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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
EAST AND SOUTH, VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Kxpross Trains leavo Portland Dally. Booth wmm rclT 1, 1881, I Moctfc T:00r. a. I Lt Portland ArT:S5 an lOiSra Lr Albany Lt 4:23 a u gilt a a Ar .San Franolaco Lt T;00 r a Abase trains atop only at lol lowing station! n orth el Roeermrg. Bust Portland, Oregon City, W.od ourn, Salem, Albany, Taagont, Shodd, Halsey. Hal risburg, Junction City, Irving, Eugene. MIHIM MAIL, DAILV 8:SU a a Lv 145 r h Lt iMru Ar Portland Albany Roseburg Ar r v Lt I lt$u m ;Lt 7J0CA ALBANY LOCAL DAILY (SXCBTT Sl'SDAT) 00 r M I Lt .V r u Ar Portland Alhar.y liuxct. Ar U.S0 a Lt I 6:S0 a :10 am 8:00 am !: :08am Lt Ar Lt Ar Albany Lebanon Albany Lebanon Ar I 10 ?1AM Lt Man Arl :15r Lt t:S8r PULLMAf BUFFET SLEEPERS. Dininsr Cars on Ogden Route SECOND-CUSS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Threes Trains treat SUs sMTll. .... BBTWKKM PORTLAND ARB (ORUUIs, Mail rAi daut (Sxcept Sunoaj, T:SU A M 18:10 r M Lt Ar Portland CorvalUa Ar kv CSOr lit&S ra upm rasis dailt (Rxcipt . ILt I Ar Portland McMiunvUle 1 6.45 A tri TiclietH .it in th Rsatern Stvtes. Canada and Europe osn be obtained at lowest re tee from C freak, Arent Albany. .. KOEHLKB K P. ROOBRB. Manager Vss't O. T. and Portland OregaV. THE WEBF00T ROUTE o Oiegon Pacific Railroad. w ADLGV, .Receiver. TIME SCHEDULE, eacept Sundays.! LscTs Albany ll:SO r. M,jL.ero Taqnine. 7:00 a, a tUlUa l:0r... lT. nnaVkM Arri.e V equina. t:S r. .ArrlTe Albany, 11:11 A. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Points and San Francisco OCEAN 8TEA S.4ILIN6S TMoSaAa raajenco Willamette Valley, June 12th ilal, ami Sh faoa TaacntA. WiiUactU Valley, June 7th, 17th, asth and Ju y 5 . Tbo CompAnT -.wrvoe) tbe ngnt to "ng sailing datea without notice. i.VER HTKAMERH. Hoar" leaves PoiUand Wednesday.' and Saturday 6am, H C Day.Oen AfS ilm a S Ireet Wharf .Portland D R Vaiwhn, Gen Aet. Sn Francisco, Cel. R E Mulcahy, Uencral Sunt: From Teimir.alorl st Northe n Pad RaM Is the line (e tsske To a Points EAST and SOUTH It la) the niViffS It Throngli TE. AV KS TiCRIrlS ST. PADLafld CHICAGO: UO CHANGE OFICARS; Composed of Dining Cars Unsurpassed Pullman Iirawins; Room Sleepers Of Latest Equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CRS. Hoot t! at ra i be constru :!o I and ia which a onmodations are both Tree aud furnifibsrl for bolOers of First or H coo. I alasw ticketK, at il ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A COUtlOQOQS LiD9 G0ni8CtiiL7 witli al LiniE. affo-dini Direct an d UDinternipted 83rric3. Pullman 'tpor rnhervations ran bo werared in NdTHiien through any agont. o'the road. IIirtM'OII TICK EM to and f.omall points In Amwrica Eng'nnd an.1 Kitropn em lie purcbl at, r y t . -. '. i o' to cotr inny, y o i o r rsni n issannriilsiii rHtea.tiina Of Iftalsje. mii'm ill ot'i' Miiisfuin iahe I o i apj.ii -n n hi s ty ageSR or A It OA Kl.TtlN, ANsiaiaif a oiertl P wur Agent. . No I2l rirt , cor. W'aahlngton, Port' aim. "ie;on. C (l I'uikLar.. local agent. 4tPT CDLLgOIAK IHSIITUK ALBANY, OREGON 1891, 1892. leU rr.M Opeaeil MepiemtMir sir -At I corps of instruotora, CIA iStOAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY 'Mmh. ANO NORMAL CLASSES. Mnsa oi xtudv arranged to mentis all grailm n' students Kf il urn Mtmrnti rftrfil to ttndtnU . front .ibfiati. (tftCST 1 f-IIRRIT NOTICE OF FINAL SETfLFMEKT In Ro of ihe Z:' ! Andrew Kalaton, Dec'd. NOTICE MKb '.S3Y OIVEN THAT THE COUNTY onurt nt Lias ecaV.y, Oregon, h a died Haiurday Jcl 7863, st lbs i "f 1 o'c'ock p rn of said day Sal i Albany. Oregon, aa the time ml pl.e . be final account and settle ment of the -hive entlt'ed .state. Any (lersoos hsviu,' anv objettl. us .1 tin same are hcnliy aotifled to he prsjnl and present the seme. Dsted this tfih dav of June, 1S9.I, a P OSHOW, Jr Admiiiis'.rator. ... I AY 4 'H.rH' &. KASON s Al SSTAIU i.-jjij-rsaad Booksellers i tm for John H. Alden'a publications, w l U wi oe'.l a ptihlfsher'a prlnaa w!(k -. ' -s iixr.sjoa t REVERE HOUSE LB ANY . OREGIN HAS. PFMFFFK rHOPRIETOR EATHERTOBD ate a II AM- Attornsnet Lt. IvMI prailua w outs state, Siuitt i'.ti'.i i f.TM n iuUi,-i In pro b and to a leitl n. i"!Ji-luhi Flinn block . vv K BIILYEU Attorney at Law nd Solicitor In Chanoary. tlona made on all points. Loan! negotiated rable terms. Albany, Oregon Uoll Gr BO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, and Notary Pubiio- Will practice in all the court ot this ttata Special attention arlven to collections and matters in prebate Ofllc:- Vpatairs Mason-Twedale Block Albany, Ogn D. a . ii a 1 1 1 B aiKHMISi aft WATSON, II lex al miucriwlll recslve promp attention fflce r. O ld Fellow's Tsmple, Albany ,o wf.' WHITNEY, Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. jONTAMVB at H OSTAS VK sk HACKLBBAN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon AMES J. CHARITOff. AMonar-at-Law All leg.1 builneis". attended proaaptlT: FUNK'S Block, Albany Or D k. j. i. him.. Phycieian and Surgeon. OFFICE Comer Ferry street. Albany, Oregon D RS. MAHTOV eft DAVIS. Physicians an Surgeons. OFFICE Corner ec "id and Brcedaibin streets. Albanr. Or, Calls proai;oly Attended 1 citT and country: 1 V. t'H IJIBERI.US. M. !.. Hetneopathiat. aSpacUiat In dieeascs ol the Eye. Offlce beura 7 to fa at lulsn, and 7 U ir.g. A I ti t.Cregwn. CUSICK A Ct.,BABIKKRM Or A I. BANT, ORROO, TRANSACT a general Banking DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS en Mew Tork. San Fr eco and Portland, Oregwu. LOAN MONEY on approTad secorlty . RECEIVE deposits subject to cheek. COLLECTIONS nude on iarorable terms. INTEREST paid on tints deonatte B AUK OF ORBOOH. AL.RAST, ORROON. (asltal. ea. Vlce-Preeidenl.. K J UUCRTJN . I.i W PLAIN TranaaeU a mmm banaUna boatneea: Exchange bought and auM on all the priodpa dUns in the United States 1 also on England, Ireland Franee and Germany. Collections made at all an earl hie points on taw ble terms. interest allowed oj urns aepueita. FIHST NATION ti. HK. OP ALB AST. ORiOOS resident Tics Praataent Oaahier LFLISS S. E TOCJtO B. W. LANG DON rRARSACTS A GENERAL banking hoetoeas Anoomrra kept subtest to uheck. SIGHT EXCHANGE and u nphie transfer, M Hew Tork, San Francisco Chicago and V -.liana COLLECTIONS dADEon ta.orable K Tome E. w. LAswaea C L. gpVASS f . Sox. tmn co "ATIOIAL BASB, OF ALBA.NT. OB Ron. CAPITAL STOCK SIOO.OOP. aident.. 1 L COWAN. e-rreasdswt J at a ALSTON st fishier O A ARCB1BOLD. D aacroaa, J L Cowan, J M Ralston, W 8 uadd, W H G.dtra, J A Craword and O A Arch hold fRANS ACTS a ronerai banking bcatneea. DRAW Slum UBAPTS on Hew Tork. a ill ?-tlu i Oregon. LOAN MONET on appicred security RECK!VKdi"eat sub Met check. B IKS OF H III, rio, oino., eei-ient.. shier . T J Sim A J Jooaa W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE aoVVtp. Calf Shea In tha wnTM for tha Snow tj gins si ahouUJ VV. L. DOUBlnS atios aioao'cieToryw It la a yoojssslt to cot lb been valoei Boosamlae la voui lootwaar tr ptuohaunng w. L. DoualasShoes.whtcdi rapraaant Uw bast valua as tha prioaa aa stsstssafl above, aa thonamzuls can teeUfy. MxT Take No Substitute. Oft Beware ef f rand. None genoina without w. L. lADugnaineand price stamped on bottom. Look W. Im Daaglas, Brockton, Maas. Bold by --.V- L. R. HlaAIN. Star Bakerj or r ...1 . Salts ami Flrmt St- CCiNRAD MEYtR, PR3PRIEI0R. sjr-f-- .1 fru im. Mill SleRTet rs-j l Crui Tsb . SlIAtlf , I irr, Mt i'ismi. il . it ui ens vtur VegfaableM ignr pleee, Tets. tlr.. fac everytii. that ia kept in a goner variety and gnoccry store, Highest market price paid for IX KINDS OP PRODUCE ARE YCTJ a newt4sprr vr--pu"?iti r i r u '. voq liT ., r, author, artist, jrtlser? 'd in any . sfOUl OL i ' lh aSov-,? iu .1 fi. .I r y- a'. ut n pile. ! inn. Ns , VostK.S.T. w T fill MesEJShw no. , dntr ior Ihe cittmt TO FIND A DROWNED PKIiSON, What It Is That Attract the rnlrksllver in a Loaf. II U said theie ia id Infaliibla mean of discovering a body no matin how deep the water in which it lies. I will give an instance where It was uied: A gay party ot young people, ladies and genii -men, had been towing on one of New England's lakes when bv accident the boat was overturned, and all fell in the water. One of tbe party, who was an excellent swimmer, was en abled to rescue two of tha others, conveying them safely to the distant shore: but In re turning to help another, who was still sup porting herself upon the bottom of the boat, the swimmer became exhausted aad sank himself, to :ie t.o moie alive. It was a sad occurrence Indeed, and the gay summer guests who had seen the party tin bark on that bright summer day were changed Into a bind of mourners. Efforts were made for the recovery of the bodies, and experienced persons were grappling in all directions without success. The water was very deep and after several days of unsuccessful ex - periment tUe hope of recovery was about la be given up, when some one thought of ih quicksilver. A loaf of bread was secured, and some four ounces of qutckilltar having been burled In it, was thrown into the watei from a boat containing the searching party.. Ths loaf at once floated away, the boat following if, and in a short time It began to whirl about in a circle, and then sank to the bottom. Tlii-i wig the signal for renewed efforts, the grappling irons ware thrown out, and after a few efforts they managed to hook the clotlrng of one cf the drowned persons the gentleman that n.ade such heroic efforts to save the lives of o'hera at the cost of his own. In his pockets were found some keys, money, silver, which had doubtless attracted the quicksilver: Ano'her loaf charged in like manner led to the dis covery oi the othtr body, that of the lady, whose watch and jewelry attracted toil the same way. Had this agent been thought of at the time ef the accident, and with prapcr means of resuscitation, the noble young life might have been aaTcd. This simple method it may be of use to reKember, asactidents of this kind have been fnq aent E. When such soldiers as Geo McMahonaad Gen Slocum dechie that fully oe-thljd o1 the money raid for pensions is fraduleally obtained, and itat the present abominable system is protected front the indignant at tacas of honorable mejibeis cf th Grand Army by the iofluenc: in that organixalion of the pension agents, it is plain '.hat tbe Grand Amy should give attention to its in terna' affairs The oaestioo it mast now face is not w.u )h r It cao prcveai the re form of reasion abuses, but whether it can prevent distatisfacticu ia its oo rankfl. It has already suffered somewhat in public etesm by the way la whUh some of its potts have been used fj purely partizaa purpsses. it i ptoved beyond ail doubt that tens of thousand of unworthy men bum -re is bcua'y jumpers and no orious coward. are on the pen'ia rod to-day, and that erTjrts to get tReJf names tt'lcken off hive failed fn 'he Grand Army organi sation. That it a record that should be wipe.) o- and wiih f.roier energy and untieiJ act on eaa be. The t (under of the and Ihe pollution of the pension roll are facts now clearly and widelv known. The honorable men in ihe Grand Army tnuat recog.iiz: them and act on i hem The Giand army can become a mora! influence only by becoming a pension rerbtm organ ization. At a meeting of (he hoard of directors of the Republic Publishing Cosnr-aaj Cbaa Ii Jones, was iclicvcd cf Lis dutie as vice president and c iito-, and genera; contiol placed in the hind, of Chat les W Kr.arp For the list I wo yesrs Jore has bad a hard right with fiiends of ex-Guv David R Fran cis, who are itockholOere in ihe paper. Tbe noable broke out ..hen Mr Francis was a Candida r for governor, and tbe biearb baa never been healed. John D Penr, tlie father-in-law of Gov Francis, :'s undeis'osd to be directly interested in a big block of Republic slock. Mr Peiry ii a banker, amember of the Merciuma exchange and wa years ago president 1 1 the r.ansas Pactfi; railroad company. Etc sine.' Jones has been warring cn Francis Mi Pcnv hat b:en determined to have Jones' scalp. Mr Peny 2nd his daughttr, M's Francis, share th. opinion of the Migsouii public, regard lets cl otitic! sffli jation, that hid It no beinfor Jones' opposition Mr C'eveland would have put Governor Franclt In his cabinet . Ctpt West, in Ihe )ear 1610 loutrht Ihe present site of Richmond, Va, for some coppers " The Hutch Gjve'nor, Minuit, bought ihe who'e f M innatran island, lb: presen site of t r ci y of New York, "foe 6j Daith gilder," some of them b.inj of a doubtful metil. frd lial imore's Company bought thjui.ii I. of acres of file lan.!s for less thsn that number of gla's beads, in cluding a site of list city of Christiana, ''for which was piid one iron kettle of he big niss of five q.i i its or th.rratiouts " Roger Williams atlaRla Rhode Island for "40 f Atbotn f w)ii hea U, strung." ll his Oily ber-i 25 j yrars U i. spring since the site of N w llsvcn, Ct, was bought for 12 CJats of Kngl h c oth, 12 spoons of mixed men', 11 hoes, 12 hatchets, 1 2 porringers, 24 knivea and some French knic and spoons. Tne horse power ol the whale hss been made a suhject &l study by the em-nent an atomist, Sir William Tinner of the univer sity of Kdinburg, Scotland, in conjunction with the equally eu.incnt Glasgow ship builder, John Henderson. The size dimsnsiois of a great tinner a'rasded seversl years ago on the shore at I.ongii idy fur nishsd the neceisary lata for th; computa tion of the p-ir nccesssry to propei it st a speed of 12 miles p. r hiur This wha'e measirrd 80 fret In length, 20 feet scross at the (tinges of the tall, an 1 weighed 74 toas. To attain s speed of 12 miles r er hour it was calcalate l that 14 $ horse peer wag necessary In 1833, In a spe:ch in the house of rep rcsentstives, G.-n Garfield said that ihe pet -slon expenditures, which were then less thaii 30,0x1,00" per annum, were "swollen be yond all account," and that "mote haus were being pcrpetiu'ed on Ihe government by claim agents in different portions of the coi'itry than from almost any other single source." If General GarfielJ were alive toJav and lept-atsd such views he would be denounced as a ''yellow dog" by the repub licsd organs which assuir.e Ihsi the G 0 P his hmght aad paid lor Hie (J A R wlili pensions. Governor McKlnley says his bill will do tlie talking. Yes, we recollect that it did a great deal of talking In the campaign of 1891-2. Let htr talk. K. M. Pu..LT)j, loimerly of this city, has been appointed postmaster a' Weston, vice HI. b Wood reuioved. ' Dick," we shake. I U BUKI'HY. Mr Murphy's appointment to Hie office of district attorney forever sets lit rest all questions ay )o bis management of the late campaign in this state. The president has set his teal of approval on Mr Murphy's conduct, and ho was slrongly endorsed by Mr Harrity, who was personally cognizant of Mr Murphy's movements in the cam paign. It is no longer nn open question whether Mr Murphy did or did ne t obey the instructions of the national committee. Mr Cleveland and Mr Harrity are satisfied with his management of the campaign, and have rewarded him for his faithful obedience to the instructions of tbo nation -al committee. It is because Mr Murphy has lieen the subject of much nmrepreon Ution and undeserved abuse that we make this public mention of bis vindication. Mr Murphy's appointment conveys a les son that will be useful to aspiring politi- cians. it emphasizes toe necessity ior i maintaining strict discipline in the party organization during a campaign. Su- .. T. . . I " . premeaumoriiy must oe locateo .omewnere, and under our system of political manage- mem n is invesieti in vie vomsmvom i A ?a. J - 1 .1 - 111 which are selected for the purpoae of con- ( r , I ducting the campaign Alt questions of policy and expediency must be settled in , 1 ... 1 the committee room, and when a decision is reached it mutt be final and authorata five. Otherwise a party would become a straggling mob instead of an energetic or ganization. No matter what our individ ual opinions may be as to the wisdom er poliey of a movement, it will never do to allow mutiny in the face of the enemy It was just such a condition that faced j Mr Murphy and the state central commit tee near the close of tbe late campaign The chairman of the committee acted with decision and promptness in executing the orders of tbe national committee, and. not withstanding the discouragements that surrounded him, made a brilliant move ment, lt is for this that be has been criti cised aud censured. Petitions, letters, telegrams and remonstrances by the hun dred were showered in upon the president, asking him not to give Mr Murphy any recognition. The president took his time and gave the whole matter a careful in -ves tigation The result is that be approves all that Mr Murphy did and signalises his approval by giving him the best federal office in tbe state. We have no censure for those who d ffer ed with Mr Murphy and who thought him a fit subject for punish mett. They weie doubtless honest in their difference, or most of them were. There were a tea vin dicative fellows who are guided by no principle, but thought it of more import a nee to get Han Murphy's scalp than to promote democratic success. We iiave nothing to say about that class in this con nection. But the genuine democrats wbo hive bonest differences can now see that obedience to authority and an active co operation with tbe campaign workers is always the best w to secure a victory Keening TWjnu. WtlAT-S THE RATTSIR. v bat's tbe matter with increased wool importations and decreased prices for the home product :1 Tbe KcKinley bill, that was to be the great panacea to woo! grow s in this country, is still in force. Kvery pojnd of wool imported into this country hat to pay tbe increased duty provided for in that bill. Times are stringent and pur chasers of woolens are curtailing thtir par r 'in ere- tic wool is cheaper than aver, it liyitnen. in view ot an toese facta. shxiid wool importations incressc -p. lie Damocrat asks wool grower to Erst pet j all tbe above facts clearly in his mind an 3 ! .1 ...... il. mt iuuimc i urui siui .i: i . .v. . facts: The importation of wool for the tea months ending April. 30. t-'-'J was i.'i.'iCrsftVi pounds, and for the ten months ending April :. i898. it was 14t.09?.S4 pounds, being an increase of 2 1. 499.929 pyonds. notwithstanding th above facts. We are informed that a certain protection ist near this city has been disputing the I figures given from time to time in the Democrat on this subject We have only t say that they are official and we vouch ?r their correctness as I eing taken from tbe public records at Washington city. rtJE RIOIIT yowr. Hon 1 J Uscg, the newly appoint I , collector of custom, in an Interview pub lished in tbe Ttlepam, sat s s "I Consider the influences which brought me the appsimmtnt have been the Kfi -darsement of tb: representative men of the democratic f any of the stair; that 1 had tbe earnes support of Ihe eight delegates to the nationa ' rnnvention. tbe four drma cralir clectoia of ilie cainpaigt. of i89a, a majority of the members of ihe drmocra'i; state central commiller, practically all of 'he democra ie inpm'eri of ihe joint ars sion cf the state legist .tore, as well as Ihe leading lepresenla ive democarts al over the state; and alto a most the ough in dorsemeni bv ihe business men of the state. "I Iiave rothlng to say in regard to Raj policy aa 10 the administration ot the office further than that 1 sha! try and merit the confidence of the people mho have u-ged my sppointment by endeavoring to rnmage the business of the office wit!, a view to a good and efficient publU. service. "I do not belong to any faction in the democratic party, and I shall endeavor 10 fill the sub positions by appointing men la them with a view to competency and s good federal service " '1 he Furmrr'i Jonmni, speaking of ihe appointments cf Black, Grady and Murphy saws: All these gmtlemen are known to he Pennoyer democrats; and no matter bow touch the democrsts make faces itcch other they al! go to bed together on 1 lection night. Now the truth is that Mr B!ack and Mr Giady were both original Cleveland a Iher ents nd were not "Pennoysr c"emociate'' at all. Kvery man in Oregon who haj b:en paying attention to national politics knew this to b: true, and how ihe Jorna passed over the period of the last pt essen tial campaign for the nomination and elec tion without finding out this tru'h puulei us. A reader of the Dkmocrat wants to know if it is not true that somo wool pro duced in tne United Slates is cxpoited to foreign countries. Yes, for the ten months ending April 30, I Soil, there were exported 2,251,460 pounds and for the co responding period of 1893 there wsreegpottej 3,01 2 61 1 pounds. The number of gas and electric lamps required to illuminate New York after nightfall ti 28,000 The streets lighted are 528 miles in length, the parks lighted cover 66 acres and the piers 2 miles. The whole cost of keeping ihe ci'y lighted ft $800,000 t year. It is probably not known to the genersl nnhllc that sll the names placed before Chi nese shops and laundries sic falae. Kvery Chinaman In business has a "shop name" sid s .'prlvste name," ani by the lstter he js known orly to his family and Intimate at i ; .inland's. There will be 14s new faces in the next congress. Of this number seventy will be democrats, sixty-nlns will be republicans and three will be from tbe third party. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A statl Wrrk. Bufki.o, New York, .fune 14. Five men were injured, one fatally, and 20 cats smashed in a wreck cn the Nickel Pla'o road at Hamburg, abaut 4 o'clock this morning. A freitrht train of IJO cars wat coming down the grade when it broke in two l'he brakeman was not aware of the fact and the engineer did not ntop until hu reached the foot of the hill. The 10 run uway cars came dashing down the grade at KM rate ot bO miles an hour, there wus a frightful crash when they struck the for ward mv! ion and the cars telescoped and piled up to a height of 25 fit-t . follllral Talk. Washington. June 14. Jeff Myers, of Lynn county, und a colonel on the staff of Uevernor IVnnoyer, succeeding Colonel Miller, had himself largely indorsed by the democrats of Oregon for governor of Alaska. He lied indorsements in the treasuty department as an applicant for collector of customs at l'ortlund. Dan Mu'Phy m?Je the bardest possible fight he could for him. even trotng so far as to try anJ mn, Harritv-g" gUpport in favor of Myers. Harrity said no; that he had hard nnnli..U . 1. A II Rf .....I... Iimii... U'llk 1 wwayi wvn w si le Ppwwnt. ana mat wuruny naa ueuer ifliii hid nnliHi iJI.iiiti.iIi I r hl i.Al'n 1 tlkii Liu aIonl officials of the treas- . - . . . - ury department said today that aiurphy was very much disappoited over Black s appointment, for be bad been working tooth and nail for Jeff Myers. A rreaUlar Case, Ku'JKNti, Or, June 14. A strip of land i 34 feet in width surrounding the public i squares bus for years been occupied by business houses for tbe erection of ware houses. Tbe title to the land is not clear, I al L. :a ; .:-.J :a .1..11 .1.. L tZ 1 i . - Z . es pay nothing for tbe use of the ground . ' i . l j 1 . . . . . i- anu in oruer m n-we ui mauer oi nut? the property owners occupying the strip have been notified to vacate tbe tame, and a test case is to be made at once. A Terrific t rienr. I'ARKERsut'Ho. W Vit, June H.-Mrs Kate Kirch. Uvioif IK miles from here. having- lost her reason, poisoned two of j her children, threw two others into a well. . and then kiHed herself. She tried to kill ) her eight children, but four weie saved by 1 the desperate struggle of ber i4 year -old daughter. Tbe family were in good cir , cum stances. All five are dead. TSffsnlo) Rare Gokdor. Neb. June 14. The first cow boy in the race to (.'bicagi passed through here at noon today. The other nine put in ' an appearance during the afternoon. Geo. A Jones wraa tbe first. Doc Middle ton sec and, I'errv thi'd. and Ikniglas fourth. The men and horse, were apparently in escel ent condition. i eastderawlf said -nrmui. Wash. June 4 UC Pitcher, of Swank, owner of tbe famous "Klacd" claim (here, came to town this morning bringing four pounds of gold, in eluding three lane nuggets, one of which weighs one pound. Two pounds of tbe lot was fine dost. The lot is the rrult of a four weeks run. Haafc Taagaa Bead Pexduetox. Or. June I.V Hank C Yang ban died this evening from tbe re -sulfof as accident. He had been lying in a semi comatose condition ever since This afternoon Dr MeKeniie. of Portland, as stated by It? Vincent. Smith and Ciuyon. performed a surgical operation upon him. but he never rali'ed. and died at '. o'clock this evening. Te result ef the operation showed that his skull had been fractured, and 12 cr more pieces of shattered bone ; were removed. A aiage Sla4 I p Jai ksos. Csl. June ; The atage from lone to Jackson was stopped by a masked man tonight four mile from here. Mich ael Tovev. Ih We" Is -Fargo Tovev. tb e h i argo messenger was shot dead, and Clinton Radciiffe. tbe drivsjr slightly oundl. Two horses wee . thot and had to l left on the road. There ' was treasure aboard, but the highwayman trot nothinir. as tbe statre bo'ses were mgnirnei ami ran "'tctai cunirei uiui t : .a. 1.1 . a: ; S a road. leaving tbe standing in He msde eff into tbe brosh in a direction. sojiueri. r,aa.itfs'. fraMivS lair San FRtscisro. June 15 - A delesraUoD of the state board of trade called upon Mayor Kllert today, and a consultation wmjud with reference to uolding a worU's commert ial fair in this city nest fall. It was decided thai Ihe mayor shall call a meeting of ctiaens. o Z Ol nex t Toes- day evening, to onsider Ihe niaJter. ,, ai!im;ton. Jane IS. The president has refused to appoint civi'ians aa Indian agents, and insists that the law authoris ins; tbe detail of army officers at agencies when Ibey become vacant shall be carried out. Fourth class postmaster were appoin today for lyreiron aa follows: M apt u a in Clackamas rountv. Barton Jack, vice Me- ,,le' ' tliswa A Hartroan. removed: Prinevi i . 11.'. umuii. I .A awir. I ' . 1 en jt iiv . 1. L ,.!- u s si . ! 11.. am, iruiuitu A Sew STaasat 1 -. . , t,--. , I ...... IS TU-... T nttedeo. the Cntted State, consiil-ircneral ' a ... - - k.,vi, ' .. m ... , UVUM. here. ha. been offere the ot of mi ninister 1 n..i t,, lo Kawati. He wa - at first ioriined not to accept tbe mission, bo' be is no :. -1 i sring the matter. Berlesta Tareats UMHia Ind. June IS. -The Frsm ers' and Merchants' state bank at Faira mount (.rant county, has closed, tjuite nututier of farmers threaten to use. dyntt mite to blow up the bank. It Iias a tiaid i op capital of .'0.000 a Sew I atirrsliy Bal Jlag I'liiii-er tlsiwc lon-a if. - I'l, a attaaassa ' of this . ity held a meeting tonight, and sub! ri wsl Sl.'WO. Uie remainder of the fl5.WJ tiecesaary to insure the erection of the new building of the IV-ihc university 1 he struct tire will cost ( si.t.'xi It MM .anownasMar.h Memorial hall, in honor ' of Dr Marsh, the first president of I lie uni verssty. v hr died some years u.'i. Tbe remainder of the $-iO.O00 will l? siiWrilied by the ci isrns. tbe alumni and sasSstR parties. A Ssbis'i -a aide Ash land, lr, June lfi. Hertie Matbew coniuiitte-l Suicide by cutting her throat with a rur.or at 9:IW o'clock tonight nt the Dept ht I. John Clark, a locomotive engiiir.-r n tlie .Viuthern l ucilic Hallway, says she a.kad him for money to pav her j board-bill. On his repl ing thr.t lie had j none tonight but would let her have some , ; in tbe morning, she asked for his pistol, i j and when refused gnvped n razor and 1 ut I I two gashes in her throat. Hoasr Mare astplalaaral Wasuim.tox, June IC- The president today made the following appointments: iieorgi tv .inaeriin, .or:n t arounn. depu'v third auditor of the treasury ; J H I Kolibins. receiver ot public monevs. i.i tirade. Or: Richard I lager, postmaster at Iiswiipg The appointment of Koubms today for receiver at LaUrande was a turn down for Murphy. He snd Markley had recommended tieorgo U Small, of llakei City, editor of the Democrat. Among the appointments for Indian expected to be made are: Boniface llrentano, at Grand Konde; W L Powell, of Seattle, ut Neah Bay. W arii: Lewis T Irwin, at Yakima, Wash, ami Joseph Robinson, ut Not Per ces, Idaho. A Bo Vi lib Intl.nast Pknd'Ikton, b June If! A row oc curred en the Cnintillu reservation be tween mixed bloods this afternoon, in vhicn Nick (jhnngeraw was shot in the nrmy by Edwnrd Kilson. It is claimed that for a long time KiUon has been a disturbing element in tihaingeraw's do mcstic relations, and this afternoon called at Ghangcraws's place to got some clothes belonging to Gbangoiuw's wife, who i living apart from her husband. A quarrel enmed and Kitson d'ow his revolver and shot (ihangeraw in tt-o right arm. (ihan- Seraw returned the lire with his left hand, ut without effect. Kitson is still at large, with the Indian police on his trail to hunt him down. Oat Of Sight The traveling public are now fully gliva tolthe fsot that the Chiaag", Uuion Pacific & North-Weftern ifne often the very best sooommodstinus to ths public from ar.d to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate pointa, not only durins the World's Fair, but all tha year round. A WOMASft'M TO.XGI'r. The DBHO RAT li;t.s heretofore mentioned how a Mrs Rerier or Carter, married a man named Snyder, in I'ugene, and was arresUMl for bigamy by another wife in Cal ifornia. The trial took plate at Sarititf'ni,, California, and tint pauper there ways the foliorrinO was some of Mrs Carter's testimony: Pale with indignation she turned on oiijuer itiiu said : ) on are a nice one you are. to deceive lor lonely me. You told me that von buried your wife in Springfield. Win did you (letteivcfniey You scoundrel I hope they 11 give you live years. Where's your tine library 1 V lien' k all that money 11 A you said yOR had ? I hope that you'll rot in prison, you old villain, and stay there tili the rats oat you up. How nianv more wives have you got, you old fraud ? ' 1 wi.-h they were here now." I suppose you've got dozens of'em ull over the country. Heaven bless the men. I 'm glad 1 kept my ranch, or you'd got that. too. You rail yourself a ( 'hrislian ! A nireold Christan you an;! you'll go where pray ing won't do you anv irond. Hades is full 01 sum 1 iirisiiaii ax you are. vviiv iinin t you tell me the truth? Why didn't you, j you old liar? j Baca men as you ought to l hung, lt . I I. , II T .... ... .. woulilii t lie a crime for such men ;u you to U- killed. 1 on re got a New 1 orker after V MAT . P . Ma twm -mw l vi B.t1M im Ar, a mJt. 4 e a nr . ,11 a. 1 ever Ue.eive.1 me ami don t you forgi-t. von doubll-dyed villain. I've got revolution ary ma in my veins, aim KjWMM now. Although the room wits tilled with men they let her do al the talking, while Snyder mn srhfWa 1 1 lusnivitli I It.-, t .!, .,1. asm aha t .1 wiie-ed Un.eaih the tongue-lashing she ad- minisRertM to nun Tiir. ri blm itIMM (iniiluatint: CMKtei WiH occur on Fri- dav, June 'i. when the fol'mvin - nrocxajn will bresented: . lnstruinental Mtiric, Miss Joicc ilrownell Invoialion. Rev. C. 0. Harmon. AddnTSe. Stlpt. (I. F. ItuKsrll. Violin Solo, lhivid I iottlieli. lUsay. Tlie S-v.-n Wonders of tin? 19th. t'entury. lMliert A. H.-am. Kav, A Hide Across the t'ontinent on a Cloud. Nellie!'" III. dgett. h-ation. Dnpfgal Stitches. Z t'roabv. Valid Musir. solo. Lillie Farrell. 1 'ration. The Fate of the dian. Aila L. Flicklnger. Ameriran In- 1 trafion. First Stejw. Margturiti kin.. K tyaiay. Stonewall Jai kaun. N. ('rare Love. Kssav. Tlie Vounir Autborew. Kdssi A Miller. Musir. ..Jo. Iley. K. K. Prirhar-l. KsaRy, t len . W . T. Sherman. IJVni jamin F. Kreee . Y. ay. Drifting. Martha A. Risley. Fjiay. Uen. Ibal. Sheridan. CtansM B. Sefilemier. BbrMT, School life, t 'ora Shupp. Musir. sob,. 1' Ii H.irt H-a: I 'Li ffistey. K.-j1mii '. Thorn p-, son. Lhuv. tKir First Naval Ib-ro. Kit a J. Wheeler. Kwsay. Irtim to Ijl. r an-l Wait. Prtark A Woods. Kssav. Hjok at Companions. Anna M W..m4l. Mu-ir. solo. W. S. Thompson. Valeilictory. Maivtirvitr Hopkins. IV t.tatt--!. of diplosnas. Hon. J. K W.-jiherford . Music instrumental. Matvl Hulburt. ut nrni 1 ei The busanets huti anil property owners witnin uir r.r- nniiti. 01 use citv oe Airsanv should well ronsi.ler W.irr signing a ji - I l: .1 - , : 1 . . 1 : turn A'ktng tbe city . -un-iS to takr rertaan bks k. and parts of blorlrs out of tbe fire limits. A peuuoa SB trial men was enme- uawanprstwea to ine couikii. anu to aurertain what effect such an order would have on fbe insuranre rates, t'ountilman Mem an was inlmc!e.l to write to she hoard of urvlerwritrr The following answer was received by Mr. C. H. Stem-art. .hair man of the committee on Fire and Water. ,,t asiaaiae taaaM St Fhiscisxh. Mav 17 I C H- BrstWARTr, BsO . Dear's: I note Toor'letur of Mav 12. r.--.nlT.i..A. si, ,.r i "i..i ""rring to a petition presented to tbe citv ' coore il of Altsinf. asking that Kk Sam. .v ami .e-haJf of o. t . Uken out of 1 the fire limits Sllrb Ss4a.wi,l result in ami tivrrat in Isrirv" -a SlTS t. ?. lm5'U ' . ' '",T5 - BM ..iV". Aff, . !' "r, .i."! " u V,": yL , "?Vri PS Lat from LHSSft- xJftT ' i- w" n,-. ,, il-i u.. A Salem paper has rrarne.1 the following j Montehh A Setinbach hate the foitow-al--nt the Job failure: The assagnw of the 1 'ns advciisc-rsenS in the Spokane i snspenitoil iawk of Hamilton. Job A Co. at J Chronicle ; Sensattonal. The entire stock 1 Corvallis has not yet tinisbeil his work of ' '-he Vs hUe House f. effered lo t. e pub-'hi-iiring up the a-esete an.1 liabilities. Irot it I'lc at cos;. Everythlrit roe. from a ea. , 1 is reiiaoiv repxunevi tnat t.r estimate is ! ITS si IWK1 !-..... s, UK o.;-. I, 1 IS said tbe aawicne- think- be can ls.iv is ' per cent of the liabilities in thirty days "and percent more in thirty .Lav" thereafter ; and that he can wind up the Uisiness writh - in a year. It t the ts-lirf of dber how- evr. that not more titan jut tent will ever Is? realised. There are various theories s , . . . .. . ? WDT lT . 9 .W ",.,"p up"" certainty I ney re- 'viteii i:.m-.v .i.-iiit-riArlit up to the time, of closing, when they must have known they wvre insolvent, ami. if so. they should be m.ute to suffer for this. m 1 Only A Small Blakb. Just before! n-n a di.pitch iwss rent frorr. Jefferson. ; king immediate aid from the .:bany I fire departmen. as the saw mill was i burning, and the railroad bridge was The Oregon Visitant, of Tangent, corn in danger Soon this was countermand- ; plains because there k .!..., ik-i I etl. Meantime Ii was reported that the! who!e ci.y was burning, causing general i ixcitement When the tacts were learned. ! I P a je only a mail quantitv of aa adust and refuse at the saw mill, but as , . ., . . . 'j- the wind was blowing hard, a conn agra . . ., s lion w as feaied . The flames were c . Ll-J " The raRn sil K....I , , I Rov BriiA-n. ,e of the soung men mho rac-d across toe iVillame'te recently, j came lo Albany and gave himself up, ; facing a fine with costs am unl'iij j about tj.s. rhu-suav afternoon the tie officers for ! Ihe grand lodge of Oregon see elected j J for the rn.uing year aa fo lows : Grandmaster, of Port-1 , land ; deputy grand master. .1 D Cliffrrd, rf I'matilla; senior grard warden, Philip Met.chyn, of Sa!m; junior grand warden, W II Hobson. of Stat ton ; grand lr '-surer, DC McKelcher, of Portland; grand sec retarv, S F Chadwlck, of Salem Ta a,n n) ssm .raels R 'gsidieg II co.!'. Ssnaparita'a t.s people who tile this meiliciv r ic .t j teuton., n s often published inthispapt Tny w. 11 o tuvinots y-n lhat Honda enrs 's I'i li cuteci'nittiitt:oi. M aria's Fair Trmrrlr ra Will Have II The public demand through servio when travel in.-, ia old-fashioned to -Change Cars." On the .hrough, 'olid vcstibuliid trains of the Chica; , Union P-c.fto North Western lane from or lo Cbioage. Omaha and intermediate- pointa there is to hange, Thit ia the lines" snd fiitett' set tee between thr poiiita namrd. Will it Stark, th' jew: In- Any in'rrmitn.11 OfitieeilitrR gvvernmsitt land for aettlers may I e nbtaisksd of T M Mortisoii, ith Currati a MonteitK AMnny, Oregon . Ourapring wupt hsva emi 'a. id on 0 of their latu srrival w I. stall rair.e 1 with thi smallest pcsilble n;a.-. 11 Tfca Ladies lisztlr. MARRIED. CR.YDPtH'K WILSON. -At the home of the bride's grand parent, near Soda ville. Linn county, Drogon, June 1, 1898. Mr. I . l . v nuldork mul Miss Julia 11. Wil son, both of Linn county, Rev. J, H.Brown omciiiung. BORN. TONER. At Yaquina cily Thursday J une sixth to the wife of W M Toner a son , weight It pounds. The live W F express messenger. Hum: a sn abroad aa em wiil celebrate the 4th of July. Louse I the name of a creek In South ern Oregon. The CorvalUa Carriage Fac'.ory will be opened under a receiver. Only a email crowd went 10 Iudrpen dence on the excursion today. Str-wberrles today were being sold for C bccs for 25 centi. Several new gardens bsv.. increased ihe competition. Ciilng Wa, a Eugene celestial, was sen tenced to the penitentiary for five years for burglarizing Ihe house cf another Celestial. deal of boslne. .1 . I?" d0i,'!S Kd ' m nm bv th mvriads of mirrors drew ds n s,ge P i . - t l "Vh" reM "ut hi" han, the darkey in the week 111. , ?b t bnk ." feW 1 1- it "-' "b to the amusement of hi weeks ago notwi'haia.idlnc afirr hmi. : u - m . . . . tli.iti. m ...... i i ,i ? o . . . iiauonlie wa! told thtbank was all right j iic was sausnca someil.ltig was out o ( place. The Hull A- Beck placer, wiihin slit , milea cf lhi city, Is illently making a for ' t. tune ior us owners, iast week 100 ounces of duit were brought In and on Monday 223 ounces more were laid down on ihe bank counter, the two deposits being the 1 reeult of a four months' run. Orant's 1 13 rl a 1 ass C The i' of Salem 1 cided to build a stone church . have de- model F fmpeilal Sicycle No. 6107 ! was stolen in Portland veiterdav, and it Is j thought is on its way op the vaflev 1 . J ' 1UI1 Ot the hand, r f the Orrmn ritvi woolen mill hi.. hn t'.t -- -- - v.. J' i wauuiii of tic dullness in trade, having a large quantity of unsold goods on hand. A new Inco ooiu la ,h. rv...iii Hotel Co.. M M Wilkin. I ssy iawL ,j H W Dunn, . kt a, I e . - ,. . r a- 1 $40,000; will build a hotel at 4rvaills. I The Albany base bat! club returned to i thj cily last night, giving up the second game on account of ihe small crowd. ' Tliey play at Oregon ciiy toroortow and Sunday. Dii circuit court cf Benton county ; his been petitioned for an order ! on Receiver Hadley to pay Jim Westfall ! $S.7i8.ryo due on Chinese la xr from the old management . Wm Al float wants J,247 for ten months aalarv and Wa! is ! 1 - . - j Nssh $2,500. I It is said Lhat Han a Vaughn . f V matiHa ? d- ltl eiung.the graduating exer-Hop- j comitj will probably die. He is suffering cl l" opfu,r Pra from . Wonil rtr., - ,i,. k,.i i . projnAUi will l.e 'a good one. j the fall from a horse in Pendleton . Phy- ! sicians have been summoned from Port , land. Lut it is no. probable that he can be resuscitated Thee is now no msrxet at all foe -t '. V." B Donaco has bought some this season, pawing at first 15 1-2. then 14 1-2. then I 3 11, but he received orders on Monday , to buy no more at any pi Ice. Tifa will ore a hardship on rraov. Lehanon Ad- he C K Soauldmg lowtrine camo which has been located at Peoria, will move to Albany in a few days or. account cf low water. As soon as the wa er fills a liule more it will again be moved close to Salem. All ihe logs of 1 his camp are shipped to 'he Otisgpa City paper r.d pulp mill. The third aaaual ass mV.v of tie Ure- gon Chataaqa Association cor. veers a! do tlataop beach. Jtrly 9 tor s -ess ion of cl 10 davs Mr Earl Rare wi.l hare charge of Uie hotel . He has kindly con tented to admit Chalauqusns and their visitors at Ine low rale of $2 p r dav dur ing the session of Ite asaamhn . 1 et-terday a! Corva! 1. Wilter T nits, . asaigneeof ihe cirriisre factory, fiied his LmJ .... c . . ... . bond for $t'i,ooo. Cnon i:s approval b the clerk. J R Brsson. ihe company's at uwney, 100a me train lor r-uger.e to get an oruer irotn ine court atiowtrg the a- signre 10 open the factory and t motor a lew hands sufficient 10 complete tbe work now in process of construction, which ..1- j der was received by wire last evetlog. A sta'e dental society was organized in Portland Wednasdar nigh!, wi-.h the fjl ioaing cfBcers. amort? whom will be no. feed a coup!- former A Ibany rcuos men Preaident, Ur 8 J Barber. Portland ; vice-pressdenl. Dr O E Smith, Marshfield; secretary, Ur ? T Taie, Po- land; Ueasur- : er, lr v iiiiam Roe; .... Portlard. Es eculire committee- tlr IV V H.- Eugene; Qr E G Clark, Poniard. Dr L Lane Pnrtlsrwl I ... Jack Lemons, who r.sid.d In Atbsnv at i c Ume- ,nd -!1 ! on xoo-i, of r.U ,vwt s-.l remembered - of Aetoris wh-re he b running a ' lunch -agon He seews.lo have a col ' petttor. walih w. -m h U Hnairsw news- I . pwer war. Ja-i. icfera to Mm as , rwg fe ' Oregon ainsut fjftj sears ago, and cer- "inly nas as many rtgh's as anv man m ne sta'e i' pws o a sua c- -s . reserre NC4h:ntf ai-hh.t I imi ki. 1 startling offer is trade n the interest of those of our community ; '-he recen: ftn, ! Everybody lake advanu wno nave suner . w upheaval. lagecf it. The Oregon Pacific has paid off for . Mav .1 hi i 11. A game of herrii was being p.ared i on u league e. giou.ids this af ernoon he tKrrn ihe VilTj .. ... , me tea and college club. su ,-xv,, . maian Medicine t-o. are now at Woodburn. Dr Love of this cftv we understand is doing the lecturing for T. ass & - .. ... . iiawamwamn . Our voqng men are getting up a pkkeil bsl'. rjne and wish to pl.y the bes' c'ub (ha can be found outside of the ieague clubs. Mill City Gszette. crossing thiough the ditch in the first I araid, showing how deep the water is awj ... ... . . .1 I .JZZLSZ w .TI ..r s h ?"r ', "".,.1. ,r"uT': ?ul they mere higher than the rilv. wisnedtO' .. ,K-1 ..1.1 .- . s. i 1 pai, the lowest being at 7 per cent, hence I . I -.v ..... ,e.i. Pliitotuaib band came to A. bans- this noon, and wi'l furnish music for the excursion to atjuina bay tonight, at 4 :3o ! 1 . -- r . .. 1. in : loiiiaM r.' Iravtnar (at Vaijuina Ihia morning al 5:45 with the argrst cargo of frelgbi ever brought In ' one load lo .he Bay, and f ry six piasen gers. inc!ud:ng a number of the mercantile i partv. Robert Woodmartsee, a It, yearold Sclo i boy scirt to the reform achool. es-; cised and returned to his grandmothers j Wev rctdsy morning ; but an officer call si for him the ssme dav. Spe-king of tlie Oakland lire, the Rose- burg Review sas Misses McLaughlin tz Duncan were insured for 500 In the ; Farmers & Merchan's of Albany, and having saved part of their goods were a'- ! lowed $3?o. t.ast evening at the monthly meeting ot the Bnildl.i a Loan association Mr Henry i;s..n vv., ti: highest bidder, offering months interest In advance for $aooo Mrs . Train has been sworn In as direc tor, to succeed II Fsrwell, wht!ias re signed. ... . At a corgregatlonal meelina of the membera , I il,. rs j.u. i 1 c J! ll ll,e t-hristlan church Rev. v. vs. i uner. who has served a year, was unanimously elected pastor for another year. Rev. Welmer and several of his congregation are In Turner attend ng the annual campmeeting. Speaking of the commencement exer cisesat the Willamette University the Journal as. Mr N M Newport, ' A M .... a, enrage 1 he Making of a Nalion" , as his subject. Tbe justness and power of ! the argument, careful preparation and for- I ctble made the ora'lon very VAV.rikCU,, Sanger A- Lent's cnormriis teated titan, as the show bills call It, will be wllh us at Albany. July 4H1. Most evervbody en joys a visit to the circus, especially when one of the character and general Interest that Sanger Lent's great shows possess, makes Its advent. It is said that from en trance to exit it is a source of wonder and delight. Tip Humphrey, of the Jefferson Re view, writes up a temperance address, as follows: Miss Rose Trumbull delivered an interesting temperance lecture it the M. K. church Wednesday night. From the familiarity she shows in the matter one would think she had been "oudt mil der boys" a few limes herself. She Is an earnest, convinc'ng speaker. Uuarnnteetl to euro Bilious Attaoksaad Constipatlou, Ml Ulle Uv.ujr. to Newport at 6 o'clock. The steamer Willamette Vil er arr.ved Misrrre. The Malem Statesman calls the Northern Pacific agent in Portland a long eared donkey. The Statesman is never more happy than when appareling one with ex tended appendages on the tude of the heart. An exchange has discovered that the present dressmaker's device of the balloon shoulders was denounced as long ago as the time of Ezekial, that prophet having issued this solemn warning: "Thus saith the I)rd God: Woe to the women wlto sew pillows to all vmholes." It is reoorted that one of the Alhnnv . a .... v 1 . ... i i l i "".no., me iriTitieinan lias not yet re- turned hone '-ant v an visiine lias again Ijecn iiavr.g family troubles in Portland. This week his wife who "left him" again recently has been annoying the police of Portland with her domestic troubles and appealing to them to find her two children who she savs the liad man has stolen. Van Alstine, Tom MrNary, and Major Headley, ought to be shook up and mixed into one man and then . ...... . . . treaiei in a goui cure entaijii-hroent for ten years with-ut a recess. The fact that items like the following are j iroit'K th rounds of the Darters is aott ! cant: Aflianv Wrw.Ln milU vLi..i ' ! eI the contract for stiriolrincr the ncv.- tin . , rr wt ' 'otto for the national guard has raptured i another prize, having been awarded the ! eontract for supplying blankets and other woolen goods to the I 8 Indian department n cmpetition with the whole Cnited ' 're'n.n woolen manufurtorieii are ' com bag to the front. It east about eVM.OOO. it i said, to rove Dr. Brigirs a heretic. I Count Tolstoi, will probably Tisit the i World's fair. All other rurioeites will sink : out of sight if he does. 1 1 1 I: 1 -1 . . 1 r "ir puoui m u's.i noKe:. one weea rrom 10- We think times dull in the V. fi. : but in Samoa people are so hard np that the fe . males ot the royal family take in washing I from the warships anchored in the harbor ' at Apia. Tlie Salem Journal i gs-aing hightoned. i Evidently referring to one of the home . papers it says; "The Journal will not ex change with an editor who is a fool, a liar, and mean too." ( - n-i.lerii.ic comralaint made alioat ; hoy. shooting birds wiLt toy shot gun, : 'hae man reports four nbins and other oirus sutieu in ui yarn. t 1 - I 1 - . - . This is erne! and ! imneoeasar' sport, and should be stopped. After all Oregon makes somewhat f a 1 frry sbs- has b adl riirtiA Now . ne i using a iu in use :zn?TW An "2 pemnd salmon frozen :n a of ice 1 is the center of altraction. A boll fin seal weighing l.Vs) rxmn-U. caught off Qk Citv. ; also attracts attention. A Clttengo paper says: I fse vanoo- .tte emitnU at the s World's fair form an eminently useful ob- I- .- .. . . .. ject lesson as indicatiTe of the material re sources of tbe several states and the nr gresm made by the trc: tin-it- in art, sdrni-es SRsi manafgftures. Not the least attract- i . ive of these disoLars is that made br the ' state of tesTon. tovenng an esteassrsc . territory which enjoys every variety of di- uisir aiKi stnuinwaAire. p.-ejiHesi.iiiB: a re- ntswRatdy rruitrul soi?. traTcrv-i t v :r. : rivers, having a diversified coast lice with many harbors. Orgrn posses in herself ; : . everything nei-esscarv to mate ber a n. h S rwerfol rorctutinity The ehadotm that fill tout life, if you're a feeble, suffering woman, can be taken oat of it. Tbe chronic weaknesses. fnnctinnal slssrajanasi tw enit nsin. , . V. I - 1 I II I n 1AMAIS fiften 1.. tA enn. . n - f ol disorders peculiar to voux sex, can be taken away. The one unfailing remedy for them ia Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It corrects, carets, and builds you np. It improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nerve uncsvS, brings refreshinir" sleep and restore! health and strength. For periodical pains, , internal inflammation and ulcera tion, weak back, lencorrhea, and all kindred ailments, it's a positive spe- cific one that is guaranteed. If ( it fails to give satisfaction, in anv case, tne money paid lor it is re turned. The great, griping, old-fashioned pills make trouble. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets prevent it. Their's is tbe natural way. Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, Indiges tion, and all derangements of the Liver, Stamach and Bowels are pre vented, relieved and cared. Small tat, cheapest, easiest to take. DR SAKDE1T8 ELECTRIC BELT UTfSTPATtHTS WITH fUJTRO. BEST IUCNETIC SWKKSOSr IMPHOVfUENTS. j w IT m W, .Sei a. rsssltlsa ftsw ' tsssis sf Snis. mm fw.iw sr MStniks. sessawsi esesasusw. ersias i.i.... ssrsiiss essiai (awpsiM, essa. iswssas. sms-ass. 1 ..." TSla sasSUSs SaUl W..S..SSI a UMMswIihw s nmuiki Is lawsslly ants. u. rer r irt?u Skemv a.l aria m si: r ts. ss iwa.rra.Kl. TWsaaaS. ksse aesa ewsS St tSM wsr selesa ti -swusa slW all etaet rssssatn fsisra. ssa s SsaenS. st fumes, is la ist. s ,,ari'.c. wwrswvsrtati lirttSHS siseiai, apcewsi I iwMiianmi,i,n4 rags wroa sua i Brans ..tsr.uaIreWSKriiLAITSsaiBWwae si r. u;.mm ruspstM. wsitsA mm. rns. ai WaWpeTtl ISTSUIIM SISCIKI, .CiraiW.1, IS. .,11. Pari. Hex, I7t r:.-at SC. PCRTXAKD. ORE. BMB ABM a3CVC MS the wonr ot:t!ttiuit tvro boxM or tua QtTtwttQ-r tvro boxs of i- roRRAUtBY rF-VUt:.s."n.'.ixy. tar DISSOLUTION NOTICE- The partnership heretofore existing between W L Moore ar.d A Jsraney, doing lively buiuuea in Albany, Or., uo'-ler tho firm name of Strauey a Moote, i- tht I'.ay disto'ved by iiuhukS consent. Tbe business will be continued by W 1, Moore, wbo w ill settle all the old Aral's indebtedness and cotltot all oil Is due tho firm. May 1th. im. W L MOORE, A 8TRAMSY. ACADEMY -OF lad; of Perpetual Help f ' ' ' ' ".J.' " "" I ifii . Tat. ! erscsysnearr asea 1 1 1 ggaag a taVli.iDS Ul ON FIRE WITH ECZE Terrible Sofrerinrss of Little Baby, Seven Doctors and Two Hospital . Fall. Curs I by Cuticura. My baby fcoy, a aasamas old, trolce cut wlib ecie:oi. ran lutilni x-jX burning u l:.t- n- ; RU laaeAeaei exejcaal ! ble Dmbe, breaet, face, and b-J-', : ks w-s neurry vrctnA; hie Vrtunrj nfnadr. v.-CJ jluble u heboid; be had t- pe! and but little im cii n i.i day. He was r,i:d:-r : . mi nt at di n: rrm i . ... 1 1 tso noacruls and V.- fv.rr 'loctors intW i city wlOcst the least benefit; er-ry prwrlutloa f the dVs.ti.ii ; : ,.c, ' . : trtcl, I . r . pew verse sA ssw I . if it laasRhs I ei eticst $S p.-r a.--., sx .dirfaaa. a 1 in tlry ciscoc. -ji '-, .ri cbi-ed C-.l M.. , -t. goara.-.i - . . llcn.T:srT sad acd - 1-7. J.rEef m Irr. . .Zstr. c ard rsat and skw . pt,- , ? : '.7 i -.'.rotta sad In r: 7 f .' d, ar i . . -.r .. t : n y .3 any -rntf T coa vutt in -:y to . : ix (or every E . max tt , BOsr'OL. Cu'icyra Remedies TV , ,;. rtskin nrca, blood purifiers, aad hzzyr ra so rr.-dr a tunes, instanity relieve 'is rz- : t'.'.-M of aezesaw and pacr-sis. a . 1 . . -.nify, sotsw.!. f ta ' i. of tortnncg, . K bletslisa. cr -t i.rr.recr u scalp. s I tf rasir, from infancy to aas, htr ..- rcrnfuUiua, or bctrditary, when . :-Jx-. cs s:.i t '.tt pbysicUaa tati. -.1' .erywLcir. iTice, CcncrrBA, iOe.: 8oa, ' ; :OtWSr, tl. I'rrpmrwd by the Poma I -.fc-.;-iCALC-JtatsTto,Baeto. - '. t -r " "i-r to Cnrw Bkta tHAXsmf ot aa . a, ad l-l Uariatcniri la. ' u.hbcls, red, roogh, chapped, scJ - LTld by C'CTICVBA Soar. LB FOLKS' FAINS. PnO ' .' eonsfr-rt for a Pafsa. 1 : v . -.- '. ih--. .tgwl : t ; .: SHI .' u'.-S'elia rimtU-r, Cii.-S-rta.-3l 01. . -s-s-t.- :4t sveszA- Ssasr, rartMi.j-iecaia, Wi'fu-ia ONLY LINE R U S MN 2 THROUGH DAIIJ TK INS (saiTB Purtlaii m A. I. IM P a. DAYS TO 2 1UICAG0 7 Soars Qufjker U St Pa&i. 1 Ufturs (jttirkrT U Cfcrf?. 41 Boars QgjVkrr U Oaaha kaasitv Citr. ani PiJliMAH AND T0URI3T SLEEPERS, FREE FECUNNG CHAIR CARS DINING CARS. For .ates ami getirral infer ddrea, ratSM cal W ii HURLBlTRT.Asst.Gerr: Pass 2ca Washlaigtop St.. PoStTUtXP. (JXSGOtt J.F. O; Dai Moines, htw. -vHtca lor date of March 23. 1993: Max the. Co . Dafsr, Ocgc- Cn jrrivm; he last Tel. I fcsswdalt srell and ae.xsnair 1 nitisi ' ft.r I.ssU girl, a ;b: el oee-bi It rears o'd. wlsn nsd SSSS am ay tc 3S fun ml ia mi welL strong aad e;-ro-, sw well Ssirsd np. & B. Coogh Tare bsade itr scoric well. Rota of Ihe 1 ea like i. Yadr S B. Coagh Cure has cured and fcep: away aH SsBarsen- torn 3ie- S e-ew it ti eeeer with -re ti, - f -I: Wid.m.eiie - anaseii r ! v we au .v. owrs Mn Mats J Frown. tf Ta wish t., ; ueaci awi cbeetfai, aad rmwaty wr UW SermrN work, eiaiwst raarsyveai sraA the lm aa.j Lis ar Care, brtakm. t. - IM :A- aSWal eeots per b-Mii a by ail Orwa.! - earapvaiir rwaiajlu. by J A Cl'MMlNG. FaARMEHS, attkntiox AJiT A WACON HACK 50GGY CART PIG W HARROW.DRiLl SEED ER, FEEO CUTTER, or any kind of a Farm Iui-'; or V blc!e call onjor address. Be Fa RAMP, Oppoiie IVst OflTc--AlUnv.Or.S Caveats, and Trade. M arks obtaired. and sB Pat ent buSinfiSS COndlCtCd lor Slnrara.Tr frrS JOiMi Ornee is Opsoarrt u. s. watsmt omtl ww can secure patent m less lime uvanuwec remote from Waaiangton. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We adnse, if patentable or not. Ires of caargw. Our feo not due Ul! patent is wcarM. R PSMesttrr, How to Obtain Patents," with coat of suie in tbe U. S. and toroga oewatnea scut tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. . PATTHT Orr-.ZZ. WASHlNttTOM. O- C va--i.Av WH0m00WlA0l0Ait Red Cro wnMills ISOM& LANNING, PRWRiETflRS. aw raocass rura sc-kek a ros ispii am baas i. . -' aai I SB K . sssAj uBk SRataaaaaaaaaH A. pamiaWtUUTK wiavrpu ei 10a taaaiiriuvrj MtB SW pus sucKKatod-uov j-.nJp JJaMaM w 10 Iip:;nJ 10 pin oin :;.(:!aHH -? ai w c; sar-.j 11 WHBBH wjt- wii w io istsrup i-.t jasavaaa f sm"ilii 1 11 jffiriRlHT ssna. . Waal 11 1 anrftM WW aWSWWaSaVaA - -- REST STORAGE ifAGlUflRS