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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1893)
Statf Rights lemocrat. VOL XXVIll. ALBANY.CIILGON, FRIDA1, JUNE 30. 1893. Entered at the o Office at Albany. Or., at Second-Class Hall WtXter. -fills at M TTIWC.PabH.licr' mad Proprietor.; NO 47 The special tffott of Read, scasuu IB in nuitiiM- inp puicnasjng pOWC Ot your UOlUr with the GKKATRST TAH K EVER OlTFRRl) FOR YOI'R MMn It will ly :o jour interest to call and inspect their charm iso wsruv of novelties and reuablk standard (jrades in Staple and fancy Dry (Goods, Dress Goods Fancy Goods, Their servicable stock is distinctive in dispiay, and sure to please. Try them when you We have an e!egant Y- u can be economical with no effort whatever by tuvinij what you need for Spring from e READ, PEACOCK & CO, ALBANY, Ms Made (o ALBANY, Buy RUBBER HOSE of Bay RUBBER HOSE of Bey RUBBER HOSE Bay Lawn Mowers ' f Buy Lam Mowers of ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .. JONGPH. risrietr. WHOLESALE MIU RETAIL Only White l abor En: ployed w. III. MeFarluA :- DKAI.KU IN Harness -and -Saddlery. Display in the iM BICYCLES Call on Van Wilson, aceui for. the 1m pekiai. and Faulkner, 6o to $'$n Ladies taught io ride or no. sab- roSHAY . MA80N - n.,ui a aacMa - OrisiK and Booksellers i u for John B. Aldan'a BnMuii,.' uirU wt sell at publisher'. nru tnT tiyenl.ler' MfVY. KK(10f REVERE HOUSE sLBANY f-K0PH)MDR Red CrownMilis ISOM & LAHHIMC, PROPRIETOBS. aw raooaaa si.ona s;' . ekiok roa raitlMS AND BAKKRg 58F, HEST STORAGE PAOIUHftS Peacock a Co. for ihe spring Notions, Furnishing Goods style, elegant In want SHOES. line. OREGON N. WALDAHL, -Merchant Tailor. Order and Sitisfittifn lesraoJre Iepqiiig of AH tiids. SHOP OPPOSITE THE PC ST OFFICE OREGON Matthews &Washbnrn Matthews & Washburn ol Matthews & Wasbbnrn- Matthews & Washburn Matthews & Wastes J. F. FORD, Evanplist, Of De Moine, low. m it i uaJj- Ixli i of March 23. 1893: 8. ft. Mkv. Mr j. Co . . Dolor, Oregon. On ;.rr, b'.ino .'. wieti, J fouia well and anxiously a raitm?. Our I Kill. i i.hi ud iioe-h.-ilf year old, who I all ttlc hd ell. up. wa ted away to 38 pounds, is now v titnng und vigcroa1, sod wl flashed '. B. Coagb Cars livid mo rW Work wt Goth of th ohildien like it. Yojr S II. B. II Lougn euro has cared ana kept iwiy hoarseness from me. So (jive it to vo -y auc, with gre-iiug for all. Wishing y u (.rotteu y. we are Vonr- Mk A M J F l oitii. If you wth la (sal ueau in,l cheerful, vri nmiw 'or tlK;Npriiiir' wirll, c!mho your sys'eni wilh lf-wluU':he an iuseseach .tea. iu ii-,r cure, bin r two or 5') oetes por bot'Jo by all .irasw. M id under s p'xitive fuarajteo by J ACUMMING VI60R " MEN Easily. Quickly, Psrmsnsi ,ti, Restores. WEAK .NESS, HERV OU8NESS. OEBI I.ITY, f ""L ' lh train of avtla irom nu-lyerrorsorlatsr rxee tbe results of over a,ork, sleknesn. wur C.t-tu. FllUstranalb! uer Uopmeiit anil tone Klv ra io every organ and. i."i llem of tbe boo Mi a ate. natural metbodE ""rrtlUlate lmnroTamant '- Failure faiposalUe. SUD reference. Book. aplanaClon and proofs minted (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO, v A aUrTALO, N. v. Lebanon. Mrs Grubb, who loft ben List week for Arizona, took with her n check for on the Hank of Lebanon. This line little woman is having more than her share of trouble. Jacob Kees has no money in the Hank of UlMOa, having drown it all out several thousand dollars within the past few weeks. He and Ruff. Hiatt got the last pull at the bank Monday morning, almost cleaning it out. Sifter Fanny A l'arrish. the companion of Hogue Parrish. died at the home of her husband's parents. Friday, June 16, aged 28 years and 11 months. She was the daughter of Mr Geo Leslie; wan born July 17, 1869, in Salem, Oregon. She leaves a husband. a father, two brothers and a sister. Following are some of the depositors who did not withdraw their money from the Lebanon bank: .1 Settle, 81700; C B Mon tague. $1700; Benjamin Bros. $1000: S V Much. 1900; J Arn. $1,100; VV B Donaca, $1200; K P Weir ,$700: Joha Sturteviiiit.700' Mrs tirisham. $400; John Denny, $400; M 1 Knight v. $627: B N Hani man". $595; Joe Kelso; $300; Dalgleisu A Everett. 200; B W Fisher. f5X) Mr Fisher deposited $85 Monday morning; B M Donaca, $140; Pugh i Wallace, over $100: Dr Laniberson. $288; Mrs Duckett. $100, all she had. J A Roberts, cashier of the bank and clerk of this school district, has over $300 school money in the bank. The deposits are said to aggregate between $20,000 and $90,000. Advance. A Peculiar Orkqcn Pacific Iran. The following from the Salem Independ ent would be read with ruu:h more ap preciation after the sale of the Oregon "acific at least, if not after the road had been extended into Crook county. 3 While the Oregon Pacific is it the hand "of a receiver it is not probable branch iinea are going to be begun : Latt Mon -day Messrs. Had ley and Mu leaner, re ceiver and superintendent of the Oregon Pacific railroad, visited Salem. They took a drive through the city and su burbs during which time they inspected their property here and were on a look out for depot grounds. Receiver Ha.Uey announced it as his intention to path the road through from the mountains, and to commence work as soon as pos sible. He thinks that the road will leave the present track at about where Lyons is situated and connect to Salem Whether it will be built beyond this point at present is not known but tbe receiver eava that there is not much doubt but that a effort will be made to pot it through to this place. Tbe offi cers drove around with Mr. John Al berta and several pieces of property were looked a in reference to their suitability for terminal grounds. Salem will undoubtedly receive a definite prop osition from the Oregon Pacific people a ml that shortly. The Haw School Hocks. Tbe bids for tbe new tchool house to be erected in tbe Third A'ard of tL is city were opened last night by the directors of School District No 5, and srere as follows: HutchinsA Southwick, Salem. .14,470 il F Conn. Albany 16.S50 W O Heckert, Corvallis, 16,430 L IMoeoch, Albany 17,400 Tainor, Albany 17,142.26 J BCoogi'.l, Albany 17.963 John liamber, Albany 18,313 07 Craven A Olinger. Salem 14.197 CD Wilson, Salem 15,400 J McCheenev. Albany 16,700 A C Roney. Eugene 16,800 Chris Howland, Albany 17,000 B F Thaver. Albany 17,289 Wilson A Chase. Lebanon 16,843 Bruokman & Conn, Albany 15,921 Tbe contract was ordered let to Craven A Ohoger. of Salem. The firm offered to subtract $300 from their bid piovided Pioneer stone might oe used for the base ment; Tn Sisrta EsraBTAisnajTr. -A large audience attended tbe annual graduating exercises of the Sisters school at the opera bouse hut evening, and as always, were greatly pleased with the program, presented as heretofore published. The musical selections displayed the splendid instructions received in that department Misses K Skelly, M Sprenger, L Ketch nm, L Bo wen, J Beard, L Brenner, M Casey. E Howard. E Hill, M Han'er. N Zeye and M Senders are certainly adebts in "the manipulation of the keys, as dis played in the piano solos, duets, and trios rendered. Tbe salutatory by Lot tie Ketchum was well pronounced. "Tbe Fairv of the Fountains," n operatta was a verv pretty affair, bringing out some excellent talent. Light Hearts Pilgrim age" an allegory was a delightful piece of children's acting, and was greatly ap preciated by all. The other parts were heartily applauded as well. Graduating honors were confered on M iss EleooreM Zeyss, of this city, and the exercises closed with a farewell cboro us. Tbe gift and display of flowers wer e large and rUoanl An.t tliA una-al flptfl ratinna vprtr attractive. f i' Tnt: Sastiam. J R Whitney w a up surveying his claim above this place U week with a view to building a new house Notice warning people to lie careful about fire have been posted throughout the San tiam region, and it will not be healthy for tbe individual who lets a forest hre get started. The law will be enforced and transgressore prosecuted to its fullestextent. Krnest Bern-, son of J P Berry and a brother of J" L Berry, met with a very painful accident while fishing on the Hreit ri i. ' J it.. ....... . ;;,!. ;,..... !., , dan trD place and slipped and fell to the rocks Wow. breaking nix arm alwve the wrist artd otherwixe brumng him to a con siderable intent. i TiJ, jivumn. nc v , As a resuft the failure of Hamilton A. Job's bank at Corvallis the Niagara mill. which was owned by ?ph Job has been closed down. Lum5rman. Cibccit Cocht. The fo'lowmg new cases have been filed : C C Leo agt James Weddle, recovery of monev. Lang Si Co agt J B Thompson, recov ery of money ; attachment. Asaiunnient of the Bank of Oregon- This assignment hows the following : Assets : Real estate 115,000 UO Furniture 3,000 00 Overdrafts 3,178 93 Notes 32,8i J 08 Total HM1 0 Liabilities: Accounts --,' w Certificate of deposit 11,818 60 s34,34i) SI W S Thompson appointed assignee. Matter of estate of Serfling. Cattlemxx Arrested. Time more cases of driving too many cattle across bridges at one lime have bien reported On tbe 12th inst, A M Osbnrn, who is taking a band of cattle across the moun tains, was arres'ed for driving more than twenty-five bead at one time across the Big Fall Creek bridge. He was fined ten dollars and costs. He gave a check on the Lane County Bank for the amount, and vesterdav morning the justice of the J peace came to town to collect the amount , nd found the bank cosed. Columbus r. nr anil ijhuci ii nil i iovui r, ere arrested at tbe same place for the gai ue onense, ana nneu iou uuuau kv,i ' ' , ! 1 .... . 1 r. I F . M . ...h anA the COSt aillOUmeu IO veil uuiibib eBjC i . They paia mo muuu. vuu Btb.'e jKissinger went several miles up tut; roact anacaugnt ineji. an ciaiuicu the Big Pll Creek bridge was injured. Regiser. The Co."vall's Time makei. the lo'low W unkind remark: -Albany has always been jealous of Coi vallls and has gener- jealous of Crva Hi. anc I ha. gen erally beeri able to out do u. Sbe fr-.tted for I Hme under our finally saw and went u. one better Riht hew we would like to remark that Alosnv doesn't need to be jealous of any of Its neighbors and Is not.' An unpleasant thing about bank fail ure is that wemen are the first ones to get excited and maks a run for the batik. If pssople would, keep cool half the bank fail ores could Joe averted. An Ciieoon tini7.zi.KY. -The griz.ley bear is nearly a tiling of tbe past in Oregon; but occasionally one is heard from. The Tidings, of Ashland, tells the following: George Farlow, who is in town this week from the ranch of Farlow Bros, on upper Butte creek, tells of some fun the rancners in that neigh'norhood have lieen having with bean this sprtng and summer. A big grizley whose tracks in the snow measured twelve inches in diameter has been living on fresh beef while waiting for tbe berries to ripen. He has killed at least five head of cattle in lhat ncighWhood three of them three vear old steers and one a biir cow with a liell on her. Messrs (ieorgv anil Perrv Farlow. W H Bradshaw. Hank Wight and others have spent a good part ot several weens trying to capture tnis grizzley, but could t do it. l hey set a Mg steel trail which the irrizzlev would haul around, knocking down and draggingabout the logs which had been piled around it. The trap was sprung by him four different times, but failed to catch him. though it caught a big brown bear, which the men kHUsd. Doga would trail the grinder bnt couldn't bring him to a stand, and from the direction of his hut trail followed, he seemed to be making for the Dead Indian country. He as a monster and is one of the very fear grizzlies left to roam the section of Cascade and Siskiyou mountains which thirty years ago was a favorite resort of this " largest and fiercest of the numerous of bears in America. Corvallis. The floating of the ?L ooo issue of Corvallis city lull bonds meets with unexpected delay in the withdrawal of their bid by J W Hayes & Son, Cleveland, O.. whose bid of par and a premium of $8So was recently ac cepted by the city council. Walter T. Wilea has given notice of his resignation as assignee of the Cor vallis Carriage and WagoniCompany and requested the creditors to have a meet ing called to appoint a successor. Mr Wiles Is assistant cashier in the First National bank, and the business of the bank has increased to such an extent that his duties thero occupy all of his time. Bun Dep. a son-in-law of Jim Westfall and an employe in Gene Lee's wash house, had IsOO deposited m the II J, bank, and two weeks before the suspen sion had given his employer notice to get another man, as he would shortly be off for China. He baa no faith in re covering any of his shekels Times. Probate Record.- In estate of Tbos. Clemens, final settlement set for July In estate of Maud and FrancU Wagnou. D. H. Wagnon filed bond for 2JU as guardian. In estate of J. B. McKechuie second an uaal account was riled. In estate of F. H. Roacoe. final -ettle-nient set for August 7. In estate of Jan. R. Thompson, final settlement set for Aug. 7. In estate of M. D. 'haniberiain. M.irv J. Chamberlain was appointed ivlministratrix. Bond. $250. In estate of Jos. Moist, the real rotate was ordered turned over as proviileJ in tbe will. In guardianship of John K. Porter. W. T. Porter was appointed guanlian. Bond. $400. Brow nsvillk. - A talk with some of tbe stockholders of tbe Brownsville bank dem onstrate tbe fart that that institution is on solid footing now aid fears nothing for tbe future. While painting on the K. of P. hall W'eiinesday J. K. Mcilargne bad a bit of uninviting experience. He wa on tbe roof of tbe high structure, near the top. when be slipped and fell, tbe bucket of roof paint be was carrying being spilled in such a manner as to completely cover his face and Wind him for a moment. He slid down tbe strep incline at a rapid rate, but fortunateiv for him t it spoiled a gviod item for usl there was a Luge piece of tim ber fastened to tbe roof, upon which he caught and undoubtedly saved himnetf from being dashed to piece. Times. Wild Gooe Chase.- Years ago, dur ing the Indian war. Jake .Apperson. then a soldier, was stationed in the Blue moun tains and while there prosperted a canyon anil in ten panful of ilirt washed out $60. Soon after this the command was moved and since that tiny, be has never been near that section of country. The other day Ir Young and Mr Apperson concluded to sec if tbey could find the spot and aceordinsrly made arrangement for a trip over tbe Cas cade by wagon. This morning they start ed and will be gone some three or four weeks. Six dollars a pan i rich enough dirt to satisfy the average Yamhiller and as tbe times are hard all the friends of the gentlemen wish them success. - McMinn ville Telephone Register. Game Wardes Needed. Wm Man nering who lives on tbe headwaters of the South Fork of Coo river, was burned out last week, and came in town Tuesday after supplier. He does not know bow the hre originated but suscta tbe "outlaws" in that section wanted to get rid of him and resorted to arson. Hundreds of deer are annually killed there bv pelt hnnters. and the fiesh of the animal" is either burned or left to rot upon the ground. If Mr Man nering's statement can be relied uimn. I there is business in that neighborhood for i the state frame warden. Kosebunr I'lai 'lain dealer. A Live Rtnaway. Thurs.lav Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Beard, of Tangent, started on a strawlierry expedition after their horse which has alwavs been a verv tractable gentle animal. He immediately begun to show a disfiosition to kick up behind and rm, . which he gradually did in a live man ner, throwing lioth out. bruising Mr. Heard s face in a savage manner, but not injuring Mrs. Beard. No wonder the horse acted meauly. Awhile liefore some laws, unknown, tied a ollar to the horse's tail, and he ran all the way home, kicking and jumping. It was his ruination, and once gentle horse is ruined for ltfc. I'hkee Chinamen. This afternoon the three Celestials. Hor Chow (Little Jim! Wa i uen and Lum Sick, arrested several day ago for setting up ami running a lotterv in Chinese row in this city, were taken Is-fore Justice Newport, and waiving examination, were held under $1)0 bonds each to await the action of the grand jurv. They fur nished Isinds. A high toned Celestial of Portland was in the CMS to investigate the matter for a wholiwiUe house then?, who do not sell goods to gambling houses if they know it. Boxd Filed. T J Black, the newlv-ap pointed collector of customs of this port. submitted his official bond vesterdav to .bulge Bellinger, and took his oath of office. the bond was mailed last evening to See retary Carlisle, and when it receives the ap proval ot the treasury department Mr mark will receive his commission. It is in the sum of $50,000, and berrs the signatures of William Church, Jr.. Sylvester Farn Theodore B Wilcox, ThouiHS Richardson and K 1) McKee. A Bicycle VasTDAJL. Last night a viui dal of the lowest order went around muti lating and injuring bicycles generally, I !, O. Beam's left up stairs in the Foster block, was twisted and injured in other respects. Charles Turlay's had the pneumatic tire cut in two, and others were injured in differ- tmt ways lt is to Is! liiiiM-il who ever did ' IT I U Til it is found and punished. An Fa h.a nation. A correspondent at Harrisburg says: 1 see in Weekly Dem lint at of 23nlinst un article under the beading "Tragedy at Harrisburg" whicb makes it appear that Mr tVowioni was try ing to evade the law. Such was not tlie case as Mr Wassnm was at home at work until arrcstetl. Will you please publish this in next daily in the interest of justice. Plain FacTs. And that I- what we want. Fortmiller & Irving have just re ceived an elegant line of lace curtains. Their stock of wall paper Is large and complete, and prices are remaikably low. Over i io dozen window shades on hand. Call on Fortmiller & Irving If you wish the best and largest assortments to select from. mi lit sADrmaoxti. FRIDAY. Dr G W Maston returned la't evening from a couple days trip to Portland. The name of lion John Martin, of Blooiningtou. appears on the Revere House register. Mrs S A .lone- and her lnother .1 T Tirknor. left for Albany last evening to visit friends for a short time. Statesman. Miss Winnie ChantUrlin returned ind.. from Portland, where -he has bw-n taking lessons in water color nuintinir. in udi.-l, she is displaying a marked talent. Mrs Frank Part' n. daughter and (wo sons, of Wuitaburg, Washington. mril at Albany this noon on a visit with friends here, and are the guests of XIr John A Crawford . TE Jennings, C S bank inspector, of Seattle, Is In ihe cilv.and will have charge of the Linn Coorty National Bank. A statement will beptepircd In a few dava of the actual.oMttlonol affairs. Miss Eva and Mary Myers, sistci of Senator Jeff My era, ho have l-ecn at tending the state normal school at Mon mouth, came to S.lem yesttrdjy morning snd ay the u :i7 train went to thtlr home at Sclo Statesman, Kx-Goveroor J H Fletcher of South Da kota, has been iirjthe city several days hik ing up real estate in this part of tlie' Willa mette valley. W bile lie wa here ex-t iover- nor Mooily took him to the capitol and pre sented him to Wovemor Pennoyer and the otbi r state oftiivr" Mr FletcbVr is mm h pleads! with the Willamette rmUey and Salem in jurticularand it is likely that he will soon locate here.- Statesman. Ex Governor Fletcher, the Democrat has been informed is an uncle or father of William Heb ber. the foot rarer, once a resilient of Massy, ami who married Mi- Iimpman. SlTtaDAT Mr and Mrs. A. B. Morri went to Turner to lay to the campmeeting. Liwnse has been issued for tbe marriage of B. F. Shannon and Carrie K. IhivU. Prof. Adams, of the Jefferson arhools. ha been iu the city several dav . Misses Maggie anil Cora Barker If ft this noon on a trip to BonneriUe. on the ".,! unibia. C H tfed. and m ifc. and wife, ntv Fannie Meneal. of the reg.n Iicif.c. were in thr city today. Tbe MiMw i;anl and Mi BU k Lnf Uiis noon for Poitland. and Miss Abbie Wrigbt to Corvallis MUee Clara and Ktiiel liavis. who hav" lieen visiting thir uncle George W. return ed to Albany this forenoon. Salem Ju mm, Rev ami Mr.. BctnH Fkdeston. of Ib anon. are in the City . and will leave next week for Irinceun. N.J.. where tlie former will lake a two varst-Msrse in tbe The-ilog-i cal Seminary. Mrs. -"bei.benl left this in Itaker City, taking with her her daugh- ter n van leve. wn-.::i it was mtVS!rv t. r.nvev nn a rrs VI . v., Cleve's family will go to the Bay. I Wr liamlar and family will remove to Allny in a few Iar. V regret to lose this estuuaLi- raaairt fr- in tejr rata l,f Jefferson iloe t4 aff .'rd noffa ient etunlov vi . . i , - ... - t " " Ja" "MniirT, "DO I a llliilwngh! and machine of rawi ability.- Review. Tbe following tasn-V anendtsl the w. arid' fair yesterday : I.. Flinn. Acme W. Flinn. H-belia Flinn. rVlward F. So. Knuna K. Sox. Mrs. K F. Sox. C. K. Sox. S. K. Young ami wife. Mi Lee IVather A M. IVaiber V. YsMng. Alhanv. Mr . . iMtionev. EL C. Watson retnmnl thi bom from Memphis. Tenn . where he bad la-am in the interest of tbe proaerotion in the state case against the murderer of Jndg- Morgan, in which a new trial had been granted The .ase a as postponed. The man should have t-n bangeil liefore tm. Mr. als-vn wa accompanied borne by a i?er and sister-in- law. m Sunday a joyi carriage irtv drive over from Albanv. nwisUtinL' in iiart of Bert WestUook. Wrenn Ross. Mie Nora Zey. Mirt Miller and Minnie "vnders. Tbe eligible memi.-r- of tbe iazette force psuv,l no pains tn entertain the tis;t. rs The return game will be played at Albanv next Sabbath - t 'or aiii itsrtU- John lblgs. once a uromir.-nt ntinn of Albany, is now tbe owner of the old fwl ' fiooring mill in Kins' Vallev. hich he has overhaull and fitted un with the latest machinery- for turning out flour oy tne ww rosier process, and is mw turn ing Out tlie taM flour mail., in liie stale bv all odl. a. the Post is informed. Yaouinli Cost. Claire Yunk. a voamr usntiei-.,n of Al- lny who was betrotbeil to Mis Sadie Nel son of this place, died last Monday of .con sumption. Several wwk ago. knowing that tie hail hut a short time to live, ha w.-m anxious to see Miss Nelson, ami hi parents iniuvwi urr w visn ijiem. Mie went to Albany at once and remained till hi death. She is expected home this awv!i. Ashland 1 idings. Tlie writer of tbe following in the Slav ton Times forget the fact the depositor re ferred to will nrobahly get all of bis mmmj, but it shows how people get excited and don't know what they are standing on: A sad irtory of the recent hank failure oomes to us from just over in Linn Co. A man who is past middle age. who lias worked and saved his monev through wet and cold, denying himself and family tl.e i ;v.. i. life so as to be able to buy himself a place of his own. And now just as his savings amount to the sum reo.utrwl.and lie is readv to purchase his home, one of the AlbanV lianks fail, he has his monev denosited in. In one moment the simi he' has lalons f..r years to aTunnihite. is sppj.t away. Tke Skill end svaonteiJar. K.:-i.iiii to ihe prmlostioo of the mo it per fect and popular 'axst va rvncdv kn..wr, have enabled trie Cdiforuia Ftn HffftO C". to achieve a fcreat saoseaa in : --, renulaticn of iu i.i..-t, Sjiao of Fig., ss i. is conced ed to be ins unirt-rsal Isxitix. For ea!e alt liru.m-t.. ,ii, i i i . i - - i , Imyr ri complete line of noveltisc, direct from the makers, can furnish the s aine at lowest i v ... , prices. liistles. iinrrorH, pencils, ineni- uratnia doors, napkins, tans.nilers, vanl sticks, panels, chromo cards, caps.'calen dars. xmas cards, etc., in season. . And always the best Jon PRcrrisfu' " SMILEY, l-eading Printer. Wt niuso Invitavions. Woovlen, Tin, Silver, Gulden Common every day. SJKII Wire for t'oMs, bUity, .Small iiik Kevers nnd Oenerci ,)o-ti-i-j. Z5c. per bottle. Oapt Sweimv. U 3 A!ii Di. i'a ys. "Shiloh's Catarrh Rs oejy i, tha fi edieiuc I ttaea ever found that Would do y good . Price, 50 ots . Sold by Voah Mason. Shilnh'a Vitaiia.-r ti wbt )au nred for dyspepsia, tcrpid liver, yellow stin or kid nay trouble. It is ifiisrsnteed to gvB you sstistAC'.ioe. Price 75o. Sldby Fuhay & Maaon, Sonii yoar nume and add.-o to A - A caoook Af Co Albiov, Oregon, u,l 0 on the DsMociiAT, they will mill yon ashion sheet frea eioh month. Ouarnntced to cure Dillons AltaOmana Constipullon, .Small Ulln Ik! im-. Board and Looanre of good qiuiiity a reasonable rates ore the strong points of "the Star Contracts of the World s Fair Hotel and Boarding Bureau. For sale ut all rail road ticket offices in Portland and at Salem, Albany. Eugene, Corvallis, McMiunville and Oregon City. Don't go to Chicago without vour nci oinmmiat ions reserved, un less you have a big puree you are -uixious to empty. Call on C. K. Ironk at the depot for particnlars , SEW VOUk LLTTEIt, New York, June ICtli, 1893. The fine political hand of Colonel La aoat is plainly evident in the appoint mentof Charles W Dayton as postmaster, in place of Postmaster Cornelius Van Cott. Mr Dayton is a lawyer, who cast his fortunes with almost every political movement started in New York. Being a resident of tbe upper part of the city and a friend of Mr Lament's, he pacbes up a truce b--teen the Tammany and "iiu lammaiiy democrats or the city. M May ton has alwavs been a strong Anti-Tammany man until recently when be cast bis lot with the Tammany braves. Among thi large crowd of professional people that attended tbe funeral of Kd win Booth were some of tbe most famous - actors and actress of the day. It was an earnest svinnathizirtf tbronv uhr.e object was to do honor io the memory of our nation's greatest actor and dramatic schools. Among the n ournere, was John W Mackay the California midion aire who, when a poor boy, forty years ago' spent his last twenty-five cents to witness a performance of "Hamlet" in the gallery ol a San 1" rant isco the a f rp Joseph Jefferson the veteran comedian was alto in attendance having been a warm friend and a d inner Ot tbsi itaait tragedian. Steamers sailing for European ports are crowed with American tourists, and everv ocean greyhound that leaves this p irt carries at least 400 passengers. This la the sea sen for travelers to go abroad and society is rapidly leaving tbe city for the catering places of Europe. men are having an interesting season so far, and the prospect are that tbe present season will he recorded as tbe most successful in several year a Eastern owners are preparing to send their crack three rear old's to compete in the Amer can Derb? to be run at Chicago during tbe latter part of the month. The value of this race is U).000. Before, the Suburban Handicap will be run at Sheepshead Bay on the 20th. Cnusoal interest is being manifested in the great race because of tbe meeting of the two champions Lampiighter and Tammany. Racing men were surprised to learn, on Tuesday, that tbe great colt Tammany owned by Marcus Dalv, the copper king, had injured his foot which necessitated his being withdiawn from tie great race. Tbe toee'ing of Lamp lighter and Tammany is thus deferred Twenty hours from New York to Chi cago is indeed remaiaable time, and the N Y Central and Hudson River R R Co certainly deserves praise for establish ing such a record. Daiicg the past two years the N Y Central has improved its equipment and road bed to such an ex tent, that it ranks second to no other railroad ia the country. Iu passenger service to Buffalo and Chicago exc-Ia in improvement and ronteoif .ee. that of the other roads terminating in this city. MS N every morning the Empire State Express leaves Grand Central depot over the Central road for Buffalo a distance of over 4S0 miles, arriving there at 5:35 io tbe evening. This is the fastest regular passenger train in the world Tlie fare to Chicago is 40 high and it is hoped that the trunk lines will shortly tuake a cuntiderabb' reduction in ratts so as to enable the working people o visit the World's Fair. FrllowiAg the Urge attendance at tbe ball games on Decora tic o Day.contea tbe news that the average daily attendance at the Polo grounds is about 5000 people. This is the greatest in Uie history of the national game. Althoogti through tbe inability of the New York team, owing to its weakness in the pitching department, to keep at the head of the list, it is en couraging indeed to know that Captain Ward's Gian's bare climbed up from eleventh to fifth place during the past two weeks- The Giants won the last six out of seven game played and if no serious mischief overuses them on their western trip, the projects for their winning the coveted penant will become very bright. The regular season in the theaters has closed and the time for light opera, bor iesqoe and Yauderrille has arrived and the Roof Garden are doing a rushing business On the Casino and Madison Square Garden roofs a first-class perform ance is given every evening from 8 to 12 p m As refreshments are erved and the atmosphere is cool these resorts are well patronized during the hot summer mon bs m F. H . Koelscii What Da law Takr. Medicine for? Because vou are sick ar.d want to get well, or because you wish to prevent Illness. Then remember that Hood's Sirsapati'ila cures all diseases caus ed by impure blood. Purelv vegetable Hood'sPi',1 ztc. A Waaatriral Macfclae. Thcte U no doubt that man is a fine mchanistn, but like everv ether machine he wears out bv Mrtion I. is said that he li born again everv t o or three years. HI bsvlr la vtrtuaiiT remadefiom food. To reiaid ihi making over is radically rong. as man base so much vitalltv In the de'ayrd process that it takes a loag time to recu:erate. The prercisof niak Ing anew Is so accelerated by purging eltb crandrelh fil.s that a .new man. as it were, mtv be made In tars) c three months, snd Ihe change in the mcchariim is such that Ihe worn out par. part is re placed tv the new without the usual run nlng down f the cnthe machine. You do.i't have to stop for trpairs .Purge away with Brandre'.h a 11 la the old, dis eisrd and worn out twdy. Iney sre purelv vogetable, absolute , rtarm'c.s , "lid safe to akc at any time l.AVNDEV Work Kveiy citizen of Al bany should bear in mind that the Albany Steam Laundry guarantee fit it class work at very reasonable r.rices, and employs nothing but white labor. Shirts lone as cheaply as tne v innaman. rai ronize your own race Money to Loam. I have money in sums of 500 to 20.tB to loan on ltu- Drov-d (arm lands in Linn and Rentes iee, at lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. 0 H Bt Kiii var Real estate agent. Albany, Oregon New Pmotookai-iiku. I have opened a new irallerv In the Y. M. C. A. bio.. 2nd stnvt. AIIhmiv. and will try hanl to plea all who will favor me with their patronage, i will take all siws and styles of photos as good as the and a cheap as the cheap est. 1 am no traveling photo here today and gone tomorrow, but have come with wife and children to make a nonie in your glorious climate. 1 have come to stay. Please call and see mc and try my work. Very resisictfiillv vours. . a. ii ji r.i.i Lite of Toronto, Canada. iTowdhlsI We offj-r One Hunid Dollara Scwr ' any caso cf Catarrh that cannot be ci aw Hall's Catarrh Cure. V J. Cltr.NEY & CO., Props. , Toledo, O. Wo tlio III! isilltnsfli have known F. J. Ckf ncy for tho bet 15 years, and believe him pst tcctty hooorabls iu r.U b:sinesa transaction awd laiantlTiJ ablo to carrj ut any o-" tiooii ninile by their firm. WaswaTavara, Wholesale Drunaiste, Tolt . W AUii so , K l sna N & M abvin , W hoKsala DnJ gisU. Toledo, O. ITaU's Catarrh i -ure Is taken internally .actlac directly upon ihe an.! i.nirnus siirfarcaot tlu - '. " Prtee. Wo. nsr boUla. Mold by au Uru-;i'.i. Tesdmnrtsja Pm gheo Baby wasalca, we pa r Ol aWrf. tVhen si. J was a Child. ! eistd for (WSSW, When sis) became Miss, she chms to 'uslon. t-heaahobadChlU-cr aboKavot'icraCiutona, Washington i.ettek v l'etti cor regular Corrtsjsnfleiit. A.shi.vgtox, June 19, 18S3. The president has been suffering from an attack of rheumatism for several days, which, taken with tbe knowledge that he has been dieting himself for s.ime time to reduce his flesh, which notwithstanding tbe enormous quantity of the hardest kind of work he corstantly does, has been increas ing, was made the foundation for numer ous sensational reports concerning his gen eral health Your correspondent is as sured by (hose who know that Mr Cleve land's "eneral health, barring the rheuma tism, is excellent. Ue expect, in company with Mrs Cleveland and baby Ruth, to leave Washington tomorrow or next day for bis Buzzard Bay cottage, where Mrs Cleveland and Ruth will spend tbe amex Mr Cleveland will return to Washington within a wek or ten da,-, possibly sooner. and will remain, making occasional visit to Buzzard s Bay until the last of July, when he expects to go for at least a months stay. Tne fact that he expxts to spend tbe month of Augu.t away from Wasbing- on effenally disposed of th rumored earlier calliog cf tbe extra session of con gress. a rumor that probably had its only origin in tbe wishes of those who have been here clamoring for in immediate extra session The coroner's jury a: nesvly completed its task of Investigating tbe Ford's theater catastrophe, and its verdict is looked for ward to with tbe greatest of interest It is well nigh certain that it will blame Colonel Ainswort.i for contributory negligence, if !.r nothing worse In that case the grand jury wi I probably indict Ainswortb for i&anslaughter. and its finding will neces sarily carry some weight with tbe army court of icqairy which will look into tbe matter this week. Col Ainswortb is still at tbe bead of the records and pension office of the war department, and. owing to tbe peculiar condition surrounding tbe position, would sti I i c tbe legal bead cf the office and continue to draw bis salary, even if be were suspended by tbe president, as be may be befcre tbe end of this meek A ins worth is a colonel in tbe army, bat be ba neither regiment nor command ; be is not in tbe line cf promotion and cannot be transferred to other duties by the president : and be is the only man in tbe army wbo cannct be. Col A in worth can only be re moved from tbe army by cour. martial, and so long as re remains io tbe army it is doubtful abetter the president ha author ity to appoint any other man chief of the records and pension offer, although be can desicnate another :rmy officer to perform jae duties temporarily A little political tinge ba been jiven tbe matter by she ap pearance of Senator Proctor a tke special champion of AicswortL. Although Sec Gresham will neither af firm nor deny tbe statecect that Minister Blount has resigned, those who know tbe intention cf Mr Btoant say it is true, and tbe presence of ffon Prxtor Knott, ol Ken tucky, in Washington, ba caused the be lief that he will be bu soccesaor. When next pension day comes around there will be om disagreeably surprised men. among tiose wbo will app'y for their checks at several cf tbe pension agencies throughout tbe country Tbe failure to receive tbe customary check will be tbe Snt notice these men will have that they nave bean dropped from the pension roll a a result of the examinaiica now being con ducted ly a select committee of examiners, of all tbe pensions granted under Raam's coastructioa of the act of iS&. Although this work ha just commenced many name have alreadv been dropptd and many core will follow. Tbe men who an? being drop ped by tai committee are not strictly speaking fraudutact pensioners, atth-.aigh 1 they have drawn public money to which they were not entitled. Ihe wrong was ommitteJ bv Rium in sn construing the law as to make them eligtb'e for pensions, and for that reason it not probable that any attempt will be made to re rover tbe nicney alresdy paid to those who hare been or will be dropped, as will be done in cases where tbe pensioner got on the roll by fraudulent acts of hi own. Twenty army oiiKers have been detailed, under the act of July UML to act as Indian agents. There was ccnriderable difficulty in finding officers rilling to serve, and the president did not care to dctsi! men for the dutv against their washes Tarsi) c C D Fndrick, I vrsrrk-ac e well known pho tographer. tadwav. Nev York, say- "1 risve ncen using ai'cikv s ror ous Plasters for ao veais. and found them one ot the Dev. ol lamuv meoicuies. Briefly summing up my experience, I say that when placed on .he small of the back Alleock'a Plasters fill the body with ner. vflut energy, and thus cure fatigue, brain exhaustion, debiity and kidney difficul ties. For women and children I have found them invaluable. They never ini tate tbe skin or caue the slighter! pain, but cure sorcthrost. toughs, colds, pain in the side, back or chest, intiigtstion . nj bowel complaints." W tvrw Tnsvellaa. Whether no tlsasSsaa beot. or business, ta on every trip a bottle of Svrop of Figa, it acts mst ptras-ntly and effectively oo the kidaeya, livvr at d liowels, preyrnting fevers, headache rd other forms cf rickncs For aa'e iu 50 seat and $1 latttes byal badii g diuggist. Tin: Noiitiikun Pvnm Raii.hovd Will Slash tiu. R.vti. ufficials of tlie Northern Pacific Railroad have divided to place low niti-s inioeffivt. Hiey will sell tickets from Portland to St Paul for $"Jo first-class, and make ixiriespnnding low rates to all easteni points. WOnd's fair round trip rates will be gn-atly reduieil. Tickets can lie utilized on either of their through trains. With of which will continue to carry the Pullman tourist upholstered sleepers. 'IV o trains daily without change. For full information and to secure your sleeping car accommodations, call on, or address A D Charlton, assistant general passenger agent. No. l'Jl First street, cur lier of Washington, orCtl Burkhart, local agent. Albany Oregon. Fortmiller A Irving have engaged a first c'ass upholsterer, end are now pre pared to upholster lounges, parloi sets, etc, In a superior manner. This will be a great cccommodation to thaw many cus tomers Strawberries morning. r L Kenton's ev ery Clean towels to every at VierccV shaving patlors, C'earance sale of all kinds of ba's at ldaM Brush's. Now is your time to buy. Viereok'a st aving ant hair euttinj par 1 or. Bit'i t Vie e -k 'a shaving and bir cu Uig parloi r. See tbe New 1 mi roved SI iger sewirg mi- chine. Tbe l ast ia alw a the cheap, t. J VVSowdeD.aa.cnt. OJicJ.t r M l-rnoi" The Oregon JLand Co Vitn it SALEM- - - ne Gray block, corner Liberty and M AKES a specialty of tjannyside fruit tracts near'Salero) Will Mil 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at 50 to"$60 ptr ere pmall cash payment long time on balance orparticuIars. TAE12t?HXD nn Ly Burkhart Eros. One oi the oldest Job Jrinting Offices in the State fhe only Exclusive Job Olce IN LINN COUNTY We have the Largest and best Stock of Printers' Sta tionery, it has ever been onr pleasure to offer the people. COME TO SEE US Fg:" Good. Quick Printing. T SWILEY, Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar ""he very latest .news is that you can buy at JXJIIU3 fi DWOSIa'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuckle's Coffee. Per Pound Cl'Jbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 ids Magnolia Sugar White 1 00 Mo. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90 I Gallons Good firm. l lO i Gallon No- 1 Syrup , .40 i i.. CTcdiKi a strict cash store, an-1 a!i goods will t sold for net cash ttossi i rr tnt ln than reg-i ar price. XTy stick of Ch:raware, fancy goods, ana tbj fsirmtle sy'.oa of (Ushev. as well as a general avajrtoaent of groeerioo, erock T, lamp sod flit ureal is complet. I maks a aawatstt) of fi i? Ui-, c3 and virj; powder, and always pl'asw toy customers, I ct er saver n sponsible i nan ranee ec upanies. JCallom 6rssJ srofal. ?ATR3HiZE WA l mm k MfRCHflNTS INSURANCE CO V Ibssay , itKAO, Freasdewt. J L COffAN. Treasurer. i Cnaan, Fs;mpwi, W F Read, D BMoawi'.h.M StarnrjergJ V? ,-u , i K Veal bertord, C J Stuart, i O Vn'ritssnan. LS0 DXSTtlCT AGETTS SOB 'J? several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies FORTMILLER & IRVING rndertakers T E KkET r aStaaOj tn I nd full lite c t n Ho ic. Iih i!,iicusU';u VV cvff-i. Also luiialictts ard sells, in 1 ntccioir., 'i : n fW which will be old at The Lowest Living Profits. EMC ALMITJG and Use proper care of tbe Jead a specialty. NO EXTRA CHARCfc FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC CITY BOTTLING CO., Wholi sale and Soda Hater, iders, sis. aire mid. I ron. Seltaer W, atrrit, n . clunl. ciivd OPPOSITE RUSS HOUSE NEW : FURNITURE, KMX SroRE KKOWfOLl OF FIRST-C1ASS FUBNITURK,C0NS1STUVG 1V1 i f bed room set, chair, lounges, etc., which I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Call on for barRsiis. -hi: ..K.ninu rnoTOURApacRS, e&" sikaar es home office ti - OIRIfcJG-OIISr- State stieef, branch office tn lVrthviv - INSTITUTIOKS. Oregon . J O WRITS 34 A.JC. Socr-tti Geo F SIMPSON. Vice Pfsns lat. and Eiubalniei's. RE ARSE OR SERViCLt, TEMPLE, - - OREGON RctailDeaiers in Birsb Beer, Saraapariila and Irou, Iron Wine. BM. us a tiial. A I R A M v no ivbunn 9 a wn,i Tbos Brink. Cabinet phj:os fro.n $1.50 to . per doafn. rnlaigof; p.ctur rS7wSm Specially i6xio crayoirfra Vfor Sioov. We -i- y'a -x -e ol .sxS and sterescop c view o