:j Up a TIKY LIVER PILL a Ofc "teli I nf roreiai3i'r m aaaa V '!:!., .t I . VSMaVvCliM t 'J4tiat rd ir- y r - - e - v. . t ?. 9 f e f I Ml JS B Mill Sja . The .11 t .- rr t. n - ntsr uyr i tut f T. IT . I W j. . 1,., lr. ;;.r 0 ceo 1 - ARE YC J a Daws ;ayr fr-n sllsi- r I ; , oi ar. vt r.attcr,ana, .rtiterr '.ctirff l-t aar Srjau rw4 THE rlOtlf ALIST. DO VOL w:.t 1 1 rsvtrL insabcvef T bu "vrfttneia Tac JiiraiiuH. rSattseitfll t Sa.tu a yvar. - 1 .a -alis ta atvnilnatica. U i& I OHM AN. ft Iiiar ail JVatrietrr. UT Nir! tc rtsui, Xaw Toan. S. T HAVE YOU TRIED TO nsD 1 1 ' I 1PPPP RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO. SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVES and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, &c. a war 'jsno hek "TtinrK( t BSI wiiowieaawa ana oti I wtwiraaw. all t fiwrt. as we aaro rwBtored rhooaaweato nanat hrm' :i s tr-.. r. j- hurwmw cases Urooahct tbu-d. c. vj o tat 0 UQB( lattara heartaK t cv liaojv ,p WE HAVS CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOU! CEKERAi. DEBtUTV CMUO. , UtME BACK AN D a H F i I at an K la . irr. .v. 1 aaaaa. uwsir tHaa aral oaatraarbatt DH ( 1 . 11-1, 1,1 . .. . pp. r in., t. itvaaaaa. a 1 aJaKtatarattalaloBpof ataar. 1 sroaM ea: c nU roar halt I h v lusia oaw tsaat oT.if V a b aataassjaa 1 haaj iw r it. 1 hatotha aliaart ( lUun la roar ti.. rc.f. y., caa rab- - - .iwww saw on Bar wr.'.ot cll OB Ota, Tratr ro-ra. H. A. SOffi N. 3f T i M. RilEUMATISa. ANO LAMENESS CURED. - Por laai.ornv- a. Ai r.l l lri. . aaaaa. IarSrr-I c jim. It js- t t tOO - iiT lortararai m r a 1 . ara K ..- : I ni. . i t s-m- th t T I i ,a mw rnnfaatt3B. itvsc am. i. i .-.a.rad wa...- Br C HrauEr, Prjiaiater lauro-uoeal 11. ti Hu.r Ia! its a nw to. a faMnllt NERVOL'T fJESII TY-LOSS OF VICOR. iah. iv.tcb,, K Ba Dr. A.T Pact aatatna hlt fcr wropr-U B.rvooaioiUtir. aclto-d- 1 ivit o(-ao u.toa roar . iu.-( 1 4 bare : ... ;r". roam . IlhaBB i mI IB t,i u- iij, ac., .-m ...ozia .nfiwrpsr- Yj-rrtfu:lj. OH Ad. LtTTTX THE DR. SANOEN la a f oraplats batierr. made Into a lv!t n...r. A . An '. . " ''-' "u rvDij wbii'o a-o tnsiaat-r leu tnroacaost all weak parts. P?Mt .tfcaiaa latajrwaj Klecirlc rsoenory. I craaTaat bono imilmw. men. ana ill euro lb objm.u iwo or lArws awatlur. AdttraiorAiU lafcraaSa SANDEN ELECTRIC CO. ,72 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON. a iare?nfi!ie5i?ii 'tfcy Ity and tho ma-lb WK i.f ttuv ri v. urr l lav iti. iho .rnirinn aa rnntir .j .v w,w wu. hj. ui uur tatuota. enupsuiuiviiior cue wing m a low aiiys. , . : . . -.. - . i Hi HIT L?.??JDMaawu, tlio free use of Llnuur or Alor. tlltrHU II Hill HI 111 COI11 111 1111 1, ;.. by I he use of ou r Tali lets tiv rill rtasT-i-i.tsa . v..i.- lt Wll.'lt J.rth o" acu nun from ten to Tnr. mti Ortr.ati-Ai.tvn. rTaBBBBh h T.', . "'sii i sour niiirt.i mr loiamt iiuint. 1 lin-etvea thl tll til r e It :rml lllir,h l.i. v.. .1 1. .. !... . ...I they Uid tho work In lean than Truly your, n,,.. , .... v iiKaicAL t-o.t uvnti.kmbm: It stives mo Dleasuro to soeak a . wiim or liraiM' lor your Tablets. Mv liquor, ami throuah u friend, I was led cotistnut drink, t. lint. r ... ana will not Uiuclt limiur of any kind. 1 havo y ou. Iu order to kuow thu euro waa nenuaucu t . . ... , ,' - ---. ..I... J ' 1 . t.ui.ia 1'Ul IUIW H0 1 3 .111. ui tita.uw, und is HI not touch liquurof any kind. 1 havo waited lour month before wrlUiut On.,, rtr..,. . rv.. . . -v Bed 'uorphlne, hypodi-rruictiUy, for seven years, iiiidhavo bBBB cured by the use of tw o puckagoa of yolir Tabluts, and wltnout any effort on my part. W. L. LOIEUAY. AtlitifRs ull Orders to THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO.. 61, 63 and 50 Opera Block. LIMA. OHIO. momlon I WE BOY A WOMAN the lest washing machine mde. Go to .Stewart & s BOd take one out on rrial. They also have all kinds of wringers. IT WILL KILL YOUR WIFE toca-ry that Lieut Urn ABd arm'. You saatt 0 to Hitwstt A Soxard bnj .me of thir lavt.y -rnaXr. All tiods and prions. SfOWIMOAWAY HAY 'l't work onafaim. Von cm make Uthe easiest by bnyinK conib'tte Hay ( arr.r mfit of Ste-Aait Si Sqx. CVtl acd see it. OP.AJ.S. fUiv. KB Freth. pore, nte togv a ad sold at IVrS Urit bitve-. tja-'en aerits kepi in bulk, rssld pra anl Field corn ... cvrric l iu lareqoaiititie. Sthwart U Sr.x ENGINES AiND SEPARATORS 4Ra-t i ' m fl Stvn ft ftoi tht kin fe'JCet i r Vert r;.iri PAINTS & 0ILS.-Th u,t ! tor raid ou tt.u Otstt is the f benix" and we are aj;n?a f.r it at stifeasrjr. We Uo crr a full lire of oil , virtiu-bes, wag-s and c. :'. paint, etc. CTKWaKT k Sox. " e1 BKvssawstasswMwsssssstissBawiawBi BEE SBPrllK.-0'' ljenan, j an old baa vp InsMss . Blsnasrt & 8 carry l h iu,, ccn.b Isssndatian and c e aa.oi.rra tt k. nice. WILL YGU BUILD t;t t. f. i..t ki Ttey ' 'f Ld isiiwt ptiett bi .'r. ll jru ex h Swit&8bX. c Mirt hardware c t'tce. k o THOU SHALT KOI KILL - acc-rdiof 1st law. and voa ... : to bay ail .-or g oa ?i d an mcniti. n ul SUwt t A , The) kee a toed atcck ard tell cheat.. Ctsnt rwwde'.fare srd caps slwsys cn hsol. WE SELL COAL, IRON liyiar." -nd ktep a larte tsJksf bUtkircitl tapp-ltea et btcr'. Snrwaar Sox. SPRYYOU TREES.-? it .f Bsjti art & 5x mvi take tare . f 7001 orebad. T e t utfit they tell has brwa tried : 10 this tttte 'or tears by the best or ehardiata ard iilt mplete ceresw. WE'RE NOT BPACGIHC then we say w t Vr the oeat bra c tir e sr tciswors the xsllay j.; tea rcaet (3, J - .ol me tor 1 . orti eev Sraw at-r k Fox, m:::-.T- fet rt aad tali ,ria'. Eil, wui L, ,'. A1" " a 'ail Tin f 1r.1t ; eieri'e,! Wn mi.kt r!t l a few crau H cess.esi arccod atd ttat-.g a. Strwarr k Sox. Wall P per lruft,, Jnint. Oil alatsi, I'tc -L A. ( it mining -:- IF ECO N DRUGS SND FAILED A CURE FR DR. HAXDITS,TixIC BELT tsiib Ueetr Jtaaaetir Stw.. .nr .,! r ttlt.aet taewtelaa all swtaw ahoy. Trtin. Tttoaswfee. eaetr-- rnw S. rt.ts DwMllir. I.if . ttrair .. Lai Maatfcnaa. Srritaitrit, tsleealtwtaa. rawr SleatMry all t, eaaale t wlaiBU. a--a serai III health. r tomrt, wu. "nr4 rB a fhh reaatna hat a tarsal to st'M E 1 1 e htrw ivcta row reit tr :r I la r wasw rmwKktsaMoriackotfwra. If rw r rac into roar artteaa the is teat oruaes. wuea at la. - r, iraataeteo a cars r reram asonev nr. Sandra Eleerrie Belt st aoeapatlratSt. 1 vfajsr. after all otfear tt aatnitou failed. aa cma X User 8rtstr. Vvw rM a ladir leatifr. ant to tbtzr recv-tarr alter ujiit car I Bell, . n rtwtisaa o-aa. r-.r-.i'asbaf at. am itwdwfleh.eaaliA4 ana th iw. k. Raffia TZ--:Tzrtt i ib; I c4 BOS tw BU bar. at all IhSM a " e" et rr fstlla It la.S tao :n , J" of ra r.i I coallaanl u a. ar It tor f. ar lawiHivati ponrvrur cofora. aaas waa two raaia it tUdIlB..Mi LvJi, d 1 .ni. aju 1. III. V IP II I II J a ttia bm pAMdi in tka m.M t iliirli..iii . T Ii-KUT -! R r, !.U F id TOOT Hotal OrilaafL LOST VITALITY ANO STRENGTH. D . a. T. sand.-, rv''-!""?- b It I bavo txwB craa- ir baoaSfad. 1 faal biiMo. ; ' rxj ra tbalt I tad ciwlt tai.a ratcrai&a; r. J aft.ra moataa bw at too I eiii hattw ha nraoa aa barara Sr for tho better. I tli ancfe Iniaa.a fk. K., A. lotlna tho bait. Yours traj. UJtMvr SCHTJI.TI. ELECTRIC BELT mms or atrastaostl at r we turret! iwvakinea.aa4 k t r til" inn.t ' elf tfsittmuinym from persons who havo been cured by the use of s Tablets Tiik onto CnsmcAi. Co.: Dkah Sir:-! havo been usitiir your ir ttmtoota Iiatilt. nriit found It woulil thostronuestchewinir tobacco a dav. im r :.!! f,.r it I I .... ........ one to nve ciRars; or 1 would SBfrOCa lortv lK.w..r i..i,.. tt.. r ..i nnd sntoktst foe twentv ftve vcars. und twu psckiurca of j our Tablets cured me so 1 hv no desire fur tt. B. At. JAYLOKD, 1 o.-llcs nnn.. Pi L.i-, V V natm iin.i,..n...,', i v..' Ihreedav t. 1 mil cured. ' at ATHtW JOHNSON, P. O. Box 4$. 11 BttBBBI Baa ... . aa 1st a IllfUl nVJII liat am was ainmirlv iidrllcted to the use of to try your Tublot. Ho was a heavy and ..uil. - , . t. 73. i. .t-i.... waited four 1 ours t ml v ilKS. 1IELS3 M0BK1SON. . .7AJ,12:. FAIR Of Ihm Brazilian Pebble Kprdaelfi' For sate bv F. M.;FR liNf H. the JeweVl CARPETS, WALL PAPER, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, Best : in : the : Met, AT Fortiiller & living's. -WANTED At the C Allen dros.. formerly owned t-j BUTTER, EGGS, IvARD, BACON, and CHOICE APPLES. for which possible I will pay thr bet cal price B F RAMP ALBANY FURNITURE GV Baltiwre BIt Aibair, Ore. i r. 11. all kind of Furniture, Wat Fsper ( arpeta, yog utn, rirtur t rime?, tic UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HYHF1 IAMFS 11 1 U U VX U fl IfiJjUl ; ' Pro-r'et n DRUGS, Static '.ery. Toilet Articles, Nusiea Instrurnen-3, Etc Hodps k icFarW, ' e Corner Dne Sttwe," Atari. Gt CARPETS, A large st d fen tatk ot'. fl lapuLyrtad .1 gt.:a - a t , aa and ou ckta. S b, CO p. r crrt Us elsewhere ia Alfcaav, . f she ade. Al ai t fie UM (f raer.'t nd .;; , S3 to 20 caata a pair Wa than saat. ru h : esht a wh te . fasa eewr.t- hot ds A. a McILWAIS. Flcar and feel Have removed their store to tbe Sirahai t(ors, former" occcpiei by Deyne J Rohaon, snd have on hand a full stock CCFVAIL S FLC U , BjiAN, SHQITS CERM MEAL, CIHAtf, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FL012B, NAY, Ok'?. ITrlAW AND CHOPPED FEEQ: Custom chopping done. ExicuTftir nmu V 1 at - Hajtavv vav-so,- -BKaj is tilt astt i oar ol il. -Jtm i. JoBhocm a BBjaet. as dais atpointecr adauBAsaaitar of She taatta of ssst L A Sar. Srtii J nn i ad. aaataat I hasv dntr ooaltM aaasok atuiuitAmor. thorafasr all i tati si baoair ahaSha I tais t- .sic ot aatl aaoraltait ary otaV : ned tnJ raqutiott at is .-. th tac to wk with Ska ffMjvr touaben at taf aaataaoa iaBja an. of SaTa. l-.nB ou-nty . UtahOU. witatkaa maoths ftormE das hoasuf iaiosi tar asa t Is u i Juoa, !SBt w it ia Jasastu a BStyn a .SS- - - f. I FBftZER AXLE 13 est in" the rrorrz. i itretTw..riic.5eali?:taBroimawrca.-. sOt BBtlia1.!. ..- i--i boats of taTC'fcfr l is-- z awMttatl ; tea irETTHl-C LM . I 10i5 1 1 ". " 3V IT . orNKALLY. Jfr NoUoe to varxttaoiora. Noaak !aatla BfAtt hast arm! oil will he Beastvad br the Haor at Sahoci 1'isaasr. No 3 tp hhm acotity. Ustssntri, uc ! K Jnae'Jltt, IM th atjuatjatf Ha of tbe haw atshoel tsBBdiiu; in satd distaff., taar bnlldinf. to be oAaaactod aaahstlutjt to plans and s)aihearon sdofftad by ass. boaarl. Tbo bOsatrl toteav. the alfBt -rsfaot any at all lad. Biija wU bo nhsaiw d be itae tat." sat u it- thata f Stav art A 8ox aa Albaa Osbbbii. 0 H te tat 9wao.d Ota ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. j Cotmfy Court aalf StnU Oirreat, count r of Linn : In the ratter of taa totals (if C1r lHarauftr, da otttotd. Notice to oresUtora: NOTlt K IS 1IKREBY UIVBN THAT tTHE VS iUrsiiil has bean culv appQlntorl by tho tountT court oi Una county, Oregoa, adavtiriatraHv o tajl roiate and all ponota htrrinir claiats aain ; mid ostalB art hereby rvuuirad to protaut thoui I to., he r with the proper voucher and proofs to the undarnnad at th. law ofaos of J J Whltoov. ia VU lwii , mnun w moiiwiM muli tna uate neroof. luted the lh la -if iUv.lata. OS niERESGBR. A luunittrat. r. JO) ' 1 J tt Bilner. Atlv for Adair, XJ'ORSALE. V froth mlch Jar tar ..a X Knquire f F M Frsuch tba Jawaler. ) Atffr.U- - a lady daairsja to teoure ? a altaation aa nuraa Inquire- st tba Idaaoaof Mrs iE Holrts oa ThiarJ root uatwosu aaoo. and Tial' . ad tgjni err WANTED. A talloraas can get em plotmant at the tailoring establish mant of H Waldahl opposite poatofflea. Call at once. TRY 2 A t- V- tCVt " 0. EXECUTOR'S SAtE. sWisa Unsswby nrvea tht k acder tigttd ,xecei.,rs . f '.s Lost will nd teita tntnt of Owen fletr lUmnmA Utetf Linn ouLiy Orrj(or, i pt rust t fcf an order of the study court f... Urei oi ui ty Otecon, dnly mtde nd en'.trtrl ol rltoid n the 5th day of June, IS93, waiLorasmg.-cl licsnung she undeishtivd as ex caet cf said estate, toaHUicUD4ah..eW dMctiUd, will on w.r Isiaday of Joe), 18-JB, at the b cr of mm c'ook p n, nf swd sV .t t? c o,t Hoot door in the cf Aibsny, L i; n eoTt.ty, Oasva. sll public aac'toe, to the hfihatt bsddar ail the riht, title and inserewt she adOwti Bear hid at the tiaie i bla death to aat t . ih.- following des-cnbi-.) real waf- w-.wrt Mtjajsn ij ta W 9cr of ,hi don asssfl carn ,i Oao IW u.l wife Not Be 2240 tod ciaatn Kd l ia l p 12 S Is 4 W to be WiilaLer ftctwium wxi .onning thei c wtt a w sb. notWi br,BBdaw lice of said claim iA r cjajsa r, lb N E enr air of .. txect cf fod n.1.1 la V W IS. bir-ett and J C Koran; l y Os-m bear s,d wife Avmut .ns 2 chaBut, th' nce S :,1 :, ; foitowios; alisbK 9m ;j w-r a tlnch 14 24 chasns, theno 2.30; en s 9 t prall with the t ith taws of satd Owen Bear'n cltfhi 3B 10 chaawa tothr eart line .i a-.r! claim, tbeoce corssi 17 ohi7, to rhe phAeof trionin.' cr,siairB 101.86 mar, 1 u id lanu orsnry ibejjoa. rs m cf ul- - ts 1 b f eah in nt d-v i nre and irse 1 h U to iix mooihfrtui 'a i4 sale fh itter I t 1' 8 r- asrawaa : r.d m-tr I.. Cta sV -f Jane i-;; WaLTCK Hi Il.Kl .1 . Juux ('rteturia. f r : . V. -I,- r z :. K ; c-it jrs. Attcrneyt 1.,z Fx. ITeatl CUARSIAN'S SALE. Notice is h ;:e y .iver. th .t U aa cdw 1 f the ' uaty (.curt of Ijca -non- ,ures;. atzut ant iS'.m -f neor.i in ard by s id court 1 he27l !r o: Mty. 1693, I will on tr; 29- wa , lf93. at the hoar of tax e'et ik - ra fr.ti .icy. at Use court " e dswr, ... tta e.ti . f Ai- . . I . . . . . -It V. L . . . bidder tnerefut, for cth io bu d, the fat iua iog deaenbed premuet k-eot; to Maud ; M Wasoo, a minor: Begiaaiog at rite 1 - - -1 cat) er of tit donation la Ld e 'aim- f Jin. (; reit iwt wife is Tp 13 S IS 4 we t arai ra.i isg tberce saotS 37 lith'; th-ncr- eat- 51 ekaio; north 6.75 efca'c, ; l i . r .,t 32 4f chains to Uij t- Isefweea awa MSS IC ard 17: tbecce north 8 27 etirs: e.-c- w-. -11.84 tjtssssl to the e r-: 0; iha doam'.vn land clairno? Jimn S litis aai wii; b-r..- - 14.25 csiain ; the, . awt 1 74 ebaios to the plice 4 btr.n.ix -O 31 40 acre u.'-ie r See. And '0 the f latSSWta dea- r. a-1 irew.L-es be!onii-g to Fr.cee M Was: a a rancor. Haa-wawir g 37 lick w atb a: d 3J 50 cHaiaa eaf t f the bU.west c-stter wf ha ceaaii s tatid etaast f-f J wm ISsir. tt.: -' : acd nvriag tksrci east 7 30 est-ins; ismsk worth 41 heks; tber ce eait 19 E6 chi; - ass at 6.3- cl-im ; rhetec west 26.46 e- ai-; rbeoee tenth 6.75 chain- t -be jliee bevi-a n.' oct .ta rst 21.80 aerrs r orerr lese. T . ir rt tft 1 Mid misces in - : i 10 b eol 1 b.:r.z a f- afatple L.rreit re 'fe y. D. H. WiGXOK. W R. f-'iLTt-. Gsaidiar. Attontty for r.'aardito. Will cure The worst cases Of Skin Disease From a Common Pimple On the Face To that awful Disease Scrofula. Try a bottle To-day. fW WltWMJPBS,rKr,. Send 3 3-ceaa ststtas to A. P. CvJ Boacra. Xaas.. for beat attaint is LADIES" TEA r Is a !evtat 4tyt- wtk w;UV lota by tbe stomach t:,I o; r,:ot -t sni.0. Is ' eta tarna if c-n ttte Iiov, dafvasd . repfoieciive oKjans. A ccclie aaysje. t ;i cifKt iiatlhii, atd avcat fsl W (can, or 1 ra tf i. mceslsfsQcga. it aids cbeftn at ; feacces ccr;n"rr,cy-, c'.t: rs Ue e4sxier. eacensja it iur,tid rs: r .tc JJe ostoraf tone o tbe tfic.lor it re- or?-- tie til waaeki . by sec ifculat:.-o,prc" t 4 :b LcW,niok,y ' ecmpliitcn aaaaht to the stte Surli by all dnt.ists. NOTICE OE RNAL SETTLEMEHT. a uncE is IrEltEIlT CITES TH -' 'wnxd i ilniflatsli 1 1 n i ol tba VT BE na a xf C-V r. B Ma otLh l Slot hi Ba a .TaWT : oierk et Lias coaaty, mpsa. WT J ... Ik. ....... I. l rat ot Jiur, XSBB, hoar ot 1 aVhak at she aftarcawi oa.! 4a for raccaawnj.i objeaB- ia W aav u satd Saol ac- J i J MarAEL.SM. Jjviurv3Ei. vAnaiwcaator AAt lor AikaiaiijriV r . ADMINIST8AT0B S NOTICE. N OT anm iiut on the .rcciuani AjsauaistnS.iT of the aaaat oi Bra uiei rt itSWi I. and that I ha a. daar taa' rtat j Aaaahiiasatavr vhasn foe all irarsnaa hantr scif the oaast et saki aaaar: are bast es DSaiao,! m.,.t a. w. SW Oaa Oa Baa I " BOxior voartiao a taa r.a. ana io the citt Stao, Uan oiaavv, vraa. .., ai j-. aa. tucsth! ta the . harouC vvitatoss nay hafat) that tad dav of Jom. laB. ' v a.- A "SB- f W R RTtYKt AdaaaiKfot-w Att.waa hr Aaatta.far .l c $50 REWARD I wil; pay a reward ' 30 .'er Use eoavic- M tion of tbe person wbo wantoniv eud atalio- f t u.y d .rotged my bicycia in the hall up tair in the Fatter Block oa tha nig ht of " C U Beam. 4 IOST Oil SrOLSS . patr of J o ippertftom shop of fvter An on. nettss retun,or natifv-owtier SA DDi.K HORSE for sale cheat, per racily cactltxcail oo ta. eivdera Jra. Dr. I'atter-.oii-H alia.-,- J Tbf " i-ttatai s,s-.t a a w i. its.vtuti .ll attV. .. nMtjit an i future: tote uoohttt, abaecthi.j Tou cat hear from tur C!et. t 1!M .10. iaHEBP LOT -21 bead 21 bead if sheep, not I n A S- cil's ftrat soatb of 1 ewe, 1 1 larab, oie a back. aj brtoded, from ."ay. IOoMopc it eno a merino. Will pay f IroaVs oo storaiaticn to A Suell, Albany. RKVAIKING P l ISASOLS. I bow prepared to reoovar parasols, no Wallas, bab, carri.e paranoia, place oew eaaer, aew hantllts, ruaoers. rib, etc. at a low Pries. Mas l.ruwie. m BUGGY FOB SAUL Wood hand bags o' eheap, Wm Fortinillar. seeonif Call on REVERE HOUSE hLBANY - 0HSC h AS. PFKIFFER rROPRllLTOI