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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
nttimat. Who Im created tact) (rotation in C.-.'ifor-nia it dow at the St 'harlee, Albsnv, prr --r. i to trtat all desiring M seivtoet in in ik : i k to lupplv .11 (feet of algh. He c mea highly lec.unmenoVd I i I ho prt ss. He hat the moat eolen'itic ln-trnmeot that hat ever leeo product'' heretofore i test the rye. He adjusts thorn .-tc rdioc to each it dividual cate. Charter very leirnnable. Cooialtation tire. fit atraightere eye without hllWl Us or medic-n-'. Ererylndy ia i it.d tera'l aad inspect hit -ci otitic i.utiuineutr. Office: - St C barles Fsrlors LOCAL RECORD The Hanks. -The First National and I, W. Cusick & Co. 'l bank kept their door a open last evening; until 6 o'clock. There has been no run on them, thnuo-h triors ha otnn a numuer to witmtraw their !eiOsits The First National has a large snnasrr of i gold on hand, more undoubtedly than" will ; lie needed, as the bank has the general i confidence of the puolie. Those withdrawing ! are mostly from the countrv. incited hv exair-1 frerated reports flying about. People in the city Knowing the true condition of matters are unconcerned This hank has had the . - - .... , uhuk uam uati 1 oe rught foresight in the matter and has been preparing for emergencies for several months, always doing a very conservative business. There is not a safer place in Or egon today for one's money. Cusick & Co's bank is also solid and will not be af fected by the present state of affairs. The Scio. Brownsville and Harrisburg banks are all reported to be all right. The public should stand by all these banks. That is what betters the condition of money matters. Evidently get tiny its authority from Mr. Bush, the Salem Statesman says: "A Sa lem banker who knows the condition of the suspended Linn County National bank, says it had a capital of $100,000. a surplus of $15,000. and undivided profits of about $7000. This is l 22.000. Then three fourths of the stockholders are good for the 100 per cent, additional to their holdings of stock, for which the national banking laws make them liable, or $75.0HO. giving to depositors a surplus of $197,00") over and above the loans, to pay deposits. The loans will more than offset the deposits, and they are mostly good. There will prolia bly be a loss of $40,000 to $50,000 on bad paper, and the hank will pay all depositors in full and stockholders 50 to 70 per cent. Its business will be wound up."' A MiEACiLOfs Escape. The Eugene Register tells of a very remarkable es cape from death: Dr D A Paine was called to the Meek pla.te near Junction C'ty a couple of days ago on a profession al visit, and his little girl. Leone, ac companied him. rVhile he was visiting bia patient she amused herself pickfng flowers, and then went to where the horse was tied and climbed into the buggy. Just as the did so the horse jerked his head and broke the bridle and then started to run . The Dr calied to Leone to jump out, bur. she hjn to the sides of the seat and the horse rau up the 1 . . . . roaa at a orea necK speed. After run- mng some distance he ran into a rail fence and broke that down and went on into the field. After running across the field a ways he ran into a ditch and tipped j me ouggy uir. ana arsgzeu it some distance, with the little pirl nn.W it The horse was then caught I.v a man who Happened to be near, ajd the little gtrl etBwIed ou from uuder tne buggy un- S buit except a bruise on the ankle. How ' she escaped a horrible death isamys'ery. River Naviqatios. Harrisburg Cou : rier: We have been repeatedly asked . I VO : why the boat 3 have stopped running Harrisburg regularly. The reason is that it does not pay the company to take freight up the river and return empty. Whenever there are a few tons of freight to haul down as there was this week, the boat will come after it. So if the people along the river want regular services, it becomes necessary to patronize them every week. Capt Hatch, who has just quit wo'k on the river above this point states the river letween here and Eu gene is in a fair condition for navigation and that there is plenty of water. It would seem as though the r'rer towns aboe Corvalliato Eugene and Spring field, should be able to supply sufficient business lor one boat to do. Graduated. From a report of the graduating exercises of the Tacoma High School we take the following in reference to a former young lady of Albany: Miss Vella Flindt delivered an essay on "Folk Lore," telling of the great influence it had exerted in times past, and while it was en joyed simply as pleasure reading, formerly it had been the religion and law of the peo ple, and had and does still influence art and literature. The "Iliad" and "Paradise Lost, "as they represent the governing power of folk lore, had come to be considered mas terpieces through that influence. The tra ditions of the people and the superstitions as to Friday, the aumber 13 and being born under Jupiter influenced the people to better or worse lives, but the new and en lightened civilization were simply amused and instructed by these old-time laws and ideas. The New Law Does Ir. The recent state legislature pased a valued policy law, and the public will now get the benefit of it. Alter July 1st the amennt of all premiums of insurance will be in creased 10 per cent, on buildings, and exery policy issued In Oregon will con tain the following clause: "An addi tional premium of dollars, charg ed to cover additional hazard created by Oregon Valued Policy L iw." Here is the college yell of lbs Port lrnd bank: Kang a-ga-rah, Ga-rah ga-zooni ; Portland 'Varsity, Give as room. The Salem Statesman is in receipt of a letter from one of its subscribers at Cor nelius, reading : "I don't want your pa per any longer becaase it is got too much about Pennoyer." General Wade Hampton. 0 S railroad irispector, was in Albany this noon looking over the 8 P and from here took a trip over the Oregonian He is one of the cefebratr ed men of the U g, having been of South Carolina, as well as U 8 governor (senator. Th ir is ouen cquiva if losftct :; . -h fretting ill can dc arrestee nric! . case baffled the "we. k spots "in the system eradicated. be cott's Emulsion gVan absolute corrective of " weak spots." It h r; builder of worn out failii. j tissue na lure's fod iH n . ... i . . slop ivat anu ere..- ..- healthy flesh. r Kcnti A anna, rjfirnu" ja .1 b. Sanaa lata aaarya o.r. jr A(UDEMY -OF- ladj of Perpetual Help I r. r.k Vi" School Rkport. The following ii the result of the examination of pupils in Dji trict No 4, for the term ending Jane 9, 1S93. HEX. AY Kit At! K DKrORTMKNT. Minnnie Ooff, Cora UolT, Lutitia Hart, SI 04 79 96 89 9ti 73 90 91 m 89 06 74 06 78 95 7tt 95 80 94 91 97 75 85 90 95 82 95 85 95 75 94 78 95 75 93 Stl 03 85 95 85 94 84 95 73 94 79 94 70 97 84 97 75 95 94 96 G. L. Cai.avas, Teacher. i Onie Foster, Mary Claypool, Vida Claypool. Klsie Rogers, Edith Prine, Ida Trine, I .aura Prine, Nora Crabtree, Ruth Freese, Ora Foren, Willis Foren, Walter Mondroft, Robrrt Hart, Martin Hart, Henderpon Hart, Frank Foster, Ernest Morris, Elmer (Joff, Seth Freese, Monroe Crabtree, Orland Crabtiee, Graver Crabtree, Fred Morris, Fran it Hart, Luelht Hart, Tug Grkat Shows. Sanger iv.Lent are coming in command of the big show. T!V tlflvd a ,1. -.1,1, 1m lir, nn,l UlnnvA dome; the finest horses and greatest per- I fonnara of Europe and America. A Men-! agerie of wild beasts : a nnmberof wild an imala entirely new to America. Then an Acouarium ol sea huge tanks. They have the sole right for two years, to ' Lieut Kevin's discoveries, covering fresl water into sea water, hence the acquar mm. Having traveled all over the worid they have accumulated many living phe- 1 uul ' surpassing interest 110- gether it is unquestionably the very best ow in the country. A grand free Balloon Ascension is given daily. The magnigcent tpectaclar street pagent is highly spoken of- They wi'.l no doubt "ve immene audiences here, judging from the character ot the show and the enthusiasm of the anxious public Ex- u ninitiona will be given at Albany July am. The following men have records of p t-o seconds lor tisj yards: Amateur lohn Owen Jr. Washington. D C. Oct m r . - uicii imr 1 CVVIJ via J 1 11 jifWj ,M Jewet, Cleveland, O, 92 ; W T Macphejson of W Zealand 1S9-J performed at Auckland, Feb 6, 1891; J H riemnton. same conntrv. at riantur- bury, Feb 6, 1S92 Professiora! H M I Johnson, Cleveland, O. July 31. 18S6; H Betbnne, Oakland, Cal, Feb 22, 1S8S: ti MUTcnens. ot London, England, H M Johnson i- credited with having run wu yos. in J4 sec- at Atti!e:ic t'ark, Denver. Col., Aug. 18, 1880, and is con sequently the holder of the world's rec ord. Death of Claibe Vi ne. The Reaper Death, is no respecter of person. It takes the young and the old. regardless of char acter and usefulness. Last evening at 7 :15 o'clock Claire Vunk. son of R B Vunk. quietly passed away at the age of 23 years and 9 days, after a lingering illness, in which all had been done possible for his re covery. He was all that was manly and noble, leaving- the record of a character above reproach: the friehd of all who knew mm; ongni and genial. He will long oc-! cupy a place in the memory of the best j young people rt our city. Funeral service will occur to morrow at 2 o'clock at the family residence on Ferry street, to which the public are invited. Wassom Hei.o Derjurv Pmv-itin, 1 !3tX W Ha? Attorney Wvatt returned nsDuxg. where he had been to prosecute Dong Wassom. on the charge of assault and attempt to kill with a dangerous weapon. Wassom was held under $1200 )oml. to await tie action of the irrand iurv ! which was promptly furnished. The facti ; sem to be that R. L. White was talking with Mrs. Wassaoaa in front of hor ) ; " assom came out. and H hite claims with- out any warning or provocation begun tabbing him. and then shot at him four j - . ... . . , - . , . , : w ' 4aiora S11 e had i I afataTI inf-strfs-iririv irifh hi. ... . I .. V.. la . been interfering with his famiJy affairs. It , was no doubt at lea.t a case of iealousv , hite was stabbed once very close to the vein 11. e in the arm and twice elsewhere. He will probably live. Attempted Bcholary. Last Bnayki about 11 o'clock as Charles Turlay was re turning borne from the electric light station he noticed a man trying to get into the j ironi aoor ot reter sscnlosser s saloon. He quietly notified Policeman McClain. who . . . i , . ., capture 1 the man as he was leaving the place. He had cut a hole through the panel of the door with a large pruning knife, but could not unlock it His scheme was to appear innocent: but his identity was a plain one. The man proved to be a young man going by the name of Fuller, who claimed to be a ball player, formerly j with the Baltimores, who had'been trying ' to get a place on the Albany team. He will be examined before Justice Curl at 1 -M at the court house tonight. L'xcertaik Light. The Review savs: I 1 he Koseburg electric light nlant. which has been in the hands of a receiver since epiemoer last, was sold Niturday by lie H Durham, mastery in chancery. The i .Northwest General Electric Company of Portland purchased the real property and part of the plant, consisting of lamps, wires, franchise, etc. paying $6500 for the same. Charles A Sprandel, of Roseburg. purchas ed the engine, dynamos and other appli ances at the power boose for $3300. This divides the property up and if the court affirms the sale things will be in a badly mixed shape unless the contending parties agree upon a compromise. In the mean time Receiver Walker continues in charge of the business. Mai dk Graxker. This world-famed emotional actress with a perfect company of players will I seen at the Albany opera I ,T , 1 . rtA uouse, eunesiay evening, June Vs. in the latest of her New York successes, "The Fringe of Society.'' Miss Granger easily ranks as the foremost emotional actress in America and the opportunity of seeing her should not be missed. Attention, Red Men.- -Members of Mohawk Tribe, No. 11, f. 0. R. M . are requested to lie present at the next regular meeting, Thursday, June 22. 1893. at 8 o'clock p. m., as there is important business to come before the tribe. By order of Sachem. B. M. Payne, C. of R. Circuit Court. The following new case has been commenced : 15 N Hardman agt J L Cowan, as Leba nonbank: action and attachment to re cover $595. The Northern Pacific Raii.k.i.vd Wnx Slash the Rateh. Officials of the Northern Pacific Railroad have decided to place low rates into effect. They will Bell tickets from Portland to St Paul for 845 first-claw, and make corresponding low rates to all eastern points. World's fair round trip rates will lie greatly reduied. Tickets can be utilized on either of their through trains, both of which will continue to carry the Pullman tousist upholstered sleepers. Two trains daily without change. For full information and to secure your sleeping car accommodations, call on, or address A D Charlton, assistant general I passenger agent, Jo. 121 first street, cor j ner of vViuihington. The Gkeat Circus. All the children, their pa's and ma'a, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and consins will have a desire to see the smallest elephants in the world and the only American ten pachyderm ever ushered into existence under the Star Spanirled Banner, worth ten times IVir weight in gold, and constitute only one ot the many interesting sights with Sanger A Lent's Great Shows, which will exhibit at Albany July 4. The Verdict it unanimous that Will & Stark carry the b'.t line of ailver ware in the valley. They have the variety an j qual ity, a combination lhat counts in Lining goods. An inspection always carries con viction. C'earance sale of all kinds of haU at IdaM Brush's. Now ig your time to buy . Now it the lime to nut up atrawberriet while the quality it good and tne prlcet are low. Leave your ordert at F L Ken ton' grocery store. Vitreck't tl aviog and hair cutting pai- I t B.t.h at Vieieik't ahaving and hair cut- ng par'-orr. A good fountain pen for $1.25 at French's jewelery store. F BOMB ANB ABBOAB MONDAY. Company I O. N. G. has been organized at Roseburg. A Sllverton straw berry was 10 I 4 Inches In circumference. Etigeii.t Laiimore is playing center field for the Independence club. 37 strawberries exhibited in the capit I city filled a gallon and meaaured 300 inch es In circumference. H A Johnson, Jr. has assumed control of the Northern Paoific Cycla Co'a agency at Salem, recently uungaged by Mr Obenauer. Last week a Linn county farmer cam to Albany and needing some maney sold a horse for $116, He invested the money m a saloon during the night and returned home next day without a cent. '1 he Hotel Portland is proving an e'e- ; phant on the hands of the owners. The 1 first year there was a deficit of $5000. next I yar $1000 and last year $48 A big j improvement certainly. Rev. J. L. Futrel, of Tangent, besides I preaching, publishes a live monthly pa ; per, and runs a bicycle agency, besides 1 riding a bicycle himself. The bicycle I enables a man to do a good many things I in (his world on time and well. Mr John Barrett, associate eoltor of the ! Portland Evening Telegram, will deliver the annual address before the societies of : the state university, tomorrow afternoon, 1 at 2:30 o'clock. His subject will be: "The , ""J" ol -oI,'ve utefulnet In ti 0 Northwest." Mr Barrett la a the Pa- Brad uate of Dar'mouth college, famous for having furnished Daniel Webster to the world. -rcisn.w. Ttte Democrat is g'ad to state tha. the report that (he Scio bank had closed its doors was a mistake. Mr (ohnaon. the was In the city last evening and says n is all right. A sign on a fence in an alley between Ferrv and Washington streets reads, "Don't Hitch this Fence On , Com ment is unnecessary. There will be a called meeting of the Ladles Aid Society at 2:30 o'clock to morrow afternoon at the residence of Mrs L E Blain. A full attendance is desired. The store of Mr. Bridges, at Shelnurn. with the contents, was entirely consumed i. . . . ... - Mt 73 , sl.oKe " 4 ""N one. nd ,he ,0 av nrr or mast I .n.,m rt . n r . i " L evening at 5 o'clock Bay nard Mon- J l l!7? a J??11 F I.",PerUI Wc7c!e ! . 1 u j r uson. mis morning ne received ,he bicycle, brought from Portland the previous evening. Quick work. A strawberry and ice cream social will b? given at the evenlns Sand Ridge grange hall en of June 3o. The drama. Comrades" will be reproduced, followed ! by comic songs and recitations. Admis sion to entertainment, 10 cents. How fast news flies. The account of the fail ore of the twt Albany banks was ent out by the Associated preaa. It ap peared in a Chicago paper last evening, and by 7 o'clock an Albany man received a private dispatch of Inquiry. The letter of 'etlgnation .of Rev Root ! Whitaker. of the First Baalist church. was read to his congregation Sunday even tng. It will probably be acted upon at the Thursday evening prayer meeting Rev. Whitaker expects to Uke a pulpifat Oak- lar d. Cal . -Salem Journal. The team of Will Crouch ran away this morning, making along run, tearing down a post to Conrad Meyer's awning, and running the tongue of the wagon juried i deep under a wood pile opposite the rear Cowan A Sternburg's The rear W,r!5 hd been S3 on the way. ueputy tate treasurer Hodgkin re turned to Salem this morning. lie came for the receipt he had given County Treasurer Wallace for the SI6.000 check Dut ,l hd DeeB flleJ w,th ,he county clerk. who very properly refused to give 11 up. ana u is said tne state wl.l simplv have to rely on the check for the money. About once in twenty years a financial crisis has struca the United States. You may aaciibe ail the causes you wish to .... . . j ! such things, but this fact appears. Water iul Is . I.-.I J la - - . a. a? I aeeka Ita level, and It seems that an era of lauurea is a pan ot the program In order to settle matters. The coming years now will be bright and prosperous ones. Keep cool aci consider that fact. WEDNESDAY. iier entertainment at the opera houat tonight. Wm Dugan, the Salem plumber, haa been in the city. .Seven tons of strawberries were taken in at tne Salem cannery Monday. The lowest bidder on tne new Masonic temple a: Corvallia waa a Salem firm. License haa been iaaued f-r th: marrl agt of W M M Hawk and O Ella Walker. Boy under 16 getting their hair cut at iereck's will receive a free tit ticket to the ball grounds. The Willamettea and Oak Creek were to play at Tangent this afternoon at the g'ange picnic. ine Macabees will give a aocial at the GAR ballon next Saturday night. All membera are invited to be present. The lowest bid for building tbe new city hall of Salem wa $54,674, made by Hutchina & Southwick. The contract ha not ret been let. J Grady hoi it reconstructing his build ing on Second street into a saloon, which will be occupied b Mi Baker of the Apex, aa soon as completed. Albany and Oregon City will play at this city next Saturday and Sunday. The DEtnocRAT is informed that Mr Asa Mendenhall, an old plaver, has been en gaged to play right field in thiee games. The stie of Oregon could well afford to apply the Geary law to the Waaaom family of Linn county . Salem Journal. Tlie Wassom family ia all right. A couple members, (hough, arc evidently bad. Some of the attachment silts reported in our circuit court proceedings against the owner of the Lebanon bank are for deposits in the bank Being a private bank it ia an Individual matter. The de posits are said to aggregate nearly $30, 000. Richard Carliale of HilWboro, while walking on a log carrying a double bitted ax, fell, striking his head upon the ax and cutting a frightful gaah. Tne unfortunate man nearly bled to death before he could retch a house and receive assistance. Geo M Hy land, who hat so ab'y filled the position of manager of the popular M'.lton House. In Portland, for the past two years, has leased the Ocean House, tt Newport, on Yaqulna bay. for the en duing season, and will open the house on July lt. The trial of Lizzie Horden at New Bed ford, Mast, ended yesterday, by the jury acquitting her, which waa undoubtedly according to evidence. The case has at tracted national attention, on account of the peculiar circumstances connected with it. Among the Linn county people at the world's fair veaterdav were S E Youne and wife and aon Percy, of this city, and L A Wiley, cf Lebanon. Judge Fllnr., and daughters Annie and Ora. Mrs J H roster and E t Sox and also have been there. NoiiTiiEim Pacific Railroad Cuts the Rate in Two. Rates named bv the Northern Pacific are now reduced about one half, and are the lowest rates ever nam ed by any line from Portland. This will give every one an opportunity to go east and visit the Yellowstone Park and the world's fair. For full particulars and uleep-ing-car reservations in both firet-class Pull man and Pullman upholstered tourist sleep er, call on or address A D Charlton, Assist ant General Pastenger Agent, No. 121 First street, Corner Wasnington. 1 . m . Summer weakness, that tired feelingr. lots of appetite and nervout prostration are driven away bv Hood't Bartaparllla, like mitt before the morning tun. To realize the benefit of thlt great medicine, give it a trial. Sure, efficient, eaay Hood't Fills. Bee the New Improved Singer sewing ma chine. Tbe I t u alwsyt the cheapest. J W Sowdtn, agent. Offioejat F M French's Jewelry store Hodge & McFarland, sjita, Albany, Ol . the leading drok- 8cwwa Machiwbs neatly rtpairtd act warranted by a thoroughly comae -tot work M man, at F M Frtnoh's jewelry ste.e, Albany, Oregon. BANK rAILIBE. UNN COUNTY NATIONAL HANK. This morning the Linn County ban failed to open its doors at the usual hour of 9 o'clock, and it was immediately known nomething wa the matter. Dur ing the forenoon the following notice ap peared on the front door : "On occount of the stringency of the money market this bank hereby sus pends payment. By order of directors. This 19th day of Jane. Depositors will be paid dollar for dollar, with a large surplus." While the suspension was the talk of the day there was no uneasiness ex pressed among depositors, everybody having confidence in the bank's paying every cent, as soon as money can be ob tained on securities The amount of assets is large, being about 1270,000 in loans in different forms, bonds and o' her pronerty amounting to approximately .mCM). The liabilities are about 170, 0.0 due depositors, and about tSO.OOO due other banks. $190,000 in all The amount of cash in the bank is approxi mately $11,000 Lino county had $34,000 in the hank. County Treasurer Wallace was being pushed by the s ate, and finally went 10: Salem and settled with it, giving a check lor $28,000, the balance of the $68,000 of Linn's share of the taxes. This was dis honored, and it is probable hastened matters some, though the main reason is , no doubt owing to an effort being made for some time to reorganize the ban, , being pushed by some of the stockhold- i era. Among the outside stockholders are A. Bush with $30,000 and W.S Ladd with $10,000. As every stock ! hoUer is responsible in double the sum of his stock the situation will be seen to be al right, the stock being $100,000. W. H Goltra and J. A. Crawford are among the stockho'dera of this city. The bank inspector waa telegraphed. On his arrival a receiver will heap -j pointed and the bank placed ur.der his ! control. Depositors will be paid per i centages as fast as securities are paid . 0REG0X BANK. The Bank of Oregon closed ita doors ! this noon, and placed out the siin. ! "Closed by order of the directors." The assets are paid to exceed the liabilities. and depositors will probably be paid in fall on realization on securities KKAL EATATK S S A Lata. Hugh Fieldi, to J(W D "i00xl79 feet. Brownsv Irvine. ilie . $ 200 25 5400 2000 .'00 100 618 300 :lvi 137 MO ..... 1 i.a. R H Curl to J 1 1 In me. .-mall niece land 13 w 't W S Walker to J B Thompson. 120 acres, 11 w 8 Peter Arp to John Hodge, 40 acres, 11 w 2 Annie Myers to John C FolU. 80 acres. 10 E 1 J C Sabin to Ellen White. 1 lot Harrisburg Man Dunn to H B Mover, 2 lot. N Brownsville ." R A Cooper to Marv iJum. 40 acres. 12 wl J L Cowan to S E Cowan. 2 lot. bl SI. Albany W R Kirk to John Cuahmen. 2.7'.) acres. Brownsville Elijah Oshorn to W J Turnulgv. J , , JC ' "A V ,,. J L ow5 te ,J. . ,nJ? Ji-2 U 1U6 ... H.f ! SiUin? . lots. Lebanon ritsman. lot and 107. , ! njirun w j ,11m, j teres in S88M acrvs. 14 w I J H Wilaon to L V Wilson, acres. 12 w 4 , U" it i.--;..i.i t a t an 1 TBtclDI NCI at altatBUBrBC Hakbisbfko, June 19. Robt.L White, residing aSoat ten miles east of Harris burg was. last niht. shot and nerharja fatally wounded fqr bong Wassom The cause of the shooting is not known at this lime. After the shooting the assail ant cut nia victim several times with a knife. Wassom has not been seen since tbeshootinh. Deputy Sheriff McClain is on his trail. Latm. Dr. DuGas, who was called to svj .ne vuiiuvu ujmai, nai rr- turned and he reports that, though four . - w attend (o the wounded man, has just re- shots were fired, neither took effect, bat WbUe was cabbed four times, th titnaa in tha. .rm. .n,l l,t r. i the neck, the latter .onn.l U-ina- I he j mot dangerous, the cut ranging down- ward, passing the shoulder blade. The doctor does not deem the wound necet- amy fatal. assom haa not ye- been arrested a ui.tuf.i isr Spacaal to Daaa. a. it Et'OEXE. Or.. June J" Tie- Linn Coun ty Bank temporarily closed its doors this morning. The deposits amount to about ilOO.000: assets at least fciVI.OOO. No de j tailed statement will be made today. No ! excitement is apparent and no run what : ever has been made upon the other two , banks. The cause of the failure is the j stringency of money market and their i steady withdrawal of deposits. Independence Is the mainspring of tbe Amer ican Constitution. It Is the birthright of ' every American citizen- the life blood and vitality of tbe nation, the legal property ol every Individual member of the commun ity. In no other country in the world has every man such a right and title tv liberty of thought and action, and yet if you arould have the beat groceries, produce ' and freshest fruit at the moat reasonable ! prices you must call on Perry Conn for thtm Hi atock la complete, and treat ', ment i prompt and courtesy.' Get your Groceriea of Cons. A W ati 11 it a atovaalty nowadays. I yoa want ooe cal! on Will A stark, whoa atcek it large and varied, aod prices the the moat reaaooahle. They can give yog t bargain ia tbit I me at a ell aa in jswelry ajBMnHy. FortmiUer A Irving have engaged a first clatt upholsterer, and are now pre pared to uphola'.er lounges, parlor aett, etc, in a tuperior manner. This will be a great Accommodation to llie'r many cut tomert Strawberries morning. at F L Kenton 't oery Clean towela to every cottomer at Viereek sbaviog parlors. MB HEBE Paiker I'm', grocers. f. M . French keapa railroad time Kiiy your grooeriaa of Parker Bros Ki 30 groceriea at Conn & llendrioson'a. Maw craam cheese just leceived at Conrad Meyers. P J Smile.- job printer, Flino Block, dote tint claaa work. Smoke the celebrated Havana tilled 5 cent cigar at J alius Joseph's, Dr M H E'dit, nbysiatan and sargeon Albany, Orejou. Caltt ma-la ia oit'or antry , Ttiay Increase appetite, purity fae wbete eysteoi and acton tbellvcr .OileDoarlt The Skill pad knowledge. Kttaotial to the production of the most per fect aod popular 'axative remedy known, have enabled the California Fig BftBO O. to aohieye a great auooata in thi reputation of ita remedy, Syiup ol Figt, at it it conced ed to be tha universal laxative. CI For tale by all druggittt. Letter Liat. Following it the Hat of letters ramaining in the post offioa at Albany. Linn county, Oregonjuna 19th, 1893. Fersonafoalling for thete letters matt oive tht date 00 which tbey were advertiaeJ. Achison, Mr H A Howhll, Mr Emery Goodlaw, Henry Lisde, Mrs J Miller, Mrs Wm Ohrt, H Sperry, Miss M E Van Bibber, H Canden, DC Ho tetter, Wm I.angtry, Barney Little, Mrs E C McClung, Mr Clyde Parker, Miss Ella Van Bibber, Miss M Suinpter,MisH Nancy V. Tho. MoirrartH, P. M. Wdl ft 8ttr, fit jeweltrt.l a its 1 it f ot rt. Following is the docket for the Circuit Court w vhieh convenes in Albany next Koav day: 80 cases coiitiiiiii'il. J N Hice el ti U(ft W It Smith et 1 artitton. W B Peacock ngt SnodgrasH Hros et ft) Recovery of money. Attachment. .1 K Weatherford, avdmr ngt Mary Hoff-, man. Foiwlosure. Price A' Uobson agt (ieortre Ktep. He-j covery of money. Attuclmient. Harford W .Smith atft Minnie F Smith. Divorce. WCCooley agt J 11 Kecney. money. lien iverv 'f A J Houston agt Mason, Khriiian it Co. t Recovery of money, ftttayhnawnl V H Page agt A I. Lamb. Recovery of ' money. Attiuliiiient. K S Wolf agt Wat.-rs, BWnlj 1 Co. Re- j covery of money, A Andrews agt Jos Andrew. Divorce. Alliance Trust Co agt J I, et al. Foreclosure, D C Sherman agt A .1 Bellows et al. In- I junction. Lulu A Sly agt Geo K y. Divorce. Dittenhoeffer, Haas , Co agt C C Hark, leman. Recovery of money. Attachment' ! Anna M Freail ugt Qeorge Prasad. Di-' vorce. (arretson. Woodruff. Pratt k Co MtCC Hackleman. Recovery of money. Attach-1 ment N A Harris agt Henry ToWatSSSad. Re-' covery of money. AtUictunent. Malissit tiovrn agt Isaiah Uorro. Di vorce. A W (iordon agt C W Watt et al. Re-; covery of money. Attachment. J 6 Writoman tig! W M Rotin et al. , Foreclosure. Nunuel E Young agt H U C.le 1; covery of money. Attachment. A W Fisher airt S W Faulkner and S K Faulkner. Retwverv of money. Attach- ment. N SteinUrger agt C C Hacklenian. ooven of money. l; John Isom agt E J LanninK Appoint ment of receiver. Jaa I.aurent agt F. J Ianning. Recovery of money. Attachment. Linn (Vunty National Bank agt K J Lan ning. Recovery of money-. Attachment. John Isom agt K J Iuuting. Re.-ovexy of money. Attachment. Chas Pfeiffer agt K J laming. Recor ery of money. Attachment. John Conner agt K J Lavaning. Revwv ery of money. Attachment. John t'onwr agt B J Iwuining and John Isom. Recovery of money. Attachinent John Conner agt Isom. Ijuming A Co. Recovery of money. Attachiiient. . MB Reeves agt Isom. Lainning A Co. Rewrrerj- of money. Attachment. The California Vineyurd Co agt Carl Bender. Recovery of money. Attachment Parke 4 Lacy Machinery Co agt Forsrthe k Hunter. Recovery A mouev. Attach ment. W S lienham at I. i Woodle et al. Foreclosure. W S Denham agt L A Woodle rt al. Foreclosure. Thos Taylor A 1 !a agt Carl Bender. Re covery of money. Attachment. Daniel Lan if agt T L Wallace A Co. Re covery of .money. . Attachment. K H tSrisham ea r agt J E AC K Clark. Recovery of money. Attach ment. Henry Broden agt A Burkhart etui. PoMessuon of real pnierty. C I Wolverton ami H H Hewitt agt H Wilaon. Recover;,- of money Attach ment Assignment of tlark Bro. R Sylvester agt Forsvihe A Hunter. H , wvery ol money Attachment. James W Brown agt John B Wert rtal Foreclosure of lien. James. H Raikey agC lamhrtle Oakley etal. Koreckajure of lien. James W Brown agt laabphV ( takley etal. r orsri. worn of iasaw mgi laanw- UaWae MM. -? Nf Isahelle Oakley 'orctosure of lien. etal. Fred A Brown a .i,:, I! .-r- etal. foreclosure ot lien A L Hennett again and J K McHargue. t Addie Mcliartrue Recovery of money. Arnacrtment. F P Crandall A Co. agt c C Hacklenian. Recovery of money. Abraham Setts agt Annie Seit. Iivorce- W H Ooltra agt Tlx- and W J Morgan Recovery of money. Charles K Browned agt I) M Colip. Re covery of money. Attachment. Isaac Saltmarah agt M B Miller etal. To reiorm iee.l. Will A Link agt W H Maple. Recovery of money. Attauhmrat. M A Miller agt Geo. M and Cennie Staf ford. ' !.!: n nation Knaj.p Burrell A Co. afct S hn t C..n firmation. A P Blackburn agt K R ' .i-e and ' H Goan. Confirmat ion . Knapp Burrell A- Co. agt A S Knox jr. ' Confirmation. A B M. II wain :igt R Cnater. 'ontirma MB. A D Horner agt Harvev mation. Wani i.nfir- I il L Calavan agt School IUt. Ke- covery of money. Attachment. E B Weir agt J L Cowan. Recovery money. Attachment. Mrs John (iriaham agt J L Cowan. K covery of nionev. Attachment Henjaniin Brothers airt J L Cowan. R,s- covery of money. Attachment. Fleichner. Mayer A Co. agt J L Cowan. For recovery of money. Attachment. John Denny agt J L Cowan. Recovery of money. Attachment. Martin Doughty agt J L Cowan, a of Lebanon. Recovery of money. Attach ment. Total claims agt J L Cowmn S-VO0., WOBiH CXSIDatBIV. C K Bioaoells. VIA VI C.fficrur Baltimore hlo!i. A fall !in Warner Uros oorat t at It, I AJCo't. If yoa want a tine tmokf caliper Joaepb a white labor cigars. Coma and tee the new chilled. Ramps opposite poateffice. plow at The beatjroaat coffee 10 tbe city at O-niad of oyt r a Motor makca five trips dally to Viiek'a addition. Itr tht ic oa installmtnta of $1 per wees. An extensivt variety of garden aeedt both in balk aod by the package can be faaad at CE Rrownella. Pa ronixt home ludattry by smoking the celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured by Jo'ias Joreph. Ntw cork tole, hand turned ahoes, tome tbiog entirely new, not a wiater shoe bnt light aod flexible for tpriag and summer wear, at Read, Peaccck A Co't, Call and inspect tbem. m ... Dreve!!i ana c::ve CcnatiiwUon and Sick -acue. omcui line uc-aua. Pastvraoe Gf ex . The undaraUnsd it ow ready to rsctive atock on paitartge, A o 1 feed; no l-ettir in tne siaw; red top lover and timothy, fho ranch ia well watered, and well fuDced, wiih plenty cf shade for the ttook. Horaea, $2 pel month. cattlt, $1. Will take good cars of all atock en t rutted 10 ray ca e, but will not be rj- tpoDtible fof accident or lost. r. u. OfiH. Cloveroalk. Mty 20, 1893. To atil Digestion take one Small BUe Boa3 ttcr cntluar. Wc. ir iHitttc. Albaar Market. Wheat,0e. Oats, 86c. I lour, 96.00. I utter, 15o. Eggs 15c Lard, Ho. Pork - harm 1 V; shoul.lera, to; aide UNO Hay. bated, U o a toes, 100c. Apple., 1. 00 Hop. 18c. Dried fruit plums, 9c, app!ee,'.9o. Chickens, 94 50 per doaen. Beef, on foot, . Hogs, dressed , 7e. ' Ilighc-t of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report sasssaaaaw wnaBBjaBB. tvl H ABSOLVTEIY PURE aOIIAL AMI rEKftOMAL Regular W. C. T. D mee'ing tomor row afternoon tt 2.3C o'clock. M K Brink, one of Piinevilles promi nent attorneys, is in the city. A. B. Seal, the festive drummer, was here yesterday.-Jackgonville aimes Dr Love, who has been with the Kick apoo Indian Co. for some lime has re turned to the city. C K Fronk, S P agent, is in Medford on a short trip. V ill Meriman is filling his position tluring his absence F. L. Hodgkin. assistant state treas urer, came up from Salem this noon on business with the county treasurer Harry Kay, boo ol Thos Kay, of :-a!em was m the city today. Mr Kay will have charge ol the Wa erloo Knitlinj factory Hon T J Black the new Collector cf Customs, of Portland, was in the city to day. Other than the one heretolore mentioned it is not known what Albany men will get positions under M. Biatk though ther are eeera! applicants. VOBal DrRO Hyde, of Scio Unlay. a-as in the city Jos Teal, the well-known Portland lawyer was in the city this forenoon. Robert Andrews, of Portland, went up to nis former home at Harrisburg this noon. Mort Younif. the well known conductor, is again at hi post of duty, after a World's fair trip east. K Storrs Barrows left on last night over land for California and will probably re main pennanently. J V Wlison and o M McFarland rcsle their Imperials to Corvalliv last evening in minutes. itj mad ri.iinr Mr. l-o.,rK.-..l .i i rt ' of the 0 P e-Sneers k.y. ! '., i r rancisco. on a tew weeks trip. Mrs J M Irving and daughter Velle who have been east, the latter for six or seven months, returned home last evening. Mr Qmtgt Schlossen. the Mutual Life Insurance man. left Last night for i rant s I 'aw. acivmpanied by his family and Miss J ranci French who will remain with them . for wveral weeks. W CDXESDAV. CO Cheery, of Tacoma. is is in the city. Mr Ben Kirk and wife of Mann, have r. r ' ' ... ispn visiting A:iunv fricn.i " Misses Ava-Baltimore and olga Hewitt are in r.ugene attending ximmencement ten tsa? John and Oiny Fjiclcof San Jose, isephew and mee . f Mr J K W.atijerford. are in tne city. W ...... I'.., : ;t: .. ft 1JX the mountains this noou on dition. -J, I Xl , r, , I tii,Kltn. ...j. "" " ; j of the .Vio srhool. was in j Prof Mitchell. rf the city today ta piratic at Tangent. h:s way to the grange U IVvo.- returned Last eveniiur from hi Nsuthcm 'regon mines. An awav of co:.l U'-iriruf ore frm hi rrtv .h..we.i to the ton. and hence Mr Itevoe i somewhat jubilant there. over firus-peits Ed Weller. of New VVhatroui. Waah.. joined hi wife in this city this week ami mm are visiting friend and relative here. I Mr. Weiler waa formerly a .Salens buiaes i man. He is now engagnvi in the grocery burane on HelUngham Bay.- Salem ; statesman. Also formerly of Albany. S. f A. Hulin. the drujrjgiat. of Kagrn. ' formerly ot Albany, passed through Al- ; bany f r Yavmina iiay this noon, and will lorjbaMy return Friday. He report no; excitement in Kugene over the bank fail-' ore. and general conaVlenre in the other ; laanka. A Lawn wcial!e will be given by i.nut lYaine Sunday M hoed at the home of C. H. W aiker. on the Jason W heeler farm I miles southeast of Albany on Saturday evening, the J4th int.. commencing at !7JW. Strawberrie with genuine cream , and cake will be provided at IS cents a dih. A cordial invitation i extende.1 to all who may wish to come. Prof A J ttarland ha been engage.! a principal of the Oakland public school for the ensuintf year, an.1 Mrs Oarland will have charge of the jimary department. . The larofeasor formerly conducted the I'mp ,'i. academy at Wilbur and since thai time has taught at Brownsville and Prioe- vilie. He is an earperienced an-1 , cat. r. Roa-ljurg Review. able edu- ti tie id A Bralaa IM: , 1 11 1 1 A couple of weli dressed men claiming to I Portland one giving the name of orMt. went to the farm of Mr William Al.raham. the owner of 640 acres of fine land acnw the river, and tmtered into ne gotiations with him for the purchase of the projerty for a big prune orchard. The price was finally agreed upon at Flo an aiTC: but as a part of the arrangement Mr Abraham was to purchase an adjoining farm for 860ft. assuming a 94X10 mortgage and paying 9Jlt'H) in cash beforehand. He only h s.l f :.a) in the Umk. ami in order to help complete the banrain Corbett and his friend advanced $700. The 1.100 was drawn out of tlie bank and the whole was I placed in a tin box, and it was agreed that , it should be kept by Mr Abraham, and the , men wis morning snoum go to nis place. , and the two transactions should be com ' plcieil together. As plain as the fraud was M r Abraham did bite. He liad before hand COOM t Albany, and laen advised by Mr Phil Cohen not to have anythink to do with the business: but on the face of it took in the hook. Thin morning he opened thelo am! it contained nothing but bricks. Mr Abraham as usual in such cases rushed to Albany, and the matter was placed in the hands of a detective. But the men had fled of course, and will not be caught. They never are in such cases. Irobably the case of another man who doe not take the jsuiers. in making the trip Corbett drove a horse liolonging to W L Moore. Returning he came at a terrific speed, not stopping for the bridge. The animal was nearly ex hausted on reaching the stables. His com panion was evidently taken in somewhere across the river. A warrant was issued for his arrest. Hy mistake John Sticker of the Corvallia Carriage Works, who looks like him. was arrested, but of wursediseharged. Corbet) had Bed. at Ot aigkl The traveling public are now fully alive tolthe f tot that the Chicago, Union Pacific 5t North-Weftern 1 Ine effert the very best accommodationi to the public from and to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate point, not only durioi the World'a Ftir, but all the year round . Te Url ai mr itacls Regarding Hood't Sarraparilia, aa'- th people wl'o take this rnedicioe, or read th taitimoniala often published in thit pape They will e-nvinoe yon (hat Honda's core Hood't fiili cureconttiDttioQ. DPR!CE'S Tbe only Pure Cream of Tartar Usetf Msjiioni of Home Rakincr Powder AatVOBft AiTOKi.y, June 17th. 1806, The Annual Pioneer reunion in Portlan.i wan well atb-nded by Clatsop county citi aiis, many of whom called to tliew and wooilel shores more than half a cen tury ago ami are familiar with the scenes around old Fort Clatsop where Is-wi and ('lark spent the dismal winter of 10o in fishing and hunting to procure a precarious sulwistance anil mend their remnant of clothing preparatory to their return trip across the continent the following summer. The trip that occupied their time and tested their energi.-s iunl taltBfa for a yrar is now accomplished in a w?k wliat a' wonderful change in tlie life time of many of the old weather worn pioneers. Over sandy plain, and through trw kleaa forr-sts by ox teams they toiled tliejr weary' and dangerous way. uncertain of th fale that MSBMM tlteni in the far away lauad t., arlaidl thy were has tening. W ith what Brassier they now look upon the ailvances of civilization and cm lore the pat with the pmeat, the rail road with the ..x and the elw.-tric carl with the hsbaraBK "Titiking old stage eoaek -verilv time works ouner i han-n-. 'Ilu-n I goldr silrcr coin sjr a scarce 'oiumodity, j ani a oeavcr skin or a l.u-he! of wheat m-ai- legal tender, a lank was a useless en-! cumberaiK and hankers a non productive i outgrowth of civilization wen- not needed : nor wanted. The Chinese were not in it until after the discovery of gold and rail- ' road building liegan to siian the continent. then John leiame the hewer of wood and the .Irawer of water servants of the Pa. iS-: coast, and he comes, in an avaiam-h. and j overspreals the land from the mountains to j tae sea. The richest mines jure ransacked J and robbed of their treasures and the pro- j duct is shipped to the flowery kingdom. ' Our factories are filled to overflowing by their cheap labor. They are the wash wo-1 men and the servant girls ot Um- rssavt from ) the Straits of Fuca to San Diego 1st v. They j are the cooks and 1 liaiiils-rmaid- of the wealthy, and hotels and restaurant are lost without their cheap labor- verilv John has many friends among his employers. He cooks the meals and does the house keep ing for the lazy house-wife and her daugh ter revel in idleness, while th" Itorsand young men a;- not slow to learn the' inid- oous LesNons taught them in tlie uses of the mystic drug and all of ita seductive and de- basing evils. And now what are we going j j to do about it. says the ail wise philanthro j put. this is a free country, open to all na-1 , lirs. let them corns if th.y want to. and if i j oar sons and daughter are seduced and de- j tse-l. wet-ant help It. Atioot ntlrcat. talk t- neat-and the hot ,nat fnr a time bouyed up tn.- wriu of every Asyorian. na gradually given place I to a kind of apathy that is a itangerou ele- wem in any o.-mmuniiy. I mean IK lon I care a d kind, ft shows a iwliw want of .nnlwierjce in bast thcn- seJy. and is theref rv tiamrerous. Cold, rinv. aaafes .lltamaat 1 . - a 1 . . . is enougn to rum me sweetest temper, or dampen the kind ardor of the most sauntly christian, eswciallv wlw-n it comes in mid- summer and has no rey-.iri f.: the weather :.r-uiu r:n I;..,' -. :.j !- r.ic ! - al said to I I Wkw-irJ eason. A a Bellamy isasiness. making up for th. shorti-ae hi warerfiii mi IBar. I.r Hamilton Smith can elucidate the weather j to wiblic satisfaction lartter than the writer. ' The excursion parties that have ventured to visit the coast thfV ras- have not been j of a very jubilant character owinr the cool receptions that have attended their' visits by the elements. Snuide travel is j limited this seaaon o far. to person that ! want to get away from borne and don't : know where ease to go Toon. N.n. BttC Bit:. Saturday ani Sunday V.hacy aon one game and Ut one. at Oregon Citr, in tbe first Mtiif cf tl.e season with the club ol that city. In Sat ur Jays game Harlow cancht for Oregon City," and his poor playing a as disas-roos. Albany stole 14 base on hit work, while only 3 were eto'en off StanVy, whose catching and bate throwing is uniformly firs t claa. Mctireevy a as in the box. Mu'et; played fin 1 in great tlyle. H trrort were piled np to S by Oregon City Ilie score by inmngt was : Albany 0 0 2 4 0 1 I 1 x :i Oregon Citv I 0 1 00 1 1408 At Independence the club of that city won Saturday 11 to 5, while Portland captured tbe game Sunday 5 to I At Cregoi City Sundai ' coe wa: Oregon City . 1 o o I gir.e ihe 0000 4 G Albany .0000 0100 4 ; Batlerlea Oiegon City, Kelly: Albany. Burns and Rhode and Reilev. .Mc- I 7 o, Fcllowing i the atanding ol ihe club: Wen l.ot Per cent , Ibany 5 1 - Independence 5 t -so ' ' Oregon I i I 3 .."Mi Port'and I 5 .166 In the game cf t-as: ball between tne College anJ Wafaantc'Je Saturday after noon the latter club aon, 9107. Tateaty trar' I xpertrace. C D Frtdricks, Ihe wed toesapher, Tfo Rroadaav, snoar, pho -New York. tayt: "I htve been using Altcoca. s for- j out Plaateri for 20 xeait, ar.d found them 1 one of the beat of family mrdicide. Briefly tumtnlng up rev experience, I say IBM when placed on EM total) of the back I Allcock't flitters fill ihe bodv with ner. , vout energv, . d thus cure fatigue, brain ' exhaustion, debilly and kidney difficul ties. For women and children I have found them invaluable. They never irri tate the skin or cause the tlighteft pain ' but cure sore throat, toughs, colds, in the aide, back or chest, indigestion nd bowel complaints." Pt-ilN Facts. And lhat .0 what we, want. FortmiUer A Irving have just re ceived an elegant line of lace curtain. Their stock of wall paper Is large and ' complete, and prices are remaikablv low, -Over 1 jo dozen window shades on hand. Call on FortmiUer & Irving it" you wish Ihe best and largest assortments to select from. M Urn Ttaicllnv Whcthei on 1 leasee bent, or business, us. ., . 1 , 1 1 ... s: ..... f it, ... it aott most pleaantly ?nd effectively on tee kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headalhea aod -ther forma cf sickoeaa For tale in 50 cent and $1 I ott!e by a 1 leading druggittt. an Easy tvtnuri: The acli.I vaatllnleditraina of the Chicago, Union Pael'v ft North Vetrn line distanr e alt competition with ease. It hat the thjrt eat line, fattest time, Onion djpotaand co change or delay at the Missouri River, and is tht popular World'a Fair route. aassaV Stolon's Cure, the great congh and ervrnp core, ia for aale by us. Poekat aisa contains twenty-live doses, only 23c. Children lave it Foahav ft Mason. Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. 4 Vears the Stsi gr aaw --ssajasaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaisaaMSlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tape aafi Americas CeosoMated Tratei Tilao The Ufl' at IntenHely Interesting Exhibitions on the Globe ! SANGER & LENT'S Ciirantl International Allied Shown WILL EXHIBIT AT INI ffiAI ' 41 v. 1 1 1 . mm-'im Albany, Tuesday, July 4. u nj aralltd in Original Exclusive reatureg. G T reat double monster R ciicus, menagrie hippodrone aquarium of world's wonders, he rarest wi'd oeast public attention O A nly great show show of fected for travel. il acceo'able innovation E verywhere acknowledged great leature shows and specialty exhibitions! The very best artists of America. Janan Europe and Arabia. A sumptu ous wonderland festival! A rich, rare, and moral enter tainment for all Don't forget the thriliiii" free Balloon Assay aarSa m-A 9 aV--. JSl. "J" laiatuuir uun. 1 7 rand I- r?e Spectacular rageant. o ne ticket, for the Usual Combined Show! Twc grand exhibitions. Doors Of n at 1 and 7 pm. Boys, Do You and bat ? Do you want your boy dressed in a serviceable and stylish suit? WE FURNISH a three piece rait, coat, short pants aed vest, Double breasted, square cut. Double thickness, knee and seat to the pant-. A suit with two pair of pants at very lowp i ices A euit made of the Albany Woolen Mills cloth that is as goxl as imported tweeds. A suit made of lortign fabrics TH T possess style and elegance and gi- ? dignity to ycur boy, . re :hat he it wiring to endeavor to keep clean and neat. We can promise vou a suit that WONT SHOW DIRT we can give y.-u the most delicate shade, many shaiies of Jerseys, in sul; from 3 to 7 years. We have extra vests for bo.s fro.n ii to 17, extra knee pauts, etra long pants for boy from 9 years up, exlra Jersey pants, beys waists, boys shoes, boyt'shirts bot hats in wool, fur and j'.oth, nobby neck ties and everything that makes tht boys look rite. NEW PATTERNS lni' lin o clothing. Tte I I. Bls-iii Oiling fi Agc-uts for the Albauy Woolen Mills, ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. 1 " J WJN" A CI'SICK I . - PACIFIC COAST TOUR g Of the Popular Kmotional Actress, MAUD GRANGER Assisted by MR FREDERICK HERZOGI And a Perfect Company of Piayets Pre tenting the Sreat Social Study The Fringe of Society, -One Nigbt Onlj,- Wednsaisay, Jans 28, 1893 Pricet .50 teats now on land. .75 and sale at $I.oo. Reteivcd Hodges & McFar- H41( K at CU.,8 VVKERS OF ALBANY, ORTOON, TRANSACT a enec! Bsukin; usiiKaa. DRAWsi.ilIT DHAiTS on Mew York, San Fr r- rtlanU, Ortcmi. Li 'AS MO.VKT n approved security RKOK VK Jvisauutahfaestu check. COLLECTlOSS laaat oa heoraala lama. IK : SBKST paid co tlmi dcnoalla JB Conception of Pre-eminent - man oceanic ar.d con press gathering tha t ever invited marine v.onJers ever per in ami.5fmer.t-. Be on hand to See the Price, adrnits to the Great Want a J. F. FORD, teplist, Of Des Moines, Iowa, writes under date i f .March 23, 1S03: S B. Mkp. .Mr.. Co, Dufur, Oregon. uVstfcntt-n On arriving home last week. 1 foucdali well and anxioasly a-vaiting. Oir little girl, eght aod one-half year old, who had a ted away to 3S pounds, ia now well, saong and vignroas, and well djshfd up. S. B. Cough Turn htt.bne itv work well, doth of the children like it. Your 5 B. Cough Cure has cured and kept awy aH boarsenesa from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prospeii y, we aid Yours, Ma ft M.ts J F Foau U you arUh t tal llua aj oh-crfol. ami roajy ,,r . Siiriny's arork. claanac your ai stem with tho tsataaateasai LivstCaro, by taking taru or ihn-e Vwteach .-eok. j 50 cents pr bolllo by ail Jruwsta.; S id tialer a positit juaraatcv by J ACI MMIN'G. C. i.tianuGiativ. n. i llMusopathiau t-S Spectrin ia ditaeaaa ot tha Eye. ball